#(i would love for you to go talk to kids who get excited about nerf guns in grade school 😅)
magnusmodig · 4 months
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||. ambition is telling myself i'll finally sit down and write the "deconstructing the Frozen Vault" meta bc man ppl clearly don't understand 2011 era thor at all
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regularme12 · 23 days
Mayhaps lee!David where a bunch of campers gang up on him? :3
Lee! David?!
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Stopppp I love this so much!!! This is so out of character😭
Niki, Neil, and Max was in the back of the mess hall chatting and talking about pointless stuff. "God! When js he ever gonna stop yapping his jaws?" Max asked.
"I don't know, but it's pointless. I wanna go look at cool bugs outside!!"
"Well, I wanna go finish my chemicals. Something useful."
"Omg, Neil. You sound just like David." Max.
"And that campers-" David was cut off by Max talking. The kid was pretty quiet, but his voice carries theough the whole room. So if he's trying to whisper, he's really not. "Um, Max? Do you mind letting me finish on what I'm gonna say? Pretty please?"
"No. David. What you have to say is ridiculous and utterly pointless." Max started to get up walking over to the counselor.
"Ugh, here he goes again." Neil brought his elbow placing it on his knee, tilting his head to rest on his hand.
Max faced the audience. "I say we ruin this joint, and take matter into our own hands. Muahhahaah. Who's with me?!" He brought both of his arms above his head like a chant, laughing mischeviously. Only for them to come crashing down with a yelp because he felt an oddly familair lil tickle at his armpits. "FUHUCK!! DAVID!! DON'T FUCKING TICKLE ME!!"
"Whyhy? That's how I make u listen."
"NO IT'S NOT!! You always end up tickling me, and I'll still act up!! THERE'S NO POINT ANYMORE!! SO FUCKING STOP!!" Max kicked his shin.
"Ow... Max... That's no way to treat your elders."
"You know, Max." Gwen came out of her hiding spot. "David's really ticklish himself. I always love putting a stop to him by doing it."
"Now, Gwen. Let's not get too hasty here... haha." David felt exhilerated, more like excitement rushing over him. He lovesss getting tickled, and only Gwen knows about it. She swore to secrecy to never tell another soul. David looked back to all of the campers, their faces had these huge grin on them, Max's was the biggest of them all. "Uh, Max? You ok there buddy? How about we all just- AH" David screamed when Max yelled, "GET HIM!" And all the campers rushed over and tackled him to the ground, they each help a body part and started rapidly tickling.
"This is what you fucking get David! For always tickling the shit out of us!!!" Max exclamied, squeezing his ribcage. Niki had his feet, Neil had his knees, Preston had his neck, Ered had his armpits, Nerris had his sides, Harrison had his hips, Dolph had his thighs, Spacekid had his navel, and Nerf had his stomach. They were all squeezing, kneading, and scritching his limbs. He had no where to go, but then again, does he really want to?
"MUAHAHAHAH! MUAHAHAHAH!!" Max seemed to be the one enjoying it the most. I mean, of course he would, David tickled him the most out of all the other campers. This was HIS time to shine. "How you like that, Da-vid?! You don't like it when we tickle you till you past out, huh?!"
"Wow, Max had some built up anger." Neil looked at him, then looked at Niki to see if she agreed, but she was too focused to even realize.
"GaHAHAHAHahahahaAHHAHAHAH!!" David couldn't really move around that much since he had alll of the campers on him. But he was kinda enjoying it. Max smiling for the first time in a while, well it's not a genuine smile, but it was still plastered on his face. The older counsler enjoyed this, not just because he was getting tickled, but becuase of the fact that all the campers were having fun. Yh, maybe he was about to die, but it was still entertaining to watch.
Max questioned aloud, "Hey! Why aren't you begging us to stop?! Why arn't you pleading and crying for us to show you fucking mercy?!"
"MAJAHAHAHX, LANAGAGAGHUAGE!!" Even after all he's been going through, he still has the time to lecture a certain camper about his foul tone.
"Well, Max. David really loves getting tickled." David looked at her like he saw a ghost. How could she out him like that?! But David, You aren't really hiding it very well.
"What...? YOU LIKE THIS?! THAT IS IT! DAVID I HATE YOU!! NOW IT'S NOT FUN ANYMORE!!" Max got up from his spot, and went to the other side of the room to pout "It's just not fucking fair!"
But all of the campers didn't stop, because they could care less if he hated it or not, his laugh was really contagous. It sounds like a heyna and a little girl. Hgh pitched, squeaking, and a few snorts here or there if u get him really good.
This went on for a long time, till they got bored and let him up. David was breathless and panting, "God... you... guys got me... good."
Max was still upste, and the other campers got their fair share of torment on their counselor.
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Angeal and his grandma mentality
After long three hours dealing with paperwork after his shift was over, all Zack wanted was some rest, some good, well deserved rest, and for that he first passed by Angeal's apartment to pick up his children he had left with Angeal for him to tend while he was working.
"Hey, man. Sorry it took so lo— WHAT THE HELL?!" Zack looked at the sheer chaos his mentor's house was in. Vanitas was running around playing Nerf while his brother Sora who was building targets with his new gigantic Lego set and Angeal was sitting down by Xion who was playing restaurant with him... Thing is... None of this toys belonged to his kids before he left to work.
"Dad, dad! Check it out!" Vanitas managed to shoot Zack right between his eyes with his Nerf.
"Ow— what the... Who the heck gave you these?!" Zack asked while looking at the clearly expensive Nerf.
"Look daddy! I made a gun out of Lego! Pew pew!" Sora said excitedly, the little boy with brown hair and blue eyes had the most excited of looks on his face.
"The hell..." Zack looked at it and at the giant box it came in. "What the— that set's expensive as hell!" He said completely dumbfounded.
"Daddy! Here!" The little girl with black hair and blue eyes, Xion, approached his father with plastic cookies. "For you!"
"Oh, uh, thanks sweetie." He took the plastic toy, looking not only at the little toy oven, but the entire kitchen set. "Hm, delicious, hunny." Zack said while glaring at his mentor who was clearly responsible for this and was purposefully avoiding to look at Zack.
"It's a hundred gil!" She raised her hand towards Zack with a big smile, albeit missing a tooth.
"Wait— you teeth fell?!" Zack kneeled and looked at his daughter's mouth.
"I fell and broke my teeth! So uncle Angie bought me a kitchen!" She then ran to hug Angeal, who tried to keep his stern face. "Thank you, uncle Angie!" Xion sweetly said.
"Y-you're welcome, Xion." Angeal said trying to keep his cool, though Zack's death glare wasn't helping.
"Alright, why don't you kids go get your stuff while I talk to uncle Angie?" Zack said trying to keep calm.
Once the children left, Angeal stood up.
"Alright, I can explain—" Zack interrupted him.
Angeal looked away. "... They said they wanted it..."
"And because of that you thought it was reasonable to buy them all those expensive toys?!"
Angeal kept quiet for a moment. "They played dirty, they kept making puppy faces for me..."
"OF COURSE THEY WOULD! Why didn't you keep firm?!" He looked at the expensive sets. "You always complained I was financially irresponsible, but who, between the two of us, spent over twelve thousand Gil on toys because the children said they wanted it?" Zack asked with a serious tone. "I'm not angry you bought them toys, just why such expensive ones?! They understand the concept of 'not worth the price', why didn't you just explained it to them?!"
"Oh, grow up, I told you already the moment these children would be under my supervision I would spoil them rotten." Angeal scolded Zack.
"YOU DON'T SPEND TWELVE THOUSAND GIL ON A MONTH, YET THE FIRST MOMENT I LET YOU ALONE WITH MY KIDS YOU SPENT IT NO TROUBLE!" Zack scolded him back. He took a deep breath to calm down. "Look, I know you love them, but when you want to gift them toys, try first seating down and talk to them about looking for something more reasonably priced. They can accept a 'no', you know?"
"Bold of you to assume I wouldn't say yes in a heartbeat." Angeal replied without even thinking twice.
Zack sighed frustrated, he looked to the side and saw his kids eavesdropping, Vanitas left the room closing the door behind him, he walked towards Zack and gave him his Nerf.
"Here. I don't want it." Vanitas said with a calm look.
"Now look what you've done!" Angeal complained to Zack.
"Shut it." Zack said sternly to Angeal, he then turned his gaze towards Vanitas and kneeled to his level. "Why are you giving me this?" He calmly asked his son.
"I don't want uncle Angie to go broke because of toys." Vanitas said seriously, Zack had to hold back his laughter. Vanitas then turned to Angeal and pointed at him. "He needs his retirement home money." Vanitas said innocently.
Zack couldn't take, he started rolling on the ground laughing at Vanitas downright calling Angeal OLD without even thinking twice, while Angeal himself was there dumbfounded at being called old by the kid.
"... I'm just nine years older than your father, Vanitas." Angeal said serious.
"... Old." The little boy calmly replied.
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agerestorybits · 3 years
Feeling little and excited for Christmas! maybe a story about all the littles seeing santa or doing fun christmas things? ahem...especially Roman bc you know I love me some Little Roman (= Please and Thank You!
Roman excited, it was Christmas eve, and he and Remus were waiting for Santa. Patton and Logan both told them to sleep but the refused, sneaking out of bed to hid behind the couch and wait. They had invited Janus to join them but he said he would rather get some rest.
It was almost midnight when someone appeared from the shadows with a large bag. He walked over to the tree and started pulling out gifts to put under the tree. Remus tried to Tackle Santa but was caught in a hug by him instead. "A bit naughty to try and get the jump on me isn't it?" Santa asked.
Remus paused, "Are you gonna take my presents?"
"It was my plan too!" Roman hurried to make sure that Santa wasn't mad at his brother.
Santa laughed. "No, no. There are plenty of gifts for everyone."
"I can't believe it's really you!" Roman said, "I'm gonna go get everyone!"
Santa didn't have time to discourage him from this before Roman had run off. Coming back soon with Patton, Janus, and Logan. All of whom were shocked and more than a little excited to see Santa.
"I couldn't find Virgil." Roman said.
"He's sleeping." Santa excused.
"How do you know?" Logan asked.
"I'm Santa." Janus made a funny face at that but due to the excitement was too little to really voice any complains.
Santa shared the cookies they had set out for him, claiming he had many other houses to get to and he would have more cookies there. He let all of them look at the gifts he brought before sending them all off to bed. The last one to go being Roman who was trying to get Santa to go see Virgil so that the emo wouldn't miss out.
Santa said he hadn't the time, ruffled Roman's hair before disappearing in to the shadows.
In the morning everyone was excitedly talking about their visit from Santa, looking at the gifts and telling Virgil all about it. Virgil wasn't in the least bit upset about missing Santa. Claiming he had seen him before years ago.
"You've met him?" Roman asked.
"Sure, and I know that it's not a great idea to hold Santa up. Imagine if every kid met him, then he would have no time to put out the gifts." Virgil reasoned.
"That's true!" Patton said wide eyed. "We held him up! Do you think someone did get a gift?" He asked worried.
"I'm sure he managed to do his job." Logan said, "He wouldn't have risked it."
Remus was playing with a nerf gun, "Well he did miss someone."
"What do you mean?" Roman asked.
"Virgil didn't get anything."
They all turned to Virgil who shrugged, "Guess I was on the naughty list." Virgil brushed it off as shifted the focus back to the unopened Presents. This didn't sit right with Roman. Not only did Virgil not get to see Santa, he didn't get a gift either.
Roman went up to his room while the others were dodging nerf darts from Remus. He made a Christmas card for Virgil and stuck it in his stocking for him.
Janus met up with Virgil later, "Did i do good?"
"You did excellent baby snake." Virgil said ruffling Janus' hair. Neither of them slipped up, and no one other than them knew that Virgil had been Santa.
"Mm a Santa helper." Janus said bouncing a little.
"A very big helper indeed."
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corysmiles · 3 years
Little streamer AU prompts!
-Thinking they were all humans, either Wil or Phil bought tickets for them all to go to an amusement park....but Tommy’s too short to ride. Where does it go from there? Does Wilbur feel bad and sob out apologies? Does Tommy say it’s fine and that they can go without him, only to get kidnapped/lost? Does Tommy say f*ck it and try to sneak on with Tubbo? Your choice :)
-The bois at the arcade during the meetup. They try to cheat the games by having Tommy roll skeeballs into the best slot, or go inside machines to fix the game in their favor
-While Tubbo has Lani, and Phil has probably had like a borrower coworker or something, this is Wil’s first time heavily interacting with someone so small, and constantly watches the others and stays up at night googling how to best handle a borrower. Some of the suggestions he gets from online are way too formal and Tommy is confused as heck at where he’s getting these ideas. Like Wil you don’t have to wash your hands before picking me up if we’re RUNNING LATE C’MON LETS GO
-(the angst prompt) Tommy was so excited to meet others his size and during the meet up he doesn’t feel included or something, and he ahas a mental breakdown. Maybe he hides in a small space so the others can’t find/reach him
-If you don’t have plans for techno yet, maybe he’s also a tiny and thought he was the only one of any of his online friends, but the group FaceTimes him and he sees Tommy is small too but doesn’t make a big deal out of it, just a mentions it in the conversation at some point. Tommy feels instantly better. “Technoblade’s a bigger bad ass than any of you talk freaks!” “Techno was already the coolest, but none of you have a chance now.”
-Tommy wrestles with everyone’s hands
If you can’t tell I love this idea so much lol
omg I love your ideas so much thank you and I’m so so sorry this post is so long I was gonna split it up but then I was motivated and got really excited (also pls forgive me for any spelling errors this is long and I didnt want to go back and edit it) :]
Little streamer au drabbles
When Phil and Kristen had originally been planning out all the things they could do at the meet up they didn’t take into account the possibility that any of their friends might be well...tiny. So when the day came for the group to go to the amusement park and they were stopped by security at the first ride Phil knew the day wasn’t going to end well.
“Sorry sir,” the man said to Wilbur who currently had Tommy in his front pocket, “Tinies can’t go on the rides here, it’s too much liability for the park.”
Wilbur just stared at the man in mild confusion, “What if I hold him though, there’s no way anything could happen.”
The man just shrugged, “I don’t know it’s the park’s rules not mine so you can either stay out here with him or pass on rides for today.”
Wilbur looked down at the small teen in his pocket and could tell he was getting upset by the confrontation. Tommy’s shoulders drooped and he kept his eyes down as if to not show the others his disappointment.
“Its alright big man, go on I can stay down here,” Tommy whispered and patted Wilbur’s chest reassuringly. The attempt at comfort just made Wilbur’s frown grow.
“Hey it’s alright Will I’ll stay down here with Tommy,” Tubbo said, “I’m not the biggest fan of heights anyways.”
Wilbur reluctantly agreed and handed over the tiny to the other teen who walked over to one of the benches to wait for the others.
When Wilbur and Phil got off the roller coaster they panicked when they couldn’t find the two teens until they found Tubbo riding on a carousel horse with Tommy hanging off the pole.
Safe to say Wilbur didn’t let Tubbo take Tommy the rest of the day. (Sorry i didnt do angst for this one)
(More under the cut)
Tommy was so excited to go to the arcade with his friends. When they got there though and Tommy saw all the prizes he could win he started to form a plan.
Tubbo of course would be the one to help him out though since he was the only one that was willing to let Tommy cause any chaos.
It started with small things like having him help them cheat on skeeball or hit targets with his hands on shooting games until they started to look for more ways to cheat.
For the final plan, Tubbo watched as Tommy climbed through the slot of a crane machine and tried to push a large bear toy into the hole.
When he saw the bear he thought Wilbur would like it and while Tubbo was usually opposed to crane games since it’s just a “waste of fucking money” he wasn’t necessarily opposed to helping Tommy get into the machine.
Everything was going fine until a woman with a child came over to the machine to play for themselves; immediately Tommy ducked down beneath the plushies so they wouldn’t get caught and Tubbo began to panic when he lost sight of the tiny.
It was at that moment that the rest of the group came over to Tubbo and asked where Tommy was.
“Uhhh hes in the bathroom,” Tubbo said nervously.
Phil tilted his head at the boy, “Uhuh...where is he Tubbo?”
“Ummmm so about that big man we uh-“
However, Tubbo was interrupted by his phone dinging and his face went pale as he read the text from Tommy.
-Pls get me out of here big man I can’t get this shit off me anymore-
“Uhhhh...oh fuck,” Tubbo muttered, “Um I have not the best news for you.”
“And what’s that?” Wilbur asked.
“Ummm do you have any coins on you?”
Phil looked at Tubbo with confusion, “Yeah, why do you ask mate?”
Tubbo turned back to the crane where the mother and daughter had left and laughed nervously, “well....ummm so by bathroom I kinda meant uh the crane machine? Yeah, Tommy’s in there.”
