#(what isn't 😅)
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candlebel · 7 months ago
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I can't cry... I want to cry... I feel so much sorrow...
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sosadraws · 2 months ago
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You all wouldn't understand the chokehold this character had me in like two years ago
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trashyshrew · 10 months ago
Hello! How about some lawlight cuddles (~˘▾˘)~ btw love your lawlight art <3
thank you - happy to be of service!
does this count?
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bakerstreet-and-beyond · 3 months ago
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Top Suggested Search: 🦊🤨🏳️‍🌈?
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lazzarella · 2 months ago
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Birthday cake for Aou on the set of Perfect 10 Liners
And a video of Boom bringing the cake to him (the second of three—I think—he brought to Aou over two days XD)
Some other videos capturing this moment (and subsequent shenanigans):
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elitadream · 3 months ago
Saw you mentioning your professional work and that made me curious. What is it that you do irl? :0
Oh, well a few different things! Mainly speaking, I'm an art teacher. 😁🎨 I give drawing and painting classes to both youngsters and adults! But I'm also a part-time bookstore clerk and a bit of a freelance artist as well. Something that I particularly enjoy for quick/simple contracts is pet portraits. They're always a big win with clients and animals will never not be my favorite subject to illustrate. 🥰🐾
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ibrokeeverything · 6 months ago
I feel like I got catfished by suzume...
The trailer had an absolutely beautiful man, but he spends 95% of the movie as a fucking chair.
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nattikay · 10 months ago
welp, I've reached the point where I'm genuinely considering starting a new save file in FoP. I've been in the mood to play lately but until the new story packs come out (which I think is supposed to be over the summer) there's just not really anything left to do in my current save, other than Kukulope's daily/weekly challenges which are usually pretty easy.
On the one hand it'll be fun having real quests again, and early game should go a lot smoother than it did the first time now that I have a better understanding of the controls and mechanics. On the other hand though, having all the skills/stats reset, low-level weapons/gear, and the map re-polluted is gonna suck 😅 and there's definitely a handful of quests that I remember really struggling with that I am not looking forward to repeating. Well...we shall see
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dracocheesecake · 5 months ago
Kai's Hair Routine
A drabble inspired by @skauni
Kai let the water pour over his head. Usually, he didn't bother with this-bathing, even at the end of a campaign, felt lavish on the edge of frivolity- but there had been a comment made by a certain someone that he couldn't let slide.
He took out a bottle of the rice water he had made (rice water! During the war, like he was some sort of noble in the Emperor's court!). It was poor stuff, really, having been fermented only a day, with water from nearby streams and rice from his own provisions- of which there was plenty. All that the soldiers ate most days was just rice.
Kai gritted his teeth as he poured some of it over his head, and smoothed it into his mane. It felt somewhat sticky, and he wasn't certain that this would even work- but if it knocked that smug look off of that lip-smacking wannabe buddha's face-
He grumbled and combed his hair out with his fingers (as best as he could- it was thick, and heavily tangled). This was a long process, but by the end he felt he had done something right. He rinsed himself off, dried as quick as he could, put his hanfu back on, and reentered the yurt he shared with his co-general.
Oogway was reading a report, but looked up when Kai's form blocked his light. Kai smirked down at him, his hands on his hips. His mane, freshly dried, hung over his shoulders in shining, black tresses that curled slightly at the ends.
"See?" He said, "I do know how to wash it."
Oogway chuckled. "Yet you still haven't learned to brush it."
Kai's eyes widened. He grit his teeth, flushing to his ears. "I did too!" He snapped, "It's just-"
His jaws shut again. Then he crossed his arms and turned his face away. For all the fearsome titles he had acquired, at that moment he looked like a pouty toddler. Oogway laughed again, but there was a more gentle lilt to it that made Kai soften.
"I know. Come here and we'll see if it can be amended. Maybe you'll end up looking like we can present you at the next treatise signing."
Kai's ears flickered back. He grit his teeth again. "I didn't look that bad," he grumbled. But he still sat down on a mat in front of him, his back turned towards the tortoise so he could work. Oogway picked up a nearby lacquered box, green and gold, and opened it. Inside was a selection of shubi- combs of different fineness.
From amongst these he plucked the largest, a thick-toothed shu of polished jade. He hummed again, then took up a section of Kai's mane, brushing it.
"You were still covered in blood," Oogway noted colloquially, "and mud, and who knows what else. And your mane caught fire after you passed the torches and stayed lit, probably because of all of the grease in it."
"It. Wasn't. That. Bad," Kai insisted. He crossed his arms again, huffing and grumbling under his breath. Oogway rolled his eyes, but dropped it for now. After a moment he continued humming.
"It was thoughtful of Lord Boqin to send you these combs," he said as he worked, rooting out each tangle- and there were plenty of them. Kai snorted.
