#(i doubt i have any mutuals or followers really who are interested in this but if you post stuff remember to tag spoilers
the-kipsabian · 11 months
i have this excited anxiety in my chest, my brain just reminded me that, yes for real, alan wake 2 finally releases tomorrow
13 years. 13 years since the release of the original. which is one of my favorite games of all time. 13 years later we finally get a sequel and its coming out TOMORROW
im just so excited and happy yall
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svnarin · 2 months
this is one of the parts from my scrapped suna fic :D (suna x fem!reader)
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for context!
Suna is well aware that he is attractive—that many girls from Inarizaki University look on his way and fawn over him whenever he passes by, some whom he even remembers tried sliding into his dms. As one of the core members of the university’s volleyball team, along with his undoubtedly good-looking features and the enigmatic persona he conveys, there is no denying that he would end up as one of the popular guys at the university.
To Suna, getting a girlfriend would just be a piece of cake. There are already a lot of girls who are attracted to him—waiting for him to give them a chance. He could easily just pick one fish in the sea that he finds interest in and that would be it. Well, that is what he had initially thought, because who would have thought that he would get humbled so easily the day he met you?
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part after he met you earlier that day (the only part i would be sharing)
Suna is immediately on his phone that night—acting like a detective trying to find your social media so that he can finally learn something about you. The only clue that he has is your name or rather the name you were called earlier. But even with only one clue, it didn’t really take him much time until he finally found your public Instagram profile. 
Suna scrolled through your posts and immediately learned five things about you: one, you are a sophomore just like him; two, you are currently taking creative writing; three, you are a member of Inarizaki University’s journalism organization; four, you are single, which is a good thing for him; and five? Oh, this one surprised him the most that he even refreshed your profile multiple times, thinking he might have just been mistaken.
What is it about the fifth one that surprised him the most? Well, maybe it is the fact that you are not following his Instagram account despite following the Miyas, Aran, and the university’s official account for the volleyball team. He doubts that you don’t know him at all. He is always present in the Miyas’ comment section and tagged in posts by the university’s official account for the volleyball team, so why are you practically following everyone from his team but him? 
From what he can view from your profile, you seem quite active enough on social media. Some posts could be seen on your profile—the most recent being posted just a week ago. You even have a story that was just posted hours ago, and Suna didn’t hesitate to view it only for him to see you just reposted the latest announcement from your organization.
Without any hesitations, Suna immediately sent you a follow. Maybe this time you would notice that he also has an Instagram account and give him a follow back, right? He rarely makes the first move, but since it seems like you already know his account exists, wouldn’t it be such a shame if you reject such an offer of becoming Instagram mutual with someone like him, right?
The following morning came by. Suna opened his phone to look at the time and scroll through TikTok. He had completely forgotten what he had just done the other night, but everything came rushing back into his memory when he suddenly received a follow notification from Instagram. 
See? Easy. You’re easy. Suna immediately thought as he sat up from his bed to stretch his upper body. About time. He grinned to himself with pure satisfaction only to immediately turn into a deadpan when he read the Instagram notification to realize it was not you but just some other girl he would definitely just forget later on. Rolling his eyes, he drops his phone on the bed before heading to the bathroom, thinking that you are probably still asleep so that is why. 
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lacontroller1991 · 5 months
Feo, Fuerte y Formal (The Ghoul/Cooper Howard x F!Reader)
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Main Master List || Misc Master List
Summary: Cooper sees you again for the first time in over 200 years
Warnings: 18+ Strong Language, Sexual Suggestions, Divorce, Canon Typical Violence
Feo, Fuerte, y Formal. Words Cooper Howard spoke over 200 years ago back when he was at the height of his career. Back when he had a profitable career, a beautiful home, and a beautiful family. He had fame, wealth, and a future. Until it all came crashing down. When Vault-Tec had initially dropped him from their promotional team, he was relieved, glad to be done with the corporation that was planning the destruction of the world, but with Vault-Tec dropping him, Barb did too. Once Barb found out why her Pip-Boy was acting strangely, she had it double checked by the science division to confirm her suspicions before taking it to Cooper to confront him. His mistake was that he denied he had anything to do with it. If he had lied about this, what else has he been lying about? Yet, it was mutual. Both were caught destroying the very core of their marriage, trust.
The divorce was quick to follow. Despite having the best lawyer he could find, Barb had Vault-Tec, and Vault-Tec could buy out anyone, leaving him with a whopping sum of $30,000 - compared to his net worth of 2 million - and Roosevelt. 
Of course with the biggest name in the country dropping him from their team, his agent promptly dropped him, blacklisting him from Hollywood, ending his career. His one way of making money was no longer profitable. In a way, he was relieved. Hollywood wasn’t what it used to be. It used to be a beacon of hope, a place for everyone, the American Dream. What a load of bullshit. 
If there was anything to make it all tolerable, it’s the time he got to spend with Janey and you. You had come into his life when he wasn’t looking for it. Your bar had practically become his home, but when you got tired of seeing him drunk as all get out and passed out on the bar you quickly offered him a couch to sleep on at your place, and the rest was history. 
Until the bombs dropped, and everything changed. Again. Cooper doesn’t know exactly how he survived. He doesn’t know if it was sheer rage keeping his heart kicking, or if it was the drive to find you or Janey. He knew Janey was somewhere in a vault, safe with Barb, but had you been lucky enough to secure a spot in one, or were you part of the 90% that didn’t have the means to afford a spot.
200 years later and he still doesn’t know. 
Feo, fuerte, y formal. He has ⅔ of them on his belt. Ugly and Strong. Long ago are the days where he was dignified, not that he gives two shits. He did initially. His handsome features quickly hollowed out with his hair coming off in chunks, giving him a ghastly appearance. It took some time to get used to, but after 50 years, he learned not to care. Not like there were people lining up to be with him anyways. If anything, his ghoulish features gave him an edge in everything he does. No one really tries to mess with a 200 year old bounty hunter who has zero qualms about skinning you and eating you, alive or dead. Still, it’s lonesome walking the wasteland without anyone by his side, whether he likes to admit it or not.
The town is quiet by this time of night. From his best guess of the moon in the sky, it’s a little after 1 in the morning. Walking along the streets, he eyes the closed vendors, save for one on the corner. Piquing his interest, he stalks over to the stand, eyes focusing on the elder woman in a pair of dirty coveralls.
“Get lost Ghoul, before I kill ya.” It’s a threat that he doesn’t doubt that she’d act on. Taking a step closer to the stand, he raises his hands, eyes trained on the way she inches closer to the gun undoubtedly hiding below the counter. 
“I ain’t here to cause you any trouble. Was wondering if you had some vials.” Slowly, he places some caps on the counter. He still has four vials, but having more never hurts.
“I done told you,” the lady cocks her gun, pointing it at his head but he’s unfazed, “get lost ghoul.”
“Now Janet, is that any way we talk to customers?” The additional voice causes Cooper to freeze in his spot, his blood turning to ice. That voice, it sounds familiar. A woman moves from behind him to next to him, leaning against the counter. You’ve got to be kidding me. If his heart hasn’t beaten since everything went to shit, it sure is now. 
“We have strict rules, just because you’re special doesn't mean you can tell me what to do.”
Watching from the corner of his eyes, he rakes your body up and down as you sigh. You don’t look a day over the last time he saw you and you still have that radiant aura about you. He surely has to be hallucinating. 
“It’s your store, but wouldn’t you like more money? He’s obviously not feral, just help him out. For me?” Cooper watches as you bat your eyelashes with a smile while the older lady grumbles ‘fine’ and reaches into a bag, shoving vials onto the counter. 
“You owe me big time missy.” With a smile, you take a hold of the vials, nodding your head in appreciation.
“Of course Janet. Just let me know when you want to cash in that favor.” Grumbling again, Janet scowls at Cooper before slamming the window shut and turning off the light. “Here you are. Don’t normally see new folks around this area.” Cooper tilts his head lower, allowing the cowboy hat to cover his eyes as he takes the vials from your hands, your soft looking hands. Oh how he misses those hands. Without a word, Cooper shoves them into his coat pocket and turns around, wanting to get the hell out of there before you try and make more conversation. There’s no way it’s her. She’s been dead, long dead, he thinks to himself, footsteps making a quick pace but you catch up to him, stopping right in front of him with a hand to his chest, causing him to growl. “I understand you probably want to carry on for the night, but why don’t you rest for the night? I have a couch in my living room and some fresh water. I don’t know if ghouls drink water, but I have some.”
He halts for a minute, his hat still covering his eyes and he sincerely hopes that your hand can’t feel his heart beating through his chest. She’s still too pure for this world. “Ain’t you scared imma eat ya?” 
“Pfft no. If you do then oh well. If there’s anything I’ve learned in this world, it’s to take things as they come.” With each passing moment, he feels his resolve breaking. He’s spent years looking for you, and here you are, offering him a place to crash like the first time. Is he going to deny you this time? “Just for the night?”
Sighing, he thinks about it for a moment. He’s ugly now and burnt, there’s no way you would remember him. “If it’ll get you to shut the fuck up.” 
“Welcome to my humble abode. It’s not much, but with how shitty this planet is, I say it’s pretty nice!” Cooper takes a second to look around. It’s not like your previous apartment with sturdy colorful furniture and plants in the windowsill with Cash playing on the radio, but it’s still oddly, you. Barely noticing your disappearance, your reappearance in front of him causes him to lightly jump. How the hell did he not hear you? “Sorry to startle you. I brought some blankets.” “I don’t need blankets,” he grumbles, eyes still hiding behind his tipped hat, one that you wore from time to time when you would roleplay with him. From behind the rim, he watches as you shrug your shoulders, setting the blankets down on the couch before clapping your hands.
“Don’t blame ya. It’s hot as hell out there. Can I get you any food? Water?”  His eyes follow your frame as you pull out a chair from underneath the table, gesturing for him to sit while you grab food from the cupboard, fixing him what seems to be a PB&J? 
“Why are you being nice? Nice people get killed up here.”
“Believe me, I can handle myself. I’ve killed. It’s hard not to up here.” You set the plate down in front of him, taking the seat to his right. Picking up the sandwich, he inspects the bread, hesitantly taking a sniff before taking a bite, moaning softly as the creamy texture of peanut butter balances out with the fruity jelly. Did PB&J ever taste this good?
“Where the hell did you even get this stuff?” You shift in the seat next to him, crossing your arms while he munches on the sandwich. Fuck, he misses actual food. “Stole it from a vault.”
