#(from 'cat's cradle: time's crucible')
corallapis · 2 months
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@firstofficerkittycat re: rassilon and onions.
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arttitude130 · 11 months
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fucked up part about time traveling is sometimes you witness your own horrific death
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doctornolonger · 2 years
Stumbled across this smart review of Marc Platt’s classic VNA from the blog Recurring Bafflement, figured some readers here might appreciate.
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gallifreyanhotfive · 3 months
Hi!! I really really want to get into the academy era eu stuff, but I just have no idea where to start 😭😭😭 do you have any audio/novel/etc recs to start off with? Thank you so much!!
-✨️🪐 anon
Hello! So sorry I didn't see this sooner - I've been quite busy lately (busy enough I forgot to submit my Big Finish Short Trips this year...)
Anyway, for the Academy Era, the starting off point is generally Divided Loyalties. In this novel, there is a long dream sequence of the Academy Era. Since it is a dream, it might not be 100% accurate, but it's what we have.
Otherwise, most of the information we have on the Academy Era comes from the occasional reference in a bunch of different stories. Some of them have more Academy Era material than others...
We can get some pretty good insights from some DWEU material (beyond what is in the TV show). I won't list spoilers here just in case that wasn't what you were looking for (though I have other posts that do entail this information), but here's the list I can think of off the top of my head. Some of these are stories with just general young-Time-Tot era references (not necessarily at the Academy but still the itty bitty, pre-leaving Gallifrey guys), but I'll include them anyway. And some of these references are quick, so be prepared.
Novel: Divided Loyalties
Novel: Tomb of Valdemar
Novel: Deadly Reunion
Novel: Lungbarrow
Novel: The Death of Art
Novel: The Dark Path
Audio: Time in Office
Audio: Darkness and Light
Novel: The Time Lord Letters
Short story: The Nameless City
Audio: Planet of the Rani
Audio: Master
Comic: The Glorious Dead
Comic: Weapons of Past Destruction
Comic: Space in Dimension Relative in Time)
Short story: The Three Paths
Audio/Novel: Mission to Magnus
Novel: The Eight Doctors
Audio/Novel: Cold Fusion
Audio: The Eleven
Audio: Blood of the Time Lords
Audio: The Widow's Assassin
Audio: Crossed Lines
Short story: Celestial Intervention - A Gallifreyan Noir
Short story: The Legacy of Gallifrey
Novel: Timewyrm: Exodus
Novel: Goth Opera
Audio: The Toy
Short story: Birth of a Renegade
Short story: Rebel Rebel
Audio: Neverland
Audio: The Next Life
Novel: Island of Death
Novel: Unnatural History
Novel: Christmas on a Rational Planet
Audio: Disassembled
Comic: Flashback
Audio: Together in Eclectic Dreams
Audio: The Last Line
Short story: Report on Term's Work
Audio: The Wormery
Audio: Storm Warning
Novel: Cat's Cradle: Time's Crucible
Novel: The Infinity Doctors
Short story: Seven Deadly Sins
Audio: Order of the Daleks
Audio: The Apocalypse Element
Audio: Prisoners of Fate
Novel: Original Sin
Novel: The Twin Dilemma
Anyways, these are the ones that immediately pop to mind when I think of stories that have references. It's not a complete list, mind, just the ones in my head at the time of writing. They are also not in any order, just the order I thought of them.
Regardless, most of these are just references, and you may not want to read an entire novel for a single reference...If that is the case, let me know, and I can explain some more!
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nietzschey · 1 year
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Complete Works
Franz Kafka
Before the Law
An Imperial Message
Description of a Struggle
Wedding Preparations in the Country
In the Penal Colony
The Judgement
The Metamorphosis
The Village Schoolmaster
Blumfeld, an Elderly Bachelor
The Warden of the Tomb
- Continue when read
The Brothers Karamazov
Crime and Punishment
- All works
Agatha Christie
- All works
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
- All works
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The Birth of Tragedy
The Gay Science
The Genealogy of Morals
The Twilight of the Idols and the Anti-Christ: Or How to Philosophize with a Hammer
Thus Spoken Zarathustra
Beyond Good and Evil
God is Dead. God Remains Dead. And We Have Killed Him.
