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neverland-king · 4 months ago
tag drop
╰☆{ sea green [ ariel ╰☆{ drk midnight blue [ merida ╰☆{ limerick green [ tink ╰☆{ raspberry pink [ aurora ╰☆{ royal purple [ esme ╰☆{ fire brick [ kuzco
ooc || out of character .01 || visage .02 || aesthetics .03 || playlist .04 || headcanon .05 || humor .06 || prompt .07 || promo .08 || neverland
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teddy06writes · 6 months ago
Whumptober Masterlist/Overview
Hey guys! I'm going to be attempting to participate in Whumptober this year (though admittedly I did kind of mash together a few different prompt lists). I have about 20 days planned out right now, and I really hope to get through them, but no guarantees unfortunately, because I do have other stuff going on in my life. Also most of these are in fact just going to be hurt/comfort because I am a weak man. Also yes I am aware that the variation in these characters is kind of insane, don't come at me.
Day One - Survivors Guilt/"It's not your fault." - Robert 'Bob' Floyd - An accident during a training hop leaves your WSO badly injured, and you can't help but blame yourself. Bob makes it his mission to convince you otherwise.
Day Two - Migraines - Darry Curtis - Juggling a migraine and the Curtis gang is not the easiest thing in the world. Luckily, Darry is there to come to your rescue and tell the others off
Day Three - Overstimulation - Diego Hargreeves - (1960s, autistic Reader) - Between the prison break, Diego's strange brother, and home movie footage showing the assassination of the president, your not sure how much more you can take.
Day Four- Field medicine/"Hang on, we're going to have to improvise." - Fili - Even with the battle beginning to turn in your favor, there are still many losses to come, no matter how hard you work to prevent them.
Day Five - "You don't need to earn this." - Tommy Shelby - When your surprises and gentle treatment catch Tommy by surprise, he questions what he'd done to deserve it.
Day Six - Hostile environment/"I don't know how anyone could survive that." - Alfie Solomons - (War Era, Male Reader) - A poorly planned attack leaves you stuck in no mans land. Even if you make it back to the so called "safety" of the English trenches, nothing will ever be the same.
Day Seven - Needles/Stitching - John Shelby - After being sent on another needless errand by his brother, John returns late, exhausted and bloody.
Day Eight - Panic Attack - Aaron Hotchner - When a case that hits too close to home has too many missing pieces, and seemingly no end, you can't help but fall prey to a growing sense of panic.
Day Nine - Falling Asleep in a hospital room - Bradley 'Rooster' Bradshaw - When a training incident gone wrong lands Bradley in the hospital, you take it upon yourself to stay with him.
Day Ten - "Shhh, I've got you now, I'm here." - Alfie Solomons - Sabini's men kidnap you in a desperate attempt to get a leg up on your husband. When Alfie finds out, he's ready to burn the world down to get to you.
Day Eleven - Chronic pain - Boromir - The first day of a cold spell causes your pain to flare up, but you're determined to grit your teeth through the pain. Boromir however, is determined to get you to rest.
Days Twelve - Fourteen Break Days
Day Fifteen - Hiding an Injury - Aragorn - Somewhere in the thicket of Helms Deep, you're injured, but in the chaos that follows, doing anything about it seems to slip your mind.
Day Sixteen - "I did good, right?" - Umbrella Academy Unit - A mission gone wrong forces you to over use your powers, pushing you too far.
Day Seventeen - Bleeding Through Bandages - Kili - After being injured in escaping the Orcs, Oin does his best to heal you, but miles down the road, it doesn't seem to be enough.
Day Eighteen - Nightmare - Alfie Solomons - Night after night, you are plagued with nightmares, and Alfie seems to be the only thing that can cure them.
Day Nineteen - Scars - Diego Hargreeves - While patching Diego up after a fight, you see his scars for the first time.
Day Twenty - "Who did this to you?" - Dallas Winston - You get jumped, Dally plots revenge.
Day Twenty One - "You haven't done anything wrong." - Aaron Hotchner - (Autistic reader) - After a particularly long day, you find yourself overwhelmed and unsure. Luckily Aaron is there to help you calm down, no matter how much you protest.
Day Twenty Two - Chronic Pain (again) - Alife Solomons - Getting Alfie to take a day off when his sciatica is bothering him is a full time job.
Day Twenty Three - Exhaustion - Darry Curtis - Darry has been working himself to the utter bone. You take it upon yourself to make him rest.
These might not get posted consecutively, but I'll do my best.
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aretmaw · 5 months ago
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Sonic 06 plot lives rent free in my head. The trust and distrust of Mephiles.
