#(just romanticize him instead xx)
quietsounds · 2 years
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ᴊᴀᴋᴇ ɢʏʟʟᴇɴʜᴀᴀʟ as ʟᴏᴜ ʙʟᴏᴏᴍ
ɴɪɢʜᴛᴄʀᴀᴡʟᴇʀ (𝟸𝟶𝟷𝟺) ᴅɪʀ. ᴅᴀɴ ɢɪʟʀᴏʏ
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lord-sharl-perceval · 2 years
Champagne Problems
Pairing: Charles Leclerc x Reader Summary: In which Charles comforts a crying girl on a cold London night. Warnings: Mentions of death (made up friends & made up brother), angst, fluff, use of google translator for french curse word, overly romanticized for entertainment purposes. Notes: Also english is not my first language, so criticism is always welcome, but please be kind xx Word Count: 2.7K
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Part Two: The Deal
Part Three: Karma Is My Boyfriend
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Part One: The Sweet Stranger
»your mom's ring in your pocket, my picture in your wallet, your heart was glass, I dropped it. Champagne problems«
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"Excuse me?"
You winced noticeably before you turned your head into the direction wherefrom the voice had spoken to you. Just a few meters away a young man dressed in a suit was standing there.
"Are you alright?" He asked with a worried expression on his face. Taken by surprise you nodded, assuring the stranger you were fine. However he furrowed his brows dubiously, not believing you.
"Are you sure? You're crying" he noted with a french accent, fishing a tissue out of the inside of his jacket and handed it to you carefully.
"Thank you" you mumbled, accepting the tissue, using it to wipe away the tears from your cheeks.
"Do you need to call someone?"
"No, thank you" you replied and turned your gaze towards the distance.
"Alright" he breathed, abutting on the blue railing of the Bridge.
"But I'm definitely not leaving you on your own"
"Pardon?" Perplexed you faced the young man, who just looked at you with raised brows.
"What?" He took a step aside.
"There you go, safety gap"
Still startled you simply stared at him, confused by what the man was doing. All you wanted was time to yourself to process the horrendous evening you had just experienced.
Anxiety started to pile up, of course you couldn't spend some time by yourself on the Tower Bridge at night without encountering strange men that wouldn't leave you be. Frowning the brown haired man scanned you from head to toe.
"Well, you're by yourself in the middle of the night standing on a bridge, crying, your heels are off. It's chilly and you're wearing a spaghetti strap dress without a jacket"
You gasped for air.
"Wait-, no-" you shook your head frantically but then looked down on yourself and quickly realized where he was coming from.
"Fair enough" you snorted, running your fingers through your thick hair in frustration.
"I do not want to commit suicide if that's what you thought" you responded horrified, although you couldn't help to feel relieved at the same time. The man apparently wouldn't go, because he sincerely wanted to make sure, you were fine instead of intending to harass you.
"I'm relieved" he breathed out.
"But still you seem to be upset about something. Do you want to talk about it? It can help to pour your heart out to a stranger" he offered and smiled softly.
"Don't you have somewhere else to be?" You retorted, wrapping your arms around yourself in attempt to warm your cold body. Melodic laughter escaped his lips.
"Coud say the same thing about you or do you always take strolls in dresses and higheels?"
The corners of your mouth twitched hardly noticeable at his words.
"I think, I've already embarrassed myself enough"
"This is your opportunity to embarrass yourself even more" the stranger responded sounding oddly encouraging.
Baffled you eyed the man, for the first time noticing how handsome he was. You couldn't clearly see his eye color due to the faint lighting of the bridge, but you already knew his eyes were your favorite feature of his face.
"I'm a stranger to you and you are a stranger to me. We both couldn't care less, if we made fouls out of ourselves" the brunette, young man reasoned.
"You frenchman are strange" you shivered, feeling your hands ache in the cold wind as you rubbed your arms.
"Thank goodness, I am not french then" he said, his smile broadening until the dimples appeared. After you flashed him a puzzled look, he started to snicker.
"I am from Monaco" he clarified.
"And that doesn't make you french?"
"We prefer being called monegasque" the brown haired man explained.
"Sorry" you shuddered.
"I didn't mean to be disrespectful"
The man shook his head.
"Don't worry about it" he assured you, observing shortly after that you were strongly trembling in consequence of your light clothing.
"You're freezing" the monegasque remarked and took off his jacket.
"May I step closer?"
You wanted to decline his unspoken offer, but instead you nodded, getting a whiff of the pleasant scent of his perfume as he came closer and put his black jacket around you.
"Very kind of you" you mumbled, shyly smiling at him.
"I'm y/n by the way" you introduced yourself, while extending your hand to greet him.
"Charles" the monegasque answered, shaking your ice cold hand.
"Sharl" you repeated the french and, in your opinion, more fancy version of the name Charles.
"So tell me y/n, what brings you here in the middle of the night?" Charles asked, after you both turned towards the River that reflected the lights of the city.
"I ran away"
Tears welled up in your eyes, as soon as you thought back on the unpleasant event that had happened earlier this evening.
"After my boyfriend proposed to me" you proceeded, while pulling the jacket closer.
Charles carefully watched your expression, you looked devastated and guilty. Tears ran over your cheeks again, staining your face with mascara. He could see how sorry you were, how much abandoning your boyfriend was nagging on your conscience. The pained expression on your face made it somehow easy for him to empathize with you, even though your boyfriend was the one deserving the empathy.
"And it wasn't even that we never talked about marriage, of course we did and I was convinced I wanted this, but I guess, I didn't know the real answer until he went down on one knee. Ironic, huh?"
You faced him, finally catching a better sight of his pretty eyes, nevertheless you couldn't put your finger on the exact color of them. Maybe they were green, maybe hazel, they could have been ocean blue as well.
"You must think, I'm a cruel person" you snuffled, using the tissue to stop the tears.
But Charles shook his head.
"I'm not one to judge" he assured, handing you another tissue.
"But if you talked about it, what made you run away?"
You inhaled deeply, crossing your arms in front of your chest, after you wiped your nose.
"I believe, that love isn't for everybody" you turned your head away from him, gazing into the distance.
"For a long time I thought, I was one of those people. That was until I met Will, my boyfriend. He was very patient with me, never gave up on me and made me slowly like the idea of marriage and starting a family"
With a deep sigh you then continued.
"But seeing him get down on one knee made me question our whole relationship, it made me realize that I never wanted this" your voice broke and once again tears were brought to your eyes.
"And hearing him say these words felt like hands around my neck, they suffocated me" you bit your lip.
"So I ran"
You paused and he couldn't find the right words to say.
"I understand" Charles then responded compassionately, taking a closer look at your beautiful but sad face. Your jawline was clenched, your cheeks rosy, the big eyes glassy.
Even while crying she was gorgeous Charles thought. You both kept silent. Charles thought of ways to make you feel better and you choked on your sobs, desperately trying to calm down.
"Let's walk a bit, we don't want people to think we're planning on jumping off of the bridge, do we?" Charles suggested after a short period in attempt to make you smile. And he succeeded as he managed to bring a smile to your face.
"I can't walk through the city looking like a Panda though" you sighed followed by silly laughter. Charles watched your face light up and as he did so, he couldn't detain chuckling as well.
"May I help?" He asked politely, whereat you had to smile brightly.
"Yes, you may" you giggled.
"Is every monegasque guy as polite as you are?"
"Most of them are" he replied, carefully wiping away the mascara stains off your face with a tissue. Meanwhile the monegasque cleaned your face highly focused, you were able to take a closer look at his beautiful eyes, finally registering his eyecolor. They were hazel with blue flecks, by far the prettiest pair of eyes you had ever seen.
"There you go, no more panda eyes" Charles grinned confidently.
"De rien"
For a moment you both tensley stared into each others eyes, forgetting your surroundings and circumstances for a split second up until reality crashed in on you, brought you both back to here and now. Charles cleared his throat and nodded towards the way back to the city.
"Let's go"
Quickly you slipped in to your uncomfortable higheels and walked awkwardly next to the taller brunette.
"Why would you believe that love isn't for everyone?" Charles questioned to start another conversation.
"Because I've seen it" you smiled sadly.
"My parents were never happily in love, my mother spent all their marriage cheating on him with different men until my dad's had enough and divorced her"
Charles' curious expression swiftly saddened as he heard your parents story and started to understand why you were so troubled with love.
"I'm sorry to hear"
"And yes, it's my parents business, but while my father was clueless about my mother's infidelity, I knew all along, since I was 13"
"That must have been horrible. Didn't you ever tell him?"
You bowed your head in shame and shook your head.
"No, my Dad and I never had the closest relationship and it's not that I've admitted it to myself back then, I've supressed it for years" you explained, burying your hands in the pockets of the jacket.
"When you love someone, the least thing you want to do, is hurt them. My parents hurt each other pretty badly, all the time. They are incapable of love"
Charles remained silent, he wasn't convinced of your statement, but unlike your parents his parents had had a loving relationship. They had set the perfect example for him and his brothers, they taught them what it meant to love and to be loved.
"I can already hear them talking behind my back: she would've made such a lovely bride, what a shame, she's fucked in the head" you changed the topic and laughed scornfully. The monegasque shook his head, loosening the tie around his neck.
"It's okay to choose not to get married" he told you, shooting you a reassuring look.
"Although running away wasn't the ideal way to decline his marriage proposal" he joked, trying to lighten up the mood.
"Tell me, you were alone with him"
You couldn't help but to smirk at Charles' comment. You knew, it wasn't funny, that you had to take full responsibilities of your actions once you got back, but right now you just wanted to allow yourself for only a few minutes to laugh about it in order to relieve the stress that had built up.
"I wasn't" you confessed guiltily.
"He proposed to me on my party"
"bordel de merde!" Charles cursed in his native tongue in disbelief and bursted into laughter.
"I changed my mind, you are a cruel person" he bantered as though he had known you for years already. You didn't counter, you just laughed with him. Charles meant it as a joke, but you understood that leaving your boyfriend behind with all the guests made you indeed a cruel person.
"Now to you: what were you doing on the bridge?" You asked full of curiosity.
"I needed some fresh air, I've had a rough evening" he grinned, even though there was a glint of misery in his eyes.
"What happened?"
"My family and I hosted a charity event on behalf of my deceased brother and my best friend" Charles responded, slipping his cold hands into his pockets.
"I'm sorry, did they pass recently?"
"No, my best friend passed away 5 years ago and my brother 7 years ago" suddenly his voice sounded evenly.
"Does it ever get better?" You asked cautiously to which he just sighed.
"No" his lips formed to a small, but sorrowful smile again.
"Some days are just less tough than others" Charles ran his long, slender fingers through his brown, untamed hair, releasing another, deeper sigh.
"In 2019 I also lost another friend and ever since that this crippling anxiety has been haunting me, the fear that I might lose another person that I love. I wouldn't survive that" he loosened his tie another time and also opened the first two buttons of his shirt as though he felt smothered by them.
"I spent hours and hours contemplating if I ever wanted to start a family one day and the answer was always the same: no, because to start a family meant more to lose" Charles added, meanwhile tears had welled up and gleamed in his eyes. You didn't notice that a teardrop fell from your eye and rolled over your cheek. You were moved by his words. What Charles had been through was unimaginable.
"I'm honestly so sorry, Charles. I've been whining all night about my problems, that definitely seem like champagne problems compared to yours and-"
"Y/n! It's fine!" Charles interrupted and laid his hand on your shoulder to calm you down.
"I approached you, remember? I was worried and I wanted to make you feel better and guess what? You made me feel better"
Perplexed you looked into his handsome face, recurringly getting lost in those hazel eyes of his.
"Sorry" you whispered and felt blood rushing to your face, tinging your already read cheeks crimson.
"You've apologized enough for today, don't you think?" He said with a crooked smile on his face, hardly any trace of grief left.
"You're right" you agreed with the monegasque.
The rest of the night you two strangers spent talking about everything and anything. You gave Charles a little London tour, showing him the true gems of your hometown, at least that what could be seen at nearly 12 A.M. Like silly children, you had been fooling around, both forgetting what an awful evening you both had had. When it was slowly time to part ways, Charles kindly accompanied you to the next taxi rank.
For a few meters you and the monegasque walked silently next to each other through the illuminated city of London. Both lost in thought, enjoying each others company without the deafening silence that would have came alongside awkwardness.
"I think, I just proved, that I'm no better than my parents. I've hurt the person that I love the most. I'm incapable of love just like them" you muttered as the realization came to you.
"I don't believe that" Charles disagreed.
"Love is not just a strong feeling, it's a choice and sometimes people stop choosing and that is fine"
You didn't respond, the heavy weight of your heart made itself noticeable, causing a feeling of paralysis.
"Do you wish, you had accepted?"
"No" you whispered.
"Then you're already more self-reflected than your parents" Charles contended.
"Is he a good man?"
"The best" you responded without hesitation.
"Then be honest with him, you owe him that"
You nodded nervously, already scared of the utterly unpleasant, but necessary conversation with your boyfriend.
"Thank you, Charles"
"You're welcome, y/n"
Finally a taxi was in sight, that you quickly hailed with a hand gesture.
"Give me your phone" you quickly demanded.
Confused the monegasque handed you his phone, after unlocking it for you. As fast as you could, you typed down your phone number and gave it back to its owner.
"For when you need to completely embarrass yourself" you smirked at Charles, before you took off his jacket and returned it to him as well.
"Thanks" Charles laughed and opened the door for you.
"Goodbye, Charles Leclerc"
Caught off guard he widened his eyes and held the door open after you got into the car.
"You know my full name, it's only fair to know yours as well"
"Y/n y/l/n" you answered right before you closed the door and the taxi took off.
To be continued...
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angellissy · 3 years
Hey :) I’ve never requested anything before so I’m sorry if i do it wrong hahah
But could I request something where instead of ward faking his death it’s rafe who has to do it and none of the pouges know about your relationship until it’s you crying in the dock instead of Sarah. And when you and the piggies go on the “rescue” mission to get Sarah off of the boat you see rafe and eventually end up staying with him and leaving your friends
I’m sorry if this is really long xx thank you for taking the time to read my request
R E A C H I N G  F O R  T H E  S U R F A C E
rafe Cameron x Reader
warnings: angst with a big a, canon rafe (maybe a bit softer), toxic relationship, rafe playing the victim card, death and talks of suicide.
a/n: I feel like it is of importance that I tell you all that I have done everything in my power not to romanticize the rafe cameron character and if I have then please kindly let me know because sometimes it can be hard. However I still need to say that I am writing through the eyes of the “reader” who very much still cares for this boy, which also means that the way the reader deals with things might not have been your way. If any more warnings should be included in the beginning, feel free to let me know. I hope you enjoy this fic which I am actually very proud of. A big thanks to @snkkat​ who is my proof reading buddy. Also thanks for sending in the request, I LOVED writing it! <3
They say that when you die your life flashes before your eyes, but how about when you watch someone else die? For as you watched him die, the life and moments the two of you had shared flashed before your eyes like a string of reminders of a life and love lost. It felt as if there was no air for you to breathe, you weren’t even sure how long it had been since you managed to take a full breath. Your mind was running in circles, trying to grasp what had just occurred, replaying the scene over and over again until you were not even sure what reality you were in. With a hammering heart and a split soul, you were kneeling on the dock, just minutes after watching your first love take his own life. You could not even remember how you had gotten out here in the first place, you just wished that you would have stayed behind as all your friends rushed toward a disaster in waiting. Perhaps that would have spared you some of the heartbreak, spared you from hearing him scream that he loved you one last time, spared you from seeing his boat go up in flames. But no, you were sure that for as long as you lived, you would see that blazing inferno whenever you closed your eyes.
