#-> also when youre insane and have 3 mental illnesses
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mainfaggot · 25 days ago
so as it turns out (as it always does), slaving away for that delicious dopamine inducing 95% average during exam season is in fact, a distraction from suicidal ideation and feeling hopeless in life. i am nothing but a number #academia
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wolfwarrior142 · 2 years ago
People: "Just force yourself to go to bed on time!" "Force yourself to get up and do the thing!" "Can't you just focus?" "It shouldn't be that hard to just get stuff done." "Make yourself eat when you need to even when you have no appetite!" "Just force yourself!!"
Me, a woman with adhd:
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gam3r-girli3 · 17 days ago
arthur morgan with an s/o who has anxiety
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trigger warnings: includes sensitive subjects such as anxiety & mental health. do not read if you are triggered by these.
a/n: i fucking love arthur morgan <3
(gif border isn't mine, credit to owner)
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Mental health wasn't something people openly talked about or even acknowledged back in those days. If someone was mentally ill, they were deemed mad or insane and that was that
But I feel like Arthur would be one of the most understanding people in the gang when you open up about your struggles with anxiety. He's often felt it himself, maybe not to the same extent but enough to understand
Which is why he becomes very caring and willing to do anything it takes to help you cope and manage
He'll wrap his big bear arms around you and hug you as tight as he can (careful not to squeeze too tight) until your shaky, panicked breaths slowly subside
He'll keep holding you after your panic attack subsides until you say otherwise
Placing gentle kisses on your head; murmuring things to you in his deep, warm voice; the stubble on his chin tickling your skin
"It's alright, darlin'. You're okay, I gotcha."
He'd be so gentle and attentive after, constantly checking on you and asking how you're feeling, if you need anything, and then adding, "You know I love ya, right? You know nothin's ever gonna stop me from lovin' ya."
If Dutch has him away from camp, scouting out another one of his 'grand plans', Arthur will ask someone he trusts (either Charles, Mary-Beth, Hosea, Tilly, or even little Jack) to watch out for you and make sure you're okay
(Jack is more than happy to be given an important task like this and, determined not to let his Uncle Arthur down, he decides to make you some flower chains since they always cheer his momma up when he makes them for her)
Though he'd never directly tell you (instead shrugging it off as 'jus' somethin' I found on my travels') he'd go to doctors, general stores, anywhere he thought he could find something to help soothe your anxious mind
He even talked to Hosea and asked him for advice on how to support you and help you, knowing Bessie had also struggled with anxiety in the past
On mornings when you'd have been awake all night, overwhelmed with intrusive and worrisome thoughts, Arthur would manage to get Grimshaw to let you off the hook from your chores, bringing you a streaming cup of tea in bed and holding you in his arms for however long it took until you could fall asleep and get the rest you need
Nobody could pry him from you at times when you desperately needed him, not even Dutch. His first priority is, and always will be, you and making sure you're okay
His love and support doesn't make your anxiety magically go away but it does help to know that Arthur is there for you whenever things get bad ♡
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juustokaku · 5 months ago
Confidentiality - Chapter 2. - yandere!ATEEZ OT8 x f!reader
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Introduction: Joining a peer support group for mentally ill was a good idea for the last two times you were there. Then it's only natural for the third time to go well too, right?
Pairings: yandere!Hongjoong x reader, yandere!Seonghwa x reader, yandere!Yunho x reader, yandere!Yeosang x reader, yandere!San x reader, yandere!Mingi x reader, yandere!Wooyoung x reader, yandere!Jongho x reader
T/W: This story will include talk about mental health struggles such as body dysmorphia, paranoid thoughts and more. Dark themes are to be expected.
A/N: Big thank you to everyone who read the first chapter and reads this one! This chapter has a lot of focus on Jongho. I'm honestly not happy how this turned out, but I hope at least someone will find it enjoyable! I appreciate feedback, so if the story feels too slow for example, please tell me. Also, don't worry; there will be more about the other members later on in the story! I just don't want to make the pace or character development too fast or overwhelming. Please, forgive me; English isn't my first language.
Word count: 3 477
Sometimes you really wished you had a car. If you just had the nerves to drive you wouldn’t have to wait for the bus in the icy air. 
There was nothing wrong with the waiting itself. At least you usually had time for your own thoughts and breathing to settle down, when you waited for the bus, for your psychiatrist to invite you in, or for work to start. You always arrived to your work place an hour too early to minimize the risk of being late. 
So sure, there was nothing wrong with waiting. The problem was that Jongho was standing next to you. 
You had wished to not meet anyone from the peer support group before the inevitable. Life was already hard enough, and you didn’t need any more stress by seeing one of the madmen from the group on your free time. Although Jongho was seemingly less insane than Yunho for example, he was in the group for a reason. 
You noticed how Jongho’s breathing was much calmer compared to yours. It would have seemed like he wasn’t breathing at all, if the soft fog didn’t form in the air near his mouth. That’s how silent he was. 
The little glances you took in his direction weren’t probably as secretive as you thought, but you didn’t care that much at the moment. He looked mesmerizing as the sun was soon to set in the horizon, casting light on his handsome features. 
Although he looked irritated that the Sun was shining directly in his face, you didn’t turn to look away. He narrowed his eyes, and you took advantage of the fact that he was blinded by the Sun and its rays reflecting from snow. 
“Stop staring at me.” 
You turned your gaze away quicker than it was humanly possible. How was Jongho able to see you looking at him? There was no way you could explain your actions without embarrassing yourself even more, so you just hung your head in shame. Maybe it would hide the blush on your cheeks. At least you could lie that it was just the cold air making your cheeks red, if Jongho happened to notice. 
It felt like the silence would never end. A few cars passed by occasionally, and you almost wished one of them would have picked you up and saved you from this uncomfortable situation. 
Suddenly you felt Jongho moving closer to you. A woman had squeezed in the bus shelter Jongho and you were already in. The small bus stop was getting way too crowded to your liking, although only three people were seeking shelter from the cold under it. 
Jongho stood so close to you. You noticed his breath had quickened. His gaze was directed straight forward strictly. Even if you exploded next to him without warning, he probably wouldn’t move his eyes. He was clearly determined not to look at you. 
The woman who just arrived could probably sense the awkward atmosphere too. 
“Why didn’t you tell your last name?” 
You didn’t know whether to be startled by his question, by the fact that he talked or that he even remembered that situation a whole week after it happened. 
Jongho wasn’t as suspicious as Yunho but something about him made a shiver run down your spine. Even his way of standing was enough to make you think he was untrustworthy. 
But it was possible – unlikely, but possible – that he was nothing more than socially anxious just like you. You knew at some point of your life you would have to trust people. Even the ones you had just met for the first time. Your whole life so far had been wasted by no-one else but yourself, because you were too afraid. 
“I’m worried that people will use my personal information against me,” you answered, already preparing yourself to be laughed at. 
It was so stupid. But it was inevitable for Jongho and the others to know about your condition and thoughts at some point. There was no use of a peer support group if you never opened up. 
Against your expectations, Jongho just nodded thoughtfully. 
“I see. It’s true that many people might do exactly that.” 
Your eyes widened a bit. Getting confirmation that you were in possible danger was new to you. Your psychiatrist and therapist always told you to believe good about people unless they proved you wrong, but Jongho was telling you otherwise. 
“You have to choose wisely who to trust. If anyone.” 
“Do you trust anyone?” you asked Jongho before you could stop yourself. 
Jongho was able to surprise you many times that day. You had expected him to get irritated by your question, to push you into the snowbank or under a car. Actually no, that was something Yunho would do. 
Jongho’s face was stable and emotionless, but his voice betrayed him miraculously during the one word he said. 
“Can I ask you a question as well?”  
“I wish I could say no,” Jongho replied to your nervous question. 
You raised a confused brow. It’s not like you were some tyrant, so why didn’t he refuse if he so wanted to? You asked your question anyways. 
“Are you going to the same bus as I am?” 
“Yes,” Jongho put his hands in his pockets. 
Before he could hide them inside the long, beige jacket, you noticed how red they were from the cold. He must have been freezing but played it off cool. 
“Do you want my other mitten?” you asked. 
Jongho couldn’t hide his surprise, and you were shocked at your own words as well. It was not like you to offer something of your own for a practically stranger to borrow. There was always a risk of him running off with your precious glove. He took a glance at your mittens. 
“They’re really warm,” you hoped your attempt to persuade him would turn out successful. 
A hint of something soft flashed in Jongho’s eyes before disappearing like it had never been there. He just put his other hand out, gesturing you to give the other mitten to him. 
As you gave the glove to him, your fingers brushed against his cold skin. 
“How did you know which bus I am taking?” you realized to ask. 
There was a possibility that you couldn’t ignore; Jongho could be stalking you. In just a week after the first session, he could have found out everything about you, including what bus you always took! 
“You already used your turn to ask a question.” 
Why was he avoiding answering? It made you even more suspicious. 
You made sure to sit as far away from him as possible on the bus. 
When you arrived to the therapy room, you had sincerely hoped you and Jongho would be the first ones there. The thought of someone, especially Yunho, looking at you as you walked in through the door made anxious, acid bubbles pop in your chest. 
“Y/N! Sit next to me and San today!” Wooyoung practically ran to you the moment you pushed the heavy door open to enter. 
Glancing at San who was sitting on one of the chairs already, you noticed him flash a smile in your direction. It was a bit reserved yet kind unlike Yunho’s almost smothering, intrusive one. 
Speaking of Yunho, you felt a tall presence looming behind you. Who else could it be? That rapper “Mingus Dingus” didn’t seem interested in tormenting you, and the others weren’t that tall. You could almost see Yunho’s shadow in front of you as he stood behind you. 
“We should keep our original seat arrangements, don’t you think?” 
Someone could have mistaken Yunho’s voice as gentle but it had a sprinkle of tension. 
You flinched as Yunho put his hand on your shoulder to turn you to look at him. His grip was squeezing you almost like he was trying to control himself. 
To Wooyoung and San’s disappointment, you nodded nervously to Yunho’s suggestion. Oh, how you wished you could have run off to hide from him behind San’s muscles, but you didn’t know how he would react to that if he was this irritated already. 
“She’s just too afraid to say no to you,” Wooyoung pouted, “And I don’t blame her.” 
Apparently, you weren’t the only one to notice Yunho’s scary antics. 
“What’s that supposed to mean?” The atmosphere felt suddenly freezing as Yunho’s usually cheerful voice dropped to a low, icy one. 
“You’re hogging her all to yourself,” San chimed in. 
Everyone in the peer support group had arrived and was watching your conversation intently. Luckily, the realization of that made Yunho back off. With one last glare sent to Wooyoung and San, he retreated back to his chair. 
You sat between San and Wooyoung as the session started. 
“Let’s start the meeting by telling everyone how we’re feeling right now.” 
At Charlotte’s directive, the first turn was given – more like forced on – to Jongho. 
“I feel neutral. Too calm, even. My thoughts, goals and wants are clear.” 
“Do you think that’s a good thing?” Charlotte inquired. 
Charlotte looked intrigued by Jongho’s answer but gestured the person next to him to reveal their mood. 
Yeosang cleared this throat nervously before speaking, “Nothing that different from the usual. I feel scared. The only thing different is that I feel hopeful.” 
“Could you tell us why you’re hopeful?” 
“There’s a person I’d like to get to know. But I’m afraid I’ll make a fool out of myself in front of them.” 
If you had to choose someone who to trust in the group, it would be Yeosang. He was open about his feelings, which you knew isn’t easy, but seemed like he wouldn’t be dangerous. 
You wouldn’t let him fool you into thinking he was completely harmless though. Any of these men could outpower you easily but you wouldn’t let them outsmart you. 
“Okay, next is Mingus Ding- I mean Mingi,” Charlotte corrected herself quickly but already managed to earn a few chuckles. 
