#(too lazy to finish some of them heh)
icedcyanide · 5 months
HUH img what I just opened this blog on desktop AND I AM IN LOVE WITH IT omg omg omg can you maybe share the.. euhhhhh... the code????
Thanks :] Not really my code but I found it on Tumblr's theme mart(?) and I just modified some of it. I think it's unavailable now, but I haven't checked. Check out my other blog, maybe you'll like it too.
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elliezlils11utt · 10 months
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Mean/Volleyball player!ellie x soft!volleyball player!reader
Summary: you make it to the finals and hear rumors about a girl on the team your playing. Before your game against her you meet the mystery girl in the bathroom~ (pt: 1/?)
An: I really hope this kinda gets a little bit of attraction! My first time posting a actual fic on here!! Feedback would be highly appreciated🫶🏽🫶🏽
The scoreboard reads “10 | 24” second game. This could be the winning point. The ball flies into your hands as the players on the court shift into their new positions. The air in the room is thick and filled with anticipation. You smack the ball to the floor, slamming your hand in the middle of it. It jumps back into your grasp and you take a deep breath. You toss the ball above your head, throwing your arm back, readying your palm. You slap the ball forward, and is flys over the net. Quickly, you fall into line with the rest of your team.
“Got it!” you could hear one of the players from across the net call out to the rest of her team. She slides over to the ball and bumps back to your side of the court.
“Mine!” you claim the ball and throw yourself at it, passing it to your setter, Abby Anderson. Her finger tips graze the ball and it floats through the air. You watch as your teammate catches the ball mid air with her palm. She slams it on the floor of the opposing side and the crowd goes wild. Everyone rushes over into a huddle congratulating each other.
“Fuck yeah! Good game yall!” you shout over the crowds applauds.
After finishing up with the game you were taking a drink from your water bottle when your friend Dina appeared in front of you. She squealed a little before grabbing your hands.
“Oh my god! y/n you were so good out there!”
“Heh- thanks de!” you giggled.
“Looks like we're going to the finals. Do you know who we're up against?”
“Yeah actually. I heard you're going against jackson.” That name seemed so familiar..
“Jackson?” Abby cuts into your conversation. Dina nods eagerly. Confirming they were our new rivals.
“Oh shit. That's the team Ellies on right..?” abby asks
“You know Ellie..?” Dina tilted her head a bit in confusion.
“Um yes? She's all anyone in the league talks about. Supposedly she's really good on the court. And I've heard she's slept with a girl from every team she's defeated.”
“Oh um this is awkward…” dina states
“Ellie’s one of my best friends..”
You stand there a bit in shock. Your eyes widen and you giggle a little at the situation.
“Oh fuck, I- uh- sorry.” Abby stamers clearly embarrassed she was shit talking Dinas good friend.
You punch Abby in the arm playfully. You finish packing up your stuff and set off.
“Cya tomorrow so we can kick some jackson ass!” you call back to your remaining teammates as you leave the doors to the auditorium.
(Time skip bc I’m lazy☺️)
You stand in the mirror, fixing your hair into a high ponytail. You tie a dainty pink bow into your hair and pull the two front strands out. You grab your bag before heading off.
You arrive at the tournament center 30 minutes early to get some practice in. To your surprise a couple of your teammates had the same idea. As well as a couple people from the other team. So much for not getting distracted. You rush over to to teammates who are all huddling together giggling and whispering to each other staring across the net,
“Hey guys! What's up?” You turn to see what they are looking at but can't seem to find the source of their destruction.
“Williams.” One of them whispers and points to a short girl with short brown hair who was bumping a ball to herself. Her jersey is way too big for her and she wore tight black shorts. You look a little confused on why they were all gushing over her.
“Uh, so what..?” You ask, turning back to the group.
“So? She's so pretty! Don't you think so?”
“I guess? But shouldn't we be focusing on practicing? Common guys, we are so close to winning the tournament. Keep ur heads in the game.” you try to motivate them but their eyes stay glued to the girl. You mumble something under your breath and turn to head to the bathroom. They were being so immature. And during the finals?
You push the door open to the women's restroom and stare at yourself in the mirror. Your hands lay on either side of the sink. You bring the cold water up to your face and it splashes over your features. The door flies open and the same girl from earlier stomps in. She stops when she sees you and looks down at your jersey. Her eyes roll and she walks to the sink next to you. What was her problem? Your eyebrows knit themselves together and glance at her.
“Do you need something..?” She says in a blunt tone as she ties her hair into a bun that sits right above her neck.
“Oh- uh no.” you mutter as you turn around and lean on the counter. Silence falls between you for a second.
“I look forward to playing you! I heard you have a mean serve.” You compliment. Trying desperately to lighten the mood. The corners of her mouth curve into a sly smile.
“Yeah, jus don't get your sights set on winning, sweetheart.” Ellie hissed back, stepping in front of you. She winked at you as she walked out. Your mouth falls a little. You stand there in shock.
“What. the. Actual fuck” you mumble to youself. She may be pretty but god was she an asshole. You shake your head trying to get her out of it.
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mxnkeydo · 11 months
i loved you ‘til my dying day ✧ percy jackson oneshot
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✧ summary the war against gaea has finally come. percy and his friends are thrown into the battle, but when something draws him closer to his girlfriend, annabeth, he doesn’t expect it to end like it does.
✧ genre angst, sad
✧ word count 1.4K
✧ warnings foul language, mention of blood
✧ link to main masterlist
✧ a/n ok. so. i actually have no clue what i wrote because the inspo for this came late last night while i was scrolling tumblr and came across this prompt. hope this is okay (even though it is most likely trash heh) also tagging @urfriendlywriter thank you for the lovely prompt! (side note: reblogs would mean the world to me!!)
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Demigods are merely the gods’ pawns, Percy thinks, swinging Riptide in an arch around him. They were used, they were manipulated, and they were laughed at. Being the son of Poseidon is not as great as they all think it is.
And what’s the point when the Fates have it all planned out, anyway? What is so great in defeating all those monsters when you were just destined to die in the end?
He glances at his girlfriend, Annabeth, through all the commotion. Her blonde curls bounce as she moves like a human tornado, and a vicious scowl is seared onto her face. The demons around her visibly back off, unsure of how to approach in a non-suicidal way. In a daze, Percy proudly mutters, “That’s my girl.”
But a single moment of inactivity could cost him his life; a new batch of giants are gaining on him already, smiling like the devil had descended to take his soul. He slashes through them all with his blade, finishing them in a matter of seconds, soon staring at the empty space where they once stood. Their remains – that black, sparkling dust – float to the ground and settle in the grass. It should give him a good feeling, eliminating all of those monsters, but instead all he feels is a certain uneasiness that makes his stomach churn.
Yet, there is nothing he can do about it other than fight. Chiron said earlier that they are helping the gods, but really, they are only helping themselves. After one Great Prophecy, Percy knows that it’s all a lie, that the immortals needed them to stay alive. They managed just fine when it was only them atop Olympus. They were all just lazy and prideful and indolent and Percy has had enough.
As he’s fighting his way to the middle of the crowd he catches sight of Annabeth once more and Percy feels it again; that anxious feeling that has shivers running down his spine, like there’s a ghost breathing down his back. He turns, but there’s nothing there other than more monsters, more demons, more creatures to kill. Almost instinctively, he slices a charging hellhound in half, wincing a half-second later when he realizes it could have been Mrs. O’Leary.
His own power scares him. Percy has never admitted this truth to anyone, not even Annabeth. Sometimes, fighting in a battle was like being twelve years old again, standing back and watching his seventeen year old self slay the bad guys without batting an eye. He used to think it was some great feat, but not anymore. Death, regardless of who died, is still death.
Suddenly, a wind comes rolling their way and Percy can’t help but ease his muscles as he briefly allows it to wash over him. It’s a short, stolen moment that reminds him that the world isn’t all bloody and violent and full of vengeance. It could be beautiful too, if they let it. If they stop destroying, destroying, destroying, and start creating instead. For the first time, Percy wholly understands his girlfriend’s passion for architecture; it’s all about making something new, building something exquisite for the coming generations to admire.
For the third time, he looks at her. He feels a strange pull, like an invisible force yanking him in her direction. Percy knows his instincts are always right, but…
But nothing. His instincts are always spot on. If they tell him to go to Anmabeth’s side, then that’s exactly what he’ll do.
Percy pushes past demigods, both Greek and Roman, as they fight hard—and more importantly, fight as one. In his peripheral vision, he spots Reyna’s long braid whipping out, smacking a monster in the face. Next to her is Piper, looking like a living, breathing death wish. Put a dagger in that girl’s hand, and she turns from sugar and spice to straight up murderous. Percy thinks he sees Grover too, somewhere. His chest does a painful pang at the thought of his best friend, and that they might not see one another again.
Percy’s closer to Annabeth now, only a few feet away. He opens his mouth to call out to her, to let her know that he’s okay, to tell her that they won’t be separated ever again.
And there it is, fiercer than ever. That ominous feeling that something bad’s about to happen. Before he even knows it, Percy flings himself in front of Annabeth with a savage battlecry that manages to pierce his own ears.
Time stops. The world ceases to turn. All he can see is…
Deep crimson blood, coming from… his sternum? Percy presses his fingers to the wound deliriously, and feels a sharp point sticking out of his torso.
Percy Jackson, age seventeen. Cause of death: a spear to the abdomen. It sounds ridiculous; he, the demigod that underwent the curse of Achilles, dying from a spear wound? Percy manages a smile as his knees wobble and bend underneath him. Riptide clatters to the ground.
“Seaweed Brain?” Her voice is distant, like he’s underwater. “Seaweed Brain–Percy, stay with me.”
Vaguely, he hears her shout for medics, for someone from the Apollo cabin, for anyone, anyone, who will help him.
“You’re going to be fine,” she assures him, frantically, but it sounds more like she’s only reassuring herself. “Nothing’s going to happen to you. As long as we’re together, remember?”
Percy tries to utter a word, but instead coughs up more blood, staining the dirt around him a sickening red. “Wise Girl, I’m fine,” he croaks with difficulty. His hand still trembling and weak rises to cup her face. “I’m– hey, look at me.”
And she does. Her eyes are red and bloodshot and grief-struck. Her once-tan skin now seems blackened and gray. “You’re bleeding,” she whispers, grabbing his outstretched hand. Her chest rises and falls with deep, desperate breaths as she laces their fingers together and places them on her heart. “I swear to all the gods, Percy, if you love me one bit you will stay conscious, you hear me?” Annabeth’s voice trembles as she tries hard to push the tears back.
“Don’t scold me,” Percy protests feebly. “Am I not in pain?”
“Percy! Do you hear me?”
“Loud and clear, ma’am.” He grins slightly, then winces once his eyes land on the blood pooling from his stomach. Annabeth must have noticed because she lifts his chin and kisses him hard, a year’s worth of passion and desire poured into it. When she pulls away a split second later, she’s full-on sobbing. She presses kisses to his face, to the top of his head, buries her face in his hair.
“Don’t leave me,” she whispers, and then she’s seven years old again. “Please, don’t leave me again.” She hiccups. Then: “Fuck, Percy, why would you do that? Why would you get yourself injured like this?”
“Because I love you, Wise Girl.”
“No, wait. I love you. I love how your brain’s always whirring with some new plan, I love the sound of your laugh, I love the way you smile at me. I love everything about you. I want you to know.”
“Percy…stop,” Annabeth says softly. “We’re going to help you, please...”
“Remember when I fell into the canoe lake at camp? That was funny.”
“We’re in the middle of a war and you’re making jokes?” Her eyes suddenly spark furiously behind a wall of tears.
“Oh, and remember the time you nearly killed me during sparring?”
Annabeth snorted at that, her lips turning up into a trembling smile. “I destroyed you, admit it.”
“Annabeth,” Percy breathes. “I—I love you. So much.”
“No, you are not dying on me!”
It takes her a moment to respond. “I love you too,” she says with difficulty, like the words are being ripped out of her mouth.
“Tell my mom I love her too, okay? And—and Paul. And Grover. And Frank and Hazel. Chiron, too. Everyone.”
“Percy, no, stay with me—“
He soaks in the sight of his girlfriend one last time—her stormy gray irises, her princess curls—before closing his eyes.
Annabeth shouts for the medic again—a guttural, anguished call, and it’s the last thing Percy hears before he breathes his last next to the pine tree on the border of Camp Half-Blood.
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chaikachi · 2 years
I'm thinking about the idea of Oscar joining the "Wants to throw hands with Cinder Fall on sight" squad bc she specifically is the reason things went wrong with the plan. (She's the reason that Ruby fell/died based on what he must be thinking currently.) I can't help it I just love the trope of "character goes absolutely feral when their love interest is hurt" he's already done it once but I want MORE
Like yes, obviously, but Little Prince in the desert with a venomous antagonist Tyrian?? Little Prince who will have just gotten his rose back?? Also just... they way they have focused on Oscar's protectiveness and attachment to her over the volumes in such specific ways??
Yes, we have the scene at Haven where he gets Big Mad™ when he sees Ruby is hurt (meanwhile Weiss is literally dying in the corner, lmao).
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But we also see him pay such close attention to her in the quieter moments too. Standing up for her against Jaune when she's looking down on herself:
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Remembering her saying that 'food makes her feel better' and making some for when she and the rest of them get back. WE SAW YOU PAUSE AND LOOK AT RUBY BEFORE YOU FINISHED YOUR SENTENCE OSCAR!!! YOU'RE NOT SNEAKY!!!
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The DOJO SCENE?? I don't need to put them all here, y'all get the idea.
But Ruby, this light that has inspired so much of his choices over the course of this story is gone. They reunited at the beginning of v8 for no more than an hour before splitting ways again. Then the same thing happened at the Manor right before RWBYJ fell. You think that boy isn't going to get her back after thinking she was gone forever and be watching her as if she might fall through his fingers again at any moment? When this is how he looked at her before that scare???
That he isn't going to fight tooth and nail to not lose her again?
That there is a very solid argument towards his semblance unlocking in such a moment?
Like, be for real. The kid has been beaten, kidnapped, beaten more, went toe to toe against Salem and not a single one of those instances was traumatic enough for him to unlock it. But both times Oscar's lack of semblance have been brought up? He's been talking to Ruby.
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In v5, there's a moment where they focus on Jaune who still hasn't unlocked his and Oz says something about how his journey isn't over, and the same can be said for the rest of them. That unlocking isn't the end but semblances can also evolve we get this framing:
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Jaune, who's semblance unlocked that volume finale, Nora, who almost certainly did something to her semblance with her stunt in v8, Ren, who's semblance evolved in v8 as well, and then Ruby... who's semblance and evolution has been teased and talked about for the last three volumes!!
Then in v7, Oscar once again paying such close attention to her that he can tell when she does something differently with her semblance.
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I am too lazy to add text to the gif so the convo goes as follows:
Oscar: Have you... always been able to do that? Ruby: Heh, I don't know! I don't normally think it through that much. Oscar: You guys are evolving and I still don't even have my semblance. Ruby: Well, I bet we'll all be jealous when you do.
