#(not true but an incredibly funny thing to decide about your child)
airbrushfather · 1 year
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bugcuti3 · 7 months
What If Im Insane?
˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚ ❀chapter one of More Than You Bargained For •°. *࿐ series masterlist
pairing : Luke Castellan x child of Aphrodite!reader
 you remember how you figured out there was something wrong with you and made some genuine friends, or what you thought were genuine friends. You remember why you stopped talking to Luke Castellan.
Warnings: negative talk, neglect, mental health, negative thoughts, NOT PLOT ACCURATE, PRE TLT
aノn — AGAIN NOT A WRITER JUST A CRAZY CRAZY GIRL WITH A HYPERFIXATION. Reposting for the millionth time because im dumb as rocks LOLL
3.6k words
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Luke Castellan and his stupid hovering.
Luke has been following you around camp for months now in a constant attempt to apologize and explain to you. You thought it didn't bother you. The whole not talking for a whole and suddenly hanging out all day together thing. You kept wanting to make excuses for him like, it's not like you were that close, you just went to the same school that doesn't mean anything.
You and Luke went to the same high school. You were both in the same grade, freshmen. You can't say you knew him, that's not true. You were best friends. Keyword: were.
He was always charming people even before he knew he was a demi-god. And so were you. Daughters of Aphrodite always have at least a handful of passionate admirers. None of them stood out, of course, you liked the attention well and good but you decided that when you fell in love you wanted it to be just right.
Not too tall. Not too short. Not short-tempered. Not abrasive. Just right.
He always stood out to you. And now looking back you were pretty sure he thought the same about you.
See, while you never really talked. The odd glances weren't forgettable, almost as if you could sense the other was different. just like you.
He didn't owe you friendship. You knew that but it stung that the one last piece you had of home seemed to forget the first time you both noticed that you and him were one and the same.
You thought you were going crazy. With both ADHD and dyslexia, you thought it was just your luck that you would have yet another thing wrong with your brain. You were convinced that your ugly brain had been mistakenly put into the body of a pretty girl.
The final straw had to be your favorite art teacher turning into something that more closely resembled a bat…no a dragon? You didn't don't know. Turned out that pretending to enjoy your art pieces and treating you like a daughter was just a ploy to get you close enough to bite your head off. But why???
It was all too much. You had about 30 seconds to react before you found a way to defend yourself and she burst into gold flecks of ash.
You splash cold water on your face in the bathroom for about the millionth time. I have got to get on some medication. The realization that you must genuinely be going insane suddenly felt incredibly heavy in your mind. so heavy it felt like your shoulders could no longer hold up your head. Or your body for that matter. Oh god, I have to sit down.
You rush into one of the stalls in the bathroom. And sit on the floor, practically crushing your head between your knees. Come on get it together, you're stronger than this. Nevermind. Large tears start to stream down your face. You make an effort to wipe them away harshly, making your face red and raw in the process. It's no use. You'll end up one of those people that get put away in an institution. You'll never be normal as much as you pretend to be.
Then the door of the bathroom opens. Shit. you cover your mouth in desperation to cover up the sobs that have turned more into hiccups when someone speaks.
“Hello? Is someone in here?”.
You are not sure why you bother to respond, the situation is hardly funny but you make a joke anyway for reasons you can't explain.
The person chuckles and stands there for a second. Listening you guess, deciding whether they care or not. Why would they care why the girl in the bathroom is ugly crying on the floor?
“Can I come in?”.
You imagine the only reason you agree is because you miss that. Being understood. You don't acknowledge the thought usually but in this moment of desperation, you're willing to let someone in. 
The stupid dirty bathroom stall that is.
You stand up to unlock the stall door not bothering to open the door for your bathroom company. You sit back down on the floor, I know gross but the sitting options are a little limited. Especially with the new addition.
Why did it have to be him?
“Hi, Luke”.
“Sorry, I know it's kinda weird for me to ask to come into your bathroom stall”.
You laugh a little, continuing to wipe the tears off your face.
“It's okay”.
He smiles at you
“I think I'm going crazy”, you confess honestly.
He hesitates to respond for a second, probably mulling over the idea of calling the school counselor to deal with you instead.
“Me too”, he adds meeting your eyes.
Now that makes your ears perk up.
“What do you mean?”.
“I think we're the same… I mean I'm sorry about the art teacher…I know you liked her”
At that moment it should've been strange that Luke said that you both were the same but what stood out was why he knew you liked the art teacher and how he knew what had happened.
“How do you know that?”.
“I mean I was walking by and looked in the little window on the door y’know? And the room was a mess and I started asking around what happened to her, right? And everyone was pretending like she never even existed, nevermind the fact that she worked here”.
“No not that, how did you know I like- liked her?”, the event is so fresh in your mind, that you forget she is gone now.
“Oh”. He responds sheepishly and his ears turn a shade of red.
“I stay late for sports and when I pass by you're always there I don't know…I just notice you I guess”
“Oh okay”. You are about to leave it there but you suddenly remember when he said that you were the same. What did he mean by that? 
“What do mean? Were the same?”.
“I guess I'm not sure myself but I have this friend. Her name is Thalia. I just get this feeling when I'm with her and I get the same feeling with you, I can't describe it”.
Okay, now it just sounds like he can't keep it in his pants. You turn your head to the side avoiding eye contact.
“Not that!! I just! I told you I can't explain it- oh god now I sound like an idiot”, his hand goes up to facepalm himself with a loud smack.
You turn your head back to face him and laugh at the fact that his ears have somehow turned an even deeper shade of red. 
“Hey, you stopped crying”, he says as he removes his hand from his face.
“Oh yeah, I didn't even notice”. 
You take your hand and wipe at your now dry face.
Luke and You sit there for a good thirty minutes as he explains the odd things that have been happening to him, school, and everything in between.
It was a short conversation but you swear you've never felt so understood before. It was as if he opened the top of your head and read all of your most deep and insecure thoughts. It felt…good.
You thought after that you had finally gained a real friend. A best friend even. And it seemed like you had for about a good couple of days. He introduced you to his friend Thalia and even invited you to eat with them. You felt seen. You had a pretty big friend group but it was always surface level it felt natural to have all the pretty girls sit at lunch together. That's just how things had to be you thought.
But now you can say you had real friends. friends that understood every part of you, even the ugly parts. They were easy to get along with. You had quickly become best friends. Going to each other's houses, and riding your bikes together, your freshman year finally started looking up!
Until one day they weren't at the lunch table as usual. Okay weird? But who knows maybe they caught the same stomach bug, they’ll be here tomorrow.
Maybe a doctor's appointment? A cold? A vacation? A terminal illness?
It had been a month since you had seen either Luke or Thalia. And it hurt. Bad.
The whole experience had brought up some ugly memories. 
Your father left you with your grandma when you were just a baby. A stupid irresponsible decision on his part as she could barely take care of you let alone herself. Your dad told you that your mother died in childbirth. That was probably why he hated you. You took her away from him and there was nothing you could do to apologize.
You wouldn't see Luke again until the end of that month. A particular bad monster encounter led you to camp-half blood. A sanctuary recently made for demigods. Demigods like you apparently.
You had been at camp for a couple of days now, not that you could see much of it while you were in the infirmary. A new long scar made its way up the length of your neck. Injuries made from magic were always the hardest to heal an Apollo kid had told you.
You insecurely scratch at the new addition as you are escorted to the Hermes cabin. Where you would be staying till you found your place I guess.
After whoever was escorting you left, you didn't bother to remember his name and even if you had you definitely wouldn't now. Now that you saw him.
Luke Castellan, son of Hermes. Gods what a joke. 
It was getting annoying now. When you first arrived at the Hermes cabin you were shocked when your eyes met Luke Castellan. His eyes trailed all over your face trying to figure out if you were a vision created by his brain to trick him. His eyes grew to saucers when he realized you were real. His smile grew when he realized that he was right. You two were the same. Demigods. no longer separated. you got here safe.
As quickly as his smile grazed your face it fell when his eyes made their way down to the new long scar that has crawled up your neck. 
You didn't know it then but after Thalia, he was absolutely desperate for a piece of home and some reassurance that someone familiar to him wouldn't be ripped away from him again. So when he saw the new rough scar that ruined your once soft beautiful skin, his heart dropped to his stomach. The new realization hit him like a ton of bricks that yes while you got here safe and sound he almost lost you too.
A heavy sigh racks his lungs as he steps closer to you. Your face fails you when your eyes meet his, forgetting your anger you smile widely at him and launch yourself into his arms for a hug. You fit together like a puzzle and you almost forget everything that you lost to get here. The hug should feel strange and awkward but it doesn't it feels right and safe. You let out a relieved sigh and pry yourself from his arms to get a look at his face. 
Luke gently traces the scar on your neck with a look of remorse and sorrow and you can't place why yet. Desperate, the words come out of his mouth like word vomit, he's so excited to see you that he's surprised that it isn't actual vomit.
“You're here it's really you! You're here and you're safe. What happened? Oh, look at your neck. What did this? Who did this?”
You shake your head vigorously in hopes the faster you shake your head the faster the worry will leave his trembling voice.
“I'm fine I’m fine”.
Still tracing the new addition to your skin he says shamefully, “Doesn't look like it”.
You take his hand off your throat and hold it by his side in your hand.
Suddenly you remember your second best friend, Thalia. you start looking around the Hermes cabin excitedly, anticipating your second reunion, but it never comes. 
Again your eyes reach the Hermes boy searching wordlessly for an explanation “Thalia?” you say simply.
His head hangs low avoiding eye contact almost anticipating this question from your lips.
His reaction makes you sick to your stomach. “Luke? Where is she?”.
He raises his head finally meets your eyes and simply shakes his head. His lips are unable to utter the words in some kind of refusal to admit the truth.
The betrayal of losing Thalia is added to the long list of other betrails the gods have bestowed upon you. The sudden gain and loss of a friend strikes you deep in your gut.
Realizing this you take a big step away from Luke's arms. His blood runs cold.
“You left,” you say slowly and calmly. 
Remembering the love and understanding that he had stolen from you just a month before. Being the son of the god of thieves suits him.
“Wait you have to understand-” he attempts to defend himself before you cut him off.
 “You left me! You took Thaila with you and you both just left? Knowing we were the same you left me?”.
You're not able to hide the pain and sorrow in your voice and you cant bother to care. You deserve to feel abandoned. Because that's what happened, you were abandoned. Again.
“You don't understand- it wasn't a planned-out thing! Things got too much- we left in the middle of the night! We found Annabeth! We couldn't go back for you- i- im-”.
 His attempts to explain come out unfinished and choppy leading them to sound like nothing more than excuses. Curse his stupid mouth. His mind is running a million miles an hour trying to figure out what to say, anything to stop you from coming to your own terrible conclusions. Of course that doesn't go to plan either.
“Save it Castellan”. It took all your strength to turn and walk away from him, if you were any weaker you're sure your legs would've failed you and you would've fallen to your knees right there.
Ever since your sour reunion with Luke, he hasn't strayed too far from your side following you like he was a dog and you were his man. Every word uttered from his mouth was another attempt to change your mind about his betrail. Thats what it was in the end though, a betrayal.
It was fine you decided. You didn't need him. You didn't need anyone. If people wanted to abandon you that was just fine, you would just leave them before they left you.
So every day and at every moment he spent either trying to explain to you or trying to coax you with sweet words and gifts. From lunch, to even the bathrooms Luke would give you bits and pieces of the story to try to change your mind. Doing everything in his power to convince you that he did not betray you but that it was all just a big misunderstanding.
But all you were hearing were excuses and lies.
It was late at night and you were getting ready for bed in the camp bathroom, brushing your teeth angrily and staring at yourself in the mirror. It has been a long day of your loyal dog nipping at your heels. At least you could find peace in the bathroom.
“Can you please just talk to me?”.
You were committed to the silent treatment but even you had your limits, and besides his persistent attempts to gain your favor back were kind of endearing. If you could even call it that.
“What is there to talk about?”. You say simply spitting into the sink. The water washes away your toothpaste that has been stained red. 
He responds baffled and exasperated, “What do you mean what is there to talk about?”.
You look at him in the mirror and quirked up your brow, if you were going to accept his apology you weren't going to make it easy for him.
He rolls his eyes, it's obvious you know exactly what he's talking about but he explains anyway. It's been months of him following you around like a lost puppy maybe you really did forget. 
“Us, me, you? Ring any bells?”.
You finally turn to face him with an unimpressed look on your face.
“Please…say anything, scream, yell, hit me I just- I can't take the silence anymore”. Luke sounds desperate now. You've failed to realize how much this is actually affecting him. His last bit of home wants nothing to do with him.
His plee gets the better of you. The desperation in his voice a tone you know all too well. A tone that you recognize from your own, just a child begging her father for forgiveness and attention for a crime she did not commit.
“Can I be honest with you?”. 
“Always”. He states simply. As if it was the most obvious thing in the world.
“Great come on”. You grab your small of toiletries and his hand and lead him out of the bathroom and into the woods.
“It's late you know, the harpies will be out soon”.
“What are you scared Castellan? I never took you for the rule follower type”, you smirk at him. 
Now you were just trying to get under his skin.
He missed this playful tone in your voice, he’ll do anything if it means it'll stick around. So he plays along.
“Me a rule follower? Never”.
You reach a small clearing in the forest and settle yourself onto a log, patting the place next to you and inviting him a seat.
He takes it leaning in, it's been too long not hearing your voice. So he hangs on to every word you offer him scared that it’ll be the last time he hears them.
