#..... hey uh can i pet your ears please-
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tonycries · 5 days
Something Stupid - G.S.
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Synopsis. Five times the strongest would rather díe than tell you he loves you, and the one time he almost does. Almost.
Pairing. Gojo Satoru x Reader
Content. MDNI, fem! reader, friends-to-lóvers, canon fix-it, PINING, dry-húmping, face-sítting (fem receiving), creampíe, overstím, PÚSSYDRUNK GOJO, ríding him until he whínes, no smút until they’re adults obvs, slight ángst, manga spoilers, found family, THE HAPPY ENDING WE DESERVE, pet names, swearing.
Word count. 9.6k
A/N. Tumby lemme post this pwease? What canon? This is the only canon I know.
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“Catch me if you-”
Sixteen-year-old Gojo Satoru doesn’t have the privilege of finishing his sentence - hell, he doesn’t even have the privilege of standing, apparently.
Because in the blink of an eye, his back is hitting the soft grass of Jujutsu Tech, followed very shortly by a bewildered you. Foreheads knocking together, your hands grabbing at his broad shoulders, his own wrapping around your waist for some sense of stability.
Years later, Gojo tells everyone that would listen - and anyone that won’t - that life became just a bit brighter ever since you crashed into his life that day - literally. 
But right now, he’s opening his mouth to spit an irritated, “Watch it!”
It’s the first words you ever say to him, a shrill - almost hysterical - “Huh? No, you watch it-”
“Nuh uh, you-” Head spinning, shades skewed, it takes Gojo a few seconds to screw his bleary eyes open to the sudden newcomer straddled on top of him. And a few more to register that no, he wasn’t in heaven and hey, that uniform looks familiar. And, unfortunately, not even a split-second longer to breathe out something stupid, “I…I think I love y-”
“You stupid, moronic- wait what?”
The next few words out of his mouth are just as bad as the last ones, if not worse. Because yes he knows - for once in his life - that maybe he should just stop talking. He knows that even a moment longer with you is gonna turn his mind into more of a melty, honeyed mess than Six Eyes ever could. 
Which is exactly what he blames when jumbling out a garbled, “Dinner tomorrow?” Wincing, Gojo swallows them back almost as quickly as he wished he was swallowed up by Geto’s rainbow dragon instead. 
To your credit, you look a lot less bumbling than the strongest currently pinned underneath you. That look of annoyance on your pretty features melts into something of concern. And before he can dig a deeper hole for himself, you’re raising the back of your hand to splay out across his forehead.
“I didn’t think you hit the ground that hard but-” you raise a brow, head tilting to the side. “-I think you’ve got a concussion.”
Oh, yeah he’s definitely in heaven - that or actually concussed. Maybe both.
A low whistle sounds from his right - and soon enough he’s staring at the shoes of the other first-year he’d met just today. Low bangs hanging over his face, jostling with light cackles, “Haven’t they told you not to confess your undying love until at least the second date, Gojo?”
Nevermind, he was in hell.
“Ieri!” Geto turns towards the other girl, who was busy typing away on her phone. But Gojo could’ve sworn he heard the shutter of a camera coming from her way. “He was flown out of bounds, that’s gotta count as one point for me, right? And another for the pretty girl. You keepin’ score?”
She only sighs, “No.”
What’s a first day at high school without a duel between two of the proudly self-proclaimed strongest? And, of course, you - the fourth addition to their little group, hastily scrambling off of Gojo’s lap at the jeering laughter from above. 
Later, he might apologize for running headfirst into you - might. Ignoring the pointed giggles, and the burning rouge at the very tip of his ears, to find out your name. And to make up some stilted excuse about how that was completely the concussion talking and he totally wasn’t serious about having dinner so please, please, please don’t snitch to Yaga about the impromptu matches taking place on school grounds…unless? 
But for now, Gojo’s only lazily turning to look up at Geto, bringing a hand up to squint against the harsh sun beating down. Or, at least, that’s what it was meant to look like - “Technique amplification: Blue!”
He only hopes the property damage isn’t as high as what his poor heart had just gone through. Detention with Yaga be damned - and if by some grace of the universe he actually does end up escaping before he’s caught then, well, he’ll actually ask you out to dinner tomorrow. 
Gojo Satoru is almost eighteen when he thinks that not even the Gojo family’s most expensive insurance will cover whatever curse you’ve casted on his poor heart.
You’re both well into the second year, and by now he’d been to twelve different doctors, five shamans, and Principal Yaga himself before Geto smacked him upside the head. 
“Satoru, you complete imbecile-”
“Hey!” He fights out of his best friend’s grasp around the scruff of his uniform, crossing his arms over his chest with a whine, “I’ll have you know that I got the highest exam score last week, and I cheated only a little bit-”
Geto cuts him off with a sigh, wearily pinching the bridge of his nose, “No- you idiot. What do you mean you went to Yaga to girl-talk with him about your crush.” And when Gojo’s mouth falls slack, he’s smirking, “Oh- my bad, I meant your love-”
It’s said that Gojo’s gasp echoed all throughout the wooden corridors of the school - maybe even the entire grounds. Hotly, he’s sputtering out broken little excuses, “I don’t- what do you-” Before turning away to cool the burning of his sweetly rosy cheeks, “You’re the imbecile for spewing out such nonsense, Suguru.”
“Are you sure?” Geto turns to get a better look at the way those pretentiously expensive glasses fail to cover even the half of it. He’s never been able to, when it comes to you. “Because that’s quite literally the first thing you said to her-”
“I had a concussion!”
“After she touched you?” 
And for perhaps the first time in the years he’s been wreaking havoc on Earth, Gojo is speechless. A welcome change for Geto, who mulls over in the silence while they loiter - very much missing whatever mission was assigned right now. 
“I…” he starts, voice small. Pathetic, even. “...was concussed.” And before Geto can let out the same frustrated, dragged-out groan he often does whenever he’s around the two of you, Gojo’s plowing on, “But if I did lo- like her - hypothetically speaking - how would I even tell her?”
Usually, the other’s first reaction would be to tease his best friend. But at this moment he sounded so…young, painfully sincere in a way that was so disgustingly un-Gojo-like that he can’t help but cringe.
“Well, Satoru.” he muses, throwing a hand around his shoulder. “You just gotta…tell her my man. Preferably before that big mission coming up because I am not dragging your moping self around.”
He rolls his eyes, scoffing, “Gee, thanks. I’ll totally get on that tomorrow.”
“You’re welcome.”
Yaga’s voice bellows, “Can you two stop doing this outside my office!”
And as much as Gojo hates to admit it, Geto was right - he usually was. 
Well - perhaps not about the love part, but subconsciously, he found himself seeking out every tiny moment with you. Every second by your side - ignoring the other two bothers - was a new opportunity to just tell you. To break that thick solitude inside your little bubble with those little words. Ones that would go and spoil it all. 
Not to be dramatic, but Gojo almost made a game out of it. Mouthing out the words whenever your back was turned - it started from “Dinner tomorrow?” to “I like you.” to something stupid that only gave Shoko aneurysms. 
And, expectedly, “tomorrow” doesn’t happen to be tomorrow. 
Tomorrow isn’t in your next class, or whatever mission Gojo tags along with you for “moral support.” Tomorrow isn’t the cozy little detention the two of you attend after catching Yaga’s interpretive dance routine - “that’s the scariest thing I’ve ever seen- even more than any curse.” you whisper fearfully to him, and he thinks he might just blurt it out right then and there.
Tomorrow isn’t when he’s just about to leave on some confidential mission with Geto, bidding you goodbye with a roll of his eyes and a hug he pretends he doesn’t like as much as he actually does. Tomorrow isn’t even when he’s baking in Okinawan sun, or strewn out bloodied and left for dead on the very grounds he met you on. 
But oh how he wishes it was.
In that moment, incapacitated by Toji Fushiguro, and wondering where it went wrong, he thinks of you. Gojo thinks he’ll always remember you in every moment, and especially when they’re his last.
The Star Plasma Vessel mission and its aftermath takes up most of his mind afterward, even when he didn’t want it to. And all he can remember about tomorrow comes only a few months later, when an ashen-faced Gojo Satoru slams open the rickety door to your dorm.
“G-Gojo?” you sputter, sitting up in your bed. But before you can even think of reaching him, he’s crossed your floor in a few long strides. “Are you ok- mmpf!”
In an instant, he’s splaying out on your mattress, legs dangling off the end, strong arms wrapped tightly around your waist. 
Your first instinct is to snap something snarky - but every tease at the very tip of your tongue vanishes when he buries his head into your lap. And you feel something wet, something drench though your skirt heatedly. 
“Is…” you’re gulping thickly. “Is everything okay, Satoru?”
Ah, his name sounds too perfect on your tongue. 
“Suguru…” Is all he shudders out wetly, jittery hands looping even more vice-like around your figure. “He-”
It’s just about the only thing he can get out, and it’s just about everything you need to hear before bringing his shivering body closer. Quiet. Steady. Rocking the strongest gently, while you hum a wordless melody. “S’alright. S’gonna be okay.”
Now, he thinks. Now now now now - tell her. Tell her. But when a tear of your own stains his shirt, he knows. Hauling you in even deeper to his chest, he prays you don’t hear his thundering heart. Perhaps tomorrow. 
Gojo is twenty-one by the time he’s dragging you hand-in-loveable-hand through the winding hallways of an apartment in the heart of Tokyo. Mumbling excited little mutters, and almost tripping over his own feet with how fast he was navigating the corridors. 
“Sato- S-Sato-” you’re squealing out, grimacing at the tugging burn of your hands in his. “Toru! Where are you- taking me?” 
Sheepishly, he looks at you over his shoulder, “Whoops, did I forget to tell you- I have kids!”
He doesn’t know what’s louder - your shocked shout of “What? When?...By who?” or the screeching of his own two shoes skidding to a halt in front of that familiar door. 
“Well, they’re not mine.” Gojo sighs ultimately, with a hand at the door. And that makes you quieten down just enough to hear his barely-audible little whisper. Determined. Reverent, almost. “But they’re mine.”
And when he finally opens the door, just one look at the tiny, black-haired little boy and his sharp scowl is all you need to understand. You’re whirling your eyes back to his beaming gaze, oh, Satoru.
Only mere moments later the two of you - accompanied by a very begrudging Megumi, and his sister - sit by the booth of one of your favorite cafés. Embarrassingly, he finds himself sighing while watching you crack jokes with the little girl. Turning to the server to order for her - it almost felt like a little family. Oh you’d make such a perfect mother. A completely objective observation, of course. Completely. Unless- 
“You’ll never do it.” a tug on his sleeve has him facing Megumi’s leveled stare. How the hell does a kid manage to look like he’s seen the monstrosities of the world already? Gojo blames the father.
Baring his teeth, “The hell’s that supposed to mean?”
Little did he know that all it took was watching him seethe whenever the waiter by your side was just a bit too talkative, a bit too lingering with his gaze. In his little reverie, Gojo had accidentally croaked out a low, “I-” before you’d turned those pretty eyes his way, only to choke back embarrassingly on every syllable. Gesturing at you to ignore his little mishap. 
“Tell her, I mean.” Megumi hums. Taking a wizened sip of his milkshake, “She’ll date that waiter before you if you don’t tell her.”
“That’s so…so stupid.” Gojo whispers back hotly. “I will tell her.”
“Will not.”
“Will too.”
“Will not.”
“Boys!” Your scolding tone makes them both jump - mainly Gojo, however, caught off-guard. Who scratches behind his neck when you wag a finger admonishingly, “Stop arguing, we’re in public. Now, as for payment-” Before turning back politely to the waiter.
“See?” Megumi counters, back to appraising the last of his cupcake. “You’re such a loser.”
Gojo’s gaze, however, stray back your way, as he found them often doing these days. Only to find them already on him, scrunched into crescents with a smile and twinkling so bright that he could almost catch his idiotic gawking in them. 
Very pointedly he ignores the knowing roll of Megumi’s eyes, the exact type he’s seen too much with Shoko, and Nanami, and Utahime, and Yaga - and every single being to come into contact with his almost-tangibly hopeless feelings for you.
Instead, slamming that shiny new black card of his down in front of him - with enough fervor that the tabletop jostles, and you jolt out of your conversation with the waiter. 
“I’ll be the one paying for myself, and my two kids and-” His burning eyes drink in every shred of surprise on your features. “-my wife.”
Somewhere in the distance, Gojo can hear Tsumiki giggle, and Megumi smack a hand onto his forehead. But right now he’s too busy remembering the exact degree to which your lips curl up, the way you hold back a laugh at the waiter’s jaw dropping. Nevermind the fact that the two of you were way too young to have two kids of this age. 
“He was getting a bit pushy.” you’d conspire afterwards, now completely full and fatigued after a long day. “Thanks for that, Toru.”
Gojo sighs, flashing you a megawatt grin. If there were ever a time he thanks his Six Eyes for being able to memorize every little detail - every little feature in this picture - then it would be right now. He’s reveling in the bittersweet perfection. Yeah, he thinks, holding up a sleepy Megumi in his arms, maybe tomorrow.
There’s actually been about sixty different times over the years that Gojo knows you’d wanted to punch him straight in his face - and he’s sure, at the age of twenty-seven, that this is the very latest one. 
“How did you get hit, don’t you have limitless?”
He shoots a wink your way, “Maybe I wanted you to patch me up?”
You scoff, “You stupid, moronic-”
“-no-brained, glasses-wearing dumbass.” he finishes for you, flashing you a cocky smirk that wouldn’t have been endearing for anyone but him. Gojo makes himself more comfortable on the hard infirmary bed, “You know, you’ve really got to update your list of insults, sweetheart. I don’t even wear the shades that much anymore.”
It was new - as soon as you’d cackled at the idea of him being a teacher with perpetual sunglasses, he’d wrapped that blindfold around his head. It was a slight shame, frankly, he was always honest with his eyes - but what was more important was that change.
Sometime after you’d intertwined seamlessly into Gojo’s mishmashed little family, he’d taken to calling you syrupy sweet nicknames. It’d started out as a joke, you think - with “sugarplum” and “honeybuckets” and whatever grocery item he could think of, before turning into something very, very real. 
Though, they still made poor Megumi grimace in disgust just the same.
“Zoning out on me, babygirl?” 
Yeah, sometimes they made you grimace in disgust, too. 
“No-” you’re rolling your eyes, putting a little bit more force than necessary when you dab the warm napkin at those tiny specks of blood on his lip. “Just hoping you’d shut up.”
Gojo hisses, eyes crinkling at the edges - and you can’t help but think of how much older he looked than the disgruntled sixteen-year-old that swore at you on your first day. 
“What?” his snowy brows raise, catching the hints of your laughter. 
You take a moment longer to bask in the memories, before sighing. “Nothing. Just thinking about when we first met, s’been ten years already, hasn’t it?”
Of course, it has - it’s not like something the great Gojo Satoru could ever even think about forgetting. He remembers it in every cheesy selfie from high school you show him, he remembers in each and every one of your laughs at his overused jokes - the same ones he’d cracked way back then. 
“It has.” he’s settling on after a few rare beats of silence. The thick white sheets on the bed rustle as he grasps your hand in his, “And I think I remember that today more than any other.”
It was impossible not to, when you’d just met your best friend after ten years. When you’d just killed your best friend with your own two hands.
Your pretty eyes shine with all the tears you’d been hiding, “Yeah? Guess so, huh?” Without warning, you bend down to meet your forehead with his, gulping back heavily. You knew he didn’t just want to be patched up, you knew better. And you knew that even the strongest gets lonely. Especially the strongest. Your voice is strained, quiet. “Do you think he’s happier now, Toru?”
Truthfully, Gojo doesn’t know. 
But he whispers anyway, “I think so.”
To soothe you - and himself - if anything.
His eyes burn, and he’s scrunching them shut. A lump forming in his throat, Gojo can feel his entire being just rattle with the sudden wonder whether you’d feel it just the same when - if - he dies. Would you ask if he’s happy, too? Thinking he did and had everything he wanted in this life - not knowing he’s searching for you in every one? This life, and the next, and each one after.
“Sweetheart.” Gojo mumbles, eyes widening when you’re raising your head to look back at him, as if he didn’t even expect the words to fall from his lips. His jaw clenches, eyes flitting between your eyes and your lips like the rest of it was just threatening to wrench from his throat. “He- Suguru. Back in high school - before he…left- he told me-” 
“Gojo sensei, where is the- Oh!”
The two of you jump apart as if it burned, and for Gojo, the angry split on his lower lip hurts infinitely less than losing your touch. Holding back a silent whine, he turns towards the dark-haired boy fretting by the doorway, “Yuta? Something wrong?”
“Oh, you’ve done it, newbie.” Panda’s deep voice sounds from behind the doorway, and he peaks his large head in. “Gojo’s got his serious voice on, should’ve just spied silently like me. I told you not to interrupt him and his wife.”
“You’re married?!”
“We’re not married!”
The room erupts in far too many voices, and before long you’re clapping your hands in that strict teacherly manner that Gojo teases you always learned from Yaga himself. 
“Okay, that’s enough.” you call out, before turning to the newest first year. “Okkotsu, do you need help with anything? I’ll be right with you.” 
“I…I really didn’t mean to interrupt.” he’s bowing with apologies, ones that you only wave away with a chuckled-out, “It’s okay, Panda’s joking. We’re not married or anything anyway.”
And Gojo doesn’t know whether the look Yuta gives him is more akin to pity or understanding - he prefers it be neither, which is why he’s covering his head with the blanket. Groaning dramatically until you’re turning your attention back to him. 
You ruffle the amount of his hair peaking, and he has to screw his glassy eyes shut. “Toru, what is it that you wanted to say?”
“Don’t worry about it, it’s stupid.” His tone is unreadable, “I’ll tell you, hope- hopefully tomorrow.”
You’re barely holding up the clingy mess that is a twenty-nine-year-old Gojo Satoru. Huffing and puffing in a way that makes his heart and his arms around you just squeeze, “It’s not an option. You know I have to do this.”
How he wished he didn’t.
How he wished he could grab your hand and run away from the fight with Sukuna, hide in the countryside of his hometown and build a new life with you.
It’s already been a hellish few weeks trying to get Gojo unsealed, and you can feel the last few months pounding at your temples. You let out a sigh, one that has him holding back a strangely giddy laugh. But before you can open your mouth to yell at him to not go - or more accurately, beg him until he doesn’t - there’s a tentative voice speaking up from behind you. 
“Um…sensei?” Yuji’s wide eyes sweep over his two teachers, being at Jujutsu Tech for a few months, he’s seen everything there is to see about the two of you. He saw the way you smacked the strongest when he got too mouthy, the way he let down limitless just so you could smack him. He saw the laughs, the looks, the way you’d flown into a frenzy when Gojo was sealed. 
Everyone saw.
It was like you were crazed, and right now, only a month after his return - you were gripping onto Gojo like he was the only thing keeping you anything but. 
So, it shouldn’t be new at this point. But he still can’t hold back the wonder in his voice, “I uh- wanted to ask about your robes for tomorrow- but maybe I can come back another time?”
“Yes yes, come back another time-”
“What robes?” 
You narrow your eyes at the man, and that sheepish little curl of his lips does everything but soothe your worries. He knew you saw right through him, you always did. 
Gojo’s exclaiming out loud, “Well- remember Toji-?” He waves his hands around, trying for a slightly softer way to say ‘the sorcerer killer and father of our honorary kid, who just-so-happens to be on a rampage right now’, before ultimately settling on, “-the worm guy? Well, I just figured I might as well take a page out of his book and dress like him, y’know since I’m fighting…Megumi after all.”
It takes a few seconds of stunned silence for you to find your voice, “You stupid-” 
“-moronic, no-brained, blindfold-wearing-”
“-dumbass! You remember what happened to him!” 
He bats his long, long lashes at you, “Why? Would you get this heated if I died just the same way he did?”
“No!” Your voice makes even Yuji flinch, which in turn has you reaching over to pat his head, “This is not on you, darling, of course. But your teacher here-” And it was comical, almost, the way the strongest stands up ramrod straight at just a leveled glare from you, “-will be getting it when he comes back from the fight.”
Comes back.
Oh, as much as Gojo throws his head back with chortles, he can’t help the way his heart twinges at the very thought of leaving you. 