The World as Will and Representation
The Wisdom of Life
The Two Fundamental Problems of Ethics
Studies in Pessimism
The Myth of Sisyphus
The Stranger
The Fall
The Plague
The Rebel
The First Man
Between Hell and Reason
Introduction to Logic
Groundwork for the Metaphysics of Morals
Critique of Pure Reason
Religion Within the Bounds of Bare Reason
Dreams of a Spirit-Seer
What is Enlightenment?
Introductory Lectures on Aesthetics
Phenomenology of Spirit
Absolute Spirit
Science of Logic
Lectures on the Philosophy of History
William James
The Principles of Psychology
The Varieties of Religious Experience
Essays in Radical Empiricism
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Moral Nihilism
The Moral Fool
The Evolution of Morality
Ethics of Ambiguity
Beyond Morality
Essays in Moral Skepticism
Abolishing Morality
Morality: The Final Delusion?
Metaphysical Nihilism
The Overcoming of Metaphysics
Metaphysics and Nihilism
Existential Nihilism
Existentialism is a Humanism
Existentialism from Dostoevsky to Sartre
Being and Nothingness
Political Nihilism
An Introduction to Political Philosophy
Political Philosophy: Responding to the Challenge of Positivism and Historicism
Positive Nihilism
The Hidden Reality: Parallel Universes and the Deep Laws of the Cosmos
A Tale for the Time Being
John Dies at the End
Epistemological Nihilism
Nihilism's Epistemology, Ontology, and Its God
The Trial
Slaughterhouse Five
Waiting for Godot
Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead
Tess of the D'Urbervilles
Wide Sargasso Sea
No Longer Human
Cat’s Cradle
The Denial of Death
The Human Predicament
Every Cradle a Grave
Better Never to Have Been - The Harm of Coming into Existence
Medieval Philosophy
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The Catcher in the Rye
The Grapes of Wrath
The Picture of Dorian Gray
The Great Gatsby
The Crucible
The Bell Jar
The Yellow Wallpaper
A Clockwork Orange
A Room of One's Own
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
One Thousand and One Nights
Of Mice and Men
As I Lay Dying
For Whom the Bell Tolls
Where the Red Fern Grows
Flowers for Algernon
Lord of the Flies
Wuthering Heights
Moby Dick
Little Women
Death of a Salesman
Don Quixote
Diary of a Madman
Jane Eyre
Pride and Prejudice
I, Robot
Catch 22
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The Apocrypha
The Summa Theologica
The Divine Comedy
The Epic of Gilgamesh
City of God
The Occult
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Books to reread
The Odyssey
The Strange Case of Doctor Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
The Scarlet Letter
The Time Machine
The Invisible Man
The Secret Garden
To Kill a Mockingbird
Ten Thousand Leagues Under the Sea
Alice in Wonderland
Gulliver's Travels
Books I’ve completed
The Screwtape Letters
The Art of War
Animal Farm
Fahrenheit 451
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whovianhearts · 3 months
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The nature of Doctor Who has attracted many wild minds to desire participation in the whoniverse.
Here's a few wild story's to check out.
"Zagreus" by Alan Barnes & Garry Russell is bassicly a 4 hour Alice in Wonderland thriller parody.
"Cat's Cradle; Times Crucible" by Marc Platt sees the Doctor and Ace enjoying a quiet lunch in a café when suddenly reality breaks down and we see the horrors of prototype Tardis technology.
"The Word Lord" by Steven Hall features Nobody No-One, a Word Lord from a reality forty-five billion dimensions to the left of the Doctor's.
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Reading through Cat’s Cradle: TIme’s Crucible and there’s this bit where Ace sees a vision of the Doctor’s family memories - not a particular moment per say, closer to a kind of timeless musical diorama:
A tall woman slowly made her way across the grey plain. A grey shawl covered her head in the ancient manner. On her arm she carried a jar, a two-handled amphora decorated with figures frozen for eternity in a scampering dance. She reached the long black crack that split the plain across. Gently she inclined the jar. From its lip fell a trickle of dust.
As the endless, timeless flute melody played, she stood pouring the glinting dust into the bottomless crevasse. Just as the Mother Goddess of the Old Time legends had poured Time itself into the void of the empty Universe.
The same tune stirring different memories. The dust of Time glittering like falling mirrors, trickling like sand in an hourglass. To stop it you might more easily stand a Pythia on her head.
