#📕 main story
lowstakesvampires · 4 days
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snickerdoodlles · 1 year
📒📓📔📕???? Pretty please :3
sometimes @majestictortoise and i toss around story ideas that are less plot and more of us just chucking our favorite things in the communal soup pot and letting them stew. case in point:
Kim and Porsche meet first AU! 🥳
Porsche rescues Kim from mafia thugs
why does Kim need rescuing? unimportant! what matters is Porsche sees a nong in need and rushes to his rescue. Kinn-shaped people get charged 50k baht for his assistance, Kim-shaped people get help whether they like it or not. and afterwards Kim, who's father taught him that everything has a cost and how to keep a mental ledger of favors and debts, tries to pay Porsche off for the help.
Porsche, who's 'tips' have always been for sex work, sees the wad of cash and goes "you want a post-fight fuck????"
Kim, an awkward turtle-duck, bolts away like ???nO????!!!!!!
Kim hires Porsche as a bodyguard
how did we get from "hire me for sex?" to "hire me for protection?" unimportant! what matters is Kim secures Porsche for himself and Porsche thinks "how hard can guarding one moderately popular youtube star be?" and the raccoon shenanigans that ensue. and, of course, Kim finding the connection between their families and investigating his own hire. then 2 days later, because Kim doesn't have a crush to draw out the investigation and Porsche couldn't do subterfuge to save his life, Kim confronts Porsche with his evidence and Porsche goes "what the FUCK do you mean our families are CONNECTED?!" and these two going full gremlin investigator mode together.
Porsche brings Kim home
when exactly does this happen? unimportant! what matters is Porsche and Kim smuggle themselves into the neighborhood late at night, which results in Chay looking up from playing a videogame or doing homework or whatever to see his brother standing there with ✨Wik✨ in his own living room and his first response is "why'd you bring me my favorite musician" because clearly that is the only reason why his beloved older brother, who keeps trying to give him the moon and stars even though he didn't ask for them, would bring home Wik. also;
Chay: *thinks about his idol wall one floor above* Kim: *stares at cute boy* Porsche: i see i'm not needed here
Chay learns Porsche is mafia
how exactly does this come up? unimportant! what matters is:
"he's mafia" "i don't care that Kim's mafia, why are YOU mafia hia!!!!" "...i'll just uh... be over..... there......." Kim says to no one before awkwardly shuffling himself off to a corner.
naturally, this is when Kinn decides to show up
why does he choose now to stop by? because older brother instincts drive you to always be the most annoying person in the room, next. Kim hired a guard out of nowhere without telling Kinn or Papa and the guy's stayed on for longer than 24 hours, Kinn is suspicious as shit and worried as hell. he's been keeping it under wraps, but Kim and Porsche trying to fly under the radar right now gives him a good opportunity to investigate. and lo and behold, Kim appears to have made two new friends, one of whom keeps making him blush and the other who's the prettiest man Kinn's ever seen. Kinn is absolutely not just leaving Kim, he wants to know everything 👀
Kinn, Porsche, Kim, and Chay get snatched ala ep5
why are they kidnapped? unimportant! we do not question kidnapping plots in this household. Kinn, Porsche, Kim, and Chay all escape into the jungle but get separated. Kinn and Porsche have a journey not unlike ep6, except with more yelling, more bickering, and more trolling. Porsche's view of Kinn is colored by Kim not the guards here and then his main introduction is in the jungle not the compound, so he's charmed pretty quickly and judging himself for it every time Kinn falls back on his asshole training. Kinn's main introduction to Porsche is a caring guy who's also a troll and won't hesitate to punch him in the dick when he's being a jerk so...not too much changed there, actually. they are still handcuffed together.
Kim and Chay are having a nice time. bonding over music, trading stories about brothers, asking questions so that they can unravel Korn's 15 year long conspiracy--it's basically a scenic date. they are not handcuffed together because Kim carries three lockpick sets minimum at all times and was out of the handcuffs before they were even out of the truck. Kim and Chay are just holding hands, because Chay asked Kim to hold his hand, and Kim grabbed it saying it's the best way to ensure they aren't separated, and Chay responded "that's nice, but i asked because i want to hold your hand," and Kim blushed bright red. nerds.
the four of them reunite...eventually, idk when, but the first thing Chay does when he sees Porsche across the ravine is holler "DID YOU REALLY THINK KIM WAS PAYING YOU FOR SEX HIA" and Kinn's head snaps around so fast Kim and Porsche get secondhand whiplash.
Korn dies
how does this happen? unimportant! but he's dead before the fic ends.
[[ fics im not writing ]]
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Harry Potter Agere Headcanons! (Part 1)
A/N: Nobody asked for this, however, I don’t care! Also JK Rowling sucks, I just really like her characters.
Characters: Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, and Hermione Granger.
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⚡️ I think he’s a flip with no lean. When he regresses, he’s usually about 2-3, so quite tiny. He’s very reserved and quiet and mainly keeps to himself, but he does really like attention from his caregivers. When he’s a caregiver, he’s very protective and cautious and makes sure his little doesn’t leave his sight.
⚡️ Takes him a while to warm up to age regression. He’s the chosen one, the boy who lived, and he feels silly for resorting to agere to cope with everything.
⚡️ A lot of people help take care of him, but his main caregivers are Ron, Hermione, and Ginny.
⚡️ Hermione has to take his wand away when he’s little or else he might try to hex Draco or something.