And he can’t be sure of just how long.
“Ah, you talk too much, pretty. I’ll tell Megs how much you miss him.” You’re not given a second’s warning before you’re back in his embrace - more steady, this time. His arms securely around your waist, like they’d been twelve years ago and never wanted to leave since. Lips pressed up against the thundering pulse at your neck, Gojo’s voice dips just a bit lower than you’re used to. Breathing you in, “I will, too, y’know? Very much.”
Jittery, he could feel every slight tremor in your nervous fingers when you run them through his hair, dipping into the ends of his black blindfold. 
“Wh-what do you mean? S’only for a few hours, Toru.” you hum. “You better be back or so help me.”
“I know…” he heaves out, only pressing you close up against his broad frame. “But just in case- I-” Gojo’s voice cracks pathetically at the end, and he’s instantly too aware of Yuji’s keen eyes still watching. Edging up against the corner of the room like he wished he could have Gojo’s teleportation powers right about now. “-have something stupid to tell you. So I’ll hurry home anyways.”
You’re pulling back to quirk a brow, “Why not just tell me now?”
How he wished he could.
“Because it’s stupid.” 
Later, Gojo will find himself strewn across jujutsu hall with Yuji himself - the only one, other than you, he thinks, that can stand to be around a weapon like him right now. Listening to the hum of cursed energy in the air, he gets himself ready for the fight.
“Why didn’t you tell her? Especially now?” His student pipes up, suddenly, and Gojo remembers with a sigh just how uncomfortably in tune he is with everyone around him. Fearfully, so. “That you lov-”
“Because it’s stupid.” the older one grins. Such a sad, warmly smile - and for perhaps the first time, Yuji thinks that Gojo Satoru looks his age. “And I don’t think she’d want to hear it if I don’t make it to tomorrow.”
“Stupid.” you mutter, biting angrily at your nails. Hot tears burn behind your closed lids, and you can’t help but tighten your hand even more around his cold, cold ones. Limp. Like death. “You’re so, so stupid.”
There’s no response. No sing-song voice finishing off your insults, no large and ruffling your hair until you have to bat him away. 
Gojo Satoru was deathly still. 
Laid out on the cold mattress of his room, you’d bugged Shoko enough to let you move him here, knowing how much he hated the infirmary. 
“Being so reckless- having Yuta use your body-” in your fit of anger, you’re whirling your head up. Only for the pang of regret and grief to hit you tenfold all over again - because like this, he was too statuesque. A pretty mask of pale, what you’d give to have those eyes wink at you once more. “-if- when you wake up, I’m gonna kill you all over again.”
They told you he was dead - there was no point in waiting. In fact, you were sure there was a grave dug already, it was just a matter of how soon they could get to you. 
It was a strange thing, to be loved just enough to get a burial. In the end, it was lonely.
And so stupid. 
And at times, you felt that way, too. But all it took was one visit to where Geto’s grave was, a few long hours sat by his side, and you knew you couldn’t let Gojo escape you that easily. Not after everything, not after what he hasn’t told you, yet.
“Just wake up.” you sigh, the defeat bleeding into your every word. You run your thumb over the pronounced knuckles on his hand, calloused and scarred from his fight. “There’s so much to hear about. Higuruma’s alive, Nobara’s alive, pulling off that eyepatch. Like father, like daughter, huh? And Megumi- I saw Megumi laugh today. Yuji, too.”
Silence. Only stone-cold silence. He didn’t even move - not even the barest twitch of a finger.
“I just need you to wake up.” Your words are tumbling out a mile a minute, distantly, you wonder whether this was how Gojo felt when he first met you. How he couldn’t stop talking. Couldn’t stop wanting. “Shoko’s mad at you, y’know? But I know she misses you, no matter how much she pretends not to. I know that Jujutsu Tech can’t go any longer without Yaga, we- I need you. Didn’t even get to tell you-” 
It’s all croaked out into a deafening silence, at least if you were in the hospital room then maybe the pinging of the heart monitor might’ve accompanied you. But they’d pulled him off that, too. 
“And I know that I…” You bury your face into the now-damp blankets, “I love you.”
“And I love you.”
There’s only the split-second you take to snap your head up before lips are crashing onto yours - plump, slightly-chapped but something so sweetly Satoru. Before you can even think about kissing back, however, he’s pulling away. 
Only to press hasty, chaste pecks again. And again. And again and again and-
Gojo kisses your wet eyelids, “I love you.” Your forehead, your cheeks, the corners of your lips. “I love you I love you I love you- and you beat me to it.” Those strained little words strike your very core - because it’s unmistakably Gojo. Sounding anything but, they’re broken and wrenching painfully out of his wracking chest. “So I just- I just had to-” Big, strong arms wrap around your middle - when did they even get there? It pangs somewhere in your hazy mind that you’re basically hoisted up on Gojo’s bed now, “-to do exactly what I’ve been wanting to since we were like this, thirteen years ago. Everything I’ve ever hoped for.”
“Everything?” you whisper.
“Everything. Even the strongest has dreams, y’know?” And he flashes you that smile you’ve missed so much, one you don’t think you’ve quite seen in years. “Even something stupid like ‘I love you.’”
That makes you cautiously glide over your palms onto the planes of his muscled chest, lightly pushing away to take in all of him. 
It was him. Alive. 
Really alive.
“Gojo…” you whimper, tears welling up behind your eyelids all over again.
“Ouch. Really?”
“That’s more like it.” The circled warmth around your waist crashes you even closer onto every ridge and divot of his hard chest, into the sweetest embrace - the kind you really couldn’t be mad about after your best friend had almost left you forever. “Told ya I’d come back, sweetheart.”
You could practically hear the sunshiney smile in his words, and his entire hulking body shook with emotion. 
“You’re back.” you breathe, dancing your arms upwards to wrap around his neck. “You’re here.” It takes only a second longer of being in his burning proximity, to catch that pearly white smile - tired, and infinitely harder than before - to have some semblance of rationality dipping into your mind. “-and- and we have to tell everyone!” you’re yelping. Moving to scramble off of his lap, “Oh- fuck, and they thought I was crazy. We have to- have to have Shoko give you a check-up and have Kusakabe finally ditch those funeral plans and-” 
You’re being shut up by Gojo’s lips on yours again, slow and sensual. It’s deeper this time, and he’s taking the time to part those candied lips of yours, sucking gently on the very tip of your hot tongue. 
“My funeral is the last thing I wanna think about right now.” he chuckles against your lips.
“Tomorrow.” Gojo soothes, craning his weary neck to kiss your forehead. “We can do all that tomorrow. But right now, I just want to spend time with the love of my life.” His cerulean eyes just gleam with unshed tears and even more unspoken words, “Doesn’t have to be forever. Just right now.”
As promised, he’s petting up and down your body lazily. Kissing you until even smiling felt bruised and raw. But it’s only when the air grows thick, when the slight jostle of your body on top of his becomes hot, his own skin burning soon after that Gojo lets out a sullen hiss. 
“Toru-” you pull away panickedly, delicate strings of saliva snapping in the nonexistent air between you two. “We should really-”
“No- no no no no. Please wait-” Hastily, he’s bringing down a jittery hand to his hip, the buzz of reversed curse technique flowing through his thrumming veins. Meeting your uncertain gaze, “I’ve waited so long. Wontcha just let me worship you right now?”
As if to prove his point, he’s bucking upwards ever-so-slightly. The momentum teetering you precariously on his lap, dragging the heated core between your legs down in such a sloppy drag.
You’re gasping when the very outer edges of your panties rub up against something so hard, and rotund. Feeling the wet squelch of his angry tip gush out in a dripping wet wave at the friction. “A-are you sure?” you’re stammering, trying to hold back the way your greedy thighs were trying to rub together. Only achieving heavy, languid gyrations on top of the rock-hard outline of Gojo’s cock. “How about tomorrow? When you’re feeling better?”
It’s a slow, steady rhythm. There’s a ringing schwf! schwf! schwf! of sopping wet fabric, and it was driving him crazy. 
“Right now please- haaa-” Gojo’s tongue lolls out so sluttily to graze against your own, dazed blue irises rolling to the back of his head. His spine curves upwards, abs rippling with a harsh drag of your clothed pussy down his weepy shaft. “Whenever you’d have me.”
Almost tentatively, your hips roll forward. That flimsy excuse of your panties bunching up with each grazing rub, it’s all you can do to not just keen at the utterly delicious curve of his thick girth. Throbbing and twitchy under each of your motions. 
He’s hissing when your underwear snags on the very divot at his thick head, sitting up on two elbows, “S-sweetheart.”
“No, Toru.” your palms are back on his pecs, easily pinning the strongest down with a gentle push of your own. “Jus’ let me do all the work, m’kay?”
Gojo wasn’t all too happy - and the sullen pout jutting on his spit-glossed lips told you more than enough. But he wasn’t going down without a fight - that was for sure. 
“F-fine.” he grunts at a particularly harsh grind of your hips. Fuck, he felt like some animal, humping up into you like he was out of control. He could practically feel your puffed-up pussy lips through his pants, he could almost taste it. Two rough hands come to rest on your hips, grabbing and kneading a handful of your ass. “But then you’re not just hah- sitting there, pretty.” 
And, shit, even like this, you should’ve known better than to underestimate Gojo Satoru himself. Because whatever he wanted, he got. The one thing he didn’t was you - and now, since he had you, too, fuck- he might just be going insane. 
Not a moment’s wasted before you’re being so easily hauled up, up, up the entire expanse of Gojo’s body. Jittery body being balanced easily as if you were some type of toy, up from the slender curve of his toned hips, up around where his broad deltoids were spread, all the way until your cunt was hovering over his needy mouth. “Can’t believe I hngh- almost died without havin’ a taste of this pretty pussy.”
“Sweetheart.” he mocks.
You shiver with each feverish puff of hot breath blown right onto your clothed cunt. And even more so when you’re feeling such a long, slender finger slide in through the translucent fabric. 
Fuck, Gojo swallows thickly, bunching up your skirt. You were so sopping wet he could almost see the outline of his index through your panties. He slides the back of it slowly up and down. Heavy balls squeezing painfully at the volume of your saturated slick collecting on his digit, just trailing glossily down to his deft wrist. 
Mesmerized, your jaw falls slack at the sight down below of Gojo - cloudy hair mussed, cheeks all pink and burning a blushing rouge, tongue darting out to catch each stray drop of your sweet sweet juices. Drip! Drip! Drip! 
“Oh- sh-shiiit-” he rasps, lowly, mulling over your honeyed taste. Sounding so awed, breath hitching when Gojo tugs your panties just enough to the side to catch a mere glimpse of your messy cunt. Glistening and winking down lewdly at him. “S’jus’ you n’ me right now, huh?”
You don’t know who exactly he’s talking to - and you don’t get to find out, because that’s all it takes for Gojo’s kiss-bitten lips to clash messily against your cunt - panties and all. 
A soft swipe of his tongue glides the fabric to the side, so depraved, so needy that for that split-second he’s tasting you, he can’t even think of removing it. One taste of your sweetened pussy and he can’t even bear the thought of breaking apart, licking up in long, languid stripes that wet the very front of your swollen folds. 
Just the taste of you had him palming desperately at the tent in his pants, rubbing up and down at a pace that matched his rummaging tongue.
The very edge of your tastebuds rub so deliciously in teasing circles around the corners of your dripping silt, your inner thighs. 
“S-s’toru-” you’re letting out such throaty, dragged-out groans that send every drop of blood in Gojo’s body thumping to his achy cock. “Don’t be such a- a tease.”
You’re locking your glassy eyes with him and he feels like he could pass out. Groaning and smacking into your cunt, “Tell me- fuck fuck fuck- tell me what you want, sweetheart. Anything.” Your entire body arches into his hot mouth like such a slut, when he bullies between your folds. Barely flicking against the sensitive nub of your clit. “Everything. Anything for you.”  
When you’re weaving your fingers deliriously through his silky soft strands, he babbles, “Oh fuck- yeah, pull on my hair.” One of his hands come down to grip onto your panties, pulling the fabric so that you revel in the filthy friction. “Use me while you ride m’face, okay?”
With that, his mouth is sagging open even further letting your thighs straddle the entirety of his face so easily. So close. So messy how he was carding his tongue from the very base of your pussy, up into your quivering entrance.
“Fuck–” you’re whining, grinding into his touch when he wraps his soft lips around your clit. Barely even easing you with syrupy, wet circles of his heated tongue before sucking. Harsh. Depraved. But so, so him. “Don’- don’ stop, feels too good–!”
You didn’t know if he heard you, fuck you didn’t even know if Gojo was even breathing. 
Even if he wanted to stop - he didn’t think he could. Because he was so ravenous between your legs, forcing your pliant body into such smooth gyrations on his tongue. Silken, soft, such sultry licks of his tongue on your clit. 
Electricity sparks behind your eyes when with a wet slurp! he smacks away from your pretty pussy, “You think- you think I can stop?” And he sounds so genuinely in disbelief, as if the very thought of it was appalling. Through heavy, lingering kisses and sucks onto your clit, Gojo’s managing to get out, “I can’t have enough. Fuck- please.” The very rounded pads of his fingers dig so bruisingly into the flesh of your ass, jiggling and kneading with every drag of your hips. He’s begging at this point, “Fuck yourself on my face. Rougher, faster, c’mon now. You can do it, my sweetheart.” 
He was so fucking desperate, big fat tears almost welling in his eyes while he whined underneath you. Groping so obscenely at his sweltering hot erection. How could you not listen?
“If you say so.”
Using the vice-like grip on his locks, you’re managing to leverage your motions even deeper. Rougher, like he’d wanted. Every protesting creak of the bedpost was accompanied by a synchronized whimpering of ah! ah! ah! coming from both your mouths. 
“S’it good?” he gasps, and all you could see was the flushed upper half of his features. And the lower half - fuck, though the peaks and cracks you could make out just how glisteningly wet it was with all of your messy cunt. His lips were just drenched, slick-soaked mouth making out harshly with your pussy through your panties. Trailing all the way down in a glossy sheen over the lower half of his face, dripping off his chin, fuck- up to his cheekbones- 
As if that wasn’t enough, the massive palm resting at your thigh comes dancing down to tease around your sopping wet entrance. 
If you were in the right state of mind, you could’ve sworn that you heard a sharp rip! coming from that poor tattered fabric of your underwear right then and there. 
“Tell me- fuck fuck fuck- use that pretty voice of yours please.” Still suckling lewdly on your clit, his cheeks hollow out . Entire body just jolting upwards, forcing you to press down harder with your motions. “Use me. Use me.”
“S-so–” you mewl when his slender fingers bully easily past that first ring of muscle. So many cold inches of his digits, feeling around determinedly inside your heated, gummy walls for those sweet spots that will make you whine. “So loud, Toru-” you’re spitting, meshing his mouth even harder with yours down below. And you can practically feel him smirk against your cunt. “For someone that wants this s-so hngh! bad you sure are-”
Right there.
Gojo Satoru had just crashed into the spongy cavern of your g-spot - easily, at that. And there was such a crazed, sloppy sting to each of his movements. Smashing in over and over-
“Heh…tha’s how I l-like it.” he’s spying up at your trembly thighs, the way his overworked lips were being coated with a fresh wave of our honeyed slick with each passing second. “Good girl- gooood fuckin’ girl–” 
Hazily, you’re wondering whether it doesn’t hurt. Whether his weepy cock ached just as badly as it looked, how his tongue isn’t fucking cramping up by now. 
But he goes on - like he couldn’t stop, like he was out of control. A greedy little push and pull, dragging his tongue all over until you saw flashes of white. Until you could only scream out his name like a mantra. Until you were cumming. 
“Fuck- fuck fuck fuck- Toru!” your slurring out a mile a minute. Both of your hands now steadfast on his head, riding out your high all over Gojo’s pretty, pretty face. And he let you - fuck, he let you. “M’cumming- shit, feel so good. M’cumming-”
So good, so filthy that it made your toes curl, your hips stutter sloppily. Arching like such a slut, you could barely even see properly. Your breath was coming out in such labored heaves at this point, and Gojo wasn’t any better. 
It was like he couldn’t stop, happily drinking up every single, sticky drop your cunt had to offer. Pussydrunken eyes drooping shut, unable to let out anything but satisfied grunts. The muscle of his tongue is just frenzied in eager slips and slides along your cunt - absolutely no rhythm or method right now. Sucking, licking, biting anywhere he could possibly reach. 
“F-fuck–” you’re crying out tearily once the very peak of your orgasm fades, and all that’s left are a few overstimulated tingles being wrenched out by a greedy Gojo. “Toru, m’done.” You tug desperately on his hair - but even that doesn’t bate him the slightest bit. “S’getting too much- fuck-”
“Awww, too much for my girl?” he’s cooing, the words jumbling together in his drunken state. There’s a glossy mess of spit and slick drooling down the corners of his smirk. “Does this cute cunt of yours need a break?”
At your barely-lucid nod, it only grows wider. Smugger. “Too bad-” And Gojo’s just taunting you with a final, long lick up the very core of your pussy, “Because if I almost hah- died without her once, then you best believe m’gonna c-crawl back from death for ya each and every single time.”
It takes his strong arms - even bruised and battered through battle - only two whole seconds to plop you back down prettily onto his lap. Right over where his angry cock was just weeping for attention. And suddenly, it hurts without you. “So you’re not getting a break anytime soon. Maybe tomorrow.”
“Ha ha.” You’re rolling your eyes, “Very funny.”
“Mhm.” Gojo looks up at you through his white lashes, and you can only watch when he brings up his syrupy-sweet, glossy fingers up to his mouth. One by one. Sucking. Slowly, looking right into your eyes. It makes your mouth just salivate. “Got that right.”
The sheets billow behind you when you’re fumbling deftly with his shirt, all but ripping - tearing that stupid thing off of his form. Your skirt and top are soon to follow - his jaw clenches with the slight strain, leaving it in poor tatters on the floor.
“Shit- shit you’ve been-” his mouth just waters when your tits are released from your bra. Jiggling tantalizingly in his face in a way that makes him bury into it. “-been holding out on me.”
“Oh-” you let out, traitorously, at the first sight of each curve and divot along his milky sculpted body. Gojo Satoru was serious about dressing up like Toji, and no matter how much his t-shirt looked so sinfully painted on - actually seeing it was something else. “You’re so pretty, Toru.” You smooth your palms down his large shoulders, the faint scars between his pecs, his abs - that scar. Stark and large, Shoko had done her best work, but it still looked so painful. It must feel so, too, being sewn back together like some ragdoll. He catches the way your expression dampers - of course, he does. “Toru…”
Gojo winces when your fingers glide over that jagged scar. But if that was pain, then it was absolutely nothing compared to the pure, unadulterated fear when you abruptly pull your hands away. 
“S-sorry- I didn’t mean to-”
“No!” he cuts you off, wrapping his long fingers around your wrist. All but dragging it - right along with you - to his still-healing body. “Touch me. Hurts more when you don’t.”
You’re batting your lashes up at him in a way that makes his heart stutter, and his poor, angry cock twitch. “Hurts me when you lie.”
“M’not lying, see?” With a low nod of his head, he’s gesturing you to look down - where it was unmissable. 
Because straddled right in-between your pussy lips was Gojo’s erect cock - proud and so prominent, even through his pants. With the sheer girth bulging upwards you could feel your greedy pussy dampen over the cloth in anticipation. 
“Well…” He’s throwing his head back when you knead your palm over the very end of his print, “I can’t quite see-”
Gojo takes the hint - and you have to bite your lip from teasing that it was quite possibly the only hint you’d thrown his way that he’d actually understood. But it was so hard to - not when he was this eager. 
And, on those long, lonely nights, you’d imagined that your best friend would be suave, infinitely collected with things like this. 
But, no, he was fumbling and jittery with his movements. So needy to please you that it takes you to help him pull down his tight, sticky boxers over the curving muscle of his thighs. 
“O-oh fuck–” you breathe out, when he finally springs out. Sweeping up and down each and every long, thick inch of him - Gojo was as hard as if he was carved out of fucking diamond. Such a furious, rosy red at his leaky tip, glistening down, down, down into the most mouth-watering shade of creamy pink at his thick hilt. He was so big. Your thighs squeeze together in sultry need - with a slight tinge of fear. So unfairly pretty - even like this. “You’re- you’re so much bigger than I’d imagined, Toru.” 
