#*RSIs like you can’t even imagine
unopenablebox · 8 months
it’s a pincushion with the pins stuck in the wrong way
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danetobelieve · 4 years
Eye Eye Cap’n || Miriam and Winston
When: early August Who: @meflemming​ & @danetobelieve​ Where: Miriam’s store. Summary: Miriam discover’s Winston’s third eye. Warnings: N/A
Winston wasn’t sure that going to see Miriam was really the best idea. But recently there had been a few too many close calls with people potentially noticing their hand or spotting the eye beneath the RSI brace that they wore. If Miriam could make them something bespoke, then Winston was sure that they would be able to keep everything hidden. Hopefully. They had found the address to her shop online and had made their way over at the time she’d requested. Pressing the doorbell outside the front, Winston looked over their shoulder and tried not to grimace too much at what they were about to do. It was hard not to be afraid of Miriam with everything they knew about her, but despite that, they couldn’t help but find themselves slowly warming to her.
Between the fucking Alexa constantly playing music (80s pop was fine… in moderation… and in the 80s) and the sometimes intrusive thoughts of vegan meat, Miriam was having a time of it, to say the least. She was glad that Winston was coming over, not just because they could hopefully help her with the Alexa problem. It had been some time since she’d seen them, and that hadn’t gone particularly well. Between the mime and outing herself as a vampire, she wanted to make sure that the two of them were still alright. She thought that Winston was an outstanding person, and she cared for them a great deal. They were kind and helpful and very brave. More people could stand to be like Winston. At the sound of the doorbell, Miriam left her office and headed to the front of the shop, grateful that the sun had set. Seeing Winston, she smiled, though her eyes narrowed in on the brace around their arm. “Hi, darling. Lovely to see you.”
Frowning gently, Winston tried to ignore the long hmmm that they heard in their head. There were many different tones to these hmms that they were hearing. Some of them somber, some of them more placid and some of them even confused. It just made focussing really difficult. Ever since their bizarre dream about the beach and their parents, Winston felt like there was someone else in their head. The bright smile that the witch hunter flashed their way was enough to send a shiver down Winston’s spine. But they returned it as best they could. “Hi Miriam,” they replied with a nod, “nice to see you too, especially sans your evil mime twin.” Winston gave another nervous smile. “I hear you’re having some alexa problems?” 
“It’s nice to see you without my miming counterpart, as well,” Miriam said. “Stripes aren’t my thing, I don’t believe, and I’d never do my makeup so garish in real life.” She brushed a bit of hair out of her face, determined to set strangely intrusive thoughts aside and to focus on the tasks at hand. “Indeed I do, but let’s see about your brace first, shall we? My technological problems are rather minor in comparison. What’s going on?” Miriam led them towards the back, just so she could get her materials in the comfort of her office. She wondered if she should have invited them to her workshop at home, but she hadn’t cleaned up in a bit. This was better. She opened the office door and cleared off her desk, paperwork and pens moved to the side as she grabbed a piece of paper and a pencil. She eyed the thing on WInston’s wrist, figuring out just how she was going to make something that was both functional and attractive. She could do it. She could.
“What would you prefer? Polka dots?” Winston wasn’t sure why they were choosing to tease someone who could rip their windpipe out with less effort then it would take her to snap her fingers, but here they were, anyway. “I will say that you dress much better, not that that is hard, not that you dress badly, I’ll stop digging my hole before I can’t get out of it. I’m glad there are no mimes present. “Nothing is going on … at least not yet, but if I keep working 14 hours a day on screens and keyboards then there is a real possibility of repetitive strain injury and I just want to make sure that my wrists are supported as best they can be to you know avoid that.” Not to mention the eyeball that was clearly visible underneath the brace, which … they would probably have to take off. Fuck. They’d really not thought this through. Try not to sweat Winston. Try not to sweat. Just fix the Alexa and get out. “But you know, it’s not like a big deal or anything.” 
“I look quite good in houndstooth,” Miriam joked, adding a bit of a wink. Truthfully, she cared less about patterns and more about the material of her clothing. She laughed at the way Winston stumbled over their words. “I do dress quite a bit better than she did, yes, thank you, darling.” She twirled her pencil a bit in her hand, thinking over their words. “That sounds quite serious. We’ll worry about Alexa later.” The distant sound of Hall and Oates played in the background, and Miriam’s eye twitched. “She’s annoyed me for the better part of several weeks, I can hold out a bit longer.” And, well, she could. It was clearly cursed. Somehow, surely, a witch had contacted her poor, innocent assistant and gave her a cursed object designed to annoy the shit out of Miriam for the rest of her many, many days. If she wasn’t fearful that it’d end up in her crypt, serenading her as she dessicated, she’d probably attempt to go to ground once more. “Let me see the brace and I’ll see what I can do.”
Grinning in return, Winston chuckled, “I’m sure you do.” It was difficult not to find her charming, even knowing what Winston did they were pretty sure that she was winning them over. It was weird being sympathetic towards someone who killed for fun. Or whatever the reason. Just killed because they could? Winston wasn’t sure. Either way. Weird. “Uh, I don’t know if it is that serious, I’m not in pain or anything. I guess more just worrying about something that may or may not happen but better safe then sorry.” Winston flipped their hand over so that their palm was facing the floor. Pulling the brace off and keeping the eye facing away from Miriam. They had to hope she wouldn’t notice. “If you’re sure that you can last,” Winston tried to act natural, using their spare hand to pass the brace over. As they passed it over, they slipped their hand away. The familiar buzz of their phone vibrating in their pocket instinctually drew their hand to their pocket, fishing it out they weren’t sure what happened or why they dropped the phone, but a second later it was tumbling to the floor. Winston’s other hand clumsily tried to catch it in it’s fall, but missed, and Winston was left with their eye looking directly in Miriam’s.
“Safe rather than sorry is smart, Winston,” Miriam said seriously. “It’s important to catch things before they become serious, even if they might not.” She had taken the braze and begun to analyze it closely, figuring out the best ways to create something similar but more stylish and functional. When Winston’s phone fell on the floor, she saw them reach down to catch it, and Miriam reached down as well, her vampiric reflexes making her far quicker and more agile. As she looked up, she was looking into an eye. Just one, singular, and on the wrong part of the body. Vaguely, Miriam recalled when an errant eye also appeared on her own body, though she’d cut and clawed it out multiple times. Her stomach sank as she saw it, but she didn’t look away. “Winston,” she said to it, calmly, “There’s an eye. Where there decidedly shouldn’t be an eye.” She ran through the possibilities of what could have caused it. If her own disappeared, then they shouldn’t have one, that was a fact. “Who-- What-- Who--” She pinched the bridge of her nose, leaning up and back in her chair. “What caused this. Are you cursed? Did someone curse you?” The thought of a spellcaster hurting her young friend made Miriam’s mouth taste like iron. Absentmindedly, she realized she’d bit the inside of her mouth.
“Oh … no that’s not an eye, it’s just a hyper … realistic … … … tattoo?” Winston knew before they even finished speaking that it wasn’t a lie which would convince Miriam. Anyone could see that the eye on their hand was definitely not a hyper realistic tattoo. That would be some wild tattoo work but Winston wasn’t sure that even Luce could do that for them. Swallowing, they felt sweat bead on their forehead and hurriedly wiped it away. “Okay, yeah, it’s an eye, I …” they tried to think of the best way to explain this, Miriam thought that they had been cursed and technically they had been, “... I don’t know if it is technically a curse or if it is something else entirely, that sort of thing - I’ve only just found out about you know magic, vampires … werewolves, all the things that some people in this town have no idea about, so I don’t really know if it is a curse or something else entirely.” Their pulse was racing, blood roaring in their ears as they struggled to think of a way out of this. Miriam didn’t seem to realise that they could use magic, maybe they’d be dead if she could’ve worked that out, Winston wasn’t honestly sure. “Do you - how do you tell if you’re cursed?” Winston knew, they just had to pretend they didn’t right?
Miriam raised an eyebrow at Winston’s words, grateful that they backtracked almost immediately. She didn’t want to have to scold them about this, nor did she appreciate the offense to her intelligence. Anyone with human eyes could see that the eye clearly wasn’t a tattoo, and Miriam’s eyes were far better than a human’s. She could tell how stressed Winston was by all of this, though, and she couldn’t blame them for wanting to keep this a secret. She couldn’t imagine how terrifying this all must be. For all her hatred of magic, she’d been introduced to it in beautiful ways: rocks being turned into rubies, flowers blooming out of season, snow suspending itself in air. She couldn’t imagine what it would be like to have something as terrible as an eyeball cursed into one’s hand being one of the first experiences to ever have with magic. “Truthfully, darling, if you wanted to tell if you were cursed or not, you’d need someone with some sort of magical persuasion,” she gritted her teeth, “to help you. Or perhaps you could retrace your steps? Have you been in contact with anyone or anything that could have done this? I do believe I heard there was some sort of monster in the lake.” She kept her expression sincere and sympathetic. “I assure you though, WInston, if someone did this to you, you only have to let me know who, and they’ll no longer be a problem.”
Winston wondered if there was some level of moral culpability that they were giving to themselves by playing along with this. They could’ve just left Miriam well enough alone. But there was just something about her, about her charm, about the way that she seemed to flow from one thing to another as effortlessly and gracefully as the currents of the ocean. “No, I don’t ... “ Winston shook their head, “I work for the WCPD I can’t just have people be no longer a problem Miriam….” Their heart was pounding. She’d just offered to kill someone for them. Winston was 100% sure of at least that. “I know, I know how I got the eye, I was kind of part of the solution to deal with the monster in the lake but dealing with the monster in the lake had it’s own draw backs,” Winston raised their palm and gave it a wiggle, “but it was my choice and I’d make the same choice to keep people safe again if I had to.” 
“Oh, darling, it’d never get back to you,” Miriam said gently. And it wouldn’t. She was good at what she did. The only reason people knew anything about a witch hunter is because she had a bit of a flare for the dramatic, and she wanted them to know. She liked the fear, the panic, from a spellcaster who figured out just who caught them. She wasn’t getting any pleasure from the panic on Winston’s face, though. “Alright, though.”  She looked at them closely, taking in their words. “You were a part of the solution to get rid of the monster in the lake, and that’s how you got the hand in your eye.” She repeated the words slowly. Miriam had no idea what had been necessary to get the monster out of the lake, if it had even gotten out of the lake. She didn’t particularly care, either, since it no longer affected her. But it was affecting her friend. “What were you needed for? Technological help?”
“Whether or not it gets back to me isn’t really why I’m not a fan of the idea,” Winston replied, “I just, I’m not sure I’m down for killing people willy nilly just because they’ve done something to me.” This was surreal. They were pretty sure that Miriam wouldn’t be as sympathetic if she knew the truth. Which Winston wasn’t about to tell her. Because she could snap their spine like a twig and use it as a tooth pick for her sharp vampire fangs without a moment’s hesitation. Swallowing, Winston felt their heart race. Her fangs had been so sharp and the way she’d staked her vampire mime counterpart had been ruthless and without remorse. Winston had dealt with their own mime and cried about it every night for a week. Not that there was anything wrong with that. It was just that there were different strokes for different blokes and Winston wasn’t sure that they had the ruthless killer stroke that Miriam did. Winston’s mind raced. “Sort of. I’m kind of digitising a big archive of supernatural information with my boyfriend and we were approached by someone trying to solve it so that’s how I got involved. So I guess tech help? Somehow I always end up being IT support.” 
“Of course,” Miriam said easily, though the smile she gave Winston was a bit pained. She sometimes forgot what it was like for death and killing to not be… normal. Which, her life, unlife, whatever the hell she could call it, was hardly normal. She was simply forgetting, occasionally, what it was like to not know the taste of blood, to not know the feeling of a knife in her hands, to not feel enjoyment at another’s pain. She missed the not knowing, sometimes. This was one of those times. “You shouldn’t be getting involved with such things, Winston,” she reprimanded them gently. It took her a second to realize what she sounded like. She backtracked a bit, making her voice lighter, less concerned. “Eyeballs in hands don’t seem particularly fun, and if you’re to be helping anyone with technical difficulties, darling, I’d like it to be me over any other supernatural. Unless you’ve replaced me with some other vampire.” She put her hand over her unbeating heart dramatically before she got back to business. Picking up the brace, she said, “We can work on the Alexa some other time, though. Why don’t I get started working on something for you to hide that eye with. And, perhaps,” begrudgingly, she thought of Morgan and whether or not it would be possible to see about if the zombie knew of anyone who could help Winston, “we can eventually see about finding a way to do something about that.” She paused. “Unless you like it, of course.”
Once upon a time, the idea of taking someone’s life made Winston’s stomach crawl. They remembered when the topic of Miriam, a vampire witch hunter, had come up. Everyone had been dead set on killing her, but Winston hadn’t been sure. Then they had slowly come around to the idea as they had realised that the supernatural world didn’t play by the rules that they expected it to. Winston had been forced to kill others now. Had taken lives themselves out of necessity but never pleasure. They’d even brought someone back to life. The screams of August would never cease to ring inside of the empty caverns of their psyche but despite that Winston constantly came back to the fact that taking Miriam’s life … unlife, was not something they wanted to do. “It’s not that,” Winston replied, “I just wanted to help…” It hadn’t been a lie. Winston’s whole life had been working towards helping White Crest and they weren’t about to stop now. “Don’t worry though, I don’t think I’d be looking to replace you with another vampire … well ever. I don’t know if all vampires are as … gregarious as you are.” They swallowed and raised their eyebrows at Miriam’s reply. “Thank you, I really appreciate the help … is there, do you know a lot about magic?” 
“Helping is good,” Miriam said, seeing the war play out in Winston’s mind. “Your desire to help people is what makes you such a good person, a kind person, and I think kindness and helpfulness go a long way.” She also thought that kindness and helpfulness could get exploited by the wrong people. If whoever Winston was trying to help was merely using them, Miriam would hurt them, spellcaster or not. It, perhaps, would not be as satisfying of a meal, but it would do the job. She’d simply wait and allow them to tell her more if they wanted to. If not, she’d find out on her own. Sitting back, Miriam smiled. “Well, I’d certainly hope you wouldn’t replace me with another vampire.” She gave them a wink. “I like to think I’m one of a kind.” The only one of her kind that she knew of, whatever that may be. “Of course, darling. Whatever you need me for, you only have to ask.” She paused, thinking. “I never practiced magic myself. My husband did. His family were apart of an old coven. Respected in name, but… lacking in resources to hone their craft. I came for a wealthy family.” She looked around her office, which was once her father’s office, at all the fine things that showed off that wealth. Sometimes she hated it. “Plenty of resources. He loved my money far more than me.” Miriam gave them a tense smile. “It’s fine. I’ve moved on. But being with him and without him has taught me quite a lot about magic.”