“A vault?” It’s abrupt. She’s been in a vault this whole damn time? 
He can tell that he struck a sore spot, but now he’s too intrigued. Seeming to notice that he won’t drop the subject, you let out a sigh, cracking your knuckles. “Yep. I was there when the bombs dropped. Went to my dad’s house to check on him but he dragged me with him to a vault and put me in a cryogenic pod. Woke up two years ago, found out some fucked up things, left with a shit load of food and weapons, never looking back. I mean… the stuff down in the vault… FUCKED up.” 
Cooper leans forward, swallowing the rest of his PB&J. “Go on.”
“Well, different vaults have different experiments. Mine was an interconnected vault but something always seemed off. Now I get being nice to your neighbors or whatever, but there is no reason the people in that vault were that nice. It’s like they were overly optimistic. So weird.”
Cooper huffs out a laugh, memories of you always supporting him no matter what flooding through his brain. “You were always optimistic.” The words slip out of his mouth causing the both of you to freeze. Internally cringing, Cooper wishes that he was strapped to the tip of a nuclear bomb and exploded, 20 times over.
“I’m sorry, have we met before?” He can feel your eyes raking over him, trying to make a connection and he wonders if you have yet or not.
“Not until today.” Shoving the plate aside, he quickly gets up and makes a move toward the door but he has to give credit where credit is due. You’re fast and standing in his way, gun cocked and aiming at his head.
“Not so fast cowboy, who the fuck are you and how do you know me?” He avoids making your gaze but you’re unrelenting. 
“I ain’t no one, you’d be wise to let me leave.” He tries to move past you again, but you block his path, using your gun to knock off his hat, revealing all of him to you, his hazel eyes meeting yours, causing you to gasp. Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck. She knows. “I can explain.”
The gun decocks with a soft click and drops to the floor, a pair of arms flinging themselves around his shoulders, dragging him into a soft body. She’s even softer than I remember. It takes everything in Cooper to not sink in your grasp. It takes everything in him to not take you in his arms and make up for lost time. 
“I thought you were dead.”
“I thought you were too. You still making it a habit of inviting strangers into your house?” His arms hang by his side, not daring to return the hug, afraid of what would happen if he did. Seeming to take the hint, you let go of him and he doesn’t miss the hurt in your eyes and he wishes he can take it away, but it’s better this way. You don’t want to mess with him. He’s a monster. It’s all he’ll ever be. The Cooper Howard that you know is long gone like the world that you both knew. You deserve someone who doesn’t eat ass jerky. You deserve someone who isn’t addicted to drugs. You deserve someone who doesn’t have one foot constantly in the grave. You deserve someone who is handsome, not ugly.
“Only handsome cowpokes like yourself,” he would smile at your jest, but now he’s insecure. 200 years of living on his own forges him to be as tough as steel, removing any feelings he may have had, but one hour in your presence? It has the old him rearing his head, but a thought creeps in his mind, and he runs with it. Surely you’re mocking him.
Sneering, he takes a step toward you, opening his posture to make him appear larger. “You can’t really mean that. You think it’s funny making fun of me?”
“Calling me handsome? I ain’t handsome.” He can tell that you can see right through him and his bravado. He knows that you can see his feelings behind his mask. 
He hesitates as you take a step toward him, hands reaching up to take his face between your palms while his breathing hitches. He hasn’t had tender affection in a while. “Cooper, it’s clear that time hasn’t been kind to you, but if you think that I really care about looks then you’re not as smart as I remember you. When have I ever cared about your appearance?”
“You digged my hair if I can recall.” He tries to play it off, but fails and you know it, so you call his bluff.
“If your skin is this rigid now, I can imagine how the rest of you must be.” He blushes, hard. “I’ve missed you.” He moans softly as you place a lingering kiss against his lips, his arousal growing rapidly in his pants. The kiss ends too soon and you’re pulling away, eyes blown wide as he gets a good look at you. 
“I’ve missed you too. More than you could know. What say we use that couch for reasons other than sleeping?”
“Sounds mighty fine.”
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songsofadelaide · 5 months
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"Lives have grown roots around each other. We both know the truth is, we don't really care to find any room to doubt each other. We're tied by the roots of whatever we share."
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Zoology major!Laios x crim student!reader who were introduced to each other by your mutual friend, physics major!Marcille, whom you took general education subjects with. You and Laios couldn't be any more different from each other, but you unexpectedly clicked after going on one coffee date together. He is a pretty lively character who is chronically online, and his Instagram is filled with his fascinations— reptiles and amphibians. He mentioned that he wanted to go for a herpetology masters degree when he graduates.
Laios was equally interested in your aspiration to become a lawyer, and eventually a judge. You told him that your pursuit of justice stems from a deep-seated desire to see something happen— and you joked that it was a long story for another coffee date— which he quickly agrees to. (When asked about your date, he told Marcille that you were cute. You said the same thing. Marcille felt like an accomplished matchmaker. She asks you guys to tell her more about your next date, too.)
Your different majors meant different class schedules, so you two try your best to meet up whenever you can, especially when you both have your vacant hours. You follow each other on Instagram now, and he posted a photo of your coffees and sandwiches and his mysterious, faceless date with the caption "🦎💗🦎", to which his many friends and followers blasted likes and comments on.
"Oh, Marcille just texted me. She said this is a... soft launch? Does she mean soft lunch? Sandwiches are soft and light, after all."
You laughed. And Laios swore the sound was sweeter than his coffee.
Your friends and blockmates are both baffled and amused by the handsome zoology major frequently showing up outside the Faculty of Law building on campus with your favourite snack and drink onhand. Likewise, Laios's blockmates are puzzled by your presence in the College of Science building, usually just to drop off some energy boosters for him. (You bring him orange eggs and fish balls every once in a while since you both like them, but you always remind him to eat well and eat full meals.)
Laios made your supposedly grueling days in uni much more fun than you anticipated. Criminology wasn't for the weak-hearted and you had your challenging days, too. But Laios was so full of life and his carefree smile was something you wanted to protect, along with the rest of society. On your second anniversary, he gifted you a very detailed bearded dragon plush. While his major required him to be on the field most of the time, he always made sure to call or message to update you on his whereabouts and what he and his blockmates have been doing. Most of the time, you don't hear him say how much he misses you when you fall asleep while on video call.
You did not choose to call it quits when the time for majors came. Laios wasn't one to give up on something he adores— he loves— so why would you? His pursuit of knowledge for his favourite cold-blooded creatures brought him to James Cook University in Queensland, Australia, while you continued your pursuit of justice as a law student in one of the finest schools in your very hometown.
Laios returns home to you after three years in the Australian outback and marshland— taller, tanned, stubbly and still so lively. He was still the same dreamer you met so many years ago, and you're suddenly filled with dread that you might be holding him back from a life that suited him more. When he noticed how withdrawn you became, he was suddenly filled with dread that he might be too much of a distraction to you as you continued law school. Marcille wasn't having any of that, though, and carefully orchestrated a way for the two of you to bring your concerns to the table, just like how she orchestrated your first meeting.
"I love you," he said, but it's not his words that pull at your heart, but the way his eyes lit up when he gazed at you. He held you in his arms as you cried.
"I know. You still look at me like I'm made of starlight even though my glow has been dulled by so much cynicism."
Laios slept a little bit too deep that night, obviously relieved to still have you in his life. You always did like how honest he was. It was the very thing your profession required but not everyone in the field had it in them. You lay on his chest and breathed a sigh of relief yourself. You may as well be talking to the moon, but you needed to let him know how strongly you felt for him too.
"You are every good in this unforgiving world, and I know it will never forgive me for holding you too close to my heart. This world needs a spirit like yours— warm, curious, forgiving— to heal itself from its curse of indifference and unkindness."
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"—come acclaimed and internet famous herpetologist— a reptile lover, people! In case you don't know what that is— wildlife educator and conservationalist Laios Touden! We're glad to have you with us today!—"
"—sure is all mine! Glad to be he—"
"Oh, turn that thing up, Falin!" You excitedly stepped out of your bedroom and found your sister-in-law Falin humming to herself as she helped herself to a glass of juice in your kitchen. She reached for your TV remote and turned up the volume.
"That interview's today, huh? Are you going to watch all of it? You have a trial to attend to, right?" She asked you with a small smile on her face.
"Just seeing his handsome face already cheers me up so much," you replied to her with a dreamy sigh. "But anyway, you're right! I should head court now. That's what he'd want me to do."
"I'll look for links to the interview online if you want."
"Thank you, Falin!"
The young woman left at home in her brother's house turned her full attention to the interview this time, an amused smile on her face as she watched and listened to his television interview.
"—you know, my wife is a Supreme Court Justice, one of the youngest ones, too! And I'm really proud of her for that. On her first day on the job, she reopened a cold case relating to the deaths of several environmentalists from 200X. It was such an old case, but it was important to her, and to me, to an extent. Her family was par—"
"—nly able to do my job, happily at that, is because of her will to protect environmentalists and put those responsible in jail—"
"My, he sounds so eloquent. I suppose a certain judge helped him with that," Falin laughed to herself. "I should call Marcille and tell her about this interview, too."
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fsfghgee · 1 month
Warning: Long dive. Bi-Han and Sektor's relationship part 2 (+ Bi-Han's redemption)
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Honestly, I think people who are expecting to see Bi-Han flirting with Sektor in the expansion will be disappointed, 'cause Bi-Han isn't like Johnny Cage or Kung Lao. He really is not that kind of guy…
And he's damn far from it. Even if Bi-Han and Sektor do have a romantic relationship, I'd bet anything that in the intros they'll just be praising each other, reaffirming vows of loyalty, talking about the clan's defectors, making more plans together, giving each other advice, and hopefully talking about their parents. And that's it.
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'praising her is something he does often"
I don't know about our new Sektor, but Bi-Han is not the type who flirts and the way he doesn't like to follow traditions, does everything together with Sektor and treats his female subordinates as if they were any other subordinate (I think everyone saw how he got a face-to-face with Cyrax… And if Frost really is already part of the Lin Kuei, I doubt she's getting any special treatment either…), I'd say he takes gender equality really seriously and chivalry in Bi-Han's language is letting her shoot first.
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And most importantly…
He takes his position very seriously. The fights between Bi-Han and Sektor will be just sparring, but I doubt he would treat even that lightly. If he is romantic, which I personally doubt (I wouldn't put my hand in the fire for that), we will never know because even his perception of romance is independent. I believe that his romanticism comes down to heroic acts, like probably giving his life for Sektor's…
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I mean, the person who built the armor was Sektor, so the woman who is fighting alongside Bi-Han in OutWorld can only be Sektor. And to me, it looks like they were about to take her instead of Bi-Han (and remembering that their target was Geras who they also take with them).