The adults immediately freaked out at the situation because what the fuck were the kids thinking. And when Tubbo told Wilbur they were just trying to get the teddybear for him cause Tommy thought he’d like it, he felt even more dread.
After almost an hour of Wilbur and Phil putting in money into the claw machine they finally got enough toys out of the way to see the tiny.
With one more try Tommy was able to grab onto the claw and let himself fall out of the machine. Wilbur immediately scooped him up to scold him for being a dumbass but when he saw that Tommy’s face was red and swollen he decided instead to just slip Tommy into his pocket to rest.
With the extra cheated tickets though they were able to buy Tommy a tiny plastic nerf gun from the arcade before they left.—————————————————————
Wilbur was surprised at how quickly Phil and Tubbo were okay with Tommy’s size. While Tubbo apparently had a tiny sister and Phil had had tiny friends before, Wilbur couldn’t recall ever actually interacting with someone so small expect for in passing.
He really cared about Tommy as both a friend and as a brother and he was so afraid of messing up with the teen. He didn’t want to hurt or offend Tommy in any way so of course he went to the best place to figure out what to do: wikihow.
The articles were strange for sure but anything to make Tommy feel more comfortable with him would be worth it.
So the next day when Tommy was supposed to be eating breakfast at Wilbur’s house and Wilbur wouldn’t pick him up to put him on the table he thought the taller man was just being a dick.
Then when Tommy asked him if he would pick him up Wilbur walked away from him to go to the bathroom instead of helping him.
After a minute the brunette man walked back and reached a hand down to lay besides Tommy. Tommy stepped onto his palm and expected him to pull him up towards him but when he didn’t he started to get really annoyed.
“Hey you can move what the fucks up witb you right now you’re being all weird and shit man,” Tommy grumbled.
“Huh? Oh I just...I was looking up some stuff about uh tinies and I thought maybe it would make you more comfortable?” Wilbur whispered with embarrassment.
“What?” Tommy laughed, “Why the fuck would you do that you were fine before I would tell you if I wasn’t comfortable big man you don’t have to worry about that.”
Wilbur felt his heart swell at the comfort and slowly lifted Tommy up to the table for them to eat together. It was still strange having someone so small around but Wilbur would get used to it for Tommy.—————————————————————
Tommy usually didn’t have any problems with having bigger people around. All his friends at home and his family were all humans so he knew he was overreacting about none of his online friends being tinies. But when they went out to dinner together and Phil, Tubbo, and Wilbur were all talking together while Tommy sat next to Wilbur’s cup something broke inside him.
The reason he loved streaming so much was that he thought he finally had met other people like him, but he guessed it was his own fault for never really checking.
As the three laughed loudly Tommy felt himself becoming more and more overwhelmed by the chaos in the restaurant. He couldn’t cry now though his friends were having fun, it would be a dick move for him to ruin the meet up for them just because he expected them to be tinies.
Throughout the meal and on the way home Tommy was mostly silent, he sat in Wilbur’s pocket as they arrived at the man’s apartment. Wilbur waved goodbye to Phil and Tubbo as he took Tommy inside.
Wilbur sat Tommy down on the counter as he changed and Tommy finally felt a few tears fall from his eyes. He heard the sound of a door opening and quickly hid behind a tea box so Wilbur wouldn’t see him in this state.
He started to shake as the tears kept coming while he heard Wilbur searching around for him.
“Tommy?” Wilbur called out but Tommy couldn’t even get a solid breath much less respond.
After a few moments Tommy felt the tea box he was hiding near shift as a large hand wrapped him up gently.
“Oh jeez Tommy are you okay?” Wilbur asked as he lifted Tommy to his eyes.
Tommy wiped his eyes and slowly nodded to Wilbur who looked heartbroken by the tears.
Wilbur sighed, “Do you want to talk about it?”
Tommy shook his head no and Wilbur gave the boy a sad smile.
“I’m sorry Tommy, we’ll talk about this later okay,” he whispered as he tucked Tommy up against his chest. He held the tiny until he heard soft snores replace the sobs and promised himself that whatever made him this sad would never happen again.—————————————————————
Techno had been tweeting at the rest of the sleepy boys since the start of the meetup. The American wished he had gotten to meet up with his friends but sadly because of covid there was no way to safely visit the UK, so instead they settled for FaceTiming one night so that Techno wouldn’t feel as left out.
Techno grabbed his specially made phone and anxiously waited for the call. When Phil’s contact showed up Techno opened it immediately and was greeted by the familiar blonde human’s face along with Tubbo in the corner.
“Hey Techno!” Phil smiled as Tubbo waved aggressively.
Techno smiled and waved back, “Hullo.”
After a little bit of shuffling Wilbur appeared on the screen with something cupped in his hands.
“What you got there Will?” Techno asked with an amused expression.
“It’s me bitch! Ayyy Techno,” a loud and annoying but familiar voice yelled form the taller man’s hands.
“Oh hey Tommy,” Techno laughed, but besides that there was almost no reaction to Tommy’s height.
“That’s it? No big ‘wow you’re small’ or like ‘poggers’ or anything?” Tommy asked.
Techno hummed in response, “Nah why would I care your nothing special cause you’re small.”
Tommy huffed and crossed his arms at Techno, “I’m not special bitch? I’m the only tiny here I’m amazing!”
A small chuckle left Techno as he realized the situation.
“And why are you so sure you’re the only one huh?”
Tommy blinked wide eyed at Techno before a wide grin spread across his face.
“Wait you’re small too?” Phil asked.
Techno nodded to his friends who all had different ranges of shock on their faces.
“Oh fuck yeah!” Tommy screeched causing everyone to laugh.
“See I knew this is why you were so much cooler than these bitches were alpha men you see,” Tommy laughed.
“Yeah,” Techno smiled, “I’m sure that’s why.”
The rest of the call was calmer however Tommy continued to insist that Techno and him were much cooler than the rest of the them. —————————————————————
The first time Tommy had been grabbed to try to get him to calm down or stay still it had been by Phil when he was trying to cook breakfast and Tommy kept getting too close to the stove top. Phil placed his hand over Tommy to keep him still when he felt the kid latch onto his pointer finger and try to pull it away.
“Ay what are you doing mate?” Phil laughed as the tiny continued to struggle with his finger.
“I’m wrestling you big man can’t you tell, and I’m fucking winning!” Tommy grinned.
Phil chuckled at the kid before flipping him over with his thumb.
“Yup you’re winning sure,” he said slyly.
When Wilbur and Tubbo walked in to Phil trying to pin down Tommy with his fingers while the small boy laughed and pushed them away as much as he could they had no fucking clue what was going on.
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strawberrylemonz · 4 years
Gates Opened Wide
Part 10
Part 11 [CURRENT]
Part 12
DT: @petrichormeraki @applepie1000 @jump-in-the-cadillac @ivorylin
“Clem, do not make me use your full name, big lass! Stand still! Damnit-”
“Dammit! Dammit! Dammit!”
“You learn how to speak more than usual, and you choose to copy my curse words, Jesus Christ. If you’re going to curse, then do it correctly. Now, hold still- hey! No hissing! You put those claws away! Clementine, stop shapeshifting!”
After spending an hour after “early breakfast,” Tommy had finally managed to dress the squealing girl for the day. It was on mornings like this that made him wish he would be on Theo duty, leaving Clem to be dressed by Fundy. But, alas, that day was not today. It took telling Clem that she would be wearing matching outfits with her cousin to convince the rascal to sit still long enough for Tommy to get her ready. She was nearly vibrating by the time Tommy added the finishing touches to her braided hair. Once he pulled his hands away from her small head, she hopped off the chair and run over to Fundy’s room, where Theo was getting ready. Sighing as he stood up, Tommy couldn’t help but laugh as he heard the bedroom door swing open with a slam, a squeaky voice squealing in sync with a happy yell, as well as a startled one. Shaking his head, Tommy finished fixing his hair, adjusting his collar in the process. Suddenly, the sound of the front door opening alerted him of their visitors. Sighing, he prepared for the quick force that would engulf him into a hug. 
“There’s my baby of a brother!”
Tommy slightly cursed as he was nearly toppled over, only being saved by the winged embrace of his proud brother. He hugged his brother back, truly happy to see him excited for the day. The hug, however, lasted longer than their usual long hugs, which was causing Tommy to bite back a groan. His efforts, unfortunately, meant nothing, therefore he groaned as he playfully flailed his arms behind his brother’s back, who only held him tighter. 
“Muuuuuuuum, Grian won’t stop squeezing me!!!”
A playful laugh rang through the air, serving as the only warning for the older brother. Before he could pull away, a nerf dart hit him square on the forehead. Welping in shock, Grian pulled away, patting his forehead, which was slightly more exposed than usual due to him fixing his hair in a proper manner. Tommy picked up the dart, laughing as he handed it back to a laughing Kristin, who’s curled hair bounced with every laugh. 
“Grian, you’re going to wrinkle your shirt! We all spent all morning making ourselves presentable, don’t ruin it.”
“I’m not going to ruin it, we still have the gala at the end of the week to look our best! I am, however, gonna have a red dot on my forehead now.”
“Oh, no you’re not. Stop crying over nonsense, you big baby.”
“How am I the baby, when Tommy is standing right there”
“Oi, shut the fuck up, fucker”
“Don’t make me shove a bar of soap in your mouth”
After everyone was finally dressed and ready to go, they pulled the two kids aside. After they had succeeded in obtaining the children’s attention for more than a minute, Tommy spoke up.
“Alright, you two, listen up. Today is the day that a lot of people are going to be here. Remember to stick with us, and don’t talk to shifty shitheads you don’t know, got it?”
“Do not finish that word, Clementine”
“Anyways, remember the secret spots? Well, if you get separated from us, stick together and go the the secret passageways if you two get in danger, okay? You two know your way around, I know you do. Just stick together, take care of each other, and have fun, alright?”
“Mkay, Uncle T”
“Good. Now, Theo, your father made a device for both you and Clem. Fundy, if you will.”
The man nodded as he knelt down to the level of the children. Smiling, he opened up his paws, revealing two pretty bracelets. Decorating them were various colors of gems. As he put them on their wrists, he explained how to use them.
“Don’t tell anyone that isn’t from this server, or isn’t the lovely trio or Stampy about these, okay? These are connected to all our communicators. If, for whatever reason you can’t use your communicators to contact us, you can use these. Each of these are connected to a singular communicator, see? This gem represents me, this one represents Tommy, this one is Uncle Grian, and this one is Grandma Kristin! I also labeled the other ones, so you know who you’re contacting. There’s Tubbo, Lani, Stampy, Drista, Iskall, Xisuma, Stress, Impulse-”
“I think they get it, Fundy. We can’t spend the entire day naming everyone.”
“I wouldn’t take the entire day! Anyways, this is how you’ll reach to us without anyone knowing. If you push the big gems on the middle, everyone is alerted and Xisuma will teleport to you. Don’t take them off, okay?”
“Yes, Papa”
“Good. Ready to go?”
The adults laughed as the children switched from serious to excited within seconds. Taking the hands of the excited children, the family went on their way.
Tommy stood at the entrance of his park, his family by his side. The Hermits helped him in putting up a wall around the park, shielding every detail from the eyes of the public. Today was finally the day of his opening, and he was excited. Maybe a little nervous, but mostly excited. Sighing in relief, he smiled as three figures approached him. Opening his arms, he welcomed the warm hug that came with Tubbo’s greeting.
“We’re here too, y’know.”
“Lani! Oh, hey, Drista-”
The four of them laughed as Stampy joined them, a bouquet of flowers in his hands. Handing the bouquet to Tommy, he couldn’t help but remark about how excited he was.
“-And look at all of you! Oh! You all look lovely and dapper! Everyone from my server is here to show our support! We came super early to beat the crowds! Look at us! Getting the best seats to the opening! I’m going to go gather the rest of my server, do excuse me. We’ll be back to start the crowd!”
Clementine and Theo waved enthusiastically as the neighboring server admin waved, walking away as he let to find the rest of his friends. Smiling, Tommy handed the bouquet to the children, who held it with gentle care. Despite being rowdy and loud together, anything from Stampy could reduce the two the silent happiness. This was always a relief to the adults, who, even though were rowdy as well, could not catch a break with the bouncing toddlers.
“Big day, isn’t it?”
“Oh, you know it is.”
Everyone continued to converse as they attempted to pass the time. Halfway through their conversation, a cheerful voice, which belonged to Impulse, sounded through the communicators.
“Gates are opening, crowd control is being initiated.”
“On it, thank you.”
Gulping, Tommy accepted the words of encouragement that came from his family and friends as they made their way off the stage, joining the rest of Stampy’s server at the front of the crowd, which was now slowly growing as more people trickled in. Stepping behind the curtains that flowed slightly in the cool breeze, Tommy recalled the conversation he had earlier. 
“And then I call you each on stage to help me with the unveiling.”
“That’s a great idea, Tommy”
“Thanks, Tubzo”
“You want me to help? Are you sure?”
“Yes, Fundy, I want you to help. You are my nephew, which makes you family.”
“Even us?”
“Yes, Theo, even you and Clem. There is one concern, though...”
“What is it?”
“What if Dream’s server comes? I can’t just force you guys up there-”
“Uncle, it’ll be okay. We’ll be okay. X made it so that the guests can’t harm or maim us outside of the dueling areas. Even then, they can’t do much.”
“But, Fundy, what about Dream-”
“It’s like you said, Tommy, we’re family.”
Tommy’s communicator snapped him out of his thoughts. Peering down, he saw that Xisuma had sent a private message to him.
XisumaVoid: The stage mics will turn on in a minute. Once the timer hits 30 seconds, the machine will play Pigstep in the background. Good luck, you got this 
Tommy sent a quick message of acknowledgment and appreciation back to the admin, quickly adjusting his shirt and fixing his hair. Taking deep breaths, he hyped himself up as Pigstep began to play in the speakers, causing the hermits and lovely’s to cheer, initiating the rest of the guests to follow in suit. Inhaling a deep breath, Tommy released the air as he gave a nice, charming smile as the curtains opened, revealing him and the crowd to each other. Doing his best not to break his professionalism, he bit back a laugh as he heard Iskall’s voice overpowering everyone else’s”
Waving to the crowd before him, he allowed his eyes to hover over the crowd, taking note of the faces before him. His friends and family, of course, were situated before everyone else in the crowd, the members of Stampy’s server behind them. The Hermits were scattered about, helping disperse the energy whilst being some form of security for opening day. Then, he spotted them. There, stood near the center of the crowd, stood the members of the Dream SMP, both old and new. He couldn't tell who was all there, solely because he did his best not to alert them that he knew they were there. Making eye contact with his nephew, he silently plead for guidance on what to do. Fundy, who understood the meaning behind the look, gave his uncle a nod of encouragement. Readjusting his smile, Tommy cleared his throat as the music slowly deafened, leaving only his voice to speak above everyone else. 
“Welcome! I’m about to do something really fucking annoying, but this server and the neighboring server finds it hilarious. That being said, CAN I GET A HUMINA IN THE CHAT???”
Laughter filled the large crowd as Hermits and Lovely’s alike began chanting the word, over and over again. They died down once Tommy let out a genuine laugh, making his friends smile. Clearing his throat, he spoke up again.
“Ahah, I apologize for that. It’s kinda of a tradition we have when I do productive shit around here. Anyways! Welcome everybody to the grand opening of my park, ‘Innit an Adventure?’! I genuinely want to welcome and thank you all for coming to celebrate such a special day for us Hermits and Lovely’s alike. When I first began this ambitious project, I did so to cope with my trauma. When words failed to express my emotions, I turned to building. That, in itself is saying something. I mean it, ask any of the Hermits here, they’ll tell you. I was a little shit with shittier building abilities. But they didn’t give up on me, and I eventually became able to create this wonderful world on my own. Know that if you are in a rough place, help is available almost anywhere. If, at any point today, any of you feel overwhelmed or panicky, we have designated panic rooms designed to help calm your nerves. The new pamphlets you all received upon entering the portal show not only the map, but a key that will point you to certain points, like the panic rooms. As much as I want this place to be a fun place for all, I want it to be a safe space, too.”
Peering over to the front, he was encouraged to continue when Clementine waved in a hyper manner to him. Letting out a chuckled, Tommy continued. 
“Although I managed to create this myself, I couldn’t have made it to this point without the support from my fellow Hermits.”
He initiated a round of applause as every member of Hermitcraft stood up and waved, some teasing Tommy. Rolling his eyes, he waved them off as he pretended to walk off. Laughing as he stood back on his spot, he gave a genuine smile. 
