#(while still doing the nightshift work)
elidee-art · 1 month
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Thinkin abt fancy boys as kids the other night.
Don't ask how often Kel got piggyback rides. It was too often
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I know it is ok to make mistakes. I know it is ok to listen to my body and take breaks when I need to
I am also terrified I am going to get in trouble at work because I had such an awful day last shift and left early and had basically nothing done
Rly not sure what else I COULD do since I kept getting nauseous and wonky headed and stuck in the bathroom every like 20 minutes trying to wait it out
I just. Have fear and guilt. Especially since it's right before a holiday and we r gonna be busy.
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semisolidmind · 3 months
been seeing some anthro designs of the current blorbos and i can’t stop thinking about an au for it. so, to get it outta my brain;
(i guess this is a college au?)
—dogday and catnap as adoptive brothers, with a big group of friends (the critters, who are mostly dogday’s friends that tolerate catnap), the cat is primarily mute and allows his brother to do the talking for the both of them.
—catnap was kidnapped when he and dogday were kids. he was 5, and he was missing for five years. to their credit, his family never gave up hope of finding him. when he was found, he was dazed, stumbling along the road, malnourished, and bleeding from shallow wounds on his arms and legs. his vocal chords had been fried through the forced inhalation of some strange drug, and he couldn't speak at all for a good long while after. catnap and his adopted family learned sign language (and though his voice healed somewhat as he got older, he still prefers not to use it). despite getting better, his voice maintains a raspy, whispery quality.
—catnap was obviously traumatized by his time away and refused to talk about it. it was deduced that he'd been taken by an infamous cult in the area and indoctrinated. a very close eye was kept on him throughout the rest of his grade school life. with no behavioral problems beyond a lack of speech and general closed-off attitude, most write off any weird behavior of his as a result of his trauma. he maintains a close relationship with his brother, he works nightshifts at a gas station, and stays out of trouble. supposedly.
—(catnap's a serial killer. he destroys anyone with a target placed on them by his god; a being the cult calls "the prototype." the cult conditioned him to be their executioner. catnap still smokes the opium-based drugs fed to him all those years ago, now sent to him discreetly by the cult; to help him "see what the prototype wants him to see," and "enact his will." his almost-full immunity allows him to use the smoke to knock out his victims by casually taking a drag and blowing it into their faces (he then either kills them right then or takes them to the cult to be sacrificed).
—dogday is a bright, happy fella who makes friends with almost anyone. he's a favorite on campus, a sweet guy who radiates sunshine and maintains a large group of friends. he has a massive crush on y/n, a newcomer to his school, and immediately integrates them into his circle (he calls them angel, something about them "saving" him from some accident? no one is really sure what happened there). he's terrible at hiding just how smitten he is, and his friends tease him when y/n isn't around. dogday swears he'll confess, but he gets so flustered and nervous about messing up their relationship. it doesn't help that his angel is so oblivious to his love (bobby does her best to try and nudge y/n towards dogday, but it never seems to click). y/n and dogday are very close despite all this tension.
—catnap likes y/n too, in his quiet way. he'll stand with them when the group is together, resting his chin on the top of their head or leaning on them while everyone stands around and talks. he sits next to them in the library while bubba tutors dogday in math, resting his head on the desk and watching y/n read out of his peripheral. he likes how quiet they are. they're so...so gentle with him, without being condescending or infantalizing him. he appreciates the care they show him. he wants all the attention they'll give him.
he also likes that they're a little scared of him.
some more ideas:
—both boys are close to y/n and spend a lot of time with them, without the rest of their friends.
—y/n becomes one of the only people catnap won't kill. he's gotten attached.
—happening in a universe where monsters and humans coexist. not a ton of division, but there's a monster side of town (where the buildings are much bigger to accommodate larger bodies) and a human side.
—you think catnap is the only dangerous one until you see how dogday reacts to y/n being harmed in some way. like catnap is the obviously dangerous one you don't take your eyes off of but then you catch dogday outta your peripheral about to clock you with a pipe
—dogday is an absolutely wonderful partner, so devoted and loyal, and willing to throw hands if given a reason to (a big surprise to anyone who thinks he's just the "nice" one). y/n isn't completely oblivious to his affection, but is hesitant to act on any feelings they have; while most monsters don't mind human/monster relationships, there are plenty of humans that disapprove. they don't want dogday to be harassed because of them.
—a scene where catnap forcefully shotguns red smoke into y/n’s mouth to knock them out cause he thinks it’d make them happier to not have to “worry so much" and take a nap w/ him (also he wants a lil kiss and can't be normal about it). or maybe he's tryna kidnap them or smth. y/n doesn't really remember much when catnap does this, and writes it off as catnap's drowsy nature rubbing off on them when they wake up after an unexpected snooze.
—catnap doesn't like being touched usually. his brother and y/n are the exceptions.
—it's very subtle, and noone would notice if they weren't watching them closely, but both catnap's and dogday's pupils get a bit bigger when looking at y/n. two overgrown, lovesick housepets.
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smellrain · 3 months
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in which: Jack has liked you for years, but so far you have been oblivious to his feelings. Will the guide he made with the help of his teammate make you fall for him? Or will it end up destroying your friendship?
tags: written, mention of use of alcohol, slight angst. (masterlist for this au) (my masterlist) <prev. part: prologue I next part: ch. 2>
notes: [4.3k] First of all: thank you for your kind words after the prologue yesterday! Very happy that so many of you liked it. There is an analysis post about this chapter here that you might want to check out after! I hope you enjoy :) & come tell me how you liked it!!!
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It had been a long day at work for you. The data your boss had assigned you had taken you a lot longer to work on than you’d expected, which meant that you actually, genuinely missed your last lecture of the day. You had texted a barely-even-friend that attended the same elective about her notes but you hadn't gotten a text back so far. 
Standing in front of your door now, you leaned the crown of your head against the outside of it and took a deep breath in. You had missed the key hole not once but twice now and the anger that welled up inside of you was completely unwarranted, so you knew you needed to mentally take at least one step back. 
Four seconds in, seven hold, eight out. In and out. You blinked once and the dark of the wood was an unwelcome reminder of reality. Still, unlocked the door, this time succeeding on the first try. 
The hallway was quiet, but you had expected as much. One of your flatmates had a nightshift at the clinic she was working at while the other was sleeping over at her boyfriends. The blissful silence you had looked forward to this morning seemed suffocating now. 
It didn’t matter. It was fine like this, you were fine.
After turning on the kitchen light, you walked to your room, put down your bag and fell down onto your bed, face first. The scratchy fabric of your bedcover was not nearly as nice as the sheets you had dreamed of all day long. 
For a while you let your eyes fall closed, not asleep, but resting nonetheless. You just wanted to rinse the day off of you, but you were too hungry to even think about showering. 
With a groan you peeled yourself off your bed, sat at the edge of your mattress while an inexplicable urge to cry welled up inside of you. Your day had been really shitty and your were really, really hungry.
But you got up anyway and walked towards the light in the kitchen that shone through through the space of the door to your room.
The music you’d put on in the background helped but it didn’t quite scratch that itch for conversation, for company. When you saw your phone light up from where you had left it on the counter, you hoped it might be the classmate you had texted. 
You rinsed off your hands to see who had messaged you. 
Jack (worst Hughes brother): hey what r you doing tn? You: currently making dinner why what did you do what do you need Jack (worst Hughes brother): nothing  wait why did you assume i did/need sth anyways: can i come over soon?
The shower. You still had to shower, but soon for Jack usually meant at least half an hour. It  should be enough time and besides it was just Jack, no reason to put in more effort than necessary. 
You: because you always text me when you need my help sure, I might be eating by then, have you eaten? Jack (worst Hughes brother): I did like 5min ago wait no ignore that, you’re telling me I could have had some of yours??? jkjk see you soon
You liked the last message and turned the heat off your stove. Shower first, you reminded yourself, even as you mourned the loss of the start of your dinner that you had been frying on the stove. 
When he knocked at your door you were still sitting at the small kitchen table that could barely seat two people. “It’s open,” you said, loudly. 
From the sounds you could hear him open and close the door, take off his shoes and leave his bag in the hallway. When he finally came into your view, you couldn’t help but smile. Strange how that worked, considering you had almost cried half an hour ago. Food really worked miracles sometimes. But then again he had always had that kind of effect on you, making you smile despite yourself. 
“That’s not very safe of you,” he had said but he was already smiling, “having your door unlocked.”
“Hey you, fancy seeing you here.”
There was a warm feeling curling itself around your ribcage at the look at him, “hey yourself. I left it open because I knew you were coming over, don’t worry about it.”
“Alright,” he conceded, “did you watch the game yesterday?”
“‘Course I did,” you said, eyes following him as he took a glass from the cabinets and filled it up. There was something intimate about that, the ease he carried himself with, him knowing where to find your glassware and feeling comfortable enough to do so while carrying on with the conversation. 
There was something in you that ached at the feeling, at having someone that comes home to you. At having someone that just feels that comfortable with you, that you live your life alongside with. 
It’s not like you were lonely, you had wonderful flatmates and good friends, but there was just something different about this feeling, about this longing. Or maybe that was just the effect he had on you, inexplicable as always.
“Good, otherwise I would have felt stupid after my goal.”
You had seen the new ritual he did sometimes that he had been asked about by the media sometimes. He had done it a few times now, more often over this past year. He was approached by his teammates first, but then he was still for a bit, putting his hand on his chest and raising it up after, usually waving once. The warmth that had seeped into your bones crept up to your face, “you did that for me?”
The one time he talked to an interviewer about it, he had said it was a new good luck charm he was trying out.
Because of the small table the two of you sat close and his knee kept bumping into yours, but you hardly paid it any mind. It was comforting, having him here, this close in the low light of the kitchen, cradling one of your glasses in his hands. 
Admitting something he hadn’t told anyone else.
“Yeah, of course, had to show my appreciation for my number one fan somehow.”
You laughed a little, “you are such an idiot.”
The smile he gave you in return crinkled up the skin at the corner of his eyes and you wanted to trace that fold with your thumb. What were you even thinking? “I know.”
So you just swatted his shoulder and got up to wash your dish. “Did you guys go out and celebrate?”
Jack turned in his seat, his body facing your back from where he was still sitting at the table, “yeah. It was a really small bar in the middle of nowhere, Nico said he didn’t want to be recognised, despite the win.”
You hummed in response. The constant scrutiny must have been affecting them all after these past few games. “Cool. Did it actually work or,” you trailed off, not really sure how to finish your question. 
“Sort of, I mean we took a few pictures when we came in but it was a lot better than usual.”
“I’m glad then,” you said and turned back around to face him, “I’m glad nothing too exciting happened.”
At the word exciting his expression morphed into something odd. “What?” you asked.
“Nothing,” he answered but he wasn’t meeting your eyes anymore. 
“You can tell me, you know you can,” you reminded him, now getting closer to him again. You were usually able to get out every last secret of his if you just asked the right questions. 
“I know,” he assured you, now pulling you a little closer by your hip and resting his hand there. He had always been touchy like that, arms slung over your shoulders or around your waist, hands holding your wrist to pull you through crowds, thumbs circling your ankle when you rested your legs in his lap. 
“But it’s really nothing, I just got a little drunk,” he assured you, but you didn’t really buy it. 
Still, you had no real reason to press, knowing that it just made him close up further. He would end up telling you, just not now. “Okay.”
The two of you went back to your room soon after, deciding to watch a movie. You didn’t tell him that you were really, genuinely tired, because you knew he could tell. He always could, somehow, even if you yourself weren’t all that aware of it. Funny how that worked.
You sat down first and then patted the spot next to you on the bed, but for a split second you saw him hesitate. That hurt, just a bit because you had thought that the two of you were close enough for it to not matter anymore. 
Still, he leaned against the headboard next to you, his shoulder softly knocking against yours and your worries disappeared at that. You must have imagined it.
“Any preferences?”
“Ratatouille,” you said immediately, not even knowing where that request came from. 
He smiled, “I do like a girl that knows what she wants.”
For some reason you blushed at that, at the barely even there implication of being his. You really were going insane today. “Is that okay for you?”
“Sure,” he said, “let's watch the rat be a better cook than the two of us combined.”
You typed the website and clicked play on your screen and settled your laptop down between the two of you, one knee on each side of the bottom of it. 
You were suddenly keenly aware of the fact that you didn’t even own a tv, that you were watching a movie from your laptop when he could be at home, watching it on a screen that was at least double the size of this.
It was a stupid thought, so you brushed it off. He was a professional athlete, you were a college student. There was something fundamentally different about your current lives, as intertwined as they were. 
The movie started soon after, so you pushed all of that to the back of your mind. At first the two of you ran a semi-steady commentary about what was going on but soon after you were both too engrossed in the story to think about anything fun to say. 
When a sharp sound came from the screen you realised that you had your eyes closed. Sleepily you blinked your eyes open again. It must have been for a few minutes, at least because you weren't sure what was going on anymore. 
“Tired?” he asked, a knowing glint in his eyes. 
You let your forehead fall against his shoulder, this time on purpose. It was a welcome contrast to a few hours ago when you did the same thing against your front door. His shoulder was softer because of his sweatshirt and he smelled nice. Like the shampoo he used, like his laundry detergent. You wondered when that smell had become intrinsically his and not someone else's' like a friend of yours that used the same deodorant. 
You kind of wanted to drown in it, but you held yourself afloat anyway. He wasn’t yours, you weren’t his. The two of you weren’t like that.
“Had a hard day at work,” you mumbled, a little more tired now than you’d been just moments ago. His presence did that to you, calmed you down when you didn’t even know you were high to begin with. 
He lowered your shoulder a bit which made it more comfortable for you to rest your head on it. “You could have said no, you know that, right?”
But you had wanted to see him once you had seen his message. “I know.”
“Good,” he answered, as if it was as simple as that and remained quiet after that. 
You tried to turn your focus back to the movie, you really did, but before you knew it your eyelids were drooping again. 
Then you were woken up again, this time by Jack. 
The movie must have finished in the meantime because he had moved his arm, closing your laptop. You rubbed your eyes tiredly, trying to form a coherent thought but the only thing on your mind was the warmth of him next to you, the dream that just barely slipped out of your grasp. 
“Sorry,” you said.
He turned to you, surprised. “What for? If anything I should apologise, I kept watching even when you were tired.”
“You know I don't mind that,” you said. “I just wasn’t very good company today. Sorry.”
Jack knocked his shoulder against you with a little more purpose so you  turned to him. “Nope, none of that. I don’t mind, I got to see you, which is all I wanted anyway.”
How could he just say something like that? As if words like these didn’t bore themselves under your skin, living there forever, etching themselves into the white of your bones.
This casually, as if it didn’t just make your heart flutter the same way it did when you were eighteen, back when you had loved him. Still, in your barely illuminated room, late at night you let yourself linger. Let yourself pretend that his words held meaning. 
Let yourself pretend that the two of you were different.
You thought about the thousands of times you must have seen him just like this, in the dark, looking back at you. 
It was a weird memory that came to you, just then.
Back when the two of you had first met you had been crushing hard. It wasn’t really surprising, now looking back. You had never really gotten a lot of attention by boys growing up, so when he went out of his way to talk to you, you really had no choice but to fall for him. 
Liking him had become addicting. 
You could still remember the moment you thought he might like you back and the very same moment you knew it wasn’t, probably ever, going to work out between the two of you.
It was at a party, after you had just graduated. You had just come out of the bathroom, alone because your friend was finally, finally talking to the guy she liked. 
Then you picked up a friend’s voice somewhere down the corner, most likely from the kitchen. “C’mon your turn now. Who are you crushing on,” Aaron had said. They must still be playing a weird mixture of truth or dare and some other game you had already forgotten the name of.
Your mind immediately went to Jack, the way his hand had brushed yours when he had gotten you a drink earlier that night. 
“I don't?” Jack answered, slightly laughing, but there was an air of unease in his voice that you couldn’t help but notice. 
“C’mon, Jack don’t be like that,” someone else interjected, and suddenly you were a lot more invested in the conversation than just a moment ago. It was always like that when it was about him. 
“There are always so many girls throwing themselves at you, surely you want one of them,” you could hear the other guy’s jealousy from miles away but you weren’t sure if the others picked up on it too. 
“I’m serious, I barely have time for my friends already, let alone a girlfriend.” Jack said and there was this tiny spark of hope rising in your chest. Maybe you could change that. Maybe you could be the exception. 
“True,” Aaron agreed calmer than usual. You thought he might be noticing the tension waving off of the other guy. 
“There is no shame in admitting it,” the other guy doubled down, “what about that one girl? Short, brunette, on the track and field club.”
Oh god, he was describing your friend, the one you had just left with her crush. “Nah, wait I think she has a boyfriend, but what about her friend, the one that Kevin hangs out with.”
You. Shit, he was talking about you. Did you really want to hear Jack’s response? What if he said he didn’t like you? But what if he did?
“She is my friend too, you know,” Jack said, “but she is pretty, I guess.”
He guesses? That kind of really stung. You knew that there was nothing all that memorable about you, but it’s not like you were ugly. A thousand different insecurities that you thought you had worked through rose to the surface and you didn’t have the strength to push them back down. 
You had to escape, now, without being noticed and without listening to anything more. Still, your ear couldn’t help but pick up on the rest even as you pushed past that guy that sat behind you in math.
“Jack, don’t be like that,” the other guy insisted, “don’t you want to go up to her and just fuck her? I mean her ass-”
Humiliation. For some reason you felt humiliated and violated. You knew about locker room talk, but you had never wanted to be part of it. Tears were beginning to well up in your eyes and suddenly you could feel every single person that had touched any part of you today, suddenly questioning if it really was accidental. 
You had to get out, now. The static in your ear was loud and the bass vibrating through the soles of your feet seemed to turn it up even more. You had run away, texting the friend you came with some kind of bullshit excuse for leaving. 
The asphalt outside on the sidewalk was cold, but you sat down on it anyway. You just wanted to cry. Everything seemed so overwhelming and important all at once and you had no idea how to deal with all of it. 
Soon you were leaving high school for good, your friends were moving all across the country, you were so fucking lonely and the guy you had been crushing on for a better part of a year didn’t even think that you were worthy to look at. 
You drew your legs closer to your body and folded yourself up as much as possible. Growing up seemed scary all of a sudden. There was that one Lorde lyric that said that too, that you couldn’t quite pinpoint.
Suddenly people were streaming out of the house, all at once. You wiped your tears, looking up at what was happening. In the stream of people you couldn’t make out any of your friends.
Then you heard your name being called. It was Kevin, still standing at his door. He held Jack at the others shirt collar, as if he was holding up a particularly unruly cat that had gotten in trouble again. 
Your eyes must not have been red because when you came closer neither boy commented on it. “Get him home,” Kevin said and dumped a heap of Jack right in front of you. 
Jack glared back at where Kevin disappeared back into the house, eyes murderous. You had never really seen him act like that, especially to a friend. But then again how well did you really know him?
A beat of silence. You really wondered what on earth had happened for the party to just end. You shifted your weight on your feet. “Do you have a car?” you asked eventually. 
Jack brushed past you, “yeah. I’ll drive you home, didn’t drink anything.”
You followed him, but on the short walk back to his car neither of you said anything. 
The stereo remained off all the way back to your place. After you had stopped looking at him to try and figure out what had him in this bad of a mood, you looked outside. The neighbourhood was so familiar, and the horribly sad feeling from earlier came up again. 
You really needed some kind of distraction. “Thank you for driving me home.”
For a second he remained quiet and you really thought you were going to be ignored. He had always had a bit of a dramatic streak at times. “Of course.”
His expression remained scarily blank. “Can I ask what happened with Kevin?”
“Nothing,” he said, his gaze staring firmly ahead. Then, “I don’t like his friends.”
What kind of response was that? “Okay,” you tried, carefully, “then why did you come?”
“I didn’t know I didn’t like them before tonight,” he said. 
Then you looked at the way his hands were gripping the wheel, specifically at his knuckles. Wait- “did you punch one of them?”
He laughed, and the sound bounced off the small enclosure and some kind of happy feeling made your heart swell, even though you had been apprehensive about him just moments ago.
It was a lot longer than your comment had warranted. You really were a bit concerned about him. Should he be driving if he acted like this? “I might have.”
Before you could ask why, because you had never seen him actually punch anyone, he continued, “in my defense, he started it.”
“That’s a shitty defense,” you said, “that just means you have to be the one to take a step back first.”
He only shook his head in response but you were happy he was back to acting like that Jack you knew. “You would have punched him too, I just know it.”
“Sure,” you replied. You had never punched a person because you didn’t like them and you didn’t think you’d start anytime soon. 
“Trust me, you would have,” he said and left it at that. 
The two of you arrived at your place soon after, so you thanked him and left. 
The rest of the summer between highschool and college was spent getting over him, which you eventually succeeded at when he introduced his now ex-girlfriend to you and your friends. 
In college you went out on a few dates, but none of them ended up going anywhere. That was fine to you, because it just meant that you were prioritising other things now, like your studies and your friends. 
There wasn’t even anything all that similar between that memory and your current situation, but you drew the comparison anyway. His jaw was more refined now, his hair longer and his eyes seemed different now, a bit more mature maybe. Or maybe just a bit more tired. 
“What are you thinking about?” he asked. 
It must have been a bit strange, you just looking at him. “You,” you replied honestly. “Do you remember that one party, way back, after high school where you punched someone?”
He groaned and leaned his head back against the wall, his throat exposed. Your gaze lingered there for a bit before returning to his face. Some kind of feeling almost bubbled to the surface at the sound and the matching sight.
“I do.”
“I never actually figured why you did that.” When his gaze remained firmly on your ceiling, you continued, “I feel like now enough time has passed for you to admit why.”
He smiled a bit. “There was this other guy, right? The one I punched, I mean.”
You nodded. 
“He was being a real dick about one of my friends, and when he didn’t stop talking about her I just kinda wanted him to shut up. Moved before thinking about it.”
“Asshole,” you commented, not about Jack. 
“Right?” he turned his head so that he looked back down to you, “after that one punch I came back to myself but before I knew it Kevin had dragged me out by my collar, shouting that everyone had to go.”
“He must have wanted to avoid a full on fight,” you said. 
“For sure, can’t even blame him.” With a mischievous gleam in his eyes he said, “but it felt really good to finally shut him up.”
You laughed, thinking that the entire situation was a lot more dramatic than it really had any reason to be. The laugh turned to a yawn by the end. 
“I should leave,” he said but you had the weird urge to ask him to stay. 
“Sorry, I’m a lot more tired than I thought,” you said instead.
“Don’t apologise for that,” he said, getting up. He ended up offering you a hand to help you get up as well even though you really didn't need it. You took it anyway. 
He picked up the bag that he had left at the door, opened it and turned to you. “I had fun.”
You smiled, “me too.”
“Good,” he offered you a smile in return. You saw his hand reach out and stop for just a second, but before you could ask him about it, he held it against your temple and leaned down to give you a kiss on your forehead. He lingered in your orbit for a bit longer than the duration of the kiss, just hovering above you. 
“See you soon,” he said, waving, and you replied the same. Then you closed your door and locked it. 
You didn’t need to hold your hand against your cheek to feel it burn. What was that? He had never done that before. He had never done anything like that before, ever.
You stumbled to your bathroom, and went through the motions of brushing your teeth and going on the toilet. When you finally crawled under your sheets, you let yourself sink down into them. 
Still, you were too tired to properly dissect the entire interaction so instead you closed your eyes. You drifted to sleep, your mind focusing on the tips of his ears that had seemed a bit flushed when he closed the door behind himself. 
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taglist: @alwaysclassyeagle @hughescomplex @lupinslibraries @megaluke @cixrosie (send me an ask to be added!)
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frxxxncx · 10 months
police - c. seungcheol
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»police!¡Choi Seungcheol x fem!¡reader.
»Summary: Where Choi Seungcheol always comes home late and you can’t stand it anymore.
»Tags: smut (MDNI), oral (m. f. receiving), pet names, establish relationship, police seungcheol, innuendo (it’s for the plot), fingering, unprotected sex, creampie, body worship, mention of stretch mark, scars, etc, dom!seungcheol, sub!reader.
»Words: 3.1k
note: This is my first time witting something completely on English so forgive my horrific gramar, and spealing and everything. ^^
note 2: Any typo or incoherence that you might find was completely intentional, it’s for the sake of learning about my mistakes. Please cut me some slack 🫠
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The hours passed slowly on the clock, the second hand seemed to go slower and slower as if the minutes took years.
You were so sick of your boyfriend's nightshifts, you couldn't see him anymore, couldn't hug him, kiss him nor he could fuck you dumb like he used to do until not so long ago, you missed him at home.
You kept waiting for him laying on your bed, missing his touch, his scent, his kisses, how he used to caress your body with his long and thick fingers like you were the most beautiful piece of art he had ever seen. And more than anything, you miss the sex. You swear you could feel his mouth kissing your lips, cheeks, your neck, your belly, and that place so private that he knew like the palm of his hand.
You couldn't help but bring Seungcheol's white t-shirt close to your nose, so you could smell his musky scent, it felt like he was on top of you, locking you against the mattress.
Your fingers quickly touched your lips and take the same route that your boyfriend's lips were used to do over your soft and warm skin, with delicate touches your hand was now in between your thighs, and you didn't lose any time to start giving that little bud of nerves attention, while you smelt Seungcheol's scent, just as if it was him the one touching you. 
Soft moans started to escape your mouth and by the moment your hand slid inside your panties to caress your sticky folds and stimulate more the bud you were doomed. The clock marked 1 a.m. and the front door opened religiously like every night. The heavy footsteps were loud in the hall, but you were so into pleasing yourself that you forgot about your partner's time of arrival. 
Seungcheol stood still in the frame of the door, paralyzed, with one foot in and the other out of the room, looking at how his girlfriend was masturbating while sniffing his white shirt, which was so up onto her stomach that he could see her panties where her hand had adventure. He slammed the door so loudly that you couldn't help but jump in your bed, getting out of your hands up, and looking immediately to the door you felt so relieved, he looked so hot in his police uniform and watching you with lust and desire in his eyes.
He smirked with those plump and cherry-colored lips that you love. "What are you doing all by yourself babe?" asked, his black curly hair moving softly as he stood in front of you, his knees touching the bed.
You nimble onto your lower lip as he was so close that you could smell his musky scent mixed with sweat. "Is just that you haven't been around so much, I missed you" You got closer to the end of the bed sitting with both your legs on each side of your boyfriend, daring to rest your head on his hip feeling your mouth water because of the proximity of your face with his cock.
"Is that so?" one of his thick and dark brows was furrowed looking down on you and you just nob with your head still resting on his hip " Mmh, I see, it seems like I spent too much time outside, but you know I'm working, right, sweetie? if you wanted my cock so bad you could have told me before '' your boyfriend's expression was blank, he looked so serious, still you knew he was just being sulky because you were masturbating alone and didn't tell him that you were needy.
You lifted your head to put your jaw on Seungcheol's abdomen gripping each side of his hips with your hands "Don't get mad, Cheolie" you said while holding tighter onto his hips and pounding. 
Your boyfriend didn't say a word and just folded his arms to look into a dead point in the room, you couldn't help but crack a little laugh and decided to get up and turn causing Seungcheol to do the same, once he had the bed behind him, you pushed and make him fall sat in the bed. 
Seungcheol looked at you with a furrowed eyebrow and a slight smile, when you kneeld in front of him, with one hand in one of his thighs so close to his pelvis that it felt like fire in his skin.    
"Mister officer, I've been such a bad girl" You squished his thick thighs a little hard and continued to say "As my punishment, would you like me to polish your gun?" The double meaning of the words made your boyfriend laugh. 
"Sorry, I left my gun at the station, but if you polish another thing I don't have a problem, sweetheart" A flirty smile appeared on his face and you nodded excitedly.  
You gave him a sweet kiss on the jaw and untuck his work shirt from the pants starting to unbutton slowly the fabric while you were giving soft and humid kisses across his bare chest, you listened to his soft moans and by the time you finished unbuttoning his shirt, your jaw felt the cold hardness of his buckle. 
You quickly got your hands on his belt and unbuckle it, getting even his pants unzipped in record time, finally seeing the black fabric of his boxers, one finger outlined his hard cock and when it got to the tip, you shoved your hand inside his boxers, feeling the hot and heavy cock of Seungcheol, making your mouth water. 
