#: dynamic / mikael and niklaus .
Passing the Torch - Niklaus Mikaelson x OC! - Part 6
Tumblr reloaded and deleted a third of this already so that sucks. Again, all spelling mistakes are my own, I will fix them eventually. Ya girl has COVID and I cannot be bothered to edit.
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Kenaz has gone by many names, but one must never be spoken. Traveling, on the run, for centuries. But the past is always bound to repeat itself.
10th Century Mystic Falls
It seemed to be the day of their judgement. In the few hours that the family had been sleeping, Mikael had killed Esther and taken off into the night. All the chaos had caused the families in the village to take off, all in a matter of hours. Kenaz managed to find her father just before he had gotten on his wagon, drawn by their horse, Gandalf. She had named him this when she had seen the horse playing with a stick as a child.
“Father.” She rushed forward, “Please, wait.”
“You stay back!” He barked back at her, “You horrible creature.”
His words nearly shattered her heart, more than it already had been.
“Father, please.” Her words barely carried on the wind, “I am still your daughter. Please, don’t go.” She reached out to take his hand but was smacked away with a walking stick he had carved.
There was pain in his eyes as he glared at her, but his words were as harsh as bitter winds, “You are no child of mine. Not after what I have seen what you do. What that abomination you call a husband has done. Your mother would be dead once over seeing you like this. A monster wearing her daughter’s face.” He spat on the ground at her feet.
Her knees wobbled as she fell to the ground, begging her father, “You don’t mean that. Father, please. Please remember the days we spent picking berries in the woods, the days of heat when we swam in the river, how we laughed and played. I am still that little girl. The one you raised. I promise, I will be better. I promise you.”
Kenaz faintly heard his whisper: “I cannot.” He got onto Gandalf’s saddle, all while she begged through her cries for him to stay, to not leave her. But he did. Even as he drove away, she heard his crying. Not tears of regret, but that of mourning.
She found what remained of the village, the Mikaelson siblings, in the middle of town. Klaus was shoveling the remaining dirt over Esther’s grave. Rebekah stood in there, holding back tears. Kenax came to her side, reaching out and taking his sister-in-law’s hand.
Rebekah took a deep breath and spoke, “I know you think she hated you, Niklaus, but she did not. She was just afraid.” She paused before continuing, “I know she turned her back on you, I will never do that.” Niklaus only stared at the grave.
“Nor will I.” Their attention was brought to Elijah. Sweet, gentle Elijah. Who was different now since Tatia’s death.
Finally, Niklaus looked up, taking in the trio that stood before him. His brother, his sister, his wife.
“We stick together as one.” She held out her empty hand to Niklaus, “Always and forever.” At that point, Kenaz released Rebekah’s hand and watched as she held her freed hand towards Elijah. The siblings joined hands, creating a bond that would connect them all for the rest of time. Always and forever, they would learn, was a very long time. This would create a dynamic between the Mikaelson’s and Kenaz. Though she adopted their name, they would never treat her the same. She was always just Niklaus’ wife. Even after everything she did. How her life was sacrificed to create their curse, how she lost her child, how she was forced to keep the secret of Tatia’s death to herself. Nothing would ever give her the title of family. The warm welcome. And it would be a long time before she realized this. Long enough that another doppelgänger would appear.
New Orleans, 1919
After packing her bags, Kathleen dawned her hooded cloak and began the journey to the train station where she would begin a new life elsewhere. But before that, she wanted to stop outside the opera house. Apparently, He had become fond of theatre. Which was not at all shock, since he had a flair for dramatics. She watched as they walked in, Rebekah on his arm as always. His golden hair was short, combed neatly in the popular style of the era. He looked happy as the self-declared King of New Orleans.
He reveled in the fear that he exuded from the people. But his hubris would be his downfall, it always would be. As she walked passed the opera house, a familiar face appeared in the crowd. His hair was shorter, he was in a rather nice suit for their time. His face still held the malice and anger that she had not seen for a long time.
She had to warn them. But how could she do it without revealing herself? Perhaps she would attend to the brother who still had his heart.
Kathleen found Elijah in his dressing room, fixing his tie in the mirror. When his eyes found her, he looked as if he were seeing a ghost.
“Kenaz.” He turned to face her, looking her over. He opened his mouth to speak again, but she filled the air.
“Mikael is here. You need to escape now.”
Elijah’s face hardened, turning back towards the mirror, resuming his tie knotting, “And why should I believe you? After the heartbreak you cause my brother. Your lies.”
As much as Kathleen wanted to scream at him that any lie was fabricated by his brother, she continued, walking further into the room.
“Elijah, I beg of you to believe me. I saw your father in the crowd. He is here-”
Paper rustling brought both of their attentions towards the entrance of the room.
“ Les Huguenots.”  Mikael said, “ Saw it in Venice, marvelous production.”
“You...” Elijah whispered, incredulously. Her heart beat wildly in her chest, the second greatest threat to her stood in the room.
“It's all right, son. I just want to talk.” He placed the ticket to the show in his jacket pocket. Instinctually, Elijah shielded her with his arm, putting himself between her and Mikael.
Her brother-in-law walked forward, “ You mercilessly hunt us for centuries. You laid waste to half of Europe, now you... You simply wish to talk?”
“It was your bastard brother I hunted.” He said simply, “Not you, never you. You're my blood, one that I'd be proud to call son.” He looked around his son, “Nor did I ever hunt after you, Kenaz. Your affections for Niklaus were no fault of your own. Simply, an unfortunate union.” His new feelings about her were surprising, since there had been a time when he had held a knife to her throat to cause her husband to go into a rage.  
Mikael continued, “So, I came here to give you a chance to help me put down that whelp for good.”
Elijah lunged forward, slamming Mikael into the wall with blinding speed, only to be thrown across the room.