“No, seriously. They had to deal with the little shit that is me, and they did so wonderfully. They guided me through, what I thought, was impossible to guide me through. Truly, thank you. I would also like to thank the lovely trio of terror. When I fell into this world, quite literally, I was scared about where my friends could be, especially my best friend. Luckily, I soon found out what happened to him. Please welcome to the stage, these three headaches that I call my close friends, Tubbo Underscore, Lani Sky Underscore, and Drista Never Taken!”
Applause filled the air as the three lovely’s walked up stage, waving to the crowd. Wearing their matching outfits, Tubbo and Lani stood on either side of Tommy. Drista, who had worn a cleaner version of her mask, stood on Lani’s other side. As the applause died down, Tommy smiled at his friends as his cheerful voice sprung up.
“Hello, everyone!”
“After discovering where they were and that they were okay, my mental state improved greatly. They have inspired so many prizes and attractions in this park, which only proves that they have done so much good for me, even when I didn’t deserve it. I also have some amazing family to thank. Let’s start with an amazing, strong woman, who has an even more amazing aim. Please welcome to the stage, my mother! Kristin Minecraft!”
As the trio took a step back, Kristin handed Clem over to Stampy, who happily accepted the giddy girl. Making her way to the stage, she embraced Tommy, giving him a kiss on the forehead as he lowered his head to her, already expecting it. Hugging him one last time, she joined the trio as Tommy spoke of her. 
“The way I found her was quite amusing. She really is a lifesaver, thank fucking god for her. Although I didn’t have her around while I was growing up, due to her disappearing before I was even around, she has done more than enough for me, more than I could ever ask for. She truly is an amazing mother and woman. Go Mumza! Go Motherinnit!”
Laughter erupted from the crowd as Kristin gently smacked him upside the head. Although it didn’t hurt, he still cringed as he peered down at her. 
“What was that for?”
“You’re being too sweet, only to revert to your rambling. Stay on track.”
“Yes, Mumza.”
As she nodded in approval, Kristin made her way back to the trio, who were openly laughing at their friend. Grumbling, Tommy faced the crowd once more. 
“Not only is he friend and a fellow Hermit, he is my brother. Quite literally. Give a big hand for my big brother! Grian- HEY, WHAT THE FUCK, MAN”
He heard his friends and family laugh as Grian opened his wings, rushing forward in the air towards his little brother. Picking him up, Grian hugged his brother before plopping him back on the stage in a less than graceful manner. Dusting himself off, Tommy couldn’t help but pretend to whine.
“What’s up with you assholes, and Mumza. Is it embarrass TommyInnit day???”
He could only muffle a handful of curses as Grian shrugged, a cheeky smile forming on his face. Shooting a smile of his own towards Grian, gave his brother a playful punch. 
“When I first arrived, Grian and I bounced off each other perfectly. We fit together, like brothers and shit. Turns out, much to my surprise, we were brothers. Crazy, right? I was like, holy shit, oh my-”
“-right, sorry. Anyways, Grian was a brother that I had lost at a young age, too young to fully remember much about him. You could say the stars aligned in perfect order to allow me to reunite with him.”
Snickers could be heard from the Hermits and Lovely’s, catching the implications that came with Tommy’s words. Shaking his head, he cleared his throat, a mischievous glint in his eyes. He could practically hear Fundy’s groans from where he stood. Using the anticipated embarrassment of his nephew, Tommy let out a booming voice for the next sentence. 
“Everyone, give a hand for my fucking amazing, brilliant nephew, Fundy! Look at him go! Such speed! Amazing!”
Fundy hurried up the stares, a murderous look in his eyes. Once he was near his uncle, he smacked his arm. 
“You just had to be theatrical with my introduction, didn’t you?”
“Just for you, Fundy”
“Oh, don’t play that card with me, Uncle.”
Scratching in between his nephew’s ears, Tommy put an arm around him, keeping him beside him, instead of with the others. 
“Fundy is a brilliant and intelligent man full of love. He is very passionate about family and his projects, and has a brain that flows with all this smart and creative shit. Although I had completed the park, he came in and showed me ways to improve and add on to it. He has truly been an amazing help to me, and I couldn’t have done some of the things I did without him beside me. Speaking of having someone to stand beside him, I’d like to welcome Fundy’s pride and joy to the stage. Please give a kind and genuine welcome to my great nephew, Fundy’s son, Theo!”
Fundy knelt down with open arms as his son ran up the steps to the stage. Theo couldn’t help but giggle as Fundy lifted him into his arms. Smiling, Theo leaned over to give Tommy a hug, his small paws papping his great uncle’s face. 
“Hi, Uncle T”
“Hey, big man”
Theo giggled once more as Tommy ruffled his hair. Curling his tail around his father’s arm, Theo gave the crowd a toothy smile as Fundy stood behind Tommy, situating himself between Grian and Kristin. Once the crowd regained their attention towards their main host, they noticed how he seemed to glow. To them, it was most likely dismissed by the sunlight. To those who knew of Clara, however, knew that it was her warmth, holding his head up in pride. 
“And finally, last but certainly not least, the final member of my family. Please, put your hands together for my magnificent moth, my beautiful butterfly. Please welcome, my Clementine.”
The crowd was a mix of applauding and worried gasps as Clem, being the gremlin she was, chose to not use the stairs. Instead, wanting chaos, she had decided to climb the beams. As people began to panic, the people on stage, as well as the Hermits and Lovely’s laughed. Tommy rolled his eyes as he extended his arms. Smiling, he called up to the troublemaker.
Clementine laughed as she jumped straight into Tommy’s arms. Once he safely caught her, she began squealing as she frantically moved her hands from clapping and waving. Once he assured the crowd that she was being watched by the Hermits and would have been safely taken down if she was in danger, everyone was ready for the reveal. Giggling as she loosely wrapped her arms around Tommy’s neck, Clem pointed to the stand in the center. Making incoherent excited noises, she and Theo began to wiggle out of their guardian’s arms, racing towards it as soon as their little feet touched the ground. Pulling themselves up, they revealed a lever. And as everyone on stage put their hands on the lever, they all nodded to Tommy. Taking a breath, said man smiled as he and his close ones pulled the lever. The sound of Redstone filled the air as the wall surrounded the park began to disappear into the ground.
“Everyone! I, Thomas Theseus Minecraft, welcome you all to ‘Innit an Adventure?’!”
They were all greeted by the loud cheers of guests as the gates opened wide.
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tortilla-of-courage · 3 years
Yeah, kind of insane that the Adoption AU started with a 3am Taco Bell run.
I do actually have a few one shots already written for this AU! There's the Taco Bell story, the time Sky got arrested, the time Twilight got shot, a funny story I wrote based on real events with Twi, Wars and Wind trying to cook, and something based on that one picture of the boys playing the floor is lava by cherypaii(? I think that's the url?). And I have a half finished fic about Lullaby reacting to Time's increase in kids I call "Lullaby reacts to Time's Batman-Level Adoption Bullshit", and a half finished fic introducing Wild's twin. So if anyone is interested in reading some of the fun bits for the AU, since I'm still writing for the plot part (although this conversation has given me inspiration and motivation to write the bit where they find Twi after he was kidnapped, so,) then I'd be happy to post them.
And since you mentioned hoping more info would magically appear, consider this magic.
Midna is a mafia princess, and her family immigrated to get away from it. Zant is her cousin, and his parents followed to make sure Midna's parents didn't embarrass the family. She briefly had to move away after the incident where Twi got shot, but she's back before the plot happens.
Twi and Time both have their face markings in this AU. Time had his tattooed on after the FD incident as a reminder of what he's capable of and what he's lost (considering this plot beat's connection to his family and the Order), for better or worse. Twilight was gifted his by Midna after he fought Zant to try and protect her and Dusk from Zant. The markings are traditional Twili tattoos, painted on with some kind of something that acts as a mix of tattoing and henna, and have to be earned. Twilight's represent courage, boldness and sacrifice.
Warriors has a whole plot I've done nothing with involving Cia being, well, creepy as all get out. Basically I read somewhere that a victim of abuse is more likely to end up in other abusive relationships when looking at how Warriors' bio parents being abusive would effect him and then I remembered Cia and decided to be mean to him.
The underground hospital that took care of Wild after the wreck is called the Shrine of Resurrection because I thought that was a cool way to connect that.
I had this stupid idea once that Midna writes purposefully terrible fanfic and a few people suspected she wrote 'My Immortal' for a while, and when she comes back everyone is like "The Chaos Corner guy's brother is dating the lady who wrote My Immortal???" and Midna decides to set the record straight by doing a small livestream on like, Instagram or something where she explains she's actually dating Dusk. She's reapplying Twi's markings as she says this, and is basically in his lap. Twilight spends the whole thing looking like he wants the floor to swallow him.
Rottla is informed by a therapist that she should try and do something since her kids don't feel safe (which, considering Time got stabbed in their living room, not feeling safe is understandable), and decides the best way to fix this is to teach them how to fight. Time and Lullaby are both black belts in several martial arts and can use most weapons well as a result. To Rottla's credit, this does actually work.
The sorority Warriors befriends is made up of the fairies I saved in his game. Because I love those fairies. They're my favorite part of his game. Also, Proxi is here.
Navi lives! She's rescued by the Order, like how the rest of Deku's kids were. She plays the role of a Great Fairy for the order. Her fairies are actually Warriors' sorority. And Tatl, actually.
Saria is a strong contender to become leader of the Order eventually.
Majora is here and I can't tell based on my outline if I have Time kill Majora or not. So, Time potentially kills a man.
Wind has a boat with an old radio connected to a lighthouse where an old man lives. This old man is Daphnese Nohanssen, but Wind always calls him Red. They talk a lot, and Daphnese is glad he has someone who will talk to him because he is very lonely.
Wild has a motorbike (Master Cycle) that it is honestly a miracle he hasn't wrecked yet. He breaks himself but never the bike. Wars has an older car that he's put some elbow grease in and you'd never know it wasn't new. Twilight has a beat up old pickup truck everyone is just waiting to die, but it hasn't yet. This is impressive, considering Twi does drag racing.
Also, Warriors has a tendency to get in fist fights, and between them and Legend (who is never arrested for the same thing twice), Time happens to be on a first name basis with most of the police in the city. The chief has his number on speed dial for when he needs to go pick up a kid.
Wild's friends are all alive and they love him. Flora is laser focused on helping him with his memory issues. And feeding him weird things. For science.
Wild's twin, Knight, is mute. He speaks in sign. He's also a bit blindsided by how chaotic the house is, but he fits in very well. They buy a roomba that Knight tapes a knife to and blames Wild.
At some point I'll write the fic where someone modifies a nerf gun and things escalate until Time shows up with one of those machine gun nerf guns hooked up to a car battery (a modification he did with help from Sheik and Ruto). Who needs depth perception who you can shoot 60 darts per second? It's chaos and when Malon gets back from a trip she takes this week she finds the house in disarray and a hockey puck in the wall. Clean up takes three days, and they are still finding nerf darts in weird places.
This is off the top of my head. I am certain I am missing something.
Forgive the weird formatting, I don't know what happened there.
honestly i’d love if you ever posted any of the one shots you have already - and i think i saw one or two other people say they wanted to read the story too in the post where you explained most of the plot, so i’m not alone on this aha
Can i say i love how you somehow connected a lot of their games’ original details and made them make sense in a modern setting???? like it can be a hard thing to accomplish but with wat you just told us here it sounds like you did it amazingly and it makes me all the more excited to see what other connections there are!!! 
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(Note: Some reference sheets may be outdated and will be updated as I make them, please use the information on my toyhouse or on this muse list for the most currently updated info)
Muse List:
“This seems like a terrible idea, let’s do it!!!”
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Name: Pico N. Grounds
Nicknames: Pico, Peaks, Bun, Maggot, Forest Goblin
Gender: Transmasc (He/Him)
Sexuality: Pansexual
Age: 17
Species: American Fuzzy Lop
Bio: Pico is a friendly and usually happy-go-lucky lil baby who is always trying his best!! Despite his friendliness he can be socially anxious and awkward at first, but makes friends easily after someone helps him start a conversation!! He loves his friends dearly and will protect them with this life, always offering a helping hand or a shoulder to cry on. He hates solving problems with violence, preferring to solve problems using talking and kindness. Despite his pacifist nature he’s very good using Nerf Guns.
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Name: Cassandra B. Phenoment
Nicknames: Cassandra, Cass, Cassy, Emo Bitch, Skrungly, Velvet
Gender: Transfem, Genderfae (She/They)
Sexuality: Biromantic, Asexual
Age: 17
Species: Fennec Fox Penillian
Bio: Despite being prone to anger easily, often swearing like a sailor and behaving like a stereotypical goth/emo kid, Cassandra is a pretty alright guy. She’s fairly chaotic and a bit teasing to her friends but she loves them all dearly, and is usually just too socially awkward to try and make more friends. Despite their bad reputation they try their damnest to function like anyone else would, but desperately needs some support and affection. Kind of a dumbas sometimes as well, but absolutely lights up when talking about her interests. Oh they’re also being possessed by a Penillian and trying very hard to cope with this
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Name: Nene Ramonva
Nicknames: Nene, Strawberry, Pink Murder Bitch
Gender: Female (She/Her)
Sexuality: Bisexual
Age: 16
Species: Cocker Spaniel
Bio: At first glance many think that Nene is a totally innocent sweet pupper. She’s popular, nice to others, adorable, whats not to love? Despite her reputation and popularity, she’s actually a thrill seeking somewhat sadistic bitch, being very hyperactive, loud and random. She loves romance and shipping her friends, as well as using her knives in many fun and wacky ways. Despite how dominative she can be in putting bullies in their place, she’s usually teetering on the edge of crying at all times.
“You should burn in a fire :D”
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Name: Darnell Burns
Nicknames: Darnell, Darns, Burns, Pyro
Gender: Male (He/Him)
Sexuality: Aromantic, Asexual
Age: 17
Species: Chocolate Labrador
Bio: Darnell is the most coolheaded and grounded out of his friend group, not being taunted into arguments easily and being insanely intelligent. Despite this he acts like a total excitable idiot around fire, and loves setting himself and others on fire. He can be excitable if prompted and also loves creating inventions!! He takes invention commissions for others for the price of butterscotch.
“Woof woof bark bark!!!”
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Name: Cyril Gouy
Nicknames: Cyril, Cy, Cyclops, Puppers
Gender: Male (He/Him)
Sexuality: Bisexual
Age: 17
Species: Malamute
Bio: Cyril is a chaotic good dumbass doggo, trying his hardest to act tough and goth, but in reality is a big ol’ softie and a total pushover. He can get startled easily and cries even more easily, but is very compassionate and supportive of his friends and family!! He has a tendency to act more dog like then human like, enjoying headpats, bones, playing catch, biscuits/treats and getting called a good boy!!! He gets flustered easily and is very romantic affectionate, loving to spend time with his space boyfriend Alucard
“guys…why…just why….”
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Nicknames: Alucard, Alu, Space Boys
Gender: Demiboy (He/They)
Sexuality: Gay
Age: 17
Species: Kittydog (open species by Kittydog)
Bio: Alucard is the quiet, mysterious voice of reason of Goth Punks, being viewed as a mystery of a guy. He’s actually just a very shy and introverted bean, not liking social interaction or large groups of people much. They’re pretty mature and often stays out of trouble, but sometimes when especially angst they go along with Cassandra’s plans. He only steps up to conflict if pissed off or if seems it truly necessary, having powerful psychic abilities to help him out. They like making pastries (usually biscuits for his boyfriend, Cyril) and is also blind, sometimes using their powers to temporarily restore their vision (despite this they are still colorblind)
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Name: Harold Bushi
Nicknames: Hanzou, Han
Gender: Non-Binary (They/Them)
Sexuality: Pansexual
Age: 16
Species: Tabby Cat
Bio: The newest and youngest member of the Goth Punks, Hanzou is a fairly lax weeb who loves anime and manga. They’re usually wearing their ninja costume and hope to become a ninja when they grow up, or an anime/manga artist or writer. They love drawing their characters and stories about them, their older brother Ash introducing them to anime, manga and OC creation at a young age. Despite their chillness they can be excitable and a bus mischievous at times, being extremely quick on their paws and speedy. Even if they’re a bit shy at first, Hanzou can get easily attached to those they consider friends
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Name: Boyfriend Hatsune.XML
Nicknames: Boyfriend, Bf
Gender: Transmasc (He/Him)
Sexuality: Bisexual
Age: 16
Species: Jack Russell Terrier
Bio: Boyfriend is an always hyper, beepy boy who’s incredibly adorable. He’s definitely a dumbass, barely passing school and preferring to spend his time drawing on himself. Despite this he’s very focused on starting his own rap/music career, often making tracks and rap battling with his beloved girlfriend, Girlfriend and Hanzou. He loves Gf dearly with all his heart and is fiercely loyal to her, willingly to do anything for her. He’s stupidly determined and always positive as well
“That’s how you do it!!~”
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Name: Girlfriend Gearest
Nicknames: Girlfriend, Gf, Cherry
Gender: Female (She/Her)
Sexuality: Pansexual
Age: 16
Species: Red Demon Fox
Bio: Girlfriend is the insanely laidback partner of Boyfriend, very few things phasing her. She’s usually using zero brain cells, preferring instead to simply vibe to the music her boyfriend makes and vibe her way through life. She knows that she’s loved dearly by her parents and occasionally uses their wealth and power to her own gain, but it’s usually over things like when McDonalds is closed and she can’t get chicken nuggets. She’s usually wrapped into everyone’s shenanigans and enjoys this, being chill and loving her current chaotic life
“Now that’s an epic gaming moment”
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Name: Otis Grounds
Nicknames: Otis, Oats, Gamer Gorl
Gender: Male (He/Him)
Sexuality: Bisexual
Age: 15
Species: Cashmere Lop
Bio: Otis considers himself to be “The Cooler Version of Pico”, but is really just a rock music junkie who love gaming. He and Pico are actually really good friends, being close during their childhoods and still remaining close. He spends most his time playing video games, skateboarding or practicing his bass guitar, but he isn’t afraid to get down and dirty in a fight. He’s surprisingly good at fist fights, but is also good with range weapons like his older cousin. He loves collecting random items like pins for his jean jacket, and loves collecting limited edition gaming items
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sinkix · 4 years
Haikyuu!!│Boys going grocery shopping w/ you! HC’s│Ft. Bokuto, Nishinoya, Terushima, Kuroo & Kunimi
I had this late night idea and just HAD to follow through, the chaos would be O F F T H E C H A R T S. Thank you to @deathcab4daddy​ for helping me brainstorm some good characters for this post lmao I love you bby and can’t wait to do a collab. <3
E N J O Y ~ 
*:・゚✧*:・゚✧ *:・゚✧*:・゚✧ *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
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“(Y/N) we need this” 
“Bokuto we do not need a 7th jar of peanut butter.”
