#(sources are a bit out of order btw)
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glitteringstardust · 4 months ago
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🥕 🐇 🥕 | 🐇 🥕 🐇 | 🥕 🐇 🥕
rabbit stimboard
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callmearcturus · 3 months ago
dottie lasso is the final boss of the show (and ted loses)
someone commented on my ted-is-a-feminine-junior-too post about recognizing dottie lasso and what she did, and i'm a Johnny-come-lately to this fandom so i missed all the discourse
but surely it's been discussed to death that Dottie Lasso is the Final Boss of Ted's life, right? like, she shows up on that bench and you should feel the opening of "MEGALOVANIA" in your soul because she's the villain of the story.
honestly, in Ted Lasso, the main villains are: Rupert Mannion, Twitter, Rupert Mannion again, cisnormativity/heteronormativity, and Dottie Lasso, kind of in that order IMO.
"Mom City" is kind of a genius episode with its thesis and punchline. Because Dottie shows up and derails Ted's entire life and not in a good way. She makes him palpably uncomfortable and all of his usual kindness and interest is just turned off around her.
This episode isn't shy about reminding the audience that Richmond has become Ted's home. From the most fish outta water who nearly gets killed looking the wrong way crossing the street, Ted knows his neighbors, knows the culture here, and is defensive with that knowledge because it's been hard-won over time.
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No but really, look at how UNCOMFORTABLE Ted is EVERY MINUTE of this episode. It's so stark bc this charm offensive Dottie's doing on everyone at Richmond is so clearly a Lasso Thing. This is the exact tactic Ted used when he was new in town and completely at sea.
(fuck this got long, there's a lot more under the jump)
But he isn't charmed or permissive or entertained, he never once Yes, Ands what Dottie says. In fact, he corrects her all the time.
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because Dottie being here is a nightmare. she's the person who knows the Ted Lasso Source Code and the way she maneuvers and nudges him, he seems helpless against it. So he continuously separates himself from her in what feels to me like a fearful reaction.
Like, when Dottie explains where she's staying, she does this trick
DOTTIE: An adorable little hostel. I've met so many Australians. They are backpacking through Europe. So much sex.
TED: Mom.
DOTTIE: Not me, the Australians.
TED: No, no, I get it, okay. How about you stay here for the rest of your trip, all right?
DOTTIE: Only if I'm not a hassle.
This is such a fucking move, you realize? She has been in London a fucking WEEK without telling him, then as soon as she tells him where she's staying, she, a midwestern mom to her open-minded but very romantically private son, invokes sex so he'll be uncomfortable with the situation and invite her to stay. This is a chess move they should call the Wichita Shuffle.
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And Ted absolutely hates the way Dottie lies about him. The connection is pretty straightforward; Dottie deals with her trauma and pain by covering them up with pretty little lies and melting truths until they fit the shape she wants them to be in. Everything she says in this episode is bullshit.
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(points up) THIS INCLUDED, BTW. This is the Ted that Dottie wants him to be, the guy who will fall on his sword at the first sign of someone else's discomfort.
But that isn't who Ted is anymore and Dottie saying this is vicious and cruel. It's disrespectful to Rebecca, to everyone at Richmond, and to the work Ted's done with Sharon.
which oooooooooh
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hey, anyone else remember Ted's "I love meeting people's moms, it's like an instruction manual on why they're nuts" from S2? boy that's a brick joke
and this bit of dottie saying her anxiety re: ted's therapy out loud, that hissing sound is a fuse being lit in this moment
Ted calls her out directly. He knows how she operates because she raised him in her own image. As I noted in the other post, Leslie Higgins is not the only feminine junior at Richmond, so is Theodore Lasso, son of Dorothy Lasso.
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THAT FUCKING DARK CHUCKLE, THE "YEAH OKAY" MOMENT this is the fuse finally reaching the dynamite
this is the moment, this moment of push-back, implicitly the first time Ted's ever pushed back in his life
this is the moment Dottie takes every single thing she knows about Ted, everything she put into him, and she destroys his fucking life with the exact four words it would take to make Ted give up everything he's worked for, all so he'll go back to being what she expects from him.
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and hell if he doesn't know it.
everything he's done for himself, all the space he's finally allowed himself to fill, the progress and labor he's put into becoming a better person
mom shows up and tells him no, you're coming back.
(and the fact Dottie Lasso, a character who has not said five truthful things this entire episode, tells us how someone else feels should be questioned very fucking directly. i don't trust this woman to honestly report on Henry's opinion of peanut butter and jelly, let alone if he wants his father to give up his life and return to Kansas. i know every single fic has brought up the question of "hey why doesn't anyone ask Henry what he wants" but that's because SOMEONE needs to ask the question instead of taking Dorothy fucking Lasso's word for it, christ)
I don't know how tf you don't read this show as a tragedy. Dottie Lasso is incredible, she's so pitch-perfectly written and acted, and she's absolutely the final boss of the show. And Ted doesn't win that fight.
hell THE SHOW SAYS THE QUIET PART OUT LOUD, i would put the screencap here but I've run out of images, but THEY FUCK YOU UP, YOUR MUM AND DAD, THE SHOW SAYS IT this is a fantastic tragedy, i love it
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schwarzgeier-side · 1 month ago
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Another oc you say? You are now psuedo-legally obligated to yap about them. Pretty please?
Uhmuh uhh scrambles through my notes
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OKAY SO disclaimer She's not finished yet cauze uh im too gay
But here's my concept for Geier, the Vulture! I know others probably made better Geier concepts but fuck it i love vultures and i wanted to make my own.
Geier units in my head could be something akin to Exterminators , a sort of. Clean up unit as a response to any bioresonant fenomena or any massive "casulties". They also serve as reserve back up in case a Falke goes a bit rouge since they would be made with bioresonant supressors built in. Like an opposite to what Kolibris and Falkes have. This module makes them a lot more resistant to any bioresonance shenanigans but also makes them. More numb in a way? They literaly think . Less sorta. Not in dumb way just kinda. Doesn'r get nosy or curious , doesn't question many orders or things outside of their objectives. They're there to burn corpses and burn bioresonant fuckery. And they do it well.
Im still deciding on the coloring but I'm torn between black motives or orange . NOW A FUN THING is that Geiers have a built in mask! It's very similair to Starling ones but the very small mouth part being the only removable part. The vents on the side serve for better breathing and filtering during clean up and burning. The visor is fully detachable though and ofc is anti heat equiped. They also have canister ports on their backs for ease of attacking the gasoline tanks that hook up to the flamethrowers. Height wise they average between a Star and an Ara and have more animal style hind legs to ease movement for any big mushy places.
Personality wise Geiers are. Scarily calm and blunt. Straight to the point , short stern sentences. They don't take shit from anyone though sdhdh they're built to face off Falkes so they will gladly spar with other Protektors too. Which happens quite a bit as a source of stabilization , along with maintaining their guns and flamethrowers. They don't need much regarding hobbies or stabilization since the supression module already makes them. More apathetic. Makes them kinda loners , squads go up to max 5 with the members of Geier cadre being in the sort of a dynamic where they don't talk at all in their dorm but they will loyaly die for eachother without a question.
Saying all that deep down they are not that bad to get along with , they're just intimidating and blunt. Stuff like a stray Eule asking for help with moving supplies or an Ara needing some metal ripped out , Geiers will help without question. They are just quiet about it. They uh do have a tendecy to come off as extreme , specialy with fresh Geiers reacting to anything suspicious , yanking an Ara from vents on accident or cornering a coughing gestalt dhdhhd , but this mellows out with experience. If any replika decides to warm up to a Geier and put in the time and effort, Geiers are terrifingly loyal and good companions ,just very specific and introverted.
