#*cough* cass stans *cough*
shyjusticewarrior · 3 months
Why do kind characters have such mean fandoms
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iloveallmyocs · 1 year
bc im tired of batfamily members leading always leading their respective teams in crossover comics (even when there are perfectly mature, non emotionally stunted superheroes present), I thought Id list each each member (acc to age) and write whether or not theyd be an actual good leader.
Bruce: No. He's the kind of person in a group project would do all the work but would leave the presentation to someone else. (what im trying to say is he has good planning but poor communication skills. unfortunately thats a necessary skill for a team leader)
Babs: no. she can be a good mentor and a cool guy in chair, but I cant see her leading a team.
Dick: YES. There are any instances in the comics that prove this. He is the kind of leader who could do both. He could be stern when issuing commands but could also take his team out to dinner after a mission done well. hes like the popular student council member that everyone actually likes.
Cass: no. lmao. (although dc hasnt made her lead a team yet tho. i think)
Jason: NOOOO. Jason shouldn't have been the 'leader' of the outlaws team (the first one). Roy and Kori were were much more experienced in the hero business. Jason is smarter than most people give him credit for but he is never leading a team. especially not one with the second oldest comic book sidekick ever and a literal warrior alien princess.
Steph: I'm not saying she'll be good at it, but I kinda do want to see her take charge. for funsies.
Tim: I have conflicted feelings about this. As long as everyone in the team is as weird as him *cough* yj *cough* I think he's good.
Duke: I mean he did lead a child gang, so... (I havent read any solo duke media so I dont think I am the judge of this)
Damian: surprisingly, yes. I know he is still a child but ive read and seen many futures with a slightly more well adjusted damian turning out to be a good leader, like in the justice league apocalypse war dark movie.
EDIT: angered Babs stans. read first paragraph.
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fancyfade · 3 years
so ive been debating editing chapter 3 on my fanfic to make 1 scene line up more from canon. (chapter 3 is this one, where the characters deal with the aftermath of battle for the cowl, Tim finds out Damian’s Robin, and Dick and Damian move to the penthouse)
I’m debating making the Tim finding out Damian’s Robin scene a little more canon compliant along what happened in Red Robin (link) for a few reasons, the main of which is in the scenes that I’m writing next (like... chapter 47 lol), Tim and Dick do have to talk about what transpired when Dick made Damian Robin. Potential reasons for change
In my fic Tim kind of just left on his own without a push, but I’m not sure if Tim would have left on such bad terms if there wasn’t the complication of Damian antagonizing him and him feeling as if Dick was picking Damian over him (even though in the comic we saw Dick trying to de-escalate and get Tim’s back, it still felt that way to Tim)
I dislike the way some of this was handled in the comic and I can’t really comment on it in my fic if I just retcon it out
it seems fair-er I guess if Tim is allowed to have flaws just like Cass and Damian and Dick all have flaws in this fic. i know many tim stans think otherwise, but punching a ten-year-old victim of child abuse in the face out of anger is wrong.
the con side is obviously this involves Damian getting hit and that kid has been through so much already. I’m really trying to figure out how it works with character dynamics vs like. give the poor kid a break-ness.
anyway if I did decide to replace the current chapter 3, this is what it would be replaced with (only the first scene, the second would be the same). If you are a reader of the fic feel free to leave your comments. I would do an “oh and I edited chapter 3″ note before the relevant stuff was mentioned if I go through with this, I wouldn’t like expect everyone to know what happened. Some of the dialogue is not like exactly like in canon (cuz thats boring and also to match with what I wrote the first time) but the feeling/ beats should be similar
Gotham’s finally had a bit of lull in the violence, and Dick is just wondering how he’s going to do this.
He’s accepted that Damian’s his responsibility – seeing the kid shot in the chest made that perfectly clear, as much as he would’ve liked it to be otherwise. He felt like he was way too young to be watching out for a kid in any capacity other than cool older brother, especially a kid who’s as difficult to get along with as Damian. He was a great fighter, of course, and he knew it – Dick’s not sure he’s ever heard the kid be humble about anything. To make things worse, Dick feels like he’s constantly stuck in the middle between Damian and the kid he actually views as his younger brother – Tim, who Damian tried to kill. Evidence in point:
“Robin?!” Tim asks once he’s gotten back on his feet and Dick's explained his plan – away from Damian, who's still recovering from surgery.
“You made Damian Robin?!” Tim asks again.
Dick sighs. He’s in the cave, in a Batman costume he feels doesn’t fit right at all with the cowl off, and Tim’s still in his regular clothes. He has no idea how to explain this to Tim – no idea how to make him feel like he’s not being replaced. Dick never wanted to be the one doing the replacing – he remembers how much it hurt to find out that Jason was Robin from the papers, and that was after he officially stopped being Robin. Tim never quit – and Dick’s not about to make him – but he has to come home to the guy who tried to kill him getting his name.
“Tim, I know this looks bad, but Damian needs this.”
“Remember when we thought Bruce was going to retire after Crisis?” Tim asks. “Batman and Robin was supposed to be us. You and me. Not you and the psychopath that tried to kill me.”
“Tim, you’re not my sidekick, you’re my partner – ” Dick takes a step towards Tim with his hand out, prepared to offer sympathy, but Tim shakes him off angrily.
“Obviously not!”
“And Damian needs me way more than you do. If we don’t keep an eye on him, he’s going to kill again.”
Tim scowls intensely. “That should really not be an endorsement for being Robin, Dick! He’s a killer! He belongs in jail!” Tim swallows a little and then lowers his voice out of shouting range. “Dick, he didn’t try to kill me because he for some reason thought it was the only way to stop me from doing something bad, as far as I can tell he just wanted to replace me. We’re talking about someone with absolutely no sense of right or wrong.”
“Of course he doesn’t have a sense of right or wrong. He’s a ten-year-old child who was raised as an assassin from birth!”
“Lots of our villains have really sad or sympathetic reasons for doing crime, that doesn’t mean we team up with them.”
“Are you serious?” Dick asks. “This isn’t the same, Tim.”
“How not?”
“Well for one,” calls Damian's voice from the stairs, and Dick can't help but cringe and think not now – “I'm a lot better than them.”
Dick's cringe only intensifies when he turns around to see what Damian is wearing. His new Robin costume.
Tim's hands clench into fists the instant he sees Damian. Dick knows he has to de-escalate things quick before Tim and Damian have another fight.
“Damian,” Dick says, trying to keep himself carefully neutral-sounding. “Shouldn't you be resting?”
Damian lifts his head up slightly so his nose is in the air, and walks down the stairs almost normally. There's only a little hesitation in the twist of his torso, a little stiffness of his right arm.
Either he's zoned out of his mind on painkillers or depressingly good at masking his pain for a ten-year-old.
“Please,” Damian says. “I was trained in the League of Shadows. Do you really think an over-the-hill ex-Robin could put me down?”
Tim's fist clenches further, and so Dick says, letting a bit more urgency slip into his voice, “Damian, shut up. Now.”
Damian puts his left hand on his hips and looks intentionally at Tim. He adds, “I'm not Drake – ”
He's barely got the word out before Tim leaps forward and punches him in the face. Dick's out of his seat, grabbing Tim to hold him back, who is still distressingly struggling against him, like he wants to keep up the assault despite the fact that Damian fell to the floor.
“My name is Tim Wayne!” Tim shouts as Dick is still holding him back.
Damian gingerly sits up. Dick prepares to release Tim, prepares to stop Damian if he has to, if he decides to get revenge. But he doesn't. He just briefly braces his right side with his left hand before wiping the blood off his face.
“I let you get that shot in, Drake,” Damian says, again dropping intentional emphasis on Tim's original last name.
As he does, Tim struggles forward.
“Tim, back off!” Dick says, because Tim still isn't cooling down –
“I want you to feel good about yourself,” Damian continues.
Tim seems to relax his stance slightly, so Dick, possibly in an error of judgment, lets Tim go. But Tim doesn't try to attack Damian again, he just shakes Dick off and starts stomping away. “You want me to back off? Fine.”
He's going for the exit.
If he leaves –
Dick can't chase him. He's not sure that he can leave Damian alone –
“Tim, wait!” Dick says, taking a step forward. “Bruce is gone. But I still need you.”
“For what?” asks Damian and damn it is there anything this kid isn't going to try to ruin?
“Shut up, Damian,” Dick says again, even though as far as he knows he's just going to wind up pushing Damian away too –
And Tim leaves.
Dick turns to look at Damian. The kid's already back to his feet, like nothing happened, and Dick takes a step forward to inspect the injury – though he's really more worried about the gunshot wound than Tim's punch. Both Tim and Damian had wound up injured pretty badly during the chaos that gripped Gotham in the rumors of Batman’s death. As his new and not-improved version of Batman, Jason had tried to kill them both, which Dick is way less than pleased about. He’d been kind of hoping that they could talk Jason down, but this seems like a line he doesn’t know if Jason can ever un-cross. He shot a ten year old in the chest.
Damian grabs Dick's wrist as he reaches out.
“Are you all right?” Dick asks.
Damian scoffs. “You're worried about Drake? I've been hit harder sparring my mother.”
“I was thinking about the gunshot.” Alfred had said the primary damage was blood loss and a punctured lung (well, traumatic pneumothorax, but Dick knew what he meant) and given the kid a minimum of four weeks downtime to heal.
It's hard to tell due to the domino mask, but Damian adopts the position of a kid who's rolling their eyes, head slightly tilted to the side with a loll. “It's not enough to impersonate Batman, now you want to impersonate my mother?”
Dick doesn't know how to approach the mother thing, so he doesn't even try. He just explains the logic for being Batman – (and there is logic behind it. It's not like he wanted this). “Someone has to step up and convince Gotham things can get back to normal,” Dick says. “And serial killer Batman wasn't going to cut it.”
“Did you at least take care of him?” Damian asks.
Dick knows that Damian isn't actually worried about Jason's wellbeing, so he says, “Do you mean 'did I kill him'?”
“Tt. Obviously.”
“Obviously not.”
Damian presses his lips together in a thin line.
Dick might as well get this out of the way now. He's going to have to sometime. “Alfred wants you out of the field for four weeks.”
“That's preposterous!” Damian shouts, and as he shouts, he coughs. He rubs his chest quickly and then glowers at Dick when he sees him staring.