No sooner are the words out of your mouth that you’re being flashed with his dark smirk once more, “You imagined this?” There’s a slight reverence to his voice, scared. 
It almost makes you shy - and Gojo can practically sense the waves of embarrassment rolling off of you. 
“Awww, come back to me, please, pretty- Please-” he purrs, cupping your cheeks. “I came hah- back, didn’t I?” You’re being jostled to and fro when he rests himself more comfortably on the bed, leaning back to admire you further. “And now-” Your breath hitches in your throat when he situates himself right in-between your thighs, the fat curve of his head so swelteringly kissing your folds. Drenching it in his thick precum, “-now m’never gonna let ya go.” 
Fuck, you know you should heave in a few gasps of hair, you know you should relax, maybe even stretch your legs wide open.
Because Gojo was so fucking big, it felt like he was splitting you from the inside out. Just the slight push of his tip bullying between your folds has you moaning - crying.  
“You- you’re so big-” Your nails dig into the plush of his pecs for stability, leaving neat crescent patterns that stand out redly. “S’like you’re reaching into my hngh- l-lungs-”
Just those words have him expanding even deeper, ruddying even more furiously. Gojo gets so much bigger that you just can’t help but sink yourself down his shaft, feeling your elastic walls contort so easily around his length. 
“H-heh– ohhh-” he breathes out - baritone voice lilting a few pitches higher than usual. The hands around your waist grab you even harsher, feeding you each inch by fucking inch of his fat, pulsing cock. “You got me- so–” His hips thrust upwards in mindless little jabs, “-fucked up, right now, sweetheart.”
And while all you can do is whine and moan around his unforgiving cock, Gojo babbles on, “B-better get ready ngh- because I’m gonna be riiiight-” His thick index draws and invisible line up, up, up to somewhere midway up your stomach. Before pressing down. Brandingly. “-here.”
The pressure is enough to have your hips just slamming down with a wet smack! all the way to his hilt. The slap of skin-on-skin rings through the heady air and into both your drunken brains, making him just throw his head back into the plush pillows. 
“Yes-” you’re keening, your fingers wrapping subconsciously around Gojo’s pretty throat to have him facing you once more. He was so gorgeous this way - blue eyes falling shut with pleasure, mouth bitten raw and parted into a soft oh! pale muscles twitching with each breath. So fucked-out already that it almost made you think the sight alone could have you cumming. “Look at me, Toru- hah- gonna make up for lost time, right? Gonna fuck me good?”
His answering nods are more than enough, but Gojo doesn’t just stop there - no, he’s putting in every bit of last strength he has to just hammer into you upwards. Meeting every one of your relentless bounces down on him, he just clashes into your ravaged g-spot.
“Oh yeah, my girl.” he spits, a twinkling trail of drool dripping down the side of his lips. Crushing you so tight to his hardened front, “Ride me- ride me jus’ like that. Fuck- thought I saw heaven on the battlefield but it might jus’ be this pussy-” Over and over.
The back of your hand ends up on his forehead, “I think you’ve got a concussion.” It was in every little touch - that “something stupid.”  
At your surprised giggles, he’s rummaging your insides even more ferociously. Smushing the very end of his thick head against your spongy cervix. It was so soft, so swelteringly hot having him inside you. Clashing in long, wet glides against every inch of your pussy. 
The stretch was dizzying - and if it hadn’t been for Gojo’s lips attacking yours, then you’d have let your head loll backwards. It’s like he was marking you from the inside out, bruising the plushy insides of your cunt to every ridge and thumping vein down his possessive cock. 
“Spit on me.” 
His sudden plea puffs out of his plump lips, startling you out of your cockdrunk little reverie. “Spit on me, please, pretty. Mmpf-”
Gojo whimpers - whimpers - when the thick wad of your saliva hits his pink tongue, and the action has him delving into you impossibly deeper. Planting two feet onto the mattress, he angles his hips into your tight channel even harsher. Grimacing at the slight twinge of pain, “Shit-”
“Wait wait- please- let me-” Expectedly, he’s cutting you off frantically. Begging, pleading with everything he had before activating reversed curse technique more. “Wanna fuck this gorgeous cunt so bad- fuck fuck fuck-”
But you’re only grinding your hips down faster - all the way from the pretty pink tip of his cock, until your ass massages against his tight, cum-filled balls. Thwacking! against your skin deliciously, pushing you up to scratch your clit against his snowy pubes. 
A few more unapologetic kisses up against your sweet spots have you blinking back stars, “Toru–” Your swiveling motions have him so hypnotized, following every move where his massive cock was disappearing in and out of your snug hole. “Kiss me-”
Oh, you didn’t even have to ask.
It’s such a sloppy kiss - all teeth and lips and Gojo grunting gutturally into your mouth. Letting you just use him like your favorite toy, fucking him until the bed creaked with effort and Gojo’s balls just smacked! angrily.
“Oh, sweetheart,” he whispers. Drinking in your saccharine sweet gasps when he dips down one of his hands to your puffy clit, rolling the soft edge of his thumb in slow, methodical circles. “You’re gonna be the ah- d-death of me.”
Your hand around his throat tightens, making his eyes just roll back in ecstacy. “Better not die on me just y-yet, Toru. Not now, not tomorrow.”
For this, you’re being gifted with such a tight squeeze of his two fingers around your sensitive nub. Wracking your body forwards - exactly where he wanted you, exactly where he needed you to smash his sobbing tip into your g-spot. 
The stimulation is too much, and each of your pressurized slams down onto the sharp bones on Gojo’s v-line have him moaning. Bucking up helplessly whenever your heavenly walls drag sloppily up his shaft, like it hurt to not have each and every one of his heated inches buried inside. 
“Well- then-” You’re riding him now just as much as he was fucking up into you, leaving a damp puddle of slick and dredges of precum on the sheets below. Gojo’s punctuating each word with a harsh battering ram, “Better- cum f’me soon, huh? Because m’not gonna- fuck-” His nagging tip jolts into your sweet spots as if being zapped with white-hot electricity, in such a sloppy staccato with his feverish fingers. “-fuck I don’t think m’gonna last long.”
You’re nodding your head, clinging onto him like a second skin. “Mhm- m’so close, Toru.” Biting down wetly on his lower lip, “-gonna cum soon.”
Just the thought of it has him keening, stuttering up so messily. His precum coats your insides even more slippery slick, so heated in a way he thinks he might just explode. 
“I know, I know, sweetheart–” he’s simpering down in your tone, though his hips were anything but. Letting out some of the lewdest slurps that made your ears ring. “I got you. I got you, cum all over my cock, yeah?”
It only takes a few more mess strokes from both of your sweat-sheened bodies before you finally reach your high. Electricity thrums down your veins, your body arches so deeply into his. Bending into the perfect bow that has him spying down at your quivering folds, the way your gushing cunt expands and contracts through each and every one of your waves of pleasure. 
And he’s fucking you through it so filthy, fingers toying so erratically on your clit. Still reeling, still smashing the very divot of his cock into your bruised g-spot. Again and again.
“Ohh- fuuuck—” Gojo whines, eyes scrunching shut. Strained. Depraved. “Fuck fuck fuck me- please, please m’gonna-”
He doesn’t even get to finish his sentence before he’s stuffing your snug pussy full with ribbon after ribbon of thick, velvety cum. Potent seed coating your gummy walls in such a milky sweet gloss, the squelches from below are so loud. So soppingly wet. 
The hand at your waist moves down to where your poor cunt was just bulging with all inches of his spazzing cock. Gojo’s thumbing apart the corners of your slit just enough that his swelteringly hot cum oozes out of you in a slow trail. Sinful. 
“Oh my god-” he breathes, eyes unwavering. Hips thrusting upwards to push his cum up into you even deeper. It glistens opaquely down his length, forming a creamy ring at his thick base. “Oh my god love you- fuck!”
“Toru- m’so full-” you whine. A hand of yours coming up to press exactly where he had before, except now you could feel the nudging pace of his ruthless cock, the sloshing of Gojo’s seed all up inside you. “-really can feel you right here.”
“Tha’s the point, girl - my girl, should I say.” he’s pressing such a chaste kiss to your lips. And it would be swee - almost - if it wasn’t for the way Gojo’s greedy fingers soak themselves in the obscene mess from your cunt down below. Bringing them all the way up, up, up to his mouth. Suckling gently, “But…but you wanna hear something stupid?”
Your eyes widen, “Wh-what?”
And he only grins,  “I hope you know I love you, sweetheart. Because you sure as hell aren’t walking tomorrow.”
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A/N. Can y’all tell I’ve been widowed not too long ago? Anyways, last post before kínktober! I tried posting this on Sunday but it refused to work so pray for me this time y’all *SOBS* <3
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bratbby333 · 5 months
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satosugu & their favorite lady ♡ poly head cannons
`⭐︎ ˑ ִֶָ 𓂃⊹ bc who doesn't love when their two boyfriends are also bf + bf?
nsfw mdni; fem!reader, 3sum, anäl, dbl. penētration, oral, yaoi, use of pet names. banner fan art from pinterest
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poor suguru, having to work overtime to keep the two of you in check—your unyielding energy bounces off of satoru's childlike enthusiasm, creating quite an unhinged environment. and of course geto switches into dad-mode when it comes to y'all, but he wouldn't have it any other way...not willing to give up what he has, loving how silly his lovers are.
satoru’s definitely the physical touch lover while suguru handles words of affirmation: they take turns showering you in praise in the form of soft touches and gentle kisses while they removing your clothes, two sets of hands running up and down your soft skin.
this dynamic also manifests in public, with satoru being your go-to for steamy dancing and drunken make-out sessions in the middle of the club, while suguru sits observantly at a table off to the side.
when he finally feels that it’s time to go, he’ll join the two of you on the dance floor, his chest pressed flush with your back as you continue to lock lips with satoru. you grind against him, assuming he's finally joining in on all the fun. but his hands pull at your hips before running up your body and cupping the underside of your jaw, quite literally having to peel your mouth away from satoru's. "hey...wha- i wasn't done," you grumble. suguru only chuckles in response. "let's get outta here, you two..." he mumbles. satoru attempts to reconnect his lips with yours before a stern "satoru," rumbles from suguru's chest. your blue-eyed lover pouts, of course, before reluctantly agreeing.
suguru loves hitting it from the back while you suck satoru off, the sloppy sounds of both your holes filling the heady air the room as the three of you chase your releases
and of course, satoru would get creative and suggest a challenge, a little competition to see who finishes first, just for funsies; "bet i'd last the longest". he'd be so fucking smug about it, too. and nine times out of ten, you and suguru would create an alliance and work together to literally break satoru; not only does he finish first but he cums over, and over, and over again. you and sugu take turns bringing him to his breaking point, and after his third orgasm, he's begging to switch so he can get one of you off instead. but you just can't stop. and why would you? he just looks so pretty as his hips buck off the bed, sweat glistening on his skin with his flustered cheeks and swollen lips, while his body trembles with every gasping breath. you swear he does this shit on purpose, plotting for this outcome because he's been feeling super needy lately.
they just love pleasing their precious girl
you're straddling suguru, your forearms resting against his chest as your nails dig into his skin. satoru is pounding into you from behind, his hands anchored on your hips. he tucks his chin into his clavicle to watch as your gushing cunt sucks him in so greedily. suguru pulls your head down, your cheek resting against his shoulder as his fingers reach under you to play with your clit, sultry words of praise leaving his lips and going straight to your listening ears, "feels good, doesn't it baby? uh uh, don't move. keep takin' him...y'doin so good." you whimper as toru’s impressive length reaches unimaginable depths inside you, the sweet squelches of your needy pussy spurring him on as he drives into you even harder. sugu’s fingers keep working at your throbbing clit while you bite and suck on his neck, interrupted by the symphony of soft ahh’s and ooo’s falling from your swollen lips. a few more rough thrusts and rapid circles against your clit and you’re falling apart on satoru’s cock, spraying all over the their thighs. you gasp and whine when you feel satoru pull out, only for suguru to lift you up and quickly take his place, sheathing himself in your pulsing walls. “you ready, baby?” you glance over you shoulder, watching as satoru sucks his fingers into his mouth, a cheeky smirk on his face, your cock drunk brain too dizzy to respond. you nod, groaning at the feeling of his long, slender digits playing with your ass, dipping in to the second knuckle. satoru works to stretch you out in preparation for you to take them both. your face contorts at the dull ache. "look at me...focus on me, princess," suguru rasps, redirecting your attention to him as he slowly pumps in and out of your gummy walls. your nails scratch down his chest as you rest your forehead against his, breathing deeply in an attempt to relax your body for the inevitable stretch. you already feel so full, your pussy absolutely drenched, your arousal dribbling out around sugu’s girth, but you grow even wetter in anticipation for your two boyfriends to take you at the same time
and if you thought it would be a peaceful transition into sleep after y'all finish fucking, you would be sorely mistaken...the three of you constantly fight for the middle spot in the bed. correction, you and satoru are the ones bickering. as the two of you argue, suguru finds his place and waits for y'all to follow suit, and more often than not, it's suguru in the middle, laying on his back, as you and satoru tuck yourselves under each of his arms and curling into his side, legs thrown over his waist.
it's a very balanced relationship. the three of y'all have your designated nights to cook dinner, your assigned spots on the couch (though you occasionally fight over what to watch), a copasetic routine for showering, going to work, running errands together. and when one of y'all is out of town for work, the two left over keep each other company. it's perfect, a home full of love and laughter.
y'all loooove having threesomes, but sometimes it's too much logistically. and that's totally fine...nothing wrong with some one on one action, whether it be you and toru or sugu and you or the two men having their fun alone.
you arrive home, expecting to be entrapped in a double bearhug by your two boyfriends, only to hear moans and grunts echoing down the hallway. you laugh to yourself as you make your way upstairs. opening the bedroom door, you're greeted by a smiling suguru being topped off by his blond counterpart. "hey baby, how was work?" he asks casually, not even acknowledging the fact that he's actively getting head. you smile softly, walking to the edge of the bed and placing a gentle peck on suguru's waiting lips. "mmm, it was a pretty rough shift...i'm gonna go take a long, hot shower," you reply, exhaustion evident in your voice. satoru sits up, continuing to jerk suguru off. with his free hand, he wipes the spit from his chin, grinning ear to ear as you lean in to kiss him, too. "you sure you don't wanna join us?" "not right now, toru, but i might when i get out," you smile as you walk to the dresser, grabbing a change of clothes before heading toward the master bathroom. you turn back around to face the two of them, giggling at the disappointed looks on their faces. when the door closes, the wet sounds and breathy moans fill the bedroom once more. but of course, not even five minutes into your peaceful shower, your back is pressed up against the tile wall as satoru's tongue laps at your throbbing clit. "this is the best way to decompress, baby," he says before his fingers dip into your core and his lips reattach to your sensitive bud. "f-fuck, toru...feels s'good..." as you surrender to the bliss, you hear the bathroom door open and close. seems like suguru was feeling left out. so much for your alone time, huh?
loneliness is no longer apart of the equation for you. after years of failed relationships and agonizing heartbreaks, you have finally found peace, your yin and yang. you have your boys, and they have you.
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author notes: stsg has had me in a fuckin chokehold recently so i had to get this outta my head. i just rly rly want two boyfriends so so bad and i want my two boyfriends to also be boyfriends. ugh. is that too much to ask? ♡
©bratbby333 on tumblr. all rights reserved. please do not distribute. 2024.
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viaxslz · 21 days
₊ ✦‎ . . . ₊ 𓈀 🫧 SKZ WHEN THEY WANT KISSES
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享受 ! .°. ݁₊ 𐙚 gn!reader, cw: pet name, this has been in my drafts for a while,not proofread :P
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Chan would just straight up tell you. Bud doesn’t waste anytime and just goes straight to the point. “Hey y/n can you please give me a kiss?” He blurted out, out of nowhere. “But didn’t you—“ he cut you off by placing his lips on yours.
His lips would be puckered like a duck whenever you’re near him. But you’re too oblivious to get the hint causing him to get more needy. “Come on y/n just give me a kiss already” he whined, almost on the verge of giving up. “Oh! Is that why you’ve been acting like a duck??” You giggled placing a kiss on his cheeks just to tease him. “Hey! Not my cheeks my lips!” He grumbled pulling you closer, placing the kiss on your lips by himself.
“Come on babe, don’t you think I deserve a kiss? I’ve been the best boyfriend today. I literally did whatever you asked for” Changbin pouted following you around the house like a lost puppy. “No you ate my ice cream that specifically said DO NOT touch!” Your rolled your eyes as you continued to judge the channels showing on the tv. A small smile tugged the corner of your lips as you tried to avoid eye contact with Changbin. You finally gave up and pecked his lips.
“Don’t forget to call me if you maybe burn the house!” You added, opening the door to leave. “Ah!” Hyunjin stopped you by grabbing your arms. “???” You gave him a questioning look. “You’re forgetting something princess” he smirked leaning closer. “No I’m sure I carried everything” you responded with a skeptical look. “Nope!” He shook his head pointing his index finger towards his lips. You sighed with a chuckle, leaning in closer to close the gap between the both of you.
Han furrowed his eyebrows as you instantly rejected his attempt to kiss you. He tackled you down to the couch licking the back of your ears causing you to squirm under him. “Hannie stop it tickles” you giggled trying to break free from his grip. “Nuh uh. Not until you give me a kiss” he added leaning over to your ear once more. “Alright, alright I’ll give you a kiss!” You gave in. Han smiled with satisfaction as he pulled away, puckering his lips towards you excepting a kiss on his lips.
“Mmm my lips are so dry right now” Felix pouted as he watched you apply your chapstick. “Then use this” you handed him your chapstick not bothering to spare him a glance. “No I don’t want your chapstick” he pushed your hand away. “I want your lips on mine” he smirked gently using his hand to turn your head. “Wha—“ he cut you off by placing a soft and tender kiss on your lips.
Seungmin definitely wouldn’t tell you how desperately he wants your kiss. So he’ll just find an excuse. “Hold on y/n there’s something on your face” he spoke softly tugging you closer to him. He placed one hand on your waist the other cupping your jaw as he pretend to analyze your face. With no warnings he leaned in closer pecking your lips. “You could’ve just told me you wanted a kiss you know” you spoke playfully rolling your eyes.
“You’ve been awfully quiet today” you pointed out, glancing over at your shoulders from the kitchen. “Well maybe it’s because someone didn’t give me any kiss today” he grumbled folding his arms over his chest. “Innie what are you saying?” You raised an eyebrow at him. “What I’m saying is, I want a kiss” he responded walking closer to you. “Now kiss me!” He demanded puckering his lips towards you.
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PERM TAGLIST 📌🔖 ──── @the-sea-called-history02 @oc3anfloor
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rose-tinted-kalopsia · 6 months
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≡;-꒰ 𝑿𝑨𝑽𝑰𝑬𝑹 ꒱₊˚ ପ⊹ I  𝒀𝒐𝒖𝒕𝒊𝒇𝒖𝒍
╰┈➤ ❝ xavier x afab!reader | smut nsfw 18+ mdni
tags : softdom!xavier, reader has negative thoughts, implications of depression (not explicitly stated/mentioned), implication of self-harm (scars) (not detailed), slight arguing (ish), cuddling, praise and reassurance, kissing and making out, nipple play, slight clit play, fingering, soft and lazy foreplay, use of pet names "angel" "princess", lmk if i missed any tags !! ((slightly unedited))
note : the depiction of depression in this work does not mean to generalize; please keep in mind that different people can experience depression very differently!
wc : 6.1k
youtiful masterlist | works masterlist
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You blew your hair out of your face as you walked quietly, your footsteps moving slow as you climbed the staircase of your apartment complex. Your hand was loosely holding the upper arm opposite to it, and you sighed.
You couldn't even practice your own profession without making things harder for everyone.
You bit back a grimace recalling the low-level Wanderer that you had even barely managed to kill—how embarrassing! Sure, maybe it had been particularly difficult for you to get proper sleep, and, sure, maybe it had been just as hard for you to find your appetite enough to eat as much as you should be eating—
But the point still stood.
You were supposed to be an accomplished Hunter, and yet, here you were, walking home with wound marks from a Wanderer that most beginners could easily defeat.
