As someone who did one long fic and promised to never do it again, here's my ofmd role reversal au with a moderate dose of oc's
So it all starts with their childhoods, as the literal reverse happens:
Ed doesn't kill his dad
And Stede accidentally paperweights Nigel
For Stede, he runs away obviously, and finds his way as a sailor with some captain
Works his way up to having his own ship and crew, with most of our beloved crewmates onboard
He gains a reputation as The Gentleman Pirate, his eccentric ways of piracy making him legend-like
He also has quite the body count, which no one really knows how he kills off his victims
(Just incredibly ridiculous coincidences so he kinda-but-not-really kills them)
Yes he loves the freedom, but he can't help but be reminded of what he left behind... of what he did...
Ed meanwhile, since he didn't kill his dad, instead convinces his mom to leave him while he's gone
But since society ain't kind to a poor single mom of color, they live like shit
Ed thus takes on as the breadwinner of the family, working harder than his mom has to
Mostly odds and ends until he gets a gig as a blacksmith apprentice, eventually opening a shop of his own. Finally, him and his mom are in a good place financially and stability wise
But it's all so fucking boring: he has all these clients needing swords and gun pieces for the navy and shit
- some bit of assholes really, like this one dude Chauncey -
while he wants more than anything to use them himself, and go on his own adventure
So using his saved up money, he buys a ship and tries to pass it off as a gift using a mini model of it
His mom however, doesn't like the ocean, and knows how sad his son is with their lives - we only have this one life, let's make the most of it
So he sets off in the middle of the night, leaving all his money he earned to her and tries to be a pirate... his mom's words ringing in his ears
Alright, we got our set-up, let's talk about our side characters:
On Stede's crew, we got Jim, Buttons, Swede, Roach, Lucius, Wee John... and Mary Read
(When a Sir Godfrey Thornrose attended a party, he ended up getting found out by Mary - but impressed by her idea to swindle the guests, he convinces her to join his crew as they depart a flaming ship full of rich people at each other's throats, after a game The Gentleman Pirate was fond of played)
Mary becomes First Mate, so she and Stede have a Izzy/Ed dynamic going on, but a little less toxic and sexually charged (it makes sense, trust me)
Ed's ship has Izzy, Oluwande, Frenchie, Gentle Pete, Calico Jack and Anne Bonny
(But he doesn't start with them as his crew - instead they're crewmates serving under a Captain Hornigold)
Since Stede becomes captain earlier on, Jim kills Spanish Jackie's husband earlier on, so Olu doesn't think to run away with them cause he's a loveable dumbass, only leaving when Jackie gets suspicious of him
Gentle Pete is always going on about serving on The Gentlebeard Pirate's ship, how he looks like a white ghost with fabric for skin
in my OC world (made a Anne and Mary post bout this), Anne and Mary dump Jack before he enters ofmd ep 8, so this takes place in an alternate world where Anne and Jack met and married but they never met Mary
And so... the plot!!
Ed and crew are under Hornigold, and Ed finds himself as First Mate, despite everyone thinking he's incompetent
He does however end up convincing them there's another way to piracy (probably cause of Black Pete's Gentleman Pirate stories) and so they plan to mutiny
They end up running into a navy ship, and the crew's pissed off at Hornigold disguising themselves and refusing to fight, so nows the best time
Ed only planned on going into the cabin and tying him up, but in some crazy level of shenanigans, Hornigold ends up choking on rope, so Ed technically "kills" him
Although Hornigold was an abusive bitch who reminded Ed of his dad so whatevs (totally whatevs haha no guilt at all!)
Izzy, surprised but impressed by how smart Ed can be in his lutacrisy, convinces him to tell the crew he meant to kill him
And so Ed becomes Captain of The Queen Anne, and takes on Blackbeard as his moniker from Hornigold
Totally not haunted by the illusion of Hornigold with rope around his neck hahahah
Ep 2 and 3 happens the same way but with Blackbeard and crew: ship aground, hostages (two navy soldiers and their captain, called Chauncey Badminton ok yes i was that blacksmith you bullied but now im blackbeard so who got the last laugh now), and meeting someone named Lucius, who despite his lack of - well anything that makes him look intimidating - ends up taking a hostage from them and intimidating Ed, Olu and Pete with the help of Wee John... and Jim
Olu and Jim are surprised to see each other again but Jim leaves with their crew, Olu still whipped after all these years
Up to ep 3 now, Mary comes along after Lucius' recalling of the events to scare Ed in Spanish Jackie's bar, but is amused by Ed telling her the captain can fuck off
Izzy however was not here in this moment, so Ed learns from him oh - that was the first mate of The Gentleman Pirate! Ok!!