.... Or stroking her ego (which is almost as big as his), promising heaven and earth, giving her expensive gifts, maybe calling her his queen when they're alone, being a bit too touchy-feely when he's needy…
I imagine that as a self-centered mama's boy (I love him, but that's just who he is), he must prefer people to give him attention instead of giving attention, I can even imagine him enjoying a cuddle with a gentle petting, honestly.
And the way Sektor seemed surprised by Bi-Han's reaction to Cyrax... I believe she's not used to seeing him angry around her, I doubt she hears anything from him other than compliments.
After all, Bi-Han was the one who sensed that she was his kindred spirit…
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What are kindred spirits?"Kindred spirits are like-minded and like-souled people with whom an instant connection of love and understanding is mutually experienced," clinical psychologist Carla Marie Manly, Ph.D., tells mbg. "The connection is inimitable and often defies verbal description."
People who share common interests, values, or worldviews might be described as kindred spirits. "In more spiritual words, we could say that they resonate at the same frequency, and there is matching energy between them," Katherine Bihlmeier, a relationship coach specializing in energy work, tells mbg.
And it's Sektor who rescues Bi-Han in the story mode, not Scorpion, her lines don't appear like all the dlc, but she's clearly the one rescuing him. She joins KuaiSc's mission to rescue Geras just to rescue Bi-Han.
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You can hear that she's the one who recognizes him first and sounds really worried about him…
In fact, in the first trailer for the story mode expansion, you can see Sektor fighting alongside Bi-Han already turned into Noob Saibot but with his mind under his own control again.
He's fighting the khaos versions of Cyrax and Sektor...
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We can see Bi-Han fighting alongside Liu Kang too, fighting SubZeroChaos, TakedaChaos like in the datamined script…
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And again, although I'm still a little bit confused about their fate…
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Will Sektor really sit back and accept the Lin Kuei being punished by Liu Kang and leaving Bi-Han locked up in the temple? Honestly, I highly doubt it.
I have no problem with the nature of their relationship, whatever it is. I'm a Lin Kuei fan, so Sektor getting some love kinda warms my heart since it never happened before...
And I think if it's well written it could be really interesting and make Bi-Han's character more multidimensional. Since he literally has no one else besides Sektor to lean on... Cyrax will desert them.
Hopefully, Noob Saibot ending will show us what will become of Bi-Han Sub-Zero in mk1.
edit: With the revealed Sektor trailer, we saw that Bi-Han ended up in Havik's hands when he jumped after him trying to strike him and accidentally ended up entering the portal that Havik had opened.
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vilz · 9 months
hello obviously there isn't anything i can really do to control this (unfortunately i deleted a bunch of posts BEFORE turning off reblogs on them) but i would prefer that people did not circulate my posts from this blog any more... i appreciate that people are kind to me about my art, but that is just my request i suppose. this blog is unprivated now, and if you'd like to see what is still up you can look at them here. my ask box is also open but i will not be making any art posts here from now on. here is a little preemptive faq:
why did you leave?
i didn't feel comfortable or happy posting on this blog any more!
do you still make art? do you post it somewhere else?
yes. but i've been pulling away from posting very much online, and the things i'm interested in drawing nowadays are generally more private, so i won't be directing anyone there or anything. i don't consider my new blog to be a continuation of this one.
i know your new blog!
that isn't really that surprising since i didn't honestly put great effort into concealing it or anything. we are probably not friends, so i hold no sway over you, but i would still prefer you did not share it or treat me as if i am still "vilz who posts fnaf art". i'm just a whatever blogger who blogs about whatever things. also to be frank i do not think my new blog has anything that interesting for people who followed for the kind of art i used to post here. this is not an invitation to say "it is interesting!".
we are friends!
if we have not been in direct, mutual conversations i highly doubt that. i'm sorry if that hurts anyone's feelings.
why did you delete all your self ship art?
people seem to enjoy my self ship art a lot, which is very flattering, but i don't want people to be looking at them any more. i realize that they are still rebloggable and are still circulating around, which is nobody's fault but my own, but i would prefer they were not shared any more. i can't really do anything about it and i also don't blame anyone for reblogging those posts since it's obviously not something they would know, but yeah.
i saw your art on pinterest!
i did not and do not consent to my works being put on pinterest. the art from "vilz" has not been uploaded by me to any other website besides tumblr. if someone is posting my art from here on a different platform, they are doing so without permission.
i saw you on magma!
i still join magma boards sometimes lol. it's a fun site.
what about your ocs?
they are still my ocs. sometimes i still draw them. currently, i do not have any plans of posting my oc art online ever again. i would prefer that people did not reblog the oc art i have posted to this blog.
what about your fics?
all of my fics are still up on ao3 anonymously. they are: small mercies obscura floriography baying of lambs scrape bitch, bastard, bullshit almost human a dream, recurring countdown i'm very flattered and happy that people have left kind comments on these. thank you very much for reading the words of an amateur and for sharing an experience with me.
are you going to finish your uncompleted fics?
i would really like to say yes, because i care a great deal about aspects of them, but it's looking pretty unlikely. i lost all my files (and my calmlywriter key !!! always save your emails and receipts, everyone!!!) and also it's hard to feel motivated about them now. i guess i will leave this up in the air just to soothe my own feelings but in reality the answer is Probably Not.
are you going to post new fics?
i might, because i've been in a writing mood lately, but please don't expect anything. if i do, they will be anonymous on ao3. i will not post about them here or on any other blog.
i really liked your posts and blog!
thank you. i'm glad that people could feel that way about the things i made and thought about stuff i care about. irregardless, i would prefer that people did not share my old posts from this blog.
i will do it anyway.
i cannot stop you, so there isn't really any point in pleading. i just thought i'd make a little info post for people who are inquiring. after this, there won't be any "posts" from me. if there are relevant questions or messages i might reply to them or just update this post.
thank you for reading and for enjoying my blog. goodbye !!!
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themotherofhorses · 5 months
Hi guys, it's Vic! Also known as:
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Round TWO at addressing the extreme racism in the CoD fandom!
So it’s both odd and funny that my Indigenous fem!OC has pissed off so many random people, especially with the fact that I created her to ship with Ghost.
(A fictional character that has NO canon love interest, FYI. Sorry to bust y'all's little bubble. Well, there's Mara and Urban Tracker....)
Anyways, I really don't care if this post sounds bitchy in nature. I really don't, not anymore. Some of y'all need a damn wakeup call. Several months ago, in December of 2023, I made a post (here) regarding the sudden influx of hate I began receiving following the posting of my OC, SilentDove Reyes. For around two weeks after that post, the hate died down, and I felt motivated to create more content involving Dove and Ghost.
Until the hate picked up again with every little thing I posted that related to my OC x Ghost.
However....this new hate incorporated the MMIW. A bold ass move, in my opinion.
If you are not aware, the MMIW stands for "Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women." Alternate spellings include the MMIWG & MMIWGTS (Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women, Girls, and Two-Spirits). As of 2023, statistics indicate that Indigenous women face a 10x murder rate than any other race/ethnicity. I have made a previous post regarding the issue, seen here. The unfortunate truth is that young Indigenous girls are more likely to be SA'd and murdered than to attend college. Let that sink in for a moment.
Now, I am an Indigenous woman. That is no surprise there; I fashioned my OC to provide myself (and, by extension, others) with Native representation in a franchise I greatly enjoy. What IS surprising, however, is that me doing so has pissed off so many people. I'm very certain some of y'all must descend from Andrew Jackson, or John Wayne cause, christ on a bike driven by a pike.
Here is a screenshot of a hate anon I recently received:
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Listen, I don't care who you ship Ghost with. I really don't. I've blocked numerous shipping tags, remained mindful of the content I'm interacting with, and surrounded myself with fellow mutuals who also have personal OCs. It is really that easy.
What I do care about is the fact that some of you CANNOT separate fanon headcanons from canon material.
Exhibit A:
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So let’s clear some stuff up!
Soap x Ghost is NOT canon.
Ghost being queer is NOT canon.
And, most definitely, Ghost being a woman abuser who would harm/abuse/murder a woman (either physically, emotionally, psychologically) is NOT canon.
What IS canon is his and Soap's strong bond. In my eyes, that is a brotherly bond, reminding me of a big brother/little brother relationship; in my fanfiction, Soap is Ghost's children's uncle. In fact, his son (second-born child) is named after him.
You are, of course, free to view them as romantic; what you are not free to do is attack OC creators/non-shippers for not perceiving them like that.
That is just fucking weird and delusional behavior. Knock it off. You're giving your fellow normal shippers a bad name.
ALSO! Let’s clear things up!
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1. I’m not straight — I’m bisexual and demisexual.
2. I’m only half white (Spanish, with Mexican heritage). I’m QUITE LITERALLY an enrolled Native, so I guess the best way to describe me is “biracial.”
3. It’s y’all ruining the canon gay representation by shipping Laswell—a GAY woman—with Price, despite the fact that she canonically has a wife.
4. My OC does not have a “dumb fucking name.” Her name is an Indigenous name with a specific backstory to it; it’ll be explored further in future fanfics once I find the motivation to return to writing.
Anyways, I highly doubt this will be the last post I create regarding this problem; apparently, a nice chunk of the fandom has this intense animosity towards fem!OCs, fem!Y/Ns, and BIPOC!OC creators. Alright. With that being said, I invite anyone who has similar experiences to share yours, either in the reblogs or in separate posts.
As sometimes we say during pow wows:
“The floor is all yours.”
Thank you!
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arolock · 6 months
Is Prime's arc really over?
I mean, he's dead alright, no doubt in that, and tbh I sort of hope that he will not be brought back to life. But. BUT.
This is a long ass rant. If you open it, it's on you.
Even in the last confrontation between Prime and C-137 we didn't really get any solid confirmations of Prime and C-137 origin story. We know they've met, we know Prime showed C-137 "infinity" (in his own words) and killed C-137's family, which resulted into C-137 trying to hunt him down, but except those facts confirmed and explained in s6ep1, s7ep3, s7ep5, nothing else was. Not the real meaning of their conversation in the garage, not even the fact of this garage meet-up being the first time they've met, and also not the meaning of Prime's words that he misses it when there were only two of them.
Both Mortys seem to buy everything Evil Morty extracted from C-137's memories (Evil Morty is confident in his tech and Prime Morty is just like that lol), but can we really trust that those memories are intact? What if, just like with Federation, Rick kept main points of events, but changed the details or timeline, that can potentially flip the meaning or change the tone of said events?