A tall woman slowly made her way across the grey plain. A grey shawl covered her head in the ancient manner. 
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obscuredoctorwho · 3 years
Gallifreyan Great Houses & Members (Part 1 - Oldbood Houses)
Compared to the Newbloods, Oldbloods were overly traditional and conservative to a fault, the definition of Gallifrey’s stagnancy, and were always noted for being stereotypically elderly or impassive. The Oldbloods were resistant to any form of change and were consistently at odds with the newer Houses, finding fault and suspicion with even the most traditionalist of their Newblood fellows. The physical differences between them were the fact that Oldblood’s were loomed with One Heart, not two. (from Faction Paradox: The Book of the War.)
BLUEWOOD (from Faction Paradox: The Book of the Peace - A Farewell to R.M.S)
A minor house in the era before the War in Heaven.
Plume Coteries/Bookkeepers
BLYLEDGE (from Virgin New Adventures: Cat’s Cradle: Time’s Crucible; Virgin Missing Adventures: Cold Fusion)
A Prydonian House that predated Rassilon. 
Amnoni Distuyssor Lorizhon
BRIGHTSHORE (from BBC Past Doctor Adventures: Divided Loyalties, Gallifrey Audio: Enemy Lines & Eighth Doctor Audio: The Conscript )
A Prydonian House known for it’s wealth and power rather than the intellectual achievement’s of it’s cousins. 
Livia Caralis
FORDFARDING (from Virgin New Adventures: Cat’s Cradle: Time’s Crucible & BBC Past Doctor Adventures: The Infinity Doctors)
A founding house. 
Castellan Fordfarding (Creator/Named after)
Quennesander Olyesti Pekkary
IXION (from Faction Paradox: The Book of the War & Faction Paradox: Newton’s Sleep)
An ancient ruling house. Like House Catherion, it went into a long, drawn-out decline and eventual death. The physical House itself became all but deserted by the time of the Imperator. Base for the organization known as the Order of the Weal. As the Order declined, the House fell into true abandonment. It may have been subsequently used as a site for the rearing of babels. 
Thessalia (Leader)
Yellow Dog of the Thirty-One Cuts
JADE DREAMERS (from Big Finish Audio: Zagerus)
An ancient house with one of it’s members being from the Sisterhood of Karn.
LINEACRUX (from Faction Paradox: The Book of War, Faction Paradox: Going Once, Going Twice & Faction Paradox: The Brakespeare Voyage.) 
An Oldblood house considered one of the more archetypical Houses: a producer of old, ponderous men, obsessed with the rules of non-intervention and the Protocols of the Great Houses. The House was responsible for crypto-forming the Nine Homeworlds, perhaps creating the prominent status it seems to hold during the War in Heaven. They wore yellow-gold robes. 
Lady Cortalianesquertal vel-Lineacrux aka Cortalian (first renegade of house)
LUNGBARROW (from New Virgin Adventures: Lungbarrow & BBC Eighth Doctor Adventures: Unnatural History)
A Prydonian House, with 45 Cousins. Founded as a direct response to the Curse of the Pythia, the House of Lungbarrow was one of the first Houses to be brought into existence. It gradually fell from favour in Time Lord society and eventually, 350 years after the Doctor’s Looming, Lungbarrow was deleted from the Matrix records as punishment for exceeding its Loom quota. It was later reinstated. It was located halfway up the western side of Mount Lung, from which its name derives, and overlooked the Cadonflood river.
The Doctor
The Doctor’s Father/Ulysses
Grandfather Paradox
MIRRAFLEX (from Faction Paradox: The Book of the War, Eighth Doctor Audio: The Conscript, & Faction Paradox: Of the City of the Saved...)
A small Oldblood house and the provider of most of Gallifrey’s generals and tacticians. Cousins of Mirraflex were known to be versatile and well-discipled, yet also had a reputation for ruthlessness and extreme xenophobia. Preferred using courses of action with military force and distrusted Newblood houses, especially House Xianthelipse. 
General Mirraflex (Founder)
STILLHAVEN (from BBC Past Doctor Adventures: Divided Loyalties & Big Finish Missy Audio: Lords and Masters)
A Prydonian house for which Deca member, Rallon, was from. On the final day of the Last Great Time War, the Patriarch of Stillhaven opposed Rassilon's Ultimate Sanction. He was shamed alongside the Woman when Rassilon tried to escape the Time War. The remaining members of the House had their memories wiped and were experimented on.