“The more I learn about this … world, as in, everything that it includes, everything that goes on, all the stuff with hunters and slayers and wardens, the more convinced I am that if everyone just helped each other and tried to be a bit kinder then maybe we’d all be in a better position.” Winston swallowed thoughtfully, trying to think if there would ever, if there could ever be a way that they could tell Miriam about all of this, about what they really were. “I was about to say, I don’t think that there are any vampires that have your … flair.” This was an odd game to be playing with someone who could and would very happily end Winston’s life if they made one misstep. “Thats… to be honest that’s just really shit. You deserve better then someone using you for what you have instead of just being with you for who you are, I mean obviously no one deserves to be just used for the sake of it but you of all people don’t strike me as someone who deserves it for any other reason then material gain. I just … god I’m not doing a good job at saying that’s really terrible and I’m sorry it happened to you. I guess it doesn’t matter if you can do magic or if you grow fur on the full moon or if you drink blood, sometimes people can just be dicks.”
“I can’t disagree with you,” Miriam said carefully. She was one of those people who sometimes wasn’t kind. “But I can also say that things aren’t so simple. I wish they were. I wish we lived in a world where hurting and killing wasn’t necessary, but somethings are simply impossible.” She sighed. Maybe if the world was a better place, she could find peace. “I like to think I have a certain ‘flair’ as you put it that other vampires just can’t compete with.” Whatever Winston thought of her, she was glad they hadn’t taken off or ratted her out when they found out what she was. “It’s… It happened. It was quite some time ago.” She flexed her fingers a bit. “But thank you, Winston. Truly. Sometimes, people are monsters. Humans are monster. As you say, it’s not just limited to werewolves or vampires or zombies.” Talking to Winston, who was little more than a child, Miriam felt more vulnerable than she had in quite some time. Even with Morgan, despite the fact that she’d grown to enjoy talking to the zombie, she tried to be cautious. Morgan seemed to still be under the impression that Miriam could change, and Miriam couldn’t let those thoughts affect her. But, with Winston, it was so easy to want to be a bit better. “I can be… quite a dick, sometimes, Winston. A bit of a monster, really. I often wonder if it was the way my husband treated me that made me like this, or if I was simply like this all along.” She took a breath that she did not need and attempted a smile. “But, enough about me. Let’s get you fixed up, hm?”
“Oh don’t worry, I’ve begun to realise that the morally idealistic world that I thought we all lived in is not the same world as this one. Which was a shock to the system, but, probably the good kind of shock.” Winston replied with a shrug. The shrug was replaced by a smirk at Miriam. Nodding they sighed. “You definitely have good taste in fashion.” That probably came from the whole working in the fashion industry. “Yeah, I’m starting to realise that although someone might not be a human, that doesn’t mean anything. What matters is people’s actions, the way people behave rather then applying a standard to everyone just because of who they were. “Nobody is perfect, even if you were like this all along that justify the way that he behaved, but his mistakes don’t have to colour your life forever.” Winston knew what she was talking about even if she didn’t know that they knew that, it didn’t matter. Winston wasn’t sure that Miriam could change, but they were hoping that they could at least help her realise that there was the potential for it. 
“I can certainly imagine that it wasn’t the best in the beginning,” Miriam said, sighing. Magic, the supernatural, it is all so lovely until it isn’t. It’s all good and perfect until it ruins your life. “You get used to it, being surprised but the greyscale with which we base our morals off of.” She fingered the sleeve of the jacket hanging behind her. “I’d certainly hope so.” Though her clothes had been a bit outdated when she first woke up, she was slowly getting used to things again. It helped that so many styles were coming back. She shifted a bit. “I used to think that striving for perfection was the only option. I like being… good at everything that I do. I get that no one is perfect. He wasn’t, I’m far from it… I wanted perfection desperately. As for his mistakes, well, I’m afraid they define my whole existence. Most of it.” She gently stroked the jacket again. “My own actions tie in a little.” Perhaps, with this, she could balance out some of her worst actions with good ones. She turned her attention back to the brace, taking in the separate components of it and figuring out how to best transfer that to something while keeping it stylish. She scrutinized it closely before she started working on a sketch. 
“Yeah, well I’ve managed to get over the initial shock of learning that the world isn’t entirely black and white, getting used to the greyscale is it’s own challenge in it’s own way,” Winston had been ready to sign the proverbial death warrant on Miriam just a few months ago and yet they couldn’t think of anything worse then ending her unlife now. “Maybe you can’t be perfect, but that doesn’t mean that you can’t be good….” Winston hoped and prayed that she would realise, “it doesn’t even have to be good in anyone elses eyes, ultimately I guess that your own perception of yourself is the most important because it is the perception of yourself that you have to live with, or not in your case, I don’t really, do you call it like .. unlife? I guess it doesn’t matter. Just don’t let someone else’s short comings force you to live a life that you wouldn’t choose for yourself. If his mistakes define you then hasn’t he won?” Winston wanted to scream that not all spellcasters were bad but somehow they doubted that would convince her of the error of her ways. 
“It certainly isn’t always fun.” Though, it was the gray areas that Miriam seemed to thrive in. If she could keep her actions just gray enough, perhaps she wasn’t the great evil that she’s been called. She will never forget Gillian Wildes staring at her from across the town line and cursing her name. But Miriam knew, she knew that she was in the right for ridding the world of witches. She knew it. Sometimes, evil things had to be done for the right reasons. It’s what she told herself. She looked up and gave Winston a soft smile, one that didn’t meet her eyes. “I appreciate that, darling. Truly. I suppose as long as I’m good in my own eyes, that’s all that matters.” She wasn’t though, and perhaps that’s what was most damning. “It’d be a bit foolish of me to let him win.” Finally, after a bit of time, she handed them a sketch for a leather bracer that would ensure the eye didn’t get damaged while also keeping it covered. “How’s this?”
Somehow, Winston got the impression that Miriam wasn’t convinced by their little speech. Which meant that Winston wasn’t about to tell her the truth. Swallowing, Winston tried to forget about the fact that she’d probably rip their throat out with her teeth if she ever found out why they had they eye, like why they REALLY had it. “That looks really really good.” Miriam was clearly good at what she did because she had in her own way done several things that Winston would’ve never considered otherwise. “Thank you, how much do you think this is gonna cost?” Obviously they were going to pay her for her work.  
“Thank you,” Miriam said, though she knew it looked good. It looked good, and it would be efficient. It was something that she knew she could design quickly, too. Days were long and monotonous since she couldn’t go outside, so this would give her something to do. “Don’t worry about the price. This is a gift for a friend.” She looked off to her bookshelf, where the Alexa was sitting, seeming to mind its own business, but Miriam knew better. She took it down from the shelf and put it in front of Winston. “Though, if you’d like, you can take this infernal device off my hands. I don’t want to deal with it anymore.” It was cursed. Someone had cursed it, given it to her assistant, and had it sent to her. There was no other explanation. “But, otherwise, this is free of charge.”
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4threset · 6 years
Hello, I saw one of your posts about your repetitive strain woes. It's a bit comforting to realize that I'm not the only artist going through this. How are you managing yours, if I might ask? Being an animation student I can only imagine how scary it must be for you. It might seem dramatic, but the first time I felt the nerve pain in my wrists from drawing too much, I felt like my life was ending. Hope you're taking care of yourself, keep being awesome! :3
Hello!!! My answer ended up being really long, so more under the cut!!
Don’t worry as it’s unfortunately a thing that happens a lot to people who use their hands a lot, be it artists, programmers or people who play instruments. :( It doesn’t help if you work continuously for hours on ends without stretching either wagh;
The first time i had RSI pains I didn’t take it seriously because, hey, it can’t happen to me right haha (wrong it can happen to anyone pls take care) It felt like a tendon or a muscle stretching from the tip of my middle finger, running through my wrist all the way up to my shoulder and it h u rt. It escalated to the point where my entire right arm up to my shoulder was in pain. It wasn’t extreme pain but it was just discomfort and it hurt to hold a pen it was awful. :(
I managed it by getting a hand brace and just not drawing for a while and did more regular stretches. It doesn’t hurt as much anymore but during cold weathers or during heavy work periods in my life my hand starts to twinge and I immediately slap on my brace again and just take it easy. I find that heat packs help a little as well as my aches tend to worsen during colder weather.
I completely understand panicking and honestly it was partially my own fault for allowing mine to escalate to that point, but when i did get to that point where my whole shoulder was in pain I was lying in bed just thinking “why me, i should have taken better care” and that was also during a low point in my life so this added insult to injury. The worst part was that I wasn’t even drawing that much when the pain started so i didn’t connect the pain with drawing. It was a combination of the cold, bad posture and just not stretching/taking care of myself. So don’t be like me, take care of your hands!!! RSI can happen to anyone!!!!!
And a final note if anyone else decided to click read more, reminder that RSI or carpal tunnel is not a medal of honour as an artist. It hurts, it sucks and sometimes you may not even be drawing a lot and you can get it simply by having bad habits. So please don’t glorify RSI/carpal tunnel as such!!
Remember to do stretches and to take breaks! Hold your arm out, keep it straight and pull your fingers back to stretch it out or push your palms against the wall while keeping your arms straight.
This ended up really long, but tl;dr. RSI is no fun, i’m not as nervous about it anymore since I try harder to take better care of my hands and I know what brings on the pain and how to manage it.(its usually cold weather and heavy work periods) SO KEEP YOUR CHIN UP AND TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF!
wow this got long
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stimtoybox · 6 years
do you have any suggestions for stim toys for someone who's very hands on but suffers from chronic wrist pain? i love tangles and such but it hurts to fiddle with after a while
It would be embarrassing for me if I can’t help you here, as someone with chronic thumb/finger/wrist pain who prefers to stim with hand-held/manipulative fidgets. (Are you my long-suffering soul twin, anon?) There are options, I promise you. It may take a little experimentation to build the kit and find the method that best suits your needs, and you may not be able to use toys as freely as you like, but you will be able to stim.
I have a lot to say on this subject, so I’m going to spread it over two posts. I’m going to start with a little pain education, based on my lived experience–eight years with chronic hand/wrist/finger pain. I don’t see it talked about much in ND and stim communities, but given the risk of stimmers developing RSI injuries, it should be more common a discussion. Skip this part if you don’t need it; in the second post (tomorrow) I’ll talk about the toys in my kit and how I use them.
Also, I’m tailoring this towards stimmers with chronic pain, but I believe all behaviours here–in terms of diversity of stim kit and alternating toys–are best practice stimming for every stimmer. Stimming, particularly of the fidgeting and manipulative sort, is work. It’s exercise–you’re moving the same sets of muscles over and over. Just as you should stand up and walk away from the computer every hour, and take breaks from school or work, you should break up your stimming in the same way. I honestly think it’s extremely dangerous to not see this discussed, especially on therapeutic/toy vendor sites. It isn’t safe to use a Tangle Jr for five hours straight. It just isn’t.
Following these principles, even you don’t have chronic pain, will help stop you developing chronic pain from RSI injuries. Anon and I can tell you that stimming with chronic hand pain is the worst, particularly because it doesn’t just stop you from stimming–it stops you from a heap of other things society takes for granted. I’m talking everything from signing your name on a form to pouring a glass of water. I start my day in pain because I can’t hold a light plastic cereal bowl without my wrist aching; imagine having to stim on top of that!
For any stimmer for whom stimming is a chronic pain trigger while also being a fundamental necessity, I absolutely and unequivocally recommend getting the biggest, broadest, most-diverse stim kit your wallet will allow you. This is not a situation where you try and pick the most-used toys or be economical about the space your kit takes up. Get all the different toys, anon, because having different toys that I can use in different ways to cycle through is instrumental in my being able to stim in the least amount of pain. For stimmers like us, it’s not just a bit of fun in showing off all our different toys online or changes in sensory experience–it’s a pain management technique. Switching, regularly and frequently, allows me to keep using the Tangles I love.
(It’s why I do like to explore cheap eBay and K-Mart options, to try and make it a bit easier to have a large kit.)
When you have collectetd all the toys, keep them in a big basket or box, something you can keep at your side (at least inside the house or your own backyard). Even when travelling, make sure you’ve got few different toys on your person. Having them right there is for me the biggest difference in overcoming the tendency to grab one toy and stick to it.
This is to make it as easy as as possible for you to switch, frequently and regularly, between different types of toys. Toys harder to cycle through like kinetic sand and slime spend more time in my hands, but most other toys get used for minutes in the single digit, sometimes only seconds, before the switch. If you need to set alarms on your phone to get you in the habit of switching toys, or ask someone to remind you, do it. This habit is hard to build but so worth the effort.
You may have had this sort of pain education already in terms of pacing and breaking up activity, but the goal is to switch toys before pain flares/increases if possible, not after. You may have varying baseline periods of toy use before pain starts/worsens, but this is another thing to track if you can–how long you can use any given toy, pain-free/in less pain, before pain starts. Then only use the toy for half that amount before switching. Depending on the nature of your pain, you can gradually start to extend how long you use each toy for, rather like exercising–I can use a Tangle Jr for much longer now than I could with my first Tangle. (Only being able to use this fabulous toy for thirty seconds at a shot was heartbreaking to start with. Now I can get up to several minutes.) But when starting, the trick is to develop a rhythm that keeps you well short of provoking pain flares/worsening your pain.
The main goal with switching is using the toys you love alternated with gentler ones so you can vary the movements you make. Swapping a Tangle Jr for a Twiddle if you use them same way won’t help you, so you need a diverse kit for this sort of stimming. I say this because not using a Tangle is not possible for me. I can not use a Fidget Cube reasonably easily–another pain trigger for me–but a Tangle is my favourite stim. I need it. So for me it’s about keeping the stim toys I love but alternating them with ones kinder to my hands–particularly other toys that allow me to rest my hands.
In my case, it’s gripping, twisting and firm pressing movements that trigger my pain. Brushing, rolling and stroking movements are less likely to do so. Depending on the nature/cause of your pain, this might not be the case for you, so I recommend thinking about how you’re moving your toys when the pain flares/worsens. For me this is less difficult because I’ve relearnt stimming after my chronic pain was well and truly established–I’m not sure I could observe my triggers in the same way if the pain came after my stimming habits were established. Try as much as possible, because it may be that you can use some pain-causing toys in ways that don’t trigger your pain or take longer to do so. (I’ve learnt that I can use a Tangle for longer, for example, if I don’t twist it hard.) It’ll also help you more effectively choose the toys you should be rotating through.
Lastly, make sure to give yourself no-hand-use breaks. Stomp your feet, breathe in something scented, go for a walk, do other stretches or exercises, kick a ball, lie under a weighted blanket, watch stimmy GIFs or videos, whatever works for you. Just don’t use your hands at all. Even five minutes every hour of no-hand-use can and will make a difference.