There were arms around you, an attempt to soothe your shaking body, it only made you feel more trapped in a memory you would never escape. Those arms lifted you up and suddenly you were walking, mixed in all the anger and sadness there was a surprise that your body was even able to function. It felt as if you were outside of your body watching everything occur, you watched as Kiara and JJ helped you sit down on a sofa and as they draped a blanket over your shoulders. You watched it unfold, but you couldn’t feel it and there was no way that you would be able to respond to their worried questions. Instead, you were stuck in a mind that replayed everything Rafe had ever said or done to you as if that somehow could manifest him back to life. That stuck-up boy with the golden hair had been your first boyfriend, complicated as the relationship may have been, it had been the first time you ever experienced something close to love. Just days ago you had stood before him, tears in your eyes and heart in your throat as you called the relationship off. For a very long time, he had not been the boy you fell for, but rather a ghost of who he once was. Where he had once been sweet and tender with you, there had only been cold stares and words sharp enough to cut through ice. You were not oblivious to the fact that he struggled with issues you could never comprehend, but you refused to be an accomplice in his undoing. Time after time you had tried to be the person he could cling to when the world sat heavily upon his shoulders, but you soon realized that love and affection could not solve all problems. Oh, and you had loved him so much that you would have done anything for him to smile at you the way he had when he uttered those big three words for the first time. He had watched you with eyes that held so much adoration that you thought that they would never dim, that they would shine brighter for each time his eyes found yours. But eventually, they had dulled, and so you had realized that you would not sacrifice yourself no matter how much you cared for him. It did not matter that you had called things off with him or that you had decided to leave him in order to save yourself, for the knowledge that he was actually gone made it feel like someone was clawing at your heart and trying to rip it apart. It felt like no time in the world would be able to heal the pain in your chest or dry the tears falling from your eyes.
Time was indeed a funny thing, how seconds turned into minutes and how then those minutes became hours. Hours that you spent reminiscing over a life you thought you had given up before it was lost forever. You clung to the memories of him as if they were the lifebuoy keeping an anchor from pulling you down in a sea made up of your own sorrow. You knew that you were staying in your own made-up memories of a relationship with more bad times than good, but a part of you felt that you could not grieve the person he had become. For he had been vile and horrid, and if you acknowledged that, you would feel guilty for the sadness overwhelming you. So yes, you stayed in your made-up reality and wept for the boy that could have been. As hours turned into days, your friends made every effort to comfort you and try to get you out of the room that had become your place of mourning. Their tries aggravated you, for they did not understand the feelings rushing through your body at such speed it made you lightheaded. Each one of them had hated Rafe Cameron with at least one bone in their body and you knew how some of them had looked the day he died as if they were content that he was finally gone. Relieved that he could no longer plague them with taunts and threats that might have become reality was it not for his passing. You might have understood this, had it not been for the grief and guilt plaguing every bone in your body.
As days turned into weeks, you eventually came to appreciate their efforts to help you. It was like your vision was starting to clear and you could finally start trying to live your life again, and the first step to doing that was always to surround yourself with people that made you roar with laughter. Their ventures to try and find the Cross of Santo Domingo, were helpful, to say the least. Those adventures were as distracting as they were terrifying since the outcome was never given. Your mixed friend group of pogues and kooks had actually found that damn cross as well. Who would have thought that a bunch of high school kids would be able to find a historic relic? The answer would have been no one, and that is why you don’t underestimate kids with no limits. The cross had been in your grasp until a greedy and manipulative Ward Cameron came along and grabbed it. Ever since that particular happening, things started going south fast and it all ended up with Sarah being kidnapped by her own guardians. It also ended up with the rest of you stowed away like cargo on the ship she was on. While John B and Pope carried out their plan to find Sarah and the famous cross, you, JJ, and Kie sweated from every pore as you waited to hear from them. You had zoned out, staring mindlessly into one of the walls of the container, in the background you could hear your two friends talk about their dreams for the future. Something about going on several surfing trips at various destinations with each other, and that part made your heart ache. Sure, after everything he had done, a future with Rafe had not been one of your dreams. Still, as you listened to your friends talk, you could only remember a time where he had been everything you wanted in life. You pressed your palms upon your face as if you somehow could force every memory of him to remain in that little part of your brain where you were hoping they would become forgotten. A loud clank dragged you out of your thoughts and you looked up just in time to see Pope and John B climb in through that small window opening, followed by a woman you had never ever seen. Shortly after that, problems started to arise and soon all of you were scrambling out of the container in hopes of not being detected by the workers on the boat. They were in obvious search of all of you, which made you sweat even more than you had done inside the container. All of you received different plans on how to tackle the situation, yours was to act as a lookout for John B as he searched for Sarah.
You followed him down to what you could only assume was the boiler room since steam was thick in the air and you took your place by the door as he ventured further down. His desperate cries for Sarah echoed through the room and you dearly wished for a response to be heard, but there was nothing except the sound of his shoes against the floor. Thump, thump, thump and then utter silence until John B utters a name that made it feel as if the floor was pulled away from under your feet.
One of your hands finds the doorframe, a poor attempt to steady yourself as you try to figure out if this is a trick played by your grieving mind. You take a few breaths and as the silence is once again interrupted by two raised voices, you follow John B’s path down into the room. The heart in your chest is beating so hard that it feels like you are going to throw up, and it only gets worse the nearer you come. At first, you only see your friend, but then you look past him
Rafe Cameron had died in front of your very eyes, so either the gods were playing a nasty cruel joke or you had lost the battle with your mind. You shut your eyes just to open them again, and no matter how many times you did it, he still remained. What happened next was a bit peculiar to you, for weeks you had drowned in grief where sadness was the constant emotion, but as you looked him in the eye and saw that he was very much alive, rage and anger crushed into you with the force of a thousand waves. You stepped toward him, only for an arm to shoot out to stop you, and John B added to his gesture by saying “Don’t”. Laughter bubbled in your throat, for who was he to tell you what you could or could not say to your “dead” ex-boyfriend who seemed to never stop causing you grief.
“Find Sarah.” John B hesitated for a few moments before following your unspoken order to leave you and Rafe alone. It wasn’t surprising considering that his worry for Sarah would always overpower anything else. Once again you looked into Rafe’s blue eyes, remembering a time when you used to stare in them for so long you would see specks of green and grey. Had you searched for those colors now, you would probably have found them. However, you were trying to decipher whatever feeling that was shining in them, was it anger? No, his other features were too soft for that and the hand holding his weapon had gone slack as he watched you. Maybe it was relief? No that was not it either, for why would he be relieved to see you? You were not the one who had died and left the other behind. You stepped even closer to him, the simmering anger inside of your veins made your hands shake and he looked at them briefly as if he wanted to take them in his. Your hands clenched into fists and you watched as his shoulders dropped the tiniest bit, and suddenly you knew exactly what was shining in his eyes.
Love, and sadness. Your heart started to speed up again, and you knew that once you opened your mouth, the anger and grief that had become part of you, would tumble out in words that you would never be able to take back. But he had done something much worse, so he would listen, you would make sure of it. Your lips parted slightly and he must have seen it for his words came first.
“I- fuck I am sorry okay? But I had to do it, you wouldn’t understand but I had to do it, it was the best for everyone.” As he says this you can’t help the sound that slips through your lips, it was supposed to be a laugh but it sounds more like a sob. His eyes flicker between you and everything else in the room as if there was anything in here that could save him for this conversation. You move your hands toward your chest and his eyes watch as you press them hard against your chest, against the heart that won’t stop breaking.
“Best for everyone?” Your voice is the combination of a whisper and a ragged breath “Did you have my best interest in mind when you let me believe you had blown yourself up?” He winces and makes an attempt to say something but you hold up a hand to stop him. “Did it ever occur to you how your little stunt would affect the one person who still, despite everything, loved you?” This time, your voice has started to rise towards something like a scream, and how could you not scream when there is so much sadness inside of you that it felt like just looking at him would turn your body into a pool of water.
“You broke up with me, so don’t start acting like a victim where you aren’t one.” His features are starting to morph into those he carries when anger overcomes him, but you will not back away from this. Your hands are in your hair, pulling at it as if that would help you make sense of this situation. “You broke my heart long before I broke yours.” You can’t help the way your voice breaks or the tears that start falling from your eyes.“You needed and still need help and until you receive that help, you are prone to hurt anyone in your vicinity.” Now it is his turn to drag his hands through his hair and his breaths come faster and faster until you realize that he is starting to hyperventilate. He sinks to the floor and you follow, not sure how to help when it feels like his state is mirroring your own. With cautious movements, you place your hands on his shoulders, and the shaking of his body sends trembles throughout yours. For a while nothing happens, you just sit there with your hands on his body and watch him fall apart. Perhaps you should have been glad that he was suffering, after everything he had done to you he deserved it. But you couldn’t feel anything other than anguish and as a sob escaped his body every restraint you had kept on yourself broke and you hugged him towards your chest. You could never save him, but he clung to you as if you had the power to undo every wrong he had ever done. After a while, he looks up at your tear-streaked face and one of his hands reaches up to cup it. You want to look away because you can see everything in those eyes of his, every regret and every wish he has ever had. His forehead leans towards you and you feel his hot breath against your skin. As you breathe in the scent of cologne and feel his skin against yours, you feel overwhelmed by the fact that he is actually here. You notice that his lips part and for a second you are scared that he is going to kiss you, but he must know that there is a limit to your patience with him so he just whispers words with the promise of what could have been. “I wanted to be good for you.” A small smile takes place on your lips and you close your eyes as you try to restrain the well of emotions inside of you. “I know Rafe, I know.” He breathes out a little, almost as if he is relieved that you are aware that he tried in a world and with a mind constantly working against him. You knew, but you also knew that there was someone else out there for you. Someone who would love you in a way that Rafe would never be able to, in a way that would not send the two of you to the bottom of the ocean. Whoever was out there would make you swim. For so long you had wanted to believe that Rafe was the one, despite all his flaws you would have given anything for him to be your future. It was a relief to know that you could and deserved to have more. But you also knew that you needed to do something before that could happen.
“I will stay-.” Before you could even finish your sentence he whipped his head up to look at you with such hope you never wanted to continue talking. You swallowed hard and forced yourself to go on. “I will stay with you just to make sure you receive the help you need.” His whole body deflated and you had to bite your lip in order not to cry again. Eventually, he nodded and you closed your eyes in relief. You knew that this had to be the right move, no one else would listen to him or make sure he got help, so you needed to be the one to did. Just enough so that you finally could start swimming towards the surface.
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youn9racha · 3 years
Don’t Test Me
Requested by: @crzy-devil
Pairing: Jinyoungxmasc!reader (with a vag tho)
Words: 3.1 k
Warning: dom!reader, sub!jinyoung, consent being explicitly discussed, implied masturbation, mentions of pornography, implied dacryphilia, weapon play (fake gun), pegging, mentions of butt plugs, jinyoung in a short skirt, dirty talk, overstimulation
Extra Notes: wheewww finally my first got7 request ʅ(◞‿◟)ʃ don’t get me wrong, i‘ve been enjoying writing skz chan and changbin smut but i’ve been meaning to write some got7 but i wouldn’t think anyone would read it :( but yay finally i got something. i pray i don’t fuck this up, and i hope this is okay everything you want 😔
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photo edit is not mine
This is no way representative of the way Got7 act. They’re nothing but references of character, and in no shape or form is this how they act. And I am in no way romanticizing or glamorizing any toxic behavior exhibited, they’re just stories that is meant to be read. Readers discretion is advised.
You and Jinyoung have an interesting relationship to say the least. Jinyoung is always thought to be that dominant guy who’s always protective of the people whom he cares about, especially towards his partner. While that is true that he is protective and caring, however no one knows who the real Jinyoung Park except you, or at least who he is in your bedroom.
It was no secret that you two are very open about your sexual needs to each other, and it may come to the surprise to anyone to know that a man like Jinyoung is more submissive than anyone would think. But you however didn’t think so.
Prior to meeting him, you may follow what everyone says about Jinyoung, but five months into your relationship with your boyfriend, you were shocked, yet pleased, to see him one day in adorning nothing but a skirt, a butt plug, and a leash, innocently yet seductively telling you to touch him. And ever since then, you’ve been the one Jinyoung looked up to and waiting for to ruin him.
Every sexual encounter with him were exciting and fun, but there was one incident that took the title of the most amazing sexual roleplay you both have took in and neither of you had any sense of regret. Even if you guys would have broken up—knocking on wood—, it’ll probably not top anything but that moment.
”(y/n!)” Jinyoung exclaimed in a sing song-y way as he walked into the apartment door with something hidden behind his back. He spotted you laying onto the couch, legs lazily splayed open as you looked up to the ceiling with half eyes open. It was clear that you were tired and wanted to rest, but Jinyoung didn’t care, “I’ve got something to show you..”
You looked up at him with a furrowed eyebrows, “what is it Jiny—ah!”
You felt wide awake when you saw Jinyoung unexpectedly pulled a gun straight into your face and pretended to shoot by making certain movements and sounds.
“Jinyoung, what the fuck?!” You exclaimed with your eyes popping out your socket with fear, leaning far away from him, only for him to get closer to you. Jinyoung saw the fear in your eyes, which made him laugh at my state. “I’m being for real, put the gun down!” Your heart was rightfully pounding, fearing not only for your life but at Jinyoung’s sickening laugh.
”Oh, relax, big baby, its a fake gun,” Jinyoung said with an eye roll.
You looked at the man on top of you with a baffled expression, he flipped the gun around and shoved it to you, “see, carry it.”
You looked at the gun, then at the man, then back at the silver object with a gulp. You took the gun out of his hand, and to your relief it was indeed fake, with it being very lightweight and looking at it up close. Props to whoever made this gun look really realistic, at least at a distance.
Jinyoung laughed at your relieved expression, “did you really think I’d bring an actual gun?”
You shrugged at him, “I wouldn’t be surprised to be honest,” you jokingly replied to which Jinyoung opens his mouth agape. Now it was your turn to laugh, “I’m joking, baby,” you patted his cheeks and he pouted in response, “you’re fucked up, (y/n).” He says that as he laid on top of you.
There was a moment of silence until you began questioning why he had the toy gun. Jinyoung fidgeted with his fingers, sort of hesitating with the words he wants to say. “Baby?” Your calling for him sounded more dragging rather than a questioning call, as your hold on him got tighter. “I kinda wanted you to use it on me,” He blurted, not baring to look at you, while you looked at him with a confused expression.
He didn’t see you but he can sense your confusion, “I want you to use it on your dumb whore..” and thats where your eyes widened. You knew exactly what he wanted.
You would lie if you said you didn’t have the thought of the idea, but that does not mean that you’re feeling one hundred percent sure about all of this. You both are experimental people, and enjoy trying new things at least one, and pain on both ends goes right up your and Jinyoung’s alley. But you wouldn’t go as far as bringing weapon into this, albeit fake, but still.
You thought of how weak he would look over you though, how he tries so hard to fight back but it fails miserably and pathetically. You easily find yourself slowly warming up but then caught yourself as you uncertainty was still in habiting your consciousness.
Your ears met with his gentle voice with him saying, “baby, if you don’t want to do this, I understand,“ Jinyoung held onto your arm in comfort.
“It’s not that I don’t want to, it’s just what if I’m gonna hurt you with the gun?” You held Jinyoung, which endearingly smiled at you. He admires how no matter how hard you go on him, he still can see how you’re very loving and caring towards him. The last thing you wanted to do is to harm your baby Jinyoung.
