#(not totally hcs but close enough I suppose)
thee-morrigan · 1 year
oc tag game
tagged by @grapecaseschoices (thank you!! 💖) to ramble about some of my silly lil guys (gn). I do not have the brain cell today and am not sure who’s already been tagged sooo - if you haven’t and you’re interested in talking about *your* OCs, this is me sitting crisscross-applesauce on the rug waiting for you to tell me things about them 🙏
Favorite OC: i mean…i feel like it’s so obviously Holland (twc; also sometimes body count) lmao. mentally/emotionally/spiritually i am carrying her around in a tote bag at all times.
Newest OC: Sutton (i think?). They’re in infamous rn (and having The Best Time) but I didn’t create them specifically for that, so I don’t remember when they first popped up. If not Sutton then it’s Mia (tfs).
Oldest OC: uhhh pass? I’ve been writing and creating silly little guys for the past 20-odd years 😅
Meanest OC:  easily Wren (fhr). I love her sm but she is an absolute asshole. Actually she might be the only truly, unrepentantly mean-as-an-adder oc i have. (some of them are on thinnnn ice though.)
Softest OC: toss up between Leila (twc; atoc) and Audie (body count). They’re both human cotton candy.
Most Aloof/Standoffish OC: Probably Allegra (fhr), but Cam (wts) is a solid runner-up in standoffish-ness. Allegra is more generally withdrawn/aloof but Cam is like, aggressively standoffish sometimes (for SURE way more intimidating than Allegra but that’s somewhat different from what this question’s asking!).
Dumbest (Affectionate) OC: Kit (blood moon). he’s my most glittery himbo <3
Smartest OC: most of them are pretty smart! Maybe Del (twc)? honestly, it’s probs a tie between Del, Petra (twc), and Holland. (honestly I’m really struggling deciding whether they’re actually *that* clever or if they’re just the ones who overthink the most 🌚)
OC I'd Be Friends With: I would be friends with a lot of them - unsure whether that interest would flow both ways lmao! Arbitrarily, I’m gonna say Petra if only bc it’s been awhile since a game night has become chaotically competitive in my house. So, y’know, that could be fun.
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lost-and-ephemeral · 4 months
Could you please do LDS boys +
Caleb reacting to reader being injured/severely injured?<3
HCs: You're Injured (ft. main trio + Caleb)
Pairing: Xavier x reader, Zayne x reader, Rafayel x reader, Caleb x reader (seperate)
Tags: hurt/comfort, reader is injured but won't die
A/N: Thanks for your request! First time writing for Caleb, yay. Sorry if it isn't good enough, I'm not feeling so good since morning.
-`♡´- MASTERLIST -`♡´- 
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"Hold on, pip-squeak, I'm right here."
Your exhausted body, covered in wounds from the battle with Wanderer, was ready to collapse to the ground if Caleb hadn't caught you in time.
He knew how dangerous your job was, but that didn't make him any less worried.
You protected him but got hurt in the process.
He's frustrated and angry because there's no way he could've protected you in that situation.
And Caleb just hates this feeling, but trying to stay calm for your sake. His emotions could only make everything worse.
"Sometimes even big girls need someone else's help. Right? And I'm here for you."
Concern was written all over his face, he couldn't hide it even if he really tried. The last thing he wanted was to see you hurt, especially like this.
He was supposed to be your main protector back then. But now things have changed.
You had really grown a lot, not just physically, but mentally too.
It was just hard to accept you're no longer a little girl.
Yes, you are strong and mature. But Caleb kept holding you like you were the most fragile being in the world.
He will give you first aid as quickly as he can, while calling an ambulance. Caleb is not the kind of person who would risk your life trying to handle this situation on his own.
Definitely going to the hospital with you while holding your hand and talking to you. He'll be around as long as it takes.
Probably will fall asleep on the chair near your hospital bed.
No doubt he'll continue to look after you like he did when you both were younger.
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"No, no, no. Don't even think about leaving me like this!"
Maybe sometimes Rafayel was overly dramatic, but he's actually afraid of losing you again.
When he saw that you were injured after not-so-pleasant encounter with Wanderers, his facade of self-confidence instantly cracked.
Rafayel started panicking and it was clear from the look on his face as he crouched beside you, seeing how you trying to cover the wound by your bloody hands.
Not again. No.
All these years he had to watch you die over and over again, losing all memories of him.
Rafayel instantly began to examine your wounds, holding you close. He didn't care if his perfectly white shirt will be covered in blood as well.
He needed to be sure you won't die this time.
And his playful attitude is gone completely.
"Don't you dare to die on me, you hear? I won't forgive you. Ever. Promise me. Promise me you won't die."
He tried to remain calm and ignore the suffocating feeling of anxiety that has been slowly rising in his chest. But he couldn't.
Will do everything to stop the bleeding while help is on it's way. You can feel his hands trembling.
He'd better die for you himself, not vice versa.
I swear, this man is gonna get the whole hospital on alert. Nurses and doctors can be mad at him as much as they want. It doesn't matter to him.
Rafayel won't rest and eat properly until you get better. He just physically can't.
"Don't scare me like this ever again, please."
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"I failed you."
You accidentaly got injured during your mission. And poor Xavier decided it was totally his fault.
You both found yourself surrounded by enemies and before he could even react, one of them attacked you, leaving a deep wound on your side.
Needless to say, in the next couple of seconds all Wanderers were completely destroyed, and Xavier was fully focused on you.
This isn't the first time you've been injured during a mission. But each time Xavier is as worried as always.
Especially when your injuries are so severe.
Will administer first aid on the spot, even the bare minimum, before carrying you to safety.
With Wanderers around, it's not going to be easy to get you out of this dangerous zone. So Xavier needs to stabilize you a little at first.
"I won't let you get hurt again. I promise."
He is already experienced in these situations, so he's able to keep his emotions under control. But that doesn't mean that deep inside he isn't worried sick about you.
Will be looking for anything to treat your wound and avoid infection.
Guilt will slowly eat him up from the inside no matter what. He had to protect you, but he failed to do so.
Even if you assure him it's just an accident, Xavier just shakes his head in response.
As soon as you can get out, he'll take you to the hospital. It is unlikely that his skills will be enough to make your wound heal properly.
Better safe than sorry.
He still has a lot of work to do, but he'll come to you whenever he has a spare minute.
Will probably act like a guilty puppy for a long time.
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"You're constantly putting yourself in danger."
Zayne has a hard time showing his feelings openly, especially when it comes to you, so it's no surprise that his display of concern felt like he was scolding you.
But in reality he's really, really worried about you every time.
He knew right away that you were in the hospital after another accident.
And as soon as Zayne had some time off between surgeries, he came to you.
Looking at you in the hospital bed, he felt his heart ache.
While he was desperately searching for a cure for your heart, you kept getting hurt again and again.
Even when you smiled, like if trying to reassure him everything's fine, Zayne only sighed and shook his head. You have no idea how hard it was to see you hurt and vulnerable like this.
He's already been informed of the severity of your wounds and how much blood you've lost.
And he could've lost you.
But Zayne can't let his emotions take over. There are still a few more difficult surgeries ahead where he cannot afford to make a mistake.
And if he starts panicking right in front of you, it's not going to speed up the healing process.
"I'd be happy if you took a more responsible approach to your health. Then I wouldn't have to be so worried."
He moved his chair closer to your bed and sat in silence for a while, squeezing your hand.
Zayne will stay around as long as his job lets him.
Don't be surprised to find candies or plushies you wanted on your nightstand.
You can ask him about these little gifts.
And watch carefully as a faint smile appears on his lips.
"Usually only children get so excited about toys. So it turns out you're not that far from being a child?"
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coff33notforme · 1 year
Fluff headcannons for Wally
A/n: I didn't know what to title this but I wanted to write more for the muppet man and I haven't gotten anymore requests for him so I just made some silly hc's let me know if you guys want more, because I'm kinda obsessed this series right now
Pairing: Wally Darling and Gn Reader (Romantic, fluff)
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First things first, Wally is absolutely obsessed with you, in every possible way 
Even before you had become apart of their happy little community, Wally had his sights set on you, you were just a bright warm person, you’d be a wonderful addition to their colorful neighborhood
But when do you actually become a part of the town? Oh boy, Wally is ecstatic though he doesn’t show it, he still shows his bright friendly demeanor he keeps his unhinged excitement on the inside for the most part
When you arrive don’t expect to get to talk anyone else as much as you talk to Wally he’s pretty much your own personal tour guide 
Which you are grateful for, but you couldn't help but feel a little bit isolated with only Wally to talk to, of course if you express this concern Wally would apologize for overstepping any boundaries he might have crossed with you, which made you feel a tad bit guilty, but Wally seemed fine enough so you supposed it was okay
Even with Wally letting you interact with others in the town and explore on your own you still felt yourself talking with Wally the most out of everyone, you felt he also had a soft spot for you, or least that's what it seemed like, but you could just be overthinking
However over time you felt like you and Wally had grown awfully close, even closer than he and Barnabey were and that was saying something
Wally would never be the one to confess to you, I don't know I just see him being too incredibly smug for that, he’d act like he had no idea you felt this way and that he adores you a totally normal amount as well!
Though he’s definitely been hooked on you from day one
No matter how you confess he’ll accept your feelings, I mean obviously
When you're with Wally it seems like he's even more clingy than before, anywhere you want to go? Wally's right there with you!
Loves to show you affection through gifts and touch, especially touch, he’s practically attached at your hip at all times
Loves to kiss you on the nose, but if you do it back? He’s over the moon!
Smothers you in affection, won't stop cooing about how cute you are
When your out on the town Wally will cling to your arm like a scared little kid, he’s perfectly fine he just likes being close to you and was probably like that even when you first got here
Wally loves to bake you things, pastries and sweets are his speciality, he loves to make pies especially 
Whenever its cold Wally will snuggle closer to you and hold onto you like a koala
He’ll make you little things like friendship bracelets for you to wear, so now you have a surplus collection of them 
Though Wally seems to be his charming, nonchalant, friendly self when he's around you and the others, he’ll never show you the dark thoughts that swarm his mind
He just needs you to see him as the sweet, charismatic puppet everyone does
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This ones for the boys with the boomin' systems
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meowzfordayz · 9 months
NSFW Alphabet — Tomioka Giyuu
Author’s Note: ~1.5 months after starting this (and ~3 months since it was supposed to be started 🥴), and it’s finally finished !!!!! 🥳 If these were shorter headcanons, then they wouldn’t take so long 😅, but each individual letter is a labor of love (and lust 😏). As w/ all hcs, these are simply my opinions in this exact moment of writing, and are subject to change depending on the context/my mood! 😉
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NSFW Alphabet — Tomioka Giyuu
Tomioka Giyuu x Reader
Word Count: ~3,500
CW: 18+NSFW, explicit language, Fem!Reader, oral, rimming, spit
Aftercare? what they’re like after sex
Giyuu’s very sleepy after sex. If you’ve discussed it beforehand, then he’ll muster up the energy to gently towel wash you, brush your hair (if things got ~intense 😉), and make sure you drink a glass of water, but he’s otherwise hopeless. And by “hopeless”, I mean: he’s passing out with his cock still leaking onto your thighs, warm mouth smooshed into your shoulder, and will moan softly—Hnngg—and proceed to roll over should you attempt to wake him. 😌
Body Part? their favorite body part(s)
Giyuu’s a thigh guy, or GTTG (Giyuu The Thigh Guy) for short. 🦵 Don’t get me wrong! He could totally cum fixating on basically any part of your body 🫢, buuut nestled between your thighs… life couldn’t get much better. 😌 He isn’t huge on marking you (aka: he is, but he typically refrains because one hickey is a sure slide to two, then four, then seven, then- 😇), but biting softly at your thigh, listening to you squeal, halfheartedly attempting to push him away as his fingers wrap around your knees, tongue slipping out to soothe your fresh “wound” — he’s entertained himself with your thighs for literal hours, and not necessarily even sexually. 😆 He’ll often push your legs apart just so he can rest his head on the plush of your thigh, the rest of his body cradled by the curves of your knees and calves.
If you were a vampire, then Giyuu would surely be your first victim, because his neck is just: 😍😋🩸❣️ It’s kissable, nuzzle-able, biteable, and sooo fun to rile him up with a simple swipe of your tongue (bonus points if you suck on his Adam’s apple 🤤). He smells delicious too; a gentle, unassuming fragrance of ripples on a pond (whatever those smell like 🌊) that’s strongest where his neck meets his ears. Step in close and interlock your fingers behind his neck, and he’s certain to wrap his arms around your waist, surroundings fading to a hazy buzz as he murmurs, “I love you.”
