boysoverroses-blog · 6 years
Exo Master-List
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Sometimes you need to keep an eye on the underdog…, and your friends.
Alyiun (1)  Faerimere (2)  Delirium (3) 
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updated 2/17/19
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boysoverroses-blog · 6 years
Delirium (3)
The night of the gig fastly arrived. The boys made sure everything is set and ready. They had gathered every last bit of information about the girls and had gone through it. They had gone over the plan at least a dozen times. The security guards had orders not to let anyone who's working to leave the building. 
The club was full. People with fancy dresses and expensive suits were filling the space. Chatter, low music and glass clinking were echoing in the big room.
The first step of their plan was to blend in. The men fitted in with their limited edition suits. Golden watches and pricey neckties were serving as their accessories. All nine of them had lavish hairstyles and fancy formal shoes. They looked like rich men who were bored with their lives and came to have some fun.
Extendidos, necesitamos encontrarlos,” (Spread out, we need to find them) Junmyeon instructed. They nodded and walked in different directions. The club was crowded, which meant that spotting the females would take some time.
After ten minutes or so two of the girls were spotted near the poker tables. Each one of them was dealing cards at a different table. Both Minseok and Jongin took a seat at those tables.
"Dos abajo." (Two down)
Not long after that, they saw two more girls on the dance floor. Yixing and Jongdae made their way towards them. The girls were dancing with each other which made the boys look around uncomfortable. Dancing together was not in the plan. Swallowing their pride, they started to move their bodies slowly to the rhythm. Both of them were preparing for all the mocking they were going to receive later.
"Cruzar dos más de la lista." (Cross two more from the list.)
"Encontramos dos más," (We found two more.) Baekhyun said as he and Kyungsoo made their way to the side, their eyes never leaving the two girls dressed as waitresses.
"Eso significa que todos los nueve están presentes. Tenemos visual en las otras tres chicas." (That means that all nine are present. We have visual on the other three girls.)Chanyeol said as he looked at the two girls behind the bar.
"Está bien, vamos a movernos." (Okay, let's move.) Kyungsoo signaled.
Back at the poker tables, the guys joined the game. To anyone else, it wouldn't seem suspicious, but to the girls it did. The way they sat and glanced at each other's' way from time to time was enough to tell the girls that something was wrong.
"Я думаю у нас проблема." (I think we have a problem.) Yong Sang whispered not giving away her worries.
Jongin looked from his cards and let his eyes to roam the crowd. "Hazlo." (Do it.) His posture was calm as he looked at the girl, waiting for her reaction. A second later she winced and reached towards her ear, removing the earpiece. The look on her face was all he needed to know that the next step of the plan was executed. the signal jammer worked.
"¿Pueden comunicarse entre sí?" (Can they communicate with each other?) Junmyeon asked after he saw the look of confusion on the girls' faces.
"No, no pueden. La conexión se termina."  (No, they can't. The connection is terminated.) Jongdae replied.
"Esto se está poniendo divertido" (This is getting fun) Jongin smirked.
The girls did not remove their earpieces in hopes they would work again but as of now they could no longer use them. They knew something was wrong. Everyone stayed where they were. They didn't want to blow the mission, so they continued with the assigned roles.
Je Ki looked around her table while dealing another set of cards. There was one person who caught her eye. She leaned forward to hand him his cards and to get a better look at him. He looked familiar.
“Thank you.” he smiled and her eyes widened. It was the guy from the other night who ordered the blue martini.
"Ellos saben que estamos aquí," (They know we are here) Jongin whispered as he saw the look on Je Ki's face. The second Yong Sang saw Jongin murmuring, she stood up and motioned for someone else to take her place. Je Ki did the same and made her way towards the back, where  Rae Jae is supposed to be.
"Ellos están en movimiento." (They are moving) Minseok informed the group.
"No los pierdas. Ellos no saben cómo nos vemos."  (Do not lose them. They do not know how we look.) Baekhyun instructs.
"No te preocupes" (Don't worry.) Sehun reassured.
From the back, Rae Jae could see Je Ki and Yong Sang leaving their positions and making their way through the crowd. The only problem was that two guys were following them. She knew something was wrong the minute the communicators died and had a feeling those guys were responsible.
"Мы должны двигаться. Кто-то здесь для нас." (We have to move. Someone is here for us.) Soo Mi said to Sang Hee.