”baby, you won’t hurt me, you’ve held the gun. It’s fake and it won’t do anything,” Jinyoung rubbed your arms, reassuringly, “besides, we have a safe word, and if you did anything uncomfortable, I’ll just say the word.” You looked back at his eyes. His eyes were entrancing to you, its a contrasting blend of assertiveness, plead and child-like. You have no idea how can one have the capability to withhold such power like this, but knowing Jinyoung, you can see how it works.
You smiled back at him with a gentle caress in the cheek, “I’ll think about it.”
You’ve given yourself sometime to think about it. Jinyoung made it absolutely clear that he won’t do anything that would make you uncomfortable. For a typical submissive person, he still values your comfort, but that is regardless whether he is submissive or dominant, verbal and emotional consent holds a great value in your relationship.
You’ve scrolled through the internet and went on certain adult website to see what got Jinyoung that excited about all this. You did see the hype, but you were still unsure about it, so you just wanted to give sometime where the ice of uncertainty is melted.
While browsing, you saw a distinctive video. The thumbnail caught your eye, as it had a pretty boy in a pink skirt laid on the bed with his leg spread and what looks to be someone pegging him. The video was of the type you’ve looked it up but it was different because it seems to be more of a point of view type of video.
Your mouse hovered over the thumbnail, almost clicking it. You turned to check if Jinyoung was still in the house. It’s not that he cared about you watching porn, he knows that no amount of videos will match up with you taking him on the spot. But you didn’t want him to see you researching, as you wanted to surprise him in case you enjoyed it.
You’ve not seen his presence and you decided to text him, to make sure if everything’s clear and that he’s not close to your proximity whatsoever.
(y/n): hey babe !!
(y/n): where are you ??
Jinyoung immediately saw your message. The bubble and dots of his began showing up until his message was sent.
Baby boy <3: heyy !!
Baby boy <3: oh i’m hanging out with Jaebeom rn i’m also gonna spend the night at his place if thats not a problem with you :)
Baby boy <3: y ??? u need anything ??
you sighed with relief to not only see him respond back, but also that he won’t come back later. Never would you have thought to say this, considering that you’re overtly obsessed with the man.
(y/n): no !! i was just checking up on u !!
(y/n): its fine by me :)) have fun and tell jaebeom i said hi
Baby boy <3: will do ^_^ see you tomorrow baby
Baby boy <3: i’ll miss you <3333
(y/n): i miss you too darling xx
Once the coast was clear, you’ve turned off your phone, turned back to your computer screen and turned on the video.
The video startes off with the boy, who eerily reminded you so much of your boyfriend with his mannerisms and body type, calling out to the presumed viewer. He only wore a skirt, a choker, and what looks to be a jeweled butt plug. To say that the scenery wasn’t a turn on would an absolute lie. You almost moaned at the scenery as you‘ve suddenly started to see, instead of the actor‘s face, Jinyoung.
His pleading eyes were captivating you as you felt yourself getting wet at the way the man is looking at you. Suddenly a pink gun was put into the face of the boy and hearing him yelp in fear did something to you. You felt your organ began twitching at the way the boy looked up to the gun. Seeing how the gun was shoved into his mouth as he began making lewd movements and noises while getting his pretty dick stroked, it did all wonders for you.
You felt your hands going down your pants as you carried on watching the video. This may have awakened something in you, and you can’t wait to showcase to Jinyoung when he gets back.
You sat back in your couch waiting for Jinyoung. It was the next day, and you didn't have much to plan, but you decided to keep the fake gun near you for the sake of your role. It was almost nighttime and the clock kept ticking as you anticpated your boyfriend's arrival.
Jinyoung didn't know about the whole ordeal, he probably thought that you were gonna be out running errands, hanging out with your friends, or even just sleep. But what he won't expect is you sitting on the couch, lust blown in your whole system and hiding the gun he brought in. He never would have thought to see you with it, up until this moment.
While you wait for him to show up, you scrolled through your phone, mindlessly liking any posts that comes in your way. You didn't care on whatever is on your screen, all you wanted was Jinyoung bending over, ready for you. You smirked at the dirty thought, until you heard keys clashing against each other then one inserted into the locked door. In comes the prettiest boy you have ever laid your eyes on, he came in with a bag in his shoulder and adorned a baggy pink sweatshirt and skinny jeans. He smiled when he saw you on the couch, waiting for him.
Normally you would feel soft and warm over his appearance, however the sinister thoughts inhabiting you was clouding every other thought. Jinyoung extended his arm up to stretch after putting down his bag, as he came in and sat down next to you, eventually attacking with kisses as a greeting. Typically, you would laugh at his typically private yet adorable affections, but you could only look at him with semi blank stare.
He noticed the stare in your face, his face shifted into a worried frown, “whats wrong? you’ve been acting weird since yesterday.” You looked at Jinyoung with your hands in his face. You couldn’t help but smile at the clueless boy in front of you, “Jinyoung, have I ever mentioned you’re gorgeous?”
Jinyoung’s confusion starts to get even bigger as his eyebrows furrowed. Not knowing what to say, he just went along with, “yeah?” It was clear evident confusion and you weren’t dumb. You knew he‘d be confused, thats the point, you want him to be clueless and confused about the whole ordeal.
“What if I told you that you’re all I think about?” You whispered, as you began caressing his face. His face was still grimacing in confusion, however he would lie if he said that the thought of you thinking about him nonstop makes him feel good and excited. “I love you so much…”
“(y/n), cut the bullshit, whats goin—” Jinyoung has had enough with your suspicious act and decided to confront you, up until he felt something on his jaw, which he ended up cutting his words with a gasp. It felt something cold against his pulse, his eyes were dragged to the source only to see something he wasn’t expected to see, yet is pleased. It was the toy gun he handed to you. His mouth was open agape, and you said, “I thought much through about it, and I decided why not,” you had a loving and evil smirk on your face, and he simply just smiled back at you, “and besides,” you leaned closer to his ear.
”The thought of you begging for mercy does things to me, you do not understand your powers you have on me, Park Jinyoung,” Jinyoung shuddered at you whispering out his full name at him. He could already feel himself getting hard at your words, and the thought of the gun digging into his skin makes the process faster. You knew that he was getting aroused without you looking down at his crouch, so you opted to use your other hand and held his member, to which he let out a closed mouth moan.
“You know what to do..” you said after pulling your face out of his ear and staring straight into his face. He looked like a puppy with his eyes innocently sparkling at you. You slapped his thigh to get up to do what he’s doing, which you took him out of his trance, nodded at you and got up.
“I’ll give you five minutes,” you said loud enough where he can still hear as he walks, more like wobbling, into your shared bedroom, while you smirked at his adorable weak state. You looked at the gun and you knew were gonna have fun with your boy toy.
~~ Five minutes have passed, and you decided to walk into the bedroom where Jinyoung is at at a painfully slow pace. You felt like a lion going after a deer, ready to devour it on the spot, with Jinyoung being the deer in this situation. You dragged the gun against the wall as you got closer to your bedroom. You can already sense Jinyoung getting weaker and weaker without even looking at him. You hear heavy breathing coming from out of your bedroom, and you felt your lust is started to mix fury with it as you knew exactly what he was doing.
However you kept your composure and still have the smirk drawn into your face. You reached the door, and you opened the door to see a sight that both angered and aroused you. Jinyoung was dressed in a pink short skirt and a crop top along side with thigh highs, his whole cock was out as he was stroking himself as he was looking at himself in the mirror. Still in his lust world, he didn’t notice your presence up until you spoke.
“Who told you you can touch yourself?” You questioned with a crossed arm and a lean into the door sill. Jinyoung gasped his eyes wide open, his hand stopped stroking as he was looking at you with pleading eyes, “I-I’m sorry,” he gulped as you got closer to him, looking at him with a scowl. Despite him being slightly taller by a few centimeters, he still looks and feels smaller than you, especially at this moment.
“I couldn’t help it, I j-j—“ You cut his pathetic talk by putting the gun into his cheek. His mouth was wide shut as he fearfully looked at the gun then back at you. You glided the gun across the face as his breath hitches, you stopped the gun at his mouth. “Open your mouth,” you growled at him, which he didn’t respond at first as he was too aroused to function. You shoved the weapon not too harsh that it could hurt him, but not too light, to wake him up to, which he just moaned.
”I didn’t even touch you, and yet you’re already fucked up,” you commented as you tugged his bottom lip with the gun making him whimper. You tapped his face and commanded again, “open.”
This time he complied and he stuck his tongue out, you lightly inserted the weapon into his mouth as he wrapped his mouth around it.
To say that the scenery was pornographic was an understatement. A man in his short skirt down on his knees sucking on a weapon as his superior is tugging on his hair, it was hot to look at, you and Jinyoung would agree. It was typical that Jinyoung is going dumb just for you, he’s willing to drop everything just to satisfy your needs. He loves you too much. And to see you enjoying his idea makes him feel really good.
~~~ ”Thats what you fucking get for being a dumb slut,” You thrusted your strap on onto your pretty boy’s hole as he grips into the sheets underneath him. His legs placed on your shoulder while your hips were moving in and out of him.
“I-I-I’m s-sorry! I’m not gonna do it again!” Jinyoung was a mess under you, he’s practically crying as he feels his hole getting stretched with pleasure. Tears rolling down his face as he feels his orgasm get closer. You can see that based on his face twist that he was getting closer so you stopped thrusting for the nth time, which caused him to whine and sob louder.
“Bad sluts like you don’t deserve to cum,” You leaned over, his leg still on your shoulder and squished his cheeks. His nose was tinted pink due to blissed out cry and the amount of times you’d edge him, and the fact you still resisted giving him what he want made him blush even more. You both love it, especially Jinyoung, who may love this more than you do. He loves getting edged and getting all this punishment. He was a walking masochist, and because he is what he is, you ended up loving it and use it for your advantage.
Despite his “apologies,” he always misbehaves just so he can get punished by his superior. He is a brat in disguise, and you love it. You love giving him the punishment that he ever so deserves, as much as you love degrading him and you absolutely love seeing him being at your mercy.
He simply looked up at you with teary eyes and says softly, “I’m a bad slut, but I’m your bad slut,” to which you smirked back at his claim.
Your Bad Slut. That’s exactly what he is.
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talkfastromance4 · 4 years
stuck with u--calum hood (part ii)
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Read part one here
word count: 4.7k
warnings: nsfw, boyfriend!cal, oral sex (female receiving), slight exhibitionism, slight cum talk, slight dirty talk, unprotected sex, 18+ please
Let me know if you’d like a part 3! I’ve got ideas but they revolve around baby Hood and I know I write that way too much but I can’t be tamed so if you don’t want that this will be the last part ok
Enjoy! :)
• • • •
She was finally able to visit her family for a few weeks with Calum and Duke accompanying her on the trip. Staying in her childhood bedroom had its drawbacks of not being intimate with each other. Not that Calum went without trying. He’d move in to give her a goodnight kiss, distracting her with his lips while his hand attempted to slip under her pajama bottoms.
“Hold your horses, handsy,” she’d giggle and pull his hand away. “Wait until we’re alone.”
“We are alone,” he’d pout against her neck.
“My parents are right across the hall. You know me, I can’t be quiet.” She’d play with his hair affectionately trying to appease him.
“I love that you can’t be quiet,” he’d smile back then sigh deeply, it tickled her skin. “Fine, but when we get back home…you’re mine.”
After rekindling their relationship, it was stronger than ever. They found a routine that included a workout regime while also spending some alone time apart. Sure, they still had their qualms, but the resolve was quicker than before.
She was so happy to help out with the Wildflower video when that happened and made sure to follow Andy’s instructions to a T as she helped him film it. She loved watching him do his own workout routine by the pool, his muscles rippling and glistening in the midday sun was a sight for sore eyes.
One day, he was holed up in his music room on a call with the guys. She assumed it was about tour and she could hear the frustration and sadness in his voice as she passed by to start dinner. While she cooked she suddenly felt a wave of guilt wash over her because spending this time with him when he should be on tour made her happy.
His door opened half an hour later with him running his fingers through his hair in distress.
“Smells good, baby,” he says moving behind her. His hands rest on her waist, he kisses her cheek then holds her for a moment. He sighs heavily.
“What’s going on with the guys?” she asks carefully, not wanting to add her own salt to the wound.
“We couldn’t reschedule all the tour dates,” he says sadly. “We were thinking of making the set longer since it was held off, hopefully have the fifth album out before then so we can double new songs. We’ll see.”
“I think that’d be great, the fans would love a longer set.”
He hums in agreement watching her sprinkle some parmesan cheese over the fish, his lips pulsing on her shoulder like little fish kisses. When she has to put the pan in the oven, she pats his hands which he removes so she can do her task then sets the timer for the appropriate time. She takes Calum’s hand then leads him to the couch so they can sit together.
“What else is on your mind?” she asks curling her fingers in his hair, he leans into her touch resting his hand on her thigh.
“Ash said he’s been creating his own solo album since all of this started and he’s nearly finished with it.”
“Really? Wow, that’s great for him!”
“Yeah…it is,” he starts to chew on the nail of his thumb lost in thought. “It got me thinking.”
“Of?” she continues to play with his hair, his own hand rubbing circles on her thigh.
“What if I…I might want to put an actual book of my own writings together.”
“Really?! I think that’s an awesome idea!” she exclaims kissing his cheek excitedly.
“You do?”
“Yeah! Your writing is incredible, honey. Poetry is becoming such a big thing again, it helps others not feel so alone, it brings out their emotions. What would you write about?”
“You,” he smiles leaning forward to press a delicate kiss to her lips. “Me, the guys, growing up as a kid, other thoughts I have.”
“It already sounds like a bestseller.”
“I don’t know where to start,” he huffs. He shifts on the couch so he’s lying on her chest, his curls tickle her chin, they hug each other close.
“Wherever you want to,” she kisses the top of his head. “They’re your words, your thoughts, your feelings.”
They sit in a comfortable silence while dinner cooks, she continues to play with his hair and rub his back with her other hand. She’s excited to see his process with this, something that’s his own creation. When the oven timer goes off, he helps her set everything else up for dinner, both of them are stuck in their own thoughts and musings.
Bedtime rolls around and Calum’s been flipping through his brown leather notebook he always writes in and the one he gave her for her birthday. He’s waiting for something to jump out at him for a good place to start. While she sleeps, he thinks. And thinks. And thinks. Until an idea blooms in his mind.
The next morning, she wakes to a Calum-less side of the bed. She looks to the bathroom but he’s not in there, then she checks her phone if he texted her that he went to the store or something. She finds the coffee maker is still on with her mug and favorite ingredients set aside for her along with a small handwritten note from Calum.
“Be back soon, love. Getting something for the both of us to enjoy xx Cal”
She smiles at the note, fixes her coffee then ponders what he could possibly be getting for the both of them to enjoy. Her mind immediately goes to something sexual, but they haven’t really discussed anything out of the ordinary as of late. She also found it very sweet that he left a note instead of a text, his romanticism never fails.
Upon waiting for his return, she rinses the dishes and puts them in the dish washer, then decides to take a quick shower. She pulls on some fabric shorts and one of his shirts then prattles about the house until Duke’s barking signifies his arrival.
She comes by the door where Calum quickly lifts her into his arms and spins her around, his rumbling laughter makers her join in even though she doesn’t know the joke.
“Where have you been?”
“Come outside but close your eyes.”
He takes her hand then covers her eyes with the other, leading her to the front of the house. Their feet knock together as he guides her to where he wants her.
“Okay, are you ready?”
