#(one of oliver and one of ryan taken by oliver?)
buckaroo627 · 3 days
9-1-1 at PaleyFest Fall TV Previews 2024
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"Cast members of ABC's 9-1-1 (Angela Bassett, Peter Krause, Jennifer Love Hewitt, Oliver Stark, Aisha Hinds, Kenneth Choi and Ryan Guzman) gather with moderator Patrick Gomez to celebrate their show, now heading into its eighth season and second on ABC. Topics include: how executive producer/showrunner Tim Minear explained to the cast that they would become "action heroes" dealing with non-stop high-level emergencies and stunts; how the series has become a family-based show; the effect of characters' origin stories on the show's fan base; Love Hewitt and Guzman's efforts to blend in when joining the cast in season two; how LGBTQ storylines have evolved over the show's duration; and Hinds' memories of walking into a room filled with snakes in season one and then realizing the kind of role she'd taken."
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beforeastorm · 5 months
Tim Minear, probably: RELEASE THE KRAKEN
ABC Media person: ... I don't know what that means
Tim: It's time to unleash the unholy trinity. You're letting Ryan out of PR jail. Lou? Let him cook! Tell Oliver he can run 'buck' wild. Get them as many interviews as possible.
ABC Media person: Mon Dieu.
Tim: Be free! No notes! Embrace your inner chaos gremlin! Bonus points every time you dunk on Fox!
Ryan, Oliver, Lou: Say less.
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outrunningthedark · 29 days
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dcxdpdabbles · 2 months
God danny taking pics at the gala and tim just being enthralled by him while danny is completely oblivious to the fact that this is his birdie
When Danny reaches the podium, he realizes he doesn't have a speech ready. He doesn't even have a topic on what he should be speaking about. He barely knows what kind of art this charity funds.
Is it painting? The theater? Writers? Digital? Music? Who knows, not Danny. He just knows that it was for kids.
He is also still holding Ryan's hand, so the other man is forced to walk up with him. He didn't mean to cling to the overwhelmed ex-waiter, but Danny was really nervous right now, and he forgot his strength when holding on. So, despite Ryan's few frantic tugs, Danny's trembling fingers locked his plam in an iron cage.
A sea of faces is aimed at them, people who make thousands a day, waiting for Danny to open his mouth and deliver a speech on a donation that he supposedly made.
In the front row, Danny can spot Oliver Green and Bruce Wayne, who each recently gave five million to the art programs. Danny knows this because there was a joke online that the two were trying to outdo each other. It was a game to them, yet somehow, Danny Fenton is the name that appears with the most money donated.
The bright spotlight is blinding, to the point that Danny feels like he is going to sweat through his suit.
How much did Lady Gotham donate?
Rayn nervously shifts on his feet, his hand also starting to get sweaty in Danny's hold. He gives the other man what he hopes is a comforting smile and only receives a bewildered, nervous grimace in turn. Danny wishes he could offer to comfort him, but with the very little Gala training he has from the Ghost Nobility Meeting, he knows he can't afford it.
He turns to the crowd, leaning towards the mic with a crooked smile. Danny swears that whenever he had to uphold the duties of his title, it felt like the transformation of Phantom overtaking his body, covering every inch until the uncool nerdy Fenton was gone. All that remains is the High King Phantom.
"Good evening. I am Danny Fenton, and I just want to thank Mr. Wayne for organizing such an important event for the arts. What is art? Art is everywhere- the melodies of our music, the design of our clothes, and the wonder in our stories, movies, plays, and books. Even the shelter of our homes has art. It's proof of humanity, for it was the first way humans ever recorded their existence, and we used it to change our reality."
He smiles at the crows, using one hand to gracefully gesture to the ceiling that Mr. Wayne's family has tastefully decorated with wood carvings. "It's this wonder that we are now offering to our youths so that they may one day look up at a similar world and fine the wonder in it"
He has no idea what he's going on about. Public speaking has never been his strong suit, but thankfully, he has enough regal to make it appear he does.
Danny's articulation has smoothed out, turning each word into a hypnotic, soothing rumble that washes over the party. He knows it's working because the people's expressions have now shifted, looking both surprised and captivated as more and more phrases fall from Danny's tongue.
If you were to ask him how he knows this, well, he would mention that Sam had once taken a video of him while he was practicing his King's address, and he had been stupefied that Phantom had always sounded so confident, sass, and in control. He never raised his voice, but his words were sharper, and an accent from the high class appeared in his tone.
It had been enough to make Phantom look like a King since the start of the human race, and Danny was grateful that, like invisibility, it could pass along to his human side without a full transformation.
It felt like an out-of-body experience—he knew he was speaking, he could see the absolutely enthralled audience, and he could even feel Ryan's hand and the heat of the light, but for the life of him, Danny could not understand what he was saying.
If this was a movie, it would be the montage of a slow pan over the people, dramatic, inspirational music playing in the background to draw out whatever he was saying, and only the visible of Danny dramatically talking, but not actual speech was heard.
It was Lady Gotham. She had taken over his body and set it to autopilot. He knew because Clockwork had once done it to him when Danny was unsure about the move to Gotham.
At least she stepped in when he needed her the most.
"Thank you for your time," Danny finishes, feeling Phantom's confidence melt away as the roaring round of applause echoes through the ballroom. Slowly, he feels the control of his limbs return to him as he pushes away from the podium.
"Wow," Ryan gasps, staring at him with wide shining eyes. He looks like his breath has collapsed in his lungs. Danny feels his face heat up as the handsome man continues to stare. "That was the most beautiful speech I've ever heard. You're... incredible."
"Nah, man, I just really like...the arts." He fumbles. "Like taking photos 'cause I have...a camera." Danny shutters, gesturing to the thing hanging around his neck. "It got lens and everything."
Ryan blinks at him. "Are you nervous?"
"Why? You just gave the most impressive inspirational speech I've ever heard."
"It's because you're hot and you're talking to me, and I'm not good with people," Danny tells him honestly, dropping Ryan's hand to rub at his neck. I also really want to take the Waynes' photos and be gone, back to the streets."
Ryan laughs, throwing his whole head back and trying to cover his mouth with his hand. Danny's eyes widened, utterly shocked by how bright he seemed now. "You, Danny Fenton, are the strangest man I have ever met, and I've only known you for an hour!"
Danny's face turns hotter. "Yeah...I ugh...I get that a lot."
There is a moment of silence, during which the clicking of people's wine glasses and the slow mutter of voices wash over them. Ryan considers him with a critical eye before he holds out his hand once more. "Do you care for a dance?"
"Dance? With me?" Danny repeats, but at Ryan's answering smile, he feels himself melt. Retaking the hand, he held through the long speech, Danny grins, "I love to. But only one song. I have to find the Waynes afterward."
"I'm on a job, actually. My client hired me to take photos of them."
"That's an odd request," Ryan comments, bringing Danny in close to sway to the music that plays. Danny shrugs his shoulders, carefully following the steps Princess Dora had taught him.
"She's an odd lady."
Across the hall, Jason is watching the pair with intensity. Tim can understand the urge to figure out the new player because he knows who Danny Fenton is and where on earth he had hidden his wealth until this sudden splash.
However, that was mostly due to Tim's upbringing and current CEO job. What made Jason so focused on him? His brother usually never even blinked on any new money or old money.
He thought them too annoying and only came to galas to keep the civilian image up.