You knew the stage name was silly, but still felt a pang of sympathy in your chest at how embarrassed Mingi looked, when people found the name humorous. It wasn’t an unknown feeling to you to get ridiculed, so you could relate. 
“I was feeling pretty excited first but now I’m embarrassed.” 
“What made you feel excited?” Charlotte asked curiously. 
“I’m releasing a new single tomorrow.” 
Wooyoung’s interest piqued, "How many listeners do you have on Spotify?” 
Mingi’s face flushed red, “I’m a SoundCloud rapper.” 
Yunho pat Mingi on the shoulder comfortingly and started describing his own mood next. 
“I feel happy. I had a nice day at work!” 
It was hard to figure out what to feel about his revelation. Just a few minutes ago he had been fuming, and now he sat there with his beaming smile. Had his mood really changed that quickly or was he tricking everyone as usual? 
“Oh, great! What happened at work?” 
“That’s a secret. We have a professional confidentiality agreement at work.” 
“Just like here,” Charlotte smiled. 
You could barely focus as Seonghwa started talking about his frustrating work day at a game store, because of Yunho looking at you. 
Well, at least now you knew that his happy mood had been just a skillful act. His intense stare served as a reminder that you had made the wrong choice to sit next to Wooyoung and San. 
“I feel stressed out. There’s still so much I have to do at work,” Hongjoong’s tense voice brought you back down to Earth. 
“Did you relax during weekend?” 
“No. I worked. I have to keep my company relevant in the eyes of the customers.” 
It seemed to you like Hongjoong was some kind of workaholic. You shouldn’t have felt ashamed because workaholism was a real, possibly life-ruining condition, but you couldn’t help the feelings of embarrassment. Hongjoong was so successful while you had your ordinary work and no ambitious goals other than to feel better someday. 
It was San’s turn to speak, “I’m sad and insecure. Some people at the gym looked at me weird again.” 
You couldn’t understand why someone would look at San weirdly. Sure, you were intimidated by how handsome he was but when he smiled at you today, your heart was about to melt. His eyes were so pretty. 
“What do you mean by weird?” 
“Like they thought I was scary or would hurt them,” San answered Charlotte. 
His sad tone broke your heart. He seemed shameful for making some people afraid of him, but was it really his fault since he didn’t act threateningly? 
Before the pause got awkward, you realized it was your turn. 
What could you tell? If you spoke the truth and said you were a little scared, would Yunho realize it was thanks to him? 
But it was about time to start opening up. All these people were here because of their own problems. All of them had been mentally unwell for years probably, and now focused on only getting better, not planning to murder you. Even Yunho. At least you hoped so, because you were about to reveal your feelings for the first time. 
“I’m feeling...” you looked around the room, trying to analyze everyone’s faces but your sight was getting blurry, “scared.” 
“And why is that, Y/N?” 
“Everything makes me scared. But I recognize it’s just my overthinking. There’s no real threat.” 
Convincing others was much easier than convincing yourself. You could see other people nodding in sympathy at your words. 
“I don’t think that’s just overthinking,” Jongho suddenly spoke up. 
Charlotte turned to look at Jongho with warning eyes. You were already such a mess with your paranoid thoughts that there was no need for Jongho to fuel the fire. 
“Everyone is a possible threat. There is possibly one even among us,” he continued. 
“Jongho, stop.” 
But Jongho didn’t care about Charlotte’s demand. 
“Someone who presents themselves as a leader of justice may as well be a wolf in sheep’s clothing.” 
Your heartbeat accelerated by every word Jongho let fall from his lips. Did he know something you didn’t? 
Eyeing the room, you could see thoughtful, worried looks on everyone’s face. Everyone, including Yunho himself, knew who Jongho meant by “a leader of justice”. It didn’t take a genius to figure it out. Still, no-one dared to speak. An unwritten agreement of silence hung thick in the air, crushing you under its weight. 
“Let’s move on to the next section,” Charlotte informed after a few moments. 
“No! I haven’t had my turn yet,” Wooyoung whined, and for a good reason. 
Soon enough, Wooyoung was describing his mood and past week, paying attention to the important details like what color the car that passed by was and how long he brushed his teeth. 
The story continued for many minutes, and you were sure you’d be listening to him talk for the rest of eternity. Wooyoung’s next comment suddenly woke you up from your slumber. 
“I also saw you, Y/N. You were so beautiful on your evening walk.” 
A bit creepy, to be honest, but his intention was probably just to be sweet. You gave him a sheepish smile in response. 
“Oh! I almost forgot to mention; someone was following you.” 
Your smile dropped as you heard Wooyoung’s words. Feeling like you were being watched had always been a thing you suffered from, but that was just work of your “wild imagination” based on what your psychiatrist always told you. But despite all the medication he had prescribed you, the feeling had stayed. 
Maybe you weren’t as crazy as you had thought. 
“Oh, come on. Don’t scare Y/N like that,” Charlotte scolded Wooyoung. 
“But it’s true!” 
“Stop. We are moving on to the next section.” 
You had never seen Charlotte so tense. But she masked her frustration well and changed the topic skillfully, like she had probably had to do many times before with difficult patients. 
You couldn’t stop thinking about Wooyoung’s revelation during the other section as well. Yeosang was your partner in the next section, but your focus was completely on different things while he was talking. 
“A-Are you even listening to what I’m saying?” Yeosang’s sad voice finally pulled you back from your anxious thoughts. 
An instant regretful feeling filled you, and you hurried to apologize, “I’m so sorry, Yeosang. I’m... still thinking about the fact that someone had been following me.” 
Yeosang’s body seemed to relax a bit, but his hands were still wrapped around his stomach as usual. He stole a glance at your face before staring at his shoes again. 
“Okay, I understand. I would be worried too. Well, I am worried for you as well. It’s not like I don’t care about your well-being. I mean, I’m not in love with you! But people can still care although they don’t love each other, you know? But that’s not to say I would never be able to love you. I think you’re lovable. Everyone is. Well, maybe not everyone, but you definitely are!” 
Wow. You did not expect that logorrhea to escape his pretty lips. 
Your shock was clearly evident because Yeosang hid his face immediately and murmured almost inaudibly, “I’m sorry. Did I make you uncomfortable?” 
It was official. Yeosang was the one you trusted the most. Even his rambling had been cute, but his sincere, caring apology made your heart ache in a way that wasn’t sadness. 
You were surprised by your own attitude as well. It wasn’t like you to consider trusting someone after a second meeting. Although you’d be careful, you felt more at ease with Yeosang’s presence already. 
“No worries. I think it was funny – in a good way.” 
Yeosang smiled shyly in response and even managed to meet your eyes for a split second. 
You two continued chatting away, at least tried to, although it was hard with both of you being so shy. Despite the moments of silence, you didn’t feel awkward. Anxious, yes, but that was because you genuinely hoped for your potential friendship to bloom. The instant connection between you two was as clear as day. 
Sadly, everyone did not appreciate the fact that Yeosang had gotten closer to you than anyone had so far. 
The house was starting to get void of people after the session finally ended. Your boots and jacket were on, your hand on the doorknob, ready to open the front door and freeze in the breeze of a winter night. 
“There you are. I thought Yeosang had snatched you away.” 
You turned around to see Jongho standing at the top of a staircase. His face wasn’t visible due to the low lighting in the room, but you recognized his stable voice. 
“I’ve been waiting to get you alone,” he started descending the stairs by taking one step down. 
Your ever so slightly trembling voice didn’t faze Jongho. 
The stairs creaked a little as he took two steps down, “Do I make you nervous?” 
“A little, to be honest...” 
Jongho didn’t answer you. Only after he had taken three steps down, you gathered the courage to repeat your question. 
“Why did you want to get me alone?” 
“Make a guess.” 
It wasn’t that you couldn’t come up with any reasons. You just couldn’t make any sense of the mess inside your head. 
You saw Jongho taking more and more steps, getting closer. Like frozen in place, you could just watch him approach you. His blank expression left you clueless, having no idea what he could possibly want from you. 
And soon enough, Jongho stood in front of you, looking in your eyes. You had felt much more comfortable with Yeosang’s avoiding eyes than the intense yet emotionless gaze Jongho was forcing on you. 
The room was dimly lit and the lights formed shadows on his face. Earlier today, you had seen him at the bus stop with the sunlight shining on his face. It had been a beautiful sight. Now, the light was completely different. It was artificial, and although warm, it made Jongho look like a different person. 
He reached for your hand before you could flinch away, and placed something in it. 
It was the mitten you had lent him. 
“Next time, sit beside me,” he said. 
You were left alone, standing like a fool, as Jongho disappeared into the night. Millions of thoughts raced in your head, but eventually you pulled the mittens in your hands. 
Just as you slipped your hand inside the warm mitten Jongho had given back to you, something fell out of it. 
Your winter jacket rustled quietly as you reached down and picked up the object from the floor. 
It was a small piece of paper. There was a handwritten sentence on it. 
“You’re not as observant as you think you are.” 
<- Chapter 1.
Chapter 3. ->
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npdkondraki · 3 months ago
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hi and for the love of god hello. im cyrus aka ben aka butchdykekondraki aka butchfagjesus aka npdkondraki. go read our shite strawpage boy
im straight, gay, trans, cis, none of the above, and all of the above at the same time, but most importantly im a notdeer. #1 plural schizonarc and #1 forcefemmer of emotionally unstable men.
before you call kondraki a man in my presence you must first read my 5 paragraph essay on why shes a woman and if that doesnt change your mind THEN you can call her a man in my presence. if it wasnt obvious yet we're clinically insane about kondraki and cannot be trusted to not give multi-paragraph rants about her when asked literally anything related to her. sorry not sorry. more info (and also some pretty cool images) below the cut if youre nosy
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if it wasnt obvious by . gestures vaguely . Everything About Me i very frequently am Weird about the bible and have a special interest in general christian mythology. youre just gonna have to guess if im religious or not because i will never elaborate on it. if youre uncomfortable with christianity or just dislike it youre better off not following me or blocking the "#religion tag" tag. i know, im so creative with my tagging system.
tag me in anything related to the bible, house md, dsaf, dialtown, & scp (or just posts you think i would like) and ill love you forever. i love being tagged in things and i love getting sent stuff. HOWEVER ! we do not participate in tag games. sorry its the mental illness
furries, objectums, freaks & weirdos, trannies, fags & dykes, and demonized disorder havers are my target audience at all times. you could not pay me to list my dni criteria, find it out yourself through my posts alone bucko
ok youve made it past the Dreaded Information Blast. congratulations!!!! as a reward you get Images .:3
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ticklish-n-stuff · 7 months ago
Stuck in bed
So I've been sick for a bit now and am desperately craving some fluff and I'm also mentally ill for SethosScara. I need more fics of them pronto
Also on ao3
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Sethos x Scaramouche/Wanderer (romantic)
Lee: Sethos
Ler: Scaramouche
Warnings: Tickles! Gey
Rays of sunshine started seeping through the blinds, signaling the start of a new day. The warm glow embraced Scaramouche’s features, causing the indigo male to let out an annoyed grumble. He not so delicately rubbed the sleep out of his eyes, stretching out his limbs until they grew numb.
While ungraciously sitting up with a drowsy pout, he looked over to his side. A tangle of limbs and sheets, also known as Sethos, snored away without a care in the world.
It was quite the sight, some might even call it cute.
The Wanderer reached out, gently tugging down on the blanket to reveal his lover’s face. Letting out a soft chuckle at the bit of drool that dripped out of his mouth.
“Adorable…” the ex-harbinger murmured to himself, further tugging down the covers that encased his lover.
He watched as Sethos shifted in his sleep, goosebumps rising across his skin as the cool air hit bare skin.
Scaramouche couldn’t help drift his gaze towards the expanse that was his bare back. Such soft, supple skin. He couldn’t help but want to touch it. Without thinking much, he started to delicately trace his fingertips across the smooth skin, instantly growing mesmerized by the feel. Like a cat playing with a new, shiny toy.