“Perfect so I imagine you won't go around spreading my dirty laundry”, You smile mischievously at him. Now you're just stalling and he knows it.
“Spill it”. Now it's his turn to spread the sass.
“Fine fine, but you have to promise to not interrupt. I'm really opening up here”.
He takes your hand in his and nods in reassurance. A wordless response that seems to say “Go on I'm listening”.
You take a deep breath, thankful for the pressure of his hand in your own. It helps stop your hand from shaking.
“I'll be honest and say I think you're an asshole for leaving me behind”. 
His mouth opens with something to say but you place your finger over his lips to stop any words from spilling out. You know what he's going to say anyway. He's said it about a million times already.
“I know I know you're sorry, it's okay I believe you”. You take your finger off his lips and look away.
“Being here has just been hard you know, its a lot to process”. 
You’d turn your head to look at him, but you can already see his intense and understanding stare in the corner of your eye and you don't know if you could look at him without breaking down. So instead you continue.
“He abandoned me you know… my dad. When I got a little older I would call and text him, begging him to come back for me…to love me”. 
You look up at the stars now. The stars are so bright tonight, it must be your mothers…whoever she was…idea of an apology. 
“I never knew why he left me, I assumed it was because he couldn't afford to take care of me.
It was just all because he said I looked too much like my mother”. Your face grows hot a red. You've never admitted this to anyone. 
“Right before I came to camp. My grandma-she-”. Much like Luke, the words get stuck in your throat, scared that saying that your grandpa had passed would make the fact you were completely alone true.
“I was in the foster system for a little bit”. You stiffen and straighten your back, doing your best to regain your composure.
“They couldn't keep me for long though, I ran away before they could stick me with some random family. So it was just me alone for a while. That's when some monster attacked me and gave me this sick souvenir”. 
You attempt to lighten the mood and point to the scar on your neck.
But the weight of your words are heavy and the way Luke stays silent makes it obvious that the joke didn't exactly land.
“So when me and Thalia left…”. Luke trails off connecting the dots, imagining all the horrible things you must have felt.
“Gods, I'm such an idiot”. His head falls into his hands. His shoulders were not able to hold up his head anymore as now they were holding pounds of guilt on them.
“You didn't know, no one does”. You pat him on the back.
“I’ll be honest I needed to think about things anyway, you know finding out that my mom isn't dead…but also some random goddess. It's a lot to think about, I don't think I would've been good company anyway”. 
You smirk at him when he finally looks back up at you. Unfallen tears clear in his eyes.
“I am so sorry”. His voice cracks a little.
“I know you are”. You smile sadly at him.
You clear your throat, “Well let's head to bed, I wouldn't want the harpies to eat us after such a heartfelt conversation”.
You pick yourself up from your makeshift seat on the log and wipe the invisible dirt off your shorts.
You offer a hand to him. A symbol of forgiveness. A silent promise to stick to the other side. No more abandoning. No matter the circumstances. He didn't know how wrong he would be.
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itsmattchou · 1 year
when and how might our relationship start ?
pairing: zb1 maknae line x gn!reader warnings: ricky's and your mom are just ANNOYING🤬, GYUVIN AND READER ADE LIARS, pining gunwook, yujin has communication issues, the reader in yujins is considered a CHILD (if you ain't a child dni tf?), english isn't my first language!!! genre: fluff, maybe a slight bit of angst if you squint your eyes real hard synopsis: why you started fake dating. notes: i know i said I'm only gonna write for mline + matthew from now on but honestly fuck matthew (lovingly). FUNFACT gyuvins is basically what happened to me 😍😍 life is a fanfic fr. for some reason i am not aware of i included some smau... maybe my urge to write one finally took over? who knows. ignore the bad quality pls.
shen quanrui - to get your parents off of your backs
it was basically like this: rickys family and your family knew each other for decades now. your moms were already besties when they went to s highschool together 😭
so best believe they were THRILLED when they got pregnant around the same time
and since day 1
seriously. since ricky and you were little INFANTS
you two were being shipped by your parents
"oh, they must marry one day!" 🥰 no
you two grew up together and were naturally really close to each other
but ROMANTIC FEELINGS? nuh uh. not a thing. not happening 🙅🏻‍♀️🙅🏻‍♀️
but your parents- or more specifically, your mothers- did not want to hear it
they're CONVINCED you two will fall in love eventually and won't leave you two alone
after years of suffering and repeated "no mom we're not gonna be dating!"s you two hit your LIMIT
so you two went ahead and decided to get your family off of your backs and to start 'dating'!
only to 'break up' like a month later and tell them that you actually aren't a good fit at all🔥
your parents literally threw a big ass party once you announced your relationship… awkward
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kim gyuvin - to prank your friends
you actually thought it would be funny to tell your friends that you two started dating; they wouldn't believe at all you but it would be hilarious
hilarious you said. TURNS OUT, it wasn't all that funny
instead of not believing you when gyuvin and you dropped that bomb as believable as possible, they started cheering and congratulating you
"we knew this would happen eventually! finally!" you what. 😃
originally you planned on playing the prank for one day and then tell the truth- but by the way everybody started congratulating you (even a teacher exclaimed that she was happy for you!) you two couldn't help but feel incredibly bad at the end of the day
so you two did the only plausible thing to do in a situation like that; continue on lying instead of simply telling the truth 👍🏻
the very next day you two came to school again, still as a couple. it hurt your heart to lie to your friends like that, but they would be SO disappointed in you if they found out about the joke :(
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park gunwook - to make your crush jealous
gunwook was a close friend of yours and he was aware of your unrequited crush on that one guy in your class
well, kind of unrequited? it was honestly hard to tell for sure. your crush sometimes acted like he was interested in you, on other days you didn't even exist to him
his mixed signals drove you CRAZY🥴
so out of pure desperation you asked gunwook for a small favor.. to please fake date you in order to make your crush jealous
gunwook was reluctant at first but he also had a small but secret crush on you so he took his chance and RAN
you had like an hour long talk to him about your great plan, about do's and don't's, about boundaries and what not
he was just silently listening and nodding his head whenever needed
(his heart shattering could be heard whenever you mentioned your real crush) 💔💔💔
you let your other close friends know about your plan too in hopes they will help to make it believable
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han yujin - to prove that he is not a 'child'
poor yujin has to go through that 'youngest in the friendgroup' treatment 😪
everybody treats him like a baby and he feels as if he's not taken seriously by any of his friends
bro should probably try COMMUNICATING with them homies but oh well
and in his mind, the ultimate proof to not being a baby is having a significant other 👍🏻
and this is where you come in!!
you're one of the very few people who did not make fun of him- maybe because of your similar age- and that's why he felt save to propose that idea to you
and considering that you weren't taken all that seriously either due to your age… he was sure that you would understand where he was coming from!!
and to his delight you actually agreed to fake date him! 🤗
so after discussing everything further, you two announced your not-so-real relationship to your friends the very next day
YUJIN'S PLAN WORKED! there was gyuvin who dramatically whined about "his two babies growing up way too fast"
but the question now is… for how long should this keep going…?
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okayto · 1 month
Mini-Review: The Vampire Dies in No Time
"Invincible" vampire Draluc is...incredibly vincible, actually, turning into a pile of dust at the slightest provocation; he just revives almost immediately. When vampire hunter Ronaldo blows up Draluc's castle, the vampire decides to move in with the hunter, become a partner and metaphorically-popcorn-munching observer of all the weirdos, both human and vampire, who lurk in Shin-Yokohama.
This is another one of those shows that got me because I thought I wouldn't care about it, and then ended up enjoying myself. I came across this on Crunchyroll's 24/7 live Roku channel, looking for something to put on in the background while I did chores, and it's a good, effective show for that purpose! It came on frequently and hit that sweet spot of "entertaining to watch" and "I don't need to pay attention the whole time" that I want for background shows; eventually I realized I was enjoying it enough that I went and watched the whole series, both seasons, as my after-work dinner accompaniment.
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Now, the entire reason I thought I wouldn't care? The title bugs me. I can't say that it's wrong, because Draluc sure does die in no time. (Witness:)
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But there's something about the title that doesn't sound like natural English for the subject: Draluc dies all the time for virtually no reason (or every reason). It doesn't actually affect enjoyment of the show, and anyone on the English localization side of things didn't have a choice because "The Vampire Dies in No Time" is there, on screen, in English, every episode in the original Japanese version, which makes me assume it was a decision made more by people in Japan. But I wonder what localizers would've come up with to convey the same thing if they'd been given the opportunity.
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Because I initially watched whatever episodes were on TV, I didn't start at the beginning, and that would be my recommendation: starting with an episode that's not the first. The first episode sets things up, true, but it's nothing you can't figure out within two minutes of the second's beginning, and because it's invested in setting everything up, it's one of the weaker episodes.
Instead, start with the second episode. Literally all you need to know is 1) Ronaldo is a vampire hunter who 2) lives with Draluc, a vampire [so clearly all vampires aren't bad] because 3) he kinda caused Draluc's castle to explode. And 4) Draluc dies a lot.
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(You can watch the first episode later, like a flashback, after you've actually had a chance to decide if you like it. Because seriously, the first episode felt like it was dragging so much.)
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It's funny, and each episode is comprised of a couple mini-sodes following a character as something happens. That might be Ronaldo having to hunt or take in a vampire, or it could be a coworker in the vampire hunter guild, or it could be John the armadillo going on a donut run, or it could be Draluc's family reunion.
It doesn't take itself seriously at all.
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It's worth noting that much of the humor is going to be borderline-appropriate depending on your situation; this definitely isn't something I'd feel comfortable watching at work, for instance. Nudity and light sexuality are common topics—one vampire foe, Nudenium, is just a guy with a bunch of flowers for a groin and his bite will similarly turn people nude with flowers, because...he wants to spread groin-flowers, I guess? When he's not doing that he's pretty reasonable and friendly, as later episodes show; Micro Bikini's bite will turn people into a hypnotized horde of micro-bikini-wearers; Mr. Lewd Talk is self-explanatory. (Not all vampires are sexual, but these three show up with some frequency, to the point where they are legit secondary characters who contribute to the plot in various ways.)
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(Also, it becomes clear as the series progresses that many of the vampires are just, for lack of a better term, dicking around. Sure, some want world domination. Some just want to spread weird flower-children-with-legs throughout parks. Some could be normal people except they just really, really prefer to dedicate their lives to playing strip rock-paper-scissors.)
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What I enjoyed about it is how it balances humor with entertaining character stories. Nothing is going to get really deep, but you do get to know characters, and the same secondary and tertiary characters—both the good and theoretically-antagonist— come up again and again. Some of the vampires are related to each other! Some of the hunters are related to each other, or have been friends for years. Ronaldo went to high school with one of the police's vampire division guys, who's mad because his mom likes Ronaldo's blog-turned-bestseller-book about vampire hunting.
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Draluc and Ronaldo make a fun pairing in an odd couple-type way. Draluc is, to Ronaldo's chagrin, a good roommate: an excellent cook, pretty clean, generally handles social situations well. Doesn't have (or need) a job, so he's available to follow along and help with vampire hunting situations (although probably a solid 50% of that is him following out of curiosity and boredom). The two are emotionally around the same level (young adults functional enough to live independently but childish enough to try and settle an argument with a dance-off).
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I would also be remiss if I didn't mention Draluc's familiar, an armadillo named John. We all love John, in-universe and out. He's sweet. He can DJ. He has a fan club. He has a backstory. He is a cinnamon roll.
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English dub? Yes, only the first season (there are two seasons). It's very good matching the cadence and character of the original, and I really missed it when I watched the second season. Dub Draluc is given a stereotypical "vampire" accent and sounds pretty smooth and put-together, which goes with his high-class family background, which is context I can't get from his Japanese voice.
Visuals: Modern and fine. Nothing stood out to me, but neither did I find myself thinking about any problems.
Worth watching? Yes. It's a solid, consistently-funny comedy, pick it up if you're looking for a laugh. Don't be scared off by the often low-brow humor I mentioned; it tries to walk a fine line between jokes and going too far, and I think it generally succeeds, so it's worth at least trying. It helps that the episodes move at a brisk, but not breakneck, pace, meaning jokes usually don't overstay their welcome.
Where to watch (August 2024): Crunchyroll (sub and available dub), episodes buyable in Amazon Prime and Apple TV; first season on Blu-ray
Click my “reviews” tag below or search “mini review” on my blog to find more!
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lpsotd · 10 months
Another anon who read the tags on your last post here! I've felt the need to write something myself since your situation feels so similar to mine when I was younger and maybe my experiences will help you in some way. Feel free to not respond to this if it's uncomfortable, it's totally okay! :)
I also didn't have a supportive family when it came to my interests, still kind of don't. I'm 22 (soon to be 23) and my family members are still looking at me funny regarding my hobbies, just like they did when I was 14-15. It was weird for them to see a child… liking toys and shows made for kids I guess?? They've also said that I was mature for my age, but let me tell you this is INCREDIBLY coercive. ''Since we've called you mature, you wouldn't want to betray us and do something childish now, would you?'' - guys. Just because YOU'VE called me mature doesn't mean that it's true. Maybe I am mature but EMOTIONALLY or got good grades at school. But it doesn't necessarily mean that I will abandon anything that brings me comfort and joy for the sake of a byname that won't mean anything to me. Ever. I think that being mature also means accepting what is dear to you and not being ashamed of that. Being mature is being responsible for your own well being - which you do by enjoying your hobbies! By surrounding yourself with things that will make you get through life a bit easier. Throwing everything out, or denying ever liking said thing is the childish thing to me here.