The most confusing part in relation to the timeline for me is Prime's slips during his rants: "I do miss when it was just us. The only two Rick's who actually invented portal travel", especially combined with "I showed you infinity".
It makes sense in two possible situations: if Prime showed C-137 the portal tech ("showed you infinity"), offered it, was rejected, left, killed his family and then was actively fucking with C-137 during the first hunt (which can explain the "miss when it was just us" line) OR if Prime showed him the portal tech, C-137, being inspired, also invented the portal travel, and then he and Prime were on friendly terms for some time after that, travelling together or each on their own with random meet-ups, until Prime offered him something else, which C-137 declined. Then everything else followed.
And honestly? IMO, first option doesn't line up. We never saw clones or decoys of Prime during C-137's first hunt in the crybaby backstory, no mocking images of Diane, nothing that could possibly indicate that Prime was actively playing with him. We also see other Ricks owning portal technology during young C-137's run, so there already weren't "just two of us", only in the very beginning maybe. Prime obviously watched C-137 to keep track on him and his whereabouts and shenanigans, but we don't see him making any moves himself, interacting with C-137 in any way. So what's there to miss at all?
Let's look at the second option. What's really interesting about it is how Prime's words "I showed you infinity" can be interpreted in two ways that are not mutually exclusive - as in showing interdimensional travel or showing something entirely else, possibly even bigger. Like something that was supposed to create "Infinite Rick, a GOD", which was mentioned in the 'falce' memory in 03x01 together with another interesting line: "Once we give you this technology, you become the smartest man in the universe". Since we know that Rick uses his own memories to fool people, it's entirely possible that these lines are real, they sound real, like something Prime could say. But.
But how simply owning a technology makes you the smartest man in the universe? The answer is - it doesn't. You just own it. You don't become smarter because you get your hands on a sci-fi tech, unless it alters your own mind/brain to make you smarter, and portal travel doesn't work like that.
This is just a theory based on the altered memory of Rick C-137, but what if Rick Prime wasn't just giving out portal tech, but was actively doing almost the same thing Evil Morty have done - absorbing every possible knowledge of every Rick he encountered, maybe connecting them in some kind of a web instead of killing them, so he could cover his presence not using a Morty, but creating virtual clones of himself everywhere in all those Ricks? Maybe that's what he was tempting C-137 with - infinite knowledge of infinite Rick. Unite every single one of them, make them bigger than the universe, make them THE GOD in every sense possible.
Only that it can cost you everything. Cost you your humanity. Change you ultimately, make you so much above any other being, that it will eventually sound lonely. So Rick C-137 declined.
It's just a random ass theory. But how does it sound?
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bistaxx · 11 months
Anyway, Jinx random wartime q!hgduo spitball ramblings/ headcanons/ off-the-cuff analysis ig cuz I like thinking about them ^_^
I think they didn't meet at the start of the games but maybe a few months to a year or two in- I'd say either when Cellbit is about 15 or close to being 15.
By that time both Bad and the currently nameless teenager both had some sort of reputation as dangerous, ruthless, and maybe even downright cruel killers on the battlefield. One way or another they ended up becoming partners much to the horror of everyone else.
For Cellbit he'd recognize that sticking by Bad increased his chances of survival by a LOT and this dude doesn't even get mad when he takes bites out of him which is great.
For Bad I feel like he could've gone through the games alone with not much trouble but staying solo gets stale and lonely after while- he'd have teamed up with other players in the past but they all either died or left him eventually- he thinks it's gonna be no different with Cellbit but is pleasantly surprised when he's proven wrong.
And boy was that a good thing, because Bad has a bad habit of getting attached! He fed this stray cat a few times and now it's following after him and Bad doesn't have the heart to shoo the poor beast away!
Although Bad has much more experience and is vastly older he respects how much fighting skill his teenage partner has- he can hold his own on the battlefield- which is why he doesn't view him as his 'child' or a dependent but somewhere in-between an equal and a protege. Cellbit deferred to his leadership during fights, but theirs still a mutual respect between them.
Later on their bond would end up in a sort of vague area in the middle of a triangle between mentor & protege, equals, and something dangerously close to familial.
I find it hard to doubt that there were times when Bad would be shockingly reminded that his partner is in fact still a child... and perhaps times where Cellbit would find himself relying on Bad the ways a child would their parent or older sibling... Maybe at some point letting his funny little friend eat his flesh or spending resources healing him became less about keeping him healthy for the next battle and more about keeping him alive just a little bit longer- Maybe sticking by this powerful ally became less about pragmatism and more about companionship.
That said, as far as Cellbit's concerned he never had a family, as far as Bad's concerned his children are Dapper and Pomme... Cellbit's all grown-up now and so much time has passed that they see one another as something more akin to just 'old friends' who know what the other is capable of and thus know better then to underestimate each other... but I feel as they spend more time with each other again the echoes of the dynamic they once had become more tangible- especially given the major toll of the eggs being missing. Cellbit knows he can turn to Bad if he needs him and Bad will look out for Cellbit when he can even as he is (quite ltierally) falling apart.
Maybe sometimes even now he still can't help but see that nameless kid when he looks at Cellbit.
I honestly don't think Bad regrets the way he guided Cellbit during the war- nor do I believe that Cellbit harbors any resentment over Bad's influence in his life- even if it's left him with the same sort of fucked morals his former guardian has, his terrible self-sacrificial tendencies, and who knows what else. The reality of their situation during the games could never allow for softer forms of kindness- there was no time for them to be a 'family' and no time to think about what happens 'next' after this is all over. Bad couldn't teach Cellbit how to live, but he could teach him how to survive.
I haven't really settled on what I think happened at the end of the 'war' when they part ways... but sometimes I do think about how in the actual video Cellbit dies at the very end and man that can be interpreted in a lot of interesting ways- like obviously in qsmp canon Cellbit survives the war but it's still fun to take that into consideration!
Anyway, you know those images of predator animals with blood covered on their faces after eating a tasty meal- yeah that's them during the hunger games to me LOL
... Also does anyone else find it really funny that Foolish's adopted son and Badboyhalo's protege ended up getting married like- something about that is just really funny to me... Also I'm surprised no one has done anything about how the dude taken in by a totem of undying found love with the guy who was guided by a grim reaper like- I feel like there's some cool potential there!
Ty for reading all of that- or skimming it that's cool too! I just wanna say despite liking q!Bad and q!Cellbit a lot I do NOT consider myself to be super knowledgeable about them as characters, I just have a major soft spot for dynamics like theirs and wanted to ramble LOL so um yeah:
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starastrologyy · 2 years
Astrology Observations 💠
(Crazy to think that I started this blog in May/June and I’m almost at 2k followers! Thank you all!)
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Please don’t plagiarize anything that I write🤍
Venus square Neptune in a natal chart has always been very interesting to me. Most people would describe it as someone who had the propensity to become delusional in love, or romantically deceptive. However, I’ve found that these people often give other people the benefit of the doubt, to their own detriment. Individuals with this placement, often want to see the best in people (both romantically and platonically), and thus they frequently find themselves drawn to people who need help in some way. There could be a person who is widely known as “bad news”, but an individual with Venus square Neptune in their charts is likely to still give them a chance, or go against their better judgement. This aspect gives people a tremendous amount of compassion, but it can also put someone in really unfavorable associations.
If you have Venus square Neptune in synastry with someone (2 degrees or less), you may find yourself drinking, smoking, or ‘partying’ a lot with this person. Neptune represents illusions, escapism, and it is often linked to addictions/mind altering substances. Alternatively, you may find that this is the setting in which you two met! At a party, or whilst you were doing something that can be described as “Neptunian”. It can also be that you met near water! At the beach, by a lake etc… I’ve actually seen this happen on very many occasions.
If you have the ruler of your 7th house placed in your 11th, you are likely to meet long-term partners through friends, social media, or anything that involves philanthropy/humanitarianism. Your long-term partner may actually be someone you were friends with for a long time, or perhaps you meet them through mutual friends. A project that involves “large groups” of people can also be how you meet your long-term partner.
I personally attract 8th house Synastry to me, like a moth to a flame. Nevertheless, I prefer it to 12th house synastry, as I’m never on the same page as the people I have 12th house synastry with. But anyway, something I just recently came to realize; is there’s a huge difference in terms of how I felt when it comes to Venus in 8th house synastry, and Mars in the 8th house synastry. When it came to having someone’s Venus in my 8th house, I genuinely felt that they were attracted to me and found me beautiful (even if there were no major aspects between their personal planets and my Ascendant). However, when someone’s Mars fell in my 8th house, I felt as if it was more of a sexual attraction and lust! I didn’t necessarily feel like they found me attractive beyond a sexual infatuation. Of course you may have a completely different experience if someone has their mars in your 8th, AND their Venus making a conjunction to your Ascendant. But I feel as if 8H Mars synastry has the propensity to feel very superficial or “icky” for lack of a better word, if it is not supported by other aspects that indicate a genuine attraction.
Venus square Mars in synastry can manifest as a “one night stand”. This aspect is actually common in the synastry between people who are having affairs. If this aspect is not supported by positive Saturn aspects, it can indicate a very steamy but very brief romance.
Uranus in the 7th house of a composite chart, can point to an “on-again-off again” relationship.
If you have the asteroid “Nessus” in the 11th house, you may find that you attract ‘friends’ who harbor deep resentments towards you. Any type of malefic in the 11th house makes maintaining and and attracting genuine friendships quite difficult.
Transit Pluto squaring, opposing, or making a conjunction to your natal Venus, can indicate a time in which you are attracting intense and transformative relationship experiences. You may consider yourself to be quite laid back and non-reactive. However, when these transits occur you may find yourself feeling things more deeply. Jealousy, possessiveness, obsession, and power struggles are all characteristic of these transits. Sometimes, you may actually attract people (especially lovers) who have disting scorpionic/plutonic characteristics. You may find yourself acting in ways that are uncharacteristic of your true nature.
Mars dominant women may find that they have a lot of male friends, or perhaps they resonate with energies that are more “masculine”.
Ceres aspects in synastry, can show how we nurture the other, and how they nurture us. If you have aspects between ceres & mercury, that can indicate a great deal of mental and intellectual nurturing between two people. If your ceres aspects another persons ascendant, you may feel the need to nurture them physically, or literally protect them. When it comes to this synastry, trines and sextiles are preferred! The hard aspects can actually indicate a lack of nurturing between two people.