You took the extension of your boyfriend's dick and slowly began to circularly caress his tip with your thumb, gently pressing the sensitive area. The sensation of his slick skin in your hand was quite exquisite,  Seungcheol's head was tilted while looking at you with tired eyes feeling so good by you jerking him off. 
Your hand started to go up and down faster and harder, making the tip leak white liquid which was dripping down the vein side, lubing all your work making it easier and more pleasant for your boyfriend. 
A throaty moan came out of his mouth, it felt so good. 
You licked your lips, helping you with your other hand, tugging his work pants and his underwear, immediately he raised his hips, finally taking the last of Seungcheol's clothes off. 
His hardness raised proud, slapping against his bare and toned abdomen, his cock was perfect, with the angry red color of the tip, making you gasp. 
Your face got closer and your spit got to his dick, making it more lubed.
Your thumb was massaging the tip while the palm of your hand continued to caress the rest of his cock. You stroke a little hard his tip and felt your panties get slick because of the delicious groan that Seungcheol just left you hear, you could taste his throaty moans every time your face got close enough for him to feel your hot breath in his length. 
You both locked eyes and your boyfriend's looked glassy, the desire could not be overlooked, and you wanted it as much as he craved it.  
Your lips were so close that he could feel your thick and warm breath on his cock, you gave a loud kiss on the tip, and you heard him groan and scoff at the same time, making you smile too, your tongue gave a kitten-like lick to the slit savouring the salty taste of his precum before you go head down trying to take all of his cock in your mouth, feeling the veins of his dick and the tip meets with the back of your throat.    
Even though you have sucked him many times throughout the five years of relationship you just couldn't get used to the thickness of Seungchoel's dick, but that would never stop you, a scuffed moan slipped from your mouth knowing that you boyfriend would enjoy the vibration and the sound of your mouth stuffed with his dick. 
You could feel his balls against your jaw while deep-throating your boyfriend, he didn't waste a second and started to fuck your mouth slowly with you accompanying his movements, your eyes started to water and as much as you wanted to keep watching the glorious expression of ecstasy on Seungcheol's face, you couldn't keep your eyes open anymore, just letting him get off in your mouth.  
The cusses and moans didn't stop coming from your boyfriend', the delicious sensation of your hot and wet mouth on his cock was just another level of torture for him.
Your boy was so close to cum in your mouth but that didn't stop him from asking if he could do it "Babe" his voice sounded hoarse and a groan scape when you sucked the tip a little too hard. 
You already knew what he meant when he called you, you could feel his dick twitching in your mouth, and even though you were always happy to swallow his cum, he asked every time without fail and for you that is as sweet as him buying you a big bouquet of flowers. 
You batted your lashes as a response and with a blurry vision you looked at how his jaw got tight while he let his head fall, you continued sucking him and when you felt the tip touch the back of your throat he let out such a guttural and lewd groan that had to press your thighs together knowing that you were sopping wet in your own arousal. 
Sungcheol grabbed your head softly but still, his grip was steady, he bucked his hips up slowly chasing his orgasm, and finally with a hoarse moan of your name he emptied his load down your throat, the cum spilling a little from the sides of your mouth mixed with your spit.
You gave him the brightest smile he has ever seen you put while sitting in his lap and giving him a kiss letting him taste himself on your tongue. 
His lips are sweet and addictive, his big hands grabbing your hips steady so close to his own body, you could feel his warm dick picking your belly angrily, making you anxious. 
He brushed his lips on your cheek and started to give a wet kiss on your jaw going down on your neck, his long fingers taking your shirt off, finally, he got to see you only in your panties. 
His kisses came down  to your collarbone, the place where he was very into, leaving small hickeys, some of them will be gone in some hours, while the others will be a red-purplish colour by tomorrow. 
The trip of his lips continued and now he left a kiss just above one of your nipples, making you gasp, his lips wrapped your little bud and he sucked and licked with a maddening pace. You grew impatient while trying to get more, moving your hips closer to him. 
And like it was some kind of ancestral tongue, he already knew what you wanted.
The heavy feeling of his cock over your clothed cunt made you let out a guttural moan. Seungcheol raised above you and grabbed your thighs tightly, getting up from the edge of the bed and spinning to get you in the middle of the mattress, his face now cuddled in your neck smelling your sweet perfume mixed with your arousal.       
He traced a line of soft kisses along your abdomen until he got to the elastic of your underwear, his thumbs dared to tuck into the elastics and pull them down slowly while his eyes were stuck in your dripping cunt.  
Once your panties got to your ankles they went straight to the other side of the room with the blink of an eye getting lost in the darkness of the room. 
He took your ankle and raised it close to his face, now starting to give kisses until he got so close to your cunt that you could feel his hot breath. The little kitten-like licks over your clit were so sudden that a loud whimper escaped your mouth without your consent. 
"Always so needy for me," Seungcheol said while sucking on the little bud of nerves.  
The sheets were crumpled in your fists and your back was so arched that you felt as if you were about to break, while Seungcheol keep licking and sucking like there was no tomorrow, his tongue fondle your clit when two of his thick and long fingers pushed inside your sopping cunt, you couldn't help but to let out a whine because of the sudden intrusion. 
One more finger join inside of you and he had you screaming in pleasure, the digits worked on your velvet gummy walls skilfully, a third finger was present while starting to finger-fuck you roughly.
A fireball was starting to develop in your belly, making your whole body tense up, your body started to shake in anticipation, a strangled cry left your mouth when you finally hit your desired climax, your insides were sucking and throbbing against his fingers, he help you ride through your hight still fucking you, when your completely limp in your bed he takes his fingers out and his wet hand full of you ecstasy went directly to his mouth were he didn't doubt taste your arousal, like it was his first meal in weeks. 
"You are so perfect, my love" his eyes looked at you shining, so in love, he kissed you so desperately and eagerly, and your heart felt heavy, how could you not love this man?
His hands run over your body sweetly, with love and care, lining all the "imperfections" of your body, the ones he loved so much because they were part of you, all the scars, the stretch marks, everything that made you feel uneasy, it still couldn't fit in his head, how is that something like that could make you feel bad about yourself?, he liked them all, because they are part of you, the person he loves the most in the world, the one that make him feel a fucking zoo, that one that makes him wanna cry cause he just can't believe you are his.  
He gave you a bright smile and then a kiss, so soft, it was just your lips touching, like two preschoolers, only feeling the closeness and the warmth of your lips. A taciturn kiss without any kind of morbid desire. 
He looked into your eyes and thought that they were similar to the galaxy full of shining stars, crossed his mind, he was in love, hypnotised. He asked for permission with his gaze and you with a softened heart couldn't refuse. 
Seungcheol was between your legs, with your thighs on each side of his hips, running his fingers in your skin softly and finally aligning his fat-dripping tip with your leaking cunt, he slide slowly inside of you looking at how your eyes were closed shut, and started to pant, once his thick and heavy cock was completely inside of you he didn't move at all, 'cause even though the prepared you, he was to much and it felt like you were about to break. He kissed you on your cheeks, and your forehead, in your lips and nose, and you couldn't help but laugh feeling sincerely happy.  
He put his arms on each side of your head, his hips jerk up a little, hearing you moan silently.
He felt your hips move, looking for more friction and he couldn't help but chuckle because of your impatience, he grabbed your waist, and his grip was sturdy and it felt so strong that you were sure, by tomorrow his hands will be painted in a purplish colour on your skin. 
Your hips were pinned down on the bed, unable to move, while he kept  slow and short thrusts, with an almost inhuman rhythm, he was rejoicing on your moans and the warm embrace and exquisite feeling of your velvety walls on his cock. 
Seungcheol kept lugging at a slow pace for a while until he couldn't take it anymore and the movement became faster and messy, it felt almost animalistic, he was so deep inside you that you could feel the tip of his cock kissing your cervix exquisitely. 
Your moans were drowned in each other's mouths, kissing like there was no tomorrow, like it was the last time you were going to be together. 
You felt him hit that one spot that always had you howling in pleasure and it always impresses you how something so primitive like having sex makes you go so dumb because that was what your boyfriend was doing, fucking you dumb, but it was far more impressive how even after being together for such a long time, he's always able to make you feel even better, maybe you were just to in love or Seungcheol was just to good at fucking you. 
Your belly tightened and your boyfriend's ramming didn't stop or even slowed down, the mattress crashing with the wall more loudly every time, echoing with the obscene and wet sound in the room.  
You both could feel in the high of your climax, a caravan of fireworks exploding inside of you, and after whining loud Seungcheol's name like it was a mantra you could be fucking sure that your neighbors will not forget his name again and they will not call him police boy gain.  
After a few seconds, he finally pulled out carefully and threw himself beside you trying to ease up his breath.
You both looked into each other's eyes and couldn't help but laugh, the harmonious sound filling the room. You were sweaty and tired and you smelt like sex, but you definitely were more relaxed, even though you couldn't stop laughing because the situation was pretty hilarious. 
"I think I should forget more about you coming home at 1 am," you said happily. 
"I think you should polish my gun more often" proposed Seungcheol, closing his eyes and nodding for himself, a punch in his shoulder made him move his face to look at you. 
"It's not a bad idea" he said while laughing widely and you couldn't help but laugh too. 
"Stupid officer"
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kennedyalike · 1 year
night shift~
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pairing: boss!leon s. kennedy x fem!reader
summary: nightshifts are your favorite because you can have some ”alone time” with your boss.
tags: slight choking, teasing, groping, vaginal fingering
word count: 2k
The feeling cold air breezing up against the hem of your dangerously short skirt was awakening a small hint of doubt in your chest as you walked into the big building you work at, for a night shift. You were a mere assistant but regardless, you loved your job for one reason, your hot boss. Your boss, Leon S. Kennedy was the big boss around here. You weren’t even sure what he did to be held in such high regard. Being somewhat new to the job meant you were still learning some new things every now and then.
You had been to a couple night shifts and the whole office was quiet, only a couple of people working there at the time. The building was huge but you shared an office with your boss, of course. He was insatiable. He had definitely noticed your doting on him everyday. Stealing small peeks at him over your desk while his eyebrows slightly furrow from the immense focus he was putting into work.
He was always going over some paperwork and your job was basically to follow him around and do whatever he asked. Not that you minded doing whatever he wanted, but sometimes the huge amount of documents he dropped on your desk with the corner of his mouth slightly upturned was exhausting. He was nice, really. You brought him his coffee everyday when your shift began.
Leon was never late to work, he was always there before you and after you. Sometimes you wonder about his private life but he dodges every question. A few months on the job, you had learned a lot about him even though he doesn’t talk that much. He takes black coffee with no sugar, sometimes two cups but usually one. In the mornings he’s quiet and focused and in the evenings he’s moody and tired.
You knew his routine by now and you adjusted yourself to it. He was kind of an asshole sometimes. You just couldn’t figure him out. He never asks for coffee but you bring it each time and each time he just nods and accepts, never thanks. First, you thought he was being rude and that he lacked manners. After some time, you realised he’s quite fond of you. He always brings you something from the cafeteria, he has gifted you flowers a couple times and dropped you off from work. He sometimes asks about your personal life at lunchtime.
One other thing about your relationship with your boss…
The both of you knew about the interest in one another but you played clueless everyday. At first, you thought it was one sided between you two, you taking peeks at him, hoping he doesn’t notice. Never daring to make a flirty joke because you were too nervous around him at first. Safe to say he always picked it up, playing it safe with. ”No need to be nervous, darling.”
It wasn’t one sided, and now you knew it. You picked it up as fast as him. He was always trying to intimidate you by hovering over you slightly. His nicknames. Who calls their assistant ”darling” anyways? His eyes were sometimes peeking at the first unbuttoned buttons on your blouse. His gaze was almost like a burning sensation on your collar bones as his eyes lowered down to your thighs. He did this on a daily basis and always dropped some flirty comments that for sure were not appropriate.
You wouldn’t say anything, of course, because you wanted him so bad. He was tall and muscular, his blonde locks that he sometimes wore down and sometimes slicked back. His straight nose, furrowed brows, strong jawline and wide shoulders had you looking at him for too long. He was for sure the most handsome man you ever laid eyes upon. Safe to say, you thought about him when you were by yourself, feeling a growing sensation between your thighs.
You were too shy and scared to say anything to him, but you did up your game, at least today. You wore a rather short skirt for your night shift today. It wasn’t scandalously short, but noticeably shorter. The skirt was paired with a pair of sheer black tights that caressed the skin of your thighs and a white button up blouse that was loose on your collar, slightly sheer too.
You finally walked into the building, it was dark and only a couple of people were around, everyone couped up in their own offices and floors. You tighten the hold on your purse as you make your way to grab coffee. You grabbed your own and Leon’s. You head to your shared office. With a slight knock on the door with your foot, because your hands were occupied with the hot coffee cups. You push the door open with your back and get in.
Leon knows it’s you so he doesn’t even budge slightly. You roll your eyes at him and sigh as you walk over to his desk and put his coffee on it. ”There you go, sir.” You say politely as you walk over to your own desk, that was in front of him. You set your coffee and purse down on the table. ”It’s been at least two months, think you could drop the ’sir’?” Leon asks while not even lifting his eyes up at you.
You roll your eyes again, not like he was going to see. ”No, sir.” You say unamusedly as you settle down to sit on your chair. Ugh. He didn’t even look your way. Sighing, you sit down and begin working.
After a while, Leon stands up and shuffles some paperworks around the room, putting them inside shelves and pulling new ones out. You don’t turn your head at him, continuing to work in silence. The way his footsteps hit the floor almost echoed in your mind. You come to your senses when you see Leon standing next to your desk in your peripheral vision. He hovers slightly above you, standing much taller.
You turn yourself towards him with the chair, your hands pool at your lap while your body is now turned towards him. He’s wearing a simple button up dress shirt paired with some black slacks. You lift your chin and look up at him. He’s standing awfully close as he looks down at you, until reverting his gaze back to the folder of papers on your desk.
”When you finish those, take them up to the counselor for me, would ya?” He orders rather than requests as he quickly walks back to his chest, sitting down. ”Okay. I’m almost done.” You nod at him while keeping your eyes on him when he sits back down. He isn’t even paying attention to you.
After 20 minutes, you’re done with the papers and you sit up quietly, gathering all the documents in your hands. You sit up and straighten your skirt slightly, feeling embarrassed of your choice of clothing when Leon didn’t even acknowledge it. You make eye contact with him after standing up, you stay quiet but start making your way to the door.
Leon’s eyes started wandering on your body after you broke the eye contact. You almost out the door, Leon quickly remarks. ”Wait.” You stop in your tracks and turn your body to look at him while still holding the door open with your free arms. ”Hm?”
”Nevermind, go.” He says after quickly looking over your figure one more time. Oh he definitely noticed it. Even the tights you’re wearing are different. You nervously walk out the door and start making your way to the upper floor.
After taking the documents up, the counselor had given you something to bring back. It was a folder of some papers that you weren’t bothered to read, they were without a clip and all messed up though. Coming back to your office, Leon was sipping his coffee and leaned back on his seat, shuffling his leg, slowly pumping it up and down. He turns his head to look at you while putting his coffee down. He spins in his chair slowly.
”They give you something back?” He asked, surprised. He stayed in his seat as you walked over to the tall shelf on the side of the office. ”Yeah, it’s all messed up, let me give you a folder.” You explain as you search through the cabinet to find a folder. You end up forgetting about your situation, as you tiptoe a little and lean your body slightly forward to the table while reaching high up.
You hadn’t noticed Leon walking up behind you. He isn’t one to hide anything so he was openly looking at your ass that was now peeking from under your skirt when you were tiptoeing. He keeps his stare on your figure and even catches a small peek at your underwear. He chuckles and quickly hands you the folder you were reaching for, his body only inches away.
Not having heard him come behind you, you got startled slightly. You accept the folder and put the papers in. You nervously turn to face him, he’s probably never been this close. ”Go put them on my desk.” He simply says as he looks at your eyes confidently. You just nod and walk past him, stopping at his desk to settle the papers down.
He walks over to you and suddenly grabs your waist firmly with one hand. ”You thought I wouldn’t notice this, huh?” You turn around, facing him while his hand is still gripping your side. You look down at his hand and then at him, nervously. ”What?” You say, pretending innocent.
”This, darling.” He pulls you closer and his other hand grips your waist while the other sneaks down your skirt and slowly makes its way under it, groping your ass firmly. You gasp slightly, eyes widening at Leon’s action. You’re at a loss of words while you stand there mouth open, he is smirking at you and you’ve never seen him look more cocky.
He gives your ass a slight slap and turns your body around and bends you over his desk. You gasp again, still at a loss of words when his forearm holds you down. Your hands go next to your sides in an attempt to steady yourself. Even though surprised, this is exactly what you wished for, so you don’t fight it. Leon’s hand comes up from behind and grabs around your neck.
”Sir.” You hesitantly say as his digits lock around your throat and squeeze it a little bit. His hands are big and cold, full of veins. While choking you, he smirks as he looks at your panties, seeing a wet spot forming on them as you were now on full display for him, bent over like this. You squirm a little bit. ”Don’t think I’ll let you get off the hook so easily, baby.” He chuckles as he tightens his grip around your neck, earning a small moan from you.
His hand suddenly cups your cunt through your panties, feeling the wet spot on them. He scoffs and chuckles while you squirm. His fingers slips between your wet folds quickly, pulling the panties aside. His long middle finger gathers the slick and brings it to your clit, rubbing small circles around it. You moan loudly and the hand that was choking you, moves on top of your mouth, silencing you. ”Shh, don’t want the others to hear what a slut you are for me.”
read part 2 here
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dilfprayers · 5 months
are you really okay in the head?
real dad ! leon kennedy x afab ! reader this totally isnt more icky!dad leon stuff (it is) - incest warning
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you did this.. with your dad? like you know.. YOUR dad. think about it. the one who raised you since you were a kid?? holy fuck what's your problem?
you knew you were fucked up the day you purposely left your door creaked open one night after seeing his texts in the family group chat of him being stressed. work was fucking hell as usual.
once he's home, he's already pissed off his wife didn't leave dinner before going to work her nightshift. groaning, he walks down the hall to see you laying on the bed in your bedroom, back facing him while you are doing your college work on the laptop. thing is, your legs are spread out, your pussy directly seen under that pretty nightgown, of course he's gonna want to come into your room. n' come into something else too.
he'll quietly sneak in, come into your room - you'll act surprised
"daddy? you're home!-"
"oh- what are you doing-?"
"hey...hey- stop!!"
but its what you want right? you thought of this moment and now its really happening. he has you on your knees with your mouth full of his cock. slobber all over the place..
"come on.. you're a good girl.. you love making daddy happy.. right?"
his cock pushed deeper down your throat as you gag, tears streaming from your cheeks. it burned so bad, you don't even know how you didn't throw up or something yet. luckily you didn't..
"that's why you presented yourself the way you did, yeah? dirty fucking whore..i should've known the day you started wearing skirts.. y'never wear skirts.."
his words hurt too. it was striking you through the heart but you know its true. you're terrible. a terrible fucking person.
but yet, you are still there, bobbing your head, tears streaming down your cheeks and soon enough his cum is pouring down your throat for you to swallow. but you cant take it.. you abruptly pull back, coughing up a storm as some of his cum spills from your mouth and you are hunched over on the floor, tears, saliva and his cum spilling to the floor.
he tuts quietly, yanking you up by your hair and tosses you right onto the bed while he leans on the bed with his knee, glaring directly at you.
"tonight's gonna be a long fucking night."
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ollieneedstherapy · 4 months
Redacted asmr headcannons (the wolf bouts and darlin’)
-David was the most emotional of them when they were kids, but grew out of it by the time he was about 10
-Marie used to keep the door unlocked when Darlin’ was a teenager so they could have a safe place to sleep at night
-Asher has made them all friendship bracelets every year for their birthdays, David has kept every single one even the ones that were too big or small
-Milo likes it sweethearts lays no his chest while they’re falling asleep, they do it a o often that when they’re working the nightshifts he has to find a weighted blanket to use instead
-Darlin’ likes their steak so rare that Asher used to joke it was still mooing, Sam likes his the same way but Asher’s to scared to tease him about it
-Sam actually meet Gabe once at a gas station while he was at D.A.M.N
-David loves cheesy pop music, he will never admit it too anyone by Angel have caught him humming ‘Lover’ by Taylor Swift when they are laying in bed together
-Asher can play electric guitar and Darlin’ can play electric bass, neither can play very well but they don’t need to know that
-Asher and his parents used to have nightly movie nights till he moved out, he tried to get David too do it but they only did it a few times
-Milo has the worst immune system ever, that was the only reason Marie would ever miss a pack meeting
-Darlin’ LOVES kids, so when they meet Bright and Fredrick they tried to adopt them both, on sight
-Milo can not stand country music, at all. Asher hates it too but gets David to play it at pack meetings ‘cause Sam likes it!’ (He does not) when in reality he loves to piss off his friends though he will never admit it
-Milo does not like his accent, so when he was little he tried to hide it all the time till Darlin’ told him if he keeps doing they’ll punch him in the mouth
-Darlin’ and Gabe used to play fight, Darlin’ once scratched him and cried, Gabe did his best not to laugh but failed
-No one is their real name in Asher’s phone, the list goes like, Babe, Pookie, David, Big dog, Milo, small dog, Darlin’, call if I get arrested, Sam, Old man
-Darlin’ saw their name in Ash’s phone and changed his too ‘victim #1’
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specialagentlokitty · 9 months
Rosa diaz x reader - I just care
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so i was thinking rosa diaz x female surgeon or nurse reader or even paramedic. anything to do with the medial world. maybe she gets hurt and comes into the ER and it’s angst / fluff. perhaps she got a broken bone nothing too serious. they’re just friends at first but when rosa is wheeled in reader gets scared and eventually confesses - Anon💜
Sitting at the nurses station, you were completing some paperwork from the few hours before that needed done.
“Why’re you still here?”
Glancing up, you smiled at Jason and sighed a little, holding up the papers.
“I’m on nightshift today, and I have paperwork to do. How about you?”
“Double shift.” He yawned.
You hummed, nodding your head a little bit, letting him come sit next to you at the desk, and he went to the computer.
“Think I can take a power nap?” He asked.
“Go for it, I’m first call anyways so they won’t need you unless it’s an emergency surgery.”
He hummed a little, resting his head in his arms and you pat his back a few times, covering him up with your jumper as you felt your pager buzz.
Taking his from him, you made your way down to the requested floor, still reading through your paperwork.
You weren’t paged for an emergency, you were paged for a consolation, so you weren’t in any real rush to get there.
“Well you took your time.”
“I’m clearly a busy person Daisy.”
She scoffed, rolling her eyes as she handed you a file.
“Woman is in, she’s had an X-ray done already, just need someone to look at it and decide the outcome, I’m not trained on that and Matty told me to find someone to help.”
Sighing at the students doctor, you nodded, taking the file.
“Tomorrow you’re in my charge, he’s not going to teach you anything.”
“Can I come with you?”
Looking at your watch your waved her away with the file.
“No, go get yourself something to eat and a hot drink, you’ll come with me for the next one.”
Daisy nodded and walked away while you made your way over to the room, knocking on the door before you walked in.
“Hi, I’m (Y/N), I heard you took a nasty fall so we’re going to have a look at your X-ray and then decide what the best course of action is going to be.”
“Well I’m glad it’s you doing this.”
You whipped your head up at the voice, and you dropped the file on the table, rushing over.
“Rosa?! What the hell happened?!”
“Comes with the job you know this, I see you at pretty much every accident scene I’m at.”
You sighed, walking over you pulled a chair over, sitting in front of her as you held out your hand.
Rosa gave you her arm and you did a small check over, not saying a single word and she just watched you.
“It really isn’t that bad.” She said.
“I’ll be the judge of that.”
Pushing yourself away you took the X-rays across room so you could look at them, carefully examining them.
“It’s just a sprain, I just need the all clear so I can go.”
“I’m not giving you a false clear just so you can go back to work.” You snapped.
“I don’t see what your problem is, there isn’t anything on it.” She huffed.
“I have a duty to do my job correctly.”
“Last time I was in here you let me go straight away.”
You turned to her, glaring a little bit.
“Last time you were in here it was because you had a really bad migraine, this time you have a broken bone. I’m getting another X-ray.”
“It’s not broken!”
She stood up and you pointed at her.
“Sit down!”
Rosa blinked, and slowly she sat back down in her chair.
Storming out of the room, you ordered another X-ray from a different angle then went back once it came through.
Putting it up, you pointed to it, circling a part of her wrist with your finger.
“You’ve snapped your wrist, so you’ll need a cast. I’ll have somebody come in and sort one for you, then you can go. If there is no improvement in a month then we’ll have to consider the possibility of surgery.”
Taking the X-rays, you put them in the file and walked out, not wanting to deal with her anymore.
You ignored her texts and calls for a week, then while you were getting ready to leave, looking at your phone as you were heading towards the doors to enjoy a few days off, moved aside at the sound of yelling.
Glancing up, you turned back to your phone before snapping your head up.
Running after them, you bared into the room and rushed to her side.
“What the hell did you do now?!” You hissed.
“She fell off her bike.” The EMT said.
You took a small breath, nodding your head as you turned to Rosa, sitting down in the chair next to her bed, wheeling back and forth.
“So you’re talking to me now?”
“Shut up.”
“What is your issue?”
“My issue is your lack of regard for your own damn safety Rosa! It terrifies the hell out of my because I love you and every time I see you come in here I think the worst!”
Rosa stared at you in shock and you realised what you had said, and quickly stood up.
“This time don’t argue with your doctor.”
With that, you left, slamming the door behind you.
You were angry at her, but now you were angry at yourself for telling her how you really felt about her
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itwasthereaminuteago · 3 months
¦¦ Ammunition ¦¦
Frank Castle x Female Reader
Slightly smutty fairground fun spending the afternoon on Coney Island with Frank (who's scared of certain heights).
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As you near a shooting game stall Frank offers to win you a prize, but you tell him he doesn't need to. He's walking on before he realises you've already veered off and are handing the vendor a bill and accepting the rifle from him.
“Hey, what're you doin, thought you weren't interested?” He asks, coming up behind you.
“Well, I didn’t say that, but I wanted to win something for you for a change. So what’ll it be, Castle?” 
He shakes his head incredulously, chuckling at how headstrong you could be.
“C’mon, it’s the dog, isn’t it?” You ask him.
He nods. “Alright, alright. Hell yeah, ‘course I want the dog.”
“Okay, I'm gonna get that dog for you baby, just wait and see.”
He flashes you a smile and watches intently as you turn back to the targets and set your legs into a comfortable stance, raising the gun up level with your shoulder and peering through the basic sight guide, readying your aim like a pro.
He feels a little swell of pride fill him. You had taken to all of his firearms teaching well, but you proved to be a natural anyway.
You pick off the eight targets one after the other like it's nothing, the rounds hitting off the flat tin with a satisfying ‘phut-dink’. Both Frank and the stall holder are more than impressed as you place the gun back down on the counter, extending your arm to point at the cuddly dog plush sitting on the middle shelf above the beaten targets. 
“Christ. Did you see that?” Frank nods at the vendor. "That's my woman!" he proudly exclaims.
“That doggy right there please!” you say to him cheerily, and Frank accepts it with a grin and a sweet kiss when you bundle it into his hands before the two of you walk away. 
“So, you've been practising?” He probes.
“Mm, a little. You told me to.” You shrug nonchalantly. “Billy's been letting me use the range at work.”
“Oh I see. With Bill, huh?” 
“You jealous?” You tease.
He hums, swinging the stuffed dog by his side. “Only because he's gettin’ to spend more time with my woman than I am these days.”
You plant another quick kiss on his cheek. “Don’t you worry. I’ve got secret intel that you're coming off the nightshift real soon.
“Hm, is that a fact?”
“Yeah, it is.” You grab his hand, intertwining your fingers with his and start tugging him towards the Wonder Wheel. “C'mon Frankie, I wanna go!”
Frank shakes his head, putting on the brakes. “Aw hell no. You ain't gettin’ me on that thing.”
“But it's so romantic!” You put on a pout and Frank can't help himself grinning.
“You know you look like a spoilt kid when you do that.” 