“Did you get me a pony?” she teases.
“No, silly girl,” he chuckles then removes his hand, but she keeps her eyes closed. “Open.”
When she does, she’s staring at a mini retro camper that’s yellow and white with an outline of a dog painted on the front. She gasps at it; they’ve always talked about getting one so they could do a camping trip together.
“What do you think? Want to check the inside out? It’s pretty spacious inside,” he grins mischievously pulling open the door.
“Oh yeah? Give me the grand tour, sir.”
She takes his hand helping her step inside. Her mouth opens in shock at the updated version inside. White cabinets and furnished wood flooring make the space appear bigger. There’s a small nook with a table for eating, the kitchenette is small with a door leading to the toilet and across that is a small shower. Two small steps lead up to a large bed decorated with an orange bedspread and see through curtains over the back window. Up front is a small couch with pillows and a blanket.
“And, check this out,” he ducks in front of her then pushes a button, a medium flat screen appears behind two cabinets. “We can plug in our firestick as long as we’re in range of a Wifi spot so we can watch Netflix, Hulu, Disney+.”
She looks at all the small details, she loves the wicker basket ottoman in the center of the room and there’s already a small dog bed for Duke next to the table. She loves it.
“I was thinking we could go camping along the coast, I already found two great campsites, bought a grill and other camping supplies. I figured we could get away for a bit, out of the house and into the outdoors. I can work on my writing and it will be relaxing and romantic. What do you think?”
She turns around to stare at him, his head just barely touches the ceiling, but his eyes are bright with excitement. He’s glowing in this little camper that is now theirs. She closes the space between them and wraps her arms around his shoulders giving him a big kiss.
“I think that’s the best idea I’ve ever heard,” she whispers on his lips. “I love it. When can we go? We’ll need to go grocery shopping and get bug spray and travel sized shampoo and other things. Those are so cute, they’re so compact. We’ll have to pack for Duke. I’ll make a list and—”
He silences her rambling with a kiss then backs her further into the camper towards the bed. She crawls into the middle of it, their lips still locked. When he presses his hips against hers, she can feel his arousal and she moans.
“We can do all of that after I take you right here, baby,” he mumbles shifting his lips to her jaw. He lies her back against the orange and white pillows. “We need to christen this bed, hm?”
“Mhm,” she sighs enjoying the feel of his plush lips on her skin. She turns her head to the right so he can continue his kissing path then she notices the door. “Shut the door.”
“Everyone’s in their houses…”
“Cal,” she laughs pushing on his shoulder playfully. “If you go close the door, I’ll be naked and waiting for you.”
That grabs his attention. He pulls back giving her a questioning look. He bounds off the bed, the camper rocking with his motions as he shuts the door and locks it. By the time he’s back at the steps, she is indeed naked, trailing her fingers down and over her breasts to in between her legs. She lifts a finger, motioning him forward in a ‘come here’ fashion.
“Fuck,” he sighs and removes his own clothes, quickly joining her on the bed.
She giggles at his excitement dragging his mouth to hers, his hand grips at her thigh then curves in between her folds. Moans replace her giggles when his finger slips inside, curling and twiddling against her spongy wall.
“So wet already? Can’t have you ruin this new bedspread before we get on the road, can I?”
“What are you gonna do about it?” she smirks, then winces when he removes his finger.
“Lick you up.”
He looks up at her with lust filled eyes, brushing his lips in barely there kisses down her stomach then wiggles his tongue over her clit. He moans at the taste and laves her up more with his tongue.
“Mm, Cal…” she whines wriggling her upper body. He flattens his tongue, doing deep swipes up and down her folds before suctioning onto her clit. She rests her heel on his shoulder just when he inserts a finger. “Yes!”
He smiles against her, pumping his finger slowly paired with the roll of his tongue. He adds another and ups the ante until she’s panting in staccato breaths. Moans tickle past her tongue the faster he goes chasing her orgasm.
“Come for me, baby…let me feel you,” he whispers and at his words her stomach clenches and her heart jolts in her chest. He moans with her to heighten the arousal then when she teeters off he kisses the inside of her thigh. “Good girl.”
He moves his face back, but she pulls on his hair, jerking his head up so he looks at her.
“Need you now. Please,” she whimpers.
Very slowly, he licks his lips then pulls his fingers out of her. Very slowly, he licks those, too before clambering on top of her. She reaches for his hardened dick, guiding him inside. He sinks into her easily, moaning into her mouth while he fucks her. She rocks her hips with his, meeting his rhythm with a desirable frenzy.
Their motions are rocking the camper slightly, the bed squeaks quietly as they pursue their high together.
“Feel so good,” he pants on her mouth.
“Faster, faster,” she begs.
A few more quick snaps and she cries out in a loud moan, Calum’s body jerks against hers then he pulls out quickly as he releases on her stomach and then they’re both breathing heavily. She swallows thickly, letting out a gust of air and pets his curls that are now a perfect blend of blond and black. Calum lifts his head and tugs on her bottom lip with his teeth.
“I think we rocked this camper.”
She bursts into laughter then sighs, “Yeah we did. You rocked my world, for sure. Giving me a workout in my legs, babe.”
“Sore?” he kisses her nose then slowly rolls onto his back and moves into the small bathroom. He grabs toilet paper wipes himself off, pulls his boxers and pants back on then kneels on the bed to help clean between her legs and on her stomach.
“Thank you.”
“’Course,” he grins peppering kisses on her belly.
“Lay with me for a bit,” she tugs him down next to her, wincing as she lets her legs relax. She fells the strain in her thighs already and shifts into a comfortable position against him. “We’re really going to do this, right? Go camping and leave the world behind for a bit?”
“We’re going to do this,” he strokes her cheek in assurance, loving how flushed they are from the sex they just had. “You and me and Duke. We’ll make smores, nap in here whenever we want—and yes it has air conditioning,” he laughs.
“It sounds so nice,” she sighs closing her eyes then yawns. She usually falls asleep right after, he wears her out.
“Let’s not sleep out here yet, we gotta check on Duke and start a list.”
“I need to shower first,” she sits up stretching her arms above her head. “Toilet paper doesn’t really get the job done.”
“Can I join you?” he smirks springing into a sitting position and kisses her shoulder.
Setting up their campsite didn’t take too long when they arrived. The awning on the camper was easy to assemble and setting up their chairs in the front didn’t take that long as well. The camper was already stocked with the food they bought with their clothes in the drawers set about the whole perimeter. She even added a photo of her, Calum and Duke on one wall so it was officially theirs.
They walked along the beach with Duke collecting shells and sea glass they found. They snacked when they wanted, took a nap in their bed with the windows open. It wasn’t until the third day that Calum was struck with inspiration for his poetry book. He sat out in the sun for a while before she woke up, then when he heard commotion he walked in to see her in nothing but his tank top.
The hem just barely covered her ass, she looked sleepy and beautiful while she sang along to the song “Something” by The Beatles and started the coffee pot. He snatched his phone out quickly, took a sneaky picture of her then opened up his notebook, his pen flying across the page.
From then on the words continued to pour out of him. He thought of words and phrases all day, all of them were mainly about Y/N but he didn’t find anything wrong about that. While they sat around their small campfire, they would play their ukuleles together as the sparks became stars.
He’d ask her for help sometimes if he got stuck on the structure of a poem or if he should keep one line or a different one so it would flow better. She was more than happy to help when asked. Sometimes, right before bed, they’d shut all of the lights off and leave the windows and curtains open so the sound of the ocean waves would blow in. They’d be illuminated by the glow of the stars and moon; hands would wander in soft caresses while his lips kissed the shell of her ear.
After about a week and a half when they went into town to use the laundromat, he was on the phone with Michael then with Ashton. She’s reading the poems he’s finished so far, Calum is tracing his fingers over her back while he’s on the phone, but she’s not paying attention. She’s immersed in his words.
“Y/N….babe…hey love,” his voice pulls her from the words on the page.
“Huh, what? Is the wash done?”
“No,” he grins then crouches in front of her. “How would you feel about meeting up with Mike and Crystal at their little getaway in the hills then heading to the desert with Ash for his album release?”
“Sounds like fun,” she smiles. “When do we leave?”
The windows are down as they cruise along the highway towards Michael and Crystal’s campsite. They’re only staying for five days and Y/N is staring at Calum as he drives. His hair flicks in the wind, he has some scruff forming on his jaw and chin that she loves. It’s a soft scratch on her own cheek or in between her thighs that sends her heart haywire.
“Whaddaya starin’ at over there, little lady?” he smirks then goes right back into singing along with Voodoo by ASL.
“Just you,” she grins then notices a love bite is still red on his neck. She touches it with her finger. “I feel selfish for loving all this time with you.”
“Why do you feel selfish?”
“Because you’d be on tour right now. I feel bad for feeling happy.”
“I get it,” he nods then flashes her a smile, eyes sparkling. “Would it make you feel better if I said I’m happy I’m not on tour right now, too? It’s not ideal for a break but I think it’s a break we all need.”
“Yeah…you all seem more…relaxed. Do the guys know about your poetry project?”
“No, I’m gonna wait until I’m finished with it. I also don’t want to take away from Ash’s moment.”
Michael and Crystal’s camper was much larger than theirs, one side was completely made of glass with sliding doors that overlooked the hills and dunes. The four of them went on a hike with Duke in tow and took plenty of pictures with each other.
All too soon it was time to travel on to the desert where Ashton had a whole set up. He rented out some cabins that looked more like tents on a wooden deck. Calum and Y/N opted out so they could use their camper. While his album played in the calm desert night, Y/N and Calum were snuggled up together discussing the songs quietly with each other.
“I’m going to get ready for bed,” she tells him when the album’s played through.
“Already?” Calum asks kissing her cheek.
“Yeah, long day of driving. I’ll get our sleep things ready,” she grins at him.
“I’ll be in soon,” he wraps his arms around her for a hug. “If you wanna sleep naked tonight, I wouldn’t object to that.”
She giggles and smacks his chest playfully.
“And risk our friends sneaking a peek? I don’t think so, babe,” she snickers then bids everyone else goodnight.
Calum watches her leave, his eyes lowering to her sweatpants covered butt that still looks so adorable.
“Stop staring at me, Hood!” she shouts tossing him a flirty smile over her shoulder.
“Can’t help it, my girl’s hot!” he shouts back, and she shakes her head.
He stays with their group of friends for another twenty minutes until he heads inside, Duke trotting along with him. He circles his bed three times then lays down sighing heavily. Calum locks the door, Y/N’s leaning over their bed adjusting the pillows and curtains. All she has on is one of Calum’s t-shirts black cotton panties with pink lace along the edges.
She heard him come in but didn’t turn around, her focus is on the task at hand at assembling their bed. Calum’s hot hands are on her waist, his fingertips gracing the front of her thighs, his mouth by her ear makes her gasp in surprise.
“You’re not naked, but I love this view, too,” he whispers, his teeth grazing her ear lobe.
Shivers spike her neck as Calum presses himself against her, his hard on apparent against her ass. She bites her lip to suppress the moan when his tongue licks at her neck, his thumbs kneading her ass. His lips kiss her skin delicately before he sucks on it, the air from his nose tickles her skin.
“That tickles,” she sighs leaning against him to feel some form of stimulation on her covered core.
“Should I put my lips somewhere else?” he asks, his fingers already pulling down her panties. The fabric falls to her feet, she kicks it away and Calum palms her ass a little roughly. He gives her a light smack, she yelps in response.
“Where’d you…have in mind?” she swallows thickly attempting to turn around. His hands press on her waist to keep her leaning face forward against the bed.
“Stay right there.”
He kisses her lips quickly then drops to his knees; he pushes apart her legs.
“Can you bend over for me, baby? Let me see how wet you are…” he nips at her ass as she complies, his thumbs spreading her open. He hums at the sigh. “You’re throbbing for me, hm?”
“Caaaal,” she whines pushing her ass backwards.
He chuckles and bites her other cheek. He kisses down her thigh, pausing over her dripping core and kisses the other thigh. She groans in frustration and Calum chuckles darkly rubbing his stubble on her flesh.
“Please, please, please,” she whispers shifting her feet.
He loves to tease her, but he loves to please her more, so he closes his mouth around her pussy, his tongue pulsing against her clit. She lets out a small shriek from his wet tongue finally making contact where she’s been needing him. He laps at her furiously as if he’s in a race with himself to make her cum in record time.
His speed does the job because she’s grasping at the bedspread, breathing heavily, her body warming up as her orgasm takes over. She moans his name, her ears ringing as he keeps going, his tongue and lips slurping and suctioning away.
“You sound so hot,” he pants but continues working her over into another orgasm.
All too quickly, he removes his mouth while her orgasm ebbs away. She hears him shuck off his pants then feels his tip nudge between her folds. She lets out a loud moan from more teasing, her fingers clutching at the bedspread. He teases her entrance more and she can’t take it any longer.
“Fuck, Calum…please, no more teasing.”
“You want me that badly, baby?” he leans over her, pressing his weight against her ass with his tip inching in further.
“Yes,” she groans.
“Will you two be quiet?! For fuck’s sake.”
“Don’t listen, then!” Calum shouts back to Ashton and she looks up to see the window by their bed is still open. The curtains lifting lightly from the breeze.
“Cal!” she squeals and pushes the button for the light. They’re flooded in darkness, but she still desperately needs him.
“Kind of hard when Y/N’s so loud!”
“Plug your ears!” Calum calls and presses himself into her more then teases himself back out.
“Cal?” she lifts her head from the bed craning her neck to look at him.
“Yeah baby?”
“Screaming at Ashton is kind of killing the mood. I can be quiet.”
“I like you loud,” he sighs inserting himself once more, this time further than before. She gasps at the stretch.
“We can wait. I—ohh.”
Calum buries himself inside her, filling her completely and silencing whatever she was going to say. He thrusts gently then pulls out until he finds a good pace, the shirt of his that she’s wearing rides up her back. She closes her eyes from the glorious sensation of his pulls and pushes, biting her lip to try and stay quiet. When he hits a certain spot one spills out so she shoves her knuckles in her mouth.
“No, no, give me your hands,” he pants.
He pulls her hand from her mouth, twisting her arms behind her back and holds them in place on her back. He leans over, the angle causing him to push deeper inside her, he thrusts in tiny pulses.
“Want you to be as loud as you can for me, yeah? You like when I take you from behind?” he pulls back slowly and pauses waiting for an answer.
“Feels so good,” she whines into the bedspread. Having her wrists bound by his hand adds to the excitement and her pleasure, the restraint is enticing.
He grins, stands up straight then plunges inside her with force. It makes her cry out in pleasure and he picks up a quick pace, her body pushes against the bed. He squeezes her wrists then smacks her ass every once in a while. She clenches around him sporadically, small orgasms building to the big one that he knows she’s never silent for. Her breathing picks up and so does his.
“There, there, there, yes, yes, yes!” she cries out and he picks up the pace, tightening his hold on her wrists.
She squeezes his cock, a long-pleasured screech breaking through the surface of the bedspread. It’s animalistic and so sexy that he doesn’t even have time to pull out because he’s coming as well. His stomach tightens and untightens, her rapid clenching dragging his orgasm further.
He breathes evenly through his nose once he relaxes, her own body going lax beneath him and he loosens his hold on her wrists. They fall slack beside her as she tries to catch her own breath.
“Don’t move,” murmurs and pulls out of her slowly. She lets out a soft cry from the loss of him inside her, his arousal leaking out a little. He reaches for a washcloth hanging on the towel bar and wets it in the small bathroom sink. “I got you, baby, hold on.”