Patriarch of Stillhaven 
XIANTHELLIPSE (from Faction Paradox: The Book of the War, Faction Paradox: Against Nature, & Faction Paradox: The Brakespeare Voyage)
A minor House that rose to power during the War in Heaven. They experimented with the very nature of the Houses themselves to create monstrous ‘war forms’. House Arpexia was Xianthellipse's closest equal and fiercest rival. House Mirraflex looked upon Xianthellipse and its associations with the lesser species as being traitorous. 
Robert Scarratt
Other Oldblood Houses with no known members:
ARPEXIA (from Faction Paradox: The Book of the War)
An Oldblood House and one of the ruling houses. It’s members were committed to reason, science and a belief in objective truth.  Better than any other bloodline at producing deep-time strategies and technical devices such as experimental models of timeship and weapons systems like the babels. They were famous for their bottomless armoury. Certain hypersensitive characteristics like night vision, a strong sense of magnetism, and hallucinatory hysterics were more common in members of House Arpexia than in the other Houses.
CATHERION (from Faction Paradox: The Book of the War)
An ancient ruling house that is now extinct and painted by Caretakers. A grotesque massacre took place at the House following the escape of a babel, leaving only one survivor behind as it mutilated and restructured its victims.The House's breeding-engine, which had been used to create the babel, was destroyed following the massacre. As well as preventing the production of more babels, this also meant there would be no further generations loomed to the House.
EVERSTON (from Big Finish Gallifrey Audio: Panacea)
A presumed to be Prydonian house for which Romana is the custodian of. 
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Day 17: Favorite Alien: The Time Lords
The MOST mysterious species in the show, and one of the reasons I continue to like them *coughs* Chibnall’s Timeless Child idea can go die in a hole *coughs*
The ancient race of mysterious (and best kept that way) origins from the planet called Gallifrey, which is just as cool as them. Time Lords are so named for their command of time travel technology and their non-linear perception of time, wearing huge hour-glass collars, heavy robes, and having silly plastic chairs. They are probably one of the most corrupt species in the universe besides the Daleks, hence why the Doctor became a rebel, said “screw their rules and society” and ran away in his spaceship planning to make the world a better place despite their “no interference” policy. Besides spaceships that are bigger on the inside, they also have a cool ability to regenerate, changing their body’s, gender’s, and personalities at least 12 times till they die. 
I honestly just think they are really neat and I love having the tiny little tidbits of Gallifreyan mythology thrown at me that I can eat right up. There are wonderful things like: The War Games, The Three Doctors, The Deadly Assassin, The Invasion of Time, Arc of Inifnity, The Five Doctors, The Gallifrey Audios, some DW EU content like Cat’s Cradle: Time’s Crucible and Divided Loyalties that explore these people more in depth for the Classic era. Honestly, I love anything Gallifrey and Time Lord (except for Chibnall’s Time Less Child. Seriously, can we wipe it like they use to do with the Classic Who episodes and make it into a missing one?!)
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rassilon-prydonius · 2 years
Isn't it dark Isn't it cold Seek out the future Before you get old Once there were children This is their doom Now all the people Are born from the loom
Gallifreyan Nursery Rhyme from Cat's Cradle: Time's Crucible by Marc Platt (Virgin Publishing, 1992)  
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corallapis · 3 months
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do we think that rassilon is in fact pekkary's uncle or is it just a term of respect?
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timelxrd-victorious · 3 years
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Pythia's Curse of sterility was imposed on the Gallifreyans by the 508th Pythia during her suicide. Driven to desperation by Rassilon and the Neo-Technologists' denouncement of magic, as well as her personal inability to find her successor, the 508th Pythia cursed Gallifrey to "wither" and threw herself into the Crevasse of Memories That Will Be.