"Something on your mind, Jay?" He asks quietly, leaning on the wall and sipping his sparkling water.
"That's Ryan Aetos. One of my...employees."
Ah, a Red Hood Goon.
That could mean two things: Aetos needed more money for whatever reason and took a legitimate part-time job when not making rounds with the rest of the gang, or he was going rogue and planning on betraying Jason.
He was going to break one of Jason's rules, likely where they don't target the crazy rich because the crazy rich could buy the law and bring down it's wrath until the gang's territory.
In Tim's experience, it was seldom the first option.
"Do you think he'll do something?"
"I don't know. He seemed genuine when he spoke about his sick sister- she's why he's been trying to make a quick buck to pay for her medical bills- but he also has a reputation."
"What kind of reputation?"
"Manipulating and one hell of a Romance scammer." Jason grunts. "I've seen him trick three people into funding his lifestyle by batting his eyelashes. I've let him be since he never targeted anyone who didn't deserve it, and it was one less corner boy I had to worry about. But if he's pulling that now on Fenton...."
"Then Fenton may not react very well when he finds out. And we don't have enough information on him to know what he would do to Aetos." Tim finishes turning now to also observe the couple. Fenton is a flustered mess, seeming to be rambling and far too interested in the man wearing the waiter outfit.
Aetos, for his part, is smiling down at him with a content little grin and an adoring expression. It's hard to say if it's an honest one, though, because whenever Fenton glances away, hunger bleeds into Aeto's face.
Is the hunger of a man attracted to another man?
Or the hunger of a man attracted to greed?
"What's your call?" He asks Jason since it is his employee. Betrayal or not, Jason has always cared deeply for those he considered his, including the men and women in his gang.
Jason watches for three more songs in silence before sighing. "Separate them. I'll take Ryan and see if I can figure out his plan. You find out more about Fenton. Maybe it is just New Money falling in love with a man down on his luck who's trying to care for his little sister."
"Sounds like a Hallmark movie," Tim jokes, pushing away from the wall. "I've always hated how cliche those movies are"
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0-therw-0-rldly · 25 days
I’ll preface this by saying I’m not really a shipper. I just enjoy canon couples on TV Series/films.
Terms I’d like B*ddies to remove from their vocabulary because they don’t know how to use them correctly:
Media literacy: For a group that uses this term a lot you sure do misinterpret everything in this show.
Queerbaiting: Going to expand on this one. A show that’s already been pre established for having queer characters simply cannot queerbait.
Ship baiting: While sometimes you can argue that they could be doing that, that’s only if you look at the show in a very biased manner. You might think this is the case but the general audience doesn’t think the way you do.
Ship war: This isn’t a one tree hill situation where there was Team Brooke Vs. Team Peyton where the middle guy (Lucas Scott) had canonically been with both women. This is people not understanding fanon vs. canon and not being able to just watch the show. It’s like playing quarterback on Madden and thinking you could be better than Patrick Mahomes.
Plot device: everything’s a plot device. Move tf on.
Predator: You sound like crazy MAGA supporters calling everything regarding the LGBTQIA+ community as predatory. Sit down.
Co-parenting: I know this is a big one and discourse was brought up during the hiatus. Oliver and Ryan have loosely mentioned this years ago but it was never to be taken this seriously. Do y’all even know what co-parenting is or are you that big of a donut? Buck is someone who loves his best friend deeply and by extension, his kid too. Him taking care of him frequently does not make him a co-parent. Maybe he is a parental or uncle figure, but he isn’t a co-parent. Also, I swear y’all need to learn how a will works. He is a GODPARENT, not a GUARDIAN. Stfu.
Hag: This especially applies to women, but to say that someone 25-30+ is a hag for still being in fandoms or enjoying tv shows/films is inherently misogynistic. Men are never held to this much criticism for enjoying fictional media, but women aren’t allowed to?
Queer Coding: people of the same sex “looking at each other”, hugging, or having intimate moments all together doesn’t make them queer coded. It could mean that they just love each other that deeply platonically. While representation is amazing and just because you interpret a character as queer coded (just like my ship baiting comment) doesn’t mean others interpret it that way as well. In addition, network TV has stipulations, and also actors are allowed to decline storylines. Ryan has mentioned his character is heterosexual an abundance of times which means (at least for now) that he isn’t willing to go for this storyline.
Dead naming: Y’all construing the fact that Buck wants people like coworkers and some of his former love interests, to saying Evan is his dead name is inherently transphobic because do you even understand what a dead name is? Evan Buckley is shown as being fine with being called Evan by both Tommy and his sister. I’m pretty sure some of his love interests have called him Evan as well.
Fetishizing: You guys saw two hot guys who “looked at each other” and for 6 seasons have wanted nothing but to see those two make out with each other. Those of us who enjoy Tevan saw Buck giddy at the thought of Tommy and have wanted domestic fluff for them since.
Anything to do with racism, homophobia, and misogyny: I’ve seen the way you guys have conveniently weaponized Henren and by extension Aisha/Tracie when you didn’t get the Ryan/Oliver interview, don’t try to act like you’re morally superior. Not to mention wanting a canonically gay man to die in a show and not even holding those who use your ship name to write CSA fics accountable because you’re petty and want to throw hissy fits. Anyone looking at your comments as an outsider would think you’re homophobes and yes queer people can be homophobic.
I do hope you can expand your vocabulary. 🤍
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impidimp · 6 months
So we've got
- New, more progressive network
- Showrunner change (aka the Buddie hater is gone)
- Tim posting a bunch of Buddie stills on his facebook before the season even started airing
- ABC choosing Oliver and Ryan to do most of the promo stuff and mostly together
- This picture (just the fact that they took one just the two of them)
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- So many interviews talking about Buck and Eddie's relationship
- A bunch of quotes from Ryan including: "we get closer than ever this season", "there's a lot of changes in the relationship", "we're trying to give the audience what they want", "the writers have taken note"
- Tim's use of "right now"
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- Tim talking about Tommy as if he's not sticking around forever
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- The underlying sexual tension line
- The "you're not planning on jumping ship are you?"
- Eddie being so involved in Buck's self discovery storyline (even when it's indirectly)
- Family Feud???
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- Buck being canonically bi
And I'm not supposed to think Buddie is going canon??
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pretending-ican-write · 6 months
Cowboy Up - Pt.5
This is just a small, little filler to bring the relationship between the twins into/ y/n and Monica's friendship despite how John has treated them.
Pairing: Ryan (Yellowstone) x Dutton!reader (although he's not in this part) WC: 498
Previous part - Next part
A couple of weeks after the spring gather, y/n was sat on the porch of her brother’s house on the reservation watching Kayce teaching Tate how to ride.  She was chatting idly to Monica as they shared popcorn.  After a while they headed indoors to prepare dinner.
As she peeled potatoes Monica struck the conversation up again, “so Kayce said you’ve finally moved out of that trailer?”
“Dad hasn’t given up on getting me to move in since I came back so I figured I could give him something,” she explained, “although I made it clear that he doesn’t get any say in what I do and where I go.”
Her sister-in-law nodded, “you know that we’ll both support you in whatever you decide with your father.  At least with you Tate knows he has a family there.”
“I love that kid so much Mon,” y/n looked out the window to where they were walking towards the house, “in all our years I’ve never seen him as happy as he is with you and Tate.”