“Run!” He called to her. And she did not hesitate, she ran. Ran until she reached the horse drawn carriage that would take her to the train station, keeping her head down as the coach had commented that there was smoke coming from New Orleans as the city was getting smaller and smaller on the horizon. There would be days, weeks, months even that she would feel guilt. But when she once again heard that the vampires she had once called family had started to begin anew, that her resentment began again.
Mystic Falls, 2009
As Stefan and Kass stalked through the empty halls of the high school, she couldn’t help but reflect. While this night, they were planning on stealing the Gilbert journal from Ric’s office after Jeremy, who was growing very suspicious, loaned it to him. Ric told Jeremy that he was a history buff who wanted to read a first hand account of someone from the Civil War, but now she wasn’t so sure.
Alaric had invited Kass over for dinner that night, she had dressed to her best. Her mother had taught her long ago that looking your best for a suitor was always a sign of good fortune. Not that it really mattered in this day and age. Things were incredibly more lax than before. More casual certainly. While there hadn’t been anything too scandalous, kisses had been shared. It she remembered correctly, it was her first kiss in several hundred years. Give or take. She couldn’t decide what was more depressing: that it was her first kiss or that it was her first relationship since she last saw Him.
They had eaten a nice dinner he had prepared, roasted chicken and mashed potatoes, paired with white wine. After excusing himself to the bathroom and gave her the okay to explore, she began wandering around the house. It was nice for a single man, perhaps some habits were adopted after his wife’s death. He had said her name was Isobel, but there hadn’t been much more talk of her. That was until that night. In his office, she had found a photo album.
Smiling softly, she had started flipping through the pages. There were pictures from him as a child, high school dances, graduation, but then when it got to his college years she almost dropped the book. In a picture his years at Duke, she found a picture of him with a very familiar looking person. A familiar vampire.
Isobel Flemming, someone who had tried to reveal her location to Him in a way to gain favor.
“Everything okay?” Ric’s voice startled her so much that she dropped the book, so entranced in the picture that she hadn’t heard him coming.
“Oh.” She kneeled down and picked up the book, “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to snoop in this.” She stood up and gave him the album. He smiled at it fondly.
“You probably saw Isobel, huh?”
“Uh... Yeah.” She said softly, “I did.”
He opened the book exactly to the page Kass had been looking at, like muscle memory always took him to her, “She was studying folklore and parapsychology. At first she avoided me like the plague, but I always said that I wore her down. We got married soon after graduation and started our lives together, content with just the two of us.”
“No plans for kids.” It was more of a statement than a question.
“Yeah.” He nodded, “She was adamant about it, no kids. I had always wanted at least one, but I guess it wasn’t meant to be.” He looked up at her, “What about you? Your ex didn’t want kids either?”
Memories flashed passed her eyes, echoes of screaming danced through her ears, “No... Quite the opposite actually.” Without thinking to do so, she placed a hand on her stomach. I had a late term miscarriage. The marriage kind of fell apart after.”
Ric’s face had fallen further than before, “Kass, I’m so sorry. Did he- did he leave you because of what happened?” He stepped forward, wrapping his arms around her.
She shook her head, “No.” She rested her cheek against his shoulder, “I left him. For a different reason entirely. But I can never have kids again, my students became my children.”
He hummed, placing his chin on top of her head, “Explains your interest in Stefan Salvatore then, huh?”
“Yeah.” She smiled sadly, “He reminds me of myself.”
“You okay?” Stefan whispered, bringing her out of her head.
“Hm? Yeah, fine. I just don’t feel great breaking into Ric’s office.”
Stefan gave her a sly smile, one she had not seen for a long time, “You mean your boyfriend’s office.”
Rolling her eyes, she nudged him, “Stay focused.” She paused, “And he’s not my boyfriend.”
“Hello?” They both stopped in their tracks when they heard Alaric’s voice echo through the empty halls. “Hello? Someone there?” They hurried on their way, making their way into Alaric’s class.
The clicking of a trigger made Kass go into high alert as she caught the wooden stake that Alaric shot from some kind of stake gun, the piece of wood aiming for Stefan’s heart.
There was silence, only a terrible glare in his eyes that had always looked at her fondly.
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Read part 7 here!
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Passing the Torch Tag:
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mangaien · 5 years
tag drop for the ass       
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kylermalloy · 5 years
Currently thinking about tiny Klaus, maybe five or six years old, coming across his biological father in the woods by their village.
Obviously Klaus has no idea who he is, but Ansel’s been watching and knows exactly who this is. Esther has forbidden him to speak to the boy, but who would be the wiser?
Anyway, Ansel wants to know absolutely everything about Niklaus but has to limit himself to just a few questions—about Mikael, about home, about what he likes to do.
To little Klaus, it’s such an inconsequential thing. But to Ansel, it’s everything. And it’s painful—because Niklaus can never know the truth, and Ansel can never truly know his son.
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wasteland, baby! | kol mikaelson - chapter eleven
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Summary: Kol makes a deal with the Hollow to revive the first woman he ever loved. Unfortunately, it doesn’t go as planned.
Trust’s Note: Please like and reblog! I hope you enjoy. I added some Rebekah and Aniya content for y’all <3
Word Count: 2,300
Prologue | Chapter One | Chapter Two | Chapter Three | Chapter Four | Chapter Five | Chapter Six | Chapter Seven | Chapter Eight | Chapter Nine | Chapter Ten
❝ forgive me, for the things i did but most the ones i did not ❞
KOL WATCHED SILENTLY as Keres set a grimoire in front of him. The small building in the cemetary was lit up only by faded sunlight and several candles, scattered around the area. Aniya lifted an eyebrow at the witch, critical eyes watching for any reason to turn away from Keres and search elsewhere. Her mouth twitched when Keres suggested Henry Pearl's sacrifice, posture shifting at the smug look on the witch's face. Her fists clenched together, body void of any amusement as she prepared her attack against the younger witch.