He really had fallen down the deep end when it came to love. Not in a million years did he think he’d revel in something as simple as skin contact. His thoughts got interrupted as he heard a sound akin to a… giggle? He stopped his movements, glancing over to Sethos’s face, only to still see him out for the count. Though, there was now a cute, little smile stretched across his lips.
Wanderer didn’t think much of it and went back to mapping out his back, as if trying to memorize every curve.
Okay, that definitely was a giggle. Scara watched Sethos’s smile grow brighter, earning a smirk from the former.
“Finally awake, little bee?” There was a teasing lilt in hat guy’s voice, his fingers never seizing their movements.
“Yeah- Hehe! What are- what are you doing?”
“Simply admiring your back. Though someone seems a bit too ticklish for that~” His smirk grew more teasing before he leaned his face closer, placing a gentle kiss on the exposed patch of skin.
“EEP?!” Sethos squeaked, his eyes widening in shock at the embarrassing sound that escaped his lips. The blush on his cheeks not trailing too far behind.
“Heh, cute” Scaramouche started using both hands, trailing his fingers softly up and down the sides of his boyfriend’s bare torso.
“Oh c’mon honey, no- Hah! No tickling…!” Sethos whined into the pillow. Despite his protests, he didn't try to get away.
“Tch, don’t act like you’re not loving the attention. You could easily get away if you wanted to, little bee”
“But I’m sleepy- EHEEK?! WAHAHAIT!” The squeal that came out of Sethos probably resounded through all of Sumeru, having reached new heights in pitch when Scara started lightly pressing his fingers between his ribcage. Wiggling against the sensitive bones.
“NAHAHAHA! MOCHI, NOT THEHEHERE!” Sethos squirmed and writhed, his limbs flailing all over the place as he laughed his head off. He could feel his face erupt in warmth from the whole ordeal.
The Wanderer’s teasing expression softened up to a more endearing look, absolutely smitten by the mess of giggles and limbs he had created.
“Not here? Are you sure? It drives you insane with laughter though~” He cooed against the flustered man’s ear, earning another cute squeal.
Scara couldn’t help but laugh along. Watching his boyfriend struggle to form coherent sentences was wildly amusing and adorable.
“Oh fine, I’ll go somewhere else then~”
Sethos missed the playful tone in his boyfriend’s voice as he made the mistake of relaxing once those pesky fingers stopped tormenting his ribs. He slumped down against the mattress, trying to steady his breathing. “Ahahah… thank you- WAIT! THAT’S WOHOHORSE!”
He could’ve sworn his soul almost left his body when he suddenly felt small, blunt nails scratching and wiggling away under his arms.
“What was that? I couldn’t hear you over all that laughter~” Scaramouche placed a small kiss on the warm shell of his partner’s ear, his fingers digging into the sensitive skin to draw out every last laugh, squeal and giggle.
“HYAHAHAH! PLEASE, MERCYHIHIHI!” Sethos threw his head back, and that’s when the world seemed to stop for Scaramouche. Time froze, his eyes widened as he saw his boyfriend’s crimson red face. Eyes squeezed shut and nose scrunched up, and that smile. Oh, that smile did things to him. It was so… pure, so bright and full of life. And that sweet sound of laughter that just seemed to scratch his brain in all the right spots. Everything about Sethos is mesmerizing, making Scara feel like a lovestruck fool. He was snapped out of his daydreaming when he heard the shrill pleas of his hysterical partner.
“Oops-” Scara slowed his fingers until reaching a full stop, pulling his hands away to allow his lover to recover.
Sethos took greedy breaths, his chest heaving as he looked like he had ascended on cloud 9. He opened his crinkled eyes, only to see Scaramouche staring down at him with a toothy grin. What was more flustering? All that tickling or that look that seemed to make his stomach turn? Perhaps both.
“You okay?” Wanderer’s voice came out oddly soft as he gently ran his fingers through Sethos’s long locks.
“Yeah… though, I think I’m ready for bed again” the latter spoke with a tired chuckle.
Without warning, Scaramouche crashed right on top of him. Earning a squeak as he nestled his face against his lover’s back.
“Good idea, wake me up later” he placed a kiss on his back before dozing off within moments. Sethos couldn’t help but chuckle in amusement.
“Alright, goodnight honey” he rested his head against the pillow once more, feeling his eyes growing heavy and his heart forever warm in the Wanderer’s presence. As he felt himself drift off, he heard a soft “goodnight, little bee”, causing a smile to blossom on his tired face.
Sethos is so pretty help me
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moonrisecoeur · 11 months ago
romance — leon kennedy
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author’s note: i am sick this is actually a really cute fic. although i might be a lil mentally ill. this fic is for @ovaryacted so i hope u like it nic :3 feeling re6 leon vibes hehe !!
wc: 4.7k
content: detective leon x psycho reader, fem!reader (reader wears a dress and is referred to femininely), no d/s dynamics but reader is slightly more in control, lots of pet names (sweet girl, pretty girl, princess, my girl, sweetheart, sweetie, pretty wife), talks of marriage, unprotected sex, blood as lube. reader is like actually insane but leon loves her.
warning: this fic is dark content, containing moderate amounts of blood and gore depictions, along with discussions of murder, torture, bodies, weapons, etc. please read with caution and take care of yourself.
"i'd love to see you in a beautiful dress," he says softly. 
“i would look pretty just for you.”
leon chuckles and squeezes your hand again, it's funny how he can go from fearing you to becoming utterly enamored with you in a matter of moments.
"i have no doubts about that, sweetheart," he replies, "now come here."
“what… have you done now, princess?” he stumbles, because when you said you look good in red, he clumsily thought you meant you were going to wear a red dress for him. 
“the guy was asking for it, lee,” you tell him, taking a step closer to reach out to him, but he steps back, “are you… afraid of me?”
“kinda. i also just… i don’t want you to get blood on my work clothes,” his smile is always gentle towards you. there’s no reality where detective kennedy can get mad at you, though. he adores you too greatly.
your eyes drop from focusing on his soft, warm gaze, to trailing down his body. he really does make himself pretty for you. black blazer and black dress pants on top of a red wine button down, top two buttons left unbuttoned because obviously the s in leon s. kennedy stands for slut. or maybe selfless? sensitive? submissive? who knows?
either way, you have the eyes of a predator. he knows you know that, yet you make no attempt to ease his mind, to tell him, ‘oh, it’s alright baby. i would never hurt you’ because neither of you are sure if that’s true. 
“blood on your clothes, huh..?” you murmur, almost distantly, like your mind was somewhere else.
“we, uh, have dinner reservations, baby. why don’t you get cleaned up and we can go? i don’t think… the restaurant would appreciate blood all over their chairs and tables,” he looks away, and then back to you. your eyes are hungry, but he tries to keep you focused, “baby, you got rid of the body, right?”
“well.. not necessarily… i wanted to dismember him myself,” you pout, like you were asking for something a lot less gruesome. like, ‘leon, could we please get ice cream after dinner?’ but instead you were asking something a little bit more on brand for you. he doesn’t even know why he’s surprised.
“just… okay, whatever. just c’mere and kiss me, sweetie,” he welcomes you into his arms again, refusing to even pay any mind to the viscous scarlet liquid that saturates his velvet suit, your hand staining his neck and you reach to rest it on the back of his neck. he stopped caring about the mess and wrapped his arms around your waist.
you kiss him feverishly, stained hands and tainted souls clashing together. leon was rotten before you met him, corrupted and dark. you feel a bit more comfortable with the fact that you have not ruined him. there was nothing good about him to ruin. he lies, fabricates and destroys evidence, forces confessions, truly a brutal guy. 
and yet, for the pretty thing that clutches onto him, only feeling truly happy in his arms, he is comfort. he’s safety and goodness. he is everything that’s right in her world. your world.
you are awful. but so is leon. that is why he loves you so dearly. if people like you both are even capable of such emotions.
your dress is carmine and if leon didn’t know any better, he’d think you were a victim of a heinous crime, but he does know better. and he knows there is not a single scratch or bruise on you.
leon holds you close to him, hands wrapped around your waist, giving you his complete soul, enjoying the warmth of your embrace and the familiar feel of your lips pressed against his. he squeezes you tightly and runs his hands along your hips, his touch smooth and gentle. 
leon is your complete opposite. your touch is forceful and aggressive, but leon is gentle. all your body knows is his softness. you are erratic and violent, but leon is composed. 
as you continue kissing him, leon's breath becomes heavier and his heart beats faster. he pulls away for a moment, panting gently as an expression of pure joy and relief crosses his face. leon leans down again, this time capturing your chin between his fingers as he looks into your eyes, soaking in the sight of you.
“you… are beautiful,” his voice echoes, low and full of an adoration even leon can’t wrap his head around. scarlet covers your figure, and all he can see is utter beauty. 
“you got anywhere to be, detective kennedy?” you smile as you address him professionally, but it’s only teasing. your hand is moving to help him shrug off his suit coat and he thinks he might be here a bit longer than he thought. you throw it onto the table.when your hand starts moving to help him take off his jacket, his eyebrow raises in interest, and his eyes follow the movement of your hand until it touches his shoulder and starts undoing the buttons.
"no, nowhere in particular," he says casually, watching his coat get thrown to the side. you’re careless. that is expensive velvet, and your red hands definitely just ruined it. it’s alright he muses, he’ll just replace it. 
the coat, he clarifies to himself. he’ll replace the coat. not this memory with you. 
"excellent," you tell him, crimson fingers tangling into his blonde hair, “i wasn’t going to let you leave anyway.”
"i figured as much," he chuckles playfully, enjoying the feeling of your fingers digging into his scalp, massaging the tension away. leon's body relaxes against yours, savoring the feel of you pressed against him. he wraps his arms around your waist, pulling you even closer.
"i've been working way too hard today," he sighs, and he sees the soft pout that comes to your face. it’s gotta be the cutest thing he’d ever seen, "don’t look at me like that, baby. i just didn't get much of a chance to relax. it’s my job, princess.” leon squeezes you tightly against him, the warmth from his body radiating against yours.
“how does your brain work for that long?” you shake your head, “i feel like i would start losing it with how long of days you work. you shouldn’t have to work so hard, lee.”
"i swear, i was staring at the same case file for like, ten hours straight," he sighs. "i can't look at those numbers and words anymore."
"i bet," you mumble, noticing the way the blood is drying up in his hair and on both of your clothes and skin, "you look like you're the murderer now," you chuckle, "i think i'm going to have to lock you up."
leon lets out a laugh, looking down at himself and noticing the dried blood caking up in his hair and on his suit, "i bet i do," he chuckles, "i look like i've just come from a crime scene."
leon looks up at you, his eyes shining mischievously. "then i guess you'll have to arrest me," he teases, "do you have the handcuffs ready?"
you laugh, mostly because you know he’s making shitty jokes, but also because you might enjoy restraining him a little too much, “oh yeah, except the jail cell is my bedroom.”
"well, you're the officer who has to bring me in," he says with a smirk, "i don't think i'll be resisting arrest too much."
“oh, shut up, dork. just kiss me,” you groan to him, pulling him in by the hips. his white button up dress shirt being stained by your red hands feels indicative of what you’ve done to leon. it’s not like he’s perfectly pristine, he’s been a corrupt cop for years, but… you have only made him worse.
it's as if he's addicted to the touch and affection of your hands, his body becoming hot with desire. he enjoys the way you press against him, your red hands staining his shirt and staining his soul. your fingers dig into his hips forcefully as you pull him in close to you, your tainted hands staining his clothes as you do so. you've definitely made him even more corrupt than he was before you came into the picture, and he's loving every second of it.
you pull away to whisper to him, in his ear, wet blood covering his skin and his clothes, "i love you."
now, he’s known for a long time that you love him, even if that love is twisted and tainted. as blood drips down the both of you, he wraps his arms around you more tightly, burying his face in your neck as he whispers into your ear.
