#(thanks dawa)
mekanikaltrifle · 1 year
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Mai in a suit. is that what we're needing today?
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wargod · 2 years
❝ there is more about you than appears on the surface. ❞ from kaname / @njnth being perceptive
MEME ) …        no longer accepting !!   @xyuuken / @njnth
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“  You think so?  ”  They inquire kindly. Their voice airy and cheerful as ever. Something about the tone implied flippantness, one ear and out the other. But it’s not that they did not hear or is not listening, because they are, always. Dawa’s demeanor tends to send an opposite message though. Often to their chagrin but in the company of this man they feel more confident in being understood. Didn’t even pause from crawling around in the dirt and brambles when Kaname spoke. Hand after hand after hand sifting through grass and twigs and fallen leaves. “  That’s flattering!  ”  Dawa exclaimed while simultaneously uprooting a rather large wild tuber. Between various carrots and roots that could be rutabaga or turnips or oca, they all taste fairly similar to them. Therefore all of them were good enough to eat! The one they ripped from the ground was larger than expected and ended in their bottom hitting the ground behind with a light ‘ OOF! ’ And what the monk was wearing certainly wasn’t proper attire for manual labor and foraging. 
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“  Back home most everyone thinks of me as a simpleton!~  ”  Again spoken with an unnecessary brevity. Once again finding purchase on their feet Dawa collected the vegetables in their billowing sleeves. Intricately woven robes would now need to be deep cleaned of grass stains and mud. Looking as the mess they’ve made of themself Dawa’s expression did curdle like milk. Sour and nearly huffy but it simmered just as quickly as it came. More so upset at their lack of forethought. But a smile returned once they looked back at the man.
“  But it’s nice though, to be recognized like that~ I mean I know I am made of much more! Everyone is. But it’s still stinks to be treated like a one - trick - yak.  ” They use a clean part of their outer robe to wipe away accumulating sweat from their brow.  “  Because when they think of you in such narrow terms then suddenly you don’t matter at all! Like a paper doll stand - in for a person laid flat against the wall. Hmph~  ”  A harrumph that’s mimicked by a nearby bovine, a royally adorned yak grazing some ways away but still in earshot. 
Dawa shuffled out of the brush. “  Although it makes me curious what you felt was more about me.  ”  they continued with a hum, two hands now shifting their garb and removing baubles and dangling bits that should have been removed before. “  Oh, and would you mind if I undressed a little? Just by half! It’s occurred to me too late I probably should not have gotten these so filthy~  ”
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oinonsana · 4 months
belated happy vesak! went to our local temple and participated in the saga dawa puja
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i also did a solo merit-making gubat banwa game!
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In the solo game, the Mantrika Busalian Rasru and their consort vajra Bladeweaver Bajregame travel on foot across a dense forest traveling to the Kuta Ragam in an island in the Gatusan Isles. While traveling, they came across a weeping diwata.
The diwata resided within a single spirit house in the middle of Utoragam Wood. It wept because a band of unmeritorious warriors from the nearby town were coming to destroy the shrine. Rasru and Bajregame were sensitive to the cries of the diwata.
The three warriors saw Rasru and Bajregame coming to the god's aid. Aggravated, they yelled their reason: "Raja Rangin must see to it that the diwata is pushed out, so that the new gods may settle in."
"But this diwata has been the steward of this land for centuries."
"Then they must be tired of their duties!" And the warriors entered violence. Unfortunately for them, both Rasru and Bajregame were inducted into the ways of both violence and of sorcery. They're Kadungganan, after all.
In the chaos of the fight, the diwata's spirit shrine was damaged heavily by wild swing axes from the large leader of the gang. But Bajregame's mastery over Eskrima Mahika proved true, and she struck him down quickly with an intricate flying sword combo to prevent harm.