 “But (Y/N) it has a squirrel on the front-”
Tries to drift on the edge of the cart like something straight outta CSGO and the cart nearly obliterates under his weight.
V e r y l o u d u n e c c e s s a r i l y.
Everyone always stares at y’all when you’re going through the isles bc ur literally escorting a man-child sprawled in a shopping cart who’s going “OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO” at everything he sees like he’s a toddler at the zoo who’s never encountered a chimpanzee before.
Unless you have a bottomless bank account do NOT take him shopping of any kind he is LETHAL.
When you’re at the check-out he turns it into a basketball competition and tries to launch everything perfectly on to the conveyor belt.
Volleyball player? Nah this sis with the NBA now.
Do not ask him to go get something, he will return with at least 9 items you didn’t need and everything BUT the item you requested
He turned up with a whole ass pineapple, a jar of jam, a stick of butter and a bottle of olive oil.
Like,,,where is the correlation in those items???
Once made the mistake of asking him to grab some pads from the hygiene section and specified it HAD to be with wings
Boy showed up ten minutes later and looking very confuzzled.
You questioned why he has a pack of wingless pads in one hand and a can of red bull in the other.
He said it’s because they didn’t have any with wings so he figured the Redbull would suffice and do the job for you.
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Can literally fit him in the little cart seat made for kids and he LOVES it lmaoooo IT’S SO CUTE MY HEART.
Ppl give you such weird looks though bc you have a guy who’s at least 14 years older than the intended demographic sitting there and raising his hands in elation over you copping a cookie dough pie and chucking it in.
Again, another who is VERY LOUD FOR NO REASON AT ALL.
Get’s out of the cart after a while bc his legs be growing numb and begins roaming around.
Someone came back with a feral Noya in hand stating “Is this your child” WNDKJWEFNWJEF.
Was salty about it for the rest of the day.
Just ruffle his hair and call him Senpai 
Problem solved.
Picks up tons of exotic fruit that look more like plastic or fuzzy poisonous plants and begs you to get them.
“Noya what the fuck is that.”
“...a Pitaya.”
“Can we get it-”
Last time you bought some strange fruit he took it to practise and got Tanaka to spike it LMAOOO
He begged you to no longer allow Noya to purchase weird fruits from then on since he is like a child with a nerf gun.
He once picked up a phat wrinkly purple fruit and turned to you asking if it was an overgrown raisin.
“Noya sweetie that’s a Date.”
My boy out here defending Asahi even in the Grocery Isles.
We stan a loyal king.
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Another one who tries to stand on the ledge and the cart wheels almost collapse because it wasn’t designed to hold the weight of a young adult.
Oh young adult??? Sorry I mean’t MAN CHILD.
He treats a shopping experience as a time to practise his aim apparently because he ALWAYS THROWS SHIT AT YOU TO THE POINT YOU’RE THREATENED TO BE KICKED OUT.
Definitely picks up phallic looking objects and places them against his crotch, snorting and saying “Like what you see (Y/N)?”
Homeboy is stood there in front of a wife and child presenting his cucumber appendage for the world to see.
He once grabbed a pair of fat ass melons and pressed them against his chest, shaking them and belting the lyrics to ‘My Milkshake’ while begging you to SQUEEZE HIS MELONS.
“Look (Y/N) they’re bigger than yours!”
I just- 
I give up.
Constantly tries to sneak mutli-packs of energy drinks into the cart to the point you’re convinced he is going to keel over from heart failure and kidney stones by the age of 20.
Has his airpods in 90% of the time and treats the isles as his personal dance floor.
He busting them MOVES and performing the MJ moonwalk while in the dairy section.
He was DEAD silent the rest of the trip.
Probably the most serene shopping experience you’ve had to date.
The checkout clerks occasionally hit on Mr. Sore-Ass over here.
Until he opens his mouth and they realise he’s a total dolt and question how you have the patience for him.
You don’t know either honestly.
The whole bagging experience is spent with them shooting you sympathetic glances as if to say ‘sis you shoulda’ left him at home’.
Yes, yes you should have.
Never a dull moment with Teru as your shopping partner.
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Frequently cracks lame-ass food puns or dad jokes that make you want to crawl into a hole and die.
You have competitions on who can come up with the most and the loser always faces a penalty.
Kuroo and creating penalties do NOT mix safely so you better hope you win.
“I love you a waffle lot.” 
Proceeds to hold up a wrapped waffle.
Ok that one was kinda cute you’ll let it slide.
“I ap-peach-iate you Kuroo.”
Cue HyenaLaugh.mp3
“Want a pizza me baby? Bitch peas, doughnut take me lightly.”
You changed your mind.
You didn’t talk to him the duration of that shopping experience, no penalty could be as horrifying as what just came out of his mouth.
“(Y/N)... sometimes I feel like you don’t carrot all.”
You slapped him with said carrot and obviously had to pay for it after.
You forced him to eat it raw.
He is the definition of Neutral disaster when you go shopping.
Shitty food puns aside, he is actually very responsible when making sure you both get what you need.
Not without tons of poking, prodding, and blowing into your ear while you’re trying to decide what ingredients to buy for dinner.
You contemplated serving him a plate of bubbling snot and moulded broccoli seasoned with rosemary.
Bone apple teeth, bitch.
Ofc you didn’t because he always pulls out the puppy eyes and cuddles card after since he knows he’s well and truly rattled your patience lmao.
Actually picks really healthy food options?? Being the captain of a team he has the responsibility of keeping his health in top condition and leading by example so at least he knows the right ingredients to make a bomb-ass and nutritious meal ig.
Y’all always bicker and tease each other at the checkout which is usually great amusement for the clerk serving you as they often smirk and perceive you as an old married couple.
Which tbh you kinda are, it feels like it at least.
Still such a big asshole though lmao you never leave the store without your sanity being scathed.
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Honestly just wanted an excuse to make jokes at the expense of the Aoba Johsai teammates.
and what better candidate for cracking these than Kunimi.
He’s a very chill partner to have tag along with you on your endeavours.
Not without some grumbling and groaning on his part though, lazy bitch.
You always finish shopping trips with a busted lung at how much you have been laughing though with some of the SHADY ASS REMARKS HE MAKES ABOUT THE OTHER TEAM MATES.
You were outside the store when you both spotted an angry looking Doberman tied to a nearby post.
“Smh who let Kyotani outside again.”
You hadn’t even set foot in the store yet and he was already spitting flaming insults.
[Walking up to the automatic double doors]
“Damn Oikawa move out of my way.”
Oikawa just tryna live and he keeps getting roasted for his flat cheeks 
Ten minutes of scouring the store later he picks up a spikey Kiwano and compares it to Iwaizumi’s hair.
Proceeds to beg you not to tell my boy Iwa because he KNOWS he will get decked to the gym floor.
Passers by often wonder why you’re wheezing and producing noises like a boiling kettle.
When I tell you no one is safe, I mean N O O N E.
“These Yule logs really out here looking like Matsukawa’s brows.”
The finisher was when Kunimi picked up a turnip and said 
“Huh, kinda looks like Kindaichi.”
I just-
He could roast a whole chicken in minutes from the burn of these comments I stg.
You can now never look at the Seijou team without various foods or inanimate objects plaguing your thoughts.
Thanks, Kunimi.
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kkgbutsane · 3 years
The First Day of School
It was a dewy morning. Not too hot, not too cold, far too humid. It was the usual for Hyakkou High School, where students came to learn and excel in their studies while maintaining good social relationships. The school was usually filled with many different students. Any stereotype you could think of, Hyakkou had it. 
The students usually had fun. The Principal was quite lax when it came to certain things. All he asked of the students was to respect each other and respect the building. And to keep their grades up of course. They would be failing as a school if the students weren’t receiving the proper education!
And this is where their story begins.
“Ack. Hey! Mary!” Ryota called out from behind the blonde, who was currently looking down on her phone. The boy ran up to his best friend, hooking his arm around the back of her neck to bring her into a headlock. “Hey! Don’t mess up my hair you dork!” Mary growled, trying to wrestle her way out of Ryota’s lock.
The two continued their conundrum until they reached the gates of the school, where Mary finally got a good grip and threw her friend over her shoulder, thus leading to him falling on his backpack. “Ow…,” he muttered, smiling like an idiot.
Mary Saotome and Ryota Suzui had been friends since childhood. They were even neighbors, and she often came over to his house to play on his Wii with him. Their friendship had blossomed into a relationship.
Until they realized they were better off as best friends. In fact, after they had broken up and continued to be platonic, it seemed as though their friendship grew stronger.
“Hi guys!” The two heard a familiar voice, registering it as their other best friend, Yumeko Jabami. Yumeko had met them all in middle school, when she had moved here with her sister. The ravenette was one to take risks, and found pleasure in dangerous things. Of course, only in moderation. In reality, the only things she had taken much risk for was a move in a fighting game. Or a board game.
Her bubbly exterior was often in place of her mellow interior. She tended to keep to herself truly, unless with her friends.
“Yumeko!” Ryota yelled happily, jogging over and scooping the girl in a tight hug. Much to his delight, Yumeko returned the hug tenfold.
“ShiT, I can’t breaTHE-,” he barely managed, his face turning purple. He should have known, the girl was a strong hugger. “Oi, calm down you two, before I separate you guys for 10 minutes straight, and I know that will be a pain since you usually do homework together in the mornings,” Mary stated, crossing her arms. Yumeko finally relented, giving Ryota’s respiratory system some reprieve. Yumeko looked quite meek, but she could give hugs like no other.
“Mary!” Yumeko giggled, giving the blonde another one of her bone crushing hugs. “Sup, dumbass,” Mary replied, smiling softly at her friend’s gestures of affection. “Are you all ready for your first days of school!?” 
It was the start of junior year for the three, and boy were their classes packed. Ryota was taking a few classes on science and health, as well as a gym class to exercise and get fit. He wanted to be a firefighter, and such education was necessary to ensure he was a good candidate for the job.
“I have… Anatomy first period. Woohoo,” Mary sighed. She was actually quite excited, but decided not to show it in order to keep her cool exterior. The path she had chosen was Emergency Medical Services, and taking anatomy was the first step in her opinion.
“Oh? That’s so wonderful! I have Calculus for my first period. I wonder if Sayaka is going to be in that class!” Yumeko said eagerly. Sayaka was one of the other kids attending this school. The girl mainly kept to herself, but she had recently started acquainting herself with the ravenette.
“Gah! Sorry I’m late guys! I kinda missed my bus…” A ginger voice panted, revealed to be none other than Itsuki Sumeragi. The strawberry blonde had met the three last year when she was a sophomore. After transferring from a private school to Hyakkou, the tight-knit group had taken her in, welcoming her as one of their own. “Hey! I heard there’s gonna be a pair of new students! I hear they’re seniors,” Itsuki gossiped, taking out her Nintendo Switch and turning it on.
“Ooh, Smash? Let’s do this!” Ryota declared, taking his controller and setting it to his button map.
“So what about these new students? Do they seem weird or anything?” Mary inquired, picking her character, King K. Rool, and setting her button map. “Oh come on, why do you ALWAYS play heavies!?” Ryota complained, picking Marth as his character. “Because heavies are fucking goated, why else?” the blonde snarked back, a sly smirk on her face.
“I don’t know. But I heard they’re twins!” Itsuki giggled, sitting down to watch them play.
“Heya guys,” a shrill voice came out of nowhere. “You playin’ Smash? I’ll join!” it giggled. Runa had seemingly appeared out of nowhere in her oversized jacket. “Oh no…,” The entire group groaned.
“Runa, you’re cool and all, but whenever we play with you, you find a way to resize our assholes every match in different ways. I really don’t want to get 0-to-deathed consecutively while you stay on three stocks. Seriously, how the fuck do you even do it!?” Mary spoke, seemingly for the entire group. “I dunno, just practice TBH,” was all Runa said, picking up a controller. “And fuck you, I’m playing anyway.” 
The sound of groans could be heard around the courtyard after that statement.
Sayaka Igarashi, resident Valedictorian-to-be, had come over to the table with Midari Ikishima, who was dragging along a seemingly sleepy senior. “C’mon Yuriko. I know you have senioritis but our friends are here!” Midari grumbled, literally dragging Yuriko. Yuriko Nishinotounin had gotten a severe case of Senioritis, especially since most of her classes were a breeze this year. 
“Would you both calm down please!? They’re playing a game, and I’m trying to read!” Sayaka chided, mentally swearing at the rebel. “Chill out, Sayaka, Yuriko is already falling asleep on me and it’s not even 7:30!” Midari grumbled.
“I can’t wait for senior year to be over,” Yuriko yawned, sitting on the table everyone was at basically falling asleep.
“What the fu- NO!” Mary yelled, distracted by Yuriko long enough for Runa to get a move on her, resulting in her virtual demise. “Fuuuuck!” she sighed, hitting her head against the wooden table. “FUCK!” she repeated, after feeling the pain that came along with it. Ryota had already fallen out of the competition.
Please nerf Lucas.
Yumeko hummed happily to herself, reading some random tabloid article on her phone. As the bell rang, they all dispersed into their classes.
“See you guys later!” Ryota called, jogging over to the weight room for his first period.
The three girls had made their way over to the Portables, then separating into their classrooms. 
Sayaka practically dragged her two friends to their classes and then her own, all while keeping to the schedule. Anatomy was her first period, and she sat next to Mary. 
It wouldn’t be too bad of a year. Mary was a good student and wasn’t too hard to talk to. She just mostly liked to keep to herself.
“Good morning class! Welcome to Anatomy! You guys are obviously gonna be learning about the body, it’s functions, what is where and what goes where and woop dee dah, all the good stuff! Hopefully I can make learning about how food passes through the body actually entertaining for y’all, but first we have two new students with us today! They’ve recently transferred over, so let’s give ‘em a warm welcome to Hyakkou!” The teacher, Mrs. Murray, announced. She looked a bit older, with a tall figure and ginger hair in her face. Her glasses looked odd, but it added to her look.
People like Mrs. Murray because she was actually a good teacher. She cared about her students and actually helped them if they needed it.
“Ladies, if you would please introduce yourselves!” 
The entire class looked at the two, and for a moment they thought they saw double.
“Hello. My name is Kirari Momobami. I’m a senior here, and it’s a pleasure to meet you all. I hope we can get along,” The girl, now known as Kirari, had stated.
It seemed her sister’s turn was up next.
“Er.. I’m Ririka Momobami. We’re twins. I hope we can… have a good time!” Ririka muttered, almost too quietly for the class to hear.
Mrs. Murray smiled and beckoned them to take their seats.
Their seats were in front of both Sayaka and Mary, who seemed to be in a state of both ‘gay’ and ‘panic’.
The two twins looked vastly different, with Kirari’s hair done in twin loop braids and dressed in a rather classy manner, while Ririka’s hair was free to fall.