The door to the house was opened and y/n turned around to be greeted by her nephew.  Tate’s face lit up when he saw her in the kitchen and runs towards his aunt.  y/n crouches down in anticipation, taking the full force of the small body barreling into her.  She spun him around and put him down on the counter in front of her.
“Happy birthday auntie y/n,” Tate sang to her, “what presents did you get?”
Y/n laughed at her nephew’s priorities, “my friends at the ranch put together and got Comanche a new headstall which he likes.  Your uncle Lee and uncle Jamie are gonna take me to the rodeo in Billings next week.  Oh and Gator made me pancakes this morning.”
“Why did they get ‘Manche something for your birthday?” He asked curiously.
She smiled at his question, “well buddy he’s my horse and I love him very much so when people look after him they’re looking after me too.”
“Okay.  Can I go play now?” His aunt nodded and put him back on the floor, watching as he ran off to his room.
Kayce put a box in front of her on the counter, “happy birthday y/n.”
“Happy birthday Kayce,” y/n responded, handing him a small parcel from the pocket from her jacket.
He unwrapped her present to see a small framed photo of Kayce with Monica and Tate that had been taken at Christmas, smiling widely at the camera.  Y/n opened the box he had given her which contained an olive green cap with the words ‘long live cowboys’ embroidered onto it which made her laugh.
“Seriously?” She questioned, pulling the cap onto her head, adjusting her hair underneath it, “I’m never gonna be able to wear this around the hands.”
Kayce smiled at her. “We both know there’s only one hand you want to wear it around.”
“If Tate wasn’t within earshot right now,” she threatened.
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lemotmo · 2 months
They're in complete meltdown 🤣🤣🤣. She posted multiple questions at once, I sent everything. They're so bad at this 🤣. Enjoy!
Q. I have a college degree I am more than capable of comprehending the media I consume, certainly more than you are. I know what I'm watching when it comes to Tommy. Tim only came at us so you all would stop running to him crying.
Q. Love how wanting more of and for Tommy makes us the bad guys. You all are so pathetic. Tim's no better, he should have told you all to grow up.
Q. You all are so afraid of Tommy taking Eddie's place on the show and your desperation is showing. We all know Ryan's only there because Tim thinks he's hot.
Q. Tim should be embarrassed by that interview. How immature to call out your audience because we rightly told you that you weren't giving us what we wanted. He brought Tommy in he doesn't get to be upset when we tell him he isn't using him correctly.
A. I posted all of these together because this is what mine and many other ask boxes look like tonight. I will answer these questions jointly instead of one at a time. I want to first point out to all of you that you once again tattled on yourselves. You all seem to have a bad habit of doing that. First tattle was that you all clearly understood that you were who Tim was talking about. The second tattle was the one where we all said Buck didn't matter to you, and these questions prove us right. Buck isn't mentioned in any of these asks. The other thing these asks did though, and I'm positive you all weren't aware you were doing it, is confirm that you are indeed aware of the story the show is actually telling. Pretty sure you all didn't mean to let that little mask slip. Whoops. I do want to address the first ask for a minute though because, anon surely you aren't implying that a college degree is required to be on Tumblr.com discussing fictional television characters? The only qualification required is show/character knowledge (you know that thing many of you don't actually have). But if this is a personal dick measuring contest with me I have a double major in journalism and public relations and my minor was in political science. Does that qualify me to talk about Buck and Eddie being fond of one another? Or Tommy not being the right guy for Buck? What degree is required to be qualified to participate in fandom?
With that out of the way, let's jump straight into the interview since it's what set you all off. We need to acknowledge right away that Tim has spent his entire career dealing with fandoms. Buffy, 911, Lonestar. The man has seen some fandoms. The fact that he said he has never seen anything this ugly should embarrass and alarm you. I know it doesn't do either of those things, but it should. It's also probably very confusing for him because Tommy is very obviously being written as temporary so I'm sure this entire thing has taken him by surprise. But let's start at the beginning. Tommy came into the show at a clear disadvantage, and as a result many things needed to break perfectly in his and his fans favor for him to have any hope of moving the needle on the original storyline. One, everyone important involved in creating the show is firmly in the other ships camp. He needed to convert some pretty important people, that doesn't appear to have happened. Two, his scene partner on the show, Oliver, is also firmly in the camp of the other ship (he is in fact co-president of their fanclub), he needed him to at least be open to the idea of this relationship semi long-term. That very clearly didn't happen. Oliver checked out immediately following episode 6. He has been crickets ever since. Third, he needed a significant portion of the audience, a significant portion, to vocally become Tommy fans. That also didn't happen. He made a fandom dent of his own, and some of you all certainly tried very hard to appear to be many different viewers, but, again, you ratted yourselves out, so that plan didn't work. Lou needed all three of those dominoes to fall in his favor and he went 0 for 3. On top of that the fans that he did amass were described by Tim today in a very unflattering way. And that's putting it politely.
I will even give you the benefit of the doubt and say that the joint interview they sent him and Oliver on was testing the waters (it wasn't but I'm giving you the benefit for argument sake). If that had actually been a test, it was a massive failure. The only thing that interview accomplished was confirming their mutual disinterest in one another. They both tried for a brief minute but neither one was committed enough to the bit to really make an effort. Oliver's season long lack of even being interested in pretending was a death nail even if anyone behind the scenes was willing to think about it. What will be interesting to see is how long he actually sticks around for this season. Because I now believe it will be shorter than they probably ended season 7 thinking it would be. He was never going to be anything major, but I do think once they slowed the original storyline down they had plans to keep him for at least 8a, maybe a bit longer. Now I think he'll be lucky to make 3 episodes. There's a growing part of me that wouldn't be surprised if they did in fact decide to go the off screen breakup route. I raise that theory by suggesting they only released that deleted clip because they needed the audience aware that conversation took place, because it's going to be referenced in a scene in either episode one or two. I still believe the show needs him for at least a couple of scenes. Technically they could have Buck narrate why they broke up, but Buck is a notoriously unreliable narrator. Especially when it comes to himself. He'll paint himself as the bad guy, and this break-up doesn't need a bad guy. It's being written as a bad FIT. There's a difference. But if Tim, or especially ABC, believes Lou ended up causing more trouble than he was worth (he did) they'll cut their loss and explain the break-up and reasoning behind it (that's the part they need Tommy for) another way. It can be done though, it just won't be as cohesive as actually using Tommy to show it. In short, anons, the only thing Tim's interview today confirmed was that Lou's cameo nonsense did in fact create a mess that Tim, and company, are not at all happy about. Congratulations you played yourselves.
On a side note I didn't address the Eddie ask because you all have spent the entire off-season trying to hijack his entire character history to turn into Tommy's backstory. I think that proves who's actually afraid of who. And Ryan is hot. Tim is so valid for thinking that, but it's not the reason he has the job. But you knew that already.
I must admit that the OP has more patience than me. I got so angry seeing those questions she got in her askbox. I would have probably ended up deleting a bunch of them.
That being said, I love this answer so much. I agree 100% with everything here.
I think this deserves another one of these:
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Thank you Nonny for dropping this in my inbox!
Heads up! For anyone who is giving me the shifty eyes for reposting these anon OP updates instead of reblogging. Don't get mad at me. There is a reason for it and it's all done with consent from the OP. You can find out more about that here.
Remember, no hate in comments or reblogs. Let's keep it civil and respectful. Thank you.