The kamikam assassin wielding two knives leapt up immediately to imbue many bleeding strikes upon Rasru, who was busy performing mudras to ready his sorcery. With a flex of sakti, they unleashed scathing magicks that punctured and then bound with a slowing poison.
"All things have the right to liberation," Rasru uttered, as they defeated the last of the warriors, an archer too cowardly to fight up close. They were all incapacitated, one way or another, but not killed. With an utterance of a mantra, roots came to bind them.
With all the ruffians bound, Bajregame took them up and begins carrying them out to the nearby river, where they will awake discombobulated. Rasru performs obeisances to the god, and says: "May you walk in light."
The diwata spoke to them, then. "I thank you, and whatever illumination leads you! Here, take the offerings."
Rasru refused them. "I am no biksu, give them to someone in need. May the ancestors and the annusattva grant you joy."
"You speak in interesting songs. Pray, herald to me what vehicle you ride." And so Rasru spoke to him of the path of Annuva and the teachings of Kritanagara, Violence Annusatva, as taught to him by the Witch-Monk Sri Dvaya Sattva.
When Bajregame returned, the path of the Annuva had been sung to the diwata, who found it interesting at the least. "I will have to go to the nearest monastery, then," he would say. "Or perhaps find dewa (sky gods) to ask about this."
"I am glad you are interested in liberation. Walk in light." And with another bow and folding of hands, the two Kadungganan were off.
When the three ruffians awoke, still bound, the diwata spoke to them about the Law of Annuva.
"Proselytizing? I did not expect that to be among your list of skills," spoke Bajregame as they neared Kuta Ragam.
"Still the thought. Not one I have proselytized to. I sing and only I sing. Until all beings are free."
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ko-existing · 1 month
Yeah you do sound Western/American, tbh. Like it's funny. I thought you guys were Americans with Asian ancestry when I came across this tumblog.
I don't remember dawas posts. But I do remember Pabus and Chens. Chen especially expresses in a very Western way too lol...
I think more so than western, it's the global generation of those born in the 2000s (or rly late 90s). We keep it sleek and simple. We can handle the mind-blowing perspectives without spiraling or rejecting it(too much). Whereas older writers of this have to set contexts and parameters so certain readers don't get lost/confused. I appreciate that BeingIs does this!
But I'm so glad I didn't have to read so much 😭😭 RW was enough for me when he was around lol, thank god I am SOOO lazy
And yeah it's a good point that our expressions can be influenced by other expressions, infinitely tbh 😁
Yeah I definitely agree that young writers express themselves in a shorter way. It doesn't really matter where they come from. My grandpa, whenever I speak to him about this topic, expresses himself in a very complicated way for new peole, but because I already understand what he's saying it's easy for me, but I know if I were to post the things he's written down or has said I don't think I would be able to phrase it in a simpler way.
A big exemption though are Swamis on YouTube. They phrase it in a very simple way because they ""stick"" to the phrasing of Advaita Vedanta. In the phrasing of "no concept" it leaves much more room and interpretation. That's why Being-Is for example, sounds very advanced though he isn't that old either. It's just really interesting to think about it.😆
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sophieinwonderland · 1 year
I recently started hearing that Tulpa is a bad term, but i’ve also heard that it’s not and doesn’t originate in appropriation, i honestly don’t know what to believe… Do you have any trustworthy resources talking about this or know the background of the term yourself? I have a headmate with this origin and he and I are getting increasingly concerned about this… thank you so much in advance!! Your blog is an awesome resource and i really appreciate you being on tumblr and sharing about your experiences :))!
Hi there! 😁
Personally, I don't think there's any merit to these.
The tulpa appears to be based on Tibetan Buddhist practices but isn't any of them. It was brought to the West by a European Buddhist explorer, Alexandra David-Neel (the first European woman to be granted an audience with the Dalai Lama) with the aid of Lama Kazi Dawa Samdup, and is considered a result of cultural exchange in one paper.