Kol cleared his throat, stepping in front of Aniya. Frankly, he wasn't sure who he was protecting. He was only sure that there seemed to be a smug look on Keres's face. He narrowed his eyes, but quickly replaced it with a polite smile.
"The human is off the table, unfortunately. Perhaps we should move onto some other possible victims," Kol suggested. He all but shoved the grimoire in Keres's direction, a quiet suggestion that she find another solution.
It was an odd dynamic. Physically, Keres was much older than Aniya and Kol. She was a dark-skinned woman in her mid-to-late twenties, while Aniya and Kol were frozen in their teenage years. Still, Kol found himself a bit offended. Keres would have known to offer some respect to her elders.
Aniya lifted her chin, hand lightly pushing Kol to the side. She stared Keres in the eyes, as if daring the witch to lie to her. "You're quite insistent, aren't you? So willing to sacrifice my Henry for a spell you wouldn't stand to benefit from. Keres, he has no power; no ties to the supernatural world -- and yet, you suggest we trade his life for a thousand year old immortal witch?"
She had a sharp tongue for a girl her size. It was odd. She was different from the girl he'd found curled up in the foyer that night. Aniya Grover was strange, in a manner that made his lips curl at the edges and eyes glitter in amusement. She'd had a chameleon soul; an inner indecisiveness that was as wide and wavering as the ocean. Had it been Henry Pearl that awoke this fire within her?
Whatever the answer, Kol's stomach twisted at the seams. The thought of her wrapped in his arms was enough to make him gag. He couldn't bring himself to understand why.
Keres turned the grimoire in Aniya's direction, a smug look painted across her face as she pushed it toward her. "Sacrificed are more likely to work when the emotional bond is the same between the victim and the vessel. Tyaag spells are known for failing. It's more likely to work if you care as much about the person you're sacrificing, as you do the person you're trying to bring back. So, a best friend, a brother, a boyfriend..."
It registered then that Aniya had none of those. She'd only had Henry. Kol shifted his stance. If Keres's words were true and she chose to sacrifice someone she cared for, she could only choose Henry. As far as Aniya was aware, the Mikaelsons couldn't be killed. And regardless, she'd said once that they had all been family to her in her human days. Surely she wouldn't throw that away in exchange for a human she'd just met.
Surely she wasn't that idiotic.
Aniya's jaw clenched, a bitter smile spreading across her face. Her dark eyes bored into Keres's. "No."
Keres's eyes glimmered with delight, a smile spreading across her red lips. Her tone shifted, mocking the girl in front of her. "So you'll let an innocent human die in exchange for your brother? You are cruel, Aniya."
"He is innocent." Her confidence never seemed to waver. Her right hand clenched into a fist, the whites of her knuckles beginning to peak through her olive skin.
"Perhaps we should focus our attention on smaller spells," Kol cut in, the rising tension in the room seeming to eat away at him. "How many humans do we need for the memory spell? Fifteen? Fifty?"
"Five." Keres stared at him as if he'd gone mad. "One for each of the Mikaelson siblings."
Aniya questioned, "I thought Finn died."
"Mikaelsons never properly die. We never learned," Kol responded, then turned back to Keres. He would explain later. "Five humans in exchange for decades of memories. It's quite simple, don't you think?"
"You were humans when your memories were erased, so we only need to erase human memories." Keres explained. "They all need to be eighteen at the youngest and in their thirties, at the oldest."
Aniya frowned. "And what of Mikael and Esther? We won't be returning theirs?"
Kol nearly laughed at her question, the past centuries replaying in his brain. Mikael had hunted he and his siblings for centuries, in the hopes of murdering Niklaus and doing God knows what with the rest of them. He'd been killed and brought back countless times, once in particular as a result of Davina Claire.
Esther had been murdered by Niklaus a thousand years ago. She was killed and brought back several times as well, and each time she'd carried a sort of vendetta against her own children. It was as if she'd made it her life's goal to wipe them from the face of the Earth. But then, it had been Esther that had resurrected him in the body of a witch, and it had been Esther that introduced him to Davina.
Part of him resented her for it. Davina had made him a better person, that much was true. He'd fallen in love with her, convinced himself that the moon and sun rose and fell by her will alone. She had bewitched him, in ways he could not bring himself to justify nor understand. It had been Esther that introduced the pair; but then, it had been their meeting that caused Davina's death in the first place.
A heavy weight seemed to drop onto his chest. Aniya would never know the cruelty of his mother's actions. He might have envied her for it, but there seemed to be this part of him that felt a bit relieved.
"You're better off assuming they've truly died," Kol said after a moment.
"You two really have a thing for being melodramatic. Y'all deserve each other," Keres stated. "I'll get everything you need for the spell. Bring me five people, and I'll erase one year of their lives for each year you knew the Mikaelsons."
Aniya lifted an eyebrow. "And how do you benefit from this?"
"My people have lost their ties to the ancestors. We have no power and no idea how to practice earth magic. Tyaag magic is the closest thing we've got, so I wanna learn more about it," She answered almost too perfectly.
"These spells can't be practiced by ordinary witches--"
"So we'll make a new branch of magic," Keres shut her down immediately. "One where we don't have to die to become all powerful."
Aniya's face twisted into a glare, baring her teeth at the witch. Kol narrowed his eyes at Keres, immediately understanding the gravity of the situation. Tyaag magic had been forgotten, buried and disrespected for centuries. It had originated from polytheistic beliefs, with the hope of appeasing their gods. Aniya and her brother had given their lives to sacrificial magic and rituals, and now it would be stolen and forgotten without so much as a thought.
"People have lost their lives to practice these rituals," Aniya said. "You mean to tell me that you're willing to put the lives of children on the line, for the sake of convenience. You have the ability to practice earth magic, why not use it?"