Anne is just like "don't worry captain, I can seduce her" "No, Bonbon, there's no need to do that" "You sure?"
All leads up to the Spanish ship, almost about to be killed by the Spanish, when a certain former aristocrat swings in to save the day
Stede: Blackbeard, I presume?
Ed, bleeding out and almost hung: the angel heard of me?
Stede: hardly an angel, but thank you :)
And so the show continues as normal, with some changes according to whatever you want to see happen
Lucius being the relationship counselor
"~ Stab me ~"
The bathtub, which could really be either one of them
Speaking of which, would Stede have an equivalent to a red silk 👁
So yes, everything follows the same storylines in ep 4, 5, and 6
up until the end of ep 6 ...
But with some notable differences:
Anne: Well, if it needs to be done -
Ed: You don't need to seduce the First Mate
Anne: It's OK Cap, I can take it
Jack is also here, hi. He's a bit of an ass, so like our shows Izzy
Izzy meanwhile is not like, soooo bad, cause in this au he hasn't had the years under Blackbeard to see him as a great pirate so he's fully aware he's in the Muppet genre
He's still not happy about it
Olu and Jim have a little bit more of a slow burn (but like og show blackbonnet's slowburn)
Lucius, I'm sorry I really am, is a bitch in this au (probably cause of his status as Gentleman Pirate's Scribe) and so him and Pete don't get along
Initially ;)
Anne is off seducing Mary, which in this au, since Mary didn't have that positive influence in Anne to tell her she's beautiful despite her past, is very cold, so it takes a bit
But not that long, Anne's a very smooth talker
Stede and Ed meanwhile are interesting:
Stede has his years as a confident pirate on a sex positive ship - Ed has his history as a man with a sex drive
So Stede's pulling out all the gentleman techniques like Ed stabbing him with a sword, and Ed is over here freaking out like "this must be just how he is... but what if it isn't... but what if it is... but what if it"
Fucking cranking up the sexual tension to a hundred!!!!
Now HERE'S the rub
Cause of the changes in the timeline, characters react differently to situations
Which means Izzy never challenges Stede at the end of ep 6 - what, he's the fucking Gentleman Pirate, he's not gonna get himself killed cause of Bonnet corrupting his Captain's (which he totally doesn't have a crush it must be envy) brain
But after a fatal accident with a whip, Stede has enough and tells Jack to get off his ship. Now.
So if we rewind the story for a little bit, just to fill in the gaps:
There's this lady named Spanish Jackie who's pissed off at this Pubic hairbeard breaking her nose jar
And this navy captain who has survived his kidnapping, heard rumors the blacksmith is prancing around with the pirate he swore killed his brother
And THEN this schmuck who's drunk 25/8 stumbles in saying he knows where both of them are
So now let's take a break, and talk about Ed:
Ed, who while "defeating" the ghost of Hornigold, is still haunted by the choice he made to leave his mother. He's sure she's alright, but he promised to protect her, to be the man in the house he dad never was!
So now we got ep 7, Stede this time trying to impress Ed
Ed, confused, finally learns from Lucius "Oh my god this is happening", and so they have their little moment
It's literally "what makes Ed happy" but with Stede and two episodes earlier
But yay they kiss!!!
However, ep 8 happens exactly as it does
I hate Izzy, so I think he finds out about CJ and the plan and let's it happen
So Jack leaves and gets Ed to leave, who is guilty as fuck about leaving his mom
In this universe, Stede would not be mopey and staring at them through a telescope -
- so he leaves with all the crew and ship
Our Ep 10
It's the reverse:
Stede is in the blanket fort, sad and wrapped up in his little robe and writing sad songs
Ed leaves Jack to go back to Bristol and be with his mom
So it follows the same beats, which of course includes...
Izzy probably says some bullshit about Ed leaving, after what this ponce managed to do to the great Gentleman Pirate, who's somehow more soft than what the pirates made him out to be, with how he pines for his boyfrie -
Which is when fucking Chauncey comes in
Stede, pissed as fuck and no longer feeling safe as he let down his Gentleman Pirate facade only for his heart to get broken and being reminded of his place as a outcast among piracy, a plague, not a human...
"ok then, I'm the bad guy. Also you should never turn your back while holding a sword."
and paperweights Chauncey
Bye bye navy ship and crew, probably burnt alive!