It's likely that the concept of the tulpa that arrived in the West changed as parts were lost in translation or adapted for a different audience, resulting in something not directly from the religion.
The word itself, tulpa, doesn't appear to be in use in Tibetan Buddhism.
Over time, the tulpa evolved in pop culture until it took on a shape of its own. I consider this similar to how other words change over time and evolve. And how languages draw their etymologies from other practices.
I don't generally believe words are appropriative. Just as the words hurricane or caucus aren't considered appropriation even while literally being taken by colonizers.
Additionally, while tulpamancy itself, as we call it, is generally seen as a Western practice that originated in 2009, there have been online tulpa guides dated back to 2007 in Japan that strongly resemble the Western practice, and appear to be adapted from the ADN tulpa rather than the Sprul-pa from which the practice drew its etymology. So this type of tulpa creation had global reach before the official beginning of the tulpamancy community in the West.
A lot of the anti-tulpa arguments were invented by anti-endos to delegitimize one of the strongest endogenic communities. Many of the common talking points originally stemmed from an anti-tulpa Carrd that @eeveecraft thoroughly debunked here which also claimed alternatives like thoughtform were appropriative too.
The anti-tulpas you see in syscourse are a small minority who aren't representative of Tibetan Buddhist opinions. From what I've observed, most Tibetan Buddhists don't even know that the tulpa is a thing or has any connection to Tibetan Buddhism at all.
When a Tibetan Buddhist subreddit was asked about their opinions, the majority said that they didn't see it as appropriative, or even having much to do with anything from the culture at all.
And I'm much more inclined to trust their opinions on the matter than people who have been heavily influenced by a constant stream of anti-endo propaganda.
I realize this mess is a lot to wade through, but I hope that clears things up a bit!
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anotherrosesthatfell · 9 months
╰┈➤ blessings
This story will explain why Angst is strong 💀. Yes it's canon in original e.l.a-
"What's wrong with my baby...?" Killer wondered as she poked Angst cheek.
Angst didn't cry slightest a bit unlike Crescent who is still crying.
"The damn man won't even call the doctor to check on you..." she sighed and hold both Angst an Crescent on her arms.
Crescent was still crying until Angst poke his brother forehead. He immediately went to sleep which surprised Killer. That saved her a lot energy.
"Awe, did you help your brother, Angst? You're so sweet." she chuckles. "I am bit tired now... Let's go to sleep baby." Killer pat Angst back.
Angst is very quiet for a baby while Crescent is very loud one. No one actually realised these two saw lurking spirits. For Crescent, he saw them as scary shadow but for Angst, those spirits have their normal looks.
"My little sister is asleep now..." a spirit sat next to Killer and pat her hair.
That's her older brother, Dawa. The one she killed out of insanity.
"Oh my... Could you see me?" He is surprised by the fact Angst was staring at him all the time. "This is a miracle...!"
"More like a curse." Quetzalcoatl appeared next to him and glared at Angst. "Unfortunately, he look so much like that bastard traitor."
"oh don't speak to my nephew in such way..." Dawa frowned. "My nephew is so sweet but I'm afraid he is ill. He didn't cry after he was born."
"Does it look like it's my problem?" the ex king rolled his eyes.
"I heard that child can see us." Nim spoke out and took Angst from Killer arms. "interesting, I shall bless this little one!"
"First of the all... How in the bloody hell you're here?" Quetzalcoatl glares at Nim. "and don't touch the child with your filthy hands!" He took Angst away from Nim.
"H-hey, let's not fight when my sister and other nephew are sleeping—"
"shut up Dawa. Get out don't interfere in royalty discussion." Quetzalcoatl warn Dawa.
Dawa hesitated but Quetzalcoatl already forced him to get out from the room.
"Wow, you're rude much after death." Nim scoffed.
"None of this wouldn't happen if you didn't kill Frieda parents." Said Quetzalcoatl as he gently put Angst on his crib.