Like bro, bro, i am shaking you by the shoulders is there ANY OTHER WAY IT PLAYS OUT???? Boy is going to LOSE IT the moment she is in any serious danger and I am so looking forward to it.
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shygirl4991 · 9 months
Brewing Romance Chapter 3 By Your Side
A Collab Story with @lizaluvsthis SMG3 and SMG4 design for the AU by Liz!
Last Chapter Next Chapter
Summary:SMG4 starts to struggle with his finances when he learns living in his newly built castle is more pricey than he thought. So when he gets an invite to the grand opening of SMG3 Coffee n Bombs he manages to land himself a second job as the cafe waiter where both men will learn that coffee won't be the only thing brewing in this cafe.
Tags: Slow burn, fluff, comedy, just two idiots in love, love confession, first kiss, angst, blood and injury
SMG3 smiles as he gets up from his desk,  he stretches and flinches at the pain in his hands. He was clumsy, in his rush to finish the hat in time for the uniform to arrive he managed to constantly prick his fingers. Annoyed he walks to the bathroom fighting his sleep, he cleans up his hand and bandages them up.  He then goes to clean his mess ignoring the pain in his hands. He turned to look at the hat he made and smiled “Heh Now that idiot won't look so weird!” 
He sets the hat near his own uniform as he throws himself to bed, as he starts to drift to sleep his alarm rings. He shoots up looking at the time “Oh god…i pulled a SMG4,” he sighs realizing he has gotten zero sleep. He gets up to take a shower then gets ready for work, exhausted  he puts his bun together lazily. It was always under his hat anyways, not like something will happen to cause his bun to come loose. 
Making himself black coffee in hopes it keeps him awake for the day he looks at the hat he has hiding behind the counter. He felt his heart flutter at the thought of SMG4 wearing something he made, rolling his eyes at the strange feeling,he finished his drink to open for the day. 
SMG4 was excited as he opened the box and put on his new uniform, putting on his new skates he started to spin and do tricks in the main room.  He smiles brightly as he skates up to a mirror and checks himself out, the uniform was comfy much to his surprise. He removes his hat to tie up his hair, the only downside to the uniform was lack of hat. 
Looking at the time he decided it wouldn't hurt to visit Three and get some coffee before his shift. He heads to the cafe and uses his skates to slide up close to Three “Hello~ I know I'm early but I was hoping my awesome boss will let me drink some coffee before we open?” 
SMG3 sighs as he walks to the machine and makes two cups, once done they both take a seat together. One thing Three is thankful about is that Four and him have the same taste in coffee, it made him wonder what else they have in common while tempted to ask the man questions on his taste he decided better of it.  Remembering the hat he gets up and goes behind the counter “Hey Three, you know when we have coffee together the rule is to not walk away!” 
SMG3 walks up to Four “Hey underling, i got you something.”
Four looks up at the man confused, SMG3 wasn't the type of person to just hand you a gift. Cautious, he gets up “What's that?” he watches as he takes something from behind his back. Suddenly SMG3 slams a hat on Fours head, Three smirks at him “Your new hat enjoy~”
Confused, he reaches up and touches the hat “You bought this too?”  SMG3 hums as he sips his coffee not saying anything, getting annoyed with how cocky Three was acting he was going to give the man a piece of his mind. Then SMG3 grins at him and waves his hand, where he notices stains on the glove. Three finishes his coffee and walks off to wash the cups, Four stares at Three’s fingers getting a better look at the stains, it was blood. He takes the hat off and stares at it with wide eyes. Did SMG3 make the hat?
SMG4 blushes and smiles at the hat, “Oi! Finish your coffee, it's almost time to open, I don't hire lazy workers!”
Hearing this he chugs his coffee and places the hat back on his head, he turns giving a thumbs up to three. Once three walks to the back room Four whispers “Thank you,” then goes to wash his own cup. 
The work day started as SMG4 delivered orders and did tricks with his skates, his two assistants Eggdog and Beeg would help him with small dances and moves to keep customers entertained. SMG3 rolls his eyes watching the man “Feels like Memewarts all over again,” he grabs a tray to hand to Four. His hand starts to shake as he feels the pain from his hand, he was so asleep he didn't notice how badly he hurt himself. 
SMG4 turns around with a huge smile to show off to Three when he notices the man's hand shaking, flashes of the past hit him seeing the pain in SMG3's face. In a panic he skates up to his boss taking the tray “I got it!” In a flash he drops off the coffees. SMG3 glares at him, his feelings on things being a lot like Memewarts only grew. Later that day someone called in an order of bombs, SMG3 kissed the last bomb he put in the box as his way of saying goodbye before shutting the box. He was going to lift it up before he flinched from the pain, out of nowhere SMG4 showed up and started to push the box “I got it!” SMG3 glares then gets next to four and pushes “No,  i got it!” The pair kept pushing the box that at the end the two delivered the package leaving Karen in charge till they returned. 
The way SMG4 was acting felt familiar to him, as he thinks back on it, it clicks. Slowly he touches his right eye, that's right SMG4 was strangely protective and overly helpful when he almost lost his eye. He found it odd that Four would suddenly act this way with him, he groans feeling he can't do anything in his own cafe due to SMG4 being overly helpful. 
SMG3 was sick of this, he couldn't pick anything up without Four coming out of nowhere “Would you stop! THIS ISN'T LIKE WHAT HAPPENED WITH ZERO!” SMG4 freezes hearing the man's words. He takes a step back “I know this isn't the same…but your hand is shaking holding trays..your gloves have blood stains on them. DO YOU EXPECT ME TO DO NOTHING!” 
SMG3 glares at four “Don't worry about my gloves, just do your job,” suddenly SMG4 grabs Three tie and pulls him close “DON'T WORRY?! I CARE ABOUT YOU ASSHOLE IS THAT SO WRONG!” Noticing that the screaming was bringing attention he drags SMG3 to the back room
Once in the backroom he pushes SMG3 to the couch “Listen Three, i don't know how you hurt your hand. But I can tell your hands can't handle a lot of weight.” he gently holds Three’s hand making the man blush. He looks down making eye contact “Remember what i promise you, let me take care of everything and for the love of memes change your gloves!” 
Three sighs pulling his hand back “Fine…sorry for bringing up zero,” he gets up and smiles softly at SMG4 “Thanks for the help,” he walks off to clean his hands and change gloves. SMG4 stays standing there with his heart racing, has SMG3 always had such a charming smile?
He turns to go back to work, his face still pink from seeing the soft smile Three gave him. Sure he has seen SMG3 smile before with Eggdog but something about this smile felt different, he hopes he can see it again as he grabs a tray. 
Every Time he saw SMG3  about to lift something heavy he would skate up with a glare, only to get an annoyed comment before he let Four take over. It was obvious that Three wasn't happy about the arrangement, the glares and insults he would throw at SMG4 made it clear. Four sighs as the day came to an end, he was thankful that it was almost time to close. He wasn't sure how much longer he could withstand the glares his boss was giving him.
He locks the door with a smile, he waves goodbye to Karen as he goes to clean the tables. SMG3 watches the man cleaning then frowns, thanks to his mistake SMG4 didn't even get to enjoy his lunch.  He decides to make coffee and sets it on the counter with two donuts “Hey four come here, seems we had left over coffee and snacks...want some?”
He looks away hoping the man wouldn't notice his blush, SMG4 smiles brightly as he sips the coffee “Wow and the leftover coffee happens to be my favorite, I must be lucky!” he teases as he takes a bite from his donut. Seeing the second donut he picks it up and hands it to Three “I know i must have been annoying mister do it yourself, but you're not alone anymore.”
SMG3 glares at Four as he takes the donut. “I lived my life alone, it's not something I can just flip a switch and suddenly I'm all for you helping me. Being a villain…it's not as easy as you think, it's lonely…painful.” he frowns looking at the donut in his hand.
SMG4 walks closer to three, finishing his donut. “I know it's easy for me to say, but we are friends now so I hope one day you will let me in.”
SMG3 sets the donut down then turns to face SMG4 “And i hope one day you will stop holding the guilt of what happened…you keep everything to yourself like an idiot. Not like I care if you're taking your mental health seriously.”  He rubs his arm thinking about what he should do. Even though he still can't stand the idiot, he knows that Four’s fear is losing his loved ones which is why the man never talks about his problems. He wasn't one for physical contact like Four, thinking of what to do he turns and takes out a red sticky note and starts to fold it. Then he hands a tiny origami rose to SMG4 “Don't take this the wrong way! But no matter what I will always be by your side. So if you need to talk..i'm here.”
SMG4 blushes as he takes the origami flower, a hat now this, he wasn't sure if he was dead or SMG3 was replaced. Three sighs looking out the window as Four stares at him “Thank you Three, it means a lot to hear you say that.” SMG3 grabs the donut and breaks it in half, he then hands one of the halves to Four. He takes it and they eat in silence, seeing Three’s softer side stir something in SMG4. He felt himself getting nervous, his face felt warm looking at the origami rose. 
He then looks at SMG3's hand, remembering the pained face he had brought back horrible memories, slowly he reaches out and holds Three’s hand “Please don't leave me..” hearing four’s words made SMG3 bite his tongue to complain how gay it was for them to hold hands in the cafe. “I’m not going anywhere,” slowly he intertwined his fingers with SMG4.  They both stand next to each other in silence holding hands for comfort. 
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radidadood · 2 years
2012!Donnie & Mikey with a dancer S/O
A/n: i don't remember if i made this out of someone's request or idk tis been in my draft for quite while actually (cuz i used to said that i only write for Leo and raph which may hv been a lie we'll see bout that) and originally i was gonna write for all turtles but im out of ideas and too lazy to finish Leo and Raph. Mind my eng tho I'm not native. I do not take requests. Enjoy!
Notes: gender not specified. Established relationship. Different typa dance for turtles below:
Donnie - kpop choreography
Mikey - breakdance
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You're not really hiding it.
Donnie knows your love for kpop dance. You reminds him of lil bro Mikey cuz he likes jamming and dancing as much as you do.
You'd spent time in his lab doing your moves while he's working. Most the time he'd bob his head on the songs as you dancing around.
There's also times where he needs full concentration on his latest invention and ask you to keep it down.
You complied and put on your headphones and continue.
Sometimes you often see Donnie caught up with work you hatta tell him to take a break.
He refused, unsurprisingly. So you did what first came in your mind.
You pulled him from his work table with his hands in yours and make way to the middle of the lab.
You open an upbeat song and put it on full volume. As it began to play you start dancing.
"C'mon Don! Bust them moves!" You said enthusiastically as you playfully hit his hips with yours encouraging him to do so.
He hesitates at first but seeing you're so genuine he pulled a smile.
"O-oh okay, heh."
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Mikey's the party dude so he knows how to break it down like you do.
Y'all have a dance off eveytime you guys had the chance.
Others join to check you guys out while cheering and stuff.
Meanwhile master Splinter's wondering why it's so noisy outside
When you beat Angelo here he's gon do that dramatic kneel (yk when u put ur face to the floor) and shamelessly praise you like you're some kinda dance deity or smth.
Other than that you guys would teach each other's moves that you've never done.
But also would learn new moves from YT and practice it together.
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akiology · 1 year
Lipstick Remover || Goro Akechi x Reader
Word Count: 664 Pairing: Goro Akechi x Reader Note: requested! female reader! also i hope you guys dont mind i add extra things/story to the requests you give me. . . DASHDAS my writing gets away from me sometimes most of the time
As Akechi approaches your shared apartment, he notices a small package left on the table just outside the door. The table was put there for that very reason, as he himself could not find the time to go out shopping sometimes. The convenience and easiness of online shopping is just so much better, and so some of his habits might have passed on to you as well.
He picks up the package, and double checks if it is meant for this apartment, and went inside.
As he starts loosening his tie, the first thing he sees when he approaches the living room is your sleeping figure. He smiles, and slowly made his way to kneel beside you. Seeing you, it felt like home. The thought that there is somebody he loves, that loves him as well, waiting for him to get home... It is something he treasures and gives warmth to his heart. He didn't know that was possible before.
You began to stir, and Akechi quickly stood up. He placed the package on the coffee table, and went to your shared bedroom to change.
After a few minutes, you finally open your eyes, yawn, and stretch.
"Ah, my princess is finally up," you hear Akechi's voice from behind you.
"Welcome home, Goro," you yawned once more, and you feel Akechi briefly cradle your face and press a kiss on your forehead.
"I'm glad to be home, your package is on the table."
"Oh! I was waiting for this! Sit with me, Goro! You will like this," you happily picked up the package and started opening it. Akechi complied, and placed an arm over your shoulder.
"Those are... lipsticks?"
"Yes! I've been wanting to try out some new ones, but I also wanted your opinion on them."
"I will love whatever you wear."
"Of course you would say that," you check out the first lipstick. It was a pink matte lipstick, and was known to last for a long time. You apply the product, and turn to Akechi.
"What do you think?"
"It's really cute, I think it would go well with one of your sundresses." Akechi was only a few inches away, and it gave you an idea.
You closed the distance between you, and Akechi was pleasantly surprised. Just as Akechi was making a move to deepen the kiss, you pulled away.
"So, what do you think?" you giggled.
Akechi blinked, "Huh?"
"This is supposed to have a berry-like flavor, is it good? Also I think this color looks good on you as well." You surveyed his face, and was tempted to plant kisses all over it.
"Oh, ah... I think it's pleasant." Akechi honestly feels a little out of it, and he kind of just wants to make out with you right now.
Lucky for him, you moved to kiss him again. Unlucky for him, you quickly pulled away.
"Sorry, there was some left. I was too lazy to get a wipe, heh." You quickly grabbed another lipstick, this time a high-shine red liquid lipstick that also hydrates your lips. You apply it, and the sensation felt a bit weird.
"That's a little bold, I think it would be better to use that in a formal setting," Akechi supplies his input, figuring out that the sooner you finish this the sooner you can have that make out session.
"Oh yeah! You're right," you quickly move to kiss him, missing his lips and landing it on his left cheek. Akechi pouted.
"Not my lips?"
"Heh... I thought it might look better on your cheek. I was right, maybe I should make sure your whole face is covered with me by the end of the day?"
"I actually love that idea, my love. Counterpoint, let's go to our bedroom and have a kiss-and-cuddle session and continue this later."
You placed a hand under your chin, as if you were considering it. Akechi rolled his eyes and chuckled. You faced him and grinned, "Okay!"
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traineecryptid · 26 days
NPSS Weibo Q&A (20240831) Part 3
This is a Q&A session held on Weibo. People will tag their questions with the hashtag #南派三叔藏海花在线答疑# (#NPSS Zang Hai Hua Online Q&A#) and NPSS will look through the tag to pick some to answer. The event started at 1500 hours on 2024 August 31st.
Folder with screenshots and big compilation google doc is here. Part 1 is here. Part 2 is here.