“Is it cute?”
“Yeah it's cute, but it still ain't workin’ on me.” He replies, still standing his ground as you keep on trying to drag him over to the wheel. 
“Pleeeease Frank, I promise it'll be fun.” You halt, tilting your head at him. “Wait, you're not scared of heights are you?”
Frank's expression suddenly betrays the truth and your mouth drops open in shock. 
“Are you serious? You're running around on rooftops all the time, you cannot be scared of heights!”
“That's… that’s different.” He grumbles, warily eyeing up the ride looming above you. 
“Well, you'll be fine with me. I'll hold you tight, you don’t have to worry at all.” You reassure as he grudgingly joins the line with you.
As your carriage reaches halfway up and judders to a halt while another set of passengers join donw below on the ground, Frank’s palm starts to feel clammy against your own hand. His eyes flit nervously around and so you give his hand a squeeze and turn him to look at you. 
“Hey, it’s fine. We’re just up here with the beautiful birds, having a nice time, hm?” You try to say soothingly, but Frank rolls his eyes. 
“I ain’t having a nice time…”
He tightens his grip even more as the wheel starts moving again and you climb a bit higher. 
“Shit.” he murmurs as the carriage swings gently back and forth. You place your hand on his thigh and give it a quick squeeze before changing the subject.
“So what do you wanna do after this, baby? Shall we grab some dinner? How about a Lombardi’s hm? I think you deserve it.”
Frank can’t think about food right now. He’s already regretting the burger and fresh doughnuts you had earlier today as his stomach roils at the fight or flight status currently warring over his body.
You decide to try a different tactic.
“Frankie, just close your eyes for a second. Please. Just trust me.” you say, smoothing your hand along his jaw getting him to look at you instead of down at the tiny people below.
“Just kiss me.” 
You press your lips softly against his at first, cupping the back of his head and pulling the hand that’s entwined with your own around your waist encouraging him to hold you there instead. You try a few light, easy smooches before you switch to licking along the seam of his lips and coaxing him to forget where he is and focus on you alone. As he closes his eyes you kiss him deeper, giving him a little moan as a reward as you feel him start to relax just a little, scritching your nails at the short, shaved hair at the nape of his neck and sliding your free hand further along his thick, denim-clad thigh. He’s getting into it now, running his tongue against your own, his hands roaming more freely over your body, feeling over your curves and cupping your ass and moaning himself as he pulls you closer to him. 
You can still feel the wheel going around but you keep him enraptured with your mouth and hands so that he won’t dwell on his fear until it’s all over. 
You playfully nip at his lower lip and he curses out a husky ‘fuck, you’re so fuckin’ sexy’ before he’s on you again, kissing you into breathlessness You can feel yourself getting wet as your fingers raise up over the firm outline of his arousal straining against his dark jeans as he grinds into your touch.
“You want me, huh?” you breathe against his ear, humming with a sense of satisfaction at your distraction as you feel his fingers sneaking up under your shirt against your bare skin.
“Yeah I want you...” he rasps out as his lips trail like fire along the soft column of your neck, his other hand reaching to pop open the button of your pants.
“Oh shit- Frank, Frank…” you gasp, gently stopping and easing him off you as you realise the wheel is coming to a stop at the disembarking platform. He looks at you, and then at his surroundings, pupils as black as the coffee he drinks with a slight pink blush to his face.
The large stuffed dog stays held in front of him as you both stand and climb down the small staircase back to earth again.
“Don’t you dare tell Russo about this.” he says as you walk towards the subway station
“That we made out and almost fucked on the Wonder Wheel, or that you were scared to go on it?”
“The heights thing.” Frank growls.
“I can’t believe he doesn’t know that about you!” 
“He does, but I ain’t giving him any fresh ammunition.”
“But I cured you, didn’t I?” you grin, grasping for the dog he’s using to cover up his crotch. He snatches it back and slaps you on the ass in response. You just laugh. “Yeah, I think I did.”
“We’re goin’ home. Now. Before you try and get me on any more dumb rides.”
“But what about dinner?!” you protest, although you’re only kidding as if you’re bothered. You couldn’t wait to get him home after the ferris wheel shenanigans for a different kind of ride... 
“Lombardi’s deliver, sweetheart.”
“Oh yeah,” you grin back at him, “so they do.”
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doomzidle · 1 month
What is the canon route for DSaF 3?
There's been a lot of confusion on what is the canon route for DSAF 3, and for good reason. Direct Doggo says that no single route is canon, which originally didn't make any sense because the start of DSAF 3 looks like it follows DSAF 2's 'Perfect ending' (The ending where you and Peter rig Dave's suit, and springlock him, effectively turning him into Davetrap.) But, if you follow any 'Dave' route in DSAF 2, Dave never becomes Davetrap, which doesn't make any sense with Doggo's claim, because in the third game you will ALWAYS find Dave as Davetrap.
How ELSE would Dave become Davetrap? Fortunately, we've found the replacement for the perfect ending, and how Dave becomes Davetrap even when you side with Dave There's a DSAF spin-off, not many people know about, called Project: Save the Kiddins. Doggo made it as a fundraiser. It takes place after the events of DSAF 2, and before DSaF 3. It's canon. basically FNAF 1, but with DSAF characters, and you have the ability to wander around the map freely.
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(look at the lil guy.) Jack has gone to work the nightshift under a false name, and it seems like he’s doing this to fix what he’s done, hence BJ’s deciphered dialogue. We also know this HAD to of followed a Dave route as well, meaning Jack had killed kids before this.
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Dave's tapes.
Here's more evidence this is a former 'Dave route', he's literally alive and NOT springlocked, and just look at the way he's talking to Jack. This also takes place a few years AFTER dsaf 2. The fact Dave's not already davetrap itself tells us it that DSaF 2's 'Perfect ending' ISN'T the canon route the third game follows. (these are 2 of the nightly messages Dave leaves for the nightguard)
``Old sport! It must be you. Nobody else could just lob their ass down and survive four nights like it’s nothing at all. Old sport oh, how I’ve missed you. You came back. You Always come back. Have you come back for me, Old Sport? Have you come back for ol’ Davey? I knew it! I just knew that you really loved me! Look, I have to go, Old Sport, but, I’ll be right back tomorrow night. Okay? Stay alive, old sport. I’ll speak to you tomorrow, Sportsy.``
And the following night, Dave sill say this;
''Old sport! I can’t believe you’ve come back. You have no idea how much I’ve missed you. How much WE’VE missed you. We’re a family, Old Sport. Freddy’s is a family, I thought you had abandoned us, Old Sport. But now it’s clear to me. You can be part of us again! You don’t have no idea how lonely these last few years have been, Old Sport. My life was dead without you, but you were lost and now you are found. I’m coming back for you, Old Sport. I’m going to come back and find you, I’m going to come find you, I’m going to come find you.``
Dave's still kicking, and Jack's trying to makeup for his wrong doings.
Now, if we go to the ending of Project: Save the Kiddins, we see the only other way Dave would've become Davetrap.
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The kids trick him into entering the suit, and he dies, right there and then. Bro is DEAD, GONE, DECIMATED. This is also the UTAH location, I believe. The same location you find Davetrap in while salvaging in DSaF three.
This makes Doggo's claim of no single route being canon make sense. Project: Save the Kiddins servers as a replacement for how Dave becomes Davetrap. There's also more evidence in the flipside, you can walk up to any bonnie poster to get the dialogue tree. Jack will say he's seen Bonnie without a face at three locations, Dave will ask 'three? but I only remember seeing you at two locations.'' Jack will reply 'I know, that's because I worked the night shift. You wouldn't of seen me.''
ANYWHO, have this big hunk of lore. I usually have a LOT of lore discussions in several servers, so I'll probably just post stuff I find here, too... because why not?
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geraldmariaivo · 1 year
Not sure if this is a thing already, but…what if Danny gets unofficially adopted by Batman, and he’s ok with that? 
It’d probably be post reveal-gone-wrong or something, but i could also see it just being Jack and Maddie taking the family on trip to Gotham for the summer. Tbh my favorite version of this is within the first full year of him being Phantom, so he’s still getting new powers and stuff every now and then, and hasn’t really gotten all this vigilante stuff down to a science yet. Either way, Danny is trying to stay under the bats’ radar, (and also avoid his friends’ jokes about being adopted by Bruce Wayne becoming reality) but, well..
Danny “what even is my luck” Fenton can’t seem to keep out of the weird shit that happens in Gotham, and doesn’t realize that slipping out of the rogue’s traps isn’t something normal enough to be unnoticed by the bats. Maybe it’s the aftermath of a Scarecrow fight, and Danny stayed intangible for as long as he could, probably occasionally dropping it every now and then because he’s not really thinking, and it takes effort to be intangible like that. Either way, Batman eventually comes upon him while distributing the antivenom or whatever for the fear gas, and comes across this meta child who’s kinda aware, but seems to keep density shifting and makes it impossible to give the cure to, in the way that someone who’s afraid of needles might squirm when they’re getting a shot. 
So he just sort of sits there and holds out his arm, and eventually the kid catches on. He grabs on and grips as hard as he can. Batman, slowly, broadcasting his movements, takes his other hand, and puts it to his own chest. He breathes in, holds, and breathes out. In, hold, out. It only takes the kid a minute or two of the kid copying his breathing to calm down enough to thank him, likely due to a boosted metabolism or some other mechanism for his body to deal with toxins. It took another second for the kid to visibly realize that Batman saw him go intangible, and quickly rush out “please don’t tell anyone Mr. Batman”s and “I know there’s a no-meta rule in Gotham, but I’m not staying here full-time.”
Batman just silently nods.
Much to both of their dismay, this keeps happening.  Poison Ivy attacks? Danny is there, getting people unstuck from vines or sap or whatever she used to trap them because he can’t not help when he’s right there.  Mad Hatter is mind-controlling people? Overshadow him into disabling it, or just fuck with the electronics invisibly.
Riddler is on the attack? Just wiggle in your ropes while his henchmen are setting things up, so as to make it look like you’re really skilled at escaping instead of becoming intangible. Might as well “untie” your fellow hostages, knock out a few henchmen while you’re at it.
These things keep happening, and Danny is actually feeling refreshed. He’s not doing most of the work here, the bats are. He’s just helping out on the side, is all. He’s not waking up at night to fight someone all the time, the bats already have nightshift covered to hell and back. And while constantly coming across Batman isn’t exactly ideal, the man hasn’t tried to drive him out of the city, which is probably as close to a “you can stay” as he’ll ever get, considering that the man hasn’t said so much as a word to him.
Danny’s also pretty sure that the man wouldn’t give him food every time they encounter each other if he wasn’t ok with him. And holy shit, isn’t that something? Edible food that isn’t fudge from an adult with no obligation to him.
Meanwhile, on Bruce’s side, this random meta kid just keeps on showing up at nearly every other rogue attack. Sure it’s been a slow week, but this is ridiculous. He also needs to restock on nutrient bars. They’re don’t taste the best, but between Red Robin forgetting to eat before he hits the rooftops, and the rampant child hunger in many of the poorer areas (he needs to look into his funds for school breakfast and lunch programs again, see if there’s some more wiggle room he can work with), he keeps several on him, just in case.
And if the speed the meta kid seemed to process Crane’s fear gas was any indication, he probably wasn’t eating enough for his boosted metabolism. So he kept a few more on him.
One time, he came in a bit too late, and caught the tail end of the kid bashing Condiment King in the face, -no powers, just a metal folding chair- while griping about how the man had ruined his lunch, and how now he had to eat at home and he was tired and didn’t want to fight his lunch today, because he’s had to do it for the last two days. And then (sloppily) kicking him in the ribs. Of course he had to come in to end the fight, but more than he was concerned about Condiment King, he was worried about the kid. Fighting took energy that the kid was having a hard time replacing as it was, and what’s worse is that the kid’s parents seem to make him hunt his own food. And there aren’t many animals in Gotham other than stray cats, raccoons, and rats. Danny, naturally, is surprised when, instead of being scolded for fighting a rogue on his turf, Batman gives him a handful of those not-granola bars, and two hundred dollars cash. He also wasn’t expecting Batman’s first words to him to be “Go to the corner of Pacific Circle and Evergreen boulevard, they have more nutrient bars for metas there,” but he’ll take what he can get.
And the pat on the head was nice. It was soft, and he saw it coming, and it didn’t knock the wind out of his lungs like his dad’s hugs and back-slaps did. It was nice, and no, Jazz, he was not forming a parasocial relationship with Batman of all people. He was just someone who gave him food and cash, that’s it. It still felt really nice for someone to care about what he needed to eat, though.
He does go to the specified store and get a bunch of different nutrient bars, and makes sure to store them where they won’t come to life. It helps more than he thought it would.
As is her duty, Babs teases the hell out of Bruce for being soft on this one random black-haired, blue-eyed meta kid. You gave him a head pat. A head pat, Bruce. Try not to break out the bat-adoption papers. 
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helluva-simper · 4 months
Meeting up
It was late at night. Like always Aizawa was finally getting off his nightshift. He sluggishly walks through the door swiftly taking off his scarf, goggles, and shoes.
Feeling no need to turn on the light since his eyes were already adjusted to the darkness, he walked to the kitchen that wasn’t that far from the door. He opens one of the cabinets. Grabbing a jelly packet, he hears some rustling in his room. Then some glass breaking
“Jesus Christ, man!” He walks to the bedroom seeing the person’s silhouette. “Oh, it’s you again.” Aizawa said, continuing to drink his jelly packet while leaning on the bedroom door frame. 
“Of course it’s me! I’ve been coming here for weeks now!” the person said, walking into the light. They take off the burglar mask revealing their face. Their hair was a little ruffled up but it was just as cute as their angered expression. They had an all black jumpsuit to blend into the darkness.
“It’s already enough work just to get to your window but now you're locking your window!” They yell putting their finger in his face. I simply push their finger away with a smirk. “If you can get into my house no problem then anyone can do it. “ He walks to the trash can to throw his empty packet away. 
“You act as if I can walk in front of your apartment complex with the guard that stands outside and be like, “hey, I know I’m the most wanted thief on this side of Japan but do you mind if I pay a visit to Eraserhead? Don’t worry, we’re good buddies!”.” Aizawa laughs.
“One: I’m quite offended that I got lowered to ‘good buddy’.” Shota said, lifting their chin. “With that stunt you pulled, serves you right.” He chuckles, pulling you into a kiss. His lips were cold and dry showing how long he has been in the cold. Slowly, slides his hand up your shirt. 
They quickly push his hands away. Worried that he did something wrong he asked, “Did… did I touch you wrong… hurt you?” Even though you and him have been ‘meeting up’ for sometime now this is all still kinda new. He was used to being the lone wolf, only doing what was necessary for him.
“Shota, your hands are as cold as ice.” They say putting their hands in his.
“Oh, well it can’t be that cold knowing how cold your heart is.” Aizawa teases as they roll their eyes. “Maybe they’ll warm up against you~.”
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Want You Dead II
Daemon Targaryen x Pirate!Reader | Part 1 2 3
Summary: Having agreed to Lord Corlys' terms, you were now slowly being restored into your house, just how Prince Daemon intended things to be. He was pleased that no matter how the days passed, your ascent to nobility did not erase the traits that made you a good pirate. However, he should have known your fire would draw men to you like moths. But gods be damned if he allows anyone else hold your flame.
Word Count: 17k+
Warnings: mentions of assault/rape, graphic depictions of violence, sexual implications fem!reader, ADDITIONAL PAIRINGS (wink, wink), super slow burn (and i still hate myself it), made up characters and lore, time skips, mangled timeline, themes of betrayal, angst, curse words, misogyny, parts with fluff, typos, etc.
A/N: yeah so like i am highly certain im making a part 3 so 🤡 so much for two really long chapters. I'm also pretty sure I messed up the timeline in this chapter, specifically regarding the ages of Alicient's children. Just roll with it mkay! Don't think about it too much.
Make sure to leave comments and reblogs!! If you would like to be tagged, just say the word <3.
Taglist: @sweetybuzz25 @idathereader @deekaag @how2besalty @niiight-dreamerrrr @wondergal2001
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"WHO THE FUCK WAS ON NIGHTSHIFT?!" the prince erupted the very moment he kicked the guardhouse doors open.
The prince was known to be unhinged. It was not uncommon for him to arrive somewhere unannounced, demanding audience or answers. And yet in this moment, there was a roar of a dragon many of the men had not yet seen. There was a fire in his eyes that could only be put out with blood. And whatever it was the men were doing before Daemon arrived was quickly forgotten or abandoned.
The prince heaved at the silence and shoved the nearest man next to him out of anger, letting out a prolonged shout, "ANSWER ME!"
As the man who fell on the ground gathered himself up, Daemon took a sword from one of the containers and raises it as his ears practically steam, "YOU WILL BRING EVERY MAN THAT WAS ON THE NIGHTSHIT TO ME IN AN HOUR, OR--" he cuts himself off, the vein on his neck relaxed finally, "I shall find them myself and slay them with no explanation."
His jaw clenches as he mutters lowly, looking at each face in the room, "am I understood?"
There is a chorus of agreement.
Daemon throws the sword on the the ground and storms off.
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I was in the ward, my eyes were heavy as was my body, and yet sleep would not come to me. The maesters made it clear to me, and Lord Corlys, who was present the entire time I was being tended to, that I should not leave my bed for a week unless absolutely necessary.
I was glad at the very least that I was situated next to a window where I could see the outside. In this moment, I was watching the sun set, wondering why in the silence of this room, my thoughts were so loud that I could find no peace in resting. Now that the horror had been addressed, now that I recounted what happened and angrily wiped my tears away as I explained I could not fall pregnant because my assaulter only used his fingers on me, I felt my fatigue catch up with me, that, and the memory similar incident I had at 13 that was never addressed.
Agatha, the woman I regarded as my mother, had just given birth to her second child at this point, Abigail. Her eldest child, William, was about only 3. Douglas, her husband, my adoptive father, had been out for work when three lords came to our house, asking about my necklace, asking about me.
At first, they said they knew my father, lord Rubin, and wanted to help me reclaim my title. Agatha turned them away, denying their words, which made them call her a lying whore, for I was clearly not her child.
They returned again and again, but eventually, they returned in the darkness of night. They tried to take me as I bathed and tried to touch me where I would not allow. They clawed for me still and laughed while they did. The only reason I still came a virgin at that time was because my father heard my screams and managed to fight them off with the help of our neighbors.
I ran away from home after that, feeling I was undeserving of Agatha and Douglas' protection, not only because I was bringing trouble to them, but as well as the fact I believed I had been made unclean by those lords disgusting fingers.
Tears stream down my face as I think of my parents and how badly they probably felt after I ran away.
I was lying in my bed, limp, yet my whole body burned in anger for my younger self. She was filled with self-loathing because she believed it was her fault. She thought thoughts like had she not been there, had she been stronger... but that was never the case. It matters not if you were careful, evil intent will prevail where evil is allowed to fester. In hearts of those evil men it has festered.
I hope they're all dead now.
My thoughts made a bitterness rise in my throat that I had not tasted in a long time. My anger was ugly, and fully draining.
Yet still... slumber shuns me away.
There is a noise far off by the entrance suddenly. I vaguely hear two voices, but think nothing of it. Upon hearing a loud voice echo in the room however, it is much harder to ignore. I my hands to my ears, suddenly preferring the noise in my head than the one starting in the room.
"Your grace! I implore- she cannot-"
"Or would you rather I stuff each soldier in here with their crusty boots and body odor?" the telltale voice of an angry Prince Daemon quips harshly.
For a moment there is silence. I release a sigh and place my hands by my side. I close my eyes, relishing in the sound of nothing. But then I hear footsteps headed towards me and I then begin wonder if it would be better if I pretend to be asleep.
I feel him stand beside my bed. I hear the clanking of his armor, "my lady Rubin."
I do not respond to him.
"Do not ignore me. The maester told me you could not find sleep."
I press my lips before responding. My voice was still hoarse even after drinking a tea that was meant to help with it, "you are aware in order to fall asleep, you must pretend to be asleep first."
"I have summoned all the men in the nightshift to arrive in an hour," he speaks plainly, "if your rapist is not there, then I will have those guards find him and bring him here within the evening. If they fail, then I shall kill them all with-"
Daemon still where he stood. He is so utterly stunned by the word that he cannot even think.
I finally peel my eyes open and behold the prince's expression. I release a tired sigh, "you will not do anything about this matter while I am bedridden."
His armor clad body shivers, he feels sick, "you cannot possibly mean to forgive the shit beneath my boots RAPIST that-"
"DAEMON!" I scream, instantly regretting it because my voice was not any better than it was moments ago. I begin to rattle out into a cough.
Daemon face instantly drops, "water! Someone get some fucking water here!"
A maester comes running in with a tray witch held a pitcher of water and a cup. Daemon grabs the tray from him, dismissing him, then places it on the beside table. He pours me a glass and hands it to me in a way that would not require our skin to touch.
I calm myself and take the cup from him, sitting up slowly. I down the lukewarm water then place the cup on the tray to my side. I look up at Daemon, who's violet eyes were burning.
"Come closer," I whisper in High Valyrian.
Daemon drops to his knees in an instant and I am honestly taken aback by it. I shift in my bed and pat my hand to my side, wordlessly beckoning him. He gives me a hesitant look and yet obliges after a moment.
"May I?" I mutter after he sits, raising my hand out to him.
"You need not ever ask me if I want your touch," he responds in High Valyrian, lowering his gaze upon me, "I have craved it for so long."
I take his hand into mine and lean my head back on the surface behind me, closing my eyes, "my knees betrayed me when I was climbing the stairs with Lord Corlys. And when he touched me in an attempt to help, I jolted and descended down the entire flight."
His voice is loud as he quickly retorts, "he shouldn't have touched-"
"He had to carry me here," I turn to him, slowly opening my eyes.
Daemon grows silent again.
"I couldn't even stand after falling. I was lucky I only got bruises out of it."
"I should have been the one to carry you here instead," he replies in his mother tongue, turning to his lap. His free hand tightly curls into a fist.
"I am not a deer that is meant to be thrown over shoulder."
Daemon turns back to me, "I will have a litter out for you."
"I will not be made a spectacle of."
"THEN WHAT!" he blurts, ripping his hand away as he quickly stands, "what shall you have me do for I will not allow that nothing be done?!"
"Let me rest!" I whimper, feeling my eyes water over how pained my voice and body was, "allow me the courtesy of healing, regaining my strength, and then... I will face the rapist myself."
Daemon's face his hard. He wants to scream, to find satisfaction tonight, and yet he contains all this. He reaches in his pocket, fingers fiddling with the gem he always had with him. He clenches his jaw and grinds his teeth, "what did the vermin look like?"
I release a sigh, as I turn to the blankets around me, tears running down my face, "he had dark hair, dark eyes. He was tall and--" I shudder, "impossibly strong." I suck in a breath, "I scarred him, cheek down to his lips from when I was captured," I turn back to Daemon, who's face contorted upon hearing that. I bring my mind back to the grim moment and open my mouth, "he was wearing a hood. I think it was blu--"
"Enough," he blurts, making me cease my words with a gasp.
Daemon does not enjoy my look of tension, my look of vulnerability, and yet... he could not bring himself to address it. He shifts from where he stands in such a way the necklace hid would remain hidden as he pulls it into his hand, "I will find him tonight. I swear on my life. I will not kill him, but I will hurt him so much that he wish he were dead, but I will keep him alive just enough for you to kill him."
His words ring in my ears like a bell in a tower. The anger inside me was thrilled by the idea, but my mind was so tired that all I could do was look out the window and take in the night sky.
Daemon did not know what he was expecting, but the silence in the room was gnawing at him. He shoves his hand back in his pocket and decided then to simply leave.
When he does, I whip my head to the side and call out to him. My voice is so broken however that not a single sound came out.
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Daemon's face was chilling under the light of a torch.
He was sat on a wooden stump in front of some 50 men, all nervous, all eager to know why the prince had thrown a fit towards the men who worked the nightshift. He had a ruby necklace in his hand and his eyes were fixed on the item. His calmness was making the tension around wind even more.
"Caraxes," he calls, barely raising his voice, and yet his dragon obeys the call and comes crying with fury from the roof of the building behind his master.
Now that all the men before him were scared shitless, he allows a few moments to pass, making sure the servants mutter to each other about how angry their prince was before he said another word.
Daemon looks up to his dragon, gripping the ruby before putting it away. He mutters that the Caraxes raise his head and upon doing so, the prince commands, "dracarys."
The night sky is overpowered by fire and each man looks up to in terrified awe of the flames burning overhead. The light finds each of their faces, exposing every detail to Daemon's keen eyes.
He sees then, scar from cheek to lip, on a man who was at the very back. Caraxes closes his mouth with a hiss, allowing the darkness to creep up on everyone again.
Daemon's eyes are fixed on his target, blood boiling at the audacity of him to come here thinking he would not be caught, absolutely outraged that he was feigning innocence and ignorance. Part of him wished that he had run, then he would be justified in chasing him down and cutting his legs off. Even now he prayed the vermin would turn to the prince and be so absolutely terrified that he start running so he could start chasing.
But then he realizes something that makes him stand quickly form his seat. All the men around him still at that.
He chuckles darkly.
Nothing is stopping him from doing just that to him right now.
And so the men watch as the prince strides forward; they were not quick enough to make way for him as Daemon's shoulders bump against their shoulder plates.
He draws his hand out to the man with the scarred face and tugs at his metal collar, "strip yourself."
He is too stunned to even move.
Daemon shakes him, "STRIP YOURSELF!" He throws him down, causing the man to fall to the floor, "Or I will have the whole guardhouse rip that armor off your body."
"My lord," the man whines, "I do not-"
Daemon has his sword pointed at him in but a second, "I would not speak another word, if I wanted to keep my tongue." He watches as the man gets on his knees and shivers. He is enraged by his stillness, "FUCKING STRIP HIM!"
Caraxes screams, feeling the anger of his rider.
The men go upon him and undo his armor. Once he is left in nothing but his pants and his shirt, Daemon slowly steps towards him, blade inching near his skin, piercing him slowly, "now run."
He holds back his screams, but it is futile when the prince rips his shoulder muscle up. Daemon listens to his pathetic cries, lips curling in disgust, "run, vermin."
"Your grace, I-"
Daemon kicks his face, which sends him shooting back, "I'M ASKING YOU TO RUN WITH YOUR LEGS, NOT WITH YOUR MOUTH."
He man is writhing in pain, and his groans annoy Daemon, "you will hurt worse than you've hurt regardless if you run or not."
Upon realizing the man would not get up anytime soon, he kicks him back down on the floor before he can rise up. The prince steps on the cut on the man's skin, making him scream out in anguish. Daemon makes sure to watch everyone's reaction to the piercing noise. Caraxes adds to it with his one screech.
Once the sound dampens, Daemon raises finally speaks, "last night this man broke the oath he swore to keep as a member of the royal guard. Instead of protecting the subjects of this realm, he did the very act he was meant to condemn. He deluded himself in claiming a perverted form of justice when he raped a defenseless woman as a form of revenge.
"And not only did he dishonor the royal guards by overpowering someone in an unfair fight, but he dishonored me," he drums on his chest, "Prince Daemon of house Targaryen, second born after King Viserys, by assaulting the woman I promised to marry."
The crowd breaks into gasps and grumbles. The man beneath his books begins to sob, "but my lord! My lord, she was shackl-"
Daemon kicks him repeatedly as he seethes, "shut the fuck up."
The man's cries excite Caraxes into another scream. Daemon heaves, feeling the thirst of his Blood Wyrm course through him. It takes so much in him not to say the word and end the life of the pathetic man. His entire body was practically buzzing with a thirst for blood. But he turns to his dragon, raising a hand at him to calm him down. Caraxes clicks in disappointment.
For a moment, the prince basks in the man's pain. As much as his fingers itch to inflict even more on him, with great restraint, he turns away, "take him to a cell before I kill him," Daemon commands as he walks off.
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It was on the 3rd day of my bed rest that I finally asked the maesters if there had been any word from Prince Daemon. Upon being told that there was none, I proceeded to ask if perhaps I was visited while I was asleep. The look the maester gave me after that was one of pity, as if I was delusional to expect that I be visited by anyone at all.
