#(but hey I'm not your dad and don't control what u do or don't do)
byunpum · 7 months
Hi! Can u do a short Drabble with auntie sully giving everyone pizza for the first time?
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Note: I invite you to read all the parts of my " Auntie Y/N Sully" series so you can understand more about the relationship and the characters.
"Mom, when are auntie y/n and daddy coming back? I'm bored" speaks tuk, complaining next to his mother. She always used to be by your side at this time, but it had already been many hours. "Relax, they'll be right back," says neytiri, cutting up some food for that day's dinner. "ruk'e why aren't you with dad and aunt y/n?" asks tuk, looking at his uncle. Ruk'e laughs out loud, holding his child in his arms. "Ah ah not my type to go and be investigating, looking for trouble" refuses ruk'e, and it was very true. Ruk'e was a pacifist, he preferred to be taking care of home, taking care of his children. In fact… ruk'e was the one who used to stay behind to take care of all the children while you did the routine inspections, near the metkayina clan. This time neytiri decided to stay home and help ruk'e, she had hurt her rib a little. Something she didn't like, she liked to go with you and Jake to the routines.
Some time later, you can hear the voice of y/n and jake approaching. Both were pure laughter, while the little tuk got up running as fast as she could towards you. "Y/n" yells tuk, hugging you tightly. The little girl had grown so much, she was already much bigger than you. But she was still your little girl. Behind her, your children and nephews followed. Hugging you and asking how you were doing, very excited. "Hey…I'm here too" says Jake. "So yeah…hi daddy" says neteyam, looking quickly at jake, then looking at you. Causing you to laugh. The ride had been smooth, everything seemed to be under control. You asked Eywa every day to keep everything going smoothly, for the sake of your family.
During the investigation, you came across an abandoned boat. A ship that contained a lot of material, such as weapons, monitions, medicine and military food. Military food that you liked. You had a bag full of it, sitting next to your partner. Putting the bag aside, to hold your baby in your arms. "My y/n…we miss you" you look over and take your baby to your chest. She was already 1 year old, and a beautiful half human and na'vi baby. "She has eaten too much today" ruk'e says, giving you a smile. Kissing the crown of your head. "I'm glad you're okay, babe" ruk'e says. Looking curiously at the bag you had next to you. " Hey and what's up with that?" asks your mate. This gets the attention of your sons and nephews. Spider and rotxo quickly approach, and try to open the bag. While your other nephews and nieces, sit down next to you. Right next to their mother and father.
"Oh? That bag has precious food in it" you joke, but you speak with a lot of excitement. Jake makes a disgusted face. He didn't understand what you saw in that processed food. "Precious…food" neytiri speaks, a part of her was offended. She used to cook for the whole family, and you always said how well she cooked. Now she too was curious about what was in that bag. You hand your baby to your mate, taking the bag in your lap. You open it to take out the small brown bag. On the label it said "pizza". "That bag…it's ugly," says lo'ak, watching as you give him a dirty look.
"Listen…this was my favorite food on the base. They used to give out fresh food, but at night, they'd give out these bags of food. And I used to go eat them with trudy, while we talked about the day" you pause, remembering your friend. "Is that human food?" asks kiri, taking one of the bags that was in the suitcase. "Yes…a disgusting one. I don't know how you ate that," says jake, sticking out his tongue in disgust. If there was one thing he hated, it was that military stored food. "Don't say that…pizza and Mexican rice are the best" you joke, watching as jake continued to cringe in disgust. While everyone looked on curiously.
"Want to try?" you ask, noticing how your nephews face lights up. "ahhh NO!" says jake, taking tuk, in the air as the girl giggled. "If they eat that they will die" jake speaks, as kiri throws the bag on the ground. "Don't listen to him…this food is fine. Here" and yes you were right, this food was about 6 years away from expiring. You start handing a bag to each child. "Mom…how many meals do you have?" asks spider, noticing that there were more in the bag. You laugh, listening to Jake sigh. "'She took all of them,' says Jake.
"Ok….follow in my footsteps" you start explaining everything. All the children of the family started to follow you, even ruk'e joined in. Jake and neytiri just watched the show, while holding their niece in their arms. You open the package, and begin to take out the tortilla, the red sauce packet. The small package of mozzarella cheese and the pepperoni. The kids copy your every step, amazed by everything they were seeing. "Well, first they are going to take the dough, then carefully open the sauce packet" you speak, while you break the plastic with your mouth. "And after we put the sauce we put the cheese and then the pepperoni" you speak. Ruk'e laughs a little, while watching you prepare that strange food. You looked so excited and cute.
"And then you're going to throw that thing away" jake says, trying to take the pizza away from kiri. But you reach over and smack him upside the head. "Nooo, now they eat it" you take a bite out of it. Your nephews and sons hesitate for a moment, but take a small bite. Not like the pizza was big for them. Chewing and savoring the strange food for a bit. "mmm doesn't taste bad, but no…." Neteyam hesitates for a bit, and jake chuckles giving him a slap on his son's shoulder. "Are you serious? It's really good" says rotxo, while spider supported him with a mouthful of food.
The other kids only tried the pizza, so you ended up eating all of them. The more you ate, the more Jake got worried. "Sis…I know you love that disgusting stuff, but it's not good for you to eat so much," says Jake. You just roll your eyes, sometimes he could be a little over the top with you.