Q: Shu, you and Xu Lei and Nanpai Sanshu living well together is more important than anything. This is the real Iron Triangle. 
A: I can act in three roles from Identity V by myself, right?
Q: When will Flowery Night be released? Actually movies aren’t a bad choice. What do you think, Sanshu? (but please choose Ji2 please)
A: I will work hard to do movies!
Q: It’s really too hard to say goodbye. I want to ask what do you think about saying goodbye? A: I never say goodbye, only ever die suddenly.
Q: Shu, have you thought about going on variety shows? I feel like your recent mental state is very suitable to say something [at variety shows].
A: Heh heh heh heh, no one will invite me.
Q: Have you seen the Yucun play? A: I’ll go see it in a few days.
Q: I want to know what the others [in the tomb raiding circle] think about “because of Wu Xie, the worth of Zhangs rose”.
A: Just like in the entertainment industry. They think guzhuang idol dramas could make people famous, so they all went to act in guzhuang idol dramas. 
Q: I feel like Sanshu is replying rather quickly. You're answering questions everyday. Last time it was Douyin, now it’s Weibo. I’d say that all the sets in ZHH are all pretty good! I’m awed. I could tell that there’s heart in them. But that transition from young Wu Xie into Wu Xie a few years later shocked me. I was just telling my sister that this young Wu Xie is so handsome and just as I finished talking, the person changed. How did you come up with the idea to make Wu Laogou play Wu Xie? A: Maybe this represents a sort of heart demon. (T/N: heart demon is like an obsession, something that bothers a person a lot and they would always circle back on it and it would affect everything they do etc.)
Q: Is the beginning of Flowery Night them going to Iceland together? Will there be clues about the brass box there?
A: There will be.
Q: (T/N: original question was deleted but according to the comments…) Will you act as Wu Xie in a drama?
A: For you, I will surely do it.
Q: Shu, did you know that Qin Hao laoshi’s profile pic is still Sha Hai Wu Xie!!!! If you don’t answer me, I will A: I know. I’m teary eyed.
Q: Shu, ZHH is really not bad! Are you happy with the current data and reviews?
A: I’m really quite happy. So this is how it feels to have a good response. I’ve grown numb after being scolded for the past ten years. I’ve forgotten this feeling.
Q: Shu, which scene in ZHH left the deepest impression on you?
A: Three days of silence.
Q: Sanshu, are you still writing the 2nd ZHH novel? Which novel are you updating now?
A: I haven’t turned around yet. (T/N: this probably means that he hasn’t managed to switch tracks from working on other things back to working on writing yet)
Q: Shu, what do you do when you hit a plateau? Would you lose sleep? Or would you imagine what Wu Xie and the others are doing?
A: I don’t hit plateaus. I’m just lazy, lacking self control and cowardly, and I like to procrastinate and run away from reality. Although I have a lot of weaknesses, I’m greedy at the same time. Sigh.
Q: Shu, I want to know what else left a deep impression on Wu Laoban when he was in Tibet. A: The dry toilet on the cliff. (T/N: reference below)
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Another 15! Some shorter questions this time. And part 1 to part 3 covers the first hour of Q&A and some change. Good news is that NPSS's pace is still slow for now and I'm slowly catching up. I do have a few more posts worth, but I figured that I should space them out so we don't get tired of them.
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red-dye40 · 2 months
Please, I beg, a director's commentary on Ancaux or Sexual Trauma Clipshow. Also, P.S, thank you for being the first to plunge into the untapped territory of Phlegm.
PHLEGM MENTION!!!!!!!!!!! ok i can do a little for both :) for you
first is chapter 5 of ancaux which i weirdly have a lot to say about
This apartment has become a hole. No sunlight, no air, no food besides a surplus bag of stale circus peanuts.
when i was little there was this extremely old grocery store in my town, like truly it was 1999 and everything looked like it hadn’t been changed or cleaned since the early 60s, and the most vivid memory i have is this lazy susan of candies near the cash registers and exactly at eye level with me were bags of dusty stale circus peanuts. like the weird orange marshmallow candies?? i remember feeling so. upset by them. and thinking like. this is something a person with no hope left would eat.
i always go back to those circus peanuts when i’m writing a person at their wit’s end.
“Alrighty then…” The employee peers a little deeper into her cart. “Heh. Must be some project you’re working on.” “Home renovations.” “We got a beautiful collection of wall finishes in the paint department if you’re interested.” “I’m not.”
i rewrote this interaction soooooo many times, i had so many different plans for it. originally i had devi ask the guy something like “i’m going camping do you have anything that could kill a bipedal feral dog in one hit” and he would be like “oooh let me consult our expert!” and would lead her to nny. i thought it was too gimmicky and fanservice-y, and it also kept backing me into a corner where i wouldn’t know where to go from there.
something about me is i write little clues in everything bc i love dramaturgy and i love making sure stories are watertight. i put the little mention of the paint department in hopes that maybe readers would be able to connect it to the previous chapter (the little itty bitty one where nny is painting) and figure out ahead of the reveal that nny works at the hardware store??? i truly don’t know if it was obvious from jump or no one even thought about it, bc at this point i didn’t have a tumblr yet and was only posting to ao3 and instagram and had NOOOOOOOO reader interaction. so! who knows. but you can keep that knowledge in your pocket for future chapters, that i’m always dropping lil hints :)
Devi stands in uncomfortable silence while the register sings a little waiting tune. She looks up, into the eye of the camera mounted above the register’s display, and watches herself in the monitor while a message below it flashes RECORDING IN PROGRESS.
one of my first days living in the city i went to a home depot and bought a bunch of sharp things bc i was working on a cosplay and needed to carve a bunch of foam, and i got ID’d for all of it and i was so so fresh to the city and so young and probably very high and just felt mortified, like i just stared at myself in the monitor being like “you’re not cut out for this world” HAHAHAHAHAH anyway. that stuck with me.
The two of them stand at the same height, almost elbow to elbow, wearing distant familiarity and abject horror as they stare into each other’s pixelated faces. Devi watches him in the display as she reaches into her pocket, produces her wallet, pulls out her ID, hands it to him with a shaking hand. He punches in her birthdate without having to look.
somethin else i love is vagueness n ambiguity in writing. i haaaaate when writers spoon feed things to their audience bc it implies TO ME that they don’t trust them or think that they’re smart enough to connect the dots. it really offends me!!!! i made sure i didn’t ever explicitly state that devi is interacting with nny because in a traumatic moment like that it’s hard for my brain to even really put words or a name to it, if that makes sense?? i wanted to try and evoke that feeling of like, you know what’s happening and it’s so bad you can’t even really say it.
Her heart is beating fast against her ribcage, but maybe out of exhilaration more than panic or paranoia. She saw him. He was smaller, more human-like than her brain had crafted him into over the years.
you ever have an absolute mortal enemy, like an ex or a bully in school, and then you get a glimpse of them years later, after you spent so much time molding them into like an evil dastardly goblin in your brain, and they’re just like. a person?? with other shit going on, just like you? and it kind of feels like. huh. okay. and you can suddenly move on??? a special kind of spooky.
and now here’s a lil from stixxx :)
Penetration is penetration, Johnny. What difference does a few inches above or below the belt make, in the grand scheme of things? “That’s a gross oversimplification.”
i remember so vividly getting this little bit of dialogue in my head during work and writing it in my notes app to remember it. it sat at the bottom of the doc for MONTHS (i started writing stixxx back in june 2023 and it was in a much different place) and when i finally was able to place it into the fic proper it felt :) so good
The girl’s been splayed out on her back, propped up on a cinder block that places her a foot off the ground. Her arms are pulled over her head, both wrists zip tied to their own blocks. The same for her legs. With her wavering strength it seems hard for her to keep steady; she shakes visibly on camera.
this whole setup is based on a jthm strip i wrote when i was 13 after /i/ was watching robot wars while eating a chick-o-stick (i was addicted to chick-o-sticks for a while. and charleston chews.)
Her eyes pop open. Purple, syrupy vomit bursts from under her gag and through her nose and fills her throat, stopping up her windpipe.
fun fact about me! i was once severely emetophobic! scariest thing in the world to me! i think the reason i write about vom so much is because 1) it used to evoke such fear in me and i know it does for a lot of people 2) it’s such an insane pretty involuntary thing we do as creatures??? and i think it is one of most vulnerable states to be in tbh. i still think it is icky and i would prefer to never interface with it in person ever but! endlessly fascinating to write about ????
He meanders down the hall. Opening doors. Closing doors. Dining room. Linen closet. Foyer. Staircase leading to the ceiling—how original.
staircase leading to the ceiling is a reference to this little lady at the winchester house
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i know lots of ppl make connections between 777 and house of leaves, but i always assumed the influence was very much attributed to the winchester house since jv grew up in san jose (n because jthm predates hol!) those wacky stairs are my favorite part of the whole house. the first time i saw them i felt unease that stuck with me forever :)
Since when do we have a ball pit? My little film screening was only to illustrate just how much you’ve suppressed through the years. But at some point you have to jump in, Nny. Swim through the proverbial multicolored plastic balls of your memory. Fish out all the band-aids and… and missing socks and… little parachuting army men. Johnny stares into the gaping maw of the in-ground ball pit that’s apparently in his house now. “That one got away from you a little bit.” Metaphors ain’t really my thing.
when i wrote this i was like “i am so funny” and i read it now and am still like “i am so funny”
i love to write rev meat. he’s so fascinating to me. i love that he was introduced and barely explained right before jthm wrapped up. so much mystery. what a freak.
thank you for ur interest :) i love to talk
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ludi-ling · 2 years
Sunday Morning
Rogue and Gambit Week 2023, Day 6. Prompt: Valle Soleada
*A little treat for all you guys. My brain is firmly stuck on my longer form fics at the moment, but here is something I wrote back in 2004 and has never seen the light of day. No one, apart from angyxoxo almost 20 years ago, has ever read this saucy little (long?) drabble. Have fun!*
            “Remy, darlin’…”
            Her hand slides across my chest, stopping midway over my heart, fingers spreading out, one, two, three, four, five, as if to relish the simple sensation of skin upon skin.  Her face is nuzzled against my side, but her eyes are closed – I have no idea whether the words she has just spoken have been uttered while awake or asleep.
            “Oui, ma chere?”
            She doesn’t answer for a long while.  But her fingers contract, then open again, rubbing me gently, a familiar exercise in substantiating that what she touches is, in fact, real.
            “…Dontcha evah leave me, y’hear?” she finishes off, in a voice less hoarse and sleep-bound than it had been before.
            I chuckle briefly, taking her hand in mine, knitting our fingers together, holding them tight.
            “Now why’d I want t’ do dat?” I ask her.  She shifts, ever so slightly, so that one green eye pokes out sleepily from the behind a strand of white hair.
            “Ah’ve lost yah too many times before t’ take moments like this for granted, swamp snake,” she drawls huskily.  Hmm, morning conversation, you gotta love it.  There’s nothing sexier than waking up to that lazy Southern drawl of hers.
          “I don’t t’ink neither of us is likely t’ be goin’ anywhere fast de way t’ings stand now, chere,” I answer, running my free hand through her auburn locks.  Funny, this.  We’ve known one another for too long, but we’ve never known one another enough, or as much as we would’ve liked to; or at least as much as we would’ve liked in certain, shall we say, aspects.  How many years was it that this was a fantasy of mine, to wake up beside her in the morning, in a bed we called our own, lying flesh to warm, naked flesh?  And here we are now, and we’ve been waking up like this every morning for the past five months and the novelty of the fantasy-become-reality still hasn’t worn off.  I wake up beside her and it’s still the most goddamn exhilarating, whimsical, cozy, sexy and passionate thing I’ve ever experienced.  And let me tell you, this Cajun’s experienced a hell of a lot of things in his life.
            “‘Bout time,” she remarks between a yawn. “Been runnin’ away from each other enough t’ put an escapee convict t’ shame.”
            “Y’ still tired?” I ask her, brushing the tousled white strands of hair from her forehead.
            “Hmm.  Didn’ get much sleep last night.”
            Neither of us did.  There was a good reason for that.  The previous night had been Valentine’s, and we’d naturally indulged ourselves with a three course meal at a fancy restaurant, some –ah– energetic dancing to live acid jazz, naturally fuelled by rather too many bottles of vintage wine; not to mention three hours worth of gourmet lovemaking afterward...  Nope – life doesn’t get much better than that.  Or this.  And I thought I’d experienced all that Valentine’s had to offer.
            “Heh.  I hear that.”
            “Lucky it’s Sunday,” she comments, eyes closed.
            “Yeah.  We get t’ lie in an’ sleep off our hangovers.”
            “An’ have some time for other things,” she returns, rather cheekily.  And not a little suggestively.
            “Are you proposin’…?”
            “Ah ain’t proposin’ nothin’,” she retorts petulantly.  Women.  ‘When they say no they mean yes’ and all that.  But she’d already given herself away.  I let go of her hand and stroke the length of her arm with a cajoling air.
            “O’ course you weren’t, mon coeur,” I reply slyly.  Slowly my fingers creep up her arm towards her shoulder.  By the time I’ve got far enough to tickle her armpit she’s already left it too late.  With a gasp she swivels away from my grasp, pounding her fists playfully into my chest.  If there’s one thing she hates it’s being tickled under the arm.  The past few months I’ve learnt through bitter experience that if you want to make her angry, that’s the fastest way to do it.  Unfortunately for her, I happen to find her peevish expression endlessly appealing.
            As soon as she sees me laughing she knows what that ruse had been all about.
            “Damn you, Remy LeBeau, if you do that again, you are so dead!” she scowls, teeth bared.
            “You wouldn’ hurt me, an’ you know it,” I counter brazenly, looking back up at her insolently.  She glares at me, emerald eyes blazing.  Honest to God, I don’t know which version of her looks more arousing:- sleepy, angry, bed-head Rogue; or jazzed up, femme fatale Rogue, complete with lacy black underwear, stockings and suspenders, evidence of which lies about the bedroom floor from last night’s little –ahem– adventure.
            “Oh?  An’ what makes you think that Ah wouldn’t?”
            “Because, mon bijou, you love me too much to lay a finger on me.”
            “Ah’ll lay a finger on you all right,” she levels fiercely at me, although she can’t stop me from noticing the decidedly naughty sparkle that’s suddenly entered her eyes.
            “Oh, an’ now I’m so scared,” I return smoothly, goading her.
            “Forget it, Remy,” she seethes, eyes narrowed. “You ain’t gonna have your way wit’ me, not this mornin’.  Your stupid tricks don’t fool me!”
            “Maybe not by usin’ stupid tricks, chere,” I reply. “But dis t’ief always has other methods hidden up his sleeves.”
            “Oh yeah?” she half-grins. “Like what?”
            “Like bein’ the irresistible, lovable rogue that he is,” I answer with an outrageous wink.  She laughs, all trace of her anger gone.
            “Dontcha evah get tired of bein’ so full o’ yourself, Cajun?” she asks.