To summarise: when fidget stimming with chronic hand/wrist/finger pain, make sure your stim toy kit is as broad as possible, develop a sense of how long you can pain-free use each toy for, switch between toys well before that pain-free use ends, and pay attention to the kinds of movements that trigger your pain. While this is a necessity with pain, all of this is important and useful for any other stimmer, because you should be taking regular breaks and alternating high-movement toys with low-movement or different-movement toys.
I’m aware, anon, that you may not need anything I’ve spoke about above, because it’s very much Pain 101. (And oh does it get tiresome to have pain professionals talk to you as though you never thought to implement the obvious.) I’m using your ask as another opportunity to get on my soapbox about this subject because I think it’s a conversation in need of having, but if you don’t need this, please skip this post and wait for me to start on toy recommendations. I’ve got another post in the queue for tomorrow!
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palmettocapital · 4 years
The Emotionally Intelligent Investor (2012)
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Develop skills like a chess master — they use gut intuition to pick a move and then check it against their rational risk framework to identify problems
We are hardwired to avoid shame and its cousin regret. Learn strategies to minimize or embrace these—like small lotto ticket positions, trimming when you are tempted to sell too early
Learn to really be happy proving yourself wrong, recognizing an error or disproving a theory, for instance be proud when you find a mistake before you lose money on it
Be careful with spreadsheets and projections - they become too real. Don’t get overly detailed
Keep a trading journal. Practice identifying your emotions as they come, which is a rare skill in itself. Track your emotions and thoughts to help you understand your risk appetite and make more balanced decisions. Track missed opportunities as well as disasters avoided. Interrogate what risk means to you over time.
You are most emotionally vulnerable on a name when you are near break even, because the emotional diff between +/- is so large.
Play is important for self-discovery — elites do it in all fields. Scrimmages, sketching, play acting
Treat “value” (contrarian, trend-reversing) and “growth” (fundamental/price trend-following) differently and use different frameworks. 
Uses stop losses on stocks where a growth investing framework should be used. Only willing to take large % losses on stocks where he’s making highly contrarian bets. Asks himself regularly (weekly) whether he’s using the right playbook for each stock in book.
For value investments, set a buy-it-now price and be willing to dollar-cost average there. Also be willing to take losses, but set a timeframe over which you expect momentum to reverse. Do not dollar cost average in growth/momentum investments (ie once the name gets working for a while and has been exceeding estimates) — sell or trim down to core at the first sign of trouble
If performing well/beating expectations/expectations are for beats / >150d MA / 150d MA rising —> growth playbook. If opposite —> value.
If you can’t figure out which playbook to use (stuck in the middle?) often best to spend your time elsewhere
Speculating on a growth stock regaining momentum is dangerous!
Visualize what can go wrong - see all the ways the boulder can roll down the hill. Practice believing outlandish future scenarios (EZ breakup, USD:JPY at 100, etc)
Optimize for 70% of information - like Colin Powell says, any more than that prob means you spent too long. Uncertainty drives opportunities, embrace it!
Druckenmiller would occasionally sell his entire book to flat to reset things for him & his analysts — clean sheet of paper is very freeing
Personality assessment test —marketpsych.com/personality_test.php
Use your own fear to know when the right time to buy is. Mark Cook reasoned when he was scared other market participants were likely at least as scared as he was and therefore it was probably a good time to buy
7 questions before putting on a trade
What does current shareholder base look like? Value/anti-momentum/LT or growth/momo/ST? High SI? Does mgmt own a lot? Value won’t care as much about bad news, growth less likely to buy a miss and may even sell
What are longer term shareholders thinking and feeling?
What are the recent shareholders thinking and feeling?
Who is the potential buyer of the stock (value or growth) and what are they thinking/feeling?
What is the potential short seller thinking and feeling?
(If stock has a high SI) what are those already short thinking and feeling? Likely to cover or press?
What is management thinking and feeling?
Can be analyzed through TA, surveys, questions on calls, talking to mgmt, studying investor base changes, investor convos
Consider creative issues like the fact that quarter end is coming up and investors may not want to show a loser on the books and have to defend it to investors
Investors often act to avoid shame rather than rationally to gain — this is classic prospect theory!!
Prior resistance become support because of the association bias (buying there worked before, people will tend to buy the dip). Basically you buy breakouts because the R/R range has just flipped
Key tenets of technical analysis:
resistance, breakouts above resistance, support, and breakdowns below support. They work because they tell you at a glance average/aggregate positioning and PNL of shareholders — incredibly valuable info
Higher highs & higher lows = investors sell to realize gains but positive enough to buy back higher than before
Worsening breadth = topping market; improving breadth = bottoming. Because win:loss ratio is key to investor emotions and happiness/sadness drive risk appetite/aversion
Bull markets end when the leading stocks underperform. Eg Internet in 2000. Most exposed investors begin underperforming and reduce risk appetite
Ends of bull/bear market periods often have one last extreme leg up/down, driven by hysteria. FOMO and career risk are the dominant emotions, respectively.
Prices decline faster than they rise. “Stocks take the stairs up, elevator down”. Associates it with prospect theory where people feel a loss of Y 2x as much as a gain of Y
Use short-term overbought/oversold indicators like RSI to help with timing
Equivocal: volume often very telling around inflection points
150 day MA = rough approximation of the market’s cost basis for the stock (PC speculation: because 150 trading days = ~6 months or average current hold period)
When interviewing management, be attuned to details. Even trying not to take notes can be useful to help you focus on non-verbal communication from execs. Watch facial reactions, stress responses, face touching, eye contact — all can indicate untruths or stress. Ask questions that challenge them to admit true motivations and weaknesses. Best execs have a short term focus when things are going poorly and long term when things going well (Jobs did this). Notice if they take blame for things not in their control, avoid blame for bad decisions, dismiss legitimate risks or speak too positively about the future when NT is bad. Saying “probably/virtually/basically/fundamentally” or being overly reliant on jargon/technical mumbo-jumbo is a classic tell as well. Buying time with “great question” or “I’m glad you asked that” also notable.
When considering an investment, talk to people long/short/uninvolved and try to empathize with what each is feeling and why they are saying what they’re saying
Analyst’s job in a meeting is to learn, not to impress. Be present!
Intuition comes from pattern recognition. Experience leads to certain mental maps and patterns being formed.
Research (on sports) shows novices do better when they think through things mechanically, and experts do better when they really on feeling and intuition rather than overthinking. This is a problem for professional investors who need to be taken seriously by bosses/clients/regulators. Can be an opportunity — investors like Peter Lynch started with gut (Eg liked donuts at DNKN) but fewer operate that way now, more reliant on screening or pure quant
Pay attention when you hear a pitch and it resonates with you immediately — often a sign of something meaningful.
Focus on ST track record when evaluating short-term traders and opposite for long term investors.
Ability of chess grandmasters can’t actually see much farther into the future than weaker players—at least, it’s not what drives elite play (Kasparov). Use their gut. Great moves may come to them intuitively, but most of their playing time is spent evaluating the risk of the move.
Steps for using intuition (safely!). This is basically a soup-nuts process in itself
Only valuable when you have ample experience (retail investor investing in biotech)
Be aware of biases. Tough thing about intuition is separating the good/bad feeling from a potential positive/negative emotional bias. Biases are different from intuition and not good. Practice intuition, especially making it more explicit so it can be analyzed rationally. “I hate that stock” is diff from “I hate that setup”
Try to determine if an investment reminds you of a specific previous situation. That determines IF you can rely on gut feelings. Use pattern recognition, note similarities and differences as best as you can.
Analyze the fundamentals and risk/reward characteristics of the security.
Expose your ideas to the criticism of others. “More doubt is the last thing you want when you are in trouble”. This is also where a partner comes in handy — they know your history/experience too and can help you avoid pitfalls.
Maintain openness to changing your mind, and set tripwires. Trip wire = event that should not occur if your thesis/intuition is right.
Use the process. Chessmaster’s process is to use gut and risk evaluation in a loop, following the process iteratively until he comes up with a move he feels good about and is logically acceptable. They make the game come to them in a way that their competencies are best utilized.
Kasparov in “How Life Imitates Chess” — secret to success in most endeavors is relentless review of prior decisions and focused practice on areas that require improvement.
Example of things he looks for at cyclical bottoms (this example specifically from semis): Retail indication that demand is stabilizing or even turning positive —> Significant inventory out of the supply chain —> merger activity where large companies buying smaller ones for cash —> insider buying —> cuts to capex (lead indicator on low supply growth) —> high pessimism from market participants —> stocks not reacting badly to bad news anymore (like a quarterly miss)
Problems with the intuitive approach: randomness plays a role in investing (so focus on reviewing process, not just outcomes), intuitions go obsolete (certain patterns get arbed away over time if they really work)
Suggest pre-mortems involving visualization. Eg he owns EQIX, imagines it falling 40%, thinks about how he would feel about it and what could have caused such a decline. In this case, he thinks it’s increasing competition/pricing pressure or risky management decisions like a big acquisition. Feels better prepared to sense danger and exit decisively when the time comes, or to buy a dip more confidently. Can also help you realize you’re taking too much risk — if you can imagine a number of ways you lose 50% and that loss would make you uncomfortable taking appropriate risks in the future, you are probably sizing the position too aggressively relative to R/R. Since he recognizes as a person he most values financial freedom, he also does this with his minimum net worth — constantly imagines scenarios that would cause him to fall below the MNW he’s decided on, and adjusted the risks he’s taking accordingly. Often limits potential upside, but that’s a trade-off he’s willing to make given his personal motivations. PTJ does this (allegedly for an hour a night), picturing huge moves in oil or USD, how it would impact his portfolio and what it would mean — wants to be more prepared when unexpected news hits.
Basically his thesis is trading success requires recognizing and taking advantage of the mistakes of others. This requires empathy. Emotional intelligence is the rare skill in that it can be grown with practice as an adult.
Firms should screen for personality traits more than they do when recruiting, focusing on whether the candidate has the right temperament for that fund’s style of investing (trend-following or contrarian?).
Structural problem in funds is reliance on junior team members for idea generation and initial work when they have the least-developed gut instincts.
Investing by committee doesn’t work. Hard to get a large group to agree on something contrarian, and it’s just not able to move fast enough. Key decisions ought to be made by 1-2 people. Meetings are more useful as sounding boards than as consensus-building exercises. Group discussions often cause people to line up behind the most out-spoke — one way to combat this is having people write down their opinions/thoughts before anyone speaks.
Be on the lookout for intuition obsolescence — stop doing what doesn’t work. Losses on situations that appear very similar to past successes are a red flag for possible obsolescence.
Most firms operate as if people have an unlimited capacity to process information (respond to emails/IMs/phones, watch tickers and the news all day). Quiet thinking time allows for for reviewing prior decisions and mental simulations. It is the key to turning experience into intuition, and that requires the right environment, including cultural focus on stress reduction.
This book was much better than I expected from a self-published investor book with a relatively lofty name. It’s basically a really great overview of process, complete with ideas for self-reflection that can help you build your own. It’s the sort of thing you’d want to give a junior analyst on their first day in a public markets seat. I have read a little on technical analysis in the past and used it for years but this was the best explanation I’ve ever read of why it works. 
It made me want to re-start keeping a journal—I kept one for years but stopped when it became too much of a time suck, and because it had gotten too much into tracking all of the day’s news rather than reasoning/feelings.
(From the intuition checklist) — May even be worth putting a step in your work/pitch process that asks — what previous situation does this most remind me of, if any? What playbook am I using here: value/growth, but also which situation am I mimicking here and is that a good thing (this is highly likely to play out similarly) or a bad thing (I’m anchoring too much)?
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myautisticpov · 7 years
Hey, so, just as a heads up, I've managed to develop an RSI – or rather, my RSI that shows up every so often when I try to write more than 50 or 60K a month showed up again – which means I can't really type.
Or, you know, exist without terrible, terrible pain in my hands…
I spent all day on the phone with tech support on Monday and managed to get my dictation software working on my big computer, but as you can probably imagine, dictation software doesn't really work that well with Tumblr. I'm currently dictating this post into a separate text software, which I will then copy over into Tumblr, but that's super clumsy, and as a result, I'm not likely to respond to anything for a while.
And since a few of my more recent posts have gotten reasonably popular, anything that anyone has said in the past few days in my notes, even though most of them I formulated some kind of response to in my head, will most likely get lost between now and when I finally get the hang of actually using this properly on here.
So, yeah, just a heads up, I promise I'm not ignoring anyone, I just literally cannot type. Also, apologies for any typos… Again, I'm still getting used to using this software.
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allenmendezsr · 4 years
Forex Fast System - 1 Minute Timeframe Trading System
New Post has been published on https://autotraffixpro.app/allenmendezsr/forex-fast-system-1-minute-timeframe-trading-system/
Forex Fast System - 1 Minute Timeframe Trading System
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SUPER CHARGE Your life, trade with the 1 minute timeframe
With Forex Fast System, 1 minute timeframe is the trade chart that we use. It’s speed and accuracy, trading the 1 minute chart is simple, easy to use and provide many trades setups everyday. Discovering how to trade the forex market has always been a challenge. But with Forex Fast System, you will discover how easy to setup and enter trade based on defined entry, profit target and stop loss. Trade with the 1 minute chart now!
In the next 2 to 3 minutes I am going to change your mindset and the way you think about trading. You will not settle for 10 or mere 20% returns, wait till I show you some explosive returns in the forex market.
SUPER CHARGE Your life, trade with the 1 minute timeframe
Hi. My name is Jack Robertson and have been trading forex for countless years, systems after system, bought spend money but all to no avail. These craps in the market is keeping me “crazy”. I finally met a trader an experienced coast and master chief in forex and trades for a living. I mastered all the information and finally, managed to profit from all the lost trades made over the year.
I WANT YOU to not be like me in me younger years. You have to make a decision to “Profit in forex regardless how long it takes spirit”. All your learning ends here, as I will share with you detailed entry and exits for ALL Timeframes and ALL Pairs Trade setups that will not only make you a profitable trader, but also a master in Forex. All I want is for you to be FINANCIALLY FREE.
This system is able to trade on any timeframes as well but I would use only the 1 minute chart because this system accuracy is 85-90% on the 1 minute chart. 
Forex market is the most lucrative market in the world with USD$ 6 trillion thereabout, offering you a world of open avenues of opportunities. 95% of the people who start trading fail on forex. Reason! Lack of knowledge, emotions instability, poor money management etc.
Those few who succeed know something that keeps ordinary forex fellow traders from achieving explosive success in their trading and these ” so called ” profitable traders will do whatever it takes to hide this information from you.
SUPER CHARGE Your life, trade with the 1 minute timeframe
These so called forex gurus will create stunning sales page, say and claim that they know the “deep deep secrets of trading” and try to offer instant profits and immediate returns in minutes. They sell you EA, Robots, all the funny names out there with “algorithms” to break the code! and keep you totally unaware of how it works. 
