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ducks-in-crocs · 11 months ago
Chris x fem!Reader where Reader gets their wisdom teeth taken out would be cute
Not interested
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Summary - Chris's girlfriend gets her wisdom teeth out and doesn't recognize him
Pairing- Chris Sturniolo x Fem!reader
Warnings - Dental work, needles, blood, 500 words.
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“Alright Y/N we are going to stick an IV into your left arm. The IV is going to administer medicine that will make you go to sleep so we can take out your wisdom teeth okay” The dentist spoke with a Cherrier tone.
“Okay I think I'm ready, Chris will you hold my hand, please” I beg half-jokingly while giving Chris my best puppy dog eyes.
“Of course baby” he replies while grabbing my hand a giving it a gentle squeeze. My eyes quickly shut as the needle begins to pierce my skin.
“Ow ow ow ow” Chris Winces
“Why are you saying ow Y/N is the one have a needle shoved in her arm?” Matt questions Chris.
“ because she has a literal death grip on my hand like I'm scared she gonna break it” Chris answers his brother trying to pull his hand from mine.
“I'm sorry baby,” I tell him pouting my bottom lip. Chris chuckles giving me a tooth grin before leaning down to press a kiss to my forehead.
“Okay so the IV is in, so now the medicine will start to work here in just a few minutes alright” The dentist informs me. About a minute or two later my eyelids began to feel like lead.
“Y/n I'm going to give you a password to remember, The password is Cherry okay” The sound of the dentist's voice makes my eyes pop open.
“Cherry okay” I hum as my eyelids dip once more
“Can you tell me the password Y/N” the dentist questions. Only to find me fast asleep.
“Mmmh” I groan as my eyes begin to flutter open.
“Good you awake sweetheart, how do you feel.” A random brunette boy to my right questions me.
“Don't call me sweetheart, I have a boyfriend” I tell the boy pointing my right pointer finger to emphasize my point causing the three boys in the room to laugh.
“Oh my god, what is on my finger is it broken” I whisper shout trying to pull the plastic thing off my finger. The sudden beeping noise causes me to jump slightly.
“No, you need to keep that on” Matt scolds me.
“Okay baby now I'm gonna tell you a password to the dentist Okay” The random boy questions me again
“No don't call me that I already told you I have a boyfriend,” I tell him with as much sternness as I could muster. A chorus of laughs fills the room.
“ no baby look it me Chris” the boy chuckles Causing me to roll my eyes.
“You are not Chris. Chris is way more Hansome than you” I argue back.
“Nick Matt tell this boy I have a boyfriend please” I plead with the other boys.
“You heard the girl, she got a boyfriend” Nick giggles patting the boy on the shoulder.
“Okay Y/N the password to leave the dentist is”
“Matt where is Chris I miss him” I whine interrupting Matt as tears threaten to fall from my eyes.
“Y/n look Chris is right here” Nick points out. Looking to my right I find Chris standing there. He gives me a small wave.
“Oh Chris thank god you're here some, weird guy was trying to hit on me ask Matt and Nick.” I breathe a sigh of relief now that my boyfriend is here.
“What really, do you need me to beat him up” Chris jokingly asks sliding his hand into mine and giving it a gentle squeeze.
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This is short but i hope you enjoy it -ducky
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ducks-in-crocs · 11 months ago
Alright guys now i know i got some requests to get out so just bare with me
I was thinking since a lot of y’all voted yes to quad!brother wisdom teeth fic how y’all would feel about doing a quad brother universe with different one shots?
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ducks-in-crocs · 11 months ago
Hey guys my inbox is open if if any of you want to send some sturniolo triplets asks it could be younger, older, quad sibling male or female or nick x male reader romantic or matt/chris x fem!reader scenarios.
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ducks-in-crocs · 11 months ago
Would anybody be interested in a sturniolo triplets x quad!brother reader story when nick and brother both go to get their wisdom teeth out ?
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ducks-in-crocs · 11 months ago
hi!! could you write a sturniolo younger sister where she's in the sam and colby video with them? 💙
The Elevator Game
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Summary - The triplets sister plays the elevator games
Pairing - The Sturniolo triplets x Sister!reader
Warnings - Ghost, Swearing
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“Well there are two elevators, so maybe we should try to do a duel elevator game. One person in this one and one person in that one” Sams says with a little too much excitement.
“I already agreed to go by myself, so who gonna get in the other one” Matt questions.
“I think (y/n) should go since she's the most scared,” says Nick quickly to volunteer me, Chris agrees almost instantly.