It's good to read that you want to embrace who you are! After all - we only have one life to live. Why waste it on pleasing everyone around instead of ourselves? ESPECIALLY if it's a hobby that does NO HARM to anyone (well maybe except your wallet). Don't ever let go of what you love, unless YOU decide it's time to move on. I still keep my LPS collection after all those years, after being told countless of times to ''sell them, because you will save some good money'' or just to give them away. What if (stay with me here) I WILL decide what to do with MY property?
And regarding those people who've belittled you for your interests - I am still recovering from the same thing that happened almost a decade ago at school. But I've learned that not everyone behaves like those mean bullies - maybe some people are genuinely interested in what I have to say? Maybe we can bond over this? Maybe I can get a new friend who will accept my ''weird'' hobbies? And thanks to that mindset I've tried opening to more and more people, only to find out that those bullies were the MINORITY and usually people are glad to hear they're not alone in their hobbies or pleasant memories. It made me feel so much less anxious about myself, I can't recommend trying to open up enough!! Sorry if this ask got long, I had plenty of thoughts in my brain it seems, haha. Anyway, OP you're not alone in your struggles and if you have any worries feel free to say so! Stay awesome <3
~lots of love from anon
i think it's kinda insane that adults expect children to immediately grow out of the things they like in favor of more "mature" interests and media. like, why can't that 13 year old watch my little pony? would you prefer it if they were watching that or something like euphoria? 😭 why is it so bad and weird when children are acting like children and want to engage with media that was literally created for them. that's something i don't think i'll ever understand
i'm happy to now be surrounded by people who care about me and indulge in my interests, and i hope you are able to have that too anon !!
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marzipanandminutiae · 2 years
*I* want to hear everything you know about the Chocolate Cream Killer!
Many many people asked, so here we go!
Q: How do you get a man to leave his wife for you?
A: Mass poisoning, apparently.
At least, that's the answer if you're Christiana Edmunds.
Born in 1828 in Kent, England, she was highly educated and had apparently been diagnosed with "hysteria" in her early 20s. Given that this diagnosis was frequently a catchall term for "Woman Behaving In Unexpected Way," it's uncertain whether she suffered from an actual mental illness. But her behavior in her 40s, when she was living with her widowed mother in Brighton, would suggest that she may have been.
Around this time she became close to a married doctor, Charles Beard. Their exact relationship has never been worked out, but she tried to kill his wife in 1870 by giving her a poisoned chocolate truffle.
You know.
As one does.
It didn't work and, incredibly, despite strong suspicions that she was the culprit behind his wife's illness, Dr. Beard did absolutely nothing about this.
So she decided to poison. Um. Everybody.
Essentially, she bought boxes of fancy chocolates from some poor local confectioner, injected strychnine into them at home, and then returned them. Apparently returning fully opened packages of food was just Okay in 1871- one really begins to see how modern regulations on these things came about. The chocolates would then be put out for sale again, because I guess nobody saw anything wrong with that either as long as there were no visible bite marks. #capitalism or something
she hired local boys to buy the poison for her after the first few times, in an attempt to allay the suspicion that would doubtless arise if she were seen buying vast quantities of strychnine
(apparently the possibility that they would compare notes and be like "that Miss Edmunds keeps asking me to buy her poison for stray cats 'round her house [yes that was her actual excuse]. she asked you, too? seems a mite rum to me!" did not occur to her. I never said this was a smart Take Out Lover's Wife scheme)
meanwhile, large numbers of randos were getting sick all over Brighton, mostly visitors as it's a seaside resort town. nobody connected these illnesses to the chocolates until- and this part is not funny -4-year-old Sidney Barker, vacationing there with his parents, died from the poison.
that was the only death, and again, it's. not funny. a little boy died because this woman (maybe not fully rational, probably not intending anyone but her target to die, but still) wanted her crush/possible lover's wife out of the way and didn't care about the collateral damage. I will go back to the Ha Ha Funney Weird Inept Mass Poisoning tone in a moment, but...I don't know. take a moment of seriousness for this poor child
everyone good? okay. let's move on.
realizing that putting out poisoned chocolates into the world willy-nilly and hoping Mrs. Beard would buy some wasn't working, Edmunds escalated to just sending boxes of strychnine sweets directly to people- including her intended victim. I assume the rest were mere decoys to throw investigators off the scent, since she sent some to herself to allay suspicion. and pin the crime on the poor confectioner, to boot
but this time, Dr. Beard decided to get off his ass and actually Tell Someone that his possible ex-mistress had a murderous streak. thanks, Charlie. thanks for divulging that little fact
Edmunds was arrested, tried, and convicted of murder and attempted murder. though initially sentenced to hang, she was granted a reprieve due to apparent mental instability and lived out her days in the Broadmoor Criminal Lunatic Asylum [their wording, not mine]. she died in 1907
so that concludes our brief foray into True Crime, folks. remember, inspect your kids' Halloween chocolates! Someone might have [checks notes]:
bought a bag of Fun-Sized Snickers
opened the packaging
injected poison into the candy
returned them fully opened
counted upon them being placed back out for sale on the off chance that this person's crush's spouse might eat some
(dear sensational news outlets- THAT IS SARCASM)
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liliesandthemoon · 6 months
Chloe's Diary Vol.1
(11 Years Old)
" People I admire! "
Haven't you trembled with excitement imagining simply being in the presence of someone you admire so much?
A person so great, who radiates incredible strength, that just being in their presence feels like the greatest achievement of your life?
That's how I feel when I'm with my friends Gawain and Florence!
My first encounter with Gawain, happened the night I arrived in Dalmore, how I got here that night is still very fuzzy in my mind, and I still can't remember what exactly happened or how I ended up here, but I can remember clearly that Gawain offered me his help without a second thought, not only that, when I was afraid of the future and couldn't stop crying he gave me a dandelion and told me that everything would be alright, and I believed him and felt strong enough to go on! Isn't that great? Some people say "everything will be fine" just to make themselves look good, without really believing it, but the way Gawain said things as a child made you feel like he would make sure they would certainly come true.
Whenever Gawain set his mind to something he got it done, no matter how high the goal was, he always reached it, Gawain was like a star that wanted to reach the top of the sky and wanted to light up the whole world as if he was the sun itself.
And Florence was just as radiant, she is 4 years older than me, but whenever I was with her it felt like she was way older and wiser, the way she knew so much about magic, and acted so responsible and "grown up"... just thinking about it made me want to roll over in my bed with excitement and admiration.
If I had to describe the two of them in one word I think it would be "confidence", referring to the self-assurance and certainty that they gave to everyone they came across, just by being around them you knew you could achieve anything you set your mind to.
With that in mind, sometimes it was so surprising to me when they, being such admirable people, spoke to me so normally as a friend. It's true that Florence was someone who socialised easily, so being part of her social circle wasn't so strange, but Gawain didn't have that kind of justification, he was a very radiant and kind boy, but he only had his head for what interested him, if someone didn't catch his attention he didn't interact with them. Which caused me a lot of fear
 "Someday you'll get bored of me too?" I wondered.
That's why I decided to do my utmost to become a person who was on the same level as them. Of course I knew that Gawain and Florence were not the kind of people who dumped their friends for no good reason, but I didn't want to live a life where I was always trailing after them.
"I want to be a dependable person too, I want to be able to help my friends and always be there for them".
So I gave my all to be a much cooler person! 
But... I guess I didn't quite understand what "cool" was. I tried to imitate Florence's charisma but all I got was people looking at me funny... I started to study magic and everything was fine at first but I was always pushing myself beyond my limitations and my spells ended up badly, plus as I tried to be more dependent I pushed my friends away and I felt less motivated... It was very frustrating!
One day after getting so frustrated after failing to make a spell work that I had been studying all week I went to my hidden spot, under the big tree on the meadow that is located a bit outside the castle town of Dalmore, this is where I always went to when I wanted to unwind, just the smell of the flowers and how nice it felt to sit in the shade of the huge tree could put the most grumpy person in the skies to sleep.
I've called it a hidden spot but it's not really hidden, it's just off a road that simply isn't very frequented, if you were to ask anyone in Dalmore if they knew where the road next to the meadow was they would say:
"Oh yes, I've traveled through that road once". 
Still, I've never seen anyone sunbathing under this tree... Well, better for me, the quietness of this place is what I love the most!
Getting back to the topic, that day I was tired and I was laying under the tree, it was a bit late, but not at dusk yet (my mum really disliked it when I went out late without telling her before...) after having sighed for the sixteenth time, I heard the voice I was missing amd craving the most.
"Are you tired of playing tragedy actress yet?" he said mockingly.
I quickly stood up, I don't know why at that moment I felt so relieved to see him there, even with the taunting words he had said, after that dreadful experience of a long day (and month!) seeing someone you appreciate immediately brings happiness back into your body.
I admit it was hard for me not to burst into tears right there haha ... , I wanted to tell him that I was sorry for acting so weird and that I was just trying to do my best, but I was very tired and the words were not coming to me, so instead of just sitting there dumbfounded with the remaining energy I had I got up and without thinking I rushed to him and hugged him, strangely that made me feel so much better, that was also the first hug I gave him too! I don't know why I hadn't done that before, Gawain was a warm kid in personality but also physically, and hugging him there felt like laying in your bed hugging a soft pillow while covered in the biggest blankets, before he could protest I pulled away a bit
"Haha, what are you doing here Gawain? I thought you'd gone off on your own to train?"
"I just came to see if you'd finally gotten over your silliness, you were really strange."  
I could sense a slight sadness and concern in his voice, was he that bothered by my attempt at being a cool and responsible person!?
"Haha...I guess I did" I said, a bit embarrassed.
(Well while we're here, why don't I embarrass myself a bit more?)
"Gawain, if I pretended to be someone else, would you still be my friend?"
"Of course I wouldn't, If that were the case you wouldn't be you anymore, you'd be just as boring as the other kids, so cut the crap and continue being you"
"Let's continue going to see the fish in the river, let's continue going to the mountain to catch butterflies and let's continue going to the forest to see the birds that make funny noises, I got bored a looot these days being all by myself, so we'd better go and play tomorrow!"
Once again, Gawain, the sunny boy, lit my way. After hearing those simple words I completely forgot about any doubts I had about our friendship and all I could think about was all the adventures we could have and the corners of Dalmore we could explore.
I hope this sun by my side will never stop shining on me....
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@taznovembercelebration (start new or repeat)
Lup finds herself in a vast, white space. It feels utterly unfamiliar and like she's always been here, as though she's known nothing but this white space. Slowly, things begin to take shape in front of her; lush crimson curtains begin draping themselves along the wall and she feels her chest tighten.
Almost as if they sensed this, the vibrant hue fades into an iridescent white, somehow softening the starkness of the room. An impossibly large table manifests and Lup idly wonders just how large the trees required to craft something so fine must have been.
And then she hears two sounds; one, the flap of what must be several large flocks of even larger birds, is instantly familiar to her. The other, the sound of metal occasionally clicking together, is less familiar.
She finds herself now standing on a dais in front of the table; it manages to bring her up to eye level with the two figures now in front of her.
"Um. Hello, My Lady," she nods politely towards the Raven Queen. "And hello, Lady Istus. It's nice to finally meet you. Properly, that is."
hello lup. i have heard so much about about you. seen so many things. truly, it is an honor to meet you. Istus says. Her voice is such a calming presence in her mind.
"Forgive me, at the risk of sounding rude, what exactly is this?"
There's a pause as the two goddesses in front of Lup regard each other. The Raven Queen gives a small nod and a few feathers go floating down. Istus nods in return and sets her knitting down on the table for a moment.
you see, my dear, the scale of time you find yourself living on is impossibly vast. few individuals have to reckon with the concept of eternity.
Lup looks between them and cocks her head. "Is this still about the lich thing?"
it is kind of about the lich thing, yes. you see, you and your dear husband are doing incredible work as Reapers for the Raven Queen.
This gives Lup pause. True, she and Barry joined the retinue many years back but certainly not that long ago. But as she counts just how many birthdays she has spent celebrating only with Barry and Kravitz, both time and grief feel as though they've sucked all the air out of the room.
there has been this ache for years. countless years. your heart still beats for those who have had to move on.
Lup smiles a little sadly. She misses so terribly joking with him about pushing him into the soup. She still jokes with Barry and Kravitz about pushing them into the soup but the empty threat isn't as funny as it used to be.
so, we are giving you a choice.
"Or?" She asks quietly. This makes her stomach churn and her head feel as though it could split wide open.
or the cycle repeats and you try again. neither of us are in the business of giving special treatment, dear, but you already know that your family has been a special case. if you do decide to try again, you must know that there are certain immutable facets of your life that are so bound to you that they may never change. small things here and there may change, perhaps you will receive the short end of the allergy stick between you and your brother but these events that make you you will remain.
"Would I remember anything from this life?"
small flashes here and there. sometimes deja vu so powerful it feels like a wave crashing into you at a beach. but your day to day will be as though you've lived it for the first time.
"What happens to everyone else if I choose?" Her mind is racing and she's trying to parse precisely what this all means.
"Is Barry also getting a choice right now? Because I'm not going anywhere without him."
it's funny. he said the same thing about you. again, the choice is yours and yours alone.
"So I'll still be me. I'll still be on the Starblaster and the Hunger will still destroy our home. And I'll still fall in love with Barry and become a lich. And we'll still all create the relics and I'll still be stuck in the staff for a decade. And Lucy will still erase me from existence. Am I getting this all?"
"But. We'll win again?"
in the life you all have made for yourself, in the loyalties you make and break and reforge, there is not a path where you lose.