Did Ririka have a sweatshirt that had the Poggers Man on it?
Mary internally laughed at that. It was adorable.
When class had dispersed to work in groups, Mary and Sayaka had picked each other on instinct, then looking for two more partners to start their work on.
“Sayaka!” Mary whisper-yelled, a small blush on her face. She then gestured to her phone to text the girl.
Sayaka I: I am too. Which one are you gay for?
Mary S: Ririka.
Sayaka I: Oh. I like her too.
Mary glared at Sayaka for a moment.
Mary S: The one with the adorable hair and clothing?
The blonde mentally facepalmed, of course Sayaka would think that. No matter the twin.
Sayaka I: Yes. I love how her hair is done. Plus her shirt looks nice.
Mary S: Oh. So the one with the weird braids?
Sayaka I: Don’t call them weird.
Mary S: ok but dont worry cause im crushing on the other twin. I swear her sweatshirt is adorable.
Sayaka I: .
Sayaka I: poggers
Sayaka I: Be my guest.
The two had reluctantly come up to the twins.
“Hello! I am Sayaka Igarashi, and this is Mary Saotome. It seems you both don’t have another pair, so if you’d like, we can work with you,” Sayaka stated, trying to sound as polite as possible. Nothing could hide the blush on her face though.
“Sure, I would love to work with you both,” Kirari replied, a small smirk forming on her face.
Ririka just nodded with a small smile.
It was going to be a long year.
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dingoat · 3 years
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[I mulled over a few possible options for this one, heh, but after some chatter with @cinlat I realised I could mush some of my ancient Ahuska backstory with half baked future plans with vague species lore/headcanons and string it along into something roughly story-shaped. The whole thing wound up a lot more somber than I’d anticipated, but at least I can always count on Crow to soften the mood!] ---
For the better part of three weeks, she’d been dwelling. What had started out as the most unexpected news conceivable had led to a flurry of unanswerable questions; was the news welcome? Was she excited? Did she care? Did she want anything to do with it? But that had all rapidly died down into a sullen simmering of nerves, as Ahuska struggled with something she genuinely never thought she’d have to face.
She had a family. She’d been raised well, and loved, as far back as she could properly remember. Did she really want to go back further, did she need to know anything about where she’d come from? The thought of being connected to Bothawui in any way made her feel ill, but Crow had gently reminded her, over and over, that this changed nothing.
She was Mando’ad, where family is built on more than bloodline, and having surviving relatives from a life she couldn’t even recall changed nothing.
Having a twin brother changed nothing.
Except that it clearly meant something to… him. And the older one. Two brothers, with families of their own, who’d reached out to find the sister they’d thought they’d lost with their parents. She wasn’t sure she wanted to know them, but…
“Crow?” Ahuska tapped his arm with a single hesitant finger, but he’d already turned to seek her out. They were more in tune with one another than ever.
“I think I… I want you to meet my family,” she mumbled, eyes slipping to the side.
Crow grinned his softer grin. “Ahhh, I think we’ve already been through that part of the relationship. Was a couple years ago now, at least?”
She felt her ears grow warm, but her eyes turned back to him. “With me, I mean. I want you to come with me to… meet the family I haven’t met yet. I don’t know if I even want to call them that yet, I guess, I doubt they’ll want to either once they’ve met me…”
“Oh, psshh,” Crow made to wave away her worry with a flick of his hand. “You said the whole reason they found out you existed was from holos of the business down at the Ve’lora place, right? Not like they haven’t already got some sort of clue about the life you live, and they still reached out.”
“It already feels so weird, though. They’ve known about me… all their lives. They… knew me, a-and mourned me? They missed me, and I’ve just never known… it’s like they’re strangers, who call me a sister. It’s fethin’ weird.”
“I know, I know. And if they’ve got half a brain between them they’ll realise that too. All you gotta do is meet them, say hi to them and their… uh, heh. Hey. What are baby bothans called, anyway?”
“Huh? What, I… I don’t think he told me any of their names, I don’t even know how many kids he said they each had…”
“What? No, I meant like… y’know. Do you call them… uhhh, like how little cathar are kits, and…”
Every one of Ahuska’s nerves abruptly vanished, and the series of blinks followed by a hard stare made Crow immediately realise he’d made one of those mistakes.
“Sorry, sorry, I just figured…”
“Babies,” Ahuska said, her tone completely flat. “Baby bothans are babies. Not cubs, not fawns, not kits…” her snout wrinkled a little at that.
Crow’s manner was meek, but the way he squinted at her made it clear he was still trying to work out where exactly the problem lay. “Okay but… don’t… wouldn’t there be some word you use for them…?”
“What, like ik’aad?”
“Yeah, exactly!” Crow brightened as Ahuska offered the comparison, then immediately ducked his head as her expression grew harder still.
“Like ik’aad. The Mando’a word that literally translates to ‘baby’?”
Crow’s grin wavered, sensing a trap. “Ye-es…?”
“Not likaya? Not pe’ninr?” Ahuska continued to watch Crow carefully as she offered the Mando’a for kitten and puppy.
“Well. No. Of course-”
“Of course not!” Ahuska snapped over the top of him, with an emphatic gesture of both hands to drive her point. “Likaya literally means baby cat. Not baby person. Not baby human, or bothan, or even cathar, it’s the word you use for a little cute wobbly baby animal that meows before it opens its eyes. You wouldn’t call some random Mando kid likaya if we were talking in Mando’a, would you…?”
“I… guess not…” To the unfamiliar, it would look as though Crow were simply still grinning, but Ahuska knew the way it’s quality shifted that he was in fact frowning on the inside.
Ahuska took a slow breath, pinching the bridge of her snout. “And just the same, the bothese for ‘baby cat’ and ‘baby person’ are two totally different words. One translates to kitten, in basic, and the other to baby. Just baby. There’s nothing fancy, nothing cute about it, grown-ass men and women aren’t bucks and does or stallions or vixens, and I’d be willing to bet that there’s a good chunk of cathar out there who hate the way the better part of the galaxy pretends their own native words for their kids translate to ‘baby cat’---!!”
Despite her efforts to calm herself, Ahuska’s pitch and volume had rapidly increased, her gestures had grown more emphatic, and her attitude was positively simmering. Crow didn’t even need to tune into the beat of her heart to know he’d struck a hard nerve, but he wasn’t exactly sure how to handle it.
“Okay, okay,” he said quickly, lifting his hands in an effort to make it clear he was willing to concede. The crease of his forehead knit a little deeper. “I just would’ve thought, of all people, you might… find it kind of cute, at least? Like the way Nines…”
She shot him a look that made him shut up quick smart, then immediately made a visible effort to cool herself off.
“Let me… try and explain it another way,” she said, speaking slowly, her gaze focused inward. “One time when I was little, nine or ten years or something. I was on a trip with my buire, we had to spend the night in an Imperial settlement. We were checking in to some accommodation, just on the outskirts where it was quiet, and… you know buir’ika was a chadra-fan, right? Well, they had me and her go around to the back somewhere, and wait a while in another building. There was a nerf there, a couple of tauntauns, I think a big old varactyl even... one of the tauns had a fawn so that’s where all my attention was. I thought it was excellent, like, some special treat for me, buir’ika sure acted like it was. Anyway, it was a while later that nuvhu’buir… ah, that’s what I called Jinn, yeah? She came round to where we were with all our stuff, a few extra blankets and things, and we built ourselves a bed right there in the hay and spent the night there. I knew she was mad about something, but she never said why, at least not ever to me. I remember falling asleep hearing her and buir’ika talking really quietly together, and I was wondering why she was so upset. Didn’t make any sense to me at the time, since I thought it was… pretty much the best thing ever. I was too little to get it.”
Crow listened quietly, and when Ahuska paused, he didn’t say a word. He just watched her, offering his full attention, and waited for her to go on.
“They made us sleep in the damned stables. It was years later I looked back and realised that. They probably would’ve let nuvhu’buir stay up in a proper room, but she wouldn’t have anything to do with that. Stables, me and buir’ika, just because of our damn faces. So no. No, I don’t appreciate it when people joke about me going to a vet rather than a doctor, or offer me ‘treats’ for being a ‘good girl’. It’s not cute, it’s gross. And that goes hand in hand with asking if my species have litters, or if our babies are called foals, or if we go into heat. Ugh.” She made an ugly scowl at that. “Rule of thumb? If you wouldn’t ask a Mirialan the same question, it’s probably rude as hell to ask a Bothan. Or, y’know. Literally any other sapient species.”
Flushed, Ahuska found herself glancing off to the side, feeling oddly unburdened to have let it all out, and yet also heavy for having to unload to Crow. She knew he meant nothing by it, that of all the beings in the galaxy his intentions were utterly pure. She’d never forget the way he deflected those stuffy noblewomen on Alderaan that time.
She felt his hand envelope hers. “Did you want me to talk to Nines, and get her to let up a bit on the way she-?”
“Nayc,” Ahuska found the answer came easily, even if she couldn’t quite articulate why. “Not to me, anyway. I want to say it’s different, but it’s probably not, really. I dunno. Just maybe give her a poke if she starts on any other bothans with ‘Puppy’, yeah?” “It used to bother you a lot though, didn’t it?”
Ahuska stared out at nothing for a while.
“I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay.”
“Still sorry.”
His chin came to rest over her head, and she closed her eyes as she let her face rest against the comforting curve of his neck.
“I’m sorry too. Not your fault the galaxy is the way it is. I’m just… a little wound up right now, I think. I’m nervous about this.” “Shhh,” he soothed gently, and she let her face fall against the hand he brought to her cheek. “You don’t need to make an excuse for yourself. I asked you something stupid. Can’t promise I won’t again in the future, but I’ll always be ready to listen to you. Mmkay?” Ahuska found herself nodding against his palm. “‘kay.”
“And I’ll be right there with you, meeting those other relatives of yours. And if they turn out to be bastards? I’ll find a totally not-xenophobic way to give them a piece of my mind.”
She made a little snort, and let her arms wrap around him. “And that’s why I love you.”
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Thoughts on everyone in the realms?
"Short Answer; I made a chart. Not a well drawn chart, mind you, but a chart. Sometimes you don't wanna put effort into drawing 50 something faces"
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"Long answer, uh....well lemme go down the list"
Claudette: My Starflower~!! She's so sweet and kind and amazing in trials and every time I see her I swoon a little- I love her so much~ Dwight: He's cute- And he's a good leader, despite his nervous personality, he knows how to bring a group together. Final guy potential. Ash: ....Don't...Tell him I said this? But uh....Evil Dead was one of my biggest comfort series, the thing that got me through losing both my parents....the thing that helped me transition, pick my name, and fueled my FX hobby. And I'm still attached, even realizing he's a real person and all- But...it's weird to just, be upfront with something like that, so I'm just...burying it as best as I can. David: He's a little rough around the edges but he’s good to have in a trial, plus when you can get past the walls, he’s nice to talk to. Kate: Her music by the campfire is calming and she’s such a sweetheart. If we were in a better situation I’d love to learn Guitar from her, but, it’s hard when you’re a moment away from a trial at any given time. Amalthea (@askthewidowstars OC): She judged my entire vibe but jokes on her I’m the one who snagged a cutie for life- Meg: If I had a dollar for every time she left me for dead I would have enough money to paint the entire campfire in solid gold. The only time we’ve ever properly talked was about SAW traps and 90% of it was her admitting she could beat every single trap because she was ‘built different’  Jeff: He’s a sweetheart and really nice to be around. Sometimes when we’re by the campfire in our downtimes I’ll let him draw on my arm. it kinda makes me want a tattoo, honestly. If we ever get out of here, I might get one. Steve: Bros!! We kinda make up team ‘Altruistic Himbo’, Plus the ‘Babysitter/Brother’ Vibes mesh really well. I kinda wanna re-style his hair though, mostly because it looks fluffy, and nice to play with.  Quentin: Bros!! We’re gonna make matching T-Shirts about committing Arson on Freddy in particular. He’s fun to hang around in our downtime, and I hope there’s a chance he can get some actual rest, even in here. He deserves it. Adam: If Dwight wasn’t the leader I feel like he’d take over the Reigns. I feel like he’s the calm type that doesn’t handle energetic types well though. Which, y’know, makes things hard.  Nea: Anytime I see her she’s either sneaking around the map and watching everyone get killed, or doing something stupid to get herself killed. I’d get grey hair if We were actually friends.  Feng: Gamer bros- I got to find out we actually played a lotta the same stuff before we were taken by the Entity. We get a chance to nerd out in between trials- Laurie: Best Final Girl hands down. I kinda hope she can teach me Decisive Strike one day- I feel like its also just a little awkward since again, still a fan of Myers Nancy: She doesn’t agree that Demo’s a good boy, which makes sense, but we but heads over it. Also I’m pretty sure she wants me dead for touching the bones around the map one too many times. They’re just too tempting.... Jake: He’s pretty quiet, but he’s helpful in trials. I heard he’s been to a convention a few times, but I don’t think he’s actually into it as much as I thought...Which kinda sucks. I’d love more cosplay buddies y’know? Yui: Kinda makes me want a motorbike. We don’t talk but she seems really cool. A little too cool to me around if that makes sense.  Yun-Jin: She benefits off of throwing everyone else under the bus. And 90% of the time she will throw everyone under the bus. Even if she needs actual help to escape the trial.  Cheryl: Cheryylll!!�� She’s really cool and honestly would add her to the ‘Can kill god if she was not nerfed’ Squad. Especially since y’know, she has- I bet if we got enough of the kids together we could just beat the Entity’s ass. I know she could.  Tapp: Always been a fan of Tapp before I was taken, although I feel like he’d wanna arrest me if we weren’t in the Entity’s Realm. I might be a little too excited for my own good about Kramer’s work. I don’t think he’d believe the fact its a movie either.  Ace: He’s kinda like the Uncle of the group around the campfire, but, coming into trials, He’s still for saving his own skin- You can also only stand dad jokes for so long. Especially in an eternity like this.  Leon: He’s cool!!! I got so excited first realizing He and Jill were here, and I wanna get a chance to talk to him about everything that went down, but Haven’t got the chance. He’s nice inside of Trials though, usually doesn’t leave anyone behind. Not a fan of getting blinded though.  Jill: She knows how to lead the trials well, and I look up to her a lot. She’s always been such a badass!!  Bill: If Bill gets his hands on a weapon the entire Realm would be fucked. Badass as hell and Kinda scary. Another one on the list of ‘Entity needed to Nerf’ Felix: You’d think a Childless Father and a Fatherless son would be able to bond a bit more, but, I think we each kinda get the same vibe of homesickness from one another. He’s kind though, and it’s neat to see his work whenever we’re by the campfire.  Elodie: She’s better at helping out than most of the others, but she’s still in a survival of the fittest mindset. I loved hearing about her studies from before she was taken though. I feel like if we had more time we could dig deeper into this whole world and what its about. But we don’t get that- Zarina: We just don’t really click as much, honestly. I’d love to get to know her better but I think she’s more into digging into the killers and what she can find out about this place. Which y’know, could be better done with a team. Sage (@askthewidowstars OC): HUSBAND!!! My husband. I love him to the Moon and back. He’s amazing and I miss him even when we’re five feet apart-  ...I need a hug now-  Amanda: Best girl hands down!! We vibed a lot in between Trials talking about her traps and old designs, she was impressed by my knowledge, and we hang out in Gideon sometimes!   Ghostface: He’s pretty cute- Also fun to be around, even if he’s kind of a dick when he’s actually at work, it’s better when you’re outside of a Trial. It’s also neat to see he’s not just two idiots in a halloween costume and his own person, as much as I love the Scream Series, too-  Leatherface: Bubba!!! Honestly I’d handle being chainsawed. Fuckin Love Bubba-  Huntress: I wanna learn how to throw hatchets but I know I never will. She’s kinda scary, but also I feel like if she could adopt some of the others in the Realms, she totally would.  Oni: The only times I’ve ever really seen him is just before my skull gets bashed in. All I really have associated to him is the splitting headache.  Twins: I’m gonna punt Victor into the sun. I haven’t been good around kids beforehand and this tiny gremlin motherfucker just makes it worse.  Pinhead: I was so excited to see him!! He’s one of the few that talks more often than not in a trial, and he’s always had this air of elegance about him which makes it so much cooler! I’d be tempted to grab the box to solve it, but, at the same time Dwight’s already been hunted. I just...want to see how it works, really. Maybe if I ask nicely? Nah, probably not.  Pyramid Head: He’s so fucking COOL!!! He’s always just been really fucking cool and I still get stars in my eyes. I wanna re-create his weapon one day.  Joey: Joey’s one of the chill killers to be around, probably my favorite amongst the legion. Also Cosplay gang?? Hello? Susie: She’s cute!! I like her vibes whenever there’s not violence involved. I wonder if she’d ever get into costume making, she has the artistic eye for it. I also wonder if she’d ever dye other people’s hair...I’d kinda want green tips one day- Frank: Still wanna throw a palette at him. He’s one of the more serious of the Legion, and usually the one you’d find with a Mori. Not as Serious as Julie but only because he has the cocky god complex to go with it.  Julie:  She’s definitely the most serious out of the Legion. There’s no real rest whenever we’re in a trial against her. Scary as hell and less of a bastard than the other three.  Hillbilly: I know he deserved a lot better than this, especially after hearing more about him. I...Haven’t gotten to see much than the end of his chainsaw though.  Blight: This dude’s singlehandedly bringing back my fear of needles and I thought I lost that with HRT- Also like, dude spits up orange fuckin everywhere.  Michael: My Mans!! I always get a little excited knowing we’re up against him. It’s habit- It’s kinda weird to see him easily affected by like, palettes or flashlights though.  Spirit: She seems like she could be nice when there’s some downtime. I’m also one of the few that can understand her well enough, which probably makes things easier. I found out she’s basically my age when I survived a trial by myself. I’d hope to hang out more sometime. Nemesis: God he’s so fucking tall. Kinda surprised it was Nemesis out of everyone that could’ve been brought, and also, kinda terrified? Still am kinda terrified. I’m surprised he hasn’t just torn up an entire map yet. His zombie minions are also annoying. Wraith: All this motherfucker does is roll up to pull me off Gens and Exist as a problem. I don’t see much of him outside of a Trial. Trapper: Motherfucker Incarnate. If the Entity lets us throw hands I’m fighting him first.  Freddy: ....Gross. I liked the Nightmare on Elm Street series a lot, but...Freddy as a person? Ew. Especially this iteration.  Demogorgon: Demopuppy!! He’s a good boy and he deserves to get treats. Even if the Treats are flesh....I wonder if he likes candy though. Trickster: Pretty!! He also Gives me DIO vibes because of the Jacket and the Knife throwing...Imagine if a killer could stop time...that’d be terrifying. Deathslinger: I wanna sit down and look at his gun more but I also feel like if I ask I’d just get shot on sight. Intimidating as hell but also cool. Mary: ....Still on the very complicated ‘Ex Girlfriend that murdered me’ State. It’s hard to avoid her though. Especially since she wants to get back together since we’re stuck here. Nurse: She does not help my fear of Hospitals, honestly. While she’s easy to go up against, it’s still eugh. Plague: I really, really hate her power. The Sickness and the Vomit is just- Eughhhhh- It just hits every bad sensory issue at once.  Clown: ...I get killers are Killers and aren’t supposed to be good people but also like....Disgusting. Please Remove from the Realm. He’s just- ...Ew.  Doctor: NOPE. NO. NEVER. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO.
