#wait. holy shit. that means that she would be like... a sis-in-law eventually....
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“Carpe Diem” - Domesticated Sequel
F/M Pairing: Felix x OC (original character)
Genre: Strangers to Lovers AU; Sequel
Warnings: mild language; but it’s mostly fluff again!
Word Count: 2.5K
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Summary: Felix loves his brother, and he loves his brother’s wife as well. But there are times when he feels left out and lonely when he watches their interactions together, and maybe he’d like to experience love for himself with the right girl...
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Thalia: the goddess of festivity
Felix really didn’t like the idea of a monogamous relationship. Because they often demanded too much of his time, and those commitments restricted his preference for one-night stands after picking up a pretty girl from the bar. 
But perhaps Felix should reconsider his entire philosophy (after all, he does have a masters degree in the subject) because standing in the middle of the modest lobby of Y/N’s office building, Felix couldn’t help but wonder why he had ever believed such stupid things.
“I’ll call you later,” Thalia promised him with a gentle kiss - the current subject of his most intimate fantasies.
Felix smiled against her lips since he was apparently whipped for one girl (and one girl only) despite his past decisions. “I already miss you,” Felix replied, and he was grateful that Thalia found his cheesiness funny.
They had already been on several dates together (even though Felix couldn’t understand why she kept agreeing because he was so unbelievably shy and awkward), and Felix was growing more and more enamored with the concept of a long-term romance with flowers falling in the background while swelling music crescendos when they kiss for the thousandth time. 
It was the perfect description for their relationship, and he met Thalia at one of the bars he frequented, and she instantly caught his attention with her flirtatious smile and infectious laugh. She also looked beautiful while wearing tight skinny jeans and a low-cut blouse that left very little to the imagination. They wound up together in the sketchy bathroom behind the building, and Felix had never been with someone who managed to unravel him from head to toe in such a short amount of time.
It was the first occasion where he had ever asked for the other girl’s number, and she had stolen his wrist and scribbled the numbers on the back of his hand before kissing the daylights out of him.
When he got home that night, he immediately questioned Chan on the topic of dating, asking him a thousand questions on how best to impress a girl: “Did you pay on your date with Y/N or did you split the bill?”
But Chan had looked at him like he had grown another head, and Felix realized that he would have to put in a lot of effort to make an impression.
Because Thalia was worth it, and she was just so pure like one of his favorite Greek mythology characters come to life! 
“Be good for me,” Thalia said, pulling him out of his memories and back to the present moment.
Apparently, Thalia was meeting someone who worked in this enormous office building - the same one where Y/N suffered under the direction of Seo Changbin, but that was a story for another time.
“My sister-in-law works here,” Felix remarked. 
“Oh?” Thalia grinned as she examined the space around them. “What a coincidence.”
“But I also enjoyed our lunch together,” Felix said, and he was suddenly crowding Thalia against the elevators despite the onlookers observing their interaction.
“Thank you for walking me here,” Thalia said, and Felix watched with a heart full of affection as she waved at him before the elevator doors closed on them.
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And Felix was on cloud-nine for the rest of the day, checking his phone repeatedly as he waited for Thalia to contact him again. 
“Are you waiting for the new PlayStation trailer?” Chan eventually interrupted his obsession, ruffling his hair before joining him on the couch.
“No!” Felix protested, and he shoved his phone away before reaching out for one of the controllers. “You wanna play?”
“Sure,” Chan said. “I’m not on call tonight.”
“Good,” Felix said. “I can kick your ass in Fortnite.”
“Whatever,” Chan scoffed, and he started jabbing his thumbs into the buttons while doing whatever he could to avoid Felix’s attacks. “You’ve had more practice than me!”
“You just suck,” Felix informed him bluntly, narrowing his eyes in concentration as he focused on the screen.
It was actually nice to spend some time with his brother and keep his mind off the persistent question of whether or not Thalia might call him before the end of the night.
“You two are so loud!” Y/N complained when she walked into the living room.
“It’s called intense focus,” Felix replied, chuckling when he managed to hit Chan’s character yet again.
