I Guess A Fanfic Thing? Art maybe? Idfk...
435 posts
Pissed off Vulcan.  Proud overlord of a nice ice fortress in the outlands.Find me on AO3 https://archiveofourown.org/users/Fairfaxleasee/works
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
fairfaxleasee · 2 years ago
Got tagged by @mxkelsifer for a ship summary game, so I present Fenia and Ayabelas:
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Gonna tag @islanddryad @mxfionamae @sheplaysrpgs and anyone else!
(Blank template below the cut)
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fairfaxleasee · 2 years ago
Got tagged by @mxkelsifer to take this https://uquiz.com/quiz/X74v54/what-colour-is-your-love quiz:
Deep Blue
your love is the colour of warm nights, of starlit skies and of deep waters. your love is serious, everlasting. people value the deepness of it.
Going to tag @mxfionamae @sheplaysrpgs @islanddryad and anyone else who wants to play!
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fairfaxleasee · 2 years ago
You’re married to your phone background/lockscreen how fucked are you
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fairfaxleasee · 2 years ago
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fairfaxleasee · 2 years ago
You say "cannibal" like it's a bad thing...
All credit/blame to @mxkelsifer for putting the idea of Cannibal Sebastian in my head...
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fairfaxleasee · 2 years ago
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First of the sketches from my last live stream refined. I really like how it looks like a watercolour wash with a pencil sketch underneath! This is a wonderfully chaotic DnD char @fairfaxleasee requested!
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fairfaxleasee · 2 years ago
Got tagged for this by both @mxkelsifer and @mxanigel . Gonna go ahead and tag @islanddryad and @mxfionamae
Nickname: Fax
Sign: Scorpio
Height: 5'8"
Last thing I googled: ...you got a warrant?
Song stuck in my head: I mean there's a lot of em that rattle around in there, but one of the ones I keep coming back to is Feed Me from the Little Shop of Horrors soundtrack...
If you wanna be profound; If you really gotta justify; Take a breath and look around; A lot of folks deserve to die.
Amount of Sleep: IDFK somewhere in the 7ish range depending on pets
Dream Job: Amoral trickster (Q from Star Trek, I'm coming for you!)
Wearing: ...you got a warrant?
Movies/Books that Summarize You: Donnie Darko, Invasion of the Body Snatchers, Les Précieuses Ridicules, L'Etranger, Antigonie (not for the like actual circumstances but more for the overall mood), Medea (Euripides, not Tylor Perry), The Man That Corrupted Hadleyburg, Hellraiser, American Nightmares, American Hangman.
Favorite Song: Honestly like anything by Warren Zevon and Maxwell's Silver Hammer by the Beatles
Instrument: Tuba (no, I'm not kidding)
Aesthetic: Horror. All the horror.
Favorite Author: Hmm... I'm going to go with Moliere (even I cannot burn Orlesians like he did in Tartuffe) followed by Mark Twain (but moreso for the short stories).
Random Fun Fact: I won a jigsaw puzzle contest.
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fairfaxleasee · 2 years ago
Lyta Adaar 12) Grudges and vendettas 20) What-ifs/Alternate Timelines
Omg Kels you have me LAUGHING at the idea of Lyta with a vendetta 🤣. (My poor Adaar is so terrified of conflict that her Official™️ plan to deal with Cory was to sit down and talk with him so she could understand where he was coming from and they could reach an amicable compromise and she had a legit moral crisis about attacking Adamant because they didn't even *try* to negotiate a surrender with Clarel/Erimond.)
I think the closest she has is against Sera's cookies which she considers to be an abomination against baked goods and the only food she has deliberately thrown out.
In terms of What Ifs...
🤔I haven't really thought much about this before. The trouble with Lyta is if she's not like *forced* to take an action, she'll hide in the back and hope no one sees her. I can cheat and do a "what if she was born under the Qun" but given she's mage the answer to that is body horror.
Playing with my "Inquisitor Cass" timeline idea if she's still with the merc company there and was at the conclave just didn't pick up the glowing green ball, I could see her still having a relationship with Cullen on the grounds they're both absolutely terrified of Cass when she's in a mood (and she'd spend the entire time as inquisitor in a mood from having to deal with one idiot or another) and they might have tried hiding in some of the same places.
I think she'd definitely be happier NOT being Inquisitor, really all she wants to do is bake, but I don't really have anything like super entertaining for her alternate timelines the way I do some of my other OCs 😓
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fairfaxleasee · 2 years ago
Your 2023 with AO3
Your 2023 as a fic will involve:
➤ Acts of Kindness
➤ Attempted Kidnapping
➤ Alternate Universe - Boarding School
➤ Medieval Medicine
curious about what's in store for you for 2023? :D
let AO3 decide!
(this is a random generator that will give you four (4) ao3 tags, so you know, warnings for what that usually entails)
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fairfaxleasee · 2 years ago
7, 11, 15~! For Lyta (because I don't think I know much about her)
OK, here goes!
7- Tickle spots: Lyta is actually not ticklish (like at all). She had no concept other people were until she asked Cullen why he would sometimes touch the bottoms of her feet.