I was visited though, but not by the Valyrian I wanted. Lord Corlys came on the 5th day of my bed rest. He was kind, he instructed the maesters to keep me well fed and even brought me literature to amuse myself with. It was on that very same day I realized the prince was not coming to visit me.
It hurt of course, and the more I tried to convince myself that what the maesters said about their prince was true, how he was rogue and only ever did things that benefit himself, the more I thought about how I pathetic I was into thinking he actually cared for me.
And so today, the very first day I was allowed to walk and go wherever I wanted, I blew off steam on the training ground in the early morning so I wouldn't have to share it with anyone.
"This is the first thing you do after being allowed to stand?"
The voice is familiar, too familiar in fact, considering I did not hear it at all during my recovery. I ignore him, focusing on the inanimate target before me, allowing the extra shot of anger that coursed through me now flow out of me.
He speaks in High Valyrian, "have you now become so proud that you are to be reinstated as a Lady that you will not even greet your prince?"
I halt for a moment, enraged by the sentiment. I grip my sword tightly then hack on the hay dummy particularly, "greetings, prince Daemon!"
The man's lips curve at the show of strength. I hear him chuckle, "though it gladdens me to see your might, I'm worried you might overexert yourself."
I scoff, opting to twirl my weapon in my hand instead, "I did not think it mattered to you what I do anymore, considering you did not come to me in 10 days."
Daemon brings his hands together in front of him, "the maesters told me it would take a week for you to heal."
"A week is not 10 days," I blurt quickly, whipping my head to him, "Targaryen scum."
Daemon smirks at me.
My face twists the opposite way and my pulse quickens in anger. Sensing my hostility, the man draws his sword out just in time before my blade could hit him.
My fury is further fueled by his mischievous expression. We prance around, boots grinding the dirt beneath it as we stomp to match the other's stance. Daemon is too thrilled by the sounds of clanking swords, and it becomes clear to me that he thinks this is a game, that I was doing this to show him how much I had recovered, and so I make it a point to nick him when I get the chance. The chance comes quickly when he laughs as he pulls back to avoid my charge.
He lets out a shocked grunt when I rip the middle part of the sleeve of his coat deep enough that blood is drawn.
Our fight ends here.
The prince looks at me for a moment, betrayed, obviously only now realizing that I was, in fact, pissed that he did not visit me at all while I was bedridden. He turns to his cut, confused by the pain. I drop the sword in my hand and turn, walking away.
"I did not think you wanted my company," he calls as he wipes the blood with his fingers. Daemon averts his gaze from his wound to me, "I confess, I wouldn't have known what to do had I visited anyway."
I scoff in disbelief, grinding my teeth in annoyance. I take in his pathetic look and I storm towards him, heaving in anger. My eyes grow glassy when I growl, "I was fucking raped, you stupid piece of shit!"
Daemon takes a step back for every step I took towards him.
"You are so incorrigible that you cannot care to think about anything but yourself!" I bark, raising and accusing finger at him. "You are the only face I know here!" I whine, voice breaking as my tears betray me with their appearance. "You are the only one that doesn't look at me like I'm broken or tainted or fucking stupid, and yet here you are looking down at me as if I am!"
Daemon's face twitches at the shrillness of my screams. He is surprised when my hands dart out to his collar, "I didn't want you, Daemon," I pull him down to me, heaving helplessly as I finish my words in High Valyrian, "I needed you."
His hands raise around me but they do not land anywhere. His head is spinning. He never before has been so confused with what to do next.
I release him and walk off once again.
Daemon does not like that, which is why in his desperation, he darts his hands forward and grabs my arm. He instantly regrets it though when I jolt at the unforeseen contact and raise my hands up in defense, and out of instinct.
"Fuck," he pulls away quickly, raising both his hands up, "fuck, shit, fuck, apologies," he sputters, digging his fingers in his nape, "fuck, fuck, I-"
I shake my head, releasing a breath as my anger slowly melts at his guilty expression, "I touched you first without-"
"I told you you could," he says, "you can always touch me without-"
"I know," I cut him off, "still it was unlike me to do so."
Daemon watches me wipe my eyes before I turn back to him, "I have to go. I must get ready soon. I was granted audience with the king to discuss the reclamation of my title."
"Can I be granted audience as well?"
I sigh, turning away from him, "do I truly even have a choice?"
"You do," he retorts, eyes fixed on me.
I look at the prince for a moment. A foreign expression lingered in his eyes. I tilt my head, "I grant it to you now then... but make it quick."
He extends his hand out to me, asking in High Valyrian, "may I?"
I turn to his palm and place my own atop of his.
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The prince's eyes remained fixed intently on me, starkly contrasting mine that were wandering the large, dark, and filthy place all over. The smell the massive building had was ten times worse than that of the bottom chamber of ship Jocelyn.
My left hand was also still firmly gripped in his right one. Daemon hat them hands pressed against his chest protectively.
"Where are we?" I finally ask as we make our stop in center of the massive place.
Daemon looks down at me, raking in my expression in silence.
I turn to him with an expectant look after receiving no response. He raises his head a fraction, eyes still on mine. I raise my brows as he moves my hand to his left one and side steps behind me. He presses his body flush against my back and places his right hand on my right shoulder, "the dragon pit."
My eyes widen at his admission. I look over my shoulder where his face was and shake my head in disapproval as my pulse quickens.
"Shhhh," he hushes as he presses his lips against my temple, "do not be nervous."
Yet out of nervousness, I involuntarily speak the name that popped into my mind, "Caraxes?"
In that very moment, there is a whine that echoes across the room. My breath hitches as the noise grows louder.
I wriggle out of Daemon's clutch. He hushes me again. He mutters in High Valyrian, "calm yourself, my love."
And from the very pit emerges a dragon head, screeching loudly. Suddenly I wonder if Daemon's words were for me or his dragon. Perhaps both.
Daemon does not enjoy the restlessness he was feeling across the room. He presses a kiss on my pulsing neck, breath hot against me as he speaks in the same language, "I am here. Nothing will hurt you."
Caraxes draws nearer. The dragon screeches yet again and shakes his head in a manner I can only hope was friendly.
"Calm yourself," Daemon commands, raising his right hand to his dragon, "I brought her here to meet you."
"Daemon," I mutter harshly in fear.
He presses his lips to my temple again, "calm yourself. He can sense your restlessness, same as I."
My breath hitches as I exhale and chuckle sardonically, "oh, pardon me for being nervous in front of a mother fucking dragon."
Daemon chuckles, his free hand coming to circle around my waist, "there's that fire. Caraxes will appreciate it."
At this point, the dragon is close enough that the hot huffs coming out of his nostrils was blowing against both mine and Daemon's being.
I decide to merely close my eyes and lean my head against Daemon's, "I have no idea why you want me to meet your dragon, but be quick about it so we can leave at once."
Daemon chuckles again, chin affectionately rubbing against my hair. He turns to his dragon and speaks in High Valyrian, "I have chosen her myself, Caraxes," he smiles, "she is a pretty as you, don't you agree?"
For a prolonged moment, there is only silence. I feel Daemon spread my hand open and soon enough my palms are then met with a warm and bumpy sensation.
"Open your eyes, my dear ruby," he instructs in the same language.
I release a breath before slowly opening my eyes. It seems as though the great eye before me opened at the same time. My lips part as Daemon guides my hand to stroke the side of Caraxes' face.
I finally feel brave enough to tear my gaze off of the creature's eye to take in the rest of his large body. I'm shocked at how unexpectedly smooth the feeling of his scales where against my hand.
"What fierce beauty you are, sweet dragon," I mutter in the language Caraxes is responsive to. For a moment, my heart jumps back into my throat as the beast makes quick clicking noises. I step back, falling into Daemon's arms and he hushed me yet again. Caraxes lifts his head, releasing a quick whine, then bares the other side of his face to me.
Daemon breaks into a laugh, heart soaring at his dragon's sentiment. I am in utter astonishment of how the beast reacted.
When Caraxes is close enough, I slowly bring my hand back down on him by my own will. In my surprise of how he leans in, my other hand darts up to his face. A gasp of surprise leaves my lips. The prince is, needless to say, pleased.
"My dragon is anything but sweet," Daemon says, slowly breaking away from me to go to the other side of Caraxes' head, praising him quickly, "good boy."
I stroke Caraxes' head in a more confident manner now. The creature closes his eyes and rests his head on the floor. I realize the rolling sound he was making was perhaps similar to that of a cat's purr. The thought makes me break into a smile, "you're just an overgrown kitten, aren't you?"
Daemon's own lips curve upward, unable to hide his amusement. He slowly walks over to me and says, "you are now bonded to a dragon."
I freeze in my actions and turn to him, knitting my brows, "surely, it's not that simple."
He chuckles, hand resting on Caraxes' snout, nonchalant, "he will, of course, answer only to my command, but now he knows your scent and knows of your connection to his master."
I turn to the dragon, "Caraxes is-"
I do not finish my thought as the said creature opens his eyes and lifts his head from the floor to look down upon me and his rider. I step back, feeling fear flood me again. Daemon catches me before I can step back any further, "careful. He is very responsive to his name."
I open my mouth but cannot speak a word.
Daemon chuckles one last time before turning to Caraxes, "go on now," he dismisses in High Valyrian, "go back to your cave and take a nap."
Caraxes releases a quick whine and obeys his master's order.
I watch as he slowly walks back down into the pit. When I finally tear my gaze away from Caraxes, I give Daemon a wide eyed look, "did you just command a dragon to take a nap?"
He looks at me for a moment before releasing an amused breath, "come now. You mustn't reek of dragon slobber when you go to meet the king."
When he takes my hand back in his, I ask him again, "and did your dragon respond to it?"
Daemon presses his lips together in a soft smile.
"My cats didn't even come to me when I called to them."
We begin to walk off when Daemon responds, "that's because your blood does not contain magic that calls out to felines."
I give him an incredulous look, "are you telling me you're a cat whisperer as well?"
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Daemon could only think of one thing as he stood in the throne room, his attention was solely on one person alone. Rhaenyra, who was situated near him, could see the pleased look on her uncle's face and it made her so utterly curious. So, she followed his line of sight, wondering what had him in such a good mood today, then giggled to herself upon seeing what her uncle was looking at.
I grinned, bowing courteously to King Viserys right after he announced before all the lord and ladies present that he was recognizing me as Lady of house Rubin.
The hall erupted into cheers for me, and I yet I felt only a semblance of emotion to the sight of Lord Corlys' clapping. I nod graciously at him, offering a smile. He gives me a knowing look back, beckoning me over wordlessly.
I promptly make my to him but on my way though, I bump into something I did not see. When I do spot what hindered my passage, I see a head of silver hair and a boy that was knocked over to the floor, yet he sweetly tells me, "pardon me, my good lady."
My lips part in concern and my heart clenches at his sweet words. I crouch down to the boy, who surely was of Valyrian descent, "I apologize, my sweet prince. Are you hurt?"
The boy looks up at me as I extend a hand him.
I hear soft giggles beside me and I turn and see an older version of the boy, "oooh, look! Little Aemond got knocked over by a girl!"
I raise a brow at the bratty response of the child. I whip my head to the other child as he suddenly swatted my hand away and stands up on his own.
"Aegon!" the shrill voice of the queen called.
The two boys promptly still and turn to their mother. I rise as Queen Alicient walks over to me, "I apologize for my sons behavior. They keep running away from their keeper."
I smile at her, shaking my head, "children are no trouble to me," I turn to the younger boy, "prince Aemond is very sweet, and his brother," I turn to whom the queen addressed as Aegon, "is very sharp about his tongue."
The Queen looks down at her eldest, "what did you say to Lady Rubin?"
"Nothing, mother, I-"
"Not to me," I smile, "to his brother. But I suppose the occurrence is common."
I watch as Alicient's cheek turns a shade red. My expression drops, "I meant no impertinence, my queen. I apologize." I turn to Aegon, "I'm sure the prince will grow out of it and be a fine ruler one day."
I bow before them and quickly speak, "your majesties," before continuing to walk off.
"Lord Corlys."
"Lady Rubin," he greets when I am near him, "it seems you have a knack of attracting Targaryen prince."
I press my lips into a line, "I cannot help who I attract, though I can use it to my advantage."
He nods, softly chuckling. He then side steps to better reveal the woman beside him, "this is Princess Rhaenys," my face brightens at the sight of her, "my lady wife-"
"I have heard a great many things about you and your mighty dragon, Meleys, my princess," I excitedly retort in High Valyrian, a bit too quickly perhaps. The white haired princess raises her brows at me. I bow before her, "it is an absolute honor to meet you."
She hums as I straighten myself up, "My husband, Lord of the Tides, told me you were the reason for the loss of his thousands worth of goods," she takes a moment before adding, "how did you manage it and remain unscathed?"
I break into a wide smile, feeling my fingers tingle in excitement, "honestly, your grace," I turn to my feet then back to the princess, I continue in High Valyrian, "I was, in fact, scathed, brutally after my my capture. One of the guards snuck into my cell to get even over a scar I placed on his cheek."
Princess Rhaenys watches my expression. I press my lips into a smile, "there is a price to be paid for every exploit, the cost is blood, honor, and life, although never only mine. I have paid every price with an unwilling generosity," I turn from her to her husband, "tis why I have agreed to the terms of our Lord Velaryon with no fuss. Not only am I certain of my capabilities, but I also no longer wish to give helplessly to men with power. I did not want another of my crew to die either."
The princess turns to her husband, eyes bearing a glint in them. She speaks in her mother tongue, "your stories do her no justice."
Corlys leans towards her, "we have yet to see how quickly she can amass the payment of her debt."
"Lord Corlys, Princess Rhaenys," a voice calls, "Lady Rubin," a man walks up beside me, offering his hand out, "it is a pleasure to meet your acquaintance."
I look at his hand for a moment, gripping my own before lifting it up and pulling a smile, "the pleasure's all mine, ser..."
The man with dark brown hair and blue eyes takes my hand gently in his, "tis Lord Aiden of house Greystoke."
I feel my skin rise up with goosebumps when he presses his lips on the back of my hand. I withdraw my hand quickly right after. Lord Aiden does not seem to mind as he smiles and says, "I have heard of your exploits with Lord Corlys, my lady, and I say I am impressed."
I turn to Corlys and hold in a chuckle, "you misunderstand. I have not yet done exploits with Lord Corlys."
The young lord tilts his head and gives a confused puppy look. My lips curve in endearment. He raises a hand, "would you mind then if you continued on with this tale while sharing a glass of wine with me?"
Before Lord Corlys can but in, another voice speaks, "actually, I was wondering the same thing." I turn to the opposite direction and find a face of a smirking yellow haired man. He too extends his hand out to me, "Lord Jason Lannister."
I take one look of his calloused hands and clench my jaw. I bow at him instead, "a pleasure to meet your acquaintance, Lord Jason."
The man looks at me for a moment, gripping his extended hand and recovering to his side. He clears his throat.
"It seems we shall have to continue our chat some other time, my lady," princess Rhaenys calls out in High Valyrian, making everyone turn to her.
My lips part in disappointment, "I do not care to converse with these lords."
Lord Corlys laughs at that.
"How lucky am I to be born a prince then," a voice calls from behind me. I turn over and see the face of prince Daemon, lips curved upward, and yet there was no amusement in his eyes.
"How impressive it is that you understand the tongue of the dragon," Lord Aiden says, eyes fixed on me. I turn from Daemon to him, unable to contain my amused chuckle at his glimmering eyes and admiring expression, "I know a great many languages, my lord."
"You must be well traveled then," he smiles.
"Like a pirate," Daemon blurts firmly, making both me and Aiden turn to him.
Aiden ignores him and adds, "I would love to hear about your travels, my lady Rubin." He nods bows and smiles with such reverence that I cannot contain my pleased expression.
Daemon's eyes are darker now, and as he steps closer, he speaks sternly, "Lady Rubin and I have premade plans."
I tilt my head to him, lips curving into a small smirk, "we do?"
"An execution," Daemon retorts plainly.
My amused expression beings to melt away.
Daemon looks at the concerned faces around him, pleased by it, but then his eyes fall on mine and he adds in a blurt, "--of sorts."
I suck in a breath and turn away from the prince, "it has been a pleasure to converse with you all," I turn to the princess in particular and smile, continuing in High Valyrian, "I look forward to continuing our chat, my princess."
Rhaenys nods, lips pressed in a soft smile.
"Do not forget about me, my lady," Aiden calls, making me turn to him.
I grin at this hopefully bright expression, "I would not dare dream of it, my lord."
I turn then to Daemon who gives me a pointed look before walking off. I give one quick curtsy then rush after the long striding prince.
I feel all the eyes of the room turn to me as I make haste towards the exit where the prince was headed. I realize he is doing it on purpose, making me run after him, as he weaves through the crowd. I am quicker and swifter then he'd give me credit for though.
The moment we make it out to the hall, Daemon speaks, "you enjoyed that."
"You will have to be more specific, Targaryen scum," I retort in High Valyrian.
"Those men! Fawning for you!" he blurts, still not relenting his quick pace.
I chuckle, having no choice but to run to catch up with him, "I enjoy your vexation to it."
He halts abruptly, causing me to slam onto his back with much force. I reel backwards as the prince turns about and walks towards me. When I catch his expression, I bite my lip to hold in a laugh. He is entirely serious when he speaks, but I find no threat in them, "it would do you good to burn in mind that no man shall have you but I."
I lick my lips and shake my head mockingly in disappointment, "oh, boys, so naturally uninclined to share."
"I am a prince," he seethes, enunciating each word clearly, face coming dangerously close to mine, "I was not taught to share, nor do I plan on doing so any time soon."
Daemon is a bit taken aback by the quick peck I place on his lips. His violet eyes darken where mine shimmer, "good to know, little boy."
With that, I dash past him and continue off to where he was heading originally.
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It took two men to drag the raggedy body of the man in front of the prince and I. I look at the man, trying to distinguish if it was in fact the man who attacked me, but his body was so torn and filthy, and his face so distraught that I could not make out his features, nor distinguish the scar I left on him.
I turn to Daemon, who seems to sense my apprehension, and so he speaks, "do you remember her, rat?" the prince shifts from where he stood, turning his gaze to the man, "bask in the glory of your executioner."
I watch as the man writhes on the ground in pain. His limbs were cut in many ways, and it appeared to me he could no longer feel them. Suddenly, I fear that Daemon took the wrong person and made him suffer for the wrongs of another. I turn to Daemon, "are you certain this is the man I described to you?"
"He confessed and plead by his sins to me," the prince spoke, turning to me, "I made sure he suffered while you healed."
"Please," the man, who had his face on the dirt, heaves with great difficulty, "let me die."
A shiver runs down my spine. My tear immediately prick in my eyes. I turn to the man on the ground. Daemon looks at me, excited by my look of wrath.
"You plead for the wrong things," I mutter, "you should plead for my mercy, for my forgiveness," my breath quickens as anger rips at me, "you should plead that I take pity in you and that I shall spare your life so that you may return to your family."
He whines, barely able to raise his head, "I could not live... knowing I shamed my family."
His words strike a chord in me. I shriek in anger, ripping the blade Daemon had sheathed my his side, momentarily surprising him, "AND YET YOU WISH I LIVE WITH THE SHAME YOU INFLICTED ME!?!"
I raise Daemon's sword with two hands, its weight literally too heavy to bare. It didn't help that I was trembling in anger. It took so much for me not to drop the weapon.
Daemon moves to help me, but I shove him off. In turn, the sword slowly descends to the ground. With all my strength, made sure not to him the man on the floor because if I hurt him, I want to do it with intention. Still, I can't for the life of me decide whether or not I should let him die by my blade.
Tears run down my face, "perhaps I should let you live-- recover. Then you'd have a wife and daughter. Then you'd feel the fear in your soul over the idea they live in a world where men freely strut with intentions of desecrating them," I rapidly shake my head, "but that would be too good to you, wouldn't it? And too horrible to whom you would foolishly blindside into marriage.
"And it would be a shame if you birthed a son that would follow in your footsteps, and that he dare think it is his birthright to be vile," I cry, gripping the hilt of my sword with all my strength, "it would be-" I heave, trying to even out my breathing, "a great act of mercy for me to kill you, mercy to your pathetic self, and to the world that will be better off without you in it."
Yet I drop the sword, unable to cease the shivering of my hands, "but I will instead let The Stranger come for you, secretly in your cell, where you will wonder day after day when you will finally find relief. When your pain is hot, you will think of me, and how you so regret ever laying your filthy hands on me, for it is how I perceive you. Except I will heal from this horror and you will never."
Daemon watches me as I take deep breaths.
"Then you will know what it feels like to live with an irrevocable pain. Then you will know how it feels to live in a world, the same world where the person that hurt you struts freely."
After having my say, I release a breath and begin to walk back. I avert my gaze and allow tears to roll down my face.
The rapist is sobbing as well, uncontrollably, painfully, and begs with the remaining strength in him, "please."
The prince will not have it and grabs his sword, charging at the man. Daemon rips the man's head up by his matted hair. He screams because of it. It allows the prince the perfect opportunity to cut his tongue off. He screeches louder in pain. Daemon holds slimy prize up, "you've no idea how long I've been wanting to do that."
"I want to leave now," I say in High Valyrian, bringing my hands to my face, rubbing my wet skin back and forth.
Daemon turns over to me and stands, "throw him back in his cell," he commands one last time, walking over to me.
Once he is before me, I look up at him, wrapping my arms around myself, "can you take me somewhere?"
For a moment, Daemon thinks.
"I don't want to go to the chambers right now. I will not find relief nor rest."
He lowers his gaze, slowly speaking, "I plan to feed the vermin's tongue to Caraxes."
I nod avidly, "please take me with you."
Daemon turns back to me, lips pulling downward at the sight of my frantic expression. He nods then walks off, leading me to the dragon pit silently.
As we walk, I am aware of how the people we pass try so hard not to look, lest they reap the wrath of their furious looking prince.
And yet, while on out way to the pit, there is one that dares to grab our attention. I hear a voice call out my name, it is frantic sounding. I recognized it to be of Lord Aiden's but I ignore it. Prince Daemon does not, and dirtily looks out to whom spoke. He finds himself glaring daggers at the young man with dark hair and blue eyes, though it seemed he did not even notice, as he was too preoccupied with a troubled expression.
We arrive at the pit, and somehow, the stench is comforting.
"Caraxes!" Daemon calls loudly, striding forward, deeper into the place with confidence, "I came bearing a gift." He raises the tongue and wiggles it in the air. The sight is revolting to my eyes, and I turn away, involuntarily gagging.
Daemon awaits his mount as it screeches from beneath the room, slowly crawling out.
Caraxes lets out a screech once he is before his master. Daemon throws the chunk of flesh to the dragon's massive mouth. Caraxes quickly catches it and swallows without a problem.
I watch as the large beast whines and shakes his head. I feel my chest tighten in anxiousness over the actions. I raise my eyes and step back slowly as the dragon comes my way.
Daemon raises his hands to the dragon, "Caraxes! Listen to me, submit to me, obey me," he enumerates in High Valyrian.
Caraxes does his telltale clicking noise and ruffles his wings as he steps around, clearly agitated.
My heart begins to pound, "Daemon, I-"
"He can sense your distress," he says, quickly turning over to me, then back to Caraxes, "calm yourself, boy."
I wrap my arms tighter around myself, feeling my dread further intensify, "Forgive me, but I cannot control my-"
"Call out to him," Daemon says, walking backwards to meet me. I move close to the prince and share a frantic look. He meets my gaze and reaches his hand out to me, wordlessly asking for my permission. I place my hand in his as he commands his dragon in High Valyrian, "Caraxes, calm yourself."
"Calm yourself," I repeat in the same tongue.
"Louder, more conviction," Daemon says, bringing our joined hands up in front of him, "come to me."
"Come to me," I say a volume louder. I look from Daemon to the dragon and command, "come to me to calm yourself."
The moment he hears this, Daemon finds no need to watch his dragon as he crawls over. He fixes his gaze upon me and rests his cheek on the crown of my head.
When Caraxes is close enough, he huffs through his nostrils, steam coming out. I place both my palms on him and bite my lower lip to hold in my sobs.
"He must have thought your distress was because of him," Daemon says, "perhaps because he didn't share the treat."
I choke on my tears as a laugh escapes me. Caraxes responds by pushing up against my hands. He lays his head on the floor before us. I coo, stroking the dragon's face, "you are the most generous boy I know."
Daemon chuckles, stroking Caraxes all the same, "my dragon is anything but generous."
I allow some final tears run down my face before I sigh, "thank you," I lean close to Caraxes then turn to Daemon, "my sweet and generous dragon."
He looks at me and raises his hand to my face, "may I?"
My only response is leaning against his hand. He wipes my tears with the pad of his thumb, "no man deserves your tears."
I close my eyes, feeling tears streak down my face, "I know."
The princes draws his hand back, "would you like to take my sweet and generous dragon out for a ride?"
My heart drops and my pulse quickens. I ask an octave higher than normal, "by myself?"
Daemon breaks into a laugh. He leans into his dragon, entertainment, "my cunning pirate bride loses her wits when she is around my mount."
When our eyes meet, I raise my brows at him, "you have a cunning pirate bride?"
He smirks, extending his hand out to me again, "there she is."
I take his hand and he pulls me towards him. Caraxes lifts his head as we make our way to his saddle. Daemon begins to climb up on him, and soon after, he extends his hand out for me. I give him an apprehensive look, but take his hand again and he helps me climb up his dragon.
"Be gentle," I mumble as he situates me in front of him, locking me in between his body and the reins.
Daemon chuckles and I squeak as Caraxes begins to move, "I thought you liked it when I'm rough, my dear ruby."
"You," I whine, "not Caraxes."
Daemon laughs again. Caraxes shrieks upon hearing his name.
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Two years had passed since the day my house was reinstated and acknowledged by the king. And within this time, begrudgingly, I only managed to get about half of the sum I owed Lord Corlys, which to be fair, was about exactly how much I stole from him, considering he charged me twice the amount.
And honestly, I had not initially anticipated that he wanted me to do so in a way that obeyed the law. I mean, I may be a lady but I was a pirate. What did he expect of me? This was which was why it was taking unimaginably long to accomplish what I could do then in mere months. I had to barter instead of threaten and create relations than crack skulls, and honestly, I was missing the violence a bit, especially when men thought it was ok to breath down my neck.
Make no mistake, pain was a friend I introduced to many of my new acquiantances.
It was also surprising that it seems to Lord Corlys, the grueling time in my eyes was quick in his. I told Princess Rhaenys that his husband was unimpressive in that matter, and she only laughed at that.
Today, I was returning from a month's voyage, coming home with more than I anticipated for such a short travel, which was why I was particularly chirpy.
At the moment, I was heading to the guestroom where the Lord of Driftmark was staying for the while he is in King's Landing for the birth of his first grandchild to Lord Laenor and Princess Rhaenyra.
I was still dressed in my travel attire, fresh off the boat as I made my way down the castle's halls. I hear a commotion come from one of the rooms across the hall. By the time I reach the door where the noise sourced, a boy with silver white hair storms out, followed by another who runs after him, calling, "Aegon, you'll get us in trouble again!"
"We'll only get in trouble is someone tells," the taller of the two says in response, raising a finger, "and you better not."
"Aye," I call out, making the two turn to me. I cross my arms as the two look at me with an nervous expression, "the queen should not know about how her sons are bickering in the hall," I walk over and sneak a look to their open door, "instead of, what? Studying?"
"Insolar person," Aegon attempts at High Valyrian.
I make a face at the kid and ask in the same tongue, "is that supposed to be some sort of insult?"
The princes are shocked, the one called Aemond is particularly impressed, "you can speak High Valyrian?"
"Amongst other things."
Aegon, however, is unimpressed and crosses his own arms to prove it, "I didn't understand it. You just made that up."
I relax my arms to the side and reply again in the same tongue, "you didn't understand it because you cannot speak this language."
He makes a cross face. His brother looks at me in astonishment.
I shake my head and offer a smile, "you don't have to worry about me telling your mother, but I do so humbly suggest you study the language while you're still young. It'll get harder to learn once you're older."
With that, I give them a quick bow in regard and walk past them, making my way to where I was going to in the first place.
"Will you stay for dinner?" the voice of Aemond asks from behind me.
