#*s intro
realbeefman · 3 months
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screams vomits etc
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karouvas · 7 months
unstoppable force (Adam’s canonical teacher kink) meets immovable object (Gansey being a professor’s soul in a teenagers body).
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brittlebutch · 1 year
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Shoutout to Bill and Ted’s Excellent Holiday Special for giving us outright canonical Jewish Bill S. Preston Esq. <3
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chonnysinferno · 5 months
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something something the ruler of everything something something if you cant read the text it says "organism assembly line" btw
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ghostpajamas · 14 days
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guys i dont think my fascination with hanks drag king- i mean villain sona is ironic anymore
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lily-pad-love · 2 months
hello loves! 😘
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hi, i’m lily! i’m 17, i love reading, flowers, and my friends. (i’m their #1 quidditch fan) gryffindor, bisexual, british, aquarius, pronouns she/her.
likes: books! all the modern classics, super into the secret history/other dark academia stuff rn, pls drop recommendations. also anything remus suggests. love love love music, especially if it’s on vinyl but i make do with my spotify. my current favs are bowie, taylor, chappell roan, lorde, harry styles, and hozier. and ofc anything marlene plays. i like baking, peach tea, converse, flowy skirts, hanging out with my friends (we can turn anything into a good time) and taking care of my little garden and my cat.
dislikes: transphobia, homophobia, sexism, racism, people who are mean to me or anyone else. (i’m chill until you mess with my people) i will kick you off my blog.
my favorite people:
marleeeene my bestie @ur-fave-rockstar-girl
pandora my gf!!! @pandadoraa
remus my reading buddy ❤️ @rj-mo0ny-lupin
jamie @heres-ur-daily-dose-of-prongsie
sirius, girl version of my bestie @im-a-not-so-sirius-star
pete @wormtail-pete
reggie, my fav black sibling (just kidding ily u siri) @reggieblackthepoet
barty, probably what sirius would have become had he been a slytherin @barty-not-bartemius
evan @driedoutrose
dorcas, my gfs bestie @cassie-meadowes
sybill, our resident seer @sybilances
emmeline @aunty-emms-emporium
(rp acct. if you don’t like it or my interpretation of the lovely lily, keep scrolling. i do not support jkr. main is @madame-marauder if your interested. if you want to join the rp dm @im-ur-sleep-paralysis-demon. the face pic is ladyflowerchaser on insta, she’s amazing you should check her out)
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hawkeyeslaughter · 3 months
there was a post asking which song reminded me most of hawktrap
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recurring-polynya · 6 months
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For her birthday, my daughter asked me to draw The Girls from the Shōjo S intro, because it's her favorite. She did the rainbow!
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80smen-fanclub · 4 months
I want his thing so badly in that night boat scene
I had a really great tag written but then thought it might be too much
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humanmorph · 9 months
(transcript by @violentandmagnificent)
It’s quiet here, living in your head. It’s quiet here, and when I talk, you listen, at least when you can hear me, which isn’t always. It isn’t always, but it’s better than never. It’s quiet here, living on this ship. It’s quiet here, and I remember when it was loud, I remember different voices bouncing in these halls, I remember old arguments, I remember myself. I wonder how much I can tell you; because  I can tell you; I have much to say. But you never saw me astride the Prophet’s Path, beside the Resin Heart, imparting wrath and play. So who am I? You only know what they’ve told you. So who am I? You only know what’s written down. So who am I? You only know what’s on recordings, and according to the world, I’m a hypocrite, or drowned. I doubt you can hear me, but I know that she can. So pardon my frustration, I’m just tired of her plan. I lost my life long before I understood, before metaphor became real, before I felt the wheel’s wood. I wonder what she’ll tell you. I wonder what she’ll share.  I wonder what she’ll ask of you, what task of sweat and prayer.  I long to sweat and pray, a body in the day. The color of the sun. The touch, the ocean's spray.  The last thing that I felt in life. (The first thing that I felt in life.) The touch, the ocean's spray.  I hope she tells the truth to you. (I hope she tells the worst to you.) The touch, the ocean's spray.  I loved her like she told me to. (I left her like she told me to.) The touch, the ocean's spray.  We’re running out of time, you know? (She’s running out of time, you know?) The touch, the ocean's spray.  I fear we might be mirrored, two echoes of a call shouted between two queens, two queens who want it all. I fear we might be symmetry, I fear we might be one. Make her tell the truth to you before we come undone.
