#(it was bad)
despazito · 7 months
I feel like a lot of the adults who put up a stink about not wanting to see leather and fetish gear at furcons weren't around for the "go yiff in hell furfags" era of the internet..
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minjimunji · 1 month
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I drew Sam yesterday bc the last time I drew her 7 years ago, I had no understanding of how hijabs worked so I thought I would do her justice this time,,,,
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stubz · 5 months
"Can't you cut it off?"
"No I can't cut it off Zyz because unlike you my leg can't grow back."
"Yeah Max is a mammal. We just have to wait till Friday and it'll be all better."
"It'll be longer than Friday Tarlax, it won't be completely better till after the tri-eclipse festival."
*chorus of what's, groans, and other disapproving children sounds*
"But that's...1..2..4..6...7 weeks!"
"I thought you said you weren't hurt that bad!"
"Yes but it'll still take a while for me to be able to play with you guys again. Right now I'm only able to keep an eye on you kids and help Kim out with crafts and non-physical things."
"But when Pollix broke his arm he was all better in 2 weeks, and my uncle Fenrir broke his foot but he's all better after 10 days."
"Listen kids, humans take longer to heal than most other species. And until then I can't play with you or else my ankle will just get worse."
"But why can't-!"
"Please just one-"
"Come on-!"
"ENOUGH!" having enough of the kids guilt and nag her injured co-worker on his first day back ran the the other human's patience dry.
"Max fractured, broke, his ankle and you want him to run on it? You want him to carry you all while just standing for too long hurts him? You want him to make his injury even worse so that he can play with you?"
complete silence
"After all Max has done for you kids and still you demand that he bends over backwards to entertain you...terrible behavior, I am disappointed in you, all of you."
"...Sorry Miss Kim."
"I'm not the one you kids should be apologizing to."
*chorus of small whispered apologies to Max*
"I forgive you, but like Kim I'm disappointed in you. Now everyone go get your snack."
"Kay what's eating you?"
"...I feel bad for yelling at the kids now."
"I know but you and I know that was necessary."
"Yeah but I still don't like it."
"Sorry for making you do that. I should've put my foot down and lectured them instead of you."
"Well...to be fair you couldn't without losing balance or wrecking your ankle even more."
"Ha. ha. very funny."
"MAX!!" screams dozen of children and younglings.
"Holy shit!"
"FuuuACK ...damnit my ankle..." his body forgot that even while scared he should not be jumping.
"We got you stuff to help you get better faster!" one by one the children handed the humans jars, wrapped up food, beverages, medicines, and many other things that helped one's health on their respective planet.
"Wow, this is so thoughtful kids. Thanks."
"And thanks to my uncle Fenrir I know how you can play with us but also catch up in case of emergencies."
"Oh really? Is it some kind of scooter--ho crap! THOR PUT ME DOWN!"
"Does it hurt?? Athea, Pollix, come on!"
"There! Not only can you move faster, but also your taller and we get to train our stamina and endurance like any good warrior."
"Kim. Help. Me."
"Are you in pain?"
"...actually no...it's surprisingly comfortable."
"then what's wrong?"
"this is against protocol."
"Dude we have like zero protocol here when it comes to playtime."
"Your scared of heights?" they ask raising a brow.
"In my defense not many 6'3 men can be carried like this..."
"Well considering your only 2 feet higher now I say we call this your exposure therapy. Carry on kids, but don't run with him unless he says so."
"No you won't! Your too nice plus to make things even the spider would have to be small and in a container."
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wentzmp3 · 8 months
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Stop smiling at each other!!!
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catdadeddie · 3 months
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Oh god, we've broken containment...
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wayfayrr · 17 days
For both botw and totk, I've had this odd habit overall where once I've done every single mission possible and basically completed the game, I leave the kork seed puzzles alone beyond the minimal needed so I had an excuse to continue playing. By the end I've ended up slowlt finding every puzzle bit by bit to extend more time on the game and feeding link good food/getting him to rest regularly between each discoverable one and entirely traveling to them on foot to re-explore the games map again for nostalgias sake. I always felt so horrible how exhausted he possibly felt constantly functioning at 100% at all times. :( the korok puzzles at this point is just a reason for me to spoil the absolute heck out of him. I always couldn't help but wonder if he'd get joy out of the extended time or not. The thought overall always made me giggle.