            “Not when I can have my fill o’ you, chere.” Technically, any man would be pushing his luck by now, but not me.  Not with my in-built charm.  It’s come in infinitely handy in the past, and now is no exception.  The thing with Rogue is, she knows when I’m using it on her.  She could just as easily turn it all round back at me.  What she doesn't admit is that she loves it when I try to seduce her.  The more suggestive I get the less she can resist.  I can see the conflict in her eyes right now.  Those gorgeous eyes… Mon Dieu, I want her right now.
            “After last night,” she begins, leaning in playfully, finally giving in to what, in the end, we both want, “Ah woulda thought you’d already had yah fill o’ me and then some, swamp rat.”
            “Chere,” I begin, chancing the risky maneuver of slipping an arm round her waist and gently rubbing the small of her back, “this Cajun ain’t never gonna get tired o’ you, no matter how many times he has his fill of you.  Or how many times he fills you, for that matter.” Another gamble and we both know it, but I ain’t called Gambit for nothing.  She doesn’t give in grudgingly.  What would be the use in that?  She’s loved me for too long, she’s been without me for too long.  Now she can have me all she wants, and Rogue’s greedy for love just as much as she’s greedy for touch.  She’ll take all she can, but she’ll never buy or sell herself cheap.  If she won’t put out, I sure as hell will.  Don’t forget, it takes two to tango, and she’s not the only one who’s been starved.
            “Remy,” she purrs, half in reaction to my innuendoes, half in reaction to my tender ministrations, at the current moment concentrated solely on her back though admittedly creeping rather dangerously low, “you are a very naughty boy.”
            “O’ course,” I murmur in agreement.  It isn’t lost upon me just how close her lips now are to mine.  And the way her breath tickles my cheek as she enunciates every little word drives me crazy.  Steady, Remy, steady.  Connoisseur of the seductive arts I may be, but Rogue has an annoying way of beating me at my own game. “And whatcha you gonna do about it, hmm?”
            “Hmm,” she pretends to think about it, tracing an intricate pattern along my cheekbone and my chin and across my lips. “It’s like they always say - one day yah have t’ make good on your innuendoes.  An’ Ah do believe you’ve made several years worth of un-acted-upon innuendoes.”
            “So how long before I work dem all off, sweet?”
            “Well, Ah think after last night, we’re probably about…hm, halfway there, shall we say?”
            “Only halfway?  Still a long ways t’ go, chere.  Might as well work off a few more while we’re here.” I bolster the suggestion by placing a tender kiss on the tip of her finger while rather adventurously groping that cute li’l butt of hers under the covers.  Goddammit I want her right now, and she knows it, she has that funny little gleam in her eyes that tells me that, once again, it’s me that’s fallen victim to her charms and not the other way round.
            “Ah don’t know, sugah, maybe we should string it out some, y’know…make it last.”
            Merde!  She definitely knows she’s killing me here!  Suggestive banter is never so goddamn fun as it is with her, but for some reason, today, this morning…I haven’t felt this horny in a good long while, and that’s saying something.  And for some reason, she’s never looked so indescribably gorgeous as she does right now.
            “Mon Dieu, you’re beautiful,” I murmur, brushing away the perpetually falling locks of that white skunk stripe from her cheek. “What’d I ever do t’ deserve you?”
            “Remy,” she murmurs back, leaning in closer. “Shuddup an’ kiss meh.”
            Me shut up?  She was the one doing all the talking.  But, in such situations, the best thing to do is not to argue.  So I shut up and let her do the rest.
            I could go on forever about what it’s like to kiss Rogue.  There’s two types of kisses that she’ll give you – the one that steals your powers, and the one that steals your soul.  Both so similar, both so different.  The first is a kiss of life and death, the second is a kiss of passion.  I’ve tasted both – I’ve tasted both mingled, so that I couldn’t even tell where love and life and death begins.  I’d never tasted anything so wonderful and sweet and deathly as the kiss she gave to me in Israel, so many years back.  I’ve danced with death before, but never in the way I danced with it when she first put her lips, her mouth, on mine.  For that one moment, I would gladly have died.  Just as, whenever I make love to her, I feel the love-death, and I can’t explain it, the feeling’s too intense, too incandescent, and yet so subtle I can hardly distinguish it from the shuddering starbursts that are our shared climaxes.
            Now she puts her mouth on mine.  Now we kiss, and it isn’t like the first time, but it’s like our first time should have been.  She has a kiss so charged it could set Antarctica ablaze – and let me tell you, I’m one of only a few who could tell you just how cold it is out there.  But it’s best not to think about that, not here, not now…  It’s only so much water under the bridge, and to be honest, mentioning Rogue and Antarctica in the same sentence usually conjures up images of a less than arousing nature…
            The kiss pushes all further thoughts of anything out of my head, let alone thoughts of Antarctica – save for the irresistible, primeval urge she always unfailingly seems to invoke in me.  Both of us are caught up in the stupid notion that somehow we can make this moment last, that it doesn't have to end, that if we kiss one another hard enough somehow we’ll stay that way forever.  I run my fingers through her hair, brush her cheek – the tactile never feels so special, so novel as it does when I touch her.  The fifth sense, so underrated, so taken for granted, is nothing short of a godsend to the two of us.
            She breaks away slowly, nipping my lower lip playfully as she does so.  She’s goading me, and I know it; she sees the understanding and lust in my eyes, smiles, nuzzles her face against my cheek, presses light kisses to the corner of my mouth.  In response to her invitation I grasp her by the waist, swivel round; she gasps as I capture her beneath me and bury my face into that soft, succulent dip between her neck and shoulder.  God, she smells good – traces of last night’s perfume still cling to her, but it’s more than that, a mingling of that lavender scent with her shampoo and that unique aroma that she continually carries around with her regardless… I think of the fine sheen of sweat on her as we danced last night, the heaving of her chest as she pants for breath and laughs in pure delight, in unadulterated elation…  The memory of her scent is tied to this recollection, this fleeting instant in time photographed so neatly in a three-dimensional imprint of touch and smell and sight and sound.
            And now taste:- I taste the memory, I lathe my tongue over her soft, warm, scented skin, I suck in the flavour of her, the flavour that’s so familiar and yet so indescribably elusive, so that every time I taste it, it seems new, it seems inspired.
            “Remy…” she begins, she wants to make it sound like a warning, but she fails – instead it comes out as a plea and a concession, a note both of supplication and permission, a giving and a taking.  Her voice is soft, wistful, whimsical; her arms encircle me, her hands rub my shoulder blades, surrendering herself yet ensnaring me in her trap, the delicious trap that is her body.
            “I want y’, chere, I want y’ so much…”
            The words come out incoherent to my own ears, an unnecessary articulation of a train of thought that involves actions, not slow and ineloquent speech.  She has already yielded to me anyhow; her thighs rub coyly against my own, she surrenders her lips to mine eagerly: we kiss, we fall.
            I thought I knew all there was to know about love.  Of all the women I ever shared my bed with, none of them were ever playthings to me – I will not lie and say I loved them, but, during those moments, those long, fervent, passionate nights that I spent with them, I cared for them, each and every one.  Maybe I even made believe I loved them.  Maybe I thought I did, or maybe I pretended I did, or maybe it seemed like love at the time.  Sex is, after all, sex, wherever or however you do it, or whoever you do it with.  How then, can I hope to convince you that with her it’s different?  That with her, it’s not just about desire, or the gratification of a sexual pleasure that one or both of us share?  That it is not even simply just a giving or a taking of one another, or that it is a mutual and intimate sharing that only we, lovers, lovemakers, can understand?  There’s nothing so safe, so secure, so warm, so personal as holding her in my arms, as relishing her flavour and her fragrance, of feeling her tender limbs against mine, the subtle delicacy of her fingers in my hair, of the warmth of her smooth skin against my flesh.  Sometimes, the quietest, most torpid of encounters are the best; they are the moments I can savour what we share in manifest form, moments when I can measure the sum and strength of our love, and I could lie there in her arms forever and try to analyse it, and the answer would never come to me.  Morning sex, sleepy sex, the languid exchange of our bodies, is the subtle equation of our love, an enactment of this strange bond we share in slow motion, a thing which opens itself as a book yet cannot be read.  I will never be able to grasp the meaning of this act – its significance eludes me – but I catch a glimpse of it, during this one precious, passionate act.
            One thing I learnt was, I never knew what love was until I met her, until I waited for her, until I touched her, until I tasted her.
            Now we are locked together.  Our kiss is slow, soft, as if the world could wait for us, as if it had already ended and no longer mattered and no longer owned us.  As I kiss her I slide into her, softly, softly: this is a pivotal moment in lovemaking, any man would tell you that; the pleasure of penetration involves no sacrifice: we infringe, we take, always.  But for her there is pain-pleasure, the beginning of love-death… I feel myself enter her, I feel her receiving me; I watch that reception on her face, in the dim pallor of her eyes drawn back; but I feel it too, on her mouth, the way she imbues our kiss with the lowest, softest of moans; it excites me, to feel the echo of her pleasure on our conjoined lips, our embracing tongues…  There is nothing so sweet.
            We barely kiss now, the kiss is broken and yet continues; our lips touch, but it is our cries that own our mouths, not one another.  We make love slowly, finding more pleasure in the analysis and synthesis of each other, in the lazy journey of mutual discovery.  My hands travel her body, her breasts, her stomach, her hips…It is always the same ritual, I never tire of it.  Sometimes, she’ll be on top; but Rogue’s an old-fashioned girl, and when it comes down to it, she prefers the good old missionary position.  Whether on top or not, I never fail in this ritual, this exploration of her body – in either instance it gives me equal pleasure (although admittedly, to see the way she arches her back when she straddles me, when I touch her there, has always been something of a personal turn-on).  The number, the equation, the perusal of her amounts to this and yet so much more.  On mornings such as this, I will take the lead, I will be on top of her in order to understand why it is that I love her the way I do.
            My hands grip her hips.  I draw back, I look into her face; I try to see in her eyes what I do to her, what she does to me, what we do to and for one another.  She looks back at me, wordless, but not voiceless – what I look for I see, but it always remains elusive and just outside my grasp.  Her expression changes.  Her eyes roll back, her pupils dilate, her breath comes short, ragged; our ministrations become more fevered now; we push, I groan, she sighs; I remember my pleasure, my lust, where I had forgotten it: and yet I exacerbate it in gazing at her beautiful, agonized face.  I bury my head into her bosom, smell the lavender scent, smell the sweat, smell her fragrance, smell our mingled fragrance…  I feel her hips beneath mine, grinding… Desperation…  The quiet wonder of our exploration has been shattered; now the journey finds itself disrupted; our movements are hurried, urgent; we have lost the importance of meaning, only the destination matters for us and we strive for it, we strive so goddamn hard…
            She laces her fingers in my hair, I hear her call my name, in a voice so far-away, so delicate it hardly seems real.        Why does she do that, why does she make it sound so beautiful?  I grunt with the exertion of my effort to take us both there, but she eases me, she holds onto me and eases me, balancing out the rhythm of our bodies, slowing me, guiding me, trusting me.  My breath shallow, regular, I lick the sweat from my upper lip, I raise my head and look into her eyes; she half smiles, encouraging.  Her legs wind about my waist, pulling me deeper into her; I gasp, but her cry is long drawn out, half wail, half moan; her hands grip my hips, my shoulders, my hair…  And as for me, I keep her rhythm, I follow the soft melody of her cries, I match the rise and fall of her hips…  Slower, more focused, in perfect harmony the pleasure increases tenfold.  I’m nearly there, I can feel it.  I’m nearly at the sum of that simple equation, that one and one makes two.
            I tell her so, or think I do.
            “Wait,” she tells me. “Oh, wait…”
            I renew my efforts, gritting my teeth, giving myself into the torture of loving and waiting for her; ten seconds seem to last forever during this one key moment when we end the equation, and, if we can, we end it together.  She presses against me hungrily, her cries as laboured as her breath – I know when she approaches the moment, when she pauses, when she clasps me to her, when she arches back; I allow her to hit the climax first because, inevitably, she draws me in; we orgasm together, bodies straining so that it is not only our very existences that seem to shatter, but everything else, the moment, the time, the space, our beings, the only things that exist inside and out of that one jangling, earth-rending instant.  I hear her voice, the triumph, the ecstasy, the bittersweetness of it all; I cannot recall what I sound like – what is important to me at that moment is the thought that, if I could die, it would be here, now, with our bodies joined…  That here, now, with our bodies joined, it feels like death, it feels like love and it feels like death, and it feels like dying and being reborn all over again.
            The moment itself is shattered, splintered – it is cut short, in the earliest seconds of its earliest stages; yet, strangely, it lasts a lifetime.  We barely know when it is over.  For a long time after, we lie there, still somewhat entwined, each privately experiencing the last vestiges of the orgasm we have gifted to one another – the present, first shared, now savoured.  Meanwhile we comfort ourselves with the security that is the cradle of our naked bodies; we nestle into one another, like birds come home and settling in for the night.  The peace, the unreality is only broken when the sound of our voices brings us home.
            “Ah love you,” she murmurs into the side of my chest, and somehow the words seem painfully inadequate; they don’t even go halfway to describing what love is, not after the both of us have seen it and felt it somewhere in the maelstrom of our fervid lovemaking.  We both know that.  But I know what she refers to when she says, ‘I love you’.  And she knows what I mean when I say ‘I love you too’ in return.
            “I love you too,” I say.
            We don’t need to prove it.  But vocalising it into these simple words, that simple sentence, somehow gravitises it; it is no longer simply something imperceptible and inexplicable, a mood, a passion, a whim that floats freely in the air and blesses whoever it may chance upon.  It is as solid and real as our bodies, it is as tangible as our flesh-to-flesh embrace.  This is how I first knew that I loved her, and that I’d never truly loved another woman before her.  In vocalising it, what I feel becomes the ultimate in expressed reality.
            She smiles.  Her expression is sleepy, full of wonder; her cheeks are still flushed.  She looks so beautiful, so radiant, so earth-bound…
            “Why do you love meh?” she drawls.  It is less a question than an expression of wonder. Her accent tends to get stronger in the mornings.  It’s undeniably sexy.
            “Does there haveta be a reason?” I whisper back.  We do this often.  Whisper.  Murmur.  Maybe it’s because we don’t want to lose a hold of the moment, because we don’t want to shatter it any more than we have to with unwieldy words.
            “There’s always a reason,” she replies seriously.  She pauses, goes into another line of questioning. “What makes me so different from all those other women?”
            I can tell she’s not going to let this one slip by.  She can be vain like that.  She loves to hear the compliments I have to give her.  I could tease her badly if I wanted.  But she’s giving me that look.  The one that could disarm a whole platoon of heavily-armed soldiers quicker than her fists could.
            “I dunno,” I answer at last, perusing her face thoughtfully. “Your eyes.  Your smile.  Your laugh.  De way you sass me.  De way you make coffee.  De way you always put de toothpaste on my brush b’fore you come out de bathroom.  De way your accent gets heavier in de mornin’s.  De way you leave de toilet seat up for me…”
            “Only ‘cos you leave it down for me, sugah,” she interrupts, grinning and stroking the dip between my chin and lower lip with an index finger.