She gives a non-committal groan as he cleans her up, his teeth marks and a small red shape from his hand stare back at him. He kisses the marks softly, making sure to be careful at her sensitivity. He grabs a towel and dries her off then helps her back into her panties.
“C’mon, into bed,” he says lifting her gently onto the mattress. She falls into a heap, rolling over sluggishly and stares at him through blissful eyes. She reaches for him. “I’m going to brush my teeth quick, then I’m yours, love.”
He’s true to his word and brushes his teeth quickly. When he climbs into bed she latches herself onto him quickly, dragging his mouth to hers in a lazy kiss.
“I’d say I’m mad that all of our friends just heard us have sex, but I’m too fucked out to really mean it,” she murmurs. He laughs against her lips.
“It’s payback for all the times I’ve heard them. They really don’t care, baby,” he slips his hand under her shirt to tickle her back.
“You know what?”
“Next time can we actually tie my hands together?”
He perks up at that suggestion. “Really?”
“Yeah, I liked it,” she giggles.
“I liked it, too,” he smiles brushing his lips over her hair. “You want to know something?”
“I just thought of a dozen poems. Your body’s like poetry.”
The rest of the night is spent in lazy kisses until they eventually fall asleep, words and prose circulating in his dreams.
Taglist: @calpalirwin​​  @thecurlsofgod​​ @myloverboyash​​ @rotten-kandy​​ @tea4sykes​​ @jannimoeller3​​ @loveroflrh​​ @iovehemmings​​ @cxddlyash​​ @princesslrh​​  @katiaw2​​ @g-l-pierce​​ @fairyintheglass​​ @gosh-im-short​​ @banditocth @dezzym17  @lukeisbaby​​ @spicycal​​ @mysticalhood​​ @notinthesameguey​​ @wastedheartcth​​  @itjustkindahappenedreally​​ @calumance​​ @babylon-corgis​​ @thew0rldneedsmcreycghurt​​ @lanternlover2​​ @istaywithmyjonas​​ @calteahood​​ @sarcastically-defensive17​​ @another-lonely-heart​​ @devilatmydoor​​ @frontmanash​​ @philthepegacorn​​ @mantlereid @lukedorkyhemmings​​ @addietagglikesbands​​ @kikixfandoms @sanrioluke​​ @mayve-hems​​ @morguelth @haikucal​​ @thatscooibaby​​ @meghanrose05​​​ @idontneedanyone​​​ @nicebasscalum​​​ @haveufoundwhaturlooking4​ @suchalonelysunflower​​​ @burstintocolor​​​ @zhangyixingxing1​​​ @dead-and-golden​​​ @mymindwide​​​ @everyscarisahealingplace​​​ @stardust-galaxies​​​ @blackbutterfliescal​​​ @redrattlers​​​ @lovelybonesetc​​​ @karajaynetoday​​​ @quasighost​​​ @i-like-5sos​​​ @creampiecashton​​​ @calpops​​ @superbloomed-c​​ @ophelia-enthusiast​​ @iknowyouthinkimbulletproof​​ @flaneurcth​
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kareniliana · 4 years
Marcel: Crazy Ex Drama
A//N: Hey people! I’ve come up with a schedule. I will write as much as I can over the week. In between class work or classes and tutor sessions. Then edit and post them on the weekends. Imma try this week to do that. And we’ll go from there.
If y'all want to request anything, my inbox is open.
Oh I almost forgot, this one shot mentions abusive relations with drug using and cheating. I am in no way trying to romanticize abuse or anything. I just started writing and this came out. I do apologize if I insult anyone, please call me out on it. And I will correct it or take it down. I truly mean no harm here.
xx Karebear 💛🧸
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You were visiting New Orleans for a girls trip with two of your best friends, Eva and Lucy. You went college with them, lived with them when you first graduated and now you live hours away from each other. Not seeing each other often put a strain on your friendship so you came up with the brilliant idea that you would visit New Orleans for a girls trip. It’s perfect, you’ll drink your liver away.
The first two nights visiting were a blur, you weren’t sure which bars you were at and which you hadn’t visited yet. But for the third day, you were going to keep it low-key but fun.
At lunch, you and your friends sat at a bar talking to a nice blonde bartender. She informed you she had a psych degree and your friends didn’t stop bothering her until y'all left. But she enjoyed the company and psychoanalyzing. You however was busy making eyes with a beautiful chocolate man across the restaurant. His smile caught your eyes, it was genuine and brightening. 
Finally she turned to look at you, “what about you? Any guy problems?”
“Oh does she ever, she just got out of a very abusive relationship.” Your drunk friend started, earning a deep sigh from you. 
“He cheated, lied, did drugs, verbally abuse me and sometimes he would hit me. I left him, filed a restraining order- I got out.” You shrugged your shoulders, not wanting to talk about it any longer.
You stuck around to drink and chill, the vibe in this bar was immaculate. You had forced yourself, to stop looking for the man. Wanting him to come to your, which he did. He placed his hand on the seat next to yours.
“Is this seat taken?” He asked, his deep voice made you want to melt.
“No, go for it.” You smiled, he pulled the seat out sitting with you.
“Cami, can I get another and,” He looked to you, “Anything she wants.”
 You caught his gaze, holding eye contact. “Uh, I'll have what he's having.”
“Alright, two bourbons.” She grabs another glass and serves you the liquid. Your friends and cami seeing what’s happening.
“I’m Marcel.” He handed his hand out for you to shake, you smiled gently placing your hand in his.
“Y/n, it’s nice to meet you.”
“The pleasure is all mine, and on behalf of my beautiful city, welcome to New Orleans. I am more than happy to show you around. Say tonight, at 7. I can meet you or pick you up, whatever you choose.” He was smooth.
Cami placed the cups down in front of you both,“You can pick me up at the Hotel just down the street.” You pointed down the road to your hotel, the only hotel within a mile radius.
“Alright.” He smiled brightly, his smile making you almost giggle like a school girl.
He lifted his drink, signally for you to follow suit. He raised his glass, waiting for you. You clashed your drinks together, taking a sip.
“Tell me, why New Orleans?”Marcel asked as you both set the drinks down.
“Oh well, I hadn’t seen my best friends, Eva and Lucy,” You motioned to the girls,”In maybe 8 months. We had spent nearly five years living together.”
Eva leaned over, “Now we’re all hours away from each other, we don’t get much time to visit.”
“It’s mandatory for us to go on a girls trip at least every month.” You added, taking another sip, knowing Lucy will butt in next. Marcel just watching the vibe between you three, he thought it looked like the human way of a family. Which you were, Eva and Lucy are your family.
“But someone” Lucy points to you behind your head, “got into a - Okay! I think that’s enough from you two.” You interrupted her, you were okay talking to women about your abusive relationship, but when it came to telling men- let alone someone you just met and are interested in- you weren’t comfortable yet. And you didn’t want your friend to unload that kind of baggage. 
However, Marcel already knows. You have no knowledge of the supernaturals in the world, you didn’t know that Marcel already heard you talk about it. He heard your heartbeat rise when Lucy began to talk about it. You were nervous, which he understood. And he couldn’t help but want you more. He wanted to protect you.
“Okay fine, we’ll just see you back at the hotel later. We’re gonna go find something to do.” Eva gathered herself and Lucy, who seemed to be pretty drunk already. 
Saying their goodbyes and your focus was back to the present.
Marcel placed his hand on yours, You looked to him. “Whatever Lucy was going on about, I don’t want you to worry about it. Whatever it is, you can tell me or not. I understand.” 
You smiled, you could see it in his face. You knew he knew.“Thank you, but something tells me you already know?”
He sighed, “I’m only guessing it wasn’t something good.”
“He was abusive, a cheater, and an addict. I thought I could change him, help him. He was good, until he wasn’t. But I did all the steps. I documented, went to friends and police. I got a restraining order, I moved, got a new job, a place all by myself. I’m doing better now, that’s what is important.” You explained, feeling accomplished and grateful you were able to get out. 
You were proud of yourself and made progress moving on from everything.
Behind you, in a corner, a vampire calls Marcel away. Marcel signally to give him a minute.
“I’m proud of you, Y/n. Thats good! How about another drink?” You nodded, as he signaled for Cami.
“I’m sorry but will you excuse me for a second, I’m just gonna go to the bathroom for a quick second. Don’t go anywhere just yet, okay?” He asked, getting up his seat.
“Oh yeah no, go for it.” You smiled and his hand brushed your shoulder.
Cami comes back with your refill, “Im sorry I didn’t mean to eavesdrop but I’m really happy you’re in a good place right now.”
“Oh no it’s okay, you basically already knew. Minor details. Thank you.”
“Y’know Marcel is a really great guy,” She began to make a drink for someone across the bar. “He looks out for the tourists and locals, keeps them safe.”
“So this city, is his or?” Cami laughs, if only you knew.
“He’s very influential here, stick with him. You’ll be safe.” Cami walks off, serving the drink she just made.
You look at the menu for desserts, sipping your bourbon. Then Marcel comes back, sitting down without a word.
“Is the pie any good Marcel-” You turn to look to Marcel but see Jason instead. Instantly you sprung up to your feet, pushing your stool back. Jason reached out for your arm, squeezing it harder than he thought he would.
The sound of the stool being pushed caught Cami’s attention, watching from the end of the bar. Seeing the disgust for him on your face, your body language stiff but grounded and unwavering.
Just as she was about to go to you, Marcel walked back in from the back. Vampire drama dealt with. “Cami, what’s up?”
“I think that's her ex.” Cami’s eyes never leaving you.
Jason grabbed you, keeping you there.”Wait, please just hear me out.”
You looked at his hand squeezing you, it began to hurt. “Let. Me. Go.” Looking back up at him, his eyes red teary. He was high.
He scoffed, “No, just hear me out.”
“I have a restraining order dude! Let me go!” You raised your voice, catching Marcels attention. Swiftly he walked to you two.
“I do believe she told you to let her go.” Marcel intervened, one hand placed gently on your back.
“This doesn’t concern you!” He belted at Marcel, digging his fingers deeper. you helped in pain. Marcel took a hold of Jasons hand, squeezing it with his vampire strength. Jasons claws unlatched from you, it will definitely bruise.
“I called the cops, Marcel.” Cami came to you with an ice pack.
Marcel then tried to escort Jason outside but Jason began to fight back. Falling back and into other people on the way out. When finally Marcel sucker punched him, knocking hims unconscious.
After the police took my statement and pictures of the already bruised arm, they arrested him and took him to county jail.
Marcel sits in the seat the officer was in, placing two cups of bourbon. “I called your friends, they should be here any minute. I’m so sorry that happened. Are you okay?” 
“Yeah, I’m good. Thank you. Really.” You smiled, chuckling after a moment of silence. “We just met and we had a crazy ex boyfriend situation before our first date!”
Marcel laughed with you. He smiled at you brightly, somehow making you smile just as big. You reach for his hand, holding it.
“I still expect yo take you out, no crazy ex drama will get in the way of our date.” Marcel said, earning a laugh from you.
Again I mean no harm with this imagine.
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bigbatlittlebat · 3 years
hi! I know you have allt of these so please don’t rush! take your time:)) anyways, I would love a romantic match up with one of the batboys, if that’s okay!:)) I use she/her, am 5’7 and am a leo sun, pisces moon and capricorn rising. I’m actually swedish but I’m completely fluent in both english and swedish. I also know some french and german. I have brown hair cut in sort of a shag, blue eyes, a round/oval face, freckles and moles everywhere. I dress kind of like if you took a euphoria and 70s warderobe and just dyed everything black haha.
So, hobbies! I love writing, sketching and reading, I love romanticizing my life, going on picknicks, biking, going to parties and just being by myself reading fanfics and fantasizing/ daydreaming
I really want to study abnormal psycology, international relations, poly sci, criminology and behavioral science just because it interests me and I want to understand how the world works, not necessarily because I want to work with it. I’m really into Criminal minds so It’d be really fun to work for maybe Interpool. Oh, and I’m also a big language person so I really want to learn as many languages as possible.
A fun fact about me is that I’m a total adrenaline junkie but still I’m such a coward. Like I love extreme roller coasters and things that raise my adrenaline but at the same time I’m too scared to go swimming in the deep ocean or even go up on a roof because I’m scared.
I would say I have two or three major character traits that I currently really identify with. Firstly, I hate being bored, I need to constantly be kept on my feet in a relationship. Like, I hate the idea of settling down and living a normal boring life. I need excitement, adventure and fun. Usually people say that people who are ”up in the clouds” need a down to earth partner who can ground them but I’m the exact opposite, I need someone who will soar the skies with me and be as ”up in the clouds” as I am. This trait has kiiind of caused a tad bit of committment issues so whoever I date need to accept that I might get really scared all of a sudden and want to just run. So I’ll probably want to start the relationship with a casual hookup, excitment and tension filled relationship rather than something tender, lovey dovey and serious.
Secondly, I’m kind of a dreamy person. This connects into the whole fun loving personality aspect, I love dreaming and romanticizing my life.
I also love taking care of people, I don’t know if it’s some sort of saviours complex but I just love it when people cry and I have to comfort them. Or when they’re hurt and I have to help them, or when they just need help and I get to help them. Giving advise, comforting and just helping.
Another kind of important aspect to me is that I LOVE enemies to lovers and tension filled relationships. This ties into the whole excitement loving thing, I just adore the idea of me and a hypothetical partner starting out as mortal enemies and rivals but then we can’t take it anymore and give into our feelings. Also I love arrogance hehe.
Although I feel like I’m describing myself as very not tender and loving and such, I’m still a sucker for fluff and I’m super sensitive, my love language is touch and I literally die when people touch and play with my hair or caress my cheek or just pepper my face with cute little kisses. Also I have a tendency to ramble about things I’m really passionate about and usually people just think I’m annoying and interrupt me and such so I need my partner to really love when I ramble like that and think it’s cute! I also kind of need constant validation because I’m convinced people hate me, find me annoying and will leave me.
Christ, that was a whole psycoanalysis of my entire personality haha, I hope it’s not to long! Anyways, I just want to finish this off by saying that I really love your page, it makes me really happy and when I’m on it, for just a few minutes in my life, I can just relax and think about things that make me happy instead of all the stress. So thank you! I hope you have an amazing day:))
I am no longer doing these in any kind of order because that is stressing me out so I'm just doing the easiest ones in my inbox tonight. Also thanks hun I really like when my crappy little tumblr blog can brighten someone's day xx...
Damian Wayne (Robin)
Okay love the vibes I'm getting here first off. Secondly I know I just did him but also all then enemies to lovers stuff and arrogance you talked about just screams perfect for him! Because he probably starts off as a massive dick to you like taking the piss but then eventually it gets pretty romantic kind of teasing that's more mutual
Neither of you really think its serious at first until it gets a little too domestic and you both realise that you're like in love with a capital L
Would 100% push you to try swim in deeper parts of pools like showing off how well he can swim in the deep end but laying off if you start to get a little too worried and being there if you need any help swimming. Cue cutesy pool moments <3
While he can be pretty down to earth, yeah I think if he met someone who was like you and up in the clouds, it would be that push to make him let go a little bit and be more like you can be.
Yeah Damian would play with your hair and cuddle you and do all that cutesy stuff but not until you're both in a super close relationship because he would be so scared of frightening you off. Him playing with your hair while you watch TV and he thinks you're too distracted to notice but you do.