"Что они хотят от нас?" (What do they want from us?) Sang Hee questioned worriedly.
"Я не знаю, и я не хочу, чтобы это выяснить." (I don't know and I don't want to find out.) Soo Mi responded. With that Sang Hee stopped dancing and made her way towards the bar. She sat on a stool and ordered a drink. A minute later the seat next to her was taken by Yixing.  
Yixing kept his attention on Sang Hee, who was now dancing alone. He decided to keep her company, so he went up to her and started to move his body in rhythm with hers. He tried to make small talk but Sang Hee was not having it. She was thinking of ways to get out of there. Her hand went over his and tried to remove it from her hip but he only tightened his hold on her.
“I wouldn't do that if I were you.” He said against her ear in a quiet tone. She understood that he wasn't going to let her go anytime soon. Her eyes darted to his and glared him. "I just want to talk. Don't make it worse for yourself." His voice was soft and the opposite of his grip on your hips. She looked around the room and saw other men trailing after her friends like shadows. She realised that the chances of them getting out without making a scene are none. Her eyes locked with the floor. That was all Yixing needed and he nudged the girl to start moving.
“Yo tengo uno.” (I have one.) Yixing informed the others.
Jongdae felt Soo Mi tensing as she saw her friend leaving the dance floor with some guy. He took out his pocket knife and pointed it to her stomach. "Don't do anything stupid. Come with me."   
“You don't strike me as a professional criminal” She hissed his way.
“That's what makes me so good.” His smirk sent shivers down her spine.
“You'll stay with me until we go, alright?” He continued but when he got no response he pressed the knife a little harder. She nodded.
“Es necesario para amenazarla?” (Is it necessary to threaten her?) Junmyeon sighed shaking his head as he watched from his table. Jongdae’s only reply was a smile towards Soo Mi.
"Yo también tengo uno." (I have one, too.) Jongdae said quietly.
Ji Mi and Hyun Jin were manoeuvring between tables doing their jobs as waitresses. The coms were dead and they had no connection with the other girls. As Hyun Jin was cleaning a table, Sang Hee walked past her followed by some guy. She put two and two together and tried to catch Ji Mi's eyes. When they made eye contact she pointed towards Sang Hee and the other girl immediately knew what the problem is. They both took their serving trays and placed them at an empty table in the back. Without another glance, they took off towards different exits.
Hyun Jin found an exit. A security guard stood there surveying the floor. She showed him her badge but before she could make a step forward the guard put his hand up and spoke, “Employees can't leave the club until the end of the night.” With that, a huff left her lips and her body turned around. She spotted Ji Mi standing on the side, looking at someone. All of a sudden she started walking and that scared her, so she made her way through the crowd and in the direction of a hallway by the bar. When she looked to where she saw Ji Mi walked, she saw a guy behind her.  But she had no time to react as she felt a hand around her waist.
“I advise you to not make a noise.” The guy behind her murmured in her ear as he leads her towards the back door.
“¿Tenemos todos ellos?” (Do we have all of them?) Jongdae asked.
“No,” Sehun answered.
"Hay tres más." (There are three more.) Chanyeol spoke as he watched Sang-Soo, serving a customer. "Dos de ellos están detrás de la barra. El otro está en algún lugar en la espalda." (Two of them are behind the bar. The other is somewhere in the back.)
Junmyeon made his way to the back. He saw the girl and informed the others.
“Yong Sang y Je Ki están con nosotros.” (Yong Sang and Je Ki are with us.) Jongin’s voice confirmed.
“Danos un minuto y te acompañaremos en la parte posterior.” (Give us a minute and we'll accompany you in the back.) Chanyeol said and with that, made his way to the bar.
“What would you like to drink?” Sang-Soo asked the red-head.
“Spirytus Rektyfikowany” he ordered. Sang-Soo knew that the man before her was someone bad because that cocktail was a code for "you don't belong here".  
“Not bad,” she mused, raising an eyebrow as she moved to get his drink done. She passed Hyo Gun, who was feigning interest in the blonde guy in front of her.
"Он с синим парнем мартини." (He's with the blue martini guy.) Sang-Soo whispered in Hyo Gun’s ear while going to the fridge.  