"i love you too, princess,”  he whispers back, not caring about the dried blood coating you both, "also, wait, where is your victim? did anyone see you? please tell me you were careful, baby."
"i destroyed his body parts already, don't worry. no one saw me."
"thank god.. or should i say thank you?" leon replies with a cheeky grin. to him, you are god. you are a religion. you are a deity who visits him in his dreams and treats him like her beloved human pet. he looks at you for a moment, his eyes trailing over your body, the dried blood of your previous victims making you look even more beautiful to him. god, you are so fucking pretty to him.
"though, i do need your help destroying evidence.." your fingers draw sweet little hearts onto his back once you throw his dress shirt off entirely, but he's certain your bloody hearts left literal, physical drawings on his skin. you are so fucking deranged and he adores you.
"i can help you with anything," he murmurs, leaning his head down to plant kiss after kiss on your neck, “that’s what i’m here for, baby.”
every trace of your blood-stained heart has been embedded and melded into his skin, like a stain that can never be washed out with bleach. he loves his psycho princess.
"but i don't want to think about that right now," you lean your head on his shoulder, "i just wanna be here with you.."
leon nods, enjoying the feeling of your head pressed onto him, the warmth from your body radiating gently, "i know, i know, baby," he says softly, "no worrying right now, just you and i."
after a moment of peace and calm, you perk your head up suddenly, a contemplative look on his face, "do you think... will i ever go to prison?"
leon chuckles, shaking his head as he continues stroking your hair, "no, you won't," he replies confidently, "not as long as i'm around, and i'm not going anywhere. i'll always keep you safe and make sure you're never caught."
leon feels the weight of your worries melt away from you. he enjoys being the one to calm you, tame you in a way. you are a monster, but with him, you’re his sweet girl with her.. mildly disturbing hobbies.
"you’ll be okay," he says gently, "i mean, if anyone does find evidence pointing to you, i'll get rid of it before it can even be used. i'm not going to let anyone come between us.”
“you’re stuck with me forever, princess. i’ll make sure you never spend even one night in a jail cell. only the most comfortable living arrangements for my baby.”
you chuckle, pressing sweet kisses to his neck, “you’re the one that’s stuck with me. who knows? maybe my thirst for blood will include you some day.”
leon laughs, his body trembling slightly at your sweet kisses against his neck, he doesn't even want to think about the possibility of you deciding to kill him one day, but he also knows that it's not an impossibility. he swallows the lump in his throat and decides it's better to just push that thought away for now.
the worst part is… he knows you’d enjoy it. you’d watch the light slowly leave his eyes with glee. makes him nauseous.
"maybe," he says with a teasing tone, but it’s impossible to miss how his voice shakes, "but i'm more valuable to you alive, sweetheart."
“i know, i know.” you giggle, hands digging into the waistband of his fancy velvet slacks, “i just like playing with you. you get so nervous.. it’s cute.”
leon grins in return, but a hint of a nervous chuckle escapes his lips when he feels you start unbuttoning his pants.
he feels his heart rate start to pick up, both from anticipation and a little bit of anxiety, “you like playing with me huh…” he says in a lower, somewhat panting voice, “don’t play with your food, baby. do what you gotta do.”
you smirk, pushing him down onto his office chair, the same one you bought him a couple months ago when he was complaining about his old one. you sit yourself down on his lap, hands resting around the back of his neck, caressing him so sweetly. god, if leon closed his eyes, he could pretend this was normal and you were normal and you were both just two young lovers that adored each other. 
his hands grasp your waist and keep you close, as he's afraid you'll leave him. you can't leave him now. not after all he's done for you, to protect you, to save you from yourself. he's ruined himself for you, he's destroyed evidence and burned bodies and lied and lied and lied for you. you can't leave him now.
his psychopath. his monster. his sweet lover. him. you belong to him. 
he doesn't understand why you're so gentle with him, but you are and he's grateful, so he doesn't push the subject. when your hands pull at the waistband of his boxers, his eyes become soft and glassy and he rests his head back against the chair. you may do what you please with him at this point.
leon lets out a contented sigh as he relaxes back into the chair, his head leaning against the backrest as he gazes up at you. you are… breathtaking. a beautiful dove covered in her victim’s crimson blood.
your touch is soft and delicate, much different from the usual roughness that you've had with your previous victims. yet he can't complain that you're choosing to be so gentle with him, letting him keep this illusion of you being a normal person, just for a moment.
"can i have you, lee? right here, right now?"
it's almost amusing how normal that question sounds to him. after all this time, after everything he's done for you, after all the murders he's covered up for you, the bodies he's burned and the evidence he's destroyed... it almost makes him chuckle to hear that sentence. it’s remarkable, honestly. you’re vicious and violent and cruel… and you’re asking for consent? how adorable.
"of course," he says softly, his tone slightly pleading and desperate, "please. take me, baby... i'm yours."
you smile sweetly, though the sweetness is undercut by the blood on your face. he would almost assume you're possessed by something demonic if he didn't already know you were evil to begin with, "you make me so happy, baby." you muse gently, "you keep me safe, protect me when i mess up... i'm gonna be your perfect little wife someday."
leon chuckles softly at your words, but there's a part of him that's a little bit terrified. in his mind, he knows that this isn't the beginning of some fairytale romance, and that your intentions aren't quite pure, but he chooses to ignore those thoughts. he's already fallen down such a dark path because of your influence, so what's stopping him from falling a little bit deeper and going all the way down into this fucking madness with you?
"i'll protect you from everything," he replies, his fingers gripping tightly around yours, "nothing will ever hurt you again, my sweet wife. i’ll keep you safe and happy, always.”
"we should get married in a big, beautiful chapel. i don't need a lot of people there, i just want to be there with you."
leon grins, "you'd be happy with just a small wedding?" he asks with a hint of surprise in his voice, "i thought you'd want something big and extravagant to show off to everyone."
“all i need is a pretty dress and you,” you whisper to him.
leon chuckles, brushing your hair out of your face with his hand, his fingers slightly trembling. a part of him can't help but wonder how this would all end: would it actually end happily? with you two walking down the aisle to an altar, exchanging vows? or would it end up with his body buried deep in the woods?
he forces himself to ignore those thoughts, for now he should stay focused on the moment. you look at him so sweetly, so earnestly, so he decides to trust your intentions with him for now.
"i'd love to see you in a beautiful dress," he says softly. 
“i would look pretty just for you.”
leon chuckles and squeezes your hand again, it's funny how he can go from fearing you to becoming utterly enamored with you in a matter of moments.
"i have no doubts about that, sweetheart," he replies, "now come here."
you smile as you lean in to kiss him again, hands finally resuming their movements to get into his underwear.
leon lets out a soft groan, his muscles tensing as he feels your hands slip through the fabric of his underwear, pulling out his cock for you to play with, or so he assumes you’ll do. you play with it like it’s a toy, something you can just have fun messing with while he sleeps or before you fuck him. he uses the verbage of ‘you fucking him’ because this is in no way him fucking you… even if it’s his dick. at some point that dick attached to his pelvis became yours.. 
he wraps his arms tightly around your waist as you begin to caress him. he's just so vulnerable to you, he's yours in every aspect of the word, physically and emotionally. yours, yours, yours.
"i'll be gentle, i promise. i'm just gonna stroke your cock, nice and slow.." you murmur. your touch is warm but teasing, and when you notice the tension in his body, you can't help but giggle, "i can't go too quickly just yet.. can't make you feel too much too soon."
leon chuckles softly, a part of him enjoying this teasing routine. he knows that eventually you'll give him what he wants, so he doesn’t mind waiting. whatever his girl wants, she gets.
"i know" he says panting slightly, "just take your time, princess..."
it's just so hard not to adore him, so malleable and soft, you could mold him into anything you want.
leon's eyes are starting to get hazy, his breath hitching in his throat and his body trembling. your touch is so delicate yet so powerful, it's making his entire body quiver. he’s not even on the edge but he feels like he is. both of your hands jerk him off so slow and sensual, and he knows the only reason they’re moving so smoothing is because your hands still have wet blood on them… which means you’re practically using that guy’s blood as lube and… this is so fucked up. you are so fucked up. you are awful and he can’t wait to make you his wife.
leon’s not necessarily the most submissive man alive, but he does listen well and you always get what you want, so take that as you will. he's always been so easy to mold into whatever you want him to be. he's followed along like a loyal dog, doing everything you ask of him. he's done such despicable things in your name, knowing that at the end of the day, you'll love him enough to keep him by your side.
he feels your thumb massaging his tip and he suppresses a nervous whimper, eyes fluttering closed as he takes in the feeling of your touch. you’re too much of a tease, but leon is patient.
“promise that you’ll always stay with me, lee. promise that you’ll never leave,” you whisper. he doesn’t know why you expect such a deep answer from him when his brain is becoming more and more mushy by the second.
“i promise," he whispers back, still panting slightly from pleasure. “i'm never going to leave you. i'll stay by your side for as long as we're alive. i'll never stop protecting you, loving you"
“i will sink my claws into you and never let you leave,” you growl.
he leans his head back against the chair again, a smile creeping on his lips as he lets out a shuddering breath. "i'm all yours, princess, and i have no desire to be anyone else's."
just as he starts to get close to the edge, riding the fine line of pleasure, you pull your hands away from him. you feel bad for denying him, but you're only doing it so you both can finish together. leon lets out a soft shiver as you tug your hands away, your teasing just making him more and more desperate.
he lets out a tense, groaning sigh as you pull your hands away, a small whimper escaping his lips as you did so. he's so close, but you're not quite ready to let him cum yet.
leon tries his best not to show his disappointment, the build up has been intense and it's frustrating to feel himself denied, but he knows you love it. you love making him desperate, making him beg.
he concedes: this is what you like, so it’s what he likes. 
but his disappointment is quickly brushed away as you get up off of him to take off your beautiful bloody dress, and your undergarments too. for all of the blood on your face, neck, chest, and arms, the rest of you is mostly untouched, and he finds the difference rather amusing. your stomach and thighs look so soft and innocent.
he gazes at you lustfully as you remove your clothes, his breath catching in his throat as he stares at your naked body. he can’t think, can’t breathe, his eyes going everywhere they’re not supposed to. he can only try so hard to be a gentleman. 
"you.. are going to make me your wife," you say, voice carrying an air of certainty. you are not suggesting. you are telling him what's going to happen, and he will obviously obey, “you’ll buy me a pretty ring. nothing expensive, don’t waste your money on something stupid like a diamond. and you’ll take me on a beautiful honeymoon, and we’ll spend every moment of those days together just fucking like rabbits. understood?”
marriage was never something he considered until you called yourself his ‘pretty little wife’ to be honest, but with the way you're demanding it now... it's something he'd easily give in to, "okay" he finally manages to whisper back, "anything for my beautiful wife."
you smile gently, settling back onto his lap, pussy aching for the cock in front of you, so desperate to fill you up, “you ready, baby?” you ask.
leon nods, his eyes fluttering briefly at your words, “yeah, i'm ready," he mumbles, his breath already short and his heart beating so hard he's surprised that you can't hear it.
you slide him inside, giving yourself a moment to adjust. leon can't help but find the slight discomfort in your face cute.
you moan gently, resting your hands on his shoulders, "o-oh, ah..."
he can hear every soft sound and breath that escapes your lips as you begin to move, and he can't help but let out a soft groan as well. his hands grip tightly around you, tightening every time you moan or gasp.
leon holds onto you for dear life, he knows he's already so close to finishing, he could really blow any second, but the longer this goes, the longer this moment lasts, the more intense it gets. you’re going to kill him one of these days. 
"l-lee.." you gasp, hips rocking back and forth, almost circular motions.
"oh god.. baby..." he lets out a tense moan as you ride him, movements gentle but somehow still so overwhelming.  his fingertips dig into your shoulders as he tries to keep himself restrained, but he's at the very edge of his control.
every movement sends a jolt through his body, his muscles flexing and releasing with everything he's got to keep himself from finishing before you.