According to Quartinian, the curse's effect was immediate: fetuses died in their mothers' wombs, including Rassilon's own daughter; and no new children were born on Gallifrey. Faced with extinction in the aftermath of the Great Schism, the Gallifreyans united behind Rassilon and adopted innovations such as genetic Looms, regeneration, and time travel, which enabled them to survive despite the restrictions of the curse. However, the Seventh Doctor disputed this account as a whitewash. (PROSE: Cat's Cradle: Time's Crucible)
According to another account, pregnancy was still possible on Gallifrey, but they were forcibly terminated in accord with a Presidential decree that only the Loom-born could inherit the Legacy of Rassilon. Guards were sent to kill Susan Foreman, who was born one day after the decree and hidden away from Gallifrey. (PROSE: Cold Fusion) Her mother told her that she was the last child born on Gallifrey, just as the Pythia cursed the world. (PROSE: Lungbarrow) By another account, Susan was born one day after a Presidential decree that only the Loom-born could inherit the Legacy of Rassilon, and guards were sent to terminate the pregnancy. (PROSE: Cold Fusion)
According to The Book of the War, the sterility of the Great Houses was actually a side effect of the anchoring of the thread. (PROSE: The Book of the War)
The curse was briefly lifted when, after eons of winter, life came back to Gallifrey. Rassilon did not like this and made a deal with Faction Paradox from deep within his tomb to reinstate Gallifreyan sterility. 
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clockworkouroboros · 5 years
Time Lords can't reproduce normally? What is the Loom (I'm sorry I keep asking all these questions, but I'm not that knowledgeable about a lot of Doctor Who lore)?
No need to apologize, given how insane and vast Doctor Who is, asking someone who seems like they might possibly know is definitely the best way to learn anything!
There’s, um, some inconsistencies with looms and why Time Lords can’t reproduce normally, based on what source material you read. A lot of obscure deep lore with Doctor Who is very inconsistent and/or outright contradictory, and we actually have stories that focus on that. (See: Unnatural History by Jon Blum and Kate Orman or Celestial Intervention: A Gallifreyan Noir by Dave Rudden.) Just a disclaimer before I start.
So first off: Time Lords can’t produce normally. This is first hinted at in Cat’s Cradle: Time’s Crucible, and it certainly isn’t adhered to by every writer, but especially in the Wilderness Years (1990-2004, roughly) it’s a major thing.
In Cat’s Cradle: Time’s Crucible, a portion of the novel takes place on ancient Gallifrey, when the first time travel experiments are happening. Rassilon and his squad are there as the local science bigwigs who are threatening an upheaval of Gallifreyan society, as Gallifrey was at the time very steeped in mysticism. The mysticism was centered in the Pythia, who was sort of the leader of the planet. The last Pythia, seeing that Rassilon was taking over, sent her followers to Karn, where they would continue as the Sisterhood of Karn, and then cursed all the remaining inhabitants of Gallifrey with sterility, dooming the planet. That’s one version. (I’d find quotes, but I never want to read that book again, sorry.)
In The Book of the War, the Great Houses (read: the Time Lords) “anchored the thread” of the spiral politic (web of time), thus making themselves the center of the universe, essentially. The book goes on to state that “[the anchoring of the thread] would make [the Time Lords] virtually indestructible, as a society if not individually: the price would be infertility and cultural stasis.”
So there are different explanations for how the Time Lords became sterile as a society, but the end result is the same: the early Time Lords would have to ensure that their race didn’t die out, so they could continue to sit and be high and mighty over the rest of the universe.
To do this, they came up with looms. It’s never quite explained how they work; at least, not in the material I’ve read, but it seems that you basically put the DNA of the parents into the loom and it weaves, or maybe knits, the DNA into a Time Tot. Looms first show up in the Seventh Doctor novels, but they’re mentioned pretty regularly in the Eighth Doctor novels, especially in the first half-ish. They don’t really crop up in New Who at all, but I live in hope that they will someday. :D
Anyway, as with anything involving weird stuff like looms, it’s kind of difficult to explain, because they’re almost only in these obscure books from the nineties. This is definitely jumping into the deep end of the Doctor Who Expanded Universe, so if you have any questions or want to know where a better starting point might be for some of this, feel free to ask!