"Correction, none of this wouldn't happen if you listen to me in first place. I didn't abuse her or whatever, she is blinded by revenge and killed all of us including you, her godfather." Nim snickered at him. "Everything would be just fine if those rotten apples are obedient."
"Tch, you are just talking lies. Why would I even bother to talk to you after you murdered my brother."
"Oh please, are you seriously bringing that up again? That's like years ago!" Nim yelled at him.
"Oh yeah? Thanks to you, my nephew live a miserable life and is in deep slumber. Only Gods know how long he will sleep!" Quetzalcoatl glares at Nim.
"Hey, let's not fight!" Lanny appeared from the thin air and stop the fight by stood between Nim and Quetzalcoatl. "The gods won't like us to fight or else we won't be given a chance to join heaven." Lanny sighed. "And I said this not because I am defending Nim. At least I want all of us to rest in peace."
"That's dumb." said Nim
"really dumb." Quetzalcoatl also agree with Nim.
"oh come on!!!!" Lanny got annoyed by her two friends.
After a while of trying to get along, Nim went back to Angst. She carry him and say,
"Let's give this child blessings. It has been a while since we done that." Said Nim.
"Since when you care about giving babies blessings. You don't even blessed your own son." Quetzalcoatl will never stop bringing up the past.
"Quetzalcoatl, calm down. Maybe Nim miss how close we are. You remember how the three of us blessed children in each nations." Lanny smiles at Quetzalcoatl, she's trying to ease the atmosphere.
"No I don't miss doing with you guys. I miss how powerful I was when blessings those rotten apples." Replied Nim.
"See? She still the same." Groaned Quetzalcoatl.
Lanny doesn't know how she befriended someone like Nim. She also doesn't know how she manage to stay friends with those two.
Nim place her forehead close to Angst. She then whispers a blessing,
"I bless you to have the perseverance and bravery. May God of moon guide you to a flowery path."
Nim proudly blessed Angst and kissed his cheek, having her bless to be transformed in him.
"Sheesh you should've blessed Nightmare like that." Quetzalcoatl snatch Angst away from her arms.
Next to Quetzalcoatl, he is thinking what kind of blessing he should give. He hold Angst's tiny baby hand and whispers,
"I bless you with the heart of valiant. May God of war guide you to be a goodwill soldier."
His blessing transformed in Angst too. He then say, "Okay Lanny, your turn." Said Quetzalcoatl.
"Me too? Are we really going to give our blessings to just this one child? Don't you remember what happened if we do that?" Lanny doesn't like the idea of giving one person multiple blessings.
"I do remember very well. The child we blessed in the past gone crazy and witches appeared be of us." Nim laughed it off.
"Yeah exactly, so let's not—"
"Oh come on Lanny. Nothing bad will happen. This is a boy, not a girl. So he won't be an evil witch." Said Quetzalcoatl.
"I don't believe your statement." Lanny sighed. "Two blessings are enough. This child might go emotionless as he grows." Said Lanny.
"But wouldn't that be better? Look at his father, the traitor who killed all of us. I bet he will abuse his own children and wife." Said Nim. "What we can do is giving this special boy our blessings and he surely will help. He don't have to cry or feel any pains!"
"I agree with Nim. Wouldn't it better for us to help this boy?" said Quetzalcoatl.
"... I seriously hate when you two teaming up." Lanny sighed as she gently took Angst and carry him on her arms. "Okay baby, I'll bless you."
Lanny whispers,
"I bless you with powerful magics and abilities. May God of magic guide you to beautiful future..."
Lanny then put the baby back on the crib.
"Okay that's enough. If something go wrong, I won't be taking the responsibility to take care of him." Said Lanny. "I just hope he makes it to 10 years old."
"Alright alright, if he don't then I'll gladly let him stay by my side." Said Nim.
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marie-cuttlefish · 5 months
Dawa and Hewwo, Marie. Am here to share some Chicago deep dish pizza that I received from a fan with you. Cawie and I thing it’s rather yummy. Hope you enjoy!