"Okay. Okay. So either I become a god or I live this same life again?"
She nods and weighs her options for what seems like millenia. For all she knows it could be.
"Okay. Let's do it again."
She nods again. "Absolutely. Godhood isn't for me, I don't think. But life? My family? That is."
There's another pause as the goddesses regarding each other. She swears she can feel them both smile.
i had a feeling you'd choose this again.
"Really? T-this isn't the first time?"
the fourth. thank you, lup. we'll be seeing you again. sometime.
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spidermanifested · 8 months
FMAB pride 2, 7, 8, 23
(send me fma characters for this thing)
oough this is going to be a little hard since pride is unfortunately Not one of the characters ive blasted with my focus beam yet. but ill do my best
2. Favorite canon thing about this character?
is it a copout if i say the design of his true form. he looks sick as fuck i dont know what to tell you
other than that. hm. i think the fact that the container father decided on for his sense of pride was Literally Neurodivergent And A Minor is both really funny and has incredibly deep implications re: my reading of the homunculus as a character. like. when he was in the flask, his pride amounted to that of a golden child who knew he was above punishment as long as he performed to expectations, but never had any real power and was always keenly aware of it. his "pride" was a coping mechanism. and pride, the character, is continuing to act out his fathers role as the reliable right hand to the king, but severed from any of the ambitions that led him to want to break free, so the thing he formed to cover for no longer exists. hes literally AND figuratively an empty shell. see i said i hadnt thought about him that much but you know what
7. What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you like?
hmmmmmm see i dont see a lot of fandom focus on him to begin with, BUT, i like when people try to delve into the dynamic of all the homunculi, and hes obviously an extremely important part of that. ive seen several people besides me speculating on all the clues we get to his relationship to greed specifically and ive had a lot of fun putting together my own headcanons as to Why Pride Freaks Him Out So Bad. im going to try to direct a little more of that energy towards his other siblings too because it cant be all about greed all the time okay (knowing me, it can) (sorry to everyone whos not greed)
8. What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you despise?
stares vacantly out the window. well. theres sure is stuff that i could say. and i will leave this stuff to your imagination
23. Favorite picture of this character?
this is also cheating its not actually a picture of him. but its tradition. shoutout to @flufflecat
Tumblr media
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Incorrect quotes Part 1
So @firesmokeandashes did tag me on this but... I decided to to things differently
Hey you! Yes you scrolling through . Please read this and give some feedback! I would love your opinions
Belle and Alois:
Alois: Belle, do you love me? Belle: Of course I do!
Alois: Would you still love me if I did something bad?
Belle: Well, of course I… would…
Alois: I mean something really, really—
Belle: Alois, My love, what did you do?
Alois: About to do something incredibly stupid
Belle: I know I can't stop you, but I won't let you go by yourself.
Belle and Alois looking at a locked gate into a park
Belle: Aw. :(
Alois: You know what they say.
Belle: Please don’t-
Alois: BE GAY DO CRIME! *hops gate*
Belle: Frick-
Kidnapper: We have your child
Belle: I don’t have a child?
Kidnapper: Then who just asked for warm milk and made us cut the crusts off their sandwich?
Belle: Oh dear, you have my husband, Alois
Hana: What situation is not instantly improved by the addition of fishnets, I ask you.
Dabi: Being a fish.
Hana: Well, shit.
Hana: Walking in to a room Sorry I'm late… I was… doing things.
Sounds of running footsteps progressively getting louder*
Touya: Anything, honestly, but you especially
Hana, desperately, as Touya bleeds out: YOUR BLOOD TYPE
Touya: Oh * Looks down* Red
Hana: Hey Touya, have you seen the photographer?
Touya: Nope.Have you seen the meat tenderizer?
Hana, confused: What?
Touya, grabbing the meat tenderizer out of the drawer: No reason, cute girl things!
Juliet: :) Katsuki: >:( Juliet: Turn that frown upside down! Katsuki: ):< Juliet: Not sure what I was expecting…
Katsuki: Do you want to know your gay name? Juliet: My… my gay name? Katsuki: Yeah, it's your first name- Juliet: Haha. Very funny Katsuki- Katsuki: gets down on one knee And my last name. Juliet: Oh- oh my god.
Juliet: Can you cut me some slack, Katsuki? I’m sort of in love. Katsuki: I’m sorry, but that’s really not my problem. Juliet: I’m in love with you. Katsuki: blushes Oh. That brings me in the loop a little.
Juliet: I don't need to go to bed. I'm not tired, I'll be fine. Katsuki: But, darling, I'll be so lonely without you. Come curl up in my arms so I can feel whole again. Juliet: O-oh. Well. Are you trying to seduce me into healthy sleeping patterns?? Katsuki: Is it working?
( Yes the Centrist [ FEMALE CENTAUR] is the smaller spoon, horse half makes it hard to sleep)
Juliet: I would never say that my partner is a bitch and I don’t don’t like them. That’s not true… My partner is a bitch and I like them so much!
Irene: Flowey, stop! This isn't you, you've gone mad with power!
Flowey: Well of course I have! Have you ever tried going mad without power? It's boring!
Irene (Underfell) : Don't worry, I have a few knives up my sleeve.
Flowey: I think you mean cards.
Irene (Underfell), casually pulling knives out of her sleeves: No, I do not.
Flowey: Irene, my old friend!
Irene: I think you tried to kill me at some point.
Flowey: That was obviously just my way of getting to know you.
Irene: Just be yourself. Say something nice.
Flowey: Which one? I can't do both.
Flowey: I desire moisture. Irene: Please just say "I want water" like a normal person.
Flowey: Something’s off. Irene: Maybe you’ve finally developed human emotions and feel bad for hurting people. Flowey: No, but that’s funny.
Ivy: What’s something you guys are better than Glitch at? Raven: Mario Kart. Splat: Yeah, video games. Dawn: Emotional vulnerability.
Heather , looking over Liu’s shoulder: You can draw?
Liu, stopping what he was doing: You can speak?
00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000Heather : Uh, I think I got your lunch. Holds up a note that reads: ‘I am very proud of you. Love, Liu’
Jeff: No, No I think you have the right one . Holds up a note that reads: ‘Be good. Just Please be good.'
Jeff: Honestly, I am so evil. So full of darkness. I feed of the souls of the living I strike fear into-
Heather : You sleep with a teddybear.
Liu: What's the signal when something goes wrong?
Jeff: We yell, 'oh shit.'
Heather : …That'll work
Masky: Tommorrow's garbage day. Liu: I can't believe they made a whole day dedicated to you.
Ben, admiring a sleeping Heather: You’re so cute. Heather, sleepily: I could beat your ass. Ben, lovingly: I know.
Jeff, angerly : So can I, you have five seconds to run
Toby: standing at the top of the stairs What are y'all doing at the bottom of the staircase? Jason: I accidentally fell down. Laughing Jack: JEFF PUSHED ME down the stairs because I refuse to pay THEIR part of our rent! Liu: Jason bet me fifty bucks that I couldn't reach the bottom of the stairs faster than they did falling down it, so I slide down the banister to get my money. Heather: 'I don't know how I got here. One moment, I was sleeping in my bed, three floors up, and then suddenly I was waking up here, just in time to get crushed by Jason.'
Liu: Ow! Heather: What’s wrong? Liu: I have this weird pain right above my eyebrow. Heather: It’s called a stress headache. I got my first one when I was four. Thank Jeffery
Heather:' I sort of did something and I need some advice, but I don't want a lot of judgment and criticism.' Masky: And you came to me?
Laughing Jack: This is ridiculous! Masky: Hey, someone’s gotta be the jester for the court.
when a child starts crying in public Jeff: tries to make the child laugh Heather: tries to play a game with the child to make them calm down Masky: gives detailed instructions to the parents Hoodie: cries with the child Jason: ignores the child Laughing Jack: is the reason why the child is crying
the Squad at Disneyland, in the teacups Laughing Jack, Heather, and Liu: spinning a little and talking Toby, Jeff, and Jason: flying past them, spinning as fast as they can, screaming
Sonic.exe: Would you slap Heather- Masky: Yes. Sonic.exe: I didn't even finish! Masky: Sorry, continue. Sonic.exe: Would you slap Heather for 10 dollars? Masky: I would do it for free. Heather: 'Rude… and people wonder why I don't talk to him'
Jeff is casually searching around the room Hoodie: Hey Jeff, what’re you looking for? Jeff: My will to live. Heather walks into the room Jeff: Oh, there it is.
Isabella: I don't know, it's not my cup of tea.
Morton: Well then whose is it?
Isabella, staring at a cup of tea: I don't know!
Isabella: I'm going the fight the next person who insults Wendy. Wendy: I hate myself.
Isabella: Alright, square up.
Ludwig : Small creatures are much more vicious because they have a smaller body to bottle up all their emotions.
Bowser: Ridiculous. Give me some examples.
B.Jr.: Wasps? Larry: Terriers?
Roy : Lemmy.
Morton: So I was just having a conversation with Iggy about Star Wars; particularly, about the choice of architecture. The amount of people who die from falling down bottomless pits is TOO DAMN HIGH! Like, who designs architecture like this? Catwalks with no guard rails whatsoever, just zigging and zagging through enormous voids. Giant holes to nowhere!
Iggy: It's by design. It's a cleaner look, for a more elegant time.
Morton: Like… who the fuck put this hole here???? And why????
Iggy: Exhaust? Morton: Darth Maul falls down a hole, Palpatine falls down a hole, Solo falls down a hole, everyone falls down a hole! Star Wars universe needs OSHA. Luke falls down a hole, Boba Fett falls down a hole…
Morton: Yes, yes, I forgot about those! R2-D2 falls down a hole in the Millenium Falcon after he fixes the hyperdrive.
Iggy: We're onto something here! Morton: Obi-Wan almost falls down a hole. C-3PO falls off the barge into the sand. Pretty close to falling down a hole. Morton: His lightsaber does though. Iggy thinks hard about what other Star Wars Characters fall down holes
Morton: What if the hole is symbolic? The hole represents the dark side.
Iggy: Nah, doesn't work. Luke chooses to fall down the hole instead of joining Vader/The Dark Side. Morton: Fair point.
Isabella : Help
Amara: Why would you think any of this was a good idea?
Kokichi: Probably because I'm a dangerous sociopath with a long history of violence.
Kokichi: I don't know how you keep forgetting this.
Amara : Can you please be serious for five minutes?
Kokichi: My record is four, but I think I can do it.
Amara: I don’t think we can mansplain, manipulate, or malewife our way out of it this time.
Kokichi: *cracks knuckles* Manslaughter it is!
Amara: *kisses Kokichi *
Kokichi : !
Amara: …Did you steal my chapstick?
Kokichi : Did- did I what?
Amara: My chapstick, Kokichi . Did you steal it? Gonta: Amara, for the love of God, not this again. Kokichi : I- No, I didn't steal your chapstick. We use the same chapstick.
Amara: No, there is absolutely no way we use the same chapstick, because it was only sold on one Etsy shop two years ago and they discontinued it, and I loved it so much that I bought the last of their stock, and I keep it in my freezer so it doesn't go bad. It's been discontinued for three years. No one uses the same chapstick for three years. So unless you've been eating a whole fuck ton of something that's flavored like chocolate and popcorn, you absolutely stole my fucking chapstick.
Kokichi : Chocolate and popcorn?
Gonta: Why do you think it got discontinued?
Amara: Why do you let me win when we race up the stairs? You’re the faster one.
Kokichi : It’s nice see your smile when you win! later
Amara: He's probably just staring at my ass.
Gonta: Yeah, probably.
Kokichi : You got a date yet Amara?
Amara: No…
Kokichi : Well you do now! Get your ass up and hold my hand!
Oh! you actually read all of this, thanks, means a lot!
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bonesandthebees · 10 months
Anyway, I’ve talked a lot about Tommy without talking about Him, so let’s do that.
I was expecting Tubbo to be part of his group, but having him be there as just Tomys friend is so funny. It’s also adorable. (And it probably says a thing or two about how stubborn Tomys is, since he probably refused to go without him). Their dynamic very much gives “Your majesty, this is my emotional support best friend”.
Having Jack as a guard is giving me Stars flashbacks. Probably as intended. It’s funny that he is now Tomys guard instead of Wilbur’s. I was not expecting Puffy, but I probably should have. She’s there to make sure Tomys behaves, but she still has a lot of work to do about the etiquette. She also gives me the vibes of someone who deserves a raise.
Side note: did Niki or Quackity come with extra entourage? Like Niki was a baby, but Quackity was similar in age. Or is this unusual? (Also, I love the throne and crown, I’m sure that doesn’t have any ominous relation to certain tags on this fic)
Anyway, Tomys first impression reflects very badly on Sam. As we learn in chapter 3, everyone figures out why Tomys is there. And he’s clearly a bad first choice as a heir. (As in, if Sam were to die right now, Tomys would do terribly compared to Niki or Quackity).
He comes off as just a kid, which he is, but that’s not something you can be in this situation. None of the other kids got to have a normal childhood. On top of that Tomys is kinda a little brat, for a noble child at least, and not in the way those kids are normally brats.
But Sam seems rather fond of him. He’s very patient with him and all his blunders. I think he’s a kind king, but *looks at chapter 3* he’s not the brightest. It becomes very clear, very quickly that Sam did not think this true at all.
Like part of his decision process is wanting to decide something for himself because he’s self aware enough to know Phil is pulling the strings, but not smart enough to actually do it himself. So he brings Tomys and is all secretive, but then he didn’t talk it through with anyone and missed so many implications because he’s just living in his own world. But then he doubles down which is incredibly childish, but he wanted to make a desicion for himself and refuses to acknowledge that it’s backfireing (which is a very worrisome quality to have in a King).