“Damian, you could have died.”
“I didn’t.”
Jeez, doesn’t this kid have any sense of his own mortality? Though, Dick supposes, growing up around Lazarus Pits and a centuries old grandfather might make that impossible.
“I’m not a fool, Grayson, I know I’m not capable of healing instantaneously. I’ll take a break for one week,” he offers, like it’s a huge concession on his part.
“Four weeks,” Dick says.
“What about you?” Damian asks. “Didn’t you get injured?”
“Not as badly.”
“Are you taking a break?”
“Someone needs to convince Gotham that Batman’s not dead,” Dick says. Also, he doesn’t want to take a break. He doesn’t want to be alone with his thoughts. Losing Bruce. Failing Tim.
“Tt. Then I don’t need one either. I’m younger. I heal faster.”
Dick actually has no clue whether that’s true, because he’s not a doctor, but he knows that people usually say kids heal faster.
Dick swings his arms a little, trying to feel them out. They’re still stiff, and as they move, a jolt of pain shoots through him. Even when he’s not moving, his shoulder is still sore. He knows that he might get injured going into the field like this and that it’s not a smart decision – last time he went into the field while still healing, he wound up blowing his secret identity to Blockbuster.
He decides that at least if he’s going into the field, he won’t tell Barbara and Alfred about it. Okay, so that’s probably not the smartest of his plans. Most plans that you have to hide from people who care about you aren't smart.
“I’ll take a week long break with you,” Dick concedes. “And we can see how fast you’re healing.” The second part is a lie, of course. He's not going to supersede Alfred's orders on medical matters.
Dick sighs a little. He figures that while they’re both on bed-rest duty, though, he can try to figure out how to set things up so they can operate effectively once they get a clean bill of health.
“How do you feel about not living in the manor?” Dick asks.
“Kicking me out already?”
“Don’t be ridiculous, I wouldn’t be living here either,” Dick says. It’s true. He’d rather not feel like he’s living in all of Bruce’s old places, wearing Bruce’s old costume, … replacing him, essentially. He needs a place he can clear his head.
“Where would you live then?” Damian asks skeptically.
Dick shrugs. “The penthouse, maybe. Bruce already made a bunker nearby, so we could operate out of there pretty easily.”
Damian narrows his eyes. “Why do you keep saying ‘we’?”
Because you are ten and not ready to live on your own. But Dick just says, “Well, you’re Robin now, right? That means you’re pretty much obligated to team up with Batman.”
“Batman isn’t here, Grayson. He never will be again, no matter how much you play dress-up.”
Charming kid. Like Dick didn’t already know that.
“You know I operate effectively alone, right?” Damian continues. “I don’t need to be hand-held and babysat like all of Father’s previous partners.”
Dick figures that it’d be a jerk move to remind Damian he just almost died and therefore really shouldn’t be on his own. Instead, he says, “Well, Alfred’s staying with me, so unless you want to get all your food and clean the house by yourself, you have to put up with me.”
“Tt . I don’t need a servant. I’ll just eat at restaurants.”
“On who’s money?”
“In the event of his death, my father’s assets should have transferred to me. His blood son.”
Oh boy. Dick rubs his face. “Does this have to be a thing, Damian? No one’s doubting your capacity to take care of yourself but I think it’d really be easier if we were operating out of the same building. “
A long silence on Damian’s part. “Fine,” he says eventually. “I’ll allow you to stay at my penthouse.”
My penthouse. Of course. But Dick takes it. “All right,” he says. “Let’s move in.”
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zoco200 · 5 years
"BiRdS oF pReY iS a ShIt MoViE"
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Literally the only problem with the movie is how they handled Cassandra's character. Is it a major problem? Yes. I love comic Cass and her BoP iteration felt like a kick in the face. If she had literally any other name or was just a new character that they introduced for the film I'd be fine with it.
But everything else? Amazing!
We got, among much more:
Four canon LGBT characters, two of which are main characters, and two heavily implied ones
A badass latina police woman and a badass black superhero
Huntress (enough said)
A disturbing and twisted villain and his equally disturbing and twisted right-hand man
An amazing final fight scene
Countless funny moments
Bruce the hyena
Huntress being a big sis to Not-Cass with the toy car
A disturbing af torture scene where someone's fucking face got cut off (legit didn't think they'd actually show the face which was v freaky and I was v impressed)
Set up the BoP team with comic accurate costumes
Didn't oversexualise any of the characters
Gave Zsasz an actual personality outside of his bloodlust
Harley being smart and crazy
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And much more
It got a 91% review on Rotton Tomatoes and also did what I said Wonder Woman did right: gave us strong female leads without shoving it in our faces that they were trying to be progressive. Unlike in some cases (*cough* MCU *cough*) where they hype themselves up about being inclusive and then give us the bare minimum.
Look, was this film perfect? No. But was it fun, energetic, colourful, funny and a breath of fresh air from all the serious af and dark superhero movies? Yes.
You shouldn't judge BoP without seeing it or just refuse to see it because "dC iS tRaSh". Form your own opinions and stop listening to every triggered Marvel stan or jackass who says it's shit because it's a female lead film.
So anyway go watch BoP and just imagine Cass is like Cassandra Crane or something and it's really good.
Rant over. That is all.
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littlemisslol-fic · 3 years
Summary: Two years after the events of Barviel Keep, Varian has tried to adapt to the expectations brought by being a King’s Ward, with mixed results. Haunted by ghosts, Varian is forced to face the demons he tried to leave behind in Bayangor when his abdication is forcibly stopped by a third party, out for revenge against the Bayan Royal bloodline. On the run, with few allies left to turn to, Varian finds himself chasing a ghost through a series of tests that only a true heir of Demanitus could ever hope to pass.But the shadows are ever present, looming and dark, and not everything is as simple as it might seem.
If there were a word to describe Pincosta, Varian would have to pick bland. It was picturesque, quaint little streets lined with quaint little cobblestones, tiny houses clustered around perfect market squares. It was a perfectly maintained hamlet, adorable and ready to be slapped on a postcard. The people were well mannered, even under the blistering heat of the mid-afternoon sun. Pincosta was charming, delightful, even.
It was also irritatingly saccharine.
Varian grumbled as Rapunzel pulled him along the street, her hand tight on his wrist. He couldn’t help but look over his shoulder, unable to shake the feeling of eyes on him. Eugene was nearby, making room up ahead as they walked through the quiet streets. People milled about around them, going about their afternoon with a sort of quiet calm. Eventually they came to a stop in front of a medium sized building, a large set of stone stairs up in front of it. Eugene went right in, leaving Varian and the princess outside. Rapunzel finally let go of his hand, spinning to face him with a forced grin.
“Okay, Varian, you stay here while Eugene and I speak to Constable Lumph,” Rapunzel said, her eyes darting around the cramped streets. “Just for a second.”
Varian arched a brow at her, tilting his head. “Don’t you want someone to go and get supplies?” he asked, “For when we go back?”
“When Eugene and I go back-” Rapunzel’s tone was unimpressed, “We’ll get our own supplies. After Vardaros I don’t want to risk it.”
“Oh, c’mon!” Varian argued, “I can just go into a market, it’s not even that far; there’s like, six people-”
“Varian.” Oof, that was her big sister voice. “No. Thank you. Please just stay where I know you’re safe.”
Varian rolled his eyes but nodded his assent, leaning against the thick stone wall of the constable’s headquarters. “Fine, whatever.” He muttered, looking away from her. Rapunzel’s face fell at the attitude, but Varian heard her sigh and step up onto the stairs leading to the front door.
“Thank you,” she murmured, “We won’t be long.”
Varian grunted something that could be acknowledgement, but could have also just been him clearing his throat. Rapunzel sighed again, and Varian heard the shifting of the old stone stairs as she entered the building. Eugene was probably already bullying the constable for something he’d done last time the pair had been in the town- Varian honestly forgot, he’d heard the story once and even then, it was mostly to fill him in on where Cass had gone- though, they’d left the vast majority of the details glossed over.
Varian huffed, shifting on his feet. No one ever seemed to want to tell him anything unless it was life or death, and to be honest, it was just bits and pieces. Not his dad, not Frederick and Arianna. Not Rapunzel. Something bitter in him made him roll his eyes at the thought.
He waited a minute, then two. The heat of the midday had started to pick up; between that and the ring of raccoon currently wrapped around his neck, Varian can’t help but feel a little warm. He risks a peek back to the door Rapunzel had disappeared behind, thinking. Sure, Rapunzel had said to stay… but Varian was going insane with this whole protect the babyschtick. He was perfectly capable of taking care of himself, thank you very much.
It was a little insulting, this idea that Rapunzel had that Varian was completely useless- when he was younger, especially after Bayangor, Varian had appreciated it. Hell, he’d even craved it, that idea that someone he loved was willing to deal with him without complaint and push the bad things away. He’d needed it, honestly, needed someone to stand between him and the difficult parts of life, even just to filter out the worst of it. But in circumstances like this, when it was all hands on deck, Varian was rendered effectively useless.
And it made him bitter.
The door didn’t open; Rapunzel would probably be in there for hours. Varian bit his lip a little, thinking to himself. He wanted to be useful, even if she was determined to sideline him. Maybe if he went and got the supplies himself, quick and quiet, Rapunzel would get off his case… Or at least, maybe she would stop thinking he was totally inept. Varian’s mind latched to the thought, and he made his choice. With a movement that was almost casual, he pushed himself off the wall and started walking.
“C’mon Ruddiger,” Varian muttered, “Let’s go make ourselves useful.”
The raccoon chittered in concern, looking frantically back towards the constable’s office. Varian felt his pet pulling on his hair, but ignored it. Ruddiger tried once more to direct Varian’s attention back to the office, only to get a pat on the head. Varian winced when Ruddiger nipped at him, his fingers retreating.
“No, listen,” he said, shaking his stinging hand. “Just in and out, ten-minute adventure. We’ll show Rapunzel who’s defenseless.”
The people of Pincosta were generally pleasant. The town center reminded Varian of Old Corona in a way, if the people were a little less farmerand a little more miner. He liked it, wandering through the streets, feeling normal for the first time in years. Back in Corona he’d never been allowed outside the castle without an escort of some kind, be it a subtle one- like Eugene or Rapunzel insisting on joining him- or an unsubtle one- like Frederic’s ordering Stan and Pete to dog his footsteps like loyal hounds.