Please note that I’m keeping my readings open for the next week before I close for the Christmas period and open them up again in the new year!🤍
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serene-faerie · 1 month
Doriath Dashboard Simulator (part 2)
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🌲 treehugger Following
I love you oaks I love you beech trees I love you pines I love you holly I love you forests of Doriath and all of your beautiful leaves 💚
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🌺 queen-melyanna Follow
Aman is great and the Gardens of Lórien are beautiful, no doubt
But does Aman have a regal, grey-eyed, super tall Elf king with long grey hair and a strong jawline?
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🌈 thingol-and-melian-can-rail-me Following
Thinking about moving to Doriath? Excellent!
If you've always wanted to live in a kingdom ruled by a DILF and MILF couple, then Menegroth is the place for you!
🐝 hello-my-honey Follow
Girl you do realize that Thingol and Melian are happily married to each other???
🌈 thingol-and-melian-can-rail-me Following
Well that hasn't stopped this elleth from dreaming about a threesome with them 🙈
🍄 from-the-nether-region Follow
I'm straight but even I have to admit that King Thingol is a very sexy king 🤤
🌷 blossoms-of-menegroth Mutuals
Melian is truly the luckiest woman in Arda, being married to an Elda as fine as Elu Thingol
🏹 strongestbow Following
Oh for Eru's sake, don't you all have any decency?! This is your king and queen that you're speaking about!
You need to show them your respect! Not talk about them like this!
🦔 ilovehodgehegs Follow
Me reading this post like
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#y'all are too thirsty ffs #sure thingol and melian are hot #but have some decency people #show some respect for your king and queen
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🏛️ daily-menegroth-pics Follow
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The ceiling of Menelrond
#my pics #menegroth #doriath #throne halls #arda #middle earth #beleriand
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🌳 queen-beech Mutuals
We got some new guests here in Menegroth; some of the Noldor from Aman. So far, I really like them!
Finrod is such a sweetheart, and he's really good at speaking Sindarin too! King Thingol really seems to like him (guess it helps that he's part Teleri). And his sister Artanis seems to have gotten Queen Melian's interest. Same with Lord Celeborn, not that I blame him.
Artanis has the prettiest hair I've ever seen in the world!!!
I'm so excited to get to know these guests! I sure hope we can all be friends :)
🌳 queen-beech Mutuals
Wait what do you mean they were hiding a literal slaughter of our kindred in Alqualondë???
🗡️ heavy-handed Follow
Posts that aged poorly
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🦋 a-tired-butterfly Follow
"Why are you so mad at the Noldor??? We literally saved your lives from Morgoth!!! You should just get over the Kinslaying already!!!"
Omg I know!!! It's not like the Noldor took advantage of King Thingol's hospitality and kept quiet about Alqualondë until he had to confront them about it!!! It's not as if we Sindar are ethnically related to the Teleri, which that means some of us may have had relatives killed in Alqualondë!!! It's totally not as if the Noldor had other motives for coming all the way to Middle-earth and are refusing to respect the people who've lived here longer than them!!!
I guess we Sindar are just overreacting after all :)
🌼 sunflowerdaughter Mutuals
Damn you went for the kill!
But well said, my friend! Anyone who tells us that we're overreacting has clearly lost their mind. Either that, or they're a kinslayer themselves.
🔘 celegorms-girlfriend-deactivated-6702
Oh sure, go ahead and pin the kinslaying on us. You know, it's not like the Teleri could've just avoided the bloodshed by giving us their ships. It's not as if they didn't start the fight themselves. No, the Teleri are poor innocent babies in this and we Fëanorians are the true scum of Arda and even worse than Morgoth himself :))))
I've said this once and I'll say it again: if it weren't for us, you Sindarin cowards would've already been slaving away in the mines of Angband. You should be thanking us for saving your asses instead of getting on our case about Alqualondë.
🌅 sunset-in-the-trees Mutuals
Wow, aren't you a piece of work? I'd expect nothing less from a hardcore Fëanorian supporter lmao
First of all, we Sindar were already battling Morgoth long before you even came to Middle-earth. While you were slaughtering your own kindred, we were doing a kin-avenging of Denethor, so you can shut up about that. Plus, our armies were decimated so that's why we can't even fight in battle now.
Second of all, you didn't even need to steal the damn ships. Fingolfin and his people crossed the Helcaraxë into Middle-earth so you could've just done that instead of killing Elves who were literally unarmed and unprepared. It's telling that you blame the Teleri for defending themselves when you literally ignored their protests and tried to steal the ships anyways. And then you tried to hide this from King Thingol when you know that he's friends with Olwë??? And then you wonder why he hates the Fëanorians and kicked you out of Doriath! I'd do the same if I were in his shoes!
Lastly, I think I speak for all of the Sindar when I say that I would rather be a slave in Angband than ally myself with the likes of you. If this is how you Fëanorians are gonna treat us, then we don't owe you an alliance.
Go back to kissing up to your precious Fëanorians on your own blog.
🌿 woodland-lass Follow
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🕊️ falas-birdie Follow
Annnnd they've deactivated lmao
Guess they couldn't handle your clapback
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🐿️ thesquirrelwhisperer Following
Friendly reminder that if a squirrel gives you an acorn, you must always accept it! It means that you're the squirrel's friend!
🌰 nuts-about-squirrels Follow
And if a squirrel climbs onto your shoulder, don't be scared! He's just being friendly!
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🌌 princess-tinuviel Follow
When he's dark-haired and has a rugged beard 😍
When he looks at you like you're his entire world 😍
When he's strong enough to lift you into his arms 😍
When he can pin you up against a tree like it's nothing 😍
When he calls you "Tinúviel" 😍
#my boyfriend is so hot #and so sweet as well #i love him sm #shut up tinuviel #hornyposting #do not rb
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🪈 daeron-the-bard Following
I don't understand what's so special about Lúthien's boyfriend
Sure he passed through Ered Gorgoroth and Nan Dungortheb and fought off Morgoth's forces by himself which is impressive I guess
But how did this Beren guy even manage to get Lúthien to fall in love with him???
💮 crownofniphredil Follow
I'm gonna be honest and say that it's probably his eyes
He's got the eyes of a sad baby deer and some girls just love that
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💧 es-gal-duin Follow
First Beren and Lúthien stole a Silmaril from Bauglir, then they both died, and now they've come back to life as mortals??? Lúthien has been given mortality???
This year has been wild as hell lmao
I wouldn't be surprised if King Thingol decides to adopt a mortal as his son next year
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🦌 king-elu Following
I've only had Túrin for a day and a half and if anything happens to him, I'll kill everyone in Menegroth and then myself
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🌸 menegrothsroyalfamilystan Follow
Reblog if you think King Thingol and Queen Melian are the sexiest rulers in all of Middle-earth
✴️ notice-me-feanorians Follow
Oh please!
As if the king and queen of Doriath could ever match the glory and majesty of High King Fëanáro himself! He was beautiful and strong, and no one can even hope to be as fabulous as him: not Thingol, not Finrod, not Fingolfin, and not even Fingon!
Long live the House of Fëanor!
🍂 lady-of-autumn Following
Ew get the Kinslayer off this post
🛡️ fingolfin-can-destroy-me Follow
Sorry, but this is High King Fingolfin erasure and I won't stand for it
Who else had the balls to duel Morgoth and wound him seven times???
🌸 menegrothsroyalfamilystan Follow
Has your high king ever married a sexy Maia after looking into her eyes for 200 years?
Has your high king ever carried out a kin-avenging of his long-term ally and best friend?
Has your high king fathered the most badass half-Maia daughter in all of Beleriand?
Yeah. I thought so.
Long live King Thingol and Queen Melian!
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🍁 nostalgic-doriath-povs Mutuals
POV: It's the wedding of Beren and Lúthien and you're enjoying a slice of blackberry rose tart during the feast
🦊 nivrimvixen Following
Wait what do you mean it's been 37 years since the Quest for the Silmaril???
🍃 windsofchange Follow
Posts that make you feel really old when you least expect it
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🌱 lord-0r0ph3r Following
Doriath is officially no more. Our king and queen are dead, and it's likely that the young princes are dead as well. The only consolation is that Celegorm, Caranthir, and Curufin are also dead, and young Elwing is alive and well.
To my fellow Sindar, do not lose hope.
We must look out for each other and rebuild here in the Havens of Sirion. We must endure the cruelty of Bauglir and his forces. But we will not surrender so long as we fight back. We will not give into Bauglir or the Fëanorians.
One day, we will be the harbingers of vengeance. One day, Bauglir will be sent to the Void. And one day, the Fëanorians will have to answer for their crimes.
For now, let us rest and heal. There is still much work to be done, and we will need all of our strength in the coming days.
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Link to part 1 here.
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elvenbeard · 11 months
Exposing myself here a little and sharing the current rule-set for my CP2077 Discord I'm the process of setting up below the cut! Below the cut, cause this post it's a lot of text as is.
I think I got all channels set up how I want them for starters, but there will always be room for improvement :D First and foremost I want this to become a place of encouragement and sharing and fun... I really just want it to be an extension of my fandom corner on tumblr here and have a room to chat with everyone I love in one spacereally, that's the whole point XD
Still though, I think some basic rules are good, especially if I decide to open this up to more people down the line - but also, some might find a strict ruleset (or my specific ruleset) not to their taste, hence, before sending out invites, I wanted to put this here.
If we're mutuals, or if you're following me and like what I post, original content and reblogs alike, AND if you wanna be part of this server under the prerequisite of accepting the rules below the cut... Like this post or DM me or leave a reply etc. And I might send you an invite.
(I want to open this up specifically also to people I'm not mutuals with, since I don't always follow back for a variety of reasons. But I have a good memory for user-handles and will recognize you if you interact with my posts on a regular basis!) Important: If I don't send you an invite, please don't take it personally. I might not know you or your vibe well enough yet. Especially if we're new mutuals, or if I'm not following you. But I will check out everyone I don't recognize or don't follow who reacts to this post. I want to keep the server somewhat small in general and especially to begin with, but if all goes well, I might come back to this post here somewhere later down the line and send some more invites! I love you all lots, and especially with my semi-forced hiatus recently I missed interacting with everyone. Being welcomed back so warmly repeatedly by so many people in your tags and replies and all really meant so much <3
So yeah! Server-rules below, react to this post or get in touch with me if you're interested to join based on these prerequesites, invites will go out during the weekend most likely! :D
1. Don't be a dick and use common sense. Be kind to each other. Assume ignorance over ill intentions first and foremost, and when in doubt, stay civil and ask a mod or admin for help via DM.