Giyuu loves cum while he’s still horny (something about the way it glistens and slides down the backs of your thighs, collecting in droplets on your puffy folds, slightly watery and warm as it slowly dampens the mattress beneath you… he’s fixated for sure 😌), but as soon as post nut clarity hits, he’s desperate for a shower (something about its smell and stickiness, clinging to your skin—and his—reminding him of how amazing you felt… and of how messy things got… if you’re taking too long to collect yourself, then he’s scooping you up and carrying you to the bathroom for sure 🫠).
Dirty Talk?
He loves dirty talk, but has to pass a certain threshold (of horniness) to really ~get into it. 😅 Before that threshold, a simple So pretty baby while straddling his hips, your fingertips stroking his softly toned abs, will guarantee you a blushing, flustered Tomioka Giyuu, his own grip tightening around your waist. And after that threshold? 👀 Best believe you’ll be the flustered one, low whimpers pushed out of your chest as a cool hand rests gentle around your throat, steadying your body while his cock fucks needy and forceful into your warm, clenching hole.
Experience? their level of experience
Before meeting you, Giyuu isn’t a virgin, but he’s also far from experienced. He knows how to have sex, knows how to make someone else cum, but he doesn’t know how to enjoy himself. He’s always been physically sensitive—always quick to orgasm with enough wetness and friction—but physical pleasure without its emotional counterpart only does so much. And then he falls in love with you. 🥺💙 He falls in love with how delicately you kiss the tops of his shoulder, across his collarbones, tongue swirling in the hollow of his throat. Falls in love with how easily you raise goosebumps on his forearms, his thighs, your fingertips grazing lightly—teasingly—along the seams of his clothing, toying with the buttons on his shirt, the zipper on his pants, not willing to undress him unless he begs. In love with how begging means catching your wrists and holding them above your head, brought to neediness by your tender ministrations, safe enough to seek his own desires in the heat of your breathlessness. “I want to cum,” he whispers gruffly, your pulse warm in his palms, “So help me.”
Giyuu thoroughly enjoys foreplay, to the extent that he has trouble lasting through it. 😅 He actually fares better when you go down on him, because he can guide your movements and pace. His large hands—normally cool to the touch and tender in their intentions—firmly cup your nape, sweaty and needy as your hair tangles soft between his fingers. When you choke on the sensation of his cock nudging against the back of your throat, he can only whimper and groan, hips chasing the quiver and wetness of your breath, grip ensuring you remain planted between his thighs. And when he’s close to cumming? He’s strong enough to gently tug you away from him, your lips shiny and insatiable, a low whine kissing his skin as you pout. But when he goes down on you? That same attention dissipates. Lost in the heat and clench of your thighs, the ache in his scalp as you cling to his hair, the incoherent babble of pleasure spilling from your mouth while you tremble and arch before him… is it really his fault for cumming with you? 🙃 After all, you didn’t stop him from thrusting his hips into the mattress, the edge of the couch, his own fist, as he flicked his tongue over your clit. You didn’t stop him as he whispered about how Beautiful, Stunning, Divine, Fuck… I think I’m gonna cum… you were, your moans rising in pitch as you met his dazed expression, his eyes dark and determined, the tip of his nose glistening with your essence. You didn’t stop him as his body shuddered before you, his cum splurting sticky and pearlescent, the taste of your orgasm gushing tart and warm onto his tongue.
Goofy? their sense of humor
In the beginning, Giyuu’s uber serious… mostly because he’s worried about dying of embarrassment should he fumble while trying to get/keep you in the mood. 🫠 That’s not to say he’s incapable of smiling! He doesn’t want you to think he’s having a terrible time either. 🥴 But gosh forbid he accidentally fart, or nudge himself against the wrong hole, or elbow you in the face, or- 😭 Eventually, however, he slips into a deeper comfort and trust with you, which inevitably leads to him smooshing your hair, chuckling when you queef, and taking a breather when you become literally tangled in the sheets (you can’t stop laughing, and he somehow finds himself grinning adoringly at you vs running out the door in mortification). 🥺
Hair? pubes maintenance
Giyuu keeps himself well groomed due more to habit and personal comfort, but hey — you benefit too! Plus, you know you’ve reached peak closeness when you’re showering together and you randomly ask, “My love, could I trim your pubes tonight?” and instead of shoving you out of the shower, curtain rod and all, he just blushes a deep red and mutters, “Yeah, okay.” 😶
Intimacy? their degree of intimacy
Intimacy and Giyuu are a complicated duo. 😅 On one hand, Giyuu definitely isn’t casual; casual and physical closeness, casual and feelings, casual and sex, are not how he prefers to pair such concepts. But intimacy is difficult for him too, because intimacy means trusting, and trusting means revealing his nakedness — not just undressing his lover. While you know from the get go that you aren’t just a one night stand, friends with benefits, or connected in some other vaguely defined manner, you also initially aren’t entirely sure exactly how deeply rooted his intentions and desires are. After all, he’s shy about meeting your gaze, keeps the lights dim, and hardly moans or closes his eyes… until you finally, finally ask him about it. “Giyuu, what am I to you?” 🥺 “I don’t understand.” 🙃 “I… well, I feel like when we have sex, you make love to me, but I somehow can’t make love to you.” He doesn’t properly answer you, seconds from dreamland after tiredly wiping his cum off your thighs 😴, but he was listening, and the next time he finds himself sliding slowly into you, he cracks a smile—rather than glance away—when you catch him in his contented daze. 💓
Jack Off? masturbation
Giyuu goes through phases of jerking off every day of the week to not touching himself for upwards of a month. There’s no pattern to the duration or frequency of each phase, and he doesn’t really consciously think about it either. Sometimes he’s horny, and other times he’s just not. That being said, solo masturbation and sexual acts with others (others being you) are separate entities to him. Whether he just came that same morning, or hasn’t cum alone in a couple of weeks, he’s always more than willing to feel your pretty cunt (or throat, or hands, because he’s not about to be picky) flutter and squeeze around his cock.
Kink? ~specific turn ons
Lace. 😍 Giyuu knows lace is often rough and uncomfortable 🥲, but there’s just something divine about seeing your breasts in lace and satin; about running calloused palms up your scantily clad thighs (if you ever want to buy a(nother) garter, then Giyuu will always hand you his credit card — no questions asked 😌), snapping your frilly waistband against your plush, warm hips; lapping at the delicate material covering your nipples till they’re perky and damp, gushing about You’re absolutely stunning and Can’t decide if I’d rather fuck you with these beautiful panties on or off. Sometimes, he’ll literally stop and stare (or make you ~model for him 😵‍💫), breath caught in his chest at how perfectly the floral embroidery matches your eyes; at how ethereal and whimsical you appear, the facade of angelic elegance dissipating as you perch on all fours before him, teasing fingers tugging at the sorry excuse of a string between your cheeks. “The longer you wait, the more likely I am to ruin these panties,” you purr, craning your neck to stare over your shoulder at his awestruck expression, “You wouldn’t want that, hm? Wouldn’t want me to have to buy a new set of lace for you?” Spoiler alert: of course he wants you to buy another set of lace for him 😖, but he quite likes your current set too 🥴, so he’s quick to lean over you, mouth messy and hot as he kisses you thoroughly, clever hand slipping underneath you to cup and knead your tit while his other maintains his balance on the mattress.
Location? where they prefer to have sex
Call him basic, but Giyuu likes having sex in bed. 🤗 It’s comfortable, safe, and a sturdy headboard (+ a couple of velcro straps and/or handcuffs) can make it not-so-vanilla too. He’s the reason you have so many pillows, because while he’s okay with taking one for the team and sleeping in any cum spots 🫡, he refuses to sleep on a stained pillow (understandable 😝). As a man who gets extra sleepy after sex, changing sheets/pillowcases usually isn’t in the cards for him, so he’d rather just have plenty of pillows and swap them out when necessary.
Motivation? ~general turn ons
Being nice to him. Giyuu’s got a bit of a praise kink, albeit less so that he’ll get go from zero to erection emergency zone if you compliment him 😆, and more so that he remembers your kindness and attentiveness throughout the day, and returns your care and affection tenfold at night 😉. He also appreciates clean and tidy nails, genuine smiles (although your fake laughter—when not targeted at him—does make him chuckle 🫢), and when you playfully tug his hair to redirect his focus. “Oi, babe, I said left,” you huff amusedly, pointing across the street. He nods slowly, smirking faintly as he promptly continues heading in the wrong direction (if only to get you to tug on his hair again 😌). 
No? turn offs
Giyuu’s pretty flexible. 😌 He can be kinky (after reading a dozen or so ~articles about how exactly to go about exploring X kink), he can be vanilla, but he isn’t into cheating/cuckolding. 😓 Not even for a roleplay scenario. He could be (pretty easily) discussed into having a threesome, or simply a voyeuristic counterpart 👀, but No. Cheating. He trusts that you love him, and he knows he loves you, but it just feels a lil too real to even think about, let alone play out. 😕
Oral? giver or receiver
Giyuu tends to be the receiver, because he has a 50/50 chance of lasting through foreplay whenever he’s the giver. 😶 That being said, he doesn’t exactly have a ~preference, and definitely doesn’t perceive giving oral sex to be a chore, annoying, or tiresome — he just doesn’t want to disappoint you by cumming too soon should you still desire penetrative sex after oral sex. 
Position? their favorite position(s)
Doggystyle, because Giyuu can’t get enough of hearing his thighs slap against yours. 🫢 From cupping the tops of your thighs and pulling your body toward him to both steady himself and fuck deeper into your cunt, to gripping the inside of your thighs to spread your legs farther apart while spitting lazily on your back Fuck, so fucking filthy for me, to listening to how sweaty and eager you are as your skin clings and claps to his, doggystyle is easily his favorite. A close second, when either of you are feeling too lazy for doggystyle, would be missionary, because once again, Giyuu can use your thighs to pull you closer and spread you wider (and his spit + your boobs = ✨shiny boobs✨). 
Quickie? a fan or not-a-fan
Giyuu isn’t a huge fan of quickies (not enough time to devour you whole), but your first few times together were quick nonetheless. 😏💀 After he’s gotten over his initial awe (let’s be honest tho — he never really gets over it 😍), he’s better about not ~accidentally making everything a quickie 😝, but you lowkey still have him wrapped around your finger. 😇 In other words, Giyuu doesn’t like ‘em, but you have the power to create them whenever you so desire. 😎😂
Risk? their risk tolerance
Low risk tolerance. 🙃 In theory, Giyuu isn’t against sexual risk taking (i.e. semi public sex), but in practice, he gets too flustered-embarrassed-mortified-at-the-thought-of-being-caught 🫣 to actually follow through. If you casually mention how hot it would be If you pressed me up against this wall and slipped your hand under my skirt to feel how wet I am, then he’ll do the press-you-up-against-the-wall part 😏, but will shakily vice grip the hem of your skirt, unable to continue (he wants to 😭, but just can’t 🥴). 
In terms of how long Giyuu can fuck you in a single position before his muscles give out? He has practically unlimited stamina. 😎 His lanky, lithe physique isn’t purely for show y’know! 😉 It’s for holding you up against a wall, cock thrusting upward into your dripping cunt as your nails dig crescent moons into his shoulders, his face buried in your neck as he focuses intently on the slick, lewd sound of his balls tapping your pretty asshole. And for holding you up above him while you straddle his hips, your legs cramping from exhaustion—Aw darling, can’t ride me any longer?—adoration in his eyes as he begins fucking roughly into your pussy, delirious on how willingly you allow him to pleasure your body. However, in terms of how long Giyuu can fuck you before he cums? … … … he’s working on it. 🫠 That being said, he makes up for premature orgasms with potential quantity! 😏 If you’re feeling especially horny, then he can usually manage an orgasm morning, noon, and night 🥰 — just don’t expect much out of him the following day. 😵‍💫😂
Giyuu might be a lil jealous of them. 🤪 Not actually, he’s not that insecure of himself and your relationship… but you could totally rile him up by starting without him, winking exaggeratedly with your favorite vibrator grazing your clit as he walks into the bedroom, giggling when he promptly plops onto the bed beside you, still fully clothed, hand nudging you and your toy out of his way as he grumbles halfheartedly, “So I guess I didn’t need to hurry up the stairs after all, you’ve got everything taken care of.” 😔 Your failsafe solution? Gently grasp his noticeable bulge, and declare, “Clearly not everything, seeing as I’ve yet to solve this problem.” 😌😉😏😎 Will he cringe at your cheesiness? Yes. 🥴 Will he also frantically begin unzipping and kicking off his pants? Also yes. 😳
Unfair? how they feel about teasing/being teased
Tease at your own discretion, because Giyuu can not handle it. 😃 He enjoys it! But his imagination does wonders at filling in the blanks you’re leaving, and if you’re not careful, then he might just spill over before you’re ready! 😅 Teasing you goes pretty much the same, because as much as he tries to convince himself that you’re the one he’s edging, truly, he’s edging both of you, and he’s too in love with you to not succumb to his own delicate, torturous charm. 🙃💞
Quiet and breathy, or desperate and babbling, with no in between. Push him far enough, and he’ll murmur filth nonstop (most of it incoherent 😅) until he’s shaking and cumming, or bask in the soft glow of his occasional grunts and low hisses. Sex in the morning is usually near silent, but sex in the evening frequently brings out the singular, guttural groan that always accompanies his hardest orgasms. 
