fcmilylovedarchive · 3 years
@fcmilysacrificed​ said:  "so .... you and karl?" freya's tone might appear neutral but there is a glint of teasing in her eyes.
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        It was an innocent enough question, he supposed. He had been spending a lot of time with the werewolf; but that could simply be explained that they have very similar tastes and it’s nice to talk to someone that he can judge others with. But even his name alone brings a fond smile and soft gaze to Elijah’s face. He glanced at his sister and tilted his head. “He is an interesting man.” he said with a slight shrug. “I like him.”
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trageadies · 3 years
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      𝚂𝙻𝙴𝙽𝙳𝙴𝚁 𝙷𝙰𝙽𝙳𝚂 𝚁𝙰𝙸𝚂𝙴 ,    in a sign of submission as she stands before the Mikaelson witch.    Ellie could sense her power,    due to being both witch and wolf,   and despite having an age advantage,   she really wasn’t in the mood for a fight.       “    i’m not here to fight you Miss Mikaelson,    rather i am here for a simple conversation .    ”         her words stay calm and collective.  precise in their deliverance.     (  …   as this conversation could go one way or the other.  )      “   i simply wish to discuss and help in the the task,   of stopping the war raging between the species.   ”      a simple solution and yet not an easy task.
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[ starter  call ]   :  not  accepting .   |    @chaosfueled​  :  for  freya.
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livingprophecy · 4 years
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@fcmilysacrificed​ asked:   "just so you know, the kitchen was on fire. briefly. but i have handled it. somewhat." @ antonio cause reasons   /   the easiest way to stress tonio out.
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     𝐇𝐄 𝐀𝐋𝐌𝐎𝐒𝐓 𝐃𝐎𝐄𝐒𝐍’𝐓 even want to ask, having just stepped through the doors of stonehaven after a long day. but he catches the smell of smoke lingering, and antonio can only sigh, rubbing his forehead.   “this is why i say you all need SUPERVISION in the kitchen.”   he pauses, laughing softly.   “and that it’s my kitchen, not that jeremy will ever admit that.”   this isn’t the end of the world;  they might just have to get take out that night. he looks the witch up and down, shaking his head.   “what did you even DO? and how many appliances am i going to have to replace? you know what, i was actually looking at a new oven, so i might not even be as disappointed if it’s that.”
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enduringlystoic · 3 years
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    ❝ Niklaus is off doing something questionable again. ❞
@fcmilysacrificed​  ♥’d
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alexexklaus · 4 years
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favourite character meme: [1/3] relationships: Dean Winchester
All that matters now, all that’s ever mattered, is that we’re together.
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fightforbetter-a · 4 years
4 headcanon meme - accepting 
Freya is the first person that Hayley has had consistently in her life for a long period of time (other than Hope) and there is a deep and profound bond between the pair of them that is rooted in years of struggles and joys and experiences that they shared together that she doesn’t have with anyone else in her life due to time and distance. 
Even though Hayley is thankful for all that Freya has done for her post-resurrection, there’s a tiny bit of bitterness lingering in the back of her mind in the fact that she had drawn her away from peace. Peace is the one thing that Hayley has never had, in her entire life, and she had been settling just before Freya had pulled her back into the land of the living and the destruction.
During a deep talk one night when they had been drinking, Hayley admits to Freya that she almost aborted Hope, that she had been considering it better for her child not to have a life at all than to be born into a life of horror and destruction, which leads to Freya talking about her own unborn son. The pair of them have a deeper understanding after this, a trust that is born from the fact they completely understand the root of each other’s actions in those horrible moments; Hayley also comforts Freya that, in that circumstances, she would have very likely have done the same.
It always startles the other Mikaelsons when they realize how close Hayley and Freya actually are, when they off-handedly mention each other’s favourite foods or how long they’ll spend in the shower or being able to predict what the other one’s going to say about something, word for word - little things that they picked up over time with each other and that the other Mikaelsons didn’t get the chance to. Hayley always feels a little more secure in her relationship with Freya after these moments, realizing that the two of them have created their own Always and Forever outside of the larger family. 