“Hey!” Chan exclaimed, and Y/N rolled her eyes.
“Dinner is almost ready,” she said, tossing a towel over her shoulder before leaving the room and muttering something about boys and their games.
But just when Felix was about to win another round, his phone started going off, and he immediately hit the pause button so that he could look at the screen with a gasp. “Oi,” Chan shouted. “What the hell are you doing?”
“This is important!” Felix insisted, and his eyes drank in every word of Thalia’s message:
T: Would you be interested in having dinner with me and my step-brother tomorrow night? I really want you to meet him!
There was a series of X’s and O’s at the end that had Felix’s heart spiraling out of control. “Oh!” Chan grinned. “Is that your secret admirer?”
“Chan!” Felix whined. “She wants me to have dinner with at her brother’s house,” Felix said. “Holy shit! That means this is serious, right?”
“Congratulations, mate,” Chan said while slapping him on the shoulder. “I think you’ve got yourself a serious relationship!”
“Who, Felix?” Y/N scoffed when she re-entered the room. “I couldn’t help but overhear everything, but I’m having a hard time believing it.”
“She’s amazing,” Felix swooned. “I’m a total romantic now!”
“Felix settling down for one girl?” Y/N questioned. “I never thought I’d see the day!”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Felix frowned. 
“Nothing,” Y/N song-songed, and she invited them into the dining room where Felix played around with his food while he thought about his impending date.
“But what should I do about her brother?” Felix asked, looking back and forth between Y/N and Chan. “He might hate me!”
“Nobody could hate you Felix,” Chan said. “Just be yourself.”
“But with better manners,” Y/N inserted. “And maybe a nicer attitude-”
“Okay, I get it,” Felix huffed. “I need a lot of work.”
“We can practice right now,” Y/N suggested. “The table is set, and we can pretend like I’m Thalia and Chan is her brother.”
“What, like role-playing?”
“Get your mind out of the gutter,” Y/N said. “That’s step number one.”
But Felix had the impression that this might take most of the night, and since he was more determined than ever to sweep Thalia off her feet, he allowed his brother and Y/N to teach him everything there was to know concerning the complicated art of being a model citizen and a top-tier boyfriend.
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But despite the practice, Felix was a ball of nerves as he paced outside of Thalia’s apartment. His mind was focused on too many things at once: Did he look okay? Was he supposed to bring something? What if her step-brother was some kind of wrestler who could beat the hell out of him?
Yet, Felix could’ve never foreseen in his craziest dreams the unforgettable moments proceeding his gentle knock on the door when Thalia answered with someone standing next to her:
“Changbin!” Felix squealed, and Thalia shot them both a confused look as she stood next to the entrance.
Oh, god, the wrestler would’ve been better!
“Do you two know each other?”
“Yeah,” Changbin said with narrowed eyes. “We do.”
“There’s...some history,” Felix said, and Thalia didn’t seem certain of how to address this sudden development.
“Well, you can come inside,” she said, and Felix flinched when she offered him a chaste kiss because Changbin was eyeballing the fuck out of him and Felix could barely remain standing. “I’m just finishing up in the kitchen! Make yourselves comfortable in the dining room.”
Felix nodded, but he watched her walk away with a feeling of dread. “I can’t say that I saw this coming,” Changbin said. “Tell me, Felix, what are your intentions with my sister?”
“Uhhh...” Felix couldn’t believe that his brain was failing him in that moment, but the shock of seeing Changbin had rendered him nothing more than a blabbering idiot. “She’s really cool.”
“Right,” Changbin snorted, and Felix quickly darted around him in the direction of the dining room because this was not what he rehearsed last night in the dozens of scenarios he practiced with Chan and Y/N.
“I made your favorite, Felix,” Thalia said when she brought out a tray from the kitchen. 
“Thank you,” Felix said, and his tone was barely more than a whisper when he caught Changbin’s glare from across the table.
“I’m so glad we could do this,” Thalia said, and she sat down at the head of the table to look between them. “So, you must tell me how you met.”