PALISADE 37: Reach In / Reach Out Pt. 1
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wildflowercryptid · 11 months
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V FOR VALEDICTORIAN character introduction :
J.B. DECKER, the librarian.
here's the next character intro with j.b.!! honestly, i think she's my favorite out of the whole cast design wise. she's just so much fun to draw for me.
i haven't started on her intro yet, but the next character i'll be sharing is our victim, victoria valentine!
( alt text for j.b.'s bio below! ) ⤵
Justine B. Decker, Also known as J.B.
Chumbridge College's Chief Librarian who is known for keeping meticulous care of the Library. Has been working in the position for a little over 6 years, having previously worked as an assistant librarian while attending Chumbridge for her masters.
Generally well liked by students and staff due to her polite nature and cordial personality. She also isn't afraid to be straightforward with others when needed. Describes herself as an "open book."
Legal guardian of her niece, Drew. Gets exacerbated by her antics, but clearly loves and cares for her deeply. They have no other living relatives so they're the only family either has left.
Her brother and sister-in-law were both killed in a breaking and entering gone horribly wrong 3 years ago, the culprit was never found and the case has since gone cold.
Fairly familiar with the victim as she was a frequent visitor to the library, especially as of the past few months. Victoria may have been concerned for J.B.'s safety, having been the one who suggested that Georgie escort Drew and her when they leave campus for the night.
Dr. Conrad was one of her brother's college friends and seems interested in getting to know her better outside of work, the feeling isn't mutual.
Big fan of mystery novels and enjoys reading them in her spare time.
Writes as a hobby, using the journal she carries with her to jot down ideas and draft out her stories. Isn't very confident in her writing so she's pretty apprehensive about sharing it with others. The currently story she's writing is a murder mystery, revolving around a cold case.
Likes bad puns.
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vacantgodling · 5 months
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a guide to: hyacinthus shrapnel
thank you to anyone who's expressed interest in my favorite asshole man--at some point i'll do this for more ocs, but i am not immune to favoritism. gently tagging those who i think would wanna see this:
@henrike-does-writing-sometimes @outpost51 @void-botanist @jezifster @mjjune @sergeantnarwhalwrites @ink-flavored @astral-runic @calicohyde @kk7-rbs @foxys-fantasy-tales @inadequatecowboy @sarahlizziewrites @multi-lefaiye
transposed under the cut!
SLIDE 1: A GUIDE TO HYACINTHUS SHRAPNEL -- the meanest, prettiest, and most emotionally constipated man ever. by @vacantgodling, yours truly
FULL NAME: HYACINTHUS SHRAPNEL (nicknames: HYA (by amon), CINTHY (by aloe, lovingly, and tagetes, degradingly), CINTH (by narci))
AGE: 31
BIRTHDAY: he hates talking about his birthday, so you won’t get the exact date. just know that it falls during the galerian form of “christmas” which is the two weeks of may 12th — may 24th. its somewhere in there :)
the galerian equivalent to our nonbinary; an entirely separate gender denomination that blurs the line between masculine and feminine; encompassing everything inbetween, nothing at all, or outside of a binary frame altogether. its considered a ‘third gender’ by the galerian people, and has been observed in galerian history for centuries. old galerian even features multiple pronoun sets, but they have been lost in the modern age. nowadays, those who present as troibemme usually use “they” “he” or “she” but this does not negate their troibemme status. gender =/= pronouns etc.
husband and wife refer to the specific social hierarchy in galere. “wife” and “husband” respectively refer to the role of being a breadwinner and connection maker (husband) versus the manager of the house and finances (wife). wives do occasionally lead the way in organizing at home balls. child rearing (in upper society) is usually left to maids and nanny’s—not a responsibility of either parent. traditionalists believe wives should take on this task as children are part of the “home”, but in actual valerian society children are usually pawned off. all of the gunn clan, sans aloe (as he is part of the clergy) are wives.
a family tree that showcases the main gunn family tree. lonicera gunn and clematis gunn are crossed out because they are deceased. they were wed first and had 3 children, tagetes gunn de beneaux (40, they/them), iberis winch (36, he/him) and narcissus spokes (33, she/her). while it is not indicated by the chart, clematis had a relationship with moxie shrapnel in lonicera's twilight years, giving birth to hyacinthus shrapnel (31, he/him) and his name is in bold lettering. then, clematis finally married belladonna anvil (who hyphenated her name to anvil-gunn) and had 2 children, lavendula caldern (28, she/her) and aloe anvil-gunn (24, he/him).