If Jenna and the rest of the team knew...
You shook your head.
They shouldn't know...
You grimly moved your thumb over the sensor of your door lock, when your ears picked up the sound of light footsteps.
It was as if by instinct that you whipped your head around almost immediately, and when your eyes fell upon a set of very familiar blue ones, you almost felt yourself shrink back.
"...Oh," was all he said for a moment, stopping a few feet away from you, tilting his head to the side. You knew that look; he was observing you. He had obviously found the situation odd, obviously found something wrong and out of place with it, and you weren't particularly surprised—Xavier was always observant.
But you let your arms drop to the side, pulling down your sleeves to the tips of your fingers, and unfortunately, you couldn't help yourself from being a little awkward.
"Um... Hi?" You supplied, attempting a crooked smile.
Xavier didn't reply for a moment, and the silence made your heart beat uncomfortably in your chest.
And then,
"You didn't answer," he spoke, finally.
When you gave him a confused look, he gestured towards the pocket of your jeans, where he always knew your phone was.
You winced.
"Oh... Right... Sorry. I, uh? I was kind of busy..."
Your gaze fell to the ground.
"...Okay," Xavier spoke again after a while, but you heard him take a step forward. "I was worried, so I came down to check."
Another pause—
"What were you busy with?"
Your heart thrummed loudly in your chest, and you still refused to look up at him, in fear of making your lie all the more easier for him to dismiss: "Just a little morning outing with Tara!" You tried your best to sound a little energetic.
"So.... You're okay?"
You could feel his eyes boring right into you, and he took another few steps forward until you could see the tips of his shoes from where you stood looking at the ground.
By some magnetic force, your were drawn to look up almost meekly into his eyes, and you knew instantly that it was a giveaway. You faltered when your gazes met; Xavier's eyes were always so impossibly blue that you could never bring yourself to look away once you'd started.
"...Hey... Are you sure?" You watched a small frown grace his features then, and perhaps, it was what triggered what seemed to be a pre-programmed response to any sign of disapproval.
You put up your best smile, and nodded your head. "Yeah! I'm fine! Great, even!"
"But... The way you're standing—"
Xavier reached out as if to grab your arm, but your eyes widened.
You quickly twisted away.
Feeling your heart beat faster, you turned to unlock your door, already taking a step inside. "Nothing's wrong!" You insisted, still smiling cheerfully at him. "I'm feeling absolutely peachy! Just a normal day out! Just, you know. Socializing can get tiring sometimes, right? I'll just, um, get some rest before the banquet later—"
Xavier was observant.
He was always observant.
You knew this, and yet, you had clearly underestimated it.
"...Your blouse..." He murmured, still frowning slightly as his gaze shifted to your collar. It was upturned, and you'd missed a button. Your breath hitched in your throat when you realized that he could easily piece things together from this if you let him study you any longer.
In a rush, you reached over to fix your blous, and then looked back up at him with a nervous laugh. You put your arms in front of you to wave them with denial. "Don't mind it! I, uh... I didn't notice. I must've looked silly all day, haha...!"
And then you noticed your next mistake.
Xavier's eyes slowly traveled lower, and you gasped as you realized that your blouse had ridden up with your sudden movements, exposing a cut on your waist from the Wanderer that you had been fighting. There was no hiding it now, even as you cleared your throat and hurriedly pulled and straightened your shirt.
"You're hurt."
It was a simple statement, and the soft concern in his voice made you exhale slowly.
No, you thought, not now, Xavier...
"I-it's just a little cut. I can deal with it! I know how to treat my own wounds—"
"But you always treat my wounds."
That frown again.
Your mouth went dry.
"...Yes, but... This is... This is different, I'm fine, it's just... Just one cut..."
This time, Xavier's frown deepened, and he didn't say anything else. Instead, he pulled you in through your own door, into your own appartment, and pointed directly towards the couch—
"Sit down."
You chewed on your bottom lip, watching as he walked further into the unit and into your bathroom.
His voice was cold.
It was one you hadn't heard quite often; one he only used when he was... serious. And most notably, one he used more often with other people than yourself.
Your heart sank.
I've really done it this time... you thought, sitting down neevously on your couch and folding your hands neatly onto your lap. You chewed on the inside of your bottom lip.
Your thoughts were going a mile a minute—he was upset, he was angry. He was going to come back out of there and scold you and tell you off, and you could easily have a fight right then and there because you were so needlessly incompetent—
The door shut.
Xavier knew your apartment like the back of his hand, having been over so often, that it didn't take long for him to find what he was looking for—a few moments, and he emerged from the bathroom holding your familiar first-aid kit.
You felt meek as he walked over, footsteps heavier than usual, getting on his knees in front of you... But he didn't say a single word. He remained silent even as he lifted up your blouse, respectful enough not to lift it unnecessarily high, only just enough to expose your cut. It's kind of him, you thought, the simple action easing your nerves slightly. Despite the fact that you had been intimate several times before, he would still respect your space—even if he was obviously displeased in the moment.
But displeased, he was.
There was tension, and it was undeniable.
Your heart continued to beat rapidly in your chest, feeling small as he treated your wound.
"...It's our day off," he spoke curtly then.
Ah, you thought, now he's addressing the lie I told him...
"...Yeah..." you whispered quietly.
"Jenna knows we have the banquet later on."
"...i know..."
Xavier looked up, frowning, and you bit your lip at the iciness in his stare. "You know, and yet you went out and got yourself hurt."
"Th- there was a wanderer—"
"And you decided you could take it on your own, is that it?"
"B-but I did! It's gone now, and I—"
"It's gone, and you're injured. On. Your. Day. Off."
You swallow down a protest, your lips quivering slightly. You didn't know anymore, if it was the sting from the disinfectant that brought tears to your eyes, or this unusually cold demeanor that you were witnessing from him.
Or, you thought grimly, perhaps it was both.
But it was almost as if Xavier did not notice as he cleaned up your wound, reaching into the kit to bandage it. He kept a solemn, expressionless face, and the silence was loud. Uncomfortable.
"...Xavier..." Your voice came out as barely a whisper, and then he shifted to turn completely to the kit, almost as if rummaging through it.
"I'll need to take off your shirt," he spoke somewhat matter-of-factly, but he still refused to look up at you.
"...H- huh?"
"How many wounds do you have?"
You gulped. "...Just... just this one..."
Another silence.
He paused, and you almost wished that the ground would swallow you whole.
And yet still, again, was the kindness from his usual gentle nature—because he still asked for your permission. He knew well that you never took of your top completely in front of him, always preferring it on even on nights he would make love to you.
...But something told you that he wouldn't be entirely happy to let it go in this moment.
You faltered when he turned his head.
"Don't lie to me."
He narrowed his eyes.
It was a simple statement, and a valid one—you had indeed been lying to him, since the moment he'd caught you in the hallway. And yes, you deserved chastisement for it. Of course you did! When was it ever a good thing to lie so much to your partner? To avoid them and their care? You knew you were being pathetic and he had every right to be upset with you, but—
You swallowed down the lump in your throat, feeling tears prick at your eyes again.
"...Don't..." you pleaded, your voice small. You closed your eyes, bowing your head and moving to draw your knees up to your chest, withdrawing into a closed position. "Don't be like this, Xavier, please... Y- you're scaring me..."
Another apprehensive silence followed after your words, and you felt yourself shiver.
But in the next second, Xavier sighed.
There was a shift in weight on the couch as he sat beside you, and then his hands reached over to rest on top of yours. His touch this time was warm. Gentle. A stark contrast to his earlier treatment.
"...I'm sorry, angel," he murmured. The use of his nickname for you made your heart skip a beat, and he rubbed soft circles over the back of your hand. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean it like that, I just... Look at me? Please?"
In response, you loosened your hold over your knees, and grip his hand tightly in yours. After a moment, you raised your hed with a pout, your eyes glistening with tears that threatened to spill. But his gaze was soft again—so gentle and loving like you had always known it to be.
"...'M just worried, angel," he whispered, continuing the soft, comforting strokes over your hand. "I... You promised me last time that you wouldn't be reckless, and, angel... You've been so distant lately..."
You watched as his eyes softened into a look of sadness, and your lips quivered.
"I... want you to honor your promise, that's all. These days... In our missions, you've become less cautious, more reckless... More involved with work and more distant with me and with everyone, and I just—I worry about you, angel. I... I don't understand what's going on, and just now, I let my emotions get the better of me, and I... I shouldn't have. I'm sorry."
His apology came out chopped, a little uncertain around the edges, as if he couldn't find the right words to truly say to you. But his voice remained quiet and soothing, no longer as cold and icy as it had been moments ago.
"Talk to me?" he pleaded. "Please, angel?"
And you figured that you should.
This was Xavier, after all—your boyfriend, and the most loving person that you had ever known. You owed him an explanation.
...But your heart remained heavily set in your chest.
You were hesitant.
"I... I don't know how..." You managed to get out, swallowing thickly once more.
Xavier's eyes were so blue, so bright, so kind as he looked at you.
Your gaze dropped back down to your knees.
"...I don't know how to do anything anymore," you whispered. "Even if I tried to explain it to you, I wouldn't know what to say, it's just... It's so much easier to ignore, to pretend like these feelings don't exist."
"What feelings, angel?" You felt his hand squeeze yours in a manner of reassurance, but you shook your head.
"Bad ones," you mumbled, "negative ones. And if I don't keep myself busy, then I can't ignore them. I'll think too much. Then if I think too much, it... it might happen again..."
Your chest felt heavy as you spoke, even as Xavier comfortingly held your hand, even as you knew that he was listening to you with every intention to guide you through... whatever this was.
But you really didn't know how to continue anymore.
How could you say anything when you couldn't understand it yourself?
You felt so... pathetic.
"Angel?" Xavier murmured, lacing your fingers together. "What... might happen?"
For a while, you didn't speak; you didn't move.
And Xaver did not pressure you.
He stayed silent right along with you, rubbing into the palm of your hand, his gaze on you so full of love and concern that it almost made you cry.
So you closed your eyes and pulled your hand away from him. You told yourself that maybe it would be easier if they stayed closed, and you slowly unbuttoned your blouse, shrugging it off of your shoulders. You didn't want to see his reaction... But you knew what he could see, on your skin, now.
There were a few cuts on your shoulder from your fight with the Wanderer, smaller and less concerning than the one on your waist. But as you slid your sleeves down lower to your wrists and shrug it off completely... he'd be seeing more scars. Patterned, and much too neatly placed, to be a result of careless fighting.
"Angel..." you heard him breathe out, a mixture of shock, disbelief, and sorrow.
And only then did you open your eyes, meekly searching for his.
"...I— I haven't done it in weeks!" Damage control. "I'm clean, right now, but... If I don't— If I don't work, I don't— I don't know—"
Before you could break down in tears again, Xavier gently pulled you into his arms, sighing into your hair. "If you don't work, you won't have anything to distract yourself with?" he whispered softly.
You closed your eyes at his warmth, and you nod.
"But... Can I ask you why?"
It was this question that got you to tense up, enough for him to notice.
"I want to help, princess," he looked softly into your eyes as he pulled back slightly, reaching up to brush the hair out of your face. "But... I need to know how. Would you let me? Could you... Tell me? Is that okay?"
The mere fact that he wanted to help made you want to sob.
He was so... nice to you.
So kind, so patient—
You didn't deserve it.
You felt tears well up in your eyes once more, and you screwed your eyes shut, shaking your head. "'M sorry," you choked out, and Xavier immediately held you close.
"No, princess... I'm sorry. I should be the one apologizing. I should have known... I shouldn't have gotten upset at you..."
Tears slid down your face, and you buried your face into his chest. His words churned at your stomach with a heavy feeling you didn't know how to describe. "That's not true," you whimpered. "It's... It's me. I'm always a burden... Always having to make you worry, when you've been trying your best to take care of yourself but I can't even keep a simple promise—"
You began to sob into his sweater. "Why, Xavier? I feel... I feel so worthless. How could I deserve you? How could I deserve anything you give me? And how... How could I be so selfish to want more of it?" You grip him tightly, almost digging into the back of his sweater as everything begins to pour out. "It feels... It feels as if no matter what I do... Nothing ever makes me any worthier of your love. Of anyone's."
And Xavier listened.
He didn't interrupt you, didn't speak—
He listened.
He placed his hand over your back, rubbing softly into your exposed skin, letting you speak until his consistent motions helped you relax slightly in his hold. And after a few moments of your sniffling, he gently peeled you away, before bringing you in for a soft, quick kiss.
Your eyes, blurred with tears, looked up at him confused.
"Nothing can change the way I feel about you, angel," he murmured sweetly. "You do deserve everything, and even more than that. You've done nothing wrong, princess. Don't apologize to me. I worry about you because I want to worry about you... Because I choose to worry about you." He softly placed a hand on your cheek. "Do you remember what I told you? I meant it when I said that. You are special to me. And I want to do everything in my power to protect you, to keep you by my side... to make sure you're okay. I'm sorry that I was so cold to you earlier. I'll be a better source of comfort for you now, I... I'm here, angel. I won't leave."
You remained sniffling as he spoke, and your eyes slowly drifted back down to your lap.
But you found the courage to speak.
"The banquet..." you whispered. "I... I don't want to go."
"Then don't. We don't have to."
"But... But Tara, and Jenna—"
"They won't mind, we won't be the only ones not going, right?"
You looked up, uncertain still. "...And you?"
"You... you said you wanted to go..."
At this, Xavier's eyes softened, and a gentle smile played at his lips. "Well... We could tell them I wouldn't let you leave me... And it wouldn't totally be a lie."
When your gaze had yet to relax, he shook his head with a little laugh. "It's less about the place and the activities... and more about the person you do them with. Remember?" He tucked your hair behind your ear and whispered softly, reassuringly. "Whatever we do, wherever we go, I'll want to be there. Because you would be with me. So if you want to go to the banquet, then I'd want to go to the banquet. But if you want to spend the night here, then I would also want nothing more."
You sniffled again, tears streaming down your cheeks as you felt your chest burst with warmth.
You truly felt so... loved. So seen, so heard, so understood—he was right; you should have gone to him for comfort when all of this had started, instead of trying to distance yourself from everyone you loved.
Xavier reached over to wipe your tears away with the pad of his thumb.
"Shh, don't cry angel..."
And then he leaned down to kiss you, nice and slow, and so soft, and loving. His lips moved delicately; nothing like the passionate kisses you sometimes shared, and for a while the both of you stayed that way. Just soft, fond kisses as he helped your body relax into him, relax into the couch, removing all the tension you had built up in your shoulders.
When you pulled away, you let out a soft sigh. He shifted and pulled you back against his chest, stroking your hair and murmuring sweet words of how much he loved you; how much you meant to him.
And you had never felt so... at peace, before. All these past weeks dealing with the void in your mind that you couldn't chase away—but here, in his arms, it was all minimized. Calm. Your thoughts weren't as scalding as they usually were.
You felt... Safe.
"Better?" he mumbled.
You closed your eyes.
There was another quiet silence before you felt him trace the scars on your arm.
"Wish I could help you relax more, make you feel more loved..." he mumbled.
You shook your head. "Despite everything I said, I already feel loved, Xavi, don't feel pressured to—"
"I'm not pressured."
There was determination in his voice when he said this, and you let out a soft, barely-there chuckle.
"Yeah," you smiled, "okay."
And he continued to trace over your scars.
"Do you still have thoughts right now?"
"Mmmh... A little bit. Yeah."
You tilted your head up to look at him, searching his eyes. "But... They're not so loud. This is... Comforting."
"Yeah. Staying in your arms like this..." Your eyes softened. "You're pretty comforting, Xavier."
"...But, do you... want a distraction?"
His eyes didn't stray away from yours, but you felt his fingers trail from your arm to your stomach, light, feathery strokes upwards towards your clothed breasts.
His intentions clicked, and you felt yourself blush slightly.
"Xavier..." you mumbled.
He didn't do anything more than stroke your exposed skin, never going further than you had given permission for him to.
But he asked you again, more clearly this time.
"...I could touch you," he gave you a small, faint smile. "If you want? At least... You wouldn't be thinking of anything too much that way..."
His voice trailed off as he noted your lack of response, and then he reached over to squeeze your hand.
"We don't have to do anything, angel. It was just a suggestion."
"...No, I— It's okay." Immediately, you shook your head. "You... You could definitely do that." You felt yourself get breathless at the thought of it, and you leaned back against him.
"Are you sure?"
"I'm sure."
You weren't looking at him in that moment, but you could feel him smile as he placed a soft kiss into your hair.
"Okay. Then... I'll make you feel good, angel."
It was a promise, and one that you knew he could fulfil easily.
You felt him tilt your chin up next, your eyes meeting once more, and then he kissed you. Still soft, still slow; his lips moved languidly against yours as if to ease you into it. You felt butterflies in your stomach—this was a kiss that you knew very well from him, and one that you both knew you loved. It was a kiss that said more than just "i love you"; it was a kiss that said "i like being here with you", a kiss that said " let's stay like this forever".
It was a testament—that Xavier was yours, and you were his, and he would show you that he loved you more than you would ever realize.
Slowly, you pulled back from the kiss, the both of you panting. But you didn't look away, and neither did he—not even as his hands moved lower to undo the buttons or your jeans, not even as you lifted your hips for him to pull them down.
"Do you want them off?" he mumbled, still keeping his eyes on yours. "Want you to be comfortable."
"...Mhm. S'okay. I needed to change, anyway..."
When he'd helped you out of your jeans, his lips were back on yours once more—hands gently stroking your sides, tracing your wounds, and your scars, taking his time with you. Your eyes fluttered closed. Xavier's touches were so sweet, so comforting. They could lull you into sleep, and he was right; there was no more space for you to think of any other thoughts that weren't just... him.
When he reached over to unclasp your bra, he let it fall off to the side. And then he leaned his chin over the top of your head, almost as if to get a better look.
"Haven't seen these before," he commented, a little cheekily.
You rolled your eyes—if you weren't nestled so comfortably in his embrace, you'd have reached up to hit him in indignance. "...Don't act all innocent," you mumbled.
"Hm? Wasn't acting, angel." He cupped your breasts, humming slightly, still keeping his eyes on them. You felt him gently massage them in his hands, and you let out a sigh. "They're so soft. It's different from touching them through your shirt."
He chuckled, leaning back up to give you another kiss. "I know. This... is why you've always wanted to keep your shirt on, right? Your... scars."
You felt your stomach churn with guilt for a split second, before your body shuddered and melted into the way his hands worked at your chest.
"...D- didn't want you to know..." you breathed out. "'S not easy to say..."
"I know. But thank you for telling me, angel. You can tell me anything, alright? We'll work through this together."
Together. We.
He wasn't saying that it was... your problem. He was saying it was on the both of you—that you weren't alone, and that he would be with you every step away... And it was such a sweet thing for him to say. His words touched your heart, and you felt yourself letting out a shaky breath.
"...Okay," you whispered. "Okay."
He leaned back down to suckle over your collarbone, then, nibbling gently over your skin. It was enough to draw out a soft moan from you.
"Ah... That feels nice..."
In response, his fingers brushed over your nipples. The sudden direct stimulation made you gasp—
And you understood what he meant.
It was different, like this. Now, without any fabric as a barrier, the pads of his fingers rubbed oh-so-perfectly over your little nubs, and it felt... good.
Better than you were used to.
Xavier hummed as he rest his head back on your shoulder, watching the way your breasts molded into his palm, your nipples pert and hard as he began to twist and pinch them in his hands.
"They're pretty up close," he stated again, a little matter-of-factly. "We should do this more often..."
Another pull at your nipples, and you moaned.
"Mmh, shit—yes—"
You wanted to retort, but instead, you found yourself arching your back further into his hands. Your eyes clouded over slightly.
"Yeah? Feels nice?" he murmured.
"Mhm... Feels real nice, Xav..."
He nuzzled into your neck, a soft, loving action despite what he was doing to your body.
"D'you think you could cum like this? Or do you need more?"
His motions remained steady as he spoke, his eyes flitting over your figure. And you, on the other hand, felt your breath come out in a long exhale.
You closed your eyes.
And he smiled.
You could feel it, the way the corners of his lips turned up against your skin where he placed light kisses on the base of your neck. And then he kept one hand on your breast, his other hand began to trail slowly down your stomach.