"I'm trying to help you. Why ask so many questions?" Keres spoke as if Aniya were a child, trying to put her back in her place. Aniya seemed to fall back under Keres's gaze.
"I'll provide you your humans. I'll need only a few days."
She turned on her heel and made her way out of the cemetary building. Kol stared after her, a small voice in his head screaming to defend her against Keres. Before he could so much as let out a word, Keres said, "She's stubborn. You might want to find your humans sooner. I'm sure Klaus will figure out you're lying eventually, and we wouldn't want that."
'No.' Kol would be daggered and shoved in a box before he could begin to defend himself. In regards to Aniya, there was no telling how he would react to a betrayal from someone so foreign, and vulnerable. For all he knew, she would be killed as a form of punishment. His consequence for disobeying direct orders.
Niklaus had become a madman, a dictator over the years. Perhaps he'd spent a bit too much time with King Louis. Whatever the reason, it occurred to Kol that there was no telling how he would respond to twenty years of ancient memories being thrust toward him. He had hoped the twins had been close with Niklaus in their past lives. Then he might be a bit more lenient about completely slaughtering the poor girl.
Kol nodded half-heartedly at Keres and made his way out of the cemetary. Maybe there would be some humans in his path, grieving over a lost lover or family member. Maybe they would be heartbroken enough to wish to forget their grief, exchanging it for a bit of amnesia and the aching feeling that they were missing something... indespensable.
To be quite honest, Kol wasn't sure how he found himself in front of Davina's grave, how he'd somehow managed to wander there despite the exit being several paces away. He was met with a crack in the cement, the old stone beginning to harden, immortalizing the girl that lied behind it. He knew that he could not make anyone understand the insurmountable grief he held in his chest. He could not make anyone understand what was happening inside him, and he could not begin to explain it himself.
Immortals such as he should not have been able to love the way humans do. Humans loved based on survival, lived viscerally and vulnerable out of fear of their own morality. With the destruction of the stake, Kol feared nothing of the sort. Davina had feared it all, and she had loved him regardless of his dirtied fingers and blood-drenched lips. She had saved him, resurrected him when his family had all but forgotten him once more.
He knew he should have had the courage to move on. Humans die, witches die. It was what they were made to do -- and yet, he simply couldn't bring himself to let go of the girl that had loved him so dearly. The one that had given so much to ensure he would come back. He owed her that much.
It was when he turned the corner that he was pulled out his thoughts, attention now focused on a drunken man tossing old beer at a gravesite. Kol lifted an eyebrow.
"Excuse me." He made his way towards the man. The old man couldn't have been any younger than forty, perhaps fifty. He would be able to fill in for Finn. Nearly thirty years of memories shouldn't have too much of an affect on a bastard such as this.
"Oh, hello," He slurred, words tainted with a heavy Swedish accent. The man moved recklessly, beer spilling out of the bottle and landing on the ground. Kol wrinkled his nose in disgust. "Please, ignore me. I'm simply having a drink with my wife."
"Yes. Well, you're being quite disrespectful to her memory. Most men would kill to have had a happy marriage," Kol paused for a moment, his eyes fixating on the man's bruised knuckles. A bitter smile formed on his face. "Tell me about your wife."
"Ah, she was beautiful. We met in secondary school, you see. She was this tall brunette girl, quite beautiful in her own way. Our parents despised each other,  a sort of Romeo and Juliet-esque situation. We were together for two years before we ran off to America, claiming it was for university purposes." The old man had a tendency to stop in the middle of his sentences, taking a short sip of his drink. He let out a laugh. "My son does love to keep me away from this stuff. Says it's bad for me, the fucking idiot."
"Your son," Kol repeated, gaze flickering to his knuckles once more. His mouth began tasted of blood, a hatred beginning to sear inside of his chest. "Tell me, how did you manage to end up in New Orleans?"
"Ah, it was our first stop. Woman wanted to go to Tulane or whatever it was, but she chose me over her studies. Smart move on her behalf, perhaps one of her only ones," The man chuckled. "A while after, we found she was expecting. We had a boy, and she became ill a few years later. I stayed by her side during that time. I had promised her till death, of course. She was ungrateful nevertheless."
"How's your son?"
"Ah, he's all right now. Twenty-three, but works in a diner like his mother. Fucking idiot doesn't know how to make something of himself," He scoffed. "Sleeps all day, too."
It clicked then. Kol felt as though he'd ate the world raw. He nodded to himself and grabbed the man, wrapping a hand tightly around his mouth and squeezing until he went limp in his arms.
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rebekvhs · 4 years
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&. → claire holt : no mercy by pvris — was that REBEKAH MIKAELSON walking around mystic falls? word around town is that the 24/1000+ ORIGINAL VAMPIRE is known to be PASSIONATE and RECKLESS. makes you wonder what everyone will think once they know that SHE WILL DO ANYTHING TO KEEP EVERYONE IN HER FAMILY ALIVE THIS TIME. who knows if anything we’ve heard is true. it’s mystic falls, nothing bad ever happens here . // penned by bly  //
AESTHETICS. sipping wine in a bathtub, shopping sprees, designer heels, red lipstick stains, overflowing jewelry boxes, driving with the wind blowing through your hair, falling in love with the simple and little things.
NAME. rebekah mikaelson AGE. 24/1000+ SPECIES. original vampire OCCUPATION. unemployed + TRAITS. passionate, loyal, nurturing, free spirited, protective - TRAITS. reckless, stubborn, impulsive, spiteful, vengeful FAMILY. esther (mother), mikael (father), freya mikaelson (sister), finn mikaelson (brother), elijah mikaelson (brother), niklaus mikaelson (brother), kol mikaelson (brother), henrik mikaelson (brother), hope mikaelson (niece) 
WIKI LINK - will be sticking to whatever is on there, send me an IM for questions and clarifications if you have any!