“Umm well uh I guess” I agree, trying to keep my nerves at bay.
“You don't have to do it” Colby is quick to assure me, Sam quickly nodding in agreement.
“No, it's okay. I'll do” I agree, twiddling my thumbs. “Alright, here we go” I whisper to myself as I step into the open elevator.
“Wow not even gonna say goodbye to your brothers. You might never see us again” Nick states sarcastically. Giggling softly to myself, I quickly flick them all off before rushing to embrace my brothers in a quick hug. Letting go, I turn around and take a deep breath before stepping back into the elevator.
“Alright guy, let's go. Please take me to another world” I speak into the camera as I hit the button for the fourth floor. The door makes a clinking noise as doors shut, and the elevator hums to life. Arriving on the fourth floor, I quickly scan the hall as the doors open before hitting the number two button. As the doors were closing, I could have sworn could smell the faint scent of a cigar.
“ Okay, now time for the sixth floor” I softly speak as the elevator doors shut on the second floor. As I go to push the button, my ears perk up as a faint giggle fills the air. Freezing in place, standing in silence as I wait for another sound to pierce the air.
“ I don't know if you heard that on camera, but I could have sworn that there was a giggle,” I tell the camera with a shakey breath. “Alright guys, here we go” As the elevator roars to life, I feel a gentle tug on the back of my shirt. Goosebumps fill my arms as I whip around quickly, only to find nothing there.
“ Why, why, why did I agree to this” I speak breathlessly “You all can't tell, but something just tugged in my shirt” Dread fills my stomach as I hit the button floor two. The hairs on my body are standing straight up as the elevator begins, which descends to the second floor. Holding my breath as I wait for something that never comes, the ding of the elevator causes me to blow out a giant breath of air. I'm feeling a little better now. I confidently hit the number 10 button.
“You can do this. you're almost done” I gently reassure myself. The doors open for the 10th floor, and once again, the hallway is empty.
“ Do you guys think Matt is experiencing the same things as me?” I ask the camera.
“ Alright guys, now it's time for the 5th floor. Oh no, isn't that the floor the lady is supposed to get on? Please, please, please don't let there be a lady” I plea as I press the button. The Ovilus at my feet suddenly squeaks to life, spitting out the word “lady” “Oh my god, are you serious” I whisper shout as I point the camera toward the device. My breathing starts to get heavy as the doors start to slide open at a snail's pace. “Out” the device speaks again as the doors finally open. Relief feels my bones when I realize nobody's there.
“Alright last floor to go now, wish me luck” To my surprise, as my hand hovers over the button for the first floor, the elevator doors suddenly close, causing me to jump slightly.
“Exit now” the ovilus speaks as the doors reopen, silently watching as the doors close once more only to fall backwards in fright as I see the face of a blonde little girl staring back at me in the reflection of the metal.
Sitting the camera on the floor, I curl myself up in the corner, hands covering my face as my tears start to flow. Going unnoticed by me but caught through the lenses of the camera, the first-floor button turns orange as the elevator starts to descend, I barely notice that we have arrived at our final destination over the sounds of the near-silent pleas I'm releasing into the air, the voices of my concerned brothers pull me from my trance, as Nick wraps his arms around slowly easing me out of the elevator and on to the hallway floor.
Matt and Chris are quick to join us, rubbing comforting circles onto my back while all three of them whisper soft words of encouragement. As I try to stop the tears from flowing.
“Is she okay?” Sam asked as he and Colby watched the four siblings.
“I'm not sure. She isn't saying much. Maybe check the camera and see if there are any clues on there?” Matt suggests. Colby nods before starting to go over the footage.
“ holy fucking shit” Colby exclaims as he turns the camera around to show the five others, in the still screen of the camera you could see in the reflection of the metal doors the faint image of a small blond child.