I do not bother turning to him when I reply, "I'm only here to speak to Lord Corlys, then I am returning to my estate."
I make it to the room and announce myself before entering.
Upon stepping into the room, Lord Corlys wastes no time in applauding me for my latest exploits, ceaselessly impressed by my capabilities, though again to my eyes it was sluggish.
"Although I am somewhat pleased and amused by your compliments, I am fairly certain that you did not call me here for that."
Corlys nods, "yes. Well, while you were away, I had many lords come to me with proposals of marriage. I think because of our houses' alliance, they think it is my business what you do with yours."
I cannot help but roll my eyes, "that, and they could not possibly communicate such important proposals with a woman."
"Well, the woman was on a voyage," he says, handing me a box of scrolls where the many marriage proposals were.
I scoff at the sight of it, "I meant my handmaiden, Abigail, who is in charge of my estate when I am not present."
Corlys chuckles, "I will make sure to direct any further inquiries to your handmaiden then."
I release a sigh and nod in regard, "thank you, my lord," I turn to the box in hand, "and apologies."
He shakes his head, "worry not about it. I feel responsible for you as well anyway, as you are not only my old friend's remaining daughter, but you are also returning your debt at a promising rate."
I shake my head and chuckle, "I will be off then, Lord Corlys."
When I make it to Jocelyn, I break into an amused smile upon spotting the man waiting for me, "my Lord."
Lord Aiden perks up at the sight of me then nods in regard, "my Lady Rubin." I raise my brows at him as he moves towards me with a smile plastered on his face, "as soon as I heard you were here, I made haste to meet you, knowing you are as swift as you go as you come."
I break into a chuckle, "an astute observation."
The man beams at my reaction, "I will not waste your time by asking you to dinner for clearly you are ready to leave."
"Another astute observation," I nod.
"I am glad however to behold your glorious face," he smiles, making my lips curl upward. He mimics my expression, "I do hope one day we will be able to share a meal though."
I shake my head, ceaselessly amused by him and his softly curved lips, "one day, perhaps."
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"Welcome home, my Lady," Abigail, with her rosy cheeks and golden-brown hair, smiles at me once I enter. I return her expression and pull her into a hug, "where is your older brother?"
"William is out tending to the animals."
I pull away, smiling, "just like your father," I look at her, pushing Abigail's hair behind her ear, "and you look just like your mother."
She shakes her head as she chuckles, "you know you don't have to keep telling me that every time you see me."
"Well, I can't help it, it's true," I pull away from her, "Agnes and Douglas raised me like their own and yet... I could not even repay them in this life."
Abigail takes my hand, "taking us in is more than enough, sister."
My heart swells at her regard. She smiles at me, then gasps, "oh, I nearly forgot." I look at her reluctant expression and she raises a finger before speaking, "the prince is here."
I release a breath of relief, "I thought you were going to say someone broke in."
"Well," Abigail's eyes trail off, "he kind of did."
I roll my eyes at the thought.
She continues, "he had me draw a bath in your quarters. I told him it was indecent," she stressed out, "but, then he asked me if I wanted to know what real indecency was, and I could not bare the thought of him speaking vulgarities to me, and so I did his bidding." Abigail gives me a regretful look, "for that I sincerely apologise, I-"
"I am not cross with you, my dear," I say, placing a hand on her shoulder, "the Targaryen scum on the one h-"
"My lady!"
I raise my hands in defeat, "the prince," I correct myself before releasing a sigh, "think nothing of it, Abigail. Just go about your duties. It's almost time for supper. I'm certain everyone is famished."
"I shall make sure they wait for you before-"
"Nothing of the sort," I shake my head, "I might just take a bath myself and go to sleep."
Abigail makes a nervous look, "no- not with the prince around, right?"
I break into a laugh and shake my head, "silly girl, of course not."
She releases a breath she held in after hearing that.
"Perhaps I will be around him."
Abigail does not react because she does not understand.
I promptly make my way upstairs to my chambers. I enter and see scattered clothes on the floor. I click my tongue at the sight of it. I walk in deeper and see the door to my bath was wide open.
I walk in, slowly undressing myself of my outerwear as I find Daemon in the large, circular stone tub, eyes closed. I make my way closer, prompting the man to speak, "took you long enough."
"When did you get here?"
He chuckles, "worry not, it was not too long."
"I'm not worried about you, I'm worried that you might have rode Caraxes and left him somewhere to devour our livestock out of spite."
I stand before him at this point. His lips are curled upward mischievously, "I left Caraxes in King's Landing. I think he's coming down with a cold-"
"A cold," I snort.
"- and would feel better if you visited him."
I shake my head, "are you trying to ineffectively guilt trip me into coming home with you?"
"It's not ineffective if it works."
I roll my eyes at him, "you threatened to speak vulgarities to Abigail if she not drawn you a bath in my chambers?"
His lips quirk up higher, "vulgarities? Is that what she said?" He opens his eyes and turns to me, "I only asked her if she wanted to know of how her lady spent her time before she her house, Rubin, was reinstated."
"She is an innocent child, Targaryen scum."
He chuckles, "she is a maiden in marrying age. You would benefit from marrying her off to some rich moron."
"Hmm," I cross my arms, "I actually received an entire box of marriage proposals myself. I am thinking of holding a banquet soon enough to comb through my potential husbands."
He scoffs, "I'm sure they're all so eager to get their grubby fingers into your steady growing wealth," he wades his hand in the water and continues in High Valyrian, "you would be the best thing in their life, while they would be worst thing in yours."
I smack my lips and step closer to Daemon, placing my hands behind my back, "that oddly sounds like you're describing yourself."
Daemon straightens from where he sits, making the water around him ripple, "except I'd rather stick my fingers in your sopping cunt."
The statement does not land on my ears the way he intends. I clench my jaw upon hearing that and reel back. A memory plays in my mind against my will. My hands curl up into a ball as I step away.
"Fuck," he mutters upon realizing, "I- fuck- I didn't mean to-"
"It's fine, Daemon," I mutter, "it happens. It's not your fault."
I turn around and decide to walk off.
I wasn't always like this. There were moments were I absolutely reveled at the idea of being desired, where I basked in the praise and worship Daemon sung against my skin. I could not control it though when I was caught in the opposite end.
I didn't want to be at the opposite end though, which is why I turn back to Daemon, "is the water still warm?"
He looks at me, "just a bit."
I begin to undress myself fully as I walk over to the large circular tub. Daemon watches my every move but once I pull my shirt off, he averts his gaze, "do you want me to go?"
"No," I remove my trousers.
A moment passes before he speaks up again, "can I touch you, my ruby?"
I, too, take a moment before replying, "perhaps."
"Perhaps is not yes," he says, leaning his head back on the stone, closing his eyes, "you have nothing to prove."
I press my lips into a line as I dip my foot into the water.
True, he was selfish and unhinged his man was, but Daemon was also a fierce supporter. He never spoke to me in profound manners, he never pushed me or instructed me to do things he thought was right, but instead when he was by my side, he remind me of my fire.
Sure, he was rugged in his ways, but there was still solace to be found in knowing he'd be willing the burn the whole world down for me. Sometimes, that was was enough. Right now however, I wanted him to be more tender towards me.
The water rises as I sit down across Daemon, who pulls his legs towards him, so not to bump into mine.
I was supposed to tell him this, ask him to hold me in his arms, but his own words cut me off before I could even speak, "is this why you have not agreed to my proposals?"
I look at him and his exposed neck. My usual self would normally think this moment a great opportunity to latch my lips onto his skin, but I do nothing but splash water onto my arms before I respond, "I like to think it's because I want to keep receiving gifts from men who think they can have me."
He barely releases a chuckle.
"They will cease once I marry, and free gifts are is still free gifts."
Daemon peels his eyes open, "if it's material you want, then I will offer you all the riches I have and all the riches I will ever acquire."
"Will you also accompany me in my travels to pay back Lord Corlys?" I ask, lips curving into a small smirk.
"I'll pay him myself," he retorts, eyes finally finding mine.
For a moment, his gaze upon me is light. The fiery look of desire in his longing gaze was welcomed, but there is a looming darkness in my mind. It doesn't take long for me to feel the need to wrap my arms around my bare chest, feeling too exposed in all the wrong ways in his eyes.
"You should wash up and go to bed," Daemon says, releasing a sigh.
I watch him as he gathers himself up, "what will you do then?"
"Me?" he starts, standing, beginning to make his way out of the water, "I will busy myself in watching you sleep."
I chuckle upon hearing that, eyes fixed on the water as the prince makes his way out, "pervert."
He chuckles, "I thought I would be hailed romantic for wanting to keep an eye on my bride."
"I am not your bride."
"And so you keep rejecting me."
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Finally, the day has come.
I have now fully paid my debt to Lord Corlys. It unfortunately took two years off my time again, but I try to simply focus on the fact the deed is done and not dwell on how long it took.
Today, I was holding a hunting party in celebration with all the servants of my. The original intent of this celebration was to celebrate my freedom, but it seems the news of the hunting party spread too widely, as many of my suitors just happened to be at the very site I planned to hunt on the same very day!
William and I at present were racing each other back to the camp with two rabbits and a duck. We had no luck to find a bigger prize, and we both knew it was probably because the lords scared them off on their way here.
Abigail hurriedly receives us when we arrive. The very moment I'm off my steed she asks, "may I attend to you, my lady?"
"Actually, Gail, we caught some-"
She cuts her brother off and raises her hands, "my Lady Rubin?"
I give her a look and nod before dismounting my horse. The very moment I am beside her, she firmly grasps my arm and mutters, "my lady, the lords have been pestering me left and right. You mustn't dare leave me again to think of a thousand more excuses as to why you cannot see to them."
I sigh at the idea of entertaining the men and give my handmaiden a look, "why are you so keen on attending to them? They are not invited company in the first place, Abigail."
"My lady! You cannot be so uncourteous. I fear if turn all of them away with no regard, you will never be able to marry!"
"Tis I that is uncourteous in your gaze?" I ask a bit too loud for Abigail's taste, making her whine and hush me as she gripped onto my arm tightly. "And," I add, "are you so truly unsatisfied with the merit I brought back to my dead house, that you so eagerly wish that I marry a Lord?"
"My lady!" she sighs in defeat, "you did not have me go and study to be a handmaiden only for you to ignore the heeds of which I learned!"
"Abigail, I sent you off that you would learn to read and write, and gain confidence in your-"
"And I am confident that if you turn them away I will weep on days end, my lady," she whines. True to her words, her eyes begin to glass, "I cannot allow you to act so rugged so publicly!"
"I did recount to you that I was a pira-"
"No longer!" she cries. I look at her face and her poor expression nibbles away at my heart.
I sigh, looking away, "fine!"
Abigail blinks rapidly, unable to believe what she just heard.
I pull away from her and turn my gaze upon the group of men that were casually conversing with themselves, really as though they happened to stumble across each other by chance.
The moment I am near them, I purse my lips and bow quickly in regard, "gentlemen."
The five bachelors turn to me and return the sentiment. Amongst them was Lord Aiden and and in fairness to him, his chirpy gaze does take away a bit of my annoyance. Still, I give a pulled expression, "what happy luck that we all wind up in the same forest on the same day. Agreed?"
They all nod eagerly, but before they could speak, I beat them to it, "what do you lords think of playing a game?"
Jason Lannister smirks, "well what kind of game do you have in mind, my lady?"
"A hunting game of course," I say slowly, concealing my bored look with a smirk, "my handmaiden would not allow me not to invite you to supper, so I say," I raise a hand, "winner eats next to me at the table."
"Consider me eager to win then, my lady," Aiden Greystoke says.
I turn to Aiden as the other lords mumble words of agreement. I hold his excited gaze as I announce, "an elk then. Bring me back an elk."
Aiden bows his head, "then an elk you shall receive from me."
The lords turn to Aiden, throwing him a dirty look before going off to their horses.
When I move to go mount my own, one of them stupidly inquire, "you will be joining us?"
"Well, of course," I retort, climbing my ride, "how do you expect me to believe you played fair if I do not witness the hunt myself?"
And just as I suspected, there was foul play amongst them the very moment we galloped into the woods. It was in the most discrete of manners, choosing roads that were narrow, running faster than needed, taking sharp turns, but I was privy to it.
At a point, they were so keen on losing each other that I purposefully fell back and let them ride away. I was willing to bet they wouldn't even notice my absence.
And so I was quite surprised, yet not at all, when I slowly lead my horse followed after the lords that Lord Aiden came back for me, relief visible in his features although he was still quite far away.
"My dear ruby," he sighs once his horse stops next to mine. His words makes me think of how different it sounds when Daemon calls me such. "I feared they injured you instead with their pettiness."
I give him side eye as I instruct my horse to continue its way, "do you think calling me pet names will make me alter the premise of my game to your favor?"
He chuckles, gloved hand running through his thick dark hair as his ride walks next to mine, "I wouldn't dare think of making you result to such unfairness," he smiles, "but there's more to be won than an elk that probably already retreated out of the forest having heard the galloping buffoons a mile off."
I chuckle at his words, "and you think you are not a buffoon, Lord Greystoke?"
"Aiden," he says, "The true Lord Greystoke is my grandsire, then my father, then my older brother."
I hum at that as he continues, "I not the heir apparent like the other lords, but I like to think I do have better breeding than then." He breaks into his signature puppy smile, "and no, I think when I am beside a lady such as you, I am quite possibly the biggest buffoon in the realm."
I cannot withhold my chuckle. Aiden is pleased with himself.
"Now I'm curious because of your answer, Aiden," I start, turning to him, "it has been years since we first met and you have regarded me with nothing but honeyed words. Why then have you not married?"
Aiden chuckles, shaking his head, "well, my lady, you have not yet accepted my proposal."
"There are a many other higher standing ladies than I. It's clear to me at least the other lords present are to benefit greatly from my alliance to the Lord of Driftmark as well as the strategic placement of my estate, but you-"
"- would stand to benefit more by marrying a lady with a clearer dowry, rather than that of a lady who is making efforts to rebuild her house," he continues for me, turning to me with a lopsided smile, "have you been speaking with my father?"
"I need not to," I smile back, "I-"
But suddenly, Aiden's hand darts up and he shushes me, looking off to the side. For a moment, I am taken aback, but whatever offence I was about to feel fades when he points to the far off corner where an elk was grazing.
"The gods are on my side it seems," he mutters softly, grabbing the bow he had by the side of his horse. He gently guides his steed to find a better view of the animal, but just as he was about to draw his arrow, someone else shoots at the elk, but misses greatly.
We turn to the direction of the shot and find the four other lords cursing to themselves. Obviously at this point, the elk is spooked and runs off. The lords run after him and yet Aiden hesitates.
I raise my brows at him, "come now, slowpoke."
It doesn't take long for us to wind up back at the same trail as the other lords, only this time, they were all focused on catching the elk, screaming at their horses to ride faster, so not to lose their prize.
For a moment, my ears play tricks on me when I hear a clicking whine from afar. I look to my sides but see nothing but the Lord's neighing horses.
The elk makes a mistake of running out of the cloak of the woods and into the plains. The game was practically over when the lords circled around the beast and pulled out their weapons.
But that was until the unmistakable sound of Caraxes' screech fills the sky. Every beast on the ground was startled, and soon enough, the dragon swooped in and ripped the elk's head off with one strong bite.
Every lord's horse rallies in different directions. I work hard to keep my own from charging into someone else's.
Soon enough, the horses are calm and Caraxes lands near us, licking its mouth.
Prince Daemon's eyes are on me as he shouts from his dragon's back, "I thought you needed my assistance."
"Twas a game, your grace," Jason shouts back, fully annoyed, "the winner sits next to Lady Rubin at supper."
The silver haired prince extends his arms out victoriously, "then I will gladly take my seat next to bright ruby."
"Except you were not part of the game," Aiden retorts.
Daemon eyes dart to him; his pleased expression falters.
Aiden adds, half-heartedly, "my prince."
"And anyway," I finally speak, "it was Caraxes that caught the elk, not you."
Daemon's smirk grows again as he turns to me, "by my command no less."
"Matters not," I call, turning to the begrudged looks on the lords' faces, "I have decided I will not sit at the table at all, so to save everyone from divulging in an argument. My handmaiden would be terribly distressed if I allowed such a thing to ensue."
With that, we all head back to the campsite. Caraxes swoops in with the elk before we even arrive and Abigail is absolutely mortified.
While we were plating the food for the lords, Abigail she mutters to me softly, "my lady, you ought to tell that," her voice softens even more, "dragon rider to keep his mischief to himself."
William grabs the full plates agrees with less regard of whom hears, "yes, he's getting quite annoying and his dragon is a hazard to the livestock."
Abigail shoots William a dirt look before turning back to me, "I cannot even comprehend why you allow him to lurk around you, my lady."
"He's got a big co-"
"Will you poison my food again, wench," Daemon asks, walking up behind me, causing Abigail's face to pale like a ghost and squeak out in response, "your highness!"
Daemon looks down at her and chuckles, pushing away his amused expression to seriously retort, "it means beautiful in High Valyrian."
"Stupid fucking idiot prince," I say in the very language.
He raises a finger at me, "that, however," he smirks, brows knitting, "is treason."
"My lady!" Abigail whines.
I turn to her and shrug, "oh don't listen to him," I grab the remaining plates and ready to walk off, "I only complimented his pretty face."
Daemon watches as William, Abigail, and I walk off to serve the food to the lords on the table. I then beckon the rest of my servants to grab food for themselves.
"If you will not sit next to me as the victor of your game," Daemon says, walking up next to me before sitting on a vacated chair, "then by my royal command you shall."
I make a face at him. The rest of the lords on the table do so as well.
It's clear to me that this is just a game to him, and yet his power trip annoys me thoroughly. Does he think I hesitate to jump him? Does he think care about what these lords will think of me if I do?
Before I could even move, I hear my handmaiden speak but cut herself off. I look over to her, practically feeling her anxiousness.
"That's hardly fair of you to force a lady into your bidding," Aiden notes, tilting his head.
His words make me turn to him and dare I say his annoyed expression towards Daemon was quite arousing.
The prince doesn't even spare him a bit of attention, eyes fixed on me as he spreads his legs on the chair, "it would be most impertinent and treasonous of you to decline," the prince says, eyes averting to my golden haired servant, "wouldn't you agree, Abigail?"
Abigail turns from the prince to me, slowly agreeing "it would, my prince."
I press my lips together, "then I shall humor you, if not for the sanity of my handmaiden."
Daemon is pleased as watches me sit beside him. He leans back then says, "my chambers have missed your voice."
He speaks this so plainly, so uncaring of who hears, and yet the very contents of his words are like a firecracker that make all the lords the table freeze and look.
"What do you wish to gain from telling me this, prince Daemon?" I ask, narrowing my eyes.
He chuckles at my deviant tone, "I should wish to have your company. My warmth longs for yours-"
"HAVE SOME MORE ELK!" Abigail rips between us, giving Daemon a large piece of meat.
I ignore Abigail however and move closer to the table to look Daemon in the eye, "you are keeping my company now, are you not?"
Abigail eyes me harshly as Daemon leans forward as well, "not in anyway that counts."
"OH I DO HOPE-" Abigail speaks too loudly that she had to cut herself off, "that you two do not speak too much, lest the food get cold!"
"Correct, my Targaryen," I word out carefully, "prince," I press my teeth together, "you should only concern yourself with the food, or else my handmaiden will not find peace."
Abigail throws me a worried look before curtsying and walking away.
Daemon leans back on his chair, "I hunger for other things, my lady, as you are well aware."
And just in that very moment, Caraxes screeches, causing everyone to turn to him in shock. The dragon then spits his fire to one of my horses.
"CARAXES!" both his rider and I shout, standing from our seats.
William in particular pulls at his hair and shouts, "NO, NO, YOU MALICOUS BEAST!"
Daemon storms over to his dragon who was effectively ignoring him, happily finishing the horse, ready to devour another.
"Caraxes," Daemon scolds, making the said beast whine in response, "back up," he commands in High Valyrian.
The dragon does not want to and vocalizes this. His master does not flinch though, "submit to me, dragon."
I figure Caraxes might have smelled our food which was why he was acting out. I then walk off to get some for the creature. Aiden watches as I grab the remaining uncooked parts of the elk, as well as a few rabbits. Promptly he is by my side, helping me carry the meat.
We then make our way to the prince and his dragon. Caraxes looks my way when we near and whines.
"Enough whining, boy," I speak in High Valyrian, throwing the severed elk leg to his mouth. He snaps at his gratefully and I wait a few moments before throwing the rabbits towards him.
Daemon looks past me, eyeing Aiden dirtily as he hands me the rest of the meat, "that's enough from you."
Aiden ignores him as watches me throw the final rabbit to Caraxes mouth.
"You! Boy!" Daemon blurts, "sit back dow and enjoy your dinner."
"I should not leave the lady in front of a restless dragon," Aiden replies, not even looking at the prince when he says this, eyes are glued on me.
Daemon breaks into a deep laugh. He moves back, walking behind me as he goes to Aiden, "the Blood Wyrm will not dare harm her, especially not in front of me,"
I instinctively bring my hands up in front of Caraxes when he begins to do his telltale clicking sound. I turn to Daemon as he pierces a look of daggers at Aiden, "you on the other hand-"
"Stop!" I blurt in High Valyrian for both of the agitated dragons. I give Caraxes one last look before placing myself between Daemon and Aiden. I eye the former, "enough. Take Caraxes and go."
"No," he says, not tearing his eyes from Aiden, "I will not leave my woman here with a-"
"She is not your woman!" Aiden bites back, "if she was, she would be a Targaryen by no-"
"Oh, by all means," Daemon barks, "she's been so tainted that to Caraxes, we are the one in th-"
"Yet you have no honor to court her formally," Aiden seethes, "you spoiled piece of fuck-"
Daemon does not hesitate and lunges, but of course to do this, he had to shove me to the side. The prince can already imagine how he'll scream when he severs the brown haired moron's head off.
Caraxes whines in anger as I topple before him. It is the fire he breathes overhead that stops Daemon and Aiden from continuing their tussle.
"Calm yourself," I cry in High Valyrian, feeling tears prick at the corner of my eyes in fear of what the dragon would do because of his reckless rider.
Daemon shoves Aiden away and raises a hand at his dragon, "calm yourself, Caraxes!"
Caraxes ceases his fire breathing and whines angrily at Daemon. I roll to my back in fear, pushing myself away from the dragon when he dips his head down to me.
Daemon turns to me and moves to help me up. I swat him away, seething in anger, "get your hands off me."
Caraxes growls.
Daemon steps forward, "Caraxes can sense-"
"Oh, now you care about Caraxes," I scream back, standing from the ground, "but you were alright with him burning the fucking whole forest down out of your spite just seconds ago."
"Calm yourself," he speaks to me as if I was his dragon.
"I will NOT calm down for you!" I quip violently over my breath. I shove him back, "I'm tainted, am I?" I growl, eyes burning at his choice of words, "tainted by the fucking men who abuse me? Parade me as if I meat? As if I am their property?!"
He calls out my name but it makes me sick to my stomach. I seethe, "fuck you!" I growl, "get your fucking dragon out of my sight. Or have him burn me, I don't care!"
Daemon watches as I step away from him and scream out, "EVERYONE OF YOU LEAVE! YOU SELFISH PIGS WERE NEVER INVITED IN THE FIRST PLACE!"
"My lady!" Abigail cries out in her soft, concerned voice as I storm towards her.
"Tell everyone the hunt is over. We're all leaving."
"But my lady-"
"I did not mean it like that," Daemon speaks in High Valyrian, cutting my handmaiden off as he tails after me.
"It doesn't matter how you meant it!" I growl, grabbing a spoon from the table, throwing it at him, "you think I am lesser than you!"
"That's not-"
"YOU THINK I'M A FUCKING WHORE!" I screech, "but you know what?!" I step towards him, "I'll accept it, cause maybe I am. But will NEVER be yours."
Daemon looks down at me, still at the rage directed at him.
I raise my voice in his mother tongue, making sure every word will sting, "I would rather marry pig than be with someone who kisses me then spits on my bones. At least then I wouldn't feel so degraded when he takes a shit in my house because I expected that."
"What then?" he scoffs in the same language, pointing to Aiden, "you'd rather choose him?"
I fake excitement, "sounds like a fine idea!"
"I fucking waited for you," Daemon growls, stepping so close to me that our bodies were nearly touching, "I waited for you for years, not taking the company of any other-"
"Oh!" I clap my hands, "give the boy a prize for not sticking his dick into the first hole he sees!"
"I waited on your s-"
"I DON'T OWE YOU ANYTHING! I never forced you to keep me company, but by the gods, I was fucking raped, Daemon!" I heave, chest rising and falling.
Abigail gasps.
"You have no idea how it feels to be called tainted by a man who you thought--" my tears cut me off. I grip my hands tightly into a fist and push them against my face.
Daemon is utterly defeat. His chest is tight. He can barely think, yet he manages to ask, "thought what, my love?" he whispers desperately in his language, eyes urging me to continue.
I groan, ripping at my hair, "you don't even fucking know?" I look at him through tears, feeling something like a poison run though my whole body.
"I won't know if you don't tell me, now won't I?" he whines.
There it is, the harsh flick of his tone that he can't seem to shake off.
"Fuck off," I growl, wiping my tears harshly away. I point accusingly to his mount, "take Caraxes and GO!"
Caraxes reacts to his name and whines, announcing himself. I ignore him though, turning away from his rider, commanding my servants to make haste to leave.
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I should have known his pride would have never allowed him to come to me first, and yet, I am still surprised that he lasted a month without my presence. And so, out of my own weighing conscience, I decide to come to him first.
When I send word of my visit to King's Landing however, I am met with a reply that the Prince had left without word and that they knew not when he would return. I then wrote that I would like to know of his return so that I might discuss matters with him, and I was told in turn not to expect word anytime soon for the prince was known to leave months at a time.
The last letter I sent was saying I did not care when I would receive word of the prince's arrival, so long as I received it. My last reply was that they would send word the moment the prince returns.
But this was all a year ago.
It would be a terrible lie to say that I have forgotten about Daemon with all the tasks and the fortune I grew to have within the time, but the truth was, I didn't. More than ever I think I know his features better with how much time I spent recalling them.
In fact now, as the year welcomed it's second season, I was awfully excited to be invited to the palace for the celebration of the birth of Princess Rhaeyra's second child, just in case it was that someone did forget to tell me of the prince's return and I would have a chance to meet with him.
"Congratulations, your majesty," I smile at Rhaenyra who was rocking her newborn babe in her arms.
"Thank you, lady Rubin," she smiles, "he is so sweet and barely fusses," when she says this, she turns from her baby, then instinctively to her guard, ser Harwin.
I watch them look at each other. But I cannot help but turn my gaze upon the princess' first born, who was being held by a handmaiden behind the princess. His hair was affectionatle pushed back by the said handmaiden.
I bite my lower lip to hold in a chuckle of amusement, "I'm jealous of you, your highness."
"Why is that?" she responds as well in High Valyrian.
Lord Laenor comes up next to his wife and coos at the baby in Rhaenyra's arms. I smile, "your babies are beautiful."
Laenor turns to me when I say this, as does Rhaenyra, eyes sparkling at the compliment.
"I thought you'd have children at this point," Rhaenyra says, making me chuckle.
I cross my arms, "honestly, part of me thought so as well."
"And I always thought you'd end up with prince Daemon, yet here he is, expecting a child with my sister," Laenor says, proceeding to coo at his son again.
I knit my brows, "what?"
Rhaenyra turns back to me from her son, face falling upon seeing my expression.
I ask again, "what did you say?"
Laenor turns to me, indifferent, "oh. Have you not heard? My sister is with child. She says she believes it to be a girl, but the maesters-"
"Out of wedlock?" I quip, making ser Harwin shift in his place uncomfortably.
Laenor looks like he saw a ghost, "what?! What nonesense is-"
"You do not know," Rhaenyra states, lips pulling downward, "they married months ago and have since been traveling on dragonback."
I step back involuntarily as my knees give in.
"Are you alright?" Laenor asks.
I feel my corset constrict around me as my pulse quickens. For a moment, I swear I feel the room spin. I step back a few more times and speak words that do not match my actions, "I'm fine."