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gallifreyanhotfive · 6 months
Random Doctor Who Facts You Might Not Know, Part 41
Adric missed K9 and would write him letters. (Short story: A Boy's Tale)
Tegan missed Nyssa a lot and felt as though Turlough had a bond with the Doctor that she wasn't company to. (Short story: Qualia)
Early Gallifreyans worshipped one of their two moons (Pazithi Gallifreya) as a virgin goddess. (Novel: Cat's Cradle: Time's Crucible)
After Inquisitor Darkel dismissed the Sixth Doctor's charges from The Trial of a Time Lord, she had to go lie down in a dark room for a while because he and the Valeyard were too much for her. (Short story: The Inquisitor)
There are roughly one million versions of Clara Oswald according to the Encyclopaedia Gallifreya. (Short story: Citation Needed)
The Master tried to interfere with the Fifth Doctor’s regeneration into his Sixth, but the Doctor had psychically called out to his former companions (Nyssa, Tegan, Turlough, etc etc), who convinced him to ignore the Master and helped him regenerate. (Audio: Winter; Television: The Caves of Androzani)
The Doctor keeps a copy of Every Gallifreyan Child's Pop-Up Book of Nasty Creatures From Other Dimensions in the TARDIS library. It pops up in four dimensions. (Novel: All-Consuming Fire)
The Fifth Doctor talked so much about River Song after meeting and becoming absolutely enamored with her that Tegan pushed him against the wall and demanded that he stop. (Audio: Expiry Dating)
The Seventh Doctor met Katarina as a young girl. He gave her family enough gold to feed them for a year. (Short story: An Unfulfilled Dream)
In 1969, a journalist named Chrissie Allen did an article on Amelia Williams. Amy told her she wanted to write a story about a young girl lost in New York City, who is scared but will use her magic powers to take on the world. She was very confident when she said the girl was really out there in New York. (Short story: The Girl Who Never Grew Up)
The Eye of Harmony located in the TARDIS is only symbolic of the real Eye of Harmony on Gallifrey. (Novel: The Eight Doctors)
If someone accesses the Eye of Harmony without the Rod, Sash, or Great Key of Rassilon, they will be turned inside out and killed. (Audio: Insurgency)
A young Magnus, who would one day become the War Chief, once tried to drain Artron energy out of a sphere retrieved from the time vortex. He was opposed by the First Doctor, referred to as "Thete," who set the energy free after discovering it was alive. This was considered to be their "falling out" moment. (Comic: Flashback)
The Fifth Doctor has tried to sacrifice himself so often that Nyssa can recognize his blank face as an I'm-about-to-sacrifice-myself face. (Audio: The Darkening Eye)
Each incarnation of the Doctor thinks that they make their own identity, but in reality, the TARDIS knows that their travels are never "accidental." For example, she could have easily returned to 1960s London when the First Doctor was trying to drop off Barbara and Ian, but she said she thought it was more important that he have fun and learn from his human companions who the Doctor actually was. (Short story: What the TARDIS thought of "Time Lord Victorious")
The Doctor's TARDIS bedroom (at least at the time of his Fifth incarnation) had an original Jackson Pollock on the door. It had a four poster bed with awnings, silk sheets, and a toy rabbit. The Fifth Doctor would hang his coat up with a Mickey Mouse hanger and sleep in question mark patterned pajamas. (Novel: Divided Loyalties)
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cardest · 4 years
Boston, Salem & MA playlist
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Ever been to Boston and Salem in Massachusetts? I hope to someday soon. Salem, Bruins, Cape Cod, Edgar Allen Poe, the history! Many great bands hail from Boston and Massachusetts, like Dinosuar Jr, Aerosmith and Guerilla Toss...ugh! So many bands. Converge, Isis, Cave-In, Pixies, Magic Circle....Not to mention the songs about Salem, MA and the witch trials, Edgar Allen Poe, Emily Dickinson and even Lizzy Bordon (in RI section).  The history of this region is fascinating. The Pilgrims and the Boston Tea Party etc. Many songs about this period of time. Hope you enjoy this playlist. Also I threw in a little Rhode Island and New Hampshire too.
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Remember people, live life deliciously!