Though I think some of it might just also be actually indecisiveness and wanting to buy himself more time to chose because he clearly doesn’t know who to pick based on how he asked Schlatt. He’s just digging himself a bigger hole and I’m scared he’ll double down further and will pick Tomys in the future just because Phil doesn’t want him to (can you tell I do not like Sam? Very good writing job on that, btw).
no literally I was trying to figure out a position for tubbo that wasn't 'personal servant' just bc I didn't feel like doing that for this fic, and when I couldn't come up with anything I was like "...it's clingyduo tubbo would come just as his emotional support bestie" and then I thought back to how in historical movies you always hear about nobles having their ladies in waiting/companions/friends showing up with them everywhere like an entourage and I was like huh that would work
lol yeah after stars I'm a bit of a sucker for writing jack manifold as a guard again. he's just so good in that type of role, although I'd say he's going to have a smaller role here than he had in stars (though who knows I also didn't think stars!jack would play a very big role and look how that turned out). and of course tommy needed an adult chaperone so I thought of puffy. she's so tired of this shit.
yes, niki and quackity both came with entourages of their own although I'm not going to mention them bc I can't think of characters they'd be and I don't like throwing ocs into my fics for more than just a few lines here and there. except since niki was brought to the palace so young she essentially came just with her nanny and some guards, and when she was eventually given ladies in waiting they were provided by the palace not by summerdam. quackity was a little older so he showed up with a tutor, guards, and probably a private servant. still working out details on backstory stuff you know how it goes
yeahhh the thing is tommy's immaturity is pretty prevalent right off the bat, and while he's not overly bratty by noble kid standards, by potential future heir to the kingdom standards he's terrible. and it says something about sam's ideas towards leadership that he only just met the kid and has a bit of a soft spot towards him, because he doesn't know tommy. not at all. but he thinks he does.
i'm glad you don't like sam. he's meant to be a very messy character in rose. someone who so clearly wants to be good at this game he's playing but is just so blatantly not which causes problems for everyone else around him
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anime-rambles · 3 years
Pairing: Alpha Bakugou x Alpha Kirishima x Omega Reader
Type: ABO Dynamic, Angst, blood, SFW
Word Count: 2900+
A/N: Seeing how everyone is loving “Welcome Home Omega” I decided to do another omegaverse fic this time with lots of angst. Thank you so much for all the kind words, reblogs, likes and follows. Was thinking of making a Part 2 for this? What do you think?
Summary: Omega y/n returns home to her alpha’s after being away in Europe, thinking she would be able to re-join her alphas and be happy. Only to discover they move on without her.
Link to Part 2 = https://anime-rambles.tumblr.com/post/657712192264814592/omega-stop-part-2
I collect my suitcase from baggage claim and make my way towards the arrivals gate. It has been an incredibly long 8 years since I’ve been back home in Japan. After graduating UA with all my friends, I decided I needed a new path, something exciting that didn’t include my alphas. Being away from my family and friends has been one of the most difficult things to go through and more importantly being away from my alphas. It was nice to be needed and not just because of my second gender.
After graduating UA, I joined Fatgum’s agency and from there I met Jackie one of fat’s previous partners on the drug squad. She needed a bright new hero that wanted to work outside of Japan and head off a special unit in charge of investigating quirk enhancing drugs. At first everyone was onboard and excited fir me but as time went on, it was becoming increasing hard to keep in contact with my busy alphas. So, one Christmas, two years into the job we all agreed to stop dating and put our relationship on hold, until I was finished with the special unit or until one of the alphas said enough, come home. I agreed happily, never thinking I would get the come home call, but here I am. I left Europe and returned home.
The doors of arrivals opened in front of me, I look around the barrier hoping to see either of my boys, Bakugou or Kirishima, but neither blonde nor red head could be seen. I walk the corner a small bit, thinking they might be hiding but nothing. I spot movement in the distant, a blur of pink rushing to my arms, knocking me off balance.
“YYYY/NNNN, I CAN’T BELIEVE YOUR HOME” Mina sobs into my ear. “Mina” I say back hugging her tightly. Out of everyone in UA Mina stayed in constant contact with my updating me on the group’s latest gossip and everyone hero’s ranking. “Come on, lets get you home” She speaks again, taking one of my bags and my hand in hers. I smile to her and gladly accept her hand. Mina is an omega like me, after UA her and Sero got together and currently have a beautiful house and a serval fluffy cats. Once we reach the car and start our journey. Mina tells me of everyone, what they are doing and what is planned for my coming home party tonight.
“Wait, slow down, where are you taking me first” I say, laughing at her excitement. With her hands on the car wheel. She says “Bakugou and Kirishima’s” I pause for a second. They must just be living together and not actually still together without, right? They wouldn’t betray me, would they? These thoughts are fully my head, maybe coming home wasn’t a good idea. I should have ignored the “come home” agreement. What if they just want to use me to have their kid and toss me aside.
“Y/N, please say something, you made me promise not to talk about the boys when were away and right now you’re kinda scaring me.” She presses.
“I’m… just thinking. So out with it tell me what has been going on, why are they living together.” I asked shifting in my seat to look at her and she drives down the straight road.
“Okay, so it started whe….”
Mina basically said what I thought she might after I left fully and didn’t come back like we agreed. Kirishima and Bakugou stopped for a while, they didn’t live together, socialise or anything but after Kirhisma was badly injured in a battle, they moved back in with each other and kept their relationship quiet, it’s been 6 years, that they been together while I have been alone.
“So that’s basically all of it y/n, I’m sorr…”
I cut her off, “Mina this is not for you to apologise for, you kept your promise to me and now I must face the music as they say in Europe.” We had arrived outside their house ages ago, but we ended up talking. I step out of the car and move to grab my bags. I look up to the house, it’s huge and white. Very modern and what’s looks to be very expensive. But what can you expect from the Number 1 and Number 5 heroes in Japan. Mina steps out and comes to my side of the car to hug me goodbye and to tell me the information for tonight. Just then the front door opens, Kirishima steps out with a huge grin on his face. He has changed a lot since I left. He is like a wall, thick with muscle and sporting a high red ponytail.
“There she is,” Kirishima says, holding out his arms as he makes his way down the path towards me. I drop my bags and run to him. I can be anger later, but right now I need this hug. “Here I am,” I say back to him, I took my face into his neck to breathe him in, he tries to do the same but it is unable as I have my marks and scent glands covered as Europe has different rules than us. I can sense the confusion and say I will explain later. Kirishima greats Mina and they discuss briefly about this evening's plans and Mina is off on her way, waving goodbye. With his arm around me, he guides me inside towards the kitchen. We each stand on opposite sides of the Island, not knowing what to say first.
“So, where’s Bakugou? I thought you would both be at the airport” I say frankly to him, showing my frustrations. “He had to work, but he should be back home soon,” Kirishima replies shuffling his feet. I stare at him, I want to voice my anger, I want him to know how much I hurt, I need to do this with Bakugou. “Okay” I reply looking at my bags, why did I come here, why did I think we could go back to normal. “He’ll probably be late like always though, why don’t show you to your room and you can get ready for this evening” He smiled at me, like he trying to form an olive branch between us. I nod and follow him out of the room and up the stairs. All around me are reminders, parties I could not attend, award shows I missed but right now I can’t dwell on that. My time in Europe was the best experience of my life and right now I want to go back. Kirishima leads me to a guest room and leaves me to get ready. I sigh, this is going to be difficult.
Doing the finishing touches to my hair, I smooth my dress down as I look in the mirror. I’m wearing a tight-fitting black dress, that is off the shoulders. I rub my hands down my neck, wishing I could have had the surgery to remove my mark guards yesterday before I came home. Just to show them, that I kept my promise to them. I hear noises downstairs, Bakugou had arrived home ages ago but did not even come to say hello, just went straight to the shower. Although I know what Mina told me was true, I needed proof if I was to enter an argument with Bakugou. I walk a small bit from my room trying to stay quiet, I turn a corner and see a wall of photo frames, most are from UA and some are from Dates we three had together. The difference, I was no longer in the photos, I was cut out. You could see my arm or a sliver of my hair and maybe an eye. I felt rejection, my inner omega whined. Why would they do this to me? I ripped the frame from the walls and marched downstairs. My heels clicked on the floor beneath me. I rounded the corner and enter the kitchen not bothering to wait for their conversation to finished. I throw the frames onto the countertop and look up at both of them making eye contact. If I wasn’t so mad and hurt, I would be shocked at how mature and sexy they both are right now. Kirishima's hair is half up, half down being supported with braids and he is in a maroon shirt opened slightly. Whereas Bakugou wears a white shirt and supports an undercut. My alphas have matured, I suppose I have as well.
Kirishima looks at the frames and stays quiet. Bakugou does not dare to break eye contact with me.
“So, let me get this straight. I leave home, to become great in something that is bigger than me. I leave my alphas with an agreement, that we all would hit pause, and eventually I would come back or get a called from either of you to come home. I follow the rules, and it seems to me what I got in thanks was to be cut from your lives.” I raise my voice, guesting to the pile in front of me.
“tck…” Bakugou replies and looks at Kirishima.
“Don’t tck me Bakugou, it seems to me that I’m not even wanted here anymore, so why was I called home, let me guess you need an omega to have your child and then I’m to disappear,” I respond. “No that’s not why we called you back” Kirishima speaks up, slightly walking towards to appear less hostile.
“Funny how you call us your alphas but yet, our marks, our bond is no longer on your neck,” Bakugou responds, pointing towards me. “They are not gone, they are covered by a skin slip, in Europe is safer to have them covered in case you are kidnapped and forced to bond with someone,” I say back to him. “Omega, please let us explain, I understand your hurt, but we want you still, your part of our family,” Kirishima replies placing a hand on my elbow. I jerk away from him.
“So, all this time, when I was away, suffering through my heats alone. Omega depression after omega depression. You two, were what? Together happily rutting away.”
“Yes, how do we know you never had it off with anyone else,” Bakugou said leaning on the Island in front of me. “Bakugou, don’t say that -” Kirishima scolded him. “- we don’t think that y/n”. I stand there shocked; I can sense he is hurt but right now I will not be his vent.
“ah, I see, I was away fucking my way through Europe apparently and my alphas decided that instead of coming to see me and to tell me. They went behind my back” I stare at Bakugou not daring to back down. “How do we know you weren’t, how do we know you didn’t get our marks removed?” Bakugou asked.
I scuffed and turned out of the kitchen, towards my bags that were left at the bottom of the stairs. Both Alphas stayed in the kitchen and spoke to each other. I opened my bags and reached into it to find a wrapped plastic bag. I walked back into the kitchen, hearing Bakugou raising his voice at Kirishima, “I can’t Kiri, you almost died.” Kirishima hushed Bakugou as I re-entered the kitchen. I threw the bag at Bakugou.
“Go on, open it -” I say with my hands on my hips. “- There’s your proof” I stand and watch it. Bakugou opens the bag and pulls out two jumpers, one of his and one of Kirishima’s. Their scent has well worn out but mine could be smelled. Years of being alone, years of depression, laid in their hands. Kirishima’s eye watered. “This proves nothing, maybe if you weren’t lying about our mark being gone, we wouldn’t have this problem,” Bakugou said, dropping the jumpers on the countertop. “What do you want me to do, perform surgery right now, you know once you never doubted me” I laugh under my breath.
“Yeah well once, you weren’t such a slut, betraying your alp-“Bakugou responded but Kirishima stepped in creating a barrier between us. Tears started to form in my eyes, my vision blurred. Fine, if Bakugou wants proof right now that I was loyal then fine, I’ll give it to him.
I look at my nails and smile to myself, I thank whatever god is listening that I have long pointed nails today. Kirishima is currently speaking to Bakugou, standing in front of me. I can no longer hear him. All I know is, those skin slips have to go now. I take a deep breath in and dig my nails into my neck around where the stitched used to be. I whimper, both can smell blood and turn to look at me. I rip the slip from my skin, blood starts to pour from my neck but nothing that would majorly hurt me. I reach for the other and dig my nails in. “Y/n stop, what are you doing” Kirishima reaches to stop me, but he’s too late I pulled the other off and make eye contact with Bakugou. “You wanted your proof, here you are Bakugou, take a whiff I have NEVER BETRAYED EITHER OF YOU” I scream, throwing the slips onto the counter and storm off.
“Omega come back now” Bakugou shouts after me, I can hear him chase me and reach for my arm. I pull it forward and turn to face him. Tear are leaving my eyes, ruining my makeup, my dress ruined from the blood. “What Katsuki, you believe me now? What do you want from me, why are you mad?” Bakugou stands in shock, unable to talk. “ANSWER ME NOW,” I scream again. Bakugou reaches forward grabbing my arms, tears forming in his. Kirishima was leaning on the door behind him.
“I CAME HOME WHEN EIJIROU WAS IN HOSPITAL” I shouted back, both alphas heads shot straight up and looked at me. “I was there, I broke me promise to stay away until I was asked by either of you to come home. But I saw the fight, I saw Eijirou get knockdown and didn’t get back up. I hopped on the nearest flight and came home. You need proof, ask Fatgum, Denki, Tamaki, Deku.. anyone who sat in that waiting room.” I said looking into Bakugou's eyes. Kirishima walked forward to join us. Bakugou went to speak. “No you let me speak, I was there. Kirishima opened his eyes and called me an angel and then you shot into the room in a panic and threw yourself on him. Bakugou you looked in my eyes and didn’t say a word, so I stepped back, you saw me there, you. Don’t blame this on me. Knowing how angry you would be, Deku came and got me, promising to watch over both of you.” I stopped to wipe the tears from my eyes.