A slight sidenote , since Nation ofc wouldn't like a replika thats fully immune to bioresonant mental checks , the mind and thoughts of Geiers can be accesed through their neuro-ports by manualy plugging in. They have weekly check-ins like that with either a Kolibri or Falke or any of the leading figure at their facility.
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Andd some more misc doodles
Thank u for asking btw hhhh it's weird coming out and yapping even more about replika ocs but it's so much fun.
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hollowed-theory-hall · 6 months ago
this is probably stupid to ask, but do you like snape? or the marauders? there's always fanwars happening between marauders stans and snape stans. tbh i'm just curious where you stand (i like both, and prefer their canon selves rather than the fanon which is btw really stupid. they feminized sirius so much its not even sirius anymore.) what made you like snape? if you do, or are you neutral with him? just for a change of question since i always ask about harry.
Thanks for the ask! I don't think it's stupid.
I prefer their canon counterparts as well, the Marauders fanon has so little to do with canon I can hardly call the characters by the same name. They just aren't the same characters. Anyway, I'm gonna try and summarise my highly subjective opinions about them here.
1. Sirius Black
He's my second most favorite character and my favorite among the characters you mentioned. I wrote about him a lot on this blog, so I don't really feel the need to write more.
But, he's smart, resilient, and goofy on occasion. His love for Harry is one of my favorite aspects of his character because he loves Harry so much. And he has his flaws. He can be cruel, cold, and arrogant and I wouldn't like him as much if he wasn't visibly a member of The Noble and Most Ancient House of Black regardless of how much he tried to get away from his legacy. I love how messy his feelings about his family are. He left Regulus' room as it was, even though the rest of the house got cleaned by the Order. He stayed in his mother's bedroom even when all the conversations he had with her portrait were in screams. I love his distrust in Dumbledore after everything he's been through and how he chooses to remain for Harry's sake — he's willing to do anything for Harry's sake.
I just truly love Sirius.
2. Severus Snape
He's the next on this list because I do like Snape, he's not a character I'm passionate about, but I like him. I think he shouldn't be a teacher (I think he hates being a teacher more than his students hate him teaching them) but he's a talented potion maker and wizard. And he is a very entertaining character, even without knowing everything about him.
But what really makes me like Snape is that I find him interesting. I think his psychology is interesting, as is his dynamic with Lily, Dumbledore, and Voldemort. Snape is a fascinating character to study from a lot of angles, and even as a reader, there is quite a bit that's up in the air about him because he's that good at being a spy and not giving us anything.
The other major thing I like about him is his competence as a spy and wizard. If there's one thing I love in my fictional characters — it's competence (and intelligence). I often joke with my irl friends that Snape is the only competent Death Eater and the only competent member of the Order of the Phoenix. We then joke that if we were in his shoes, surrounded by a lot of people who don't actually do anything and we're the only ones affecting this war from both sides, we'd probably be bitter too.
A little note that seems overlooked about Snape often in the fandom, in general, is how we think, "Oh, he's so great at Occlumancy and not being emotional" — that's not strictly true. When it comes to Lily or the Marauders all his well-crafted Occlumancy kinda goes out the window. In books 3 and 5 he throws actual temper tantrums about Sirius Black. Like, I feel Snape, deep down is actually super not well adjusted and is an emotionally unstable mess, but he learned to pretend otherwise. Basically, all the cold facade is just that — a facade. He isn't really that stoic.
3. James Potter
I'm weird about James. Like, he's almost a nonentity and what we do hear about him is either negative or comes from biased sources.
I do tend to give him more of the benefit of the doubt than a lot of other fans who prefer canon James do. He was awful when he was younger, he was a bully and he assaulted Snape and there is no excuse for his actions. That being said, I can believe he changed. War changes you and you'd be hard-pressed to find a 21-year-old who isn't ashamed of a lot of what they did or said when they were 15. And yes, some of what James did is definitely more extreme than that of the average person, but it isn't that extreme compared to the environment he grew up in. Remus tells Harry everyone was casting Levicorpous on each other in the halls. I'm not saying any of the bullying is okay, I'm just saying it probably seemed normal to him and this is important context. Same as I don't think Snape is abusive towards students when put in the context of their culture and environment where, until recently, they caned students (Snape actually seems very averse to corporeal punishment. He also likely treats Harry very different than he does literally any other student, but this is the James section).
I just, like the idea of James changing for the better. I'd like to think he did. That life and war and loss taught him something.
4. Peter Pettigrew
Probably an unpopular opinion, but I like Pettigrew more than Lupin. He's awful, he's pathetic, he's a cowardly rat man and I find his sniveling funny. Whenever I try to think of a what-if scenario in my head, Pettigrew is somehow the key to it. Because he's a character that affects so much of the plot in some incredibly crucial moments — he betrayed James and Lily, he resurrected the Dark Lord, and later, he allows Harry's survival. Idk, I just find his situation and just how pathetic he could get fascinating. It's, like, there is no rock bottom for this guy, he keeps digging. Like, you can't get more pathetic than living as a rat for 12 years when you could've moved to Argentina or something.
And at the same time, he clearly has some residual care for Harry for his father's friendship. He has so many opportunities to kill Harry or kidnap him when he runs away to join Voldemort — but he doesn't. Even after Sirius escapes and he knows his time is up, he still leaves Harry alive. When he is supposed to kill him in book 7, he doesn't, he again lets him go and pays with his own life for it. Like, again, idk, it's just how I feel.
5. Remus Lupin
I know I placed Lupin last, and it's because I don't personally like him that much. Pretty sure this is a little controversial, but I don't really like book Lupin, he does not vibe with me, at all. (Though I'd choose book Lupin over Marauders fandom Lupin every time)
Like, it bothers me that he doesn't actually care about Harry (the only one on the list who willingly physically harmed Harry, in a moment of anger, but still). It was Harry who asked to be taught the Patronus, if it was up to Remus, he wouldn't be involved in Harry's life at all. He tried to run on his wife when she got pregnant because he was scared. Like, Petttigrew is given shit for being a cowardly Gryffindor, but, look, you need some guts to betray your friends, so I'd argue Remus is the most cowardly Marauder (it's easy to be brave when you don't care for your own life).
But, all of this is part of his character and the story wouldn't be what it is if Remus bothered to get his head out of his own ass and check up on Harry. How he behaves makes him my personal least favorite Marauder, but I want Lupin to be a cowardly guy who runs away from attachment and responsibility because he doesn't trust himself with anything (especially not anything good). He's not cool, or suave, and he's desperate for people to like him but without actually knowing him because he thinks that if they do they'd run away screaming like he wants to run from himself. Honestly, I don't get why the Mauraders fandom made James the people-pleaser when Remus Lupin is right there always telling people what they want to hear so they'd like him.
Again, these are all my own personal subjective opinions, but yeah.
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lanawinterscigarettes · 4 months ago
sorry another blair prompt...have too many ideas.. but fluffy and tender leaning please 🥺
3, 22, 30 from list above and blair calling reader ma cherie (im SICK Why does she use pet names im weak in the knees)
I love all the blair requests you send in, keep it up! (and I haven't forgotten about your other requests, don't worry! they're being worked on as we speak 🥰)
original prompt list is here btw
Drunken Accidents (Blair Waldorf x gn reader)
Warnings: mentions of overdrinking, accidental bruising, brief mentions of addiction, teensy bit of hurt/comfort but mostly just fluff
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"Here, press this on it," Blair directed as she handed you a bag of frozen peas she got out of your freezer, which you gladly took. You had a bruise forming on your leg, one that you'd earned after a night out of drinking.