She poured the drink and give it to the guy. “Enjoy the kiss of death” he smirked at her comment. She leaned back and surveyed the scene beyond the bar, she could no longer see any of the girls in their posts. A minute or so after that, their shift was over. Once they were out from behind the bar, the two men latched themselves to their side, escorting the girls to the back alley. Once they were outside they saw that everyone was there.
"What do you guys want?" Hyo Gun asked while she was escorted to a spacious van alongside the other girls.
“We need you to help us transfer a deal,” Junmyeon stated. Soon automobile was full and the engine started. Not long after that, they arrived at their destination.  When the door to the van opened and the girls started filling out Sang-Soo finally broke free and started throwing punches at Chanyeol. Ji Mi didn't waste time to do the same, which kick-started the others to start their escape plans.
“You know you're not very effective kidnappers if you let the victims see where they're going,” Soo Mi pointed out as she tried to kick Jongdae away.
“You know, when I said ‘any means necessary,’ I thought that we were going to stick to our no abduction policy” Wonbin’s voice halted the girl’s attack.
“ WONBIN!!???” the girls shouted, to which he winced.
“God, have some respect! Some people are nursing a hangover.” he scolded as he rubbed his temple.
“Oh, you're going to suffer a lot more than that.” Sang-Soo’s threat fell deaf to his ears as Chanyeol held her back from kicking his ass. She winced as he pressed against a bruise that has not yet healed from the last time she successfully won a fight.
“Shit sorry.” Chanyeol apologized.
“Let's go inside and get icepacks” Jongin suggested while rubbing his cheek which made Yong Sang grin because she was responsible for his pain. They made their way inside the house and everyone found a place to sit.
“So, there are important people coming from China and are going to our rival's club. We want to get in, so we want to hire you to...distract the opposing side.” Yixing started, seeing no use in waiting.
“They're called Neo-Tech,” Junmyeon added.
“Why don't you just send someone else?” Nat responded rolling her eyes.
“We have to go meet with the suppliers ourselves because...” Sehun started but was cut off.
“They need you to sneak into the club and talk to Junmyeon’s best friend from China,” Daehyun announced as he walked into the room. Everyone's heads turned to the boy, Ji Mi's eyes widening.  Jongdae noticed that and signalled Kyungsoo to restrain her, just in case she decided to kill all of them.
“Before you kill me, know that this was not my idea, it was his” he pointed at Minseok, who then rolled his eyes at the accusation.
“And technically it was her fault,” Minseok pointed at Sang-Soo who was looking at both Wonbin and Daehyun like they’re traitors.
“You just had to fight, couldn't let the security to handle it,” Hyun-Jin said huffing. Sang-Soo growled and crossed her arms.
“All right! this is a terrible, horrible, incredibly foolish idea.” Ji Mi paused, letting out a breath, “We’ll help you.”The girl's heads snapped towards her. Before she looked straight at them, “We depended on Delirium to give us the money we need to repair the damages that happened in Alyiun. We still need the money.” she explained, before looking at Junmyeon and adding “Let's do it and see what happens” Sang-Soo groaned.
“I hate this, I hate you” she turned to Daehyun.
“What did I do?” he sounded offended.
“You always do something stupid."
“Are you sure you're not talking about Wonbin?” he replied.
“Hey!” the other boy whined.
“So do we have a deal?” Junmyeon cut in.
“Yes, but you'll have to give us money and pay for the collateral damage whenever Sang-Soo is around” Ji Mi responded. Junmyeon shook her hand to seal the deal. Once Chanyeol released the previously talked about girl, she quickly kicked him the gut and turned to Wonbin to punch his nose.  Both men groaned, causing her to smile cheerfully.
“Can we go home now?” Soo-Mi asked rubbing her wrists.
“About that… we have to train you, so you’ll have to stay here until the mission is over,” Jongdae said.
“We already had your things moved here.” Sehun continued.
“Make yourself at home for the next few months,” Chanyeol added.
Sang-Soo groaned out loud and turned to punch Chanyeol but he was ready and caught her fist.
“You’re going to stop doing that,” he told her, as she struggled in his grip.  
“Lord, give me patience or an untraceable gun.” Rae-Jae murmured before heading out of the room.
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boysoverroses-blog · 6 years
Sneak Peak for Delirium!
He took out his pocket knife and pointed it to her stomach. "Don't do anything stupid. Come with me."   
“You don't strike me as a professional criminal” She hissed his way.
“That's what makes me so good.” His smirk sent shivers down her spine.