If you are interested in more of the anonymous OP’s posts, you can find all of their posts so far under the tag: anonymous blog I love.
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stardustbuck · 4 months
im a multishipper. i ship buddie and bucktommy. but if im being honest one side is being incredibly more hateful and toxic than the other side. (aka the one thats been around longer) maybe i’ve taken off my rose-colored shipping glasses, but seeing ppl make hate posts abt tommy/lou gives me the ick. it makes me actually realize why oliver left twt. bitterness will get you nowhere. if buddie is meant to happen then it’ll happen. you cannot force it to happen. everything i’ve seen and read tells me buddie was more of a consideration pre-s5 than it is currently. and that fucking sucks but just because things aren’t going your way doesn’t mean you need to get on the internet and be a bully. it’s truly mind-boggling to see people so intense in their hate for a character that has righted his wrongs, who is now friends with the people he wronged, is well-liked among said characters and is now being a positive influence on buck’s newfound sexuality. their dynamic is also nothing new, pessimist/optimist ship dynamics have been around forever and it’s only a problem because it’s not eddie.
i would be happy for buddie to go canon as much as the next guy. getting buck canonically bisexual is mind-blowing enough in itself, i’m glad we’re witnessing it at all. if ryan doesn’t want to do buddie because he feels its important they stay friends then so be it. platonic friendships between a queer man and straight man are important, especially one that runs so deep like buck and eddie’s. sure, their friendship could be read as romantic throughout the show, but partly because oliver and ryan truly share a great chemistry on screen which helps lean into it but also because these shows are not written with an endgame in mind. 9-1-1 is very much a go with the flow show, and if bucktommy is where the show is flowing then that’s what is meant to be. invisible string theory isn’t because ppl think it was always planned from the beginning, it’s because it’s amazing how well buck and tommy becoming a couple comes together so perfectly out of pure coincidence.
we know buck was supposed to be made queer long ago. we also know maddie originally was brought in for eddie but was put with chimney instead. if tim minear hadn’t left after s4 i truly think buddie could have been already established by now, but unfortunately that isn’t how things work. perhaps the idea of tommy and eddie was pitched but ultimately ryan didn’t agree it would work for these character nor the story being told at the time. buck was already supposed to be queer, so turning it to tommy and buck instead makes total sense.
no one is saying you aren’t allowed to continue to ship buddie. most ships in the world are ships that have never gone canon. buddie is valid even if it’s non-canon. god knows i will continue to read and write for them and enjoy them whilst also enjoying buck and tommy together. the behavior i’ve been seeing though is just weird, especially from larger creators who i understand are very passionate for buddie, but it’s weird when you flip it into tommy/lou hate instead of just talking about buddie itself.
perhaps the theories will be true. we don’t know! maybe buck and tommy won’t last and buddie will be endgame. i’m happy either way because buck’s sexuality is so important for him and at the current state of the show eddie is absolutely not ready for anything romantic because he’s still grieving shannon to a point where he is not ready to move on romantically just yet and we’re literally shown this. even if buddie is happening, it is not happening by the season finale nor is it probably happening by the beginning of s8 considering the current storylines and where they’ll be at by the end of this season. lou probably isn’t going anywhere and from the looks of it, we’ll probably be bumped up into a semi-regular character in s8 like karen. he’s easy to write into the plot, he’s got connections to people and emergencies outside of buck that would integrate him well into the plot. their romance is supposed to be “romcom” esque, they’re taking things slow but they’re obviously happy together at the moment.
im just really tired of the nasty attitudes ive been seeing. sure theres are som toxic people on both sides, but to me its obvious which side is being the bigger bully. reality checks needs to be put in place for some people, go outside and realize you are getting way too worked up over a tv show where plotlines are out of your control. if the show is ruined for you over one relationship then stop watching it.
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deluweil · 6 months
Why are people freaking out about Ryan not wanting Buddie or him not seeing them that way? Where did Ryan say that? Sometimes I hate how someone in fandom says something without a source and it's taken for the truth abd everyone runs wild with it. At least say where you found it and people can judge for themselves. I am tired of that kind of speculation.
Was just a question of time before Ryan gets blamed. Either it's his fault or Oliver doesn't want Buddie because of Ryan. Sometimes I hate it here.
Sorry for the rant.
My dear Anon,
I will just put this here,
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Also, I suggest you block all those Ryan haters, because they speak fluent hate, not facts.
Also watch the round of interviews done at the premiere party this season with Ryan.
Lastly, here's a post I made explaining why Ryan was in interview jail up until now.
Hope this helps,
Ryan was the one who named this fandom ship, Ryan along with JLH advocated for it the loudest, and now that he is finally out from under KR and FOX claws, he does it officially as well.
One other little gem for the road - Ryan is the one who actually portrayed a gay character before in his resume.
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buddiebeginz · 4 months
If they are keeping Lou around for any part of season 8 the show has to put an end to the cameo nonsense. Some of the Buck/Oliver takes that are starting to make the rounds are next level insane. I saw one scolding Oliver for making Lou do all the promoting of the ship. Another post said the writers needed to up Buck's game because he's not at the level of commitment yet that Tommy is being written (wtf when were these episodes). And yet another post scolding Oliver for promoting Buddie and Buck for continuing to spend time with Eddie.
They are taking these PAID (you paid him to say this shit) videos and making them canon. No part of anything he's saying is canon. Firstly, he wouldn't be allowed to tell them any actual canon facts and secondly Oliver/Buck is the character/actor the show gives a shit about. He's encouraging this nonsense and it's gross. Him promoting himself is fine, it's low-key cringe given the fact the other half of the ship is silent but you do you, babe. Oliver's silence is what's pissing his fans off. Seriously tell me you're new to Captain Starks ways without telling me you're new. He promotes no ship but the Buddie ship, canon or not. These people are here for Lou. When he goes, happy for him to take them with him.
I'm not sure why they keep letting him do those cameos especially after he pissed people off when he said T*mmy being homophobic and racist to Hen and Chim was just teasing. He also talked about people recognizing him in Thailand in the AH interview and did this fake stereotypical asian accent. 🤦‍♀️He really needs a better agent and some media training because they'd for sure tell him to knock that shit off.
I could see the cameos being fun to do a few times when he first came back to the show even to garner excitement about B/T and T*mmy but the fact that he's done so many now and has even raised the price just makes him look desperate for attention. And like you said he gives all these headcanons about T*mmy in his videos that his obsessive fans have taken for absolute fact. We would never hear the end of it if Buddie fandom was paying Ryan for videos like that.
I agree with you that a majority of B/T stans are here first and foremost for T*mmy and Lou not Buck and Oliver. I still can't believe that a lot of them used to be Buddie shippers. I think everyone should be able to ship what they want including multishipping but I don't get how some of them dropped a ship they were seemingly invested in for years for the nothing that is B/T.
That part of fandom also loves to call us delusional and say we're seeing only what we want to see but a lot of times we're just pointing out what's actually happening. Like in the recent episode T*mmy was being a downer to Buck's enthusiasm (which has basically become the norm for them). The camera also paned to Eddie after Buck got his award not T*mmy. Buck chose to run off to Eddie's after work not to T*mmy's. These are things the show is literally showing us not just stuff we're imagining.