Partying wasn't really your thing, but you couldn't trust Serena and Chuck by themselves. Knowing them, they'd probably end up drinking the whole bar, so you agreed to tag along only so you could supervise. Things didn't go quite as planned when you started drinking yourself, getting you in way over your head.
The bruise came into play when you were stumbling around outside the bar, on the phone with Blair while trying to hail a taxi. You'd tripped and fell against the curb, which resulted in a nasty welt forming on your lower leg. She immediately rushed over to get you before taking you back to your place, allowing you to sleep off the hangover before scolding you as soon as you woke up.
"You shouldn't have gone out there," she began, her brown eyes narrowed in a mixture of frustration and worry as she watched you flinch when you place the bag of frozen peas on your leg where the bruise was. "Serena and Chuck are old enough to take care of themselves."
"I just didn't want them getting hurt, okay? We both know that Serena's sobriety is pretty fragile, and Chuck certainly doesn't help matters."
She sighed at your words, knowing you had a point. "Well, next time I'm going with you, okay? I don't want you to get hurt again." The usual icy cold exterior of Queen B had melted away at the sight of you in pain, leaving behind a much softer version of your girlfriend in its wake that very few people got the privilege to see, you being one of them. "Now, come on, let's get you back to bed."
"Wait, I wanted to make a cup of tea first. Those always tend to help with my hangovers." You winced as you stood, setting the bag of peas on the counter as you got out the teapot, two cups, and a box of raspberry tea packets. "Do you want some?"
"I guess," she muttered with a slight eye roll. You didn't take it personally, knowing she was only trying to cover up her recent vulnerability with her usual snark.
Blair simply observed with a slightly curious gaze while you got the tea ready. Whenever she wanted something like that, she always got Dorota to make it for her, so it was interesting for her to see someone do it for themselves.
After placing the tea packets into the cups and pouring the hot water over it, you went to pick up both cups and the bag of peas at the same time, something that she immediately knew would be a bad idea.
"Ma cherie, wait. You're hurt, you shouldn't be carrying all of this stuff around," she scolded while taking the cups from you. "I'll take the cups, you get the peas."
You knew better than to argue with you, so naturally you did as she ordered you to and let her take them from you, hobbling out of the kitchen towards your room with her closely in tow. The bruise hurt more than you thought it would, and having to keep frozen peas on it made it difficult to walk, but still, you persisted.
"You can set the cups down on the nightstand." You gestured in that direction before carefully climbing in the bed. "I take it you're spending the night?"
She let out a slight scoff, almost as if she was offended by how stupid the question was. "Obviously I'm spending the night. I'm not just going to leave you here by yourself," she stated firmly while getting in the twin sized bed with you.
Your bed was certainly smaller than hers was, but she kind of liked it that way. It gave her the excuse to cuddle with you, her body always pressed flush against yours under the guise of her seeking your warmth whenever you slept in it together.
She handed you a cup of tea once you were both settled before grabbing her own and taking a sip. You chuckled at the face she made, one that very clearly gave away how much she disliked it. "This is a lot more tart than I expected it to be," she commented before taking another sip, only to make that same face again.
"If you don't like it, then why are you still drinking it?" You questioned with a slight look of amusement, drinking some of your own tea with no problem.
"I don't know," she replied with a slight huff as she set the cup back down. "Maybe I thought it would taste better the second time. And don't say that's stupid," she cut you off before you could reply. "Because I know it is."
"Well, if you won't drink it then I will," you said with a shrug while reaching for her tea, having already finished your own. "I don't mind things that are a little tart. If I did, I wouldn't be in love with you."
"God, you're such a sap," she scoffed, though her retort was soon made irrelevant when she pulled you in for a tender kiss, one that instantly took your breath away. "And that's why I love you."
Her eyes stared deeply into yours when she spoke, looking like chocolate orbs of love. "You're gorgeous," you muttered in response, setting the cup down so you could pull her in for another kiss.
The rest of the night was spent huddled up together under the blankets, stealing the occasional kiss from one another in an effort to stay warm. Blair woke the next morning to find herself practically laying on top of you with your arms wrapped around her in a loving embrace.
"Oh, ma cherie," she murmured while watching you sleep, leaning in to pepper your face with soft kisses. "I love you, even when you get drunk and accidentally hurt yourself."
"I heard that," you mumbled in a groggy voice, keeping your eyes closed when you spoke, though she could tell by the faint smile tugging at your lips her words didn't actually bother you.
"I'm teasing. I'm just glad you're okay." She gave your face a few more kisses, allowing herself to be pulled in closer to you when you shifted slightly on the bed, your hands finding their way to her back as you held her close. "I really do love you."
"Mm, I love you, too. More than anything." You emphasized the statement by capturing her lips in a loving kiss, her hands moving to cup your face as she allowed herself to be swept away by the affection she felt towards you.
Even if the situation itself wasn't very ideal, she was glad you got to spend the night together. Next time, though, she'd make sure to go out with you when you drank so you wouldn't get hurt.
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End notes: I love writing sweet, sappy blair 💕 finding a gif that i actually liked was hell though lmao
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cumulo-stratus · 1 year ago
Love Like a Fathers
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Request: Hello, hope you're having a good day/night, I was wondering if I could request Spencer x Father figure reader, theyre On a case the unsub tries to kill Spencer but reader protects him and gets hurt himself.
Pairing: platonic!Spencer reid x Father figure!reader
Summary: Y/n gets hurt protecting Spencer from an unsub, and y/n and spencer spend some time together at the hospital
warnings: cannon typical violence, gunshot wounds/blood, swearing, s1 spencer being an adorable little cutie-pie <3
A/N: Friend I'm so so so sry this has been a WIP for like month😭- I've had like no motivation to write :( thank you for the patience and for the lovely request, and although ive never written platonic for spencer, i did my best! btw the lovely dividers are by @cafekitsune (not proof read)
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Spencer Reid and Y/n L/n weren’t related by blood, but if you asked anyone that knew them- they would tell you that it doesnt matter. y/n treated spencer like the son he never had, and spencer treated y/n like the father he lost. Even if you didn’t know them, you could tell the pair were close. Spencers intellect bounced well of y/n’s wisdom. Hotch knew this, and often paired spencer with y/n because of it. And when they got called to a case in the small town of Trutney, Alabama, it was no different. 
As soon as the plane landed l/n and reid had been paired off to go to the M.E.’s to look at the one body they had so far. And so the next 2 days went by as uneventfully as they could go on a case with the BAU. Interviews, and case files - take out around a conference table and calls to garcia- just a regular BAU case. Until the last day when they were sure they had the right guy; Daniel Wilson, he fit the profile perfectly. And so the team was spilt into 2 groups; one going to the house and one going to the workplace. Hotch sent y/n and spencer to the back knowing y/n would have spencers back if anything happened. 
As they crept through the long hallways silently the pair would share glances every now and then. When they reached a split Y/n made a silent flick of his wrist ordering spencer to take the path to the right while y/n would take the path to the left. Y/n stalked down the hall with his gun raised leaving Spencer to do the same with the other hallway. 
Y/n was clearing the final room at the end of the hall when the distant sound of grunting and a gun shot. Without another though y/n raced down the hall toward the continuous grunting yelping. Y/n just barely remembered to call for back up as he ran- Morgan's voice sounding through the phones speakers.
"What's up L/n-"
He was interrupted by y/n's out breath voice.