“leon…” you groan again, and he never really realizes the effect he has on you until your body is trembling as you ride his cock. your voice isn’t quite begging, but he almost hears it like that. it sounds like a love confession wrapped up in his name. he doesn’t see it until all of your defenses are down, but you love him so helplessly that it must be scary. 
god, he wants to hold you in his arms forever and never let you go. protect his serial killer for the rest of her days.
he lets out another tense, breathy moan as you start to move even faster, you're pushing him to the limit. every sensation that he feels is so intense, he can hardly handle it, it takes every ounce of self-discipline in his body to keep himself from finishing early, but that’s what you get for edging him right before. you put him at a huge disadvantage.
“wait for me..” you whisper, “wanna cum with you..”
he nods his head, his eyes squeezed shut as a trembling breath escapes from his lips. he's trying his hardest to wait for you to finish, the urges and sensations within him are overwhelming and he feels as though he might explode at any moment.
and he does unfortunately, just a moment early, but it kick-starts your orgasm so for the most part, you’re both gasping and moaning and breathing fast and shaky and helpless together, hands grasping at any skin they can reach as you’re pulled ever closer to him. he sticks his head into the crook of your neck as your pretty pussy squeezes around him. he feels breathless and helpless, holding you like he’d die without you. he feels your heavy breath and your hands tightly gripping him, you must be completely gone, orgasm hitting you in waves that squeeze every drop of cum out of him.
you’re his, he realizes. completely, utterly his. you need him. you can’t go on without leon and there is nothing more pleasing than being your lifeline. your face makes that cute little pout, dried bloody fingers making his shoulders red, but this time it might just be his blood. your nails are digging into him, but he can’t blame you. you’re too lost in pleasure to realize what you’re doing.
once you both start to slow and calm down, breathing returning to a more normal pace, you lean down to rest your head on his chest. 
after a moment, you ask him, “are you really gonna marry me?”
“mhm,” he hums, fingers brushing against your head, licking his thumb to try and rub off the dried blood on your forehead, “i'll get you a ring and get down on one knee and everything.”
“what will our wedding be like?”
“whatever you want, princess,” he closes his eyes, “i don't have a single care in the world about what flowers you pick or if you want to invite people or if you just want it to be us two and an officiant in the empty wedding chapel. i just want to call you my wife. my sweet, pretty wife. my girl. my only love.”
you giggle, nuzzling closer into his chest, “detective kennedy. my husband,” you grin cutely, “my leon. mine.”
burgundy drips from his fingertips as he brushes them against your cheek, “yours.”
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ianthewife · 5 months ago
im a liar that lies so okay here it is by popular demand of like one and a half people
Ranking the silt verses characters that i find attractive and why (nobody look at me insane addition):
1. Val — every time she talks or does anything at all, all the blood rushes away from my brain and i fall unconscious hitting my head on the way down that’s honestly probably why i am this way. the gruesome mess and utter devastating tragedy of her existence is so hot to me. she can turn me into a chair whenever she wants to. all this to say: Val please please please please just one chance—
2. Mercer — a nasty obsessed honestly insane woman with zero hinges? ummm yes please? the way she says “mine” before a kill is doing some certain things to me but i shan’t say. love when she is cackling wildly going insane and murdering people. which means always. mercer call me back
3. Sibling Rane — always smiling when i think of them, their laughter has saved my life. cultist of the month the year the life and my heart. fuck it, ill convert to the Trawler-man bullshit even, im down. we are having a spring outdoor wedding with shrimp cocktail bar and everyone is invited. the ceremony will be wonderful and if they want to drown some people during it well whatever my beautiful spouse says
4. Carpenter — no explanation needed i think. she is everything to me on every single level, my love for her is vast and endless and soaring high in the sky. she has never and i say NEVER done anything that i would think is unattractive. i will forever and ever hold her in my heart. also DAMN her voice-
5. The Saint Electric — id fuck her. straight up. please don’t ask me why she is so high on the list
6. Hayward — when he is extremely pathetic or extremely goofy. he makes me laugh that’s all i need from a fictional man. also that one occasion in the end of s1 when he was screaming wildly i think that’s was hot i mean who said that-
7. Paige — putting fucking hayward over paige feels like blasphemy but i can’t help the way i feel. Fighting against doom is so hot. Yes baby quit your marketing job to birth a god. Can i run away with you? Also when she is angry and determined and her voice is sharp with frustration and- well you get it
8. Faulkner — when he is being insane or using that ridiculous goofy ass evil cult leader voice. i said what i said.
9. Shrue — when they are in the middle of a mental breakdown or beating the shit out of Carson. i love how they sound when they are distressed and at the end of their fucking rope<3
10. Cross — yep. you heard me. i won’t even apologize or deny this. baby, are you perchance looking for a 4th ex-wife? tbh would love to ruin this man even further. he is 1. hilarious (big time) 2. pathetic (BIG time) and that’s all i need to like a fictional man
11. Charity — idk i think we could have fun, she’d chase me through the woods and then… well, i digress
12. Carson — now NOW everyone STEP BACK and put your rifles down let me explain— this poisonous slug of a man is the most disgusting, sinister, sleazy, inhuman, heartless, cruel, reprehensible thing i have ever witnessed. i want to garrote the living shit out of him and smash his head through a concrete wall. and maybe in this unrepentant desire for violence against this man there is something slightly sexually charged?.. i… honestly don’t know and i will not examine it. also he talks as if he is constantly whimsically kicking his feet which makes me want to kill both him and myself.
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creepy-friday · 2 years ago
Although I couldn't help but think about the deer in forest watching them do this 💀
But ok, I actually have an idea:
Do you think you can make headcannons (they can have NSFW if you want) about what would happen if the three Proxies actually fell for/grew attracted to Y/N? 👀
Like I think that would be such an interesting concept, the rivalry would go through the roof 😰
But again! Only if you want to!!! 💖
I love this! 👀 inspiration kicked in!
What if the three Proxies would fall for you?
Warnings:suggestive themes,misogyny,
abuse,mental illness and violence mentions
if you are unfortunate enough to be the object of affection to these 3 gremlins then all I can wish you is good luck!
since you're a proxy you would be mostly  assigned missions with the other minions of Slenderman,on very rare occasions you would work with the other creeps (I will get into that later)
you're also the only feminine presence they come in contact with,I'm also gonna press the fact that they are touch starved men in a manor filled with rapists,mentally ill and paranoic people.Things aren't pretty so I'm not gonna sugarcoat it
altough you're powerful given your rank and all,they are fully grown men.It's NEVER safe to be unarmed when spending time with any of them,including Toby who sometimes gives off the impression of being this sweet lost unfortunate boy
He's also the first one to be delusional enough to think you can be into him given your role to mediate others and to keep things under control.
he doesn't know shit about women,sure he can remember fragments of how his sister used to be,but he can't compare you to her.Given his experience with Clockwork+the constant bullying from Masky, he's insanely insecure
he has a mommy kink
he fell for the way you take care of him,even if it's just your job.If you do nice things like checking up on him even when you two aren't working it results into fuelling his delusions
because of his feelings he's a literal ticking bomb,wanting to spend as much time with you as he can but in the same time to stay as far away to not make a fool of himself
you cannot please him.He will literally want to crawl into your skin and head to know exactly what you're thinking 100% of the time.
at times,he knows he's wrong.He knows he's unhealthy,but he cannot give up on you now that you're stuck with him.His fights with Masky will get even more violent,resulting in him being patched up by either EJ or you
he will also fake bad moods,anxiety attacks and will even cut himself so that you pay attention to him.He can be a very good actor and knows how to manipulate his way into your arms
he takes out his sexual frustrations on his right hand tbh,thinking of like 100 scenarios under 5 minutes then repeating for half a night.Don't ask about his dark circles the next day,he will feel even more disgust towards himself than he feels already
whenever he's alone he acts like a horny teenager and whenever he's alone WITH YOU the scenario would go two ways: it's either complete silence with him acting all creepy and stealing glances in your direction or him acting even more creepier and being all over you.This results in two tic attacks,one worse than the other
I feel like Brian would be his biggest problem in order to get to you.He gets very clingy whenever the hooded man is around,and gives off the impression of being in control even tough he's in a constant state of anxiety
Masky is one son of a bitch.He will get all violent with you over every inconvenience and argument.
couldn't sleep last night?It's because of you.(I mean,it kinda is but still)
he has no power over you but desperately wants to.
makes nasty comments about your body whenever you're in a state of undress or if you wear clothes that accentuate your body shape.The comments might vary from slut shaming to cat calling he insists are "compliments" (he knows they are disrespectful,he does it on purpose to piss you off)
as long as your attention is on him he can sleep well at night.
this is how he started.You never gave in the fear nor the disrespect coming from him.Sure,you had your meltdowns,but he found your strength endearing ,he wanted to break you
he's sure you'll grow up on him.He counts on Tim to woo you with his gentlemanly behaviour,but he's just as mentally fucked as his other side.
Masky wants to own you.He daydreams of doing atrocious things to you while you either cry or praise him.He's one sick man,and he knows it.
at the same time,a small part of him wants you to fuck him and that big mouth of his.The only between is Tim,who wants to be by your side and to protect you from the other animals in the mansion
his fights with Toby get intense,but also longer than usual.If he loses in front of you he would have a bad day for the rest of the week tbh
arguments with Brian might also result in fights,but his friend has a way of slipping out of them since he knows you're the reason for his sudden increase of hormones
as I previously mentioned,on the rare occasion you might work with the other creeps,Masky would start to be a little fuck and make assumptions to whoever stayed in your presence for far too long,might also result in violence if said creep happens to be male.
Brian is way more manipulative than Toby when he needs to be,he laid eyes on you the first time you arrived there.
altough he's one tall boi,he blends well into his surroundings,that gives him the advantage to watch your every single move and to analyse your behaviour
you're fascinating to him,you're fearless yet you're sickly sweet.From your rare smile to the way your hair sticks to your forehead during long training sessions,he found himself way too attracted to you
couldn't care less about that prick nor anger issues in a person,he could simply get what he wants during a matter of time
he finds Toby pathetic but takes pity on him,and finds Tim irritating from to time to time,but more in a sibling type of way,he would be up for sharing tbh
he respects his work so he respects you as well,altough he won't take your side whenever Masky starts to insult you,no,he wants to see your reaction,the way you carry yourself
he sees you as his equal in the line of work,but has moments when he looks down on you,sometimes he's sure you won't last long in such a cruel world
Hoodie is the rival of no one,in terms of looks and strength he's intimidating,he could beat his teammates if they would ask for a fight,but he thrives off of mind games
Masky pissed you off?you can trash talk him to Brian.Toby made you uncomfortable?That's okay,he's here to listen!
he will be your shoulder to cry on,and he really listens to you without the need to mansplain or to invalidate your feelings.He has a way with women
he's unapologetic for the times he closed his eyes and pretended you're whimpering on his lap
Hoodie can act cold towards you whenever he wants your attention,he can be all touchy fuzzy for a day then the next day to treat you like you're no longer friends.Keeps you in hot-cold games to test your limits and to keep you interested in him
he can also be a little shit and to give others a side smirk whenever you choose him to partner up someplace
you got yourself in quite the situation. Good luck getting out! The woods are a dangerous place,so leave no marks behind as you run,some might enjoy the chase~
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welivetodream · 2 months ago
Started the new year on the wrong foot by watching DIABOLIK LOVERS;
Is it wrong to call it my guilty pleasure, mostly the anime; the game is 😱😨😨😨😳🫢🫢
So naturally here's a rating of the boys; DISCLAIMER---- I KNOW they are terrible and would never be hot irl but this is fiction and we love mentally ill mfs in this house. I do not condone violence and assault. And I don't think this is a good representation of bdsm community. It is a work of fiction that should be taken as such.