⚡️ He himself helps take care of Ron when Hermione can’t and Luna when Neville can’t.
👑 Flip with a caregiver lean. When he regresses, he’s usually about 4, and he’s very, very hyper and chaotic. He causes Hermione a lot of stress. When he’s a caregiver, he’s very chill and laidback, and even encourages a bit of mischief, but he’s still very attentive and makes sure his littles needs are met.
👑 He often feels bad because he doesn’t have the means to spoil his little or give them everything he wants to. Harry helps pitch in a lot and will often buy his little gifts but Ron would like to buy more stuff on his own. He feels bad about it.
👑 When he’s regressed, Hermione takes care of him, and sometimes Harry if Hermione isn’t available.
👑 He helps take care of Harry as well sometimes, but usually if Harry is regressed, Ron regresses too within a couple minutes of the two being around each other.
👑 Fred and George go out of their way to encourage bad behavior. Hermione is in shambles.
📕 Caregiver. She’s definitely a mama bear caregiver. Very protective and cautious. She baby proofs literally everything she possibly can. Does well with littles of all ages, but has a little bit more patience with slightly older littles, mainly because they’re more independent. But she’ll love and protect you no matter what age you regress to.
📕 She loves to take her little to the library and just read stories to them or help them study! She won’t judge you or make fun of you if you’re struggling with something and need her help. She’ll help you take notes and write down things you need to memorize, too.
📕 Takes care of Ron and Harry when they’re regressed. The two are quite a handful but they already act like children most of the time so to her she doesn’t really see much of a difference.
📕 Harry likes to push away his regression a lot, and she scolds him for it often. She often gets panicky and anxious during the summer because she knows that Harry’s being abused and doesn’t have anyone to care for him. When the summer is over, the trio all have like. A week straight. Where Ron and Harry just regress together and Hermione takes care of them.
📕 Fred and George are #1 public enemies to her. The twins LOVE to encourage misbehavior and it gets out of control sometimes.
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🌟 Dive Into the Ultimate Twilight Saga Adventure – Now with Extra Sparkle! 🌟
Hey Twihards and Ratties! 🦇 Grab your favorite mug of hot coffee ☕, that nice cold iced coffee 🧊, or even a glass of wine 🍷 (if you're of age) because I've got the ultimate guide to binge-reading the Twilight Saga like never before. We're talking full immersion here, mixing Bella’s and Edward’s stories together for double the drama and double the romance!
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Twilight & Midnight Sun Duo: Kick things off with *Twilight's Preface*, then switch it up by reading chapters from both *Twilight* 🍎 and *Midnight Sun* ☀️. It's like watching two sides of the same coin—Bella’s human touch versus Edward’s brooding vamp vibes. Trust me, it’s a game-changer!
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Eclipse & Bree Tanner Special: Just when things heat up in *Eclipse* 🌒, hit pause after Chapter 17 and switch to *The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner* ⌛. It’s a short trip into the life of a newborn vamp that’ll give you all the feels and some behind-the-scenes action before jumping back into the main event. If I made a mistake with this tandem reading spot, or if you know a better place to weave Bree's story in, please let me know—I couldn't find a definitive tandem reading list for these!
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Future Possibilities: Even though *New Moon* 🌕 and *Breaking Dawn* ♟️ don't currently have companion books to weave through, I've included them because who knows what the future holds? Maybe Stephenie Meyer will surprise us with more deep dives into these parts of the saga!
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Extra Sparkles: I didn't forget about "Life and Death: Twilight Reimagined" or "The Official Illustrated Guide". I intentionally left them out because "Life and Death" offers an alternate timeline, and the Guide is more of a reference tool than a part of the main saga's story. 🚫📕
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What’s the Best Book?: Whether you’re reading the saga for the first time or revisiting it, which book captured your heart the most? Share your top pick after this epic journey! 💖📚
A Note from Me: I worked hard to give the fans this guide, and I'll update it if Stephenie releases more. She did say she has two more books in the works, so stay tuned! 📚✨
So, are you ready to revisit Forks? Because the Cullens are waiting, and this reading journey is going to be epic! 🌲🌙
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ut-rsc · 1 year
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📕UT RSC📕 is an event dedicated to promoting reading fics in the Undertale and Deltarune fandoms. It will take place from July 1st to August 31st. The main goal is to read as many fics as you can during the 2 months of summer. The more you read fics, the more points you gain, and you can get rewards and prizes (see details below)!
Applications open on June 25th, but you can join the event at any point before August 31st!
[The event is mostly the same as 2 years ago, but there IS new stuff as well, so make sure to read the announcement to the end, as well as all the 📚Rules📚! And if you have more questions, go check out the updated 📖 FAQ 📖!]
📕Points: Get points for specific actions like reading a fic, leaving a comment, recommending a fic, etc… Detailed points and list of actions will be available on discord once the server is open. The 3 participants with the most points at the end of the event will receive a prize! A google spreadsheet will be available for you to keep track of your points.
📕Wordcount: Read as many fics as you can to increase your wordcount. The 3 participants with the highest wordcount at the end of the event will receive a prize! A google spreadsheet will be available for you to keep track of your wordcount.
📕Benchmark Win enough points or read enough words to unlock rewards, like exclusive emojis! Reach the highest benchmark to get the whole collection!