"I heard a shot from Reid's side of the house I need backup" 
Before Morgan could respond y/n hung up, stuffing the phone in his back pocket. When y/n reached the source of the sounds, he found a door slightly ajar. He pushed it open all the way to find Spencer on the loop ground with the unsub above him. They were pushing against eachother trying sway the barrel of the gun in their favor. Spencer was trying to push the barrel away from his head while the unsub did the opposite. Without hesitation y/n crossed the room and grabbed the unsub roughly by his shoulders throwing him away from spencer. Spencer took no time at all the scramble away, his feet sliding as he fumbled to push himself away.  Meanwhile y/n and the unsigned were in a struggle for the gun. And almost as if in slow mo, spencer saw a bullet leave the barrel and enter y/ns shoulder- right where his neck met his shoulders. The resounding bang that came with it caused spencers ears to ring. but caused everything to come back to normal speed was the second gunshot, from y/n to the unsubs chest. He fell to the ground, bleeding out. 
“Spencer! spencer i need you to put pressure on the wound- okay?” 
Despite the many filed first aid books he’d read, spencer couldnt recall a single bit of information- and was only listening y/n’s instructions. 
“alright now use my sweater- ya its right over there. We need something to stop the bleeding-“
Y/n interrupted himself with small grunts and grimaces every time his shoulder moved. But luckily spencer was in it enough to properly use the sweater y/n had provided.
At this point spencers hands were soaked in blood, and so was the sweater. It was warm, and sticky- drying and cracking on the back of his hands. Just then Morgan came storming in, a mix of swat and paramedics trailing behind him. A paramedic took the sweater from spencer’s hands and he was pulled away by Morgan to checked out- despite his protests. spencer was quite insistent he stay with y/n but Morgan settled him enough to get checked out by telling him that he would be updated if anything happened. 
Spencer stood in front of the open doors of an ambulance- restlessly wringing his hands together while an EMT patched the small gash on his forehead. Spencer had resisted saying anything about how he thought it was unnecessary- as it wasn’t even bleeding that much. But spencer knew better than to argue with Morgan at this point. 
Spencer practically ran- which he didn’t do very often- to the nearest large black SUV. As he walked/ran across the lawn he called out to morgan.
“St. Mary’s right?”
“on 32nd street-“
spencer didnt allow morgan to finish- instead climbing into one of the FBI vehicles littering the street. 
The fluorescent lights of the hospital burned spencers retinas as spoke the woman at the desk. 
“excuse me where is Y/n L/n’s room?’
as he spoke, spencer drummed his fingers against the desk- anxious to see y/n. Make sure he was okay. 
“Down the hall and to your left, room 328 sir”
Spencer barely managed a curt thank you and nod before he was speed walking down the hall. the lights in the hospital clashed with the stark white of the hall when spencer entered. They were dimmed to be only slightly brighter than the dark sky through the glass. spencer found y/n asleep soundly with a large bandage across his shoulder and butterfly bandages littering his exposed chest and face. Spencer could feel some of the weight lift off his shoulders when his eyes met y/ns closed ones. 
Despite the dim light it still took effort for y/n keep his eyes open once he woke up. The first thing he noticed was sleeping form of Spencer draped over an uncomfortable looking chair. His back and neck were bent forward in what looked to be a not very comfortable position to sleep in. 
Spencer stirred when y/n grunted quietly from the pain of sitting himself up. Spencer immediately rubbed the sleep from his eyes and went to help y/n, and as always y/n tried to tell Spencer he was fine and didn't need help. But y/n always made an exception for Spencer- especially he insisted with his innocent honey brown eyes. 
"Spence I'm fine bud- come sit with me"
Y/n had a smile on his face and patted the spot next to him which he had now made by scooching over. Spencer shyly climbed up next y/n, his slacks and blazer looking out of place to the hospital gown y/n was wearing. 
"You know you really scared me back there-"
Spencer was staring at his hands as he spoke- remembering the blood that had once coated them. Y/n took the opportunity to place a comforting comforting hand on Spencer's back, rubbing back and forth the way y/ns own family did. 
"I know- but you can't rid of me that easily bud"
They both laughed lightly at that and instead of responding verbally Spencer leaned his head on y/ns shoulder, appreciating the warmth of y/ns excess internal heat. Spencer was often the one to take advantage of the human heater of a person y/n was. And this was one of those moments. 
No more words were needed for the rest of the evening. They weren't needed for anything- the team could handle it (and it helped that Hotch knew how stressed Spencer was and let him know he could stay at the hospital with y/n). 
And there; in the dimly lit hospital room, that smelled of disinfectant, Spencer felt more comforted than in his own home. 
The End 
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Pls leave a like and a reblog!
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theobsessedcookiefan · 7 months ago
Now I can't stop imagining a story/possible story series if you like this idea enough....a human iseaked into the cookie world and the begining is like...y/n wakes up from gingerbrave and the others waking them up and they are like 'ok....this human is ours now' then...onward to hilarious eating scenarios where....well I can already imagine:
Cookie: gingerbrave! Gingerbrave! We have good news and bad news...
Gingerbrave: what's the good news?
Cookie: the human we just adopted and decided to take care of isn't trying to eat anyone that's alive.
Gingerbrave: that's good...I'm glad they have morals. Wait, what's the bad news?
Cookie: they keep trying to eat random items instead.
*off in the distance.*
Y/n: *just chewing on the tree...*
(Bonus if you want: I also can't help but imagine whenever they go adventuring or something....gingerbrave has to put y/n on a harness child leash in order to hold them back from trying to eat random stuff...like if you want a funny scenario:
Gingerbrave, talking to a fellow cookie: yes, y/n is a sweetheart and really loves talking to cookies but it's true they have a bad habit of, hold on one second. *they turn to y/n and yank on the leash* y/n no! No eating the dirt! *turns back to the cookie* so as I was saying-)
So yes, I'll do it because guess what? Cookie run hiperfixation came back like William Afton. I gotchu bro
This'll be kind of interactive btw.
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Okay, let's make a quick recap, you remember installing a silly game of cookies out of boredom and getting totally obsessed with it, it's okay, it's fine, it's not that big of a deal, younger you was obsessed with Minecraft after all, but back with the cookie game, maybe playing it on the bus stop wasn't your best idea, considering it made you get hit by it, okay that was definitely stupid of you, your parents always told you to pay attention to your surroundings when going out, you should've learnt that from all the pokemon go incidents. But focusing on the present; if this was the paradise your grandma told so much about then you should give her extra points, it was really pretty, a forest, blue skies with some clouds and green grass that looked exactly like those in movies, it was too perfect! But in the second glance, why were you slightly bigger than the trees? More importantly.. Why the trees looked so good?.. Was this the vegan's heaven? Or was this hell where you were forced to become vegan? Either way the trees were small, the bigger ones reached your forehead.
Keeping that in mind you sat down, thinking about the whole thing that was happening, were you really dead? If so then what were you supposed to do now? Then a sound broke your train of thoughts, voices? Wait.. You knew those voices. "Wait a damn second-" You thought, peeking through the leaves of the trees, taking advantage of the fact that you were sitting and they could cover you a bit, and what you saw made you speechless, why the heck were Gingerbrave, Strawberry Cookie and Wizard Cookie right in the path front of you?!
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What will you do?
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sgiandubh · 2 years ago
It's all fake, anyway
Oh, my. The last two or three video snippets in Marina del Rey. The revolt. The pearl-clutching. The hate.
Again, you know nothing, Jon Snow. It's all about the medium being the message, again: carefully calibrated snippets of information, destined to a captive, deeply divided and (how can I put that without sounding offending, I wonder) unexperimented (yes, that's decent enough) audience.