“You'll stay with me until we go, alright?” He continued but when he got no response he pressed the knife a little harder. She nodded.
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boysoverroses-blog · 6 years
the second chapter is out!!!
Exo Master-List
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Sometimes you need to keep an eye on the underdog…, and your friends.
Alyiun (1)  Faerimere (2)  Delirium (3)
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updated 2/17/19
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boysoverroses-blog · 6 years
Faerimere (2)
The men were meeting up at the house to discuss the next deal. Daehyun and Wonbin were supposed to drop by and run them through a selection of people that could help secure the deal. Minseok knew that they would think he was fucking around if he didn't show them evidence of the night before, so he accessed the security camera files and found the complete video from the moment he sat himself down at the bar until when Sang Soo walked into the back.
So he went down to the meeting room, sat down and waited for the others to come in. Junmyeon being the one to call this meeting was already there scrolling through his phone. He looked up when Minseok made his way to the seat next to him.
“What's that?” he motioned to the USB that Minseok laid on the table.
“It’s a surprise” he vaguely responded, eliciting a raised eyebrow from Junmyeon. The rest filed in soon after.
“Now that everyone is here, shall we start? So, there are dealers coming from China, that are going to meet at Irregular and we need to be there. The only problem is that we can't because the club is owned by Neo Tech.” Junmyeon explained.
“What do you have in mind? How do we get in?” Yixing asked.
“We’re going to sneak in,” Junmyeon starts, “I am thinking about some kind of a distraction. That way we have a better chance of getting in.” Junmyeon added.
The men nodded in understanding before silence took over them as they thought of a strategy. The silence didn't last long before Daehyun came in.
“Hello everyone” he grinned.
“Daehyun! Just in time, any ideas for the China deal next week?” Jongdae cackled lightly.
“I...think I have one” Minseok’s quiet voice captured everyone’s attention.
 Although he is the oldest, Junmyeon usually leads the meetings and Minseok makes sure that the plan goes accordingly.
“Yesterday, I went to the Alyiun Club, to make sure that everything is going smoothly. And I found some strange things...” he started,
“Oh yes, I remember there were a lot of fights reported there,” Kyungsoo remembered.
“Yeah, so I was sitting at the bar when these two men came in and started manhandling two of the waitresses. It was already evident it wasn't just going to blow over but I didn't give it much thought. The bartender, though, had other things in mind.” he paused and turned to look at Kyungsoo. “Quick question, do we provide earpieces to the staff?”
“No, only to the security if they need it…” he responded quickly after looking it up on his phone, “Alyiun Club doesn't need them though”.
“Yeah ok, the bartender had one, so did the other 8 girls.” Minseok continued, putting his hands in his pants’ pockets.
“Wait, there is nine of them?” Jongin asked his eyes widening.
“They sent out two girls after the bartender was out, plus the girl with her in the fight and the one on the side making sure nothing gets destroyed. Plus four in the back watching the security cameras” he counted off while pulling up the video up and pointed the visible ones out.
There was a slight pause. “Minseok, that's my sister” Daehyun’s voice rang through the room. Everyone’s heads whipped to his direction.
“What?” Minseok exclaimed, looking wide-eyed at the nonchalant man.
“That one,” he pointed to one of the girls involved in the fight. “her name’s Ji Mi and the other one” he pointed at the girl who was paused midway through delivering a punch “is the bartender. Her name is Sang Soo.” His hand moved across the screen and he spoke again “That's Hyo Gun behind the bar, and Yong Sang on the side”
“I guess we don't need a background check to find out who they are.” Jongdae rolled his eyes. “How do you know their names?”
“They live with me,” Daehyun said like it was normal for that many girls to live with a guy.
“Why have you never mentioned her?” Sehun asked. “Or them, any of this?”
“Because she didn't want to be involved in this.” he shrugged
“Funny how she works for us.” Kyungsoo rolled his eyes.
Wonbin came in through the door, paused as he looked at the projector before turning to Daehyun.
“Why is your sister and her friends on the screen...are we going to kill them?” he asked suspiciously.
“No, you asshole,” Daehyun rolled his eyes at the ridiculous question “they fought some dudes at work and Minseok was there.”
“Oh, good!” he wiped а hand over his forehead, a relieved breath leaving his mouth.  After that he made his was towards an empty chair and sat down.