Imagine forex as a tsunami. Many people dive into the sea of wealth, drop some cash on trading and let some EA,Automated system or “algorithms” robots to trade for them. They don’t even know why they are entering the trade. If signal says “BUY” or a up “ARROW” they just click buy, without even knowing that the should be selling instead or a downtrend! Before they realise, all their deposit overflow them to a big loss like flowing sea water to the island in a big wave of tsunami
Remember, most money is made on “When you are unaware and influenced!”
Today you have a chance to change that.
SUPER CHARGE Your life, trade with the 1 minute timeframe
When you become aware of how things work you are able to control your destiny. You will be able to know when to get in and when to get out. This Forex Fast System, will change your destiny in the way you trade. You will see the easy setup trades, know WHY you entered and exactly know how to EXIT the trade with profit targets of 1:2 or 1:3 risk and reward ratio.
And ? These are all the questions in most mind of the traders:
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If you were among these people who are interested in these topics I am sure I’ve got something really good for you today.
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 Proper Entry, Setup and Exits are defined with proper money management 
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Forex FAST Trading has been proven, tested and tried to generate 200-300 pips on a daily basis Should one trade closes with profits, else you might stay in the trade in a couple of days.. Again easy said that done, money management is also important to generating your wealth in forex.
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HERE are the kinds of profits you can expect, with exact entry and exits defined in the FOREX Fast Cash Trading System
Here’s done on previous trade
The reason you’re reading this right now is because you’re not satisfied with your current financial situation! And I’m here to tell you that…
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Setups after setup just like below;
Here is another example of real trades done with Forex FAST Trading System
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SUPER CHARGE Your life, trade with the 1 minute timeframe
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U.S. Government Required Disclaimer – Commodity Futures Trading Commission Futures and Options trading has large potential rewards, but also large potential risk. You must be aware of the risks and be willing to accept them in order to invest in the futures and options markets. Don’t trade with money you can’t afford to lose. This is neither a solicitation nor an offer to Buy/Sell futures or options. No representation is being made that any account will or is likely to achieve profits or losses similar to those discussed on this web site. The past performance of any trading system or methodology is not necessarily indicative of future results.
No representation is being made that any account will or is likely to achieve profits or losses similar to those shown. In fact, there are frequently sharp differences between hypothetical performance results and the actual results subsequently achieved by any particular trading program. Hypothetical trading does not involve financial risk, and no hypothetical trading record can completely account for the impact of financial risk in actual trading.
All information on this website or any e-book purchased from this website is for educational purposes only and is not intended to provide financial advise. Any statements about profits or income, expressed or implied, does not represent a guarantee. Your actual trading may result in losses as no trading system is guaranteed. You accept full responsibilities for your actions, trades, profit or loss, and agree any authorized distributors of this information harmless in any and all ways. The use of this website and or it’s contents constitutes acceptance of our disclaimer.
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yananvm · 5 years
Best Game Improvement Irons in 2019
These are a portion of the absolute best diversion improvement irons for you.
1 Mizuno JPX 900 Forged Irons 1025 Boron Steel Composition
2 Cobra King F8 Irons Multimaterial Head
3 TaylorMade M4 Irons Innovative RIBCOR outline
4 Cleveland Launcher CBX Irons Feel Balancing Technology
5 Wilson Staff D300 Irons Urethane Filled Power Holes
6 Titleist 718 AP1 Irons Tungsten Weighting
7 Callaway Epic Irons Tungsten-mixed Tsunami material
8 Ping G400 Irons COR-Eye innovation
9 Callaway Rogue Irons VFT Technology
10 TaylorMade RSi 1 Irons Face Slot Technology
Mizuno JPX 900 Forged Irons Review
Indeed, the best amusement improvement irons, Mizuno has ever created is without a doubt Mizuno JPX 900 Forged Irons set. For sure, it's an excellent club that conveys an amazing mix of solidness, smallness, and pardoning.
Mizuno JPX 900 irons
Check Price
The expansion of 1025 Boron Steel is one of the main purposes for the toughness of these heavenly fashioned irons. It likewise gives more consistency and quicker ball speed with the variable face thickness.
Indeed, with this amazing structure and fantastic development, one thing is certain that you will appreciate a lot of pardoning and separation without putting an excessive amount of exertion. In addition, the best thing about the Mizuno JPX 900 Forged Irons is the ceasing power on greens and that is something very unique. In this way, the boron-implanted composite is the best approach in the event that you need loud execution.
Genuine Temper Project X LZ Shaft.
Produced Irons.
D2 Swing Weight.
Pit Back Design.
Chrome Finish.
Ordinary and Stiff Shaft Flex.
A standout amongst the most lenient irons at this moment.
Yields quicker ball speed.
Incredible halting around the green.
Power outline adds greater soundness to your diversion.
The vibe and look of this club are very exceptional.
Doesn't present the edge weighting as a portion of the other best amusement improvement irons.
To be extremely legit, the exhibition of Mizuno Irons has dependably been right sufficient and if there should be an occurrence of JPX 900 Forged Irons, the case continues as before. Concentrates a great deal of class and style with its amazing plan and casing. By and large, a well-offset club with a ton of cool highlights.
Cobra King F8 Irons Review
The most recent club that has turned into all the rage from Cobra King is to be sure the F8 Irons. In the wake of testing the club, I become an enormous devotee of F8 irons and most assuredly, it is one of the absolute best amusement improvement irons right now in the market.
cobra King F8 Irons
Check Price
Fundamentally, Cobra King has endeavored to include more power and security in the F8 Irons when contrasted with F7 irons. With the multi-material head made out of Carbon and fiber, the vibe and sound are simply certainty boosting. Be that as it may, the fashioned PWRShell faceplate is very more slender and lighter from the other CobraKing models.
The best thing about this club is the three diverse premium developments. The long irons are empty body development, though the short irons are hole back and the normal conventional style wedges. Without a doubt, with these various irons, you have the more opportunity in your diversion and that is the place we have set it on the rundown of best amusement improvement irons.
Best Golf Irons In 2019
One all the more thing that is something very extraordinary about this club is the establishment of Arccos sensors in the grasp that records your information like swing pace and you can without much of a stretch access every one of the information on your cell phone.
Genuine Temper XP 90 and Aldila Rogue Pro 65 Shafts.
Lamkin REL 360 Connect Grip.
Cavity Back Design.
D1, D2 and D3 Swing weight.
Steel Material.
Light, customary and hardened Shaft flex.
More noteworthy pardoning.
Controlled Trajectory and ball flight.
Offers estimated turn that helps in your amusement.
Sensors in the hold give information and that is energizing.
Fresh solid and feel.
Imaginative innovation.
Somewhat high in cost.
With every one of these highlights, you can't question about the nature of the Cobra King F8 Irons. Definitely, a standout amongst the best amusement improvement irons with a ton to offer. Without a doubt, it can add an extraordinary flavor to your amusement.
TaylorMade M4 Irons Review
The most recent electrifying Golf club, TaylorMade has propelled is the fresh out of the plastic new M4 Irons set. In fact, they have blended some new advances to frame a showstopper in the state of TaylorMade M4 Irons.
TaylorMade M4 Irons
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The most noticeable innovation, you will find in this great club is the strong RIBCOR outline that offers uncommon vitality at the purpose of effect. Aside from the casing, one all the more thing that is making the emerging in this club is the Tungsten sole weighting that brings down the CG and adds more fuel to the flame.
It is additionally bound with speed pocket innovation for getting the most extreme outcomes on lower shots.
All things considered, with the creative RIBCOR outline, one thing is certain that you have the privilege to kick it into high gear quicker ball speed without hitting excessively hard. Besides, the excellent development with adjusted weighting additionally gives the edge of obtaining more noteworthy absolution, higher dispatch, prevalent separation and better separation control.
No doubt, TaylorMade M4 Club is the most appropriate choice for any individual who needs absolution and predictable ball flight. Absolutely, it is one of the absolute best diversion improvement irons in the games too.
KBS Max B5 Steel Shaft.
Fujikura Atmos Red Graphite Shaft.
D2 Swing Weight.
TM Dual Feel Grip.
Pit Back Design.
Ordinary and Stiff Shaft Flex.
Offers incredible dependability while hitting the shots.
Incredible playability on the grass and harsh patches.
Awesome in appearance.
Most recent RIBCOR structure that includes additional quality.
Best Golf Iron tenderfoot dimension player.
Yields remarkable speed and separation.
Not perfect for low handicappers.
Positively, TaylorMade M4 irons are the one to search for in 2018. Sensible In cost, geek appearance, strong sythesis and above all presentation boosting club. Without a doubt, it is a standout amongst the best irons for mid to high handicappers.
Cleveland Launcher CBX Irons Review
Cleveland has absolutely reported its rebound in the realm of best golf irons 2018 by presenting the first class Cleveland Launcher CBX Irons. In the wake of testing it, one thing that I would love to cite about this club is that it is brimming with class and presumably one of the best 10 diversion improvement irons in 2018.
cleveland launcher CBX Irons
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You may ponder that how Cleveland delivered a standout amongst the best amusement improvement irons?
All things considered, the development of Launcher CBX is sufficient to answer every one of your questions. The producer has included a pretty thing however very solid steel folds over the case to accomplish remarkable ball speed to the 4 to 7 Irons.
Besides, the deadly mix of the laser gentle zip depressions and V Sole molded shaft streamline turn and diminishes the huge measure of contact while connection with the turf.
Aside from a high-class innovation, something else that makes this club steady and solid is the Feel Balancing Technology which moves the CG to the center henceforth you get more an incentive for your shots. Surely, the Launcher CBX is for those golfers who need to get a higher dispatch with better control. Aside from that, pardoning isn't an issue for this club too.
Dynamic Gold DST 98 Steel Shaft.
D1 and D2 Swing Weight.
Cleveland Lamkin Grip.
Pit Back Design.
Steel Material.
Accessible for the two people.
Gives straighter ball flight even in blustery conditions.
Weighting and turf contact is splendid.
Great feel and certainty boosting sound.
Dynamic V sole for a superior association.
A perfect sweet recognize that offers full an incentive to your striking.
Flawless golf iron for mid to high handicappers.
Quite low in expense also.
Not suggested for low handicappers.
Seemingly, Cleveland Launcher CBX is one those irons that convey the ideal diversion improvement execution. Straighter ball flight, unrivaled pardoning and shockingly low in value mark it as the best choice for each sort of a golfer.
Wilson Staff D300 Irons Review
On the off chance that you need remove in your shots, at that point without a solitary uncertainty, pick the Wilson Staff D300 Irons. The "D" in the D300 Irons speak to the separation and that is the thing that it offers with a lot of control and responsiveness.
In addition, Callaway's trademark Urethane Microsphere Technology is likewise there in the pit for much-improved feel, better solid, and without vibration shots.
Wilson Staff D300 Irons
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In spite of the fact that this club was propelled in 2017, still there are relatively few preferable amusement enhancements irons over D300 irons in 2019 also. The innovation that is utilized is the urethane filled power openings that produce the intense effect and more noteworthy flex.
One thing that energizes each golfer is the vibe at effect and with regards to D300 irons, the vibe is simply phenomenal. That as well as it yields most extreme pardoning, controlled direction, and fresh stable. Notwithstanding that, it has an adaptable look with a sparkling completion. The playability and precision are additionally straight sufficient. Thus, you can't request anything over that without a doubt.
Swing Weight is D2.
Wilson Staff Tour Traction Grip.
KBS Tour 80 Steel Shaft.
Grid Ruiz A Type 54 Shaft.
D2 Swing Weight.
Offers incredible feel.
No vibrations amid hitting the shots.
Simple to adjust.
Very requesting in look.
Better precision and pardoning.
Very reasonable in cost.
Difficult to get airborne with the more drawn out irons.