It's similar with Oliver. They can come up with all the reasons in the world why he's never promoted B/T through this entire season but it doesn't matter because he still hasn't and likely won't. I've seen them say Oliver doesn't post anything about B/T or Lou to avoid dealing with the hate or to not upset Buddie fans or to protect Lou. The thing is though Oliver has left social media before when he's had issues and could again if he wanted to. He's also been dealing with homophobic comments since Buck came out but he's never shied away from talking about Buck coming out and has even addressed the hate on his insta.
Oliver liked a couple of B/T pieces of art when the story first happened but I think that was more to support the bi Buck storyline and the artists than anything else. Multiple times during this season he's liked Buddie art (including a tattoo which he commented on three times) he's also posted Buddie related and Ryan stuff on his stories. If he wanted to show support to Lou or B/T he could easily post on his stories where people can't comment. B/T stans can think what they want but it's clear Oliver doesn't promote any of that because he's rooting for Buddie harder than anyone. I think he knows B/T isn't going to be around forever and he's trying not to lead people on about it as he's said in the past he hates to do that.
I really hope we can get rid of T*mmy at the end of s7 although knowing Tim he'll probably keep him for added drama until s8. Unfortunately even when B/T ends I expect those fans to do a lot of complaining because they've concocted this whole idea in their head that T*mmy is Buck's endgame soulmate. They even want T*mmy to be added on as main character and get a begins episode. So I fully expect some of them to riot when he inevitably gets the ax. The rest will probably run back to Buddie the minute it becomes canon and try to pretend they never left. Jokes on them though because a lot of Buddie shippers have blocked them for how awful they've been this season especially towards Eddie.
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suzyandthefox · 4 months
An Accident
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Inspired by this prompt! Thanks @opikarts
Even though the pred in question isn't a scientist and is just a tired college student
A sequel (or prequel?) to the last fic, But also works as a standalone
Accidental g/t soft safe vore, male pred and Non-binary prey
Warnings: 1 f bomb and very mild mentions of drugs.
Taglist: @pineappleparfaitie
"Say,Ryan, you never told me how did you find out that you can, Y'know, control your stomach?”
Oliver, still shrunken, asked his best friend.
The latter sighed heavily, and looked away for a moment.
“It wasn't fun at all,I can tell you that,” He adjusted himself to sit more comfortably on his bed, as he looked to his shrunken buddy, who was sitting on the counter beside him.
He remembered the events of yesterday,and how it was a hard experience that required a lot of courage from both Oliver and himself.
“It wasn't as easy as it was with you, either.”
“Wait… you did that before?” The idea of Ryan being someone who is used to swallowing living beings creeped out Oliver.
“Yes… and no.” Ryan seemed to be disturbed by just remembering how it happened. “Wait, how did you think I found out?”
“I don't know, but it definitely wasn't that,” Oliver shrugged. 
“Can you at least me tell what happened? Now I really want to know!” Oliver's curiosity was piqued, despite the logical part of him finding it gross and awful.
Ryan gave up and just shook his head.
“Very well,”
It was a while ago, when Ryan was studying for one of his finals.
That particular night, he had a final that he was worried about. It was a subject that even a nerd like himself found complicated, and now that he recalls these events, he can't even seem to remember what it was exactly.
He had pulled an all-nighter that night, studying all the way to past midnight. 
His back hurt like hell, so he got up and stretched, his tired eyes fighting sleep. 
A large cup of Ice coffee would be great, he thought.
He walked to the kitchen, realising that he still didn't do the dishes and that they were there since dinner. “I will do these in the morning,” he told himself.
At that moment he was content with washing a single cup, and wandered around the kitchen to get the few ingredients he needed for the caffeine boost.
He must have taken way too long,or was way too deep in his thoughts to notice the change, because when he mixed the ingredients together,he didn't realise that there was an ingredient that was already there.
An ingredient that wasn't supposed to be there at all.
Ryan poured the coffee,the milk, the sugar,and the ice, and gave the mixture a good swirl with the only clean spoon in his apartment.
He downed the entire drink in one go, and that resulted in him choking on something.
In a stressful, painful moment, he felt a weight in his throat, something big and distinct, and he could swear to god that at the moment, it felt alive.
Lodged right above his esophagus, it took him a good few seconds of coughing and swallowing, before he was able to gulp down whatever interrupted his airway.
It felt very cold, so he hoped that it was just an ice cube. At worst cases, it might be a bug, he got chills in his spine just by thinking about that possibility.
He ran his hand through his black hair and sighed, realising that there's the taste of something that wasn't coffee on his mouth… Fabric?
He shook his head, the experience made him awake, that's for sure.
But as he sat down to study, he couldn't shake the feeling that something was very wrong.
It reminded him of when he felt that someone was in danger, or it was as if he had committed a mistake
In both cases, he was still uneasy and unsure of what to do.
So he closed that textbook, and tried focusing his senses on where he felt that uneasiness.
As he expected, it came from his stomach, of course that iced coffee had something off about it. He put a hand on his stomach as it ached, it was churning and moving, making him feel sick. 
It felt as if there's a warm weight inside him, a weight that shouldn't be there at all.
That's where it hit him…
It had a pulse, it was a living being.
Ryan desperately denied the situation, but his enhanced senses only proved the opposite. He pressed two fingers on where the being should be, and tried to trace its form. 
The thought of it being a bug or a mouse made him want to vomit, but the info he is receiving from his system implied something far worse.
That being wasn't squirming and flailing, but it was very much alive and awake.
His fear came true when he realized, as he pressed where the uninvited guest should be, that it was humanoid shaped.
And it was trembling, the poor thing was scared to death.
He thought the worst case was swallowing some sort of vermin but no, it was a sapient being, Borrowers were very much humans, in both how they looked and how they acted.
So for him to send one of them through this? When he is supposed to be a hero that saved people? Guilt clawed at him, ripping him to shreds.
He found himself rubbing his stomach, especially where the poor thing was, his heart heavy with fear for his innocent prisoner and heavy with guilt that ate at him.
He, of course, should've just tried to cough them up, but he felt a desperate need to comfort the poor little one, he wanted to hug them, it did not help at all that he was able to hear their faint, soft sobs as his senses were entirely focused on them.
If he could just… Keep them safe, and tell them they were alright, and put them somewhere comfortable.
As if his system reacted to his thoughts, he found himself thinking of the idea of controlling his digestive system, experimenting with something he wasn't sure about.
Perhaps it was his anxiety that made him think like that, instead of outright letting the borrower out, or perhaps he found it as an opportunity to test out something new.
So he attempted control over his digestive system, perhaps he could, somehow, stop the acids? At the very least, it would make letting them out a bit easier for both him and them.
“Eek!” The tiniest squeak was emitted from the poor borrower as the environment around them changed, and Ryan broke into millions of pieces at that sound.
He prayed that his stomach didn't hurt them that much, that by some sheer miracle, they were only minorly injured.
 Realistically, the process of digestion takes a few hours when it comes to meat, so he hoped that by this logic, his prisoner wouldn't be harmed that much.
He shook his head as he contemplated what to do, he could tell there was a change, an uncomfortable one for him, sure,but a change nonetheless.
But if he wanted to be fully sure, he had to ask the borrower.
The idea was stupid, it's not like the borrower would talk to him after what happened.
The boy put his face in his hands, he wanted to scream from his depths, this was all too much for him to handle.
At the very least, he had to get someone to think with him.
Emilia would know, she is used to him getting in weird situations like this, and despite looking like she doesn't care about anything, she always gave him solid advice.