During the last 24 hours, we've got the Marina del Rey gin promo & MPC teambuilding (hardly an orgy, btw) and C's MUA (or is it hairdresser? irrelevant) hinting on Instagram about a photoshoot at a gin distillery in a #beautifullocation, somewhere on Earth, presumably in Scotland - given her last IG follow. No further details, of course. Very probably a (late-) latergram, too, when she finally got the green light to publish it. Implying nothing, but leaving a boulevard bandwidth for people to infer whatever suits their own narrative. Expect FMN news soon? I highly doubt that and stand corrected: the last photoshoot (with McSideburns, in London) was on May 3rd, when she needed to somehow show the world the Two of Them were continents apart. Identical modus operandi. And always, always via tertiary players.
As for the Marina del Rey teambuilding, if you think that is 'S living his life' you are: a) living in a remote mountain/island area or under a rock; b) an impenitent Mordorian with an agenda to boot or c) incredibly incompetent with the way of the world (or at least, that world). Allow me to translate?
It is alcohol promo, duckies, disguised as teambuilding. The intended message is aimed at a younger, non-OL related audience (as I already warned you) and it roughly goes like this:
'we are a fun loving, no nonsense, start-up business in the spirits industry. Because we don't have a huge advertising budget, we're testing the waters with a cheap, reality-TV snippet to better evaluate the number of social media clicks and new followers and help gauge & calibrate the next step'.
Was it poorly executed? Yeah, you could say that, but then what to do, in a very restrictive, highly regulated tobacco & spirits advertising market, hum? Is it my cup of tea? I don't drink, therefore this type of message touches one ball without really moving the other.
Yes. Start-up business: if we take into account the COVID logistic delay, I believe we're still in that three-years frame. And this detail is essential in order to put context around a very forgettable snippet. Selling a brand-new, more democratic product. Selling it clumsily, in an effort to build relevance, because even bad advertising is, ultimately, good advertising. But make no mistake: it's nothing more than that and it is all they can do, in the current context.
This brings to mind another aspect of the charade, namely the fact that after the Remarkable Week-end (and with the exception of some carefully scripted 'slips'), released and available information progressively became (at least) two-tiered.
First tier: information carefully calibrated for immediate release and general consumption, primarily but not exclusively by the fandom. This includes: spirits shilling, innuendos galore, look-here-not-there latergrams. It also entails less direct interaction with the fans on socials and delegating the media management to secondary players (often called to the rescue, too).
Second tier: public information with a limited availability (you have to take the plunge and pay), for sleuths able and willing to go the extra mile. They paint a very different landscape. And draw two copycat timelines of people who are investing, buying and selling property and overall branching out of their primary source of income with a plan.
I am not a photo sleuth. But with a little bit of time on my hands, I am a decent paperwork analyst. Accounting is not my forte, but legal and business is. I saw what I needed to see and it holds.
So before you start screeching (bad idea, right?), remember this (credit given to @dillon7fan, thanks):
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Not really: it is doctored make believe. Bless your heart, honest guy.
Next stop, Tehran. Yes, you read that correctly.
This evening or tomorrow, at the latest. Because context is everything and this fandom severely fails at this.
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melishade · 8 months ago
During the 'War Timeline',
1.) What will happen to Armin?
2.) Does Starscream talk to Kenshin and Lara about his experience when he revived Skyquake before he was zombified with the Dark Energon?
3.) Will Breakdown, Colt, Historia and Ymir get to the camp to find Colt's family?
Btw, Congratulations on the Chapter 94 and for Megatron's redemption arc.
Here's a picture of all Megs
Source: Energon Party.AVI
Animator: Miekun
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Flying Mind Part 2
Oh there is quite a bit to answer. But thanks for the picture and the praise on Megatron's redemption arc.
So Armin is obviously captured and thrown into prison. He's getting geared up and ready to be tortured while also being threatened to be turned into a mindless titan if Megatron doesn't get the information that he wants. They do electrocute Armin for a bit to try and get him to talk, but Armin is familiar with pain and bullies. He screams and cries in pain but he refuses to talk.
It's only when Megatron threatens Armin with turning him into a titan, that Armin plats his hand. Armin states that he's friends with Eren, a personal friend. Armin knows it's a danger to reveal that information, but he's also in danger of being turned into a titan, so he has to take the chance. Armin explains that because he knows Eren intimately, it's better for Megatron to keep him alive as a bargaining chip to get Eren back. If he were to be turned into a titan or even killed Eren would go into a blind rage and do everything he could to destroy the Decepticons or get killed in the process. Megatron questions if Armin takes him for a fool, but Armin challenges it, stating he has no reason to lie, especially when being on deaths door. It's when people tend to be more honest after all.
Megatron does listen to Armin's words and leaves him alive for now. During the time that Armin is alive, he listens to the information that's being passed around by the guards and starts to take mental notes of it. The energon being gathered by the Decepticons using human slaves, the location of Bertholdt and Annie, Bertholdt being infused with dark energon like Zeke has been, and the possibility of Megatron having the ability to track Eren and the others. But how. How would Megatron be able to do that?
In regards to the Kenshin, Lara, Mikasa, and Jean, they immediately demand to know what happened to Starscream when they saw the Nemesis starting to fly again while also glowing purple. Starscream listens to this and is shocked that Megatron would do something as stupid as infuse dark energon into the Nemesis, especially since dark energon has the ability to revive the dead and that the Nemesis is made from the corpse of a dead titan!
Kenshin immediately demands that Starscream help them out now if that is the case. Starscream agrees, but only due to the fact that an undead ship with access to Cybertronian weapons. So Kenshin, Lara, Mikasa, Jean, and a few others go out from their hiding spot and use Starscream as a navigator to find another Cybertronian ship that can use to contact Paradis and go home. During those few weeks where the Nemesis is running rampant and Eren and co. are having the Flying Mind episode, Kenshin's team runs into Breakdown, Ymir, Historia, and Colt. Mikasa and Jean are relieved to see Historia and Ymir, and Starscream tries to get Breakdown to betray the humans and come to his side, annoying Kenshin and Lara because of course! But Breakdown's change of spark makes him refuse to help out Starscream. Starscream tries to retort, but Breakdown just knocks him out before apologizing to everyone about Starscream's attitude.
Kenshin: You got him to shut up, so you're my favorite now.
Breakdown explains to the others that he and his allies have been destroying the energon mines under Megatron's control, freeing the human hostages. Colt explains they've been trying to also find his friends and family and the people of Liberio. Mikasa states that they need to combine their forces in order to contact the island and have a fighting chance against Megatron and the rest of the Decepticons. Breakdown can't help but be hesitant at the idea, simply due to the fact that Knockout is still with the Decepticons. Ymir, who knows how important Knockout is to Breakdown, says that they'll give him the chance to stand down or even get him to safety. Hell, if Breakdown just wants to take Knockout and run during the chaos, then do so. She doesn't blame him for wanting that. So the teams come together and formulate their own plan: free the hostages from the energon mines and find a ship in the process.
(Well, that's all I have for right now.)
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foggieststars · 10 days ago
So much happened. Lots of carcar, sprinkle of maxcar, and the landoscar bits are insane:
Lando naming Oscar alongside Carlos + Max as the drivers he gets along best with. Ya, adds up. Oscar in good company.