“How dare you hold that over me Katsuki Bakugou,” I say to him, Kirishima reaches for my hand as if to pull us all back together. I step back, I need to breathe to get out. I walk about the front door, grabbing my handbag. “I’ll see you at the party, some welcome home this was,” I say not looking back and slam the front door.
I walk down the path and reach for my phone, dialing Mina’s number. “Hey girly, I’m just about to leave for the pub,” Mina says down the phone. I start to cry and sit down on the curb. “Sero, wait a second” Mina whispers away from the phone. “Y/n, what’s happened, what’s going on,” She says again her voice has lowered. “Mina I need some help; I can’t see everyone looking like this,” I say back to her. I cry again, I can hear the door behind me open and I stand. I turn and see Kirishima, “Y/n wait please, come back in, we can sort this out,” he says, and I look over his shoulder. Bakugou is frozen in the same spot, staring at the floor. “I’m almost there, start walking to me,” Mina says and hangs up. I bend down and undo the straps of my heels, steeping out of them leaving them on the step. I start to run down the street, I need some quiet, I need to think.
“OMEGA STOP” Bakugou shouts behind me, but I can’t. I see Mina’s car and run towards it.
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lilxberry · 3 years
Cap Doesn’t Like Bullies - Steve Rogers
Your daughter meets her biggest hero to which you’re completely oblivious to the fact during the entire encounter. Her confidence certainly didn’t waver like you had expected it would of a child meeting someone such as Captain America.
Bruh I’m in love with him. LOOK AT HIS FACE!
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Warnings: FLUFF! Rude ass stranger. A lil bit o’ language. A sassy child.
Words: 3,305
Pairings: Steve Rogers x Reader (female reader) (single mom!reader)
(A/N: I named the daughter Kira but you can happily change it. It’s just a name I can easily associate with a child for some reason lmao.)
(A/N 2: I fixed as many mistakes I could find and hopefully, it’ll be more bearable to read lmao.)
Chapter 2 >
“Mommy,” Kira, your little girl whined.
“Yes baby?” You swung your conjoined hands widely causing her to giggle which in turn, made you smile.
“Can we go to the park today?” Her Captain America backpack bounced on her shoulders with each step. The mostly blue bag clashed yet also complimented the very pink, puffy coat that she wore.
You looked down at her with a raised eyebrow as you watched her for a reaction. “Really? In this weather?”
Kira threw her head back and groaned before exasperatingly replying as if it were the most obvious thing she could have ever spoken. “YES! If we’re at the park, I’ll want to run around and running around will keep me warm. It’s always cold at home but you won’t let me run around.”
A smart little drama queen.
You desperately tried to hide your amusement because you know if she senses that you hadn’t taken her seriously, even more dramatics would be added. “That’s because we can’t run around inside. We might-“
“We might break something. I KNOW! Ugh…” Her feet drag slightly as she walks. She huffs and lowers her head, watching her feet as you move along the sidewalk. You smirk ever so slightly as you watch the top of her head which adorned a woolly hat in an attempt to keep her warm in the season of winter.
“We can go to the park-“ She perked up instantly with a gasp, looking up at you with wide, hopeful eyes. “ONLY, and only, if we can get burgers, too.”
She pauses her steps and looks up at you with a stern, serious expression as she thrusts her hand forward, prompting you to take a hold of it. “You’ve got yourself a deal!” Kira shook your hand firmly and rapidly before she began to pull you along in the direction of the park that was honestly too cold to be sat in.
You huffed a chuckle as you allowed your 6 year old to pull you along the pavements and closer to the large open space of the park.
The inside of the small Brooklyn burger joint was certainly warmer than the harsh weather that lashed at your face and every inch of exposed skin at the park. Your daughters face matched her coat in colour by the time you reached the building.
Waiting in line, your daughter wormed her hands out of the sparkly knitted gloves, stuffing them in her coat pocket before tearing her hat off of her head and stuffing that in the other available pocket. You chuckled as she tried to brush the mess of locks down with her hands and the cheesy grin she flashed you only made your laugh more.
The missing baby tooth at the forefront of her mouth adding a funny effect to the adorable face you had the tendency to squish between your hands tenderly.
The person in front of the two of you had just finished ordering and just as you were about to step forward with your daughter at your side, someone had rudely pushed in front of you, effectively cutting you off.
You scoffed at the sheer audacity this man had in believing he could cut the line, but it was your daughter who spoke up. Sometimes you cursed yourself for teaching her to stand up for herself in situations as these. You forget your daughter has a vote of confidence like no other and will speak her mind, even if the person is nearly 4 times her height.
Of course, these lessons were meant for her to deal with people her size and age, fellow students who bully her or others, seeing as she’s only 6, not for grown ass adult males.
“Cutting is rude. You should wait in line like everybody else mister.” You heard the pissed tone she spoke with and couldn’t decide whether to find it adorable, humorous, or concerning.
You heard the man scoff and honestly, your blood began to boil. He turned towards the two of you and looked you up and down as if scrutinising you before peering down at your daughter with disinterest.
“I’m ordering for one, you’re ordering for two. I haven’t got time to wait for mama bear to order with her equally scruffy little cub.” He rolled his eyes and looked towards the employee who honestly, looked just about as pissed as you did.
You clenched your fist and took a deep breath in the hopes of calming down. Honestly, it hadn’t worked well. “If you’d asked nicely, we would have happily let you order before us. There isn’t any need to be rude, especially to my kid.”
He heaved a deep sigh before turning to look at the two of you once more. He opened his mouth to no doubt retort back with yet another rude remark but someone elses’ voice swiftly cut him off. “I believe you should listen to the young lady and wait your turn like everybody else.”
The stranger, mighty handsome stranger you might add, with beautiful blue eyes and blonde hair smiled down at your daughter and sent her a discreet wink. She beamed up at the tall stranger as he turned to look towards the man who had rudely cut you off in line, his features hardening.
“You should apologise and move yourself to the back of the line. What you’ve said was unacceptable and certainly no way to speak to a woman and her child.” He folded his arms over his chest, his muscles, even though hidden behind the material of his long sleeves, bulged with incredible size.
The man that had cut the line looked up at your saviour and gulped but relatively kept his features schooled. “No chance. I only said what’s true. Why should I be punished because of that?”
The stranger chuckled humourlessly as he stepped forward, the incredibly rude man taking a step back out of fear. “Whether what you said was true or false, which was absolutely false, doesn’t matter. You disrespected another in not only speaking to them as if they’re below you, but by simply cutting in line in the first place.”
“Yeah. You’re just a bully. Bullies are rude and always cut in line,” your daughter chirped with pride. The stranger smiled down at your daughter and nodded his head.
“That’s right, sweetie.”
The man scoffed before turning towards the employee stood behind the counter. “Are you really going to let him speak to a paying customer like that?” he asked incredulously.
The employee had a smirk cross her lips and she popped her hip out before folding her arms in front of her. “You haven’t paid for anything. Now, please leave before I get my manager to call the cops to have you removed.”
The man huffed indignantly before grumbling and stomping pass the handsome stranger, shoulder checking him on the way. The stranger rolled his eyes before catching a hold of the mans’ arm and pulling him back slightly. “You still haven’t apologised.”
“Sorry.” His tone was fake and nothing but sarcastic but nonetheless, the stranger released him, probably knowing that was the best apology they should expect from him.
The small interior of the place slowly bustled back to its quiet chatter of the few customers inside. The stranger smiled down towards the two of you and you couldn’t help but be enraptured with how perfect his smile was.
“Are you ladies alright?”
Your daughter rapidly nodded her head, grinning widely once more. “Sure are mister. Thank you!”
You cleared your throat, shaking yourself out of your reverie and smiling up at him. ‘Stop gawking at him, idiot!’
“Uh, yes. Thank you.”
His smile seemed to widen, and he looked quite bashful and oh god, your stomach did flips when looking at him. “It’s nothing, ma’am. I don’t tolerate bullies, I suppose.”
Kira gasped and her eyes lit up. “Like Captain America! The Cap doesn’t like bullies, either!”
The stranger chuckled and lowered himself to your daughters’ height. “Yep, like Captain America.” Honestly, he seemed almost pleased at the connection, but you couldn’t place why. Although, if you were say compared to someone like Black Widow, you certainly would feel chuffed yourself, so you couldn’t blame him.
You failed to realise you were staring at the stranger, again, until you felt a small tug on your arm. You snapped yourself out of small daydream to look down at your daughter. “Ask him if he wants to join us,” she whispered although by the huff of laughter that he tried, and failed, to supress, he clearly heard.
“Uh, yeah. Would you like to join us…?” You trailed off, hoping the stranger would give you his name. He seemed to pick up on his lack of introduction as he stood to his full height, once again towering over you.
He held his hand out before him for you to take, which you did. “Steve.”
“Well, would you like to join us, Steve? We’d like to thank you for standing up to that rude man and pay for your meal if you haven’t eaten yet.”
“Well, that’s a really nice offer…” Now it was his turn to trail off.
“Y/N!” your daughter exclaimed loudly. “And I’m Kira!”
He chuckled. “Y/N. And Kira. But I was actually going to offer to pay for your meals.”
“Oh, no. That’s oka-“
“Thank you, Steve!”
You looked down at your daughter with wide eyes as she cut you off and accepted the strangers’ offer. Steve chuckled and glanced down at Kira. “Very well. Should we order then?”
Kira grasped your hand in her smaller one and pulled you to the front of the counter, beckoning Steve to follow. You couldn’t help but shake your head, feeling only ever so slightly embarrassed by your daughters’ antics.
You daughter was enthralled with whatever came out of Steves’ mouth; completely enraptured with the stories he told. Though, you couldn’t really blame her.
Kira wasn’t one to shy away from conversation, but it had honestly shocked you how versed she became in conversation with the man the two of you had only met 45 minutes prior.
Yes. 45 minutes.
It seemed none of you really wanted to part ways; all enjoying yourselves with flowing conversation and shared smiles.
“So,” Steve started, his arms resting on top of the table that sat between him and you and Kira. “You mentioned Captain America earlier, and you have him on your backpack. Do you like him?”
“Yeah! He’s my favourite hero!” Gosh did she get excited over the topic of heroes.
He chuckled. “And why’s that?”
You rolled your eyes knowing what was coming yet couldn’t stop the fond smile growing on your face. “Well, he’s super cool. He’s brave, kind, strong and he doesn’t like bullies. I don’t like bullies either.” Then, a devilish smile broke out on her small, rounded face. “Mommy likes him too. She thinks he’s pretty. AND SHE HASN’T EVEN SEEN HIS FACE PROPERLY! She’s seen his butt though, looks at it a lot.”
Your eyes widened and the smile was promptly wiped from your face whilst Steve seemingly choked on his spit and laughed nervously. “I think she’s in love with him,” Kira whispered, further embarrassing you.
“OKAY! That’s enough, ha…”
Steve smiled, albeit sheepishly, towards the two of you. “Well, I believe Captain America would think your moms’ pretty, too.”
Kira shrug, shovelling a cold, left over fry from the basket into her mouth. “I know.”
You groaned softly and hid your face behind your hand, slumping in your seat. Your whole face felt hot. Trying to calm your racing heart, you peered at Kira. “Why don’t you tell him about your birthday sweetie?”
“OH YEAH! Mommies taking me to the Captain America display!” Kira bounced in her seat and if her eyes hadn’t already twinkled with excitement, they certainly did now after she’s formulated a plan quickly in her mind. “You should definitely come, mister.”
You and Steve both spluttered at her invitation.
“Oh honey, I don’t think Steve would-“
“W-well, it’s not up to me-“
Kira groaned and rolled her eyes overdramatically before looking at Steve. “Yep. It’s up to me.” She then turned towards you. “And, we can just ask Steve if he would like to.” To which she faced Steve once more, looking at him intently. “Would you like to come too?”
Steve looked extremely apprehensive to answer and looked towards you in the hopes of getting some guidance in what to say. If he were being honest, this past hour he’d felt nothing but calm and happy, forgetting his worries and has actually taken a break from all the responsibilities he’s been handed.
He very much liked both yourself and Kira, feeling content in both of your presences’ and would very much like if he continued to get to know both yourself and Kira more. He just certainly didn’t want to overstep.
He internally cheered for himself when you nodded your head discreetly. Your face told him that the young girl who looked extremely hopeful would certainly not cease until she succeeded in getting what she wanted in this moment.
“Uh…” He turned his gaze towards Kira once more gave her a small smile. “I would love to go to the Captain America display for your birthday.”
Kira cheered loudly and you shook your head with an adoring smile directed to the young girl sat beside you. “Great! You should give your number to my mommy so we can plan it properly.” She sipped on her half-drunken refill of milkshake after speaking so nonchalantly.
Both Steve and yourself felt and looked dumbfounded. Had she really just said that?
Steve chuckled before his eyes darted down towards your phone which was sat face down atop the table. “May I?”
“Oh, uh, yep.” You fumbled with picking your phone up, unlocking it and opening up a new contact before handing your phone over to Steve, face burning and a shy smile adorning your features. Your hands brushed against one another as he carefully took the phone from your hold and typed in his full name and phone number.
He was just about to hand it back to you when Kira swiftly took it and looked at the screen. She shook her head before looking up at Steve. “You gotta add a picture, silly.” She raised the phone after tapping the picture icon atop the contact, pointing it straight at Steve.