1. Shu Sakamaki: babygirl
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When I first saw him, he was already my fav. Lowkey the best choice despite his actions, he's the least likely to harm you, cuz he will just ignore you. And man is PRETTY. He looks like a prince okay? If he calls me a perv and a slut, I will just accept it cuz I am FOR HIM. (I am just gone, bye bye my long lost sanity). He was okay in HDB, but in Dark Fate, with the cat, I am sorry, I can't take it 💓💓💓💓. Shu takes first place mostly cuz this is an Otome game and I find him the most attractive, but this also might be cuz he is more laid back and older, which makes me feel more interested in him. His backstory makes sense of why he is so distant, if my brother killed my best friend and HIS ENTIRE VILLAGE I would stop giving a fuck too. Also while we are at it, Fuck Reji, Shu did nothing wrong 😡😡😡🤬🤬🤬. If he is a red flag, I am colorblind.
2. Subaru Sakamaki: baby tsundere
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I have a history with loving tsunderes the most, so naturally his whole "....I lik---fuck off" made me giggling and kicking my feet. But not for long, his violent behaviour actually fucking scared me (all of their behaviour ofc) but the fact he is a walking rage ball doesn't help his case. BUT he is definitely the least perverted out of all of them (Shu isn't, he is on level with Laito when it comes to it). He blushes from the start of the game, he warns you multiple times not to get close and leave. And when he says "I love you" I believe it okay. Cuz I think he does truly love Yui. He doesn't make fun of her looks, he likes hugging her and while violent at the start, by Dark Fate, he is just a big old softie. I don't think any of the Sakamaki's love Yui as much as he does. I just want to give him a hug okay? I feel so bad for him at times. Fucking Karlheinz, fuck him. When he kissed Yui while she was sleeping ahhhh, he also apologize to her, asked for consent, as well as felt embarrassed when he saw her in a bath. Him and Yui also bicker like an old married couple and she doesn't hold back when it comes to him. I dock points at his wall breaking 😭😭😭 and the fact he feels a bit too young for me now (I don't like younger guys sorry).
3. Ayato Sakamaki: dumb jock energy
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I didn't like him at first, his whole "yours truly" drove me insane but he kinda grew on me. Mostly cuz of the fanarts and stuff. I didn't think I'd give him this much credit but I had to. He's the main guy after all. With marrying Yui in all good endings and just generally being the one who wants to claim her the most (all of them do but I think ayato especially hates seeing her with anyone). He gives off massive jock energy, and his "pancake" made me mad at first but that became funny (I should not be laughing at the scene where Yui was reading his magazines but I did 😭😭😭). Now he is SUPER aggressive with Yui, my girl never deserved any of this, at times he really gets on my nerves cuz he is so contradictory. Like if you want her just say it, throwing her in the pool and then rescuing her??? Bitch, you are stupid. But his whole stupid behaviour feels charming to me, I love dumb guys they are funny as hell unintentionally. Cordelia can rot in hell, that's all. To me, the best looking and the best choice out of the triplets. I understand why him and Yui are the best Dialovers ship cuz I get the memo.
4. Laito Sakamaki: hear me out---call cops
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Dumbass fedora wearing little----
I thought he would be lower in the list when I first saw him. But...he's kinda funny to me. Idc but his whole "bitch-chan" made me laugh so much. Maybe I was just looking for the bare minimum to like any of these guys, cuz I think Laito doesn't suck as much as I expected. Would I run from him? Yeah. Everything he does is overtly perverted and sexual. But there is a reason behind all this. Cordelia really DID HIM BAD. She fucking groomed him, I understand why he went all crazy in the head. HIS MOTHER...IM SORRY I CAN'T TAKE IT. While I don't like his route and in terms of the romance aspect I don't want him. But he gives SO many funny moments and is just such a goldmine in memes that I can't help but like him. Also being a thigh guy, huge respect. I definitely don't hate him, unexpectedly, he can become one of my "hear me out---". If he didn't fucking assualt Yui so many times, I might have put him above Ayato.
5. Kanato Sakamaki: Demon child
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He looks mentally ill. He actually looks like a malnourished victorian boy. He looks possessed. And I DON'T LIKE HIM.
My feelings towards Kanato are so complicated. Like I do find him funny at times but he usually makes me roll my eyes. In terms of the romance aspect, just no, no, NO. Even my 14 year old self wouldn't like him, he looks like a CHILD. There's nothing attractive in him, the other boys have something, Kanato is just a demon child. And his teddy, I want to burn that teddy just cuz it makes Kanato even more annoying when he's talking to it. Did you not take your pills Kanato? Why are you the way you are. Ofc it's all his deadbeat dad and especially his bitch of a mother's fault. She had affairs in front of this little boy, no wonder he is so ill. He's definitely the most unhinged of the brothers, even they find him scary at times. He would just kill you for funsies. He would. I don't hate him but I don't like him either.
6. Reiji Sakamaki: Bleh Bleh Bleh
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I am sorry I can't take this man seriously. Everything he says and does makes me go "ughhhhhhh" so bad. When he got mad at Shu for leaving their weekly dinners, aura point loss, loser behaviour. The only reason I gave him 1 point is cuz he's hot...sometimes. I generally love glasses guys but no Reiji just gets on nerves each time he opens his fucking mouth and says smtg on the lines of "um....akschully 🤓"
Fuck you. Fuck Reiji. His entire backstory is just being jealous of Shu. And then he spends his entire life trying to get on Shu's nerves and the fact Shu doesn't give a fuck drives Reiji even more. When he killed his mother and wanted to revive her just to kill her in a satisfying manner...bro... 😭. His relationship with Yui sucks, his little tea parties suck, he just sucks. I know Reiji has his fans, but I am a hater. With Kanato I don't like him romantically but with Reiji I don't like him at all. And when he spanks Yui and is like "don't drink her blood assholes" and then does the SAME thing. He actually made me mad. I was ready for whatever came my way when I got into this but Reiji is so annoying that I would take fucking Latio over him. All of this rage just cuz his mom didn't listen to his poem or whatever. I am sorry you are parentless Reiji, I just cannot care less about you 🍵.
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I love you Yui. Such an adorable girl. I feel so bad for her the entire time. She deserves so much.
Top 3 ships ranking:
1. Ayato x Yui
2. Subaru x Yui
3. Shu x Yui
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senualothbrok · 1 year ago
Hello! I'm Senua! 🤗
Welcome to my world! 👋
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Commission by @demiesop
I am obsessed with Gale Dekarios and Baldur's Gate 3. I also love animals (especially dogs, cats and horses), tattoos / neotrad art, haiku, and existentialism. This post pretty much sums up who I am, and this post goes into my writing journey!
I write BG3 fics, mainly about Gale. I write angst, hurt/comfort, and smut (Gale x Tav/OC/reader). Occasionally, I make memes about Gale brainrot. I love visual art and supporting artists.
Below the cut, you can find a list of my work and an assortment of things I love. You can also find me on AO3. I have a Ko-fi account if you want to buy me a coffee for something you enjoyed reading.
I'd love to get to know you, so please feel free to pop me an ask or message with any comments, questions, or requests! Just don't be a hater. I'm not into those.
Enough (Non-18+. Astarion x female Tav. Angst. Trauma and recovery.)
You agreed to help Astarion with the Rite of Profane Ascension, but you can't watch him go through with it. You interrupt the ritual, and Astarion turns on you. Now, you must deal with the aftermath of your actions.
Love and Beauty (Non-18+. Non-ascended Astarion x female Tav. References to bereavement.)
A few days after Astarion has taken you to his grave, you are lying in bed together. You decide it's time to make a confession.
Rest (Non-18+. Gale x female Tav. Hurt/comfort.)
You have defeated the Netherbrain and survived. But when Gale asks you to marry him, you find that you cannot accept his offer.
Content (Non-18+. Gale x Tav. Mild hurt/comfort. Fluff.)
After the reunion party, Gale wonders whether you regret choosing him over Astarion.
Prayer (Non-18+. God!Gale. Gale x Tav. Heavy angst. Grief/mourning.)
The God of Ambition has returned to Elysium, and you did not follow him. You grieve for Gale, and you struggle to move on with your life.
A Show of Love (18+. NSFW. Gale x female reader/Tav. Smut.)
Sometimes, Gale doesn't seem sure how much you love him. So you decide to show him.
Words (18+. NSFW. Gale x female reader/Tav. Smut.)
At your home in Waterdeep, you and Gale recall the early stages of your relationship.
Progress (Non-18+. Professor Gale x female OC. Angst. Mental illness and recovery.)
When you start your studies at Blackstaff Academy, you expect a battle with your demons. But the last thing you expect is to fall in love.
Promise (Non 18+. Professor Gale x female OC. Angst with a happy ending. Mental illness and recovery.)
Gale learns what it means to love and be loved. Sequel to Progress.
A Brush With Danger (Non 18+. Gale x female Tav.)
Anon prompt: Gale's thoughts and feelings before his infamous declaration in the Shadow-Cursed Lands.
Unexpected (18+. NSFW. Professor Gale x female reader/Tav. Smut.)
You pay Gale an unexpected visit after one of his classes.
Absolution (Non-18+. God!Gale. Gale x Tav. Angst.)
The God of Ambition considers the last of his attachments. Sequel to Prayer.
The Difference (Non-18+. AU (reverse isekai). Gale x female Tav/OC. Angst. Hurt/comfort. Mental health issues.) Multichapter.
When a portal appears in your living room and Gale Dekarios tumbles out of it, you think you are going insane. But truth is stranger than fiction, and things are rarely what they seem.
Mortal pleasures (18+. NSFW. Smut. Gale x female Tav/reader.)
Gale has shown you how gods bond in the astral. Now, you show him how good mortal pleasures can be.
Revelation (18+. NSFW. Smut. Gale x female OC.)
Gale shows Aurora she has nothing to hide. Sequel to Progress and Promise.
Open Hands, Open Hearts (Non-18+. Gale x female Tav. Mild hurt/comfort.)
With the Netherbrain defeated and the companions about to go their separate ways, Gale decides to be honest about his feelings for Tav.
Remembrance (Non-18+. Professor Gale x female Tav. Angst.)
In Waterdeep, Tav journeys through grief and loss, with Gale by her side.
Oath of Devotion (Non-18+. Professor Gale x female Tav. Mild hurt/comfort.)
When you accompany Karlach to Avernus after the defeat of the Netherbrain, you assume it is the end of your romance with Gale. But you have a lot to learn about the meaning of devotion.
Come What May (Non-18+. Gale x female Tav. Angst (with a happy ending). References to trauma, grief, and suicidal ideation.)
On what Gale believes is his last night alive, you cannot give him your body. But there are countless ways to declare love, and infinite ways to express it.
Nocturnal Postulations (Non-18+. Gale x Tav. Fluff.)
Response to prompt: Tav gets grumpy when sleep-deprived. Gale sleep talks a lot and then jokes about it.
Carried Away (18+. NSFW. Smut. Gale x female Tav/reader.)
Response to prompt: good old fashioned 'boring' bed sex with Gale.
Here (Non-18+. Gale x reader/Tav. Hurt/comfort).
After you rescue Gale from Orin's lair, he has some things to work through. You show him he is not alone.
A Tight Fit (18+. Smut. Gale x female Tav/reader)
You and Gale are trapped in a locked room, with no space to move.
Research (18+. NSFW. Smut. Gale x Mia (female OC from The Difference))
Gale and Mia do some very vigorous research.
A Generous Portion (Non-18+. Gale x female Tav/reader)
Gale is a flustered mess after you are locked in a room together. Sequel to A Tight Fit.
A Perfect Storm (18+. NSFW. Smut. Gale x female Tav/reader)
You and Gale give in to your passions, but there are some obstacles along the way. Sequel to A Tight Fit and A Generous Portion.
The Tree (Non-18+. Gale x Mia (female OC from The Difference).
Gale decorates Mia's Christmas tree.