“So, what's about the deal?” Chanyeol asked, while Wonbin reached for one of the sodas in the middle.
“Well, I suggest that we use those girls as a distraction while we get the product from Kris” Minseok stated.
“Is it going to work? Half of Neo-Tech is underaged. Do you think they will fall for them? Especially when they are older.” Wonbin brought up.
“Well, they do not have to necessarily seduce them, just...keep them busy until we get out of there.” Junmyeon voiced.
“You never know,” Baekhyun chimed in with a smirk on his lips “Maybe they're into older chicks” He laughed and winked, satisfied with his comment.
“The girls will not want in,” Daehyun stated.
“Why not? We’ll pay them well.” Jongin said, waving his hand like he is dismissing the idea of them not agreeing.
“You can't buy them with money, they work two jobs each, they don't need it. You'll have to find another way to persuade them”
“Wait, why would they work two jobs? From what I know, we pay very well.” Jongdae said with a puzzled face.
“Maybe you can ask them,” Wonbin said sipping on his soda. “The deal isn't until two months, that's enough time to persuade them to do this for you.”
“Whatever it takes?” Baekhyun asked.
“Well need more information if we're going to do this ourselves.”
“Good, I was about to say you can't issue someone to do it,” Wonbin added.
“Great, that makes everything even more complicated” Sehun sarcastically said.
“Kyungsoo and Jongdae, gather information and let's come up with a plan,” Junmyeon ordered.
“As a family member, we have to set rules,” Daehyun started, making Jongin groan. Yixing hit the back of his head to make him stop. “No seducing them into your beds. And no, you can't use other people's beds. Just don't sleep with them!”
“We don't need to sleep with them. We can simply use our words and our charms.” Sehun winked.
“I feel concerned that this is what you assumed our plan was.” Yixing narrowed his eyes, Junmyeon joined in him in the stare down.
“I am just warning you. It's my sister we're talking about here.” Daehyun said seriously.
Wonbin got up and made his was towards the door.  “Your egos won’t handle the rejection” He threw over his shoulder as he walked out leaving behind nine baffled men and one shaking his head.
“He's just salty because Sang Hee rejected him a while ago.” Daehyun explained.
“I am intrigued now” Jongin curiously peered at the 5 girls on the screen.
“I'll leave you to it then, good luck” Daehyun headed out.
“Maybe seek them out? Get them to work in Delirium and take it from there” Sehun proposed.
“Maybe even make them aware of our existence?” Jongin smirked.
“Explain,” Baekhyun asked
“Offer the two bartenders a gig and arrange for all of them to get in” Jongin explained. Since he spends most of his time in Delirium, he understands how the staff works.
“Maybe ask Wonbin to casually mention it?” Chanyeol adds
“But that could give them an opening for an escape, if they're tied down they can't run away.”
“You mean we're going to kidnap them in the end? Cuz with the way Wonbin and Daehyun described them, they're hella stubborn.” Jongin said.
“And smart” Minseok added.
“So leave them no room to escape.” Junmyeon finalizes.
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boysoverroses-blog · 6 years
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3K notes · View notes
boysoverroses-blog · 6 years
the first chapter is out !!!!!!!
Exo Master-List
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(10) (11)
Sometimes you need to keep an eye on the underdog…, and your friends.
Alyiun (1)  Faerimore (2)
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updated 2/17/19
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boysoverroses-blog · 6 years
Alyuin (1)
Alyiun Club:
You'd think that managing a business is easy and there are no troubles that find you, other than miscalculated reports. But not this one, for various reasons. One being, the business in question is a club and second, it is managed by 9 girls. It's safe to say they were pretty good at their job. The occasional fights break out and they resolve them pretty quickly, but this one needed a little more attention.
Sang Soo was behind the bar, bartending, it was her hobby and quite frankly she was good at it. It's also a great place to keep an eye on the customers. As she made drinks she surveyed the surroundings. Her eyes zeroed in on two guys, who were manhandling two of the waitresses that work there, Min Ji and Seo Yun. Sang Soo’s eyes were glued on the scene for a few minutes, her gaze hardening when she took in the girls uncomfortable state. She was about to ring the security when Yong Sang came out from the back.
“I see them but we can't do anything yet, they have already paid and should leave soon,” she spoke with a calm voice but you could see the hardness in her eyes. Sang Soo released a slow breath before turning her back to the crowd.