After the death of her brothers, Rebekah found it extremely difficult to cope and move on. Nik and Elijah were both extremely important to her, pretty much being her rocks despite their complicated relationships. It took months before she was ready to leave New Orleans again, traveling around the world once more to take her mind off things, find her own happiness, and live to the fullest before she would take the cure. She spent that time to learn what it would be like to be human, remembering and re-learning through observation. It was a struggle whenever she would run into old enemies every now and then. The constant back and forth from being a vampire and trying to be human turning out to be more difficult that anticipated. 
A few years later, Rebekah has decided to return to mystic falls and currently lives in their mansion there. She now knows to focus on her happiness more than anything. She has also formed stronger connections with others, having found family in them now as well. Her loyalty will still always lie with her family, but safe to say she takes others into consideration more now.
With the return of her loved ones, Rebekah feels slightly worried that history will repeat and her happiness will be taken away from her again. But on the other hand, there is no chance that she will allow her family to be separated again. Thus, she’s hell bent on finding ways to get them out of the necromancer’s control. Always and forever is still deeply ingrained in her mind and heart. So now that they’re back, she will see to it that it happens. She’s really just seeing it as them being separated yet again for a long period of time and only reuniting now.
Rebekah is currently single. She broke up with Marcel around a year after her brothers died because she realized that wanted to be on her own for the first time. 
She traveled around the world and settled down in Mystic Falls around two years ago because their home in New Orleans reminded her too much of her brothers.
She had plans to take the cure and have a child, but those plans have been put on hold indefinitely until she figures out this situation with the Necromancer and how to free her loved ones from him.
I’d love plots with her family! the dynamics with those that passed away along with those that remained alive.
friends, people that she grew close to in new orleans and/or mystic falls. possibly those that she met around/out of the country as well!
she’s more than a thousand years old so i’d love exes plots for her! maybe those that she left behind for her family, people she had to turn against or maybe they betrayed her, could also have some mutual separations or wrong timing kinda things!e
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ok imma drive a bit more into the end of s5 & why elijah would take in the hollow. 
so first off, elijah’s entire life has been about his family. he never had an extended period of time that he was allowed to grow and become his own person without them. all of his loves died and before did they their relationships never lasted too long. his identity was centered solely on them, though much more strongly on niklaus because he felt more responsibility over him. that responsibility first was a guilt because of how mikael treated him, and while elijah later revealed that he too was abused by mikael he still felt guilt because in his mind he failed klaus as his big brother. that failure and guilt is part of why he never left klaus’ side. he would never leave him to fight his battles alone or fight his demons without him. that was only strengthened through the vow of always and forever because despite their differences elijah could always see the person that he knew that klaus could become beneath the monster that he showed the world. 
now at the start of s1 of to, elijah left mystic falls saying that depending on what he learned about those plotting against his brother he would either join them or help fight against them. that was when elijah met hayley. she caused a shift in his dynamic of always and forever because he fought against klaus for her to be able to have freedoms and protection. hayley was his breath of fresh air, his one chance that he had to be able to get away from his family to find love and happiness. at the end of s4 when they broke up, the tiredness and exhaustion of immortality was weighing on him more so that he had ever felt it before. he found an escape from that when he asked marcel to make him forget his vows and everything that came because of it. when he got his memories back and realized that he had failed her and played a hand in her death the same tiredness left him unable to find any sort of peace. when he learned that hope was dying it was no question for him that he should take the hollow and then die neutralizing the threat of the hollow forever. as much as he loves his family, he wouldn’t be able to face eternity any longer. he wanted to feel peace for the first time in centuries.  
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maevelin · 7 years
Hi, is it too spoilery to give us an idea about what happened between Klaus and Tatia in Possession?? I've always been so curious. ;)
Yes, it is. 
.....I am kidding....kinda lol
Back in the day when I had started imagining Possession in my head, the Originals were shining in TVD and I have based my idea about Tatia in what Elijah and Klaus had said about Tatia in their dinner with Stefan and Damon in S3.
“And none loved her more than Niklaus.”
“I’d say there was one that loved her at least as much.”
So in Possession, this is the core of that story too. 
Generally speaking (references have been made in previous chapters and in the last one) Tatia was Elena’s cousin. Their family had been neutral to both sides -Mikaelsons and Salvatores- but Mikael had eventually managed to create an alliance with them. He had arranged a wedding pact between Tatia and Elijah and later on it was under consideration for Klaus to actually marry Elena. After Tatia’s suicide and Elijah death, however, Elena’s family decided to create a marriage alliance with the Salvatores instead and she was promised to Stefan and eventually married him.
Ironically Elena follows the footsteps of Tatia a lot because of the triangle mess she had found herself in between the two brothers (Which I loathe tbh but I wanted to create similarities between my fanfiction and the show’s canon back then because I wanted to keep some connection with the characters as we have met them in the show since I have fundamentally changed their nature since this is an all human fic. That alone makes it difficult to create an environment where you can keep the characters in character based on how they were introduced in the show. And since in my story Elena is going to be a secondary character anywhere I said what the heck and went with it lol).
The details I can give for now when it comes to my story (without being that spoilery lol) is that Klaus fell in love with Tatia and Mikael found out and this was why he arranged Elijah’s marriage with Tatia. Not just for power or for getting allies but in order to hurt Klaus too. Elijah loved Tatia too. And that triggered a chain of events that led to a lot of death and a shift in the power dynamics of the Mikaelson family giving to Klaus the opportunity to get the upper hand but not without great loss and sacrifice. After that Klaus became far more cruel and swore that he would never allow love to become his greatest weakness again. 
And enter...Caroline.
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Disturbia: Chapter 7
A/n: Yes, I am aware it has been years since I updated this story. I am not dead. And it is not abandoned. I’m just a human trashcan sometimes. I have been verrrrry busy. Like hey I got into a PHD program kind of busy, so that’s cool. But I really want to start spending more of my limited free time on fanfiction and my original stuff. So enjoyyyyy. Again, I’m sorry for the wait.