Oscar saying him and Lando get along very well "from everything you see out on track to stuff you don't see, behind the scenes" 👀
"We really are going to grow old together" - Oscar
"At the minute, we're both gonna be here till we go grey. So that's a good thing" - Lando, separate interviews btw
https://www.tumblr.com/eightyonefour/777888282842365952?source=share : "Yesterday the drivers took the photos for the podium, Oscar waited for Lando Norris so they could both take photos together, they were the only teammates to take photos together during the session" Manhandling waist grab, you have it all
An underrated moment from above: Lando ordering Oscar to leave his solo pics and Oscar just beaming in response. Ik what you are
THANK YOU FOR THE UPDATE 🫡 i am home and ready to Devour
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moodymisty · 2 years ago
This is kind of a late request for your milestone follower event, Congratulations btw, you deserve it!! I was gonna send one earlier but I've been very busy this week and I didn't have the time. Anyway could you maybe do fem reader x Echo with the scenario plot of soothing them after having a nightmare. I kind of picture it with Echo having a nightmare from Skako Minor and the reader tries to calm him down, but you can write it however you want! Congrats again on your follower milestone!!
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❀ from my 1k followers event ❀
Author's Note: Welcome to the party dear, and thank you!! Oh my goodness this is so cute and sad;; I really love fics that give Echo the love he deserves, both pre and post Skako minor. Like just let me give this man a fucking hug, y'all.
Relationships: TBB!Echo/Gn!Reader
Warnings: Cuddling, Nightmares, Post Order-66
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Normally, the Marauder is what you would consider somewhat quiet. Other than the sound of the ship's life support systems and engines humming, Wrecker snoring, Tech rolling around in his bunk; Or Omega fiddling with something when she should be asleep. Usually Hunter scolds her once he hears, but now she's asleep for real this time.
You and Hunter had swapped spots not a long while ago, him taking watch in the cockpit while you travel through hyperspace. You've been drifting close to sleep ever since, head smushed into the pillow as you listen to the Marauder's unique lullaby. Sometimes it's ungodly annoying, other times you can't sleep without it.
Something does end up waking you up fully however, at least enough so to notice the soft 'creakkkk' of metal adjusting, and the rustling of fabric somewhere close by the bunk you're in.
You rise up into a sitting position and look around, trying to see if the source is easily visible. By doing so you notice that Echo is awake; Sitting on the edge of his bunk slouched over. His elbows are pressed into his thighs, and he seems to be just looking off into space at nothing in particular.
At first you assume he's just letting his legs stretch, or perhaps he's going to get up and take a walk around as he does sometimes; Maybe get something to drink. So satisfied you figured it out you lay back down and close your eyes, attempting to get a small bit more shuteye. But you don't fall asleep right away, and when you open your eyes again, you notice he's still sitting in the same spot.
Sitting up again you throw your legs over the side and quietly put them to the floor, taking a few steps forward before you're standing partly in front of Echo.
"Hey," You quietly say, watching as he looks up at you seeming almost surprised. Was he really so deep in thought that he hadn't heard you?
"Hey yourself. Shouldn't you be asleep?" The smile you give him is small, but there none the less.
"I could say the same to you. Something up?" Your eyebrows raise before you glance down towards his thighs. "Legs hurt?" You know he has trouble with them sometimes- the aches or sharp pains, phantom limbs- even if he tries to be quiet about it.
"No, it's not that." He rubs the spot just underneath the back of his jaw.
"You don't have to tell me if you don't want to." He shakes his head, removing the hand from his neck.
"No, it's not that I don't want to tell you." The lights in the Marauder are dimmed down, leaving some of the lit controls and the safety lights lining the floor the main source of light. They shine against his features, lighting his soft amber eyes just enough that you can see them glance away from you for a moment.
"It's just-" He stops, trying to figure out a way to word his thoughts.
"I can't sleep. Anytime I close my eyes I'm, back there."
Oh. He's been having nightmares. You know enough about Skako Minor to be completely understanding of the fact. It's just to hear that they're still plaguing him...
You take a seat on the edge of the bunk beside him, a small amount of space between both of your arms. You don't want to push yourself onto him, and make if feel like he has to accept your help or else you'll be upset, but you also just want him to know you're here- if he needs it. That you'll always be here for him.
Echo is... It's very clear that you two are more than friends. You don't know when the feelings between the two of you changed, but they have- and you two have just gone with the flow ever since. So you want to help him, in any way you can. Seeing him like this makes your heart ache.
"Would me staying here with you help? So you're not alone?" Echo contemplates for a moment.
"I," It seems like he wants to refuse, but his actual need overrides his want to not be obtrusive. "Yes, please." His voice is raspy and tired. He's probably not gotten any sleep in a few days now, if it's this obvious.
You wait for him to lay back down first, before doing the same right in front of him. Echo now has his back against the wall, with his chest pressing against your own back, but only just barely. When he feels your leg bump into one of his own and move it slightly, he shifts it away.
He's laying down technically, but he feels stiff as a board. Like he doesn't want to pass some sort of boundary. There is no way he's going to sleep comfortably like this. Flipping over to be chest to chest with him he looks at you confused, but before he can say anything, you shuffle upward until his head is about level with your collarbone, pulling him closer so you can wrap an arm around his shoulders.
It's an almost instant difference; As he slips an arm over your waist to hold you closer. Your legs tangle together, and Echo absolutely melts in the feeling of just being held. He feels your hand on the back of his neck, and within a few minutes, he's finally asleep.
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It's after a few hours of the lights being dimmed in the ship, in an attempt to make sleep even just that little bit easier, that Hunter decides to wake everyone up. He's been watching the ship for the past hour or two, so he'd gotten his needed rest not too long ago.
Getting up from the pilot's seat with a quiet grunt he rubs the back of his head, walking towards the back of the ship. Tech is technically awake, though still sitting in his bunk working on something he can't quite see from this angle. Tech often refuses to move location once he starts something and so he ends up rooted in weird places for long portions of time. Wrecker and Omega are still asleep, however.
Hunter takes one look around and notices that you're still asleep as well, but Echo isn't in anywhere to be seen.
Or at least he thinks- until he looks a little closer and just barely sees the top of his head poking out from the edge of the thin blanket, his face at level with your chest. The two of you are still out cold, and knowing Echo has trouble with such things, he decides to not wake you both up for the time being.
Walking over to Wrecker he jostles him away, only to get told off.
"Hey! What's the big-" Hunter shushes him near instantly.
"Quiet," He points over to the both of you. "They're still sleeping." Wrecker gets up and curiously peers his head at the two of you, barely noticing Echo in the same way Hunter had. Wrecker however is significantly more happy about it, trying not to laugh.
He's happy Echo's found a comfortable place with you, even if in his excitement he almost ruins it. He knows that Echo has troubles sometimes, even if he doesn't always admit them.
"Go get Omega. I'll get some rations out and make sure we're still on track." Wrecker nods, and starts to quietly make his way towards the gun nest, while Hunter turns to walk towards the cockpit.
Before either of them make it too far however, Tech's tools suddenly slip off his lap and clatter all over the floor, waking even the dead themselves. He peers over the edge of the bunk looking at them, current project still in his lap.
"Tech!" Hunter yells, watching him slide off the bunk to pick them up. Meanwhile your eyes are wide, startled awake from the noise. Echo was as well, though he has to push the blanket further down in order to see what's happened over your ribcage and arm.
"There is no need to yell, I am already picking them-" Tech takes a look to his right, and notices Echo's location.
"Oh, there you are. I was wondering where you were. Do you mind helping me calibrate something?" Echo's blurry, sleepy eyes stare at Tech, his mouth slightly agape as he smacks his sleep dried lips.
"What? No..." Tech finishes picking up his things. "Ah, well then." He voices his subtle irritation, while Hunter just rubs his brow.
Echo suddenly grabs the edge of the blanket and tugs it harshly upward, pulling it completely over the two of you and laying back down. He feels your arms wrap around his shoulders again as he presses his face to your sternum, listening to your heartbeat and ignoring Tech's attempts to rope in another helper as he goes right back to sleep.