“College,” Felix said, and he knew that was a vague answer, but Changbin was more than willing to pick up the pieces.
“You remember that girl I dated Freshman year, T?” Changbin asked, and he spooned himself a generous portion of food.
“Of course,” Thalia said and she rolled her eyes while looking in Felix’s direction. “It was so sad, babe. Changbin was dating this girl he liked and another man stole her away!”
“That’s not true!” Felix exclaimed, and Thalia startled at his harsh tone.
“Felix?” she murmured. “Are you okay?”
“I’m fine,” Felix said as he held tightly to his fork. “I just remember things a bit differently.”
“I bet you do,” Changbin retorted before turning to Thalia again. “Bang Chan is Felix’s brother.”
Thalia’s eyes immediately widened at the revelation. “Oh, so that means...”
“Yeah,” Changbin growled. “His sister-in-law is Y/N.”
Felix could feel his heart thundering inside his chest, and the table was silent thereafter, but Felix couldn’t help but wonder if this was what Y/N had meant by “worst possible scenario.”
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Felix was certain that the universe was playing some sort of practical joke on him, but he never liked being the punchline. 
After he left Thalia’s apartment, she called him to apologize for everything that happened. “Maybe we shouldn’t see each other for a few days,” she said, and Felix had felt his heart break in half.
But he respected Thalia’s opinion, even if Y/N was growing tired of his dejected behavior as he lazed around on the couch. He had explained everything to Y/N and Chan, and they were both shocked at the revelation of Changbin being Thalia’s step-brother. “What are the chances?” Y/N said. “It must’ve happened after we stopped dating.”
“Well, everything’s ruined,” Felix said, and he didn’t bother to change his poor attitude because he had never felt this sad before over losing another girl.
“You care a lot, Lix,” Chan had tried to explain to him. “You really liked her.”
“Yeah,” Felix agreed, but words weren’t enough to help him.
But actions always spoke louder, and Felix never anticipated seeing Changbin on the other side of the door when Y/N demanded that he greet their unexpected visitor. “Perfect,” Changbin said, and he pushed Felix inside so that he could shut the door.
“Felix, who was it?” Y/N asked, and she paused in the middle of the foyer when she noticed Changbin standing there. “Changbin?!”
“Glad we’re all on the same page,” Changbin said, and he glanced at Y/N for a moment before looking at Felix. “My sister isn’t one of your playthings, Felix.”
“I know,” Felix growled, but he wasn’t able to say anything else because Chan had wandered into the room, and he was immediately confrontational as he sneered down at Changbin.
“What the hell are you doing here?”
“I came to give Felix a warning,” Changbin said. “He needs to stay away from my sister!
“Isn’t that funny? It’s all come full circle right, Seo?” Chan snarled. “I’m married to your ex-girlfriend while my little brother is sleeping with your sister.”
“Well, we’ve only slept together once..” Felix said, but both Changbin and Chan shot him a glare.
“Oh, this is ridiculous,” Y/N intervened. “Changbin, you and I were never going to stay together! And our personal history shouldn’t have any impact on what you think of Felix and Thalia being together.”
“It doesn’t,” Changbin said. “But I remember what Felix was like in college.”
“What? He can’t change?” Y/N retorted.
“He’s too immature!” Changbin insisted, and Felix crossed his arms over his chest because he just about tired of Seo Changbin’s interference.
“Listen to me,” Felix said. “I like your sister a lot, Changbin, and I would never do anything to hurt her! She means more to me than those bad decisions I made in the past, and I’m not about to let you ruin the best thing that’s ever happened to me!”
Felix took a deep breath following his exclamation, and he was proud of himself when Changbin averted his gaze. “I still don’t like it,” Changbin muttered.
“Well, it’s not your decision to make,” Felix said. “I’m coming to meet your sister tomorrow, and she’ll decide where we stand!”
It was a fierce declaration, and Felix had never felt more assured that he was finally doing the right thing.
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We can meet in Changbin’s office building.