 Klaus’ POV
This was impossible. She was impossible. How was I supposed to believe in her? Did she not know I hadn’t truly believed in anything for a millennia?
I started shaking my head and couldn’t stop, refusal was my only defense against her. She found a way in without my noticing and I couldn’t stop it; she was inside me, my thoughts and my heart or whatever I had left in place of that.  
“Why would you want that, Caroline?”
She blinked, startled by my sudden quiet tone, “Why do I want you to have faith in me? Why wouldn’t I? I already…I already kind of blurted out that I…care for you,” she swallowed, almost uncomfortable with admitting again that she cared for me, but then why would anyone willingly admit such a thing?          
“Look, I know that character flaws like insecurities and daddy issues can’t be changed in like… a week, but all I’m asking for is for you to maybe acknowledge that I’m not just someone you enjoy shagging against a wall,” I had to smirk in despite of my mood upon noticing that she was starting to mimic my speech, “And I know that you’ve had multiple lifetimes for your deranged ideas to be cemented in your mind, but believe me, someone is capable of loving you and she’s standing right here and she kind of feels like an idiot with how you’re staring at her like a psycho…”
My brows furrowed, conflicting emotions of outrage and some strange sense of amused endearment for her preventing me from settling on a response, which in turn ended up with me indeed staring at her like a madman. This woman, the only person that can make me look remotely foolish.
“Daddy issues?”
She deadpanned, possibly out of surprise that my anger had deflated slightly in place of shock at her boldness. I doubt I’ll ever be sure of the motivations behind her actions.
“Seriously? That’s what you choose to focus on? I’m being serious, Klaus.”
“I know,” I gestured to her face, “You’ve got the little crinkle in your nose you get when you’re upset.”  Hold on, when did I start mentally cataloguing her mannerisms in reference to her emotions, or at all?
This won’t work. I’ve proven to myself I am not capable of this. The sooner she learns it, the better.
I shook my head as her eyebrows shot up at my out of character comment, “I meant that I know you’re serious, but I don’t know how you wish this conversation to end.”
“I just told you what I wanted you to say! I literally just laid out how I wanted the conversation to go, do I have to spell out every word?”
“I know exactly what you want me to say, Caroline!” I pushed myself into her personal space, a tactic I used that usually ended up paralyzing the other person in intimidation, yet she stayed exactly where she was. Perhaps she’s used to me being in her personal space, or maybe my first impression of her was right and she is simply brave beyond measure. And misguided.
“That I love you, that you mean something to me, that we will be happy by each other’s sides for the rest of our immortal existence, but do you know what the real issue is, Caroline?? I don’t WANT to say it; that isn’t who I am! The real issue is not my insecurities or my bloody father, it’s that I’m a miserable, homicidal asshole and you refuse to accept that! I’m not the man you are trying to convince yourself you feel something for! You don’t care about me, Caroline. You’re a fixer and you’re trying to do the best with the cards you were given and fix me. Wake up, sweetheart, it isn’t fucking possible!”
The words tasted like lies even as I said them, and some part of me recognized that I wasn’t being honest with her. Or myself.
Something in her eyes broke, like a light being snuffed out on top of a candle. I had done what I had scolded my ignorant hybrid for, I’d diminished her brightness. It was necessary, or I told myself that.  She saw me as a broken puzzle to solve. But someone had to teach her that broken pieces will never fit together.
Her eyes were red and glossy as she marched up to me, resembling an angry goddess more than a teenaged vampire,”…Fine.” Her cornflower blue eyes turned to steel as she lifted her chin with pride, as if refusing to let me harm her. “Do this. Push me away. Lie to yourself like the coward you are. But you know that you’ll never convince yourself of your own bullshit, and all of this effort you used to deny your feelings and hurt me so I’ll give up on you, it will have been useless. You care about me. I can see it in your eyes. But you’re too damn afraid of ANY feelings to try at all! Do you know where that’ll leave you? Not all powerful and in control, but sitting alone wondering why NOTHING seems worth the effort anymore!”
           And with that, she was gone. The whirlwind of a woman sped out of the building in a flash, leaving me completely alone. For reasons I wouldn’t dare to sort through, my stomach dropped and my dead heart seemed to restrict in on itself. I breathed in sharply at the feeling, the smell of her perfume still lingering in the air and burning my throat. I didn’t understand this feeling. It was ridiculous-mortal and weak. I wasn’t sure he had ever experienced it. It was as if I had suddenly contracted one of those frail human illnesses; my entire body ached from the inside. I’m still not sure how that was even possible. I sniffed the air,  shocked when I smelled blood. I looked down at my hands and realized that I had clenched my fists so hard that my nails had cut into my palms, a drop of blood falling from my hand.
           I ignored the sting and  looked up at the door that Caroline had just fled through. I tried to take a step towards it, deciding it would be best to go make myself a drink. To my great displeasure, my traitor legs shook when I attempted to walk. In fact, my entire body may have been shaking…I wasn’t sure, I had nothing to compare it to in my immortal memory, but I think I… was scared. I vaguely remembered a feeling sort of like this when I was a human child, Mikael coming at me with a raised fist.
Suddenly, I was looking at myself from above, standing in the foyer of that expensive hotel room. I looked paler than usual, weak. I detested it.
           I had the strange sensation of awareness entering my limbs once again. I didn’t realize I had lost sensation in my body. I hastily stumbled to the couch in the corner, falling onto it. I pushed my fingers into the plush material I was sitting on, grounding myself to the world so that strange floaty feeling wouldn’t return. For once in my life, I didn’t know what to do with myself. So, as I often did when the rare occasion arouse that I didn’t have the answer, I called my nuisance of an elder brother.
           Elijah answered on the second ring, “Brother,” he greeted, sounding slightly surprised, “What could have possessed you to call me in the middle of the night?”