Positively, Wils
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honeyvevo-blog · 6 years
Forex trading Signals - How to Immediately Trade Like You Have A long time of Forex Investing Encounter
RSI forex strategies Severely contemplate forex trading alerts if you are not however trading profitably, have minimal practical experience, or just do not have a lot time to devote to your foreign exchange trading. From the uncomplicated one electronic mail a day selection to the fx mentor who sits with you all day holding your hand as you trade, a portfolio of forex trade alerts can be virtually free and can completely transform you into a profitable trader instantaneously. If like us you have ever analysed a chart and put your individual trades, you will nearly definitely have also sat in entrance of your screen wondering if you ended up doing the right point. Issues like "have I entered this trade too late ?" and "am I trading in the right course (very long when I ought to be quick)" will certainly have entered your intellect. How several moments have you wished you had an pro trader with a long time of expertise guiding your trades, trying to keep you out of dangerous trades, and pointing you to trades with a better likelihood of success ? We had been certainly in that place several instances in the early times, but usually imagined the expense of acquiring an professional on hand would much outweigh any added earnings we may possibly make. It turns out we were very mistaken. There are a lot of services readily available, identified variously as foreign exchange signals, foreign exchange alerts, or foreign exchange suggestions. Trading indicators occur in a selection of formats, suited to how considerably of your day you can commit to trading. And certainly beware, there are loads of ripoffs out there too, but we'll exhibit you how to avoid them, and we are going to direct you toward the better ones. Fx Buying and selling Signals - a lot of versions The major qualities of forex trading trading signals to be mindful of are as follows Charge: Cost-free OR regular monthly membership Complexity: Straightforward "1 electronic mail a day" OR Total-Assistance Regulate: You keep entire management OR the signal service provider trades your a/c for you Trading design: e.g. repeated scalper OR lower quantity swing trader A absolutely free forex trading sign might at 1st appear to be like a amazing concept, but as we will expose listed here, you may well really nicely desire to pay for a totally free membership service (of course, we know that won't make sense - but read on) Most currency trading trade indicators charge a very modest membership cost, normally in the location of USD $eighty - $400 for every thirty day period (even though fortunately most are at the decrease end of this assortment), when there are also websites which offer currency trading alerts for no demand. In their most basic kind a forex investing signal will deliver you a currency trading inform e-mail when a day listing trade established ups for the subsequent 24 hrs. Some of these are purely laptop produced, some are computer generated and then audited by a human pro, and some are fully investigated and produced completely by a human pro trader who could increase some marketplace commentary to their currency trading forecast. Some currency trading buying and selling alerts are high quantity scalpers, calling several trades in a working day aiming to profit a handful of pips on just about every. Others only get in touch with a handful of trades a day, aiming to financial gain twenty - 80 pips on each and every solitary trade. At the far more total-services end of the marketplace is the variety of foreign exchange sign services which offers you with an practically 24 hour a day stay on the internet broadcast contacting currency trading trading guidelines as they come about, describing the logic of the proposed trade and backing it up with an e mail or even a online video clip. Some forex buying and selling indicators will even trade their signals in your possess account for you, leaving you to just sit back and view. This is comparable to what a robotic does by making use of forex trading sign software, but with the extra reassurance that it can be becoming completed by an experienced smart human trader relatively than a dumb device subsequent an algorithm. Think of full-service currency trading trading alerts like a foreign exchange Tv set station, which you have operating in the track record on your pc or net related laptop throughout your working day. The broadcast stays peaceful when there is practically nothing to do, releasing your time for the other priorities in your working day, then phone calls for your attention when there is a trade to spot or manage. You could be surprised, as we were, to uncover that the prices billed by entire-support vendors are normally quite equivalent to all those billed by the one email a working day providers. This variety of assistance typically also incorporates an interactive facility, enabling you to deliver a message to your forex trading mentor if you have a problem. Quite a few currency trading sign providers have very faithful memberships, and some even limit the number of customers they will settle for. Absolutely free foreign exchange alerts (virtually) On the foundation that time is money, in our viewpoint the volume of time we can now commit to other pursuits by not slaving in excess of our charts for several hours searching for the excellent trade set up, not to point out the advancement in our trading effects, has much more than paid out for the extremely modest charge of the foreign exchange signal subscriptions. In fact if you utilize this logic, subscription centered providers can effectively be totally free when you just take into account the advancement in your trading profits, and the releasing of your time for other worthwhile routines. If you feel about it, a subscription based foreign exchange sign service has a developed-in incentive to call lucrative fx investing tips, as its subscriber base would quickly evaporate if it failed to give profitable forex investing tips. "Free" non subscription alerts do not have this incentive. Deal with your danger In any facet of fx investing your major target is to control your threat. Deciding on, and investing a forex trade notify should be no distinct. Even the ideal most knowledgeable provider of fx alerts will routinely have losing trades. Nonetheless taken with all of their profitable currency trade signals the over-all outcome need to still be lucrative, but not all devices get the job done all of the time. Some forex alerts may well even have a entirely shedding 7 days or month. However, we have located via our personal knowledge that the greatest way of creating constant revenue with forex indicators is to subscribe to several distinct forex buying and selling alerts and trade all of their alerts. If one particular of them is possessing a specially poor 7 days, the other people must compensate and still web you a successful 7 days, or crack even at worst. Often do your due diligence just before investing a provider's fx alerts. Fantastic forex signal solutions will publish their past six - twelve months outcomes on their website. Some will even present you facts of the real trades they took. Be expecting to see losses as properly as winners - that is just the mother nature of trading. Without a doubt, if the final results exhibit only winners, or the provider is unwilling to exhibit you any benefits, or to provide get hold of information of some of their clients ready to give a reference be on your guard. Most will present you some form of totally free trial or discounted unique supply. Make confident that you evidently comprehend the conditions of this provide and know the deadline by which you require to give observe to terminate if you happen to be not happy with the service furnished. If you evaluate the last six month's benefits of all the foreign exchange sign provider suppliers you intend to use, you really should discover that taken as a entire they delivered a financial gain. Earlier functionality is no guarantee of long run outcomes, but we have found that if you have a very good mixture of investing styles in your investing indicators portfolio you are in with a battling opportunity of constant earnings no matter what the current market situations. Once more, believe about the cashflow logic of what you will be performing below - the membership fees of every currency trading alerts assistance are currently extremely modest, and by combining them you are increasing your chance of constant earnings. They can't all get it wrong all of the time, and remember they are all incentivised by their membership to get it correct as usually as feasible. Even with knowledgeable traders calling your trades, it really is prudent possibility administration to never ever threat far more than 3% of your initial money on any one trade, preferably only one%. So, if for instance your original cash, (or to place it yet another way, the highest you can find the money for to lose) is let's say five,000, the situation size you acquire on every trade should be these kinds of that if the trade strike your stop reduction, your greatest reduction would be no additional than 1% x five,000 = fifty. Utilizing foreign exchange signals as trade strategies Even if you want not to comply with fx ideas to the letter, you can even now financial gain from their trade idea. For instance, if you get a forex trading tip investing the GBP/USD lengthy with a forty pip halt decline, but on analysing the charts (following your attendance on a fx coaching study course) you come to feel a lot more comfortable putting the stop reduction let us say 63 pips underneath entry, providing the halt security below a visible region of latest and prior assist, which transpires also to be beneath the weekly pivot stage, and in undertaking so are pleased to have a for a longer time assortment concentrate on - then go proper in advance and do so. We were stunned to find that when we did specifically this with 1 of our foreign exchange signals' suggestions our trades actually carried out better than theirs did. Two heads better than one perhaps. The position is even though, that without the forex trading industry forecast drawing our awareness to that certain chart at that specific time we would never ever have witnessed that trade notion. This also helps make the point that when it may well at initial seem to be temping to let a sign supplier trade your account for you, if you have the time you may truly want to handle it by yourself. If you have been via a good currency trading training program and realize the ideas of guidance, resistance, pivot points, developments and many others you really should always use this expertise to conduct your own due diligence on currency trading alerts. You may well well find as we did that you can enhance the general efficiency of your portfolio of foreign exchange trade tips.
0 notes
Currency trading Signals - How to Instantaneously Trade Like You Have Decades of Foreign exchange Buying and selling Expertise
RSI forex strategies Significantly look at fx indicators if you are not however buying and selling profitably, have limited expertise, or just don't have significantly time to devote to your fx trading. From the uncomplicated one electronic mail a working day assortment to the foreign exchange mentor who sits with you all day holding your hand as you trade, a portfolio of forex trade alerts can be almost totally free and can completely transform you into a successful trader instantaneously. If like us you have at any time analysed a chart and put your personal trades, you will just about certainly have also sat in front of your monitor questioning if you had been performing the right factor. Queries like "have I entered this trade way too late ?" and "am I buying and selling in the suitable course (lengthy when I should be quick)" will definitely have entered your brain. How many times have you wished you experienced an pro trader with decades of practical experience guiding your trades, keeping you out of unsafe trades, and pointing you towards trades with a higher probability of success ? We ended up absolutely in that place many occasions in the early days, but generally imagined the charge of obtaining an specialist on hand would considerably outweigh any added earnings we might make. It turns out we have been fairly improper. There are several providers obtainable, identified variously as forex trading signals, forex alerts, or forex guidelines. Investing indicators appear in a selection of formats, suited to how substantially of your working day you can devote to investing. And yes beware, there are loads of ripoffs out there as well, but we'll display you how to stay away from them, and we are going to direct you to the much better ones. Forex Investing Alerts - quite a few versions The main traits of currency trading trading alerts to be mindful of are as follows Cost: Free of charge OR regular subscription Complexity: Uncomplicated "a single e mail a working day" OR Entire-Services Manage: You maintain whole control OR the signal service provider trades your a/c for you Buying and selling design: e.g. frequent scalper OR low quantity swing trader A free of charge currency trading sign may at 1st seem to be like a magnificent idea, but as we will reveal in this article, you might very effectively desire to shell out for a absolutely free subscription support (indeed, we know that doesn't make perception - but read on) Most forex trading trade indicators cost a very modest membership fee, usually in the location of USD $eighty - $four hundred per month (despite the fact that happily most are at the decreased stop of this variety), although there are also sites which supply forex signals for no charge. In their most straightforward sort a fx trading signal will send out you a forex trading warn email as soon as a working day listing trade set ups for the upcoming 24 several hours. Some of these are purely computer system created, some are laptop produced and then audited by a human specialist, and some are totally investigated and generated completely by a human skilled trader who may well increase some market place commentary to their currency trading forecast. Some foreign exchange trading signals are significant quantity scalpers, contacting quite a few trades in a day aiming to earnings a handful of pips on each and every. Other folks only phone a number of trades a day, aiming to profit 20 - 80 pips on each and every single trade. At the far more complete-provider finish of the industry is the sort of forex signal assistance which delivers you with an virtually 24 hour a working day stay on the web broadcast calling foreign exchange trading guidelines as they occur, conveying the logic of the proposed trade and backing it up with an e mail or even a video clip clip. Some forex investing indicators will even trade their indicators in your personal account for you, leaving you to just sit again and look at. This is related to what a robotic does by making use of currency trading signal computer software, but with the included reassurance that it really is currently being performed by an expert intelligent human trader relatively than a dumb machine subsequent an algorithm. Feel of whole-support forex buying and selling alerts like a foreign exchange Tv station, which you have working in the history on your laptop or internet related laptop computer during your day. The broadcast stays tranquil when there is practically nothing to do, liberating your time for the other priorities in your working day, then calls for your attention when there is a trade to location or control. You could be amazed, as we were, to discover that the costs billed by entire-provider providers are usually extremely comparable to all those charged by the a single e-mail a day companies. This variety of service typically also includes an interactive facility, enabling you to ship a concept to your fx mentor if you have a concern. Numerous foreign exchange signal expert services have extremely faithful memberships, and some even restrict the amount of users they will take. Free currency trading alerts (almost) On the foundation that time is cash, in our viewpoint the volume of time we can now commit to other actions by not slaving over our charts for several hours browsing for the best trade set up, not to point out the advancement in our trading results, has far more than paid out for the really modest price of the forex sign subscriptions. Certainly if you implement this logic, subscription primarily based services can efficiently be free when you acquire into account the advancement in your buying and selling gains, and the liberating of your time for other lucrative pursuits. If you assume about it, a subscription based mostly forex trading sign provider has a developed-in incentive to call rewarding currency trading trading suggestions, as its subscriber foundation would shortly evaporate if it failed to give successful forex investing tips. "Totally free" non membership alerts do not have this incentive. Manage your threat In any factor of currency trading trading your key goal is to handle your chance. Deciding upon, and trading a currency trading trade warn need to be no diverse. Even the greatest most experienced provider of fx indicators will regularly have losing trades. Nonetheless taken with all of their successful currency trade alerts the over-all outcome should even now be rewarding, but not all methods work all of the time. Some fx alerts may possibly even have a completely getting rid of 7 days or month. On the other hand, we have discovered by our very own experience that the very best way of producing constant earnings with forex trading signals is to subscribe to various various forex trading indicators and trade all of their alerts. If one particular of them is acquiring a specifically bad week, the other individuals should compensate and nevertheless web you a profitable 7 days, or split even at worst. Constantly do your owing diligence in advance of trading a provider's foreign exchange alerts. Very good fx sign solutions will publish their last six - twelve months effects on their web site. Some will even show you specifics of the precise trades they took. Expect to see losses as very well as winners - which is just the nature of investing. Indeed, if the outcomes exhibit only winners, or the service provider is unwilling to demonstrate you any effects, or to present make contact with facts of some of their consumers eager to give a reference be on your guard. Most will present you some kind of free of charge trial or discounted exclusive offer you. Make confident that you obviously realize the conditions of this supply and know the deadline by which you will need to give notice to terminate if you're not happy with the provider furnished. If you review the final six month's results of all the forex trading sign assistance vendors you intend to use, you really should uncover that taken as a complete they delivered a income. Past performance is no assure of potential results, but we have discovered that if you have a fantastic blend of buying and selling types in your buying and selling indicators portfolio you are in with a battling likelihood of consistent income regardless of what the industry ailments. All over again, think about the cashflow logic of what you will be executing below - the membership expenses of each forex trading signals support are already quite modest, and by combining them you are raising your probability of regular revenue. They can't all get it wrong all of the time, and bear in mind they are all incentivised by their membership to get it appropriate as frequently as achievable. Even with experienced traders contacting your trades, it can be prudent danger management to never ever ever chance additional than three% of your first funds on any 1 trade, ideally only one%. So, if for case in point your preliminary money, (or to place it a different way, the highest you can manage to lose) is let's say five,000, the position dimensions you get on every trade should be these that if the trade strike your cease reduction, your maximum decline would be no a lot more than 1% x five,000 = fifty. Working with forex indicators as trade ideas Even if you choose not to follow foreign exchange guidelines to the letter, you can even now profit from their trade plan. For illustration, if you receive a foreign exchange idea trading the GBP/USD long with a forty pip end decline, but on analysing the charts (adhering to your attendance on a forex trading teaching course) you truly feel more comfortable placing the halt reduction let's say 63 pips beneath entry, providing the end defense underneath a noticeable region of latest and prior guidance, which transpires also to be below the weekly pivot stage, and in doing so are satisfied to have a more time assortment target - then go proper in advance and do so. We ended up amazed to discover that when we did particularly this with 1 of our foreign exchange signals' guidelines our trades really carried out much better than theirs did. Two heads much better than just one it's possible. The point is while, that with out the forex trading market forecast drawing our attention to that specific chart at that distinct time we would never have noticed that trade plan. This also makes the level that while it may possibly at 1st look temping to enable a signal provider trade your account for you, if you have the time you may possibly truly want to regulate it your self. If you have been by means of a excellent currency trading training system and understand the ideas of guidance, resistance, pivot points, traits and so on you should often use this understanding to carry out your individual because of diligence on forex alerts. You may very well uncover as we did that you can increase the general efficiency of your portfolio of foreign exchange trade suggestions.
0 notes
inexcon · 5 years
RSI Comm-Link: Brothers In Arms: Part Three
Writer’s Note: Brothers In Arms: Part Three was published originally in Jump Point 3.7. Read Part One here and Part Two here.
Rhedd Alert got hit two more times over the next several escort missions between Min and Nexus. The first was an overzealous solo pirate who had camped himself just outside the jump gate from Min. The memory of the Hornet attack was still fresh and had Gavin and the team on edge.
The hapless pirate attacked as soon as the first Rhedd Alert ship entered Nexus. There wasn’t a thruster on the market that could turn him fast enough once the gate spat out six angry Rhedd Alert fighters and their transport.
They recovered the unconscious pirate in hopes of a bounty. There wasn’t much left of his ship to salvage.
The next incident occurred inside the Tyrol system near the rendezvous at Haven. As they neared Tyrol V, the trio of ramshackle Hornets struck again. Walt was the first to see them coming.
“Gav, we’ve got incoming from behind the planet.”
Gavin’s team was a cluster of green icons on his HUD. Snug­gled protectively within their perimeter was UEE Cassi­opeia carrying a fresh batch of researchers. He zoomed the display out and saw a trio of red marks hurtling around the planet toward their position.
“Is that . . .?”
“You have got to be kidding me.”
“How the hell did they find us?”
Gavin silenced his team with a curt word and considered a headlong race to Tyrol V. Haven was a reasonably large settlement for an otherwise underdeveloped system. Tyrol V didn’t have any planetary defenses, though. The entire system was subject to the inevitable and imminent ­nova caused by its binary stars. Haven warranted both UEE and private investment in support of the unique research possibilities provided by the impending disaster. How­ever, since the entire system was ultimately waiting to evaporate, there wasn’t much sense in dumping money into defense systems.
Gavin started crossing options off their list. Tyrol offered them no protection. If they fled the system, they could lead the Hornets on a merry chase, but prolonging the risk to Cassiopeia and its staff seemed a poor gamble.
