#*   &.   dynamics    /     niklaus and kol .
morningstargirl666 · 1 year
Okay okay, I said I'd work on the other WIPs this week but I wrote angst for tbbw and then I wrote THIS and trust me it's a delight, I'm really vibing with the sibling dynamics for this chapter.
“What bloody happened?” Klaus stared up at the destroyed doors in barely restrained horror, turning to send Kol an aghast glance.
“Don’t look at me, I didn’t do it.” He protested, plodding up the steps and into the mansion to escape the questioning glances.
“No, but perhaps you could have stopped them before completely trashed our front door.” Klaus snapped, eyeing the bullet holes that riddled the shattered windows and wooden panelling, already imagining the hassle it would be to get it all replaced. 
He followed Kol into the building, shouldering the broken door open a little more before slipping through. Rebekah trailed behind him, looking equally miffed by the destruction around her.
“I mean look at this,” Klaus continued, pointing down to the wrecked marble flooring at his feet, “This is Calcatta Gold Borghini marble, Kol! It doesn’t come cheap and they’ve scratched it all to high heaven! Not to mention the windows which are a travesty.”
“Oh for Odin’s sake, it’s just bloody marble, Nik!” Kol exclaimed, groaning into his hands that shot up to cover his face.
“I should have killed those bloody amateurs myself.” Klaus grumbled, surveying the damage with an angry air, hands on hips.
Kol just groaned louder, dramatically throwing his head back.
“Next time, I’ll just leave our dear sister to get tortured shall I?” He shot back sarcastically.
Klaus glared at him.
“Wouldn’t be the first time.” Rebekah added darkly, looking pointedly at Klaus.
He had the gall to look offended in the face of Rebekah’s ire. “When have I ever left you to the mercy of a bunch of hunters?”
Rebekah shifted on her feet, widening her stance and tilting her chin up contemplatively. Then she began to tick off reasons using her fingers, gearing up for a right old rant. “Well, lets see, you refused to leave with me after Alaric nearly killed me-”
“Oh bloody hell here we go-” Kol muttered.
“You saved Caroline over me-” Rebekah continued, ignoring Kol completely, saying Caroline’s name as if it was a particular slander against her.
“Kiera immediately went to your side! And you were never in any real danger-” Klaus protested, but she quickly cut him off.
“And then you ignored me - me! Your sister! In favour of a damn hybrid-”
“He was unconscious, Rebekah!” Klaus roared at her.
Off to the side, Kol let his face fall into his palm.
“I DON’T BLOODY CARE!” Rebekah screamed back, voice shrill.
All three whirled at the sound of someone clearing their throat, eyes widening when they found Lycaon standing patiently in the drawing room across from the foyer, Elijah sat weakly on one of the sofas to the side. Their brother glanced at them, skin pale and drenched in sweat, before his eyes flickered nervously back to Lycaon, looking unusually cowered. The werewolf in question narrowed his eyes on the three of them, placing his hands behind his back.
Klaus snapped his mouth shut, all the anger draining out of him.
“Niklaus.” His father returned, his face unreadable. He gestured to the empty seats. “Come sit.”
Klaus opened his mouth to protest, but Lycaon caught the action, a firm warning sparking in his eyes.
His tone made quite clear it wasn’t a request.
Swallowing as discreetly as he could, Klaus stepped forward, eyeing Lycaon nervously. When Kol and Rebekah didn’t move, Lycaon raised an impatient eyebrow, nodding to the sofas. “All of you.”
Kol and Rebekah glanced at each other, before scrambling over to the drawing room, catching up to Klaus.
“Why does this feel like that one time mother caught us watching the women undress near the river?” Kol hissed in Klaus’ ear as they sat down on the sofas, squishing themselves together next to Elijah when Lycaon blocked their path, stopping them from spreading out.
“That was your fault.” Klaus hissed back at him, shoving his brother further towards the arm of the seat.
Kol freed his arm from where it had gotten wedged between his body and the sofa, shoving Klaus with his shoulder back. “No it wasn’t, you’re the one they saw-”
“Because you made so much noise from falling over in the bushes after you practically drooled all over them-”
“Oh, just because you were a shy little thing back in the day, doesn’t mean I had to be too.”
“Both of you are disgusting.” Rebekah chimed in, spitting at the both of them. “And get your elbow out of my side, Nik.”
Klaus snarled as she elbowed him back, the space on the couch limited, glaring something fierce at her while Kol leaned forward to look around Klaus at Rebekah, grinning viciously. 
“You’re just jealous because you were a virgin before you died, Beks.”
“You sure about that?” Rebekah quickly shot back.
Kol’s grin dropped. Klaus and Elijah turned to stare at Rebekah as well.
“What?” Kol choked. Rebekah didn’t respond, smiling sweetly. “Rebekah, what the hell does that mean-”
Lycaon cleared his throat again, and all four siblings’ heads shot in his direction, freezing under his gaze. “Are you finished?”
When none of them answered him, instead guiltily looking at either each other or their feet, Lycaon hummed. “Good. Now,”
Lycaon uncrossed his arms from where they had risen to fold over his chest at some point during their whispered conversation, sitting down on the sofa opposite them. “Which one of you wants to explain what happened over the last two days first?”
In sync, all four siblings looked at each other, a moment of silence stretching as they decided who would go first. Not that they’d ever let each other go first.
And then all hell broke loose.
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mangaien · 5 years
tag drop for the ass       
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megiesposts · 3 years
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In Sickness And In Health
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Sick! Poly! Mikaelsons headcannon
Notes: possibly platonic, possibly romantic. It isn’t really mentioned so however you take it. So a witch that wanted the Mikaelsons dead (but didn’t have a way to kill them) decided to curse them with an awful sickness that they had to live through, thankfully, they had their favorite human to take care of them /// reader is typically female (not really mentioned though) /// Finn is in his original vampire body in this /// also this is the Mikaelsons mansion from mystic halls //// EXTRA LONG
Pairings: Rebekah x reader, Kol x reader, Niklaus x reader, Elijah x reader, Finn x reader, Freya x reader
Theme: taking care of the sick Mikaelsons
Tw: fluff, blood drinking, mentions of vomiting, mentions of biting, sick people, caretaker/sick person dynamic, vampires
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- Rebekah was the first to go down
- being the youngest when they originally turned, she was the weakest.
- she tried to function properly but she fell fast
- like from being completely fine one day to being borderline dead within two hours
- Freya was trying to find out what was wrong with her
- with no results besides it was cause by magic, she and Finn left to find some answers
- since none of them knew what to do with a sick person so they called the person Rebekah had very quickly started whining for, you
- you showed up and rebekah clung onto you any moment you let her
- she was incredibly weak, sweating uncontrollably, not able to sleep, and she was nauseous
- you thought you could handle it, including her hunger for both blood and human food
- she fed from your wrist when you tried to give her a blood bag
- Elijah was in the room at the moment and forced her off of you, making her whine more and reach out for you
- elijah healed you with some of his blood and apologized
- but rebekah always got her way, and it only took 30 mins for her head to be in your lap while you messed with her hair
- surprisingly, she knocked out pretty quickly because of this
- Before then, right around the time you arrived, kol started to feel off
- three more hours and now Kol was in his bed, calling for you also
- since rebekah was asleep, you thought you would be fine leaving her
- so now you were taking care of kol
- feeding him soups and finally giving in about letting him feed from you
- kol was a whining and dramatic little shit when he was at his best
- now at his worst - oh god
- he had actually started crying when you tried to leave and take care of the dishes he had created
- when you went back to comfort him, he had yanked you with what little strength he had left, and wrapped every limb around you, his head laying on your chest.
- Kol’s symptoms seemed to be more severe than Rebekah’s
- hot spells, trouble breathing, even more hunger for blood, crawling skin, and once again insomnia
- right when kol had yanked you down, rebekah had started calling for you, her voice strained and moving through the echos of the house
- as if right on time, klaus stumbled into the room, talking bout “hey love I think I’m getting sick too blah blah blah”
- you knew klaus was dramatic, but holy hell what just happened
- Klaus was the first of the three to start puking, his symptoms seemingly worse than the two younger siblings combined
- you had to resort to any measure possible
- so adult melatonin, but tripled, for both kol and rebekah
- Klaus was the clingiest so far
- he constantly was yanking you against him, but also asking for certain things at the same time
- his sick mind couldn’t comprehend the fact that he needed to let you go for most of these items
- now your back was against his chest as he whined against your shoulder blades ABIUT being hungry
- something you shouldn’t learned by now, how to differ the types of hungry between the two, blood hungry, and food hungry
- something you also should’ve learned, was that if a sick Mikaelson was hungry for blood within reach, they didn’t have the energy, strength, or awareness to resist
- he bit directly into your shoulder, his arms tightening around your waist as you tried to pull him off
- by the time you started feeling dizzy, elijah came into the room and yanked him off of you
- yet while he was making sure you could stand okay, he had turned his head to cough into his fist
- this was the first sign that elijah was going down too
- by the time you were tucking Elijah into his bed, after forcing him to change at least his pants with what little strength he had left, rebekah and kol had woken
- elijah told you to go care for them, allowing you to tap out for just a moment
- you got to rebekah first, granted her room was closer, but the first thing she did was grab your arm to feed
- Luckily for you, rebekah had stopped pretty quickly, unfortunately, she backed away to puke
- again lucky, you had her trash can next to the bed in case that happened (human habit)
- rebekah ended up rolling over and knocking out again, her face oddly pale, so you went to a very upset Kol
- kol was half off his bed, his covers pushed aside, his shirt a few feet away on the floor, and finally, he was curled over his trash can
- quickly moving to his bathroom, you wet a towel with cold water along with grabbing a dry one
- you pushed him back and placed the cold towel on his head, using the dry one to wipe the sweat of his chest
- his breathing had gotten worse, and he grabbed onto your hand to try and cuddle
- it took a minute to make you give in, as you needed to check on elijah, but you kneeled know the bed and allowed him to curl against you
- the insomnia seemed to leave him as he curled up in a ball, quickly falling asleep
- You had covered him back up with the bottom sheet on his bed, before slipping out to go see elijah
- bad news
- elijah had started hallucinating
- he was 100% convinced that you were a girl named tatiana or something
- you had remembered just a bit of rebekah saying something about her being the first love on his life, which did sting a bit then , even more now
- you had to try and get him to stop, using cold water and trying to get him to breathe more, but now his face was extremely white and he was sweating as much as kol as he hallucinated
- the next downfall was when Freya called you down the stairs with Finn, who was barely conscious, along with her cough
- you knew this would be your downfall, taking care of six blood hungry very sick vampires
- it only took four more hours for you to have the thought of just throwing yourself into the pool out back, but the lamp that flew past your head and shattered against the wall had brought you out of it
- Freyas magic had been affected by her sickness
- this was only one of many of the very throwable things the sick girl had in her room
- Finn was the worst
- when he got the chance, he drank directly from you neck, which was how you knew this wasn’t him anymore, I mean the guy hated being a vampire and drank specifically from blood bags for a reason he hated drinking from anything alive
- he was either borderline passed out, attempting to feed of any blood in your body, or vomiting all the blood he was drinking from you
- it was 12 more hours of revolving around room to room before rebekah got better
- she bounced back first of course, and it took the few hours you were away with her siblings to do so
- when you came back she was cleaning up your room, and the first thing that came out of her mouth was-
- “darling, you look horrendous.”