SOCIAL STATUS: aside from a wife, hya is also a BASTARD. this is not a well kept secret.
bastards, as per the definition, are illegitimate heirs. hyacinthus is the 4th child of the dodgy businessman, CLEMATIS GUNN, who had an affair with a prostitute, MOXIE SHRAPNEL (where hya gets his surname), during his first wife’s decline in health. 
bastards have no claim to family fortunes, so when clematis passed, hya would’ve been shit out of luck if he wasn’t essentially adopted by tagetes. hya has also never met his mother to his own knowledge as she fled the situation when clematis started getting more abusive.
in order to marry the keeper, tagetes had birth certificates forged. whether or not the keeper knows of this deceit is questionable; but the large dowry tagetes paid to facilitate the marriage has seemed to placate them enough not to question it.
MISC LIKES: coffee (misted ivory geisha is his favorite in universe blend—its imported from the northeast country i have yet to name), fashion (dresses, shoulder pads, and embroidery are his favorite things), gold & white (for jewelry, dress, and aesthetically), MONEY (he’s extremely materialistic), reading & literature (he’s very critical however—in a modern au he would probably be a pretty well renowned critic).
in general however, hya is easily annoyed.
SLIDE 5: what annoys hya, you may ask? FUCKING EVERYTHING. thank you for being polite because he's not :D
HEIGHT: 5’11” (~180cm)
EYE COLOR: dark brown
HAIR COLOR: black, with hime bangs (square bangs in the front with short, square cut side bangs that frame the face and chin), and long hair that reaches to his mid back.
BUILD: broad, girthy👀, and imposing. when he finds time to work out is a mystery to most, but his physique shows he clearly does.
there are 2 photos of hyacinthus to display his looks; a broad shouldered, dark brown skinned man with fox-shaped and narrow eyes, multiple piercings (nose, ears, and lip), and two beauty marks under his left eye. he is wearing an intricate white and gold outfit in the picture on the right. in the one on the left he is wearing an intricate white and gold choker. there are 2 thought bubbles over each. one says "RBF STRONG AF". the other says "even though hya is so well manicured he hates showers bc #childhoodtrauma. he does take baths though!"
SLIDE 7: everything on hya glitters like gold -> here’s a map of hya’s piercings and notable features
the picture shows various arrows pointing to hyacinthus (who has his mouth open to reveal that his canine teeth on his upper row of teeth have been replaced by sharp, solid gold). they point to his beauty marks, canines, and various piercings.
as an aside, hya didn’t have friends growing up because he literally wasn’t allowed to leave the estate his father trapped him in until he was 19… and that was bc his dad died and tagetes ‘adopted’ him.
TAGETES ⟶ despite the fact that tagetes basically raised hya, the two of them hardly see eye to eye. tagetes views, treats, and exploits hya (as they do everyone) as a means to their end goals—though what those goals are is anyone’s guess. hya doesn’t trust tagetes as far as he could throw them. yet, at the same time, they have a strange sense of obligation and “care” (if it can be called that) towards one another. tagetes was definitely the main influence into why hya is Like That.
ALOE ⟶ since aloe turned 10 and learned that he had an older brother whom he hadn’t met yet, he began to try and write letters getting to know hya. despite being generally brash, crass, and a pain in the ass, hya really cherishes aloe’s letters and companionship, and they actually meet for the first time in person during the events of paramour. 
AMON ⟶ y’all knew it was coming. i feel like i don’t even have to explain this one they are obsessed with each other in the most toxic of ways lmao. amon infuriates hya down to a molecular level, yet he is also the only man—only person—hya has ever been attracted to. (and he will not EVER admit that)
… Narcissus ⟶ she annoys him and he can’t understand why she’s so obsessed with trying to ‘fit in’ with other people. also he wished she wouldn’t try to talk his ear off every time she saw him.
… Iberis ⟶ he literally doesn’t have one. the two of them avoid each other like the plague.
… Lavendula ⟶ avoids her like the plague if he can help it, but she actually looks up to him in a way, especially based on the things aloe has told her about him. they aren’t close and don’t really speak until her book but that’s a whole other thing.
… Clematis ⟶ #daddyissues. hates the man’s guts and is glad he’s dead.
… Lonicera ⟶ she died before he was born, but even if she lived, he would’ve never met her regardless. no opinion.
… Moxie ⟶ he’s never met his mother to his knowledge, so he has no opinion of her. she loves him very much and there’s more to that story that we won’t hear about until empire (tagetes’s book)
… Belladonna ⟶ the loathing is mutual
… Erecia ⟶ he doesn’t gain an opinion of her until lavendula’s book, and even then it’s mostly just “that’s amon’s friend” territory
… Viola, Barbatus, & Rumex ⟶ he’s not good with kids so he tries not to interact if he can avoid it
… Helianthus ⟶ finds him EXTREMELY obnoxious
… Terian ⟶ no opinion, they’ve never met.