2. Homophobia, Transphobia, Queerphobia in general, Racism and Hatespeech towards other server members will not be tolerated. Report any talk of this sort to a mod or admin asap if you notice it.
3. This is an adult/NSFW server. You need to be at least 18 years of age to participate and can expect respective content. This is not to exclude anyone younger than 18, but for legal reasons.
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cacoetheswriting · 1 year
Hello! I hope all is well. I had a fluffy request if that’s ok? Eddie x fem!reader where reader is an art nerd that likes to draw for their campaigns. One day, they’re hanging out preparing for the campaign and maybe Eddie had a run in with Jason earlier and was feeling a little down that day so then reader just starts aggressivley complimenting him out if nowhere. I really love your work! ❤️
thank youuu for this request & for your sweet words, makes my heart happy that you like my little fics ❤️ hope i did your vision justice!
pairing: eddie munson x fem!reader word count: 2.6k content warnings: adult language, use of pet names, a little mutual pining, insecurities / self-doubt, mentions of bullying, mainly just fluff - very much unedited - pls let me know if i missed anything!
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Your friendship with Eddie was an odd one — if you could even call it that. More colleagues than friends, to be honest. Or better yet, acquaintances by association.
Freaks. Geeks. Social outcasts.
There was however, one big difference.
Your status at Hawkins High was by design. A strategic decision you put into play long before you even stepped through the building doors. Growing up in a busy house with a younger brother too loud for his own good, solitude was your best friend. Art was your escape. Often you only found time for both at school. So no, you didn’t wanna socialise or try out for the cheerleading team. You were quite content being left alone.
Being neighbours with Nancy Wheeler, and your younger brothers being practically attached at the hip, helped with staying invisible ‘cause who’s gonna bully the girl that sometimes hung out with Nancy and King Steve.
Eddie unfortunately was not as lucky. His label wasn’t his choice — not at first anyway. It followed him through the years from an age arguably too young. No kid deserved to be treated the way he was simply ‘cause of how/where he was brought up. The curly-haired boy couldn’t escape the names, the teasing, the dirty looks. He couldn’t change his fate. So eventually he stopped trying. The Freak.
And perhaps that’s why he’s never fully warmed up to you. You were a fraud, not actually understanding what it’s like to be an outcast.
But it’s not like you cared what Eddie Munson thought of you or if the metalhead liked you in any way. Hanging around him was simply a means to an end. He needed someone to immortalise his D&D campaigns and you needed continuous inspiration as well as material for your portfolio.
Most of your meet-ups were surrounded by quiet.
Thinking back, that was the first mistake since it was in that congenial silence, you noticed how he sucked his lip between his teeth whenever he was deep in thought, and how he’d scrunch his brows together if what he came up with didn’t quite make sense. He was undoubtedly pretty. The faded freckles on his face are reminiscent of a million stars. The dips in his cheeks, appearing whenever he smiled, comparable to picturesque valleys. Those big brown of his eyes were like chocolate buttons and the more time you spent together, the more you thought you caught him glancing in your direction with that cocoa gaze, but that would be insane. Right?
It was also in those moments, as you drew the monsters he described in grave detail, you got to see the Eddie he so desperately tried to hide away from the rest of the world. The real Eddie. He was ridiculously smart. Not many people in Hawkins, if any at all aside from your silly little brother with his band of friends, could come up with such intricate ideas. Funny too, making you snort a laugh one too many times with practically zero effort. And he was kind. Asking you how your day was, seeming genuinely interested in your answer.
The small talk was kept to a minimum in the hours you two spent working on the campaigns, but whenever you did have a short conversation, Eddie always made sure his attention was focused solely on you. The second mistake was letting him, because being his priority, if only in the moment, made your stomach flutter.
But today Eddie hasn't uttered a single word aside from a measly hello when you opened your front door earlier that afternoon to let him in.
Normally the silence doesn’t bother you. If anything, you welcome it as it helps you concentrate on the details of any piece you’re currently working on. There was just something about the way Eddie was sitting that made you feel uneasy. He didn’t seem present. Leaning against your dresser, legs sprawled out in front of him, gaze focused on something out the window as he fidgeted with the pencil in his hand.
At first you thought maybe he was planning the next move in his new campaign and just needed a minute, but then fifteen minutes passed and the metalhead still hadn’t moved. If you didn’t know any better, you’d doubt he was even breathing. As still as a rock.
A sudden wave of concern rushes through you and without taking a second to consider what you were doing, you grab one of the pillows from your bed and throw it in his direction.
“Shit, what the—”
“Are you okay?”
Eddie’s not sure how to answer that question, especially when he looks at you. Eyes wider than normal, accompanied by delicate worry lines that he's never really been on the receiving end of — aside from Wayne's constant frown. Eddie first thinks you're clearly faking the concern 'cause why would you actually care? But the longer his gaze remains connected with yours, the more he wants to believe your sincerity is genuine. And that's fucking scary.
“Yeah,” he says eventually. “Just a lot on my mind. Nothin' you need to worry about.”
But you don't give up as easily as he hoped you would.
“Wanna talk about it?”
His lips twitch though he never actually smiles and you are certain then something definitely happened because it's as if he really wants to offer you a glimpse of happiness, but his body is refusing.
Dropping his gaze to the pencil in his hands, Eddie sighs. “You don't have to do that.”
“Do what?” You ask, stringing your brows together.
“Pretend like you actually give a shit,” he replies with a little more disdain than intended while once again catching your eyes with his own.
You don't mean to scoff, but you do. “Look, Eddie, I know we're not like best of friends or anything,”  you begin, hopping off the bed with an elegant bounce. “But considering lately I spend more time with you than Nancy or Steve, I feel like we can at least talk about shit, no? Like when something is bothering us, we can talk about that.”
He's slightly surprised at your words. The admission that you hang out with him more than your actual friends didn't seem right to him. In his mind, you and Wheeler are inseparable. He sees you two together all the time, sharing a ride to school, having lunch at the same table. And in the evenings or at the weekends, you're always around Harrington and that other girl, Buckley. Not like Eddie seeks you wherever he goes... He's just... observant.
“Come on, sweetheart.” Eddie rolls his eyes, tone full of disbelief. “You don't gotta lie to make me feel better.”
“I'm not,” you defend and sit cross-legged at his feet, knees brushing against the soles of his dirty Converse in the process. You know you don't owe him an explanation or reasoning, but it seems Eddie won't let up about what's on his mind without one. 
“Nancy and I have drifted apart since I kinda took Steve's side in their breakup. Sure we carpool and sit at the same table in the cafeteria, and our idiotic brothers are good friends, but that's pretty much it.”
Eddie starts to feel like a jerk for assuming shit when he clearly had no clue, but you don't give him a chance to interject. 
“And yeah, I see Steve often, but it's not like we're all buddy-buddy. He likes it when I stop by the video store to literally sit on the counter and draw his stupid head of hair just so he can make other girls jealous.”
“Jesus, that's shitty.”
You shrug, a small smile circling your lips. “I don't mind. Free film rental and peaceful sketching time.”
The lighthearted tone of your voice makes the corners of Eddie's mouth curl upwards, matching the expression currently present on your face. There's a semi-second of quiet. He's no longer feeling bad 'cause you've taken those worries away with one simple look. And when you knock your knee against his shoe again, Eddie's completely relaxed.
Lost in the way the sun reflects in your eyes, the metalhead doesn't really think when he asks, “So how come you've never invited me over for movie night, huh?”
You smirk. “Horrors aren't really my thing. I actually like to enjoy what I'm watching,” you tease, “Even if the shit is free. Don't wanna see any decapitations, thank you very much.”
Eddie huffs a laugh. He pulls his legs up before sliding along the carpeted floor of your bedroom until he's about a reach away from you. Closer than he's ever been. His arms make way around his legs, ring-clad fingers hanging low, poking at your calf.
Surprisingly, you don't flinch at Eddie's sudden proximity or the delicate touch.
“Quite presumptuous of you, sweetheart.” He affirms, gaze focused on where his skin brushes against the denim of your jeans.
“So you don't only watch gruesome things?” You challenge, your own fingers hesitantly reaching towards him, stopping before you can actually graze him in any way.
Eddie's smirking. “Not the point.”
“Sounds like I'm right,” you muse, your smile growing wider. “But I'll make you a deal.”
He looks up to meet your eyes then, hiking a brow. “Oh, yeah?”
You nod. “If you tell me what you were thinking about earlier, I'll let you pick a movie we can watch together. Even something horrific.”
This was uncharted territory — (and also your third mistake). The two of you have never hung out outside of working on D&D campaigns, but since Eddie asked a mere minute ago, even if he was just teasing, you figured why the fuck not. What's the worst that could happen? Plus this seemed the only way to get him to open up.
Eddie tugs his bottom lip between his teeth as he mewls over your proposal. On the one hand, talking about feelings or problems isn't something he's necessarily into. And when it comes to spending time with you, part of the allure is congenial silence, unless he's the one fishing for information. On the other hand, his heart rate has increased tenfold at the thought of you hiding in his embrace during a particularly gross scene or before any jump scare.
In the end, the physical urge to be close to you, an unmistakable desire he's been experiencing for far longer than Eddie would care to admit out loud, wins.
“Carver just got in my head.”
The instant frown on your face, and how your fingers are suddenly reaching for his, looping together, make Eddie want to elaborate.
“Called me talentless. Usually the shit that douche and his gang of imbeciles spewer doesn't bother me 'cause I've been called many things throughout my life and whatever they come up with is more idiotic than hurtful, but I dunno, that comment just rubbed me the wrong way.”
He drops his gaze, focusing instead on your hands now perfectly intertwined. He began to rub gentle circles into your soft flesh and although this was completely odd behaviour for the two of you, it felt more than right.
“Because it's not true, Eddie.”
The metalhead's heart flips at your words and the encouraging tone behind them. Although he didn’t let it show, focusing instead on the dips between your knuckles and every single crease in your skin as he squeezed your hand just a little tighter.
“You're not talentless,” you affirm, dipping your head lower in hopes of catching his brown eyes. “If anything, you're one of the most talented people I've ever met.”
“Bullshit,” he mutters, still refusing to look up.
“Eddie, you can't let those idiots make you feel worthless. You've got more talent in your left pinky than Carver and his band of bullies have put together.” You declare, rather passionately at that. “These campaigns you come up with, do you know the imagination that takes? I-I also know you play the guitar a-and sing too. Plus those extra curricular activities of yours require a mathematical brain. That's already also more talent than I have.”