            “…Not to mention dat gorgeous bod o’ yours.  You want me t’ go on?”
            “Ah could just listen t’ your compliments all day long, sugah,” she smiles, disengaging herself from my arms and propping her cheek up with the palm of her hand, drawing lazy circles on my chest with the other. “But Ah think we should save some up for another time, jus’ so’s you don’t run outta things t’ say.”
            I stare at her, grinning inanely.  Why do I let her toy with me so much?  If Lapin and Theoren and all those others back the Guilds heard about this, they wouldn’t let me hear the end of it.   
            “You know what Ah’ve been thinkin’?” she asks whimsically.
            “What?” I’m trying to concentrate on the patterns she’s drawing on my chest.  Right now they appear to be figure eights.
            “Do y’ reckon, if we were t’ go an’ see the different versions of ourselves in all those alternate realities out there… In how many d’you think we’d be t’ogther?  Or d’you think that this is the only reality in which we’re t’gether, an’ that us, here an’ now, in this world… that we’re just an anomaly?”
            I stare at her.  This is Rogue being unusually and overly philosophical. 
            “You t’ink dat’s possible?” I begin, running a hand through her hair pensively, “Funny dat.  I always thought it was de rest of dem realities dat were de anomalies, not ours.” I pause momentarily, start again. “I don’t believe we could be an anomaly, chere.”
            “Why not?” she asks, with the peremptoriness of a child.
            “B’cause this jus’ feels too right, p’tit,” I reply. “B’cause nothin’s ever felt so right, ‘cept for us.  We made for each other, Roguey.  I can feel it in my bones.”
            “An’ it’s that simple, huh?” she asks, a humorous smile on her face.
            “Yes, it’s dat simple,” I reply, a wry grin on my face as stroke her bare thigh playfully.  She laughs, husky, free, easy.  I love her laugh.  She never used to laugh like this.  But then, she’s never had a lot of things to laugh about until a few months ago.  Before then, simply laying a bare finger on her skin would have been impossible, nothing short of a death-wish.  It’s a miracle then, that we are both able to do this, to have a relationship in the fullest sense of the word, to be lying here, face to face, talking, laughing, being ordinary…
            “Well, if it’s so simple, then Ah guess there’s no point in me hangin’ around an’ talkin’ ‘bout it,” she replies, sitting up, but I quickly put out a hand and grasp her wrist, stopping her.
            “Aw, Rogue, y’know they say afterplay’s as important as foreplay, chere,” I whine plaintively. “Stay a few more minutes.”
            “Ah need a shower,” she pouts at me. “An’ you’re not invited.  We been goin’ at it like rabbits the past twelve hours, an’ if Ah put out anymore, it ain’t gonna be healthy.”
            “Au contraire,” I remind her suggestively. “Sex is just about one of de healthiest activities out there.”
            “In moderation,” she counters heatedly.
            “Ain’t no limit, chere, as long as it’s wit’ only one partner.” Dieu, am I sounding desperate yet or what?
            “Ah can’t believe we’re havin’ this conversation,” she sighs in irritation, getting up.  I should’ve known that last remark would only make her more mad.  I sigh.  Pushed your luck there, LeBeau.  She’s right anyhow.  We should quit while we’re ahead.  Too much of a good thing can get bad.  And we have had fun the past twelve hours…
            I watch her sashay into the bathroom.  She’s doing it on purpose to punish me, showing off that cute butt and that sexy walk of hers.  I groan as the door slams behind her and I hear her lock it.  Usually, I’d be the one carrying her into the shower; I’d tenderly wash her clean of our mingled juices; inevitably we’d become excited once more and end up making love all over again right there in the shower.  We both know that if we step into that bathroom together that’s eventually what’s going to happen.  And I don’t blame her for putting her foot down, to be honest.  After last night…  Well, like I said, too much of a good thing can get tedious after a while.  Right? 
So why am I not convincing myself?  The truth is, I could be with Rogue whenever, wherever, and however, and I still would never get bored.
            “I t’ink you misunderstood me, chere,” I shout in the general direction of the bathroom. “Gambit was only anglin’ for a hug an’ a kiss…  Chere, are you hearin’ me?  Maybe I can join you in dere, non?”
            Her only answer is to turn the shower on full blast.
            She emerges later, while I’m in the kitchen cooking breakfast.  While frying the eggs she steals up behind me with a stealthy silence that would put any ninja to shame.  I start only briefly as she wraps her arms round my waist and buries her face against my back.  Her embrace is too warm, too delicate to startle me for long.  I delight in the thrill that her touch sends across my bare skin.  I know then that all traces of our previous quarrel have been forgotten.
            “Is this good enough for you, sugah?” she asks, purposefully trailing her warm breath along the line between my shoulder blades.  I shudder involuntarily.
            “Good enough for what?” I ask, my voice suddenly thick.  See what this femme does to me!  One touch and I’m crazy for her again.  Remy LeBeau ain’t never been in a trap so helplessly reinforced before.  Especially not one built and orchestrated by a woman.  Not that I’m complaining or anything…
            “Y’ said you wanted a hug an’ a kiss, baby,” she murmurs, pressing a lingering kiss with just a hint of teeth against my right shoulder.  I get the impression that our little spat has definitely been forgotten.
            I pause, setting down the spatula and swivelling round to slide my arms about her waist.  She looks great, wet hair tousled, and wearing just a simple white T-shirt I’d left discarded somewhere about the bedroom.  And the scent of the shower gel is so soft and light it makes me want to bury by face in her neck and drift away without a care in the world.
            “Hm,” I say, passing her one of those broad, suggestive smiles that always works so well on women. “I was t’inkin’ more of me wit’ my arms around you, an’ a kiss on de lips…”
            “Ah think it’s a little too late for afterplay, Cajun,” she murmurs seductively, yielding to my embrace and sliding her arms up my shoulders and around my neck.
            “Well, howzabout we engage in a little more foreplay den?” I propose a little too optimistically, while leaning forward quickly to kiss her before she has a chance to say no.  We lock lips feverishly in a blistering kiss that takes our breaths away, while our hands wander not a little too boldly.  By the time we break apart her fresh underwear is already sopping wet, and we would probably have ended up making love again right there on the kitchen table, if not for the fact that the eggs had begun to burn, and had threatened to bring the house down in an inferno almost as heated and passionate as our own.
            Unspoken rule of the house: if it can be helped, I’m the one that does the cooking.
            Rogue is a terrible cook.  The mess I’d made of the eggs due to neglect looked more like something she’d come up with, even with unreserved concentration.  Rogue tackles food like it’s her worst enemy – she’ll hack at meat like an axe murderer and chop up potatoes instead of peeling them.  Watching such horrors in action is like torture to a culinary master such as myself; so much so that, after the first few days of our living together, I had effectively banned her from the kitchen under pain of death.  That had earned me several day’s worth of enforced celibacy as a punishment: yup, she’d actually held her body to ransom on account of that little episode.  Four days later, I was on the verge of insanity, wondering how I was ever going to compromise the idea of no sex versus food poisoning for the rest of my life.  Women are clever like that.  Rogue is no exception.  And when she’s mad, let me tell you, she’s mad.
            Eventually, we came to a compromise.  She could have access to the kitchen, under the condition that I not have to eat anything that was made by her fair hands; and/or her cooking should be a joint venture between the two of us.  Because I can tolerate hacked up veggies in my gumbo, as opposed to gumbo that leaves me bed-ridden for a week or so.  She had begrudgingly agreed to my terms; ten minutes after agreeing to them, she’d been all over me again as if nothing had happened at all – which had irked me more than just a little, and had convinced me that the best course of action was to beat her at own game and show her what a bit of enforced celibacy felt like.  This had, of course, lasted all of half an hour, by which time I had already caved in and we were making up for four days worth of abstinence very vigorously on the living room sofa.  She had had a smug smile on her face for days after that, and, being the couyon that I am, I just didn’t have the resolve to snub her, or, perhaps more humiliatingly, to keep my hands off her.
            Now she helps me clean up the burnt eggs with a vicious frown on her face that seems to be accusing the poor scorched things of ruining all the recalcitrant little schemes she had had in store for me for the day.  And there’s something oddly satisfying in the notion that her continued seduction of me has been thwarted by that most unassuming of her enemies – food.
            Yup – forget Joseph, Longshot and Mags – if there’s anything that’ll nail the two of us, it’s burnt eggs.
            Having re-cooked breakfast, we snuggle up on the sofa and watch TV.  I like to stretch out and take up as much room as I can; she, invariably, will sit in my lap and lean her head against my shoulder, while the breakfast tray teeters precariously in her own lap.  Rogue’s a sucker for French toast, and I have a feeling that’s half the reason why she decided to make it up with me.  And bad cook she may be, but she makes a mean cup of coffee.  So, all things considered, we’re pretty much quits.
            Outside the sun is shining with full force – it’s midday, and outside the bright young things are going out to play.  This is, after all, California.  Rogue, however, has pulled down the blinds – the room has a cozy atmosphere as we settle down in true bohemian fashion in front of the TV.  I’m not deceived.  She wants to snuggle, and her pulling down the blinds is a way of shutting out the world from our embrace.  Rogue’s like that – she can be capable of grandiose gestures when she wants to be, but when it comes down to it, she prefers her displays of affection to be private, secluded things, where she can secretly open them up and gorge herself on them like a box of chocolates.  Understandable, for a woman who’s had to sacrifice so many of the things we take for granted.
            I let her lower the blinds and snuggle into me without questioning.  I understand her need to close us off from the outside world, if only for a little while.  After so many years of pushing one another away, and a more or less utter inability to touch her, I am as grateful for her displays of affection as much as I enjoy them.  There is so much warmth and passion inside her that I always knew simmered beneath the surface of her Southern Belle facade – to actually experience it, after all this time, physically as well as emotionally, is something that never fails to pleasantly surprise me.  In many ways, the notion of us actually being a couple still hasn’t sunk in yet – we are living in a sort of dream period, where nothing exists but us.  We live as we please, we take what we please, we love as we please.  This is as much a new experience to me as it is to her.  I’ve never made this type of commitment to any other woman before Rogue.  I never knew that living with the girl I loved could be so fulfilling or rewarding.  To both of us, this honeymoon period is one that could never end.  We’ve spent too much of our lives running around being superheroes to appreciate the simpler things in life.  And goddammit, we ain’t gonna let go of moments like these, moments that so many other, normal couples take for granted.
            “So, I take it I’m forgiven,” I decide to blurt out, midway through breakfast, while my loving girlfriend dutifully passes toast over her left shoulder and into my mouth.
            “’Bout what?” she asks, changing the channel with the remote.  The news disappears only to be replaced by the Powerpuff Girls.
            “Y’know, dis mornin’…”
            “Oh, that.” Her voice is distracted. “That wasn’t an argument.  Ah’d already f’gotten about it.”
            Oh, of course, naturally.  While I think she’s still sore and making me suffer over it, she’s all but gone and forgotten about it.  Typical.
            “Mon Dieu, femme, dis Cajun jus’ can’t keep up wit’ you,” I groan.
            “How d’you think Ah manage t’ keep you interested?” she states slyly, giving me a wink and a grin over her shoulder.
            “No need for dat,” I reply, leaning forward to nibble the lobe of her ear playfully. “You have other assets dat keep dis Cajun more n’ jus’ interested.”
            “Like mah dancing skills?” she chuckles, switching the channel over again.
            “Dat n’ more,” I answer, more absorbed in her than in what’s on the TV screen.  It’s true though – after last night, Rogue proved once again that she is one great dancer.  She enjoys teasing me about that, for some unfathomable reason.  Okay, well maybe not so unfathomable.  Before we came to Valle Soleada, back in one of the Southern states (I forget which – I don’t think we’d reached Texas by that time) we were at this bar where they were having a dancing contest.  Now any femme that knows me knows that I dance a mean dance.  Unfortunately, I had decided to brag about it that night, and Rogue had insisted that she could beat me in a competition without even having to make any effort at all.  Naturally I’d scoffed at that, at which point she had literally dragged me onto the dance floor in order to prove her point.
            Now to be honest, I’d never really seen Rogue dance before.  Kurt had once told me that she likes to dance when she wants to cut loose, but unfortunately, I’d never been around to witness such an event.  Kurt had said she dances like a demon.  I hadn’t believed him.  Until that night.  She beat every other dancer roundly, including my own oh-so-talented self, and had even won a trophy for her troubles – which now stands conspicuously in a shelf facing the window, where it taunts me cruelly every morning when I come downstairs.
            Last night her dancing skills had been used much more to my benefit than to my shame; besides which, latin jazz is always so much sexier than country or zydeco.  She’d really jazzed (no pun intended) herself up for Valentine’s – I don’t even know how she managed to move inside that slinky green dress, let alone dance.  But hell, she did it.  It makes my heart flutter just thinking about it.  I have the feeling that half the time she enjoys torturing me whenever we find ourselves in such situations.  I’ve already had several years worth of such tortures, but she still puts me through them – I guess she knows they keep this Cajun in line.  Last night she’d flirted like hell, just enough to drive me crazy with anticipation at the innuendoes she was throwing at me.  A look, a wink, a touch, a peck on the cheek, a flick of the hair – that girl uses them all with the subtle refinement of a torturer with his bloody implements.  But when she dances – Dieu, when she presses her body against mine and moves those hips the way she does… well, let’s just say that any hot-blooded male would be slavering over her in a matter of seconds.
            Yup – my girlfriend gets a helluva lot of attention these days, especially now that she doesn’t have to worry about killing someone if they touch her.  She’s knows I’m jealous and likes to tease me about it.  But then, I know she’s jealous, although she tries to hide it – and yes, the levels of attention I get puts Rogue on the defensive whenever we go out together, wherever that happens to be.  I always tell her jokingly – you wanna keep dis Cajun in line, all you gotta do is dance wit’ him.  You dance wit’ him, he’ll be hot for you any time of de day or night.
            Last night was no exception.  In fact, the Valentine’s celebrations were effectively pretty much over the moment we’d got onto the dance floor.  As soon as we’d tired ourselves out dancing we ran out the restaurant without another word and straight back home.  And once we’d got home, well, it was straight to the bedroom.  Now, let it not be said that Remy LeBeau takes his time to wine and dine and romance his woman.  Let it not be said that he strings things out and woos a femme in the appropriate way.  Remy LeBeau is debonaire, calm, suave.  That is, unless he’s been dancing with Rogue in a slinky dress.  Then, all sense of propriety is robbed from him completely.  As soon as we’d slammed the bedroom door shut we were at it.  What can I say, we were hot for each other like a warm day in Hell.
            And once I’d unwrapped my Valentine’s present, it turned out I’d been in for a little surprise as well.  Yup – underneath that slinky green dress, Rogue – who’s usually the no-nonsense, practical type in her dress-sense – had kitted herself out in the most expensively exquisite French underwear: black lace bra, panties, suspenders, silk stockings, garter, the whole damn works.