Stay fwesh~
Aww, thanks Mini me! That's so nice of you. That's what I need. Can't fight your hypnotised cousin on an empty stomach!
Stay fresh!
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kongque-jiaan · 4 months
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(Much thanks for @spotty-is-slumberous for lovely art for this holiday card! :D)
This is a very special time of the month for many Buddhist traditions. Just a few days ago, on May 8th, the Japanese traditions were celebrating Hanamatsuri. Today, May 15th, the Chinese traditions like the one I took refuge and precepts under are celebrating Fódàn. On May 23rd the Theravada traditions are celebrating Vesak. And on May 26th the Tibetan traditions are celebrating Saga Dawa.
All these various holidays and festivals celebrate the birth, enlightenment, and/or passing into parinirvana of Shakyamuni Buddha, the buddha of our current age and founder of all of our traditions. I hope all buddhists, whatever date they celebrate, can take this timeto reflect on Shakyamuni's story and draw from it inspiration to continue their practice.
Like all buddhas and bodhisattvas Shakyamuni was an ordinary being once, that through continous effort across countless lifetimes achieved the greatest accomplishment. The ultimate promise of his message is that if we follow the path prescribed by him we too can achieve it.
Homage to our original teacher, Shakyamuni Buddha!
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ask-cal-cuttlefish · 5 months
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Meet Cawie and Mallie! Your little Chibi versions of you and Marie! (I drew them)
Cawie: Stay fwesh, dawa~! >w0
:OOOOOO THOSE ARE SO GOOOD! oh my god they're so tiny and cute! me and marie those are amazing! ohhh those are great. thank you for taking an interest in us! and tell the squibby sisters i said hi! stay fwesh!
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mashriqiyyah · 4 days
U should start a islamic dawa acnt.. public
I don't think I can handle it. Besides, there are many beneficial pages doing a really great job at Instagram. May Allah accept from them. Thanks for the suggestion though.
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amar-hiyar-majhe · 1 month
I'm just doing a check in with all of my female moots ...kemon achish...thik thak kore khawa dawa korchish to? .....because we have to stay strong and healthy.... the fight has merely begun....
Bhalo achi didi.. Ekdom thik thak kore khawa dawa korchi!! Ekdommm
Ami ekhon boss decision niyechi kono chele baje bhabe takale amio tar dike baje bhabe takabo....
Shothe shotthang somachoret... Je jerokom tar sathe thik serokom korte hobe...
Bhoye pele ar cholbenaaa.. Lorai korte hobe.. Kore nijeder sadhinota adaye korte hobe!!!
Khela hobe!! Lorai hobe!! Sadhinota adaye hobe! Joy Maa Durga Joy Maa Kali 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
Tumio bhalo theko didi!! And thanks alot.. Lots of love and respect👑✨
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late-to-the-fandom · 1 year
Last Line Tag
Thank you @oh-no-another-idea for the tag! I am literally only writing when I see these because I currently have the motivation and attention span of an ill toddler.
Renathal assumed a subtly defensive stance, but the earth-colored eyes Dawa fixed on him were filled with neither righteous indignation nor the rage to which he was arguably entitled.
Trying to tag some new people, if you don't like to be tagged just let me know: @toburnmykruge @falesiacatwrites @jojomills @deaddovestellnotales @emwhyarentyouwriting @breath-of-eternity @rudjedet @fluffleforce-mysdrym @aquadestinyswriting @tsunderewatermelon
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pbjelly90art · 7 months
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Spaceverse art!
Okay so I haven't decided exactly how I'm organizing these yet, but here's my first batch of the Spaceverse art posts! I've got a backlog of at least 205+ artworks to archive for this, so I had to get started somewhere. This is the original RP (and basis for my novel in progress) that I write with my friend Sakume, dating back some years now (maybe since 2019?) I don't have a title for the novel yet, so this is simply known as Spaceverse for now.