- you almost cried
- it was at this point when rebekah ushered you to the room she had stolen Nik’s credit card for, to make specifically for you
- she forced you into the shower and picked out clothing for you, before tending to her siblings, refusing to take any advice from you, basically stripping you herself to get you to shower
- rebekah was so worried about taking care of you that she wasn’t evening looking anywhere from the bags under your eyes and you looked half dead
- rebekah only came to check on you once, seeing you sleeping over the covers in the clothing she picked out for you, she went back to tending to her siblings, a task proved way harder than she had thought
- she had visited Nik first, the closest to your room, and he was immediately upset that she wasn’t you
- he had started calling out for you and rejecting everything rebekah tried to do for him
- this was a reaction elijah, kol, and Finn had too
- only Freya had excepted what little help that rebekah could give, but when hearing that you would be coming back to her, her magic started flying of the walls again, literally
- And for the remaining 12 hours the Rebekah had, that slowly had them picking themselves up one by one, they’d strength coming back
- when everyone was finally fed and up and running, they had all went out, picking out different thing to gift you to thank you
- kol and Klaus had denied that it was hard to take care of them
- Klaus had also denied the fact that he started crying and yelling when he found out you weren’t coming back to him, he believes it 100%, but it’s something he will deny to his grave, should that ever come
- when they got back, they were absolutely shocked at your state
- bite marks littering your arms, shoulders, and neck, bruising from being repeatedly grabbed and held onto
- nothing was left to the imagination with the fact that Rebekah had picked out a tank top and shorts
- elijah slowly walked up to you bed, gently rocking you to see if you were awake
- you only shifted in response, and elijah chose to (with the help of Finn) pull the blankets out from under you and tucked you in
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I kinda wanna make a romantic part two with how they feel afterwards and how they individually react the the bites on you and things lmao
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wasteland, baby! | kol mikaelson - chapter eleven
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Summary: Kol makes a deal with the Hollow to revive the first woman he ever loved. Unfortunately, it doesn’t go as planned.
Trust’s Note: Please like and reblog! I hope you enjoy. I added some Rebekah and Aniya content for y’all <3
Word Count: 2,300
Prologue | Chapter One | Chapter Two | Chapter Three | Chapter Four | Chapter Five | Chapter Six | Chapter Seven | Chapter Eight | Chapter Nine | Chapter Ten
❝ forgive me, for the things i did but most the ones i did not ❞
KOL WATCHED SILENTLY as Keres set a grimoire in front of him. The small building in the cemetary was lit up only by faded sunlight and several candles, scattered around the area. Aniya lifted an eyebrow at the witch, critical eyes watching for any reason to turn away from Keres and search elsewhere. Her mouth twitched when Keres suggested Henry Pearl's sacrifice, posture shifting at the smug look on the witch's face. Her fists clenched together, body void of any amusement as she prepared her attack against the younger witch.
Kol cleared his throat, stepping in front of Aniya. Frankly, he wasn't sure who he was protecting. He was only sure that there seemed to be a smug look on Keres's face. He narrowed his eyes, but quickly replaced it with a polite smile.
"The human is off the table, unfortunately. Perhaps we should move onto some other possible victims," Kol suggested. He all but shoved the grimoire in Keres's direction, a quiet suggestion that she find another solution.
It was an odd dynamic. Physically, Keres was much older than Aniya and Kol. She was a dark-skinned woman in her mid-to-late twenties, while Aniya and Kol were frozen in their teenage years. Still, Kol found himself a bit offended. Keres would have known to offer some respect to her elders.
Aniya lifted her chin, hand lightly pushing Kol to the side. She stared Keres in the eyes, as if daring the witch to lie to her. "You're quite insistent, aren't you? So willing to sacrifice my Henry for a spell you wouldn't stand to benefit from. Keres, he has no power; no ties to the supernatural world -- and yet, you suggest we trade his life for a thousand year old immortal witch?"
She had a sharp tongue for a girl her size. It was odd. She was different from the girl he'd found curled up in the foyer that night. Aniya Grover was strange, in a manner that made his lips curl at the edges and eyes glitter in amusement. She'd had a chameleon soul; an inner indecisiveness that was as wide and wavering as the ocean. Had it been Henry Pearl that awoke this fire within her?
Whatever the answer, Kol's stomach twisted at the seams. The thought of her wrapped in his arms was enough to make him gag. He couldn't bring himself to understand why.
Keres turned the grimoire in Aniya's direction, a smug look painted across her face as she pushed it toward her. "Sacrificed are more likely to work when the emotional bond is the same between the victim and the vessel. Tyaag spells are known for failing. It's more likely to work if you care as much about the person you're sacrificing, as you do the person you're trying to bring back. So, a best friend, a brother, a boyfriend..."
It registered then that Aniya had none of those. She'd only had Henry. Kol shifted his stance. If Keres's words were true and she chose to sacrifice someone she cared for, she could only choose Henry. As far as Aniya was aware, the Mikaelsons couldn't be killed. And regardless, she'd said once that they had all been family to her in her human days. Surely she wouldn't throw that away in exchange for a human she'd just met.
Surely she wasn't that idiotic.
Aniya's jaw clenched, a bitter smile spreading across her face. Her dark eyes bored into Keres's. "No."
Keres's eyes glimmered with delight, a smile spreading across her red lips. Her tone shifted, mocking the girl in front of her. "So you'll let an innocent human die in exchange for your brother? You are cruel, Aniya."
"He is innocent." Her confidence never seemed to waver. Her right hand clenched into a fist, the whites of her knuckles beginning to peak through her olive skin.
"Perhaps we should focus our attention on smaller spells," Kol cut in, the rising tension in the room seeming to eat away at him. "How many humans do we need for the memory spell? Fifteen? Fifty?"
"Five." Keres stared at him as if he'd gone mad. "One for each of the Mikaelson siblings."
Aniya questioned, "I thought Finn died."
"Mikaelsons never properly die. We never learned," Kol responded, then turned back to Keres. He would explain later. "Five humans in exchange for decades of memories. It's quite simple, don't you think?"
"You were humans when your memories were erased, so we only need to erase human memories." Keres explained. "They all need to be eighteen at the youngest and in their thirties, at the oldest."
Aniya frowned. "And what of Mikael and Esther? We won't be returning theirs?"
Kol nearly laughed at her question, the past centuries replaying in his brain. Mikael had hunted he and his siblings for centuries, in the hopes of murdering Niklaus and doing God knows what with the rest of them. He'd been killed and brought back countless times, once in particular as a result of Davina Claire.
Esther had been murdered by Niklaus a thousand years ago. She was killed and brought back several times as well, and each time she'd carried a sort of vendetta against her own children. It was as if she'd made it her life's goal to wipe them from the face of the Earth. But then, it had been Esther that had resurrected him in the body of a witch, and it had been Esther that introduced him to Davina.
Part of him resented her for it. Davina had made him a better person, that much was true. He'd fallen in love with her, convinced himself that the moon and sun rose and fell by her will alone. She had bewitched him, in ways he could not bring himself to justify nor understand. It had been Esther that introduced the pair; but then, it had been their meeting that caused Davina's death in the first place.
A heavy weight seemed to drop onto his chest. Aniya would never know the cruelty of his mother's actions. He might have envied her for it, but there seemed to be this part of him that felt a bit relieved.
"You're better off assuming they've truly died," Kol said after a moment.
"You two really have a thing for being melodramatic. Y'all deserve each other," Keres stated. "I'll get everything you need for the spell. Bring me five people, and I'll erase one year of their lives for each year you knew the Mikaelsons."
Aniya lifted an eyebrow. "And how do you benefit from this?"
"My people have lost their ties to the ancestors. We have no power and no idea how to practice earth magic. Tyaag magic is the closest thing we've got, so I wanna learn more about it," She answered almost too perfectly.
"These spells can't be practiced by ordinary witches--"
"So we'll make a new branch of magic," Keres shut her down immediately. "One where we don't have to die to become all powerful."