He’d missed it, more that he thought he would. The ability to mesh with crowds, to disappear into the throng of faces. To slip in the cracks of the public, vanish like a ghost. Amongst the people, he wasn’t a target, wasn’t a forced heir or a missing child. Here he was just Varian, and something in him settled at the ability to shrug off the status like a musty cloak.
Varian weaved through the crowd, slipping between miners and townsfolk with a small grin. How novel to be able to walk like a normal person again- like he was back home, like Barviel Keep had never happened, like Aldred had never existed…
Like Quirin was home, waiting for him to walk in the door.
Varian coughed roughly. He shook his head, working his way through the main street of the town. Ruddiger perked up at the smells wafting from a nearby bakery, but Varian rolled his eyes and scratched behind the raccoon’s ears again.
“No, buddy, supplies.” Varian laughed, “No cupcakes.”
The animal pulled his biggest puppy dog eyes, but Varian wasn’t convinced. He dipped in and out of a few stores, the money purse he’d nicked out of the bag weighing heavy in his pocket. Varian wasn’t sure exactly where the things they needed were- all of Pincosta’s main stores seemed to be specializing in kitschy souvenirs and housewares- but surely the people needed to eat, so it was just a matter of finding the grocers.
Varian huffed as he left the fourth store, growing frustrated. Maybe he was useless. He sighed, despairing as the maze of keepsakes and clutter vendors grew around him. It seemed like he couldn’t even find food without someone to hold his hand and show him the way. He ducked around a stall, kicking at a loose stone and watching it clatter across the cobblestones; it had been nearly an hour and he was still empty handed, how pathetic. Even Ruddiger seemed fed up, the raccoon draped over his shoulders limply.
Varian wandered to the center of the square, where a large fountain stood. It was an ornate thing, carved to look like flowers and stars surrounding a beautiful, muscular woman, holding a pickaxe out to the sky. He knew the people here followed a deity called Vaara, said to be a goddess of the earth. Made about as much sense as worshipping the Sun, Varian supposed, though he knew the Sundrop had been very real.
He looked over the edge of the fountain, peeking in with a small air of curiosity. He could see coins settled on the bottom, the white limestone bright and clean. Varian could see his own reflection looking back at him, rippling in the water from small streams tossed through the air. He looked pretty much the same as always, maybe a little more exhausted than normal, but nothing out of the ordinary. His gaze drifted up towards his hair, the boy scowling as he saw his hair stripe peeking out from the hood of Quirin’s cloak.
With a rough movement Varian shoved the hair behind his ear, the mass of it irritating under the hood, but hidden, at least. He looked back down into the fountain, smiling softly as Ruddiger reached small paws down as if to grab the water-
Which is why Varian saw the reflection of a dark, looming shadow rear up behind him, and was able to dodge its grabbing hands by the breath of an inch.
Varian spun out of the figure’s reach, snatching Ruddiger off his shoulders and hugging the animal as he backed away. The figure- a woman- smiled at him, a bearing of teeth that scared Varian more than he’d like to think. She looked to be about Eugene’s age, with roughly buzzed hair, short and black and roughly cut. Most startling thing about her, however, was her set of very familiar, toxic green eyes.
“Damn,” she muttered, drawing closer. Varian backed off as fast as he could without tripping, hugging Ruddiger tight. “Aw, what-” she leered closer to him, green eyes glowing even in the shadow of the fountain, “You scared, little crow?”
“Call it more rightfully nervous.” Varian snapped, but was surprised when the woman laughed.
“Fair,” she conceded, “Very fair.”
There was a tense second of silence between the two of them. The woman shifted on her heels, looking Varian up as if sizing up a competitor. The halberd on her back caught the sunlight, a blinding flash of metal that made Varian wince. The market around them seemed unaware of the standoff going on, the people still milling about. Though, the woman’s posture was deceptively casual; Varian couldn’t help but think of Cassandra, how she walked without a care, but was really constantly tense and ready to fight. It made him nervous.
“You know, I expected more,” she commented, pursing her lips. “At least, for Aldred’s heir.”
Varian bristled at that, scowling. “Sorry to disappoint.” He tried to start backing away, stopping when she moved forwards to maintain the distance between them. She paused as he did, cocking her head to the side.
“You know this isn’t going to end well for you, right?” She asked him, as if talking to a toddler. It made Varian all the angrier, the cold wash of fear slipping away and turning to furious indignation. She didn’t seem to care, looking ready to laugh as Varian fumed. “You’re adorable.” She cooed, crossing her arms. “But I can promise that if you try and fight me, I’ll drag you back to my brother missing at least one limb. We don’t need you in one piece, after all.”
Ruddiger hissed at her again, his fur puffing up until the racoon looked nearly double his usual size. Varian inched his hand towards his pocket, stalling for time. Stupid, he thought to himself, stupid, stupid- Rapunzel’s going to have a fit.
“You’re his sister then?” Varian asked the woman, “What, is the whole family out to kill me?”
“What’s left of it,” she shrugged. Her expression was bitter. “Merrick’s young. He needed guidance after what Aldred did to our family.”
Oh, it always came back to that son of a bitch, didn’t it-
“And what?” Varian asked, “You think I’m just going to go with you?”
“I was hoping you would,” she replied. The air of calm surrounding her was borderline infuriating. “But if I have to kill the princess and her husband to make you cooperate… well, no skin off my nose.”
Varian felt his breath hitch in his chest. He’d seen the chaos and bloodshed the Bayans had caused when they’d attacked Corona; he knew she wasn’t threatening lightly. He just needed more time-
“You wouldn’t dare...” He paused, not knowing her name. She caught on, arching a brow.
“Cerise,” she said, her tone flat. Varian nodded.
“Cerise.” Sun, the manners Quirin had instilled in him were so annoying- “I’m Varian.”
“I’m aware.” She looked confused now, tilting her head. “You are an odd one, I’ll give you that.”
Varian couldn’t find it within himself to argue- he only shrugged. She huffed out what might have been a laugh, if not for the smug undertones of a cat who’d caught a mouse.
“You have a choice, here.” Cerise stepped forwards, closing the gap between them just a little more. “Are you going to come quietly, like a good little boy, or am I bringing you back to my baby brother in pieces?”
Varian tensed, his shaking fingers finally touching one of his last alchemical bombs in his pocket. He gently took it in hand, trying to seem nonchalant as the Bayan woman drew closer. “I can’t say either of those would end very well for me,” he told her, trying again to back away. Her face was amused, but in a way that seemed condescending. He felt his rabbit beat heart threatening to burst from his chest with how fast it was going, but Varian forced himself to remain nonchalant; if he panicked now, he’d lose any shot of getting away from her.
“Probably not,” she agreed, like they were discussing afternoon tea. She was getting too close, he had to act quickly. With every step she took he felt his shaking get worse- he nearly fumbled the bomb in his own pocket, nerves finally getting the best of him. Varian grit his teeth, his grip tightening on the smooth glass.
Varian took one more step back, roughly ripping the alchemical weapon from his pocket and throwing it at her. Cerise let out a yell as it exploded at her feet, a plume of noxious green smoke surrounding her instantly. Varian could hear her coughing, could see her frame stumbling through the smoke like she was drunk.
But he didn’t stick around long enough to see what happened next.
With speed he didn’t know he had, the alchemist turned and bolted from the square, Ruddiger situated on his shoulders with a strong grip. He could hear people scream, frantic footsteps everywhere as the citizens fled the market. Varian heard the Bayan behind him shout in rage as he vanished, deliberately weaving between the crowd and disappearing from view The streets of Pincosta flew by as he ran, a blur of brown and dull greys in the bleak morning sun.
“Oh shit,” Varian muttered to himself as he ran. His lungs burned, legs ached- between all the walking and the lack of food, he wasn’t exactly in peak performance- but Varian refused to stop. “Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit.” He could hear people yelling behind him, the smoke probably still thick, even in such a large, open space as the main market.
Varian kept running, leaving it behind. Sun, he’d been so stupid-
The constable’s office loomed before him, only a block away from the market. His heart soared at the thought of backup, nearly sobbing with relief at the sight of the stone steps. He raced to the steps, skidding to a stop in front of them. The dust puffed up under his boots, nearly making him slip into the dirt, but he managed to catch himself with a pivot of his ankle.
“We may have made a miscalculation, Ruddiger.” The boy gasped through heaving breaths. The raccoon grumbled his agreement, clinging tighter as Varian sprinted up the stairs two at a time; the alchemist didn’t care enough to take his time. He didn’t even bother to knock, shoving the door open and falling into the room beyond. He just caught sight of Rapunzel’s purple dress before hitting the wooden floors. Varian grunted as he fell, twisting to kick the door closed behind him with a deafening BANG.
“We’re in trouble!” He crowed into the room, uncaring as to what he may have interrupted.
“What?!” Eugene. The man had been leaning back on a chair, his feet propped up on a table. He dropped his boots to the floor, the two air born legs of his chair quickly following. They landed with a thunk on the wooden floors. Eugene stood quickly, gaze already shifting towards the door. “What do you mean trouble, kid? Please tell me the trash cat got caught stealing again-”
“It’s one of the Bayans.”
Eugene’s face fell into a grimace, the man looking tired. “Of course it is,” he muttered to himself. Rapunzel took the silence after to jump in, rushing over to Varian and grabbing him by the shoulders. She pulled him up off the floor, hands flying around him in a frantic mess.
“Did they see you?” She asked, her voice frantic. “Are you okay? Are you hurt?!”
“I’m fine!” Varian snapped, pushing her away. “I’m fine; she attacked me out in the square, but I got away-”
“She?” Eugene’s voice piped up from behind Rapunzel, the man arching a brow.
“I only saw one,” Varian replied, “She said she was Merrick’s sister.”
Eugene groaned, rubbing at his closed eyes with the tips of his fingers. “Great,” he muttered, “There’s more than one magical lunatic. Why wouldn’t there be?”
Rapunzel looked even more spooked at that, backing off before grabbing their bag off a nearby table. Varian just caught sight of the fresh supplies stocked inside before she was sealing it shut, looking towards Eugene.