He glances up at you then. “Shut up. As if you actually think I'm more talented than you?” he disputes and jerks his head towards some of the drawings covering the walls. “No one I know could do that and I know I never told you, but my campaigns would be nothin' without your art, sweetheart.”
Although heat rushes to your face at the unexpected compliment, you don't let Eddie's kind words steer you off course. This wasn't about what he thought of you, this was about what you thought of him and, as it turns out, how badly you wanted him to know.
“My stupid brother won't shut up about how fucking cool you are,” you reveal, chewing briefly on the inside of your cheek. “He's never said anything remotely as nice about me.”
Eddie lets out an airy chuckle. He drops his hold on you, but he doesn't give you a moment to even register how you instantly miss his touch, how your hands are burning with invisible imprints of where his skin brushed yours. No, because he's pushing your legs apart with little to no effort and sliding in-between them.
“Well, I happen to think you're cooler than me.”
It's your turn to laugh while again choosing not to comment on his closeness and ignoring how it made you feel. Ignoring how your stomach fluttered as he pressed his legs to your sides, hands hovering near your face as if he debated whether he was crossing some sort of line.
“Right. Don't fuck with me, Munson.”
“Cross my heart,” the metalhead promises. “Why do you think I asked you to help me out in the first place? Why do you think I willingly spend most of my afternoons with you? Like, there's no need for us to do this together. I can come up with the campaigns on my own then share the concepts so you can draw them out.”
You swallow 'cause the thought has never crossed your mind.
Before Eddie approached you with the offer, your knowledge of Dungeons and Dragons was definitely limited, only privy to whatever your brother and his friends shared. When Eddie asked you to draw something that very first time, and every time after that, you didn't stop and think if it was really necessary for you two to sit together for hours on end, crafting and creating on opposite ends of the room. Now that he's mentioned it, you really didn't need to.
“I-I don't—”
“There's no cooler chick than you, sweetheart.” Eddie interrupts, hands now cupping your face, no longer hesitant, and you're left wondering when the topic shifted from a conversation about his talents to whatever this was shaping up to be.
“How Harrington can use you to make other girls jealous instead of realising he should just ask you out, I-I don't understand.” The sentence fades with each word until his voice is a low muffle and you're not entirely sure you heard him correctly.
But every fibre of your being is screaming, so you know he definitely said it. And the way his doe-eyes are glimmering, your own reflection prominent in the pretty brown, only cinches that feeling.
Your final mistake is not asking then and there what Eddie meant.
He stands shortly after and extends a hand to also help you up.
“Speaking of, is the King of Hawkins working right now?” Eddie asks and when you nod slowly, still recovering from the small bomb he's after dropping, he claps his hands together. “Let's go then. I'm thinking we can start with My Bloody Valentine and because you're providing the entertainment, I'll get us some snacks.”
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thank you for reading!
eddie munson masterlist | main masterlist
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diavory · 1 year
My thoughts on Obey Me! NB
A VERY deep dive so please beware of spoilers! 🩷
Get comfy because this is gonna be long 🫡
First of all, the beginning just tells you this is going to be one hell of a storyline :D also, feel free to add your teories and thoughts!
So we know is canon that this story continues from lesson 80.
Lesson 80 MC is someone who has lived a lot of moments, grown and get to love the characters in the game (especially your love interest, in general, we know we share a deep bond of mutual trust, love and care. It is something shown on many, many events, devilgrams and the main storyline!)
This is why this whole situation feels so painful.
And now they are back to square 0, in a time where they didn't exist, surrounded by familiar faces that don't remember them (minus Solomon) and now they don't have time to grieve the emotional pain of this huge change because they gotta survive.
We are back to being suspicious, unwelcomed, back to being a potential threath to 7 brothers who just became demons and are on a huge unstable situation where they can't afford to take any risks.
Is even sadder when you see MC's dialogues on some lessons, how they want to act as they used to, to greet them as they already know us when they don't.
The 7 brothers are different, same as the Angels and Diavolo with Barbatos; Lucifer's character is so interesting here because he is full of fear, regret, and yet his pride makes him take the burden of all of this on his own to protect his family, this is why him allowing us near was such an important matter and how his trust was broken so fast once we showed how much of a threath we can be (the Ring Of Light adding a HUGE amount of suspicious to the sus level ngl).
We see how the brothers even look a bit relieved to have someone, a demon, with them. Whether out of convenience to have someone that knows how things work, someone who can assist them, guide them or just of a need of a friend in a land where the other demons are being hostile towards them for being former angels. MC represents a sense of security, confort, even when it comes from an unknown person who seems to be too powerful to be a simple demon.
Regarding their sins
I find it fascinating.
They can feel how the sins that were associated to them are now becoming a heavier influence on their acts, way of thinking and personality. Which only serves as a reminder that they are no longer angels, a reality they haven't come to terms with and struggle to accept.
Probably the reason of this being the many, many, maaaaaany insecurities they have acumulated on the year following their fall. Did they do the right thing? Was there a second option? How would things look if they did ____ different? Would there be a day when they feel at home?
Talking about this, let us move to focus on Mammon for a bit.
Our first man may not be the powerful first born, or as smart as Satan. But he cares for his brothers, A LOT. Mammon has shown multiple times that even if he denies it he worries, he doesn't want his brothers to be looked down upon, he KNOWS Lucifer is struggling to keep everything under control, he knows everything is too much. We've seen in the OG game too how he worries about the people he cares, going extra miles to be able to help, even if he sometimes fails and he feels bad for it.
Our boy knows his limits on how he can't resolve everyone's problems, and yet he tries. I really loved the moment when he explains that he wants to tame Cerberus so the 7 can live a better life, not because he wants a treasure. How he can't keep letting others make them feel less, the Devildom is their home now, and he knows the only way that others would accept them is by making them respect them.
How so?
Becoming the rulers.
This lesson where they go to find Cerberus is one of my favorites without a doubt, you can see how they are a family :")
Talking about family, let's move to our newborn, Satan!
Oh Diavolo.
We know how Satan has always struggled with him being born after Lucifer. He is probably older than most of the brothers, having lived inside of Lucifer, watching the World through his eyes, becoming the anger that he was building inside.
And yet he despises the feeling of being nothing for than Lucifer's shadow. His own perception of him as an individual is fragile, becoming easily unstable and having a hard time keeping this controlled. He yerns to find himself, who he really is but he is scared too, confused, being tossed around on a new place, treated like... well, a demon, to keep him from harming someone.
Was this the best decision?
But giving how everything that was happening around them was too much... We can call preventive messsures? We know Barbatos and Diavolo can and will take actions if someone dares to be a potential danger for the Devildom, and a powerfull demon who has yet to learn how to control themselves because well, he has only existed on a physical form for a year, may have the brother on a tough position.
I really love for the lesson where he finds the little cat, he just seems at peace and is quick to ask MC to please leave so he can be alone. I really like how he took the time to understand the little creature in front of him, one of the first times we see him so calm.
Talking about controlling emotions, let's look at Asmo for a quick second.
Our brightest star, the jewel lf the heavens is now struggling to see his light. He can feel how tense the situation is, and is seen many times trying to cheer up his brothers, being a positive energy for them, always smiling to bring smiles back. He now has the power to charm, but the beautiful demon can't stand his reflection in the mirror and secretly yearns for the beautiful white wings.
Asmo grieves in very subtle ways, like focusing in what he was know for: his beauty; or decorating his room in the most beautiful way, even requesting Lucifer to add a window that wss not there to his room. Asmo has a hard time getting used to the obscure Devildom, where the night shines unlike the Celestial Realm where everything is pristine, pure, and well, celestial. That's why he fell easily for Raphael's illusion of him saying they can go back to being Angels. Seeing Simeon and Luke shaked his resolve to keep being positive for their new reality, and I am glad that we are shown all of this side of him; somehow NB makes the Obey Me characters feel more real. They are not perfect.
Which reminds me :)
Solomon. Solomon my dear what the hell are you doing.
He made a pact when Asmo had just experience a very vulnerable state, with major changes happening and without a lot of time to process what making a pact really means.
Yes, they needed a way to survive (dejavù to when MC made a pact with Asmo) but still. HE DID IT TWICE.
He summoned Barbatos too, agains his will. Forced him to obey and even Asmo got a bit uneasy after seeing the power of the pact in action. Yes, Barbatos sent Solomon far away but REALLY!?
What the hell Solomon did to piss Barbatos THIS much. I read that it may be related to the time where Solomon fought the Devildom? I kind of forgot how it goes but, I really hope we would learn more about this.
Listen, let's talk about this sorcerer a bit more. I may be a simp for him but I see the 🚩
First, he traced after us, and honestly I am grateful that MC has someone to rely on instead of being alone in this new time. He already knew the main characters so that helped a lot to cover up any first suspicious we could have raised, after all, we know that Solomon is smart, maybe way too smart.
Jokes aside on him having his honeymoon phase, I belive that MC feels at ease around him. We have the options to trust his judgement and his decisions, he already met the versions of the characters, so who else could be a better ally?
Solomon is... a complicated character to me. He is a human who has lived far too long to the poing of many times being compared to a demon, a powerfull being with many pacts, one being with Barbatos and that says a lot. Thirteen says she likes his soul, yet something changed once he left the reaper's home and didn't come back in many years, his soul doesn't shine as it did before and she doesn't know why. She sees the same shine on MC, which makes me wonder what happened, what can make a soul change?
Something that is bothering me a lot is that Solomon was asked to pick a side already and he chose humanity. He doesn't mind Diavolo's plan as long as it doesn't damage humans, and honestly; what he said about Diavolo being friendly doesn't mean he sees other races as equals is so interesting to me. What does he know? Whas has he seen?
Yet, I can't help but get an uneasy feeling of something major coming our way, Nightbringer aside. With how unstable the current situation is between the realms, we don't know what we may get ourselves into. And Solomon asking us to please, side with humanity if there ever came a moment where we need to pick a side just seems too direct, as a foreshadow for a battle yet to happen.
He asked MC if they would side with humanity.
MC who feels like the Devildom is their home, who got to love the place, their people and their rules. Who is trusted by them.
But this is a tale of another time, they are not the people MC grew to love as hard as it may feel. This is not the Celestial Realm, the Devildom they met.
Is there a loyalty to be acted upon, when the people it was made for are not there?
Is clear MC wants them to trust them, giving back the grimoire and acting agains what Solomon most likely wanted was the biggest giveaway.