Bye bye Lucius and Izzy's toe!
And bye bye happy couples, gotta separate you by marooning half of you!
So now Mary, Izzy, Frenchie and Jim are part of the new Revenge crew
With their new Gentleman Pirate captain, with an all-black ensemble, white gloves and a hat with white lace hanging around his head like a veil
Back on Ed's side of things:
His mom is actually doing really well! She took over the blacksmith business and even got herself a boyfriend Jason Mamoa
Though because Ed comes back in unannounced after thinking he was dead ("Eddie, you said you were leaving to be a pirate"), there's tension between them
Ed is all talk of the town as Blackbeard, but he's clearly not happy with being back in his old life, even if Jack's here to get his mind off things
But him and his mom talk, and she tells him she just wants what's best for her son, and seeing him finally find somewhere he belongs is all she ever wanted for him
"Hey mum... I think I found my fine thing"
And so mother and son plan to fake son's death together, only for Ed to find out about CJ betrayal
Luckily the fake death goes off without a hitch and he manages to leave with just a dinghy and a red piece of silk, going to find his love <3
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galactic-rhea · 6 months
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Little warmup.
For the people that prefer their Vader uncooked :]
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fur-bee · 5 days
he is so fucking butch in the og render im going insane
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pareidolla · 18 days
grips sink. i need that sad disembodied voice so bad
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fiuworks · 1 year
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reagan doodle bc AUUGHHHH i love. reagan ridley
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tallbluelady · 6 months
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"You seem rather forlorn for a bride to be." "It's hard to be aught else with a groom like Zenos."
A continuation of this AU.
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Chapters: 1/? Fandom: The Great Library Series - Rachel Caine Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Niccolo Santi/Christopher Wolfe, Jess Brightwell & Niccolo Santi, Jess Brightwell & Christopher Wolfe, Jess Brightwell/Thomas Schreiber Characters: Jess Brightwell, Niccolo Santi, Christopher Wolfe (The Great Library), Thomas Schreiber (The Great Library) Additional Tags: Families of Choice, Sickfic, Mental Health Issues, Family Feels, Post-Canon, Major Illness, Bodily Fluids, not the sexy kind, Suicidal Thoughts, Canonical Child Abuse, ie jess' upbringing, Aftermath of Torture, for wolfe and thomas as usual, spoiler the title refers to all of them Summary:
Some whumpy family feels.
Jess falls ill and Thomas can't cope. Then Jess deteriorates. Can the dads help them both?
Sequel to this: https://archiveofourown.org/works/20842424/chapters/49619885
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thefootnotes · 18 days
right here right now the most underrated song from the hsmverse
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bigmandongle · 6 months
wanna make a man scream wanna make a man scream wanna make a man screaaaaam so bad :(
where is my man
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shinynx · 7 months
Ohhhhhhhh. Im depressed
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devouring-hive · 7 months
The Sanae precious good and perfect
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“Aaaww, really? You mean it?~”
“You mean it, right? You mean it?~ You do mean it, don’t you?~”
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glimpsesofeuterpe · 4 months
stupid early access game won't let me romance a local personification of doom
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guhamun · 5 months
@himedachi said (inbox):
Mego boops Masamune carefully in the nose with the touch of a finger. The gesture was meant to briefly distract his attention from maintaining his swords so he can at least look at her briefly...but of course, she can't say that too openly, no? Or else he'd be teasing her again to no end. "...You have something on your face." /ehe
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AT FIRST, HE WAS a bit surprised that anyone in their right mind would go around ‘booping’ him, of all people, on the nose. Though the softness of it was a dead giveaway in itself before he ceased what he was doing, stormy gaze now trained towards the only other person in the room. Her words did make his brows furrow a little, his hand lifting to touch his skin as if that would somehow help him identify what this ‘something’ was that she spoke of. It didn’t, of course. If anything, he wondered if there actually was anything present there. Rather than ask her where, he instead, shifted this entire conversation to her. ❝Going to wipe it off for me, Mego?❞ Masamune teased, his voice lowering in its usual husk when he wanted to poke at another. ❝You wouldn’t let me go walkin’ around like that, would you?❞
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xxemo-hubrisxx · 6 months
depression BEGONE!
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thebluestrokes · 1 year
I will always love Sora and Mashiro’s relationship Friendship!
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evildilf2 · 7 months
Is someone gonna up evildilf2s Zoloft prescription or what
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