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runthewxrld · 3 years
@fcmilysacrificed​  || FREYA <3
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“For some reason I don’t remember tiredness being this hard the first time I was a human. Is this normal? Do you think I’m sick?”
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notafossil · 4 years
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    ❝ Sorry! That was completely my fault. I’ll grab your... ❞ Steve stoops to grab the ( pretty hefty ) book he’d knocked out of her hand, before he blinks at the symbols in it, his brows pinching as he glances up at her.  ❝ -- spell book? ❞
@fcmilysacrificed​  ♥’d
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packbcrn · 4 years
AGGRESSION   //   SEXUAL  TENSION ( accepting )
@fcmilysacrificed​ said:  🔙   //   push  my  muse  against  a  wall .
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            He wonders if she’s doing this intentionally. His back is pushed against the wall, she’s so close to him that he can see flecks of colour in her eyes; smell her intoxicating aroma. He’s overwhelmed with the need to touch, to breathe her in; and everything else is far less important than the woman in front of him. He wraps one arm around her waist and pulls her in CLOSE and leans his head down until he’s just centimetres away from her face; it would be so easy to close the gap and kiss her - but he doesn’t. Instead, he murmurs; “You’re so - irresistible.” 
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bayouroyalty · 4 years
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@fcmilysacrificed​ liked for a starter
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The floor is in disarray –– there are blood bags, upon blood bags on the ground, scattered and drained and in the middle of the rubble, there’s Hayley, holding onto a halfway-drained O positive so hard it looks like it’ll pop between her fingertips. ❛ Freya ––❜ She doesn’t know if she’s about to be on the other side of a lecture, or the other side of Freya’s gentle and concerned eyes, but she tosses the bag instead, wipes her mouth with the back of her arm.  ❛ You probably shouldn’t come in here.❜ 
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@fcmilysacrificed​  ~ liked for a 🎃 starter
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“ just because Halloween is usually a family affair it shouldn’t hinder things that I have a prisoner in the cellar downstairs. “
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fcmilylovedarchive · 3 years
@fcmilysacrificed​  liked for a starter ( jeremy )
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           He passes her the cup of tea, and takes a seat next to her on the sofa, his eyes twinkling with amusement as he starts to speak. “So, I see that you and Nicholas have been growing CLOSER.”
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dadalpha · 4 years
@fcmilysacrificed​ liked for a jeremy dream!
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              “FREYA.” He’d sensed something was wrong, as if a cold chill ran through his body, screaming her name in the back of his mind - FORCING him to listen. To reach out - how surprised he was to find this connection ( she wasn’t a werewolf; he didn’t understand. ) “Freya, listen to me. You are IN DANGER.” He walks over to her, the dream wavering and pausing- as if her mind didn’t know what to make of this intruder. “You’re unconscious.” At least she wasn’t drugged. Her mind felt dazed - but not that much. “Can you remember what happened?”
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badasshybridqueen · 4 years
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A rush a wind fills the darkened room, a crackle of sound and then confusion. Small palms press against the cool wood of the floor, flesh prickling with goosebumps. her skin is sweat slicked, hair slightly damp. One minute she’s on the other side the next she’s here. the hybrid blinks, panicked eyes darting around the room as she scrambles up. The sound of her heartbeat echoes in her ears, throat dry and scratchy as she tries to figure out what the hell is going on. There’s not a stich of clothing on her and she’s about to shift and run when she spots a familiar face. Hayley hesitates, “Freya?”
@fcmilysacrificed​  hit the ❤️ for a starter
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enduringlystoic · 4 years
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    ❝ You haven’t eaten in thirteen hours, darling. Eat. ❞
@fcmilysacrificed​  ♥’d
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leroiloup · 4 years
► @fcmilysacrificed​​​​ ​  //   liked for a halloween one-liner
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     ❝ It’s come to my attention, dear sister, that though you’ve celebrated a proper Mikaelson Christmas –– we’ll leave out the irony of our lack of Christianity in that statement –– you may not have experienced a true New Orleans Halloween. After the tribulations of this year, I say we’re in need of a little revelry. What do you think ? ❞
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