“If they don’t leave I am kicking them out. The girls are uncomfortable, they seem to know each other.” Sang Soo stated.
“Nevertheless I'll call Ji Mi out” Yong Sang threw over her shoulder as she made her way to Ji Mi’s office.
Sang Soo rolled her eyes and murmured, ‘I can take care of myself’, before huffing and finishing a margarita for a short blonde girl.
‘Clearly, you forgot about the in-ear piece because you didn't even try to hide your growling’ Rae Jae’s voice rang through Sang Soo’s right ear. She swore in her head and let out a ‘sorry’.
“It’s fine, I see them too, and it’s disgusting, I can’t wait for the show”
“There won't be one” a voice cut in before Sang Soo could reply with an eager ‘hell yeah’. Sang Soo’s eagerness died in her throat as she realized that Ji Mi had decided to join their conversation but was nowhere in sight.
“Somehow you manage to ruin my fun without even moving a finger,” Sang Soo grunted under her breath while shooting a customer a friendly smile as they decided to leave in favor of the dance floor. She turned at the call of another customer,
“Blue Martini” his voice cut through the loud music. She nodded and started making the cocktail before turning her attention back to the two guys. Je Ki’s voice cut through the earpiece asking whose voice is that and why it was that deep, but that was the least of Sang Soo’s worries right now, the situation wasn't looking very good.
“Do something or I’ll be kicking their asses out of here!” Sang Soo growled as she watched Ji Mi approach the two guys that were holding the two struggling girls. Sang Soo kept her eyes on the scene while also making the guy’s drink. When she got the hint that they weren’t budging and decided that it was the last straw.
“I am going in” she murmured before turning to the cat-eyed deep voice customer. He looked at her with an interested smirk.
“Excuse me, I'll have your drink ready in a minute, but I have to deal with a mild inconvenience first.” she excused herself before taking off her apron and sliding over the counter, making her way to the two guys she's been wanting to beat the whole time they've been here. The cat-eyed customer turned to watch what the cute bartender was going to do to the two gorilla-sized men.
“Is there a problem?” she menacingly asked. Ji Mi turned to her and said that they refuse to leave.
“She asked you politely to leave” she repeated with a glare.
“I see no reason for us to leave when we’re not done,” one of the buffoons said, still holding on Min Ji, who up close looked like she wanted to cry.
“Please let go of my employees and escort yourselves out before I call the security guards,” Sang Soo said sharply to the two men. Seo Yun literally looked so done, she tried to rip herself out of the man’s grip but he tightened his hold and she scrunched up her face in pain.
“It's against regulations to harass the waitresses,” Ji Mi said with a deadpan voice, her patience running thin.
“They’re not waitresses here, they quit.” the man holding Seo Yun spits out with a disgusting smile.
“You have no right to say that. You have no power over me anymore, we broke up. Get it through your thick dumb head” Seo Yun raised her voice, while Min Ji nodded her head.
‘‘How the fuck did you even know that they knew one another, Sang Soo?” Yong Sang asked her through the earpiece.
“Clearly, they’re uncomfortable and have already ended things with each other” Sang Soo said matter of factly and looked the intruders straight in the eyes “so, you should either get out on your own or I'll have to kick your asses out myself.” Sang Soo threatened.
The cat-eyed customer raised a questioning eyebrow. His attention shifted when someone took the previous bartenders’ position. Her name tag said, Hyo Gun. Her attention was on the scene before them. He turns back to see the two men face to face with Sang Soo and the brown haired girl.
“And how are you going to do that, bitch?” he spat in her face.
Sang Soo smirked at the curse word and buffed her chest even more “Well, you see, the security guard will take around 30 seconds to arrive here and in those 30 seconds I can dislocate both your shoulders and break your nose without breaking a sweat.” she nonchalantly said staring intently at them.
“You think you can take us?” the other one responded to her threat.
“Just try me.” she challenged. She could beat them up if she wanted to, but she doesn't want to start a fight. That would just end with her getting in trouble for initiating a fight with a customer. It would be better if the customer throws the first punch. Everything after that would've been a self-defense act and if anything she could get a bonus or a raise.
“Please, remove yourselves from the premises immediately.” she tried again. In a blink of an eye, one of the men threw a punch her way. Fortunately, she caught it with ease. “You leave me no choice.” she sighed, her face showed disinterest before it morphed into hatred.