(Btw you're an absolutely incredible creator and writer, and the time and effort you put into your works and community is awe inspiring. I hope you're staying safe and well especially! Thank you for the time you give us <3)
Honestly that is a really good way to keep on playing (especially since neither of them have a new game+ or hero's mode like the rest of the games) I think he'd really appreciate the fact that you don't want to fully complete the game in order to spend more time with him!!! You like being around him and want to do it more than what the game really intentionally allows
I think that both of those links are more than a bit messed up from their stint in the sheika juice (hence why they can go so long without sleep) but like the others they more than appreciate a good nap there's also the whole thing of them not being 'real' and not needing anything a living person would but ehhhh what difference does that make The fact that you're treating them like they need to eat and sleep is so !!!!!! You make him feel real, and you keep coming back and keeping him out of the void!!!
theres nothing else he could really ask for that would be possible to give you, well besides your touch, but it's not like he'll be able to get that any time soon.
(Thank you for the kind words too!! I absolutely adore this community and most of the people it's allowed me to meet so I'm happy to be able to give back in anyway I can <33 and it's so lovely to get anything like this 💖 I'm staying safe and I hope you are too anon!!)
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atlantis-area · 7 months
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2023 Melon Music Awards - KEY - Don't Call Me
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bunnikida · 3 months
You ever lower your standards for fanfic so much for an hour or so in the night and then you finish it and you're filled with regret for losing your sleep over that shit
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mortalityplays · 7 months
one of the most instructive experiences I had in college was attending a lecture on ethical data capture for international development (lol as it turned out) where the guest lecturer was essentially doing an academic book tour for his latest work on 'measurable happiness'.
his whole argument was that by over-focusing on negative data capture (e.g. how many people died in this conflict, how many people got sick from bad water, how prevalent is preventable child death), poor international aid workers fall into despair and burnout and their organisations end up chasing inefficient aid strategies like providing free local health clinics that only continue to measure negative data points and suck up funding. instead we should be capturing happy positive data like how many new babies were born, how many years have been added to the average lifespan, how many people report greater satisfaction with their daily lives than before we started quizzing them. happy numbers! happy aid workers! nice glossy annual reports attracting lots of money from smiling philanthropists!
during the Q&A I pointed out that the effect of many of these capture strategies would be to hide underlying issues rather than solving them — are rising birth numbers a net positive if the rates of infant mortality stay the same? what about deaths or lifelong health complications from childbirth? what does it mean to live longer on average if your quality of life is getting worse? He got annoyed, didn't answer any of my questions, and explained that all those problems would be solved by attracting more funding to aid organisations through a more compelling, optimistic data picture. he said did that answer your question, I said not really, he said read my book, I said doubtful and left.
anyway that really taught me to be skeptical of that kind of paternalistic feelings-led view of aid (and all of these institutions in general but that's its own issue). apart from anything else it is so insanely disrespectful of the many, many, many, many people in the world who are capable of confronting and metabolising discomfort, sadness, anger, and other negative emotions, and using them productively to better the world. if you are ONLY capable of being panicked or controlled by your negative feelings, you have an infantile relationship with reality and you are only ever going to be a useful conduit for liars, sorry.
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mikaila-orchard · 26 days
Lily: "I was abused as a child."
Everyone, sans the vultures: "Oh, okay. That makes sense."
Lily: "Here is exactly how I was abused as a child."
Everyone: "Holy shit! How are you still alive!?"
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teddy-bear-d · 9 months
The awkward but also absolutely hilarious thing about having a roommate that’s well versed in anime but knows nothing of gaming youtube let alone minecraft youtube is that I am a cosplayer and when I go to cosplay my little minecraft guy I have to say, ‘oh yeah, it’s time for kakashi slightly to the left,” or, “off brand bleach dudes twin.”
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doomordestiny · 1 month
guys i think im fixated on riptide again i just spent 45 minutes scrolling through fanart while trying not to scream and/or cry
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nintengoat · 10 months
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What a day
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cuckhowell · 2 months
my biggest flex and also regret is that my little sister and i both got into our tatinof show with the weird stories from our childhood but my little undiagnosed autistic self couldn’t fathom that they were talking about us and making jokes so i just ended up being a 15 year old screaming at them as if they would respond in the middle of the show and that truly keeps me up at night.
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i can read yiddish alright alone, but as soon as i have to say it out loud it’s over. we’re stumbling through words like no one has stumbled before. it gets worse the longer i have to read. what is this letter. i’ve never spoken before in my life. i’m like a spooked horse and my teacher has to hold her hand out and calm me down by giving me a sugar cube (assuring me i pronounced a simple word correctly)
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