11 - Bad or petty habits: most of these come back to Lyta's overriding fears of conflict and anyone paying any sort of attention to her. She hides from every appointment Josie makes for her (Bull has to literally drag her to them), she's very indecisive because she's scared of doing the wrong thing, and she keeps thinking that everyone MUST have a legitimate reason for what they're doing (even when they clearly don't).
15 - What does it take to make her cry?
Lyta gets upset fairly easily (mostly by being anywhere near a conflict) but she really only cries when she thinks she's broken/ruined something (in addition to being scared of conflict and people noticing her, she's also terrified of her own magic. So yeah. She's a GREAT inquisitor.)
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fairfaxleasee · 2 years ago
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Finally declaring this one done!
(Before anyone asks, she is dressed ENTIRELY appropriately to visit Ishgard!)
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fairfaxleasee · 2 years ago
First Tags game
Was tagged for this by @mxkelsifer
Gonna tag @mxfionamae and @sheplaysrpgs
1- What's the first thing you remember writing?
Lol let's not fuck with the Lemarchand's Lament Configuration that is Fax' core memories. The first creative thing I will talk about remembering writing is what happened with a Supreme Court I made up because SCOTUS couldn't (and can't) be trusted not to fuck shit up.
2 - What advice about writing would you give yourself?
Just this (and fuck Orlesians)
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fairfaxleasee · 2 years ago
Will answer for:
Cass Hawke
Ayala Trevelyan
Lyta Adaar
Cass Segare (WoL)
Send me a character + a number and I’ll tell you my headcanons for:
Their physical weak spots
Their emotional/moral weak spots
Scars or painful spots
Best places to kiss on their body
Guilty pleasures
Their vices (physical or emotional)
Their tickle spots
Bad memories/experiences
Humiliating memories
Bad or petty habits
Grudges and vendettas
What gets them flustered
Ingrained habits/forces of habit
What it takes to make them cry
Dark secrets/’skeletons in the closet’
Things they’ll never admit
People they’ve hurt or indirectly killed, and how it affected them
What-ifs/Alternate Timelines
Turning points in their life
People who’ve influenced them greatly
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fairfaxleasee · 2 years ago
Wait, there's a difficulty setting for having sex with men OTHER than nightmare?
Nobody tells me ANYTHING!
stop having casual sex with men
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fairfaxleasee · 2 years ago
Six Sentence Sometime
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Got tagged yesterday by @mxkelsifer but Tumblr decided not to tell me until today!
Another snippet from my Adamant fic which is truly massive already and I'm probably not halfway done the way I go on segways and detours...
“Will she be alright?” Fenris whispered.
He wasn’t sure how she’d heard him when he’d barely heard himself, but she must have because Ellendra glanced over her shoulder and replied, “I’ll do what I can, but I think her being alright is going to depend on you more than it will on me.”
With that, she moved behind the screen.  He staggered back to the wall and slumped against it.  Even with the support, he couldn’t keep standing so he slid down to the floor and buried his face in his hands to cry.  Somehow he knew that the worst part of this whole mess with the Inquisition was still to come.
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fairfaxleasee · 2 years ago
Was tagged by @mxkelsifer for a music meme thing, so now I get to subject you all to my eclectic taste in music!
Gonna tag @islanddryad @mxfionamae and @sheplaysrpgs
1 - Bill Lee by Warren Zevon (listen here)
Lyrics Excerpt:
You're sposed to sit on you ass and nod at stupid things Man that's hard to do But if you don't they'll screw you And if you do they'll screw you too
2- Razzle Dazzle 'Chicago' soundtract (listen here)
Lyrics Excerpt:
How can they hear the truth above the roar?
3- Lions Den by Eve 6 (listen here)
Lyrics Excerpt:
The sun goes down around us We smile and nod but we walk alone We lie here waiting for the ancient fear to loosen its hold
4- A Diagnosis 'Crazy Ex-Girlfriend' Season 3 (listen here)
Lyrics Excerpt:
Oh, the doctors that I've met who didn't get me! This one naturopath used feathers to pet me They said anxiety, insomnia were my affliction The naturopath said it was sex addiction But all those things I knew I wasn't
5- Never Gonna Not Dance Again by P!nk (listen here)
Lyrics Excerpt:
I got all good luck and zero fucks, don't care if I belong, no If I could kill the thing that makes us all so dumb We're never getting younger, so I'm gonna have some fun
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fairfaxleasee · 2 years ago
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It's close enough to Sunday that I'm okay with posting this.
tagging: @datrashcollector, @actualanxiousswampwitch, @lazyadmiral, @ziskandra, @khaleesa, @ainyan, @maybenow22, @fairfaxleasee, @anderstrevelyan, @queenaeducan, and anyone else who wants me to gush over their snippets.
new words. new words. new words. From my Bitter Divorcees Modern AU. It's one of their milder arguments.
"I asked him not to come." Lyssa fiddled with her bag, pulling out a camera and tripod. "Though I did promise him that I'd record it so he could watch later." Alistair managed to hold back a comment about how Lyssa was being uncharacteristically sensitive to his feelings regarding his father. Instead he commented, "He won't actually. Not unless he can make it a PR stunt." Lyssa sighed as she extended the tripod to set up the camera. "Is it so hard to believe that he actually wants to be a supportive grandfather?"
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