“We have to go,” she said, slinging the bag over one shoulder and pulling her frying pan from her belt with the other hand. “We can’t stay here, not if they’ve already caught up with us- how did they even know we were here?!”
“I don’t know,” Eugene was shaking his head, “But you’re right, we have to get out of town, back to the woods.”
“Back to Corona?” Varian asked, head flicking between the two adults. “They won’t be expecting that, right?”
“Kid’s got a point-” Eugene started to say, only to be cut off by a furious noise.
“We are not going back to Corona!” Rapunzel barked, her voice echoing in the small room. Her eyes were wide, almost angry, as she got nearly nose to nose with the boy in front of her. Varian found himself shrinking in the face of her ire, shaking as he stumbled backwards. His back slammed into a table, rattling the contents on top. Mistake, his thoughts screamed, mistake, mistake, going to be locked in your room again-
“If you go back there, we’ll be playing right into their hands,” she said. Varian could barely hear her through the pounding of his heart- when had she gotten so scary?!- “I promised that you would never go back to Bayangor, and I intend to keep that promise, Varian. Even if you don’t like it.”
With that, she shouldered past the stunned boy, not hitting him, but moving in a way that had Varian scrambling to get out of her path. She grabbed at the doorknob of the office, pausing before sighing heavily. Rapunzel didn’t turn around, but Varian could see the way her shoulders slumped, and the grip she had on her frying pan went white.
“It’s for your own good.” She muttered, wrenching the door open and stepping out onto the street.
Varian and Eugene stood there for a second longer, both of them wincing when the door slammed shut. There was an awkward pause, the sudden silence smothering and strange after such an outward display from someone usually so gentle. Varian shuddered in the new quiet, his hands unconsciously reaching up to rub at his wrists. Something in the bones hurt, inescapable and intangible but very much there. Eugene grimaced, moving the few steps toward his younger friend. He shuffled closer to Varian, slowly bringing his hands up. When the boy didn’t react, he reached down to gently take the teenager’s hands and break the vice like grip. Eugene caught Varian’s eye, trying for a smile. It failed.
“She didn’t mean to snap.” He murmured, gently lifting a hand to wipe away a few frightened tears that had slipped from Varian’s eyes. Excuses, always with the excuses for her- Varian’s fear snarled, something bright and angry. Sure she gets a free pass to act like this, but the second he snaps- chaos! Eugene kept going, unaware of the shift in Varian’s mood. “She’s stressed, we all are. Sunshine is worried about you-”
“It doesn’t give her the right.” Varian shuddered, turning away from the older man. “Just because she’s upset-”
“I know.” Eugene soothed (but did he really?), “You’re right, Varian. But we have more pressing issues for now. We have to sort through it once you’re safe.”
The boy looked up to his friend; Eugene seemed to have swapped tactics, but Varian couldn’t figure out if it were an actual change of heart or of Eugene wanted Varian to sit down and shut up. The man schooled his face into an easy grin when he saw Varian looking at him. “C’mon.” Eugene said, “We’ve got places to be. This place was giving me hives anyways, too many goodie-two-shoes for my liking.”
Ah. The second one, then.
Varian sniffled again, fighting the press of tears; he looked towards the door with a sudden sense of apprehension. Not quite fear, but close. He couldn’t help but feel a thousand eyes boring into his back, the creeping vision of a room full of portraits staring into his very being taking over. Eugene’s concerned voice slipped away, the tremors growing more extreme as the seconds ticked by agonizingly slow.
Varian could feel his chest hitching, the shaking doing nothing to ease the tensing of his shoulders and spine. The breaths he was trying to take were unable to reach his lungs, his throat felt clenched tight as if he were being choked from the inside. Tears, unbidden and unwanted, flowed down his cheeks as the alchemist crumbled inwards. His hands curled around his wrist once more, the phantom sting of broken bones pulsing through his hand like a flame he couldn’t put out. Varian’s eyes slammed shut, blocking out the world in a desperate attempt for calm, for peace.
So when Eugene stepped forwards and gently cupped his face, Varian wasn’t ready.
“Don’t touch me!” The boy wailed, scurrying back as if burned. His eyes remained closed, the horrifying images of Barviel Keep flying through his mind at a breakneck pace. The knot in his throat only tightened, the hitching breaths doing nothing to ease the strain. Varian couldn’t hear a single thing beyond his racing heartbeat, the terrified thump-thump of a rabbit’s beat echoing through his mind.
But then.
Someone touching his shoulders, a grip that felt like a vice, a manacle, a cage to keep him trapped and complacent and a perfect little doll- a brutal grasp, tight and rough, one that would shake him until he cooperated-
“Father, I’m sorry!” He screamed, an instinctual, gut reaction.
And those hands left his shoulders like he’d burned them.
Varian’s eyes snapped open, a sudden fear taking him at the sudden lack of contact, the boy looking up and expecting to see his own eyes glaring back at him- so when he was met with warm, chocolate brown it was like a shock to his system.
He was free, Aldred was dead; Varian was in Pincosta, not in Barviel Keep.
And Eugene Fitzherbert was staring at him in absolute horror.
“I-” Varian stuttered. “I- Eugene, I didn’t- I wasn’t-”
“Kid?” the man asked. He didn’t dare draw closer, and it broke Varian’s heart. “Are you back, uh, back with me?”
Varian sniffled, nodding. “I don’t know what… what happened,” the boy stammered. “I just…”
“It’s okay.” Eugene said quietly. “You’re okay. You’ve had a rough week.”
Varian rubbed at his eyes furiously, chasing away the thoughts of roaring winds and pink tourmaline. The feeling of eyes on the back of his neck. He took a deep breath, forcing it down past the knot in his throat. It didn’t do much to calm him, but they didn’t have time for much else.
“Try a rough year.” Varian couldn’t help but try and crack a joke, to shove the pain under a layer of flippant, couldn’t care attitude. Eugene didn’t seem to buy it, but could only shake his head in wonder.
“You might be right, there,” the man said, holding a hand out hesitantly. When Varian didn’t flinch, he gently placed it on the boy’s shoulder, slowly directing him towards the door. “I’m sorry kid, I wish we had time to calm down- but we have to catch up with sunshine.”
Varian nodded, the movement rough, and wiped away the last of unshed tears and forcing the panic away. They didn’t have time for this- they had to move before Cerise figured out where they were. The panic simmered, set to a low heat- Varian knew it would come back, later, like it always did- but for now he had to pushed it down and keep moving. Eugene pulled the door open with a grimace, peeking out into the streets beyond. The smoke had done its job and scared away the public, it seemed, as the cobblestone paths that had just been filled with people were left empty.
They cautiously stepped out into the hollow streets, a loud silence ringing all around them. Varian rubbed again at his face, chasing away the last of his cloying panic and steeling himself. Eugene scanned the area once again, brown eyes narrowed and scrutinizing. Varian held his breath, waiting, as the older man finally seemed satisfied with their surroundings.
Eugene indicated with a tilt of his head for them to move. Varian went first, already taking stock of his meagre weapons. He didn’t have much left in the ways of alchemy, just a few more smoke bombs and exactly one sticky bomb. Stupid Vardaros he thought to himself with a grimace, should have grabbed more supplies.
A sudden clang noise echoed along the abandoned cobblestones, stirring both Varian and Eugene into action; the two of them set off at a brisk pace towards the center of town. They drew closer to the marketplace Varian had run from, and the closer they got, the louder the sounds of fighting and female voices became. Varian lagged, but Eugene let him set the pace- probably to keep an eye on him, if Varian were to guess. It was still a fair gesture, as if Eugene were running at full pace, he’d surely leave the alchemist behind.
Varian skid to a halt by the corner of a building, yanked to a stop as Eugene grabbed at his elbow to keep them in place. The boy looked to the older man with confusion, but Eugene held a hand out, asking him to wait, silently. The sounds of fighting were louder here, so Eugene took the lead, peeking out. Varian, stubborn little shit that he was, followed, and winced at what he saw.
Cerise snarled as her halberd slid off of Rapunzel’s frying pan with a harsh bang, the metal blade slamming deep into the stones of the square. Rapunzel twirled out of the way with a grace that screamed of practice, a swirl of purple fabric cutting through the air, but it was easy to catch the sight of crimson blood staining the sleeve of her dress. Cerise too wasn’t unscathed, her body covered in patches of bright pinks and blues- surely the residue of Varian’s own creations. Both women huffed for breath, circling each other like a pair of lionesses. Neon met forest, two pairs of green eyes locked together- sizing the other up and waiting for a break to make their move.
“Where’s your baby brother, princess?” Cerise taunted, yanking her weapon from the rock. It left a deep wound behind, a thick line right through the stone. Varian’s mouth went dry at the sight of the kind of damage that axe could do. Rapunzel didn’t reply to the Bayan’s question, backing off as Cerise spun her halberd in a wide, devastating arc that cut the air with an audible whumph. Rapunzel was forced to dodge, rolling to the side to avoid getting sliced in half. She landed hard, a cry of pain echoing through the square. Eugene let out a lout yell at that, rushing from their hiding place and to his wife’s side.
Rapunzel grinned at the sound of his voice, quickly standing and twirling her body around. Her frying pan clattered to the ground as she brought both of her hands into am interlocked pose, offering a flat surface while she crouched towards the ground. Eugene took it, using her hands as a step. Rapunzel let out a grunt of effort as she brought her hands up, launching Eugene high into the air with a well-timed throw. Varian blinked as Eugene drew his sword while in midair, bringing it down onto a startled Cerise.
The Bayan woman shouted, bringing up her arm to block the blow. Eugene’s sword rattled off her gauntlet, blocked, but Varian could see how roughly Cerise had taken the blow in the way she held her arm once Eugene backed off. The man refused to let up, quickly forcing Cerise away from Rapunzel with a series of well-timed slices. Rapunzel followed, her frying pan forgotten in lieu of a few of Varian’s alchemical bombs.
Varian felt frozen, like he’d been glued to the ground as the two adults quickly backed the threat away. Cerise snarled as she spun her halberd, but splitting the attention between the two Coronians was obviously difficult with such a bulky weapon. Varian felt a sudden sharp tug on his hair, snapping to attention as Ruddiger frantically gestured to the forgotten frying pan.