Your body jolted slightly at the change, his fingers leaving a trail of goosebumps before they settled over your thigh. His hand stayed stationed there, squeezing it gently... Never quite moving upwards, not just yet. He was still quite far from where you wanted him like this, and you huffed with displeasure.
"Can I tease?" he asked, and you could feel his smile widen.
You groaned.
"No! M'already wet."
"But I want to take my time with you, princess. You're so... beautiful."
The way he moaned in your ear, kneading your thighs, made you shiver with excitement. He'd been asking you if he could tease... Yet here he was, already doing it anyway.
You grit your teeth. "I need you, Xavi."
"But... Please? It'll prolong the pleasure, you know?"
"...Why are you begging me?"
You scoffed this time, and he chuckled, his breath hitting the shell of your ear.
"I just like the way your body responds to me. You know that."
Once again, you felt that you could have smacked him on the head if you had any remaining ounce of control over your body, but you only bucked your hips forward in a failed attempt to chase his fingers. The way he laughed at you made you glare at him indignantly—It was almost like a little apology on his part when he leaned in for a quick, quick kiss, his hand sliding just a little bit further up your thigh.
"I love you, okay, angel?" he sighed. "Just... wanted to let you know that, again."
You huffed slightly.
"I know, Xavier. And I love you. But as much as I want to say thank you, I just really, really need your fingers inside me. ...Please?"
Impatience was not a look you favored on yourself, but Xavier didn't mind it—he never minded if you preferred to be quiet, or vocal, or demanding, or receptive... Xavier, despite the way he would tease, had always been driven by the need to please you.
So he finally complied with your request.
You felt him gently bring your knees up closer to your chest, feet close together before he pushed your knees apart, and then he let out a low groan. With you spread out effectively for him, he reached over to gather your slick onto his finger.
"So beautiful for me, angel," he nibbled on your ear, making you shiver. "And so, so wet."
In response, you moaned, allowing your head to lull slightly to the side as he spread your juices all over your cunt in gentle strokes. "I told you," you spoke in a hushed tone.
"Hmm... and what's on your mind now, angel?" His breath was still so close to your ear as he spoke, his tone low, and raspy—sultry, like it always was when you did things like this.
You didn't hesitate to answer, your mouth falling open in a silent gasp when his middle finger slid inside with a wet squelch.
"Mhm? And?"
"...Y- your fingers..."
He slowly dragged his finger out before thrusting back in, his breath hot and heavy. You could feel him smile.
"Anything else, angel?"
He could have almost been cooing at this point, and it was driving you insane. You groaned in frustration, lifting your hips slightly as if to get from him the stimulation you needed.
"Nothing," you moaned as you felt his thumb reach up to brush against your clit. Slow, thrusting motions, and occassional rubs—it was driving you insane. "N-nothing else, Xav, just— just how good you're making me feel—"
He let out a satisfied chuckle then, drawing his finger out and having then drip with your arousal:
Your eyes flew wide open as he thrust back into you, moving his finger relentlessly inside as if to explore your walls. It was barely seconds before his index finger pushed right inside your tight hole as well, filling you up in a way that you couldn't do to yourself. His fingers were so long, so much better than your own, and no matter how many times he fingered you, you could never, ever tire of it.
He picked up the pace as your hips met his thrusts.
"F- fuck!" you cursed, panting as he did just that with his fingers, his thumb still circling over your clit, his other hand still avidly toying with your breast and your nipple.
The combined stimulation clouded your brain; he felt so damn good. If, when he'd just started, he had already chased away any foreign thoughts—now, your mind had nearly frozen white. Your mouth hung open as a testament to your pleasure, and he panted into your ear all the same, almost as if he were just as affected.
His fingers continued to pump into you, stretching you wide, curling against your sensitive spot, rubbing you in all the right places. Your legs began to shake, and he lightly licked at the shell of your ear.
"Close?" he murmured, having already memorized the telltale signs of the onset of your orgasm.
You could only nod, choking back a moan.
And then his lips were back on yours.
A little more frantic in his kisses this time, as he fucked you harder with his fingers, pinching and pulling and rolling your nipples—
You let out a muffled moan, swallowed into the kiss as you came. Your back arched, your body shuddering; a wave of pleasure came crashing into you with such force that it had you feeling shocked.
When he pulled back, the both of you were panting, your eyes clouded and hazy, his fingers wet and sticky when he slid them out of your cunt.
"...Better, princess?" he whispered, and there was another cheeky, cheeky grin on his face.
You smiled back at him, and he leaned over to kiss the tip of your nose.
With a soft chuckle, he continued to place light, feathery all over your face, easing you out of your high, until your breathing became calmer.
"I could take you to your room," he mumbled, feeling you close your legs and cuddle into him. "Are you cold?"
"Cold? After you've just made me cum?" You scoffed, somewhat, but willingly clung to his arms. "I'm okay. But... The bed would be nice..."
Another kiss into your hair, another soft smile. "Okay."
He had you carried in his arms the next moment, soft footsteps padding the floor to your bedroom and gently laying you over your mattress. He took a few moments to wipe you down, before he drew your blanket up over your body, and slipped in to lay right beside you. He shifted your head to rest on his shoulder.
"Tired?" he hummed.
A pause, and then,
"...Yeah, kind of." You closed your eyes as you relaxed into his warmth. "But, you haven't done anything... You could put it inside me—or I could suck you off, or—"
He immediately cut you off as he gave you a small frown, and then before you could react, he kissed you almost harshly—as if to shut you up.
"Mmf— Xavier!" you gasped when you pulled away, your frown mirroring his own. "What was that for?"
"You said you were tired."
"Why would you expect me to do any more if you said you were tired?"
You searched his expression to realize that his frown was rooted instead in confusion, rather than disdain or disapproval.
"...But... Isn't it unfair...? If you just let me sleep like this..."
"...Do you want to, angel?" A small pout formed on his lips. "I'm alright like this. It's unfair if I force you when you don't want to. You should rest, if you're tired. This doesn't have to be... transactional, you know? We can do more when you want to."
The use of the word 'transactional'made you flush slightly with embarrassment, as you realized that was likely how you'd made it seem—you shook your head immediately. But his words, at the same time, gave you the space to lay back against his chest, wrapping your arms around him as the sound of his heartbeat seemed to lull you peacefully.
"...Sorry," you whispered. "I didn't mean it that way. I know our sex isn't like that..."
You sighed. "I'll... I'll sleep for a bit, then? But... thanks, Xavi."
You felt him place another kiss into your hair, a fond, loving gesture, as he shifted to hug your body tightly against his.
"I'll be right here when you wake up."
It was a promise; a genuine one.
Xavier wasn't going to leave you alone, no matter how many times your mind would bug you to think that way.
And you trusted him, and you loved him... and he had shown the same back to you—now, and always.
A tiny little smile made its way to your face as your eyelids fluttered close.
"I love you, Xavier," you whispered. "Thank you."
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⁺₊ / an: inspired by xavier's 4★ card pair, "shining light" and "shining traces" !! i think we underestimate how cold and intimidating xavier can really get because if he was angry at me i too would wish the ground would swallow me whole 😭
© rose-tinted-kalopsia. all rights reserved. do not: steal, copy, repost, reupload, modify, or claim any of my works as your own, regardless of credit given. absolutely do not use my works for AI training and other related purposes.
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yncoreee · 2 months
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Synopsis— After being the cause behind the end of your trip with your friends, Minji couldn’t help but feel nothing but guilt. Being the loving girlfriend you are you had to reassure her that she was your first priority.
Warnings .ᐟ Requested, established relationship, pet names, sick minji, minji being guilty, crying, wrote this in 2nd person POV 💀, Female reader, FLUFF
꩜ — ⵌWord count 944
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Before you could take a step into the bus that one of your friends already owned, you felt a vibration in your pocket followed by your ringtone.
Without wasting much time you pulled your phone out of your pocket and furrowed your eyebrows at the contact name.
You picked it up and held the phone close to your ear. “Hey bae what’s up?” You asked in a concerned tone at why she was suddenly calling you when it wasn’t even up to 10 mins after you left home.
She coughed loudly. “Sorry, ummm y/n… I’m sorry for disturbing you but can you come back home? I’m feeling a bit sick” she expressed.
You felt like she was lying at first but when you heard the tone of her voice and how tiredly she talked you couldn’t help but feel even more worried.
“I’m truly sorry for disturbing you, there’s no one to take care of me…and I can’t even move an inch” she added sluggishly.
“Alright, I’ll be there in five minutes”
As you hastily ended the call, you glanced over at your friends who looked at you with worried expressions.
“Y/n is everything okay?” One of them asked.
“Not really, something important pulled up but don’t worry you guys can go without me, I’ll probably go another time” you responded with a faint smile leaving the venue.
You made your way towards both you and Minji's shared apartment, opening the door with a spare key. You noticed minji curled up on the couch looking under the weather.
Kneeling in front of her you lightly traced your fingertips over her sweaty-damp bangs. And rested the back of your hand on her forehead quickly retreating it. “Oh My you’re burning”
You gently held the back of her head helping her to sit up and lean back against the pillow handing her a box of tissue as she gave it a little blow.
“Hold on, let me cook something for you” you stood up from your kneels making your way over to the kitchen.
In less than 15 minutes you had whipped up some Samgyetang for her.
You placed the steaming hot bowl in front of her sitting right beside her. You scooped up a big spoon of the steaming hot soup and motioned it towards Minji's mouth.
She slightly parted her lips as you slipped the spoon into her mouth. She gulped down letting the hot liquid flow down her throat.
You fed her until she was full, letting her lay her head on your laps as you ran your fingers through her hair.
She slept so peacefully but she didn’t know what was coming for her next.
“Why can’t you just take the medicine? Do you want to be sick forever?” You questioned motioning the medicine towards minji’s mouth.
“Nuh uh, it’s bitter and disgusting” Minji huffed, swaying her head away from the liquid. Burying her face into a pillow nearby.
“Babe come on, stop being so difficult, the taste is going to fade away before you even realize it. Now open your mouth and take this medicine” you spoke in a soft and gentle tone.
“Please….” You pleaded.
She sighed. “Fine, I’ll take it” she replied with a sulky expression.
She parted her lips as you slipped the bitter liquid into her mouth. Gulping it down her throat, she looked at you with a disgusted look as she gagged dramatically causing you to playfully roll your eyes. “See it wasn’t so bad now was it” you teased.
“Yes it was”
You chuckled lightly but stopped when you heard a ding coming from your phone.
Your friends had sent you a picture of them enjoying their trip with the caption. “What you’re missing out on😜”.
You slightly pouted that you couldn’t be there right now, enjoying with them.
Minji noticed your sudden change in demeanor. Peeking over your shoulders to see what made you pout a bit.
She felt so guilty for being the cause of it.
Tears began to fall from her eyes down to her cheeks as she looked down at the floor.
You responded to your friends shutting your phone and looking back at minji. “So should we watch a—“ you cut yourself off as you noticed her looking down.
“Min is everything alright?” You asked softly, placing your finger below her chin, raising her head up. You felt more worried as you saw a tear stain on her cheek.
Minji sniffed and immediately wiped away her tears. “Yes but it’s just…. Your friends are probably having fun while your here and I’m the cause of it” she sniffed in between her words.
“No minji—“
“It’s all my fault and I’m a suck a burden, I’m sorry” she said,not breaking eye contact with the floor.
“Minji you’re not a burden, you were sick and there was no one to take care of you and you did the right thing. It was good I took care of you before the sickness would’ve gotten worse, and I can hang out anytime with my friends” you spoke, confronting her as you placed a soft kiss on her lips.
“Really? I’m not a burden?” She looked up at you and then laid her head on your lap.
“No you’re not, you’re my first priority”
“The hangout was at the beach and I can definitely go to the beach any time, I can even go with you” you added.
“You’re so sweet, I’m so lucky to have you as my girlfriend” she mumbled but it was audible.
You giggled lightly and planted another soft kiss on her forehead. “So am I”
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hazbinshusk · 3 months
husk x gn!reader. a hurt/comfort piece for @aluss. the reader's having a particularly bad day, and husk is the one to find them. tw: depression, self-isolation.
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You stir reluctantly from under the pile of blankets you’d buried yourself in sometime yesterday, a frown furrowing your brow as you’re dragged unwillingly from your dozing. A soft knock sounds on the door again, and you press your face stubbornly into the pillows with a groan, silently willing whoever it is to go away. You just can’t handle even the idea of the unfaltering upbeat attitude of Charlie Morningstar right now; group activities and redemption be damned.
The knock plays across the wood again, quiet and brief.
"Hey." your eyes open, and you stare across the room at the door, vision half-obscured by the blankets. "It's Husk."
That furrow in your brow deepens; if someone was to come knocking on your door to urge you to join the others for whatever Charlie has cooked up, you wouldn't have expected the bartender.
"Hey, I'm..." he clears his throat awkwardly, and you can almost picture him glancing over his shoulder to see if anyone else is in the hall. "...I'm jus' checkin' in. I... Charlie's worried about you."
A venomous pang of guilt at her concern pinches the inside of your gut, and you pull the blankets around yourself against it. You want to roll over and ignore him, but something about his voice... it's warm honey, and the comfort of it manages to break through the shadows still clinging to the inside of you.
"Look, I don't blame you for wantin' to skip out on the group thing tonight." he continues into the door. "I ain't exactly chompin' at the bit to make friendship bracelets either, but I... it'd be good to see you downstairs, y'know?"
Humor colors his voice, and you're sure there's a self-deprecating curve to one side of his mouth as he next speaks. "We can suffer through it together."
You feel a tear break past your eyelids, and your arms feel too heavy to wipe it away. So, you let it sting at the corner of your eye for a second before it fell to stain your cheek.
Silence stretches out between the two of you, filling your room and curling around your psyche. He's given up, you're sure of it. Why wouldn't he?
"...Doll?" His voice's reoccurrence surprises you almost as much as the pet-name he uses. His voice has dropped lower, barely audible, and his tone is almost... bashful? "I really hope you're not asleep and I'm not jus' makin' an ass of myself out here."
You can't help but breathe the smallest of laughs at that. You find your voice again, hoarse from disuse. "I'm awake."
"There you are," he says softly, and for such a bitter man, you're once again sure you can hear a smile in his voice. He clears his throat before continuing. "I, uh... look, I feel like an asshole standin' out here talkin' to a door. Can you... Please, let me in."
You hesitate, eyes squeezed closed. "...I look like shit."
Husk breathes a quiet chuckle, and you could almost swear he responds under his breath with, "Not possible."
"Please, doll?" he says, and this is loud enough that you don't have to question whether you're imagining it. "I don't judge."
The silence returns before you force yourself to push back the blankets and stand. Your body aches from being in bed for so long, and you grimace as your ankles complain with the sudden weight upon them. Still, you pad across the room and take a steadying breath before opening the door.
Husk stands there, comfortingly the same as ever, his eyes slightly wide with surprise at the door actually opening.
"There," you say blandly, waving a hand down at yourself. You're wearing a stained sweatshirt and a pair of old sleep shorts, and your hair is mussed and greasy from two days without washing it. "I'm still alive... or whatever. You happy?"
The bartender's brow furrows as he takes you in, his ears lowering slightly. His tail hooks itself around his ankle. "What's wrong?"
You give him a tight smile, shrugging a shoulder. You turn and head back to the bed, sitting on the mattress cross-legged. "Nothing. What could possibly be wrong?"
"I'm fine, Husk." you tell him dismissively, pulling the blankets up over your lap. "Just... I didn't sleep well. You can tell Charlie I'm fine."
Husk swallows, turning back towards the door. Despite your insistence that he go, you feel your chest clench at the idea of him leaving. But he doesn't... no, Husk closes the door with a quiet snap, enclosing the two of you in the quiet dark of your room. He doesn't seem to notice the mess of it as he faces you again, stepping hesitantly towards you. He lingers at the edge of the bed, paws twisted together in front of him.
"Charlie... she didn't ask me to come see you." he admits gruffly. "I... I missed you downstairs."
You look up, surprised. "You...?"
"'s nice havin' you around." he explains, the bridge of his muzzle burning pink. He takes a seat on the edge of your bed by your feet, eyes on his hands as they hang between his knees. "You're jus' about the only one here who's half-sane."
You choke on a bitter laugh, tears suddenly spilling onto your cheeks.
"Hey," Husk looks up, alarmed, at the sound of you sobbing. He holds up his hands almost defensively, turning to face you with wide, worried eyes. "Hey! I'm sorry, I didn't mean-"
You chuckle wetly, wiping at your eyes with the back of your hand. "No, I'm sorry, it's not you..." you take a shuddering breath, wrapping your arms around yourself. "It's just... been a rough couple of days. 'Half-sane' might be the best compliment you could have given me."
Husk raises a brow, studying you for a long moment. You stiffen slightly as he reaches out, and he notices, his hand stopping, withdrawing. You shake you head, breath shaky. "Its okay, you can... I'm okay."
He nods slowly, reaching out again. Your eyes close as he cups your face in his hand, the claw of his thumb ever so carefully brushing a stray tear away from your cheek.
"...You're not okay." he says softly, his brow furrowed in concern. "Are you?"
You hold his gaze for a moment before you feel the dam walls break, and sobs wrack through your body and burn your chest. Husk moves instinctively and you find yourself moving to meet him, collapsing into his lap. Husk wraps his arm around the middle of your back, feeling each heaving breath through your ribs. His wing spreads out over you, and you feel his other paw come up to touch your hair, mindless of the grease still clinging to the strands.
Husk strokes a soothing rhythm through your hair as you ball your fist in his pant leg, tears soaking his thigh.
"Shh..." he hushes you gently. "It's... it's okay to not be okay, baby. I've got you."
He holds you like that for as long as you need, the steady rhythm of his breathing helping yours to settle, so slowly. He murmurs reassurances, his claws trailing soothing patterns over your back.
"I've got you."
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sweetenerobert · 1 year
momsboyfriend! joel miller x male reader
genre: mom’s boyfriend joel, no outbreak au, explicit, minors dni
prompt: taboo au + "i'll be your dirty little secret, if that's what you're into."
summary: your mom can’t seem to find where her boyfriend joel, has gone. and she can’t understand why your bedroom has so much weight on it
warnings: pwp, strong language, infidelity, joel is 43, reader is 22, unprotected P in A, choking, dirty talk, pet names, daddy kink, creampies, fingering, spanking, joel being a cocky piece of shit
word count: 1.7k
a/n: read this, i have a mixed feeling about it! let me know what you guys think.
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“Hey, Hon! Have you seen Joel? I tried to call him, but his phone must be off.”
You knew where Joel was, his exact location, time, and placement of where he was located in this moment and time.
It was approximately 8:15, the time your mom usually leaves for work. He was behind you, pants wrapped around his ankles — belt ripped off and thrown on your bed. His cock buried deep inside you, hands melted on your waist, hitting that spot repeatedly as you tried to answer your mom. It was as if Joel’s task was to get you both caught by your mom/his girlfriend.
His low grunts entering your ear and your panting escapes your lips as you try to act like nothing is wrong.
“Get rid of her,” Joel whispered, grunting in your ear.
“U-uh, mom. No, I haven't s-seen him. Is his truck still here?”
“It seems so. The neighbors said they hadn't seen his truck move since.”
You could feel Joel’s body press up against your back and his warm breath against your ear. His forearm wrapped around your neck. Your cock twitched against the wood in front of you. “If you don’t get her to leave, I will fuck you so hard on this door we will all hear those pretty little moans and how she can see how her son’s taking her boyfriend’s dick so well.”
“U-uh, mom. He probably went to get something. I’m sure he’ll be fine,” You grit. “I’ll let you know if he comes back looking for you.”
You hear your mom’s muffled chuckle on the other side of the door. “You're funny, baby. He will see my car gone in the driveway if anything, and won't want to bother you with your school work.”
A hard smack comes across your ass, and you almost yelp but stop yourself from making the loud sound.
“What was that?” Your mom asks.
You could hear a low chuckle escape from Joel’s lips into your ear. “It was me. I slapped my thigh,” You dismissed. “Aren’t you going to be late for work?”
“What can they do? Fire me?” She chuckles. “Sweetie, are you okay? You sound a bit out of breath.”