Rhaenyra looks at me in concern, "ser Harwin, help Lady Rubin to-"
"No," I raise my hand, halting Harwin before he can come any closer, "I suddenly am feeling the effects of not having eaten breakfast."
"Would you like a glass of water, my lady?" Harwin asks.
"Don't trouble yourself," I shake my head and turn to Rhaenyra, not appreciating the look she was giving me, "congratulations again, my princess. I shall be stepping out for some air."
Rhaenyra does nothing but watch me walk away.
I walk and walk and walk aimlessly. I feel like a headless chicken, and yet I am surprised as it seems my legs were actually taking me somewhere. I find that I brought myself to the dragon pit.
I pathetically walk in, mumbling Caraxes under my breath, over and over and over again. I obviously hear no response. Not only was my voice too quiet for the dragon to hear anyway, but in my very bones I knew that he would not be here.
And so in the same pathetic manner, I curl up in my arms and break into a sob. I rub my eyes roughly and whine out words of regret as the wretched smell of the place finally become apparent to me. The scent brings back the memory of the first time I rode on Caraxes. I had felt defeated before we flew up in the air, but when I came back down, I was invincible. I felt that all worries were blown away in the wind, yet now I was imagining him riding off with another woman.
"My dear ruby," a voice speaks up, making me abruptly turn over to where the sound sourced.
My lifted spirit drops back down when I see it was not prince Daemon that called me, but the young prince Aemond with worry laced in his shimmering violet eyes.
I release a shudder, attempting to calm myself. When I was calm enough, I speak, "you know," I sniffle, "it is not right for you to call me that, young prince."
His cheeks begin to turn a shade of scarlet, "but that is what your name means and what your emblem holds... a ruby."
I shake my head, "but am I your dear, Aemond?"
He clenches his jaw and turns his head, willing the burning of his cheeks away, "you are my subject, and my subjects are all dear to me."
This does not fail to make me chuckle.
"And it is impertinent of you to call me by my name," he adds, beginning to draw nearer to me, "but I shall allow it."
I grin softly at the child, "what pure generosity, my liege."
Once he is standing beside me, I chuckle again as I look down on his shiny white hair, "my, how you've grown since I last laid my eyes upon you."
He shuffles in his place smoothening out the sleeves of his coat.
"How old are you? Seven?"
Aemond stills, turning to me with furrowed brows, "I am a year and ten!"
"My," I chuckle, "how mature you are now, my Aemond."
He opened his mouth to say something, but it seems he forgot it as he just stands there with his jaw hanging.
I take this moment to turn away from him and wipe my face with the back of my hands, "what brings you here, my prince?"
"I... I was about to ask you the same thing."
"Me?" I turn back to him, smirking, "I thought to visit Caraxes but-"
"My uncle is not here."
"Yes," I smile softly, "as I learned myself just this morning."
Aemond then asks me a question that makes me still, "do you love him?"
I take a moment to respond and I look around the expanse of the room before I do, "yes."
Aemond ceases his breathing.
"I love Caraxes very much."
He pulls his head back upon hearing that.
I turn to him, leaning down with a mischievous grin, "I was thinking of stealing him all for myself."
The boy looks up at me in astonishment. I break into a laugh, remembering the expression well, "I jest, darling boy, Caraxes is fiercely loyal to his master."
Aemond's expression fades.
I press my lips in a smile, "might you introduce me to your own mount instead?"
The curve of my lips flattens when Aemond's cheeks burn again. He opens his mouth, releasing a stutter before he finally forms out, "I do not have one."
I still, "I apologize," I shake my head, "I did not know-"
"I come here because I like to think I can steal a dragon myself. I shall introduce you the very moment I have one. I promise you, my lady," he says with utmost certainty.
"Aemond," I move closer to him, raising my hands, "may I?"
He gives me a questioning look before realizing I was asking for his permission to touch him. After he nods, I place my hands on both his shoulders and give him a sincere look, "a true man does not go back on word, much less should a prince make promises he does not care to keep and will forget in due time."
"Is that why you're crying?"
"Prince Daemon made you an empty promise?"
I pull away from him after he says this.
Aemond is taken aback by the withdrawal and immediately regrets his words, "I am not like him! I will not be a prince who makes empty promises."
"Lady Rubin!"
Both Aemond and I turn to whom called out for me, and soon enough, a brown haired man jogs towards us, a look of relief is on his face, "the servants said they saw you heading here," he catches his breath, "I came running the moment Princess Rhaenyra told me you were visiting."
"Lord Aiden," I smile at him, "it has been a while since we've spoke."
"Yes, and you are as radiant as ever, my lady."
Aemond gives him a dirty look while I chuckle softly, "and your words are as honeyed as ever. I do wonder how your wife feels about that."
"Shall I ask?" he smirks, making my face contort. He then bends down on one knee and raises a hand at me, "will you marry me, lady Rubin?"
My face contorts yet again, but this time I end up laughing.
"What a moron," Aemond scoffs in High Valyrian.
My laughter ceases upon hearing this. I turn to the boy, feeling awfully proud of him, "my, our clever little prince knows to speak High Valyrian now!"
Aemond turns to me, cheeks catching on fire yet again.
Aiden turns from the boy, then to me, huffing, standing once again, "your hand in marriage may be perhaps the most challenging thing to acquire in the whole kingdom."
I turn to the Lord, feeling my witty retort leave me when I see him nibble at his lower lip and run his hand through his hair.
"Still, the Greystokes are known to be vigorous and I intend to show you this, if you so allow me," he extends his hand out to me.
I shock him when I do not hesitate to take it and reply, "alright."
Aiden's eyes widen, as does Aemond's. It takes the lord a moment to reply, "wonderful."
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"My prince," a servant walks in after announcing herself over to the seated man.
Daemon, who was playing with his newborn daughter, turns from crib to the woman who walked over, "a letter has arrived for you."
Laena, who had entered the room, coming from a bath, asks upon hearing that, "who is it from?"
Daemon opens the letter, dismissing his servant with a nod. Laena watches as her husband's face contorts upon reading the contents of the letter.
"What is it?" she asks.
"Nothing," he roughly crumples the letter and stands from his chair, "a wedding invitation."
"Oh?" her voice is interested, "whose of?"
He throws the letter to the fire place, pulling an annoyed look, "does it matter? We're not going. You've just given birth."
"Yes, but I would at least like to know who-"
"Some fucking lord I could not care less about," he angrily states, "he's got some nerve inviting me when he knows how my blood boils at the sight of him."
Laena releases a breath. She walks over to him and gives him a calming embrace. It takes a moment for Daemon to melt against her touch.
"Think nothing of it, husband," she hums in their native tongue, "I will melt all your worries away."
He finds no real comfort in the musings of his wife though. It is apparent with how he rides Caraxes later that night.
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blackypanther9 · 9 months
Elizabeth ? - William x Male!Reader
A/N: This is split in two Chapters, because it would have been too long otherwise. TvT
WARNING!: Mention of corpse, cursing, mention of possession AND MORE! YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED !!!
It had been five months since Penelope Liz Afton and Alex Zero Afton were born. William was mostly in bed, recovering, when he was walking around, M/n stayed around or Mike was written sick from school to keep an eye on his Father.
Evan mostly looked out for his new siblings, still feeling like trash, that he didn’t say anything about Lizzy sooner. M/n told him to keep silent about that to William, because he didn’t want him to stress out. He was recovering, there was no time for him to stress. He had to feed the babies, lose weight and heal.
M/n knew for a long while that William healed best when he slept a lot and ate more than usual, so he told him to stay in bed mostly. While William was recovering and breastfeeding the Babies, M/n, Henry and Mike tried to do his jobs.
Mike took care of the finances, so they all got paid and sometimes took over the Nightshift in Fredbear’s. He offered to also go to Circus Babies Entertainment and Rentals, but M/n refused him. Sometimes, Reina also came over and helped out, by cooking and telling Mike to not overwork himself. M/n was thankful for her. Michael was like William if it depended on it, he was a workaholic. Will would smack Mike over the head and tell him to sleep, if he knew.
Henry took care of both of the restaurants and took over most of Will’s Nightshifts. He took full control of the Restaurant, paying the bills, dealing with the Costumers, doing the paperwork, etc.
M/n helped where he could. He went shopping for food, he helped Henry out by doing a part of the paperwork from Fredbear’s, he took the Nightshifts, he tried to repair the Animatronics, if they broke down, remembering what William taught him and explained to him, just anywhere, where he could, he helped.
Evan was always watching his siblings. When they fuzzed and Will was sleeping, he tried to cheer them up and calm them down. He was afraid of loud noises, yes, but he wanted to be there for his siblings.
They did all they could in those five long months. At the third month William started to exercise a bit, losing the extra weight that stayed after childbirth. As the fifth month was half over, finally, William was fully recovered again.
Henry put him on a strict working and break schedule. He was allowed to work for 20 minutes, with one hour break in between every 20 minutes, so he can feed his Babies and catch a breath. If William won’t keep to the rules, Henry will put him on 4 years of Maternity. William was always bad with breaking habits, the Babies needed feeding until they were at least a year old and they can be very random too and then William has to decide with the Babies, if they want to continue with the breast feeding a bit longer.
Henry will not have William overwork himself for the next 6 years !
As William was working, M/n made Michael responsible for his newborn siblings, telling him that he had something else to do, something important. That was when he finally had enough time to look for Elizabeth.
He put on William’s old Circus Baby’s working clothes, took the old ID, to get inside the elevator, and stole the spare keys from William’s safe, in their Bedroom. Then he left, telling Mike and Evan to not utter a WORD of where he was going or where his stuff went. They promised to be silent. Evan was worried and felt sick, while Michael was confused as to why M/n, his Dad, would go back to that old place.
Not many went there for the Nightshift, nor the Dayshift. That day it was even closed, because of repainting Circus Baby’s Gallery.
So here M/n was now, staring at Circus Baby. He stood a few feet away from it, not wanting to get too close in case. He sighed and stared. He was hoping that he will get Elizabeth back.
“Circus Baby, power on.”, M/n demanded.
The Animatronic reacted.
“Circus Baby.exe.powering on.”, the System informed and not long later the eyes of the machine started to glow.
M/n almost choked in shock as he saw the eye color. William didn’t change it, he knew that.
‘Why are they green, like Elizabeth’s ? They were blue the whole time !’
M/n was VERY cautious. He glared at the machine. It glared back.
“Alright...You are one creepy clown. I really don’t understand what Lizzy saw in you... Let us open your Stomach and see if Evan didn’t dream what happened.”
The Machine didn’t move for a while, then it nodded and stayed still.
“If you stupid thing try to kill me, I will dismember you, PIECE BY PIECE.”, M/n swore darkly.
No reaction from the machine. M/n went in front of it and opened the stomach cavity. What he found made his heart drop and he felt sick. The smell was horrid and the sight was not better either.
“Oh God...”, M/n muttered.
He carefully pulled out the body. The DEAD body of Elizabeth. It was already rotting and it smelled really horrid, it also was very mangled.
“Fuck, Lizzy...”
He let tears escape his eyes, saddened and struck by grief. Elizabeth was dead and she was for a while now. He didn’t even notice that Baby closed her cavity and came closer. She was also struck by grief, remembering who M/n was.
She needed his help. She wanted to go HOME. She wanted her Daddy, Brothers and him back ! She was so scared and alone... She HATED it ! She should have listened to her Daddy...
“I’m so sorry Lizzy. We tried to find you and there was no trace of your whereabouts. Mike forgot his pills and thought he hallucinated, Evan was too scared to tell us, we didn’t check Baby, because we thought you didn’t go near them anyways, we didn’t see you on the security cameras and the police stopped trying to find you after a while. I am so sorry. I failed you as a Dad...”, M/n babbled in grief.
Circus Baby’s eyes widened in shock. So her Daddy and M/n were serious.
“We planned the wedding a month ago and...and you have two new siblings too. Alex and Penelope. You would have loved them, Lizzy. I bet you would have loved to support your Daddy through that difficult time as he gave birth to them. Evan and Mike were so brave and supported him, they were with him in the same room, comforting him. You would have been so proud.”
At that Baby couldn’t stay silent anymore. It hurt her that M/n thought she was gone. She wanted to go home and meet her new siblings, wanted to know what else she missed out on, wanted to be there when they will marry...
“D-Dad...”, Baby stuttered out.
M/n froze and whipped around, seeing Baby right behind him. He sprung up with Lizzy in his arms, glaring at the machine.
“Stop it ! You are NOT Lizzy ! You are the very machine that KILLED OUR LIZZY !”, M/n yelled outraged.
“Dad, p-please... I-I’m scared. I...I became Baby after I died. I don’t...I don’t know h-how it happened. Papa, please take me home. Please do something ! Help me, please !”, Baby said, scared and broken.
She fell to her knees, oil leaking out of her eyes. She was so scared that M/n will leave and not believe her. M/n was shocked.
“I wanna see Mikey again ! I wanna go back to Daddy a-and Evan ! I wanna go home, Papa ! I don’t wanna stay here ! It’s so dark and quiet in here... Papa, please, help me...”, Elizabeth begged.
M/n stared at Circus Baby.
“Lizzy ? Is that really you ?”
The machine nodded.
“My Daddy is William Afton, you are his Boyfriend, M/n L/n, I have two Brothers, Michael Afton and Evan Afton. Evan is very afraid of the Animatronics, Daddy made, and Mikey bullied Evan, because his friends forced him to do it. I was the youngest of the Family.”
M/n stared in absolute shock at her.
“You are definitely Lizzy... Fuck...How...how will I be able to...”, M/n was thinking hard about what to do.
If he told William three things might happen. A: William will go insane B: William will tell M/n that he has gone crazy and he will put M/n into an asylum C: William will lose his shit and believe M/n, trying to help Lizzy to look normal again and overwork himself again.
“Papa, please don’t leave me...”, Elizabeth begged.
“I am not planning to, but...I don’t know what to tell William. There are too many options that he would NOT understand...”
“Bring me home and then tell him. I am the proof, right ?”
M/n was in deep thought, then shook his head.
“No, we are going to Uncle Henry. He will know what to do and how to trick William into making something, without freaking out. As soon as he made something, Henry asked of him, to make you look normal, we will tell William. I can’t have him overwork himself again.”
Baby nodded. Together they left the Pizzeria and made their way to Henry’s.
-Time skip-
“You have gone crazy, M/n.”, Henry claimed agitated.
“I am not, Henry. Believe me, I thought I was going crazy, but Baby talks like a human, not robotic anymore, not in code and she knew things about the Afton Family, only Lizzy knew. PLEASE help us with her. I don’t know HOW she possessed the very thing that killed her, but I NEED you to convince Will that it would be for a new project. Anything that can make her look less robotic.”, M/n begged.
“How did you even know that Elizabeth died by Circus Baby ?”, he asked suspiciously.
“Mike and Evan saw it happen. Mike forgot to take his pills and thought it was just in his head and Evan was too scared to tell us. He only told me recently after the Babies were born. I wanted to investigate sooner, but we were all very busy with replacing Will, until he was better.”
At that Henry grew very concerned and less wary. He started to get the picture. He sighed and massaged his temple, already feeling a headache to arrive soon.
“Fine, I will help you.”, Henry then said.
“Thank you, Henry ! Thank you.”, M/n thanked him relieved.
Then small footsteps were heard and Charlie appeared. She looked around the corner.
“Dad ? Why is CB here ?”, she asked her Father.
“Hi Charlie !”, Baby/Elizabeth greeted.
Charlie stared at the robot and Henry sighed.
“Circus Baby is here, because Elizabeth is with her. Don’t tell Uncle William, okay, Sweetheart ?”, Henry asked.
“Okay !”
“Thank you, now go play.”
Charlie left quickly. As she was out of earshot, Henry turned back to M/n and Circus Baby.
“If this is a trick, I will kick your ass, M/n.”, Henry warned.
“I promise it is not.”, M/n swore with honesty.
Henry sighed and got out a Blueprint from his top shelf, Charlie couldn’t reach. He opened it and let M/n and CB take a look.
“I call it an Illusion Disk. They are supposed to change the appearance of the Animatronics. Recently, some children asked for Animatronics that can change their looks on the stage, like in some Movies, where the Characters suddenly wear different clothes, without ever going away to change into them, you know ? I’ve sat on them for almost 3 years now, without William knowing. Maybe...if I get his help on them and beat a bit around the bush to make him believe that it is only for the Pizzeria, he might find a way to make one of these with way better features. Will is a genius, I don’t doubt him on that.”, Henry explained.
“Henry...You. Are. A. GENIUS ! Thank you ! Oh my Gawd, if this works, Lizzy will look normal again and Willy will be so happy again !”, M/n cheered.
“Wait....Will isn’t happy ? I thought he got over Lizzy.”
“He...he didn’t. He still blames himself and gets frequent Nightmares, I try my best to avoid them to happen.”
“Oh Lord...”, Henry said softly.
M/n looked away, not wanting Henry to see how helpless M/n felt.
Henry went to the phone he had and dialed William’s number. He picked up after two rings.
“Henry ! What do you need, Pal ?”, William asked happily.
“Hey, Buddy. Can I come over in a bit ? I have a new invention, I think you will love, to make with me.”
“Oh, uhm...Sure ! By the way...do you know where M/n went ? Mike and Evan said that they don’t know and he is nowhere in the house and he also didn’t leave any letter behind that told me where he went... I am worried. Mike said he didn’t see M/n in almost two hours.”, William asked worried.
Henry side eyed M/n, who had a face of guilt.
“I think he went to Fredbear’s. He said he wanted to check on everything, just to make sure everything was okay. He might have just forgotten to inform you, I will drive there and pick him up, then come over, okay ?”, Henry lied.
“Yeah...o-okay. Thank you Hen.”
“No problem, Will.”
Then Henry hung up and he glared M/n down.
“You didn’t leave any message to him, so he WON’T worry ?! Are you stupid or are you brain dead ?!”, Henry yelled.
“I’m sorry ! I forgot ! I wanted to figure everything out as quick as possible !”, M/n quickly apologized.
M/n knew ONE thing...Henry was very protective of William. Since William’s wife was such a bitch, he got overprotective. The slightest discomfort William showed and Henry was ready to smack the offender with a bat. Henry was scary when he was like that.
“Next time this happens, I won’t hesitate, to smack you with a frying pan, M/n !”, Henry growled out.
M/n sweat dropped and had a nervous smile on his face. He might be a Killer if it is the only way to keep his Family safe, but even he was scared of Henry and his threats.
“U-understood, S-Sir !”, he nervously saluted.
-Time skip-
Henry arrived with M/n at the Afton Family’s house. As soon as William saw M/n, after opening the front door, he pulled him into a tight hug.
“Idiot ! Tell me next time !”, William scolded.
“Sorry, Love...I forgot to leave you a message. I won’t forget again.”, M/n said softly.
“Dumbass ! God knows what could have happened to you !”
“I’m sorry, Darling.”
“You better !”
Henry closed the front door behind him as William pulled M/n inside and pushed him into the Living room, forcing him to sit down on the couch. M/n looked at his Bunny in confusion.
“Bunny ? What are you planning to do ?”, M/n asked.
“You have a time out for at least ten minutes ! I don’t want to hear anything from you nor are you allowed to get up until ten minutes are over !”, William scolded.
M/n stared at his Lover with an agape mouth, shock evident. Then he closed it and pouted.
“Fair...”, he admitted and then stayed seated.
William stared at M/n, dumbfounded. He didn’t expect M/n to listen. He expected him to drag him to their Bedroom and to have some rough Love making instead, but nothing... Was it because Henry was here ? William wanted M/n to screw his brains out !
M/n stayed silent, looked at the wall in front of him and didn’t say anything at all. Why was he so...tame today ? Usually he would punish HIM for trying to command him around.
“So Will, I have the Blueprints. I am sure you will LOVE it. I bet you have some awesome ideas to them too.”, Henry pulled William from his thoughts.
“Oh ? Let me see.”, he said and stretched out his hand.
Henry gave William the Blueprint, he took a look at them and was confused.
“Tell me what this is supposed to be, Hen.”
“An Illusion Disk. Some kids are bored of the Animatronics just looking the same all the time and others are scared of them, so I thought about this ! They are supposed to make them look more human like, to change their design, without building anything to it. All that we would need is the Illusion Disk, program it and then we can just put an illusion OVER our Animatronics ! They would still look the same without them, but with them on, they will look different !”, Henry explained in excitement.
William’s eyes sparkled and had small stars in them. He LIKED the idea.
“Oh ? How long have you been planning on this, Hen ?”
“About three years. This is just the ground that I made, maybe you can add a bit more to its features, when we built them.”
“Impressive. They would have to look very real though, do you think we can built something like that ? Such Technology wasn’t used before, Hen.”
“I am VERY sure, Will ! You and me, we are VERY smart and intelligent men, after all ! We both have great ideas and they ALWAYS work out too ! We made Circus Baby’s and Fredbear’s together with ANIMATRONICS, Will ! That Technology wasn’t ever used before, back then, either ! We MADE it happen !”, Henry encouraged with enthusiasm.
William smiled brightly and nodded.
“Okay then ! Let us start in my office ! I can’t wait to start !”, William said with excitement.
Henry smiled and followed William. Henry turned around and made eye contact with M/n, winking at him. The plan was working...for now.
Michael entered the room soon enough, with Evan in tow. They both looked at M/n.
“What did you do in Circus Baby’s ?”, Mike asked.
M/n looked at him and then at Evan, who was looking very ashamed still. M/n smiled.
“Don’t tell your Dad, but I found Lizzy.”, M/n answered.
“What ?! Where is she ?!”, Michael yelled.
M/n shushed him and looked at the hall, waiting for the Basement door to open, but it didn’t. He sighed in relief.
“Something weird happened with Elizabeth. She doesn’t look like herself anymore, boys. Uncle Henry knows and is trying to help me out, by making something, called and Illusion Disk, so Lizzy will look normal again. Until then, do NOT tell your Dad. He will have a heart attack if he sees her the way she looks like right now.”, M/n explained.
“Is...is Lizzy hurt ?”, Evan asked.
M/n looked at Evan with a saddened face.
“Come here Evan, on my lap.”
Evan did as told and Mike stood in front of M/n. The Incubus held Evan so he doesn’t fall off of his lap.
“When Lizzy was ‘eaten’ what did you think happened with her, Ev ?”, M/n asked.
Mike looked at Evan in horror. Elizabeth was EATEN ?!
“I...I thought she d-died...”
M/n took a deep breath and looked Mike in the eye.
“The day it happened, Mike, you forgot to take your pills and thought you just hallucinated, as Baby pulled Lizzy into her stomach. It...it did really happen though and Evan was traumatized by it, then he was too scared to tell us anything. He told me after Alex and Penelope were born, what he saw. I went back to investigate.”
Michael stared at M/n in horror.
“Wh-what did you find ?”, he asked.
“What Evan, right now thought. I found her dead body, reeking of death for weeks.”
Michael took a step back, covering his mouth, face fully covered in horror.
“But that was not all of it, Mike. There it starts to get strange, my boys... Lizzy was still around. She...stayed.”, M/n added.
“Wh-what do you mean, Papa ?”, Evan asked.
Mike was just as confused.
“Circus Baby’s eyes changed from blue to green and she started to act like Elizabeth. She knew things about us, only Lizzy knew and she begged me to get her home, that she had no idea how she ended up possessing Circus Baby...she begged me to find a way home for her. I don’t know how something like this is possible, but I believe that Lizzy truly possessed Circus Baby. The very thing, that killed her. She is at Henry’s right now and we are trying to find a way to make her look more like...well...Lizzy again.”, M/n explained.
The boys stared, eyes wide.
“Dad, you do know how insane this all sounds, right ?”, Michael asked.
“I know, but the proof is at Henry’s house. She doesn’t act like a robot anymore, nor is she talking robotic like. She talked like a human being and moved as such too. It convinced me, that she is possessing CB. All we need is time, more proof and something to make her look normal again. When we have all of that, I will tell William and hopefully...he believes me a little bit and...is finally happy again. With everything advancing in technology, we even might modify her Disk over time and she could be a full human again, who knows ? I am praying that I found Lizzy’s soul, but can you blame me ? I want my Love to be happy again. Yes he loves Alex and Penelope, but...he still blames himself and feels empty about Elizabeth’s disappearance.”
Both the boys had pain in their eyes at that. They knew William was still not over Elizabeth’s sudden disappearance and he will NOT take it lightly, when he finds out that she died by his own Machine’s hands.
“Yes, Dad ?”
“Do me a favor...for all of us, okay ?”
“What is it...?”
“Keep away from the Animatronics and keep Evan, Alex and Penelope away from them too. Protect them with your life, if Will and me aren’t around. What happened to Liz, is exactly the reason he tells everyone to stay away from his Machines. They can malfunction and if that happens, you can lose your life. They are safe from a certain distance, but don’t get too close to them. Stay at least three feet away from them. Can you do that for me ? Watch over your siblings ?”
Michael nodded with determination.
“I will do my best to keep my siblings safe.”, he replied.
“Thank you, Mikey.”
With that Mike sat down next to M/n and they started to watch Movies, not wanting William to hear anything, he wasn’t supposed to hear.
-With William and Henry-
William was already planning more features and what should be the best material to built the Illusion Disks with.
“It has to look and FEEL realistic. When you touch a thin arm, you can’t let it happen that the Illusion breaks and you feel a thick arm instead. That would be a bad green screening. You understand Hen ?”
“I do Will, but how do we make that ?”
“I will ask M/n ! He can program stuff very good, maybe he knows how to make it or he can give me some tips !”
“That is a great Idea, Will ! “
William smiled and noted it down.
‘I hope he won’t find out, that we are only making these now for his daughter, who became a literal Circus Clown...’, Henry thought in nerves.
William would so beat the shit out of them, if he finds out, BEFORE they can show him that CB is possessed by Lizzy....
“Hen, you with me ?”, William asked.
Henry snapped out of his thoughts and nodded.
“Yup, all ears, old friend.”
With that William continued to add and explain why he added more features. Henry listened in all the time, but his nerves never calmed down. He was scared shitless if William will find out...
Hopefully he will not find out too soon. ;)
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abysskeeper · 3 months
Mamihlapinatapei - The look between two people in which each loves the other but is too afraid. For whoever catches your fancy!
(¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ...sorry)
“And…there,” Nox mumbled to herself as she plunged the bottom of her staff into the damp ground.
She took a step back from the last of her work and glanced around to appraise the scene she had spent crafting in the last fifteen or so minutes. Mourning Frost stood straight up like a beacon in the darkness of the lands, illuminated by the magic of her Light cantrip while cold mist bellowed off of it from its enchantments. Behind her, part of the river remained frozen from a well-placed Cone of Cold spell and glowed mystically with the floating orbs from the Dancing Lights she casted in the area. It was as good as she was going to get given her surroundings. All in all, she was satisfied, and now all she had to do was move the modified Sleet Storm over here and everything would be set to go.
Everything but her nerves, at least.
Nox sighed and dusted her hands on her robes, taking a quiet moment to gather herself before embarking back up from the riverbank and into the central courtyard of the Last Light Inn. The courtyard itself looked exactly like the winter wonderland she was attempting to create down by the river, which was no surprise. The first, magical storm she conjured was still going, thick snowflakes still gently falling from the clouds above. The light from Isobel’s shield around the inn glinted off the snow and ice on the ground, making the whole area glitter, and there was a stillness in the air that she had only ever felt in the throes of winter’s weather.
The scene was far more befitting the lands closer to the Dale than the wilting town struggling under Shar’s shadows, but then, that was the entire point. She had wanted to create one night to celebrate their small victories and set everything else aside for a few hours.
There were significantly more celebrants indulging in the magical snow when she slipped away, though. In the time it took for her to go down and back, it seemed like most everyone had dispersed to tend to the rest of their nightly duties before going to bed. Only a few remained meandering about in the courtyard, and it took her a moment before she zeroed in on her sister standing off to the side, leaning against one of the makeshift barricades as she surveyed the area.
“Hey,” Nox greeted as she beelined for the paladin. “Are we alright up here?”
Lux hummed in thought for a moment, blue eyes trailing over the courtyard before she finally nodded. “I think so. Alfira and Lakrissa shepherded the kids to bed with no complaints, so that alone is a win,” she reported.
Nox smiled, managing to tire the kids out enough that there was no backtalk was a win.