“Oh,” I answered dazedly, remembering that Elijah was currently in a different timezone, “Right. I forgot the time difference.”
Elijah sounded concerned when he answered. He waved away a voice that was pestering him to come back to bed. With as hazy as my mind was, I couldn’t be sure if that was a Petrova or not that I heard…, “Niklaus….What has happened? Are you alright? You sound very strange.”
I shook my head, momentarily forgetting Elijah couldn’t see me over the phone, “…I…feel strange.”
“Okay…and what prompted this strangeness?” Elijah replied calmly.
“Caroline…she left,” I frowned, trying to comprehend the words as I said them. I had told Elijah about my kidnapping and consequent fling with the young vampire a while ago. Elijah had an annoying preference that I keep him updated of my life.
Elijah sighed, “Oh, brother, what did you do?” “Me??” I seethed, “She-she was the one w-who broke into-“ I sucked in a breath roughly,trying to calm myself. I could feelmy lungs tighten as I started actively thinking about the situation.
“Nikalaus,” Elijah started soothingly, “Are you sitting?”
It sounded like Elijah had just figured something out. If he knew what was happening, why wasn’t he just telling me??
“Y-yes, but how is that,” I marveled for a second as I felt my hands tingling, “How is that relevant??”
“Good. Now put your head between your legs and count your breaths.”
I frowned, confused at my brother’s seemingly random instructions. The situation seemed oddly familiar, but after a thousand years, I sometimes couldn’t discern if that feeling meant I  had forgotten an old memory or if I was recalling a dream.
“Just do it!” Elijah ordered.
I blinked; I wasn’t used to orders being hurled at me. This side of the dynamic was foreign to me. Usually, I wouldn’t have let Elijah get away with the order, but the strange tightness in my chest was unsettling so I decided to see if following my brothers advice might make the suffocating feeling leave me alone.
I bent over and held my head in my hands, between my knees. I breathed in and out roughly, trying to slow my breaths as I counted them. Slowly, but definitively, I started to regain myself. I could ascertain one thought from the other in my mind now.
After a minute or so, Elijah asked, “Are you feeling more collected?”          
I swallowed and nodded, “Yes, I believe so.”
“…Elijah,” I started hesitantly, not eager to admit my bewilderement to anyone, “How did you know that would help? Do you know what that was that….just happened to me?”
Elijah chuckled sympathetically, “Yes, brother, I do. I wasn’t sure if you recalled. You were very young when it used to happen. You just had a panic attack. You used to have them occasionally when we were children…after father hurt you,” his tone was regretful, probably wishing he had tried harder to protect me from father.
I paused for a long moment, contemplating the words and interpreting them as nonsense.
I scoffed, “I’m a thousand year old immortal, Elijah. I do not have panic attacks.”
Elijah responded by rolling his eyes, “I was old enough to remember clearly. Your treatment during childhood gave you extreme anxiety. I remember what you sounded like when you tried to speak through the attacks. It was just the very same.”
I could feel myself scowl, putting a hand on my chest to feel my own body. Of course I didn’t have a human pulse, but I could feel the human blood I had consumed earlier in the day pumping through my veins much faster than usual. I looked in the mirror above the couch to examine my own face…I didn’t recognize it for a second. I looked stricken. That’s not me. I touched a hand to the mirror for a second to confirm it was real then shook my head.
“I felt sick…But that isn’t possible. How could I still have a human ailment that I had so long ago?”
“Because it isn’t started by a virus or anything physical, Niklaus. It’s an emotion driven thing. I surmise you never experienced this as a vampire before because you have never been so invaded by real emotions before.”
“I am not-“ I started to protest indignantly, but Elijah cut me off once again.
“Lie to yourself, not to me. It’s irritating. If you didn’t care for Caroline in some way, you wouldn’t have reacted this way. Your body likely reacted for you before your mind could understand what you were feeling.”
I often hated how naturally perceptive my brother was, “I don not live that way, though. I do not entertain relationships like that. There is my family and there are my enemies, everyone else is a means to an end.”
“Hmm…” I could practically see Elijah’s face as he pondered the situation, “Perhaps…without your permission, your subconscious has started to see her as family.”
I stopped for a moment to think about his words. I had been blindingly angry when Caroline broke into my meeting, my entire being rebelling against the idea of her being in such danger. Ironically, I think I had done the things I had so feared the wolves were going to do-erasing Caroline from my life.
I tried to ponder that thought a little longer, to understand why or how she was affecting me so much. But the longer I spent thinking about her absence from my life, the stronger the feelings of unease got. It started to feel like I was going to throw up my internal organs, so I quickly stopped the contemplation.
This is not alright.
Caroline’s POV
He will regret this. That was the only thought that kept running through my mind. I will make him regret this. Of course I understand the reasons behind his cruelty, his insanity. But that doesn’t change how it feels to be subjected to it.
           I may have been a patient, forgiving person when I was little girly, human Caroline. But that isn’t me anymore. I haven’t been that girl in a long time. Sure, I remember her favorite movies and I know who she loves and doesn’t give two shits about. But I don’t connect with her now.
           I knew that as a vampire, I had grown stronger, braver, more resilient. But this was different; the more time I had spent around Klaus, the more my perspective on things started to change. My friends back home…our entire world was so small and limited. He was right about one thing; that wasn’t enough for me. But he was wrong about another; I’m not just light. Light is harmless. Light is innocent and weightless. But I aimed to have an impact. I think I’ll be fire instead.
           Something about how he rejected my compassion…it made me feel ridiculous. Like I was an idiot for even trying to break through to him. Like I was some delusional little girl. And that feeling-well the embarrassment quickly changed to rage and something in me had broken. The light went out and came back stronger, a flame ready to burn. Cheesy, I know, but some of my human has to come out sometimes. Even switching the flip doesn’t change my entire personality, just emphasizes a different side of it.  As I strolled down the freezing streets, immune to the Russian cold stinging my cheeks, I laughed. Klaus thought he was so in control, so all-knowing. I bet he doesn’t know the monster he just created.