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blubushie · 6 months ago
my two cents on the "problematic" content thing is that tf2 is one of those media where you can lean into both feel good shit and darker topics simultaneously.
a recipe for a good tf2 fic is over the top gore and ridoculously stupid humourous scenes.
but also, If you're upset about people posting blood and a lil' guts, you picked the wrong fandom. that said, writers should of course use their best judgement and tag things appropriately. yk if someone comes in complaining about blood, there's a notice that says "you might see some shit"
and I don't play anti/pro ship games because the definitions of such things are fucking convoluted and meant to incite riots at this point, I do believe... I guess it sounds ridiculous to say it but I have seen people complain about "the mercenaries would never..." in the past. and it's always left me scratching my head.
and like this is tf2 we are talking about, people are going to die, horribly, which includes our main protagonists. there will be violence, fire, and swearing.
but also, If you're upset about people posting blood and a lil' guts, you picked the wrong fandom.
There's a reason I don't tag for blood on this blog and that's why lmao. I'll tag for gore gore (it's #haemocyanin btw—think viscera and guts and body horror) but I won't tag for blood.
I have seen people complain about "the mercenaries would never..." in the past. and it's always left me scratching my head.
This as well. IIRC at one point someone (either Hale, the Admin, or Miss Pauling, can't recall who) outright states that a few of the mercs are sex offenders. And this can be anything from "got slapped with an indecent exposure charge for pissing in public on a wall while drunk and had to register" to "outright assaulted someone" and we don't know what it is or who it is. And I'd personally rather my mercs not be violent sex offenders, but we also don't know, and I'm not gonna shit on someone or harrass them for exploring that bit of lore and what the circumstances might've been behind it.
It's very ironic to me that the "oh we're all freaks" website draws their line at, like... petplay or something and you can't go any freak beyond that. Now, it can certainly be argued that certain acts aren't in character for certain characters, but people as a whole are also highly nuanced. Someone can frequent a prostitue and then go home to their happy wife and happy little family. An alcoholic sociopath with anger issues can hold down a stable job and be a good friend and a good person—is that also out of character? People are confusing, extremely self-contradicting creatures, and it's fun to get into their heads. We've all got skeletons in our closet. We've all got something problematic about us, or our pasts. No one's hands are really clean—there's always dirt somewhere, it's just a matter of finding it. Stones in glass houses. I think harrassing someone for the fiction they create is bullshit, personally, even if I do find it morally reprehensible and disgusting in my own eyes. Depiction doesn't equal endorsement.
And people are allowed to not want to interact with people who depict or engage with certain things! God knows I have a few of my own that I wouldn't want to interact with. I just don't reckon nobody should be harrassed for it. I don't reckon real people should be harmed over fiction. I can recall a few groups to recent memory who ordered certain works destroyed, who demanded certain things not be talked about or written about or art done of them, and none of them were the good guys.
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wetcatspellcaster · 3 months ago
This will be long, so forgive me. I plea for help/advice - I am in the middle of writing my first fanfic (and very nervous about it) and even though I'm not new to writing (I have written hundreds of pages for RPG sessions, so I'm familiar with character creation, world building, classic tropes, post-modern tropes, etc.), this is a first. I struggle with English a bit, as it is not my first language, but thankfully my Camden Uni educated bf sometimes gets over the cringe of my slow burn fictional character obsessive romance and proof reads it for me, so that's out of the way. My biggest struggle is world building, which is completely unexpected. The universe is ready, it's there made for me (Arcane animation), but I can't get myself to write any expository bits about it. I write it in little scenes and then glue them together when I figure out the order of events that transpire between the characters. There is a luxury in people knowing the fandom, therefore knowing the lore - so I don't have to introduce the world to the readers. But right now I am at the bit where the slow burn finally burns and I want to give my characters some grief (all is lost moment) and I have come to the realization that I have done absolutely no background build-up that would lead to it. Do you have any advice on how to incorporate such depth into the story, so it wouldn't be build only on two people pushing back and forth? I don't want it to be like - by the way, while you two were figuring out your feelings, there was a huge political plotline in the background that will now endanger your relationship. Save me, Ms. WetCat, save me, I simp over you and your writing oh so greatly. (Btw, it's me, hi, I'm the person you've made bi)
hi, person I made bi through the power of fictional wizards :')
I haven't watched the show but I can try to give some advice for threading plot/worldbuilding through a romance story!
I think the easiest thing to do is... make it personal to the characters lmao. BG3 is a good example of this right - people will often not bother to explain what illithids/tadpoles are or what the dark urge is, but they will often talk about how one or both of those things effect their Tav and their Tav's choices. So tailor the worldbuilding to what is relevant about your character - if it's boring to write exposition, write about feelings instead! How does either character feel about [worldbuilding conceit], and how is that relevant to the romance/character interactions they're having? That's one way to nod to the wider world while also keeping it in the periphery, with the main focus still remaining on the characters themselves.
You can also do this with bigger plots that are happening, just by making nods to them before and after your scene. So I often will be like "the characters were walking back from [major plot event]" - that means that everyone who knows the [major plot event] can now place themselves in a canon timeline and know where we are in events that have happened, without having to read through that same thing again. If there's a political plotline (lol, me coasting on my second/third hand knowledge of arcane) you can be like 'they were at x meeting', or 'they walked past x rally on the way to y' and then you have tension brewing in the background even without the focus being on them. do any of these major plot points endanger your character, because then you also have a good vat of angst to draw from as well!
tbh fanfic is definitely a forgiving space because as you say everyone typically knows the source material! so i've found that having a pretty narcissistic lens on your character(s) while just making brief off-hand gestures to wider events is often enough for the world to feel deep and engaging!
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tulipsnflowers · 9 months ago
so I found this post https://www.tumblr.com/anacharafan/740045529628721152/ok-scuse-me-op-jesstheespeon-somepunaboutspace?source=share and. Tulip. What rant about Metta maybe not even being a person explain your thought processes please.
(currently getting slowly drawn into the Metta Blorbo side of the fandom and very interested to hear your take)
(Blinks innocently) whatever do you mean?
... God, I haven't shared this one before? Insane rant time. Thought process is not good™
So. Let's start really simple, and I promise this will make sense later.
What's plant's element color? Oh easy, it's green
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See? Green, easy.
Wind? Teal. Mineral? Weird yellow.
Okay, now, please do tell me the color of Normal. "Oh it's blue, I mean, James' soul was blue, and his hair streak is-"
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Now, first of all, that's just, not how James dresses up. He has 1(one) singular black shirt that's under his jacket. The rest are quite literally colored like their element(even Deena has her hair in the correct color,) so, what the frick?
Number 2:
Move set, everyone noticed his gimmick is having everything. Man soloed the wardens on my play through. But.
Omnicron has that, too. Exact same order(except flipped). Electric last, Fire first. (Or Fire first, Electric last) ((this is also tower order btw, and the only one that rotates is Deena, being between Wind and Electric and Wind and Mineral, so I HC them as having been roomies (her and nadine I mean) ANYWAY DEENA GET OUT NOT YOUR POST))
Number 3:
What the hell is up with his soul, anyway?
And I don't mean in the sense he's not in the Netherworld or n2, which, I'll get to, but.
We just determined Normal is Black..... So why the hell is his soul -Energy. Being. Whatever you want to call it, blue?
That doesn't line up, Omnicron's soul makes sense to be blue, because he's fricking blue and red and white, but James' shouldn't. He only has one blue streak, he mostly has that red and white jacket---
Hang on a second.
Number 4: He doesn't have gold. He doesn't have gold! Even Grunda has gold.
That's the telltale thing to tell a design is a child of Omnicron. Gold. ("tulip, uh, the moving bits-" to which I say. Nara ruined that in n2, so..)