001 Times Of Grace - Strength In Numbers 002 Boston - Peace of Mind 003 Dinosaur Jr - Freak Scene 004 Pixies - trompe le monde 005 Cheers TV show - Opening 006 Aerosmith - Beyond Beautiful 007 The Byrds - Boston 008 Dave Loggins - Please Come To Boston 009 The Sensational Alex Harvey Band - Boston Tea Party 010 Buffalo Tom - Crutch 011 Escuela Grind - No Worship 012 Made Out Of Babies - Grimace (The Ruiner) 013 dropkick murphys -for boston 014 Lemonheads - Hate Your Friends 015 The Cars - Drive 016 Morphine - Honey White 017 The Breeders - Cannonball 018 Isis - Ghost Key 019 Better Than Ezra - Normal Town 020 Killswitch Engage - Starting Over 021 Converge -  Sadness Comes Home 022 Grief - Come To Grief 023 Aerosmith - Draw The Line 024 Dinosaur Jr. -  Watch the Corners 025 Friend & Lover - Boston is a lovely town 026 Magic Circle -  Departed Souls 027 All Pigs Must Die - Hungry Wolf, Easy Prey 028 Shadows Fall - The Light That Blinds 029 The Bee Gees- 'Massachusetts' 030 Belly - Feed The Tree 031 Boston - Rock and Roll Band 032 The Pixies - Planet Of Sound 033 Amanda Palmer & The Grand Theft Orchestra - Massachusetts Avenue 034 Marky Mark and the Funky Bunch - Good Vibrations 035 The Rosebuds - Back To Boston 036 Cave In - Inspire 037 Pearl Jam - Brain of J. 038 Tool - Sweat 039 Adam Ant - Bright Lights Black Leather 040 Tristania - My Lost Lenore 041 Nevermore - This Godless Endeavor 042 The Kingston Trio - MTA 043 Ylvis - Massachusetts 044 Captain Beefheart - 25th Century Quaker 045 Elder - Deadweight 046 Morne - Coming Of Winter 047 Lou Reed - I Wanna Be Black 048 Lyres - Boston 049 Rotting Christ - The Raven 050 Killswitch Engage- Rose Of Sharyn 051 Macabre - Boston Strangler Albert de Salvo 052 Dar Williams - Flinty Kind of Woman 053 STEELY DAN, The Boston Rag 054 The Beach Boys - Do You Like Worms 055 The Freeze-This is Boston not LA 056 Art Gruthie - Massachusetts 057 THE CARS _ Good Times Roll 058 Richard Band - Re-Animator OST Prologue - Main Title 059 Gang Green - Skate To Hell 060 Guerilla Toss - Come Up With Me 061 Karyn Crisis' Gospel of the Witches -Salem's Wounds 062 Agoraphobic Nosebleed - Agorapocalypse now 063 the MODERN LOVERS _Roadrunner_ 1972 064 Edgar Allen Poe - Black Cat 065 Rammstein - Stein um Stein 066 The Necromancers - Salem Girl Part I 067 Orange Goblin - Sons Of Salem 068 Danny Elfman - [Sleepy Hollow OST] Main Titles 069 King Diamond - Abigail 070 The Cult - The Witch 071 Witch - Eye 072 Cavalera Conspiracy -  The Crucible 073 Queens Of The Stone Age -  Burn The Witch 074 Salem - Witch Burning 075 Danny Elfman - [Sleepy Hollow OST] Into The Woods (The Witch) 076 Clutch - Sucker for the Witch 077 Bewitched TV show  - Theme 078 John Zorn - Witchfinder 079 Blood Ceremony -  The Witch's Dance 080 Billy Talent - The dead can't Testify 081 The Misfits -  Witch Hunt 082 Rob Zombie - Lords Of Salem 083 Acid Witch -  Witchfynder Finder 084 King Diamond - Salem 085 The Cramps Big Black Witchcraft Rock 086 Mount Salem - Lucid 087 Sleepy Hollow TV SHow - Main Theme 088 Demons & Wizards - Beneath These Waves 089 Hexvessel -  Woman of Salem 090 Cradle of Filth - Her Ghost in the Fog 091 Metal Church - Of Unsound mind 092 Lich King -  Ed-209 093 Disrupt - Religion is a Fraud 094 The Witch OST - Witch's Coven 095 Fuming Mouth - Out of the Shadows 096 Abigail Williams - Acolytes 097 Clutch -  Worm Drink 098 1476 - A Circle Of Hope & Despair 099 Sleepy Hollow (2014) Soundtrack 100 Pixies - All Over the World 101 Sonic Youth - New Hampshire 102 Meliah Rage - Absolute Power 103 Albert Goes West - Nick Cave & the Bad Seeds 104 Symphony X - King of Terrors 105 Alan Vega - American Dreamer 106 Van Der Graaf Generator - Pilgrims 107 ZZ Top  - I Thank You 108 Walt Disney's Johnny Tremain, _The Sons of Liberty 109 Paul Simon - American Tune (LP version) 110 SAXON - Sailing to America 111 Old Man Gloom  - Skullstorm 112 Mastodon -  I Am Ahab 113 Patti Page - Old Cape Cod 114 Ty Seagull - Archangel Thunderbird 115 Morphine - Buena 116 Manticora - On a Sea of Grass 117 Young Widows -  Old Skin 118 Hurriganes - Slippin And Slidin 119 Glacier - O World! I Remain No Longer Here. 120 Marissa Nadler - Blue Vapor 121 SEA - Penumbra 122 Vital Remains - Infidel 123 Throwing Muses - Bright Yellow Gun 124 Ike and Tina Topless Turner - Sweet Rhode Island Red 125 Flotsam and Jetsam -  She Took an Axe 126 Lizzy Borden - Council for the Cauldron 127 Rob Noyes - Further off 128 The Real Kids - All Kindsa Girls 129 Immunerable Forms - Puritys Demand 130 Blonde Redhead  - Inside You 131 Agoraphobic Nosebleed - Agorapocalypse Now 132 Wear Your Wounds - Adrift In You 133 Howlin' Rain - Phantom In The Valley 134 J Mascis - Every Morning 135 Killswitch Engage - The Signal Fire (feat. Howard Jones) 136 Refuse Resist - _Still in Massachusetts 137 Church of Misery - Boston Strangler 138 City On A Hill TV show - Opening Theme 139 Pixies - U-Mass 140 Warhorse - Amber Vial 141 Zozobra - The Cruelest Cut 142 REVOCATION - Scattering The Flock 143 Metal Church - Of unsound mind 144 Seven Spires - Drowner Of Worlds 145 Boston Legal - TV show theme song 146 Converge -  Trespasses 147 Cave In - Anchor 148 Give up the Ghost - Love American 149 Dinosaur Jr. - Tiny 150 Boston Bruins theme song - Lets Go Bruins 151 Buffalo Tom - Staples 152 Trap Them - [Crown Feral #02] Hellionaires 153 Knights Of Bostonia - State Radio 154 Juliana Hatfield 3 - Feelin Massachusetts 155 The Red Chord  - Hymns And Crippled Anthems 156 CLUTCH - Emily Dickinson 157 New Kids On The Block - Step By Step 158 MELIAH RAGE - Decline of rule 159 Belly - Gepetto 160 AEROSMITH - Get A Grip 666 Denis Leary  - ASSHOLE  Also, check out the awesome L.A Witch Halloween Quarantine playlist at: https://floodmagazine.com/82347/l-a-witch-quarantine-helloween-playlist/?fbclid=IwAR3QRJEIMt57z-X_Zrfx5Ae7rjLkLdpOnjes6iv4yczqxAvLcG3OdfCulWw
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ghostpalmtechnique · 4 years
Apropos of nothing  a list of books from school reading (prior to university) that actually left an impression, as in, I still remember decent chunks of the book.  (Books that I did not read for school, either assigned or chosen, are not included here.)
1984 Antigone Brave New World Catch-22 Crime and Punishment The Crucible Fail-safe The Grapes of Wrath Hamlet King Lear Lord of the Flies Macbeth Mama Day Maus The Old Man and the Sea The Scarlet Letter To Kill a Mockingbird Tom Sawyer The Trial
(Next two lists almost definitionally are incomplete.)
Books that made an impression at the time but I only remember little bits of them at best.
Bread and Wine The Caine Mutiny Cat’s Cradle Cry, the Beloved Country Equus Fahrenheit 451 Hiroshima Huckleberry Finn The Importance of Being Earnest The Inferno Julius Caesar Of Mice and Men Romeo and Juliet Sea Wolf Slaughterhouse Five Song of Solomon (The Toni Morrison book, not the Bible) The Taming of the Shrew Their Eyes Were Watching God
Books that bounced off immediately.  You can assume I hated these. The Awakening (? to the point where I’m not actually sure I read this) Catcher in the Rye Death of a Salesman A Doll’s House Ethan Frome A Farewell to Arms The Great Gatsby The Heart is a Lonely Hunter The Menagerie O Pioneers! (? again, I remember the author but not the book) The Pearl A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man The Return of the Native A Separate Peace Wuthering Heights
*I am soon to turn 42; my childhood was a while ago.  Also, if you think I”m insufferable now, wait until I’m the answer to everything.
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