“Well, no, because your boyfriend’s dick is currently inside of me, and he has no intention of stopping anytime soon,” You thought.
“I’m just a little bit of breath — I could be coming down with something,” You breathed.
“Oh goodness, do you need me to come in?”
“NO!” You exclaimed. “I-I mean, If I am coming down with something. I don't want to get you sick too.”
“Aw, you're so sweet.” She smiles. “You're the best son ever.”
You scoff. “I’m your only SON!” You gasped.
You look back toward Joel, and he has a scowl on his face. He was getting impatient.
“Are you sure you're alright, baby?”
“Yeah, are you, baby?” Joel gruffed.
“Yeah, now I just got a cramp in my leg — I’ll be okay, Mom. I promise. Please don't be late for work because of me. I’ll call you if anything happens,” You dismissed.
“Okay, baby. I’ll see you later. I love you.”
“See you later, bye,” You gritted, hoping she would leave.
“Nu-uh-uh-uh. Say it back.”
“Say what back?”
At this point, Joel was getting annoyed. He pulled your neck away from the door; your arms outstretched — fingerpads barely reaching the wood in front of you. You grip your hands on Joel’s forearm around your throat and look towards Joel.
“You know, I love you too,”
“Fuck me,” You muttered, directed to your mom's command.
“I’m already doin’ that baby,” Joel smirked.
You roll your eyes and look back to the wooden door before you.
“I love you too, Mom.”
“Okay. I’ll see you later.”
You hear her footsteps walk away from your bedroom door, down the hall, and the door closes behind her. Then suddenly, you hear the faint sound of her car starting.
You released a breath you didn't know that you were holding. Suddenly, You feel Joel pick you up and throw you over his shoulder.
"What are you doing?" You question.
He doesn't answer, and he starts to walk toward your bed.
You feel your body jerk up and land on your back — on your bed. You look towards Joel as he slides his pants off his ankles and onto the floor. He climbs into your bed and position himself between your legs.
"I grew impatient, now I want to hear those pretty moans," Joel smirked.
Joel stuck his pointer and middle fingers in your mouth. "Suck," Joel commanded.
You obliged and sucked on his fingers, and he quickly retracted his fingers from your mouth. Sliding his middle finger slowly inside you, you squirmed under his touch. You tried to stifle your moans; you didn't want to give Joel what he wanted. His finger slid inside you faster, and you bit your lip to hide your moans.
Joel slid a second finger in, and you rolled your head to the side and slammed your eyes shut. “Your pussy wraps around my fingers — so fuckin’ tight.”
Your lip almost bled from how hard you were biting your lip. You grit your teeth as you keep squirming. A hard slap to your balls made you stay still. “Stop squirmin’,” Joel commands.
“Can’t help it, don't — wanna moan,” You breathed. Joel slipped his finger out of you. Crawled up to you, his hand grips your throat.
“Is that right? Well, I guess we're gonna have to do this the hard way,” Joel smirked.
Joel pushes his cock inside you. You tried to yelp, but his hand, tight around your throat, forced you to stop. “Fff-uck, Joel!” You gasp.
“What that, baby? You like this big dick inside you?”
You nod with a look of pain and pleasure riding your face. Joel lets go of your throat, and you take deep breaths. While breathing, Joel lifts your legs and places them on his shoulders. His hips start slow and steady as you roll your head up — looking upside down at your headboard.
“Fuck! Baby! I might need to use your pussy more,” Joel breathed.
“So — good — fuck,” You grit.
“Baby… I haven't even gotten to the best part.” Joel leans down — resting his forehead on yours. Your noses were touching each other. Joel’s hips rock faster back and forth. Your breaths became hitched as Joel’s cock was stretching you out. You could feel his length inside you, pushing deep inside you. You loved every inch of him. Joel had filled you to the brim with satisfaction.
“You love this cock, don't you, baby?”
“Fuck, yes! Joel! I love it so much,” You whine.
“Your pussy, wraps around me so nicely, baby. I bet if I slip my cock out now,” Joel backs up from your face, slipping his cock out. “And then slip it back in,” Joel slips his cock back in. You meet the base of Joel’s cock so fast; you moan in retaliation.
“Just as I guessed, your pussy remembers my length so well, baby.”
Joel had wrapped your ankles in his giant, calloused palms. His grip was tight as his hips kept rocking into you, back and forth. Pre cum was leaking from the tip of your cock. You felt satisfied for the first time in a long time.
“You gonna cum soon, baby?” Joel questions.
“I-I think so,” You breathe.
“Cum for daddy, baby,” Joel starts. “You know you want to cum for me.”
“Fuck, daddy! Your cock is hitting so deep!” You groan.
Joel’s cock twitched when you called him daddy; that sensation felt incredible inside you. You felt your cock throb, the sensation cum was coming and the pain was unbearable.
“That’s so hot, baby,” Joel grunted. “Call me that again.”
“Daddy, you love this, don't you? Fucking the son of your girlfriend’s tight pussy, huh? You like this?”
“You makin’ fun of me?”
You weren't, but a smirk appeared on your face to insinuate that you were. “So what if I was? It’s just a simple question,” You grunt.
Joel’s thrusts became more vicious and destructive. Your pillow catches your moan as you roll your head to the side. “I fuckin’ love this, so fuckin’ perfect.”
“It’ll be our little secret,” You breathe in between breaths.
"I’ll be your dirty little secret, if that's what you're into,” Joel smirks.
Joel’s smirk turned into a scowl. Joel had a look of rage, and determination was written on his face now. Joel was on a mission with you directly, and you loved this feeling so much.
“I’m gonna cum soon, baby, deep inside that pussy of yours. I’m going to get you pregnant,” Joel grits.
“I’m going to cum too, daddy,” You moan.
“Cum for daddy, baby.”
You gripped your dick and started to stroke up and down. Your cock was filled with adrenaline, overstimulation, and overall satisfaction. With each of Joel’s thrusts, you could feel yourself on the brink of cumming anytime soon.
“I’m cumming, Daddy!” You exclaim as strings of cum coat your chest.
Joel grips your thighs as you stop stroking your cock. You place your hands on Joel’s thighs. “Fuck, baby! I’m cumming!” Joel hisses. With one — two final thrusts, Joel’s cum was swimming inside you. His grip on your thighs loosens, and he places his head near yours — hovering over yours.
You both are panting messes together, sweaty, satisfied messes. You close your eyes in pleasure and take a second to be in the moment. You had sex with your mom’s boyfriend, and you don’t feel guilty about it one bit, more accomplished than anything.
“Was that okay?” You question. Joel chuckles at your question and can't control himself as he kisses your forehead.
“It was fantastic, baby,” Joel gruffed.
Joel kisses your lips softly, and you grab his face in your hands as you flip him on his back — cock still inside you. His tongue licks your bottom lip as he slips his tongue inside your mouth. Tongues are sword-fighting each other in this passionate kiss. Joel’s hands planted on your back, — sliding down the curve of your back as you mess up his hair, sliding your hands on his curly locks. You break the kiss, backing up from Joel’s lips.
“Daddy, my mom doesn't come home until later; we could have some real fun around the house. If that’s okay with you?”
Joel gives it a thought and smirks at you. “Well, baby, Who am I to oblige such an amazin’ idea?” Joel chuckles.
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aenokiawrld · 4 months
𝔱𝔯𝔬𝔲𝔟𝔩𝔢 𝔣𝔬𝔯 𝔪𝔢 ⭒✮⭒
yeah, you’re trouble for me…
a/n: his onigashima outfit…that’s all i have to say!
˚₊‧꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚
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─── ⋆⋅ ♰ ⋅⋆ ───
─── ⋆⋅ ♰ ⋅⋆ ───
cw: enemies to lovers, p in v sex, degradation, rough sex, creampie, kidd is a certified perv lol, reader manages a bikini bar;), no set arc - no spoilers, porn WITH plot, pet names: pretty girl, babe
tags ✮⋆˙ eustasskidd x bartender!reader, enemies to lovers, f!/afab!reader, smut
now playing: trouble for me - britney spears
“Another round of booze, and make it five glasses!”
“Uh, sir-”
He laughed as he watched the timid bartender run to the back with a horrid expression painted on their face.
“What’s with all the commotion?”
He looked up to see you, the manager of the bar, with an irritated look on your face. His demeanor changed as he was an awestruck at your attractiveness. A green halter bikini top with a black sarong that barely covered the skimpy bottom that rode up your ass. You had your hand on your hip as you waited for the chaotic red-head’s answer.
He finally snapped back to reality before shooting a flirtatious smirk, “Well, hello there beautiful~”
“I’m sorry what-”
“Name’s Kidd….Eustass ‘Captain’ Kidd,” he leaned on the edge of the bar table, his bar stool squeaking in the process.
“Um, ok.”
“So uhhh, nice bikini. Dark green suits ya,” his smirk widening before giving you a flirtatious wink.
“Thanks…it’s a bikini bar?”
He continued on with his failing flirting, “How ‘bout you join my crew, baby girl, cause you gotta nice punk style to ya.”
You felt your eye twitch, “I’m fine with my job, thank you very much.”
“…So, you got some nice curves-”
You gasped at his pervy comment before furiously slapping his face. How can such a man be this confident? While he’s not wrong, you know how to model a cute bikini, you just couldn’t believe the idiocy and confidence of the red-headed pirate.
He rubbed the part where you impacted his face, “OW, HEY!”
“Is that how you talk to women?!”
Before you could say anything else, a man with blonde hair and a mask lightly tapped your shoulder, “Apologies, miss, my captain is very stupid.”
“He’s not used to making convo with pretty women like you so you have to excuse his poor manners.”
You felt your cheeks become warm hearing the compliment from the masked blonde, “Well, I guess you’re right...”
He laughed, “You see, Eustass? That’s how you talk to ladies. Now go apologize to her!”
The red-headed pirate poured, “ARGH, ok fine!”
After composing himself he nervously itched the back of his head, a flustered face to go alongwith his timidness, “Sorry, pretty girl. I didn’t mean to be a pervert…I think you’re very beautiful.”
You felt a bit relieved hearing his words, but that still doesn’t make up for the nuisance he’s been for your bartenders and customers. You let out a hiss through your teeth as you crossed your arms, “I guess I’ll forgive you…But i’m gonna have to refuse you service because you’re over-doing it with the booze!”
The masked blonde coughed a lil ‘ahem.’
“I mean, I appreciate the thought of you looking after my wellbeing…” he grumbled.
The masked man patted his shoulder, whispering in the red-head’s ear, “Don’t mess this up…” You watched as the massacre soldier exited through the swinging doors.
“Anyways, can you hurry up already? I already dismissed all the other girls and I’m ready to close up shop,” you took a drag of your cigarette.
He grumbled at your snarky comment, “Fine, fine…but one more beer.”
You both huffed and puffed after the dragged out argument you exchanged. Who does this idiot think he is? He was so annoying and loud, an arm made out metal, scars all over his toned body…You shook the thoughts out of your head, you could never find this oaf alluring at all.
He growled, “GRAHH, I take back the beautiful compliment! You’re a mean grumpy lady!”
“WHATCHA SAY TO ME?! I’M GONNA KICK YOUR ASS!” You grabbed the tufts of his red feather jacket.
You scoffed, “You’re just mad that I’m cute and hot and you’re an ugly grease monkey.”
“WHATCHA CALL ME?!” He grabbed the straps of your bikini top with brute force.
“I CALLED YOU AN UGLY GREASE MONKEY, USE YOU THE THING IN YOUR FUCKING HEAD WILL YA!!” You felt a vein protruding from your forehead.
You both intensely glared at each other while still continuing your grip on each other’s collars. You never understood why your boss was so open to pirates in his bar; most of the ones you encountered are brutes, loud, and annoying drunks who don’t know how to keep their hands to themselves.
But there’s something about him that seems so…interesting. In your head, all you could think was how he looks like a brutish monkey; yet, another part of you feels like there’s something different about him. All you could do was just stare-
“Hey, pretty girl, my eyes up here.”
“I WAS ZONING OUT,” you bit hard on your cigarette.
“Staring at my rocking hard pecs, yea ok,” he smirked while softening his grip on your straps.
You scoffed, “You’re built like every other customer who comes over, what makes you think you’re so different?”
He laughed at your bluff, “Whether you like it or not, we’re both similar.”
You thought about it for a second, you didn’t want to admit it but the red-head pirate was right. You both were short-fuses (except, you think of yourself as the “smarter” one). But of course, you admitting this would equal to letting this big oaf win.
You still had a tight grip on his coat, “Even if we did have some type of similarity, you’re a pervert.”
His smirk widened, “Cheap coming from the girl who was literally staring at my toned abs just now. So, really we’re both in the wrong, baby.”
“If you dislike me so much, how come you haven’t kicked me out the bar?” He leaned his head on his metal hand.
Oh goddamnit.
“Knowing you, your ass is glued to the fucking bar chair and won’t move,” you lied as you snuffed out your cigarette.
“Well if that the case, why ya still talking to me? You could’ve easily been silent the whole time, but here you are to me…” His red-stained lips forming a devious smile.
You grumbled in annoyance while a heavy blush peaked onto your cheeks, “Shut up.”
His face got closer to yours, the scent of beer tainting his breath which caused you to loosen your grip on him, “Make me.”
This is bad. So, so bad. You’re arguing with an annoying red-headed pirate who can’t seem to keep his mouth shut and next thing you’re doing is making out with said pirate while your legs wrapped around his wide waist. His body large stature loomed over you as he had you pinned on the bar countertop. Your lipgloss mixed with his red lipstick as he ravaged his tongue inside your heated mouth, intertwining his with yours.
His sunction on your tongue causing pleasure to build up inside you as you trailed your hands over the scar of his bare chest, his calloused hand squishing the fat of your ass as he teased his fingers under your swim bottoms.
You huffed, “You’re such a brute, y’know?”
“Hah…and you’re just an annoying brat who wants to police everything I do,” he violently smashes his lips back onto you, sucking on your tongue with desperation. Your lips swollen and red as he roughly made out with you — The taste of bitter alcohol lingered in your mouth.
The needy feeling of your clit causing you to buck your hips towards his clothed erection as you sought out for stimulation.
You could feel a smirk on face as he kissed your swollen lips. “Naughty girl humping my cock like a dog in heat.” His hand gives your thigh a tight squeeze.
You felt your cheeks glow with red at his dirty comment, you were so horny for this man it hurt. You continued rubbing your crotch on him, not caring about the consequences you were going to get from him. In fact, it turned you on thinking about the things he might do to you when you disobeyed him like an untrained dog.
Kidd groaned, “Oh, you fucking slut. You wanna be act like one, then fine.”
He backed away from you, causing you to become saddened at his far-proximity, “Show me how you touch yourself.” His eyes darkened as he looked down upon you, his gaze was practically piercing through the windows of your soul.
You widened your eyes at his request. Nonetheless, you followed his instruction as you removed your bikini bottom, revealing your glistening pussy opened your legs enough for him to give him a show. Your cheeks flushed from embarrassment as he watched you with hungry eyes.
You lowered your hand along your sopping wet cunt, a quiet whimper ripped out of you as you rubbed your digits along your erected pearl. You felt as if your legs were giving out as you circled your pearl in a speedy pace. You bit your lip as you held back a loud moan, not wanting to get teased by the red-head.
You lowered your hand as you dipped your middle and ring finger into your soaked opening, your slick coating them --- Slowly, you pumped your opening as you kept your gaze on Kidd. A smirk painted on his face, as his eyes roamed on your spread out figure.
“Fuck…go faster and I’ll give you a prize, babe,” His fingers pulling down on his metal zipper as he reached for his erection behind his white boxers. You simultaneously pumped your fingers faster as you watched him grab his hardened cock through the boxer’s crotch hole — his shaft was pale, bringing out the pink color of his tip; precum dripping onto the wooden floor as it twitched with need.
A hiss escaped through his teeth as he rubbed his thumb over the leaky slit, spreading his precum over the head. He toyed with his sensitive tip as he kept his eyes on your stuffed cunt. The sight of the short-fused captain masturbating along with you was quite a shock, but who were you to complain?
The more you increased the pace of your fingers, the more you felt your orgasm approaching. A part of you wanted to halt this process altogether, yet, you found a sort of pleasure in being controlled by Kidd. You couldn’t explain it.
You knew this was wrong. You knew this was gonna get you in trouble with your boss…But who fucking cares? It doesn’t hurt to break a rule or two!
You paused your actions; the feeling of your stomach turning from anxiety as you awaited his next commands. He leaned towards your ear, his warm breath hitting along your lobe, “Thanks for making it wet for me, pretty girl~”
Your eyes slightly widened at his comment as you stared back at him with puppy eyes. He couldn’t help but coo at your expression before spreading your legs to make room for his wide torso. You nervously gulped as you felt the head of his cock align with your hole.
“You workin’ tomorrow?”
“No, I’m off. Why you asking?”
He chuckled before darkening his gaze, “‘Cause I’m gonna fuck ya hard.”
You squeaked as you felt him push the head of his cock further into your crying hole. A grunt slipping through his teeth as he felt your gummy walls clench around him, the feeling of his tip kissing your cervix.
“Just yell out ‘red’ if I’m being too rough,” he smirked.
You smirked back, “This ain’t my first time so you don’t gotta be gentle with me. If you break any glasses, I’ll clean em’ up.”
He swore he felt his cock twitch from your confidence before he pulled back his hips and thrusted into you. You gasped at the sudden intrusion before replacing it with a moan of pleasure.
The feeling of his cock bullying your sweet spot became overwhelming as you felt that familiar sensation of pleasure creep up in your pelvis. You instinctually held onto Kidd’s broad shoulders as he continued to thrusting into you, the feeling of his scars tickled your fingertips. Your leg accidentally kicked the empty mug off the countertop, the sound of glass shattering onto the floor not even distracting you from Kidd’s savage thrusts.
The emptiness of the bar was only filled with echoes of your grunts and moans, the sound of skin colliding as he roughly pounded into you. The way his hips followed a pattern as his movements became needier and sloppier. You were becoming drunk off the way he mercilessly used your pussy like a toy.
You felt a harsh slap on the side of your ass causing you to let out a quiet gasp, “what the hell, Kidd?!”
“What? You liked it, don’t lie,” he growled.
You retaliated by slapping his face, a deep grunt escaped from his smeared lips. His face becoming hot from anger and pleasure. “That was kind of hot,” was what he thought. A devilish smile appearing on your face as you watched him rub the impact from your slap.
He turned to you before smirking back at you, “You really like talking back, huh?”
“What? You like it, don’t ya,” a glint forming in your eye.
He chuckled while having a dark look on his face, “Then, turn that ass around, pretty girl.”
You shifted your body as you laid your chest on the bar counter, your feet arched onto your tippy toes as you faced your ass towards him.
You heard a curse slip out of him as he walked closer to your bent over figure, grabbing the plushness of your ass fat. He aligned himself with your hole before rutting his hips towards yours.
Your quiet moans and whimpers were enough to bring music to his ears as he watched his cream-coated cock disappear into your pussy. His eyes focused on the way your ass recoiled from the impact of his hips, it was so intoxicating he couldn’t help but giving it another smack.
You couldn’t help but arch your back as he continuously fucked you silly. It was getting pathetic…really. You for sure knew you were getting fired if your boss walked in on you getting pounded like a slut by a customer past closing hours. Yet, the thought sent your adrenaline running laps throughout your bloodstream.
Kidd panted as he lowered towards your ear, “You like getting fucked silly by a pirate, pretty girl?”
“N-no! T-this is just a one time thing,” you lied as you felt the sweat drip off your forehead.
He chuckled into your ear, “That’s not what your pussy says.”
He grabbed a fistful of your hair as his hips started to lose momentum from his impending orgasm. He let out a deep grunt as he slowed his pace, “How ‘bout I stuff my cum in ya? Bet ya look pretty with my cum dripping outta ya pussy.” You hummed a little sound of approval, “Fuck…I wanna cum on your cock so bad.” He laughed as he caressed your cheek with a painted finger, “So direct, babe…”
He hissed as he bucked his hips further into you as he chased his orgasm with yours. You held onto the counter for dear life as he drove his cock into your g-spot violently.