Wild Card?
On rare occasions, Giyuu rims you. The stuttered, needy whine, and the feeling of your pussy tightening around his cock, whenever he brushes the pad of his thumb over your asshole do not go unnoticed by him, so he can only imagine how sensitive and gorgeous you would feel and sound if the tip of his tongue replaced his wandering hands — and he’s proven ~right when he rims you for the first time, and you practically wail at the hot wetness of his mouth. So good for me, letting me eat your pretty ass he rasps, spit bridging from his chin to your ass cheeks, your thighs quivering in his grip, drooling onto your pillow as you rock your hips backward toward his slick, skillful tongue What a fucking treat, getting to taste you here.
Giyuu’s cock is pretty. 7” erect, somewhat slim, with a fat and squishy tip that beads precum like it’s modeling for an advertisement. Its length always catches you off guard because it doesn’t look especially big (think cute twink vs beefy jock), but as he slowly pushes himself in a couple inches, pulls out till his tip catches at your entrance, and then slowly pushes himself in a couple inches farther than before, you can’t help but gasp. “Are you okay?” he asks softly, voice low and thick in his throat, eyes gleaming as he watches himself disappear into your luscious cunt, your body presented to him so stunning on your chest and knees. “Fuck,” is your graceful response, face buried in the mattress, back arching forward with every shallow thrust, “So deep.” He’d chuckle at your cliche whimper if he wasn’t so focused on not cumming, his hands cupping your hips in an attempt to handle you tenderly, the desperate clinging of your walls sucking away his self control as he slips farther, farther, deeper into your heat.
Yearning? sex drive
Horny, and by horny, I mean 24/7. Giyuu’s so used to it though (the perpetual state of being borderline turned on), that it doesn’t exactly feel like horny. He could fuck whenever (albeit, not necessarily wherever), but doesn’t need to (he’s a grown man y’know, he has ~some control 😉). This is a problem at first, because he refrains from initiating (afraid of scaring you away with his sex drive 😬)—to the point where you worry that you’re pressuring him into being physically intimate—but as soon as you communicate your concern, he’s quick (and embarrassed 😶) to assure you that I’m horny all the time. Do you want me to fuck you all the time? 😐 You might jokingly say Duh!, but his sentiment registers nonetheless. ☺️
🎵out like a light🎶 Morning sex? Giyuu’s taking a five minute power nap. 😴 Afternoon sex? Giyuu’s taking a thirty minute cat nap. 😴 Evening sex? Giyuu’s going to sleep. 😴 He does his best to check in with you vs straight up knocking out, but unless something urgent arises (i.e. intense feelings, physical pains, etc), he’s not someone to rely on after he cums. Of course, he can ~technically orgasm and then continue his day without conking out, but his resulting moodiness/distractedness takes a while to wear off whenever that happens.
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kichikichiko · 7 months
Ok, so I hope I don’t make you uncomfortable with this request. If I do, just tell me!
Ok, and you do a SFW/Fluff of Wally Darling x Y/N who is pregnant (I don’t even think it’s possible that puppets can be pregnant but I guess roll with it 😅)
So, can you do headcannons on marriage + pregnancy (If you’re comfortable with writing that. I don’t know why I just think sense he’s in a kids tv show and is overall calm, I think he would be amazing with kids) gender of children/kids if there will be multiple are up to you, doesn’t really matter.
Also I think you would be cute if we got a small reaction from the neighbors of the marriage and or pregnancy! Like how would the whole neighborhood react to this?
Our little family
I saw this cute request and literally could not resist I HAD TO!
I love reading n writing pregnancy related fics its so fun n fluffy UGH
Hope you like this liz! I totally agree with you. Wally would be good with kids no doubt
Synopsis: HC of Wally with a pregnant puppet reader!
Pairing: Wally Darling x AFAB reader
Cw: fluff, pregnancy, established relationship, reader is called mother @ the end, wally is probs OOC, defies all puppet logic known to mankind
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You and Wally Darling have always been Welcome Home's "it" couple, so imagine the happiness everyone felt when the two of you got married, and imagine the shock everyone felt when you got pregnant!
When you found out you're pregnant you couldn't contain your happiness
You had to tell Wally ASAP after he came back from Barnaby's place
You like knitting so you thought it'd be fun to surprise him with knitted baby clothes, so you got straight to work.
Wally came home at around 1 PM, right after lunch. "Darling I'm Home!"
"Over in the living room dear!" You called, and he made his way to the living room.
Seeing your giddy expression has become one he's used to, but Wally had a feeling that something was different "Darling, you seem really giddy today, did something happen?"
To his question you grinned wider "Im happy everyday with you dear, but I suppose you can say the reason as to why is..." trailing off you picked up the yellow knitted baby outfit you have finished in the morning
Wally couldnt believe it.
Mr. Darling had always been known to have the same expression no matter what, but hearing this news caused him to have his jaw dropped to the floor (quite literally)
Most people would take this as a bad sign, but you knew Wally better than that. You could tell all sorts of emotions and thoughts ran through his brain
"I'll be a father? This can't be happening!" "What a miracle!" "Ill be the best papa for my son or daughter... or both!" "Im so lucky" were just a few he manage to say to you before deciding to kiss you all over your face with his signature slow laugh.
All the other 8 neighbours were delighted to hear that youre pregnant! Thanks to Wally walking around and casually telling them of course.
Julie screamed with joy, hugging you jumping up and down (dangerously close to you) which caused your dear husband to kindly and gently, push and remind Julie to be more careful. To which she complied, causing you to giggle
Sally, a drama queen obviously giggled with joy as well, only she knew better than to hug you while jumping up and down. She promises to give your kid a show once they were old enough to understand.
Poppy was shocked and happy for you and wally, so much so the bird started baking you a cake as a congratulations. She promised you that if you ever had any cravings, just give her a call and she'll be more than happy to bake you something!
Frank was delighted to say the least, despite his face not showing it. You knew he cared. And Frank being Frank, gave you heads up on pregnancy, what to avoid eating, what to do when feeling contractions, letting you know the size of your baby etc. This is his love language, info dumping. He will come and visit Home whenever you need him. As he is Welcome Home's book worm.
Howdy was very delighted. Gave you a pat on the back as well as a hearty laugh. Howdy started stocking up on baby items like pacifiers, diapers and baby toys just for you in the shop
Eddie of course, was just as happy as the other members of Welcome Home. Being the Mailman, he told you that once your belly grows big and you can no longer walk, he'd be happy to deliver your mails and or deliver things to you.
It was delightful having so many wonderful and kind neighbours all around you! And having a wonderful husband made your pregnancy journey fairly easy despite its occasional ups and downs throughout the 9 months.
Once your daughter came into the world, everyone was in awe and took care of her like the niece they never knew they needed!
Wally was obviously a fantastic father, and you were a fantastic mother
When your daughter is old enough, he'd teach her how to paint and they'd go on father daughter dates around the neighbourhood. Painting all they can see and proudly showing their work to you once they get back
Wally would read your daughter bedtime stories to help her sleep
Maybe even throughout the day as well
Waddles up to her father and shows him a book
"Oh? Whats this my sweet peach?" He'd startd "you want papa to read you this book?"
With a gleeful nod she'd get on her tippy toes and give Wally a full clear view on the book
"My sweets its not even bedtime yet are you sure you dont want to save this for tonight?"
He ends up reading it to her anyways
His daughter is his greatest weakness
It made you feel at ease knowing that your daughter is surrounded by kind and loving people <333
Masterlist here!
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livelaughlovesubs · 3 months
Do you write about michael from whb? If its fine with you, can you write a hc what his going to be as a yandere? Reader could be anything but i prefer if they our normal mc ^^
Oh, alright, so yandere Michael with ra-on as reader? Sure then, I’ll gladly oblige! Sorry that you had to wait so long, but now that the new event came out, I have a pretty good idea how I want to portray him.
Yandere Michael
Warning: dark content, disturbing topics, blood, gore, obsessive behaviour
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I headcanon him, like many other angels, to be a total psycho when in love. That’s pretty much canon. The question is just, how crazy would he be?
- he’d never blame you for all your deeds, it’s always the fault of another
- in other words he is doing everything he can to delude himself into thinking this is alright, it’s not against the rules he set for himself
- god wanted him to love you, it was destined to happen
- “you were just so bright, and there was no way to explain it, it must be gods will”
- that’s what he’d say to himself among other things
- if it wasn’t clear enough, he’d kill for you, even his own brothers, except lucifer
- he’d go down to hell and declare war on your favourite king/ noble, his excuse? They were taking you away from him
- you could stop that though, by finally putting him on a leash
- no matter what you did to him, he’d still love you unconditionally, his love would never falter like his faith
- you could do the most unspeakable things to him, treat him as if he was a mere toy, as if he was nothing more than a pretty face
- and he’d thank you for your attention, greeting you with a smile brighter than his halo
- ruin him, mind and body, bruise him or break his leg, he doesn’t care, as long as you keep touching him and give him your full attention
- honestly, you could make him into a devil and he wouldn’t care, rip his wings off and make the blessing of god leave him
- it would make him have an internal crisis, since he isn’t supposed to be like this, but he’d put the blame on someone else
- this man is so prideful a no narcissistic, he only cares about his own feelings, god, lucifer, and now you too
- which is why he doesn’t care about anything else, as long as he gets to feel good and ‘loved’ (even though you are brutalising him) he’s content
- the worst type of of yandere, would totally kidnap you, even if the punishment is amputation
- he is one hell of a nuisance, there is literally no other way to deal with him than locking him up
- otherwise he’ll just keep attacking hell, or kidnap you, or kill other species, no matter how you reprimand him. He got away with it for eons, what makes you think you can change him?
- it’s not like he loves you anyway, he only loves you because you are a replacement for god and his dear brother, only because you are as kind and as forgiving as they used to be
- oh you naive child
- if you don’t lock him up and keep him away, he’ll eventually annihilate the devils, unless luci steps in that is
- but he’ll definitely kidnap you, hats so obvious! He’ll want to keep you all to himself, he’d even make alternations to your body to keep you from leaving
- he has trust issues, remember? All because of god and his lovely older brother
- words alone aren’t enough, he needs to know you can’t leave him, like you mentally and physically can’t
- if you don’t want that, there are two other ways, and that is using what he’d do to you against him
- like if you do restrain him.. keeping him chained like what he did to you, making him be alone for months without knowing when you’ll come back (that’s still the nice way to threat him, trust me)
- then he will finally stop causing harm! Though the second you get him out of the restains, he’ll clench onto you, hold you, tell you how much he loves and missed you, looking up at you with those obsessive eyes of him and a furious blush covering his cheeks, and kill anyone that dares to get close to you two
- which is why I recommend the more inhuman way to treating him if he does become your yandere, unless you love him enough to spend all your time with him, tending to his every need and sacrificing yourself in the process
- rip his other eyes out, watch him scream in agony, call ronove to amputate his arms and legs
- he can shoot lasers out of his hand, I repeat, he can shoot those out of his fingertips
- make him disabled, enough that he become a weak and helpless animal that can’t do anything to threaten anyone
- oh, I forgot to mention but rip his wings too, he shouldn’t be able to fly
- once you did all of this, maybe cut off his tongue while you are at it, he tends to have a foul mouth
- who knows, maybe he can shoot lasers from there too?
- honestly, it will be hard to keep him alive at this point, but if you still desire to do so, Welp, congratulations, he is totally harmless now!
- and as soon as he hears you enter his room, his cheeks will turn red and sounds of joy would escape his throat
- what a joke he is, he still ‘loves’ you so dearly after all you did huh?