On the other hand, their first head-to-head confrontation hadn’t gone so well. After seeing the marauders’ team­work in Nexus, Gavin was reluctant to take another tilt at them. Plus, he could already imagine Walt’s reaction to willfully engaging them head on.
Perhaps something a bit more diplomatic than fight or flight would yield better results.
Gavin tripped his comm link to broadcast on all local fre­quencies. “Hornet privateers above Tyrol V, this is Rhedd Alert One with a team of fighters and UEE transport vessel. We are moving little of value other than civilian lives. Please reconsider your approach.”
“Huh,” Walt made what sounded like an appreciative sniff into his mic, “you think that’ll work?”
“Can’t hurt to try.”
Moments passed with no response and no change to the marauders’ course. “Well maybe something more ominous will get their attention.” Gavin triggered the open broad­cast again. “Hornet brigands above Tyrol V, this is Rhedd Alert One with a team of fighters and UEE transport vessel. We have little of value other than our ammunition, which we will happily deliver directly to your ships if you do not reconsider your approach.”
“Well that’s definitely not going to work.” Walt said. Gavin saw his brother’s weapon systems go live.
Gavin left Boomer and Mei to guard Cassiopeia and Rhedd Alert engaged four-on-three with neither side hold­ing the advantage of surprise. This time, Walt and Jazza were both on the front line. The ensuing dogfight was far less one-sided than their first encounter with the Hornets.
Rhedd Alert gave a good accounting of themselves. Con­trary to their ramshackle appearance, the marauders’ ships were surprisingly quick, their weapon systems in good repair. Despite the ferocity of the fight, Rhedd Alert kept the marauders’ away from Cassiopeia. Walt seemed content to drive them off. Jazza gave chase.
“Let ’em go, Jazz,” Walt said.
“Like hell,” she said. “I’m gonna swat me a Hornet.”
“No, you’re not,” Walt snapped the order. “They’re going to turn around just long enough to pound you into a fine red mist, and we’re going to have to sweep up whatever parts are left.”
“Guys,” Gavin said, “cool it. Rendezvous at the transport.”
Jazza broke off pursuit and moved to rally with Boomer and Cassiopeia. “I just don’t like him giving me orders.”
“Hmmm,” Walt’s temper was clearly under some strain, “let’s see. I’m part owner of the company. You might wanna start associating my voice with imperative statements.”
“Knock it off, both of you. Jazz, fall in. The Navy is pay­ing us to escort staff, not fight a turf war with a hungry pack.”
“You should have figured that out in Nexus,” Walt said. “You made it a grudge match when we turned to fight.”
“Enough! If either of you have anything else to say, it can wait until we’re back on Vista Landing. Got it?”
Both squads limped away with damaged fighters. Rahul took a hit to his legs and would need to visit the med techs at Haven before leaving the system. The job and the in­jured were Gavin’s first priorities, but Walt’s deteriorating attitude had to be addressed. Before starting Rhedd Alert, they had always been opportunistic aggressors. This job was all about holding ground, and Walt’s reluctance was becoming a real problem.
Gavin was the first to arrive back at Vista Landing. Rahul was with him and woke when they touched down. Though the techs on Haven had done their work well, Dell insist­ed on taking him to get checked out at the station’s med center.
The rest of the squad arrived soon after. Gavin left Jazza to secure the ships and asked Walt to help him with the After Action Report in the upstairs office. Judging by the hushed demeanor of the crew, no one was under any illu­sion that the brothers were going to discuss the report.
Walt stalked into their small, shared office. He brushed past a pair of secondhand chairs and was standing at the window behind the scarred metal desk when Gavin closed the door behind them.
Walt spoke without turning to face him, “If you’re looking to fire off a lecture, I suggest aiming it at Jazza.”
Gavin joined him at the window. The steel was cold where he rested his hands on the frame, the edges sharp. “No lecture. What I need is some answers. What the hell is go­ing on with you, man?”
Walt was cold and quiet.
“You’re fighting against me,” Gavin tried to keep months of frustration from his voice. He was wrung out and tired, but not all of that could be laid at Walt’s increasingly cold feet. “You’re picking fights with the rest of the crew. Hell, you’re fighting everyone but the bastards attacking our transport.”
“I fought just as hard as anyone out there,” Walt snapped.
“Like hell you did,” Gavin voice sounded loud and harsh against the glass. “You’re fighting just hard enough to save your ass.”
“Well you tell me, then. How the hell am I supposed to fight? You want me chasing after trophies like Jazz?”
“If that’s what gets the job done, yeah. We’re not the robbers any more, man. We’re the cops. We’re a deterrent. And when we’re out there, we need to make a statement.”
Walt squinted, the laugh lines at the corners of his eyes creasing as he shook his head in what looked like exas­peration or disbelief. “Can you hear yourself? Do you even know what you’re saying?”
“Every time we bump into trouble out there, we need to jump on it with both feet. But I can’t push you to do that. You don’t like to be pushed.” Gavin felt his brother stiffen beside him, but he pressed on. He had to know if Walt was in this for the long haul. “You never did. You’re like Dad in that way. You’d rather cut and run than fight the tough fights.”
Walt turned his head sharply and yelled, “We had a damn good life doing that.”
The vehemence of it took Gavin by surprise, and he stepped away. After a quiet moment, he leaned against the window frame again. The metal was warmer now from where his hands had rested.
Walt and Gavin Rhedd stood shoulder to shoulder at the office window overlooking their small fleet of ships. They watched together for several minutes in silence until the last of the crew left the hangar. The lighting in the bay dimmed to a cool, cobalt blue, and Gavin’s arms felt leaden. His feet hurt and he wanted desperately to sit, kick off his boots and drink himself into a stupor. But he’d be damned if he sat while Walt still stood.
“We could leave.” The way Walt said it almost sounded like a question.
“You can’t possibly mean that,” Gavin pushed away from the window again.
“Seriously.” Walt finally turned to face him. He was hunched forward in earnest appeal. It put them at eye-level and Walt’s were round and imploring. “We could just go. This place is an anchor. Even if we turn a profit on this UEE job, what’s next? Find more work? Hire more pilots and techs?”
“If all goes right, absolutely. We’re creating something that we never had growing up, something bigger than just us. What exactly do you think we’re working toward here?”
“I don’t know, man.” Walt sounded equally drained. “I thought I did when we started, but it’s just been one thing after the next. We’ve got too many mouths to feed, and it doesn’t look like that’s going to stop.”
“It won’t,” Gavin said. “That’s the responsibility we accept­ed when we started this place.”
“But this isn’t our kind of fight, Gav. We’re not Advocacy agents. Hell, we’re not even starmen.”
“According to the company charter and the contract that you and I both signed, that’s exactly what we are. Soldiers for hire.”
“Come on. We’re thugs, man. We’ve been flying all our lives, but we don’t fight the fair fights. We pick on people who are either too dumb or too unfortunate to have profes­sional protection. Maybe that ain’t noble or exciting, but that’s what we do, and we used to do it well. But this?” Walt turned back toward the darkened bay, waving his hand inclusively at the ships and machinery below.
Gavin saw it then. He realized what had been eating at Walt all along. His brother wasn’t worried about someone getting hurt in a fair fight. They’d been in dogfights for most of their lives. It was being responsible for the rest of the team that scared him.
“I know we can do this.”
“How much risk are you willing to take to prove that?”
“This ain’t about doing the easy thing, Walt. This game is all about trust. So you ask yourself . . . do you trust me?” He hated that his voice had a pleading quality to it. Couldn’t Walt see that they were already succeeding?
Gavin didn’t get an answer. His brother stared instead at the ships in the darkened bay.
“We need every pilot we’ve got,” Gavin said. “And, let’s face it, you’re our best.”
“This is going to blow up in your face, Gav. This will be just like when you tried to smuggle Osoians to the Xi’an.”
“That would have worked, if you’d backed me up.”
“They dumped you on an asteroid,” Walt’s voice rose in pitch and volume. “You lost Dad’s Gladius with that deal. What’s this one going to cost you?”
Gavin’s gut tightened, and he became uncomfortably warm in his flight suit. He realized that Walt had made his decision.
He swallowed once before trusting himself to speak. “So this is it, huh? We’re just starting to get our feet under us. We’re just learning to work together as a legit team.” He knew this was going to happen. It wasn’t a surprise, so there was no reason to be angry about it. “Gods! And to think I actually hoped you’d stick it out with me.”
“Don’t make it sound like that,” Walt said.
“Sound like what? You’re just doing what you always do.”
Walt didn’t say anything for a while.
Gavin stared out at their ships.
“Will you tell the others?” Walt asked.
“Tell them what? Everyone who matters is probably sur­prised you lasted this long.”
His lips drew tight into a hard line. His eyes burned a bit so he blinked them. He was tired and he needed a shower.
Gavin left Walt standing alone at the office window. When the rest of Rhedd Alert woke up the next morning, Walter Rhedd was gone.
The first few months without Walt went smoothly, with­out incident. Paychecks started to roll in, and Gavin chipped away at some of their outstanding bills. They scavenged parts where they could. Dell proved to be a wizard reviving damaged tech. What little money remained after the bill collectors were pacified went straight to reloads.
Losing Walt hurt. It showed Gavin just how much he had relied on his brother to keep the rest of the team sharp. The team’s performance was obviously important, but even that paled when compared to the painful fact that Walt had actually abandoned him.
No one forgot their grudge match with the trio of mis­matched marauders, and Rhedd Alert was ready when they met again. The Hornets hit them as they passed through the Teclis Band. From a distance, the band appeared to be a rippling wave of slowly pulsing lights. Closer, the wave resolved into a wall of tumbling asteroids.
Veteran members of Gavin’s team were quite accustomed to clinging to the underside of an asteroid. It wasn’t that long ago that they’d used the tactic to ambush transports themselves. So they weren’t surprised to see attackers materialize from within the Teclis Band.
Gavin triggered his mic to address the squad. “All right, guys, we know these bastards fly like they’re joined at the hip. I think we have the advantage in the band, but we can’t let them pin Cassiopeia inside. Boomer, you’re babysit­ting. Get that transport through and clear. Everyone else, with me.”
The fighting inside Teclis was fierce. Gavin was in his element darting through tight seams, anticipating erratic rolling movements and using terrain to force the Hornets to break their punishing formations. His newer pilots were good, but they hadn’t spent hundreds of cockpit hours in crowded space like he and Jazza had. Still, they managed to keep the Hornets hemmed in while Boomer and Cas­siopeia moved through the tumbling asteroids. Uncharac­teristically, one pirate broke from the group and powered through the belt toward the fleeing transport.
“We’ve got a runner,” Jazza warned.
Gavin was already moving to pursue. “I see it. Hold the other two here. They’re easier to manage when they’re not grouped up.”
He darted around blind corners of tumbling stone and man­aged to gain a few clicks on the faster ship. The Hornet rolled right and strafed around a jagged, monolithic spike of rock. Gavin thrust over it, gaining a little more ground.
The two ships shot from the treacherous confines of the Teclis Band, and Gavin landed a couple hits before the Hor­net rolled away. Then it was an all-out race for the fleeing transport.
“Cassiopeia,” Gavin called, “this is Red One, we have a hos­tile inbound to you.”
“Copy, Red One. Shields are up and we are ready for contact.”
“Got it, Gavin.”
“Careful, old man. This one can really fly.”
Gavin saw Boomer’s Avenger rise and turn to face the charging ship. The Hornet rolled again. Boomer matched the oncoming ship, move for move. Both began firing, and their shields lit up like incandescent bulbs. The Hornet yawed starboard and Gavin missed with an out-of-range shot. Boomer’s shield flickered and then fell.
Then a blinding shot from a neutron gun tore through Boomer’s Avenger. Bits of hull flew off at odd angles as the Hornet sped past the wrecked ship and continued to close on Cassiopeia.
The Avenger’s cockpit detonated. Gavin pulled up to avoid hitting Boomer and prayed that the older pilot had man­aged to eject. Cassiopeia loosed a barrage of missiles, but the Hornet had countermeasures.
The marauder’s first pass took out the missile launcher. Gavin met the Hornet head-to-head as it swept around and fired on the transport again. He struck clean hits as they passed, scarring the mismatched armor plating along one side. He turned hard and his ship shook with strain, pressing him forward in his harness, vision dimming at the edges.
He righted the Cutlass in time to see the fleeing Hornet pause, hesitating over a small drifting shape. Gavin’s target­ing system identified the object. Boomer’s PRB flashed red.
“No!” He had one hand pressed against the canopy. With successive blasts from the neutron gun, the pirate deliber­ately tore apart Boomer’s drifting body. Then the Hornet pulled up and raced back toward the Teclis Band.
“My target just disengaged.”
“They’re running.”
Gavin barely registered the shouts and cheers from his team.
Pilots call it getting OK’d. He didn’t know for certain where the term was first coined, but OKing a pilot adrift was breaking one of the few unspoken and universal rules of engagement. Lose a fight, and you might lose your ship. Get beat badly, and you might come out of rehab missing a limb or with some sort of permanent scarring or nerve damage. But to fire on a pilot adrift with only the pressurized skin of a survival suit for protection? It was inhuman.
“Everyone,” worry wrenched Gavin’s gut and he couldn’t keep it from his voice, “form up on Cassiopeia. We have a pilot down.”
Something in his voice quieted the line. His ships emerged from the Teclis Band and rallied to the transport.
What was he going to say to Dell? Gavin swallowed hard, blinking fast and trying to think. He should do something. The transport had been hit. He might have other injured pilots. Maybe Walt had been right.
“Hold position until we recover Boomer.” He switched channels to address the transport. “Cassiopeia, this is Red One. We’re scrubbing the mission. Prepare for return to Nexus.”
“Ah . . . Red One, damage is minimal and under control. We are able to proceed.” Gavin couldn’t. He had to get Boomer back to Vista Landing.
Jazza’s voice shook. “Gods. They OK’d him, didn’t they?”
He didn’t answer.
“Take him home, Gav. We’ll tag his ship and tow it on the return trip.”
He nodded, knowing she couldn’t see, but not trusting him­self to speak. What was he going to tell Dell?
“Get him there fast,” Jazza said.
“I will.”
Gavin’s mobiGlas buzzed and he activated it. Anyone he actually cared to speak with knew to find him in the office if they needed to talk. Dell was in the med center. She’d made it abundantly clear that she did not want to see him. Jazza had returned with the team after the mission, but they were giving the family a wide berth. Anything getting past his message filters was probably important. And any­thing important was most likely bad news.
The incoming message was from Barry. Suspicion of bad news, confirmed. He connected the call.
“Gavin. Buddy. Listen, I’ve got some news. This is just a ’heads up’ call, okay? Not a big deal. Is your brother there with you?”
