packbcrn · 4 years
okay so LIFE UPDATE:
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i’m gonna be moving in a month which means pre-move i gotta prepare. i’m gonna be starting university in a month (hence the move) and i also gotta prepare for that. so i’ve decided to temporarily move my muses to a multi. i fully intend to return them to their single muse blogs once i settle into my new routine and get the hang of everything.
you can find the new multi HERE
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packbcrn · 4 years
okay so LIFE UPDATE:
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i’m gonna be moving in a month which means pre-move i gotta prepare. i’m gonna be starting university in a month (hence the move) and i also gotta prepare for that. so i’ve decided to temporarily move my muses to a multi. i fully intend to return them to their single muse blogs once i settle into my new routine and get the hang of everything.
you can find the new multi HERE
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packbcrn · 4 years
angsty injury things for all your angsty injury needs … sentence starters
“Does it hurt?“
“Can you walk?”
“Let me carry you.”
“That looks broken.“
“Who did this to you?”
“Tell me where it hurts.”
“That’s…a lot of blood.“
“You stopped breathing.”
“Why are you bleeding?“
“That’s not just a scratch.”
“I thought you were dead!”
“Oh, God, you’re bleeding!”
“Don’t you pass out on me!”
“Hey, hey, stay with me, ok?“
“Just sit up and breathe, ok?“
“What happened to your leg?“
“You should get that looked at.”
“Thank god you’re breathing…”
“What the hell happened to you?”
“Where’d you get those bruises?”
“I’m going to carry you, now, ok?”
“Let me get you some ice for that.”
“Don’t move, you’ll make it worse!“
“We need to get you to a hospital.“
“I’m so sorry I let this happen to you.“
“How many fingers am I holding up?“
“Here, press this against the wound.”
“Hold still, I have to bandage this up.”
“Just breathe… you’re okay, i promise.”
“You’re gonna be fine, ok? You’ll be fine.”
“How the hell did you do this to yourself?“
“Shush, just concentrate on staying awake.”
“This is going to hurt, but I need to clean that.”
“Oh, god. Please be alive. Please still be alive!”
“On a scale of 1 to 10, how much does it hurt?“
“That looks pretty bad. I think you need stitches.”
“What do you mean you’re fine? You are not fine!”
“You should lay down, you hit your head pretty hard.”
“Come on, now. You’ve lived through worse than this.”
“Stop being so stubborn and just let me patch you up!”
“I got you. It’s gonna be okay, you’re going to be okay.”
“So, are you going to tell me the truth about how you got this?”
“I’m going to find you did this to you, and I’m going to kill them.”
“You can say this was an accident all you want, I don’t believe it.”
“’Don’t do that’, I said. ‘You’ll get hurt’, I said. And what did you do?”
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packbcrn · 4 years
Vanilla Sunday Meme
For muns who aren’t into explicit sexual content, but don’t mind approaching the topic. Feel free to cross out any questions you aren’t comfortable with!
Is your muse a romantic? Do they dream of love and marriage?
Is your muse a deviant? Are they overly flirtatious or forward?
Is your muse good at kissing? Are they experienced?
Does your muse initiate a lot of physical contact?
Is your muse comfortable with public displays of affection? 
Does your muse steal clothing from their partner?
Is your muse the big spoon or the little spoon?
Is your muse comfortable with, or proud of their body? Are they insecure?
Is your muse attracted to any features in particular?
Have their crushes been mostly male, mostly female, or evenly split?
Have their partners been mostly male, mostly female, or evenly split? 
Is your muse easily flustered? Do they blush, swear, etc.?
Where is your muse most sensitive? 
Is your muse more submissive or dominant in a relationship? 
Would your muse ever tempt their partner, e.g. flirting, wearing tight/sexy clothing?
Does your muse initiate heated/sexual contact, or do they wait for their partner?
Does your muse leave hickies? Do they ask for them?
Does your muse like to be pinned down, or to pin their partner? 
Has your muse reached first/second/third base? Home run? 
Would your muse be interested in engaging with multiple partners?
Would your muse ever send a sexual text message? Would they send pictures?
Does your muse read smut, own magazines, or watch p-rn?
Is your muse the type to discuss their sex life or sexual prowess with others?
Is your muse a top, a bottom, or a switch? Do they have a lean?
How interested is your muse in sex and sexual activity?
Do they have sex frequently, occasionally, or rarely?