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[ Thanks for the request, I apologize if this is not what you had in mind and that it mostly focuses on the reader experience and doesn't really involve the other people in the story that much. I would also like to apologize for how long it took me to write your request. Anyway, I hope y'all enjoy - ducky ]
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ducks-in-crocs · 11 months ago
Quadruplets Headcannons
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[Male and female reader]
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Female Quad sibling
* being the only girl they are definitely way to overprotective
* Being a girl everyone always assumes that your brothers are triplets and you are the younger sister
* Fighting tooth and nail to be recognized as quadruplets
* When the boy decide to start their youtube career you decide you don’t want to be in the videos
* You do make an apparently every once in a while
* By now everyone is calling them the triplets that every time you’re in a video they will introduce you as their quad sister
* But nobody ever believes them
* Growing up you did figure skating while your brothers played hockey
* Growing up you never had to tie your shoes or skates
* As any siblings you constantly fight and pick on each other
* Moving to LA was hard but at least you have your brothers
* Helping out with their videos
* They always scare off anyone who might be interested in you
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Male Quad Sibling
* growing up you were constantly called each other’s names
* You are very protective over your brothers
* In public your not very talkative you would rather just sit back and observe people
* But when it's just you and your brothers you can out yap Chris
* In car videos you sit in the back with Nick
* Being the first one after Matt to get their license
* Also hate sleep alone so more often than not you end up in one of your brother bed
* You definitely have switched places before at school to ensure that nobody fails
* Always the first one up to defend your brothers
* You were in the penalty box a lot when you play hockey because of your overprotective attitude
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ducks-in-crocs · 11 months ago
I love you work so much!!! 💖💖
do you have anything coming out soon?
Hopefully i will have some time to work on some quad!sibling headcannons tonight
I have one request that i need to work on but i would be more than happy to receive any request or suggestions yall might have
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ducks-in-crocs · 11 months ago
Stuniolo Sibling Masterlist
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The Elevator Game
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Younger sibling
Older sibling
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[ any feedback is appreciated. If you see any mistakes in my works, please inform me or if any of the links are not working please let me know. ]
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ducks-in-crocs · 11 months ago
Matt Sturniolo Masterlist
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Dating Matt
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[ any feedback is appreciated. If you see any mistakes in my works, please inform me or if any of the links are not working please let me know. ]
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ducks-in-crocs · 11 months ago
Chris Stuniolo Masterlist
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Dating Chris
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Not Interested
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[ any feedback is appreciated. If you see any mistakes in my works, please inform me or if any of the links are not working please let me know. ]
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ducks-in-crocs · 11 months ago
Nick Sturniolo Masterlist
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Dating Nick
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Cinnamon rolls
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[ any feedback is appreciated. If you see any mistakes in my works, please inform me or if any of the links are not working please let me know. ]
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ducks-in-crocs · 11 months ago
{What i will write}
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Nick Sturniolo x Male!reader or Platonic Fem!reader
Chris Sturniolo x Fem!reader
Matt Sturniolo x Fem!
Sturniolo Triplets x Younger/Older/Quad Sibling!reader
( Male! Or Fem! Reader )
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{What i will not write}
I am not willing to write anything about incest, inappropriate age gap relationships, pedophilia, sexual assault, Abuse, suicide or self-harm.
At this time i will also not be writing smut.
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ducks-in-crocs · 11 months ago
Uncle Headcannons
[ Headcannons to go along with my fic uncles ]
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* They are so excited about becoming uncles
* One of them downloads the app that tells you how big your baby is compared to a piece of fruit
* Matts having gifts delivered to your house
* Nick is always thrifting clothes for your daughter
* Chris gets special made fresh love sets for his niece
* They FaceTime you constantly and say put my niece on the phone
* Once she gets a little older they take her out on uncle/niece days
* Spend hours with her at the park
* Take her out for ice cream
* They can’t say no the her every time they take her to the store she comes back with a new toy
* Always bring her gifts when they come to visit
* They are so proud when she finally learns who is who
* Has a group chat where they constantly beg you for pictures
* They definitely cry during her kindergarten graduation but they will always deny it
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ducks-in-crocs · 11 months ago
I love your writing!! I really love the older sibling head cannon. I was wondering if you could write something off of this but the reader is like 25 and she tells the boys that they’re going to be uncles. Like their reaction and them meeting the baby would be the cutest. I’m obsessed
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Pairing - Sturniolo Triplets x Older Sister!Reader
Summary - You tell your brother they are gonna be uncles
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Sitting in the car outside the airport leg bouncing in anticipation as you wait for your younger brothers Nick, Matt, and Chris. Anxiety feels your bones as you think about the little white boxes sitting at home on the kitchen table. You’re broken out of your thoughts as the passenger door swings open and you are engulfed in a hug from your youngest brother Chris.
“Jeez, Chris you almost gave me a heart attack” you exclaim as the triplets start to laugh. Nick and Matt express their hellos as they pack their bags into the car. The two boys give you a small hug as get in the car. As you pull out of the airport the anxious feeling starts bubbling in your chest once again
Walking into your house after the long drive your eyes lock with the three white boxes on the table. Your nerves starting to get the best of you decide to just rip of the bandaid and get it over with.