“Bex and Danis, as well as some of the Harpers, helped clean up some of the smaller things and have gone off to bed. And Rolan actually wanted to speak with you,” Lux added. She shrugged and glanced at her, answering before Nox could ask, “Don’t know about what, Cal and Lia managed to convince him to go to bed too before you got back.”
“Probably for the best,” Nox muttered. Rolan wasn’t the most contentious relationship she’d ever had with a fellow wizard; in comparison to some he was downright friendly, but after their last encounter with him drunk on both the ale and his sorrows, she wasn’t particularly looking to have another conversation with him quite so soon.
“Probably,” Lux agreed. “Otherwise, everything else is back to normal. Jaheira’s barking orders at the Harpers again to get them back to work. Those not on the nightshift are settling in for the night like everyone else.”
“Not surprising,” Nox chuckled. They hadn’t known the High Harper for long, but it didn’t take any time at all to realize the woman was a hardass. She cared, that much was obvious too, but it was hidden behind three layers of steel. “But…good.”
Content with what her sister told her, Nox nodded to herself and raised her hand. With a wave, she felt the threads of the Weave relax between her fingers. In turn, the snow stopped falling from the sky and, a moment later, what was left coating the ground started to melt away.
Her gaze slipped from the dissipating storm and her eyes fell shut. Her attention turned towards the magic resonating from Mourning Frost, still standing some hundred or so meters away where she left it stuck in the ground. Her hand flicked, the Weave answering her movement by coalescing into a misty-white orb of concentrated magic resting in her palm. “Impero tibi,” Nox whispered, and the orb flickered and burst as she casted another, gentle storm over her staff.
She inhaled through her nose and opened her eyes, turning her focus back to Lux. Her sister was staring back at her curiously and biting the inside of her cheek to keep from grinning. Nox resisted the urge to roll her eyes. “If there’s nothing else, then…?” she asked instead.
“There’s nothing else,” Lux confirmed as her smile broke containment. “Go on, go be gross with your wizard,” she said with a shooing motion.
Nox did roll her eyes at that. “I’m not going to be gross with him,” she scowled. That definitely wasn’t the point of what she was trying to do, but Lux had been misconstruing her intentions ever since she brought the idea up with her. “And he’s definitely not ‘my wizard,’” she huffed.
“Sure, sure,” Lux agreed, definitely more in an effort of appeasement than genuine agreement. “I’m pretty sure you’re the only one who believes that, though.” Without waiting for a reply, she pushed off the barricade and started back for the main building of the inn.
Nox cut herself off and followed after her sister, uncertain of how to refute that. It was an argument she was growing tired of having, and she’d resigned to the fact she couldn’t sway what other people believed about her and Gale’s relationship. She also couldn’t deny the small tingle the thought sent through her chest, the kind that made her happier than she cared to admit to, and the kind she would never give Lux the satisfaction of knowing she had.
“That’s not the point,” she said finally.
“I know,” Lux shrugged, “But it’s fun to rile you up.”
Nox responded the only way she knew how and stuck her tongue out at her sister; Lux just grinned back at her and shoved her shoulder. “Besides,” Lux added after a moment, “I do hope you succeed. I’d really like for Gale to take a step back from his whole ‘blowing himself up’ plan too. We all would.”
That wasn’t quite the goal she was trying to achieve tonight either, but it was a step in the process. Ever since they had encountered Elminster and he charged Gale with Mystra’s orders to end the Absolute, Nox had been driving herself to near insanity while trying to dissuade him from that path. She outright refused to believe the only way they could succeed was by sacrificing one of their own; it was utterly cruel and such a waste of a brilliant mind and even more brilliant man and she…well, she wasn’t focusing on how upsetting it was to her. Her feelings on it didn’t matter, Gale’s did.
Unfortunately, Gale was more than willing to go along with his marching orders. Not without remorse, the way his voice wavered whenever he spoke about the possibility and the way he grew increasingly frustrated with her every time she broached the subject were more than enough proof to her that he didn’t want to die, but he was still moving forward as if it was the best plan they had. She was beginning to run out of time, and as they stepped closer and closer to the answers they sought, she was growing increasingly frantic with her measures. Regrettably, she was also running out of options, the only two left she could think of were either outright forbidding him from blowing himself up or begging him not to—both things she was fully willing to do, but she was doubtful of their efficacy.
After all, how could her words rival those of a Goddess?
But that wasn’t the point. Before she could let herself spiral any further, Nox cut that line of thought off. Tonight was not about another attempt to dissuade Gale from sacrificing himself, at least not directly. She didn’t want to even think about the Orb or Mystra or Ketheric Thorm or the worms in their brains. Tonight was a break they all desperately needed from the tragedies surrounding them, and she refused to let her mood sour. Just for tonight, she wanted to be content.
“Yeah, I hope so too,” Nox mumbled finally, following after Lux as they entered the inn proper.
She took a moment to let her eyes adjust to the change in lighting before looking around. Most of their companions had moved back into the first floor of the inn after the festivities outside had concluded. Lae’zel had her sword in her lap and looked prepared to go out to Dammon’s setup to resharpen her blade. Wyll and Astarion sat adjacent to the bar, sharing a bottle of wine and discussing something or other, while Karlach and Shadwoheart started up a passing conversation with two Harpers in between their shifts. Halsin and Jaheira were nowhere to be seen, but that was hardly a surprise—the former had barely left Thaniel’s side since they had rescued the fey child, and the latter was too busy managing her Harpers to make too many appearances.
Which just left the man she was actually looking for.
Her gaze settled on Gale sitting in a char in the back corner of the main room. Predictably, he had a book in hand and a full goblet of wine sitting on the small table next to him. Whatever he had found to read interested him greatly, and Nox stopped to simply admire the way he studied the book, his brows knit in concentration, dark brown eyes flitting across the pages as they ravenously consumed every word, and his free hand drumming an insouciant rhythm on the arm of the chair. The warm light of the candles hanging around the main room glinted off his soft brown hair—illuminating the lighter strands and a few streaks of gray—and cast shadows across his form near perfectly.
Not for the first time, she was forced to acknowledge he was a strikingly handsome man. However, for the first time, she couldn’t help but consider how gods damned unfair it was that Gale was, by all accounts, the picturesque vision almost every one of her female peers dreamed would be their future husband.
Honestly, she never really understood the appeal in her youth. Why dream of a husband when they all still had so much potential in their fingertips? It likely helped that she never had cause to fantasize either; she did not have any suitors when she was younger and never lamented over that fact, it gave her far more time to endeavor in her studies. Now though, having it all laid out in front of her, and after enduring everything she and Gale had already been through and everything they still could go through together…she was found herself much more amicable to the prospect.
“Some-body’s smit-ten!”
Immediately pulled from her thoughts, Nox jumped when her sister leaned over and sang in her ear. “I am not,” she hissed as she stepped back from Lux’s smirking face. Nox hadn’t even realized she was smiling until she felt her lips pull into a frown. “I am just…considering,” she insisted and subconsciously smoothed down her robes. “He looks…content. I don’t want to bother him if he’s settled in for the evening.”
It wasn’t a complete lie, at least.
“You, of all people, are hardly a bother to him,” Lux rolled her eyes. “Besides, we all just came in from your little snow party anyways, I doubt he’s ‘settled in’. And it’s better to interrupt him now before he’s really into whatever it is he’s reading.”
There was truth to her words, though Nox knew her twin well enough to catch what she was really saying. Lux wasn’t going to let her back out of her plan, which she had no intention of doing, never mind the way she tugged at her sleeves or felt a sharp churning in her gut at the mere thought of walking over to him and asking him to accompany her. What she intended for the evening was hardly that big of a deal, she just desperately wanted it to go well.
“Yeah…yeah, I know. You’re right,” Nox said and heaved a breath. She looked over to Lux with a shaky smile. “Wish me luck?”
“You don’t need luck, Noxy. You got this,” Lux smiled and bumped her hip. “You’ll be fine, so go,” she stressed and nudged her towards the back of the room. “I won’t wait up!” she added over her shoulder before sauntering towards Astarion and Wyll.
“Ugh,” Nox muttered under her breath, fully aware Lux didn’t hear her. Granted, she also knew Lux didn’t need to hear her to know that was her exact response; in the same way she didn’t need to hear Lux chuckling all the way to the bar for her to know that’s exactly what her sister did.
Everything else she said was correct though, Nox didn’t need luck. She was an incredibly skilled wizard with an incredibly detailed plan she had been mapping out during her downtime for the past several days. That aside, even if it weren’t the case, she was still making this attempt with the utmost sincerity, and that was all anyone could really ask for. There was nothing else she could do to ensure it went properly, aside from actually starting it and asking him to join her, which was—naturally—the most difficult part.
Blowing out one more, long breath to still her rattling nerves, she resolved herself and turned to make her way over to Gale.
As she approached, his brown eyes flickered up at her from the book, as one does when they notice movement in their periphery, before returning back to the pages in front of him. She stopped before him and watched as the realization registered in his brain of who was standing in front of him. His eyes lit up and he snapped the book shut.
“Oh, Nox! Hello,” Gale greeted cheerily. He set the book in his lap and smiled up at her. “After your celebration outside, I figured you would retire for the evening.”
“It’s tempting, believe me,” Nox answered with a nervous chuckle.
She could feel the tendrils of exhaustion starting to creep into the edges of her mind—serving more as a reminder she was still not as powerful as she once was rather than as a sign she should stop—but she was choosing to ignore them. She knew she was overexerting herself slightly, but she had already decided it was worth it. The smiles from the refugees and the Harpers were enough alone, and hopefully this would be well worth it as well.
“But…the night isn’t over for me quite yet,” she continued. Realizing that sounded a little more ominous than she intended, she wrung her hands and hastily added, “Well…for us…I guess. I was hoping to talk with you, actually. Do…do you have a moment?”
“Of course. Anything for you,” Gale agreed, and she chose not to ruminate on how easily he said it—as if the thought was second nature. He quickly leafed through the book to mark the page he was on before closing it once more and setting it on the side table next to his wine. “What can I do for you?” he asked, warm brown eyes now solely focused on her.
Gods, how had she not noticed this before? Maybe Lux was right. The only things Nox had ever witnessed him focus on as intently as her right now were his spells on the battlefield, whatever book was lucky enough to capture his complete interest, and his own research and studies. Not that he wasn’t invested in whatever he was doing at any given time, but this was…different. It was more intense, more singularly driven than he usually was, as if the rest of the world simply melted away for him. The inn could spontaneously combust right now, and she wasn’t fully convinced Gale would notice.
You wouldn’t either. Focus, Nox.
“Indulge me?” she asked in return. She pointed behind her towards the inn’s front door and added with a sheepish smile, “I…would appreciate some privacy.”
Gale’s brow rose as his gaze shifted from her towards the door behind her, and then back again. The longer he stared, the hotter she could feel the flames of embarrassment licking at the tips of her ears as she was forced to consider what she just said. She couldn’t really blame him for his silent questioning, that wasn’t the best way to ask and she knew it, but he had been through this with her enough by now to know that any potential innuendo or suggestion she just made wasn’t her intent.
“Very well,” he agreed and rose to his feet before she could clarify. “I must admit, I am intrigued about what you have in mind.”
“Probably not what I just implied,” Nox grumbled. She turned and started for the entrance of the inn, in part to lead the way down to the riverbank, and in part so he couldn’t watch her attempt to contain her blush. She sighed, mumbling, “But by now I am used to making an arse of myself in front of you.”
Gale laughed behind her. “You’re hardly an arse, Nox. I know that is not what you meant,” he reassured. “And my curiosity is genuine. You always come to me with the most fascinating problems or topics of conversation, time spent with you is always quite stimulating, and thus is always time well-spent…in my opinion.”
Instead of containing her blush, she could feel her ears growing hotter with every word he spoke. “Well, if nothing else I can assure you I’m not coming to you with a problem,” Nox answered after a moment. She brushed some hair from her face towards her ears, hoping maybe it would conceal some of the evidence of her embarrassment. “I simply have a surprise for you.”
“A surprise?” he echoed as he followed after her out the door. “Well, that is…” As he strode up beside her, he grimaced and sighed before inevitably accepting his words were failing him. “…Unexpected.”
Despite herself, Nox couldn’t help but to laugh, and the bundle of nerves sitting in her stomach started unraveling. He had that effect on her, even his blunders were unwittingly charming. “I should certainly hope so, given the nature of surprises,” she teased and threw a grin up at him.
“You know, I am regularly accused of grand verbosity, as most wizards are. I’ve probably had the complaint lobbed at me more than some of the greatest scholars of the realms, and I still somehow so often flounder it with you, Moon Mage,” Gale huffed lightly. “I swear I was cursed not long after making your acquaintance.”
“It’s oft said simplicity is the key to success,” she pointed out, unable to wipe the playful smile off her face. “It is hardly my fault that you do not heed such advice.”
“I suppose there is some merit to advice like that when it is so commonly proffered, and now offered again from someone as intelligent as you,” he sighed with an overexaggerated roll of his eyes. “Fine, then I’ll ask plainly: where are you taking me? What is this surprise?”
Nox tutted and shook her head. “That’s hardly the nature of surprises either,” she answered, but motioned for him to follow her through the courtyard. “You’ll find out soon enough. Come, we’re not going far.”
If Gale had any further, burning curiosities, he did not voice them. He followed after her through the courtyard of the inn and down the slope to the riverbank without another word. She only had to urge him on once, gently tugging on his forearm when he paused to assess the fact the temperature was noticeably dropping as they moved closer to the river. She finally allowed him to stop completely when the results of her magic came into view.
“Nox…?” he asked softly. His footsteps came to a halt with a crunch on the edges of the snow and ice on the ground.
She glanced towards the new, snowy winter wonderland she had created and took in the scene again. Perhaps it wasn’t as subtle as she would have liked, but it was far too late to change anything else now. It was obviously different to the snowy evening she gave the tieflings and Harpers, being a smaller area and more dimly lit. Looking at it again, it was clearly much more intimate, and with that realization she could feel panic seize her throat. It wasn’t that she minded if it was read like that—she should mind, but she didn’t—but if Gale considered it that way and it was not what he wanted, then she would suddenly have a lot of backtracking and explaining to do before she could even attempt to get him to enjoy it, which she certainly hadn’t planned for and had no idea where to even begin—
As quickly as it came, the panic subsided the moment she turned back to address him. Gale was staring up at the gentle snowfall with thinly veiled awe, the light of his smile reaching his eyes as he held out his hand to catch a few flakes on his palm. Nox felt every muscle ease at the sight, and her heart melted more as she watched him hold out his other hand to catch even more of the snow. He had a similar reaction in the courtyard earlier when he first saw the conjured snowfall with the others, but it was interrupted by everyone else also marveling and having fun. Now they were alone—uninterrupted—and the sight of his unabashed joy made all of this preparation worth it on its own.
When he turned his gaze back on her, he somehow only brightened more. “What is all this?”
“Oh, you know…” She shrugged one shoulder sheepishly and swept her eyes over the snow again. “I wanted a party for two is all, just for a little while,” she answered after a moment. “I know it’s nothing compared to Waterdhavian winters,” she added quietly, “But as I said earlier, I figured any small bit of wonder in this land of bleakness was a worthy endeavor.”
“This is no small bit of wonder, Nox,” Gale said with a small shake of his head. He brushed his hands together before resting one gently on her shoulder. “This is magnificent. Truly magical in every sense of the word.”
Something fluttered in her chest at the praise. “I’m glad you think so,” Nox said, relief and sincerity washing through her. She held his gaze with a smile, indulging the warmth blooming in her chest for a few moments, before the realization rang out in her mind that she could simply stay like this forever, but the moment was stretching for too long.
“However…” She cleared her throat and took a reluctant step away from him. “In addition to being pretty, it is also serving a purpose. Follow me.”
She walked over to the bag she left sitting by one of the rocks and knelt down to dust off the coating of snow resting on top. “You’re going to need these,” she declared, pulling a pair of boots out of the bag. She gave them a once over before holding them out for him to take.
Gale also gave them a look over, very obviously feeling the Weave emanating from them. “And these are…?” he asked, taking them from her and turning them over in his hands.
“I’m calling them the Ice Stompers.” That alone should tell him what they were, but she decided to add some context. “Do you remember how I was using the excuse of needing to train my transmuting skills in order to give you more items to consume for the Orb?” she asked and closed the bag.
“Oh, so you are admitting the Orb was the primary reason now?” he asked lightly.
Nox shrugged again and stood back up, brushing snow off of the lower parts of her robes. “I figured you were never fooled, and it is in the distant past…you can’t scold me or try to dissuade me from making the effort now,” she answered. “Also, beside the point. That endeavor did also better my transmutation skills. We…’lost’ the last pair of boots we had that worked well against difficult terrain—” ‘Lost’ was the kinder way of putting it to him, but his lips still pulled into a frown. “—So, I made a new pair. Specifically for ice, in this case.”
“Alright…” Gale said slowly, clearly trying to piece together why that was the case. Despite his confusion, he still did as she asked, dropping one of the boots to the ground and toeing out of his own before stepping into it.
“Do they fit?” Nox asked, head tilting as she examined the boot he now wore. She had gone through a lot of trouble to ensure the size of his boots without letting him onto anything, and she had a hunch the ‘unspecified favor’ she now owed Astarion was going to cost her. If the intel was correct though, then she would happily pay any price.
“They do,” he nodded before repeating the process with the other boot. “Though, I am still unclear as to why I need them.”
It was easier to show him. Without answering, she stepped around him and walked to the part of the river she froze. Tentatively, she placed a foot on the ice and tested its sturdiness before putting her full weight into the step. Certain it was frozen enough by now to not give away, she confidently strode fully onto the ice and slid a bit before turning around and grinning at him, hand outstretched.
Gale stared at her incredulously for several seconds, before eyeing the ice skeptically and then looking back up at her with the same, unconvinced gaze. “You are aware my knees are liable to give way at any moment, correct? Especially in a cold snap such as this?”
It was about the reaction she expected from him. “You do not get to play the old age card to an elf, Gale,” Nox teased.
“I rather think I do, given the biological differences in our aging processes.”
Despite his obvious reticence, Gale still walked over to her, though kept his feet firmly rooted to the snowy grass. “Nox, I know of your confidence on the ice, given your predilection towards the element, so surely by now you must know of my lack thereof? I am hardly as graceful as you,” he said and shot her a small, wry smile. “Might I inquire as to why you thought of this for your ‘party of two’?”
That was also about what she expected in terms of a reaction. She figured he would be reluctant—and she couldn’t entirely blame him—but she had hoped maybe he would humor her, just this once. Nox sighed, attempting not to let too much disappointment shine on her face, but before she could drop her hand, his palm slid against hers. She looked down at their hands and then up to his face, brow raised in question. Gale hadn’t moved from the grass, but one side of his mouth tipped upwards, and he shrugged.
Alright, if he wasn’t fully against the idea, then she could at least work with that. “Do you want the real answer?” she asked. “Or do you want the logical answer I knew I needed to come up with for when you looked at me like I had finally lost my mind at the mere suggestion?”
“Oh, I didn’t expect to have a choice,” Gale chuckled. After thinking it over for a second, he decided, “Let’s start with the logical answer.”
“That’s simple,” she said and held up her finger. “One, we are going to be squaring off against an allegedly immortal man who is more than likely the reason—or part of the reason—we have illithid tadpoles in our heads. Two—” She held up another finger. “—I am, among other things, a wizard predisposed towards ice magic. I am, however, not as well-trained of an evoker as you, and my spells are not always meticulously sculpted.”
She held up a third finger, and with her other hand, tugged on his to pull herself closer to him. “And three, as you’ve already implied, you, dear Wizard of Waterdeep,” she addressed him with a poke to his chest, “Are not the most graceful when it comes to keeping your balance…to put it delicately. You could use some practice before we face our foe, lest you instead wind up falling on your face from a spell I needed to cast.”
He was mulling over her answer with serious consideration, but as his brown eyes narrowed in thought, she could see a familiar, playful spark igniting under the veneer of genuine deliberation. “I take some offense to that, but as they are my own words and your logic is sound, I suppose I cannot refute it,” he relented.
Given how their debates had gone in the past, that was almost too easy. Still, Nox smirked, rather pleased it hadn’t taken that much to convince him. Yet, her victory was cut short when she stepped back to pull him onto the ice, and instead he pulled her right back to stand in front of him.
“Except,” he countered, his own smile slipping through, “It does beg the question that if you are so concerned over this, why are you not training your spell sculpting in order to be more accommodating?”
Her smirk fell into a pout, and she huffed. “Of these two complications, one is much easier to remedy in the short term,” she pointed out. “I chose the quicker option for our current timeline. Unless you would rather explain to everyone else why we are stalling through the several nights it would take for me to be able to utilize spell sculpting as naturally as I do arcane warding?”
“I would gladly assist you with that, you know,” Gale offered. “You are a quick study on what few skills you do not already possess. It would hardly take any time at all.”
“And you are insufferable,” Nox muttered under her breath, though it carried no bite whatsoever. Something he acknowledged if the way his lips twitched upward was any indication. He enjoyed teasing her far too much. “Alright, how about this, then?” she asked and smiled sweetly up at him. “Step on the ice now, and I swear we will start tomorrow evening.”
Gale laughed, but finally conceded to her request. Hesitantly, he placed one foot on the ice, followed closely by the other. His grip tightened around her hand as she stepped back and he slid in front of her. Nox offered her other hand, which he took readily, before she took another step and pulled him along with her. His legs shook some with the effort to stay steady, but the magic she embedded in the boots held to its purpose of keeping him upright.
“See?” Nox giggled, delighted as they started moving—albeit slowly—around the frozen portion of the river. Her eyes trailed from watching his feet up to meet Gale’s gaze, which rested pleasantly on her. “It’s not so bad, right?”
“No, it isn’t,” he agreed quietly. “Few things are with you.”
He held her stare and she felt as though she were just caught under a Charm spell of his, incapable of glancing away from his purposeful gaze while the sweet words he offered repeated in her mind. Had her presence truly eased him that much? Before she could offer a response, or even process what to make of what he said, one of his legs wobbled again and he leaned forward, his hands pressing harder against hers to steady himself once more.
“Right…well…” Gale coughed to clear his throat. “Now that I have conceded to your wishes, may I ask what the real answer is?”
“Of course,” she agreed, though her voice was distant.
She said nothing for a few moments, instead letting them gain a bit more momentum as she took the steps to mentally shake herself from her temporary stupor. Once her shock from the moment had passed—and she quickly quelled her disappointment over the fact he was no longer gazing at her—she settled on taking her own advice regarding simplicity from earlier. She let go of one of his hands and swung around, gliding beside him.
“Gale…when was the last time you simply had fun with magic?”
“What?” Gale sputtered, nearly tripping over himself with how quickly he turned to look back at her. She put an arm around his waist to steady him, then met his gaze once he settled from his flailing. “I enjoy magic and indulging the Weave every day,” he said quickly. “I thought you would understand that better than anyone.”
“I do, obviously,” she reassured him. “I enjoy orchestrating the Weave as much as the next mage whenever it is necessary, but that isn’t what I meant.”
She let go of his waist after she was assured he was steady again, then took a few steps ahead to actually skate across the ice rather than simply sliding. When she turned around to face him, she pointed at his feet to encourage him to follow suit.
“What I meant is exactly what I asked: when was the last time you used magic for fun?” she clarified. “Not for battling purposes, not for healing or taking care of others, and not for maintaining or proving your place in society. When did you last use magic exclusively for entertainment?”
In place of giving an answer, he mimicked her motions and took a step on the ice. When he didn’t immediately slip, he looked down at his own feet in amazement, and then took another step. He smiled up at her, pride written across his face from managing to skate without falling, only for it to slowly falter and sober as he reconsidered her question.
“I…should suppose it has been a while, under those conditions,” he admitted. “Not since I was with Mystra, I think…though I did not believe you wished to hear more about that, and honestly I would much prefer not speaking on it further now, all things considered.”
Nox sighed. He was correct in his assumptions that she did not want to hear more about his relationship with Mystra—just mention of the Goddess made her almost recoil—but he still wasn’t understanding what she was asking. “That is fair, and also not what I meant. I meant fun, Gale,” she stressed the word to impart its meaning. “Something just for you, something exclusively for your enjoyment, without trying to impress or entertain anyone else.”
Neither of them had explicitly said it, but it was obvious to her at least that during his entire relationship with the Goddess of Magic, Gale was not doing anything without the express intent of impressing her. It was understandable, with him being a mortal and her being a goddess, but the concept was…well it was why it enraged her so. It was upsetting, and the damage was clearly done. That was definitely not what she meant, that ultimately wasn’t fun.
He fell quiet again as he reconsidered her extra clarification, half-skating and half-sliding after her. She watched as his face continued to fall deeper into a frown, and she wondered if he could hear her heart cracking in response in the silence between them.
“It…has been quite a while, then.”
“As I suspected,” Nox muttered. She skated back to his side and reached out, giving his hand a reassuring squeeze before looking up at him with a small, weary smile. “If it is any consolation, it’s the same for me as well.”
“I wouldn’t call that consolatory,” he said after a moment. He grasped her hand and looked down at her with a similar, exhausted smile. “But I suppose I am glad—and relatively unsurprised—to hear I am not alone.”
They both fell silent for several minutes, skating side by side and letting the shared sentiment rest between them as they lapped the frozen part of the river a few times. Nox watched him carefully as they went, thoughts straying further from the somewhat depressing, shared reality between them. Instead, her mind turned towards the man beside her now. Gale still stumbled here and there but was beginning to get his legs under him even compared to when he first stepped onto the ice. She probably wouldn’t need to watch over him like this for much longer, and that was a shame.
Winter…suited him, she decided. Snowflakes dotted his hair and there was a light, white dusting covering his shoulders, contrasting beautifully against his lightly tanned skin and the dark violet fabric of his robes. The lights of her cantrips shone and reflected in his eyes and in the cold air around him, giving him an even greater mystical—ethereal, even—appearance. The concentration etched into his face as he focused on his balance was equal parts admirable and adorable, though it did nothing to hide the quiet joy radiating from the small, perhaps subconscious, upwards curve of his lips or the wonder as he glanced up at the gentle snowfall.
This was triumph. She was positively giddy this had worked out exactly as she wished, and it took much of her self-control to not spontaneously burst out into giggles from what felt like a thousand butterflies fluttering in her stomach. She kept it contained, mostly because she found her attention drawn in by having the chance to study him in a moment of solitude. For the second time in one night, Nox was struck yet again by the fact that he was, by all accounts, an incredibly handsome man. A fact that was accompanied by the words her sister had spoken to her earlier in the evening.
Smitten. Was that…was that truly what this was?
“Is something wrong?”
Gale’s voice pulled her from her ruminations, and she blinked up at him to find him looking back down at her, bemused.
Right, she was staring.
“No, no. No, nothing’s wrong,” she said quickly. “It’s just…uh…you’re—” Incredibly attractive and it is surprisingly distracting. “—You’re getting better,” she shrugged weakly.
“Oh! I am glad you believe so! I did not want to say anything and risk making a fool of myself if you disagreed, but I was thinking the same,” he chuckled. “The Ice Stompers are a significant help, naturally. If you told me to do this without them, I’m sure I’d still be as stumbling as a baby fawn learning to walk, but I believe I am starting to get a feel for the movements,” he smiled and squeezed her hand again. “And I will admit it is rather enjoyable to be able to accompany you.”
She grinned upon hearing that, beyond thrilled to hear him confirm her initial purpose was a success. “Excellent!” she beamed. Immediately, she registered her enthusiasm as being a little too much and she glanced away. “That’s…that is all I was looking for,” she added, schooling her voice into a calmer tone. “I am incredibly glad to hear it.”
Gale chuckled again and pulled her closer to his side, the action urging her to look back at him. He smiled down at her with warm, contemplative eyes languidly taking her in, and she was yet again mesmerized by how he appeared under the dim lights and gently falling snow. Now, she was also pulled in by how he looked at her: patient, understanding, and with a warmth she could never identify beyond how it made her stomach flip.
“It has been a while for you as well, hasn’t it?” Gale mused after a few moments of thoughtful silence.
“It…” She blinked. “…Pardon?” she fumbled, bewildered as her mind caught up with what he said.