Aniya's face twisted into a glare, baring her teeth at the witch. Kol narrowed his eyes at Keres, immediately understanding the gravity of the situation. Tyaag magic had been forgotten, buried and disrespected for centuries. It had originated from polytheistic beliefs, with the hope of appeasing their gods. Aniya and her brother had given their lives to sacrificial magic and rituals, and now it would be stolen and forgotten without so much as a thought.
"People have lost their lives to practice these rituals," Aniya said. "You mean to tell me that you're willing to put the lives of children on the line, for the sake of convenience. You have the ability to practice earth magic, why not use it?"
"I'm trying to help you. Why ask so many questions?" Keres spoke as if Aniya were a child, trying to put her back in her place. Aniya seemed to fall back under Keres's gaze.
"I'll provide you your humans. I'll need only a few days."
She turned on her heel and made her way out of the cemetary building. Kol stared after her, a small voice in his head screaming to defend her against Keres. Before he could so much as let out a word, Keres said, "She's stubborn. You might want to find your humans sooner. I'm sure Klaus will figure out you're lying eventually, and we wouldn't want that."
'No.' Kol would be daggered and shoved in a box before he could begin to defend himself. In regards to Aniya, there was no telling how he would react to a betrayal from someone so foreign, and vulnerable. For all he knew, she would be killed as a form of punishment. His consequence for disobeying direct orders.
Niklaus had become a madman, a dictator over the years. Perhaps he'd spent a bit too much time with King Louis. Whatever the reason, it occurred to Kol that there was no telling how he would respond to twenty years of ancient memories being thrust toward him. He had hoped the twins had been close with Niklaus in their past lives. Then he might be a bit more lenient about completely slaughtering the poor girl.
Kol nodded half-heartedly at Keres and made his way out of the cemetary. Maybe there would be some humans in his path, grieving over a lost lover or family member. Maybe they would be heartbroken enough to wish to forget their grief, exchanging it for a bit of amnesia and the aching feeling that they were missing something... indespensable.
To be quite honest, Kol wasn't sure how he found himself in front of Davina's grave, how he'd somehow managed to wander there despite the exit being several paces away. He was met with a crack in the cement, the old stone beginning to harden, immortalizing the girl that lied behind it. He knew that he could not make anyone understand the insurmountable grief he held in his chest. He could not make anyone understand what was happening inside him, and he could not begin to explain it himself.
Immortals such as he should not have been able to love the way humans do. Humans loved based on survival, lived viscerally and vulnerable out of fear of their own morality. With the destruction of the stake, Kol feared nothing of the sort. Davina had feared it all, and she had loved him regardless of his dirtied fingers and blood-drenched lips. She had saved him, resurrected him when his family had all but forgotten him once more.
He knew he should have had the courage to move on. Humans die, witches die. It was what they were made to do -- and yet, he simply couldn't bring himself to let go of the girl that had loved him so dearly. The one that had given so much to ensure he would come back. He owed her that much.
It was when he turned the corner that he was pulled out his thoughts, attention now focused on a drunken man tossing old beer at a gravesite. Kol lifted an eyebrow.
"Excuse me." He made his way towards the man. The old man couldn't have been any younger than forty, perhaps fifty. He would be able to fill in for Finn. Nearly thirty years of memories shouldn't have too much of an affect on a bastard such as this.
"Oh, hello," He slurred, words tainted with a heavy Swedish accent. The man moved recklessly, beer spilling out of the bottle and landing on the ground. Kol wrinkled his nose in disgust. "Please, ignore me. I'm simply having a drink with my wife."
"Yes. Well, you're being quite disrespectful to her memory. Most men would kill to have had a happy marriage," Kol paused for a moment, his eyes fixating on the man's bruised knuckles. A bitter smile formed on his face. "Tell me about your wife."
"Ah, she was beautiful. We met in secondary school, you see. She was this tall brunette girl, quite beautiful in her own way. Our parents despised each other,  a sort of Romeo and Juliet-esque situation. We were together for two years before we ran off to America, claiming it was for university purposes." The old man had a tendency to stop in the middle of his sentences, taking a short sip of his drink. He let out a laugh. "My son does love to keep me away from this stuff. Says it's bad for me, the fucking idiot."
"Your son," Kol repeated, gaze flickering to his knuckles once more. His mouth began tasted of blood, a hatred beginning to sear inside of his chest. "Tell me, how did you manage to end up in New Orleans?"
"Ah, it was our first stop. Woman wanted to go to Tulane or whatever it was, but she chose me over her studies. Smart move on her behalf, perhaps one of her only ones," The man chuckled. "A while after, we found she was expecting. We had a boy, and she became ill a few years later. I stayed by her side during that time. I had promised her till death, of course. She was ungrateful nevertheless."
"How's your son?"
"Ah, he's all right now. Twenty-three, but works in a diner like his mother. Fucking idiot doesn't know how to make something of himself," He scoffed. "Sleeps all day, too."
It clicked then. Kol felt as though he'd ate the world raw. He nodded to himself and grabbed the man, wrapping a hand tightly around his mouth and squeezing until he went limp in his arms.
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lis-likes-fics · 4 years
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The Noble Stag, Elijah Mikaelson
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The New Orleans King, Niklaus Mikaelson
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The Easy-Loving Girl, Rebekah Mikaelson
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(Kol got two for character dynamic reasons)
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The Mischievous Fox, Kol Mikaelson
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The Long Lost Sister, Freya Mikaelson
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The New Orleans Prince, Marcel Gerard
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The Brave Bartender, Cami O'Connell
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The Harvest Witch, Davina Claire
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The Werewolf Queen, Hayley Marshall
(If you send me pictures, I can out together another aesthetic for any requested character with my favorite selections. You can submit as many pictures as you want!)
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blackmissfrizzle · 5 years
Hey Hey! Just wondering if you have any Klaus Mikaelson x Black reader fics?? They're like non existent along with Kol fics with a Black reader. But if you're doing requests, can you do one where the reader is long time friends with benefits with Klaus and he's always wondered how she's never loved him back or had feelings and finds out that she had someone compulse her to not have feelings for him in fear of being hurt by him? Thank you love!
Ahhhh! My first request!!!! Thank you for this request!!! I’ve been racking my brain for a plot for a Klaus x black!reader, but couldn’t think of anything. Also, sorry for posting it so late after the request. I struggled with the ending but I hope you like it! @ourquicksilvered
Title: Beauty and the Beast
A/N: Fluff. Some angst. And then back to the fluff.
A/N:I really hope I got the characterization of Klaus right. 
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“Stay,” Klaus ordered as you rummaged the room for your discarded clothes. It was becoming more frequent that Klaus would ask you to stay after hooking up, but you couldn’t or more like you wouldn’t. No sleeping over unless you had feelings for them, was one of your personal rules and you wouldn’t break it for anybody, even Klaus Mikaelson. However, you did wonder how you didn’t fall in love with Klaus, he was exactly your type. Bad boy who secretly had a heart a gold. It had to be that he could be a raging, murderous psychopath at times that stopped you from developing feelings for him.
Shimming your jeans over your wide hips you answered your former enemy turned best friend. “You know I can’t Klaus. Sleepovers only for boyfriends. Anyways, I’m meeting with Marcel. He’s helping me with a history paper.”
Klaus clenched his jaw, struggling to keep his anger at bay. Why would you leave his bed just to visit another man? He thought you had to be the most infuriating woman and he was hopelessly in love with you.
The day he met you, he was occupying Alaric Saltzman’s body and you were an aide delivering something to his class. It was the way your brown skin gleamed against the sunlight and your melodic voice that had caught his eye, and when you were the first person to figure out that he was Klaus and not Alaric, he was intrigued. That was why he had you along with Stefan agree to come with him in exchange of his blood to cure Damon from a werewolf bite.
He knew he fell in love with you when you unsuccessfully tried to thwart every one of his attempts to turn werewolves into hybrids and he didn’t try to kill you. It was your fierceness, bravery, and kindness that you displayed that made him open up. With each little tidbit of information about himself and how horribly his parents treated him, you understood him more and your heart began opening up to him, until one night you both were craving the touch of someone and you ended up in his bed. Thus, began your friends with benefits relationship.
When you got back to Mystic Falls you noticed you were falling in love with the notorious hybrid, but when you noticed how Klaus paid no regard to your feelings in his choices, you had Damon compel away your feelings for him.
Now it’s almost been three years and there was no change in your dynamic. The two of you would text while he would try to distract you from whatever diabolic plan he had going on, you find out about the plan and try to discourage him from going through with it, sometimes you succeed and sometimes you don’t, and when you don’t, you fuss at him for being an asshole then you two end up in a screaming match only for you to end up face down ass up in Klaus’ bed as he goes to pound town. Klaus was tired of it, he wanted more. He wanted a relationship, but he knew if he pushed you, he would lose you altogether.
“I’m hurt, love. You know I’m older than Marcel, I can help with that pesky paper of yours.”
You took in a gasp of disbelief and clutched your invisible pearls. “What? Klaus Mikaelson wants to help with homework? Hell must’ve frozen over.” Klaus gave you a fake chuckle as he dangled your shirt. You snatched it from him and worked its way over your torso.
“When I need help over Viking history, I’ll call you. But if you have a first-hand account on how black men were used as cannon fodder on the front lines during the war, then by all means help a girl out.”
He rolled his eyes, because he knew you needed Marcel’s help and had to accept defeat. “Please be careful. You know my psychotic parents are on the loose. And remember last time you didn’t fair too well against Michael.”
You grabbed one of the pillows that fell onto the floor and threw it at Klaus, but thanks to his vamp speed he caught it. “Asshole.”
“Don’t be a sore loser, love!” He called out as you exited the room.
Klaus and Elijah were standing before the woman they hated the most, Esther Mikaleson. Currently, she was occupying the body of a local witch, Lenore and she once again was trying to convince her sons to become human.