Suddenly, a wave of release washed over Kidd as he felt his seed escaped his balls, filling your swollen pussy. Your orgasm shortly approached after as your hole swallowed his cock, your legs gave out as you hung onto the counter. Both your faces sweaty and red from the intense heat of your intimacy you shared, clothes strewn across the floor, hair disheveled into a tangled mess while catching your breaths.
He watched in awe as his fluids mixed with yours as it dripped down your leg, leaving a tiny pool of white onto the wooden floors. His calloused finger stuffed the milky white liquid back into your abused hole, “Bad to waste food, manager.” You flipped him the bird in response as you continued gasping for oxygen.
After, the both of you guys washed yourselves up and mopping the evidence off your floors, you both sat down silently in-front of the bar. The silence was so deafening, a pin drop could be heard. The tension was thick, considering you guys fucked not too long ago. And you guys fucked hard…
“So, you gonna pay your tab?” You broke the silence.
His soft chuckle escaped the red-head’s lips, “That wasn’t enough?”
You scoffed while hitting his arm, “Sex doesn’t pay for cheap beer.”
He playfully shoots you puppy eyes before giving up, “Fine, you’re lucky that you’re hot.”
He slides the paper currency towards you, the smell of berries taking over your sense of smell like perfume (cause you a greedy bitch). “That’ll be going towards my paycheck,” you wink.
His booming laugher filled the empty bar, “Join my crew and you can get 10x more.”
You chuckled before grabbing a cigarette from your bikini top and lighting it, “Not the first time i’ve been told that.”
His demeanor switched from cheerful to confusion, “Say what?”
“Strawhat practically begged me,” you used your pointer finger to turn his head towards the wall on his left, a pinboard collection of bounties hanging by tacks.
The word ‘strawhat’ was like a trigger as his eyes landed on the words, Monkey D. Luffy, with a picture of the smirking rubber boy grinning playfully.
He dropped his head in his hands,
“Curse you, Strawhat.”
e/n: srry for the long wait, writers block a bitch + was busy!! (also srry for the shitty ending lmao)
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gay-wh0re-slut · 8 months
Could we get a #bottom-rhea fic? rhea is overconfident/cocky and gets put in her place. And please, that tongue piercing 🥵
oh shit oh fuck..,.,,,.. hell yeah i can. i’m squirming in my seat rn lmaooooooo
Shut Up
rhea x fem!reader
content: rhea gets a lil over confident about her work in the bedroom and you got tired of it so you put her in her place, well your place… and kiss her and choke her and fuck her and and and no plot just sex
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Laid across the bed waiting for your lover to come home. She had promised to do the most awful things to you when she finally came back after a week of traveling. You weren’t wearing anything specifically sexy in case she was too tired, just a lil booty short that was barely covering your ass and one of her many band tees. She loved seeing you in them, so you knew she would at least comment on it if anything.
She texted you saying she was on the way from the airport about an hour ago, so you checked her location and she was one minute away. Your heart was beating fast and your breath was lost as you thought of seeing her again since last week. You were too excited to move so you sat… waiting.
You heard the door open and close, some shuffling, the dogs clicking on the tile floor, finally footsteps approaching the bedroom.
“Hey baby,” the tired wrestler opened the bedroom door, “I’ve missed you,” she literally plopped on the bed beside you, “so much.” She leaned over and grabbed your face lazily to kiss you before she laid down beside you, facing you.
“I missed you too, my love,” you replied. Your hand rested on her shoulder, rubbing it with your thumb. You were a bit disappointed that she seemed too tired to do anything but you didn’t mind too much, you know how busy she is.
After a few quiet moments of her breathing in her home, bed, and you, she looked so peaceful, she fluttered her pretty eyes open, “how’s it been here?”
You took a long breath, “pretty good, nothing too crazy. Worked, you know, the usual.”
“Mmm,” her eyes slowly shut again.
You watched her breathe, quietly, watching her nostrils flare with every exhale. Your hand moved to her cheek, you leaned over to kiss her but she immediately and swiftly pinned you down, holding both hands by your head as she straddled your hips.
“Rhea!” you yelped.
“Gotcha,” she laughed maniacally.
“Fuck,” you laughed with her, “I thought you were tired,” you finally caught your breath.
“And break my promise,” she snuck her lips to your neck, “do you remember my promise?” she whispered as she trailed soft kisses down your neck. She took her time, letting you feel every one of them. She replaced some with a soft lick. You could feel her piercing dragging on your skin, sending a shock wave through your body.
You let out a weak moan, “y-yes.”
“Mhmm,” she switched to the other side, “and what was it?” her voice was graveled.
“That you would…”
“Mhmm,” her hands relieved the slightest bit of pressure.
“Mark me yours,” you whined.
“What else?” she moved your hands to be held by one of hers while the free hand snakes its way under your shirt feeling every inch of your skin underneath.
“That y-you would-”
“Say it,” she said sternly.
You struggled to form words as she nipped at your ear. Her hand toyed with your nipple causing you to arch your back into her. You huffed a moan as you slammed your back into the bed again.
“C’mon baby, let me hear you say it,” her accent became deeper as she growled in your ear.
“Mmmfuck,” you whined as you slightly bucked your hips.
“You like when I tease you, huh?” her evil smile formed on her lips.
“Yess,” as you tried to break free from her hands.
“Uh uh,” she tightened her grip, “you know the deal.”
“Oh c’mon baby,” she mocked, “just four little words, I know you can do it.”
You threw your head back in frustration. Rolling your eyes at her you took a deep sigh.
“How am I supposed to know what you want, princess?” she continued the mocking tone until the pet name became angry.
After not even a second, you gathered the strength you had left pushed your hands up and broke her grip, bucked your hips up to push her off of you. She flailed while falling over to her side of the bed looking shocked that you could over throw her. You climbed on top of her and copied the grip she had on you to begin with.
“No, Mami. Fuck you.” you smiled on top of her.
“Shhh,” you quieted her with a finger over her mouth.
She shook her head in confusion, “what’s going on?” she spoke around your digit.
“It’s my turn,” you began to follow in her footsteps by kissing her neck.
“Baby,” she breathed.
“Ho-Why did you do that?”
“Like it’s hard for me to control you,” you said slyly, “As if you don’t like it,” now your hand was under her shirt.
“I do but I’m always on-”
“Shut up,” you barked.
“Excuse me?” she was brought out of her trance.
“I said,” you leaned closer to her, “shut. up.”
You gave her a quick peck on the lips before going back to nipping at her ears and kissing on her neck. Now your hand was toying with her nipple. You knew she could easily break out of your hold but you were grateful she let you keep going. Quiet but deep moans were flowing out of her as you continued.
“Now, you can take back over and do whatever you want to me or…” the hand under her shirt gripped onto her neck, “I can prove that you like to be a bottom.”
She snarled at you as her response before rolling her eyes back into her head because your grip tightened around her neck.
“That’s what I thought,” you chuckled.
“Shut up,” she snapped back.
“Aw, hard to be a bottom, huh?”
You kiss her hard to shut her up. She was frozen for a moment before she released the tension in her body. Her hips gently bucked trying to push you farther in to her.
“Now actually shut up,” you sat up, releasing your grip on her wrists, “and take it.”
“Shit,” she mumbled as she watched you scoot down her legs and push them open.
You kissed along her bare skin of her thighs, slowly sneaking your fingers into the waistband of her booty shorts. You tugged at them and she lifted her hips to allow you to slip them off. Once you threw them into oblivion, you grazed your hands over her hips, up her stomach, caressed her tits once more before tracing your hands back down to her thighs.
Her hands were gripping at the bed sheets as she was breathing heavily with a soft moan here and there. You placed some final kisses on her thighs before reaching her core. Your hot breath teasing her before doing anything else. Her hips slightly jerked towards you silently begging for more.
“Look at me,” you said staring at her from below smiling.
It took her a second to recognize what you said, but she finally made eye contact with you. Your smile grew wider when those sapphire eyes met yours because for the first time ever, she was the one that looked helpless.
“Good girl,” you threw at her which was something she always said to you.
You could see her grip tighten on the sheets when she heard those words. You chuckled slightly before resuming placing soft pecks on her lower body. Every now and then you would get so close but never where she needed you. Every time you did get close, she would close her eyes hoping you would go for it but you never did. You had to remind her three times to keep eye contact.
“Baby…please,” she begged.
“What?” you said innocently.
“Please just- ugh!”
“A little frustrated, are we?” you loved being on this side. Seeing her writhe, pleading for you, it felt powerful, now you see why she loved it so much.
“Mhmm,” she whined.
“Hm,” you hummed contently.
You could see that she was already almost dripping onto the sheets, so you decided to finally give her what she wanted. Making sure she was watching, you stuck out your tongue and took a long, slow lick over her core.
A guttural moan could be heard above you as her back arched. You gave her a second to recuperate before doing it again. And once again, the guttural moan and arched back returned.
Apparently she was tired of waiting for more, so her hand found your head and pushed you into her. Although, you liked being a top for a night, you loved when she would control you. But you fought back, this was your time, your rules tonight.
So your hand gripped her wrist and peeled it away from your head, "I'm in charge tonight and I'm going to do whatever I want. Understood?" You leaned on your elbows between her beefy thighs.
"Fuck!" she growled.
You let her seethe for a minute before asking again, "Understood?"
She let out a big sigh, "yes."
"Thank you," you situated yourself back where you were, "Can I continue?"
She squinted at you but then softened her look, "yes."
And you didn't waste any time. One hand held her legs open while the other was gently placed on the side of her torso. You worked your magic on her core with your tongue, flicking up and down, side to side, anything and everything to get her riled up. And it worked perfectly.
Her hips were moving perfectly against your mouth, her beautiful moans and whines filled the room. Her hand snuck back to your head but you didn’t mind this time. Every now and then she would pull your hair subconsciously.
“B-baby, please,” she said quietly.
“Hmm,” you hummed into the hot mess, sending her growing knot closer to its breaking point.
“Mmf,” her hips bucked, “I need- fuck!”
You stopped what you were doing to sit up a bit to look at her, “What baby?”
“I need your…” she took a deep breath and stared right into your eyes, “fingers.”
You gave her a devilish smile and went back to your job. The hand that was caressing her body, moved to her inner thigh, teasing at her oozing center. Her hips jerked once more. After making her wait forever, you gently pushed two fingers into her.
“Fuck yes,” she arched her back.
You continued to carefully pump in and out of her as you continued lap her up. Moans filled your ears, her hands gripped your head and bed sheets so hard you thought she would pull your hair out and rip a hole in the sheets simultaneously.
She mumbled out curses as you went, she threw in a few pet names too. You were starting to realize why she liked being on top so much.
You could feel her clenching around your fingers, her breathing became faster, “Mmmmyesss like that, baby,” she groaned.
The knot that was in her stomach finally unraveled, her back arched, her legs squeezed your head, she slammed her fist on the bed, she pushed your head farther into her.
“FUCK,” she screamed.
As she rode it out, she released the tension in her body as she calmed her breathing and her spine gently fell back onto the bed. You carefully pull out of her then took one last lap at her center, hearing a weak moan from above as you did.
You sat up, trailing soft kisses on her bare hips to her stomach. Her hand rested on your head the whole way up pushing your hair out of the way. Once you reached eye level, you brought your hand to your mouth and cleaned off the two fingers you used moments ago.
Her mouth dropped open for a second before she pulled you in for a deep sloppy kiss. The two of stayed there for a moment, before you fell next to her.
“Holy shit,” she breathed, “you’re doing that more often.”
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prettypinkporkchop · 20 days
Hey I have no clue if you're request are open if not just ignore this
Can I request a Paul x reader where reader works as a zoo keeper. Because of that reader is really used to working with wolves like they're just big puppies and sometimes when they see him in wolf form, they forget that he's are not just a wolf so they start like petting him and baby talking him and he's just like "wtf are you doing"
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"Okay, babe. I'm leaving work." You say as you close the cage that has the koala inside. You wave at them and start walking down the concrete toward the exit. Doing so, you pass up the rest of the animals. "I love you, baby." Paul says. "I love you, too." You reply, looking around, making sure every animal is in place, fed, safe, and comfortable.
You stop in your tracks when you see a white wolf out of the fence with the rest of his family. "Oh! Hi, sweet thing." You gush and step toward him. All of the animals are used to you and love you, so he just nudges into your hand. "We need to get you back into your area." You pet him. You start walking to the fence and he follows behind. You open the gate and he walks inside. "Goodnight, babies!" You blow them kisses and leave the zoo.
You get to Paul's house as you do on nights that he's not patrolling. He's in bed already, so you drop your bag on the couch and go to the bathroom. You take a shower using the soaps he keeps there for you. You even have a stash of clothes there. You might as well just move in at this point!
Once you're fresh, you enter the dark room. You can hear his light snores and you tiptoe to the bed. You crawl in next to him, slowly and quietly. It didn't work. He wakes up and rolls over to hold you. "Babygirl." He mumbles and places kisses on the back of your neck. "Go back to sleep, Paul." You giggle and push your bottom against him. He growls and turns you over, forcing your back on the bed, and he hovers over you. "Nah." He says with a smart-ass tone.
"Y/n, wake up! We have to go to Emily's." Paul whispers in your ear. You sigh and throw the blankets off of you. "Damn." He chuckles. "Damn." You mock him. He stands up and presses your body against the wall. "Watch it." He warns playfully and kisses you softly. "I'm just so tired!'' You wine. "Yes, I know." He says.
You get to Emily's and the pack leave to do whatever, leaving you and the other imprints behind. "You look tired." Emily looks at you while filling up your cup of coffee. "Well, I'm the last coworker standing. It's just me and my boss. I haven't had a day off in a week." You sigh. "I'll apply just for you!" Kim leans into your shoulder. "Actually, please do." You giggle. You guys turn toward the window that is pointed to the backyard. There was a howl and laughter that caught your attention. You can see wolf Jared, Paul, and Sam. The other wolves are laughing and playing around with them. "Oh, my god. THEYRE SO CUTE!'' You squeal. You stand up to go outside, but Rachel grabs your arm. "Nuh uh, y/n. Paul will be very upset." Rachel says. "Yeah, Sam never let's me around them during this time." Emily smiles. "But,-" You're interrupted. "No buts." Kim says. "The animal lover in me is fighting you guys right now." You keep your eyes on the beautiful wolves you want to pet. "Fine. Go." Rachel smirks and lets your arm go. "Hey! No way!" Kim says. "I want to see what happens. I know they won't hurt her." Emily giggles.
You make your way out of the door and go towards the group. "Y/n, the hell are you doing?" Embry asks. You see Paul growling. "Oh, cutie pie!" You gush. You push past everyone and reach the dark silvery fur. "Oh, Paul!!!!!" You start scratching his ears and head. "Who's a good boy?!" You start peppering kisses on his head. You're petting all over him. "Oh, Paul! Burn! Ego shattered!" Embry laughs. Everyone else is laughing. Sam, in his wolf, form inches closer to you to try and get you to back away. Jared is behind Paul, nudging him into you. Paul is growling and trying to push Jared back with his leg. "I love you!" You gush and then wrap your arms around his fury neck. He jumps out of your arms and runs off into the woods. "Oops?'' You turn back to Jacob, Embry, Seth, and Leah. "I think you broke him." Jacob laughs. Paul runs back with shorts on. He hovers over you with his arms crossed. "Y/n, what the hell?" He asks. "You are just so cute. I couldn't walk away from a puppy." You furrow your eyebrows and smile, holding your hands together. "A puppy?!" Paul yells. "Oh, god." Leah says. "Wolf. Shifter. I'm not safe. We aren't safe. Don't forget that." He says sternly and then points to the house. "Go in there and don't come out." He says. You start tearing up. "Paul! Man, come on." Seth stands next to you. Paul sighs and then hugs you. "I'm sorry for being mean. You just have to be safe." He kisses your cheek. You nod your head and turn around to go back inside.
After that, everyone makes fun of Paul. They call him puppy and ruffle his hair. Jared loves to make kissing sounds and say, "Who's my good boy?"
But you made it up to Paul (;
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jpitha · 10 months
Between the Black and Gray
Fen rushed around the corner and slammed her back against the wall, willing herself to be thinner. Station security ran past the alley, their boots clanging on the plates in the floor. Gulping air, Fen tries to slow her breathing.
The comm glued behind her ear buzzed. "Fen, what happened? There are security alerts lighting up the boards looking for you."
Fen winced. She had hoped that she would have had a little longer to try and explain things. "Hey Ma-ren. Sorry. Looks like things got out of hand at Stations End. I uh, might have gotten involved in a small... altercation."
"You were in a bar fight? Fen, what the hell?" Ma-ren managed to sound exasperated even over the bone conduction comm while speaking Levinen.
Fen switched to Colonic. Hardly anyone here spoke the old language and it was easier to talk to Ma-ren in their native tongue. "They were shit talking K'laxi, Ma! I couldn't let that stand. 'Furball' this and 'Cats' that. It was making me so angry!" Fen balled up her fist at the memory, winced when her bruised knuckles complained, and straightened her hand again. "I threw a few punches, tossed a couple Bears, and chucked my chair. It was hardly a fight. Look, I ducked station security, but I need to get off the promenade. I'll keep to the alleys and the maintenance tunnels. It'll be fine. I'll be fine. See you in a bit."
Before Ma-ren could reply, Fen touched the stud on her comm, silencing it. Peering around the corner, she saw that security was looking around. Fen crept further down the alley until she was behind a restaurant. Even here on the station, behind restaurants were messy places. Odd smells, greasy floors and detritus scattered everywhere.
Fen crept behind the restaurant until she came upon a maintenance tunnel. She tried the wheel, but it was stuck fast. "Uh Station? Can you open maintenance door-" she peered at the door and wiped some slimy dirt away "-775-OPR-23?" Fen spoke as quietly as she thought she could get away with.
"Fenchurch Imar, you are not authorized to enter the maintenance tunnels." Station at least had the grace to reply in a low voice matching hers.
"I know Station, but I just need to use it as a shortcut to get home. You saw security, there's no way I'll get treated well if they catch me"
"Fenchurch, I also know why they are chasing you. You tossed two Sefigans and threw a chair at a Gren. All three are in the medical ward."
Fen stopped. She didn't think she had injured anyone. "How badly are they hurt?"
"They will recover. The Sefigans are bruised and the Gren broke one of their legs. You know that you are stronger than both of them. We make it clear to humans when they come onboard."
"I know Station, but you also know how they were bad mouthing K'laxi. They were calling them our pets!"
"Regardless Fenchurch-"
"Please, call me Fen."
"Very well. Regardless Fen, you started a bar fight. Whatever your reasons, security wants to speak to you."
Fen rolled her eyes. "Station you know very well that speaking is the last thing on their minds. They want to shock baton me until I'm a gibbering mess and then toss me into the drunk tank until Ma-ren bails me out and everyone has a good laugh. I'll probably get evicted for good measure."
Station said nothing.
"Well Station? Are you going to open the hatch, or am I going to get arrested, beaten, and humiliated? You know what I did. Does defending my girlfriend warrant all that?"
There was a click, and the hatch bounced off its seals.
"Thanks Station, I owe you."
"You do, Fen."
Fen made it home without further incident. As she approached the stairs she passed an old K'axi, gray around their muzzle, sitting on a folding chair, reading a pad.
"Hey Da'reni. How's things?"
They looked up from their pad and flicked an ear. "Causing trouble again Fen?"
Fen crossed her arms defiantly. "They were shit talking K'laxi, Da'reni. I wasn't going to let that stand."
Da'reni nodded slowly. "I get that Fen, and I appreciate it, but you also have to think about what kind of trouble this will bring down on all of us. The knock-on effects. We're not in the Colony Worlds. Humans and K'laxi are thin on the ground here. You could take anyone here in a fight one on one, but they're in charge. Security can come here and evict us and then what Fen? Spyglass barely made it here, and I know that you can't fix a Starjumper."
Fen sighed. Da'reni was right, but that didn't make what she said feel good. "I know Da'reni, I know. But..." her shoulders slumped. "Okay. I'll try and be more careful."
Da'reni looked down at her pad. "I know you will Fen."
Fen's energy sapped, she walked slowly up the steps until she reached her apartment. Touching the locking stud, the door clicked and she pushed it in. Suddenly, her vision was obscured, and she felt warm fur on her face. Her arms shot up to catch Ma-ren after she jumped onto her. "Hey hon. I thought you might need a hug."