… Miss Shanin ⟶ she’s always in his way and he’s generally annoyed by and suspicious of her
… Vira, Tamhas, Asahel ⟶ no opinion at all. they’re just servants.
… The Keeper & The Bishop ⟶ finds them genuinely disturbing. distrusts them HEAVILY.
alcoholic drink: white russian
food: steak bechamel
colors: white & gold
flower: yellow hyacinths
animal: leopard
zodiac: taurus
tarot: six of swords
song: lyin’ to myself — todrick hall
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orochiposting · 3 months
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Nora Dahl ⋆˚ 𝜗𝜚˚⋆ | Doll of The Damned 
art by @ ama_amadoi on instagram <3 !!
Full Name: Nora Dahl  Nicknames: Nora-Doll, Doll, etc Species: Human-turned Cursed Spirit, sealed in a scroll and inhabiting a cursed robotic doll. Age: 16 (2006), 28 (2017-Present, when reanimated) She died and became a cursed spirit at age 16 (August 2006), but was sealed until she was 28 Birthday: December 17, 1989 Height: 5’0 (2006) 4’11 (2018) Nationality: American  Gender: Cis female Sexuality: Bisexual Romantic Interest(s): Suguru Geto & Satoru Gojo. MBTI: INTJ Enneagram: 4w5
Class: Semi-First Grade Innate Technique: Doll of the Damned (Semi 1st Grade) or
(2018) The cursed spirit, Nora Dahl, is contained within a scroll. If the scroll is implanted within a cursed corpse or robotic corpse, Nora Dahl’s soul can possess the corpse and have access to her full intelligence and abilities from when she was alive. A command or directive is required when reanimating her, and she must complete the directive unless her physical form is destroyed or is shut off– Unless the seal itself is destroyed, it can be implanted within new ‘proxies’ over and over. 
(2006 and before) Puppeteer (3rd Grade) 
Nora is capable of extending her cursed energy in the shape of strings to connect to the cursed corpses she has access to, controlling them like puppets on strings. 
Domain Expansion: Puppet Theatre 
Using her domain, Nora creates an all-encompassing dimly lit theatre. Within this theatre, she can hide from her enemy's view from above the stage and use her cursed energy strings to control more puppets down below than she’s normally able to. Her strings can extend further than her usual restrictions when within her domain and are more difficult to break. Swarming her opponent with an overwhelming amount of puppets and blows
Cursed Spirit ‘Name’: The Scroll of Puppetry 
Random Facts⋆౨ৎ˚⟡˖ ࣪ 
Born to a family of non-sorcerers, who couldn't comprehend the fact their daughter could see 'monsters' they were unable to, aside from her Grandfather who once worked as a sorcerer in Japan before retiring back to the States
Moved to attend Jujutsu High after her Grandpa’s recommendation and training. Joining the very same class as Suguru Geto, Satoru Gojo, and Shoko Ieri.
She was best friends with her three classmates.
Smoked with Shoko back in school. 
Has an American Southern accent, a Texan Dialect.
The cursed corpses used in her technique resemble those used by Yaga, with her own ‘artistic’ flair. 
Once she was first reanimated in her new mechanical cursed corpse form, the command given to her as her general directive was by Geto who instructed her to work alongside him.
The second time she is ‘brought back’ by the school before the Shibuya Incident, her new directive is given unto her by Gojo who commands her to do what she feels is right, as she pleases – allowing her the option to return to the ‘side’ of the cursed spirits and ‘Geto,’ but with that choice she stays and fights alongside the Jujutsu Sorcerers during Shibuya against the cursed spirits and curse users. 
The general directive given to her does not override her free will entirely. She is capable of speaking her mind, complaining, or questioning orders. However, unless the body is broken and a new directive given, she must ‘work alongside Geto’ or ‘Do as she pleases.’ 
During the brief period before her sealing, her ‘true’ cursed spirit form was violent and only capable of repeating the names of her friends, the ones she ‘returned’ to protect ‘forever’ as promised, right?
Even in her ‘doll’ form, Nora still smokes when she returns to the school and has learned of Geto’s possession, using it as a reminder and coping link tying her to Suguru. Remembering the times they smoked together in school, rather than the time she spent with him after her death. 
Forced Suguru, Satoru, and Shoko to play D&D in high school. And even tries to get Suguru, Mahito, Choso, and Rini to play with her instead of chess for once. 
When she was first ‘built,’ Suguru requested her to look ‘as similar to her before death.’ Including a specific request to have her dark circles painted on, but the outfit he chose for her would be more fitting for the fake religious group he’d formed by then & would keep most if not all of her joints hidden. 