“Apologies, I meant no insult,” he clarified quickly. “I just do not believe I have ever seen you look this…light before.” He immediately frowned and shook his head. “By which I mean, you are usually much more focused and intense with…well, just about everything you do. It is admirable and amazing to witness, mind you! But…”
His eyes softened when he dared to meet her befuddled gaze again. “I have never seen you truly smile like this before, and it is an honor to catch more than a mere glimpse of it. Your smile is a breathtaking sight—you are a breathtaking sight!—but it does put much into perspective.”
“…Oh,” Nox muttered, unable to piece together much else. Her head swam with his words, both the compliment—he liked her smile—and at the underlying implication of what he said. That he knew her enough by now to visibly see she was speaking the truth earlier.
His free hand swung out, motioning towards their surroundings and recentering her on the present moment instead of her runaway thoughts. “You said yourself that it has been a while since you have simply had fun with magic, as well,” Gale repeated softly.
“It is rather obvious when you know, isn’t it?” she asked with an awkward laugh. After a moment, a long sigh escaped her—as much of an acknowledgment of his question as it was to calm her own nerves—and she nodded. “It has been a while; I assure you I was not lying just to sympathize.”
“Then, may I pose your question back to you?” he asked tentatively.
“I…suppose that is only fair,” Nox agreed. It was probably in her best interest to have a change in subject and a topic to focus her thoughts on anyways. “Even though you technically have not yet answered. ‘A while’ is not a satisfactory answer,” she pointed out lightly.
Despite her momentary distraction throwing her completely off-kilter, she had prepared an answer for this question. She had expected he would inquire about her as well simply because, at worst, Gale was never afraid to pose her prying questions back to her, which she respected him all the more for. And at best…he cared for her the same way she cared for him. Either way, she had already figured she would need to answer this question for herself tonight as well.
“Honestly? The night we shared the Weave together was the most fun I have had with magic in a long, long while,” Nox said.
Gale snorted in response and quirked a brow. “I do not believe that night fits the criteria you placed on me. As I recall it, you were trying to upstage me for most of the evening,” he pointed out.
“Indeed I was! And that was the most fun I’ve had in ages!” When he frowned at her, she shook her head and nudged him lightly, enough to tease but not enough to send him sprawling on the ice. “I’m kidding…because you are correct,” she said, sobering. “I did spend most of that night trying to one up and impress you, mostly because I believed I still had something to prove to you. You were the first of our peers in over fifty years who, once you knew who I was, decided I didn’t have something to prove, after all.”
“And I still believe most of our peers are fools for that alone,” Gale interjected.
She flashed him an appreciative smile before continuing, “And yet…despite that, that night was also the first spark in reminding me how much I enjoyed magic on its own.” She glanced down at their still joined hands, her smile slipping with her thoughts. “It was a wake-up call for me to realize how long it had truly been since I last genuinely enjoyed magic for magic. It was also a blatant reminder for how much I used to enjoy sharing it with others, and a blatant contrast for how…”
Nox sighed, her eyes drifting towards the small expanse of snow and ice before them. “Well…for how isolating it has been since my mother passed, if I’m to be honest,” she admitted, her voice nearly cracking. It was a truth she had known for years, one she let lie dormant in the back of her mind, but not one she had ever voiced aloud before. It was high time to acknowledge it, she could acknowledge it now, because of him.
Gale’s hand squeezed around hers, but she didn’t dare look up. She had no desire to cry tonight, and she knew she could get through this small explanation without doing so, so long as she did not look up. If she saw the sympathy shining in his eyes—something she knew would be there no matter what—she wasn’t positive she would be able to hold back.
“I still have people, I know. Lux has quite literally been by my side since we were born, there is nothing I wouldn’t do for the Elturian refugees, I’ve made pleasant acquaintances all along the Sword Coast during my travels, and even now we have our little party of misfits whom I’ve grown to love. I’m not alone…but it’s not the same,” she sighed again. “Magic is the biggest part of my life, and it’s not the same when you can’t share something so instrumental to yourself with others. Or you can share it, but you know they can’t understand it in the way you need them to. I at least had Kalden for a time, but then I lost him in Avernus and…”
She gave one, sharp shake of her head and pulled back the tears pricking her eyes before they started flowing. In the back of her mind, she acknowledged this was probably the most she had spoken about herself since they had met, and the most she had spoken about all she had been through ever. It was not a topic she intended to discuss in full tonight, and not one she wanted to dwell on any longer than necessary, but one she knew she needed to explain—at least in part—in order to impart the sincerity of what she was about to admit. Vulnerability was, unfortunately, the only way she could think of to do as she needed.
Instead of continuing, she took a large breath and squared her shoulders before turning to look back up at Gale. He was watching her silently—a rarity for him—with the sympathy she knew would be there blazing in his eyes and a firm grip on her hand in reassurance.
“My point,” Nox said, forcing the shakiness from her voice. “My point is that you threw me a lifeline that night, Gale. One I didn’t even know I needed until I found myself clinging to it days later.”
Gale’s hand tightened around hers as he slowed to a stop. He pulled her to stand in front of him once more and let go of her hand to gently reach out and grip both of her arms. “I had no idea that night meant that much to you,” he whispered. His eyes widened a bit with his words, and he was quick to add, “Make no mistake, I enjoyed it immensely and it has quickly become one of my fondest memories, but I never realized you regarded it as highly as you did.”
She gave him a small smile to assuage his concerns. She knew he was being genuine and not simply stating that to appease her, just as she knew that night likely did mean a great deal to him as well.
“No words could properly convey just how immeasurably flattered I am to hear that you do regard that night as you say,” he continued. His thumbs brushed over her shoulders, tracing circles into the bit of snow clinging to her robes. “And I am beyond grateful to know I was able to offer you such safety, however accidentally it was at the time.”
“How accidental it was is the beauty of it, I think,” Nox softly said. It was true they both had ulterior motives that night, but the connection they forged despite that was undeniably ironclad and had genuinely become that lifeline for her. There was something deeply poetic to it that she acknowledged but couldn’t articulate. “And it is also what ultimately led us here. It was what ultimately made me reflect, on myself of course, but also on you.”
“On me?”
She nodded and brought a hand up to lightly rest over one of his, delicately tracing down the backs of his fingers with her own. “The more you spoke of your own experiences—how few, if any, friends you had, how you were isolated away from the world you should have been a part of, the entirety of Mystra and the Orb—the more it felt…familiar. Not exactly the same, but enough. And the more it felt familiar, the more I wished to offer the same to you as you did for me.”
“Oh…” Gale breathed out. “I…” He stumbled over his words, a breathy laugh pushing past his lips instead. “I find myself rather lacking in the proper words at the moment. A year’s worth of isolation and no one, aside from Tara, ever so much as thought to do the same for me as you are now…”
“I know,” she whispered while gently threading her fingers through his. “You don’t have to say anything. Gods above, I rarely have the proper words for a moment and am often rendered silent, it is nice to have the tables turned for once,” she joked.
The corners of his eyes crinkled when he grinned at her, and she saw the twinkle of a few tears glimmering in the soft light of her magic. He said nothing further though, simply squeezed her fingers with his in silent appreciation.
“But truly, we all need a break,” Nox continued. She tilted her head to lay her cheek on their joined hands resting on her shoulder. “It has just been rather obvious that you had a higher need than the rest of us, all things considered. So, I wished to offer what I could, recognizing that I was uniquely capable amongst our friends in that regard. A wizard would know best what a wizard needs, after all.”
“It would certainly appear so,” he agreed quietly with a subtle nod.
His eyes trailed from hers down to where their hands rested under her cheek, and she moved her head back when she felt his hand shift against her shoulder. She watched, curious, as he clutched her hand and drew it towards his face. She only had a moment of recognition before his thumb traced down her palm and he leaned forward slightly, closing the distance between her hand and his lips.
“Oh.” The startled gasp escaped her without warning when he placed a gentle kiss on the back of her hand. Her wide eyes looked up from their hands to find a set of warm, brown eyes staring back at her, positively entranced. “Okay…”
“Your sentiment is well-received, Nox,” Gale mumbled, lips ghosting over her skin as his warm breath flitted down the back of her hand and wrist. “And I cherish it well beyond what I am able to properly voice.”
“I am more than satisfied with knowing you are enjoying yourself, though I assure you it’s—” Her lips parted with another sharp intake of breath when he moved up, pressing a kiss to the base of her middle finger. Nox bit down on her bottom lip, barely catching an overwhelmingly exuberant giggle before it bubbled out. A smile still tugged at the corners of her mouth. “—It was truly no trouble at all, hardly worthy of such gratitude.”
“That you genuinely believe it to be no trouble means it is only all the more worthy,” he refuted softly, before kissing her finger one more time and meeting her gaze again. She saw the hints of his smirk hiding behind their hands before he added, “Even if I cannot quite fathom why you believed it was a good idea to bring an old wizard with bad knees into such a cold snap.”
She was lightheaded, her heart ready to burst with the happiness from knowing she was successful and all the praises he was offering her. She couldn’t prevent herself from laughing this time at the absurdity of his teasing in comparison to everything else. “Oh, come off it! You’re hardly old, and you’ve been perfectly fine since we started,” Nox scoffed. With her hand still in his, she pulled him back into moving again as she resumed skating. “You’re truly not going to let this go, are you?”
“It is simply an interesting choice, is all I am implying,” Gale chuckled. He allowed her to guide him back on the ice, though. “And a far cry different than sharing the Weave.”
“Naturally. I had to figure out something different to sharing the Weave, you already laid claim to that,” she responded as if it were obvious. “So, I got to brainstorming and…admittedly, probably lost myself to the nostalgia of everything else.”
His fingers threaded through hers as they fell into a comfortable speed gliding around the ice once more. He appeared confident enough by now that he likely didn’t her as a safety net anymore, but she was in no spot to complain that he was still holding her hand.
“The truth is…I did this often as a child,” Nox admitted. She glanced up at him for a brief moment, and then turned her attention to the falling snow. “I was…not the most social of individuals in my youth—” That was the kinder way to put it. “—I was…different. There are not many elves in Elturel, and not many children were quite as taken with their studies as I was. So when Lux wasn’t around, I often found myself alone with nothing to do, and taken with my studies as I was, practicing what I could of my magic helped ease the boredom and loneliness.”
She smiled as her face turned upward, a few flakes landing on her nose and cheeks. After a moment, she tugged him forward, pulling him towards the center of her magical winter. “It also helped for me to create my isolation in the form of something beautiful. You have enjoyed many a Waterdhavian winters, have you not?” she asked, slowing to stand in the middle of the icy patch on the river.
“Several during my time, yes,” Gale answered.
“Then you understand what it is like to stand in a snowstorm in the middle of the night?” she asked softly, violet eyes searching his face in earnest. When he opened his mouth to answer, she held up a finger and lightly shook her head. “You know the stillness of it? To be surrounded by nothing but the darkness of the night and the white of the snow? To hear nothing but the quiet snowfall mixed with the sounds of your own breath?”
He didn’t try to speak again, and her hand slowly returned to her side. Instead, his gaze focused on hers as their breaths fell in sync. In place of their words, the slight patter of snowflakes against the ice could be heard interspersed between every quiet inhale and exhale they took. There was nothing else, no sound coming from the Last Light Inn or the ravaged, cursed lands around Moonrise Towers. No screams, no laughs, no fighting or struggling for survival.
For one, blissful moment, it was just her and Gale and the quiet snowfall.
It was the stillness she spoke of, the one she knew resided in her heart and the one she had conjured for herself a hundred times. The one she never realized until now—until her chest tightened the longer she gazed up at him in this moment—she had been aching to share with another who would understand.
And Gale did understand, given how his hand tightened around hers and given just how easily his face smoothed into a wonderful tenderness the longer he smiled down at her. Hesitantly, his other hand reached out and gently grabbed at her waist, drawing her just the slightest bit closer. When she didn’t resist—when she couldn’t resist with how erratically her heart beat at the gesture—he settled his hand on her hip and gave the slightest bit of a nod.
“Can you feel it now? How it is to be a single, solitary creature witnessing something marvelous?” she breathed out, her words catching a few times. “To witness something mystical and so tremendously beautiful you only have the opportunity to experience it in the utmost privacy away from the world around you?”
His eyes dipped, slowly trailing down her form and back up again in admiration and—if she dared believe it—longing. “I have always found winter beautiful, but never quite to this degree,” Gale said, barely above a whisper. “Though with you—” He looked over her again as he cleared his throat, presumably to remove the roughness from his voice. “—With how you speak of it, I certainly understand the appeal.”
She spared a sidelong glance towards the snow, her smile light as her face warmed. “It is likely the predisposition towards ice magic that makes me speak of winter as if I’m insane,” Nox joked, feeling an indescribable need to lessen her words for a reason she couldn’t quite place. Embarrassment hung off of her shoulders, but it was not the type she was used to feeling in the face of her own earnestness. It was softer now, and she didn’t quite mind its presence as much.
“I enjoyed it immensely when I was younger, if that isn’t obvious,” she chuckled. “I still immensely enjoy being able to conjure my own personal winter to dance and play in as I see fit. But it’s been well over fifty years since I have last indulged myself, and even then…the last time I did, it wasn’t for myself.”
The last time she had done this had been for Kalden, for his first date with his future wife. It was a fact she briefly acknowledged when the idea first struck her and then one she did not consider again. She was rather keen on avoiding it altogether, having no desire to unpack the implications of that fact, or even let on that any implications existed at all.
“So, with some reflection accidentally brought on by you, I decided it was time to try again,” Nox said instead. “And I thought that this time, perhaps I could share a little piece of my own, personal serenity. I figured, perhaps, you needed it more than I did.”
Gale didn’t respond immediately, choosing instead to study her silently with a warm, near-hypnotic gaze. She was enraptured again, unable to glance away from his penetrating, brown eyes as he stared into her own, and unable to speak on anything more. He searched her eyes as if he was looking for an answer to a question he hadn’t voiced, and she was uncertain as to what that could possibly be. When he evidently found whatever it was he sought from her gaze, he finally ducked his head and chuckled in embarrassment.
“I…suppose I should rescind my prior complaints,” he muttered. His head was still bowed, but he glanced over at her from his position and gave her an apologetic smile. “That is monumentally thoughtful, and as only you are wont to do, you have endeared me entirely to the concept.”
She blinked, caught off guard that he was even concerned about that. “You were only joking, I know,” she reassured and placed a hand on his shoulder. “I took no offense, I swear.”
His eyes slid to look at her hand, then back to her face. “Still, this is sincerely one of the most heartfelt things anyone has ever given me,” he said and straightened. “If I had understood how much it meant to you…”
“It’s fine, Gale,” Nox cut him off with a small laugh. “You didn’t have the context because I never gave it to you, and I understand how it could have been easily misconstrued.” She sighed quietly and squeezed his shoulder. “You know, I only ever intended this to be for you.”
It was Gale’s turn to be caught off guard, if how he stared down at her was any indicator. “How do you mean, exactly?”
“The stuff earlier with the refugees and the Harpers?” she asked rhetorically and then shook her head. “That wasn’t in my plan. This was only ever meant for you, but after rescuing the prisoners and reuniting everyone, the atmosphere still felt quite dour.” Understandably so, they had rescued everyone from Moonrise Towers, but that didn’t eliminate the ordeal and all the prisoners had already been through. “I felt obligated to do…well, something, and I already had most of the logistics of it worked out. It wasn’t…this…”
Nox sighed, motioning around them at the snow and lights. “It wasn’t the quiet and the solitude, it wasn’t me trying to impart the peace the snow grants me, but it was a few hours of playful mischief with some winter weather,” she shrugged, “I understand how you could have believed I was asking for the same with you.”
“You care for the refugees a great deal,” Gale said, something like realization lighting up behind his eyes.
“I…do,” she agreed with just a touch of hesitation. “I’ve never made that a secret.”
“Then…I would not be presumptuous to say you also care for me a great deal,” he added quietly. It wasn’t quite a question—if anything it was the second half to a logic puzzle—but his desire for an answer was evident.
“I…suppose,” she agreed tentatively.
She immediately regretted the words the moment they left her lips. That answer was far too hesitant, far too uncertain for a truth she had readily accepted for well over a month now. He deserved to know that truth if he was questioning it. She deserved to say it wholly.
“Yes, I do,” Nox corrected after a moment, sounding much more determined in her answer. “And if you have to question that, I suppose I’ve made that more of a secret than I’ve intended.”
“Or perhaps I was simply refusing to believe what was in front of me,” Gale mumbled, his mind obviously distantly in his thoughts. As if shaking himself, his eyes refocused on her with a sudden clarity, a renewed brightness, and a subtle hint of absolute terror. Her heart flopped over in her chest.
“I understand now, Nox,” he said softly.
After flopping over, her heart leapt into her throat as her wavering gaze snapped up to meet his, startled by his words. “Understand…what, exactly?” she forced out. What was there to understand?
“I understand…” His eyes searched hers again while he trailed off. She probably would have accosted anyone other than Gale, but with him, all she could do was stare back, mystified.
After a moment, he released a breath and shook his head. “I…understand why they call you Archmage,” he answered with a weak smile.
Disappointment dropped low in her gut, though she couldn’t quite place why. His admittance was not what she expected—she wasn’t sure what she expected—though it was enough to calm her racing heart. She swallowed back the lingering lump in her throat before daring to speak. “That’s a people’s title, Gale, nothing more,” she smiled wanly.
“It means the world to them. It matters to them,” he disagreed. His hand pressed into her hip a bit as his eager eyes sought out hers. “Just as it matters to me. It’s admirable, and worth much more than simply being gifted it.”
The sentiment was kind, but she still blew out a breath and shook her head. “Most mages would disagree with you.”
“And as we’ve already established, most of our peers are fools,” he said resolutely. “Most of our peers are quick to write off everyone they meet based on a first glance and snap judgment. The people who know you, who have spent time with you, those who have been under your protection and those who have fought by your side…they are the ones whose opinions matter, because they are the ones whose opinions are true. And the refugees?” he asked rhetorically. “They are the people who know you. They are the ones who like you, who trust you…you make them feel safe, Nox.”
“’Safe’?” she echoed, incredulous. He had a point, and though she was taken aback at how eager he was to get it across, she could admit it was there. She had not given much thought towards what most of their peers considered of her in a long while. But…safety was not where she expected him to end that proclamation.
“’Safe’ is not the word I would expect to be associated with,” Nox chuckled with no small amount of self-deprecation coloring her voice. “Irritating? Sure. Confusing? Certainly. But safe? The blunt, wandering hermit more interested in whatever book her nose found itself stuck in rather than those around her? I doubt most people come away from an interaction with me feeling safe.”
“I mean it,” he insisted. Her gaze started pulling away, uncertainty flooding her veins, but he hooked a finger under her chin and forced her attention back to him. She refused to dwell on the small, surprised breath she sucked in at his action.
“Verbosity aside, I am not one to speak words I do not believe in,” Gale said. “We are all rough around the edges. I have heard my ego likened to that of a strutting peacock, for instance. Perhaps you are brusque and blunt or uncertain and awkward, but you breed a sense of safety wherever you reside, and people can feel your sincerity. After all, who else would manage to free every individual trapped in a cult’s high security prison, and then throw them a small party in celebration to ease their nerves?”
It was hardly fair to expect her to be unaffected by his words or the closeness they now shared. The snow started falling harder above them, and her eyes turned upwards to watch the path of a few flakes as they descended from the sky and landed in the soft brown locks of his hair or the velvety purple fabric covering his shoulders and arms. When she returned her attention to him, he was still gazing down at her with a blazing sincerity that made her chest constrict and stole the breath from her lungs.
Gale’s visage staring down at her now, under the light and snow of the magic she orchestrated in the Weave for him, was an image she would carry with her for the rest of her long life.
“At the very least, I know that there is no one else in my life who would witness me struggling as I have been and decide—correctly, I might add—that I needed to have some fun with magic, and that means something. It has to mean something, it is worth so…so very much,” he whispered.
Her eyes fell shut and she bit the edge of her bottom lip. It did mean something.
“I have understood for a while now how you earned your title,” he continued, and she opened her eyes back up to watch him. “You are well-versed in the Art and undeniably talented, but over time I have realized it is so much more. Beyond power and intelligence—both you have in abundance, mind—being an Archmage is about capability and safety, strength and kindness…”
He sighed and shook his head, almost in disbelief at her. “You have earned the title twice over by those standards since I have met you alone, just as you have earned the admiration and love and camaraderie of the people around you. You…you are the promise of a better tomorrow, Nox’ani,” he said quietly, “You are the brightness of a better future, and I am a better man simply by knowing you.”
She faltered in the face of such praise. What was there that she could possibly say to that? Under normal circumstances, she would mutter her gratitude, an apology, and then walk away, but this was not normal circumstance. This was Gale, and such an admittance coming from him required eloquence in response, something she lacked on a good day, let alone when he stunned her into silence.
“Gale, I…”
Nox struggled again, trailing off with a sigh. After taking a moment to regain some grip on her composure, she blew out a long breath and nodded. The only appropriate way to respond was as she had done before, with vulnerability. The best option was by speaking what she felt in her heart. “If that is all the requirements for the title, then perhaps that is why I am so willing to grant it to you, as well.”
Surprise sparked to life in his dark eyes, only to be snuffed out by a profound sadness. “I am afraid I lost all rights to that title over a year ago. Not…entirely unjustly, at that.”
“We all make mistakes—a part of a wizard’s charm, really,” she joked with a tight smile. “You are twice the man now you ever were then, I can tell. There is no reason you cannot work towards rectifying your mistake and reclaiming the title,” she said, her smile growing more sincere. “And if that is the case, then all I ask is that you allow me the honor to be the first to call you Archmage once more.”
With glassy eyes, Gale smiled down at her, and traced his thumb just under her bottom lip. “Coming from you, that carries a lot of weight,” he whispered. “It carries a grand amount of meaning, and a grand amount of hope. It…” He paused, grief briefly flickering across his eyes. “It would be nice to live up to your expectations, one day.”
“No more than it would be for me to live up to yours,” she breathed. “But you will, I believe,” Nox added, “And maybe through that, so will I.”
A small hum rumbled in his throat in agreement. He said nothing further though, his eyes instead flickering downwards, mapping a delicate path over her nose and cheeks before settling on her mouth. She waited for several seconds, not moving, not breathing as his hooded gaze rested on her lips, until his thumb moved up to trace over the curve of her bottom lip.
“Gale…?” she asked on a shuddering breath.
His eyes snapped back to hers, and she could’ve easily gotten lost in the dark, heated depths. “Nox…” he mumbled, leaning closer to her. He tilted her head up a little further and his eyes fell back down to her parted lips. “May I…”
Before either could move any further, a violet light flared between them that had them both peeling back from one another. Nox watched, flabbergasted, as the Orb flared to life in his chest, seemingly in response to one of the globes from her Dancing Lights floating too closely to them. She looked up to Gale in question, but he appeared just as shocked and harried as she felt, his frantic hands smoothing over his chest as he stared down at the Orb.
“I guess it still likes my magic,” Nox remarked, the logical part of her brain apparently ahead of the rest of her.
It made sense, Dancing Lights was the spell she fed directly to the Orb when they were bereft of all other options. Despite being calmed, the Orb still responded to magic it recognized—that was the only explanation for what just happened, and she supposed it was lucky that it only responded to the one spell she gave it directly and not all of her magic in general.
But it just had to happen now. Though, perhaps that was for the best. As her eyes locked with his, she understood the Orb was serving as a grim reminder for the realization that just tore through her with its flash.
You are in love with a dead man, Nox.
In love. For the first time, she was in love. That was the only explanation for the rush of emotion that surged through her veins once she realized they weren’t in imminent danger. The disappointment at the moment lost, the fear—not for her life, but for losing the man in front of her, and all the grief that carried, the loss itself, and the desire to go back. The overwhelming urge to hold him in her arms again, to assure him this was alright, that everything would be alright and they could—they would get through it. Gods, if nothing else, there was nothing more she wanted than to feel the hand he was using to readjust his robes back under her chin again, guiding her back to him.
She was in love, for the first time. That should have been terrifying enough on its own—and it was—but of course there had to be more. Of course it had to be with Gale. Of course, it had to be with a man slipping through her fingers as easily as the Weave did when she cast a spell, as easily as the water of the Chionthar on a hot, sunny day. A man so brilliant and breathtakingly bright who was divinely charged to burst and fade away, to dim until there was nothing left of him at all.
She was in love with a dead man walking. A man she desperately, desperately wanted to save.
“Apologies,” Gale said, a panic-tinged, embarrassed chuckle escaping him and ripping her from her thoughts. His other hand rested over his chest, covering the offending light as it slowly dimmed back into dormancy. “Leave it to me to ruin the fun, eh?”
“No!” she was quick to dispute. “No, not at all, Gale, I…”
I love you. I love you. I love you.
Before she knew what she was doing, Nox glided forward and rested her hand over his. She almost regretted it when she looked up and could see a reflection of her fear in his gaze. Reticence and awkwardness thinly masked the terror sparking behind his eyes. Fear at the sudden realization they had gotten close, closer than perhaps either one of them intended. Fear at the realization of what exactly this was buzzing between them, fear that it was much more than either of them believed, and how all of it should have been wonderful. But when mixed with the sudden, blazing reminder of what they couldn’t…what they shouldn’t have, how wonderful a thing it was blossoming between them was cast into shadow.
It was…it was why she never considered it before now, not consciously anyways. Some, subconscious part of her had kept this fact hidden from her. Now though…well, there was no way of unknowing it now. She loved him. She still couldn’t speak the words, but she loved him. Yet, judging by the way he was staring down at her, wide-eyed and silent, he didn’t want to hear those words any more than she wanted to say them.
Fear choked them both. Fear left her love gasping before it could even breathe.
“I…had a lovely time,” Nox said softly. As quickly as she went to him, she reluctantly pulled away. “I only hope you can say the same.”
“I can…I did,” he nodded. “It was wonderful, Nox.”
“I’m pleased to hear it,” she smiled, hoping it appeared genuine. She meant her words, but the act of smiling now left her stomach feeling ill. “I suppose we should end it here, then, lest the Orb decide to go back to its old ways.”
He took the cue and followed after her as she turned around and led him back to the bank of the river. Once assured he was on solid ground again, she gave him another half-hearted smile before trudging over to her staff. She only dared to look back once she reached Mourning Frost; with one hand on her staff, only then did she finally feel steady enough to glance back.
Gale still stood on the edge of the riverbank, having not moved an inch. He was watching her closely, dark eyes unreadable despite the dim light illuminating him. Her cantrips still hung around the area, casting everything in a rather romantic light and making the snow sparkle. The scene she had so carefully crafted, so lovingly put every ounce of her heart into in order to offer a few hours of peace, now left a bitter taste in her mouth. And Gale…and Gale.
The snow still fell around him, blowing slightly on the breeze blowing between them. In the center of the snowstorm, he was the stillness she was looking for, she understood that now. He was the peace. It was a sight, an indescribably powerful feeling she desperately needed to imprint onto her deepest memories. If she could have nothing else, she never wanted to lose the image of the man that stood before her now.
She never wanted to lose the man either, but that…that was not for her to decide, no matter how much she raged against that fact. All she could do…all she could control was how she remembered this moment.
She wanted it to be good. She knew it would only ever be bittersweet.
Nox always knew a little moment of serenity was never going to last forever. It never did. It was just a shame it was ending like this. There was nothing more she wanted to do than run back to him, to wrap him in her arms and kiss him like they were about to, and then never let him go. But no matter how much she desired it, she couldn’t urge her legs forward. She wouldn’t…she couldn’t do that, for the exact same reason she knew he stood several paces behind her, watching her silently and nothing more.
She loved him. There was nothing either of them could do about that.
Her hand gripped tighter around her staff, knuckles white with the effort, until she plucked it from the ground and settled it on her back. The lights began fading, and the snow slowly stopped its descent. She waved a hand and the Weave relaxed between her fingers, while a part of her mind finally sighed in relief over the concentration no longer being necessary. The magic was gone, and the sorrow that always accompanied her at the end of a time like this clung extra tightly to her heart now.
“I suppose we should all take our rest, now,” Nox muttered and turned away, uncertain if he even heard her. “Good night, Gale.”
“Good night,” Gale responded just as quietly. “And thank you for tonight, Nox’ani.”
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