📖Writers If you’ve written for the UT fandom and would like more people to read your fics, sign up for the event as a Voluntary Writer and promote your fics through the event’s Fics List! All you have to do is link your stories when submitting your application.
Event rules: Don’t like, don’t read. No ship-shaming/kink-shaming/whatever-shaming, bullying or harrassment will be tolerated during the event. The event will include promotion for both SFW and NSFW fics. You will have to confirm that you are an adult with a mod to be given access to the NSFW part of the event.
Everyone is welcome to participate, writers, artists, creators and members of the fandom! Let’s have fun together!
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samantha-and-nellie · 4 months
american girl ask game!
❤️who was your first american girl doll?
📚what was the first american girl book you read? (@queer-nanea-mitchell)
🌹have you been to an american girl store before? if so, which one(s)?
🎈who’s your favorite best friend? (doll or book only character) (@daensalemons)
🎁 do you feel like the american girl books or the dolls have played a bigger role in your life? has that changed during different periods?
🥀did any of the character storylines disappoint you?
🍓which retired historical character would you bring back? which goty?
💄girls of many lands or history mysteries and why?
🍎 are there any best friend characters who you think we should’ve gotten a book for or that should’ve been the main character instead of the girl we got?
🐞 which american girl book do you think is the best written? (@missyling)
📌favorite historical character outfit?
☎️which american girl character’s parents or parental figures are your favorites?
🧣bitty baby or wellie wishers (or any of the other lines for those ages) and why?
🍄what’s your hot take about american girl?
📕which books do you tend to like the best: main series, beforever main series, short stories or mysteries?
🖍️what is one thing you would change about the brand if you had any control over it right now?
🎒what is your favorite american girl movie?
🧶what american girl item (doll, furniture, accessory, clothing) is your holy grail?
🍁what is the rarest american girl item you own?
⏰american girl help books or american girl magazine? why?
i’ll send a random ask to anyone who reblogs this post. likewise, if you reblog or like this post, please send one of these asks to the person you’re reblogging or liking it from!
(credit given to original askers if applicable. lmk also if you don’t want to be credited and i’ll edit the post!)
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Hi! I saw your comment, and I will definitely be checking out your blog!! :))) Are there any fics you would reccomend starting with? (They can be about anything haha)
Also omg a fellow Loveless and Radio Silence fan yayyy :D
Hi! Thanks for the ask!! :) (it’s good finding another fan!) Here are some of the fics I’ve read that I recommend starting with! :)
This entire series is amazing!! Very in-character and hilarious! It follows the Baudelaires and the Quagmires living together post-canon! :)
Word Count of entire series: 17k
Word Count of fic linked: 5k
🗣️Main characters: Violet Baudelaire🔧, Klaus Baudelaire📖,Sunny Baudelaire🍳, Beatrice II���, Isadora Quagmire🖋️, Duncan Quagmire📰 and Quigley Quagmire🗺️.
Fic Type:
Found Family
Multichapter 📚
Set: Post-Canon⌛️
Rating: Gen ✅
‘AIIWY’ is one of my personal favourites 💜! It’s brought actual tears to my eyes. No joke, have had to put my phone down to process/pos
Word Count: 18k (Still updates)
🗣️Main Characters: Olivia Caliban, Jacquelin Scieszka and the Quagmire triplets
💘Main Ship: Olivia/Jacquelin
Fic Type:
Hurt/Comfort, Found Family, Fluff and Angst
Multichapter 📚
Set: Post-Canon⌛️
Summary: "Olivia?"
She looks up in surprise, "Sorry, is everything alright?"
"Yes, better than alright! But... are you okay?"
"I'm okay," she smiles fondly, "Promise,"
She is okay. Her wounds have healed, and without them, she might never have escaped that organization with her fiancée, never met these children, her children, never to be snatched away again. They had been burned down to their lowest, until they built each other back up from the ground. And she would do it all over again, if it meant to be where she was now.
Jacquelyn, Olivia, and the Quagmires get the home that they deserve.
Book!Quagmires and Netflix!Quagmires are siblings. It’s hilarious. It’s queer. It’s more chaotic than you can imagine. It’s more that what any of us can ask for.
Word Count: 57k (Completed✅)
🗣️Main Characters: Book!Quagmire triplets and Netflix!Quagmire triplets (named Regina, Lewis and Carroll)
💘Main ships: Violet/Isadora 💜🖤, Klaus/Duncan 💙💚, Violet/Quigley💜💜, Regina/Carmelita💛🩷
Fic Type: Multichapter 📚
Set: During canon 🕰️
Rating: Teen and up
Summary: ‘It's not often you see an asoue AU in the perspective of the Quagmires story. It's not often either you see the Quagmires as sixtuplets. This, my friends, is going to be very fucking chaotic.’
[The author who wrote the sixtuplets au also wrote a fic ‘The Quagmire-Baudelaire’ switch which I already made a post about+HIGHLY recommend!] [Word Count: 95k]{Completed✅} The author is @weirdthoughtsandideas
A unique and haunting oneshot
Word count: 3k
🗣️Main Character: Friday Caliban
Fic type:
Angst with a happy ending and Found Family
🖤+🙂 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦
One-shot 📕
Set: Post-Canon⌛️
Also by this author is the Runaway Baudelaire AU which I’ve already made a post about. It’s an exciting, dramatic and emotional fic!!