Varian forced his legs to move, stumbling towards the iron pan. He scooped it up just as Eugene let out a shout. Varian twisted just in time to see the man fall to the ground, Frederic’s sword going flying from his hand. The boy gasped, rushing for the chaos with his newfound weapon. The iron was cold in his hands, heavy and solid. Varian didn’t take to reflect on it, bringing it up in a fluid motion.
Cerise didn’t even see him coming.
Varian brought the pan down with a swift crack onto her head. Her whole figure tensed for just a second, swaying oddly, before she collapsed to the ground with a thump. Her halberd was loud as it fell, a rattle of metal against cobblestone that echoed.
Eugene, still on the ground, gawped up at Varian in shock. The boy huffed, turning as Rapunzel ran up to him. The unsettled fear in him solidified into proper irritation at the sight of her, condensing further into a rough, bitter anger. She got close, her hands already reaching forward, grasping, like she always did. He scowled, shoving the pan into her chest roughly. Her hands flew up to grab at it, green eyes blinking in shock at his ire. Varian huffed, refusing to back down. She knew what she did.
“Can we go, now?”
He didn’t wait for an answer, stepping over Cerise’s unconscious body and holding a hand out to Eugene. The man took it, blinking as Varian pulled him to his feet. The square was oddly silent, now that the fight had been cut off. It felt nearly unnatural, like seeing something fall upwards. Just something that shouldn’t be. Varian shrugged off the feeling, looking at the two adults with a scowl.
“Pincosta’s a bust,” Varian said firmly. “We need a new plan.”
Ruddiger chittered from his place on Varian’s shoulder, dropping to the ground to sniff at Cerise. The animal hissed, scrambling up Rapunzel’s leg. The brunette sighed, grabbing the raccoon and holding him on her hip not unlike one would an infant. He cooed, snuggling close to her. Traitor.
“We’ll just need to hide you somewhere else,” Rapunzel said firmly, “Tropi Island was our next bet-” she shifted Ruddiger in her arms when he got squirmy. “-but we weren’t sure about it.”
“Sunshine,” Eugene tried to interject, “Maybe we should listen to Varian.”
Rapunzel’s face morphed into something almost called irritation, twisting to look at Eugene. Ruddiger complained from her arms, wiggling and grabbing into her dress pocket at the motion. She didn’t notice, too busy locking her husband with a look.
“We’re not going back home until Varian’s safe,” she said firmly, “I won’t lead him right into the hands of the people who want to hurt him-”
“I’m right here, you know!” Varian objected with a tart voice, only scoffing when he was ignored by both adults. Eugene and Rapunzel kept debating back and forth, both of them obviously trying to keep cool, but Varian could see the stress lines creeping across Eugene’s face, the way Rapunzel’s shoulders hitched higher and higher. The alchemist sighed, clicking his tongue at Ruddiger.
The raccoon perked up, his little hands leaving Rapunzel’s pocket. Ruddiger jumped from her arms, scuttling back to Varian, who scooped him up in attempt to ignore the others. The boy sighed, a rush of air that took his whole body. Ruddiger cooed to him, papping at him with one little paw. The alchemist smiled, but cracked an eye open in curiosity when he only felt one paw hitting his face. Varian pulled back, seeing the animal’s other paw taken up by an envelope.
“What do you have there, bud?” Varian asked, taking it gently from Ruddiger and looking it over. It must have been in Rapunzel’s pocket. He felt a small pulse of surprise when he saw a broken wax seal on the front. He flipped it, pushing Ruddiger up onto his shoulders so he could use both hands to inspect the already cracked wax seal.
Rapunzel and Eugene’s tense bickering faded from his ears quickly as Varian pulled the letter out and scanned it, his stomach sinking with every word. It couldn’t possibly, not- she wouldn’t, right? Varian’s thoughts struggled to comprehend what he was reading. If it were true, then his mother- he thought- and Rapunzel had the evidence in her pocket! His heart started to race as everything began to slot into horrifying place.
Rapunzel’s defensiveness, her push towards keeping him in Corona, all of it was because…
Because his mother was still alive, and she’d been hiding it from him.
Because Rapunzel must have known, of course she did. She had the letter in her pocket. He stared at the looping script of Aisha’s signature as the world fell out from under him. He was focused on it, transfixed, blue eyes scanning it as if the paper were about to burst into flame and be turned to ash before he could get to the end. He could feel something stirring in his gut, nausea perhaps, and the ringing in his ears only grew and grew.
He finally tore his eyes away, looking to the two adults. Eugene was off to the side, quietly trying to convince his wife to turn back for Corona. Varian zeroed in on Rapunzel, and the feeling in his stomach cemented itself not as sickness, but in rage. Rage at the lies, at the trickery, at keeping something like this from him…
It was the amber all over again.
Varian let out a strange noise, something of a growling gasp. Rapunzel turned to him, the irritation on her face swiftly turning to horror when she saw the envelope in his clenched grip.
“Varian-” she started, but was cut off when his eyes met hers. Rapunzel had gone pale, a rarity for her. It made her look sick. She was cowed by the glare he leveled at her. Her voice was quiet, weak. “I can explain…”
“How long?” The question echoed in the abandoned square.
“How. Long?”
Rapunzel flinched at his tone. For a second she turned to Eugene, who was staring at Varian in confusion. The boy’s face twisted even further, shoving it at the older man to read. When Rapunzel still didn’t give him an answer, he moved forwards into her space. He was shorter than her, but she still shrank under his glare.
“Rapunzel.” He wasn’t asking anymore.
She finally shook her head, turning her gaze away. “Since before your birthday,” she finally admitted. Varian’s hands tightened at his side.
“I… that long?” His voice cracked in the middle, the full weight of her actions finally hitting. “You- you knew, for that long?”
“Sunshine?” Eugene’s voice drifted between them, the man having finished reading. “Tell me you didn’t.”
“I…” Rapunzel trailed off, tugging at her hair. “I was only trying to protect you-”
“From what?!” Varian snapped. “From my own mother-”
“From all of it!” Rapunzel finally said, loud and frustrated. “Varian, after everything that’s happened with those people can you blame me?”
“She’s my mother!” “And she was just as bad as Aldred was!”
The boy reeled for a second at the audacity, before the fury in him exploded outward.
“How can you say that?!” Varian snapped, “She ran from fa- from him! To protect me! How can you think she’s evil after that, after everything she did to keep me safe? If it weren’t for her, I would have grown up with him, I wouldn’t even have had my dad, or my home, or any of it; I would have had nothing-”
“She burned villages to the ground! She murdered people- you know as well as I do; she was a warlord in her own right.” Rapunzel countered, obviously over trying to cushion her words. “She ran away because it benefitted you, it was still in her own interest! You don’t need her!”
Varian bristled, the fury welling up from a place he’d thought was long dead.
“You don’t get to make that choice for me!”
His voice echoed around the square. Rapunzel reeled back at the shout, clenching her fist tightly around her frying pan. Eugene tried to step in, but backed away when Rapunzel took a step towards Varian.
“I did what was right.” Her voice was steel. “Those- those people have caused nothing but pain, and I am not going to let you walk right back to them.”
“I’m not just going to ignore her,” Varian said, “She’s my mother, she’d be the only family I have left!”
“What about us?!” Rapunzel argued. Varian grimaced, shaking his head.
“That’s not fair-”
“No, what isn’t fair is you trying to run away from this! To abandon us, abandon me, because you keep trying to ignore what happened!” Her chest heaved from the shout. Eugene tried to get in between them, handing the note back to Varian numbly, only to be pushed out of the way so Rapunzel could invade Varian’s space once again. Her face was inches from his, his eyes going wide with fear. She snarled the next words, more furious than he’d ever seen her before.
“It happened, Varian; if you go to her, it will happen again- and this time it will be your fault.”
The silence following Rapunzel’s shout was deafening. Varian stared at her with wide eyes, the salt in them burning. His heart raced, a cocktail of adrenaline rushing through his veins. Rapunzel’s chest heaved, her face twisted into an angry mask. She didn’t even look like his sister anymore. The shock spurred Varian’s legs to life, shaking knees unlocking at last. Varian took a step backwards, unable to look away from her eyes. Rapunzel’s tense frame slumped, shock at her own words making her expression drop into horror. She reached a hand toward Varian, grabbing at him, trying to tie him down-
He stumbled back, and ran.
Rapunzel scowled, trying again to weave around Eugene. Her husband refused to move, however, blocking her way to where Varian had disappeared between the buildings.
“Eugene!” She cried, “We have to go after him, it’s not safe-”
“Sunshine, I love you, but you are probably the last person he wants to see right now.”
Rapunzel slumped, trying one last time to dip around Eugene’s chest. He stood firm, his boots planted on the cobblestone. She sighed, looking up into his brown eyes, pleading with him.
“Eugene,” she tried again, “Even if Varian’s confused, we can’t let him go off on his own, if she-” Rapunzel gestured to the unconscious Cerise with her free hand, “-wasn’t alone, then he’s in danger! We don’t have time for this!”
Eugene caught her flailing hands gently, holding them close to his chest.
“Rapunzel,” he sighed, “Varian will be fine for a while, he’s a big boy. We need to get you sorted first, or we’ll find him, and he’ll run off again.”
“I…” she trailed off, before scowling. “He needs me- needs us. He can���t handle them on his own.”
Eugene’s face was concerned; Rapunzel felt a knot tie in her gut. She could see in the way he was approaching her that he thought she was wrong, that she was going to have to argue this. Case in point- “Listen to me,” he said, “We’re going to go get the kid, trust me, but first you need to calm down. Varian’s hurting, he needs us to be stable. After the- with the constable’s office- Rapunzel, he had a breakdown. I haven’t seen him so scared in a long time.”
The princess paused at that, her expression dropping. “He hasn’t had one in almost a year,” she said quietly, “He was doing so well… did I… did I set it off?”
Eugene’s grim face was enough. Rapunzel felt her anger shrink, the anger melting away in the face of what she’d done. “Oh, no.” It was nearly a breath, quiet in the abandoned square. “Oh, no, what have I done?”
Eugene’s face broke into a small smile, his hand coming up to cup her cheek. “There you are,” he murmured, “I knew you were in there somewhere, sunshine.”
Rapunzel sniffled, shaking her head. “He must hate me,” she said, “I would hate me. I was just trying to do what was best for him.”