Felix received the message a few hours after he had sent a heartfelt plea to finally have a chance to speak to Thalia again. He really missed her company, and Felix was determined to fix everything and return their relationship to how it was before the drama with Changbin. And he was willing to meet her on whatever grounds she requested, even if that meant Changbin’s office building.
He arrived early because he was nervous, but Y/N offered him a few words of encouragement while he waited around her desk. Thankfully, Thalia didn’t keep him waiting for long, and she walked down the hallway with a glaring Changbin glued to her side. “Felix,” Changbin said, and he was still looking at Felix like he was the worst person in the world.
“Can Thalia and I talk alone?”
“What gives you the right?”
“Changbin,” Thalia inserted, and she gave her brother a knowing look.
And Felix raised a suggestive eyebrow at Changbin who scoffed and returned to his office while muttering about his misfortunes.
“Thank you for meeting me,” Felix said, and he guided them both to a pair of futons next to the windows.
“Well, I really missed you,” Thalia said, and Felix couldn’t stop his smile after hearing her sincere sentiment.
“The break is really hurting me,” Felix said. “I just want to be with you, Thalia, and I don’t want a past that doesn’t even belong to us get in the way.”
“I know,” Thalia agreed softly, and she finally leaned in to offer him a gentle kiss. “I guess this is our first test as a couple.”
“It won’t always be perfect,” Felix said. “But I feel like I’m willing to endure anything if it means being with you.”
Thalia giggled at his sweet words. “Let’s keep going, then, and see where this takes us.”
“I like the sound of that,” Felix agreed, and their next kiss was far more passionate - a solemn promise that cemented their status and invited a future full of endless possibilities.
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askthenewhopespeak · 8 years
Shibakuzo kicks the door open, bursting in! “WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK, MIRAZ?!” Damian jumps at the intruder who kicked his door open, rolling onto his feet rather sluggishly on impulse. “Who are you?!” “IT DOESN’T FUCKING MATTER WHO THE HELL I AM!” “WHAT MATTERS IS THE FACT THAT YOU FUCKING WORKED FOR STORM!” “THE PRICK TO END ALL PRICKS! THE FUCKING CACTUS!” “WHAT THE HELL DUDE?!” “Wait. I did too.” Shibakuzo realizes that she’s kind of a hypocrite. And that she doesn’t care. “BUT THERE’S AN INFINITE SUPPLY OF YOU GUYS!” “Wait. Wait what the fuck.” Upon looking closer, she notices something very important. He winces at her outburst, but still looks confused at her. “What?” “Are you…?” “Holy shit.” She stares down at him, before starting to laugh her ass off. “Since when were you so tiny?!” “Oh my gosh. I’m like a head taller than you. Holy fuck.” “Tiny?!” He shouts, anger rising. “I’m not short enough to take you down!” “Of course not, you’ll have to climb me like a tree if you want to!” Shibakuzo can’t stop laughing. “But don’t- gahahahaha- sell yourself short there kiddo.” “Great things come in small packages, right?!” “Pffft, hahaha, you’re like one or two pancakes, a shortstack!” “My spurt hasn’t come in yet!” He snaps, hopping up to look up at her. “What do you even want?” “To get my revenge and make fun of you.” “They’re mutually inclusive.” “Shortie.” He glares at the stranger before sighing in an effort to calm down. “What did I do to have you want revenge on me?” “A) Maverdick Storm. B) Taste of your fucking medicine, you asshole. C)  It’s fun.” “….right.” He says growing more irritated, pulling out his cell phone. “I’m calling Alter Ego. I don’t need a crazy person mocking my mistakes.” “Oh, yay, you regret it! That’s definitely a good sign!” “Unless you were talking about your height. That’s not a mistake because there’s nothing you can do about it.” “Seriously who are you?” “And you care because…?” “I mostly care about you because I don’t want you to ruin the world.” “You don’t have to do the same in return.” “It’s generous, I know, thank me as much as you want.” “I care because you kicked my door in.” He replies, putting phone back. “And what do you mean ruin the world?” “You know, work with Storm, help him fuck up the planet and cause total annihilation of society.” “Climate change is a very serious issue, you know.” “Society matters less, but I guess you shouldn’t mess that up either.” “….I want to stop Storm. He’s better off