"And those calligraphed scriptures for you. But if the terms we lay down tonight go over- they will, he doesn't have a choice- he'll be sending assassins next."
Oogway separated the layers and pinned them back with a few fine-toothed bi. "Oh, undoubtedly. But at this point, that just comes with being a warlord. Have to get them first."
He paused after he said this. There was something in his mind that seemed to ring every time he thought like this, every time this subject came up, something that had been bothering him more and more throughout their bloody career; something he would never bring up in front of Kai, of course...But sometimes he wondered: did it have to be this way? Why? Where would it all lead?
Was there another path they could follow, one not so full of bloodshed and treachery, one that would lead them to a life of peace and fulfillment that the glories of war could not provide?
He had been so caught up in these thoughts that he didn't pay mind to his brushing- not until Kai cried out. Oogway blinked out of his reverie, the worry dissipating like a cloud in the wind. He smirked.
"You didn't so much as groan when you got stabbed by a spear," he said, "but you cry when someone tugs on your hair."
Oogway pulled the comb, pulling the mane taut, and Kai's head followed. He winced. Oogway chuckled and eased up some. With more gentleness this time around, he ran his claws through the knots, untangling them. A few more moments, and he began to remove the rest of the combs, finishing by tying Kai's mane partially up in a top bun.
"There. Now you look like one of the Supreme Warlords of All of China," Oogway teased lightly. Kai snorted and rose.
"As long as it doesn't catch fire again," he murmured.
"Well, that depends on how often you wash your hair." He seemed to think for a moment. "...You know, actually- don't wash your hair anymore."
Kai looked at him, tilting his head. "What? Why?"
"I was thinking that maybe we could start gathering the grease from your hair. We might be able to save on lantern oil- don't hit me!" He dodged Kai's blow, giggling.
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lemons-pears · 2 months ago
does Moth have any friends? or people he's close to?
Outside of Shadow Company, he still holds connections to his old unit, some people from church, so on and so forth. Oddly social fella who probably would have Facebook (yes, Facebook) friends from different places. Very subjective.
Friends? He considers people he's friendly enough with as friends - a lot of superior officers in Shadow Company classify as such. (Don't feel comfortable tagging others w/OCs unless I get the go ahead with their dynamic, haha😅)
Close to? Was with his former captain. That blew up in his face. It's a bit hard to say if he's close to anyone in Shadow Company (again, wary of other creators), though...
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@mr-1-2-3-4 's Delta has a functional friendship of sorts with Moth.
Moth gets: Cool trinket he is very very grateful for, and company.
Delta gets: Yapping Company.
I read what goes down between them from time to time and it's sweet.
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butmakeitgayblog · 8 months ago
I would like to run over Lexa, resurrect her, kiss her better and run over her again.
She loved (loves) you for fuck sake, she told you that and you broke up with her?!
I know she had reasons, and I know Clarke is not entirely innocent here (even though until now she's just a babe but I trust you), but I would be so furious if I was Clarke when Lexa will eventually confess her feelings.
Can you imagine feeling not enough for someone you love? To know to be not enough because even though you are indeed soulmates, the person you are sure to be THE one, broke up with you? And you know why, or maybe you think you do, but she's still rejected you.
I'm so mad.
I know Lexa comes from a place of survival instinct and pain, but I'm so furious.
I'm... I'm so sad for the both of them, but because I was once in Clarke shoes, it's so sad I want to hug her.
In most of the ff Lexa is the one portrait as tough and still fragile, strong and delicate, but to observe Clarke being put aside (I know they still keep seeing each other, and being cute to each other and loving but it's... Not... You know? Enough?).
And to marry someone that you know, you KNOW is not the one for you but you do it anyway because you gave up on your soulmate, you chose the second best option... I really wanna run over Lexa.
I want to hug her really tight and punch her with love until she understands.
And then I want to hug Clarke and push their faces together while I whisper "And now... Kith... AND STAY TOGETHER OR I SWEAR TO GOD I'LL HUNT YOU DOWN."
My doctor would be a little bit disappointed about my heart rate right now.
I read this 3 times cackling 😭 (not the part about you, that im very sorry for and I'm sorry you can relate 😔 if you ever wanna send asks aboit Clarke's perspective you can! It help balance this out a bit because so far everything has been filtered through Lexa's pov)
Listen these are all valid things to feel. Lexa is very stupid in some ways, but those ways are indeed born out of insecurity and problems with accepting her self-worth.
I do want to point tho, just as a possible way to kind of... console the anger we all feel here, Clarke was not at all alone in how much she threw herself into this relationship. Lexa absolutely, 100%, just melted herself into Clarke. This 19 year old kid went from having no stability beyond her own work ethic, and no one who she felt cared about her, to having this sarcastic, mouthy, and genuinely weird little blonde lady who was very pretty and very much in love with her. And she did devote herself and her time and every ounce of her disgustingly robust affections to Clarke whenever they were together. Lexa forgot the world just to be near her, because that was obviously the only place she was meant to be.