Other writing
My Tulpa - a personal reflection on what Gale means to me, and what it means to love him
System Error - a poem on a hard day
Ember - honest feelings about love
Two Monks, Two Gales
The adventures of a pair of polar opposite Monastery-siblings and their same-person-different-version Gales
Celebrating monk Tavs and East Asian culture with @inglorionamy-ammy
* Vegetarianism 茹素 (1)
* Vegetarianism 茹素 (2)
Gale's Compundium
A magical collection of Gale's best puns, with a sprinkling of chibi Gales
Adoring the socks off our dorky wizard with @dekariosclan
Drabble tennis
Gale-based to and from drabbles with the magnificent writer extraordinaire @theletteraesc
* Hands
* Asking for help
* Introverts
* Undiagnosed sorcerer
* Pillow talk
* Challenge accepted
* A lover and a fighter
* Sleepy, dishevelled and hungry
I occasionally make Gale-related memes because I think I'm funny 💀
* The inside of my brain
* When your soul mate is a pixel man
* Smooching Gale - the struggle
* Gale porn is therapeutic
* Fic vs therapy
* Gale's chest hair
* Trying
* Every day I wake up
* I don't get it
* Fictiophilia
* Horny on main
* Drawing Gale
* Evil endings
* Happiness is
* Can't let go
I'm not very good, but I am trying 🤦🏻‍♀️
* Bite that wizard
* Infodump on me, baby
* Smiles and smirks
* Why so serious
* Chibi Gales
My OCs
I like to make things about my OCs, because who doesn't? 🥰
All the picrews
I self indulgently made picrews of most of my Tavs/OCs, and there are a lot
Mia Zhang (from The Difference)
* Playlist
* Picrew of Gale x Mia
* This or That
* Nine things
* Five songs/outfits
* Another picrew of Gale x Mia
Aurora Dekarios nee Wintertal (from Progress, Promise and Revelation)
* Picrew of Gale x Aurora
* This or That
* Dressing up
* Mood board
Tav (from Open Hands, Open Hearts)
* Picrew
* Patron saint
* My dear friend @dolceaspidenera made some wonderful gifsets of Gale x Aurora from Progress and Promise. They are so beautiful, I still haven't recovered from them.
* Lovely @mahiiimahiiii made a beautiful piece of art inspired by The Difference, which overwhelms me with so many feels.
* My beloved @practicallydeadinside-blog gifted me a cameo from national treasure Tim Downie explaining why Gale is so shredded and it changed my life.
* I commissioned one of my favourite artists @demiesop to draw Gale and Mia from The Difference, and Gale and Aurora from Promise, and she truly delivered. She has also done an epic chibi masterpiece of the companions which gives me such joy.
* Tim Downie kindly did a beautiful reading of Gale and Mia's wedding vows from The Difference, which I treasure so much.
* Wonderful @alpydk wrote a heartrending poem dedicated to Elspeth from The Difference. I'm beyond amazed.
* For my birthday, amazing @inglorionamy-ammy did a beautiful tribute not only to Gale and Tara but to my best buddy George who passed away. I cherish it.
* @inglorionamy-ammy and I had an unhinged conversation about trading a liver for Gale to become real and she made this hilarious comic on the back of it. I love her.
* I was very lucky to get a commission from @ym523 of my Tav and Gale having some spicy time together.
* The wonderful @thycatsays has written a beautiful sequel to The Difference called Divenire. It is truly excellent, and such an honour to enjoy this.
* @colorisandoo did a beautiful commission of Mia from The Difference which I love a lot.
* Come and admire this transcendent render of my Tav and Gale by @brabblesblog, and this lovely solo portrait of my Tav.
* @alpydk had Tim Downie read a passage from My Tulpa. I don't have words to explain how much this means to me.
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kerubimcrepin · 8 months ago
Wakfu Manga - Tome 3, Part 1
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[looks at the cover art where he's doing literally nothing] I'm insane. I',m insane.
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He likes to stay in the shadows but didn't hesitate to help.....
He likes the brotherhood of tofu so much that it overpowers his rational thought and social anxiety.
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Not Joris being drawn with Shojo Sparkles around him. I bet he thinks he looks so cool. LOSER!
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The sad thing is that,,,, he does look cool. His cringe charm works on me.
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He looks so tense-yet-chill... fgjdfg.
The thing about Joris is that he is 600 and there's very little in this world that actually makes him feel afraid for his life. Though intellectually, he knows that he probably should be scared shitless.
Don't worry though, he is about to feel some capital-letter-f Fear.
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I do think that when it's not just him that's in danger, he gets a bit more anxious.
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HE LOOKS LIKE A BUG. @dullard anyway hey your pfp.
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Pictured: pack of wild animals.
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Joris trying to comfort Ruel by putting a hand on his shoulder and saying, "No, let Yugo cook with this one. I think he has a point. We should cross the ravine."
He's so emotionally constipated.
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"Very nice flight, Ruel." said with a blank expression of terror.
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They keep asking him this stuff and he keeps not knowing anythinggg. And it's funny every single time.
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"Ruel, try dodging the rocks."
I don't know why he's so funny. He's so fucking unemotional it's actually insane.
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The way Joris stammers here...
He went from knowing shitfuck about cracklers, mostly being useless during the fight save for one moment, holding onto the train somewhere offscreen for his dear life, saying "CAN YOU TRY DODGING THE ROCKS", to still being alive.
He's probably,, dissociating by now. fsjdkgdf
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LEGENDARY Joris moment.
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He's so cute... So excited to fish together with Yugo... And the way he casually calls him "Master".
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Some important things to know about Joris is that he is petty and hypocritical. YES I believe he's known Eva and Amalia since they were kids, YES I think he cares about them in some way... but I think he likes Yugo more.
Simply because Yugo won't die that fast. He's worth spending time on. He can be a mentor to him ("do as I say, not as I do"), he remembers what it was like — living, spending time together with Lilotte and Simone, and knowing that he was going to outlive them. Knowing that he was going to have to outlive everyone else. And, his childhood ended at 10, while Yugo's ended at 12.
He can't help but look at him and think these things.
I think Joris doesn't exactly look down on mortals, but instead has something much more mentally ill going on there. He can't allow himself to care about people like Amalia and Eva.
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The way he looks at Ruel's fishing rod... fjgsfg.
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It's so difficult to have relationships with people who aren't childhood friends or his uncle and dad. He can barely talk, or come up with any way to get closer together. So the best way he knows is gift-giving.
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A very brief moment of vulnerability, and then —
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A casual lil shrug. He's insane. He wants them (especially Yugo) to ask questions so bad. dfgjdkgsfd
And also, OF COURSE Amalia and Ruel know of Khan Karkass! Nerds...
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He dropped this lore so, so casually, and then did not elaborate. The true Joris Jurgen approach to building friendships.
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Ruel can't count </3 it's 600.
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[puts on tinfoil hat] I think Joris is feeling mixed emotions. On one hand, this is Yugo, and Yugo loves his gift. On another hand, he just gave away one of the remaining pieces of his friend. Was it the right choice? Is this worth it?
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casually sticks his pinky out like a princess, looking like he is going to have some sort of violent episode.
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Begging him to stop talking and acting like a beautiful damsel from a castle.
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smokends · 2 months ago
i recently fell down the fake post tag the other day and was inspired to make one for lumiblr i hope y'all enjoy <3
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Fact #124: Shin Yeonghui publicly admitted to creating a smear campaign against Salem, Junyeong, and Serin after they left Superbloom Media. She leaked private information to various gossip sites in South Korea.
i would love to study shin yeonghui's brain and why she thought that would be a good idea
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songbirdzz follow
does anyone else remember when junyeong beat the fuck outta oliver at the lure in 2023?
didn't oliver deserve it?
oliverdefender001 follow
nope. junyeong instigated the entire altercation based off false rumors that he heard from some random person about a situation that never happened.
"some random person" IT WAS JIYEON 😭😭😭😭
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venusvue follow
moth signals lyrics that keep me awake at night
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Fact 293: Salem had to apologize for illegally downloading Fall Out Boy's Save Rock and Roll and Panic! at the Disco's A Fever You Can't Sweat Out.
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rocksandmoths follow
do you think jueun still lurks on her old tumblr account
deurimhrt follow
salem had a tumblr?!
rocksandmoths follow
yeah ! her @ is ribbondawn, just like her instagram!!
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Say you hate this song one more time and I will commit war crimes that the United States will use one day.
rubytine follow
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3.9k notes
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Shin Yeonghui: I don't care that your neuron divergent, I need you to get on fucking stage
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need2beu follow
i need them to kiss
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need2beu follow
GUYS................ i manifested them
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12112001 follow
live posting me listening to jiyeon's new soundcloud album :D
12112001 follow
Update: just listened to older..... i think i need to lie down for a while and contemplate life
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Update: ☹️
12112001 follow
Update: this almost killed me
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2seo follow
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tokiko follow
gentle reminder that we can all have different opinions on moth signals music and the direction they are moving in. gentle reminder that when the members start releasing solos, we will support them no matter what.
saliverwarrior follow
evil reminder that junyeong has never released a good solo project. evil reminder that deurim released love me or hate me. evil reminder you can be a hater and still support your favs.
tokiko follow
make your own post
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Oliver: I do not have "PTSD". That is all just the wizards curse. Oliver: The wizard is my father but that isn't relevant.
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littloserin follow
have you seen HER today?
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newlumi023 follow
does anyone know what happened to minjae?
songisms follow
minjae was blacklisted from the entertainment industry in south korea by shin yeonghui. he went back to get his degree in elementary education and now works as a music teacher! here's my favorite recent picture of him and you can follow him @/yiminjae on instagram !
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reblog if you've never hated deurim
i know you fuckers are lying
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sometimes i want to kill myself but then i remember i havent seen moth signals on tour yet
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snsdsupremacy follow
do you guys think that oliver is a good or bad thing on moths signals repuations?
snsdsupremacy follow
IN MY OPINION!!!!! yes, he brings in a lot of fans and drives the popularity of moth signals, but he also tarnishes everything with his substance abuse and mental illness
luvlocketz follow
blame the mentally ill guy for something he can't change 🙄
if he wanted to change, he would. i think he's perfectly content with being miserable until he kills himself
what an insane thing to say FJEKJFNKEFJN
i keep seeing people say this and it's truly baffling to me. i think it stems from a fundamental misunderstanding of who oliver is as a person and what made him this way. from what we know, his father abused him, he's been the gossip scapegoat for years, and is severely mentally ill. if i were him, i would have lost my mind years ago.
no i understand oliver lmao but we all know what happened when he went back to boston in 2021. he never got the help he needed and it SHOWS. i have no respect for anyone that avoids getting help for any reason. it's not that hard to ask for help.
hrtdeurim follow
next thing you know sink is gonna say that they think velvetine is a cult MDHBJWFHB
well, actually.