“Give it up, mother. We’ll never change our minds.” Klaus exhaustedly stated.
“Not even for your precious, Y/N, Niklaus?”
Rage consumed Klaus at the mention of your name and grabbed and lifted Esther by her throat. “What have you done with her,” he bellowed as he threw his mother across the room.
With the flick of her hand, Esther had Klaus on his knees agonizing in pain. “I’ve done nothing. I just gave her a little potion to get into that mind of hers. And by the way son, that was a struggle, she’s strong. You’ve chosen a good one.”
“The theatrics are unnecessary, mother.” Elijah rolled his eyes, obviously wanting to be done with the little game his mother was playing.
“Ah, yes back to what I had to say. Like I was saying, I went deep into Y/N’s mind and found a buried memory. She’d been compelled.”
Clenching through his teeth, Klaus responded, “Impossible. She wears a vervain bracelet and mentally trains herself against it.”
“But what if it was her choice to be compelled, my dear boy?” Klaus stood there in silence, he knew you hated the thought of compulsion, because it took away control. “I found a memory of her asking Damon Salavtore to compel her. You want to know why?”
“I’m sure you’ll let us know either way,” the boredom filled Elijah’s tone.
“My dear sweet Niklaus, she asked for him to make her forget her feelings for you. She’s afraid that you would break her heart, because you would never change, and she wouldn’t be able to survive. The poor girl is in love with you.”
“LIES!” Niklaus yelled, he refused to believe Esther. You were not one to shy away from your feelings and wouldn’t agree to such a thing.
He tried to attack his mother again, but she incapacitated him with her powers. “I suggest you take my offer, Niklaus. I doubt Y/N would have hesitated to confess her feelings if you were human, just remember that.” And just like that Esther disappear.
Noticing he was on the edge, Elijah preemptively tried to calm Klaus down. “Brother, she was lying. Don’t do anything rash.”
“Get out of my way, Elijah. I have a trip to Mystic Falls I must make. I’ll be back within a day.” Klaus turned his back to his brother and went out in search for the truth.
After threatening the life of Elena Gilbert, Damon finally told Klaus the truth. You did in fact ask Damon to compel you to forget your feelings about Klaus. Now, Klaus was in a mix of fury and joy, mad that you had your feelings compelled away, but happy that you had feelings for him in the first place.
“This isn’t gonna work. You actually think Y/N is gonna let me compel her to break a compulsion. You’re delusional.” Damon tried to convince Klaus from the passenger seat.
Thankfully, the ride to Marcel’s place was short, because Klaus was seconds away from ripping Damon’s heart out. He and Damon were welcomed to the sight of you sitting next to Marcel, a little too close for comfort for Klaus. Both of you were too focused that neither one of you noticed the two new guests. Klaus loudly cleared his throat to gain your attention.
Lifting up your head, you saw two of your best friends standing next to each other.
“Damon! What are you doing here?” You ran over to him and pulled him into a tight hug.
“Helping out your psychopathic hybrid friend.”
“Careful Salvatore, I could easily rip out your heart if need be.” Klaus threatened through gritted teeth.
Damon wagged his finger at Klaus, “Except you need me.”
Tired of their pissing contest you got in between them, putting a little bit of distance between the two. “Ok that’s enough. What’s the problem? Is it Esther or Michael?”
“Esther. She somehow got a hold of you and revealed a secret you had Damon compel away.”
Laughter bubbles from your throat. There’s no way Esther could’ve gotten to you and you let Damon compel you.  “You’re joking right?”
Klaus stepped up towards you and gripped your arms to grab your attention. “Luv, it’s not a joke and I need you to let Damon undo the compulsion.”
Soon your disbelief turned into worry. How the hell did Esther get ahold of you and why can’t you remember. But a more important question you had to ask yourself was, what was so damn important or secretive that you had Damon compel you.
All three in the room could sense your panic. Each knew you were a control freak, especially being the human friend of a bunch of supernatural creatures. So, for you to not know anything had your anxiety on the rise.
“Listen, Y/N. I know if you had yourself compelled you had it done for a good reason, but if you want that control back that Esther took from you, I think your best option is to reverse the compulsion.” Marcel offered.
You stared at your friend’s warm brown eyes and shook your head yes. Even if you didn’t agree, someone else knew a secret of yours that you couldn’t recall on and you didn’t want to give anyone that power.
“Okay, Damon let’s do this.”
“You sure,” Damon asked with a quirk of his eyebrow.
“Yes! I can’t let that bitch have something over me.”
Damon had to remind you to take off your vervain bracelet and let all of your mental guards down, since you were so easily resistant to compulsion. To help relax your mind you took three shots of Marcel’s good bourbon, which annoyed him a just a little.
Once you felt your guard slipping, you gave Damon the go ahead. His blue eyes peered into your brown ones as he commanded you to remember.
One word. Three syllables. That was all it took for all the feelings to come rushing back. It was bittersweet. You remembered the immense love you have for Klaus, but you also remembered knowing it would never work out.
Tentatively, Klaus walked over to your hunched over form and reached out to you. “Luv, are you okay?”
Instantly you slapped his hand away from you. Feeling betrayed by his dubious act. “Get away from me.”
Finally gaining your strength, you stood up to your full height. “You knew, didn’t you? You knew exactly what you were looking for?” You accusingly asked the love of your life.
Klaus didn’t trust his voice, so instead he just shook his head yes.
“And you had to have threatened Elena’s life, huh? Because Damon would have never done this if you hadn’t.” You could feel yourself getting angrier as you put the pieces together. “Did Esther even kidnap me or was that part of the lie?”
“It was the truth! I just needed to know if your feelings were true!” Klaus yelled back at you.
Old insecurities bubbled up and you responded, “Why? So, you can make fun of me or use them to manipulate me?”
“No! You completely oblivious and infuriating woman. Its because I LOVE YOU!”
That proclamation got you to shut up. The only thing that broke the silence was Damon whispering a ‘finally’.
“We’ll let you have the room. I just ask Y/N, if you do decide to kill him be mindful of the furniture,” Marcel said as he and Damon exited his loft.
Awkwardly you stood there staring at Klaus in disbelief. Did the original hybrid you’ve been secretly pining for have feelings for you? It couldn’t be.
“Stop overthinking, luv,” Klaus called out, interrupting your inner dialogue.
“I wasn’t overthinking.”
“Sure, you were. Its what you do best. Anyway, your face scrunches up when you’re thinking too much. It’s cute.”
You looked at Klaus as if he grown a third head. “How do you know that?” You asked skeptically.
“Because I love you. I loved you ever since our first summer together.”
“You mean the summer where you held me hostage as you killed multiple packs of wolves trying to sire hybrids?”
Klaus shrugged his shoulders, “Not the ideal beginnings of a love story, but yes. And I do remember you coming on your own free will.”
“That’s because you were gonna let my friend die if I didn’t go with you!”
Again, there was another moment of silence. Both of you retreating into your own minds, remembering that summer. It had to be one of the best worst summers ever. On one hand you were falling in love and on the other you were falling in love with a homicidal maniac.
As you reminisced on that summer, you began to laugh at a random thought you had.
“What’s so funny, little hunter?” Klaus asked, curious of your sudden outburst.
“I just realized I probably have a worse case of Stockholm syndrome than Belle,” you responded between giggles.
“From Beauty and the Beast. C’mon I had you watch that movie like a thousand times.”
Disregarding you describing your relationship as Stockholm syndrome, Klaus horribly joked, “Well you’re the Beauty to my Beast”
“Wowwwww. That’s was horrendously corny. I thought Kol was the only Mikaelson with such horrible jokes.” You replied as you looked up to the man of your dreams.
“Besides we wouldn’t work anyway,” you said, steering the conversation in another direction.
“How,” he asked in a whisper, pulling on one of your tight coils.
Knowing Klaus was using his closeness to you as a distraction, you moved towards Marcel’s tumbler to pour yourself another drink. “Most likely, you’ll be a manipulative asshole or go on one of your psychopathic tirades without any regards to my feelings. And I’m a hunter and you’re a vampire.”
“Well, luv, I hate to break it to you. You’re not a very good hunter, considering almost a good portion of your friends are vampires.” Klaus pointed out.
Automatically you flipped the bird at Klaus, and he responded by throwing his head back in laughter, causing the butterflies to flutter around in your stomach. It was one of the most glorious sounds you heard, and it was one that you didn’t get to hear too often.
“I’m serious, Niklaus. It’ll never work. No matter how hard I try to get you on the straight and narrow, somehow you still end up doing something devious and breaking my heart in the end.”
Klaus knew the conversation was getting serious when you used his full name. He took every word you said in consideration, but he was ready with his rebuttal. “Y/N, I’m trying to change. If Damon can change for Elena, then I damn sure can change for you.”
Smacking your forehead in frustration, you argued back. “That’s the problem, Klaus. I don’t need you to change for me. I need you to change for yourself.  Change for Hope. Don’t use me as your emotional and moral crutch. You have to do this on your own.”
You were walking to the door when Klaus vamp ran in front of you. “No. You don’t get to leave until you hear me out. Then you can decide if you want this to happen or we can just remain friends.”
Following Klaus as a sign of agreeance, you sat down on the couch. You at least owed him this explanation.
Klaus grabbed your hands and encased them in his. “What I meant is I do want to change. I want to be a better father for Hope, and I want to be a better friend and lover to you. You deserve that. Hope deserves that. It just helps to have that reminder when your right by my side. I can’t promise to always be the better man. I’m still working on that temper of mine. But I promise to you and Hope, you’ll get a different Niklaus Mikealson than the one from centuries ago. Hell, a different one than from a year ago. Just let me love you the way you deserve until you tire of me, please.”