He brought out his phone and immediately texted her, to his surprise, she responded.
“Sup” Her text appears on the glowing screen of his phone.
“Need ur opinion” He typed back, and proceeded to type a wall of text about the situation that just happened.
“NGL, thats pretty fucked.” The skull emoji she punctuated her messages with didn't help at all.
“What should i do??!!”
“Talk to them or something, dunno, but if u decided to keep them there, which is a rlly weird choice BTW, then dont just leave them alone, at least make it look like u care bro”
She was right, he decided to keep them, then he should talk to them.
He rubbed his stomach again, and decided to take Emilia’s advice.
“Hey,” He gently spoke, making sure to lower his voice as if he was afraid his voice was going to be too loud for them
He felt a shift inside him, the little one was surprised to hear him talk, he thought.
“Yes you, little buddy,” He spoke ever so gently, as if talking to a kitten. “Are you alright? Physically at least?” 
He bit his lip, he thought that the question was bold, especially when he was the one who put them through all of this.
“... Kind of,” Ryan's body tensed,he didn't actually think that they would respond, their voice was, understandably, muffled by his flesh and quiet from their fear.
If he didn't have enhanced hearing he probably wouldn't have heard them at all.
“A bit shaken… but not dead, why are you asking?” The borrower asked, their voice echoing slightly in the flesh chamber that was Ryan's stomach, it was shaking, 
And Ryan found himself pressing a hand to his stomach, as if wanting to hold them, to cradle them.
“I'm very very sorry, I didn't see you, I should have been more careful and_”
“It wasn't your fault.” They interrupted him. “It was mine,I should have been more careful, going around in a human’s house, because of accidents like… this one.”
“Look, normally I shouldn't be trusting humans, especially one that, well, basically ate me…” Ryan was surprised at their shift and how talkative they've become, but maybe it meant that they trusted him.
“But, you did something here, I don't know what it is exactly, or if humans are supposed to do that, but it saved my life, I…I can tell you are a nice human.”
The borrower yawned softly, and Ryan gently patted his stomach, feeling how tired they were.
“Would you like me to let you out now?” He already knew their answer,but he wanted their permission in order to not throw them off guard.
“Actually… the thing you did with your stomach, the one that… doesn't make it deadly, how long does it last?” Well, that's not what he was expecting.
“Maybe a whole day or something, before it starts negatively impacting me…” Ryan wasn't going to go into detail about his powers to a borrower of all things. “Why are you asking again?”
“Look, I know it sounds weird and inconvenient but_” He hoped it's not what he was thinking about.
“If it's safe for me,can I spend the night here? It's soft and nice, if a bit slimy…” It was, Indeed, what he was thinking of.
He texted Emilia again, and to not make the borrower feel forgotten,he traced circles around his stomach with his other hand.
“Give me a moment.” He told them as he wrote his request to Emilia.
“M! i talked to them and now they want to spend the night in my stomach!”
“Pookie,if i didn't know how much of a goody two shoes u r, i would’ve said ur high as a fuckin kite.”
“Eh, let em sleep, they prolly had a real long night.”
Ryan closed the phone and threw it next to him, his attention shifted to his… He didn't know what to call them at this point, Guest? Tenant? Cargo?
“You can go ahead and rest…” He found himself speaking tenderly, as if the idea of them trusting him enough to rest was appealing to him.
“Thank you… sir.” The tired borrower yawned again and stretched, and Ryan felt their limbs brushing at the folds of his stomach.
“Sure…uhh… you're welcome.” He awkwardly replied as he gave his stomach a pat.
That night, Ryan wasn't able to get even a wink of sleep, and he wasn't able to move out of his bed either.
He feared that any wrong movement might wake up the sleeping little buddy inside his guts, or worse, squish them.
That, and his stomach was protesting with all it's might for not being able to digest it's resident, constantly gurgling and moving around them, but not enough as to wake them up.
So he spent the whole night staring at his phone, watching random videos of cats and doom scrolling.
He coughed up the borrower in the morning. It was a weird process for him, but he was glad that they were unharmed overall.
And they were grateful for him offering them protection for one whole night, even if it came at the cost of him failing his final.
At least, after that, Ryan had little good things happen in his life, he never lost a pair of socks,or a pen, or even a paperclip.
His phone was always charged, and generally, it seemed that the little one was trying to pay back for that one night of safety they had inside his belly, where no being could ever reach them.
He still hasn't seen them since he let them out, but he can respect and understand that.
“You haven't seen them yet?”
“Yeah, but I understand the secretive nature of a borrower, besides, I wouldn't blame them if they are still scared of me after what happened. Maybe they asked to stay only because they were absolutely desperate, delirious even.”
“I see… But I can't believe you told Emilia before you told me!”
“She… gives good advice, and she is pretty reasonable.” Ryan blushes.
“She is a junkie, and a school dropout, if her advice was that good, she should've gone by it.” Oliver grumbled, even if Emilia was his friend as well, he still couldn't deny that aspect of it.
Oliver was then taken back by Ryan putting his thumb and index underneath his armpits, as if he was going to pinch his torso.
“Careful,tiny, you're still bite sized…” Ryan warned gently, his expression was still as calm and sweet as always.
There were a few things Oliver feared more than a threat from Ryan, no matter if they were jokes or real.
Oliver wasn't sure anymore if his stay with Ryan was as safe as he imagined, but it will be okay, Ryan was his best friend after all.
He wouldn't hurt his best friend, right?
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jackwhiteprophetic · 3 months
Going mildly over Eddie screaming Buck's name in 6x10 because this is the same guy who was devastated but in a quiet way during the tsunami arc, who was angry but again quiet when taken hostage. He is ALWAYS in some level of control especially at work. But the second he saw Buck dangling lifeless he was YELLING and running up a ladder without safety. And then tried to deadlift Buck with that single line up to him?? While yelling CAN YOU HEAR ME to a guy who was struck by lightning. Eddie had to know. He HAD to know and he still was yelling and saying TALK TO ME?? Worst part is him absolutely not being able to look at Buck in the hospital room with the ECMO. Everyone else is calmer. Everyone else settles down a little. But not Eddie because he just does not look till Buck is conscious and laughing?? The absolute difference is INSANE!! How does anyone think he's normal about Buck?!
THANK YOU I LOVE THIS!!!! The well and shooting parallels were sooo clear and idk it's just so clear that in these scenes Buck and Eddie act VERY differently to other people... Like in S6 i think they were actively trying to downplay Eddie's role in Buck's life, with less scenes and not giving enough screen time in the coma episode, and still we had all the screaming and devastation because Oliver and Ryan seem to always see those acting choices as natural to the characters...
Also one part of the lightning that I ALWAYS think about is how Bobby gets Eddie to drive...
Like Eddie should probably not be driving in that situation idk, but Bobby knows Eddie is not going to be fucking separated from Buck, and he actively decides to keep Eddie out of the back of the ambulance, hmmm is it maybe because he doesn't think Eddie should have to say goodbye to a partner in there again?
The well, the shooting and the lightning are so beautifully done and they massively highlight how tied Buck and Eddie are to each other, how they live and breathe for each other, aaaaaaaa
ALSO I think the lightning was interesting as fuck because the last time Buck was that level of gravely injured on the job was the truck explosion, where Eddie was there but the focus was on how all the team were feeling about it. Something shifted, and they changed the focus. It's a TV show where they film almost double the episode length and have to cut it down in very little time, they are so brutal with which scenes are kept and so what is left behind is what they needed and really wanted us to see.