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packbcrn · 4 years
“So that’s what you’re doing then. Hunting vermin? Or is it a bounty?” “Both.” “Hunting vermin for a bounty? On just this particular werewolf?” The man shrugged. “Nah, any werewolf would do. The guy just wants them exterminated, and he’s willing to pay to see it happen. Win-win.” “Exterminated?” Vanessa said. “Well, controlled. You can’t just wipe them out, right? Not that I’d argue if you could. World would be a better place without those brutes.” Nick stiffened. This was something he would never get used to. When he’d grown up, the Pack had kept itself separate from the greater supernatural world, and he’d never had cause to wonder what others thought of them, because as far as he knew, no one believed in them. Then the Pack rejoined the interracial council, and he’d found out exactly what they thought of him. Namely that he was a brutish killing machine, liable to rip their throats out for kicks.
“Let me step back then,” Vanessa said. “Do you know who you’re hunting?” “It’s not a who. It’s a what. They aren’t human. You can’t think of them that way.” Nick rocked on the balls of his feet.
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packbcrn · 4 years
so my nick is gonna be a mush of book & show based. a lot of the books are going to influence my portrayal - but i’m not going to have nick be in a relationship with vanessa. i’m not a fan of that relationship so everything between them was kept strictly professional after she slu/t sh/amed him
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packbcrn · 4 years
literary agency i’m gonna submit to: we are currently closed and will re-open on the 1st of February 2021. me, looking at the date of the 1st of February 2021: uhm.
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packbcrn · 4 years
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              That makes her chuckle, head ducking down for a moment. She does not need to be told, of course, but it is still nice to hear – so nice, in fact, she usually does not know how to react. But she hesitates when Nick takes her suggestion seriously; the readiness with which he indulges her rather SILLY REQUEST has her biting her lip. “Pancakes? Tonio’s pancakes must be the best thing in the world.” Freya straightens up, sending him a more serious look. “Are you certain? The last thing I want is to cause trouble – and if your dad is going to cook for me, I could at the very least show up.”
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        “Pancakes it is.” He nodded his head with a grin. “I’ll make sure to tell him you said that. He might slip you an extra one.” He pushes himself up into sitting position before getting off the bed, glancing around to locate - then grab a pair of sweatpants. He quickly slid them on before looking back at Freya. “You won’t cause trouble, I promise. Antonio won’t be offended.” Honestly, he’d probably be thrilled that Freya wanted to self indulge and relax. She hardly gets enough of that. He smiled, then leaned over her to kiss her. “I’ll be right back.”
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packbcrn · 4 years
the first thing freya noticed was that awful awful hex that almost killed him dead ( she's met him before but she did not pay attention )
what’s the first thing your muse noticed about mine?
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        “Yeah - not my FINEST moment. But if it got me the attention of a beautiful woman - who am I to complain?”
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packbcrn · 4 years
First noticed... werewolf my age... must assert dominance.
what’s the first thing your muse noticed about mine?
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           “Nice to know not much has changed since we were kids.” The words are teasing, as he gives Clay a good natured jab with his elbow. “I’m glad the tackling has MOSTLY stopped. I think Jeremy was getting tired of checking me for concussions.”
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packbcrn · 4 years
the first thing lila noticed about her trenti caramel macchiato was actually his stupid v-neck and how much of a waste a shirt like that is on someone with the absolute bare minimum amount of chest hair
what’s the first thing your muse noticed about mine?
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             “Hey, I don’t see you complaining about my V-Necks nor the PERFECTION that they show off.”
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packbcrn · 4 years
what’s the first thing your muse noticed about mine? 
tell me what it is about my muse that drew yours in. physical attributes, mannerisms, appearance etc. 
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packbcrn · 4 years
@fcmilysacrificed​ said: “I want to know more about you.”
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            “Well... I might be one of the few only hereditary pack wolves ever - who didn’t join later in life - to have met his mother.” He says it casually, a small smile on his face, as if it wasn’t a secret he’d been holding in, waiting to get out. It’s just the two of them, none of the pack around - which is the only reason he mentions it. “It’s a long story. But I met her. Spoke with her. She’s... nice.” his smile grows soft. “The Pack don’t know. Hell, they even don’t know that I even know her name - or anything else about her. It’s... easier, this way. Less pain for my dad.”
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packbcrn · 4 years
all my muses speak more than one language
nick: English & italian
jeremy: more than I can say
elijah: probably everything
reese: English & dumbassery
and I find that interesting 🤔
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packbcrn · 4 years
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packbcrn · 4 years
updated my bio page!
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packbcrn · 4 years
i’m filling out a google doc template bio for nick and
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i make myself laugh
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