But that was the problem.
Just how much she actually devoted herself and her time to Clarke became the problem. I mean it did more than that, there are other thoughts and emotions and insecurities at play that Lexa will word-vomit out eventually, bUT the crux of it all came down to her not having the emotional maturity to know how to balance a love that big, along with everything else.
But she never stopped loving Clarke. Not once. And while, no, she wasn't entirely truthful with Clarke or herself about what kind of love for years, and while it certainly wasn't "enough" (i know, for lack of a better word here), it was still incredibly palpable to anyone around her. It was tangible and demonstrative enough that it kept Clarke right there with her for almost a decade. It was intense enough and blatant enough that Costia gave up even trying to compete in under a year. There is just no questioning it when they're together. Everyone sees it pretty much immediately: Lexa is head over heels in love with that girl.
And that was the thing... Clarke saw it too. She felt it every single day.
She's just kinda stupid too 🥴
So I hear you, I do. Breathe lol. Check the pulse bby it's ok I promise. Just distract yourself with thoughts of them married with lil Griffin babies that Lexa cooks up herself simply because she loves Clarke that much
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walkingstackofbooks · 1 year ago
Just a little ficlet that I doubt will make it into anything larger.
Post-canon Cardassia: Julian asks Ezri (and Dax) to be a part of his and Garak's wedding.
It had been lovely to properly catch up with Julian, and see how happy he was now. Conversation had flowed as easily as ever as they ambled along; it was hard to believe they'd once thought that dating-and-breaking-up would stop them from being friends.
Ezri wasn't sure how long they'd been walking when Julian came to a sudden stop, flexing his hands in that way he did when he was worried about something.
"Actually, there was something I wanted to ask you. Well, you and Dax. If that makes sense? A couple of things, really," he said. Ezri wondered how many times he'd silently rehearsed that, only for it still to come out so awkwardly.
"Go on?"
"Um, first of all - will you be my best man? At the wedding?"
Ezri laughed, taken aback, but Julian seemed completely serious. "Me?" she said, incredulously. "I mean, I'm flattered that you're asking - but I'd have thought you'd have wanted Miles?"
Julian nodded, chuckling through gritted teeth. "Yes... and no - I was trying to decide who of you I'd ask. No offence!" he added hurriedly, probably realising how that sounded. "But, you see, the thing is that Garak asked Miles before I could."
"Garak? Why?"
Julian sighed, rolling his eyes. "Garak says that since it's a human tradition, he felt it was only proper to ask one of his human friends - actually, "acquaintances" was how he put it. Personally, I think he's just doing it to irritate both of us - but I don't have any proof. Yet."
Although he had tried to sound cross about it, Julian couldn't stop a fond smile breaking across his face. "I still can't believe I'm going to marry him," he mused, looking off into the distance contentedly before snapping back to face Ezri. "Well, anyway - will you do it?"
"Of course," she replied warmly, taking his hands in her own. "I'd love to."
He squeezed her hands tightly in gratitude. "Great," he grinned. "That's... that's really great, Ezri. Thank you."
As she stepped back, letting go of him, she could see that despite his happiness, there was still an air of anxiety around him.
"And the second thing?" she prompted, assuming that was the cause.
"Ah, yes," Julian said, smile slipping for a moment, some heaviness stealing into his expression. His gaze wandered off over her shoulder.
Unexpectedly, he laughed, straightening up as he looked at her again. "I'm sorry, it's just that I really don't have any right to ask this of you," he said, hands - as usual - accompanying his words with haphazard gestures. "But... well... I wanted to ask if you'd plan the afterparty?"
"Me?" she asked, laughing again, unable to think of a different way to reply. "Julian, I'm not really a party person. I'm sure you could find someone who would actually know what they're doing. I wouldn't know where to start!"
"I know," he replied, "but Dax does, right?"
She frowned, trying to work out what he was getting at. Julian closed his eyes for a moment, sighing.
"I'm sorry," he repeated, "I was just hoping I could ask you as Dax..." He trailed off and looked away, shrugging. "It's probably silly, really. But I haven't been able to shake the thought that if Jadzia were here, nothing would have stopped her from taking over the party plans. And I just thought that maybe, if you did it, it would be like having a little bit of her, there, too."
"Oh, Julian," she breathed, allowing the strangeness of feeling like she was being mourned to wash over her. It was a familiar sensation, but it was far easier to hang on to her own Ezri-ness nowadays, and she shook herself back into the present.