Word Count: 138k Fic Type: Canon- divergence, angst, hurt/comfort and Found Family
(By @unfortunate-stranger-losers )
Violet and Quigley reunite unexpectedly (with a twist)
Word Count: 2k
🗣️Main Character: Violet Baudelaire
Fic Type:
Angst and Hurt/Comfort
Set: Post-Canon⌛️
AU where Klaus dies after ‘ The End’ and time-travels back to ‘ The Austere Academy’! It’s really interesting and vivid! Also the characterisation is perfect!
Word Count: 12k (Still updates)
🗣️Main character: Klaus Baudelaire
💘Main ship: Klaus/ Duncan
Fic Type:
Fix-it, Canon-divergence, Time-travel, Falling in love, angst
Multichapter 📚
Set: During canon🕰️
(By @cygninae )
Enjoy reading!! Feel free to ask for more recs as there are a lot of amazing fics I haven’t mentioned yet! :)
Also, if anyone wants to add to this list you can via reblogging with links or by commenting! :)
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viziblecreator · 1 year
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Last Updated: July 2nd, 2023 JST
Detailed Doc Guide: (Document Link) Twitter Version: (Link)
Due to Twitter’s instability at the moment, I’ve decided to post my A3! Discord server guides on Tumblr too. Above is the light mode version of the updated channel reference image that anyone is free to save. I’ll be updating this as much as I can as the server updates too.
Text only and dark mode versions can be found below:
【Official】 A3! (As of July 2, 2023. Version 2.0)
Introduction • 🔰 Rules/Terms of Service • 📗 User/Server Guide • 💖 Role Selection • 📩 Inquiries • 📣 Notices and Announcements
Community • 🗨 Self-Introduction • 💬 General Chat | Japanese Chat • ❔ Questions and Advice • 🔰 Rookie Director Questions • 👥 Looking for In-Game Friends • ⁠📔 Album/Roster Completion Help • 🎫 Event Team Building and Strategy • 📷 Custom Photos • 聊天(中文) | Chinese Chat • chat (english) | English Chat
Story • 📖 General Story Discussion • 📕 Main Story (Spoilers OK) • 📘⁠ Event Story (Spoilers OK)
Related to A3! • 🎼 Music
Opinions and Requests • Game System • Event • Design • Story • Bugs and Glitches • Other
Favorite Character Chats • 🔴 Spring Troupe • 🟡 Summer Troupe • 🟠 Autumn Troupe • 🔵 Winter Troupe • 🟢 Backstage Crew • ⁠🔷 God-Za • ⚪ Ensemble Cast • 🟣 Other Characters
Favorite Troupe Chats • 🌸 Spring Troupe Fans • 🌻 Summer Troupe Fans • 🍂 Autumn Troupe Fans • ⛄ Winter Troupe Fans Please Note: Favorite Troupe Chats are locked behind roles selected in the "💖 Role Selection" channel.
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avatars-of-many · 12 days
Ah, we have visitors, Daitya.
Visitors, you say? Why, Vegas?
Well, then, greetings, everyone. You may call me Daityahan. Dait or Daitya, for short... Why are you here? Why are you here?
Hello, the mod here; This blog is simply an askblog, unfortunately. This does not have any random posts nor do they follow/like others, as for being ran by just one person and not the main blog they own. This may have spoilers for the Magnus Archives, you have been warned.
Now, we can type actual stories if we do roleplay and you can request the story format with a simple book emoji of any colour. "📕📘📗📔" If you wish to free-write like an author, I will be eliminating the coloured text for convenience purposes.
This is how this is going to work, you can specify who you wish to speak to. We can play any character, yet not completely accurate. If you do not have any specific character listed, we will either choose based on a wheel or whoever seemed more suitable for answering.
Vegas speaks like this and they are an avatar of the Vast. They are also the "unhinged Hermes" on this blog, according to @Preportal-Fiddleford.
#Vegas Falls
Daityahan is more difficult to type as, there is a lot going on for him. They are an avatar of the Spiral... supposedly. We believe..
#Daitya Distorts
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yellow-yarrow · 9 months
3 & 9 for books 📕👀
3. What were your top five books of the year?
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Sacred and terrible air by Robert Kurvitz (Group Ibex translation) The Disco Elysium novel! I read it like 3 times. I'd recommend it to people who already know about de's lore
Erich Mühsam: Liberating ​Society from the State and Other Writings - translated and edited by Gabriel Kuhn A surprisingly very enjoyable read! Excerpts from Erich Mühsam's diaries and political writings. He was a German anarchist who wrote about women's and gay rights, "free love", communism and anarchy, among other things. He tried to work with various leftist organizations, played a key role in the Bavarian Soviet Republic. He was murdered in a concentration camp by the nazis. The book also writes about his relationships with his family, lovers and friends.
The Sorrow of Angels by Jón Kalman Stafánsson This is the second novel of a trilogy, it takes place in Icelandic fishing villages, nothing big happens, but the novel spends a lot of time introducing all kinds of interesting characters and the relationships between them to the reader, which I'm a fan of. It's also very poetic and a little bit philosophical, it's almost corny but it never crosses that line. The plot of the first book begins with a fisherman and his friend who dies because of a poem, the second book is about the main character finding a new home in another village. I haven't finished this one cause the whole trilogy is like 2800 pages long.