Fen squeezed her girlfriend gently and held her. "You always know just what I need Ma." After a moment she set the K'laxi down. "I talked with Da'reni on the way in."
"Oh? What did that old warhorse have to say?" Ma-reni's tail flicked playfully.
"She warned me about causing trouble. We don't want to get evicted or worse, especially since Spyglass isn't in any condition to thrust away, let alone link anywhere."
Ma-ren nodded. "She has a point Fen. Still, you came to my rescue today and while it might cause trouble, that's part of the reason why I love you.
Fen smiled. "I love you too Ma. You wanna go get dinner?"
Ma laughed. "After the trouble you just caused? I think we'll cook at home tonight."
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stevie-petey · 3 months
How about a bug and Robin blurb? Maybe the first time Robin saw bug and how her crush on bug developed? You posted so much and I'm so grateful for you, you keep me sane 😭
ok ok i wouldnt necessarily say robin has a crush on bug per say, but she def has always had a youresoprettyandcoolpleaselookatmebeforeidie vibe with bug LMAO
enjoy !
"okay, we're doing ice breakers today. i want everyone to tell the class their name and one fun fact about them. everyone understand?" mrs. greer, robins english teacher, announces.
robin sinks low into her seat. she hates ice breakers. its the first day of sophomore year and robins third class of the day and shes done more ice breakers than she thinks should be legal. theyre annoying and horrible and should be considered a crime against society instead.
a few kids in the class give half-hearted responses to the teacher. everyone is tired, no one wants to be here, and robin knows its going to be a long year for her.
one by one, agonizingly slowly, the students in the room present themselves to the class. theyre all the same kids robin has known her entire life. no one new ever comes to hawkins, its a painfully small town.
she watches with dread as the kid in front of her stands up and announces that his name is greg and that he has a pet frog named freg. robin is so bored out of her mind that she laughs at fregs name, and greg gives her an odd look.
not a good way to start her introduction to the class.
all eyes turn to her, shes next, and robin sighs. her knees shake slightly, her palms sweat. "hi, im. uh, robin. robin buckley."
"and your fun fact, ms. buckley?" mrs. greer prompts, making robin want to die even more.
"right! uh," does she even have a fun fact about herself? she thinks girls are prettier than boys, if that counts for anything, but she doubts that would go over well. mind blanking, robin spits out the first thing she can think of. "it-it took me longer than average to learn how to walk?"
no one says anything.
someone coughs.
mrs. greer blinks at her.
robin sits back down in her seat and covers her head. shes mortified. hey, look at me! i cant walk ! who even says that?
"hello," a familiar voice reprieves robin of her mortification. she turns in her seat and almost chokes. its you. perfect, wonderful, way too cool for robin, you. "im y/n henderson, and my fun fact is that i have a cat named mews and a turtle named yurtle."
"freg is better." greg quips, a smug smile on his face.
you laugh, and its angelic to robins ears. your hair is pinned up today, a sweater drapes over your frame, and robin is convinced that youre not real. "i gotta admit, its pretty good."
"thanks, i thought of it myself."
"how creative of you, greg."
greg winks at you and gives you a thumbs up, pleased, and robin wants to die again. you give him a confused look, clear your throat, and sit back down. right behind robin. because of course youre seated behind robin. why wouldnt you be?
"im jonathan byers and my fun fact is that yurtle the turtle once bit me."
you stifle a laugh between your fingers and jonathan glares at you. robin sinks down into her seat. this is just her luck. shes going to be sitting in front of you and jonathan for the rest of the school year.
shes been dying to be your friend ever since she first saw you last year, but youve never strayed from jonathans side long enough for her to work up the nerve.
now here you are, and the stupid loner boy sits next to you.
robin hates her life.
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twst-drabbles · 10 months
Azul, Jamil and Leona 1
Summary: You tripped on your hike and twisted your ankle something fierce. You can still walk, so you can say you didn’t break or tear anything, but the pets at home seem to think you need to be taken care of.
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“Ow, Azul, come on,” you bent down to try and grab the guppy who had himself wrapped around your swollen ankle, “it’s not that bad.”
Well, it does look rather bad but it wasn’t painful so much as it was… tight. And it was only tighter with a fussy Azul refusing to let go and go into the bath. It wasn’t this bad when you tripped and tumbled over that rock back on your hike. It only started to swell the minute you sat down on the tub’s lip and began filling the tub.
As much as you’d like to take everyone your hikes, there’s only so much attention you can spare when you’re busy trying not to get into any accidents. You’re not clumsy by any means, you walk as slow as needed since you’re not in any rush, but terrain is usually subject to the whims of whatever magical creature is in the forest.
As such, you could only bring Azul with you. He’s not a fast swimmer but he enjoyed himself either way.
“Azul, that’s not going to make it go down,” you finally managed to untangle Azul. He gave a long whine, stretching his tentacles towards your leg but you plopped him into the tub just as golden sand flowed from under the bathroom door. “Of course.”
You sighed just as Leona reformed his little lion self. You patted Azul’s head and got up. You don’t want to say you hobbled over to the sink, but that is what you did to grab the bottle from the cabinet below. It was a special mixture you ordered from Sam. You like letting the seafolk swim in the river, but you don’t want to potentially bring any sickness or parasites into your main tank, so you always wash them first before putting them back.
Now that sound was his alerting noise.
“Azul?” And you probably shouldn’t have taken your eyes off of Leona.
Leona was not a malicious little thing. Sure, he’s the definition of grumpy and bitter anytime he’s around… anyone that talks more than two words an hour, but you can tell he doesn’t hate anything or anyone. That being said, that strong poke to your ankle had you thinking for a moment if Leona had something against you.
You hissed and gripped the sink to keep yourself from falling.
“Leona…” you managed to squeeze out, “That hurt. That hurt a lot. Don’t do that again, please.”
Leona didn’t look the least bit sorry when you gazed at him. However, he didn’t look entertained by your pain either. His eyes were narrowed and his tail flicking sand back and forth. The little flecks didn’t land on the floor, they floated and hovered over his head, flying around like angry flies.
His attention was suddenly off you with a twitch of his ear. His form disappeared, becoming a little storm of sand. He flew to your doorknob, seeped into the edges and heard him pushed down the latch bolt.
The door suddenly slammed open and only then did you lose your balance. Jamil, who was in the middle of climbing up the door, fell like a thick stick right onto the floor. The compression socks he had in his hands luckily soften the blow.
“Ow, ow. Uh, hey, you okay, Jamil?” Luckily it wasn’t that bad of a fall. Didn’t hurt as much as it could’ve. And the bottle was fine as well. Jamil though, he fully face planted. Socks or not, that must’ve hurt.
Jamil got up with a shake of his head, face dark with both irritation and embarrassment.
Leona reformed himself and gave a laugh. Jamil glared but it did nothing to stop that wide grin on his face.
Jamil huffed and slithered over to your lap. He present your socks to you, shaking them up and down as though trying to tempt you to grab them. You did.
“Thanks. I’ll put them on in a bit. I have to bathe Azul first.”
Azul heard his name and was startled, pausing him in his escape attempts. His tendrils were already trailing over the side of the tub, water dripping right down to the floor. Before you could scoop him up and put him back, Leona came over in his sand storm form.
He whirled and lifted Azul right up and let him go with a splash. Leona reformed on a small life preserver toy you had in there. He laid on his back, little legs and arms dipped into the water as though he was on vacation. He gave a big loud yawn while Azul surfaced the water with an irritated trill.
“Hold up, hold up,” you dragged yourself and Jamil onto the bathtub, “let me wash you first, then you can fight. Jamil, hand me the bottle over there, please.”
Well, it seems they’re going to be here a while. No point in fighting against it.
And, just as you took your eyes off of Jamil, said little naga traveled off your lap, looped his tail under Leona's preserver, and flipped it over with a quick flip. Leona sunk like a stone with only the cutest of yips. Oh boy, it's going to be one of those days, huh?
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mattsturniolosmuse · 6 months
Talk To Me
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Johnny Cade x Fem! Reader
Summary: You've been dating Johnny for 3 months. You've never talked in front of the gang; you are selectively mute. You hate talking, you're scared people will judge you based off of what you say. One day, you're sticking up for yourself and Johnny, and hearing your voice turns him on. Turns out you are a lot louder than you give up to be.
Warnings: Smut, p in v, oral (fem receiving), sub! reader, dom! johnny, unprotected sex, dirty talk, use of pet names
"What do you guys think?" Darry asks the gang, following his question of 'what icecream should we get for Ponyboy's birthday?'
Most of the gang replied with chocolate. When it came to you, you shrugged.
"That's alright, angel, just point to the colour." Johnny says, grabbing some crayons off of the kitchen counter. You point at the pink one.
"Strawberry?" He asks. You nod. The votes came out as 5 for chocolate and 2 for strawberry.
"I'm going to take a smoke." Johnny says, stepping outside. You follow him, grabbing the cigarette out of his hand that he offered you. He lights it.
"How you been doin?" Johnny asks you. You nod in response.
"Good? That's good." Johnny says, pausing.
"You can talk to me. I won't judge you, I promise." He says, looking at you wearily. You shake your head.
"No? That's ok." He says, dissapointed.
"I'll bet your voice is really pretty." He says, stomping out his cigarette.
You shake your head again. It ain't.
"Want to go to Dairy Queen?" Johnny asks you. You get up, signalling that you would like him to. He locks his fingers with yours. He admires your face. He's always loved it.
Your e/c eyes that were so full of fear, but lit up whenever someone talked about something you enjoyed. Your cheeks were always rosy, especially when it was cold. Your lips were often coated in your favourite lip gloss; an orange flavour. He found himself thinking about your lips. About how he had never heard a word fall out of them.
"You're so pretty, angel." Johnny says to you, squeezing your hand. You blush.
The roar of an engine cracks Johnny out of his fantasizing about you. He looks behind him, and turning the corner, is a blue mustang. His heart starts hammering in his chest. He grips your hand tighter.
"So, uh- how was your day?" He asks, realizing you haven't noticed the mustang, and not wanting to scare you.
You shrug. The mustang speeds up.
"Sorry, angel, but we gotta run." Johnny says, dragging you with him. You guys try to outrun the vehicle, but, it being a vehicle, it was impossible. You trip on a rock and fall.
"Angel. Fuck. I'm sorry." Johnny says as one of the soc's grab his arm, the other one grabbing yours.
"Hey, pretty girl. I've seen you around school. You know who I am?" The soc asks you, scraping hair out of your face with his blade. Tears are silently pouring down your face as you shake your head.
"Leave her alone, man, please." Johnny says, struggling to get the words out with a blade to his own throat.
"Come on, pretty girl. Talk. I know you can." The soc says into your ear, squeezing your thigh gently.
No. No, no no. You think to yourself.
"Fine. If you won't talk, we'll take it out on your boyfriend here." The soc says, and Johnny got a punch to the stomach. More tears splash onto your face.
"NO! STOP! LEAVE HIM ALONE!" You scream. The soc is so surprised, he let's go of your arm.
"Angel..." Johnny says, looking up at you in shock.
"Come on guys, let's get out of here." The soc says, and him and his buddies pile back into the car and drive away.
You look back to Johnny. He's on the floor, propped up on his elbows.
You grab his hand and stand him up. "Let's go back." You say.
Johnny is suddenly aware of the tent in his pants. He'd never here you speak a word out of those pretty lips, and it made him crazy.
"Yeah. Ok." Johnny says, limping beside you, still in shock.
"What happened?"
"Are you OK, Johnnycakes?"
"Why is he limping, Y/N?"
These were some of the questions that were fired at you when you got back to the Curtis house. You shrug. Johnny heads upstairs, and you sit on the couch.
You are munching (sorry) on popcorn, when Johnny calls to you.
"Hey, angel, can you come here a sec?" Johnny asks you. You get up, placing the popcorn bowl down on the coffee table.
You enter the guest room, closing the door behind you, and Johnny is sitting on the bed, shirtless. A bruise had begun on his side.
You sit beside him and place your hand on the bruise, your other hand cupping his cheek.
"I'm glad you talked." Johnny whispers, his eyes flicking towards your lips then back up to your eyes. You smile, kissing him gently. The whole motion sent fireworks going off inside your stomach. His lips were soft; and they tasted like cigarettes and vanilla.
Johnny gently places you down on the bed, crawling over you, your lips not leaving eachothers.
Johnny tilts his head to deepen the kiss, and you feel a wet spot growing in your panties as Johnny's knee rubs against your crotch. You whimper quietly as you feel Johnny's tongue brush your lower lip.
You open your mouth, and Johnny's tongue clashes against yours. Johnny moans at the contact, and he slides his hands down your waist and into your shirt.
He begins to squeeze your chest gently, fondling the nipples in between his fingers.
"J-johnny..." You moan. You saying Johnny's name just turned him on more.
"I need you, angel." Johnny says, pulling away from you, his lust clouded eyes piercing into yours. You nod, pulling his black shirt over his head. He kisses you again, and you mess up his hair with your hand. Your other hand trails his stomach, over his slight abs and chest.
Johnny removes your jean jacket and the top underneath, and you unclasp your bra. Johnny groans and stares at you. You blush, averting his eyes, but he grabs your chin and makes you look at him.
"You're so fucking gorgeous, baby." Johnny says, attaching his lips to your left breast while kneading the other. You moan loudly.
He leaves gentle kisses all the way down to your black jeans. He looks up at you for permission, and you nod.
He unbuttons them, sliding them down your legs along with your panties. Johnny bites his lip at the sight of your pussy, his cock throbbing. Your pussy was dripping into the mattress, and he tried so hard to stop himself from rutting into the mattress. He wanted to save himself for you.
He places a gentle kiss to your clit, and your let out a small moan, tangling your hands in Johnny's hair as he flattens his tongue against your pussy.
"Johnny!" You moan out, causing him to go faster. He flicks his tongue in and out of your hole, licking up all of your slick.
"You taste so good, baby." Johnny moans against your clit. It sends vibrations through you, and you throw your head back. The knot in your stomach tightens.
"Johnny, close." You moan, blushing. Johnny pushes his face further into you as you release. His face is dripping with what was a mixture of your slick, cum and his saliva. The sight made you wet all over again.
Johnny wipes his face off with a blanket, and cowers over you again, kissing you gently. You can taste yourself on his tongue.
"Ready? If you want me to stop, just squeeze my hand, and I'll pull out." Johnny says, lacing his fingers with yours. You nod.
He pushes his tip in, and you throw your head back. You squeeze your eyes shut from pain and pleasure. Johnny bottoms out, and begins to thrust in and out of you slowly. You tried to keep your moans in, but it was impossible.
Johnny buries his face in your neck, kissing and sucking hickeys into the skin.
"J-johnny..." You moan, clenching around him. He picks up his pace, his hips pistoning into you at an alarming rate. The only sounds that can be heard are skin clapping and moans that fell from Johnny's mouth and occasionally yours.
"Baby, you feel so good. So tight." Johnny says, kissing you on the lips. His tongue finds yours immediately and you bite it. Johnny groans.
"Close." You moan, clenching down on him.
"Yeah. Come on. Come on my dick, baby. Show me how good I make you feel." Johnny says, bringing you closer to release. You never thought you'd ever hear those words come out of him.
You cum around him, and he thrusts a few more times before pulling out and releasing on your stomach.
"God. I love you, angel." Johnny says, trying to catch his breath.
"Me too." You whisper. You hear a knock on the door, and Johnny scrambles to grab a blanket to cover you.
"Y-yes?" Johnny calls. The door opens and Dally steps into the room.
"You know, if y'all are gonna fuck, find a place that maybe doesn't have 6 other people in it." He says with a smirk. You blush, hiding in Johnny's neck.
This was so much fun to write! Thank you to the anon who requested it. Keep the requests coming!
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r4gg3dy4ndy · 10 months
wheres gideon? (proper capitalization and grammar in the fic.) (983 words.)
gideon graves x reader
"Hey, I'm home!" You wait for Gideon to rush you like he normally does when you get home, but there's not even a responce. Weird. You had just begun to get used to it. You walk further into your home, noticing it's cleaned up. Gideon must have cleaned for you. You walk into the living room to thank him, but... he's not in there either. Strange. He must be in the bathroom, then. You hang up your bags, coat and such and walk over to the record player, going to put on some music, but the album you were looking for isn't in the holder. Must be in your room. You walk over to your room when you hear... soft whines? You crack open the door just a little to see whats happening, when you see him. Gideon Gordon Graves, pathetically humping the mattress in your bed, laying in your bedsheets, with your name falling from his lips. How did you not hear him before? He's loud, moaning and whimpering like a dog in heat. He buryed his face in your pillow, and he's turned the other way, so he doesn't see you as you watch him. You feel kinda perverted for watching him like this (as well as actively enjoying it), but he is basically fucking your mattress. You sneak up behind him and due to how loud his moans are he doesn't hear you, completely caught up in the moment. It's cute, in a way. "Gideon." He immediately freezes up, stilling his motions completely. The tips of his ears burn red at how he was caught. You take his shoulders, flipping him around to face you. All he does is stare up at you, slackjawed. "Well? Got anything to say?" He begins to splutter out a response, but he keeps stuttering and gives up after just a moment. "S- Sorry..." He looks genuinely terrified - Oh god, he probably thinks you're gonna kick him out. You climb into the bed with him, taking his face in your hands. You place a gentle kiss on his forehead. He looks absolutely shocked, blushing so hard. It's... honestly, fucking adorable. "I'm not gonna kick you out, kay? You can still stay. You... want me to help you out?" He nods quickly, looking up at you in the most pleading way. Does he really want you that bad? You both shuffle, him moving to sit up, kneeling on the bed in front of you. "Ah... Could you... Can I r- ride your thigh?" He bites his lip, voice quivery. You nod, and he nearly pounces onto you, positioning himself in the way that would be easiest for him to fuck onto you. He moans like a bitch, head in the crook of your neck. You grip onto his hips, making him go slower. He looks over at you, whining. He looks so confused, panting and groaning.
"Why- Why'd you s- stop me?" You chuckle a bit, condecendingly. "Aww, pretty thing... Did you really think that you got to control this?" You pet him, grinning. He stammers a bit and blushes harder, realizing the direction you're going. He's quick to give in, letting you control him. He moans louder, seeming to enjoy it way more when you control him. You force him to come to a complete stop. He whines again, trying to grind into you more but you don't let him. "Nuh-uh, sweet thing... if you wanna keep going, you're gonna beg." It's as if a switch is flipped in his head, immidiately beginning to beg. His pathetic little whines and begs are adorable. "Please! F- fuck, I need it, need you, please, please! Le- Let me cum! Please!" He's tearing up. You act as if you're contemplating it, before shaking your head no. He looks so desperate, now beginning to cry. You've never felt more turned on by something like this. You act as if you're annoyed, pressing him down onto bed beneath you. You pull off his pants, taking his cock out. He arches his back up into your hold, having to press him back down into the mattress. He tries to keep his hip down as you slowly begin to stroke him, his cock wet with precum. You lean down betwixt his thighs, taking his cock into your mouth. You hum, taking him in deep. He's crying even harder, moaning loudly, nearly shouting your name as you begin to suck him off. He tries to grab your hair, so you slide it out of your mouth with a small pop. You pin his hands down to the bed, tears rolling down his cheeks. You pause. "Hey... Do you want me to stop?" He shakes his head no. You tap his chin, wanting him say it. "N- No, no, please, keep going..." He whines, wanting more. You nod, going over to the closet for just a sec. He sits up for a moment, before seeing you pull out a pair of padded handcuffs. You shackle him to the handboard, going back down to suck his cock. You do so fervently, him hitting the back of your throat. He's moaning loudly, pulling against the cuffs roughly. You can feel his cock twitch in your mouth, pulling back off. He nearly screams, lifting his hips up off the bed in a vain attempt to get the stimulation back. "Please! No, no, I was so- ngh- so close!" He sniffles cutely. You chuckle, deciding to give him what he wants. You go back down to suck him off, still keeping him pressed onto the mattress. He cums down your throat, screaming out, eyes rolling back in pure bliss. You run your hands through his hair as he comes down from his high. "Thank you..." You nod, kissing his forehead. You undo the handcuffs as he presses you down onto the mattress. "My turn."
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