            “Mon Dieu,” was all I could manage to splutter.
            “You like?” she’d replied, doing a coy little twirl and flashing a hint of derriere at me like only the best of those Parisian girls can do.
            “Like?” I’d repeated, giving her several eyefuls up and down. “Chere, you look simply…delectable.” So sue me, it was the only word I could find to describe her.  She looked so damn fine I could’ve eaten her.
            “Great,” she’d grinned, standing straighter again. “Now can you get these damn things offa me?  These suspenders are chafin’ like no one’s business.”
            I’d only been too happy to oblige her.
            An old rerun of Buffy is now on, but I’d be willing to forego a whole season of Buffy for mon amant belle.  She chuckles, dodging my lips so that the kiss I’d planned for her neck lands somewhere on her upper arm.
            “Lemme guess – it wasn’t the dancin’,” she says, eyes sparkling as she looks over at me slyly. “You’re thinkin’ of the underwear, aren’t yah?”
            “How’d you guess?” I answer, before leaning in to make another attempt to kiss her throat.
            “Remy, you think Ah don’t know yah?  Men are perverts.  Y’all like seein’ women dressed up in horrible underwear that makes ‘em feel uncomfortable.”
            “You didn’ look uncomfortable to me, chere,” I murmur, finally scoring a bullseye in the kissing department. “You looked like Gambit coulda eaten y’ right up.”
            “Hmmm.” She agrees on that point, her eyes suddenly wistful.  Probably because Gambit did eat her up once he’d got rid of those lacy black panties, heh heh.
            “An’ Gambit’s crazy for silk stockings,” I continue, taking advantage of the distraction to plant more kisses along her neck and shoulder. “Did he ever tell you dat?  You should dress up more, Anna, chere, we could make t’ings real fun.”
            “What, ain’t spandex good enough for yah?” she replies, her tone half-accusing, half-cajoling.  She’s allowing me to kiss her anyways, which is always a good sign.
            “Personally, Gambit prefers de leather,” I reply.
            “Ah bet he does,” she levels at me, knitting her brows and frowning.  On the one hand she’s annoyed that I’m trying it on with her again; on the other hand she’s enjoying it, so she’s having a hard time telling me where to lay off.  Speaking of hard…
            “Dammit, Cajun!” she swivels round, glaring at me. “What is it with you this mornin’?  You on viagra or somethin’??”
            I return her scathing look, somewhat offended. “Chere, does dis Cajun look like he needs viagra t’you?”
            “Hmph.” She pouts, before biting savagely into her toast.  Dieu, I could think of other places where that sweet little mouth of hers could be put to better use, but I know that if I tell her so it’ll be bad news for yours truly.
            “What?” I ask innocently, trying to put away the lewd thoughts currently running round my head and not entirely succeeding.
            “You may be Valle Soleada’s resident love machine, Remy LeBeau, but Ah ain’t your bitch, an’ Ah ain’t gonna be putting out for yah whenever yah want me to, y’hear?” she answers heatedly.
            “But I wasn’ even suggestin’…”
            “Yes, you were!”
            “No I wasn’!”
            “Oh really?!  Well that li’l friend o’ yours down south was sayin’ somethin’ else entirely!”
            I burst into laughter.  I can’t help it.  She looks so mad and sexy it’s hilarious.  And just what the hell are we arguing for?  Trust her to make an issue out of something so harmless.
            “Oh, so it’s funny now, is it?” she grumbles, not even allowing herself to join in with me.  I sober up quickly and put my arms back round her, sensing that this is more than just a little banter gone wrong.
            “I didn’ know I was Valle Soleada’s ‘resident love machine’,” I tease, cuddling into her neutrally, trying to signal to her that the white flag’s been raised.
            “You should hear what the gals in this town say about you,” she mutters darkly, still scowling.
            “What?” I ask, nuzzling my nose against her perfumy hair, but resisting the tactical error of kissing her.  I can’t help but ask.  Come on, a guy likes to know when he’s appreciated.
            “Just about what every gal thinks ‘bout you,” she replies, punching the remote and switching back to the Powerpuff Girls.  It’s on the rolling credits, but she still stares at the TV anyway.  That should’ve broadcasted to me loud and clear that she really was mad.
            “What, dat I’m an overbearing bastard?”
            “No.” She’s trying to sound patient, but the word comes out from between gritted teeth.
            “Rogue, are you jealous?” I can’t resist poking at her.
            “Hah!” Her voice is heavily lined with sarcasm. “What, like you were jealous when Joseph an’ Ah were together as friends, so much so that yah knocked the livin’ daylights outta him fer no reason whatsoever?”
            “No reason?!” I splutter.  See what I mean ‘bout femmes being clever?  My darling girlfriend’s just gone and turned everything round on me in a single sentence. “De guy was hangin’ outside your bedroom window like de regular peepin’ Tom!”
            “It was totally innocent, and you know it!” she seethes.
            “Yeah, now I know – I didn’ know den,” I mutter. “An’ besides, I wasn’ about t’ lose ma chere to a long-haired pretty boy.  Even if he was one of de only guys dat ever treated you wit’ respect.” I pause. “Not even Remy could do dat proper.” I finish on something of a sigh.  I haven’t thought about Joseph in a long time.  He was probably the only guy I was ever truly afraid of losing Rogue to.  What made the whole thing even worse was that he’d treated her with all the love and respect that she’d deserved, whereas me – who’d told her countless times he loved her like he’d loved no other woman – I couldn’t even bring myself to show her that love.  I was a fool.  Even when we’d told each other how we felt, I couldn’t stop playing the field.  I couldn’t stop hurting her.
            She sees the woebegone look on my face, swivels round and places her hands gently on my face.
            “Remy darlin’, it’s all in the past,” she murmurs. “Ah’m sorry, Ah shouldn’ have brought it up.”
            “I was an idiot back den, chere,” I mutter, not without a hint of a sulk in my features. “He deserved you more n’ I did.”
            “Ah loved you,” she says, touching her nose against my own. “An’ besides, Ah didn’t exactly treat you too kindly either.”
            We both know what she’s referring to when she says this, the words ever so delicately put.  For the moment we let the memories linger between us – painful memories, bittersweet.  But we say nothing – everything that has needed to be said about this shared memory has been said.  After a moment, she smiles sadly, presses her forehead against mine, kisses my lips chastely.  Our past has been nothing if not torrid; and at times, it has been both brutal and hurtful.  I suppose the people you love are always the ones that are easiest to hurt.  And Rogue and I, having had an inability to commit for so long, whether physically or emotionally, have hurt one another almost as violently as we have loved one another.  There were even times when I think we would have killed one another in order to express both the pain and the passion we have put each other through.  But it’s over now.  At last, we’re the way we always wanted to be – together.  It’s a privilege we know we can’t take for granted.  And now she kisses me as if to say she understands – it’s her way of saying sorry.
            She pulls away, giving me one last little peck for good measure.  The mood is still subdued; the room is quiet. 
            “So,” she begins after a short moment of silence, gently rubbing my chest, her voice nothing more than a notch above a whisper. “Y’all wanna know what the gals round here really say ‘bout you?”
            A small grin plays across my face as I wrap my arms snugly round her waist again.
            “Gambit t’inks he already knows what you’re gonna say, Roguey,” I reply in the same tone of voice, all quiet and softly-like, thinking we’re going to destroy the closeness we share otherwise.  “But you go ahead an’ indulge me anyways, chere.”
            “Well,” she begins innocently, “They think you got the most beautiful, gorgeous, cute, sexy…” She pauses momentarily as if to find another adjective, grinning broadly, “…an’ patient girlfriend they’ve evah seen, an’ they all wish they were her, b’cause…”
            “Because you got me in the sack,” I finish for her in mock exasperation, sighing theatrically. “I know, I know!  Y’know, sometimes it’s real hard playin’ de Casanova part.  De ladies don’ give y’ a moment’s peace.”
            She giggles, giving me a playful slap on the shoulder. “An’ you’d know all ‘bout that, of course,” she remarks, eyebrows knitting.
            “Chere, you know I only have eyes for a certain green-eyed, brown-haired Mississippi river rat wit’ de world’s cutest skunk-stripe in her hair, right?” I reply, brushing a few white strands of her hair back over her ear and letting my fingers linger there a moment. “Y’know, de one wit’ de cutest tush dis side of Mason-Dixie, and dat sexy li’l mole on her…”
            “Only Mason-Dixie?!” she echoes in feigned indignation, eyes wide.
            “Okay, I take it back – howzabout de galaxy?”
            “Sugah, we been a lot further than just this galaxy,” she pouts playfully. “Are you really sayin’ that Lilandra has a cuter butt than Ah do?”
            “…De universe…?”
            “An’ speakin’ of moles, you’re one t’ talk!”
            “Heh heh.” I chuckle at that one.  The whole ‘mole issue’ has landed me in some very –uh- interesting situations in the past. “You’re such a tease, p’tit.”
            “So are you,” she pouts.  It’s such a cute pout that I have to kiss it.  She mutters ‘what the hell’ and caves in.  I swear, life for us is like some crazy, deranged roller coaster.  First we’re at it, then we’re not, then we’re at it again.  Damn this girl!  She’s only the most irresistible thing I’ve ever seen.  Trouble is, she knows it.  Like I said – she’s a like torturer with his bloody implements.  Lucky for her I have a masochistic streak in me, heh heh.
            It was as things were starting to get interesting that ...
*And that's where I stopped writing! Anyone wanna finish it? You're welcome to! 😂*
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hyper-newt · 5 months
Comet Hook devlog #3
First prototype done !!!
Other devlogs : 1 - 2- 3
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New devlog !!!
I finished the prototype and you can play it :)
(it is bad though, but that's the point ! i can see what works and what doesn't)
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Here's what new down below :o
So first, i'm sorry for the lack of devlogs, I actually finished the prototype a month and a half ago, but I needed to tweak some stuff before releasing it. And uh college stuff and I had to study. But I have a break right now so here we are :)
I wanted to lock in to finish the prototype, it is quite rushed but it helps to fail faster. That's why I removed a bunch of animation and simplified some stuff so i could work more on the gameplay loop (and now it's your problem >:) ).
And so, here are some notable changes : (also some gif are from old builds of the game, so stuff are a bit different on the public prototype)
Fusing comets ! Replaces having multiple comets at the same time (Having multiples comets should be an upgrade, but heh too lazy to code it)
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There's three type of upgrade right now :
D -> Defense (bunch of extra health)
A -> Attack (extra health + extra damage)
S -> Speed (extra health + extra speed)
The little number under the letter is its health. So when you hit a fish with the comet, only the first upgrade will be hurt.
You can have up to three upgrades at once.
Catch multiple fishes
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Catching multiples fishes at the same time grants you a bigger and stronger comet ! Isn't that cool ? But now if you do bad at the minigame, it will end (you can see the fish health at the right, and yours at the left).
Also fishes stay stunned for a limited time now, so you can't catch all of them at the same time
The Shop
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I will not speak about how it looks
But anyway, take a comet, throw it in the sell box, and take an item like a comet and throw it in the buy box ! easy
And if you want money outside of selling, there's some gold fishes swimming around that you can KILL for money <3
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Mini bosses
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You see these little red orbs ? Destroy all the fishes around it and it will be unlock.
Attack it again, and !!! A miniboss !!!
Catch them all and you'll finish the level
A map to explore with upgrades
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These little thingy make you stronger (health, speed and attack), collect them !
An actual boss ! (no spoilers hehe)
niark niark you'll have to suffer through the whole prototype
Now that the prototype is done, here are my thougths on it
I think it's a bit too hard and not that much intuitive, it also doesn't feel that much like a fishing game :/
The fishing minigame is also kinda boring, but that's because I didn't bother coding something smart. Though I think I can make it better in an other way.
I'm not a big fan of the gameplay loop, having to fight some minibosses could be cool but the way I did it doesn't really work
And finally comets can get annoying ! At the end you have too much of them and that's a waste of performance + no one will go get the comets they left behind, so I do need to work on it.
I go a bit more in depth in the itch.io description :
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So I'll make another prototype (but I'll remove the boss at the end, it isn't worth it for a prototype, but for a demo sure! )
And for the youtube video version of these devlogs, I learning to write music to not rely on copyrighted content but it takes time :(
Anyway I hope you'll still have fun playing it though (three out of four people that tried the game liked it, that's neat)
Next devlog will be about another game, I want to try out some other games idea. I hope to be able to release it in a month or less, depends how I'm feeling (im sick of coding, drawing is easier and I can't even do that because it goes against the idea of prototyping argh !!!)
Thank you for reading this devlog and have a good day
bye byeeeee!!!!
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silvermeww · 1 month
fic ask game- 9 and 12 for Ash OR any other character of your choice?
Going to go with the oringinal boy (tm) since I can't think of anyone I can ramble about WITHOUT going off-topic rn. I can also go off-topic with Ash but I'm more restrained today bc of this horrible reaction to the worst coffee-based drink I've tasted. ANYWAYS:
9. Could you be roommates with this character?
Woo, boy, I have no idea if I can survive an encounter with Ash, let alone bunk out with him. I feel like he would be out of the room most of the time anyways, but still. His side would be a mess and so would mines (because I can get so lazy sometimes, it's a problem lol), and a few days later we would have Trubbish spawning in our room. And then he would befriend them. And then we would have another problem, because there would be too many Pokemon plus these Trubbish, and because they look cute I can't say no, but they still stink and you get the gist lol. And that's not even accounting for the crazy adventures that he would go throigh. Great stories at night? Definitely, but being a part of them? Will I be able to live a normal life afterwards? Is it worth the cost of meeting Legendaries and possibly even befriending them? It depends heh. But also Ash does seem pretty dependable in a pinch when it comes to situations like that, so maybe I can deal. Also I would get to be with so many Pokemon which would be a dream come true (tell me you wouldn't hug half of his team just to know how it feels).
(he would still need to clean his side of the room though, I'm not responsible for that)
12. What's a headcanon you have for this character?
Hmm I don't know if I have anything definite yet since I just finished mindlessly going through every season ever, but I definitely feel like Ash would go on to try out some contest circuits after Journeys. Expand his reach a little, play around with his Pokemon in a different light, learn about the different battling style in more depth (also get bombarded by all of his coordinator friends lol). I think a lot of people forget that he's not only just a League battler guy, but a Trainer that wants to try all sorts of stuff to bond with Pokemon (he even tried Pokemon fashion at one point!). And c'mon, it would be super fun to have him run into the contest hall with that funeral cowboy suit all dusty and then he just proceeds to call out Melmetal, who starts doing an improvised fortnite dance complete with dabbing for their appeal round. He gets eliminated of course, but in my heart he won and it was very close anyways. Also imagine the rivals!! Man this is getting me inspired. Anyways Coordinator Ash ftw.