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whisperprint · 2 months ago
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#whisperprint ━ ❛If it’s dangerous, reckless, and a bad idea — I’m already halfway there.❜ Kaz Merivale, 26 years old tracecaster living in New York City, professional dust inspector for supernatural problems, full time past-stalker, can and will talk to your haunted furniture or touch cursed objects so you don't have to.
(please read the carrd before interacting. fakevz-based but not limited to it, m&pdni, slow activity, open for plotting as in threads&novels, mutuals only ━ I don't follow for follow. Watch out ! He’s fluent in sarcasm and uses it as a way to cope with his emotions.) linked to @crsedmoon the way bad decisions are linked to regret. She sells the magic, I steal the magic, and somehow, we both pretend it's not a problem.
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lightninghikaru · 2 months ago
Shadow 06
Chapter 9
There it is! the finale! Shadow 06 is finally completed! *sobs
I can't believe it started this darn fic back in 2021 and here we are, years later finally completed!
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sonknuxadow · 1 year ago
sorry but i think the people saying that sonic is going to die in sonic prime are forgetting that this is like . a baby cartoon
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lowstakesvampires · 6 months ago
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naturepointstheway · 6 months ago
Flufftober Day 6: Alt Prompt 2 - Rainy Day
A drabble series that examines ten tomcats' reactions to a particularly stormy and rainy day.
Skimbleshanks loves the sound of rain drumming on the train’s roof, the rivulets of water drops splaying and fanning over the window panes, and the squeak of wet soles on the wooden floors of the cabins. Whiskey spreads warmth down his throat, melting into his bone marrow, a vest hook is buttoned, and he fluffs his cheek fur, so he might be cosy. He wends his way around passengers’ legs, steals a moment’s nap in someone’s blanket, and watches as lightning flashes outside, followed by a gallop of thunder hot on its heels. 
He is calm, nothing will go wrong.
Gus huddles deep in his favourite blankets, Jellylorum’s paws stroking his hair, singing a lullaby really meant for kittens, but he doesn’t mind. His paws shake with terror as lightning flashes outside the window, the wind howling and smacking rain mercilessly against the house. His fur stands on end, and he cannot be sure if it is from the charge of electricity from the storm or simply his fear. Perhaps it is both. He scratches at his coat, hard and fast, praying for the storm to end soon so he can sleep. 
He was no fearless and infamous pirate tonight. 
Munkustrap paces, back and forth, back and forth, he mutters under his breath, he doesn’t like storms that trap him inside. He has to get out, he has to check everyone is okay, that the kittens aren’t too scared, but even Tugger tells him it’s stupid to go out in that storm. It howls and laughs at seeing how trapped he is, stuck inside with all these fears and worries and anxieties and--
He needs, needs to know all the kittens are okay. He wants to hug them, assure that the storm will pass. 
And he cannot, and he cannot.
Tugger loves his brother dearly, and he knows that if he looked away for a second, Munkustrap would sneak away into that horrific weather. He loves a good storm, one that has been riled up by summer’s heat, but he doesn’t love the thought of Munkustrap risking his life out in all that lightning. He throws puns at Munkustrap, he sings rowdy songs to rile him up, and he manages somehow to rope Mistoffelees into all this nonsense. He is delighted when Mistoffelees plays along, also restless from being cooped up. 
He loves his life right now, storm be damned.
Mistoffelees is having the time of his life, purring and gesturing out at the windows whenever lightning flashes, reflecting for a split second in his big eyes. His ears perk tall, counting down the seconds to the inevitable thunderclaps that follow. His purrs rumble, his laughter delights Tugger, he wants to never blink so he doesn’t miss any lightning strikes outside. He too is sorely tempted to rush outside, but he knows Tugger and Munkustrap would stop him, tell him not to be so foolish. 
But oh! To just run outside and greet the storm like an old, beloved friend!
Alonzo slinks over a stair in the back of the house, tail swishing back and forth, eyes closed, looking for all the world like he is wholly unperturbed by the storm. He mumbles and twitches, though, if a rumble is a little too close, or lightning a little too bright outside. But he refuses to let the storm see his fear, a front of great bravado greets it instead. He doesn’t sit near the nasty draft under the door either, for his fur must be kept pristine and not windblown. 
Unfazed, unbothered, unperturbed, only if someone didn’t look too close. 
Plato is calm as ever, eyes closed in a very light doze, sinking into Victoria’s warm embrace, the way she has wrapped her arms around him from behind. He doesn’t mind the storm, he finds it rather romantic, actually, or was that because he was with Victoria? Nevertheless, there is a symphony to be heard in the rainfall on the roof, the lone call of some brave bird outside, the rain swishing against the windows at the wind’s beck and call, and the purrs of Victoria against his back. 