The customer at the bar was caught off guard when she easily twisted his arm behind his back. He could vaguely hear the girl, Hyo Gun, behind him calling for the security guards.
Once the other guy processed that a fight had started, he turned to Ji Mi and moved his first in her direction. She easily avoided him, as he was more wasted than the man Sang Soo was handling. She hit the side of his head to disorient him. The two waitresses had already left the scene and gone to the back to report to Soo Mi since she's kinda in charge of damage control.
The two girls had kicked their asses when the security guards finally showed up. One of the two men was passed out cold while the other one had a busted lip. To say he was pissed would be an understatement.
“You're banned from coming here ever again.” Ji Mi calmly said. Sang Soo waved her hand sarcastically before returning to her post behind the bar. Hyo Gun helped around for a while before going to the back.
The handsome stranger was surprised, as he didn't think that this would happen. They were very intriguing. He turned to Sang Soo, who looked as if she didn't just beat a man twice her size. He had very good attention to details. He was watching the fight and he knows for a fact that Sang Soo received one of hell of a punch to her left side, which was unprotected. She had a blind spot, she didn't protect her left side. But he’ll give her props, she knew a lot based on her performance, and so did the other girl, which is weird. He knows for a fact that when they’re hiring they don’t look for a specific requirement, like knowing self-defence. He would know this since he co-owns this club. He isn't surprised that they don't know who he is, because frankly, he doesn't know them either, but they made an impression, so he's going to make Kyungsoo and Jongdae dig.
“I am sorry, can you repeat your drink again?” she asked him.
“Blue Martini” he repeated. She nodded and finished his drink a lot faster than before.
“I think you need to take your break” Hyun Jin came out, tying her apron and taking over.
“I know you say you’re fine, but Sang Hee wants to check on you, you were sloppy and he got a hit on you.” she continued knowing that Sang Soo was going to argue.
Cat-eyed stranger, Minseok, lifted his head slightly. He looked around and saw the security cameras that were stationed at every corner, then back at the new bartender. He could see the earpiece in her left ear through her hair. He may not know who he hired, but he does know what they provide to workers, and it's definitely not earpieces. He paid for his drink and made his way to the house. He needed to do some research, this wasn’t over.
“Fine, but he really was tipsy so his ‘hits’ were even that hard” she excused herself and made her way to the back only to meet Sang Hee half the way.
“You worry too much” Sang Soo muttered to Sang Hee, who was already peeling a bruise patch.
“And because I worry too much I saved you from internal bleeding last month, which means that you shouldn't have fought at all!” she huffed.
“I couldn't help it, besides I was itching for a fight. I haven't punched anything in the last three weeks.” Sang Soo whined.
“You’re a bartender, you shouldn't be fighting at all, we have security guards for that,” Rae Jae stated coming in the locker room.
“How come no one is scolding Ji Mi?” Sang Soo whined looking at a crossed arm upset Ji Mi.
“Oh, come on, not you too!” Sang Soo whined again.
“Control your anger” she commented. Je Ki came in and had a piece of paper.
“Well, congratulations! You kicked ass in front of the owner of the club.” she fake cheered.
“Look, I know we won't get fired. she sighed. “I think it was the blue martini guy” she added, catching their attention.
“The letter said, he’ll order a blue martini if he's satisfied.”
“Hey at least he was still satisfied.” Hyun Jin said.
“Fun” Sang Hee uttered. Soo Mi came in and looked at the scene and sighed before sitting down.
“The girls are okay, we’re relocating them to Love Shot just in case.”
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boysoverroses-blog · 6 years
helloo! soon i will upload the first part of the story we’ve been working on! 
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boysoverroses-blog · 6 years
Exo Master-List
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- Exact Poster
Moodboards   (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) 
(10) (11)
Sometimes you need to keep an eye on the underdog..., and your friends.
Alyiun (1)  Faerimere (2)  Delirium (3) 
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updated 2/17/19
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boysoverroses-blog · 6 years
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boysoverroses-blog · 6 years
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Exact moodboards
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boysoverroses-blog · 6 years
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Je Ki for Exact
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boysoverroses-blog · 6 years
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Hyo Gun for Exact
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boysoverroses-blog · 6 years
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Sang Hee for Exact
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boysoverroses-blog · 6 years
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Yong Sang for Exact
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boysoverroses-blog · 6 years
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Rae Jae for Exact
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