So then, what do I make of all of this is,
Omnicron was already an S++++ parent, no denying that, and at some point, cuz Ulzar didn't beat them all at once, he knew. That Ulzar is killing his children and that he's on the hit list, I mean. While I don't see him being too concerned, I do see him having a.. Back up plan.
Aka James. Aka, a child, existing to just hold his soul if that damned human does kill him. I mean, look at him! He's not even an animal, he's a fricking ORB (orbs of elemental energy, anyone?)
So. When someone (Deena), destroyed Omnicron's soul.... I mean, it also explains why he was gone in n:e.
Also. It explains his lack of a nightmare, as well. Why have a whole separate nightmare if they weren't separate beings to begin with?
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camels-pen · 1 year ago
I'm still thinking about vampire Usopp w/sanuso btw, just like
Sanji insisting Usopp come to him whenever he's hungry, for multiple reasons, but primarily bc he's the cook, it's his job to keep his cremates fed above everything else. And Usopp going along with it, asking for blood around the same times he used to ask for food. Thinking Sanji would tell him if he ever took too much.
Sanji, however, is a fool. A very kind, but large fool. He doesn't tell Usopp when he's taking too much or too frequently. In fact their whole arrangement barely lasts a few weeks before Sanji collapses in the middle of food prep.
Like, just the idea of the guy who gives and gives and, yeah it feels nice to give, but can't fathom the idea that there are others on the crew able to do the same. That he doesn't have to give until there's nothing left.
Idk just. Physical manifestation of his problems with accepting unconditional love without having to give anything to earn it. As in, the more he gives without bounds, the more he's literally killing himself.
And then. And then.
Usopp coming into the galley, ready to sheepishly ask for a snack, just like before this whole thing, and finding Sanji on the floor.
And he yells for Chopper before looking Sanji over. Coming to the realization that this was him- this was his fault. He took too much. Asked for too much. Asked too much of Sanji.
And he's just kicking himself the whole time, telling himself it was stupid to ever think Sanji- Sanji of all people- would ever deny him a chance to fill his belly.
He comes to the conclusion he can't ask Sanji for blood anymore. He can't ask anyone for blood anymore. He couldn't risk this happening again. To any of them.
After Sanji got a transfusion and isn't at risk of falling over anymore, he and Usopp begin an agonizing back and forth routine.
Sure, Sanji can't give blood for a while- doctor's orders- but there are some rather big fish in the aquarium, and Usopp has always loved the taste of fish. He drains the blood out of a few, stores the excess in the fridge, and offers a glass to Usopp to make up for the lunch portion he never got.
Usopp says something or other about grabbing a bite from a sea king earlier and waves him off. Sanji frowns but doesn't say anything.
And this same bit continues and continues and continues, until Sanji puts his foot down. Literally.
Kicks Usopp's ass to the galley. Has an infuriating conversation with him. Continues to try and get him to drink. Ends up coming to a conclusion that Usopp only liked drinking blood from the source. A passing thought making him consider that there was only one source- one person he'd drink from.
Usopp- tired and fuzzy and hungry, so so hungry- is trying his damnedest to keep Sanji satisfied with lies he doesn't have the energy to make believable. He's trying and trying but Sanji is bulldozing through each one, not taking no for an answer and-
Is it me? Sanji asks, his voice far, far too hopeful. Do you only want to drink from me?
And if Usopp wasn't tired- wasn't literally starving and finding it hard to keep his thoughts from slipping away- he would examine that voice. That tone. Run through his own daydreams with different words, different contexts, being implied with those words.
But he is tired. And he is starving. And he needs to get a grip before he wavers even more in his resolve.
And so, it's surprising yet all too expected when Usopp declares Sanji's blood as the nastiest thing he's ever tasted. Says he never wants to get within smelling distance anymore, it's that bad. Too late, he realizes his smelling distance, now, covers the entirety of the ship and then some.
Sanji stays silent. Usopp contemplates taking it back. He doesn't.
Casually, Sanji reaches over to his knife block. Despite his current status as a member of the undead, Usopp fears for his life. He wonders if Sanji was just as skilled with a knife as Zoro was with his swords and desperately hopes that's not the case. Aloud, he tries to calm Sanji down while subtly trying to put distance between them.
Without any warning, practically without sound, Sanji tilts his head and cuts a thin line near the juncture from his neck to his shoulder. And all of a sudden, Usopp's filled with another, far more terrifying, kind of fear.
It's just like Boin, Usopp, he thinks to himself, eyes glued to the spot where dark red beads of blood well up on pale skin. Just like Boin.
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kawaii-claw-machine · 2 months ago
We've never requested from a bah blog so hopefully we're doing this right! We weren't sure what to put for some since our new alter is very fuzzy and we don't know much about them yet! We love your theme btw:0 -c
Name: something girly and short
Pronouns: any cute/"girly" neos
Age: any
Gender identity: xenic
Sexuality: aroacespec
Role: gatekeeper of some kind?
Pos front triggers:
Neg front triggers
Aesthetic: candycore
Species: human
Source: brainmade
Personality/Short description:
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Open it?
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Name: Avery / Oreo / Miyah
Pronouns: She/Her Shi/Hir Shy/Hyr They/Them Bow/Bows Fri/Frill Pink/Pinks Candy/Candys Swe/Sweet Cu/Cute Wi/Wish Bun/Bunny Paw/Paws Xe/Xir XD/XD’s 🎀/💗/🐶/🐈/🐰/🐇
Age: Perma14 (Regresses to 6)
Gender Identity: Bowgender, Lacegirl, Cutekittybowic, Cutegender, Catgender, Bunnylexic
Sexuality: Aroace spectrum, Lesbian
Role: Gatekeeper, Overseer, Frijōn
Positive front triggers: Headmates shi likes being in front, Animals, Zoo’s, The color pink, Things with fluffy textures, Sweets and candy.
Negative front triggers: Being overstimulated and overwhelmed, Being alone.
Likes: Bunny’s, Cute animals, Sanrio, My little pony, Madoka Magica, Talking to their headmates, Making friends, Rainbows, Fluffy things, Hats with floppy ears, Bows, Sweet foods and cereals.
Dislikes: Being negatively triggered, Fronting alone, Bully’s, Vegtables.
Aesthetic: Candycore, Cutecore, 2000score, Slightly scenecore (loves making and wearing kandi)
Species: Human, Mentally part cat, bunny and dog.
Source: Brainmade
Kins: PinkiePie (My Little Pony), Madoka (Madoka magica) My Melody (Sanrio) Catkin, Dogkin, Bunnykin
Personality/Short description: Xe is a kind and friendly person, they get along with everyonee and candy lovesss annoying XD’s headmates. when shy is alone they feel sad but when pink is with people or sweets headmates wi feels so happy! Definitely an extroverted person.
Typing quirk: Always types in lower case because uppercase letters look “too angery”, Uses faces such as XD, XP, :3, and replaces ‘.’s with ‘!’s, Drags their letters out and always uses correct punctuation.
Example message: hiiii, im so excited to see the play! :3
Extra: Bun is selectively verbal, they are verbal sometimes, but sometimes they go non verbal, usually when negatively triggered. Bow is also a bunny, cat and dog therian, although they don’t like telling people about it. Hir favourite candy are those candy watches, candy bracelets and candy necklaces. XD
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All this can be changed to fit you’re system
This was suuupperr fun to make so sorry if i went a bit overboard lol xd, and don’t worry your request was perfect!
!! Reblog if you use !!
* Headmates may not turn out as you imagine and that’s okay ! *
This order was packaged by Cheri and Molly
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