Eugene smiled, wiping away a stray tear. “You made a bad call, that’s okay. Varian’s hurting right now, but he’s a smart kid. He knows that you love him, and he loves you. You went about things the wrong way, now all that’s left to do is try to fix it.”
Rapunzel paused, thinking it through. They needed to move, they didn’t have time to waste. Not while her brother was wandering the world by himself, not while people were still trying to hunt him down.
“We have to find Varian,” Rapunzel said, leaning into the touch. “I need to apologize for the yelling… but the note, I was just trying to-”
“You were trying to protect him.” Eugene said softly, “And I get that, really I do. You think I don’t want the kid wrapped in bubble wrap all the time? But he’s getting older, and we’re not always going to be there.”
Rapunzel sighed, shaking her head. “It’s not going to end well,” she said, her tone miserable. “It can’t…”
“We have two options,” Eugene finally sighed, after a beat of too long silence. “We either follow him and don’t get in his way,” he arched a brow at her at the last point, “Or, we go back to the city. Take Merrick down, and then wait for Varian to come home- if he ever does.”
Rapunzel flinched at the thought, shaking her head. “We’re going after him,” she said, her tone firm. “Whether he likes it or not, he can’t be out here all by himself.” She started to move again, this time brushing past Eugene without protest. They’d wasted enough time, she had to find her brother. Eugene watched her go, before finally sighing. He followed his wife, shaking his head.
Neither of them noticed that Cerise, left behind, was beginning to stir.
4 notes · View notes
myersesque · 5 years
just got back from watching birds of prey!! here’s some thoughts before i forget
(spoilers, obvi)
initially i found sionis kinda amusing but as the story went on he got progressively more disturbing and hateable and i FULLY laughed through his death scene
zsasz seemed to just be there for a good time and to stir shit (and bc he’s got a thing tm for sionis) and i was kinda bummed when he died if only because i wanted to see how he’d function without sionis there with him
i would lay my life down for huntress. her badassery + the awkward stammering/yelling when she tries to socialise = My Type apparently
cass is a living legend and i love her
the hyena being called bruce was fully unexpected (i whisper-yelled “bUD AND LOU???” when she went to buy him) but also the funniest shit ever
absolutely adored how they ignored leto-joker’s existence + used a comic-style joker in the animation at the beginning
also adored how briefly they skimmed over suicide squad (showing the odd flashback scene of harley in ace chemicals + talking abt the daddy’s little monster shirt, but nothing else that i remember)
you could ABSOLUTELY tell that women had prominent parts in this movie’s creation. harley was actually a 3-dimensional character rather than just walking sex appeal, the characters’ outfits were in-character and not just to make them look hotter, etc
every time sionis started raging and zsasz went to calm him down, tht one “chill ouuut stop screeeaming” vine came to mind bvhcjgbvcj
i want every single outfit harley wore in this movie. no exceptions. she has Style
renee being a lesbian was actually mentioned, although briefly!!! i fully missed the reference to harley’s bisexuality (ironic, as i’m a raging bi) but i’m glad it was there, too!!!
so like. did zsasz cut tallymarks on his face just to be extra orrr huvkgjbvcnhuj bc it looked like he had plenty of room on the rest of his body?
i also, admittedly, would wear all of sionis’ clothes. pretty sure i already own some of em.
his “black mask” mask??? was actually rlly cool-lookin??? that mask with that suit... hoooo sir if u weren’t such a hateable dick i’d probably try n kiss you
irredeemable villains are super fun
the wacky colourful animations and editing etc actually fit here, rather than feeling out of place like they did in suicide squad, bc like... it felt like less of a “look how cool and edgy” thing and more of a “this is fun and fits her personality” thing
the fight scenes were so cool??? that choreography... *chef kiss*
the music choices were on-point
the upbeat tone was a hell of a lot more interesting than DC’s tendency to grime and grunge. like... if ur villains and anti-heroes etc are gonna be so colourful and wacky, let them be colourful and wacky on-screen too??
i feel like this movie did strong women in the best way?? like,,, it didn’t feel as forced as other attempts have been (cough endgame cough)
actually it didn’t feel forced at all, to me. it felt perfectly fine and natural.
it was just super fun and funky and bright and i’m so glad DC has started making good movies so all my marvel-stan friends can stop judging me bvhjchbvhcnj
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thepaperpanda · 5 years
Warm Me Up || Arthur Morgan x Reader smut
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Summary: You travel in mountains with the gang. During stop, you got pretty intimate with your boyfriend, Arthur.
Warnings: smut
Words: 1641
Author: Cass & Rouge
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The weather in the mountains was terrible.
It was snowing so heavily that it created a thick curtain that made it impossible to look through.
You were lucky, gang stopped in some old mine town.  
You even got your own little cabin, it wasn't perfect. The place was old but there was a fire in the fireplace.
You were sitting on a little cot, wrapped tightly in fur but the most important, you were sitting between your man's legs.
Arthur was currently busy, writing something in his journal.
"I like your consternation during noting things down," you whispered quietly, wrapping fur tightly around your figure. "Aren't you cold? I can make you a mug of coffee," you offered softly.
Arthur hummed turning his attention to you. "Did you said something darlin'? Sorry, I was away with my thoughts," he said softly and put journal away before wrapping arm around you.
"Coffee?," you asked again, smiling at him. You rolled a bit so you were kneeling between his legs. You rested head on his knee, eyes on him.
Arthur shook his head and pulled you into a hug. "Nah, you are warm enough. You and your fur,” he smiled, nuzzling to you.
"Me and my fur, hehe, that's cute of you," you grabbed man's palm. "Ough! Your hands are completely cold! I think I know how to warm you up..."
"They ain't that cold darling,” he said looking at you. "Hoe to warm me up?" Arthur asked.
You knelt between his legs, slowly slipping fur off your shoulders. It turned out that you weren't wearing anything beneath it.
Arthur blinked shocked. "And later hear from you that you are sick. Crazy woman," man sighed and took you into his arms.
You placed a kiss to his jaw, then to cheek and briefly to lips. After that, you kissed his jawline again and then you moved to his pulse point on his neck, laying casually between his legs.
He muttered deeply, looking at you. "Y/N, what are you doing? What if others will hear?," Arthur gasped at the feeling of your lips
Your fingers were trailed against his muscular chest as you were slowly sucking his pulse point. "Shut up," you purred.
Arthur blinked and nodded slowly, giving himself completely to you.
You smiled at him and started to kiss down along his chest, playing with waistband of his pants. "Such a handsome man of you, Mr Morgan. All the muscles craved perfectly," you praised, getting lower and lower, along his happy trail.
"What a silly things you are saying…," Arthur blushed at your praises and those words for sure made him hard. He let out a sigh and rolled his hips softly, feeling how uncomfortable his pants became
You licked his stomach, smiling at him. You loved to tease that man, he looked like a bad guy yet deep inside he's just a soft bear. You unzipped his fly and tugged on his pants to pull them down.
Arthur growled as his hips bucked. He smiled and helped you with his pants. "Dirty girl."
"I can get even dirtier if you want," you looked at his soft cock and smiled. "What a beautiful view." You wrapped palm around it and pumped few times, then you slipped him into mouth.
Arthur gasped at the feeling of your lips around his cock. "Jesus, Y/N," he growled as his cold rough hand moved through your hair to your nape.
You hummed around him, slowly sucking every inch of his shaft. Bobbing head faster and faster you were keeping control over him. Your eyes still on Arthur's face.
Arthur relaxed and leaned back, watching you Hand that was placed on your nape now forced to deepen your moves.
You pulled him out of your lips only to suck the tip. Then you spat in him. Meantime your hand traveled between your legs to rub your already wet clit.
"We ain’t gonna play like that sweetheart,"  Arthur smiled and pulled you up. He wrapped one arm around your waist and other moved to rub your wet clit. "Now I’m gonna tease you," Arthur purred into your ear.
Your body twitched at his touch, a wave of pleasure spilled over it. "God...," you whispered, sucking on your lip.
"Nah, only your Arthur," he kissed your lips deeply as two of his colossal fingers slipped into you and started moving. They moved out slowly only so he could push the roughly in.
"Oh my God...," you became a moaning mess in his arms, head rolled back, legs spread a bit for him. Your core was already sensitive enough and it was driving you crazy.
"Now, time for something else, sweetheart,” Artur purred, kissing your cheek.
He removed his fingers and quickly replaced them with the tip of his cock. He moved it along your pussy's lips to coat himself in your wetness. Arthur pulled you into a kiss before pushing himself slowly into you.
"Fuck...," you whispered briefly but as soon as he pushed himself in your pussy, you let out a loud lovingly moan. "Oh... Right there..." The feeling of having you man in was oh so magnificent. You spread legs wider for him, rubbing your clit.
Arthur moved you on your back to reach even deeper into you. He made sure to hit your g-spot. "C'mon, sweetheart, moan for me."
"Arthur!," his name rolled over your lips, "Harder! Fuck me, cowboy. Show me what you got!" Your hand moved to his buttock where you spanked him.
Arthur grabbed your hand and moved them over your head. He held them there with his firm grip, fucking you even harder.
"Yes! Yes!," you were screaming. His huge features above you, dominating you so easily made you even wetter. You loved him taking over control.
He wrapped an arm around your waist and pulled you even closer, panting against your shoulder. "Fuck, Y/N. You are so good to me. Your sweet tight pussy gonna make me cum soon," he growled.
You wrapped legs tightly around his wide hips, deepening his thrusts. "You like to fuck that pussy, don't you? You like how that pussy squeezes your cock oh so nicely, don't you?"
"Yes, I love fucking your pussy and I love how it squeezes my cock," he grunted.
It didn't take him long to cum deep inside of you. The feeling of your soft, warm pussy around his shaft was too overwhelming.
Suddenly the door opened, letting cold wind inside. It was Micah. "Hey, Cowpoke! Time to move your ass! Dutch is...," he looked at both of you, soon a nasty smile appeared on his face. "So? That's why you got your own hut, guess screwing your whore wouldn't be so nice with others around."
Arthur pulled you closer trying to shield you from this rat's eyes. "Get lost, Micah. Tell Dutch I will come soon."
Other man nodded, smile never left his lips. "It was nice seeing ya, Y/N," Micah winked at you and left.
Arthur sighed and looked at you sadly.