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vhsrights · 4 years
hi im here with an ask! kind of...so i forget what youve done but maybe like michael and henry playing with emily?
i love this prompt! here :)
The Tyrannical Ruler
WC: 1616
“Okay Mikey, what’s the plan? Do you have a visual on the target?” Emily leaned against the wall, looking to her partner for answers.
“Um, hold on. Gimme a sec.” Micheal ran his fingers through his hair, smoothing the floppy, blonde locks back.
“Okay Mikey, what’s the plan? Do you have a visual on the target?” Emily leaned against the wall, looking to her partner for answers.
“Um, hold on. Gimme a sec.” Micheal ran his fingers through his hair, smoothing the floppy, blonde locks back.
“Got it! Agent Emmy, I think I have a plan. Henry The Ruler should have his fort in the room. We use our weapons to fight down the enemies in the beginning. Then, we crawl through the pillow tunnel. I found a weakness in his kingdom when I was looking earlier. The bunny guards leave the door open once every 5 minutes. I think we can break in through there.”
The boy spoke with enthusiasm, the wildness of his imagination twinkling in his eyes. His hands were clasped together, imitating the fake gun that his persona always carried. Today, Micheal was Agent Mikey J who fought crime endlessly alongside his badass partner, known for his quick draw and spot-on aim. He obviously took after his mother. She was Agent Emmy P, known for how she could take down the biggest of guys without the slightest of scratches. They made an unruly pair, getting themselves into quite the pickle sometimes, but always found a way out.
Today they were going after the tyrannical Henry The Ruler. The sovereign had made his way to power through dirty, back alley deals, endless hands of bribed cash, and sweet words to lull the public. He had been sitting on the throne for roughly a year and had already tossed the state into chaos. Who was better to stop him, than the two best agents in the force?
Emily nodded to the young boy in front of her, dropping to her knees. They needed stealth mode for the operation at hand. Micheal bent his knees and took meticulous steps until he reached the corner, peering his head around to take in a glance. The immediate clearing in front of them was empty, too empty. Observing further, his notice turned to the blankets that adorned their couches, sealing off the edge of what was likely Henry’s fort. A few strategically placed stuffed bunnies caught his eye on the outskirts of the pillow tunnel. Avoiding their gaze, he quickly turned back to give his report.
“I couldn’t see past the blankets but everything is how I thought it would be. There are some extra guards outside the pillow tunnel, but I think that we can take ‘em.” Micheal talked in a tone that he’d heard the BAU speak in when they did “work talk”.
Fully stepping into character, Emily pulled her sunglasses over her face and gave the final non-verbal commands. She motioned to him that they keep their eyes forward, move as quietly as possible, and split in the middle of the clearing to meet up outside the pillow tunnel. Micheal threw a thumbs up at her before taking his first steps into the living room.
They moved efficiently, easily knocking down the first line of enemies. Emily glanced over periodically, making sure Micheal was doing okay. She was so focused on him, that she missed the thin piece of string that was tucked in the couch arm and layed out, reaching mantle. She took a marginal step forward and the string tripped her balance. Before she could realize it, she’d hit the ground. Calling out to Micheal, Emily tried to figure out what had happened. She quickly uncovered the string but was then faced with a bigger problem. The thud of footsteps grew louder behind her and ‘Agent Mikey J’ was nowhere to be found.
“Freeze!” The shrill voice rang out from her peripheral vision, cracking at the end of the word.
Henry The Ruler. Agent Emmy P had been caught.
“Mikey J!” Emily tried calling out one more time, hoping that her partner heard her.
No later than two seconds later, the agile boy crawled out from behind the couch. He came face to face with the last thing he wanted to see. Emily was splayed on the ground, Henry standing above her. His smirk was devious and his eyes followed Micheal’s every movement. The Nerf gun in his hand was pointed directly at the brunette’s head.
“One more step, or one more word, and she gets it.” The boy tried to make his menacing words fill the room.
“Emmy P!” Micheal fell to his knees, his finger gun falling apart.
“I said, one more word, and SHE gets it!” Henry locked eyes with the younger boy, widening his stance to show his power.
Micheal shot a worried look at Emily, not knowing what to do. His thoughts were interrupted when Henry cocked the Nerf gun.
“You know, I’ve waited a long time for this. I knew that the agency would send people after me eventually. I just thought they’d be better. “ Henry began the supervillain monologue that he had planned in his head. “I honestly didn’t believe that the hotshot, Agent Emmy P, was so easy to capture. I guess I just overestimated you guys. Or was it you underestimating me? Either way, there’s no way out for you two now. Her life is almost up as it is, and you’re next.”
The end of Henry’s speech reminded Micheal of one important move that Emily had recently taught him when they were planning this mission. Operation Warehouse. He noticed that Emily had managed to turn her body, having full sight of what Micheal was going to do. As nonchalantly as he could, the 5-year-old raised his pointer and index fingers up to his face, tracing a line from his forehead to his eyebrows. Then, he looked straight into Emily’s eyes and winked. Henry missed the subtle signals, too wrapped up in his seemingly victorious state.
Emily saw the boy’s signals and was impressed. So he’s going that route, okay. I better try to free my hands. She shifted ever so slightly, pulling her hands out beside her body. She was still between the couch and the mantle area, but it was manageable. Henry looked over to Micheal and noticed something off. The boy’s demeanor had changed. The hope had left his eyes and his hand went up to his stomach. Micheal grunted in pain, squinting his eyes to make it as believable as possible.
“I think one of the bunnies got me.” Micheal delivered the line before slowly falling to the ground. Not willing to give up the charade, he continued. “Tell my wife and kids that I love them. I never thought that I would die on the battlefield like this. Emmy, I don’t feel so good.”
Henry grew concerned for the boy. The way that he had doubled over was scary. What if something had happened to his brother? Dropping his Nerf gun away from Emily, Henry tensely made his way over. He tried to get a better look at the boy, but he didn’t see anything. Henry crouched down, examining his brother.
“Mikey?” Henry’s words dripped with concern.
At that moment, Micheal’s eyes shot open and he threw his arms up, surrounding Henry.
“Get him, Emmy!” The boy held his brother tight, not letting Henry out of his vice grip.
“Let me go!” Henry yelped, understanding now that he had been trapped.
Emily quickly made her way over to the two boys, clasping her fingers into a finger gun. She winked at Micheal and then made the shot sound effect, letting Henry know that it was over. The boy fell dramatically out of Micheal’s grip to the side. Micheal and Emily leaned over him, his brother smiling at their successful plan.
“We got you, Henry! I did Operation Warehouse! Didn’t I do good, Emmy?” The 5-year-old looked over to his Mama for approval.
“Of course buddy, you did everything perfectly. So, Mr. Henry The Ruler, how does it feel to be defeated in your kingdom?” Emily smiled over to her other son, noting the playful disappointment on his face.
“It sucks.” Henry folded his arms, his face struggling to hold back laughter.
Just then, the front door unlocked and JJ walked in with the groceries. Two big bags were in each hand, but that didn’t stop Micheal from bolting over to her. His energy was boundless and he was practically bouncing off the ground, excited to tell his mom about their victory.
“Mommy! Mommy! Emmy and I beat Henry! I was Mikey J and she was Emmy P! We were killing the enemies, but then Emmy tripped! Henry almost got her, but I didn’t let her! I did ‘Operation Warehouse’ and saved her! I saved Emmy and got Henry, Mommy!
JJ set the bags down and turned back to her ecstatic son.
“Oh really? Wow, I’m so proud of you! What’s Operation Warehouse?” The woman’s eyebrow’s furrowed, not recognizing the term.
“I pretended that one of the bunnies got me and played dead! Henry came over to me and Emmy got him!” JJ’s eyes widened at the ‘playing dead’ part. That was probably Emily’s plan.
“Well, that’s an interesting plan. Emily, why don’t you help me unload the groceries while the boys clean up?” JJ turned her gaze over to her wife, smirking.
“Okay, sure. Boys, come on.” Emily got up and let her sons scurry past her as they went to tidy the room.
When JJ and Emily reached the kitchen, JJ spoke.
“Operation Warehouse, really Emily? Like Mother, like son I guess.” Emily chuckled.
“Hey, Micheal wanted to have a contingency plan, so I told him what worked!” She made her way to the bags, beginning to pull out the ingredients for their dinner.
“You’re crazy.”
“You love me for it.”
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itsmoonphobic · 4 years
📚𝙲𝚕𝚊𝚜𝚜𝚛𝚘𝚘𝚖 𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚘𝚜✏️
(ᴀ sʙɪ+ᴛᴏᴍᴍʏ & ᴄᴏ ʜɪɢʜsᴄʜᴏᴏʟ ᴀᴜ) ☟︎︎︎ ʟᴏɴɢ ᴛᴇxᴛ ʙᴇʟᴏᴡ ☟︎︎︎
ʷᵉ ᵈⁱᵈⁿ'ᵗ ᵏⁿᵒʷ ʷᵉ ʷᵉʳᵉ ᵐᵃᵏⁱⁿᵍ ᵐᵉᵐᵒʳⁱᵉˢ ᵃˡᵒⁿᵍ ᵗʰᵉ ʷᵃʸ ʷᵉ ʷᵉʳᵉ ʲᵘˢᵗ ᵃ ᵇᵘⁿᶜʰ ᵒᶠ ᵏⁱᵈˢ ʰᵃᵛⁱⁿᵍ ᶠᵘⁿ ᵗᵒᵍᵉᵗʰᵉʳ
❣︎ ᴛᴇᴄʜɴᴏ ɴ. ʙʟᴀᴅᴇ (Second year):
ᴄᴏɴғɪᴅᴇɴᴛ | ʟᴏʏᴀʟ | ɪɴᴛᴇʟʟɪɢᴇɴᴛ | ᴄᴏᴍᴘᴇᴛᴇᴛɪᴠᴇ | ᴅᴇᴛᴇʀᴍɪɴᴇᴅ | ʀᴇsᴇʀᴠᴇᴅ | sᴀʀᴄᴀsᴛɪᴄ | ɪɴᴛʀᴏᴠᴇʀᴛᴇᴅ | ᴘʀᴏᴛᴇᴄᴛɪᴠᴇ | ᴄᴏʟᴅ
-The fucking brain of the whole school.Gets all the top grades and is every teacher's favorite.
-English is his main thing,he knows so many complex words and phrases that he uses to sound smarter and confuse other poeple.
-Spends most of his free time and breaks in the library reading a book or studying.
-Doesn't like getting involved in conflicts or fights but he will step in and tell them back off if they are making fun of someone or bullying them :(
-His sleeping schedule is messed up.So after staying up all night playing videogames he buys atleast seven cups of coffee in the cafeteria to keep him awake.
-Finds sticky notes his three best friends left behind on his locker.It's either daily reminders or just some dumb shit like an insult or a crappy drawing.He pretends to throw them away but he secretly keeps them all in his room :)
-Gives his friends after school lessons and guides if they are stuck on homework or have a big exam coming up so they don't fail and get a good mark :D
-Doesn't like going to football games or any school games at all,but he will go when it's one of Tommy's basketball games (He even went with him to his tryouts for moral support-)
-Will give both Tommy and Wilbur cheet sheets and answers for bigger and more harder exams or tests :P (But they have to pay him lmfaooo-)
-Agrees to do risky (but fun-) shit with Tommy and Wilbur (They have broken into the school multiple times at night-)
-Sometimes Techno gets these horrible head aches so Phil,Wilbur and Tommy created a little sleeping spot on an old couch in the library where they can all lay down and relax together :D (This shit is so wholesome)
-Drags his friends and talks so much shit about them but in reality he cares for them.He will call them names like loser or idiot but he never truly means it :) (He loves them but he would never admit it out loud- cringee)
-Is in two clubs.He plays the violin in the school band and performs in the theater. (He played a king once and till this day it's by far his favorite performance) :D
-Completely oblivious to the fact that these random two dudes (Squid and Dream) are competing against him for the reputation of the smartest student.
❣︎ ᴘʜɪʟ ᴡᴀᴛsᴏɴ(Third year):
ᴄᴀʀɪɴɢ | ᴋɪɴᴅ | ʜᴇʟᴘғᴜʟ | ʜᴀʀᴅᴡᴏʀᴋɪɴɢ | ɢᴇɴᴇʀᴏᴜs | ᴜɴᴅᴇʀsᴛᴀɴᴅɪɴɢ | ᴘᴀᴛɪᴇɴᴛ | sᴇʟғʟᴇss | ᴘᴏʟɪᴛᴇ | ᴇᴍᴘᴀᴛʜᴇᴛɪᴄ
-The parent of the school.He helps out wherever he can so his hands are always full and occupied.It gets hard to catch him sometimes since he's always running around.
-The teachers love him.He will help them with papers and he also volunteers to stay longer and clean up the classroom after everyone leaves.
-Keeps the chaos trio out of trouble and makes sure they don't end up in detention,though he doubts Techno ever will.He can't say the same for the other two though :)
-Helps out the nurses and lunch ladies if they have too much work- (He gets free chocolate milk in the cafeteria as a little thank you :D)
-He basically steals the teachers work.They don't get any more complaints from the students or any type of fight they need to solve since Phil's got it all under control.
-He stops by the bakery and brings breakfast for Tommy and Wilbur,and a coffee for Techno with him.Techno said he doesn't like to eat early so Phil kept that in mind :)
-They think he doesn't know but Phil indeed does recall all the shenanigans the three of his best friends have done. (Yes even the school break ins-)
-Attends ALL of Techno's and Wilbur's shows and performances.And he doesn't forget about Tommy's basketball games :3 (He's probably the loudest in the crowd and hypes them up like a proud father-)
-Gets way too worried over his friends.One time Tommy twisted his ankle during a game and Phil freaked out. Tommy reassured him that it's just a bruise but turns out he broke his ankle so- Yeah trust Phil and get it checked if he says to get it checked :)
-Student council president?- That's Phil for you.
-The students (and teachers) were both very happy that Phil got to be council president since he has proven himself worthy of that title.