- God, do you see this? This is the result of your action, unyielding love and affection from those beings that called themselves pure, how amazing
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just-jordie-things · 1 year
hello i'm not sure if you take requests i'm sorry If not 😭 but I really love your fics and I was wondering if you could do something like a long distance relationship with megumi? like reader is from kyoto jujutsu high and they met during that competition event, it can be hcs or whatever you like. Thank u in advance 💖
yes yes yes let's do some chunky hcs bc i never do them and they're fun _
when you first meet the tokyo students, you come across as shy. which isn't really who you are, but they'd just lost one of their friends, and you didn't think it was right to mess with them like mai and todo were. so you tucked yourself behind the rest of your classmates and kept your eyes glued to your phone
(when yuuji ends up being alive and you're told that the mission here is to kill the vessel by whatever means necessary, you still keep your eyes down, but you're anything but distracted)
you don't run into megumi directly. you run into a demon dog. at first you brandish your weapon, frowning at the idea of having to defend yourself against such a fluffy creature. but it seemed the dog wasn't focused on you, as if attacking you wasn't the command it had been given. as you approach it, your steps are calculated, slow, just to be sure it wasn't going to catch you off guard.
more peculiar, when you got close enough, and you lowered your weapon to your side, the big puppy sat itself on the ground. you actually laughed, before carefully placing your hand between it's ears for a little scratch. the divine dog seemed to smile as it panted and pushed it's head further into your pleasant scratching.
"i can't just sit here all day and pet you you know," you coo to the shikigami, but despite your words you crouch down to get a better look at it's detailed markings. "but a little break couldn't hurt, could it?" you ask with a bright smile.
the dog thumps it's tail against the ground a few times, displaying it's content with your attention. again, you giggle. if only you could've been born with a cursed technique that could bring you such companionship.
"you're such a good boy, aren't you?" you praise. "or girl? i'm sorry. I wonder if you have a name..."
you're not sure how much time had passed, but you know it's not smart to stay in one place for too long. you don't know what would be worse, your opponent finding you, or your own peers.
you figure you'd rather the curses unleashed in the area would be your best bet.
however just as you're about to go back to the task at hand, you're caught. or, found, really.
"what the hell are you doing?"
your weapon in hand again, you whirl around towards the voice, and you even step in front of the shikigami as though you were it's protector.
there stands one of the tokyo students, a sword in hand but it's lowered to his side, and the most perplexed face you've ever seen on anyone.
(it's kind of cute, actually)
"dogs are my weakness" you shrug with you honest answer to his question.
it's then that his eyes shift to you, and you realize he hadn't been talking to you, he'd been talking to the divine dog. you snort.
"so you're his owner?" you think out loud. "does he have a name?"
megumi blinks, bewildered by such a question. shouldn't you be attacking him right now? he supposes he should have used your distraction as an opening to get you out first, but he couldn't help but stop in his tracks when he caught you baby talking his shikigami.
whether that was because you were so pretty and he hadn't seen you before, or he was confused as to why his shikigami wasn't following simple orders, he wasn't sure. (it was definitely both tho)
"uh, totality" he answers, and he doesn't know why, it's not like you need an answer, it's not like he owes you an answer, but it comes out before he can stop himself.
you grin, and turn back to the dog- turning your back completely on your opponent- just to scratch behind his ears and coo again.
"totality," you repeat with a smile, and the shikigami's tail waves back and forth in wide swoops on the ground. "what a good boy, aren't you?"
no, megumi thinks bitterly, he's not a good boy because he was supposed to be taking out the kyoto students, yet here you were, playing with him.
"i'm (y/n)," you say, and megumi isn't sure if you're introducing yourself to him or the shikigami, because your focus remains completely on the latter. "you're megumi, right?"
he doesn't say anything, maybe because he's been at a loss for words since he's stumbled upon this little interaction, or maybe because he's suddenly feeling... shy?
"mai's told me about you," you explain, turning to look at him again. he still has his weapon at his side, and you smile at how unguarded he seems to be. so far, he doesn't seem anything at all like you classmate had explained.
(then again, mai had tried to convince everyone her sister was no threat, but you'd met maki, and you know to keep a distance because you'd like to keep all your teeth intact)
"did you do something to him? why isn't he attacking you?"
you shrug again, before turning to face your opponent once more.
"I dunno," you shrug. "maybe his master doesn't will him to attack me, so he hasn't," you smirk at the insinuation, and your pride only blooms when megumi visibly flusters. even from a few feet away, you can see the tips of his ears go red.
and the truth is megumi is flustered. incredibly so. here you were, a stranger, an opponent, cooing to his shikigami like it were a puppy you saw in a pet store window, and now you were smiling at him and you weren't even lifting your weapon. maybe he didn't want totality to get you out of the event? were you right to assume that?
now that he thinks about it, he hasn't exactly lifted his weapon either. but that's just cause he was shocked, right?
"well, since you're not getting me out, i'll do you a favor too," you say, and suddenly you're approaching him, rapidly so. every instinct tells him to tighten his grip on his weapon and brandish it before you could get too close, but somehow you stand before him and his sword remains at his side.
this is your cursed technique, right? you must be doing something to make him freeze in place, because this was completely out of the ordinary for him.
"itadori is in danger," your voice drops in volume, and it also loses the sweet, cursive melody you'd previously used when speaking to his shikigami like a pet. "the old man wants him dead. you need to make sure your team knows"
a million thoughts and questions race through his head, but megumi remains silent, his eyes wide as he stares at you, trying to decipher if you're even telling the truth. this could be a trap after all, maybe an ambush. you have no reason to show all your cards and confess this to him, after all.
but your features are serious, hardened with genuinity. and megumi realizes you have no reason to lie, either. he swallows a lump in his throat before he nods.
he's not sure why he trusts you, but he just feels like he should. in that moment, it feels like he's known you longer than the past three minutes, like it's been years, like you're his closest confidant and there wasn't a chance in the world you could deceive him.
you nod back at him, before a small smile creeps over your lips, letting yourself indulge in his pretty features before you step away with the intention of getting back to the event.
"you get one pass megumi, i still have a game to win" you tell him with a grin. "but i do hope I can see you again!"
lucky for him your back is turned as you head off into the trees, because the comment makes the rest of his face burn hot and he knows it would be obvious if you were looking his direction.
with you out of sight, he turns his attention towards totality.
"what the hell was that?" he mutters, and for a second, he actually would have appreciated an answer, because whatever your hold on him was, hadn't seemed like cursed energy at all.
i'm loving this i'm gonna make a part two to this in a bit :3
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cherrryxx · 6 months
I think your writing style si wonderful! If you're willing, I'd like yo request somethingfirm Smoker from One Piece, anything would be nice! Even if You don't write about it, I appreciate You reading My request. And keep writing, You do it amazing!
I'm writing this with Google Translate, so please excuse any translation errors.
Thank you so much! I personally love smoker so this request is something I’d love to write 🩷
How it Begins
Warnings: marine reader, m!reader, Smoker is in de nile, reader is a little dumb but cocky at the same time, relationship headcannons, sexuality headcannons
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- Definitely took this man forever to even admit his feelings
- Before you officially got together, it was obvious to almost everyone (except himself) that he had feelings for you
- if you pointed out his soft spot for you it was rewarded with an extra week of chores and a “You don’t know what you’re talkin’ about kid.”
- Which has landed you with a total of two months of excess chores at some point, mostly because you kept being insistent on it:
“Admit it, you like me captain!” You jeer, leaning back in your chair across from Smoker.
“F’ ya don’t shut up I’m giving you a month of extra work.” He growled, gripping his drink. But you got a little cocky, grinning when you noticed how his face was slightly tinted pink.
“Sureee,” you cackle, “That’s why you freaked out last week when I had to go to the infirmary for a *broken leg*.” You raise an eyebrow, “Which wasn’t even broken, just hurt like hell. Wasn’t even bleeding and you acted all like I was dyin’”
Smoker slammed his drink down on the table, earning a surprised look from nearby marines. “That was only because you act all dramatic, ya idiot. How was I supposed to know you weren’t dyin when you howled like you’ve been stabbed!” He retorted, but when he saw your unconvinced face he huffed.
“Get out of my face. You have an extra month of mopping the deck for being a nuisance.”
When you argued he added another week, which turned into another whole month as you continued to protest.
- Smoker did actually admit his feelings once he thought it was his last chance
- AKA you were both on the battlefield and he thought you were going to die. But once you recovered in the hospital and reminded him of his confession, he told you (unseriously) that he wished you stayed in the coma
- needless to say after a lonnnnggggg discussion about feelings, and a minor talk about the fact that Smoker hasn’t had romantic feelings for a man before:
- After you and Smoker grew closer he was comfortable enough to reveal that he felt that he was simply unlabeled or demiromantic.
“I guess, I don’t know. I just like someone, not in specific ways, I feel like it’s just a click.” He said, sitting on the edge of his bed as he spoke to you.
You sigh and sit next to him, “I don’t know why you’re all worked up about this. You don’t owe me an answer, or anything about that.” You assure him.
- After some time the two of you became more physically affectionate, to the notice of other marines
- But, if any of them were to even attempt say anything he’d give them a glare sharp enough to cut up any words they might have to say
- He was more loving with you behind closed doors, once work was done for the day and he could have you to himself in your (now shared) bunk.
- Smoker loved when he could wrap his arms around you with no one else to see
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desmond69miles · 1 year
hey can I get headcanons for the ink demon with a child!reader who was one of the many attempts of Joey trying to make Audrey?
hello hello anon! thank you for your request :] my posts have been far inbetween due to health and family reasons, I promise I'm still alive!
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[-: Childish and innocent, you'd make the Ink Demon's life a living hell. He's supposed to be the infamous killer, the murderous demon that lurked around the studios. Yet, you giggled and smiled at Bendy!
[-: I HC that The Ink Demon doesn't injure/kill kids unless provoked, due to the fact that he still is somewhat an image of Bendy from the cartoons. However, the Ink Demon did not like you, at all. Hatred ran inside of his inky bones; There wasn't an excuse for him to like you.
[-: He'd try to scare you off by threatening death or permanent mutilation, but you giggled and smiled wider. It seemed that whatever the Ink Demon did, you wouldn't shake the fatherly image you saw of Bendy. He thought it was stupid and somewhat disgusting that Joey tried to make a child but recycled them here, holding a small bit of guilt for you.
[-: It would take months of you following him around the studio for him to warm up to you. After all, your still Joeys creation, and we know that Bendy isn't too fond of his creators. But once he warmed up to you, he'd let you walk around the studio without him hissing at you to back off. (You'd cry when he'd walk into the wall to teleport to another location, making the Demon cock his head and ask you if you couldn't walk through walls.)
[-: Just because he's warmed up to you doesn't mean he likes you yet. Your still a child, weak and defenseless. Bendy couldn't babysit you all the time, he had a studio to run! He did find you annoying, stupid, and too giddy for his taste, but at least you have a protector in the monsterous studio.
[-: If your like Audrey and have special powers, Bendy would help you control and use them. (Totally not so he can consume you later.) He's a good mentor, although he gets pissed easily and lashes out a lot.
[-: Bendy's the only form of a parent that you'd ever had, the only form of comfort. And by no means is he a good one, but through trial and error he can become a good friend. Even demons get lonely :)
[-: After a good year of getting used to you, he'd let you touch his horns and climb around on him. His ink is cold and slightly sticky, not enough to leave a residue but still gummed. If he really likes you, he'd let you scribble on walls using his claws.
[-: Bendy would not let you near Sammy. That poor man is crazed and insane, no doubt that he'd try to sacrifice you to Bendy or try to harm you. Maybe when your a bit older and know how to fend for yourself would he let you see him.
[-: Relating to the one above, he would not let you walk around the studio by yourself. There are so many dark and morbid things. Killers, thiefs, raiders, slavers, it was a madhouse. You're still a child and need some protection.
[-: I HC that Bendy is blind and goes off of scent/hearing, so he'd have an ear out for you all the time. Also, do not let him pick out your outfits. 99% of the time their covered in ink and off a dead body, too big for you to wear.
[-: To close these headcanons, I think Bendy would be an OK parent with a lot of learning. You're like a bean in comparison to him, he's fearful that he'll step on you. Just be kind and he'll be semi-nice in return.
thank you for reading! ask box open <3
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savnofilter · 6 months
Talk to Me | k. bakugo
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           Fantasy AU!Katsuki Bakugo x [GN]Reader
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WARNING(S): suggestive content, angst, lack of communication, abandonment issues if you squint, name calling, toxic dynamic (they're actually a fucking hot mess), making out, shifty hands, sex innuendos, established relationship.
COUNT: 3.4K words [10 mins.]