A deep blush was covering your face when Micah simply opened your door. It was not that you weren't sure of yourself, it was rather an anger building inside of you. "Fucker," you snapped when Arthur slipped himself off you, leaving you empty.
"These are too gently words to describe him."
Arthur sighed looking down on you. "Ah... Dutch can wait. Relax, darlin'," he purred and returned to you. Arthur settled between your legs before moving them on his shoulder. "I am so sorry, darlin'," he hummed quietly before burring his face in your cunt.
With loud whimpered you rolled head back on the pillow. Within second the excitement was built again. "Mr. Morgan...," your hands were slipped into his fluffy hair. The feeling of his beard scratching your soft thighs was breathtaking.
"Yes, Mrs. Morgan?," he purred before wrapping his lips around your clit. Two of his fingers slowly slipped inside of you, he made sure to reach as deep as it was possible before moving out.
Within next moment you were a moaning mess. Rolling your hips, moaning his name, your core was wet and sensitive enough to get you over the edge. "Arthur, I'll fucking cum! Fucking right there, suck that cunt!," you held his head as you bucked hips to him.
"Good," man smiled against you and happily fulfilled your wish, adding the third finger to fuck you even better.
"FUCCCK!," you screamed as your release took control over you. Your walls clenched rhythmically around his fingers. Your body trembled and you forced him to get closer to you so you could kiss his lips, tasting yourself on it.
He kissed you back, gently removing his fingers. "Such a good girl," Arthur purred against your lips.
You spanked his butt. "Better go to  meet Dutch."
Arthur laughed and kissed your forehead. "And you dress up. I know that now you are hot like iron but please. You will get sick."
He quickly sucked his finger and got ready to leave, he gave you one last kiss before he went outside.
A few days later gang decided to move. You were sitting on one horse with Arthur, his arm tightly wrapped around you. You coughed as shiver ran along your body. "Is it just me or temperature is getting lower? I'm freezing."
"It should go up, actually,” Arthur took off his glove and put his now bare hand on your forehead. He sighed deeply when he felt hot you were.
"Great. Just great. Hold this for me," bearded man handled you the reins.
When you took them, he started to move behind you. Suddenly his thick blue coat was placed on your shoulders. "I don't need it now, anyway. No more sex in the mountains," Arthur summed up, taking reins back from you.
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Pandies🐼: @imidarogerson @grossograsso @thewildgardensstuff @leven-and-ashley @la-verdura @bearded-steve-rogers @sebbystan-plantlover@atuckyismylife @krispyjellyfishzombie @personality-within @haseki-huricihan @choppedgardenwhispers @vroobelek @lattimelka @chris-beamz @hidden-secrets69 @purepearls @volcanoxxx @kastrup-sofie @mikkal-akasaki@withoutashadowofhope @radbluebirdeagle @marvel-fan-site@smutloversblog @buquete @super-psycho-love69 @tanglesss @peter-sommer @baysidewest @vegemania @philip-stan @chodiusmmm@subwaystunnel @tykorclint @dagger-dragger @kurant @nothing-can-least-forever @oxfordkipem @deliciousbouquet90 @tuptuptup @hellenna80@karina-marina9 @latimeriaaa @bratko @wurld89 @scott-evans @kiss-me-rouge @ovonel-espaniol @dancing-tacco @ratugadhi @white-tiger-shangrila @axn69 @eternal-life-awaits @mrs-laura-harmon @artsy-inside @gleeeeees @darkllaama @jatut @agawux @fuzzy-tigrrr @jrjohnsson2  @cassandbeast@maaargoshaaa @dontgetmewrongman @einexx @nwmtagsb @anini71@secretlygrantaire @kyloren-supreme-ben @infinity-stones-seeker@thehappyspider @wings4life @huxyluxy @dontbeafraidchild @misafiryanki@electronicpatrolcollective @thisismysecrethappyplace @aulika @hidden-secrets69 @a-happy-wolf @creative-seahorse @arthurmorgan-bae
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(pretend im sending this from my rp blog! sadness!) eugene!
“That’s not funny, Cass.”
“I’m… not joking, Rapunzel.”
She couldn’t remember what happened next. Couldn’t remember literally dropping what she was doing as she raced for the door, pushing past her friend, couldn’t remember running as fast as she could from her room in the tower to the guard training grounds, never slowing. By the time she reached her destination, she was breathing raggedly, eyes and hair wild.
The guards were standing around, but it wasn’t random. They were grouped, clustered around a single point, and they parted when she approached. No one said anything. No one knew what to say.
His body was laid out, eyes closed and hands crossed peacefully over his chest. But there was blood, much too much blood. Rapunzel’s legs gave out, and she fell to the ground beside Eugene’s body, tears flowing freely down her cheeks.
“No,” she whispered. “No, no, no, no! Don’t go, Eugene, stay with me!” The words were familiar. She never thought she’d say them again. Just as before, she reached for him and lifted his head, and she broke into a sob, whimpering his name again as she touched her forehead to his. But it was much too late, this time. He couldn’t hear her, wouldn’t cough, or weakly say her name.
She wrapped her arms around him, cradling him close, her arms becoming covered in his blood. She didn’t care.
“It was an accident, Princess,” Stan explained softly. “He was on a roof, conducting chase practice. There was a loose tile, and he slipped and an arrow–”
Stan’s voice ceased immediately. She didn’t want to know who had fired that arrow. She didn’t want to look at anyone differently. She could accept that it was an accident, but if she found out whose fault it was, she might hate them for the rest of her life.
It was funny. There was no doubt that the song wouldn’t work anymore. It hadn’t worked for years. Not even when her hair had been temporarily long again. Her tears hadn’t healed except that one time, either. But that didn’t stop her from weeping on his ashy face. And it didn’t stop her from singing in a soft, broken voice.
♫ Heal what has been hurt…    Change the Fates’ design… ♫
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fairfaxleasee · 3 years
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Rating: Mature Relationships: Fenris/Female Hawke (Dragon Age), Fenris/Hawke (Dragon Age) Tags: Hurt/Comfort, Angst, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Heavy Angst (additional tags/mature themes under the cut) Summary: Once she realizes the 'favor' he asked her for is a lie, Cassia Hawke is ready to be done with Anders - and he's ready to be done with her, too.
Fenris tore out of the clinic.  He pressed Cass against him and whispered, “Don’t worry, I’ll get you to the Gallows and we can find a healer.”
“...no.”  Cass’ word was barely a whisper and her voice cracked as she strained to pronounce even the meager syllable.
“...estate.   Antivenom.   Blue-”  The coughing fit her words brought on was louder than anything she’d managed to say.  
“Cass, hang on; I’ll get you to the estate!”
Her only response was to go completely limp in his arms.
Additional Tags: Attempted Murder, Strangulation, Past Child Abuse, Physical Abuse, Emotional/Psychological Abuse, not for Anders stans
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lysical · 7 years
Tim stans are.......... bad. I’m in a DC group chat and there was this person trying to recount every tragic event in each batboys life. They finished Jason’s tragic backstory by basically saying Tim had it worse??? I was so tempted to leave that server right there and then
i would’ve left tbh. 
honestly, yeah i’ve noticed the victim olympics thing. there are an absurd amount of tragic backstories in the batfam that are never brought up (*cough*steph and cass*cough*) and then there are others who like to beat people over the head about it. 
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captainxandis · 7 years
hey other cass stans I think we need to have a little talk
Yes okay it sucks she isn’t in the young justice reveal. It REALLY sucks and I’m also super upset about it. She’s been around for forever and DC has fucked her so hard so many times that it’s ridiculous and her not being involved isn’t fair. I’m upset too, okay? I get it.
I’ve seen a couple really ugly Cass stans going after Steph fans who are excited about the reveal. People who are excited that Stephanie is being involved after a looooong time and a ton of mistreatment to their fave (cough cough war games cough cough)
I’m not saying Steph has been treated worse than Cass has. Not by a long shot. I’m not saying it’s okay Cass hasn’t been revealed because I’m upset about it.
I’m just saying people need to chill with the hate.
Stephanie Brown is a teen mom, a victim of abuse and she was sexually assaulted.
She doesn’t represent the same/as many minorities as Cass does and doesn’t make them leaving Cass out okay but dear god guys we need to CHILL.
Being upset your character has been left out doesn’t mean you should be attacking the fans of someone who’s been mistreated and sidelined by DC almost as much as Cass has despite being around longer.
I would just like to point all of your attention to the lack of Babs.
Anybody else not see her?
I’ve seen a couple people theorizing that Babs is Oracle now and if that’s so???They might just be waiting to bring her in until Babs has established herself as Oracle.You know.So they can give us the Cass/Babs relationship we’ve been screaming at DC that we want for like... forever???I guess the moral of this is: Yes. Be mad at the lack of Cass but also chill a bit. There’s no need to go and be rude to the Steph fans.There’s also still hope for her to show up, if not this season then in next. ESPECIALLY if Babs is Oracle.
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jt-boi-n7 · 7 years
Dragon Age!
Shits yeah! LET’S DO THIS. 
Disclaimer: I’m the most familiar with DA2 and DA:I, so most of my answers will be based on those games. 
001 | Send me a fandom and I will tell you my:
Favorite character: Cassandra fuckin’ Pentaghast
Least Favorite character: Blackwell.  I think he’s got an interesting story, certainly, and he is genuinely a nice dude, but for whatever reason he just doesn’t grab me.  I sort of end up forgetting about him.   
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon):
Cassandra x f!Trevelyan/f!Adaar 
Leliana x f!Amell  
Isabela x f!Hawke 
Fenris x Hawke (either) 
Josephine x Inquisitor (any) (it’s adorbs no matter which way you slice it) 
Character I find most attractive: Le sigh. Well, this one is obvious. 
Character I would marry: Yeah, I’d marry her, too, even though she’d probably try to drag me to church on football Sundays.  The Maker understands how important Packer games are, trust me.   
Character I would be best friends with: Sera, Hawke. Let’s go tear some shit up. 
A random thought: Am I ever going to play DA Origins? I should totally play DAO. But when am I going to find the time? Is it backwards compatible? Where the hell is my 360, anyway? OMG, there are so many Warden backgrounds. How do you people keep all this straight? 