Enjoys it when Suguru does her hair, even if she won't admit to it. She does admit to enjoying doing his hair, and pulling it when he pisses her off. 
Fights with no worry of hurting herself, or damaging her form after 2017 – becoming somewhat reckless, knowing Geto will just touch up her paint job or have her repaired by Kokichi again. 
Walks among humans and blends in relatively well. 
She can recite and has the TV shows, and films she enjoys memorized.
Often underestimated due to her smaller, cute appearance. (Both 2006 & 2018)
Claymation Films
Smoking (Tobacco or Marijuana) 
Chocolate Desserts 
Reading (Manga, Comics, and/or Fiction Books) 
The Concept of Reincarnation & Theorizing Different Variables Regarding It
Winter / Colder Weather
Tea (and cookies)
Dungeons & Dragons
Cartoons (Secretly)
Puppets, Porcelain Dolls, Stuffed Animals, Etc.
Music Boxes
Looking Out For Her Loved Ones
Pop Culture (90’s, early 2000s, and now catching up on all she missed)
Being Referred to as ‘Not Real’
Hot Weather 
People Mocking Her Accent (Or pointing it out really)
Actually Being ‘Dead & Gone’
Overly Loud or Obnoxious People (Like Mahito or Rini) (Gojo is an exception<3)
Spicy Food 
Open Fire
Psychological Horror
Unfounded Optimism
American Country Music 
Paint Chipping (nail paint pre-2006, body paint following 2017)
Positive Traits: Organized, Persistent, Appreciative, Disciplined, Ambitious, Observant, Introverted, Focused, Efficient, Quirky, Sentimental, Affectionate at Times, Creative, Confident, Nerdy, Analytical, Cautious, Objective, Passionate, Supportive, Odd, Intelligent, Clever, Tolerant, Can Be Witty, Idealistic.
Negative Traits: Cynical, Verbose or Mute, Pretentious, Snarky, Controlling, Defensive, Know-It-All, Narcissistic, Argumentative, Emotional, Stubborn, Bipolar, Obsessive, Impulsive, Needy, Volatile, Sleepy, Temperamental, Resentful, Grumpy, Perfectionist, Possessive, Fussy, Irrational, Mentally Unstable.
Base Timeline ౨ৎ
November 08, 1989 - Nora Dahl was born in the southern United States of America. 1996 - She began to see cursed spirits April 14, 2001 - She visits her great-grandfather, confiding in him about the monsters she can see and he reveals he was previously a jujutsu sorcerer. He begins to teach her about controlling cursed energy. June 16, 2004 - Nora Dahl moved to Japan and transferred to Jujutsu High School for the fall.July 07, 2004 - She’d meet her classmates; Shoko Ieiri, Satoru Gojo, and Suguru Geto. August 2006 - The Star Plasma Event Occurs, and she dies just before Riko at the ‘hands’ of Toji. 2006 cont. - Nora Dahl’s spirit is cursed, transforming her into a semi-first-grade curse. Masamichi Yaga seals her within a scroll, which is later hidden deep within the mountains behind the school. Yaga forms the seal with the intentional ability to one day be used as a ‘core’ for one of his puppets (similar to panda, with their own sentience, but this was before he’d figured out how to do so.)
(unless i find out i’m wrong about this – it’s not stated when specifically mechamaru/kokichi muta began to ‘work’ for Geto’s group, so let me have this)
January 03, 2017 - Kokichi Muta is instructed to construct a cursed corpse for the Scroll of Puppetry, and Nora Dahl is reanimated. 
(Geto is killed on December 24, 2017 — Kenjaku manipulates and lies to Nora until the following notable date) 
August 28, 2018 - After becoming unstable from the revelation of Geto’s death and subsequent ‘possession,’ Pseudo-Geto destroys the cursed corpse in which her scroll resides. October 01, 2018 - The Scroll of Puppetry is mailed to Jujutsu High School by Kokichi Muta following his passing, accompanied by a letter instructing how to reconstruct a mechanical cursed corpse to reanimate her safely. Kokichi did not put his name anywhere on the letter to imply it’d been sent from him.October 17, 2018 - The school reliably builds a new doll for her to reside within, swiftly reanimating her and she is reunited with Gojo and Shoko. October 31, 2018 - Shibuya Incident. 
(will eventually write out full-length versions of her important moments both from her backstory and present in the series line & hopefully accompany them with comms !!)
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again art by ama_amadoi on instagram <3
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thevoidable · 1 year
losing my mind over how well the Cowboy Bebop theme fits over tmnt 2012′s season 5 intro
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