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“Well, We’re Getting There” Steven Universe x Female reader story
Chapter 2~ The Arrival
Word count~ 2,806
Page count~ 7.5
Chpt 1/ Chpt 3
A few days have passed and Y/n and Ruby have almost finished packing their things. Of course, Ruby didn’t need all the stuff that Y/n needed. Like clothes, toothbrushes, and all that other stuff. But she enjoyed wearing different clothes and having different items that humans would own.
Right now, both of the girls are laying together in Y/n’s empty room. The only thing that lies in there is her mattress, and of course her and Ruby. Why are both cuddled up together on the mattress  with a blanket draped over them.
Ruby doesn’t need to sleep, but she loves it! Sure it feels weird, but she loves the comfort of it. Especially when she’s cuddling her favorite human friends. 
“I hope we made the right choice” Y/n spoke softly.
” I’m sure we did” Ruby said in the same tone but more tired. “Now let’s get some sleep, we still have to do more things tomorrow” Those were the last words heard from the tired Ruby before she drifted off to sleep.
Y/n glanced at Ruby with a tired smile on her face. She couldn’t help it. This cute, Little Rock has been taking over her heart since they’ve met. Of course she doesn’t mean she has a crush on Ruby, she just loves her as a really great friend. 
Soon, Y/n also drifted off to sleep. Henry came in to tell the girls good night, but was a little to late when he saw then cuddled together fast asleep. He smiled and took a picture. “ Good night girls “ he whispered after shutting the door and walking into his room to also go to sleep.
             After two weeks
Today was the day that the three would be boarding the plane. Ruby was very excited and Y/n would have been, if she didn’t have to wake up at four in the mourning! Seriously, she was so tired and couldn’t believe that she has to get up and stay Ik for the rest of the day. At least she could sleep in the car and plane right?  
“Ok girls, do you have your bags?” Henry asked while putting his bags in the back of his truck. 
“Yep” Y/n stated putting hers and helping Ruby out hers in too.
”Good. Now get buckled and ready to go.” Henry said placing the last of the bags in the truck and then putting a tarp over it while tying it down. 
“Ok! “ Ruby got in on the left side while Y/n got in in the right. Both girls buckled themselves in. Soon Henry followed in suit. 
“Okay. Let’s gets moving” Henry started the car and began to pull out of the driveway. He put some tunes on and sang a little too.
Y/n and Ruby were in the back. All Y/n wanted to do was to fall back to sleep, but that’s kind of hard to do when your in a car that’s blasting music. Plus, Ruby may feel lonely since she may not have anyone to talk to and the nearest airport is two hours away. 
“I can’t wait!!” Ruby said smiling. “Not just an I going to see a Beach soon, I’m going to ride in a human spacecraft!”
”An airplane isn’t exactly a spacecraft, that’s called a rocket “ Y/n said. Even though she has never been on a plane before, that doesn’t mean she’s stupid. She knows things.
”I still can’t wait! I wonder what our new house will look like?” Ruby said getting a bit over excited.
”Ru, chill. We’re gonna see soon okay? Might as well try to not to get too worked up about it.” Y/n grumbled tiredly.
“Oh right heh” Ruby blushed a little and then resumed to fuss over the possibilities of their new home quietly. Y/n tried her best to get sleep, and eventually did.
     After a long car trip later 
The next thing she knows is Ruby waking her up . “ Cone on N/n! We’re gonna be late if you don’t get off your lazy butt!” Ruby said while shaking the girl.
”Okay okay. Please don’t shake me like that again.” Y/n said sitting up and getting out of the car. 
“Here girls, carry your bags okay?” Henry said giving the girls their bags. Y/n’s was slightly heavier than Ruby’s and since Ruby’s are stronger that humans, she asked Y/n to carry her bag.
”Want me to carry thanks one?” She asked the girl who was currently holding  five to six bags.
”Yes please “ Y/n said and Ruby giggled taking the bag and putting it in her back like it’s nothing. “ I still can’t believe you can do that. “
“ I was born to do it” Ruby says winking at Y/n.
”Alright you two lest sign in and get ready to board ok?” Henry asked both the girls.
“Okay!” They both said together with a smile on their face. 
They all got into the lain and signed in, soon walking up to the area where they check your bags and the person. Ruby was very excited to walk threw. Even though it did go off due to her gem being on her neck. Luckily, the security guards let her through. Y/n was a little bit more hesitant with walking through. She wasn’t very fond of the idea of someone scanning her. But she eventually went through and turned out fine. 
After they collected their bags, they went through a hall that had many people walking. They stopped at a door and boarded a subway that will take them to the area where you board the plane. 
“Wow! I get to board a plane and a train! This is so exciting! “ Ruby’s eyes lit up while looking around.
”I’m glad your having fun.” Henry said looking down at the Ruby. “What about you Y/n?” He asked the quiet girl.
”It’s, interesting” She said in a hushed matter.
The subway train then came to a stop. They all exited the train and walked down another hall. After they walked through it, they came to a bigger opening with small stores, gift shops, food joints, and many other small restaurants.
Henry looked at the time and realized that they got there a little early. Their plane boards in 30 minutes. He realized that neither of them have ate anything this mourning.” Hey girls? Why don’t we get some food? We don’t have to board until another 39 minutes.” 
Yeah! I wanna try something new!” Ruby said with excitement 
“I’m down” Y/n said with a small smile.
“ Okay then let’s go.”
All three of them walked through the area with restaurants and food shops. There was a small coffee shop that caught the girls eyes. Henry noticed this and laughed a bit “I see you wanna eat at Starbucks? You do know that it isn’t really an eating place right?”
Both of the girls nodded. Henry told them that they could eat there if they liked. So they both did. Ruby gay a bagel with cream cheese and Y/n got a croissant. Henry was nice enough to buy them each a frappechino . He ordered a coffee to go. They all walked back to the seats where you wait to board and ate.
”Wow!” Ruby said drinking her drink. “This tastes incredible! Y/n have you tried your yet?”
Y/n shook her head no, the. Brought the straw up to her mouth and took a sip. Her eyes lit up with literal stars as she drank more.
” I reckon that you’ve both never had a Frappechino before? “ Henry laughed drinking his coffee.
”Nope” Y/n and Ruby both said shaking their heads.
”Well then we should get you more once we get to Delaware huh!” Henry smiled looking at the two girls. 
“Yes please “ both Ruby and Y/n said together again.
Soon the intercom came on” Plane B now boarding to Delaware, please board the plane.”
“Okay girls let’s throw this away and head on over yeah?” Henry said standing up from his seat, soon the girls followed. 
“Ok we’re coming” Y/n exclaimed since Ruby was trying to finish her drink before they threw it away.
After they threw away their garbage, they walked over to their plane, getting reading to board. They were waiting in line, getting their bigger bags loaded onto the plane while all three of them had their own carry in bags. 
“Have a save flight!” One of the workers told them as they walked through the entry way of the plane. Once they got into the plane, Y/n and Ruby saw how small it was, and noticed a few seats in the front that looked more comfortable and had more space. Luckily , that’s where they sat since Henry can afford expensive stuff like that.
”Ooo~ This is so exciting! And these chairs are so comfy!” Ruby exclaimed sitting by the window seat. Y/n isn’t 100% comfortable sitting next to Henry and he knows it. So he bought a ticket that lets him sit in front of the girls instead of next to. 
“We will be taking off soon. Please make sure you have your seat belts on.” The intercom spoke. Y/n looked over to her side and noticed Ruby fidgeting in her seat. Either out of excitement, or out out of nervousness, probably both.
”Hey, Ruby, it’s gonna be okay.l Y/n said looking over at Ruby.
”I know , I’m just a bit nervous about this! I’ve never been in one of these before!” Ruby said 
“Well neither have I , but I’m sure it’ll be ok.” Y/n said trying to cheer her up.
”We are now leaving California. Please have a wonderful and safe flight.” The intercom spoke again. Soon, the plane started to move and the girls both looked out the window. The plane then sped up and lifted them off the ground. Y/n and Ruby both looked out the window, watching as everything turned smaller and smaller.
”Woah” Ruby and Y/n said together. Henry looked back at then and chuckled. He was currently doing some work on his laptop. Y/n stopped looking out the window and Ruby did the same. Both girls were so excited to see what would happen next!
“That wasn’t as bad as I thought” Ruby smiled relieved. “That was a very interesting experience huh N/n?” Ruby said , trying to sound a bit more professional.
”Sure was Ru.” Y/n laughed looking at Ruby.
”Excuse me?” An airplane attendant said to both the girls. “ Would you two care for a drink or food?”
”Oooo! Me! “ Ruby shouted excitedly. She got some cookies and and orange juice.
”And for you? “ She asked Y/n.
”Hmm. A coke?” Y/n asked. The attendant handed her a glass and walked off to serve others. Y/n has never drank coke before. Even if her other parents owned coke, they wouldn’t let her have some over their dead bodies. She took a sip and loved it! She was surprised by the sparkling taste at first but actually enjoyed it.
Ruby saw her drinking it and asked her a question. “ Can I try some?” Y/n let her have some sips of it, once again, someone was surprised by the sparking taste. “ That tastes good! Isn’t this the soda that the others use to have?” 
“Yeah” Y/n said laying more in her seat. “Hey Ruby? I’m gonna take a nap okay? You can have the rest of the Soda if you want.”
” Really? Thanks!” Ruby stated taking the soda off of the tray. 
“ No problem “ Y/n said as she drifted off to sleep. 
The next day was the same. They got meals, snacks, and other things needed in order to survive. Their flight is a 42 hour flight and they would arrive there in the mourning. So Henry wanted both the girls to get some sleep before they had to wake up early again. And that’s what they both did. Of course they were very excited.
             The next mourning 
“You have arrived at your destination” Was the first thing  they all heard when they woke up. “ Please exit carefully and have a good day. Thank you for boarding”. Y/n watched as all the people from the plane board off. Soon, they stood up with their bags and left.
They walked up to the area where you retrieve your bigger bags and carried them though the airport. With a very tired Y/n falling behind.
”Y/n you gotta hurry up, the bus for Beach City in leaving soon.” Henry said waking over to the tired girl taking one of her bags, with Ruby taking another.
” Yeah sorry I’m just really tired right now.” Y/n said rubbing her eyes. 
“Well you can sleep on the bus ok. It’s another hour or two on the bus in order to arrive anyway.” Henry said 
They all walked out of the building in front of a bus station. They waited for awhile, until the bus drive up and opened its doors. 
“ Let’s go you two.” He said walking up the stairs into the bus. Y/n didn’t care how suspicious she was of this vehicle, she was just tired so she walked up as well with Ruby following behind her. They all sat down in the back with their bags. The bus was practically empty since it was four in the mourning. And just like Henry said , Y/n would fall asleep on the bus.
            After another long ride
Y/n was once again woken by a shake, lucking not so hard this time. “What is it Ruby?” Y/n said in a irritating voice.
” Looks! It’s a beach!” Ruby said getting out of her seat and walking to the window. Y/n also go up and walked over to the window as well. “ Woah! There’s so much water! It’s so pretty!” Ruby exclaimed.
“Hey Henry? Do you think we can check out the beach once we get settled in?” Y/n asked as she glanced at the man .
”I don’t see why not” Henry chuckled at their excitement. The bus came turned on a road and slowed down a bit before fully coming to a stop. The doors opened and the three walked out and watched the bus drive away. “Well girls, this is it, our new home.” The house was bigger than your other house. “ The moving vans should be hear in a few days, so we may need to get some sleeping bags later when the stores open up “ Henry said as he walked up to the house to unlock the door. 
Once they got inside, Henry walked upstairs to show the girls their rooms. “ This is your room Ruby.” He opened the door to show a pretty large room. 
“It’s big!” Ruby exclaimed running through the room. 
“Yep. I’m glad you like it!” Henry said walking out of the room with Y/n. “ Y/n this is your room.” The toon the Y/n received was slightly larger than Ruby’s.
”Oh wow. This is really big” Y/ n said with a surprised look on her face.
” I thought you deserved a bigger room, so this would do just fine! Henry said 
“Heh..thanks” Y/n said holding one of her arms with a small smile on her face. 
“No problem “ Henry said walking out the room. Then he stopped in the middle of the hallway.” I’m gonna be on the phone so if you need me I’ll be in the kitchen.”
Both of the girls yelled an okay. Y/n decided that she would start hanging up her cloths. She has nothing else to do right now since it’s too early to check out shops and stores nearby. And it’s too early to go check out the beach. So starting on decorating and putting stuff away would be a good idea. It really is too bad that the movers haven’t delivered their shelves and stuff. The only things that Y/n and Ruby can put away are their clothes and if they wanted to, put some things on the built in closet shelf.
Y/n started to unpack, getting more and more excited by the minute. She couldn’t wait to explore Beach City in a few hours. And so couldn’t a young Ruby.
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lustrouslee · 2 years
Finally finished one of my small fics, i got to escape the horrors of doing group projects, here you go @wolfcamellias! I got inspired by their headcanon of swk having chickens.
A little long as usual,
-Sun Wukong And The Ladies —
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Sun Wukong, The Monkey King And former known as the hero of legends, was preparing chicken feed for the flock of chickens he owns, and lovingly calls them as the 'ladies', he has owned them for a while now. He hums as he puts down the bowls each for them.
He coos, "Hey ladies it's time for breakfast!~" As soon that is said, a flock of chickens excitedly bursted out their pen as their owner opened their gate. The hens chirped happily, as they pecked down on their food. Sun Wukong chuckles at the excited chirps they made, he sat down beside them eating happily.
He pats their head joyfully as they eat, he hums happily "You guys like the food?" one of the hens nodded as if she understood his question, he happily chuckles "good." soon after the chicks had come out to follow their mothers outside.
He slowly picked up one of the chicks, he gently strokes their feathers with his index finger, he puts it on his head. The chick had gotten comfortable in his fur and nestles down there. He puts two more chick in his head as they get cozy and warm in his fur.
The rest of chicken nestles down on his lap, he was surrounded by the flock of the chickens he owns as usual. He gets comfortable in his position, he tries to pet them all but alas there were too many.
He felt fluffy and warm, a comfortable feeling eased on him and the ladies and their chicks. They were purring, "Heh.. Ya'll are really getting comfortable around me aye?" He says as a lazy smile appears on his lips.
He hums a song he cherishes and usually sings, the chickens gets more comfortable, one of them even started to rub against him.
"MONKEY KING!!!" a shout erupted from the forests below, breaking the comfortable and warm feeling, which replaced by the feeling of shock, the chickens were so startled one of them landed upside down.
"Oh dear you alright?" he chuckles lightly as he flips back the startled chicken down, he pats her fluffed up feathers gently to calm her down. "There? You feel better now Chang Shu?" The chicken clucks in return as if a way to say thank you. The other chickens surrounded Sun Wukong, rubbing against him.