READ MORE: masterpost [students + bakugo masterlists]
A/N: bro a good bit of this was written in like 2019 n i had to come up with something. originally, this was requested by someone ion fw no mo but i wanted to finish it lol. 😭 i didnt want it to end up in smut (like it was requested) so now you have this like… angsty-vague thing! idk lol. this will be followed by a hc part two that is more ehhhhh mature. ALSO if youre relationship is like this, do not let it be, amen. 🙏🏽🙏🏽 thank for reading. 👵🏽
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“Where the fuck is she, dunce face?!” Bakugo demanded, shaking the frightened dark-haired blonde who had his signature lighten bolt streak in it. The startled warlock tries to pry himself out of the explosive man's strong grip in irritation.
“I-I don’t know! She came around here like a week ago! How am I supposed to know?!” Kaminari exclaims, tears now beading in his eyes, whining desperately wanting to get away from his angry friend. Bakugo glares deeply into Kaminari’s eyes before letting him go, not passing up the opportunity to judge the space and ignores Kaminari rambling about his potions.
“There goes this week's rent portion…” He pouts cleaning up the bottles and trying to seperate them to put off to the side as he tries to fix the mess Bakugo made.
‘If you aren’t here now, then where the hell would you be?’ Bakugo huffs in thought as he leaves the small shop and looks around the area. The man’s anger quickly continued to scale up as he tried to think of something quick. As of now, he had recently been to every place you frequented, this shop being the last resort on his hunt for you. Suddenly he has an ingenious idea, the burst of thought sending him storming back into his friend’s store once again. Kaminari jumps as the door slams open and whimpers in protest pointing an angry finger at Bakugo.
“No get out! You already cause enough damage-”
“Does it look like I give a damn?! Use your stupid orb!” Bakugo growls, marching up to the frightened warlock with his fists balled.
“It’s not an orb, I've told you that!” A pout is seen on his lips, the warlock holding a stern look as a warning. He carefully scoops up the aforementioned tool and glares at Bakugo to protect it from his wrath. Kaminari scrambles in fear when Bakugo bucks at him, not wanting to provoke the haughty man any further. “Fine, fine! But it's not going to be free, nor will I let you smash my crystal ball.”
Bakugo mutters a few curses under his breath before digging into one of his pouches. It takes a few moments before he grabs a considerable amount and slams down a shit ton of money onto the merchant's counter. Kaminari purses his lips and hesitantly leans in to look at the lump sum, raising his brow a bit at how “little” the amount is. A few more curse words and snide remarks are set against him before he happily smiles at the new total.
“Who would you like to see, kind sir?” Kaminari beams.
“Whatever, that bitch who thought she could best me.”
He takes a deep breath and closes his eyes and tries to visualize what's happening in the distant moment. His brows raise a bit as he sees the familiar scenery, opening his eyes and a few sparks run through him as he looks around almost as if he was in the moment himself.
“I wh… Um it looks like they’re-”
““They’re?” Who are they with-”
“Yeah! This is the place I found them, he could hook you up with--Bakugo?” Kirishima asks, pausing as he stares at the disastrous scene before him. His left brow quirks as he could already tell Kaminari was using his orb. He grins with a chuckle, crossing his arms. “Who are you stalking now-”
“That bitch!” Bakugo fumes, pupils turning into slits as they land upon you. You cross your arms and step back each time he stomps towards you until he has you cornered up against a wall. Kirishima is quick to pull him off, Bakugo shoving him off as he glares sharply at you. “I thought thieves aren't allowed in this part of town.” Bakugo growls without paying any attention to his friends, his boiling rage making you scoff out a laugh.
“Is that how you talk to people, fuck face?” You cross your arms and tilt your chin up at him.
Bakugo immediately goes in to lunge at you, the other men in the room moving to get between you two. “You know you took my fucking money, bitch!”
His exclamation seemingly offends the other two although it wasn't directed at them, a round of dramatic gasps sounding from them. The red haired dragon who brought you in presses his hand against Bakugo's chest to hold him back, while the warlock behind the raging barbarian takes his place in holding his arms back.
“Bakugo! What's gotten into you?!” Kirishima asks before giving you a questionable look that undeniably had a look of sympathy behind it as well.
“They took my money at the bar and never paid me back,” Bakugo bucks at you with each word, a smug grin breaking out into your lips as you suddenly remember what had happened prior to his drastic outburst. “30,000¥!”
“You make a ton of money, you've probably made it back already.” You roll your eyes in correspondence.
Recently, Bakugo has once again felt trifled by you. You and Katsuki had known each other for quite some time now, and have a long wrap sheet with each other. Truth be told, Katsuki sure as hell made up the money you had taken in no time—but that isn't the principle of what you had done. Most importantly that he let himself get played so easily, especially from you.
About two weeks ago, on the night the notorious barbarian had come back from one of his tours, he had only one thing on his mind: unwind. Of course doing that was hard with his status and all, especially from all the promoting he had been doing for months. If there was one thing he could complain about, it would be about how tedious touring is, but that's not what we're focusing on here.
We're focusing on the fact you swindled him out of his fucking money.
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That night at the bar was a bittersweet one—Katsuki’s only plan was to get in and get out.
He didn't want to talk to anyone (ever) or fake entertaining conversations and all that bullshit. Hell, if it was possible he'd have to commission Kaminari to make a device of some sort to handle that shit for him in his non-communicative moods. Thankfully, when he was like this , the stingy aura that came from him usually shooed people away from him. Everyone but you.
One moment Katsuki was inhaling the sharp and tangy scent of whisky in his glass as he downed that bad boy in one gulp. When he placed his glass down and motioned for the bartender to fill another, a familiar scent that wasnt the alcoholic beverage overtook his senses. Soon enough, the pressure of someone's body was against his muscled arm and similar limbs wrapped around his forearm.
“Katsu,” You whispered in his ear, smiling deviously as he didn't even try to hide the shiver that you elicited from him. “I missed you, why didn't you tell me you were in town?” You pouted and took a seat next to him.
“I just got back, how the fuck am I supposed to tell you that, exactly?” He grumbled, taking another sip from his glass to ease his stress.
“You could've lettered me.” You take his glass and have a helping for yourself, a hiss following after as you finish your serving. “I don't know how you drink these things -”
“What do you want, Y/N?” He finally faces you and snatches the glass out your hand and slams it down on the surface for another helping. A sharp look pointed at the attendant makes them quickly go to make another glass for him.
“Come with me tonight, haven't seen you in forever.”
The suggestion easily made his cock stir. It didn't help that your newly placed hand now sat at the top of his thigh, mischievous hands softly squeezing around the area but not reaching the place he needed you most.
You always had such an easy effect on him, something he hated. Which is why you two were on some fucked up on and off relationship that had no real direction.
You two would care for each other like devoted lovers, but then the next moment you two were arguing like there was no tomorrow. You would have amazing sex, and then jealousy would ensue. Various moments on where you two would find solace in one other was always drowned out by the toxic compatibility you two had going on. Just two individuals who had a lot to give but no clue how to healthily do so.
Irredeemably so, he liked what he had with you. It was toxic for sure and everyone was sick of it except for the two of you. He wasn't even sure how it even developed into this. Unorthodoxly Katsuki was always willing to do anything for you, as you would for him. Except he has resources you didn't, especially money.
That night when he let you come over to his place without second thought is the night where the longest beef you guys had in your “relationship” started. Your original idea was to bring him back to your place but seeing how fucked up he was before you had even got to the bar made you almost feel sorry for him. You begrudgingly dealt with his slobbering and drunk self as you tended to him, periodically swatting away his shifty hands and sloppy kisses.
“Mmnnn thought you’re gonna suck it..?” Katsuki tugged at your waist and pulled you into his lap, his boner proudly pressing into your hip.
“I'm not fucking you in this condition, Katsuki.” You roll your eyes and lay him back down on his bed and somehow manage to untangle yourself from his grasp. When you stand up again you press his shoulders back and point your finger at him as if he were a disobedient child. “I'm being fucking serious! Go to bed or I'll tie you up.”
“You're not my fucking mom!” Katsuki looked you up and down with angered sass, crossing his arms and defiantly looking away with a huff.
“Good, cuz you certainly wouldn't be acting like this!”
“Don't talk shit about my mom!”
“You brought her up first you dumbass!”
With Bakugo’s stubborn nature, he ended up arguing with you until he passed out. All your other attempts beforehand were as domestic as they could be, but of course this is the way you could get him to fall asleep.
You took a few moments to watch him sleep peacefully, his face as beautiful as an angel. His eyebrows that always furrowed in tension were eased and relaxed, the small wrinkles in his forehead smoothing as he fell into slumber. His eyelashes were a luscious and gorgeous batch although being short. His mouth was slightly agape as he started to snore, his body now completely in slumber from his extenuating busy job. You carefully leaned over to close his mouth to avoid the snoring and place a chaste kiss to his forehead before pulling back. It really was lost on you why you two couldn't just function normally but that was something to figure out on another time.
You quietly but hastily put together the things that could help him for when he wakes up in the morning, even cooking him up something that could be reheated without losing its quality. You carefully set everything up on his nightstand and left a little note for him to read when he wakes up. Getting ready to leave, you realize something sticking out of the pocket he was once wearing that night. You glance at him one last time before tip toeing your way to his pants pocket and light upon your discovery.
The way your pupils dilated in circumference gave you expert vision in being able to examine the money, and wasted no time whatsoever counting the dollars over. Shamelessly, you made your decision fast. In record timing you were stuffing the wad of cash into your shirt and happily trotting out of his place into the young night.
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The two males who devotedly choose to stay neutral in the matter moved a little, their wary expression now falling on you for your rebuttal.
You look away with a bit of shame, pouting as you do so. “I needed it for something.”
“So you wait till I'm sleeping?! What'd you even use it for!”
“That's none of your business!”
“Hell yes it is, it's my fucking money!”
Kaminari swears under his breath and pinches the bridge of his nose as you two start your yelling match, looking over at the other unlucky bystander that so happened to be there. Kirishima deeply sighs and nods as he steps back from them, his friend doing the same.
“You know what? Why don't you two go settle this in the backroom,” Kaminari yells over you both and waves an arm between you two to gather your attention. He gives a forced smile and dramatically swings his arms to motion your attention towards the hall of the shop. “I'd rather you two be a nuisance where my products and eardrums aren't in jeopardy.” Although his words are framed as a suggestion, it's imposed as a command; he respectively grabs both of you and tugs you to his ‘meditation room' (he uses it for when he sleeps on the clock) and shoves you two in there.
A pregnant silence follows you two when your fate in the enclosed place is sealed by the sound of his friend’s footsteps walking away. There's no doubt you two are locked in here, Kaminari has done that several times as you guys more than often ended up having bickering sessions in his shop. You hesitantly look up at him as you two are a few meters away from each other. You, closer to the bed as he was close to the door. When your eyes meet with his, Bakugo charges at you with conviction.
With quick steps he's right in front of you and gripping your jaw in one hand, red eyes burning into yours. Without any prior notice he leans in to press a kiss to your lips with force, his plump lips softening the blow. You groan against his mouth and immediately wrap your arms around his neck, both of you in a fight for a dominance that neither of you want to give up. Angrily fighting against each other for different reasons.
His hands greedily grip at your hips and forces you to sit down on the bed, his handling breaking the rough kiss. Heated contact between you two doesn't halt yet, but neither of you move to remove any clothes, just simply trying to get close to one another. You chase his lips as he takes pride in starving you of the pressure of his lips, his actions prompting you to grab the back of his neck and cement him on you again.
As of now his body is completely pressed against yours as you two occupy the bed, tensions rising in the warm room. This time when pulls away for air you don't protest, allowing yourself to catch up with him.
“Tell me why you're angry, hm?” Bakugo asks in a low voice, lips brushing against yours tauntingly. His hands although so used to gripping your hips so roughly held your body so tenderly, his gaze stuck on your lips and his body pressed against yours. Your silence does bring a concern to his thoughts, eye flickering up to meet yours.
Your bottom lip quivers as you can’t find yourself to speak like how you usually do, not even a toxic or sassy remark to mask how overwhelmed you felt. There's only a short moment where you wordlessly try to come up with something, maybe some pathetic excuse to mask your worries but nothing comes up. Instead, you breakdown in a sob, heart clenching in humiliation as you ca longer hide your anxiety behind toxicity and anger. Bakugo coos at your burst in emotions, enveloping you in a hug as he knew better than to press for more information. Against your will, your body succumbs to his familiar heat, face nuzzled into the comfort of his neck.
“I really would've appreciated it if you were here with me when I had my diagnosis, Katsuki.” You start off not wanting to continue, already knowing that he wouldn't like what you wanted to tell him. “I know you told me not to go alone, but… months? You didn't even tell me when you were going to be back.”
You feel your lover’s body tense up as he pulls away, his face stern as he tilts his head to meet your eyes. “You know I told you not to go alone—”
“I know but I couldn't wait anymore. It was killing me,” You solemnly look up at him for comfort.