He doesn’t mind storms, he dreams of them all the time.
Coricopat stares the lightning down, an uncanny precision in knowing beforehand where and when they would strike. A paw hangs in mid-air, swiping at every lightning strike flashing outside, and his face doesn’t change expression at all, though inside he is practically dancing with delight. His heart soars at the sound of thunder, goosebumps thrill along his arms when it rolls over the house. He wishes he could harness that lightning somehow, batten it down so he can store it deep in his heart, but he has to content himself with listening and not touching. 
He wants to touch lightning. 
Mungojerrie slumps on Rumpleteazer, refusing to unwind his limbs from around her, happy to cling on to the other cat so long as the storm is howling and wailing and carrying on outside. He finds comfort in Rumpleteazer’s purring, the way she licks his paws to comfort him, and babbles on endlessly about their future mischievous pursuits. Perhaps they could even coax Mistoffelees into some of these imagined adventures when they embark on them once the weather calms down and the sun shines and dries up the earth once more. 
He finds comfort here, in Rumpleteazer’s chatter and constant presence. 
And somewhere, Old Deuteronomy takes his repose, unbothered by raging wind and rain, content to listen to the weather’s vents. After all, even the earth must sometimes rage and cry and someone has to be there to listen to her. He is a friend, he believes, to the earth as much as to all the felines under his care. He listens, silent, and purrs consolations and comfort. He stretches out a paw toward the window, as though to offer it to the miserable weather outside, so it might hold his paw as it weeps. 
He looks forward to the sun. 
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trashcreatyre · 1 year ago
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Technically got the prompt wrong but I spent too long to bother fixing it lol
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midcinmancave · 4 months ago
Story Prompts:  "How did this happen?", "I'm not giving up."
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Story Title:�� The Price of Royalty (part 1 of 3)
Summary: Robert is missing... the Princess is in despair. Complete Story Source on FB 
Fictober24 Submission #12 Fandom:  Midnight Cinderella Featuring:  Robert Branche, Leo Crawford, Giles Christophe, The Princess Warnings:  Angst Ratings/Genre:  General Audience, Drama Writer: Robert Branche
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bubblegumhearts · 2 months ago
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{Last updated on 24. 2. 2025}
❀~ This post is a tag dump for me! You might use this as a navigation for my blog if you're on mobile, if it's any help.
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madmanwonder · 4 months ago
(Prompt, crossover au)
Crossover ship
Silver the Hedgehog x Mavis Vermillion
Milver/Savis/Silveis/Fairy Telekineses
Silver the Hedgehog:
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Mavis Vermilion:
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aubins · 2 months ago
for the duration of the event, yuri has been in abyss—or whatever of the monastery’s underground maze of tunnels and ruins still remain—safeguarding whoever of its people decided to stay when the monastery fell. he is tired and run a bit ragged, but otherwise whole and hale. however he has no idea what has been happening on the surface throughout the month, mostly because i did not have the time to keep up haha. you will, however, have to drag him out of abyss because he is not going anywhere else willingly so i have the quiet preference that most of these prompts take place in abyss (he will be your get into abyss free card dw about it) or somewhere in the general vicinity of garreg mach. this is not a super hard rule though; i am ultimately not that fussed if we don’t manage to work it out.
 ▪ gauntlets prompt / blue lions req. they were a gardener erm. like a decade-ish ago. who knows how much of that remains. but they’re sentimental no matter how they like to act so i think they would like to help restore the greenhouse to its former glory.
 ▪ finding lodging. very niche prompt as i would prefer it to be taken up with someone they already know, however i would very much like to send yuri home to visit their mom and have a friend accompany them with the promise of offering their home as temporary shelter if they need it. i don’t think they would be comfortable leaving their mom all alone after what’s happened but yuri being yuri cannot stay when he has people to take care of back in abyss and would like to leave someone with her under the guise of them needing a place to say (your muse need not actually stay though we can figure something out haha)
 ▪ babysitting. nothing specific they just like kids. putting them around children is the secret technique to getting yuri at their most normal and genuine.
 ▪ search party. if any friends would like to play the Where Da Fuck Did Yuri Go game here is your fast track way of learning about abyss i suppose LMFAO yuri did not go anywhere yuri simply lives in the sewers. alternatively, they will search for any abyssians (technically applies to people in the event too i guess because all yuri really knows is that they were gone from abyss LOL) if anyone is interested in taking it from that angle.
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fiyero3305 · 6 months ago
TUA Fic: Witchy Prompts 08
Witchy Prompts via @myloveforhergoeson
08. Infected
Something weird is happening to Alphonso. In his health lessons he learned to expect that his body would be changing with puberty, but among the various symptoms, none of them ever mentioned that his skin would begin melting and drooping off his body.