Jan Otčenášek: Občan Brych (Citizen Brych) A Czech novel I picked up almost randomly from a free library we have here. Similarly to the Icelandic one, the main focus is on the personalities, thoughts and feelings of the characters. The story begins in the occupied Czechoslovakia, and other scenes take place around February 1948. (I haven't finished this one yet either)
Romano Rácz Sándor: Cigány sor (Gipsy row) It's an autobiographical novel of a Hungarian Romani writer, with the goal of explaining the Romani point of view and customs to non-romani readers. It was a pretty short but very enjoyable and informative read.
9.Did you get into any new genres?
I tried reading some fantasy but as usually I couldn't really get into it. I read a few chapters of two Discworld books, and they are really good but, idk, it seems like I'm not in the mood these days for fantasy. But I've read a lot more (auto)biographical books than I usually do!
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lowstakesvampires · 16 days
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vampire roadtrip <3
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snickerdoodlles · 1 year
📕📗📘📙and this ask is for when you feel the need to torture us again with fic ideas you are never going to write. it is mean and evil but i support you in this!
so there are 2.5 more fics coming for idiots & idioms series. the first one will be vegas's rise to youtube stardom (/vegas rules at internet toxicity) and the finale will swing back to kimchay. plus maybe one silly bonus thing that i'm debating if i will do or not (plus side: jeff's face. down side: jeff's face. it's quite the conundrum, lemme tell u.)
i actually have a lot more ideas for this universe, but the vegaspete story means a lot to me and the kimchay finale is just too perfect of an ending. and while i have these other ideas for this series, there's just no...drive to do them when i have the other 2.5 stories to finish.
so here's 4 ideas i'm not writing for gone fishing series, one for each emoji ;) put under the cut because these also include partial fic snippets and this post got long:
📕 fic of a fic fic
i joked a few times about writing a 'chay live tweets a popular wik/angel fic' fic for this series. and while this entire concept is really funny to me in the fiception sense of how i'd have to write a fic (or at least partial fic) for my fic's fandom so that i could write a fic for my fandom, i have...a lot of issues with actors publicly interacting with fic and lack of boundary between fandom and cast & crew. i'm not going to get into those here, but even when i can control it, i just couldn't get over the driving concept of the fic long enough to write it. i did however, finish the following scene for it, which i am still very fond of.
so, if you recall: chay made a joke in gone fishing about how his life was a mafia AU, which spurned on a brief trend of mafia AU fics where the common trope was angel as the mafia prince, and wik somehow getting involved with him/dragged into the mafia by him (wik being a singer AND a mafia prince would just be silly talk, obviously). the fake fic live-tweeted by chay is the 'angels with dirty hands' fic by twitter user @/_controlleurs mentioned in from concrete. (fake fic's title is a rif off the movie 'angels with dirty faces', which i have not watched but like the name of.)
the fake fic's main premise is THIS, after which wik got recruited by the police to inform on the mafia except then he fell in love with his mark (possibly was going to include wik's brother also getting involved and later wrapped up with angel's brother as well due to wik). i would've planned SO many goncharov references had i not abandoned this by the time it got invented. in long & short, chay makes a comment about kim having a "rivalry with carrots" which was really just me trying to give him a silly Thing for chay to tease on camera until i went "o wait, this can be a thing >:D"
;;; excerpt ;;;
“‘Wik wrinkles his nose at the small pile of carrots on his plate. He hates carrots. If he were anywhere else, he’d carefully pile the carrots right on the edge of his plate, where the threat of infecting the rest of his plate is minimal, assuming he couldn’t find another plate to remove the offending vegetable altogether. But this is the home of a crime lord. Angel implied his chef used to be the most feared hitman out there, something Wik’s inclined to believe after he saw the guy’s muscles. Would chef man be offended if Wik didn’t eat his carrots? He doesn’t want to offend chef man over his carrots. Someone would probably shoot him, which would be a particularly stupid way to die.’
“‘But then. An opportunity. Angel and his father are listening attentively to his brother’s report—Wik should probably be listening as well, this seems exactly like the sort of thing the police would like to know, but he’s on a more important mission right now. Wik carefully glances at the three mafia men and, seeing the coast is clear, he sneaks a handful of carrots onto Angel’s plate. Angel’s eyes flick towards him and Wik shoves a spoonful of rice into his mouth. Angel smiles at him, a fleetingly sweet thing, before he looks down at his plate and does a double take at the mysteriously grown pile of carrots on his plate. He squints at Wik suspiciously. Wik takes another bite of rice, and chews innocently.’” 
Chay stops reading there, too choked up on giggles. “This is from that time I told everyone P’Wik hates carrots, right? Hold on, lemme—“ Chay scrolls down to the author notes and yep, there’s the link to his video threatening Kim’s online reputation. Chay bursts into another fit of giggles. 
“Okay, so, this actually isn’t too far off from how P’Wik is I-R-L. Well. He has two reactions to carrots on his plate.” Chay snickers at the camera. “So, if we’re in public, or at a dinner, or anything like that, he won’t react to the carrots. P’Wik actually has a decent poker face when it comes to stuff like that. But he’ll hide his carrots under his other food to make it look like he’s eating them, then inevitably be offended when he’s left with a pile of carrots on his otherwise empty plate. Like, how dare they not disappear themselves while he ate everything else? Weirdo,” Chay says, sounding disgustingly besotted even to his own ears. 
“But,” Chay leans closer to the camera, grinning, “That’s not why I’m telling you guys this story. That’s how P’Wik reacts in public. It’s a totally different story in private. 