His eyes soften immediately as you look at him and he pulls you in for a chaste kiss on your forehead, letting you rest against him as he settles for holding you tight. Bakugo wasn't good at these things, saying stuff that could make you feel better. But one thing was for sure, he liked holding you and he knew that's something you needed right now. After a few moments of collecting his thoughts he speaks to you.
“I just don't want you going through this by yourself. I'm not mad at you, okay?” Bakugo reassured you softly, large and warm hand rubbing your back as you completely leaned on him. “I know we go through some shit but I know it was selfish of me to leave so soon.” You merely nod, giving him a squeeze as you can't find any words to formulate. “I guess I was also scared to find out, but I should've been here with you instead…” Katsuki takes a few moments to gather himself, nervously biting his lip as he mutters against your hair, “I’m sorry.”
A silence falls between you two, a comfortable one albeit the circumstances and atmosphere. There were many things that needed to be talked about but a silent mutual agreement settled between you two as you calmed your chaotic energies. You couldn't even remember the last time you and Bakugo did this—just basking in each other without the verbal fights between you two. You both had to admit that it was a weird but welcoming experience. Bakugo shifts as he attempts to readjust himself, clearing his throat as he does so.
“When's the next appointment?” Bakugo breaks the silence.
“Um,” You pull yourself up from his embrace, rubbing your eyes as you gather yourself up. “Tomorrow at three o’clock.”
Bakugo seems to think for a moment as he glances at the clock on the wall, eyes later searching for a calendar. He definitely had some stuff to do tomorrow but he was willing to clear some space for you.
“... Do you want me to come?” Your boyfriend looks down at you, features softer than ever. His expression was similar to his sleeping one, his calm and delicate features being highlighted. Your pupils dilate upon being asked and you quickly nod your head, not being able to hide the flustered smile sprouting into your lips.
“O-Of course!” You hold his hand. The blonde haired male looks away flustered at how endearing you look, rolling his eyes as he hesitantly lets you hold his hand affectionately.
“Oi, quit acting like that.”
“Like what?! Don't ruin the moment!”
“Acting all soft n’ shit, it's weird!”
“Don't fricken start with me, Mr. “I Don't Want You to Go Through This Alone!””
On the other side of the door, two nosy friends have their ears pressed against the door, a questionable glance being met as they slowly retreat from the door. Kaminari does a motion with his hand to silently unlock the door, a small sigh coming from Kirishima as he crosses his arms.
“You think they're good?” He whispers, not risking being heard from the couple in the room.
Kaminari snorts and leads the way back to his shop with a shrug, “They'll be just fine.”
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    all rights reserved © do NOT steal, alter or copy this work.
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ellemfaoh · 5 months
do you have hcs for qiu/tamarack (step 2 or 3) with an anxious, clingy mc 🥺
A/N: omgomgomg OL2 ask yay!!! I’ll give you a little treat for the long wait and include both of them :3 I decided to go with step 3 because I like the idea of them being able to handle it a bit more maturely. Also since it wasn’t specifically mentioned otherwise, assume there’s an established relationship between you both. Little side note, I’m a total sap for long-haired Tama + Qiu so that’s what you get >:)
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Qiu "Autumn" Lin ~
Honestly? I imagine Qiu as a bit of a golden retriever in step 3, considering they finally feel comfortable with themselves.
Back in the step 2 era you never really had to think about Qiu leaving you behind since it was made obviously clear that if you weren’t in then you were out.
Now though?
It’s no surprise that Qiu is popular. They’ve been popular forever. Now they’ve opened up again and are the ‘magnanimous top dog’ of Golden Grove.
It’s a little harder to remain cool when you’re interrupted in almost every moment you two spend together. 
It feels like everyone HAS to get their daily dose of interacting with him.
The already steaming pot of emotions bubbled over when you were late to lunch one day and found a girl way too close to Qiu..
How are you supposed to react? Your anxiety about being an inadequate partner was telling you to run off and find solace in loneliness or Tamarack, but your clinginess was screaming about everything.
You ended up just standing there until Qiu noticed, saying goodbye before jogging over to where you were standing.
You were considerably more clingy than you had been from that point on.
You’d text him at least once at any moment, checking your phone constantly and anxiously. You’d volunteer to go everywhere and anywhere with Qiu, not letting them get a word in before you joined. 
Who doesn’t follow their partner on social media? Who doesn’t obsessively check their page to see if there’s anything – anyone – new there?
Don’t forget all the talk about being together forever. You debated proposing at graduation, but they chuckled and said that would be too much to celebrate in one day.
It’s meant well at first. They barely notice the change in your relationship. Qiu just figured that you were extra in love.
You, on the other hand, were just anxious and worried and always thinking that you had to prove to Qiu that you were good enough, even if they always greeted and parted with a sweet kiss.
It all comes to a head when they left to go ‘hang out with a friend in town’ and you nearly burst into jealous tears. 
You called him not even thirty minutes later to ‘chat.’ Qiu was a little confused and hung up rather quickly after saying they’d be back later that night.
When he finally showed up you practically threw their jacket off and checked for any signs that someone else had done something to him. Your anxiety about being cheated on had been chewing away at you all evening.
Qiu actually pushed you away and asked what was wrong and why you had been acting so weird, and that’s when the dam broke and you started crying. You pathetically all your swirling, anxious thoughts.
When your tears finally stopped coming you looked at them expecting anger or annoyance, but all you were met with was gentleness as they pulled you into their arms and started whispering to you about how much they loved you and how you were all he ever needed to feel loved.
From that point on, they always paid a little extra attention to the little details in your body language and mood.
They also never failed to (gently) let you know when you started to go a bit overboard with your fears, always being sure to reassure and remind you that you can always let them know how you feel.
Qiu is ALWAYS touching you in some way whenever he’s with you too. Your bringing up your anxieties highlighted his own about feeling like he wasn’t doing enough for you.
Hand holding, soothing and well-timed kisses, an arm around your shoulder, clothing swaps, the list goes on.
If you aren’t really a fan of PDA, believe that they’re always standing more than a little close when they notice your mood shift. They’ll also give you a quick peck when no one’s looking, or even lace your pinkies together.
Cuddles are the time when he really lays it on thick, hands caressing your back and lips brushing against you, gentle words of comfort falling from his lips.
There are times when Qiu has to be firm with boundaries or remind you that it’s good for you to do things on your own.
It’s a bit of a hurdle, but eventually, you start to unwind from the clingy and anxious habits.
Tamarack Baumann ~
Tamarack hasn’t ever really been as outgoing as Qiu until maybe step 3, and even that is a stretch. Tbh I see her as someone who’s accepted friends into her circle as they come, rather than go looking for them.
Also, with the kind of person she is, I imagine you’re clingy because of your anxiety.
With Tamarack I feel like you’d be a little more direct and less secretive/guilty about it.
She’s always given off the aura of understanding, a friend first and foremost above all else.
You’d be anxious over her finding someone better of course, especially if you two didn’t partake in the same hobbies. What if she meets someone who aligns with her more than you ever will, despite your years of history?
Tamarack is strangely perceptive though. An attribute of living with her strangely vague and indirect grandparents?
Whatever it is, your anxieties never really go unnoticed despite your efforts.
“Hey (Y/N), what’s on your mind?”
There are some things that go unnoticed until it comes to a head of course – especially your clinginess. Tamarack’s been known you for years, at some point your habits would become a lot less noticeable.
You’d ask her a lot about her day. What did she do? Who did you hang out with? Where were you?
It was never meant to be suffocating at all, and for a while it hadn’t been.
Tamarack herself hadn’t picked up on the way your behaviors were affecting her until her omi made a small comment on how funny it was that recently she’d started talking about everything she’d done that day at the table again. She hadn’t done that since the beginning of middle school.
For a while, it kept Tamarack thinking. What made her start all that again? Why did she feel a little guilty if she didn’t tell you something? More and more thoughts ran through her head until she realized your behavior was the cause.
She wasn’t mad about it at all though. Maybe a little bit annoyed that she hadn’t caught on sooner, but it was more sympathetic emotions than any other kind.
On one of your pre-planned hangout days, she figures it’s time to address everything going on, even if it isn’t easy.
She sits you both down with some tea and snacks outside like usual when she brings it up. When she did, she noticed that even you were shocked.
It took some time working past the initial wall of denial and anxiety, however, you both reached a comfortable point in your conversation where Tamarack suggested things that she hopes will help you rely on her a little less. You also become able to communicate with her much healthier than you had been.
She’s always here for you, just remember that other people are too and that there are plenty of activities to do together and separately.
With time she notices you’re a lot less codependent, and she makes sure to tell you how proud she is of you for it.
My personal HC is that Tamarack is a little awkward with PDA and affection in general, so that’s why there’s a lot less of that in here. It’s also another reason I could imagine you being so clingy and anxious about your relationship.
Despite her difficulty with affection, she remembers some of your own soul-searching you did before confessing that you wish she was a little more affectionate.
With time, you both reach a much better point of both communication and satisfaction in the relationship. You’ve been doing a little more things on your own or with others which helps quiet your still-standing thoughts, and Tamarack has slowly nudged her way into a level of affection that felt just right with plenty of room for improvement.
Relationships are always in a growing stage, just like people are too. If either of you starts slipping up, it’s reassuring to know that while you won’t be coddled and held the entire way, there’s a hand willing to help you up and brush off the dust from the fall.
Post Writing Note: Apologies if this isn't quite what y'all want or if they feel OOC, they feel OOC for me too *sobs* I'm sort of rusty with HCs, and also I don't know much about Qiu and Tama step 3...Regardless, thanks for reading, and don't feel too shy to send in an ask!
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mouschiwrites · 8 months
i’n asking too many of these dndhdhdhd (it’s there same anon from the pixel empire + brekafast hc) but i noticed that i think you havent done a kai and reader one yet????
so like i am gonna ask if you can do kai being comforted by reader post seabound ???thanks again sorry kf im asking for too many
YAY welcome back anon!!! I literally love your requests, you could never ask for too many <33 anywho I hope this is okay!
Word count: 815
Ninjago - Comforting Kai After Seabound
You brought your body against the door, bringing your ear close to listen for any noise. Nothing.
“Kai?” You called quietly, hoping not to startle him.
You heard a muffled hum. Pushing inside, you were immediately struck with the darkness of the room.
You scanned the area as your eyes adjusted, finally landing on Kai seated on the ground, his back pressed against his bed. He was looking at you with his deep brown eyes, void of the usual life they gleamed with.
You made an effort to smile as you made your way across the room. You sank down next to him, spotting a picture frame in his hands that you hadn’t noticed before.
It didn’t matter that it was dark. You didn’t need to see to know that it was the picture of him and his sister, taken many years ago, when Nya was still training to be a ninja.
You brought your shoulder against his, looking at him with concern lacing your expression. You hoped he’d look over and see, prompting him to speak, but his eyes remained locked on the photo.
As it turned out, he didn’t need prompting to speak. After a second he spoke, his voice betraying none of his anguish.
“Do you think I should’ve stopped her?”
“Yeah, yeah, it was a necessary sacrifice. I know. That’s what you guys keep saying.”
“That’s not what I was going to say.”
He ignored you, lapsing into another bout of silence.
“It’s so quiet,” he began, almost whispering now. “I think back and all I can hear is her voice. All I can see is her face. What am I supposed to do now?”
You reached up, taking one of his hands away from the frame and interlacing your fingers with his. “You remember.”
“When people… leave, they’re never really gone. They gifted us with memories to keep, little things to think of that make you smile. Things that they did, words they said, ways they’ve looked.”
Kai blinked slowly. The corner of his mouth turned up in a smirk. His voice wavered as he said: “I remember when she used to wear a lot of red. It was totally her color.”
“She looked good in every color,” you murmured, squeezing his hand with a smile.
He chuckled, but a tear twinkled in the dim light as it streaked down his cheek. He put the picture in his lap and leaned on your shoulder.
“I just miss her. I want to see her again.”
“I know, I know,” you whispered, running a hand through his hair.
He began to quiver as a crying fit overtook him. You pulled him closer, allowing him to fully lean against you with his face buried in the crook of your neck. He gripped the fabric of your clothing with shaking fists.
The picture had fallen to the floor. You looked at it, your eyes finally adjusted enough to the darkness that you could make out Nya’s face. You couldn’t help the tears that pricked at your eyes at the mere sight.
You couldn’t imagine what it would be like if she was your sister. The one you’d been with your whole life. The one who you could always count on to be there, even in darkness. To have someone like that ripped away from you… that would be brutal.