I arrived at the river in the middle of town, Neva something, and stripped off my bulky winter clothes. They were a front-I didn’t need them. Just like the sunshine-y version of myself that so hoped Klaus would understand his feelings. She was a front-I don’t need her.
I grinned to myself as I dove naked into the ice cold water.
  A/n: I’m sorry this is so short and unedited, but it’s kind of a transition chapter. The next one with badass Care will be longer. Please let me know if any of this got too cheesy or formal. I’ve been writing adlock fanfiction at the same time so I am used to their POVS, which are quite different from Caroline’s. Let me know if you’re excited for dark Caroline and hit me up with suggestions in the comments! I like to include you guys’ ideas.
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braveryworna-blog · 7 years
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kylermalloy · 4 years
What’s your favourite Hayley moments?
Excellent question! Hayley grew on me a lot as I rewatched the series—especially after what happened in season 5 :( But there’s a lot of noteworthy moments for her!
The first one that stands out to me is in the pilot—when Elijah gives her a crash course on the Mikaelson Family Tragedy, especially how Mikael forced Elijah to bind Klaus. And Hayley responds very eloquently,
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It’s a little moment, but it gives us a very clear picture of the role Hayley’s going to play in this show. In a supernatural soap opera full of thousand-year-old creatures who talk and act like Shakespeare rejects, Hayley is...us. The audience surrogate in a lot of ways. She’s the one who grounds them with her modern perspective. Instead of treating the Mikaelsons as ancient, unknowable creatures who ought to be feared, she just treats them like people. Obnoxious, overdramatic, insufferable people she must tolerate. Grow fond of. Come to love. Consider family.
Then there’s her little arc in 1x02, with the wolfsbane. I’m just really glad they included it as part of the story. Obviously TO is Klaus’s story—the first episode was centered around his decision to accept the baby. But Hope is Hayley’s baby too, and Hayley’s decision to want her is just as important.
There’s a line she says in 1x17 (I think) after the wolves are freed from their curse, and Jackson is pimping out the perks of the bayou. Hayley responds rather cheekily “then what? We’re gonna play horseshoes?” I’m not even sure why, maybe because it’s what I was thinking too, but I enjoy that line so much. It’s very Hayley.
Her fight with Mikael in 1x20 is just… *chef’s kiss* so good. “My daughter has an advantage Klaus never had. She will never, ever know you.”
1x22, the episode of Mama Wolf. Just, all of it. Her face when she gets to hold her baby for the first time. Her absolute vengeance when she confronts Genevieve. The way she struggles not to break down when they decide what to do with Hope. How she looks away when Elijah pricks Hope’s finger. The deleted scene when she confesses to Elijah she doesn’t know who she is, after her rebirth.
In the same vein, her grief in 2x01. Her heartbreaking expression when she finds the burnt baby doll in the bayou. Her breakdown in the nursery after she kills Francesca. She’s been through so much and she can’t be strong anymore. (It’s not that I like to see Hayley sad; I like when she breaks the tough grrl facade and we see more of the real her. It happens more and more as the show goes on, and my love for her grows and grows.)
Her response to Elijah in 2x03(?): “Where is Niklaus?” “I’ll just check his calendar…wait, no, not his wife.” It gets a chuckle out of me every time.
Not a specific moment, but Hayley working with Marcel a lot in early season 2! It brings me joy. Two outcasts caught up in the circle of Mikaelson Family Drama. How can they not bond?
All of 2x09, but especially the moment she’s reunited with her daughter. The car pulls up, and before it’s even fully stopped Hayley is out, barreling toward the house to see her little girl. My heart.
In 2x12, her confrontation with Klaus (the one before he breaks her neck). She unloads on him, rightfully calling out his paranoia, his prejudice. I don’t agree with everything they made Hayley do in season 2, but I’m with her up to this point. And this is such a good acting moment from Phoebe, too.
Protective!Hayley confronting Dahlia in 2x18. “Come closer. Let’s see how a witch with no magic does against me.” I LOVE how her voice gets so low and dangerous—it’s so wonderful and dramatic (and we can hear a bit of Phoebe’s accent!)
Her fight with Klaus in 3x02. This is the one time her tough grrl act works on me—she’s lashing out with pure, unbridled rage. She lets Klaus have it, and it’s so visceral and real and hurtful. I love angst.
Her breakdown in 3x11. She’s lost Jackson, avenged him, buried him, and now she’s finally allowing herself to mourn him. She drowns in that guilt, that anger she realizes she’s directing at herself, for loving Jackson and putting a target on his back. It’s not explicitly stated, but I see this as a parallel to season 1, her reaction to Elijah and Celeste. She couldn’t understand how Elijah could blame himself for her death, how he could still carry a torch for her after two hundred years. Now she can. Her husband died because he loved her, a Mikaelson, and loving any of them is a death sentence.
Her camaraderie with Cami in 3x18. (This is how the season should have ended! With them working side by side!) It’s cute—she’s supportive of Cami and sympathizes with her fears, but also makes it clear that she needs Cami unafraid and in fighting shape. I wish we’d seen more of this dynamic from them!
Can I get through a list of Hayley moments without mentioning her wolf? Gosh, her wolf-out in 4x01 does things to me. As does her bloodsoaked, vengeful shout when she turns back “you want more? Well come on!” What are they on about, she’s not a Mikaelson. That’s literally a Klaus line.
(I honestly try not to dwell on seasons 4 and 5 too much, so this is literally as far as I can think lol)
I love Hayley a lot—of course I’m bitter they did her so dirty in the end. In this house we love and appreciate Mama Wolf, and we fix her ending in fanfic.
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