“Hey boys before you head upstairs could you meet me in the kitchen please” you ask
“Okay, now I need y’all to stand in front of the box with your name on it” you instruct. Inside each box, there is a stuffed animal, a baby hat, an ultrasound picture, and a note that says I can’t wait to meet you uncle ( Nick,chis,Matt ).
“You got us presents,” Chris says excitedly. “ yes but you have to open them at the same time, okay,” you tell them. Each boy gives you a puzzled look before starting to open the boxes. Shock washes over their faces as they realize what is inside the box.
“Oh my God” Nick says in shock. “You’re having a baby” Matt whispers while Chris stands there quietly with his jaw on the floor. In the next moment you are in the middle of a group hug as all three boys spill their congratulations.
“You’re not having triplets are you ?” Chris questions after a brief moment of silence. You all start to giggle as you reassure them that no you are only having one baby.
It been two weeks since you gave birth to your daughter and today is the day that your three youngest brothers finally get to meet their niece.
Hearing your husband’s car pull in to the driveway your excitement about seeing your brothers starts to rise. Behind your husband come three boys barely recognizable behind the mountains of baby gifts in their arms.
Nick and Chris put down the gifts before sitting down on either side of you. Eyes immediately locked on to the small baby in your arms spewing out compliments about their niece.
As Nick and Chris take turns holding your little girl you notice Matt is standing there quietly watching the three of you.
“Come hold her Matt” you call out softly as you stand up to allow him to take a seat on the couch. You gently transfer her from Chris’s arms to Matt’s.
“See you’re not gonna hurt her” you reassure Matt as your daughter settles into his arms. Taking a step back to stand next to your husband you both watch in awe as your brothers coo and fawn over their niece.
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Uncles Headcannons
[ thank you for my very first request I hope you enjoy it - Ducky ]
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ducks-in-crocs · 11 months ago
Sturniolo Older Sibling Headcannons
[ Gender-neutral Reader ]
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* Always coming to you for advice
* Giving them driving lessons or at least trying too
* You own their merch or nicks chapsticks
* Being protective of them and them being protective of you too
* When you first got your license they would beg you to take them everywhere
* You 100% cried when they moved to LA but you will never tell them that
* Also when you first got your license you would take them to get food or play mini golf etc.
* they were the kind of kids who would try and scare or prank you whenever they could
* Having a sibling group chat
* You try and spend one-on-one time with them when you can
* You jokingly pretend to not know who is who
* They call you in the middle of the night just to talk or if they need advice
* You’re very proud of all they have accomplished
* You went to every one of their games when they played
* Was always willing to be Nick’s model when he needed to take pictures for a photography class
* Nate is basically your little brother too
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ducks-in-crocs · 1 year ago
Sturniolo Younger Sibling Headcannons
[ gender-neutral Reader ]
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* Very overprotective of you
* Always cheering the loudest at your events
* Respectful of your decision on whether you want to be in their videos
* They always try to make time for you when they are in town
* Usually just getting food and catching up
* Make sure to spend one-on-one time with you
* With Nick you usually go shopping
* With Chris you go play mini golf or top golf
* With Matt you get fast food and sit in a random parking lot to talk
* Always calling them to ask for advice
* Matt giving you driving lessons
* Nick and Chris sitting in the back during these lesson wearing helmets
* Having a sibling group chat
* They always send you their new merch
* Random asking them to send you 20 dollars for food
* Beg your parents to let you come stay in LA for the summer
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ducks-in-crocs · 1 year ago
Cinnamon Rolls
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[ Drabble ]
Pairing - Nick Sturniolo x Male!Reader
Summary - Nick and his Boyfriend make cinnamon rolls
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A random show is playing softly in the background as Nick and I are cuddling in bed. When suddenly he jumps up and drags me out of bed and down the stairs to the kitchen.
“Let’s make cinnamon rolls” Nick exclaims loudly as he gets the ready-to-bake can out of the fridge.
“Shhh before you wake up Chris and Matt” I whisper before getting the pan out of the cabinet. Nick begins to preheat the oven as I start to peel the paper on the can. I jump slightly as the can pops open causing Nick to laugh as we put the rolls on the pan
After putting the pan in the oven Nick gently pushes me back onto the counter before wrapping his arms around my waist with his head in my neck peppering light kisses here and there as we sit in comfortable silence.
A soft ding from the oven breaks are silence. Nick quickly places a soft kiss on my lips before untangling our bodies from one another to get the cinnamon rolls.
As we stand silently spreading the frosting on the rolls we hear two sleepy voices call out “Are those cinnamon rolls ?”
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