You brought your arms tighter about Kai, rubbing his back comfortingly. “I’ve got you,” you breathed.
Kai sniffled, pulling away. His puffy eyes were filled with emotion again; half anguish, half gratitude, with a sprinkle of that old fire stirring somewhere in the depths.
“I think you’re right. I’m glad she gave me things to remember. Memories. Things that make me smile.”
A sad smirk made its way onto his face. “But that doesn’t mean that I’ll ever stop missing her.”
“You don’t have to,” you said, taking his hand and bringing it to your lips. “You don’t have to.”
He nodded. Wiped the last tears from his eyes. “You know what I just remembered?”
“She used to make a mean ham sandwich.”
“She did.” Your mouth watered at the mere thought. You don’t know what she did to those things, but there was something magical about the way she’d be able to put so few ingredients together and make an absolutely smacking meal. “Now I want one.”
“Let’s go make some,” Kai suggested, standing up. “It won’t be the same, but… I want to keep talking about her. And I’m hungry.”
You worked together to make the sandwiches. They weren’t anywhere near as scrumptious as hers (despite using the exact same ingredients), but they somehow helped you remember other little things about her.
You grinned at each memory you discussed. There was pain somewhere deep in you, but for now it was overshadowed by your memories. The things she gifted you to make you smile.
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Thank you anon for your request!! And thanks for reading, have a good one darlings <3
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tmntxthings · 2 years
Hello! I seriously love your writing, man! It hits the spot. I especially love how forceful you make 12 Raph (he's canonically a forceful character anyway). Do you think maybe you could write a yandere 2012 Raphael?? 👉👈 I'm perfectly fine with a gender neutral reader!!
Nightly Watch
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author’s note: i definitely think i can write some yandere raph c: you didn’t specify hc’s or oneshot so I went with oneshot ;3 I hope you enjoy <333 thanks for requesting
warnings: yandere raphael, yandere tendencies, emotional manipulation, violence, angst, cursing, domestic abuse, stalking, dark au, unedited
Raph came to know you after he and his brothers had saved you from the kraang. April wasn’t the only one they were after it seemed. Unlike April though, the rest of your family was safe, so once you were rescued, they didn’t really see you again. Well… his brothers didn’t. Raph couldn’t seem to get you out of his thoughts.
He told himself he’d just check in, make sure you were alright this one time. April had been recaptured plenty of times.. maybe that was the case for you too. Raph remembered where you lived. He remembered where he had dropped you off, your window was on the third floor. Maybe he was so attached because you had trusted him enough to carry you all the way there. You were human and couldn’t keep up with mutant ninja turtles who were on the run from the kraang prison. You hadn’t chosen Leo or any of his others brothers. That meant more to him than you could ever know.
Whatever the reason he remembered everything clearly. So when he saw your figure moving around in your bedroom he held his breath. You were as beautiful as he remembered. His heart couldn’t help but skip a beat, he hadn’t left your window til the sun started to rise. And that hadn’t been the only time either, he came back to check on you anytime he could, after patrols or on the nights where they weren’t even supposed to go out on the surface. He’d sneak out for you, for your protection.
He imagined you in April’s place plenty of times. If you didn’t have anywhere else to go, if your family was taken by the kraang, you could stay with him, in the lair. He’d give you the full tour, make sure his room was more presentable in hopes to keep you there. He’d totally offer up his own bed to you. Raph sighed, unable to stop himself from wishing all of it to be true even if it did mean your family would be in trouble. Raph would make sure you were happy, he could care for you better than anyone.
Nights turned into weeks and weeks turned into months. Months of him getting more attached outside of your bedroom window. You were safe with him protecting you every night. Well he had thought he was doing a great job until one night he swooped down from the rooftop only to see you crying. You were wiping away your tears furiously, as if the last thing you wanted to do was cry. Then he saw it, the mark on your face that was turning a darker shade of pink, blossoming into red.
He didn’t like the color on you. Not in these circumstances. His vision flooded, images of someone hitting you. It had Raphael seeing only that color, red. The window came up with little resistance as he barged into your room, he had little regard for keeping quiet. “Who fucking touched you?” He snarled. You jumped off of your bed in surprise, the tears subsiding as you recognized him. Raph liked to think you thought of him just as often as he did you, but when you said, “M-mikey?!” He closed his eyes, took in a deep breath and tried his best not to yell. “Wrong. Just tell me who and I’ll be outta here.” He griped.
“It’s none of your concern.” You said, backing away from him like he was a wild animal about to snap. “I’m not gonna hurt you. But whoever did that,” he pointed towards your cheek, “deserves a good beating.” Maybe even more than that.. You looked at him, exasperated. “Look I appreciate all you did saving me from the kraang, but I can take care of myself.” You took a moment, then your eyes sharpened, “Why are you even here? And how—“
Raphael stalked forward causing you to shut up and fumble backwards, your eyes darting around. “What’re you gonna do, fight me?” He mused, finding that thought entertaining despite his terrible mood. “Just leave me alone. Please.” You said losing a bit of your cool composure as you came to a realization. He had been outside of your window, watching you. “I’ll go, just answer my question first.” His hand went up, you flinched as he grazed your wound gently. It seemed you regained your senses, batting his hand away, he let it fall to his side. “Raph.” You took another stab at his name and he gave himself away completely, eyes widening.
“Please, just go. You can’t do anything about this.” You pleaded, going for a softer approach since he wouldn’t listen to your earlier demands. “But I can, I can protect you Y/n, just let me. I’ll find out regardless if you tell me now or later.” He liked saying your name. He liked hearing you say his. He’d have paid more attention to that if your dad hadn’t slammed the door open. “The fuck Y/n! How’d this piece of shit get in??? You sneaking.. boys in now?” The man was slurring and stumbling, a drink in his left hand.
“Dad! Please I can explain, just—“ the man’s hand went up and it clicked into place. He was the one hitting you. Your dad. Raphael acted on instinct, easily putting himself in between you and your father, grabbing the raised arm and shoving the fucker back. He stumbled onto his ass. “Oh-ho lookie here you got a fighter huh Y/n?” Your dad barked out in laughter as he slowly pushed back to stand. “Take another step and you’ll be back on your ass.” Raphael warned. With that he turned his back to check you on. You were trembling, and his eyes softened, “Y/n you don’t have to put up with him,” he jerked a thumb back at your father. “I could take care of you! I could protect you!”
Your eyes widened with fear. “Raphael!” You screamed. Raph hadn’t realized his warning had fallen on deaf ears as the man lunged, this time he swung the bottle aiming to hit it over Raph’s head. The sound of breaking glass rang in your ears as you watched in horror. Raph jerked forward almost falling onto you, but he was quick to plant his feet and turned back swinging. One second he was talking to you, then the next his was on top of your father, beating him senseless.
“Raph!” “Stop!!” “Please you’ll kill him!” Your hands grabbed his shoulders, pulling him backwards. It did the trick as Raph turned to you, fists raised and ready to fight. “It’s me Raph, it’s Y/n” you said shakily raising your hands in surrender. He was bleeding from the side of his head. “Come on, you’ve gotta get out of here,” you said quickly, offering your hand, palm open. He blew out a breath and took your hand. He led, pulling you to the window. He was getting out of here and he was taking you with him. He wasn’t in the right state of mind to talk, he was a turtle of action right now. And all he wanted was to get you to safety.
A couple of hours later, his head bandaged and you in the lair. It was like his fantasy had finally come true, you were here, in his room no less! And all he had to do was let that stupid prick smash that glass bottle over his head. He’d do it all over again if it meant Raph got to keep you. And now that you were here, he surely wasn’t letting go. Promises of just staying the night, and that you had to go would be falsely made. He’d let you think what you want. You’d see, sooner or later, you wouldn’t be safe unless you were be his side.
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midnight-omega · 5 months
Pack Structure and Society hc
Hello its me im back with another long post. It was originally jsut supposed to be about packs but it got kinda mixed up with some other general society stuff. This is made for my writing personally so it's not even close to a one size fits all but feel free to take concepts u like !
As always stick around after the cut
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🏔️ In my society packs are very central. My au isn’t total traditional, but I do take a lot of the more traditional stances when it comes to packs.
🏔️ Packs are typically a mix of blood relatives. It’s much more rare than you’d think to find a found family kind of pack where no one is related
🏔️ Packs are lead by the pack head, traditionally an alpha. A pack will also have a second, traditionally an alpha or beta. Large packs have a few more designations as well. The heart is the packs top omega usually unrelated /unmated to the head. Some packs also have a matchmaker, usually an omega in charge of choosing mates and giving relationship counseling. Some packs have a finance head, exactly what it sounds like usually a beta in charge of money and land. All packs typically have at least one pack paw. A paw is the pack’s muscle, think palace guards in fantasy aus. Large and rich packs will have enough paws to elect a paw head to coordinate their protection. Paws are traditionally alphas. Packs that are very religious will often have a religious leader as well. Their title varies from religion to religion as do their dynamics. This is sometimes different than like a priest in a church in a neutral town (keep reading for those) and sometimes not.
🏔️ The power hierarchy in order is:
--Pack Head
--Paw Head (optional)
--Heart (optional)
--Finance Head (optional)
--Matchmaker (optional)
The religious head is not included as their place on the hierarchy can vary depending on religion and culture.
🏔️ In very traditional packs (most of them in my au) these positions are passed down by blood. As such each of these power positions is controlled by a different family, not mated pairs.
🏔️ Most packs tend to hold counsels with all these positions in attendance when big decisions are made, but at the end of the day what the pack head says goes.
🏔️ Packs can vary in size, but for my world building im going to focus on larger, rural area packs
🏔️ These large packs typically own quite a bit of land! Members are usually spread out over multiple buildings with the largest property functioning as the pack head’s home and a communal space. The pack head’s door is always unlocked.
🏔️ All buildings are usually within walking distance making my world a hell of a lot more rural than irl as you have these large tracts of pack-owned wilderness between villages
🏔️ A pack on the smaller end probably only has one village, or cluster of dwellings whatever you wanna call it ig, while larger packs can have three or four. In this case there’s usually some kind of town hall type meeting for all members to mingle a few times a month.
🏔️ These packs are self governing. Usually the heart and the head paw are in charge of discipline and justice, with the blessing of the pack head. 
🏔️ Since packs are self governing, packs have the power to execute, tho it is rare. Usually an offending member is outsourced to a private or government run prison, but in extreme cases a pack can legally kill
🏔️ Traditional packs are extremely territorial, and trespassing is one of those cases punishable by death
🏔️ Packs have a… long…. Complicated… history of alliances and enemies it can be super confusing for someone new to the area
🏔️ Packs do take in packless people from time to time. It can happen more formally or more relaxed. Formally a pack will seek individuals at shelters for packless, rehabilitation centers, or finishing schools. More laid back packs will simply advertise.
🏔️ Packs also arrange marriages between their allied packs (which in the 21st century can span across the entire globe) and some are known to buy omegas in particular 
🏔️ There are towns/cities on neutral grounds where pack borders meet. These towns are government owned and run and often have all the little shops and markets and religious centers and hospitals and pharmacies and movie theaters and libraries and what have you. Pack members can visit these neutral towns anytime they want! Tho very strict packs will not allow their omegas out on their own without a chaperone 
🏔️ While each pack is different, it’s not uncommon for packs in my setting to adopt a representative animal to act as a logo/crest of sorts! Some packs can be very closed to outsiders and these are the ones that often have their members tattooed or branded with the animal for recognition and a rite of passage
🏔️ While packs in a country/area do have cultural things in common they can also differ widely. 3 packs might be neighbors in territory, but one is devout Catholic while another is made of Wiccans and moon worshippers while another still are totally agnostic and are just really passionate about a certain football team. Stepping into a different pack can feel like transporting yourself to a different world/time. 
🏔️ There are two kinds of schools in this world: public government owned ones that are in the neutral towns that any area pack can attend, or private home schooling left up to the packs (but the government does check in on certain milestones for these ones) I'll make a different schooling hc later !
🏔️ Most of the packs in this world are pre established. New packs are often met with hostility.
🏔️ Packs almost always meet on neutral ground no matter if the function is positive (a mating dance perhaps or a holiday event) or negative (bickering over where the real border is)
🏔️ Some packs are self sufficient and farm and hunt on their own. These packs have lots of betas !
🏔️ Other packs rely on the neutral towns to provide for them, so their villages tend to be close to the border.
🏔️ Pack wars are mostly a thing of the past, they don’t really happen much tho certain packs are hostile towards other ones.
🏔️ All packs have a scent to them, you can tell when a person is of a certain pack or not and pack bonds are usually maintained by platonic scenting.