Thank you for the ask!! Idk if this is coherent but send more!!!!!! I will do a bit of tidying now
Have a beautiful day!
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olivia091108 · 8 months
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How to be a jackass:part 1
Summary:meeting bam and Ryan in westchester
Word count:3306
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So far filming for season two of jackass has probably been the best time I’ve ever had even though I’m getting injured or pranked every day.
All the guys are great and at first I thought it’s gonna be awkward not only being the new person but being the only girl.Thank god I was wrong for once I don’t think any of them actually cared as long as I actually did gnarly stunts.
The only people I haven’t met are the boys from westchester but Jeff says that we’re gonna film a group stunt with all of us soon.
I’ve done some mediocre stunts like pouting glitter in my eye which didn’t come out for a week and licking a mouse trap Owch. I also did one with wee man where he dressed as a baby and put in a pram and when people would ask to see ‘my baby’ they would be kinda disturbed.
Today I walk on to set and check the stunt list. Today I’m gonna get a pregnant belly strapped to me and walk around town drinking some beer.
Time skip
After getting a mean old lady shouting at me for ‘destroying my baby’ Jeff called all of us over and told us that at 5:30am to meet here because we’re driving to westchester tomorrow.Jeff actually banned us from going out after like we usually would do we finished for the day and I got the bus back to mine and my sisters apartment
Don’t get me wrong I’m excited but really 5:30 I’m sure there’s no harm in waking up later. I walk into the apartment and go to my room to pack since we will be staying there for 5 days.
I walk into my room and start packing stuff but I can’t find one of my favourite tops so I walk into Ella’s room to see if she’s taken it and I barge in without knocking to see her and Oliver mud sex scrambling to cover themselves with the sheet.
“Get out!”
“In a sec do you have my blue top the one with the buttons”
“Are you serio-“ I sigh and lean against the wall and she knows I won’t leave until she gives it to me. “It’s in my closet” I walk over and grab it off the hanger and scrunch it up in my hands
“Oh yeah by the way I’m gonna be gone for a few day”
“Leave!” She throws a pillow at me but I dick out the room before it can hit me
An hour later ella and Oliver knock on my door and wait for me to reply before walking in with very serious looks on both their faces.
Y/n we need to talk to you about something. You can’t just walk in without knocking we don’t have any privacy with you.
Alright I’ll knock next time
“It’s not just the knocking you always come home late and wreck the houses remember you broke olis computer at like 5:30 you never clean up after yourself and we just think that you should move back with mum and dad because we can’t keep living with you.”
“What your kicking me out I pay rent here”
“You don’t even pay a quarter y/n your’e basically living here for free.I rang dad he said it was fine you moving back soon”
“You know I can’t do that el”
“You could always get your’e own place I could help you have the money know”
“Fuck you. you know what I’ll leave right now.” I grab all my clothes in my wardrobe and try to shove it into my small suitcase and mange to mostly zip it and I grab a few personal thing and hold my piggy bank under my arm before leaving
It might’ve been a irrational idea because now I have nowhere to stay for the night and I can’t go to my parents not how I left there
It’s 1am I might as well go to set and wait till morning but with busses not running I have to walk 5 miles uptown.
Once I get there I only have to wait 2 and a half hours so I set my suitcase down and use it as a seat I dig around in my pocket for the taser I took from Johnny just in case.
I feel a hand grab me and by instinct Tase whoever it was. By the time my eyes have adjusted I realise I must’ve fallen asleep and everyone’s here to go to westchester.
While Jeff is complaining the taser Dave asks if I’ve been here all night. Nah I just thought I should get here early yknow only been here half hour.
We separate into 3 cars to get there and I’m in with Johnny Dave and wee man. I’m in the back with Dave and decide to use the 6 hour car drive as an opportunity for some sleep since I got 2 hours max last night.
I wake up not being able to breathe and feeling plastic on my face I try and pry one of my friends hands off of me but it’s no use and I have to rip the plastic bag now being able to breathe properly
I hear Knoxville’s laugh and a Camrea is pointed in my face all that adrenaline woke me up quick but I’m still not wide awake and I just flip him off while sitting up and stretching being confined in a car really isn’t the most comfortable thing in the world.
“Cmon y/n we’re here grab your bags.” I take my almost bursting suitcase and walk it into the large house we will be staying at. I hear taking and follow it to the living room seeing Johnny talking to the two boys I recognise from episodes but still haven’t met.
Jeff introduces them the one with the dark hair and blue eyes is bam and the blonde one with a beard is called Ryan. We all introduce ourselves and start chatting and getting to know eatch other. Another girl is here called Jenn she’s bams girlfriend she seems nice but I haven’t spoken to her much
I excuse myself to the bathroom and i see a blonde lady in the kitchen and ask her if she needs a hand. If you don’t mind that would be great
“I’m April bams mum it’s so nice to have you all hear but I am a bit worried honestly”
“Im y/n thanks for letting us stay and I promise I will try to protect you and your house.”
Me and April talk about all kinds of things and I soon meet her husband Phil who is such a sweetheart and it makes me feel even worse for him seeing how bam treats him.
I’m sorry your supposed to be getting to know eatchother and I’ve stolen you away thanks for your help with the dinner.
“Oh it’s no worries you seem wayy more interesting than them boys.”
Speaking of Chris has snuck up behind me and lifted me up and body slammed me onto one of the sofas it wouldn’t of hurt that bad if people weren’t sitting on it.
I sit up and move off of whoever I fell on and jsut laugh it off and I start talking to Ryan about some of his stunts and his life and what not. While telling me about cky videos and high school with his friends bam started to join in adding to the story.
After an hour of talking to the two of them we got along really well and had quite a few things in common with them. We got called for dinner and while I was eating I could feel myself drifting off even though I slept in the car for 6 hours.
I ended up face planting into the food which made everyone laugh and while I used the bottom of my shirt to wipe it off the topic of rooms came up.
Some people were gonna have to share because there’s not enough rooms Steve o and pontius are sharing as well as Dave and ehren. Johnny is with me and wee man and Preston are together.
We all go to our rooms and get unpacked and settled. “Yknow we’re only here for 5 days don’t you”.
“Can’t a girl have options” i didn’t want to tell Johnny about getting kicked out I just wanted to have fun here. While I get changed into my pjamas I get into bed and shut my eyes trying to fall asleep but either from the excitement of tomorrow or because I napped today I couldn’t.
I looked at the clock and it was 12:34 Knoxville was asleep by now I could tell by his heavy breathing. I decided to go downstairs and have some water so I snuck out of my room and when I got downstairs I see Jenn down their about to leave
“How come you aren’t staying?”
“Bams just being a bit of a dick right now but I’ll see you in a couple days bye”
I sit in the kitchen having some water and once I’ve finished I still don’t feel like sleeping so I decide to look around. As best as you can in the dark. I quietly open the front door and step into the garden it had a skate ramp and a swimming pool in it. I went to go back inside but the door is locked I’m not gonna ring the doorbell or id wake everyone up.
I walk round the back and I see a window open so I jump from the ramp to the roof and pull myself up I walk along to reach the window but I see something move next to me. It’s a squirrel. Shit I’m fucking terrified of them they’re Satan reincarnated.
“Oh my god oh my god stop”I try to move as quick as I can to the window and quickly climb in to the room and close the window quietly while repeating those words.