It was subtle at first, just a small wrinkle under his chin. He didn’t think anything of it, then that wrinkle grew, and began to dangle, and he started pulling up the collar of his shirt and tying the knot of his necktie extra thick to try to cover it up. There were no lotions or ointments in the house so he tried washing it vigorously with soap and water. Hot water. Scalding water. Multiple times a day. Anything to get the rash or whatever it was to stop spreading, but it was no use. With anxious, fearful eyes he watched in the mirror as the infected area grew daily. Once a patch the size of his palm began to resemble melted cheese he finally did the unthinkable and sought his father’s help.
Standing in the entryway of Reginald’s office, Alphonso sees his father writing in his journal and cross-referencing with previous entries. There are never good times to address Reginald Hargreeves, but during his journaling was maybe the worst. Still, Alphonso summons his courage and knocks on the polished mahogany door frame.
The man looks up from his journal.
“Number 04, if this is about the condition of your neck which you so ineffectively attempt to obscure with your collar, I have neither the time nor the desire to discuss it. You are not ill; it is not dangerous; and it cannot be stopped.”
Alphonso is not surprised by the dismissal, and crushing news dealt with cold detachment from his father is just standard procedure, but he can’t help himself. “What is it though?”
“I have given you all the information you need to move on. I have already expressed that I will not be discussing the matter, so any further questioning will be considered insubordination and punished as such.”
Fucking hell. Alphonso thinks as he rolls his eyes and walks away. He loosens his tie on the way back to his room since it’s apparently not doing any good. He slams his bedroom door behind him and belly flops onto his mattress, face buried in his pillow. In a matter of minutes his door opens and he knows it’s Jayme before he even hears her voice.
“Hey, I brought a sash and crown for the drama queen”
“Fuck off, Jayme” he says into the pillow.
“Aww, come on, you’ve earned it! It takes a lot to steal this title from Benny Bitch but you’ve proven that you’re the current reigning”
“Just leave me alone”
He hears her walk across the hardwood floor and feels her sit at the foot of the bed. “No, see that’s what I’ve been doing for the past two weeks waiting for you to get your shit together but it hasn’t worked, so time for a tactical shift. I’m guessing this is about your neck thing?” That makes him sit up. “You could see?” She nods, and he feels himself deflate.
So everyone knew. Everyone saw what was happening and saw him trying to hide it and Ben, Marcus, and Fei were probably already working out ways to use it against him the next time he spars against them. He pulls his knees to his chest.
“So what is it?”
“I don’t know! Dad does, apparently, but he wouldn’t tell me anything about it except that it’s not deadly and it’s going to get worse”
“Worse how?”
“I don’t know. Bigger, I guess. It’s already spread since I first noticed it”
“Like, you’re gonna get full Phantom of the Opera face?” He doesn’t know, so he just shrugs. “That’s so cool!”
“Cool? Are you kidding me?”
“No dude, think about it. We’re freakin’ gods among men. We shouldn’t have to look like them, we should be inspiring fear and awe the second they see us”
Alphonso considers Jayme’s words. She paints an interesting scenario.
“That’s easy to say when you’re not the one becoming a monster”
“Dude I wish I were! Maybe I’ll get scales… or fangs! Imagine me totally snaked out, that’d be sick as hell”
In spite of himself, Alphonso cracks a smile and huffs out a single laugh.
“Seriously though, Phonse, you gotta find a way to own this. You’ve been too mopey lately and I need my partner in crime to get through this shitshow of a family”
“True. No way you could survive these assholes without me”
Alphonso laughs, and Jayme joins in.
“For real though, you good?”
Jayme holds out her hand and Alphonso gives it three claps and a pinkie lock in confirmation.
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catalogofmundanity · 1 year ago
What is on one of your shelves?
Prompt by @dru-reads-writeblr though I altered a bit, thought it'd be easier-- pick a shelf and list what's on it. This can be one level of shelf or the entire contents of a single piece of furniture
Bonus: What room it's in, what type of shelf it is
I'll start: This is a red shelf (my dad painted it) in our living room, next to the front door. It has on the top: a bag of grocery bags, KN95 masks, a GPS for the car, a plastic bag, and a small bowl with batteries in it. The next shelf down has random books such as a DSM (I'm studying psychology), a German anguage learning book, a self-help book, a bugeting journal, and journal my sister and I use to evaluate cafes. Next shelf down is all fiction books that re my partner's.
Respond any way you wish-- reblog, reply, send in an ask.
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annaofthenorthernlights · 1 year ago
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Day 06 - Choice
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