He quickly pats them all, "There's so many of you!" he chuckles yet again. "Monkey king!!" Another shout, it sounded more closer however and less loud than the other one. Sun Wukong heard two other voices. "Stop shouting idiot, he can hear us." a gruff -and annoyed voice, must be the son of the demon bull family, —Redson then.—
The other more in a upbeat tone, "Hey! Let him be it's been a while since we have seen monkey king! Never knew mount flower fruit is this pretty!" it was obviously, Long Xiaojiao or more commonly known as Mei in the group. Probably one of the most nicest and terrifying in the group —according to mk themselves. —
He stood up, scooping some of the chicken into his arms. The others follow their owner, protectively walking infront of him. He just shakes his head, "Cmon it's just the kid and his —not gonna lie, very rowdy friends — Mei and Redson." The chickens clucks a few times, Sun Wukong sheepishly chuckles. "Oh right he threatened you guys to turn you into chicken nuggets."
The trio of chaos had finally arrived and Sun Wukong welcomed them, "Welcome Welcome to my humble abode!" Mk's eyes had immediately shown excitement in them as he goes closer to the monkey king, and crouches down to pet the chickens, and Mei his bestfriend, did the same.
"Aww!! They're so adorable!" both of them had said together, while the demon bull instead scoffed, "Cmon now, they're just chickens." he grumbled, Mei shots him down with a glare as Mk instead had a pout on his lips. Sun Wukong simply shakes his head in disappointment, "as so Monkey King—" Mk tapped his shoulder as he stood up.
Sun Wukong tilted his head slightly, "What is it kid?" he asks as he puts a smile on his face. "Ah so can me and Mei cuddle them for a while?" Mk said, as Mei stood up and puts her arms on his shoulder. "Yeahh can we?" Both of them had done the infamous puppy eyes™, Sun Wukong couldn't resist, as per usual.
"Alright Alright you could have them for a while. Just be careful with them—" as soon as he agreed and said yes, the two immediately grabbed some chickens and went somewhere in the mountain, leaving him with redson, and some of the chickens. "Ah gee they're always energetic." Redson didn't really say anything, execpt for a small nod.
"They're just normal chickens, there's nothing special about them—" He says as he gets attacked and harassed by the chickens, "WHAT THE FU–" he runs away, the chickens were too overwhelming to him. Sun Wukong laughs loudly and wheezes, startling the chickens on his arms, "Ahh that is so golden to see.. Wish Mk and Mei could've saw it." as he wipes of the tears on his eyes, the chickens in his arms chirps.
"Alright alright let's get you guys back to the pen"
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himemiya-kun · 1 year
Secret Swan (Chapter 5)
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Chapter 5: The Truest Self
• Tori Himemiya
• Tsukasa Suou
• Eichi Tenshouin
Tori: (I got help from Producer without asking for help… At this rate, I’ll never be able to find a way to improve...)
I remember during the filming of “Fist of the Shangri-la Idol”, Eichi-sama seemed to use special methods to stimulate our acting skills.
If only I could think of a method like Eichi-sama… but that's Eichi-sama.
Ah!? Ow, ow, ow… Who is it! Is it hard to see where you’re going?!
Tsukasa: Oh, you were the one who bumped into me while walking without looking, didn’t you, Tori-kun? So why is the villain filing a complaint first?
Tori: Ugh, it’s Tsukasa…
I really don't want to talk to you right now, so you should leave quickly. This is the secretary you're talking to. Now leave me alone.
Tsukasa: Oh? You’re usually so arrogant, but now you’re willing to lose without a fight in an argument with me?
I’m really curious to know what made you look so troubled, maybe you were preached by Fushimi-senpai again?
Tori: What do you mean ‘again’! Yuzuru praises me more often than scolds me recently, you are the one who is often lectured by Sena-senpai, right?
Hmph, next time when Sena-senpai comes, I will tell him that you secretly eat snacks every day after class!
Tsukasa: Hold on…! Did I start spreading rumours if I couldn’t say it, you liar! I’m just curious about what kind of trouble people like you have, but it seems that I shouldn’t have given you any extra care in the first place!
Tori: Huh~? An idiot full of evil thoughts like Tsukasa will not understand the troubles of a cute and simple person like me.
Tsukasa: You are Tori who obviously doesn’t know what respect is?! I don’t want to have the same knowledge as an insolent boy like you!
Tori: I'm too lazy to talk nonsense with an uneducated guy like Tsukasa!
Tsukasa: Ahhh…! For a person like Tori, there are so many fans who believe that you are really a pure angel, they praise you for being cute, I really want them to see you like this!
Tori: Hmm? What are you talking about, am I not cute now?
(The plot of the short film roughly expresses that even if the world doesn’t understand you, you must dare to show your true self, show the side you want people to see, and pursue what you want…)
(In the eyes of Yuuki-senpai and the others last year, as well as in the eyes of Tsukasa, even I have been the villain quite a few times.)
Tsukasa: Cute? You are the embodiment of evil sometimes! A demon!
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Tori: Heh heh heh, so what if I’m the incarnation of evil? The original me is the cutest me ♪
That's great, it's another step ahead of you. It won’t be long before I can leave you far behind. When the time comes, you will kneel down and cry and beg me to forgive you. Maybe I will agree ♪
Tsukasa: What the… What’s the matter? Why do you suddenly look completely different from just now? You also said a lot of inexplicable things, which is really unpleasant!
Tori: Alas, you won't understand even if I explain it to you, idiot.
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Tori: …Still, I want to thank you.
Tsukasa: You, what are you saying? Thank you? Are you saying thank you to me? Did I hear you right?
Tori: That's right ♪ Although I’m just a mere secretary, you made Tori-sama feel super excited~ Well, of course the cutest Tori-sama in the world will choose to forgive you for the time being ♪
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Tori: Producer~ Here I come ♪
Eichi: Haha, we have been waiting for you for quite some time.
Tori: Eh, Eichi-sama is here too?!
Eichi: Producer told me before that she was a little worried about your situation, but judging by your appearance today, she was worrying a bit too much.
Tori: Producer is always worrying~ but this time, I really want to thank her ♪
Eichi: Mm. Producer really did a lot for us. There's one more thing she hasn't had time to finish, and while I'm waiting for her to complete it, let me tell you something first.
I feel that, now, there should be no bad influence for you.
In fact, I got news from Yuuki earlier. I don’t know why, but people from COS PRO are more inclined to participate in the audition of the “W series”.
So the “B series” has basically already been negotiated with our STAR PRO.
Tori: Eh, in other words, the audition pressure will be very light, is it just a formality?
Eichi: That’s right. In the end, even if you still can't solve the difficulties you encounter, I will ask Yuzuru and Tsumugi to help you, so that you can play this role perfectly.
But we have all seen Tori working hard. If I told you this in advance, it might make you feel that we didn't expect you from the beginning.
Because you said that you don't want me to treat you as a child again, and this time, after all, it is a job commission you personally received, I want to give you as much respect as possible.
So, in the end, you made a really amazing result that exceeded our expectations, Tori.
Tori: Hehe, I feel like I've been praised so many times by Eichi-sama recently that it feels like a dream.
Eichi: Oh, it seems that the work on Producer’s side has been completed, so go over there and have a look.
Tori: Huh? The outfit Producer handed me looks very similar to the upcoming B-Series...
Hey, this is specially tailored by Producer for me?! Because you think that if I really wear this suit, maybe I can break through the original...
Woohoo~ How can you treat me so well! Although you always avoid close physical contact with us after arriving in ES, can you let me hug you now?
No, I'll hug you even if you don't agree! Thank you, Producer ♪
Yesterday, I finally found some understanding of this role, and just now, after seeing this costume, I immediately imagined what it would look like to wear it... It proved that my idea wasn’t wrong!
I have always acted as cute as an angel in front of my fans, but in the eyes of different people, I still have some bad intentions and self-willingness, right?
So I thought, I’ll show my truest and most natural self, and show my lovely self to the fans!
This costume needs not only my cuteness, but also my confidence—
When I wear it, I'll tell the world how awesome this costume is!
And I, Himemiya Tori——is the perfect spokesperson for it.
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mythica0 · 2 years
A collection of cases of Marilyn’s aggressive positivity.
🎂: MHA (including OC’s)
🧁: Payton,Midoriya , Todoroki, Kirishima
🍫: Marilyn
Summary: Marilyn is infamous for her aggressive positivity. Don’t even think about not talking care of yourself around her!
TW: some swear words.
A collection of cases of Marilyn’s aggressive positivity
Case 1:
Payton was sitting in the mostly empty dorm rooms. Considering only Her and Marilyn lived there, because they needed somewhere to go to sleep while staying in Japan, it was a pretty empty space.
“Ugh. I should be training, not sitting here like a lazy piece of shit.” She spoke.
Marilyn was going past the halls to get a snack when she heard something coming from behind Payton’s door. “…Not sitting here like a lazy piece of shit.” Wait a second.
Payton just insulted themself. ‘Oh, I can not let that slide. ‘ Marilyn thought. She grabbed her snacks and water, as well as some extra in case Payton wanted any.
Payton was just starting to work up the energy to get up when she heard her door slam open with a loud *CRASH* “AH- jeez Marilyn you scared the be-jeezus out of me! “
“Sorry not sorry!“ the plant girl replied, her foot still out from kicking in the door. “anyways, I brought snacks!”she said, throwing them onto Payton’s bed before flopping onto the desk chair.
“Do you know why I’m here?”
“No officer, I don’t know why you pulled me over.” Payton replied in a joking manner.
“Pfft. Okay, no need to be sassy about it. “
“And your one to talk about not being sassy, how?”
“Jeez , jeez , i didn’t visit to be attacked. “
Payton just raised their brown in question.
“I’m here , because, I couldn’t help but overhear you call yourself a …. Let’s see here… “ she pretended to pull out a notepad; and look it over. “Ah, here it is. A ‘Lazy Piece of Shit’ “ she said with air quotes.
“I simply can not let this violation slide!”
“So you really are a police officer, huh.”
“Oh, sush. Now , Inorder to dish out the correct treatment for this … horrible condition called ‘self-deprication’… I need to know the context behind your statement. “
“Well, I was just sitting there, doing nothing! When I could be cleaning, or training, or coming up with new songs, and instead I was just scrolling through TikTok. Sounds pretty Lazy, doesn’t it?” Payton said, trying not seem non-chalant, but it was actually a pretty big deal to them.
“Would you say that about someone else?” Came the calm reply .
“Well….” She hesitates , before breathing out and finishing with “…no.”
“That’s what I thought. Taking time to rest and do things you enjoy isn’t lazy, it’s self care. “
“Self care, self shmare. I don’t -“
“Don’t what. Don’t need it? Or do you just think you don’t deserve it. “
“That’s what I thought. Now, this is a pretty severe case, so intense treatment is required.”
“What… does that… mean?”
“You’ll see” Marilyn said before jumping onto Payton and knocking her onto the bed. Then she started squeezing Payton’s sides rapidly .
“They say laughter is the best medicine for a reason, patient! “
Payton only laughed more at Marilyn’s silly ness.
After a while, Marilyn let up , leaving a giggly Payton laying on the bed.
“Good thing I brought water with these snacks, huh?”
“Heh… heh…. Yeahah. “ Payton giggled out, taking a water bottle and drinking a bit before grabbing some snacks .
“Oh, and By the way, this will happen every time you are self deprecating around me, understood? I don’t take any of that shit.”
Payton gulps a little before replying “..ay ay captain.” Nervously.
Case 2:
Midoriya was working himself down to his repeatedly broken bones . He was staying up late, getting up early, and training /studying all day, never taking breaks. He was gonna give himself burnout, and then work through that too!
Everyone , teachers included, were starting to worry about him, but no one knew what to do.
At least, until Marilyn decided enough was enough. Everyone had heard of the incident in the dorms a few weeks ago. Now that everyone had asked their parents and decided to stay in the dorms as well, (to keep their friends company and so they were closer to school) Payton had warned them of Marilyn’s, now infamous, ‘aggressive positivity ‘ TM.
This also gave Marilyn ample opportunity to stop Midoriya from this cycle.
*knock knock knock* came a sound on his door. Midoriya wasn’t one to deny a friend, so even though he was studying , he called out “come on in!”
He was expecting Kaminari asking for help on his English, or Bakugo asking to spar.
Who he didn’t expect to be behind the door was Marilyn.
“Hello fellow green man!” Marilyn shouted out as she entered.
“Oh, uh… hi. What did ya need?”
“You to take a break with me. “
“Oh, sorry, I can’t. “
“On the contrary, you have too. Working this much isn’t good for you. Take care of yourself! “
“I am. I’m making sure I’m hygienic and getting all my work done.”
“Yeah, but you need to take time to relax. Even if I have to make you.” Marilyn said with a mischievous grin.
“Huh? .. oh. OH!” Midoriyas eyes grew wide.
A few minutes later, there was a slowly falling asleep Midoriya giggling on the floor.
“Here. “ Marilyn said, handing the other a snack bar. “Eat something before you fall asleep.
“Ok. “ the other replied sleepily, before munching the snack bar and passing out.
“That should fix that problem ! “ Marilyn said walking away , whistling.
Case 3:
Todoroki was feeling a little upset. His dad was being extra mean on the days Todoroki worked up the courage to go home in order to see his mother and siblings.
He was beating himself up and feeling guilty for not being able to see his family as often do to his cowardice.
Marilyn, as always, quickly picked up on the issue and decided to do her thing!
She was gonna comfort him first, though.
After making some cold soba for Todoroki, Marilyn knocked on his door.
Slightly startled from his self deprecation zone-out , Todoroki said “huh?! Oh, come in”
Marilyn walked in carrying the bowl of cold soba and gave it to the peppermint man.
“Here, I made this for you.”
“Oh. That’s rather unexpected, thank you. “
“It’s no problem. I just needed to talk to you. I’ve seen you beating yourself up in your head, what’s going on?”
After only a moment’s hesitation, Todoroki spoke “my dads being extra mean recently, and I haven’t been visiting my family because of it, I feel bad.”
“It’s okay! Your family has eachother, and I’m certain that they’re okay. You have some severe trauma from your dad, avoiding that is not something to feel bad about. “
“…thanks . I needed to hear that.”
“No problem. Now let’s get a smile back on your face, hmmm?”
“What? Hehehehehey! “
And a few minutes later, what did we have?
That’s right, you guessed it! A giggly Todoroki lying on the floor.
“My job here is done! Have a nice rest of your day!”
Case 4:
Next up on Marilyn’s hit-list was Kirishima. He was getting self conscious about the small amount of pudge he has……again.
All his friends knew about this insecurity, and tried to comfort him, but to no avail.
Finally, they sent in the big guns.
Marilyn walked up to Kiri while he was in the couch with the rest of the Baku-squad.
“Hey, Kiri!”
“Oh, sup Marilyn?”
“Just know, this isn’t personal. I was told to help you out!”
That was the only warning Kiri got before Marilyn started to pinch his pudge.
“Look at this! So happy and ticklish! How could you be insecure about such a beautiful thing?!”
Next thing you know, there’s a giggly Kirishima, but it on the floor this time! He was still on the couch, being group hugged by his friends. Even Bakugo, reluctantly (it was not reluctantly, but Bakugo has an image to uphold)
————————— THE END —————————
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