“In private, P’Wik always makes this—“ Chay pauses and screws up his nose like he just smelled something gross, and puckers his lips like he just bit something sour “—face when he sees carrots in his meal, then he always reaches over and pointedly shovels his carrots onto my plate, radiating prim indigence that he’s facing the terrible injustice of carrots in his food. But here’s the thing…”
“P’Wik knows the owners and chefs of his regular takeout spots. They would never forget his dislike of carrots. But after we started dating and he introduced me to them, suddenly, his orders all started getting carrots again. And it’s all my fault.” Chay sighs tragically, and nods in response to the imagined question. “Yes, I’m to blame. See, I told them how much I love carrots. I told them it was silly, but I just didn’t keep carrots in our apartment because P’Wik really hates them and it was hard to eat them all before they went bad, so I only got them when we went out on dates to save us the hassle. A few of them offered to give me a double serving of carrots, but—“ Chay looks at the camera with an earnestly distressed pout “—I don’t want to be a bother! It’s bad enough we already have one special order, I’ll feel so bad if we bothered them with two.”
Chay sighs mournfully. “I know what they’re doing. They sneak me an extra helping of carrots by giving them to P’Wik instead.” Chay’s tragic look suddenly cracks into a mischievous grin. “But let me tell you a secret…”
Chay looks side-to-side, hamming it up for his audience as the live chat goes wild. He grins, barely able to bite back his laughter. “I don’t like carrots. Or, well, I do. They’re fine. A perfectly respectable vegetable. But nothing I’d go out of my way to eat. So why would I go through so much trouble to get extra, you might ask?”
His phone starts flashing Kim’s caller ID, and Chay bites back a laugh. “I certainly don’t need two servings of carrots, but P’Wik’s disgusted face when he sees them in his food?” Chay sighs happily, hand pressed over his heart. “That feeds my soul.”
;;; excerpt end ;;;
📗 goose chasing, or the trials and tribulations of one user ghoasters
so, idk if you've noticed, but there is one (1) username that calls out the weird mafia bullshit obliquely referenced in this series, and that is user ghoasters.
this was supposed to just be a silly joke, but then...i don't remember why this came up, but @majestictortoise said ghoasters reminded her of the persona 5 character futaba, then i looked the character up and said, iirc, "oh my god she looks exactly like the anime girl 13yo i wished to be, YES" and she became a wholeass character in my head. so, using futaba as a blueprint, here are some facts about ghoasters:
nosy fandom obsessed teen girl, expert hacker, doesn't leave the house much.
all of her codes include a ghost ASCII art signature (hence: ghoasters)
her mother gave her the nickname 'sprout' but her name is GHOST, you will respect it or she will rain digital hell down on you.
has a very long, extremely thorough tweet thread tracking potential criminal activity to wik and angel. arm loves it, it makes his job of socmed clean up so much easier.
would've hacked and downloaded some extremely sketchy government facial recognition software just so i could make "but do the butts match?" jokes.
dream in life is to strangle angel and wik. this does not change after she gets hired by the family and becomes besties with chay.
arm wants her hired because he is not a good hacker (he cobbled his IT education together in prison, his true skills are grifting and bullshitting) and he invites her to movie night. ghoasters obviously arrives for movie night in full cosplay, up your game @ khun and khun's angels.
ghoasters 100% gets on board with the mafia bullshit in the name of better cosplay wigs btws. she is getting paid ridiculous sums of money to watch shows and make full cosplay (including the props!). crime is fine now guys.
there's more but like....this is already getting long lol, i'll expand this later. maybe. idk anyways, point is i have enough ideas for user ghoasters i could've actually written a whole fic for her had i not been too busy with other fic ideas. so here's a silly scene of ghoasters getting shlorped into a hum bar visit;
;;; excerpt ;;;
Ghost takes Khun’s advice to heart. Her breath hitches and adrenaline buzzes in her veins when she leaves the compound, but when they arrive at the bar, Ghost spends the first five minutes hacking into the bar’s cameras, the cameras on the surrounding streets and buildings, checking her backdoors to the electronic locks on the entrances, and hacking into the bar’s server just in case. She debates the merits of cloning a few phones, just to be sure the other patrons IDs match the information security has on the bar’s regulars, but Ghost doesn’t actually want to pass the line into paranoia. She’s trying to be better about this sort of thing. 
Ghost checks the cameras she did hack in one final sweep. Everything looks safe, except for the final frame where some guy in a flashy jacket is creeping over the shoulder of some girl bent over her phone—
Ghost yelps and whirls around to face Khun, who is indeed looking over her shoulder in a surprisingly discreet way for a guy wearing a suit with a full-bodied, gold-embroidered dragon stretched over his back. Khun’s pink lensed glasses gleam, like the flash of an anime antagonist, and then he beams with the full force of the sun. 
“That,” Khun says gleefully, “was fascinating. What’d you do?”
“Uhm,” Ghost stammers, beet red. 
Khun plops down in the seat beside her, expression gentling into something more open. “You took control of everything, in just a handful of minutes! It’s amazing!” Ghost stammers some more, face growing hotter and hotter under Khun’s enthusiasm. “Teach me how to do that!”
Ghost opens her mouth. 
“Wait!” Khun abruptly yelps. “Don’t tell me, tell Arm!”