Think all those gentle ways of showing love that often go unnoticed because he wants to be able to have some aspect of his life done with some kindness
Side note: Yeah I think it's clear I had too much fun with this one
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feignedglow · 3 years
   ༉‧     𝑑𝑒𝑎𝑟  @ofroseates​  ,     ₊˚Ꮺ
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                    prone  to  bouts  of  wistfulness  ,  rhys  sat  in  his  childhood  bedroom  ,  considering  their  decisions  in  life  .  they  had  agreed  to  take  care  of  his  younger  brothers  over  the  weekend  while  their  mother  worked  back  to  back  shifts  at  her  current  minimum  wage  job  ,  so  they  were  back  home  for  a  few  days  .  with  legs  propped  up  ,  he  stared  at  the  ceiling  ,  the  faded  grey  of  glow  in  the  dark  stars  causing  them  to  reflect  &  wonder  if  they  made  the  right  choices  in  adulthood  .  they  were  happy  with  their  career  choice  ,  but  was  it  truly  what  he  should  be  pursuing  if  his  mother  was  still  stuck  living  the  same  life  ?  maybe  dropping  out  had  been  a  rash  idea  .  feeling  trapped  in  a  cycle  of  unsociability  ,  they  occasionally  romanticized  going  back  to  school  .  university  had  been  an  excuse  to  force  him  into  friendships  &  fuddled  attempts  at  romance  ,  both  unfamiliar  territory  to  rhys  ,  who  dealt  with  being  bullied  &  ostracized  in  their  youth  .
                    these  thoughts  ,  lingering  momentarily  ,  eventually  faded  to  thoughts  of  something  —  no  —  someone  else  .  they  wondered  how  he  was  ,  if  he  ever  thought  about  them  too  .  things  were  so  much  easier  around  them  &  rhys  had  been  stupid  enough  to  leave  without  even  asking  for  his  number  .  suddenly  desperate  ,  they  reached  for  their  phone  ,  realizing  the  lone  contact  information  they  had  was  a  school  email  address  .  though  it  was  from  a  couple  years  ago  ,  rhys  surmised  it  was  worth  a  try  .  typical  shyness  overtook  his  system  ,  as  he  typed  ,  lost  in  whatever  emotions  were  conjuring  in  the  pit  of  their  stomach  .
subject  :  hahaha  .  .  .  hey  :-)
idk  if  you  even  use  this  anymore  or  if  you  even  remember  who  i  am  .  i  feel  kinda  stupid  trying  to  get  in  contact  with  you  after  all  this  time  ,  but  i  can’t  get  you  off  my  mind  for  some  reason  LOLLLL  (  this  isn’t  funny  btw  i’m  just  trying  to  laugh  to  cover  up  how  nervous  i  am  .  .  .  )  !  anyway  ,  hi  .  this  is  rhys  .  we  had  ,  like  ,  a  thing  ,  i  guess  ,  i  dunno  LOL  please  don’t  laugh  at  me  ,  if  you  actually  see  this  ,  i  know  i’m  a  disaster  ,  whose  awkwardness  can’t  be  helped  whatsoever  .  but  .  .  .  idk  .  i  miss  you  ???  &  i  miss  going  to  school  ,  i  think  .  dropping  out  felt  like  the  right  thing  to  do  at  the  time  &  now  i’m  not  so  sure  anymore  .  i  have  a  youtube  channel  now  ,  idk  if  you  know  .  .  .  it’s  sorta  popular  .  but  i  still  feel  like  i’m  not  doing  enough  .  &  maybe  i’d  be  making  more  money  if  i  stayed  in  school  .  then  i  feel  dumb  for  even  caring  about  that  .  capitalism  ,  am  i  right  LOL    sry  for  dumping  all  this  on  you  .  .  .  i  kinda  hope  you  don’t  see  this  ,  bcz  it’s  fawking  embarrassing  .  at  the  same  time  ,  i  do  though  ,  just  bcz  i  wish  i  had  asked  for  your  number  before  leaving  school  .  uhhhhhhhhh  .  yea  !  hope  you’re  okay  ,  i  rly  do  .  write  back  ,  if  you  can  .  or  just  delete  this  .  whatever  .  it’s  fine  LOL
xx, rhys
                    unable  to  look  at  the  atrocity  he  had  spilled  onto  the  keyboard  ,  rhys  closed  his  eyes  as  they  hit  the  send  button  ,  hoping  it  would  get  lost  in  the  internet  cosmos  ,  instead  of  embarrassing  themself  by  reaching  its  destination  .  they  had  never  talked  to  anyone  like  that  before  &  the  idea  of  opening  up  in  such  a  way  they  never  had  before  was  unbearable  .  yet  ,  seeing  the  email’s  sent  status  gave  them  a  feeling  of  relief  as  well  ,  chest  feeling  less  heavy  than  it  had  a  few  moments  prior  .
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fferraris · 4 years
i'm probably one of the only ones here but I'm actually so happy with what we are seeing from Eliott. the fact that he was lying and hiding stuff and being flawed
I just can't stand fanon Eliott, the too good to be true, too pure for this world, ray of sunshine who exists to love his boyfriend Lucas and help the group with what they want always. oh need a place to hang out ? here's Eliott. need a car to travel ? here's Eliott again
I'm glad that his role in the season isn't just being the guide angel to lola like people wanted to, the guy who's there to give her advice and wisdom because hmmm he completed his pokemon evolution already on season 3 so he can't show any flaws anymore ??? I guess? I would love to see him helping her sure!!!! but it's ok if he have issues as well.
also it's 100% on character for him to hide stuff. he did that a few times already and growth isn't linear.
and no, the fact that they're dating for 1 year already doesn't mean they should have all figured all now. I feel like often the biggest challenges for relationships first happens in the 1 year and a half mark (lots of break ups in this mark) it's also very common that relationships suffers from the same issues times and times again? people are saying they should have a different problem because it's not realistic to have the same again lmao that's not true you know ? it happens a lot that the problems you already had in the beginning of the relationship ends up being the cause of break up years later... it's great when two people are able to solve the issues and grow together, but it's not easy at all and a lot of times they can't.
I think that this is something we're gonna see in a way (I believe the writers said eliott and daphne will have some arc this season ). If Eliott and Lucas will be able to grow together or no. In their case its even more complex because Eliott's MI (as much as the fandom loves to romanticize) can complicate things. but the fact that they're doing this instead of just showing them being adorable makes me real happy.
I love skam españa for this reason too, they show crisana having issues in their relationship and some people got mad because they want perfection. oh, the evak from xx remake would never have this problems because they're perfect angels ? damn that sucks :/
( anyone else here also can't stand this perfection/purity obsession that tumblr has?)
(I wrote this huge post and Eliott even apologized already lol tho I don't think this is the end of their issues because of *spoilers*)
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thorniest-rose · 4 years
You don't have to answer this if you dont want to but I was just wondering, are there any fanfic tropes/au's that you just cannot get behind? Not even just within the IT/Reddie fandom, just in general with other fandoms you may have been in?? Also secondary question if u wanna answer, what other fandoms have you been in? Ps. I'm a huge fan of you're work, you seem like a lovely person and thank you for taking the time to read if you dont answer xx
Hi love, no these are great questions, of course I want to answer them! It’s lovely that you’re so curious about this.
So in terms of tropes I don’t like, I’ll focus on Reddie for this. To be honest I find the Reddie fandom a little safe when it comes to fics. When I joined fandom last year I really expected to find much more horror fic and fics that explored the darker potential of the Losers Club. Instead, the fandom seems overrun with au fics where Pennywise doesn’t exist and the Losers never went through that horrific summer. Which is so bizarre to me because... that’s the entire point? Like the characters are who they BECAUSE of what they went though. And to miss out on exploring their trauma and how it’s informed who they are and their relationships, I think that’s strange. And because of this you have so many fics of meet-cutes and romances that don’t have any bite to them. It always grates on me, and it’s probably no surprise that all my fav Reddie fics are ones set within canon (close your eyes; anything, everything; twenty-one grams; the skin & earth series etc). Like, there are only so many college romances I can read (sorry, not meaning to be salty).
I also hate sub Richie because in no way do I think it suits his character! This is a man who loves making fun of Eddie until he squirms and who had a werewolf phobia in the book... which hints at him being bi or gay, but also, imo, that there’s a sexually ferocious side to him. But instead people seem to love depicting him as a wibbling, crying baby and I don’t get it at all.
And I also hate bi Eddie because again he is EXTREMELY gay-coded in the book, and when people write him as having enjoyable sex with his wife or other women I rebel. It feels like... have you not engaged with the source material at all? He is obviously a closeted gay man! Hand in hand with bi Eddie is mean top Eddie. Again which I hate because it’s so far from the original character. Eddie is very soft and sensitive in the book, I don’t think people have read the book at all, or remember his soft side from the first movie. People seem to hate that Eddie at times can be delicate, which is ridiculous. It’s possible to be delicate AND brave at the same time! And that being soft doesn’t make you weak. That all bugs me so much when people accuse me of writing an Eddie who is weak. Actually no, YOU’RE the one conflating sensitivity with weakness and that’s so disappointing to see.
In terms of other fandoms, I was part of the Hannibal fandom for ages, which I loved! Because the source material was so dark, you saw this reflected in most fics. It always felt very much like a dark fairytale which I loved. Before that, I also loved Cherik from X-Men and Kirk/Spock fics from Star Trek! Though my very first ship was Ralph and Jack from Lord of the Flies when I read that as a kid haha. I wish that was more of a fandom, I would love to write fics about this pairing! To be honest I’ve been on the periphery of a few fandoms but Hannibal and IT are the ones I’ve been immersed in the most. I just adore the dark romanticism and horror associated with the stories! But I do find a lot of Reddie fics a bit bland and one-dimensional. Some are extremely sweet and funny, and it’s nice so many people want to give them a happy ending, but I just don’t get what I need from the majority of fics, which is why I write my own dark tales!
Thank you for asking this and being interested, it’s very sweet xx
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frczenhearts · 4 years
Send me a “ 🔥 “ for an unpopular opinion.
Bonus points if you include a topic. ( IE. shipping, roleplaying, ect. )
(Warning: There are some STRONG opinions in this one that I needed to get off my chest, especially at the end. I’m sorry if you enjoy what I’m complaining about and you do you and enjoy as much as you want.
But my experiences with that are over and done and outside of comparisons and referencing, I’ll never use them in RP or even basic discussions. A lot of bad people sucked the joy I had for those things and left an empty vacuum behind.)
1. You don’t have to actively play video games to be a gamer. I haven’t played video games in years because I had to make a choice: game, or graduate. I chose graduating, but I still love watching online gameplays.
I may not enjoy the never-ending DLCs with no Game of the Year end, but the games themselves are fun to watch. I mean, have you SEEN some of the gameplays of Last Year: The Nightmare? Freaking dying dude. XD
2. Girls can love slasher movies. Freaking DESPISE white knights trying to tell me what I can’t or can’t like just because I was born with XX-chromosomes. Let me watch Michael Myers ram a shotgun through a girl and impale her in a wall, let me watch Jason punch a guy’s head clean off, let me watch the Maniac Cop acting like a sassy bitch.
Makes me want to freaking throw a guy through a damn window.
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3. I’m not a fan of fantasy. I love Lord of the Rings, but I prefer fantasy set in “our” world. The Mortal Instruments has a closer feel to what I like with fantasy (used to be Harry Potter too, but Rowling is dead to me now.)
Everytime I come up with a more fanciful idea with dragons, it’s strictly set in our world. So, basically, instead of The Hobbit having Smaug decimate a dwarven kingdom.......I prefer Smaug trying to burn Christian Bale’s butt in Reign of Fire.
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4. Girls can be tomboys.
5. I despise politics. I start getting physically sick when I’m constantly bombarded by politics, both on and offline. I might make a snide remark here or there, or bitch about a certain group of people acting like depraved shitheads that should be ashamed of themselves, but I leave that at home. The last thing I need is to have a literal anxiety attack over talking heads on TV.
6. I’m NOT a fan of how Guillermo Del Toro romanticized the Spanish Republican Army in Pan’s Labyrinth. George Orwell spoke about how he witnessed some horrifying things done by the anti-fascists in the name of communism, thus inspiring him to write Animal Farm and 1984. They were not good people.
7. Both Marvel and DC comics can kiss my ass. They’ve destroyed everything good they brought to the hearts and minds of our generation purely to score brownie points for......I don’t know what exactly because it’s failing them big time. I love their characters, but the stories are rehashes from previous storylines, copy-paste knockoffs of established characters, trying to shove real-life issues into literal high-fantasy concepts.....
It’s why I prefer independent comics nowadays, though I’ll always follow what’s going on in DC and Marvel. Someone’s gotta keep an eye on everyone’s favorite zombie hulk and frosty boi. :P
8. I hate Beerus. I fucking hate that piece of shit cat. I hate everything he stands for and I want him to burn in a freaking pyre. It’s because of that bitch that I left Dragonball Z for good after a literal LIFETIME of being a fan.
You can keep that sorry excuse for trash. I want nothing to do with him, and his ilk.
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Oh, and while we’re on it......Vegeta sucks too.
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st-eve-barnes · 4 years
i just saw your rb of my thread and gotta day that jlo gif speaks directly into my soul. about the movie, i vaguely remember acknowledging some parts/plot points as good but in retrospect i cant remember a single of them so i feel like that says a lot. didn't know how else to reply to your tags so here i am sliding into your ask box. thanks! and im gonna take a while to stop being mad about it too xx
Hi! Your whole live blogging thread really put a smile on my face so thank you for that, I had to share cause I know I have a few followers here who feel the same way about the movie ;) 
I can’t bring myself to watch it tbh, I’ve heard spoilers very early on and then the trailer made me cringe so hard I knew I couldn’t handle 2 hours of that. Now that the movie is available I’ve read even more reviews that confirm what I feared about how bad it is. I adore Seb but there are limits to what I am willing to sit through for him lolIt’s just frustrating cause he’s such a talented guy and he ends up with so many crappy projects that just waste his potential and that kinda makes me mad/sad. 
Also the fact that this fandom romanticizes and idealizes Frank as this fluffy sexy boyfriend instead of the manipulative douche that he is. Plus the fact that the movie also romanticizes Daphne’s incredibly toxic behavior and thinks this is a movie about something deep or meaningful and real which are all excuses for cheating and selfish behavior imo
So yeah, there’s just a lot about this movie that makes me mad lol
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austennerdita2533 · 6 years
To my fellow PJo-loving anon: 
Here’s the New Year’s drabble I told you I’d try to take a stab at all those days ago. So sorry it’s taken me so long to finish, but 2019 has been bumpy for me so far. Plus I kept reconfiguring this because I’ve never written Dawson’s Creek/PJo fic before and was looking for a way to merge the idea in my head with the words I put on the page, something I never manage to fully achieve. I’m never happy haha. Alas, therein lies my endless writer struggle. 
Anyway, this is pure fluff with a very-much-alive Jen--just as you asked. :) 
Also here: (A03)
I hope you like it, sweets!
xx Ashlee Bree
Always Remember Us (Quipping) This Way
“It’ll never work, Pace,” she said as she sipped a hot toddy from her chair by the bonfire. Peering out at the creek instead of at his crunching approach, the sky starless but with air brisk enough to flake the lapping waves of the cape with snow if it so desired, Joey felt the drink’s warmth soothe the chill in her mittened hands before it spread to her bones with a shiver she’d never catch. “Whatever you’re planning, I admire the effort, I really do…”
“I sense a major but coming. Dawson, Jen, Jack, Dougie—” he corralled as amusement, firelight, and perhaps one too many merry whiskeys danced in his eyes. “Don’t you hear the major but lurking in my wife’s next words?”
“Sure do, little brother.”
“She told me but was her favorite conjunction once,” Jack said with a tip of his beer and a hiccup.