By the end of his speech, tears were on the cusp from falling from the both of you. Klaus was right that he was a different man than he was a year ago. So, how different could he be in another five? Also, you were pretty sure that if you really hated Klaus’ decisions you wouldn’t be friends with him, and you would’ve been long gone.
“I could never get tired of you. I love you too much for that,” you admitted, finally declaring your love to Klaus.
A smile crept on his face and he leaned his forehead against yours. “Really,” he whispered against your lips.
“Yeah, really. You’re my always and forever,” you whispered back, quoting the Mikaelson family motto.
Klaus pulled you into a kiss, marking you as his. Promising you a future full of love and passion.
When his lips did release yours, he replied back, “I love you, too. Always and forever.”
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galvanizedfriend · 5 years
Klaroline Fic Rec Month
The event I made up for myself.
So this month, since I have no more fanfiction of my own to write, I decided I would take a little time to appreciate the amazing works of KC writers. I realize it’s going to be a challenge and I really hope I have the time to complete this, but I promise all the fics I rec here are awesome and worth your time! 
Summary:  Soulmates were a complicated phenomenon that no one quite understood, as neither science nor magic nor ambitious combinations of the two could definitively explain how the connection worked. But for the most part, people were happy to have soulmates: platonic, romantic, multiple, or otherwise.
Then there were the exceptions...
Unfortunately, Caroline Forbes had one Niklaus Mikaelson as her soulmate, and no amount of advanced warning could really prepare her.
Unfortunately for Niklaus Mikaelson, no one saw fit to warn him of the force of nature that was his soulmate.
Why you should read it:  This story has a bit of everything. It's a soulmates AU with a dash of enemies-to-lovers that packs a real punch at times, has some super cute fluffy moments, action, plot, intrigue, Originals causing havoc and a very satisfying ending. I'm a fan of @sunshineandfangs‘s  writing and make no mystery of that and I absolutely LOVE the way she writes Klaus and Caroline. I think she has a true talent for capturing not only their personalities but also their very unique dynamic.
Caroline is a true given here. I love stories where she's shown to be a true force of nature (as she is!), but all the while keeping her humanity very much in check. She's got doubts, vulnerabilities and even a temper (lol her interactions with Kol were so ON POINT!), but she does not cower away from a fight, is fiercely loyal to the people she cares for and is always trying to do the right thing, even if she doesn't always know exactly what the right thing is.
Also, did I mention the cuteness overload of smol Klaus and Caroline???? Because  ❤❤❤!! And this is something else I loved here, how she goes back and forth in time to show us tiny bits of their past. I love me some then-and-now stories! When done right, as it is here, it gives an awesome flow to the story.
I loved how the whole soulmates thing wasn't just thrown in as well, like 'you're soulmates, so mate'. Both of them were very reluctant to accept that fate would've paired them with each other - and also could not help how intrigued they were. Their date at the diner was probably one of my favorite parts of the story, but being the angst-whore that I am, I also loved, loved, LOVED the moment when Klaus kind of confronts her about her hesitations and obvious lingering suspicions about him. And his siblings all sort of hating him, but at the same time watching out for him! Rebekah's conversation with Caroline! ❤❤❤ It's an awesome build up to their relationship.
The sexual tension was ON, my dudes, and it was SO frustrating how they'd get interrupted all the time, but also kind of funny in a cruel sort of way. lol And Bonnie and Enzo were great additions! Especially in the earliest part of the story. I really liked Enzo here, and he's a character I don't normally care that much about.
@sunshineandfangs is a truly gifted writer and basically everything I've ever read from her has been a delight, but I feel like this story, for how intricate and filled with amazing details (the way she brings some of KC's famous interactions from the show into this!! It's AWESOME! Man, I love that kind of thing!) makes it a truly special one.
I just can't BELIEVE I'd never left a comment on that story before, even though I read it a long time ago. I'm so sorry!
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rebekvhs · 4 years
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&. → claire holt : no mercy by pvris — was that REBEKAH MIKAELSON walking around mystic falls? word around town is that the 24/1000+ ORIGINAL VAMPIRE is known to be PASSIONATE and RECKLESS. makes you wonder what everyone will think once they know that SHE WILL DO ANYTHING TO KEEP EVERYONE IN HER FAMILY ALIVE THIS TIME. who knows if anything we’ve heard is true. it’s mystic falls, nothing bad ever happens here . // penned by bly  //
AESTHETICS. sipping wine in a bathtub, shopping sprees, designer heels, red lipstick stains, overflowing jewelry boxes, driving with the wind blowing through your hair, falling in love with the simple and little things.
NAME. rebekah mikaelson AGE. 24/1000+ SPECIES. original vampire OCCUPATION. unemployed + TRAITS. passionate, loyal, nurturing, free spirited, protective - TRAITS. reckless, stubborn, impulsive, spiteful, vengeful FAMILY. esther (mother), mikael (father), freya mikaelson (sister), finn mikaelson (brother), elijah mikaelson (brother), niklaus mikaelson (brother), kol mikaelson (brother), henrik mikaelson (brother), hope mikaelson (niece) 
WIKI LINK - will be sticking to whatever is on there, send me an IM for questions and clarifications if you have any!
After the death of her brothers, Rebekah found it extremely difficult to cope and move on. Nik and Elijah were both extremely important to her, pretty much being her rocks despite their complicated relationships. It took months before she was ready to leave New Orleans again, traveling around the world once more to take her mind off things, find her own happiness, and live to the fullest before she would take the cure. She spent that time to learn what it would be like to be human, remembering and re-learning through observation. It was a struggle whenever she would run into old enemies every now and then. The constant back and forth from being a vampire and trying to be human turning out to be more difficult that anticipated. 
A few years later, Rebekah has decided to return to mystic falls and currently lives in their mansion there. She now knows to focus on her happiness more than anything. She has also formed stronger connections with others, having found family in them now as well. Her loyalty will still always lie with her family, but safe to say she takes others into consideration more now.
With the return of her loved ones, Rebekah feels slightly worried that history will repeat and her happiness will be taken away from her again. But on the other hand, there is no chance that she will allow her family to be separated again. Thus, she’s hell bent on finding ways to get them out of the necromancer’s control. Always and forever is still deeply ingrained in her mind and heart. So now that they’re back, she will see to it that it happens. She’s really just seeing it as them being separated yet again for a long period of time and only reuniting now.
Rebekah is currently single. She broke up with Marcel around a year after her brothers died because she realized that wanted to be on her own for the first time. 
She traveled around the world and settled down in Mystic Falls around two years ago because their home in New Orleans reminded her too much of her brothers.
She had plans to take the cure and have a child, but those plans have been put on hold indefinitely until she figures out this situation with the Necromancer and how to free her loved ones from him.
I’d love plots with her family! the dynamics with those that passed away along with those that remained alive.
friends, people that she grew close to in new orleans and/or mystic falls. possibly those that she met around/out of the country as well!
she’s more than a thousand years old so i’d love exes plots for her! maybe those that she left behind for her family, people she had to turn against or maybe they betrayed her, could also have some mutual separations or wrong timing kinda things!e
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theirsorrow · 4 years
* . ✦ . ˚     a   starter   for    @fcmilysacrificed​   !
𝐅𝐀𝐌𝐈𝐋𝐘     𝐈𝐒     𝐅𝐀𝐌𝐈𝐋𝐘     𝐀𝐓     𝐓𝐇𝐄     end     of     the     day,     but     kol     isn’t     one     to     respect     that.     after     being     treated     like     dirt     by     his     brother     for     years,     shoved     into     a     coffin     for    none     to     look     back     on,     he     has     a     bitter     taste     in     his     mouth     when     it     comes     to     the     concept     of     familial     relationships.     perhaps     he     is     a     small     bit     JEALOUS     that     a     presumed     dead     sister     got     brought     out     of     the     wood     works     and     is     subsequently     treated     far     better     than     he     ever     has     been.     even     by     niklaus     —     hesitant     to     accept   �� her     existence     but     still     complying     with     the     dynamic.     perhaps     another     aspect     of     his     distaste     to     freya     is     that     she     doesn’t     understand     what     it’s     like     to     be     a     mikaelson.     the     torment     and     torture.     kol     glances     up     as     he     hears     the     footsteps,     aware     of     them     before     she     even     begins     to     turn     the     corner.        ❝  ah,     freya,     i     sure     do     hope     you’re     not     waltzing     up     expecting     to     ask     me     for     a     favor     of     sorts.     my     answer     will     be     forced    to     be     an     endearing     no.  ❞
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mangaien · 5 years
henrik tag drop !
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tanjamikaelson · 7 years
Rumors - part 26
I wake up and took my phone to see what time it is and it was 13:23, I was lying in the bed for a couple more minutes looking at the ceiling. When I got out of the bed I went to the bathroom to wash my face and brush my hair and teeth, then I put on new clothes.
After that I went downstairs and heard Rebekah’s phone ringing, as I walked to the kitchen she saw me and answered it, I hear that Elijah was on the other side of the line.
- Where are you? “Rebekah asked him.”
- I left for New Orleans last night; “Elijah informed her.”
- You two? Did you find out what witches wants with Klaus? “Rebekah asked.”
- Yes I did, he will have a child; “Elijah said.”
- A what? I let out surprised and added; How is that possible?
- It’s possible because of his werewolf side; “Elijah said.”
- What will he do now? “Rebekah asked.”
- Well, he's doing what he does; given a chance at happiness, Klaus runs in the opposite direction; “Elijah told us.”
- Then let him run; Rebekah stated; That child, if it's even his, is better off without him.
- He's not better off without that child, Rebekah, and neither are we; “Elijah responds.”