“Jenn I told you to go away”bam room shit. I don’t answer and attempt to just get out of the room but I step on something and it slips out from under me and I fall onto the bed.
“Shit sorry.” Bam leans over and turns his bedside lamp on and rub his eyes. “What are you doing”
“I got locked out of the house then I had to climb threw your’e window to get away from the squirrel like I said sorry and night.”
“Are you on something” bam asks not believing me. I pull a confused face not knowing why he would be confused. “ why were you running from a squirrel?”
“Cos they’re fucking scary haven’t you seen Charlie and the chocolate factory?” At my distress yknow way he does. Laugh.I soon join in and we’re just sat they’re laughing together in His room.
Once the laughing stops he breaks the silence. “How did you even get up here?”bam asks thinking back on my story “I jumped off your ramp.you any good at skating”
“Yeah pretty good you?”
“Stepped foot on one once and fell onto someone’s bed. It seems pretty cool other than that though”
“I could teach you sometime.”
“I’ll hold you to that bam” me and bam speak about anything and everything with me now sitting above his covers on his bed and we switched the lamp off.
He tells me all about his family and when he asks about mine something in the room shifts it’s awkward.
Well I actually left home when I was 16 because me and my mum never got along she always preferred my sister i always hung out with my dad but I didn’t have many friends but these girls invited me to hangout with them and I snuck out an we went to some abandoned school and we would go there smoke some weed and whatever and once we were spray painting and the police turned up my friends ran and a policeman got me and I kicked him in the balls and they took me to jail and when my mum got that call she went crazy she said she was so disappointed in what I’ve become and that she won’t bail me out because she didn’t actually want me to come home. My dad eventually came in and took me home but I got there and my room was all boxed up and she kicked me out and said she didn’t want to see me again so I moved in with my sister.
“I’m really sorry I didn’t know”
“Yeah well how could you I don’t tell anybody so I’m could u try not to mention that”
“Pinky promise”we interlock pinkies and I kiss my hand and he copies.the conversation moves on and soon enough we’re shushing the other to stop Laughing until I notice the clock and see that it’s 2:12 and I can tell bams tired and I am as well.
“Wait y/n it was cool talking to you and if you need to talk I’m always here.” I grab a pillow an throw it at hand face. Don’t get all sappy now bam I thought you were supposed to be a cool skater boy.
I leave and head back to my room and wriggle into bed having to shove Johnny over a bit and for a second I lay there thinking about bam and how much I trusted him I wonder what tomorrow will be like before I know it I’m out like a light.
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This one was acc really long
Omg guys I’m so pissed I wrote this like a week ago but I didn’t press save and I LOST RVEYTHUNG the first one was way better
Requests always open
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thatbuddie · 2 months
if oliver posts one more photo taken by ryan before sept 26th i won’t be alive to watch the s8 premiere
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lemotmo · 2 months
Their downward spiral has been fun 😊. But everything she said is fact.
Q. Your boy wonder blocked those of us who don't love his boy wonder. Class act you got there.
Q. We get it Oliver we say Tommy you say block. Still want us to pretend he's not a brat?
Q. I asked your leader about his onscreen boyfriend and he blocked me. Actually he told me I was getting blocked and then he blocked me. Very mature of him.
Q. What kind of petulant child actually takes the time to go through a comment section of 900 plus comments like that photo had and manually deletes certain comments and then blocks the person who sent the comment? And you want us to respect him????
Q. He's so pathetic 🙃. How are you not mortified by how embarrassing his behavior has been? Nevermind you are you will just pretend you're not.
Q. Oliver is basically giving his fandom the middle finger and yet he has the nerve to get butt hurt because we all like Lou more. What an immature brat.
A. So this is a very small sample of the asks I have received since Oliver went on his blocking spree. I wanted to include a sample because every single person who has sent me a complaint that he blocked you has intentionally not disclosed the question or comment you left that got you blocked. The only thing that's clear is they all involved Tommy in some way. And based on your pattern it's not hard to imagine that most of those comments probably included insults of some kind directed at anybody not Tommy/Lou. Oliver is not a brat. Oliver is tired. They are all tired. The sad thing is if you all had allowed the story to just unfold and taken it for what it was, Oliver would have been very kind to you. Because he's an absolute teddy bear of a man. He never gave you all false hope. He's been the one you should have been paying attention too because he has the one who's been honest with you. He never would have shipped it but he would have been respectful of you shipping it. And when Tommy's part was complete, that character, and you, probably would have even received a thank you post of some kind from Oliver because he loves Buck, and he would have been grateful for the role Tommy played in getting Buck ready for his next chapter. That's the kind of person Oliver is. The Oliver you all are seeing now you brought on yourselves. He is a petty king and once you push him over the line it's over. You all have made it your mission to make him, and his friends miserable because they refuse to encourage your delusion. You deserve being blocked by him and I hope he continues to do it. There's no need for him to subject himself to your abuse. He doesn't have to allow Tommy content if he doesn't want it there.
The real reason you all are so upset today is that you're rapidly running out of delusions to cling too. They have systematically eliminated or debunked every one of your talking points, and that's what actually angers you. Examples:
'OMG Oliver and Lou are total besties look how much they love being together' = Oliver completely ignores anything and everything Tommy/Lou related. Doesn't like any Tommy content, doesn't follow Lou on any social media. Zero BTS interactions. Publicly admits to blocking people who demand he fawn over it.
'Oliver and Ryan clearly hate one another and only tolerate each other because Buddie fans are insane' = Oliver and Ryan take, share, and post amazing b&w photos of one another. Loads of BTS content of the joking around and having a good time together on set. Follow each other on social media. Openly discuss and like Buddie content. Admit to reading Buddie fanfics and watching fan edits. Hang out at each other's houses and play around with Instagram filters.
'Lou's going to be bumped up to main: = release cast lost proving that didn't happen and he didn't even appear on the call sheet
' Buddie will never happen because Ryan said he won't play queer/gay' = Ryan does several interviews openly discussing the Buddie possiblity. Refers to Eddie as queer coded, starts using only gender neutral pronouns. Films a BTS video implying he hooked up with Peter Krause.
'Tim sent us a DM telling us spoilers' = Tim gives an interview flat out dismissing this.
This is the reality and it's making your delusions increasingly difficult to sell. Your own people are starting to wake up and as a result you turned your venom on your own people. And what's insane is if you had just been basic level decent you would have found plenty of fandom people who would have let you fan girl over Tommy. We have all been there. We have all fallen for a minor side character the show was never going to care about. I promise you people would have been kind to you about it. But you followed the lead of a crazy person and believed being horrible and nasty to people would get you what you wanted. You're in the position you are because of yourselves. No one else is responsible or to blame. And that's why no one feels sorry for you. Everyone is exhausted and that clearly includes the cast as well. What they're doing is hilarious and deserved.
Thank you Nonny! I do appreciate you dropping this in my inbox.
All right, Oliver is obviously as fed up with all this craziness as we are. I say 'good for him' that he is actively curating his online spaces. He is just doing what all of us do on social media: blocking the people we don't want to deal with, deleting the comments that contain topics of things we don't want to see, deleting comments with hatred in them, deleting comments where anons are shitting on our friends...
As for the rest of this excellent reply?
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If you are interested in more of Ali’s posts, you can find all of her posts so far under the tag: anonymous blog I love.
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