These characters originally came from some old forums we wrote on (circa 2006 at the start), and one day I came up with a new AU for them in a completely new space fantasy setting, with a new plot and new origins for the characters. I asked my friends Sakume and Cookie to participate, and this story was born. Cookie no longer actively writes in this RP with us, but some of their characters still show up in the art here and I'm very grateful for their contributions.
Sakume and I still write together and are adding new characters all the time! :) I grouped this batch of art to include sketches that mainly featured characters hailing from the planet of Illumina or the moon sanctuary of Nova Lux.
In order here we have: sketches of Cadenza, Altair/Vivace (her sister in the novel version, unrelated in the RP but may retcon, also Fabi/Alex's late mom and Anton's late wife), then Cadenza's daughter Luisa and a sketch of Cadenza in prison back on the Vault where it all started. Then we have Luisa and (spoiler!) young/child form Dawa, Cadenza with Adam, Adam himself, and then a bunch of sketches of their family together. Following that, we have Queen Venus (aka Elena), Cadenza's mom Sonya, Sonya with Leona, Xiulan, sketches of Cadenza and a masked Xiulan, Mingzhu, Joan (not an Illumin character but hey she ended up on my sketch page back then), older/adult form Dawa, young Dawa, Mingzhu, Cadenza's dad Galliard, Louis (another non-Illumin here to fit page space), Cadenza's sister Luminari, Cadenza herself, Lu with her husband Jaster, Simha (revamped character to replace Leona) and then Cascadia Riveria (Faer character, but happened to be on that sketchbook page.) Then lastly a few pencil sketches I missed, Xiulan, Mercy with Ramiro, Luminari and Cadenza, and some of my initial concept sketches of Spaceverse Cadenza and Luisa.
At the very end, we have some much older sketches that predate this RP, with Mother Carla, Ancient Ren of the Order, and Cadenza's late husband Paris (along with a sketch of Cadenza from a previous story where she was a human mage with shadow magic), previous versions of Vivace, Algretta, Luminari, Arietta, Cadenza, Sonya, Galliard, Reymundo, Izumi, Xiulan, Sarai (an angelo who hasn't appeared in the RP yet, but I might adapt), Shui Ya of Nova Lux, and Fletcher (a Faer character, but he happened to be on this page.) I still need to draw many of these characters some new portraits as their phantasm selves in this storyverse/setting, but I'm saving these older drawings for reference.
Some characters are going to show up that don't quite fit into these groupings because I tend to just draw whoever I feel like on my paper that fits before scanning them in. x3 Sometimes I edit them after to reorganize, but often times not.
Adam and Jaster belong to Sakume, and Leona and Joan belong to Cookie. The rest of the characters belong to me, but big credit to both of my friends for their help developing the world, organizations and characters, particularly in this case, Cookie brainstorming the Order of Lux Aeterna/Nova Lux with me, and Sakume brainstorming so many of the Vault characters and more.
Also small side note: I've been using the surname "Madrigal" since 2006 for Cadenza and her family waaay back on Zelda Universe forums, but I'm super happy it's way more popular a name now thanks to Encanto and I do love that movie. The movie was in no way a basis for these names, but I love to see more Latin culture and names in media, so I'm all for it. ^_^
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ko-existing · 3 months
Tell all the former infinite friends thank you 😇😇🤍
My favorite was Pabu and Dawas words
Tell Pabu I wish him and his family well🤍🤍🤍✨
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sophieinwonderland · 1 year
Hi, I’m that same anon who asked about willogenic labels!
The post in question where you had said you don’t care for the term is here:
I understand it’s an old post though!
(FYI the word tulpa is an appropriated combination of the terms “tulku” and “sprul pa” btw… just thought I’d share in case you didn’t know!)