An unpopular opinion: I think Varric was underutilized in DA:Inquisition. I didn’t really find him compelling. He was just kind of…there? 
My canon OTP: Isabela x f!Hawke 
Non-canon OTP: Cassandra x f!Trevelyan 
Most badass character: Look, clearly I am a Cassandra stan, but it’s not without reason! She’s a total badass in a lot of ways, and you can tell that both the writers AND programmers were in love with her.  She’s written very well and with a lot of attention (as opposed to some other characters, who either got short-shrifted or were riddled with inconsistent characteristics), but she’s also an absolute tank in battle and doesn’t suck down your potions, unlike some other warriors (*coughs* BULL *coughs*).  Even if you auto-level her, she’s a damn beast.   
Pairing I am not a fan of: Sorry guys, but I really am not in to Cass x Varric.  Also I don’t like Cullen x Inquisitor.              
Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): I’m not as well-versed in all the lore as most fans, but as I understand it, Solas could have been done a little better. It seems that his plan isn’t very well thought out, and perhaps not consistent with prior established elvhen history/lore.  Although I definitely enjoyed the reveal at the end of Trespasser and am looking forward to DA4. 
Favourite friendship: D’awwww. Sera/Inky is great.  Same with Varric/Hawke.  Also, Sera/Bull and Sera/Blackwell. Sera is just a cutie, okay?  
Character I want to adopt or be adopted by: I just started reading Asunder, and honestly, I’m digging Wynne. She can be my mage mom. And never speak to me or my son Cole ever again. 
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almaasi · 7 years
reaction post typed while watching SPN 12x20 ‘Twigs & Twine & Tasha Banes”
that Max & Dean parallel though!!!
idk what to expect but my sister says there was a cute text post she saw which she’ll show me later
i’m assuming it was destiel-related (spoilers: it wasn’t, it was dean-is-bi related)
here goes
i’m rooting for ya, steve yockey and richard speight jr
i have new headphones! but my shift key is still broken
remember when they were ADULTS to me
and now baby sam is three years younger than me
oh dear
they were definitely thrown into adulthood too soon, i’m still a smol human at age 23
max ? and ... dammit i forgot her name? alissa????
i’m still sad about mick :c
also my brain always wants to call him mitch for some reason
that is a niiiiiice house. nice rainy weather too, kinda comforting
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she’s a witch SHE JUST GOT 3000% MORE ATTRACTIVE
alicia!! i was close
????????? STABBED????
...........what if steve yockey’s episodes are all “main character dies, inducing a story”
oh no
dean stroking his own hands nfhhggfhhghh that’s not meant to be sexy but it’s sexy anyway
he has such beautiful hands
i want all the gifs of this
dean being so in tune with cas he understands his motivation to do good regardless of whether the outcome reflects that!!!
dean knowing instinctively if cas is possessed!!!!!!!!!!
sam still wearing pink eyeshadow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
/sarcasm dean is bisexual cough cough
i know it makes no sense and is Wrong but
does anyone else lowkey feel like “cass” seems way more ~~feminine~~ than “cas”?
(dean still spells cas with two Ss. will we ever know where the extra S comes from?)
two marys
did i miss something
oh must be a shapeshifter
“mom plz call me back i’m having boyfriend trouble”
max; “i got the bartender’s phone number”
i’m so fucking enjoying this incredibly obvious season 1 dean parallel
i really wanna see some dean-is-straight-and-you-are-erasing-his-heterosexuality stan get this parallel waved in their face
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all right i want flower symbolism people on this, stat
looks like a a pink rose and a pink orchid
google says a light pink rose = “Light pink roses are associated with gentleness and admiration, and can also be used as an expression of sympathy.”
but it might also be lilac so = The lavender rose is often a sign of enchantment and love at first sight.
and the pink orchid = the pink Orchid has the honour of representing innocence, femininity, grace, joy and happiness.
basically i think it’s meant to represent andy’s character as a cinnamon roll
...in fact he’s so sweet and trustable that i’d go so far as to say it’s a) either a ruse and he’s the bad guy, or b) he and max are getting together later
obviously he’s giving off hella gay vibes but NOT TO STEREOTYPE or anything
....but actually i wanna cry of happiness i LOVE OBVIOUS SYMBOLISM SO MUCH
my theory; the tasha banes they’re seeing is a shifter and/or the other witch
what if......meat suit
oh dear
what if......she did a spell to put herself back together but “twigs & twine” means she ain’t sticking around for long
tasha; “parents seem smart and strong and perfect, it’s only when you grow up that you realise they’re just people”
also important; doctors are also just people who studied some stuff once, and unless they continue studying, their knowledge could very likely be 10+ years out of date and therefore cause you more harm than good
every professional you meet and ask advice from is knowledgeable in that one subject but they don’t know everything, and they don’t know you. you know you better than anyone. feel free to distrust professional advice. if a professional tells you something, research it yourself before believing it.
seriously i’m not kidding. like, use your common sense, but trust that all people are often wrong. professionals will make up bullshit to seem better than you. even the world’s kindest people still have the right to put their own interests first, and they will. not saying everyone lies, but that people don’t realise they’re incorrect even if they’re experts on a subject. especially if they’re experts on the subject.
the best people admit they could be wrong even if they know their stuff inside out. because facts change, the world’s collective knowledge changes, and people’s opinions and understandings evolve over time.
also yeah. parents don’t know what the fuck they’re doing any better than you do. even if there was a “guidebook to life”, it’s not a one-size-fits all.
look idk what i’m saying here BUT THAT’S THE POINT
what if...... the other witch reanimated dead tasha for her own purposes
aw man andy’s dead too
;n; noo max
how why 
what vthe FUCK.
i cannot fucking COMPREHEND
what the fuck
what the fuck
what the f u c k
oh no is he gonna make a demon deal or something
??????? ketch is a SHAPESHIFTER
oh man
this episode!!!!!! WHAT A RIDE
10/10 honestly
even the things i didn’t like about it at the time (dead characters of colour) were kinda ~fixed~ by the end (mostly. rip tasha banes)
i mean it’s not one of my favourites because it was so very angsty and heartbreaking but IT WAS GOOD and WELL-CONSTRUCTED
i fucking miss cas though, this news to no-one
now i wanna see what my sister’s tumblr dash thought was so cute about this episode
i just went to ask her, and oh it was about the max/dean parallel pfff of course i noticed that it was blindingly obvious
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thepaperpanda · 7 years
Stutter || Loki x Steve Rogers one shot
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Words: 740
Warnings: none
SUMMARY: Loki sits in a glass cell. Steve Rogers tries to understand Loki’s motivations, but the God of Mischief has other plans towards Captain.
Authors: Rouge and Cass
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Steve looked around as he entered the rather big room with a cage made of glass on the middle. At first he shot his blue eyes closed because of a bright light filling the room.
 Loki smiled awfully. “Captain Rogers. Welcome into my little glass prison. What have I done to deserve such a GREAT honor?” black haired man said looking at Steve with soft frown.
Steve swallowed hardly, but he did his best to remain calm. "I came to ask who exactly do you think you are? Who gave you a right to just come here and start a fight? What do you want?"
“Me? I’m Loki, the God of Mischief, and you? Who exactly do you think you are to fight against God? Just a man dressed in a flag. Funny” Loki muttered.
 Steve blinked and he rushed his steps in the direction of the glass.
“Listen to me now, Loki. I don't know you, but I know you're trying to make a mess here, and forgive me, but it's not gonna happen. At least not when I'm here. I'm responsible for those people” Steve clenched his teeth and leant his forearm against the cold surface.
 Loki only laughed and walked closer to the glass. “Too bad that one of you already is under my control. Watch out, Captain, or you will start to stutter because of your huge anger.”  
 Steve automatically frowned, observing every single move of the black haired man. "Are you threatening me?" blonde man asked strongly.
Loki shrugged with small, mischievous smile on his lips. “No.. No, no, of course no… How could I try to threaten such a…. Great and brave man like you.” Man said and snapped his fingers. “I’m only… warning you Captain.”
 Steve hit the glass with fist.
“Tell me, what the hell you want!”
“I wanna rule this world! You, humans, are so pathetic… so fragile, so naive. You were made to be ruled, to be slaves!” Loki growled softly, smile has never left his lips. Steve wanted to raise his voice, but suddenly he started to choke. After few moments he managed to calm his breath down. But when he was about to say a thing, he found another obstacle.
“I…. I… I wi.. wi.. will never le… le.. let you t… t.. to do thi.. i.. this!”
Loki laughed softly.
“You see? I told you, Captain, be careful with your voice and anger.” Man walked to glass even closer and looked at Steve carefully, raising his eyebrow.
“Protector of Midgard have problems with his speech? Or maybe it’s something from your previous life, huh, Mr Captain?”
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Steve grunted few times.
“I.. I… W.. w… w… what have y… y… you done to.. to me?!” Captain took a step back, looking around in a panic, he didn't know what was happening.
 Loki turned around and simply walked away from glass. God slowly sat on a ground and watched panicked man, he had to admit this was so much fun to him. “Me? How could I do anything? I’m closed in this glass cage, which were built for your green monster-friend. I did nothing.”
 Steve choked even more.
“Loki! S…. S.. Stop it n.. Now!” Steve growled.
 Suddenly, another person came into the room. It was no one else but Thor.
 “Loki. Stop it now” he raised his voice, looking straight at his brother.
Loki blinked.
“Oh! And here he is, my dear brother.”
Man got up and looked at his ‘older brother. “Hello brother. I haven't seen you in a while.” Black haired man only smiled and looked at Steve. “Oh brother,I didn't do anything bad” He shrugged.
 Thor smirked wryly.
“Loki. I won't repeat twice.”
Tall man was crumpling Mjolnir in his hands. “Give him his voice back. Now” Thor pointed at Steve.
 Loki frowned softly and snapped his fingers again. He rolled his eyes. "You know how to spoil my fun time, brother.”
 When within few seconds Steve was able to talk normally again, he shook Thor’s hand.
“Thanks” Captain coughed a bit. “I was afraid I won't be able to talk without stutter ever again” man laughed nervously.
Then he looked at Loki.
“And you…” he snapped. “We will see if you're gonna be so brave if nothing will be separating us from each other.”
  "I will be brave when you will start to s... s... s-stutter again, Mr Captain" Loki smiled at Steve meanly.
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