"Well, I can't guarantee it'll live up to your expectations - but I'll do my best," she promised sincerely. "For you, and for Jadzia."
He smiled back, shakily. "It's not too much to ask?"
"Not at all," she reassured him, although she wasn't entirely certain that was true. She'd cross that bridge when she came to it. "I'm just sorry that you still miss her so much."
He turned his head sharply, as though she'd said something confusing. "I'm not," he said, his wet eyes catching hers with an unusual intensity. She tilted her head, raising her eyebrows in her own silent question.
"I'm not sorry that I miss her, I mean," he explained, voice rough, but steady. "If I didn't, it would mean that I'd forgotten how important she was to me when she was alive - and I'd never want that to happen. Even if it still sometimes hurts to remember her. I wouldn't give up those memories for anything. Not that I can, of course" he added, tapping his forehead. "Perfect recall has to count for something."
Ezri wasn't quite sure how to respond to that. The counsellor part of her wanted to ask if he'd spoken to anyone about how his enhanced memories had impacted on his grief... but she figured now wasn't the right time, and tabled that thought for a future conversation.
"Come on," she said instead, linking her arm through his. "I don't know how much further we've got to walk to get there, but I know we're not there yet."
Like I said, I don't expect to write this into a whole story - but this conversation was partly the inspiration for the song I made about grieving Jadzia, if you're interested at all :)
(But I can't regret missing you / Even when I know it means / That my heart won't lighten again. / Even losing one memory / Would be the death of me - / You were magnificent / And I won't forget that.)
(Yes, I am having FEELINGS about Jadzia's death and I want to share them so badly 😅😅😅)
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ikamigami · 9 months ago
I'm glad that Jack told Sun that he captured Moon.
Unfortunately due to Sun being in another dimension it turned out that Moon spend there 30+ hours (I don't remember exactly) so not good..
At least from this alone we know that Sun didn't plan on leaving Moon alone in the cell.
He knows that being locked in small space alone have a negative impact on mental state cause he experienced this himself..
Another thing that we could take out form this episode is that Sun, Earth and Lunar were talking about Moon before Jack told Sun that he caught Moon.
This at least clears any confusion about whether Moon's family abandoned him or not.. because they didn't. They vented their frustrations and emotions regarding this situation which is a good thing.
Because thanks to that they don't have their emotions bottled in and also they have clearer heads to figure out how to stop/help Moon..
Let's hope that Moon didn't do anything to hurt himself or hopefully he didn't escape yet..
I'm pretty sure that Sun will try to ask why Moon is doing it and maybe he'll ask how he feels and also I hope that he'll open up about his own situation from last year.. cause maybe it'll help Moon even if a bit..
I'm glad that Sun was able to get his cat back though QwQ poor dumb kitty 🥺
Sadly, I'm afraid that the conversation between Sun and Moon will go wrong.. not only because angst but seeing how much the past repeats itself.. it seems inevitable that their conversation will go wrong and Moon will somehow escape..
I wish it won't be like that but I'm trying to brace myself a bit.. and also Sun can stand up for himself more but he's still greatly affected by trauma and abuse which unfortunately won't help Sun in this situation..
At least Sun isn't alone. He has support which is willing to offer him a helping hand.. which is something that Sun and Old Moon didn't have last year..
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itsmistyeyedbi · 3 days ago
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@serenpedac I'm so glad you liked the birthday fic! Especially that line, it took me a while to figure out how I wanted Zuri to perceive the affection she gets from her parents. Rebecca doesn't hug her in this fic but I wrote down a little something something in my attempt at an outline that shows how her hugs feel to Zuri:
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There it is! Very roughly mind you - this was a quick little thing in my notes app lol, but yeah☺️
Also, just pointing something out for the sake of it: in that fic, Rebecca mostly showed affection by making direct eye contact with Zuri, evening going as far as gently tilting her head up to do so.
After Rook dies, she can barely look her in the eye on the handful of occasions where she's both in their home and actually attempts it (a rare combination). Because she no longer just sees her daughter, someone she loves and cares about - she's just seeing everything she lost. She sees her husband's face and his eyes, and the painful fact that his will never look into hers again.
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chizukao · 3 months ago
string gummy x twizzly gummy doomed siblings send tweet <3
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moe-broey · 9 months ago
All that said though I think there's a lot of room for the ages to be up for interpretation, for the Askr siblings. But the key thing to me is that it was established Book 4 that Sharena has been an adult for some time (for Alfonse to say it like that), meanwhile it's established through Sanaki that Veronica is a young teen or even pre-teen. That's really what matters to me, when it comes to my own discomfort with romantically shipping Veronica with either of them, extending to Thrasir and Lif as well. I also feel like the bridal duo does a good job portraying that Sharena and Veronica's relationship is more of a mentor/role model thing, a family friend or a friend you consider family.
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