Ghost blinks as Khun sweeps up in a dramatic swish with the full force of a hurricane, unsurprised he’d somehow left a bewildered Arm sitting in his place. Arm looks at her, vaguely distressed, then turns to Khun, vaguely panicked. 
Khun pats Arm’s shoulders happily. “Enjoy your geek chat and show me your new skills later, okay!” Then he kisses a still distressed Arm on the forehead, squishes his cheeks for good measure; and flounces off to the bar to give Miss Yok a proper hello. 
Arm turns to her, looking like puppy left out in the rain. It’s the most pathetic sight Ghost’s ever seen. 
“Would you like me to build you an app?”
Arm nods earnestly, still looking like a drenched puppy. 
;;; excerpt end ;;;
📘 parade rain (groupchat for kim's PR team fic)
i joked...at the end of long & short i think about doing a very weary and exasperated groupchat/slack forum fic for kim's PR team, who went from five years of free reign coasting to "what the fuck did angel do now?" it never really went anywhere for a few reasons:
i don't actually think kim's so popular as to have a PR team, they mostly got slipped in the first place for some jokes. i'd laughed at the idea of kim going "help make sure my family's bullshit doesn't slip thru" and then chay going "eh, its fine" and the PR team having to deal with it, but i never really got around to imaging what this team would actually look like in this series.
i don't like groupchat fic. texting fic, yes, groupchat...ehhhhh.
idk, this one just wound up being funnier in concept than reality to me. i could think of some funny bits for it, but there was just never any substance to the idea ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
📙 university yikyak fic
is yikyak even a thing still?
whatever, my main interest here was i love outsider POV fic lol. the main premise of this fic was kim loses his song notebook, which is found by a very nice, very protective 4'10 girl who works long and hard to find its original owner without accidentally handing it off to an unsavory someone, ft some b-reel of kim or chay related yikyaks. the main goal of this fic was to give kim a tiny friend who mistakens kinn's teasing one day and marches up to him to yell "leave him ALONE, he's SENSITIVE" at him. kinn is delighted (kim made a friend!!), kim and chay are laughing (kinn vs girl half his size and girl is winning!), and porsche wonders if there really is something to this social media thing (naturally, he is filming the whole thing).
it didn't really go anywhere mostly because i only vaguely know of yikyak, i never actually went on it, so trying to think of how i'd even go about telling the story wound up just being a big creativity drain :/
[[ ask me about fic im not writing ]]
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vongola-renaissance · 5 months
for the ask game:
📕Which languages would you learn to become one step closer to Varia Quality?
🌈Who's your favourite Arcobaleno?
thank you 🌺
Uhhhhhhhh listen I speak English, Spanish and Portuguese (kinda rusty in the one) and half a year ago I started to study Chinese. So for me, Italian of course, Chinese and Japanese. Those are some of the main languages of the characters involved with the Vongolas. I have some basics in Latin too (very basics).
If I'm being a nerd, I'd study in detail the Italian dialects. I find it more important to be able to communicate with anyone from Italy to a point I feel trustworthy to them.
LA MIRCH. I don't care, I'm making her count.
She was the person originally picked for the rain pacifier! She freaking taught Colonello! She's so relevant to the story and her design is so cool !!!! Lal Mirch is my favorite KHR female character.
Although I think KHR is flawed in terms of female character depiction (typical problem in shonens), I think the story still allows women to be real in a sense that doesn't feel fabricated. She's not a "boss" or the type of "empowered" character that some writers go for nowdays.
She's stubborn and cold and loyal and loving. She serves a cause and although she's powerful (again she was selected as the rain arcobaleno c'mon!!) she has no problem following orders or working for others. We know that her romantic devotion is a trait she shares with Colonello, because he did sacrifice himself in her place and she wanted so badly to take revenge on his name and—
It doesn't feel like she's being used to further Colonello as a character. In fact, he feels like part of her backstory. Colonello started existing in the story when he became Lal Mirch's studentz but she was already involved with the Vongola. His relevance comes from taking her place. She kept him alive in the narrative by fighting for him in the Future arc. That's insane.
I think the story should have allowed her to teach the girls (Haru and Kyoko) some self-defense. Nothing extreme, but I think they deserved to know and to do more than staying on the sideline, cooking for the rest as they trained.
Sorry about the Lal Mirch rant. She's just really really my fav KHR girl <3
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ut-rsc · 1 year
[NEW] This year, the RSC event is modded by an amazing team of 4 mods! Learn more about them here:
📕@sin-cognito @con-cognito: Cognito/Coggy, she/her and they/them, both artist and writer, and main host to the event. I'm a fandom madlad 💪 🔥, skeleton multishipper and kitties enthusiast. I've been told I was unreasonable 2 years ago to host the RSC event by myself, so now I return with a brand new team of mods, woot! 📕 ✨ Find me on Twitter @/sinncognito
📕@redtomatofan: Tomato, Red etc etc she/her, artist and an avid reader of all skeleship stories. I love Redbull, colour pink and I was infected with M(adlad) Virus by Patient Zero: Coggy. Super excited for this event! Find me on Twitter @/redtomatofan
📕@skele-shipper: I'm Skele/Skipper/Skel, your neighbourhood HYPE Bean uwu 💙 i love doggos and have the personality of one as well xD I'm SUPER EXCITED FOR THIS EVENT oh and i also LOVE PAPYRUS. AND I'M HERE TO WITNESS THE MADLADNESS THAT THIS EVENT HAS BROUGHT FORTH WITH THE INVOLVEMENT OF OUR BEAUTIFUL MOD TEAM Find me on Twitter @/skeleshipper
📕@soloshikigami: Call me Solo, proud multi-shipper, skele-peddler, and cat herder. Yep, I herd cats, which is why I'm here to keep an eye on Cog and Tom. Go forth, read, and have fun you guys, gals, and alternative pals! Find me on Twitter @/soloshikigami
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any jacquelyn and olivia stories you recommend?? i like smut but honestly anything will do atp because there is barely anything of them 😓
[Word count: 1,519]
🗣️Main Character: Olivia Caliban
🫂Main relationship: Olivia Caliban / Jacquelyn Scieszka
Set: During Canon 🕰️
Fic Type:
Oneshot 📕
Romance, Sharing a bed
‘Jacques can't come pick up Olivia, but she still misses the trolley. What's a girl to do now that she's stuck in The City?’