-Constantly has to apologize for Tommy's and Wilbur's antics.He can't argue against Techno but these two brainless children get into way too much trouble :(
-Phil keeps the school under control- At first the teacher's were kinda pissed off but now they get to spend more free time and still get payed for doing less work.They always make sure to thank Phil though don't worry :)
-There have been way less fights and stressful situations in school since Phil takes care of them and makes sure everything runs smoothly,the way it's supposed to :D
❣︎ ᴡɪʟʙᴜʀ sᴏᴏᴛ(First year):
ᴄʜᴀʀᴍɪɴɢ | ғʟɪʀᴛʏ ᴀɴᴅ ʀᴏᴍᴀɴᴛɪᴄ | ᴄʀᴇᴀᴛɪᴠᴇ | sᴜᴀᴠᴇ | ᴄʜᴀʀɪsᴍᴀᴛɪᴄ | ᴇɴᴛʜʀᴀʟʟɪɴɢ | ᴇᴍᴏᴛɪᴏɴᴀʟ
-The heartthrob of the school.Cliche definition of Mr.popular.The whole school is either in love with him, jealous of him or they admire him.
-Has the most sick parties over the year.Halloween?Birthdays?Home alone parties? With Wilbur it's like prom every month :D
-Flirts with all the girls,he's never been in a relationship before but he can't help the fact that he's handsome :) He's a huge ass romantic.The reason behind that may be the fact that his favorite movie genre is romance lmao-
-Is in the school band and theater club with Techno.He plays the guitar and sings(Bonus points for the girls) His favorite type of performances have to be musicals :D (Hamilton reference let's go-)
-Fights with Tommy all the time.You could catch the two of them throwing insults at eachother and from time to time even a middle finger (or in Tommy's case both)
-People continously ask him if he's dating Niki but they are just good friends who bond over music :( He would sing and play guitar for her,Niki has so many polaroids of their cute moments together in her room- (Wilbur may or may not have stolen one while he was hanging out with her-)
-Knows everyones dirty secrets and will blackmail others if they fuck with him or his friends.
-Also hates Dream,doesn't know if it's becouse he competes with Techno all the time or that he's a huge wheezing jerk >:(
-He loves sitting next to Techno in the library while he comes up with new song ideas.He would ask Techno for his opinion to <3
-The whole school is behind his back.You start shit with Wilbur and not only are his friends there to back him but every student (Even the janitor lmao)
❣︎ ᴛᴏᴍᴍʏ sɪᴍᴏɴs(First year):
ᴇɴᴇʀɢᴇᴛɪᴄ | ʟᴏᴜᴅ & ғᴜɴɴʏ | ᴄᴜʀɪᴏᴜs | ᴇxᴘʀᴇssɪᴠᴇ | ʙʀᴀᴠᴇ | ᴇɴᴛᴇʀᴛᴀɪɴɪɴɢ | ʀᴇᴄᴋʟᴇss | ʀᴇʙᴇʟʟɪᴏᴜs | ʜʏᴘᴇʀ | ᴏᴘᴇɴᴍɪᴍᴅᴇᴅ
-Seen as a heathen by the whole school.Got himself the nickname troublemaker from pretty much everyone.
-Shit you not he goes around the school and starts fights with people who are way stronger than him but still manages to beat them up like?
-Road his skateboard through the school hallways once and made Tubbo record it while he pulled off some stupid stunt down the stairs- He ended up breaking his leg lmao.
-Legit always goes after the popular kids-(That's how he met Phil,Wilbur and Techno)now he has people who can beat ass with him (except for Phil)
-Calls teachers out on their bullshit.He will literally say they are wrong and what they're saying his complete bullshit
-May or may not have got suspended a few times
-Gets into so many detentions.The teachers are pretty much used to him coming and even have a special seat reserved for him in the back.
-Plays basketball and gets super excited when the Blade comes and picks him up from practice.Feels extremely cool that he's walking away with him while his teammates stare in shock.
-Once spread a rumor about Wilbur to pay him back for pranking him and let's just say Tommy and he had a pretty deep conversation lmao-
-That kid who always couldn't contain his luaghter in class and threw paper balls across the room.Yeah that's Tommy
-Has a gang he hangs out with (Tubbo is his favorite but he loves to annoy Deo lmao)They also have a groupchat,tbh it's mostly just Tommy asking if he can copy homework from one of them
-Tried to hack into the school system with Techno's help atleast five times but after Phil cought them the two of them stopped
-Brings nerf guns into school and jumpscares people with them.He shot the principal once and that was the most terrifying moment of his life (Apart that conversation with Wilbur lmaoooo)
-Loves breaking rules with Wilbur and Techno lol.It was his idea to break into the school the first time so they kinda stuck to doing that (especially during summer break)
AHHHHH- It's finished! This time I tried something different and made it a bunch of short headcanons!This is probably my favorite type of au so I'm really happy with how it turned out! Love y'all <3
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detroitbydark · 4 years
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Every Dog Has His Day
Characters: Hound/OC
Summary: Insecurities abound for Coruscant’s favorite late night DJ.
Warnings: None
A/N: So Hound is a golden retriever in clone armor and I would kill for him. All the love to my girls @skdubbs​ and @crimson-dxwn​ who deal with me while Ido this. 
“Mister, can I pet your dog?”
Hound looks down at the small child squinting up at him; he’s got a gap where his front teeth should be and the ‘mister’ comes out more like a ‘mither’. The kids’ moms stand a pace behind him, one smiling brightly while the other glances nervously from Hound to Grizzer. 
“Is it ok with your folks?” He’d been to his fair share of PR in services since being transferred to Coruscant. He glances at both women. He receives a nod from the more laid back of the two.
“Grizzer, sheber.” The massiff throws his hind quarters down with such force that both he and the nervous mother laugh. Grizzer’s tail wags a mile a minute as he takes it upon himself to lay on his belly and crawl slowly toward the child.
“He’s a good boy as long as you're not a bad guy” Hound says squatting down. The little boy's eyes get wide as Hound tips his bucket forward, stage whispering. “You listen to your moms, right?”
The kid nods rapidly. Hound laughs, lets relief fill his voice. “Oh good, you should be safe then.”
 Grizzer eats up the attention, laying his big head in the child’s lap. Soon three other children join in. Hound talks to their parents, every now and then glancing at his partner. The massiff has turned from a well trained soldier to a glob of mush under the fawning of the children.
 This was just another part of the job. Public relations was a big deal. Clones got a bad rap. Every now and then, a few troopers on leave trying to drown bad memories of the war would get on the wrong side of the law and throw the whole damn clone army back two paces in the public opinion polls, and it was the job of troopers like Hound and the rest of the Guard go try to be poster boys for the rest of them. At times like this it wasn’t hard. 
“Hound. Time to break it up. I need you to do a sweep of the central pavilion.” Commander Fox’s voice rings clearly in his bucket.
“Roger that, Commander” he says before turning to address the small gathered group, “alright now, Grizzer and I have to be getting back to work.” A small chorus of ‘Awwws’ makes him chuckle.  The massiff looks at him as to say the same.
“Come on, buddy. Borarir.” Hound gives the command for work and Grizzer perks up, giving an excited yip as he darts to Hounds side in a tight heel. “Tell your new friends bye,” Hound encourages and Grizzer gives a loud woof that has all the kids -and a few of their parents- laughing.
Hound’s head goes on a swivel as soon as they turn away. “Time to get serious now,” he instructs the animal at his side. Grizz gives him a look. “I know. I know,” hound says, reaching down to pet his head, “you don’t need to be told twice.”
The massiff huffs and his nose falls to the duracrete. Fete weeks were always crazy and with the rise they’d been seeing in terrorist activities, Commander Fox had wanted everyone on high alert.
Since being transferred to Coruscant, Hound has grown to love the craziness of Fete weeks and while New Year Fete week was his favorite, he enjoyed the Festival of Life nearly as much. Someday he hoped to experience it as a spectator and not the security.  
They skirt along the perimeter of the pavilion, where a local band was warming up. The smell of fest food from the stand of carts across the way has both Hound and Grizzer aiming their noses toward the various booths of sweet fruits, spit roasted meats, and honeyed pastries.
“Let’s make one good pass and I’ll treat you to some nerf-“
Grizzer woofs quietly.
“Fine” Hound clarifies, “I’ll treat us to some nerf.”
Toward the end of their loop Hound comms an all-clear to his nearby colleagues.  He'd do another loop in an hour or so but for now he'd wait and watch. 
The band has started playing finally and Grizzer puts himself in a heel as the pair sit and listen for a spell. The different radio stations have booths set up, slinging merch and freebies at passing fete goers. Hound’s eyes scan looking for IRR’s booth. He doesn’t recognize the guy signing autographs, but he does remember the head of pastel purple hair fondly. 
“That’s her bud,” he says, glancing down quickly at the massiff at his side, “Told you she was real pretty, didn’t I?”
Grizzer scents the air in the direction of the IRR booth.
Nuna Skii is off to the side unpacking boxes of this and that and setting it out on the table for passers-by. 
“I should go say hi,” he says after a minute to psych himself up. He clicks his tongue lightly and Grizzer falls in at his side as he walks towards the tables. A holoboard has been set up with the names and times each personality will be signing autographs. Hound frowns when he scans the board and doesn’t see Nuna’s name listed. The others were ok, he guessed, but who would want anyone but Nuna Skii’s signature?
“Oh my maker! What a cute baby!” Hound glances up in time to see Nuna dip down onto her knees as Grizzer leans in and gives her a wet kiss. She giggles as the massiff leans his heavily armored body against her.
“Grizz!” he scolds, and the mas’ looks up at him with a pleased look on his muzzle. 
“Oh it’s you! Hound!” Nuna tries to stand but Grizzer places a meaty paw on her shoulder. She laughs as she rubs under his jaw. “This cutie belongs to you?”
“You could say that. We’re partners.”
Hound tries not to feel jealous as Grizzer's face is held between her small hands and she coos to him. “Big tough guard mas’. Such a sweet boy, aren’t you?” He'd give good credits right now to swap places.
“You really think he’s cute?” Hound asks as Grizzer finally lets her stand and lays down between the pair of them, head resting over one of Hound’s boots.
“What? Of course!” Her smile is bright and her deep brown eyes sparkle as she talks. “I mean, I guess there’s no accounting for taste. I had this great uncle who kept a strill named…” Nuna rubs the back of her head, “I haven’t thought about that in years,” she laughs, “I think he called it Mird? Anyway, I loved that little thing and let me tell you, Strill are certainly never going to be on the top of any list of traditionally beautiful creatures.”
Hound knows he’s staring, but she’s chattering on and he can’t help himself. When she mentions the name of the strill something pings in his memory banks but he can’t quite place it. Before he has a chance she asks him a question.
“I’m sorry,” he offers, “what was that again?”
“I was asking if you heard my shout out last week?” She’s glancing down toward Grizzer almost bashfully. When she looks back up she has her lower lip trapped between her teeth and a smile lighting up her features. Hound’s brain turns to mush. “I hope it wasn’t too much?”
Too much? He’d felt like the man for days afterwards. He’d gotten a shout out on Nuna Skii’s show and all his vode knew it. 
“No it was great. Thanks.” He tries to play it cool, like it hadn’t been the single greatest thing that had happened in the last standard rotation.
“Yeah.” They look at each other silently for a moment before they both laugh awkwardly. Grizzer’s muzzle swings from one human toward the other, a wondering tilt to his head.
“So...uh… you’re not signing autographs later?” Hound gestures to the holoboard. Nuna waves him off.
“Oh, I don’t do the whole autograph thing. I like to keep the fantasy alive.”
He cocks his head curiously. In all honesty, he’d had more fantasies since he’d met her on the side of the skylane than he’d ever had before. It was one thing to think of his favorite voice in the galaxy as an unattainable holomodel, but to actually meet her and see that she was the cute girl next door. It added a whole new level to his personal time. Now he  thought less about long slender legs wrapped around his hips and more about gripping on to soft, warm thighs. Less about pristine make-up and perfect hair and more about the way he’d noticed her pale brown eyes crinkle at the corners as she smiled. 
And her voice. He imagined she’d use that on-air voice just for him. It made his toes curl in his boots just thinking about it.
“My fans have a certain image of me in their heads. I don’t want to ruin it.” 
He wants to tell her to shift it. The image she was throwing off now was absolutely grade A but he hesitates and the moment is gone.
“So, uh, do you like food?” He cringes as the words come out of his mouth, “I mean, I was gonna get a few nerf skewers.” He clenches his hand into a fist at his side so he doesn’t start rubbing the back of his helmet. There really was no reason his palms should be sweating like they were. “I could grab you one if you want or,” he shrugs, “you could walk over there with us, maybe.”
That same bashful smile lights her face as she glances at the booth around her and back over to the personality signing autographs.
“I mean, if you can’t, that’s ok too. I was just thinking.” Hound wants to kick himself. Any game he had was completely lost the second he’d started talking to her. “If you're busy, maybe I could just get your comm and we could do it another time.”
Grizzer whines at his feet.  Nuna looks down. “Aww is the poor guy starving?”
No, he wasn't, Hound thinks. The mooch had his rations and half of Hounds just an hour before. He was embarrassed for his master. 
“Yeah, that must be it.”
“Well we should get him something to eat, right Grizz?”
Under his bucket, Hound can’t fight the grin. Grizzer barks happily as he rises to his feet and stretches his spiny back into the air. “I guess that settles it. You, me, and the massiff makes three” he jokes lamely.
“You look smug?” Tully gives Nuna a questioning look. 
“I’m not smug.” Nuna hums along to the song playing in her headphones. “What’s the name of that band from Corellia? The one with the Nikto drummer?”
“Nunz, what’s with the smile?” Tully doesn’t answer her question.
“I think it’s something in Ryl-“
Nuna can’t fight the grin on her face. “Fine. I just had a good day is all.”
Tully looks unimpressed with her answer. “You spent all day slinging merch at a fete. It was hot. You didn’t sleep. You hate not sleeping. I’m going to ask you again-“
The thought of telling her friend and coworker about Hound had crossed Nuna’s mind, but she’d quickly pushed it away. It had just been a fun little distraction from an otherwise boring day. Nothing much else to say about it. They’d both been working and decided to share lunch together. He had a cute partner and, really, had she been expected not to snuggle with a cuddly mas’ when given the opportunity? The look on Tully’s face says she’s not going to give up. Nuna throws her a bone.
“I maybe had lunch with someone today but it was nothing. Really. I mean it was just a guy being super nice.” The words spill from her mouth like bolts from a repeating blaster. Tully stares for a second, then two.
“You had a date? At the fete? While you were working?”
“What? No! Absolutely not. I took my lunch break and had company, that's all.” 
The Pantoran crosses her arms over her chest and tips her chin before glancing up at her friend. “Who paid?”
Uh-uh. They were not going there. “It was not a date, Tull.” She did not date that was strictly a thing of the distant past- light years ago, even.
“Who paid?” Tully asks again, undeterred.
“He paid! Maker, girl! You had a date! Who is he? Why didn’t you mention him before? I mean, I thought we were friends. Spill!”
Thankfully, Nuna finds herself saved by the chrono. The commercial break is ending as she turns away from the steady gaze of her friend.
“We’re not done talking about this,” Tully warns as Nuna mashes the button to her mic. 
“Nuna Skii getting you through the night. You know what’s better than a boy in blue?” The switch in persona is instant, years of practice allowing her to skip into sexy DJ mode without thought, “The answer is absolutely nothing. That last one was going out to the boys of the 501st. May your aim be true and your stims be strong.”
“I know I saw some of you lovelies enjoying the Festival of Life today. Why don’t you give me a call and tell me what you thought? I am oh so lonely tonight. Wanna keep me company?” She pitches her voice low. Tully rolls her eyes. The comm lines light up. The producer signals for line 2 with a quick flash of her hand.
“Nuna,” the first call starts, “we’re with the 234th and we’re your biggest fans!” There’s the sound of whooping in the background.
“You are too sweet,” Nuna coos, “anything I can play for you?”
“Uhh… something durasteel?”
“I got you, handsome. Thanks for listening!”
Nuna starts hunting down the next song as she switches callers to the next line Tully’s vetted. 
“This is Nuna,” she purrs in greeting.
“Nuna? This is Sergeant Sinker with the 116th Wolffe Pack.” 
“Well a-woo to you Sergeant Sinker. Were you home for fete week?”
Voices rise up in the background. Nuna stifles a giggle as she hears her caller yelling at a Boost and a Comet. 
“We’re still off world. We just wanted to say we love your show and see if you could give our Commander a shoutout?”
“Well isn’t that the absolute sweetest? I think you've called in before, right? You know, I always have love for the 116th and that very surly Commander Wolffe of yours-“
“Nuna Marry me!” The voice sounds far away and is followed by the sound that she can only assume is wrestling for the comm before it clicks off.