It would be amazing if we as a community could pivot away from terms that have blatantly appropriative roots! I think it could really help strengthen us as a community while also supporting and respecting those from different cultures 💜
Thanks for your time, anyway!
Right. I said I didn't care for the term at the time due its mystical roots. But I'm not looking for new terms and don't agree with the premise that every word with an etymology in another language is appropriative. That's just how language grows and evolves. It's shared. Bits and pieces are borrowed here and there and over time, those are changed into something new.
I'm not sure if you've seen it, but there's an excellent article on the origin of the tulpa that argues it's based on cultural exchange rather than appropriation.
Obviously, discussion of what is and isn't appropriation is murky.
Generally speaking though, appropriation is tied to power and oppression. Such as the case of Native Americans in the US who had their lands and culture forcefully stripped from them. But we don't see this in the case of Tibet. The Tibetan people aren't oppressed by white nations and don't have a history of being colonized by Europeans.
Appropriation is also generally stolen, not shared. In the case of Buddhist convert, Alexandria David-Neel, I don't believe this was the case. Especially when, as the above paper notes, she relied heavily on the translations of Lama Kazi Dawa Samdup, and the modern tulpa likely arose as a cultural exchange.
And as far as strengthening the community... I can't possibly see that being the result.
We have a decade of 100s of resources in the tulpa community.
Abandoning the tulpa community means abandoning that and starting over from scratch. I recently shared a link to Felights' Fronting Fundamental, a massive 16,000 word switching guide for tulpa systems.
It's an incredibly valuable and useful resource for tulpa systems working towards switching. And you won't likely find more in-depth guides from any other plural community. Many of the Wonderland guides I posted links to are also tulpamancy guides.
And again, the science is integral to support. We need the neurological studies being conducted into tulpa system. If proof is found to show plurality in these studies, we need to be able to quickly mobilize and weaponize them.
Dividing the tulpa community weakens us. Abandoning the wealth of resources we've created weakens us. Moving away from the most researched form of parogenic systems and the studies into them weakens us.
I believe that this course is the best one both to help endogenic systems and to achieve plural equality as quickly as possible.
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wargod · 2 years
Dawa doesn’t have any love interests in their official canon, but in alternate canons/aus they have 4 thus far:
Trumeur ( he/him, trans man ) monochrome knight to his every-colors enlightened. childhood friends. Dawa is fire and he is made of the ash of everything they burned. he is their escort as Dawa is considered a ‘war talisman’ a ‘good luck charm’ based primarily on superstition and taken to every major battle. witnessing the slow decline of their physical and mental health, the knight can’t help but worry. the brightest burn out the quickest and he would be fine smoldering away to embers with them.
Etha ( she/her + they/them ) a heathen and the god. a warrior who was known to have the highest body count and none have been able to defeat her. only when she became so prideful as to attempt and slay the myriad itself was she destined to fight endless echoes of war for eternity. enemies to lovers. she and Dawa travel together on one leg of Dawa’s pilgrimage to the end of the world. the anguished and the light at the end of the tunnel. mutual respect between redeemed humanity and a falling star.
Naga ( he/him ) a snake cannot warm itself. he was a criminal turned monk and worked directly under the death presiding deity. Dawa came in as a new deity and a lot to prove. a bit of forbidden love, a bit of friends to lovers. separated by humanity and divinity. but Dawa was once human too. thankful for the lightgiving warmth, the life-giving essence that allows the world to be green and lush. a constant will they - won’t they and dreaming of a life beyond this one where they can live mundane and free.
Cyerulian ( he/they/she ) the warlord who would scorch the earth completely for the sake of his beloved. an arrogant, selfish, hedonistic, and cruel man dressed in red and gold meets the finest artisan of the woven kind. they met young, Cy immediately inciting the courtship of a little known war god, and the godling was taken by his passion and swagger. soon the two would be swept into an eons long love affair spanning many lives. The sun in the sky and the fire on the earth that wishes to burn as brightly as it. 
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