[This fic doesn’t contain smut however I have high hopes that you have not read this before as it currently has only 1 hit.]
A series of works. [No.of fics in series: 12]
[Total Word count: 28,356]
🗣️Main Characters: Olivia Caliban, Jacquelyn Scieszka and Esmé Squalor
🫂Main relationship: Olivia Caliban / Jacquelyn Scieszka / Esmé Squalor
Set: A timeline in which the unfortunate events of the Baudelaire children do not occur.
‘Olivia Caliban, Jacquelyn Scieszka, Esmé Squalor - The City and VFD's most important girlfriends (!)
This is the first collection of their adventures in love, work, more love, the occasional espionage and even supernatural and witchy encounters.’
[All works in this series are rated either ‘General Audiences’ or ‘Teen and up’. ]
[Word count: 23, 039] [5/? Chapters. Last updated 2019 ⚠️]
🗣️Main character: Olivia Caliban
🫂Main relationship: Olivia Caliban / Jacquelyn Scieszka
Set: During Canon 🕰️
Fic Type:
Multichapter (unfinished) 📚
Rating: Explicit ❌🔞
‘Jacquelyn Scieszka does not call a taxi for Olivia Caliban the day they meet.’
[Word count: 774]
🗣️Main characters: Jacquelyn Scieszka and Olivia Caliban
🫂Main relationship: Olivia Caliban / Jacquelyn Scieszka
Fic Type:
Oneshot 📕
Smut, Fluff, Established relationship, PWP
Rating: Mature❗️
‘ “Jacquelyn, darling, if you let me finish this chapter, I’m all yours.”
“Who says you can’t finish your chapter?”
~ Or, Jacquelyn is a pain, and Olivia loves it. ~’
[I personally don’t enjoy smut however judging by the comments this is a good fic so hopefully you will like it!]
[Word count: 17, 838]
🗣️Main Characters: Olivia Caliban, Jacquelyn Scieszka, Isadora Quagmire, Duncan Quagmire and Quigley Quagmire
🫂Main relationships:
Olivia Caliban / Jacquelyn Scieszka
Olivia Caliban & Jacquelyn Scieszka & Isadora Quagmire & Duncan Quagmire & Quigley Quagmire
Set: Post canon ⌛️
Fic Type:
Multichapter 📚
Hurt/Comfort, Fluff and Angst, Found Family
Rating: Teen and up
‘Olivia finds herself thinking, not for the first time, back to Prufrock. It's as far and faded as a past life. What would life be if she'd never left? What life would be if she had simply gone home, or if she succumbed to those starving Caligari lions...
She looks up in surprise, "Sorry, is everything alright?"
"Yes, better than alright! But... are you okay?"
"I'm okay," she smiles fondly, "Promise,"
She is okay. Her wounds have healed, and without them, she might never have escaped that organization with her fiancée, never met these children, her children, never to be snatched away again. They had been burned down to their lowest, until they built each other back up from the ground. And she would do it all over again, if it meant to be where she was now.
Jacquelyn, Olivia, and the Quagmires get the home that they deserve.’
[‘Anything, if it’s with you’ is honestly speaking one of my favourite snicketverse fics!!! It has brought tears to my eyes before and it’s just…I don’t have the words to do justice to the emotions this fic evokes. It doesn’t contain smut (which you mentioned having a preference for) however Olivia and Jacquelyn’s relationship is a central (+extremely well written) part of this fic so I would definitely recommend reading this if you like Olivia/Jacquelyn.]
Thanks for the ask!! I hope at least 1 of these fics is what you were looking for! 👀
Feel free to send another ask if you would like more recs whether it’s more recs for Olivia/Jacquelyn or anything or anyone else!💛
If anyone knows of any good Olivia and Jacquelyn fics not mentioned in this post then feel free to comment your recommendations!
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monmuses · 8 months
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amadaans asked: 📕 — favorite book/series? ; munday asks!
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okay, so this was from my book haul a couple years ago that i did for my birthday, but i purchased a Jekyll & Hyde novel that is super interesting that i love! its "Hyde" by Daniel Levine -
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it's a novel that expands more on the main story but describes Hyde as a separate entity that exists in Jekyll's surgical cabinet (as in, the serum he takes) and its super interesting! it covers Hyde as being someone who's framed, and not an actual murderer from the book's summary. ive read parts of it (havent finished it) but its so so well written? im in LOVE with it, honestly, its so good. 10/10 recommend
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