- Darling, kind Elijah. Our brother rarely brings us anything but pain; “Rebekah said.”
- Elijah still trying to search for Klaus’ redemption; “I said while I was pouring myself blood in the glass.”
- We heard Elijah sigh before saying; I'll stop searching for his redemption when I believe there is none left to be found.
Then he ended the call and Rebekah exhale a deep breath taking bottle of wine to pour one glass for her, then we hear that someone is opening our front door and when we look there Katherine was leaning against the door frame.
- What are you doing here? “I asked.”
- Well since Klaus left for New Orleans, I decided to come; “Katherine said coming into the house.”
- Thank God you are not Elena, I’m not for a fight today; “I said as I was going into the living room.”
- Don’t worry, she is locked up; “Katherine said.”
- I hope she will never get out of there, she needs to rot in hell; “I said.”
- What happened to your living room? “Katherine asked when she looked there.”
- Y/N and Elena had a fight; “Rebekah said.”
- Katherine smiles and then look at Rebekah, saying; He'll come around, you know Elijah. He won't stop until he's convinced Klaus to do the right thing.
- I know you consider yourself an expert in brotherly dynamics, but you don't know my brothers half as well as you think you do; “Rebekah said to her.”
- You're wrong. Klaus won't be able to walk away from this. He and I are the same; “Katherine said.”
I stopped listening them at some point, I turned on the TV and watched something funny. I didn’t even realize when Katherine get out of the house until Rebekah came and sat next to me.
- You’re in a good mood today; “Rebekah remarked when she saw me smiling.” She came towards me and put the bottle of wine she was holding on the table in front of us.
- For now; “I told her.”
- What are we going to do today? “Rebekah asked.”
- I’m going to get drunk, so I don’t kill everyone and well we can do whatever you want; “I said.”
- So when are you going to stop drinking the whole day? “Rebekah asked.”
- I think for a second and then say; Probably never. I mean that’s better than to have my humanity off and kill half of the city, right?
- Yeah, it’s definitely better than that; “Rebekah said.”
- Okay then; I said smiling, took her glass of wine and drink it in one gulp then added; Let’s get started.
- I didn’t asked you, how was in San Francisco? “Rebekah asked.”
- I smiled; Oh it was amazing; “I told her.”
- We should go somewhere together; “Rebekah suggested.”
- Yes! I’m all for it; “I told her.”
- Well then we’re going as soon as we can; “Rebekah said and took sip of her wine.”
- I would love to go back to Los Angeles, it’s beautiful there; “I told her.”
- We could definitely go there; “Rebekah said smiling.”
Then I told Rebekah some things that Kol and I did while we were in San Francisco and we drunk that bottle of wine fast.
Few hours later: Rebekah went upstairs to take a bath, few minutes later her phone started ringing again, but she left it downstairs.
- Bekah! “I yelled so she can hear me.”
- What? “Rebekah yelled back.”
- Elijah is calling you; “I yelled and I flashed up stairs to her room.”
- Bloody hell, I can’t even take a bath; Rebekah said and added; Answer him.
- Hey, Elijah; I answered and added; Bekah is taking a bath, I put you on speaker.
- Marcel is alive; “Elijah said.”
- You mean to tell me, after all these years, Marcel is alive and well? “Rebekah exclaims.”
- Elijah confirms it; Quite. Marcel, who Klaus sired and brought up beneath his own wing, now rules a menagerie of savage vampires running wild, killing in public for any human to come upon. Witches are held in subjugation. I doubt Niklaus had any idea what he was walking into.
- Sorry, what was that? I stopped paying attention at "our brother"; “Rebekah remarks and I laugh.”
- Elijah sighs; Rebekah.
- All Nik’s done is constantly dagger us and I’m tired of it; “Rebekah told him.”
- Always and forever, Rebekah, that is what we once swore to each other; “Elijah reminded her.”
- Consider this me calling take-backs; “Rebekah snaps.”
- And you Y/N what you think about this? “Elijah asked.”
- I agree with Rebekah; “I replied.”
- You didn’t even have to ask her, Nik is the one who pulled us apart, just because he didn’t want to let me stay with her. He ensure that neither you nor I or anyone else in this family will know happiness outside of his own selfish universe; “Rebekah argues.”
- He is willing to give up on everything; “Elijah states.”
- Come on, Elijah, does that really surprise you? “Rebekah asked him.”
- I already see it. He's spiralling. He's lashing out in blind rage. You know, the last time I saw him like this it lasted 200 years; “Elijah informs us.”
- Rebekah huffs annoyed and replies; Then leave him to his temper tantrum and come home. With any luck this misadventure will allow us a reprieve from all of his insanity.
- You two should seen his face when he listened to the baby’s heartbeat. He was so close, I could see it in his eyes; “Elijah spoke.”
- What, so close to killing that girl? “Rebekah asked, cutting him off.”
- No, Rebekah. He could almost taste happiness; “Elijah said.”
- Well I don’t care, he will never change; “Rebekah told him.”
- I don’t know what to say to you Elijah, you’re trying too hard, let him do whatever he wants; “I told him.”
- I can’t do that, I'm not letting anything to happen to that baby; “Elijah said and hung up.”
When we were done talking with Elijah, Rebekah stayed in a bath and I went to my room. After some time she came to see me.
- Did you know that Marcel is alive? “Rebekah asked.”
- I shaked my head; I didn’t; “I told her.”
- I can’t believe he didn’t tried to find me; “Rebekah said as she sat down on my bed.”
- Did he even know you’re daggered? “I asked.”
- I don’t think so, for all we knew he burnt in that Opera house. Klaus probably never went there again; “Rebekah said.”
- So he took advantage of that and become king of the city; “I remarked.”
- I guess that was more important to him, than me; “Rebekah said.”
After that she left my room and I wanted to go downstairs, when I opened the door she was right in front of me; Hey, I just wanted to remind you, living room still isn’t fixed.
- Oh, I’m going now to compel someone; “I told her, passing besides her.”
- Yes, you’ll; “Rebekah said going behind me.”
- Are you going with me? “I asked.”
- No, I’m going to the Grill; “Rebekah told me.”
- Okay then, see you later; “I said.”
- Before she got out of the house she said; I hope living room will be fixed before I come back.
- Maybe; “I said.”
Before I left I took one blood bag and drink it. Then I got out of the house and find some people to compel and brought them to our home so they can start. While they were working I was sitting on the kitchen counter and watched them.
Later Rebekah came back home and when I heard her I said; All fixed.
- Rebekah smiled; Great.
- So what are we going to do now? “I asked.”
- Let’s watch some movie, I want to take my mind off of Marcel; “Rebekah told me.”
- Okay, what are we watching? “I asked.”
- I don’t know, you pick some movie that you like; “Rebekah said.”
- Okay; I said as I went in my room for my laptop and then placed it on the table in front of us and sat back on the sofa. While I was looking what movie to watch, Rebekah went to the kitchen to make popcorns.
A few days later; So the sun came out like 4 hours ago and even if I was tired of lying I was still in bed. I turned around so my face is facing pillows and then couple of minutes later Rebekah opened the door of my room saying; You are still sleeping.
-I didn’t sleep at all; “I murmured in the pillow.”
Then she sat on the bed next to me and turned me so I was on my back again, then she told me; Oh honey, you are a mess.
- Can you just leave me? “I asked.”
- What, to leave you to lay in the bed the whole day? “Rebekah said.”
- Yes; I said and wanted to turn to the side but she stopped me and said; No, you’re going to get out of the bed and we are going shopping.
- I‘m not for the shopping today; “I told her.”
- Either way you are going to get up; “Rebekah said and pulled me out of the bed, causing me to fall onto the floor.”
- I hate you; “I told her as I was lifting myself off of the floor.”
Rebekah smiled at me and then walked to my closet and started taking clothes out of it.
- What are you doing? “I asked.”
- Rebekah looked at me; You can’t be in Kol’s t-shirt all day; then she looked back to the clothes and pulled out the dress, then turned around and show it to me saying; Here, put this on.
- I sat back on the bed, saying; First you don’t want to let me to be in a bed the whole day and now you won’t let me to be in his t-shirt.
- Yes, that’s right and you know why? “Rebekah asked.”
- Why? “I asked.”
- Because you’re my best friend and I can’t see you looking like this; Rebekah told me and throw the dress on me, while saying; If you are not dressed up and downstairs for 15 minutes I’m coming back.
- Whatever; “I said and laid back on the bed.”
After 10 minutes I got out of the bed and went to the bathroom to brush my teeth and hair, then I dressed up and went down stairs.
- Oh good, I already thought I will need to go back to your room; “Rebekah said when she saw me.”
I just looked at her and I went to the fridge to take a blood bag and I drink it quickly. Rebekah was looking at me as she said; Now you look good.
- I smiled; I always look good.
- Rebekah laugh and say; Have you seen yourself in the mirror, when you got out of the bed?
- I’ll take that as a compliment; “I said smiling.”
- Well if that makes you feel better than take it as a compliment; “Rebekah told me.”
After that I started walking towards the door and she asked; Where are you going?
- To the Grill; “I said as I walked out of the house and shut the door behind me.”
When I came to the Grill I sit at the bar so I can be alone. I was taking shots of liquor at the bar when Katherine approaches me and sat next to me.
- I want to be alone; “I told her, before I took another shoot.”
- Can I take one? “Katherine asked me but before I could answer she already took one glass and drink it.”
- Did Elena turned on her humanity? ”I asked.”
- No, not yet; “Katherine said. “
- Well I believe it will be even more satisfying to torture her when she turn it back on; “I said smiling.”
- Can’t you just get over it? “We hear Matt saying.”
- I look at him and say; You know it’s not nice to listen to other’s people conversation. You’re lucky Rebekah likes you.