Many times MC was told that them trusting so easily, being so nice with those around them was their biggest virtue and yet their biggest weakness.
Sometimes I wonder if Solomon took an interest on MC because he saw the potential of them. He saw an ally, finally a human he could rely on.
Let's head into our next contestants!
The twins.
We can see how they are constantly seen with the other, maybe as a way to process everything that went through, but; as close as they are they have secrets they can't tell to each other, they have regrets that won't leave them alone, and are being tormented by the nightmares of all the things that went wrong.
We see the difference between the way they act, Belphie being more straight forward, not trusting anyone easily and you just know his trust was severely broken, you can see the effects of seeing how giving your all for someone can go oh so wrong, his sister is now dead. He was an older brother once, now he isn't. The only person he was meant to protect is now dead, and he blames humanity.
Beel tries to be the one acting as the middle ground, trying to be the glue, to keep his family, who are his treasure and the people he wants to protect, to keep them together, to keep them close. He struggles a lot with his sin, it affects his daily life, he is aware of how many things can go wrong if he doesn't keep it in check, and we know the least thing he wants to do is end up causing unnecessary trouble, let alone hurt his brothers.
Let us move into Levi now.
He struggles with quickly adapting to new routines, he knows he may be seen as the weakest among the seven, not feeling as if he can shine as bright as them. Being content staying on the shadows where he can be himself.
Let me tell you something, they way the devs handed his lesson where we get to learn how he really feels, his insecurities, how scares he is, how he wishes he could go back to the times where everything was monotonous, simple, to the things he knew.
How he is depressed and doesn't know what to do. Everything on this lesson was so well written that you can understand him, the reason why he does the things he does. And I absolutely love the last part where Lucifer says exactly what Levi needs to hear.
Because after all his family comes first. No matter if he has to go against Diavolo, Levi ends up agreeing to the proposal, but I can't stress enough how important it is that he asked if he was okay with it, reassuring that he could say no. That he didn't need to push his emotions aside and that his opinion matters, HE MATTERS. I may have teared up a bit reading it :')
I love healthy communication.
Okay, before this becomes longer that it needs to be, let me quickly talk about Diavolo and Barbatos.
We know that the og demon King has just recently fallen into his slumber, throwing the weight of being the Devildom's ruler to his son who probably wasn't as prepared as we might think since it is hinted that it was a bit sudden.
We also get to know there are even demons opposed to him becoming the ruler. Diavolo has big plans but has a long way ahead. Thinking about him makes me go back to the OG Obey Me! Lesson where we go with him and Belphie to a theme park in the human work. But I don't wanna give spoilers on this, but I'll leave it with the fact that Diavolo struggles to see sometimes that he is doing something wrong, that maybe he can't use his authority to force someone to do things that they probably don't want to, that there are gonna be cases where he is actually, the one who is mistaken.
Barbatos is there for him, even if we know it was probably Diavolo's request (this was lighly hinted too) he is as efficient as ever, but I can't help but not trust him, don't come at me, I just feel that he knows too much and says too little.
Let us finish with the Angels: Simeon and Luke.
The first time we met Simeon back in the OG game, he already had an understanding of what Diavolo wanted, the wound of loosing his friends and seeing them fall had healed, or at least he no longer felt as if maybe he could have said something to prevent the war, to be able to make them stay.
He keeps his thoughts and ideals to himself, he is trying to recognize his past friends in their new selves, but he is still an Angel, so even if he doesn't feel completely fine with everything, he is going to enjoy being around that people he used to know.
Also, something that I'd like to mention, is that we know that Simeon was demoted for helping Lucifer and his brothers, so let's add that to the list of thing this Angel has to process, alone.
And Luke... he is very similar to the first time we see him on the OG game, making very clear how he thinks of demons and his opinions. I don't really have much to say about him, Lucifer even doesn't seem to know him that well based on what he says when you have it on your DDD's screens.
Anyway, this is all I have to say at the moment I think?
Idk this game is certainly dark.
Thanks for reading! 🩷
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osaemu · 8 months
mini-announcement, i probably won't be posting/interacting over the weekend because i have a big tournament and i'll be spending time with my team !! just a heads up in case you're wondering why i haven't replied to you or your ask yet :,) sorry about that 🤍
cw: discourse under the cut.
i didn't want to have to make this post, but lately i've been receiving a lot of anonymous asks about a certain blog and unfortunately, it's gotten to a point where i feel like i have to address it. don't take this post as being hateful in any way—this is just something i just wanted to get off my chest. this isn't a big deal, so no reblogs either, thanks.
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the bottom four asks all came within a span of five minutes, so i think it's a reasonable assumption to make that they were all sent by the same person. as for who that is, i'll get into that at the end of the post.
but first of all, i can say without a doubt that i have a personality of my own. case closed. nobody's actually said how we're similar in any way, so i'll assume these are all from no-lifes who couldn't find anything better to hate on.
second of all, my netflix banner was actually inspired by another blog, who i won't namedrop for the sake of their peace. and either way, our banners don't even look similar, nor do either of us own netflix. x x
and finally, those are actually the two most braindead asks i've ever received. are we copyrighting letters now? does anyone own the letter e?
don't compare blogs/writers—it's never ended well, and it never will.
even after getting these asks, i still didn't say anything about it because.. i don't really care. everyone's entitled to their own opinion, and what you think of me is up to you.
moving on, i think tee left tumblr sometime in between that time and now, and i was told by a mutual that i was mentioned within the post. if i'm being completely honest, i didn't read all of it because we have each other blocked anyways and it was a lot to read through.. so i skimmed over the bit about me, but didn't really see anything of interest, which is why i didn't address it.
i also had anons on at the time, and i did think it was interesting how i didn't receive a single ask about tee from then up until today, about a month later. up until a couple hours ago, i hadn't even thought about her because, again, i don't care. this is tumblr dot com, not my love life. most of the drama here is over pixels anyways, so i don't waste my day thinking about it.
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neither of these are particularly interesting, but the fact that you weirdos are still associating me with someone who i'm not even mutuals with is.. not to my liking.
idk what false accounts the second anon's talking about, because i don't go looking for drama. if you need proof, here's how many sideblogs i have... (click the image)
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as for the idea that i'm jealous of tee, i'm perfectly fine with the amount of followers i have now. i've always been open about my satisfaction with my interaction rates, and that hasn't changed.
and obviously, tee's a good writer—when have i ever said otherwise? if it was based solely off of writing, i would say that she deserves every single one of her followers, maybe even more. i don't think anybody on this app would disagree with me when i say that she's genuinely one of the best fanfic writers i've come across.
however, i won't support someone just because i like their content. i've stopped listening to many artists because i didn't like who they were as a person, and similarly, once i read the reblogs on a certain callout post, i stopped consuming tee's content as well.
there's a reason i avoided making this post in the past—because i don't really have anything to say. tee and i have never had a directly negative interaction, as i'm sure you all can see in her archival post. the reason i don't support her anymore is because i didn't particularly like how she never spoke up about her followers sending death threats to other followers. that's it.
while i have my guesses as to who sent those anons, i don't care enough to find out. and i think it's better that way. this conflict's been dragged on for long enough, and this is my way of saying that i'd like to be excluded from this narrative from now on.
tee, if someone sends you this post at some point, feel free to contact me if you'd like to clear anything up. we're both adults, and i think we can agree that nothing monumental has happened between us to cause any of this. honestly, the only people dragging this on are the weirdo anons in my inbox.
to whoever's reading this post, thank you for listening to my side of the story—it was nice to be able to get this off my chest. wish me luck at my tournament, and i'll be back after the weekend !! 🤍
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snickerzanddoodlez · 2 months
SnickerDoodlez | She / Her | 16
Nice to meet y’all! You can call me any variation of my username! I’m the director of Wordgirl: Rewired, the unofficial fan reboot! (This isn’t just a pipe-dream project- we have already released a few ten-minute episodes!) If that interests you even at all, check ‘em out! And by the way, applications are open!
My other main blogs are @my-silly-little-guys and @crown-of-roses-thsc, for OCs and my Henry Stickmin AU comic respectively! My newest main is @the-only-teruteru-fan, which…tells you all you need to know-
My main socials are Tumblr, Toyhou.se, and YouTube! I also take commissions!
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1. I try to avoid venting on this blog, so don’t worry about that! It will happen from time to time- a teenager with depression, who woulda guessed?- but I try to keep it private! If I do vent, it’s usually just through passing jokes, angsty art, a short post, or words of encouragement I wish I’d heard!
3. My rules and boundaries are few- just keep in mind that I am 16!
4. I’m a huge advocate for cringe! Create that Mary Sue! Be the next Ebony Darkness Dimentia Raven Way! I encourage it! I’ve obsessed over my fair share of Danganronpa characters- who am I to judge?
5. Do not spread hate. While I do think that everyone has a right to express their opinions or beliefs, I do not want anything to do with people who advocate for zoophilia, racism, pedophilia, etc.
6. I’m a Christian, but I don’t often post about it- my relationship with God is between Him and me! However, please don’t let this be a turn-off for you- though you’ve no doubt heard many stereotypes, I do not associate myself with Christians that are hateful or cruel…that’s not following God’s teachings.
7. l ask that current events are discussed elsewhere, as for me and many others, these blogs are places to escape reality. As well as this, please do not message me or send me asks pertaining to charities and seeking donations- though I wish those who truly need it help and support, this just isn't a place for it.
8. I am perfectly okay with people monetizing content pertaining to my creations, so long as the content itself is their own work! As well as this, I’m okay with people translating my work or making creative interpretations!
9. Please send me asks! Please! | need! Social interaction! And to talk about! My OCs! PLEASE TAG ME. IF YOU'RE DEBATING WHETHER YOU SHOULD OR SHOULDN'T, THAT MEANS YOU SHOULD. Although just a warning, I’m not always a fan of tag games! (Basically, I’d say- if you’re tagging me because you specifically thought of me, thought I’d be interested, or the post is about me in any way, please tag me! If you’re tagging me just because I’m a mutual and it isn’t something that I need to see, then I’m going to be less keen. But hey, I don’t really mind!)
10. Reach out to me for….whatever you want! Think I’m cool? Thanks! Got a question? Go for it! Wanna be friends? I’m flattered! I’m pretty open with things!
Oh, and my biggest fandoms right now are~
-Hidden Beneath! (Or the fandom I wish it had, haha!) @my-silly-little-guys
-The Henry Stickmin Collection @crown-of-roses-thsc
-Warrior Cats
-Danganronpa @the-only-teruteru-fan
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