“Walt left,” even to his own ears, Gavin’s voice sounded flat. “You can give your message to me.”
“I got word from a buddy of mine in Contracting. They’re issuing an FTP on the Tyrol contract. It’ll probably go out in the next day or two. Sorry, Gavin.”
“Don’t be,” Gavin wasn’t angry with Barry. He really wasn’t. But his words were coming out sharper than he meant them to. “Just tell me what the hell an FTP is.”
“Sorry. FTP is a Failure To Perform notification.”
He knew it had to be bad. Barry wouldn’t have called if it wasn’t. Damn it! What was next? Vanduul attacks? He’d gone over and over every report from Brock’s files. Never — not in any file — was there evidence of such coordinated and vicious attacks.
Barry read his silence correctly. “Hey, these things get issued all the time, man. I’m just letting you know that it’s coming so you don’t freak out. A couple holes in a trans­port is nothing when you’re going through a lawless system like Min. They won’t pull your contract for that.”
“What will they pull it for?”
“Well,” Barry drew out the word, speaking slowly and choosing his words carefully. “You’d have to receive back-to-back FTPs. Or if you lost the transport or something, that’d obviously do it. But Major Greely is pulling for you guys. He’s big on the UEE’s plan to enfranchise local civilian contractors.”
Just what he needed. More pressure. “Thanks, Barry.”
“Keep your chin up, buddy. You guys are doing fine, okay? I mean, you should hear what goes on with other contracts. Seriously, this is nothing.”
“Thanks again.” Gavin disconnected the line. It certainly didn’t feel like they were doing fine. The office door slid open, and Jazza stood silhouetted against the corridor lights.
“Jazz?” Gavin’s stomach sank. He tried to swallow but his throat was tight. “What is it? Where’s Dell?”
She took a step inside and the room’s lights reflected in the wet corners of her brimming eyes. She held herself together, but the effort to do so was visible.
“It’s Boomer,” she said, “It was too much damage this time. He’s . . . he’s really gone.”
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0 notes
sad-ch1ld · 5 years
via RSI Comm-Link
Writer’s Note: Brothers In Arms: Part Three was published originally in Jump Point 3.7. Read Part One here and Part Two here.
Rhedd Alert got hit two more times over the next several escort missions between Min and Nexus. The first was an overzealous solo pirate who had camped himself just outside the jump gate from Min. The memory of the Hornet attack was still fresh and had Gavin and the team on edge.
The hapless pirate attacked as soon as the first Rhedd Alert ship entered Nexus. There wasn’t a thruster on the market that could turn him fast enough once the gate spat out six angry Rhedd Alert fighters and their transport.
They recovered the unconscious pirate in hopes of a bounty. There wasn’t much left of his ship to salvage.
The next incident occurred inside the Tyrol system near the rendezvous at Haven. As they neared Tyrol V, the trio of ramshackle Hornets struck again. Walt was the first to see them coming.
“Gav, we’ve got incoming from behind the planet.”
Gavin’s team was a cluster of green icons on his HUD. Snug­gled protectively within their perimeter was UEE Cassi­opeia carrying a fresh batch of researchers. He zoomed the display out and saw a trio of red marks hurtling around the planet toward their position.
“Is that . . .?”
“You have got to be kidding me.”
“How the hell did they find us?”
Gavin silenced his team with a curt word and considered a headlong race to Tyrol V. Haven was a reasonably large settlement for an otherwise underdeveloped system. Tyrol V didn’t have any planetary defenses, though. The entire system was subject to the inevitable and imminent ­nova caused by its binary stars. Haven warranted both UEE and private investment in support of the unique research possibilities provided by the impending disaster. How­ever, since the entire system was ultimately waiting to evaporate, there wasn’t much sense in dumping money into defense systems.
Gavin started crossing options off their list. Tyrol offered them no protection. If they fled the system, they could lead the Hornets on a merry chase, but prolonging the risk to Cassiopeia and its staff seemed a poor gamble.
On the other hand, their first head-to-head confrontation hadn’t gone so well. After seeing the marauders’ team­work in Nexus, Gavin was reluctant to take another tilt at them. Plus, he could already imagine Walt’s reaction to willfully engaging them head on.
Perhaps something a bit more diplomatic than fight or flight would yield better results.
Gavin tripped his comm link to broadcast on all local fre­quencies. “Hornet privateers above Tyrol V, this is Rhedd Alert One with a team of fighters and UEE transport vessel. We are moving little of value other than civilian lives. Please reconsider your approach.”
“Huh,” Walt made what sounded like an appreciative sniff into his mic, “you think that’ll work?”
“Can’t hurt to try.”
Moments passed with no response and no change to the marauders’ course. “Well maybe something more ominous will get their attention.” Gavin triggered the open broad­cast again. “Hornet brigands above Tyrol V, this is Rhedd Alert One with a team of fighters and UEE transport vessel. We have little of value other than our ammunition, which we will happily deliver directly to your ships if you do not reconsider your approach.”
“Well that’s definitely not going to work.” Walt said. Gavin saw his brother’s weapon systems go live.
Gavin left Boomer and Mei to guard Cassiopeia and Rhedd Alert engaged four-on-three with neither side hold­ing the advantage of surprise. This time, Walt and Jazza were both on the front line. The ensuing dogfight was far less one-sided than their first encounter with the Hornets.
Rhedd Alert gave a good accounting of themselves. Con­trary to their ramshackle appearance, the marauders’ ships were surprisingly quick, their weapon systems in good repair. Despite the ferocity of the fight, Rhedd Alert kept the marauders’ away from Cassiopeia. Walt seemed content to drive them off. Jazza gave chase.
“Let ’em go, Jazz,” Walt said.
“Like hell,” she said. “I’m gonna swat me a Hornet.”
“No, you’re not,” Walt snapped the order. “They’re going to turn around just long enough to pound you into a fine red mist, and we’re going to have to sweep up whatever parts are left.”
“Guys,” Gavin said, “cool it. Rendezvous at the transport.”
Jazza broke off pursuit and moved to rally with Boomer and Cassiopeia. “I just don’t like him giving me orders.”
“Hmmm,” Walt’s temper was clearly under some strain, “let’s see. I’m part owner of the company. You might wanna start associating my voice with imperative statements.”
“Knock it off, both of you. Jazz, fall in. The Navy is pay­ing us to escort staff, not fight a turf war with a hungry pack.”
“You should have figured that out in Nexus,” Walt said. “You made it a grudge match when we turned to fight.”
“Enough! If either of you have anything else to say, it can wait until we’re back on Vista Landing. Got it?”
Both squads limped away with damaged fighters. Rahul took a hit to his legs and would need to visit the med techs at Haven before leaving the system. The job and the in­jured were Gavin’s first priorities, but Walt’s deteriorating attitude had to be addressed. Before starting Rhedd Alert, they had always been opportunistic aggressors. This job was all about holding ground, and Walt’s reluctance was becoming a real problem.
Gavin was the first to arrive back at Vista Landing. Rahul was with him and woke when they touched down. Though the techs on Haven had done their work well, Dell insist­ed on taking him to get checked out at the station’s med center.
The rest of the squad arrived soon after. Gavin left Jazza to secure the ships and asked Walt to help him with the After Action Report in the upstairs office. Judging by the hushed demeanor of the crew, no one was under any illu­sion that the brothers were going to discuss the report.
Walt stalked into their small, shared office. He brushed past a pair of secondhand chairs and was standing at the window behind the scarred metal desk when Gavin closed the door behind them.
Walt spoke without turning to face him, “If you’re looking to fire off a lecture, I suggest aiming it at Jazza.”
Gavin joined him at the window. The steel was cold where he rested his hands on the frame, the edges sharp. “No lecture. What I need is some answers. What the hell is go­ing on with you, man?”
Walt was cold and quiet.
“You’re fighting against me,” Gavin tried to keep months of frustration from his voice. He was wrung out and tired, but not all of that could be laid at Walt’s increasingly cold feet. “You’re picking fights with the rest of the crew. Hell, you’re fighting everyone but the bastards attacking our transport.”
“I fought just as hard as anyone out there,” Walt snapped.
“Like hell you did,” Gavin voice sounded loud and harsh against the glass. “You’re fighting just hard enough to save your ass.”
“Well you tell me, then. How the hell am I supposed to fight? You want me chasing after trophies like Jazz?”
“If that’s what gets the job done, yeah. We’re not the robbers any more, man. We’re the cops. We’re a deterrent. And when we’re out there, we need to make a statement.”
Walt squinted, the laugh lines at the corners of his eyes creasing as he shook his head in what looked like exas­peration or disbelief. “Can you hear yourself? Do you even know what you’re saying?”
“Every time we bump into trouble out there, we need to jump on it with both feet. But I can’t push you to do that. You don’t like to be pushed.” Gavin felt his brother stiffen beside him, but he pressed on. He had to know if Walt was in this for the long haul. “You never did. You’re like Dad in that way. You’d rather cut and run than fight the tough fights.”
Walt turned his head sharply and yelled, “We had a damn good life doing that.”
The vehemence of it took Gavin by surprise, and he stepped away. After a quiet moment, he leaned against the window frame again. The metal was warmer now from where his hands had rested.
Walt and Gavin Rhedd stood shoulder to shoulder at the office window overlooking their small fleet of ships. They watched together for several minutes in silence until the last of the crew left the hangar. The lighting in the bay dimmed to a cool, cobalt blue, and Gavin’s arms felt leaden. His feet hurt and he wanted desperately to sit, kick off his boots and drink himself into a stupor. But he’d be damned if he sat while Walt still stood.
“We could leave.” The way Walt said it almost sounded like a question.
“You can’t possibly mean that,” Gavin pushed away from the window again.
“Seriously.” Walt finally turned to face him. He was hunched forward in earnest appeal. It put them at eye-level and Walt’s were round and imploring. “We could just go. This place is an anchor. Even if we turn a profit on this UEE job, what’s next? Find more work? Hire more pilots and techs?”
“If all goes right, absolutely. We’re creating something that we never had growing up, something bigger than just us. What exactly do you think we’re working toward here?”
“I don’t know, man.” Walt sounded equally drained. “I thought I did when we started, but it’s just been one thing after the next. We’ve got too many mouths to feed, and it doesn’t look like that’s going to stop.”
“It won’t,” Gavin said. “That’s the responsibility we accept­ed when we started this place.”
“But this isn’t our kind of fight, Gav. We’re not Advocacy agents. Hell, we’re not even starmen.”
“According to the company charter and the contract that you and I both signed, that’s exactly what we are. Soldiers for hire.”
“Come on. We’re thugs, man. We’ve been flying all our lives, but we don’t fight the fair fights. We pick on people who are either too dumb or too unfortunate to have profes­sional protection. Maybe that ain’t noble or exciting, but that’s what we do, and we used to do it well. But this?” Walt turned back toward the darkened bay, waving his hand inclusively at the ships and machinery below.
Gavin saw it then. He realized what had been eating at Walt all along. His brother wasn’t worried about someone getting hurt in a fair fight. They’d been in dogfights for most of their lives. It was being responsible for the rest of the team that scared him.
“I know we can do this.”
“How much risk are you willing to take to prove that?”
“This ain’t about doing the easy thing, Walt. This game is all about trust. So you ask yourself . . . do you trust me?” He hated that his voice had a pleading quality to it. Couldn’t Walt see that they were already succeeding?
Gavin didn’t get an answer. His brother stared instead at the ships in the darkened bay.
“We need every pilot we’ve got,” Gavin said. “And, let’s face it, you’re our best.”
“This is going to blow up in your face, Gav. This will be just like when you tried to smuggle Osoians to the Xi’an.”
“That would have worked, if you’d backed me up.”
“They dumped you on an asteroid,” Walt’s voice rose in pitch and volume. “You lost Dad’s Gladius with that deal. What’s this one going to cost you?”
Gavin’s gut tightened, and he became uncomfortably warm in his flight suit. He realized that Walt had made his decision.
He swallowed once before trusting himself to speak. “So this is it, huh? We’re just starting to get our feet under us. We’re just learning to work together as a legit team.” He knew this was going to happen. It wasn’t a surprise, so there was no reason to be angry about it. “Gods! And to think I actually hoped you’d stick it out with me.”
“Don’t make it sound like that,” Walt said.
“Sound like what? You’re just doing what you always do.”
Walt didn’t say anything for a while.
Gavin stared out at their ships.
“Will you tell the others?” Walt asked.
“Tell them what? Everyone who matters is probably sur­prised you lasted this long.”
His lips drew tight into a hard line. His eyes burned a bit so he blinked them. He was tired and he needed a shower.
Gavin left Walt standing alone at the office window. When the rest of Rhedd Alert woke up the next morning, Walter Rhedd was gone.
The first few months without Walt went smoothly, with­out incident. Paychecks started to roll in, and Gavin chipped away at some of their outstanding bills. They scavenged parts where they could. Dell proved to be a wizard reviving damaged tech. What little money remained after the bill collectors were pacified went straight to reloads.
Losing Walt hurt. It showed Gavin just how much he had relied on his brother to keep the rest of the team sharp. The team’s performance was obviously important, but even that paled when compared to the painful fact that Walt had actually abandoned him.
No one forgot their grudge match with the trio of mis­matched marauders, and Rhedd Alert was ready when they met again. The Hornets hit them as they passed through the Teclis Band. From a distance, the band appeared to be a rippling wave of slowly pulsing lights. Closer, the wave resolved into a wall of tumbling asteroids.
Veteran members of Gavin’s team were quite accustomed to clinging to the underside of an asteroid. It wasn’t that long ago that they’d used the tactic to ambush transports themselves. So they weren’t surprised to see attackers materialize from within the Teclis Band.
Gavin triggered his mic to address the squad. “All right, guys, we know these bastards fly like they’re joined at the hip. I think we have the advantage in the band, but we can’t let them pin Cassiopeia inside. Boomer, you’re babysit­ting. Get that transport through and clear. Everyone else, with me.”
The fighting inside Teclis was fierce. Gavin was in his element darting through tight seams, anticipating erratic rolling movements and using terrain to force the Hornets to break their punishing formations. His newer pilots were good, but they hadn’t spent hundreds of cockpit hours in crowded space like he and Jazza had. Still, they managed to keep the Hornets hemmed in while Boomer and Cas­siopeia moved through the tumbling asteroids. Uncharac­teristically, one pirate broke from the group and powered through the belt toward the fleeing transport.
“We’ve got a runner,” Jazza warned.
Gavin was already moving to pursue. “I see it. Hold the other two here. They’re easier to manage when they’re not grouped up.”
He darted around blind corners of tumbling stone and man­aged to gain a few clicks on the faster ship. The Hornet rolled right and strafed around a jagged, monolithic spike of rock. Gavin thrust over it, gaining a little more ground.