🏔️ Some packs desperately search for new members as they have issues with interbreeding
🏔️ Money is less of an issue in my world, a packs main source of income are usually a few working alphas and betas and if some betas and omegas decide to sell produce in the neutral towns. The central government will provide a ton of social services so these traditional packs (who are often considered like a cultural thing important to preserve) don’t struggle in modern times. 
🏔️ A pack will typically have less omegas compared to another dynamic, they’re more rare! It’s why some packs take protecting their omegas so seriously. In ancient times rogue or enemy packs were even known to steal and forcibly bond omegas from other packs. The protective instincts have remained even tho this is heavily illegal now and would be grounds for one pack to kill members of the other.
🏔️ Nature and land is way more important than irl !! Most packs keep their lands pristine wilderness they use for hunting or recreation. There are a few packs who have donated certain lands to the government to be preserved as national parks all packs can enjoy. Overall tho destruction of wilderness is taken so so seriously.
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henrybarrow · 27 days
More Henry Barrow HCs because I can🤭
(Possible special interest moment)
Idc if I said some of these before I can, and probably will, accidentally repeat myself!!:D
• Bro totally has like 0 communication skills😭 like the way he acts around Forrest, it's just too funny.
• I think he could have been homeschooled by Marie, like this boy had training to do NOT homework, he was most likely trained from being young to fight & kill.
• He'd probably kill anyone who tried to get close to him to understand him since his mother is his comfort, and without her he doesn't quite know what to do with himself and will just sit in a corner being lonely, doing Henry things... like plotting!:D (/hj)
• I also like to HC that he is a dog lover and when he was young, as he lived surrounded by woodland far away from anything, would play with dogs who had ran away from their owners, even if it was for just a moment while they went to grab a toy while playing fetch.
• He also makes absolutely AWFUL puns, which either make Marie laugh or cringe, no imbetween. He usually writes it down on paper to show her, and then keeps it safe.
• He did not inherit his mothers art skills!! Thankfully!! He likes to draw things he sees outside & sometimes will use an old camera to take photos for reference.
• The only things he got from George was his eye colour and height, but his eyes are still similar to Marie's despite this.
• He totally gets told off for playing any genre of music that isn't country or from theatre, Marie's just picky like that and yet still buys him a random vinyl if he behaves and DOESN'T set the house on fire (yes, it's happened before)
• He is scared of thunder funnily enough, he will start panicking and sit next to Marie for comfort usually.
• I also HC him as aroace (mostly bc I am but also because he most likely doesnt understand any form of relationship aside from his mother & son one, he probably thinks people are trying to get close to him to use his past against him)
• He most likely prefers to be alone, especially after the good & neutral endings of the game, let the boy grieve (that's probably also all he has left).
Clarifying this (possibly again) that idc if my headcannons don't make sense w yours, or if they don't make sense! It's just supposed to be me having a bit of fun w my favourite character ^_^ if you have any suggestions for any KF characters I should HC next lmk!! <3
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thisblogisblank · 11 months
Divine Influence Babeyy!! (Aka Celestial Fankids au thingy)
Finally, they're all finished!!!! Here are the Celestial Fankids I posted about a while ago, complete with a bit of lore and a few headcanons!! They're a little old, so bear with me a bit :']
General HCs:
- Despite being Celestials, because of their unique nature of having two elements, they have their own category name as well: Divines!! Which is what I'm gonna be referring to them as from now on lmao.
- Divines are born the same way their parents are; from the stars!! It takes 2 months for the Divines to be born (in total - their creation starts the first month and ends the second. For example, Seedlin, the Blassoom x Plixie fan child, took 8 months to hatch. Oof.) The first month functions as sort of the 'breeding' stage, and the second as the 'incubation' stage, producing a physical egg, just like normal monsters :]
- Speaking of the Constellations, in fact! The reason the Divines came to be in the first place is because, when each individual pair of Celestials grew close enough, their constellations fused, becoming a new one entirely! For example, instead of Ocean's Tears and Earthen Ellipse, we now have Murky Depths that appears for two months out of the year!
- With the lack of anything for the kids to do, and the giant pitfall a few hundred feet into the continent, obviously Starhenge wasn't exactly the best nursery for young monsterlings. In order to remedy this, the Celestials created Divine Island, a home in a sort of pocket dimension that would allow them to raise their kids in a safe, stimulating environment.
- Divine Island is only accessable to Celestials and Divines, but normal monsters can sit just outside of it in order to get the occupants' attention. They'd need to know where to go though, of course.
- The Cataclysm happened when the Divines were super young and unable to understand what was going on. They were locked inside of Divine Island for their own safety and left to fend for themselves until they were strong enough to leave, when they were young adults. Once they left they learned about what happened and became guardians and leaders to the monsters that were still around.
- also they don't know about Celestial Island or their parents being alive. Yet.
Pluchere, the Attmoz x Loodvigg fanchild:
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- The eldest Divine, Pluchere was defaulted to leader because of his age.
- When he gets mad, he creates super dark storm clouds. No thunder or lightning or anything, just. Really dark clouds.
- He can travel through shadows!! As long as a shadow is as big or bigger than him area-wise, he can meld into it and hide and sneak through them. However, if the shadow disappears, like if the lights are turned on or something, he'll pop back out.
- He's got super stubby legs (guess which parent he got that from lmao), so he prefers to fly on clouds instead of walking. The only exception is in Divine Island bc he'll knock everything over.
- He's got a plush Tweedle that his parents gave him as a baby, and now he can't sleep without it - he even learned how to sew so he can keep it in good shape!!
- he's eepy. Often. Got it from Loodvigg, can't sleep well when he's supposed to, and is just constantly tired. Luckily, the dewlap around his neck functions as a built-in pillow!
- Because of his third eye, he's got kinda-sorta clairvoyance. He can see people's greatest regrets and worst memories (albeit they're kinda fuzzy) and can predict disasters!! He absolutely despises his powers because he's being bombarded with horrible things 24/7-
Condair, the Glaishur x Furnoss fanchild:
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- he gets his name from a cloud of mist that follows him wherever he goes (which I never draw smh) - his fur is extremely cold, causing moisture to crystalize upon impact, and his skin is extremely hot, causing moisture to evaporate on impact, which makes it stick to his fur- you get the idea.
- Despite the info above, he can, for the most part, regulate his temperature!! For example, he can make himself cool enough to touch without burning anybody.
- After he left Divine Island for the first time, he learned about the Fire elementals and managed to save them far earlier than in canon by just. Diving headfirst into the Living Core and digging them a way out. Pros of being simultaneously the hottest and coldest being in the universe ig?
- Anger. Issues. He has a lot of abandonment issues because of his parents just straight up leaving him and the others behind, and he copes by getting mad and setting things on fire. Luckily the other Divines know how to help calm him down :']
- ironically HATES Boskus (Boskuses? Boski?? Idfk-), they just. Freak him tf out.
- yes, his fur is as soft as it looks, but unless he likes you or you are one of the other Divines, good luck trying to touch it.
- has a soft spot for kids, funnily enough. He can't bring himself to be mad at him the same way he gets mad at everything else.
Seedlin, the Blassoom x Plixie fanchild
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- Uses his tail to grip onto things, or to balance himself in the air, kind of like a blubberfly!!
- hate hate HATES having to walk on the ground, it just feels. Bad™. Gotta be flying or he will cry.
- His glass skull doubles as a fully-functioning terrarium!!! There's a bunch of moss and other such greens in there, along with the centerpiece - a bright pink flower, just like his father's :]
- Loves sleeping in the sun!! Y'know, terrarium and all. He even has some lights above his bed!! How the hell does he sleep? No clue smh.
- speaking of which, he flies in his sleep! The others have to drag him down to the ground when he sleeps, or he'll end up not actually resting.
- Not only is he capable of controlling plants and plasma, he's able to combine his two elements and create these indestructible plasma plants!! They're bright pink and feel kinda gummy-ish?? Freaky, but neat!
- Speaking of which, he has a giant monster-eating (not really) flytrap made of that same stuff! His name's Audie and he's Seedlin's pet and best friend :]
..he also tends to try and eat anything that he can fit in his mouth, including the Divines (minus Seedlin, ofc). He's getting better tho dw
- as a kid, Seedlin really struggled to fly, because of a mix of tiny wings and big ol tail. It kept him in check for a while, and made him pretty easy to take care of for Blassoom and Plixie! Once he started flying tho.. Oh boy
Malik, the Syncopite x Scaratar fanchild:
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- Despite only having one eye, Malik doesn't struggle with depth perception! How?? Idk man, monster magic.
- Also, don't worry!! The crystals growing out of his skin don't hurt at all, it's like growing fingernails or something along the lines.
- Malik can actually heal physical wounds with Good Vibes™! Y'know, healing crystals and all that-
- Be careful around his pincers?? Claws?? Whatever they are they're s h a r p, like literal glass.
- Wise™. He's the braincell of the group, and his cousin Pluchere's right-hand man. He usually helps him decipher his visions and figure out the best way to go about the impending disasters.
- the crystals that fall off his body often have similar healing abilities to himself, albeit to a much lesser extent, and are often given out as gifts. he doesn't mind it much.
- His wings (that you almost never see) are actually quite beautiful! their appearance mirrors that of stained glass, and when sunlight shines through them, is projects wonderful colors all over the room!
- Despite being so large and clunky, his claws are actually quite delicate and precise! He can perform the most intricate acts with ease.. Given they can be done with just four fingers.
Rivette, the Vhamp x Galvana fankid:
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- Being the Celestial of Electricity (at least halfway), Rivette is, understandably, the most hyperactive of all of the Divines! She's constantly on the move, and can never sit still. She's also extremely prone to zoomies.
- Big!! Brain!!! An inventor just like her mother and father, she spends her time tinkering with whatever pieces of scrap she can find, usually accidentally creating weapons of mass destruction in the process.
- Speaking of which, she owns a staff that she wields on the regular! (I just forgot to draw it HSHS-) She actually welded it herself as a child (with the help of Condair) out of random pieces of scrap metal she found around Starhenge, and it works as kind of an outlet for her electric powers, doubling as a sort of lightning rod!
- she's. Very clumsy. Trips over a lot, rams headfirst into walls, ect ect. The fact that she has wheels built into her feet doesn't help much either. Dw, tho, she can put herself back together just fine!! ..But her torso might end up backwards sometimes.
- She's an older sister figure to the Wubboxes (because yes, technically THEY'RE the baby brothers), and an aunt to the Wublins! She'd die for each and every one of them.
- the weird. Collar. Thing around her neck is, of course, a part of her body! Rivette needs to be actively holding it down mentally, because its default position is sitting upright. Of course, as a baby, Rivette couldn't exactly do that, so it stayed up for a majority of her childhood until she figured it out. It's essentially second nature to her now, though!
Fossoil, the Hornacle x Torrt Fankid:
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- The very definition of a gentle giant, Fossoil is HUGE, and strong enough to pick up rocks and hurl them across the monster world! However, he's learned to control his strength, and is one of the gentlest Divines.
- Because of his element of Earth, Fossoil's skin is extraordinarily tough, and is near impossible to pierce with even the sharpest blade. Which is strange, because he also has claws that are capable of cutting straight through diamond like it's butter.. Wonder which would win?
- Fossoil is an artist! And a very good one at that - he can draw, and paint, but his favorite form of art is pottery, and since he's able to essentially create infinite clay out of nothing, it's no wonder why he's a big fan. He usually gets Condair to fire them for him-
- He inherited Hornacle's balance and motor skills issues, causing him to just kinda.. start falling over for no apparent reason. Luckily, though, he's learned to balance himself before he hits the ground! His baby form, though? Not so much.
- One of his favorite past-times is just chilling in thermal vents at the bottom of the living ocean... Giant hot tubs,,,
- As a kid, Fossoil had little to no control over his thagomizer - he was like a baby Stogg!! So, in order to remedy this, Hornacle and Torrt.. Stuck corks at the end of his spikes. Brilliant idea, guys, well done.
- He's figured out a way to help Condair with his anger issues - play fighting! Whenever Condair starts getting frustrated and aggressive, the two will wrestle and fight until they're both tuckered out and Condair's vented out his rage. Because Fossoil is nearly indestructible and has excellent control over his own strength, there's a near zero percent chance of either of them getting hurt! So yeah, play fighting!! Best form of therapy :]
- He's also pretty much the only one that can hug Malik without getting hurt, because yk. Malik's covered in broken glass essentially and Fossoil's skin is impenetrable-
And those are the kids!!!! AAAAA, I love them sm you have no idea HSHS-
Of course, There's more info about them bouncing around my singular braincell, but I'll get to that later lmao. I hope you love em as much as I do!! Tell me what y'all think :]
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