dead.” “Yeah, that’s good!” “Good going kid! Found the error of your ways and such!” Shibakuzo ruffles his hair. (Looks like Big Sis Yuka-chan and the kids’ world will be fine, even when I’m gone.) “Go get that bastard! You can kill him!” “Uh…thanks? But still, who are you?” “A person who believes in you!” “….” Damian looks at her rather annoyed before sighing. “Okay..person, thanks for believing in me. Was that all you came to tell me?” “I forgot the moment I saw how short you were.” “Get out!” Shibakuzo doesn’t even seem to hear him, thinking about something. “Wait, aren’t you Shizuki’s boyfriend?” “W-what? No!” He blushes. “ We’re just friends!” “Right. I’ll believe that when the universe ends.” “We haven’t even spoken that much between classes and no- Wait why am I even justifying any of this to you when I don’t even know who you are?” ‘Because I’m pretty sure that you’re basically dating and denying it.“ "Except we’re not and seriously, Who. Are. You.” Slowly he steps backward towards his bag in the corner with his gear in it. “Someone who used to be shorter than you, and is now rubbing her newfound height in your face.” “Oh, did I mention that she’s my sister?” “I’m basically your in-law.” “That’s not true, I’m 15 and you’re way older than me.” He replies, continuing making steps to the wall. “Oh right, you don’t remember. Of course you don’t. Or maybe it just didn’t happen period, which wouldn’t surprise me.” Shibakuzo blinks in front of the bag, seemingly unaware that she even did it. “Or maybe you just got a concussion.” His eyes widen, turning suddenly to see her standing right in front of him. “What- How-” “I mean, like, it would explain you working with Maverdick.” Shibakuzo blinks again, suddenly halfway across the room. And then she’s behind Damian, leaning against the wall. “Or maybe he just manipulated you? And Yuka-chan’s love saved you?” “Oh gosh. So romantic. I’m getting the vapors over here.” Shibakuzo remembers something else. “Have you been eating right?” “You kind of look hungry. Or tired. Or maybe it’s just your face.” Shibakuzo blinks away, and then she’s back with a box of donuts. Damian stares silently, looking bewildered and slightly afraid at her constant jumps. “I…” “What? They’re donuts. You know what those are, right?” “That’s not the point! You just….jumped back and forth repeatedly in under a minute!” “Glad to see that your eyes work." Shibakuzo takes one of the donuts and starts to eat it. "Is this…normal?” “Yes.” “Obviously not for you. But for me, it’s how I get around.” Suddenly everything seems to click. “….oh. You’re that girl from before aren’t you?” “I never got your name then like I’m not now.” “Huh?!” Shibakuzo almost drops the donuts. “W-what girl from before?!” He laughs to himself as if remembering a joke. “You showed up out of nowhere asking about Kuzuryuu.” “T-that… that shouldn’t be…” “That was years ago.” “This really sounds like an episode of The Flash right now. But that was only a week or so ago. I never saw you after that.” “I was twelve!” “For you, it might have been a week, but it’s been years for me!” “Then you’re a…time traveler? Dimension hopper?” “Dim- Oh, you actually got it right, the second time!” “This is really weird…what’s your name. You know mine from before don’t you?” “Yeah, you’re Big Sis Yuka-chan’s boyfriend.” Damian frowns again. “Another me may have been, not me.” “Oh no. You definitely are." Shibakuzo eats another donut. "Or maybe not, but it’s fun to tease you.” “I don’t even like her like that…” He grumbles, sitting back on his bed. “You’re really not going to tell me your name are you?” “It would be fun to make you guess and see how wrong you are, and since it’s one of my only sources of entertainment, why not?” “Well, if Fuyuhiko’s your dad….and I’m guessing Pekoyama is your mom….” “…what?” “WHAT?!” “….Miss Pekoyama is your Mom? They’re dating here…” “PEKO?!” “HE FUCKED AUNTIE PEKO?!” “HE FUCKED AUNTIE PEKO?!” “Auntie Peko?!” “HE FUCKED AUNTIE PEKO!” “Then who’s your mom in your time?” “NOT MY FUCKING AUNT!” “….who else would he like then? They spend so much time together.” “Wait. I’ve seen worse. I’ve seen worse. I’ve seen worse than my dad fucking his sister.” “Like mom and the quack.” “The quack?” “The quack,” Shibakuzo nodded, like that was all Damian needed to know. “…right. I’m just going to guess again.” “It better be better than dad and Auntie Peko.” “I guess the next person would have to be….Miss Tsumiki?” “Ding ding ding! Correct!”
