#*rotating him in my mind like hes in a microwave*
valentimmy · 1 year
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he’s going to take his mom to a walk
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antipolygon · 2 years
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chai and i have the same taste in fashion and music so i’m just straightup giving him my outfits cuz all i wear is band merch
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Kepler hcs. I’m doing this for you guys (I’m a liar. I have too many thoughts about him.)
-the biggest one for me is that he’s black/African American and I can honestly do a whole post about this hc specifically because it’s just too good. Maybe I will if I come up with a good starting point
-hates velvet. Awful texture
-had thought about owning a beehive at one point in his life
-gets way too impulsive when he’s bored. Just fucking look at the trivia list on his wiki page. Man probably climbed Mount Everest at least twice. Has made a stupid amount of impulse purchases on his company card.
-had a good relationship with both of his parents and this is important to how I see Kepler’s past and how he grew up and into who he became during canon
-he never told his old band mates why he left so to them, he just evaporated one day never to be seen again until they saw a news article about him fucking dying on a space mission. That led to the question of “who the fuck was our bari sax player and how did he get to space”
-enjoyed bugs as a kid. His mother called him bug as a nickname. Does not like ants, however. (I’m projecting. Leave me alone.)
-was on his high school wrestling team, one of the top players in his weight class
-world history was his favorite subject, I’ve got no reason for this. Gut instinct
-likes Chuck Berry’s music.
-wanted in multiple countries under multiple aliases, including (but not limited to) Canada, Guatemala, Chile, the Republic of Kongo, Morocco, Jamaica, Mongolia, New Zealand, Pakistan, and Seychelles. There are stories accounting for all of these.
-would probably get a kick out of the book House of Leaves. One of a few select books he would reread on occasion.
-he likes ikea only to walk around in. Never buys anything.
-was raised in a Christian majority community but never really believed in God. As a teen, he was pretty conflicted over it until he shoved all that down and forgot about it for the most part. The last time he thought of God was when, well. Yknow.
-owns a vintage record player that he repaired by hand with some help from Maxwell and Jacobi.
-while he owns just about every suit in existence, he primarily wears only one pair of formal shoes. Something something metaphor for how he views himself as a person something something
-the only personal effects in his Goddard office is a photo of him, Maxwell, and Jacobi on the bookshelf and a copy of Little Women, well worn (secondhand from his mother)
-very good cook. He took multiple cooking courses in his free time on his travels and picked up on a lot of local tips and tricks.
-favorite book ever is The Martian Chronicles by Ray Bradbury. It was the only extra item he brought with him onto the Urania. He uses a copy of the group photo as a bookmark.
I’ll post a Maxwell hc version tomorrow because I’m sleepy
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andr0nap-wf · 7 months
inflicting yall with some of my albrecht hc
he has a sweet tooth (its gap moe, let me have this)
kind of a flop of a man tbh, hes like an anxious piece of furniture
chronic insomniac; doesnt sleep for days at a time, running on coffee and energy drinks until he inevitably crashes and sleeps for 2 days straight
passes out in weird places
also. dad snore™️
worst handwriting known to man (loid should be paid extra for translating that chicken scratch)
likes to keep his hands busy; writing, sketching, elbow deep in machinery, anything (borders on being fidgety)
king of micromanagement and really annoying about it
addictions galore (to cope)(its not helping at all)
actually kinda dogshit at lying, makes up for it by having a good poker face and simply Not Talking At All
getting anything out of him is like pulling teeth
cant stand his own company and will actively seek out loid and stick with him most of the time (this is canon actually but i need him to be lowkey clingy)
needs to be accompanied by kalymos to feel grounded (part of my service animal kaly hc yippee)
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saviorpilled · 1 year
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hetch doodle page or sum idk :P my silly guy
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kay-selfships · 4 days
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don’t look at me
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I don't think I'm capable of being normal about Joel Smallishbeans
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grahamcore · 2 years
friendly reminder that 20 something detective will would look like this
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So I was reading articles about John Hurt (as I do when I procrastinate on life in general lol) and I saw a still shot of a movie I’ve never seen still shots of before; so I looked it up. It’s a play. I was worried I wouldn’t find it in full online; but I did, so here it is in all its glory:
He’s just… ugh I want to gently hold his face in my hands he’s just so sad and lonely with his weepy voice and eye bags. I couldn’t process half of what he said but I think this is a warning about always speed-running through life to get to the next good thing. We should appreciate the moment; because in the end, we’ll have nothing at all but our memories. If we rush through life, we won’t have any memories to keep us warm at night when the chill of death creeps up on us in our old age.