The poor man panicked and smiled quite awkwardly as your daughter snapped the photo. You slapped a hand over your mouth to try desperately hide your laugh, which hadn’t really been that successful.
Kira observed the picture on the screen before nodding; she clearly found the picture acceptable for use. Steve couldn’t help but also find it quite amusing and chuckled himself. Your daughter swiftly handed you your phone back but once in your hand, you had spotted the time and your eyes slightly widened.
“Oh wow, is it really that late?” you questioned yourself but prompted Steve to check the time himself by looking down at his watch. You looked up towards him with an apologetic smile and shrugged your shoulders. “Sorry, we really should get going. Kira has school in the morning.”
Steve shook his head and smiled, unbothered by your information. “No, no, it’s perfectly fine. I completely understand.”
“Thank you, and sorry again.” You looked sheepish as you stood and put your own jacket back on before beckoning Kira to stand herself. She pouted but did as she was told, allowing you to help her with her coat, to which she then put her hat back on top her head and gloves back on her small hands.
Steve stood and cleared his throat as he stood awkwardly, not knowing what to do. You looked up away from Kira and sent him the most beautiful smile he had ever seen upon someone’s face and miraculously, he felt a lot let nervous.
“Thank you for the wonderful company and the meal,” you spoke with such sincerity that made his heart thump louder and harder than any life threating mission ever could.
“And for standing up to that bully for us,” Kira added.
You huffed laugh. “Yes, and that.”
“It’s my pleasure.” He nodded his head.
Kira stepped forward which prompted Steve to lower himself to her height just as he had done so earlier. “It was nice meeting you.”
“It was nice meeting you too, ma’am.”
She beamed up at him before sticking her hand out and her expression was nothing but serious, one which Steve copied as he took her hand and shook it. “My mommy will text you later about my birthday.” She withdrew her hand before her big, bright smile reappeared. She grasped your hand in hers and waved as she began to pull you out of the burger joint.
“Bye Captain America!”
Your eyes bulged out of their sockets comically and you did nothing but splutter, opening and closing your mouth in the hopes that some words would pass out of you as your daughter pulled you out through the doors and in the direction of your small Brooklyn apartment.
Steve froze and watched wide eyed as you both left through the door, the bell atop jingling when it closed behind you. “Huh. Smart kid.” He shook his head before laughing and standing, collecting his jacket and leaving a tip on the table before slowly exiting the building himself, walking towards his bike ready to head back to the tower, completely dazed and the image of you ingrained into his mind.
Meanwhile, you finally snapped out of your shocked and flustered state halfway down the sidewalk. “YOU KNEW THAT WAS CAPTAIN AMERICA?!”
“Yep,” your daughter replied, popping the ‘P’ and acting completely nonchalant about the whole ordeal.
You narrowed your eyes at the small figure of your daughter. “You little monster.” You swept her up into your arms and began to blow raspberries against her chubby little cheek, causing her to burst into a fit of giggles and loud laughter.
You couldn’t help but laugh along with her and then Steves’ earlier comment came to the forefront of your mind. ‘Captain America thinks I’m pretty! HOLY SHIT!’
You’d dwell on that later though.
“MY MOMMY LIKES CAPTAIN AMERICAS’ BUTT!” Kira shouted as she continued to gasp out giggles and you couldn’t help but laugh and indulge in her silly behaviour.
Kira roared in laughter once more along with you, and you both continued to find an abundance of humour in the situation the entire walk home.
“Hey punk,” Bucky spoke as he entered the main, spacious shared living room and spotted Steve sat on the couch, staring at his phone and smiling widely as his eyes scan over the words you had texted him.
“What’s got you grinning like that?” Bucky playfully quipped, a small smirk across his lips.
“Uh, nothing.” It could have been convincing if Steve had looked away from his phone and his already large smile didn’t widen further.
“Sure. Nothing.” Bucky shakes his head and sits beside his friend. “She pretty?”
Usually, Steve would question what made his friend think it was a woman, but he was so dazed and giddy, he couldn’t find it in him to deny it. “She’s so beautiful Buck.”
“Gotta date?”
“Not yet.”
Bucky chuckled and slapped his friends’ shoulder in good nature as he shook his head. “Well, good luck, punk. I hope you get that date.” Bucky stood and huffed a laugh at Steve still grinning at his phone as he left to head towards the kitchen, missing Steves’ mumbled response.
“Me too.”
Gosh dang do I love this man
That is all
If you want to be added to a taglist lemme know
Anywho, I hope you enjoy
As always, constructive criticism and requests are welcomed and greatly appreciated :D
Marvel taglist:
@thanossexual​ @iwazoomingouttahere​ @xxxtwilightaxelxxx​
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jillianallen14 · 3 years
Spirk fanfic rec
Some amazing Spirk fanfic to bless your dash because I’m falling in love with this shit all over again (this is like the 10th time this has happened lol):
Entering Orbit:  Jim escapes to Iowa to avoid the media frenzy following the Narada incident, but a late-night miscommunication results in Spock turning up on his front porch; rated m; 30,957 words
Papers in the Roadside:  Non-Starfleet AU. Jim owns a small bar in Chicago, keeps on picking up strays and taking care of everyone no matter how hard it makes his own life. Spock is a journalist writing feature articles for the Chicago Tribune; he depicts the world with uncanny skill, but hides more than one personal drama and is possibly under surveillance from the Vulcan royal family. They meet by accident just before their lives start to spin out of control; rated e; 49,637 words
Take Refuge in What You Know:  AU - Kirk has moved into a apartment/house and wants to get to know his neighbors. He meets his neighbor Spock, a loner who suffers from extreme agoraphobia. Kirk thinks he's beautiful enigma; rated e; 120,334 words
Listen, this is not only my favorite Star Trek fic of all time, it’s also one of my favorite fanfics in general. It’s right up there with Text Talk and The Shoebox Project from the HP fandom, which if you’ve read, you know are incredible and frankly life-changing. And this fanfic changed my life. The description the author gives doesn’t do the beauty of this fic justice. I suffer from agoraphobia and Spock’s depiction as an agoraphobic man was probably the most well-researched, sympathetic, empathetic, caring, realistic portrayal of what it’s like to be agoraphobic that I’ve ever witnessed in fiction. It made me cry like a child because I had never felt so seen and understood. This writer is incredible, and this fic is incredible. I can’t recommend it enough. It’s an AU, which I’m usually pretty wary about, but it barely even feels like an AU. It just feels like Jim and Spock. The author’s understanding of both of their characters’ is perfect, like just a spot-on portrayal of who they are. This fic genuinely helped me accept who I am and helped me understand that I am capable of & deserving of love. If you don’t read any other Star Trek fics (and you def should read more Star Trek fics because they’re amazing), then let this one be the one you read. I dare you not to read it three times in a row like I did.
Observations:  First Officer Spock comments on life aboard the Enterprise and his service under Captain James T. Kirk; rated m; 500,000+ words.
So the author of this fic actually did a thing where they made this fic into two books (similar to what The Shoebox Project authors did many years ago in the HP fandom). They don’t get any money from people buying the books; the cost is just to go towards producing the books. This fic is the equivalent of two LARGE novels. We’re talking 600 pages & up. It’s a huge fic. Now, that being said, I read it in one day. ONE DAY. It’s that good. This is another one of my all-time favorite fics, though not quite as dear to my heart as the one I listed above. It’s focused on AOS, and tbh, I forget that what happens in this book isn’t actually canon. Like it’s so well-told, it just feels like it’s now part of the timeless story of Kirk & Spock. The “professional” Star Trek writers would never be brave enough to do what this author does with Kirk and Spock, though. This fic will make you angry, will make you laugh, will make you cry. It has such a good grasp on every single character. It also shows the love between the crew of the Enterprise, which is always a treat, and it’s beautifully done in this fic. It has a sorta-enemies-to-lovers arc between Spirk and an enemies-to-close-friends arc between Spock and McCoy that is beautifully done and fleshed out. This fic is definitely a journey to go through, and I can’t recommend it enough. It’s extremely slow burn, and you will want to slap both Kirk and Spock (and McCoy) upside the head at certain points lol. 
Of Coffee Beans and Green Tea Leaves:  The progression of a relationship, through Coffee Beans and Green Tea Leaves. Basically, it’s an AU where Kirk works at a coffee shop to pay his way through school, and Spock visits often. rated t; 16,429 words
Love, love, love, this fic. It’s cute, it’s in character. They have kind of a rocky start together, so it’s got a little bit of that Elizabeth Bennet and Mr. Darcy i-hated-you-but-now-i-love-you-marry-me vibes to it. I’m a sucker for that, if you haven’t figured that out by now lol. It’s really good, and a really enjoyable read. And it’s not too long, if you’re in the mood for something on the shorter end of things.
 Please Don’t Touch the Vulcans:  The "yes" is out of Jim's mouth before he can think about it. Jim is chipper about having time off for the holidays. He asks everyone if they want to spend time together but sadly, everyone ditches Jim over the holidays because they have plans. McCoy visits his daughter, Nyota visits her family, and everyone splits. Not knowing Spock has feelings for him, Jim doesn't even bother asking if he wants to spend time together figuring he has something to do. Something cute, romantic with the boys spending time with one another and confessions; rated m; 17,690 words
Super cute and has lots of Sarek, which idk about y’all, but I’m always a fan of. Sarek and Jim kind of get to know each other a bit, and it’s cute. Sarek knows about they’re in love before Spock & Kirk know lol. If I remember correctly, there’s also some appearances from everyone’s favorite: Old!Spock! You also get a little bit of jealous and protective Young!Spock. So you’re in for a real treat with this one. 
The Ren shat’var Trilogy:  A split-second decision changes Jim's life forever, as he enters into a bond with Spock in the face of certain torture. Enemies to the Federation emerge from unlikely places, and the command team must contend with unexpected threats, as well as challenges within their own intense relationship. In this three-part series, the Enterprise races across the galaxy to confront the unknown, and Jim and Spock discover the true significance of their unprecedented connection; rated e; 184,411 words
Textual Attraction:  Valentine’s Day does not bring up pleasant memories for Cadet Kirk. But the serendipitous switch-up of his cell phone with a particular Vulcan professor’s will make his day far more interesting –and romantic. Perhaps some new memories can be made! 15,900 words
SO GOOD. Just SO good
Spaceman:  Academy AU. Five times Spock realizes he's attracted to a barista at the academy spaceport, and one time he decides to do something about it. rated t; 3728 words
Short, sweet, funny. You’ll love it.
Subtext: Texting your Vulcan first officer in the middle of the night is never a good idea. Especially when you have an obsessive crush on said Vulcan.The holidays are approaching and Jim is left entirely Spockless aboard the Enterprise when his First takes shore leave on New Vulcan. After some midnight pining, Jim sends a text he instantly regrets. That is, until Spock responds and willingly continues their textual communications to an inevitable conclusion; rated t; 13,032 words
Cute, sweet, funny. It’s a texting fic. I think you’ve probably figured out I love those. This one makes me laugh so fucking hard. Like actually laugh-out-loud-omg-did-i-just-snort kind of funny. Spock is great in this one
All Spock Wants For Christmas:  While Jim is away on a delegation mission, he panics about what to give Spock for Christmas. With help from Bones and Uhura, and in between some spam texting with Spock, Jim realizes he already has the perfect gift. And all it needs is wrapping paper and a bow; rated t; 11,966 words
And here we have another cute, sweet, funny texting fic. Sue me lol
The Morning After:  Jim convinces Spock to take shore leave with him on Risa, hoping the time together will help re-solidify their bond of friendship after some recent tension. Meanwhile, Spock convinces himself he's on Risa for one reason and one reason only, to prevent his wayward captain from getting into trouble. After a passionately illogical night of Romulan Ale and chocolate infused liquor, everything changes when Jim wakes with something other than a hangover filling his head. Something he's sure neither he nor Spock can handle. Because if Jim knows anything for sure, it's that his messed up thoughts belong nowhere near Spock's clean, ordered mind; rated m; 50,381 words
HAHA. This fic fucking cracks me up. You’ve got drunk boys pining over each other & not realizing it. You’ve got accidental marriage. You’ve got bed sharing. It’s great, it’s cute, it’s funny. 
Take This Sinking Boat (And Point It Home):  In which Spock pines, Jim isn’t stupid (except he kind of is), and Christopher Pike has had enough of this bullshit; 6698 words
Pike is great in this one, and it’s super, super funny.
Extracurricular Activities:   Spock returns to the Academy from a tour of duty to find an intriguing cadet captures his attention; rated e; 15,433 words
Veritas: Basically, Kirk and Spock are on trial because the Federation thinks they are emotionally compromised by each other, which is putting the lives of their crew in danger. They have to convince a court they’re not actually in love with each other. They think the claims are bullshit. They think it will be easy to prove that they aren’t in love or emotionally compromised, damn it. It isn’t; rated m; 186,80 words
This one is so, so good. A real gem off of Fanfic.net. I remember it was actually one of the first Spirk fanfics I ever read, and it blew me away. The progression of their relationship is really well-done and interesting. It has star-crossed lovers vibes and has some really emotionally intense moments in it, especially for Spock. 
A Habitual Affection:  Living in 1930s New York with the Vulcan you're secretly in love with is no simple thing. But Jim never liked anything simple. And then, the big snowstorm hit...; rated t; 7998 words
A beautiful TOS fic about one of the gayest episodes of Star Trek. Love this one. 
Atlas:  Between what was and what will be stands James Tiberius Kirk, in all his fractured patchwork glory. Because saving the Federation was only the beginning; rated t; 135,529 words
A beaut. Really great characterization, and the progression of Jim and Spock’s relationship is really well-done.