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anonymous asked: what do you think of salem's solo music so far?
loviejovie follow
salem park can do no wrong in my eyes 🙂‍↕️ just the existence of curse of capulet as an album is enough to prove how talented she is. from the olim to the simplicity of lovers, she was on a mission to show everyone what she could make and the rest of the moths were not involved whats so ever. it's going to be very hard for her to follow up such an amazing mini album, so i worry about sp2 and whatever it may be
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omhg i NEED him sooo bad.. he could fix me in every single way
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they hated me because i was right
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greeen-bean · 2 months ago
Day One:
First annotation I made was "AHHHH LETS FUKING GOOOO"... So
I always loved how they (Francis specifically) addresses the aftermath of the fire from solitaire because that was basically all I was thinking about, peoples work still being in there, having to change schools, etc, etc
Also love that it starts with Carys - She haunts the narrative so well <3<3<3
This book is sooooooo 2016 and I cant figure out if that a good or bad thing - its a time capsule
I cannot wait for Francis' world to crumble around her ahhhhhh she's so mentally ill bbg its okayyyy
I am going to come out and speak my truth! I do not know how to pronounce Francis' last name. When I first read the book the dyslexia kicked in and I read it as "Janiver" (Jan-i-ver) and when I finally realised I was wrong it had stuck
Under the "I felt fine because I was born for this" I wrote "Frowen?" and stand by it
I drew a heart around Daniels name the first time it was mentioned, just encase there was any confusion on who my favourite character is
LOVE Francis' mum!!! like the old people in IWBFT I love the parent mentions in this
Francis mentions people thinking she's Spanish for being mixed race and doing Spanish GCSE and I wrote "Bilingual/Bisexual queen" but I did/do not know how to spell bilingual so I wrote "Bilingwil" and again, I stand by it
Aled and Francis are SOULMATES your honour - the way she talks about the narrator having a soft voice that got her hooked on the show GOD they're in loovvvveeee
Francis is out to get Daniel!! Grabbing him, someone who is actively not her friend, so hard it hurts to then tease them with interesting information about you that seeming they would not care less about only to not even tell them when they ask, diabolical!! I love them
I am dan, dan is me (bar all the smart people shit) like he lives in my head and says my thought
ALEDDDDDDDD - I love love love how Aled in introduced in this book like ahhhh it sets him up so perfectly to then show who he really is (More on this in a different post)
the idea that everyone who knows Daniel knows of Aled because they are "inseparable" drives me crazy (in a good way) because it kinda probably unintentionally shows the differences of how they view their relationship (more in a separate post)
Francis: And you said yes [to saying the speech]? Aled: Yes F: Why? D: Because he's a turnip A: Yes ONE OF MY FAVE LINES YGIUIOKJBHVGCTDR^TUHJH
The seeds of Aled having to do things from some unknown pressure - its COOKING
Francis' mums switch up from being worried to telling Francis to do the universe city thing after finding out she wasn't going to do it, BAMF BEHAVIOUR
"I always wished I had a hobby" Girl what was that whole last chapter about then????
Have soooo many thoughts about Francis putting all her worth into her academic success specifically as someone who was not good at school, but again, separate post
the seeds of Francis becoming self aware whooooo
Oh the autism of it all (about being worried of being exceled socially from people you don't even like -but really all of it)
Francis says the gayest shit - just wait till she's talking about Carys
Loooovvveeeeeee Raine actually so much
AHHHHhh the perseption Francis has on Aled and Daniels relationship it !!!!! im !!!!!!! INSANE COO COO CRAZY INSANE
Did Francis know she was bi when she met Carys? Cuz if she didn't...babe i have news for you
"The sun silhouetted her like she was a heavenly apparition" Uhu.....uhu....sure
Okay right! Carys' vice it described (again, its very gay to take this much note of a persons voice, Francis) as "posh London Made in Chelsea accents" so then WHY does Aled have a Welsh accent in the Nick and Charlie audiobook?!?!!? WHERE DID IT COME FROM!??!?!?! (I know he's Welsh but he grew up in fucking Kent stfu)
Computer with a sad face mention whoooooo
Aled is soooooo messy for how he acts around Francis - not to victim blame but DUDE what were you expecting to happen
Dan being like "oh... Francis... I didn't know you were here..." after making eye contact with her is CRAZy - Francis is right what is his damage
Daniel/Francis beef will ALWAYS be famous to me
Again, Aled, I do fear this is actually all your fault
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myths-tournaments · 1 year ago
Awful Characters Round 4 (2/4)
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Propaganda under the cut!
The first thing that happens in new vegas is that benny fucking shoots your character in the face, steals your shit and leaves you in an open grave. Benny is by all accounts a bastard. He kills you, steals from you, he killed his last boss, he is the single most duplicitous man around. His gang are all about honesty- except him. He's a lying, cheating bastard. The guys who helped him catch you? He skipped on paying them and left them to get shot to death. His new boss, mr.house? He stole his robot, broke it open, got someone to reprogram it and decided to use it to TAKE OVER THE WHOLE OF VEGAS. Benny literally kills people, lies to people, steals their shit and takes charge. That's all benny does. He gets fucking CRUCIFIED if you don't help him out just because so many people fucking hate him. And yet. And yet. Benny is the single most compelling character in the whole game to me. He's just a little guy! He's just there! You can get shot in the head and come back and he goes "what in the goddamn" and then if you try and flirt with him he's like "uhhh sure? Okay?" And leaves you a polite note in the morning. He's fancy. He wears a stupid suit. He has a tiny gun with shitty bullets. He's catholic. He talks like an old timey news presenter. Literally nobody else in the entire game does that. He's got an intelligence of 3. He's my funtime boy. My silly little man. He's so funny. The antagonist in this game is a guy dressed like a tablecloth who looks at all times like a confused dog who doesn't understand what a tv is. And like. He's compelling. He robs from you, shoots you, but…. he never seems to actually wish you harm. He kills and robs and lies but like. He apologises for doing it to you. When he sees you again he doesn't attack you, he's just… confused. He tries to defuse the situation. You can convince him to talk to you, alone, with no guards and it's not that hard. If you spare his life, he doesn't go after you, like. Even if you sleep with him he doesn't take advantage of that and kill you, even if you try to. He… he just leaves. He gives you an apology. If he gets kidnapped by Caesar He just… apologizes again. He tells you his whole plan to take over the city, too. He thinks he'll die, and he wants something of him to survive. He's happy that you made it. And if you let him free, he just… leaves. He knows he's beat, he doesn't want to cause any more trouble. He walks out and leaves. The NCR will kill you if you cross them. The legion will crucify you. House? He'll blow you the fuck up. But benny, the guy who lies and cheats and schemes, he's honest. He's polite. He's… harmless. You can kill him with a single shot if you want. And he can't kill you. He doesn't kill you the first time, and he'll never really hurt you again. Benny just wanted to win. When he knows he's beat he just leaves. No lingering, no harm, he's off, off into the desert heat, and never seen again. Isn't that just insane? like have you ever known an antagonist so polite? He just leaves!! He offers you a drink!! His plan is genuinely probably the best one for the people of new vegas!!! He's. Benny is Benny. Anyway if you want to see some REAL propaganda go to the blog letmebegaytodd and look in the #benny tag. You'll Understand < https://www.tumblr.com/letmebegaytodd/717051175751614464/in-another-life-i-wouldve-really-liked-just> <- look at this shit man
Azula explicitly considers herself a monster. She says needlessly cruel things to her brother and friends. She kills the show's twelve-year-old protagonist and masterminds the idea of burning down the entire Earth Kingdom to force them to submit to Fire Nation rule. I have absolutely seen people get called abuse apologists for thinking she's a cool character. But she's also a (canonically) mentally ill fourteen-year-old who was raised by her father to see her ability to be weaponized as her only value. Her mother, arguably the only adult in her life who could have had a positive impact, had a strained relationship with her because she was more difficult than her brother, and then disappeared when she was nine. Her uncle, who was her brother's main healthy role model, took absolutely no interest in her. She watched her father belittle her brother for years and eventually throw him away when he failed to meet his expectations, so that was a threat she was always facing. She really had no chance. And she also has moments that suggest she wants some sort of meaningful connection with another person. She lets her brother take credit for killing the Avatar so he can come back from exile, even though it means she'll be bumped back in the order of succession and offers him advice that seems genuine. Her spiral into a mental breakdown starts when her friends betray her. She's just a much more interesting and multifaceted than a lot of the fandom gives her credit for.
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disconox · 4 months ago
Why Jean is so important to me
Welcome to my insane ramblings, enjoy your stay (or don't). Most of this is also very self-indulgent, by the way. Warning: Mentions of abuse, alcoholism, mental illness, self-destructive thoughts I'd also like to remind you that this isn't me justifying Jean's behavior in any way, he's a fucking asshole and doesn't know how to handle Harry, or himself. They're both flawed individuals and that's okay. This is just me talking about my own experiences. Now that we got that out of the way, let's get to the actual thing.
I'm not even sure where to start. When I first found out Jean had clinical depression, I immediately felt a connection. It's relatable. Very relatable, in fact. I myself have been depressed for years. It all started at a young age, I was about 13, but due to trauma it could be very much earlier than that. I don't remember much from my childhood because most of it are bad memories. I'm 21 now and still going through a lot of shit, so it's been about 8 years. Jean strikes me as a guy who has been fucked over his entire life, no matter where he goes or what he does. It always comes back to him. After I have finished DE for the first time and looked more into the lore of Jean and Harry, I started to notice the similarities between the relationship with him and Harry, and the relationship with me and my own parents.
I know what alcohol does to people, I've seen it all. And it's not great for either parties. I'm stuck in a repetitive cycle of wanting to help someone to get better, only to realize that they don't want to get better and then I start building hope again. Rinse and repeat. I know I cannot change them. But I keep hoping for a change anyway, and get upset when it never comes. Of course it doesn't. No matter what I've tried. I have tried so many times. I'm a fucking hypocrite because I sometimes drink as well. I don't want to become like them. I drink for fun every once in a while and try to not over-do it, because every time I touch alcohol, something in the back of my mind tells me I'm becoming like my father. I thought about smoking a few times, but I don't want to destroy myself like my mother does. I'm really fucking scared of smoking and its consequences. Which is funny, because I should be as scared when it comes to alcohol, but I'm not. They both drink every day at 3 pm, after work. Every single day.
And it has been like this for years. Nothing has ever changed. A few months ago I had an actual discussion with my parents. We usually never have these sort of conversations (That's the issue, by the way. A very big lack of communication. Does that ring any bells?) and I was actually surprised when they told me they wanted to lay off the alcohol. I tried to approach the topic carefully and even offered them help (therapy etc.) but.. they also didn't want that. They straight up told me they don't need help. Which is really fucking frustrating because I want them to understand that they do, but they don't care.
I know change is really fucking hard and I've been there, but my parents had so many opportunities to change and never took them. Nothing has changed for so many years and I'm tired of it. I'm waiting for a change to happen but I know it's never coming anyway. I'm tired, mad, disappointed. That's how Jean feels about Harry, he just doesn't know how to help him and is an ass about it. And I'm just letting it happen, because there's nothing else I can do. I'm watching them destroy themselves every day and it fucking hurts. Something in me still feels a tiny flame of hope, when in reality that flame is already extinguished. I want people to understand, my father really fucking reminds me of Harry. The emotional abusive, the physical abuse, the alcoholism, the sexist remarks.. It just screams Harry. Especially given with how he had been around people Pre-Martinaise, which I have read in the game inside the damaged ledger. The fact that I love Harry to a certain degree says a lot of things.
The marriage between my parents is like if Dora never left Harry, and it's fucking awful.
That is mostly why I can relate to Jean so much. There's also some smaller things and I'll get to those now.
He fucking sucks at feelings. You can see it with the way he's trying to handle Harry, and it's not working.. Which, yeah. I suck at those too.
He likes to hide his sadness underneath a layer of cynicism and sarcasm as a coping method.. I do this all the fucking time.
Let's face it, this man is a fucking nervous wreck. He picks at his facial hair and displays a lot more habits like that, like him fixing his clothes (even though they look clean, according to one of the skills in the game), running his hand through his hair.. I do this without even realizing it.
He's depressed and fucking empty on the inside. He most likely hasn't felt real love from anyone or for himself in years. He needs therapy (lots of it), anti-depressants and a hug.. And I know what that feels like. I know it too well.
Lastly, he's a fucking mess. Like in every single way imaginable.. Again, very relatable.
Jean is such an amazing character for me to project on, to relate to and to find comfort in. I'm glad they made him fucked up, because that's what I love about him. He has so many flaws and I love every single one of them. He's in the game for like 15 minutes or less, but the impact he's had on me is insane. I've had a fair share of characters I would obsess over, but Jean hits different.
I'm so glad Jean-Heron Vicquemare exists, because I wouldn't know where I would be if I never met him. I want to thank my lovely friend (who is not on here, but I'm still saying it because I care about him a lot) for gifting me this amazing game.
And I want to thank you for reading this mess of a post.
If you have made it this far, I want to show you one last thing.
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