The two ships shot from the treacherous confines of the Teclis Band, and Gavin landed a couple hits before the Hor­net rolled away. Then it was an all-out race for the fleeing transport.
“Cassiopeia,” Gavin called, “this is Red One, we have a hos­tile inbound to you.”
“Copy, Red One. Shields are up and we are ready for contact.”
“Got it, Gavin.”
“Careful, old man. This one can really fly.”
Gavin saw Boomer’s Avenger rise and turn to face the charging ship. The Hornet rolled again. Boomer matched the oncoming ship, move for move. Both began firing, and their shields lit up like incandescent bulbs. The Hornet yawed starboard and Gavin missed with an out-of-range shot. Boomer’s shield flickered and then fell.
Then a blinding shot from a neutron gun tore through Boomer’s Avenger. Bits of hull flew off at odd angles as the Hornet sped past the wrecked ship and continued to close on Cassiopeia.
The Avenger’s cockpit detonated. Gavin pulled up to avoid hitting Boomer and prayed that the older pilot had man­aged to eject. Cassiopeia loosed a barrage of missiles, but the Hornet had countermeasures.
The marauder’s first pass took out the missile launcher. Gavin met the Hornet head-to-head as it swept around and fired on the transport again. He struck clean hits as they passed, scarring the mismatched armor plating along one side. He turned hard and his ship shook with strain, pressing him forward in his harness, vision dimming at the edges.
He righted the Cutlass in time to see the fleeing Hornet pause, hesitating over a small drifting shape. Gavin’s target­ing system identified the object. Boomer’s PRB flashed red.
“No!” He had one hand pressed against the canopy. With successive blasts from the neutron gun, the pirate deliber­ately tore apart Boomer’s drifting body. Then the Hornet pulled up and raced back toward the Teclis Band.
“My target just disengaged.”
“They’re running.”
Gavin barely registered the shouts and cheers from his team.
Pilots call it getting OK’d. He didn’t know for certain where the term was first coined, but OKing a pilot adrift was breaking one of the few unspoken and universal rules of engagement. Lose a fight, and you might lose your ship. Get beat badly, and you might come out of rehab missing a limb or with some sort of permanent scarring or nerve damage. But to fire on a pilot adrift with only the pressurized skin of a survival suit for protection? It was inhuman.
“Everyone,” worry wrenched Gavin’s gut and he couldn’t keep it from his voice, “form up on Cassiopeia. We have a pilot down.”
Something in his voice quieted the line. His ships emerged from the Teclis Band and rallied to the transport.
What was he going to say to Dell? Gavin swallowed hard, blinking fast and trying to think. He should do something. The transport had been hit. He might have other injured pilots. Maybe Walt had been right.
“Hold position until we recover Boomer.” He switched channels to address the transport. “Cassiopeia, this is Red One. We’re scrubbing the mission. Prepare for return to Nexus.”
“Ah . . . Red One, damage is minimal and under control. We are able to proceed.” Gavin couldn’t. He had to get Boomer back to Vista Landing.
Jazza’s voice shook. “Gods. They OK’d him, didn’t they?”
He didn’t answer.
“Take him home, Gav. We’ll tag his ship and tow it on the return trip.”
He nodded, knowing she couldn’t see, but not trusting him­self to speak. What was he going to tell Dell?
“Get him there fast,” Jazza said.
“I will.”
Gavin’s mobiGlas buzzed and he activated it. Anyone he actually cared to speak with knew to find him in the office if they needed to talk. Dell was in the med center. She’d made it abundantly clear that she did not want to see him. Jazza had returned with the team after the mission, but they were giving the family a wide berth. Anything getting past his message filters was probably important. And any­thing important was most likely bad news.
The incoming message was from Barry. Suspicion of bad news, confirmed. He connected the call.
“Gavin. Buddy. Listen, I’ve got some news. This is just a ’heads up’ call, okay? Not a big deal. Is your brother there with you?”
“Walt left,” even to his own ears, Gavin’s voice sounded flat. “You can give your message to me.”
“I got word from a buddy of mine in Contracting. They’re issuing an FTP on the Tyrol contract. It’ll probably go out in the next day or two. Sorry, Gavin.”
“Don’t be,” Gavin wasn’t angry with Barry. He really wasn’t. But his words were coming out sharper than he meant them to. “Just tell me what the hell an FTP is.”
“Sorry. FTP is a Failure To Perform notification.”
He knew it had to be bad. Barry wouldn’t have called if it wasn’t. Damn it! What was next? Vanduul attacks? He’d gone over and over every report from Brock’s files. Never — not in any file — was there evidence of such coordinated and vicious attacks.
Barry read his silence correctly. “Hey, these things get issued all the time, man. I’m just letting you know that it’s coming so you don’t freak out. A couple holes in a trans­port is nothing when you’re going through a lawless system like Min. They won’t pull your contract for that.”
“What will they pull it for?”
“Well,” Barry drew out the word, speaking slowly and choosing his words carefully. “You’d have to receive back-to-back FTPs. Or if you lost the transport or something, that’d obviously do it. But Major Greely is pulling for you guys. He’s big on the UEE’s plan to enfranchise local civilian contractors.”
Just what he needed. More pressure. “Thanks, Barry.”
“Keep your chin up, buddy. You guys are doing fine, okay? I mean, you should hear what goes on with other contracts. Seriously, this is nothing.”
“Thanks again.” Gavin disconnected the line. It certainly didn’t feel like they were doing fine. The office door slid open, and Jazza stood silhouetted against the corridor lights.
“Jazz?” Gavin’s stomach sank. He tried to swallow but his throat was tight. “What is it? Where’s Dell?”
She took a step inside and the room’s lights reflected in the wet corners of her brimming eyes. She held herself together, but the effort to do so was visible.
“It’s Boomer,” she said, “It was too much damage this time. He’s . . . he’s really gone.”
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paolajnelson · 7 years
Eleven Shocking Details About How to buy Ripple.
Forex Tips That Everyone Need To Know About
Forex is in reality a shortened version of foreign exchange. This can be a market where traders around the globe trade one sort of currency for other individuals. You could buy one currency, much like the Japanese yen, after which watch the markets to determine if there may be another currency you must trade it for, such as the American dollar. In case the dollar actually is stronger, there’s lots of profit inside.
Review the news daily and make a note of what is going on from the financial markets. News items stimulate market speculation resulting in the currency forex market to go up and fall. You need to create some email services or texting services to find the news first.
Avoid choosing positions even though other traders do. Forex trades are human, plus they often speak a little more about their accomplishments as opposed to their failures. Just because someone has made it big with currency trading, does not necessarily mean they can’t be wrong from time to time. Stick to your plan, in addition to knowledge and instincts, not the views of other traders.
Rely all by yourself knowledge and never that of Forex robots. Systems like these can benefit sellers greatly, but buyers may find they usually do not work very well.
Establish solid trading strategies and discover ways to make the right investments.
The majority of people assume that stop loss marks are visible. This can be a falsehood, in fact it is dangerous to trade with no stop loss marker in position.
Don’t get involved with numerous markets which may overextend yourself, particularly if certainly are a beginner in currency trading. Trading in lots of markets could be confusing, even irritating. Just maintain your focus on a few major currency pairs. The EUR/USD is regarded as the highly watched currency pair and it has the best spread, so that it is suitable for newcomers and experienced market watchers alike.
Accurately placing stop losses for Forex trading requires practice. You can’t just come up with a proper formula for trading. A good trader recognizes that there has to be an equilibrium involving the technical part of it and natural instincts. It should take a lot of patience of going about this.
Tend not to depend on others to imagine to suit your needs. Try everything it is possible to to learn about the market. This may be the only method for you may be successful in Forex and then make the earnings that you want.
When beginning Currency trading, you will certainly be forced to generate a choice regarding the sort of trader that you want to be, based on the length of time you opt to pick. Use hourly and quarter-hourly charts for exiting and increasing the speeds of the trades. 10 and 5 minute charts are often utilized by scalpers to get throughout the trading process quickly.
To assist you gauge the median gain or loss to get a specific market, utilize an indicator like relative strength index, or RSI. While not a guarantee based on how your investments will do, it will provide you with an indicator of the general market. It may be best if you rethink an impulse to make investments in historically unprofitable areas How To Buy XRP
The forex marketplace is the most important open market for trading. Traders prosper whenever they understand about the world market in addition to how situations are valued elsewhere. Trading foreign currency without needing the correct knowledge might be precarious..
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nerdybookahs · 7 years
I previously tweeted pictures of my two latest PC mice and got some responses that made me think I should actually write about this topic here in this blog. It is very relevant to (my) gaming, after all, and seems to be something that others are interested in, too: Vertical PC mice.
A little bit of backstory: For several months, my dominant – left – hand has been having lots of issues. It started with a very demanding time at work where I worked quite lot, scribbling down notes, typing stuff etc. My hand hardly got any break at all. At some point, I noticed it ached and my pinky felt numb, tingling. I described it as “It feels like it’s a burden. I’d love to just bite it off!”. It wasn’t a bad pain at that point, just the feeling that it was in my way and a strange sensation like numbness. The thumb was similar, but at least, I didn’t feel like biting it off. :p Still, my wrist didn’t feel good either, so I had checked it out. The first diagnosis was tenosynovitis. I got a wrist support bandage which I wore for a few weeks, but it made everything worse, actually. My whole wrist and hand started to ache, burn and swell! After several weeks, I had enough and took off the bandage – the extra pain was gone, but I was back where I had started. Several doctor’s appointments followed and several things were checked. All the “really” bad things like carpal tunnel syndrome were eliminated (my nerves are fine, there are no inflammations etc.). This leaves me with the “rest” of the RSI spectrum. In case you’re interested, I found the English wikipedia article to be quite informative.
I already bought wrist support (gel pads) for the mouse as well as for the keyboard years ago. I have ergonomical keyboards at work (not at home, as you can’t play games comfortably), ergonomical left-hander PC mice at work and at home. So I figured I wouldn’t have to change anything there. I also got “Dragon Naturally Speaking” which is a “voice-to-text” software which works amazingly and made my job much easier as it eliminated having to type all the time.
I do exercises, I stretch my hands and give them lots of breaks throughout my day (the right one as well, since it’s not my dominant hand and isn’t used to having to do that much work as I frequently use a mouse with my right hand as well now, mostly to do activities that require a lot of clicking).
What else is there to do? – Quite frankly, I was at a loss. – And that’s where the vertical mouse comes in!
If you’re wondering: Why vertical? Get up and let your arms just “hang” next to your body. Where is your thumb pointing? Probably forwards, right? Stretch out your arms from that natural position. Your thumbs are very likely pointing upwards now. Or just imagine how we’re holding glasses, mugs, a microphone, bottles etc. But with the PC mouse, we’re using a position that actually isn’t that natural. Also, most keyboards force the hands into the same unnatural position. Only a few ergonomical ones acknowledge slightly different hand positions by having curvy and wavy keyboards instead of flat ones. The vertical PC mice do the same.
Unfortunately, there aren’t that many choices for lefthanders. I did find one for roughly 15 €, though, and I figured it’s a bargain for testing purposes. I also bought a different one for my right hand (more choices!) for ~ 30 €. And yes, both are connected to my PC simultaneously. Whenever I can, I use my right hand only, but it’s lacking the precision that I have with my left hand. So if I need to position the mouse precisely (e. g. when clicking tiny links on a website or little buttons), I now use my left mouse for moving and positioning while the right one is used for clicking. Guild Wars 2 works much better this way. For playing Guild Wars 2, I use the action camera mode now. But as everybody who plays the game knows, ArenaNet loves to make us click tons of times (just think of all the green and blue items that need to be salvaged for crafting materials…or the containers that contain more containers that contain more…). It’s a huge relief being able to move the mouse with the left hand and clicking with the right hand.
Before you ask: No, I am not getting paid for showing these PC mice. I paid for them myself and I’m not saying you should get these two brands! They’re just two representatives of a lot of vertical PC mice you can get (well, unless you’re a lefthander, then there aren’t that many, but still more choices than just this one!) and the only ones I own so far. 😉 I am going to refer to them by which hand I use them with instead of calling them by their brand name.
One crucial difference between these two mice: The left one is smaller and lower in general. My wrist, my hand with my pinky finger as well as my ring finger are touching the desk. This is actually bad because it causes my left hand to ache… or, it doesn’t stop it, at least. I have to make a conscious effort to “pull the hand upwards” again and make it stay at that higher position. If the hand is there, it’s comfortable. But in general, it’s too easy to let the hand sink back to the ground.
This does not happen with the right mouse. Considering that my right hand is weaker in general, this is a very good sign. With the right one, only my wrist is on the desktop. The wrist actually has to touch the desktop, though. When it doesn’t and when the hand is completely around the mouse, I have even less precision when moving the mouse. So this isn’t the mouse’s fault, but a matter of me using my non-dominant hand here. Altogether, the shape of the right mouse feels much better. Both lack a proper resting place for the thumb, though. The right one has more “horizontal space” to put the thumb on, though. And I usually don’t need to reposition my right thumb while I have to do that with my left thumb regularly.
Some more information: The left one has two DPI settings, the right one even has 5. Both have coloured lights, but I actually don’t care much about them and have turned off that feature with the right mouse. It keeps changing colour and that’s too distracting.
I was wondering how long it would take me to get used to such a mouse. The left hand basically needed no time at all to adjust. I put the mouse in my hand and started using it. The right hand needed two or three days. Not the position itself was hard to adjust to, though, but the different feeling of moving the mouse around on the desk. Since there is such a huge difference between the two hands, I would attribute this to the differences between my dominant and non-dominant hand. After one week with my vertical right mouse here at home, it felt very very weird and even uncomfortable to use my “regular” symmetric ergonomical mouse at work. It feels… flat. My hand, arm and shoulder feel less relaxed when using this mouse than they do here at home with the vertical one.
As a conclusion, I can only say that I don’t want to ever be without a vertical mouse again! It feels much more natural. My arms feel much more relaxed – and my hands and wrists do as well. Games like Rift and Guild Wars 2 can be played with these mice with no issues. Not sure about FPS games as I’m not playing them. So, I would highly recommend vertical PC mice!
For people with no RSI problems, I assume the one I use for my left hand is perfectly fine already. If you have issues, I’d advise to look for one where you fingers can rest a bit better on it (if you’re researching, you may find another one for 85+ € with a proper resting place for your thumb… I’ve been eyeing this for quite a while and am hoping that Santa will bring it for my left hand… as I said, the current one isn’t ideal for my issues).
Last but not least, please excuse the crappy pictures. Taking pictures with a huge mobile phone (and tiny hands) while one hand is using the mouse isn’t that easy and while my mobile phone is generally awesome, the camera is actually really bad.
Gaming with RSI: Vertical PC mouse I previously tweeted pictures of my two latest PC mice and got some responses that made me think I should actually write about this topic here in this blog.
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