- Is that suppose to be a threat? “Matt asked.”
- Take it any way you want; “I told him.”
- Why are you even still in Mystic Falls? “Matt asked.”
- Because Rebekah want’s to stay here, I won’t leave her alone; I told him and stand up from the chair adding; I need to thank you two for ruining my time alone; then I walked away.
After the Grill I was walking slowly back home and when I came Elijah was there I heard Rebekah telling him; Y/N and I will stay here and live our lives the way we want to, and if you're smart I suggest you do the same.
- Are you sure Y/N wants to live here since Kol died? “Elijah asked.”
- I came behind them and saying; He didn’t die he was killed, there is big difference between those two and as much as this town brings me pain and rage I’ll stay with Rebekah.
- Do you still want the cure? “Elijah asked turning his attention back to Rebekah.”
- I don’t know, maybe; “Rebekah told him.”
- Taking it would've stripped you of everything you are, for what? More high school proms? “Elijah said.”
- I wanted to be human. I wanted children and a family; “Rebekah said.”
- And I stand before you to offer you both; “Elijah told her.”
- And if I decide against you? A dagger in my heart and then back in a box? “Rebekah asked with venom.”
- Family needs you two, but what choice you two make right now is yours own; “Elijah said looking at us.”
- Well we made our choice, if something’s change you will hear from us; “I told him.”
- What she said; “Rebekah said.”
- You should know that Niklaus accepted a baby; “Elijah informed us.”
- Did he now? “Rebekah said.”
- He want’s to take back New Orleans and to be a king; “Elijah said.”
- We weren’t surprised to hear something like that; Of course he want’s that; “Rebekah said.”
- And what does that have to do with a baby? “I asked.”
- Every king needs an heir. That’s what Niklaus said; “Elijah told us.”
Rebekah laughs at that and walks away back to her room.
- I hope you two will change your mind soon; “Elijah told me.”
- We’ll see, keep us posted with what’s happening; “I told him.”
- I will; “Elijah said.”
Then Elijah left and I went to Rebekah’s room, to talk with her.
- Rebekah saw my reflection in the mirror; Did Elijah left? “She asked.“
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- Yes; “I told her and sat on her bed.”
- He won’t give up on until we are in New Orleans; “Rebekah said.”
- I know, but he just want’s us to be together as a family; “I said.”
- What’s left of us; “Rebekah said.” I looked down to the floor when she said that.
- If you all of sudden can’t stay here anymore, you’re free to go there or wherever you want; “Rebekah told me.”
- No, I’ll stay with you. You’re the only person who can help me to go through this; “I said.”
- Rebekah smiled; Okay.
After a while I was alone and sitting in the living room, when I heard that someone is in the house I turned around and saw Katherine
- Do you know how to knock? “I asked her.”
- You should lock the doors if you want me to knock; “Katherine told me.”
- Whatever. What are you doing here? “I asked.”
- Do you want to torture Elena with me? “Katherine said.”
- I smiled and stood up; Hell yeah.
Then Katherine and I went to the Salvatore house and when Matt saw me he said; What the hell are you doing here?
- Damon looks at me and says to Katherine; I asked you to come, not to bring her too.
- You two got a better idea? “Katherine asked them.”
- It will be my pleasure to torture her until she turn on her humanity and I hope it’ll take time; “I said.”
- And after that? “Matt asked.”
- Well more torturing; “I said smiling.”
- You can’t let her in; “Matt said standing in front of the room where Elena was locked.”
- Oh come on, if you don’t want me to lock you up in there with Elena, I suggest you shut up; “Katherine told him.”
Then Matt angrily walks away from us and Katherine opens the door to the safe in the cell and I saw Elena sitting in it.
- You look awful; “I say as I touched Elena with a leg, then she falls to the ground.”
- What the hell are you doing here? “Elena asked when she heard my voice.”
- I’m here to torture you; “I told her, before Katherine grabs her and pulls her roughly out of the safe.”
- I’m going to kill you; “Elena said angry to us.”
- I laugh and say sarcastically; I can already see that happen.
Katherine puts her in the chair that is in front of the closed curtains and tie her up.
- We should use vervain ropes; “I suggested.”
- And who is gonna tie her up with that? “Katherine asked.”
- Matt, is he still here? “I asked.”
- Nope, he left couple of minutes ago; “Damon said.“
- Okay, then; I said and walk to the curtains, pulling it back a little, allowing a ray of light to creep closer to Elena and she looks down at her hand.
- Looking for this? “I asked showing her a ring.”
- Give it back; “Elena said angry.”
- I don’t think so; “I told her.”
- Am I suppose to be scared? “Elena asked.”
- You’ll be; “I told her and pulled curtains a little more, so it can start burning her legs.”
She yells in pain, struggling in her chair, her leg ignites into flames for a few seconds before Damon puts it out with the fire extinguisher.
- Noo, you should let her burn; “I told him.”
- We are here to get her emotions back, not to kill her; “Damon said.”
- Don’t count me in that circle; I told him and used vamp-speed to pull the curtains all the way back. Elena starts screaming in pain, then Stefan grabbed my hand and pulled curtain back to how they were.
- Haha, it’s kinda funny; Elena says with a laugh looking at me; You are helping them to make me turn my emotions on, but I know how much you hate me because I killed your stupid boyfriend, what was his name? I don’t remember.
I clenched my jaw, looking angry at her. Then flashed in front of her and plunge my hand into her chest, grabbing her heart and squeezing it, while she groans in pain.
- I don’t care about your stupid emotions. I have chance to torture you and I definitely couldn’t miss that; “I told her through gritted teeth.”
- Her bodyguard’s won’t let you kill her; “Katherine said standing behind me.”
- But I can rip her throat out so I don't have to listen to her anymore. I wonder how much time does it need to grow back; I said and then Damon grabbed my hand wanting to pull me back from her and I said to him; If you pull me back her heart is gone; then he released my hand.
- But first, I want to know something; Katherine said and then asked Elena; What did you tell Elijah back in Willoughby?
After that Damon and Stefan left the room and leaved Katherine and me alone with Elena.
- Like you don’t know, some lies so she can ruin your life and make herself feel better, if she can do that, after all she has nothing left, her brother is dead, she burned her house to the ground; I said and then drawled into Elena’s ear; I would enjoy in ripping Jeremy’s body, piece by piece in front of your face bitch.
- You are just like your dead boyfriend, he wanted to chocopop Jeremy’s arms and we killed him, you’ll end up just like him; Elena told me and then looked at Katherine saying; That's why you're here? He dumped you, didn't he? Now you're just looking for a scapegoat.
- Tell me what you said to turn him against me, or I will feed you your own eyeballs; “Katherine said and pulls on Elena's eyelid.”
- I didn't have to say anything. Look at you: self-obsessed egomaniac on the run for five centuries. What good would you be to anyone? You're the definition of damaged goods. No wonder Elijah left you; “Elena told her.”
- I've done some pretty horrible things to survive, but unlike you poor, delicate Elena, I don't turn it off. I deal with it. You wouldn't last a week as a vampire without everyone fawning over you; “Katherine told her and frustrated went out of the room leaving me alone with Elena.”
- I pulled my hand out of Elena’s chest. She wanted to say something but I squeezed her neck to stop her and told her; I can’t believe you still have strength to talk.
Then I hear Damon yelling; I can’t believe you left Y/N alone with Elena; and he wanted to come where we are but Katherine stopped him.
- Just leave them alone; “Katherine told him.”
- She will kill her; “Damon said.”
- No, she won’t; “Katherine said.”
- I won’t kill her, I enjoy to see her suffer; I yelled so they can hear me and then looked back at Elena, saying; Since sun is almost down, let’s play this game; then I went into her mind and showed her how would I rip Jeremy apart while she is right there watching it. Elena started crying telling me to stop, but I continued until there was nothing left of him. When I was done, I got to the room where Damon, Katherine and Stefan were.
- There, I think I almost got to her, go and finish it; “I said and sat on the sofa taking the glass of whiskey.”
- What did you do to her? “Stefan asked.”
- I showed her the pain of losing Jeremy again, but in a much worse way; “I told him.”
Then they went there but Elena wasn’t in the room anymore and I her Damon yelling; Why did you let her go?
- What? I didn’t; “I said coming into the room.”
- Where the hell is she then? “Damon asked.”
- Not my problem; “I said and walked out of the house.”
I went back home and Rebekah was there. When she saw me she said; I hear you tortured Elena.
- I can bet Matt told you that; “I said.”
- Yeah, he wanted me to stop you; “Rebekah said.”
- But you didn’t; “I said smiling.”
- No, you would do it anyway; “Rebekah said smiling back at me.”
- I laugh; Haha, that’s right.
- So did you enjoy? “Rebekah asked.”
- Oh, I got satisfied for at least one day; “I told her.”
- Did she turn it on? “Rebekah asked.”
- I have no idea, I think she almost did when I showed her what would I do to Jeremy if he wasn't dead, but before anyone could see her, she run away to who knows where; “I informed her.”
- Well that’s not good; “Rebekah said.”
- Yeah, hungry, emotionless Elena roaming through city. Can’t wait to hear how it ended; “I said.”
Stefan called Rebekah to tell her that Elena hurt Matt so she went there to be with him and I stayed home. 
When she got back it was almost midnight and I was outside in a pool relaxing.
- Y/N where are you? “Rebekah yelled.”
- Outside; “I yelled back.”
- Elena has her humanity back; “Rebekah said while she was coming outside of the house.”
- I’m so happy for her; “I said sarcastically.” Rebekah laugh and I splashed her with a water.
- Hey, what the hell; “Rebekah said.”
- Join me, Bekah; “I said and splashed her again.”
- Stop it. I can’t go into the water in this; “Rebekah said gesturing with her hands at what she is wearing.”