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remmammie · 2 years
how about genshin men with an reader who has a pet they really care about and when asked who do they love more they say they're pet without hesitation
Short, but funny - love it. I'll try to cover some of the more popular men but I can't guarantee I'll cover them all!
Honestly, he gets a little sad. Might pout a little bit but pretends not to be disheartened.
If you're joking, please tell him because he can't really tell differences in people's tones.
He's more interested in this human-pet bond more than anything else. How can someone feel so attached to an animal? It's something he must investigate sometime.
If you tell him he's supposed to get jealous or offended, Albedo is just kind of confused. Is he? He tells you it's your life, it's not for him to decide who you treasure more.
He might stare at your pet for a while.
He's just bewildered. Don't think pretty boy is used to being diminished by his admirers. He tries to convince himself you're joking but there's part of him that's unsure.
Will ask you multiple times, "you are joking, right?" just to make sure.
He knows you're joking and just rolls his eyes, cleaning another glass. He himself only asked you sarcastically, and he laughs at you trying to convince him you're telling the truth.
Might talk about his own pets that he has/had in his childhood.
Very confused. Is...he not putting enough work into the relationship? Is he not giving you enough attention because the Resistance has him so busy? He starts apologising profusely, ears all droopy and actually pretty close to crying.
Says he respects your decision and does, but he definitely needs you to tell him you're joking, and will get slightly annoyed when you do. You scared him! Don't ever joke about things like that ever again!
It just becomes a competition, almost like two toddlers arguing even though they know they'll make up two seconds after they get bored. You like your pet more? Then Itto prefers his fighting bugs to you any day!
His gang members just watch from the side, trying not to laugh.
He understands: the accompaniment of an animal can be as good as that of a human, especially if you've formed a special, personal connection with them over a long period of time. As a wanderer, he has a few pets in many areas and they kept him company when he had no one else.
Might still be a little sad, but thinks he kind of deserves it for being distant all the time. Do reassure him.
What? You're kidding? He absolutely knows you're joking but pretends to be hurt anyway because he's incredibly dramatic. What more do you want from him to be worth more than an animal? More free wine? More affection? More of his precious time?
If you tell him you're joking, he just laughs - he knew, just felt like winding you up because you tried to trick him.
As per usual, he doesn't portray how such a comment really makes him feel. Childe laughs, jokingly asking what he can do to make himself more valuable to you.
Except, he's actually kind of worried that you'll leave him behind, because what if you're telling the truth? And, even if you're joking, what did he do to make you scare him like that?
It won't leave his mind for a while unless you repeatedly tell him and show him that you were joking.
Is honestly just confused. He jokes that Taroumaru bests you any day and that he talks to him all the time about you behind your back.
Doesn't believe a word of it and completely plays along.
WOW, okay, rude. He's in utter (dramatic) disbelief. Guess he'll just have to run off with Dvalin and never return.
He will absolutely commit to ignoring you for a couple of days and go spend time with Dvalin unless you beg for forgiveness, even if you say you're joking. You hurt him with your words! You'll be getting a harshly worded song.
Why would you say this to him, even jokingly? He has no sense of tone so he takes it at face value and glares at you. If that's so true, why are you even here at the inn to see him in the first place.
Will totally tell you to get lost and goes silent when you tell him you're joking. Takes a while for him to get over it.
He...doesn't quite understand. What's the value in an animal? He's really just curious. What sets this animal apart from him, what should he be doing to gain your affections?
Another man that can't tell tone so you'll have to tell him that you're messing with him. Even then, he doesn't really get the joke.
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natsukitakama · 3 years
Headcanon : From friend to boyfriend
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Author note : I’ve got nothing to say I’m fucking loser just enjoy it ♡ For my page setting I got the inspire from two blogs @/tokrev-roses and @/Tokyo-fukushu (go to see them they’re incredible they make such a wonderful jobs ♡ and if you guys saw it well I didn’t mention you because I didn’t want to bother you 👉🏻👈🏻) I didn’t know if it would work but I tried. 
Warning : Swearing - mention of fight - child it might be dangerous to be a thug so don’t do it I guess ?
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Manjiro Sano - 佐野 ( さの ) 万次郎
I can see him dating his childhood friend, I mean the man actually likes them protecting them ? He would even get extra attention if he is dating you so why don’t give it a shot ?
Obviously your relationship didn’t start like this (I mean not entirely)
You were living quite close to him I mean like on his neighborhood and one day you just saw him walking around probably getting back from school. A lollipop in his mouth, his hand behind his head the little boy was walking as if he was ruling the city (he might but you haven’t known yet), as a child you were kinda curious to know him since he seemed to be around your own age.
So you walked to start a conversation with him, as expected the little boy was pretty chill about everything so it was easy to talk with. You two talks about everything and anything at the same time until the little boy’s tummy was yelling for foods, laughing at his state you decided to buy him something since he was your very first friends.
After asking him what he wanted you moved into a Konbini
That you discover that his favourite was Taiyaki and Dorayki
You two started to hang on frequently (every day to be honest, each time he saw you leaving school he either ran into you or yelled to go home with him). People sorting to think that you two were in love with each other even though you both claimed that you were friends (even part of the same crew).
You even started to go into the same martial class as Baji, knowing it was his grandfather ruling everything, so you could spend more time with your new friends and get to know him more.
He never failed to amaze you, and took great pleasure of doing so many techniques just to see you getting all impressed.
He also enjoys seeing you working hard to do the same techniques he does previously
Two buddies.
That was your label for a long time until you started to notice your own reaction around him.
It was pretty silly at first. When he was too close to you, you felt your cheeks coloured in red. When he was smiling at you you couldn’t help but smile at him too, you discovered you were weak for his pouty face. Also whenever he was touching you (brushing his hand at yours or even touching like when he is taking your wrist to look at him so he would pout to have his precious Dorayaki he was craving for).
Honestly you just thought that you were starting to be a fan or something which was a little bit embarrassing.
But nothing to be worried about
Then, You’ve started to feel that it was maybe more than just a friendship or at least you were loving him more than you should.
You realized one day that you were in love with him, when he decided to kick your bullies’ ass without telling you. Like you once told him about those teenagers who were bullied you and that you’ll work even more harder so you could kick their ass. But it wasn’t on Mikey’s taste like all he heard was « Y/N is in danger I must protect them » and so did he. He walked into your school looking for those bastards.
Once he found them it was already over for them, he quickly kicked them off and as expected they weren’t as strong as they thought they were just in groups. What he didn’t expect, was you looking at him beating the shit out of your bullies.
The way he was beating each of them, how he was easily taking them down, the way he was fighting for you to protect you. It was the last thing you needed to fall deeply in love with him.
Even if he was still a little boy, his aura was quite something from behind (though he is quite small) he looked like an adult. A true leader.
You couldn’t think more about it because he turns in head into your direction raising his brow « what are you doing ? Let’s go I’m hungry y/n » he then smiled at you.
During your walk into the closest Konbini he was acting as if he didn’t previously fight against teenagers while still being well a little boy. You two were as usual talking about everything and anything until you found the shop, then he proceed to whine about not having money to buy Taiyaki or Dorayki.
Since you couldn’t refuse anything at him when he was all pouting you proceeded to buy his favourite foods
But being the young baby you were you didn’t understand that all the feelings you were feeling, how you cheeks tend to be red around him, how nervous you were when you walked together, how worried you were sometimes when you saw him his covering with some bloods (even though you knew it wasn’t his).
It took you one year to actually understand that you fell in love with him, and that you might screw your relationship because of that.
In fact when you finally aged up to go into junior high school, you started to have other friends than Mikey (it doesn’t mean you didn’t talk to him anymore quite the contrary). And those friends were particularly interested on one thing « crush ».
You’ve never heard about crush before, I mean you were aware of the attraction between two people but as a child you weren’t interested in him especially since your close friends (Mikey for exemple) didn’t give a damn about it, so you did the same.
Talking with those new friends made you realized that you had a crush on your best friends
Things started to get weird between you two
Cause whenever Mikey was around too and a little bit too close to you, you started to freak out afraid that he might discover your secret. So you tried your best to be a little bit distant with him
Which honestly broke his little heart, he kept wondering « why Y/N isn’t walking with me anymore ? » Why aren’t we sharing foods anymore »
It didn’t help that he started to really miss you, and was craving for well, attention from you
He never realized it but he was craving for your praise or approval. Like whenever you were sipping over him being so cool, he couldn’t help but to flex his chest with a smirk looking at Draken (as if he didn’t give a shit about your praise)
Also he was starting to feel a little bit nervous ? Everytime you were riding his bike and put your hand around his chest or waist for support he couldn’t help but feel nervous and relax at the same time.
One time when you were daydreaming as Mike was driving you home after school, you nuzzled your head on the crook on his neck. Smelling his smell, and his warmth you were starting to feel sleepy. You didn’t notice it, but when you put your head on his neck he started to shiver, his ears were a little bit red too, his heart was beating like hell.
He didn’t expect you to get so comfortable around him, but was he concerned ? Absolutely not, he even enjoyed it knowing you were so good with him
But then it happens, he started to dream about you. Every night he didn’t spend on thinking about his brother and what he could do to protect him, prevent his death, his night was decimated to you.
One time you two were driving together talking about everything, on other time you two were sharing some foods on the beach his hand around your waist as you were putting your head on his shoulder.
He even once dreamt about you two kissing, like you were on a picnic date together he did some funny face to make you laugh and just feel it. He wanted to kiss you, and being the blunt guy he is he just put his hand on your cheeks and then kiss you. To his surprise you hug him as one of your hand moved to his hair so you could kiss him more.
He woke up that night his face all read, his index on his lips (as if he could still taste your lips on his).
Those dreamt kept coming again and again
So he knew something was wrong so he talked to Draken who just looked at him as is he was dumbest man of the world « Mikey you’re just in love with Y/n »
What do you mean just in love ? He was the god damn leader of a gang, he was Mikey the invicible and yet he falls in love.
How he wishes his brother was still here to help him
Because he didn’t any idea how to handle this ?
The real issue according to Draken was to know if you were interest in such relationships especially since you two know each other since you were a child. They were a probability according to him that you weren’t interested on him but according to his sister Emma they were a high probability that you were in fact into him. She couldn’t prove it though.
It took him so many days until one day he had enough, he just wanted to talk about it so he could dream peacefully. No one knows about his « weird » dream and honestly he couldn’t take the risk of Draken knowing about it he wouldn’t see the end of it
So one day he just drives into your school and was waiting for you, to be sure that you won’t avoid him pretending of not seeing him. He parks right into of the gate and was making so noise with his bike. Everything so you would notice him.
Of course you saw him, and since he looked straight into your eyes, you knew you will go home with him (not that it bothers you quite contrary but it was starting to be more and more difficult to keep a straight face around him)
So you didn’t try to escape or anything afraid he might be sad or worst angry against you, and you moved behind him on his bike so he could drive you.
Much to your surprise, he wasn’t driving you home, in fact he was driving into that forest where he kissed you in his dream (something told him he must go here to succeed so). Which was starting to confuse you like where were you going ?
Knowing when he got something in mind you couldn’t fight you just decided to wait until he would park to confront him about it.
But again you couldn’t manage to say anything, as soon as he parked his bike he was already walking into that spot the one he saw in his dream to confess. So you had no choice but to follow him knowing you couldn’t get home until he decided so
When you two reached the spot Mikey was looking for, he finally turned into your direction looking right at you.
He looked very serious, he got that face you know ? The one he got when he was ruling a Toman’s meeting. You got Mikey the invisible in front of you, and even if you were used to see him leading you still were surprised (and a little bit scared) when you were confronting the leader and not your childhood friends.
Unconsciously you gulped which Mikey noticed and couldn’t help but chuckled a little bit
« You know it’s not funny to make fun of me Mikey »
« You’re just too tensed it’s funny »
« No it’s not *sigh* you’re just so serious right now what’s happening ? »
« Are you afraid of me y/n ? »
« Uh ? What are you talking about of course not »
« Then why are you avoiding me so much ? »
« I-I’m not I just »
« Don’t lie to me Y/N »
« I’m not I swear I’m not avoiding you Mikey I just got so many things in mind I-i’m sorry if I hurt you in anyway » (of course you couldn't just straightly tell him that you weren't seeing him as much as before because your heart decided to beat like a damn drummer each time you were closed to him)
« Well that’s good then »
« Good ? »
« Yeah I couldn’t scare the person I love it wouldn’t make sense »
« (…) Wait what ? »
Your heart was beating so hard against your chest, you’re face was all read you didn’t even notice you high-pitched voice.
All you notice was Mikey holding his stomach with both of his hands, laughing so loudly tears rolling on his chest, his smile was so big.
Damn, I wish I could see him more like this was all you could think at that moment
When he finally calmed himself he just looked at you smiling and proceed to repeat himself « You hear me y/n I’m in love with you »
Before you could even realized, you ran into his chest holding him for dear life. As Mikey didn’t expect you to literally jump into his arm he couldn’t managed to catch and to keep his balance at the same time, so you just ended up laying on the floor, you on the top of him. He didn’t mind though, having you close to him relax him more than he could realize.
As you were mumbling something against his chest, he didn’t have any choice but to stand up a little bit while holding you so you two could be face to face. He then asks you to repeat yourself so he could hear you two.
« I love you too Mikey »
« *chuckle* Guess we’re dating each other now »
He didn’t kiss you that but he promised himself to do things like his dream, he wasn’t worried anymore he got you by his side.
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