“Looks like you do have some sense in you!” “Then your real name has to be….I still don’t know…” “Ahahaha!” “Urgh, just tell me! "But it’s fun to mess with you!” “And 'sides, if I have to go again, it won’t matter if you know my name or not!” “Have to go? You’re not staying here?” “It’s not like I belong here or anything.” “So yeah, I’ll have to go eventually.” “I guess I can see that. You have to go home right?” “Nah, can’t do that either.” “Huh? Why not?” “I’m tired of just wandering, waiting for the day I’ll get home.” “So I’ve decided! This is the last dimension I’m visiting!” Shibakuzo grins. “….so you plan to stay?” “Nope.” Shibakuzo warps over to his bag, passing it to him. "How many more short jokes do I have to make to piss you off? I’ve been saving them for a long time.“ "I’m…letting them slide right now.” He says, forcing himself to stay calm. “Then if you’re not staying….then do you want to die?” “Would you help me if I say yes?” “I….I don’t think I’d be able to..” He looks away for a moment before turning back. “I may have killed, but I don’t want to do so without reason.” “You have a reason, I shot Otonashi.” “…so what? A while ago I would have done the same. She’s a clone of Junko so I’m still wary of her.” “Oh, damn. Looks like you don’t care.” “Hm…” Shibakuzo begins digging around in Damian’s bag. “What are you doing?” Shibakuzo pulls out an arrow, examining it carefully. “Don’t touch that! That one explodes!” “Sweet. I’m keeping it.” “What?! No! Those take forever to make!” “Really?” “How’d you make them?” “Er…Storm had stuff laying around when I was with him. I remembered the show I watched and I just…started tinkering.” “I haven’t been able to make any new ones since I got here.” “Woah! That’s so cool!” “Macgyver! You’re fucking Macgyver!” “N-not really.” He said sheepishly, “I swear I thought he’d kick me out a few times after some mishaps.” “Hm, I wonder…” “I could probably steal some stuff for you. Got any experience working with uranium?” “Not at all.” “Oh, damn. Maybe… oh, I could grab something from that construction place…” “I’m not a super genius! I was kind of hoping to ask Mr. Souda when he woke up to help make better tools.” “Well, practice makes perfect!” “So why not?” “Uranium has a bunch of radiation!” “Oh, right.” “Forgot about that.” “Er…alright.” He looks at the time. “It’s getting late. Could we talk tomorrow?” “Wait, no, I’ll be dead tomorrow!” Shibakuzo hums to herself in thought, before shrugging. “Oh well. Nice chat, Shizuki.” “Please.” He takes her arm before she goes. “Let’s talk tomorrow okay?” Shibakuzo stares at him blankly. “Why?” “Because…” Damian pauses, searching for an answer that would stop her. “I still haven’t guessed your name.” “Do you really care about that?” “Yeah I do. You know more about me than I do you. We’re friends now whether you like it or not! And uh….if you die I’ll show up at the theater and drag you back to life!” “A) Not sure that’s how death works, B) I know about alternate yous, you could be different, and C) You don’t want to be friends with me.” “Yes I do. Just promise to meet up tomorrow okay!” “Urgh. Fine, kid, one day.” “Don’t forget.” He glares at her before turning away to grab pj’s for bed. Shibakuzo blinks away, bringing the bag with her.
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