- Then go and change; “I told her and started to swim.”
Couple of minutes later I saw Rebekah coming from the house with two glasses and a champagne, telling me; Let’s celebrate.
- What? “I asked.”
- Elijah and Nik run off to New Orleans and I finally have my freedom to be with my best friend; Rebekah said and put the bottle and glasses on the ground next to the pool. While she was going into the pool I broke the neck of the bottle and pour us a champagne. We were drinking champagne, talking and laughing.
- You know what we forgot? “I asked.”
- What? “Rebekah said.”
- Music; “I said and went inside to turn it on as loud as I can.”
- I love this song; “Rebekah said and started singing.”
I smiled at her and started dancing and singing next to the pool. Then when that song was over I grabbed glass of champagne and drink it one gulp, then poured myself another one.
Tags: @cococola-cocaine
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justsomeitgirl · 8 years
Klaus Mikaelson: From Villain to Hero
There’s something I’ve been meaning to address for a long time regarding Klaus Mikaelson and this post is me finally getting around to do it. For a while now I’ve seen quite some people complain about the “new Klaus”. Apparently, they don’t like that he is now allowing himself to feel something and to express those emotions through, and this will not come out as a tremendous shock, tears. They don’t like soft, sentimental and emotional Klaus Mikaelson. They would rather have the ruthless, manipulative and emotionally shut-down character he was back when he was the actual villain on TVD.
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Now, I don’t usually like to comment on other people’s opinions. I’m all in favor of free speech and staying in your lane. However, I am completely appalled every single time I run across this sort of complaints, and I felt the need to explain to you just why it bothers me so much.
First of all, there’s the logistical side of the question. People who wish for Klaus to go back to the monster he was when we first saw him on TVD forget that he is not on that show anymore. Furthermore, they also seem to overlook that he is now the main character on a show called The Originals, which focuses on the character development of not only Klaus Mikaelson, but also his family members. Let me explain to you why this is important. On TVD, Klaus Mikaelson was introduced as an antagonist, meaning he was a bad guy trying to ruin the lives of the already preexistent main characters of that show. He served the purpose of a villain, and his character was oriented to that same purpose. You weren’t supposed to like Klaus; you might fancy him and find him cute and witty, but you weren’t supposed to root for him and wish he could have an amazing life and become a better person. And then someone had the brilliant idea of unveiling what lurked behind the villain construction of the character, and The Originals was born. Klaus Mikaelson went from a supporting character designed to make you root for the Mystic Falls gang to the lead of a TV show focused on hope and redemption. This is a fundamental shift in the dynamic of the shows which necessarily carries a fundamental shift in the character itself.
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As interesting and captivating as a villain might be, at the end of the day you still want them dead, or at least defeated. It does not bode well for any TV show if the audience is rooting for everyone else but the actual main character, and in order for the audience to root for any character, they have to earn their love and sympathy. Klaus Mikaelson wasn’t going to do that by staying the same vicious murderer who was willing to take down whoever it took just to make himself more powerful, so the writers decided to find something else inside him that could humanize him, make him more relatable. Because whether or not you claim to love villains and shows centered on them, in the end you will always want them to find happiness and peace. It’s only natural that you want the best for someone you love, even if they used to be a villain.
In order to humanize Klaus Mikaelson, a different story started to be told, both in the past and present time. Whatever flashbacks we got, they were from a time when Niklaus was still innocent and pure: human. In present time, that is the journey he is on: to become human again, although metaphorically. That journey takes time and has a lot of setbacks, but the final destination is one the audience, who has fallen in love with the man under the beast, can look forward to. And that final destination is him embracing his inner light and becoming a hero.
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Now that we’ve dealt with the logistical aspects of Klaus Mikaelson no longer being an antagonist but a protagonist on his own show, let’s get down to Klaus Mikaelson, the character. It is true that from the moment we met him we knew he has done some terrible things, but we have also always known something else about him: that he will do anything to protect the people he loves. That very personality trait is how the writers managed to turn him from a villain to a hero in the makings. Klaus’s motivation is solely to look out for his loved ones, even if he initially didn’t exactly do it the right way. Now tell me, would it make any sense for someone like that to never want to grow and evolve, when it is his reckless and cruel behavior that distances himself from those people he tries so hard to protect? Are we expected to believe that after a millennium of Elijah fighting for his redemption, of Rebekah constantly giving him second and third and fourth chances, of Kol seeking his approval, Klaus Mikaelson still wouldn’t have learnt from his mistakes and made some kind of progress? Not only does that not feel remotely right to me, it would be disrespectful towards the audience. You don’t enjoy a TV show or root for characters because you want them to stay exactly the same forever and ever and not develop the least bit. You want growth, you want progress, you want a payoff to the story being told. The payoff in Klaus Mikaelson’s story is exactly him slowly learning to do the right thing for the ones he cares about, not continuing to rip off people’s heads and hearts out for no reason or the wrong reason.
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So to the people out there clamoring for the “old Klaus” back, I’ll let you in on a little secret: there is no “old Klaus” or “new Klaus”. There is only one Klaus Mikaelson, and he is an incredibly complex and layered character that is growing and developing, and it is beautiful to see. He will never completely cease being the guy who wanted power at any cost, but at the same time he was always someone with the potential to do good once he understood that caring for others and having faith in himself weren’t bad things. Whether he is tearing people to shreds or crying because he just can’t take it anymore, he is still Klaus Mikaelson. And those different and intertwined sides of him are what make him such a fabulous character.
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braveryworna-blog · 7 years
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klausysworld · 2 years
can u pls write a grumpy x sunshine trope with klaus, but reader is the grumpy one
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@klaustopia thank uuu for the moodboard to use 💜💜^^
Fuck. Off.
Klaus is known to be a little moody and grumpy sometimes, his siblings in particular grew used to seeing him in such a way.
It was certainly a shock when he began being smilier, curtains open to let in the sun as his face lit up to read the text he’d just received.
“Something funny Nik?” Rebekah asked irritated with the childish giggles leaving his lips every few minutes. He didn’t respond only left the room with a grin.
Soon after the Mikaelsons learnt of a girl. Y/n. They were somewhat excited as a family to meet her, they expected someone energetic and bouncy seeing how cheerful their brother had been. They were not expecting a sarcastic grumpy bitch to show up lounging around their house like she owned it.
Rebekah’s enthusiasm to go shopping with her was short lived after going through her wardrobe
“Your clothes are all far too big for you? And the colour scheme… where’s the colour?” She asked with a frown and y/n rolled her eyes before ushering the blonde out.
Elijah stood in the kitchen mildly concerned seeing Niklaus adding vanilla syrup to the latte he was making as the toaster went off and he picked out two marshmallow flavoured pop-tarts. He hurried over to his lover and presented it with a pleased smile
“Thank you Nik” she praised as he leaned down to kiss her lips.
He continued to watch as she fed him some of the pop tart and lightly patted his hair
“You look pretty today” she told him watching his eyes light up.
Elijah walked away in confusion.
Kol was thoroughly amused by the back to front dynamic as he watched his older brother receive head scratches while being lead against a girl who looked as though she might stab someone.
“Awe is Klausy laying with his mommy?” Kol asked in an overly sarcastic tone, crouching down to prod Klaus’ cheek.
Y/n felt the hybrids mood dampen as he sat up and cleared his throat. She felt her anger grow seeing his embarrassment and without thinking had punched Kol straight on the nose. He stumbled several paces back, shock written all over his face as he grabbed his nose.
Silently she pulled Klaus back to his led down position and stroked his hair with purpose, a glare fixed on Kol while Klaus snuggled her with a smug grin. The second Kol went to yell at her she gave him a deathly stare
“Fuck. Off.” She seethed and he did so quickly.
Klaus often found himself watching his lover sleep, seeing the soft innocence on her face was calming. The pissed off look she gave him when she woke up to his staring at her was not.
“What the fuck do you want?” She mumbled and he breathed a laugh
“I was just admiring you, my love.” He told her with a smile. Her hand pushed him away by his forehead and he grumbled
“Go ‘way” she muttered kicking his leg when he trued to spoon her
“Just let me hold you” he whined attempting to pull her close but was elbowed on the abdomen effectively winding him.
The noise of distress had her blindly reaching behind her to pat his cheek
“Remember when i told you to go away and you didn’t? Yeah. Next time go ‘way” she told him before pulling the blanket completely off of him. Once she was asleep he managed to squeeze back into the duvet and curl himself around her without her waking.
She chose not to comment in it when she woke again.
One think Rebekah was glad for was that y/n didn’t mind having her nails done. It was something the girls could ‘bond’ over.
Sometimes Elijah would just silently sit in the same room as her and read his book. Though each time he peeked over he found her sat holding her phone in a way that had her middle finger on display. He was not amused.
Kol was still learning to ‘fuck off’
Each time he made a comment on her and Klaus’ relationship y/n managed to do something that ruined his day or physically harmed him.
Klaus would practically purr seeing his lover stand up for him, to have someone- although not always showing it- love him.
Sometimes he would try to get her to smile, seeing how far he had to push it. Apparently taking her a fairground was not his best idea. A child spilt a slush puppy on her and the way she looked at the kid had Klaus immediately rushing them home
“Let’s not kill the child” he muttered while dragging her away
“Little shit deserves it”
One thing that rewarded him with a smile was dates. A simple blood red rose handed to her as he stood before her all tuxed up and fancy. How could she not smile at him?
Sometimes she realised how hard it must be for him to put up with her lack of acknowledgment and would spend the occasional day zeroing her focus on him
“You know that i love you, yes?” She asked almost softly and his eyes flicked to hers with a nod
“I love you too” he expressed as she took his face in her hands and pressed her lips to his…
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