Amused, Jen exhaled. Shook her head. “Sometimes I forget how much I miss you people.”
Gathered around the flames with good friends, warm blankets, and a combination of new and old memories, this group of twenty-somethings wouldn’t trade a laidback small town holiday in Capeside for anything more extravagant tonight. This was comfort at its finest. This was fun amid freezing Massachusetts wind and temperatures cold enough to give them frostbite. This was quality family time.
“Your ingenuity’s unmatched at the moment, however misguided it might be. I’ll give you that much,” Joey said as she hugged her knees and scowled in vain at the ‘something’ hidden beneath her husband’s coat while her friends laughed. All of them seemingly in on the same joke.
“I’ll take that back-handed compliment and raise you a nod in thanks,” Pacey fired back.
She regarded him with an arched brow as he neared, pointing.
“Don’t think I’m not onto you, by the way. I know that scheming look of yours all too well.”
“You know,” hand wagging, his tongue slid out over his bottom lip, “it’s not nice to accuse my face of things. What’s an innocent guy supposed to think?”
“Innocent? You?” Joey waved him off. Sighed long and well. Then she toasted with Dougie before taking another large swig from her mug. “Please, you haven’t been innocent since we were seven and you tried to trick me into eating a bucket of sand so I could protect myself from the Loch Ness Cronster who lurked beneath the Leery’s dock,” she said.
“Wow.” With a hand over his heart, he feigned stumbling backwards as if she’d shot him. “I can’t believe you’re still holding that against me. What is this, the second grade?”
Shrugging, “Potters are serious grudge-holders.”
“Notorious in your case,” Pacey added under his breath.
“Hey! Those are fighting words. Put up your dukes.”
“I told you she wouldn’t fall for any of your end of the year games this time, man,” Dawson called out with a hearty chuckle, Jen looking on by his side. Her red knitted head rested against his shoulder while one arm curled around his middle and her lips lifted in a quiet smile. Observant as always.
“I suppose we’ll have to see about that now, won’t we?”
Looking up, Joey’s eyes narrowed in challenge, “Oh, bite me Pacey.”
He halted before her then, head cocked and knees stooping so he could pull her to her feet in one smooth motion. He spun her toward him with ease, thanks to their ballroom dance lessons all those years ago. It seemed time and trust and love had finally taught them how to move in sync. Or at least had kept them from bruising the hell out of each other’s toes now that they could anticipate each other’s steps better. (Sometimes, anyway. Yeah, sometimes was still the most accurate word.)
“Whoever said anything about biting, Potter?” he whispered against the shell of her ear.
“Nice try, Fred Astaire—but no.”
“How are you objecting already?” She tried to push against his chest with fisted mittens but Pacey reeled her closer by the scarf strings. “You don’t even know what I’m about to do,” he said.
“Don’t I?”
“I promised you, remember?” An arm slunk around her waist. It held her firm against his chest where she belonged. “No pranks to herald in the New Year.”
“Oh, really?” Joey crossed her arms, playful, a little smirk forming at the corner of her mouth. “Then empty your pockets.”
Appearing affronted for a moment, but only a moment, Pacey scratched a thumb across his chin as if in thought before he reached into his coat with that grin of his widening until it was on full display. It was the cheeky one, too. Not the regular obnoxious one he wielded for sarcastic purposes or provoking alone because he knew it drove her mad, and boy, did it ever! (The number of married years under their belts did nothing to appease how much he still plucked at the nerves under her skin at times). This grin, though…this one he flashed only when some kind of raucous surprise or sweeping unexpectedness was on the horizon, and much to her eye-rolling chagrin, it usually was.
“This is how romanticism dies, I’ll have you know,” he said with a low grumble.
Joey pulled back.
“Why? You mean because I’m loath to accept that -” she swatted above them “ - that thing as a lousy substitute?”
She humphed.
“Keats would be disappointed in you, my lady.”
Caught somewhere between a snort and a scoff, she gaped up at the no-longer-hidden item in Pacey’s hand before offering him a wry smile and wrapping her arms around his neck. Then she pressed their foreheads together, cupped his face in her palms. “Says the man who’s currently dangling a stalk of produce above our heads like it’s the most sentimental gesture in the history of sentimental gestures,” she pointed out.
“Come on, Jo. It’s romantic.”
“Mmm…debatable,” she said with a cute scrunch of her nose, with a shrug that caused their hips to bump. “Especially considering it’s celery you’ve pilfered from the fridge, which you then tied with a little red bow before presenting it to me.”
“That’s only because I’m conscious of how every detail matters, you see.”
“It does have green leaves, Joey. That’s festive, right?” Jen cut in at the first stroke of twelve. “Also, it’s fibrous in a non-poisonous way, so there’s that added benefit.”
“Yeah,” Jack laughed, Dougie’s hand on his knee. “It’s not like anybody here cares if the leaves are brown and wilting off the damn thing already.”
“Besides, it’s not as if we don’t all know Pacey completely ripped off this whole idea from Jacob Goldman with his broccoli mistletoe in Grumpy Old Men, anyway. So I think we can safely chalk up this amorous whim to borrowed creativity and an unspecified amount of liquor,” Dawson added in that philosophical tone of his, but with a face which was as free of jealousy as it was unencumbered by any mulling forehead lines.
“Don’t forget love, Leery,” said the borrower in question before he leaned in to kiss his sharp-tongued, big-brown-eyed girl. Their lips met just before the final midnight chime. “You know it’s about true love above all else with me.”
It always was.
Since Dawson was liable to see the film angle in everything, therefore, big or small, it was no surprise to the rest of them later on to learn that he’d found Pacey and Joey’s impromptu kiss beneath a shriveled stalk of celery in the last seconds of 2008 to be an inspiring slice of life for him. In his own words, or as he’d dubbed it in the bonus features of the Season 4 DVD, it was thereafter known as—
An absurd moment of affection, humor, and storytelling possibility.
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drarry-imagines · 6 years
Hey, for the drarry prompts thing. Could you do Get Busy Living Or Get Busy Dying (Do Your Part To Save The Scene And Stop Going To Shows) by Fall Out Boy? (that took so long to type out oml). thanks xx
Song #5:Get Busy Living Or Get Busy Dying (Do Your Part To Save The Scene And Stop Going To Shows) by Fall Out Boy
(Authors Note: I’m going to warn people now, this story is feature’s an incredibly Dark!Harry and hinted gas-lighting. It also includes an abusive relationship that only romanticized due to the fact its set in Harry’s POV and he is clearly mentally unstable. I do not condone this kind of relationship and neither should you. THIS IS NOT A LOVE STORY, READ AT YOUR RISK.)
This has been said so many times~
That I’m not sure if it matters~
“Harry, I think it’s better I see other people and while you go see a therapist.”
It had hit Harry by surprise he wouldn’t lie. Yes, him and Draco had been having issues but he never thought that Draco will actually leave him.
The worst part was that Draco had not given him a reason.
Well he gave him a lot of reasons, he said Harry was obsessive, got jealous easily, possessive and had clear temper issues but in Harry’s mind he’d never given him any VALID reasons.
But we never stood chance~
And I’m not sure that it matters~
He wasn’t obsessive, he just cared a lot about Draco so he needed to know where he was 24/7 because he didn’t want Draco in danger. After the war ex-Slytherin’s where constantly targeted and as an Auror, Harry knew in detail what someone could do if they got their hands on his Draco.
Also, when it came to getting easily jealous and being possessive, Harry would admit he could become that at times. But didn’t that mean he loved Draco so much he did not want to lose him, he did not see the problem with not wanting people to take what you consider yours.
And Draco was his whether he likes it or not.
And there was the anger issues thing. Yes, he got angry at times but he had never hit Draco or god forbid, hurt him.
At least not on purpose.
The problem was that Harry’s magic tended to lash out when he had heavy emotions and things will blow up or break from the force. Still, none of those things would happen if Draco ever just shut up and stop arguing but no, he was much to prideful for that.
If you are the shore, I am the waves~
Begging for big moons~
I’m mailing letters to addresses in a ghost town~
Now look where that left them, Harry was alone and miserable after the split and Draco should be the same.
That was the question that plagued Harry a week after Draco left him.
Curiosity getting the best out of him and he soon found himself breaking into Draco’s apartment. Expecting the same morbid vibe you’d get if you walked into Harry’s, he instead got the exact opposite.
There was Draco draped over his couch, classical music playing in the background, reading a book while sipping a warm cup of tea like he had not just smashed Harry’s heart into pieces.
Of course, Draco can’t see him. Harry dismantled his wards quite easily (once he got Draco back he would definitely fix that.) and had cast a quick Silencio while donning the Invisibility cloak practically making him undetectable.
Just how beautiful Draco looked when relaxed had Harry wanting him more. If that was even possible.
He just stood in the corner of the apartment and watched Draco in his natural habitat, mind going a mile a minute as he tried to find a way to get this exquisite person back into his bed.
Your secrets out~
I know this hurts it was meant to~
It was only when Harry realized that every now and then Draco would look around, as if he knew someone was in there watching him.
It soon clicked, he knew what he had to do.
But for now he’s enjoy the sight of his sweet Dragon adorably trying his best to keep awake but failing badly.
How did anyone expect him to ever let THAT go?
This has been said so many times~
That I’m not sure if it matters~
Two weeks passed and Harry had yet to stop stalking Draco.
It turned from him watching his ex (not that he’d actually consider Draco that.) in his sleep to following him to work or observing him as he hung out with friends. He even began to send gifts like his favorite type of flowers, his favorite form of gemstones and even lingerie. (Just things only Harry and Draco would’ve known Draco liked.)
Draco seemed to have reacted brilliantly, he began to frequently look over his shoulder, he’d spend hours putting up new and better wards (that Harry disabled in minutes, of course), he even got sent home from St.Mungos one day due to his hands shaking to much.
He no longer hung out as much with his friends or even went out if not for work, to scared of feeling those eyes on him.
Harry knew it was only a matter of time before his plan worked.
But it must be said again~
that all us boys are just screaming into microphones for attention~
Because we’re just so bored~
It was another Thursday evening and Harry was about to go for his daily dragon watching when a shy knock came from his front door.
He smirked already knowing who it was.
To no surprise, when he opened the door he found Draco’s shivering form waiting there. He seemed to have been in a rush to come here as he hadn’t donned any warm clothes, only a thin cardigan that hung off his pale shoulders because of the rush he must’ve been in when putting it on.
Harry licked his lips as he admired Draco’s slender form.
‘Soon.’ he thought sadistically to himself.
“Draco, do you really think you’ve got the right to come back here?” He hissed at the blonde causing him to flinch. This wasn’t true of course but Harry still needed to act like that “hurt ex” to keep suspicions away from him.
“I know Harry, it’s just that…” he had a certain distance in his voice that made him sound so small that made Harry have to hold himself back from smirking at the tone, “please let me in.”
He pretended to think about it just to witness Draco squirm on the spot.
“Alright, enter.” Harry didn’t have to finish the sentence before Draco was dashing past him to enter the home that they had both once shared. He could see the nostalgia Draco felt as he walked into their once home as Harry hadn’t bothered to change anything.
Why should he, it’ll would’ve only been a matter of time before he got Draco back.
We never knew that you would pick it apart~
I’m falling apart to songs about hips and hearts~
They sat down in the living room with an awkward silence. Draco sipped his tea that Harry had served. He cringed when he realized it was the exact way he had always enjoyed it, two cubes of sugar and little milk.
He placed the mug on the table as if deciding he didn’t want tea anymore.
“I need your help,” Draco blurted out, he sounded hesitant probably curious how Harry would react but when he was met with silence he continued,
“And I know what your going to say when I tell you,  I should officially report to an Auror for this but this just felt to private to tell anyone I didn’t trust and I understand I’m probably the last person you’d like to talk too, believe me when I say this Harry I’m sorry but I really need your hel-”
“Enough.” Harry cut off that long ramble, it was a heavy indication that Draco was really at wits end as he’d lost all sense of control when speaking.
Harry internally smiled at the fact.
“Listen Draco you left me and I won’t lie, it destroyed me,” he purposely froze at that part to watch Draco flinch at the silence, “but I also won’t lie and say that I’m not still heavily in love with you and I don’t still care for you. So please, just tell me what’s wrong.”
Draco looked shocked at the fact Harry was willing to help him.
Tears rushed down his face as he explained in detail everything that had happened to him ever since people got the news they had broken up. How someone stalked him, sent him presents that were incredibly personal and practically followed him everywhere.
Much to Harry’s delight, Draco believed it was someone who had try to court him before they had gotten together and decided to try again just because they were no longer together.
Being a good Auror, Harry kindly offered Draco to safe place to stay.
Of course Harry would sleep in a different bed while Draco slept in the masters bedroom. A room they had made love in frequently and Harry hoped Draco would remember that.
Your secrets out~
I know this hurts, it was meant to~
It was so simple to lure Draco into a false sense of security.
Harry let Draco stay in his house for as long as he wanted and made sure to keep his advances to himself.
Draco didn’t need to know that Harry would slip into the bedroom he temporarily slept in and wank to his sleeping face or how Harry stole Draco’s clothes after he took them off just to soak up the smell of Draco’s rare citrus scent.
Draco remained blissfully unaware. He no longer flinched when Harry touched him or wandered around like a stranger in a home that was once his too. Slowly things began to go back to how it used to be, how it’s supposed to be.
But Harry knew this won’t last forever. Sooner or later Draco is gonna remember why he came back to Harry in the first place.
There had to be a villain in this fairytale.
I used to obsess over living~
Now I only obsess over you~
Tell me you’d like boys like me better~
In the dark lying on top of you~
Miles Bletchley.
Once a keeper for the Slytherin team but from what Draco told him, they both had an on and off relationship consisting more on the sex based kind of connection.
And much to his pure bad-luck and Harry’s well placed memory charm, Bletchley now believes that he is madly in love with Draco Malfoy and had been stalking him in a way to get his attention. He admitted all this to Auror Potter, wants to personally apologized to Draco himself and is more then happy to do the year sentence in Azkaban.
To say Draco was happy was an understatement.
He’d not only wanted to returning back to his relationship with Harry, he also rewarded Harry with the sweet sweet feeling of his mouth around Harry’s cock.
And at the end of the night Harry spooned Draco’s naked form and smiled to himself. He had his blond back in his life and Harry was sure that this time he was not letting Draco get away from him this time.
Not if he had anything to say about it.
Draco was his.
This has been said so many times~
I’m not sure that it matters~
(what a roller coaster of a fic, I hope you at least found it interesting. This is the darkest fic I’ve written, I’m more of a comedic/fluff writer tbh.I hope it wasn’t over-hyped in the warnings.)
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Prompts: I can’t breathe” & “I hate how much I love you” & “Why are you so nice to me?”  - Prompt lists
Tagging: @pattpattpatterson (requester)
Warnings: Swearing, Death, Blood, Guilt, Anxiety, and generally anyone who can be triggered by depression/suicide, please just be wary. While there isn’t any of either in this imagine, it does mention suicide and I’d much rather you all be safe than read this if you’re triggered easily xx
To put things simply, you had fucked up. There was no amount of sugar coating that could cover the fact, no amount of reasoning or kind words that could change that. You couldn’t cry, couldn’t let the sheer mass of emotions that bubbled away inside of you out. No, you were still sat there on the staircase, in the exact same position as when your knees gave out from under you and the gravity of your actions had begun to settle within you. You weren’t sad, weren’t plagued by angst, weren’t angry. While all those feelings sat under the surface, waiting for the smallest word or action to set them free, you were still stuck in your shell-shocked state.