Also, spool, spooooooooooollll…….
spoooooooooooooooooooooolllllll [cackles in mentally unstable]
@kaleidoscopr @theindo @possessedbydevils @randomtwospirit
#The fucking banana. I was talking to him through the screen like#“…a banana??? You keep bananas in…. there? You good man? A—are you okay?#What the hell are y—” [cracks up but quickly stops laughing] “Oh— oh honey… you’re not right are you?#No you’re not right. Uh…. Why don’t you sit down; your breathing sounds awful. You sound like you’re gonna die…#OH GOD [loses my shit laughing/cringing ] “Oh— oh ouch. No no no— I’m not laughing at you I just— I like your actor…#a lot… too much probably#and he’s just good at what he does and the timing of it all… this is exactly how I act when I’m home alone#I swear I’m not laughing at you… I just— PUT THAT BANANA BACK YOU’RE GOING TO KILL YOURSELF”#John Hurt#stage acting#Krapp’s Last Tape (2001)#Samuel Beckett#Yeah… funky stage play. Very moving and dreamlike#[This is me gently holding Mr. Krapp and rotating him in my mind like a bowl of ramen in a microwave]#Screaming crying throwing up beating the walls#I am unwell#Ough ough ough#It’s not difficult for me to watch per se#but I’m very much the kind of person who HAS to help when someone’s having a hard time doing something#— especially if they’re old or otherwise infirm — or I’ll feel like a piece of shit for weeks… and this fucking man#this fucking man is so good at being frail and pitiful that I feel genuinely agitated that I can’t reach into the screen and help him#It’s like the torture scene in 1984 all over again where he just barely manages to wrench himself upright on the table#then immediately falls off onto the concrete floor with the most tragic sickening bone-grinding splat you’ve ever heard#AND HAS TO HOIST HIMSELF UP ONTO HIS FEET ALL BY HIMSELF WHEN HE’S MALNOURISHED AND EXHAUSTED#Like ughhhhhh let me pick him up and wrap him in a blanket and carry him somewhere warm and safe and make him an omelette#And I know I write whump and I shouldn’t be this sensitive#but JESUS FUCKING CHRIST MR. HURT YOU ARE KILLING ME#Youtube
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emlos · 2 years
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[id: digital illustration from the fisheye perspective of misfire, he is leaning towards the middle of the viewpoint and grinning, while his hands are folded behind his back. in the background is a blue sky and a few rooftops.]
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draconic-distress · 10 months
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ykw 30 day 26!! I couldn’t pick a favorite I love all of them they are so so silly my friends :)
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zaacataac · 1 month
You see there are two versions of Lost Boys in my head
Percy and Jacob connect over their similar pasts and end up in a happy sweet and loving relationship where they work through their individual struggles together and get better
Percy, who is a fucked up little shit with no self awareness or half decent communication skills, meets a cute guy who’s into him and thinks to himself “hey, this’ll be a great distraction from the fucked up mess that was my last relationship.” He unintentionally leads Jacob on for multiple months, and it ends up going down like the towers on 9/11
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What a beautiful Saturday to absolutely lose my marbles about Elijah Kamski again ✊🏻😔
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teabutmakeitazure · 7 months
honkai star rail 2.1 will leave me a different person
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andr0nap-wf · 8 months
entertaining the idea of loid accompanying albrecht to 1999 a few times before shit goes down
al introduces him to the staff of his little fake hospital there as loid entrati, his husband
for convenience
its not convenient at all, obviously. in what world would this be convenient? in fact it probably makes things more complicated but he does so anyway with every introduction
all while loid is playing along and trying to refrain from shaking like a neurotic greyhound going through 10 different mental breakdowns at once
it has to suck to see your dream turn into something akin of a nightmare: you get to call the love of your life your husband but you know youre playing pretend. the universe is taunting you with something you can never truly have
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killjoy-prince · 4 months
hasn't drawn in a while
decides to change that
opens clip paint
tries out a pencil i had downloaded but never used
draws the first thing that came to mind
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