“I’m not accepting any proposals today darlings. Why don’t we listen to that request and a quick commercial break?”
Nuna wonders if Hound is listening. She’s surprised that she hopes he is.
“So spill it, girl.” Tully doesn’t waste time as the music starts playing and the mic cuts off. Nuna sighs. Apparently she wasn’t going to forget so quickly.
“He paid,” she admits, trying to ignore the smugness she hears in Tully’s voice.
“So you had a date. Was that so hard to admit?”
Nuna still refuses to call it a date because she hadn’t dated in ages and a pretty smile and a flashy set of armor and kama weren’t about to change that. She scrolls through a datapad playlist but she can feel her friends' eyes boring into her.
“You know you're allowed to put yourself out there. Most of them are fekking disgusting but there’s a few good ones.” Tully’s voice softens. “They’re not all him.”
This conversation was not happening now and certainly not without a bottle of wine. She was not going to think about Alistar again. His days of living rent free in her head were over. Except… they weren’t.
 She’d loved having lunch with Hound and Grizzer - it had been the highlight of her week so far- but each time he’d complimented her, each time he’d asked questions like he was interested and wanted to know, she thought of her ex and the way he’d weaseled his way into her life with all the same ploys. It didn’t matter that they looked nothing alike, sounded nothing alike. She was officially damaged goods and there was just no getting past that, at least not anytime soon.
When Nuna doesn’t acknowledge her, Tully turns to screening calls versus dealing with her moody DJ. Nuna listens to the screaming durasteel coming through her headphones. I wasn’t her genre of choice but a lot of battalions seemed to have a thing for it. Who was she to argue? 
Nuna looks up to find Tully staring. “What?”
“You got a call?”
“One I should take on air?”
Tully’s brows skim her forehead. “Oh yeah. This one’s a doozy.”
Shaking her head, Nuna moves back to the mic, counting down to the end of the song. “Live in 3… 2… 1…. hey ladies and gents I’m back. How was that for some durasteel huh? Hope it keeps your engines revved and juices flowing. Going to the comm lines we’ve got a call from…” Nuna watches Tully mouth the name. “Grizzer?”
A series of barks erupts through Nuna’s ear phones before she can respond. Tully is disintegrating into laughter as Nuna stares wide-eyed at the mic ahead of her. 
“Grizzer said he was glad he got to spend time with you today,” a smooth voice begins when the barking ends.
Nuna stumbles for a second but catches herself. “Is this- this his translator?” She teases, trying to stay in character.
“Yes, ma’am.” Hound’s warm voice rumbles through the comm and Nuna has the distinct feeling of butterflies fluttering around in her chest.
The line goes quiet for half a second and another volley of barks and a single yip respond.
“He’d like to see you again soon. He thinks you're the prettiest girl he’s ever seen. Wants to take you out for dinner. Promises he’ll bring his chaperone with him.”
Nuna catches Tully’s eye. “Can you believe this guy?” she mouths.
“Is that him?!” The pink-haired Pantoran hisses.
Nuna shakes her hands in front of her face, as if waving away her nerves.
“Is that so?” Her mind is working overtime. In the two years she’s been on air in Coruscant she’s fielded a lot of requests for dates and more than a few marriage proposals, but this is the first of its kind. She’s not really sure how to respond. 
She flirts five nights a week on her show but those are faceless -often nameless- people. She’s met Hound. She’s been dazzled by his earnest smile, felt compelled to answer every silly getting to know you question he’d thrown her way this afternoon. Hound was different because he seemed to want to get to know her - short, round, plain Nuna. 
He couldn’t be for real.
“I hate to break it to you Grizzer,” she can hear the massiff panting over the comm, “but I only date men with thumbs and a nice head of hair.”
Tully gives her a hard look. Yeah, she was going to hear about this later.
“Oh, well.” She can hear the sudden uncertainty in Hound's voice and a soft whine from the massiff. “I suppose he’ll catch you around then.”
She wants to tell him that she certainly hopes so because deep down she does, but it doesn’t fit with her persona. Instead she cuts the line and moves on with the show.
She’d gotten good at that. Slam those emotions deep down, lock ‘em up and throw that key away. No one could hurt you if they couldn’t get to you.
“So, anyone following the Limmie League?”
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leelysian · 4 years
Changbin as your older brother AU 💖✨
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genre: fluff, bullet point fic
word count: 2.3k
warnings: swearing
Disclaimer: I do not personally know Changbin. This work is purely fiction and my own idea. I took inspiration from his on screen persona. Please do not translate or re-upload my work.
A/N: hi :) Sorry if this is kinda bad. I’m running out of ideas for this series(?). It’s really hard to write these aus for the members when there’s limited knowledge about them and when you’re trying to make everything seem different without making it seem like they’re all one dimensional and cut from the same cloth. Thank you to everyone who has been reading these older brother aus and thank you for being patient. Please leave some feedback, it really keeps me going. ❤️
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☆ Let’s start with you as babies.
☆ Changbin would for sure as kiddy questions like “How did the baby get inside mummy’s tummy?” “When will baby come out?” “How does baby poop?”
☆ Your parents either answered him vaguely or somehow dodged his questions.
☆ Would sleep in your parents bedroom close to your mum to protect her baby bump.
☆ Would be hella excited to feel you kick in your mum’s tummy.
☆ Would say cute things to the baby bump. “Come out quickly baby I can’t wait to play with you.” “We can play with *insert favourite toy* together.” “We’re going to have a lot of fun together.” I am close to tears
☆ Doesn’t care about the gender.
☆ When you were born, he was extremely excited to see you but little Binnie patiently waited till your parents had their moment first until they ushered him to the hospital bed.
☆ He was wide eyed as he held you as if scared to hurt you. He smiled when he stroked your cheek with a finger and smiled wider when you grabbed onto his finger.
☆ Tried to help your parents take care of you but most of the time failed.
☆ *tries to put pants on you* *gets kicked in the face instead*
☆ The only thing he could properly do was cuddle you as he fed you a bottle and somehow you ate properly if he was the one feeding you when you were being fussy.
☆ *you two fall asleep while he’s holding you*
☆ Adoring/curious stares.
☆ Fed you a bit of lemon for jokes when you were starting to grow teeth and had the time of his fricking life when he saw your reaction.
☆ I’m talking the kind of laughs he does with his whole body.
☆ Helped you learn how to walk patiently. Just laughed when you fell on your butt.
☆ Taught you how to high 5 at a very young age.
☆ You talked to him a lot. Not like he understood what you said because it was mostly babbling but it was fun for both of you.
☆ You broke a lot of his toys. He’d get upset until he got new ones.
☆ The one toy he never shared with you was Gyu, his plushie.
☆ Fast forward you’re older and know how to walk and talk coherently, Changbin is a kid.
☆ Changbin wants cookies but they’re on the top shelf and your mum purposefully put them there so neither of you could reach.
☆ “Changbin what are you doing?” 
☆ Changbin: 👀
☆”I’m gonna tell mum~”
☆ “NO DON’T. If you help me, I’ll give you a cookie then you have to promise me you won’t tell mum.”
☆ Your smart ass contemplated for a few seconds before you agreed, “Ok what do we do?”
☆ “If I lift you up can you grab the jar? Don’t drop it.”
☆ “Yes.”
☆ Somehow both of you managed to retrieve the jar unscathed. Why none of you thought to grab a chair and do it, I don’t know.
☆ One cookie turned to two then three until the jar was half empty and your dad caught you. 
☆ Everyone except you two with crumbs around your mouths in the room:️  
☆ Your dad walked in with brooding eyes. He grabbed a cookie and started eating quietly, “It’s a secret.”
☆ All three of you smiled happily and continued munching on the cookies.
☆ Until a while later your mum walked in and gasped, “YOU ATE ALL THE COOKIES?! *insert dad’s name* YOU WERE IN ON THIS TOO!”
☆ The three of you gulped nervously until you said, “No mum look! We saved a few for you!” The three of you smile innocently.
☆ Your mum sighed and smiled exasperatedly. “This is the last time.” A chorus of agreement sang throughout the room yet nobody meant a single word.
☆ Most of the time you two were hyperactive and played around so much you’d be knocked out cold by the time it was around 9 pm. 
☆ Your parents had to lug you to your shared room.
☆ You two played tag a lot, he was really fast so you’d always get tagged very quickly.
☆ Running. So much running. You’re the hyper kids.
☆ Rock paper scissors. Winner flicks the loser’s forehead. Changbin always took the penalty but never really doled it out on you, if he did it wasn’t too hard. 
☆ Changbin could easily win, but sometimes he slowed down purposefully to let you win for a change.
☆ Giggles. Giggles everywhere. Giggles all the time.
☆ Pillow forts in your room. 
☆ Tickle fights.
☆ Cuddling together while watching cartoons.
☆ You thought he was cool.
☆ He liked you thinking so highly of him.
☆ Made him want to be even cooler for you.
☆ He’d ruffle your hair playfully.
☆ He’d pinch your nose. “AAAAHHH”
☆ He’d pull your hair.
☆ Such a joker. It was harmless fun.
☆ Once you doodled on his school notes. He got mad and stopped talking to you.
☆ He rarely got angry at you, sure you two bickered sometimes and sometimes got whiny at each other.
☆ You apologised with a treat you got, instead of eating it by yourself, you gave it to him as a peace offering. 
☆ He didn’t eat it himself, he shared. “It’s okay just don’t do it again. These are important. You’ll know when you get older.”
☆ “Ok. I’m sorry.”
☆ Things became alright again.
☆ Fast forward you’re tweens/teens/young adults.
☆ The dynamic is wild.
☆ You two would always goof around like idiots.
☆ Changbin annoyed you a lot.
☆ “Y/N look over there!” you’re stuck in visible confusion. *smacks your head and runs* 
☆ You’re eating chips. “Y/n what’s that?” “What’s what?” *steals bag* 
☆ “When are you gonna stop tricking me?”
☆ “When are you gonna stop falling for that?” 
☆ You get pissed.
☆ Then it escalates into a wrestling match until ultimately you get hurt and start nearly crying in pain.
☆ You’re watching tv peacefully. Changbin walks in with a nerf gun/water gun. “REACH FOR THE SKY!”
☆ The living room turns into a warzone or a set for mission impossible.
☆ You ‘borrow’ his clothes. “Y/N STOP STEALING MY SHIT!”
☆ He ‘borrows’ your charger. “GET YOUR OWN CHARGER CHANGBIN!”
☆ He casually strolls into the living room, sits next to you with feet propped up on the table, snatches the remote when you’re not looking and changes the channel. 
☆ “Well too bad. I don’t wanna watch it.”
☆ Another wrestling match for the remote.
☆ You hide his glasses. Basically keep them with you.
☆ “Hey y/n have you seen my glasses?” “Nope.”
☆ He looks EVERYWHERE. 
☆ You keep them on top of the tv when he’s away. “Hey Changbin found it on the tv.”
☆ “That’s weird I don’t remember putting them there. The heck?”
☆ “Maybe you’re just losing your mind. Already becoming an oldie?”
☆ “I may be old but I can still kick your ass.”
☆ You’re the younger sibling that either grows up to the same height as him quicker or grows taller than him somehow.
☆ He hates it. You thrive on it. “Hehe shortie. Can you even reach?”
☆ So he started working out to tone up.
☆ You’re barely able to lift a heavy box. He picks it up with ease. “Do you even lift?”
☆ He’s washing the dishes. You leave your dish for him and sneak out. “Y/N! I SWEAR-”
☆ You have a lit music taste because of him. 
☆ You’re sleeping, he’s up early. You need to go to school. Instead of waking you up like a normal person, he pulls the blankets completely off of you and tackles you. “Y/N WAKE UP!”
☆ You two are eating. He’ll finish eating seemingly at the speed of light and stare at you eating. “I’m not sharing.”
☆ “I didn’t say anything.”
☆ awkward silence
☆ You pass your food to him. “You owe me, pabbit (pig + rabbit)”
☆ Both of you forget about it later on.
☆ He’s hella clumsy.
☆ He’d definitely break a glass or plate or vase.
☆ He’s the type to fix something just enough to make it seem not broken so the next person who uses it would think they broke it.
☆ Anything to not get his ass handed to him by mummy dearest.
☆ You do this thing to annoy him which is basically mock/copy him when he tells you something. 
☆ “Hey you know-” “Hey you know-” “you know that-” “you know that-” this continues a few more times until he screams and tackles you.
☆ You did this thing where you literally jumped on his back when he was unaware and you'd stick to him. The scream was worth bursting your eardrums. Worked every time.
☆ He was built he could carry you.
☆ Another thing is copying his actions.
☆ He yawns, you yawn. He scratches his nose, you copy. He stretches, you stretch. He shifts, you copy. 
☆ “STOP COPYING ME!” “Stop copying me” “I said STOP COPYING ME!” “I said stop copying me!”
☆ “I hate you.” “I love you too bro.”
☆ His friends like you and a lot of times you hang out with him and his friends.
☆ He wears the weirdest stuff just for shits and giggles.
☆ “Hey y/n.” “What?” you look at him and burst out laughing.
☆ Where he got a shark head mask, you had no idea. You had tears running down your face as he started to sing and sexy dance to baby shark.
☆ You two say the darndest things.
☆ “I just realised- if vampires can’t go out in the sunlight then wouldn’t the moonlight kill them too?
☆ “How?”
☆ “Moonlight is just the sunlight shining from behind the moon dumbass.”
☆ “Oh shit you’re right.”
☆ Another example of this would be:
☆ “The hospital is the only place you leave without entering.”
☆ Both of you:  👁️👄👁️
☆ You’re eating watermelon. You bite some of the white bit.
☆ “I just realised the worst part of the watermelon tastes like a cucumber.”
☆ awkward silence “wait you’re right.”
☆ “Anyways, here you can wash the plates.”
☆ “Y/N!”
☆ Will use everything in his cuteness arsenal to get what he wants.
☆ You hate to admit it actually works sometimes.
☆ “Y/n~ pleeeaaaseee get me some cookies.”
☆ “No.”
☆ He keeps whining and rocking or shaking you. “PLEEEEAAAAAASEEE”
☆ “FINE!”
☆ Who’s really the older sibling and who’s really the younger sibling?
☆ “You know you could’ve just gotten them yourself with the time it took you to annoy me into getting them for you?”
☆ He just smiles toothily. 
☆ “If you could choose between a giant me or 5 mini me’s which would you choose?”
☆ “Neither I’d rather die.”
☆ “Y/N! WHYYYYY” he whines and shakes you.
☆ He’s always there for you when you need him the most. He’ll always comfort you with tight hugs. 
☆ He’s the type of person to make silly jokes and make you smile or laugh to make you feel better instead of sort of brooding with you.
☆ This is only acceptable with him, if anyone else tried to be goofy when you were upset it wouldn’t work.
☆ Because it’s Changbin’s thing. Only he has that power.
☆ You rarely see him upset. He’s always smiling, joking around and acting cute.
☆ One time, really late at night you saw him in the kitchen sitting with a glass of milk. He hadn’t noticed you. 
☆ This was off putting because you rarely saw him this quiet. He’s always laughing and loud.
☆ He was staring off in the distance, the glass gathering condensation from being out of the fridge and into warm temperature.
☆ “Can’t sleep?” He was startled and shook his head no. “What’s on your mind?”
☆ “It’s nothing.” You sat with a glass of water. “You know you can tell me, right?”
☆ “I know I just don’t wanna bother you.” he said and this confused you. “Why would you be bothering me? That’s absurd.”
☆ He shrugged, “I dunno, seems like all I do is annoy people these days.”
☆ You pat his back. “Hey, that’s not true. Well it only applies to me because you’re my sibling. That’s a thing. Is there anything specific you’re talking about?”
☆ He stays quiet for what seems like the longest time until he unloads. 
☆ You’re not good with words like he is. You try your best to listen and give sensible input. 
☆ Changbin admired that about you. Despite being younger, you were sometimes mature and understanding. You were authentic, you never tried to be something you weren’t.
☆ Which is why he always valued your words. 
☆ Afterwards if he had anything on his mind, sometimes he’d vent to you.
☆ You the ability to make his insecurities disappear simply because he feels stupid for the way he thinks when he talks to you. 
☆ You make his problems miniscule, not in a belittling way but in a way that makes him realise how things could be different or done differently.
☆ Your sense of perception was something amazing.
☆ This is why Changbin believed you were the best sibling he could ask for.
☆ But little did he know, you wouldn’t be able to function properly if he wasn’t the goofy, silly, clumsy, idiotic Changbin who exists today.
☆ He’s just the right type of flavour you need in your bland life.
☆ don’t be shy put some more.
☆ He’s the right balance of a clown, a baby and a guardian angel.
☆ He’s extremely caring, loyal, kind hearted and annoying.
☆ You’d change absolutely nothing.
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