Ok, perhaps if Damon had let you in on his little plan things may have gone differently. And there was no way anyone could doubt your intentions, you had only been trying to help, but that didn’t change the horrific outcome that had followed. When all was said and done you had made your escape quickly and quietly, unable to cope with the sympathetic glances your friends had thrown your way, or what was soon to follow, needing to simply get away and think it all through.
It had never been your intention for your life to go this way. Sure, there were some who romanticized and dreamt of a never-ending life, of living in the shadows as a vampire, but you were not one of them, and your friends knew that very well. Death gave life meaning, it made you strive to improve yourself, to do things and not just let time pass you by, because, hey, life is short. But now everything had changed. Life was no longer so short, in fact, if you kept yourself out of any danger, out of the eyes of anyone who might cause you harm, it could be indefinite. Sure, you could explore so much more of the world now, but with out the pressure of time, what was pushing you to do so?
“I thought I’d find you here,” a soft voice pulled your attention from your thoughts, focusing instead on the man who was now leaning against the doorway, his hands in his pockets, a small melancholic smile on his lips.
“Here I am,” you tried to joke back, but your voice was softer than you had intended, cracking ever so slightly after the hours of silence it had undergone since your escape from your friends. Stefan’s smile faded slightly, being drowned out by the sympathy in his eyes as he slowly made his way towards you, making sure not to overwhelm you as you shuffled to the side of the step, giving him room to sit next to you which he did without hesitation.
Part of you wanted him to wrap his arms around you, to hold you close and utter calming words in your ear, telling you everything would be alright, but more than that you needed the truth, and that was what he was willing to provide. Taking your hand gently in his own, he gave you a soft smile, silently encouraging you to relax into him.
Leaning against his side, your emotions began to come forwards as you knew they were bound to do. Your eyes closed tightly as you tried to keep the tears at bay, and your head hung low against his shoulder as a shuddering sigh fell from your lips.
“I’m so sorry, Y/N,” Stefan sighed, sincerity oozing from his words as he leant into your touch. You knew he felt guilty about what had happened, particularly as it had been his blood that had been in your system at the time of your death, and while you wanted to comfort him, to tell him it wasn’t his fault, that he didn’t actually do anything wrong, your own misery was too much for you to focus on anything else at that moment.
“It’s my fault,” you shook your head ever so slightly, knowing full well that your death was entirely based on your own distrust for his brother. If you had just believed that he wouldn’t actually put Jeremy in harms way, if you had taken the time to realize he was wearing the Gilbert ring and not simply rushed out and pushed him out of the way of the accident that was bound to happen, you would still be alive and well, with particular empathises on being alive. But no, you had gone ahead without thinking, putting yourself in his place and finding yourself now stuck with a predicament you had never wanted to face.
“It’s not your fault, Y/N,” Stefan shook his head, turning to face you with a frown. “You were trying to do the right thing, the good thing. Ok, it may not have worked out perfectly, but you were being you, and you shouldn’t feel bad about that.”
“Why are you so nice to me?” you asked with an emotionless laugh.
“Come on, Y/N,” Stefan sighed with a slight smile, giving you a light yet pointed look. “I know this isn’t what you wanted, but what happened today wasn’t your fault. And I’m not being overly nice or anything, any decent human would do the exact same thing.”
“Or vampire,” you added teasingly, throwing him a small smile, before your thoughts went back to the decision at hand. You could either feed and turn, continuing to see each day through, continuing to learn and grow, but at the cost of a life filled with guilt and self-hatred, or you could let the time pass and pass away with it. Before you had actually found yourself plagued with the decision, you had always thought you would go with the latter, terrified of acting out one day and hurting someone you loved, or anyone for that matter. But now that you were faced with the decision, now that it was quite literally a case of life or death, you weren’t so certain.  
“What should I do, Stefan?” you questioned desperately, needing to hear his thoughts above anyone else’s. He had been through this, he had made his decision decades before you had even been born, and he knew far better than you whether you would grow to regret it or not.
“I don’t know,” he sighed, standing up and beginning to pace in front of you as he weighed out the options. “I know it’s not what you wanted, but it’s better than the alternative, and I don’t care if it’s selfish, I don’t care about my own reasons for it, but I want you to turn.”
“What are you talking about? How are you being selfish?” you questioned with a furrowed brow, leaning forwards on your step as you tried to gauge what he was thinking, what he wasn’t saying.  
“I love you, and I hate how much I love you, because it makes me selfish, Y/N. I know this should be your choice, I know that you should be the one to decide what to do, that I shouldn’t force you to become like me, but I can’t. I can’t cope with the thought of not having you in my life, I can’t cope with the thought of losing you, with the thought of you leaving us all when you’ve got so much life left to live!”
“You-you love me?” you questioned in shock, your mouth falling open at the end of your words as you tried to grasp what he had just said. Yes, there were other factors to his words, there was a desperation that cut to your very core, but you couldn’t focus on any of that right now. The man of your dreams had just admitted to being in love with you and that changed absolutely everything.
Realization dawned for him and his eyes widened dramatically. His pacing came to a sudden stop and he ran a hand anxiously through his hair, ruining its neat style as he looked to you with a pleading gaze, not knowing what to do or say, but knowing he couldn’t let the moment slip away.
“Yes, Y/N,” he nodded timidly, suddenly wondering whether this was the best or worst time to have such an admission take place. It could send you in either direction for your decision, based entirely on how you felt about him, and that terrified him more than he could put into words.
“I can’t breathe,” you rushed out the words, beginning to hyperventilate as your thoughts rushed through your mind at an astonishing pace. Fear and anxiety, anger and regret, and above all an elated happiness ran through your emotions, creating a whirlwind within you that had you panicking more than you ever had before. You didn’t know what to think, let alone what to say or do. You were already dealing with so much, and now he had admitted he loved you and that was enough to send you over the edge.
“Hey, hey,” Stefan spoke in a soothing voice, his features softening instantly as he focused on calming you down. “It’s ok, it’s all ok, I promise,” he reassured, taking your hands in his once more. “None of that matters right now, ok? Just, just pretend I didn’t say anything and we can focus on your decision, ok?”
Nodding slowly, despite the uncertainty that gnawed away at your gut you gave him a small smile, letting him relax even if your own fears had simply been put away for the moment.
While a part of you knew that your decision should not have been affected in any way by his words, you knew deep down that it had. There was a comfort that had grown within you, despite the menagerie of other, far more complicated, feelings that had also come with his words. Ok, you had nothing sorted out, and you hadn’t even told him about your own feelings for him, but he loved you, he actually loved you. Despite the many other fears that still remained at the thought of finishing the transition, one had suddenly decreased dramatically. If Stefan Salvatore loved you there was no way he would let you hurt anyone, there was no way he would stand by and let any of your friends and family get hurt by you, there was no way he would let you deal with that pain and guilt.
“Stefan,” you started slowly, your eyes trailing up until they met his anxious gaze. “I need you to promise me something.”
“Anything,” he replied almost too quickly, and judging by the quick furrow of his brows he had noticed just how dangerous his reply could have been.
“Promise me you’ll teach me control, you’ll teach me how to cope around human blood without going all helter-skelter or turn off my humanity or anything stupid, ok?” you asked in a serious tone. There was no begging or pleading in your voice, just a determination that this was how it would be, that he would agree to this.
“Of course,” he sighed almost in relief as a small smile played on the corners of his lips. His eyes took in every bit of you as he searched you for confirmation of the hopeful thoughts that were playing in his mind. “Does that mean you’ve decided to stay with us?” he asked softly, as if he were both excited and terrified to hear the answer actually be said out loud.
With an encouraging grin, you stood up on the staircase, holding his hand in yours. “Come on you, let’s go get Bonnie to make me a daylight ring and get some blood into me,” you nodded softly, attempting to appear far more confident about your decision than you truly were.
Before you could make your way down the stairs, Stefan had dropped your hand, a relieved laugh falling from his lips as he wrapped his arms around you, pulling you off the ground and spinning you around cheerfully. A light laugh fell from your lips and as you looked down at the sheer happiness radiating off him, you knew you had made the right decision. Placing you back on the step you had just been sitting on, Stefan stared at you with an awe filled gaze.
“Just for the record,” you started, your smile still plastered on your face as your arms remained wrapped around him, and his around you. “I rather love you too, Mister Salvatore.”
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A Different Fight
Request: Can I request a peter parker x reader where the reader has gotten into a fight with peter and peter gets a little rough with the reader (like pins reader into the wall very hard and he punches into the wall) and you can take it from there!
Warnings: HECKIN ANGSTY, it gets a tiny bit physical but it by no means shows or romanticizes abuse !! that’s not coolio !!
Pairing: Reader x Peter Parker
Genre: ANGST
Word Count: 1.5k (sorry this one ended up being a bit shorter haha)
Update: I’m so surprised at how many positive reactions this got! You guys are the best :D
Part II can be found here 
To say you had a bad day was the understatement of the century. To start off with, there was an Algebra 2 test that you were totally unprepared for and you had left about half of the questions on it blank, which definitely wouldn’t end up getting you a good grade. At lunch you went to buy some pizza only to find out that you forgot to turn in your food service money and had none left in your account, leaving you very hungry and irritated. Your locker got stuck making you late to 5th period, the water fountain was broken and sprayed all over you, and you got stuck with a burnout for a lab partner. A lot of little things started to add up and by the end of the day you were dangerously close to absolutely losing it. If anyone did anything more to bother you, it was going to send you over the edge. It just so happened that the poor soul was Peter Parker, your best friend who you had a slight crush on for a while.
Peter had told you he would come by your place to work on some homework and just hang out after school. You were really looking forward to it since he was super busy and you couldn’t see each other as often as you would have liked. You waited patiently for a few hours before settling on the fact that he had stood you up. At that point you were completely pissed off. You grabbed your phone only to see new texts from your friends. Apparently there was a party at some senior girl’s house and a lot of people were there including, to your surprise, Peter. You were more than a little hurt. It wouldn’t have been a big deal if he had just cancelled but the fact that he blew you off completely really stung.
About an hour passed before you heard a knock at your door. You answered it, finding Peter standing there with an apologetic smile on his face. Any other day you would have melted at the mere sight of him grinning like that, but today wasn’t like any normal day.
“What?” you asked brusquely. Your hands moved to your hips and you stared at him expectantly. You didn’t really know what excuse you wanted to hear, but practically all of them would have been the wrong answer.
“I came to hang out with you!” he said and pushed past you, making himself at home. “Sorry I couldn’t come sooner, I had to take care of some stuff relating to you-know-what.” You rolled your eyes. Peter told you about being Spider-Man a few months back, which explained how busy he was, but this time that wasn’t going to cut it. You had seen the pictures from the party and there was absolutely no way it involved him like that.
“Right,” you said sarcastically. “I’m sure every party needs Spider-Man there to make sure things don’t get out of control. Tell me, does Liz Allan have a thing for spandex? Is that why you ditched me?” Peter’s eyebrows shot up, surprised by your dark tone. He had never seen you mad before and it both concerned and confused him. At the same time, bringing up Liz was a hit below the belt.
“E-excuse me?” he stammered, his smile fading. “What does she have to do with this? Look, I’m really sorry I’m late but at least I’m here now so can you just let it go?”
“No, I can’t,” you said defiantly. “Don’t try to change the subject. I saw the pictures of you at that party, you can’t deny it.”
“So I’m not allowed to go to parties now?” he asked, his anger rising as well. “What gives, Y/N. Are you jealous of Liz or something? Is that what this is about?”
“I would never be jealous of her,” you snorted. “You’re trying to turn this on me, but it’s not my fault. You think you’re so high and mighty just because you swing around all over Queens in tights every night. ‘Look at me, I’m Peter and I shoot nasty ass spider juice all over the place. Tony Stark loves me and so does Liz Allan”. Seriously, it’s ridiculous.“ Your voice got louder and louder as you went, your emotions getting the best of you. Peter’s eyes dropped to the floor and he balled his hands into fists. You regretted yelling at him like that, but you refused to back down. All of the anger that had built up inside you was finally coming out, and you couldn’t stop it now.
“First of all,” he said fiercely, “I don’t wear spandex and I definitely don’t wear tights. Second, I don’t think I’m better than anyone else. I’ve never said anything like that in my life. I don’t know what your beef is tonight but if you don’t want me here then I’ll just leave.”
“Leave and go where?” you spat. “Back to Liz’s house? Fine, see if I care. I didn’t know Spider-Man was a party trick now, but it’s cool. I’m sure everyone is dying to see you crawl around on the ceiling. Maybe shoot some webs, lay some eggs? Personally, spiders have always grossed me out, but if that’s what the senior chicks are into-” Suddenly Peter slammed one of his hands onto the wall next to you, using the other to pin you back, and you were so startled that your voice caught in your throat. His chest was rising and falling, the veins in his arms and neck noticeably present.
“Stop. Talking. About. Liz.” Peter enunciated every word carefully, his eyes locked on yours. A shiver ran down your spine. This was a different Peter than your dorky and awkward best friend. He was intimidating and tough, and all of his anger was aimed right at you. Never in your life did you ever think you’d see him like this, and it scared you. You knew what he was capable of, and you wouldn’t have been surprised if he had punched a hole in the wall. His arm was pressing into your chest and it hurt. It wasn’t like you couldn’t breathe, but it was still painful and uncomfortable. You were so shocked by it, especially since Peter never touched you without asking first, even just to link arms or something. His gentle demeanor had vanished completely, and that’s when you figured out that you had really messed up.
“Get off of me,” you said hoarsely. “Get off of me right now.” Peter blinked, only just realizing what he had done. His grip loosened and he took a step back, his eyes wide and full of panic. Neither of you really knew what to do next.
“O-Oh god, I’m so sorry,” he said quietly. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to… I never meant to do that. I’d never hurt you, I didn’t want to hurt you-”
“Peter, I think you should go,” you said, tears pricking the corners of your eyes. Your breathing was uneven and shaky, and he noticed it right away.
“Y/N, I didn’t… I didn’t hurt you, did I?” he asked, almost pleading with you. He took a step toward you and you instinctively backed away. The look of pain on his face made you feel like you had kicked him in the stomach. By then you didn’t even care that there were tears were streaming down your face. You couldn’t think straight, your mind was whirling and you could hear your heart pounding.
“Peter, you need to leave,” you choked out again. He nodded slowly, processing things but still not moving.
“Are you okay?” he asked in a voice just above a whisper. “Please, just… Just tell me I didn’t hurt you at all. I swear I’ll leave right after…” You wiped your eyes and shook your head. You heard his breathing stop for a moment before he took another step backwards. He was crying too and looked absolutely broken. It was all your fault. All of this. If you hadn’t been so grumpy and jealous in the first place none of it would have happened. You told yourself over and over that you needed to apologize, you needed to tell Peter that you were alright and that it wasn’t his fault. For some reason you just couldn’t bring yourself to do it, so you stood there in silence crying as he slowly made his way out the door and out of your house.
The second the door closed behind him you collapsed onto the ground. Your sobs echoed off the walls of the empty room. There was no anger left inside of you, only regret and sadness. You didn’t mean any of the things you had said, you weren’t in your right state of mind, but that didn’t change the fact that you still said them.
Your chest ached, not because Peter had hurt you, but instead because your heart was broken.
Tags~ @nevaehsuga (thank you for the request love!! i hope you liked it!!) @nedslaptop (I don’t really have a tag list yet but i thought I’d add you as long as I was doing it since you asked a while back xx)
If you wanna be tagged in my dumb writing in the future let me know and I’ll make sure to add you!!
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