After a while, the whole family was getting along normally. But you were starting to get a lot of stomach aches. Complaining about the pain. "ma y/n…are you ok?" asks ruk'e, he had noticed how you were leaning more on him. "I'm fine…. is just aughh" you complain, touching your stomach. "Ja tell you so!" says jake, as the scared look on tuk'e's face began to draw. " Auntie y/n is going to die!!!" yells tuk. "I'm not going to die" you try to calm the little girl down. Ruk'e gets up from the floor, sighing in frustration. "Well, family see you later, I have to make some tea" speaks the man, as he helps you off the ground.
Behind his parents, were spider and rotxo who was carrying his little sister. "Let me know if you need anything" shouts neytiri from far away. Seeing how you were walking with difficulty due to stomach pain. "See I told you, that food is disgusting" speaks Jake. Neytiri laughs a little, she was sure it wasn't the food, but the amount you had eaten that caused your stomach pain.
Jake and the children went off to do other things, leaving Neytiri alone for a moment. She was going to go check on you, and help ruk'e. But before she got up, she noticed that there was a piece of pizza left over. Taking it for a moment and looking at it. She was going to try that strange food, she wanted to know why you liked this so much, even more than her food. Neytiri took a small bite, as the flavors touched her taste glands. Her ears perked up, and her tail began to wag with excitement. Oh my eywa, this was delicious. On the other hand, jake turned to ask neytiri something, but saw how she was chewing the pizza. "Ahh no no spit that out" runs jake towards neytiri, watching as she stands up laughing while he starts chasing after her.
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marshallsgirl · 1 year
Don't leave part 2
Pairing: Eminem x Fem¡Reader
Recommended song: The One - Kodaline
Author's note: I'm working on my graduation final project, that's why I haven't been so active lately. I wrote this and I don't know how I feel about it.  I may delete it later or idk. Hope you all enjoy it. I love you guys so much! Sending all of you a warm hug🫂🤍
January 14th, 2006
It's pretty late at night. I'm watching the news when once again I have to run to the bathroom. I'm throwing up again. I'm feeling sick. I can't even explain why I felt like doing this but...I'm taking a pregnancy test. I bought one earlier this morning but I couldn't do it. I was too scared. But I'm doing it now. I can't be pregnant. I mean...it would be nice to be...No, I am not pregnant. That thing is going to be negative!
The news reporter started to talk. Maybe it got my attention cause they played a song in the background. An Eminem's song.
"Today January 14th at 5pm Eminem and Kim got married for the second time around their fifteen anniversary. Kim said to People Magazine: 'Marshall wanted to do it because it was our fifteenth year together from our original day we started going out'. They repeated their vows from their first marriage..."
As the reporter is talking I'm looking down at my pregnancy test and I found the word "pregnant". And I started to cry. I've been waiting a long time for this moment but it isn't how I imagined it. I just found out that I'm pregnant and that my baby's daddy is married again. Even knowing this I feel the need to call Marshall. But I can't do that. He's probably on his honeymoon right now. He is probably spending such a great time being a family again. I know he did all of this for Hailie's happiness. I know he is trying hard to put his family back together. I can't call him.
So I called Proof.
"Oh, you saw the news, didn't you?"
"No...I mean yes, but I'm not calling about that" I said trying to control my tears.
"Are u okay? What happen?" I could tell he was concerned.
"Well...I kinda need an advice, man"
"Why? What did you do?"
"Nothing...I just..."
"Hey, y/n you can talk to me. We're good friends, aren't we? I don't care what happened between you and Marshall. You and I, girl. We can still be friends"
That made me lost control of my tears.
" Yo, y/n what happen?"
"Man, I'm pregnant" I confess. "Proof, I don't know what to do. I just found out that I am and I saw the fuckin' news..."
"Wait what that...you pregnant? Is it..." he didn't finish the question
"Yes, of course it's Marshall's"
"Shit...you got to tell him, y/n"
I knew he would say that, but I was hoping to be wrong.
"No, I can't do that to him"
"You know him, y/n. If you don't tell him he is gonna hate you"
"I know he deserves to know but he just got married and I know he wants to be happy with his family"
"So? I mean, he can be happy with them and at the same time he can take care of your baby, his baby. I know he'll want to be a responsable dad. You have to tell him"
"Proof, please I just can't...I'm too scared"
"Y/n, I want you to hang off the phone and call Marshall right now"
I needed time. Maybe tomorrow I'll be more brave. But saying this to Proof won't work.
"Listen, I'm going to do a blood test tomorrow just to be extra sure. Okay? If it is positive I'll call him right away"
"If you don't call him by tomorrow afternoon, I'll do it"
"Please, don't. I promise you, I'll call him".
The blood test confirmed that I'm pregnant. But when I tried to contact Marshall he didn't answered his phone. So, I called Proof and he planned a reunion for us at Marshall's studio.
"Y/n?" he said when he saw me. "Are u looking for Proof? He'll be here soon, actually I'm waiting for him" he added.
"He's not coming. It's me who you are waiting for. I called you but you didn't answerd so..."
"I'm married" he said rapidly
"I know, Marshall. I just need to tell you something important"
"Go on then. I need to go back to my family, you know" it was something weird in the way he said that, like it was something he had to say it to believe it. I can explain it, I just know him too much. But I didn't ask him about it. So, I extended my hand to him. Letting him know that he needed to grab the paper (the blood pregnancy test) that was on my hand. He read it and then looked at me shocked.
"Is this some kinda joke?" he asked. "Why are u doin' this?"
"I am pregnant, Marshall. And listen I just thought you deserved to know. Even Proof told me that I should tell you 'cause if I didn't you'll hate me forever". I started to say. "I know you think I'm doin' this 'cause I want us to be back together but I promise you I'm not. I would never do something like this to make you leave your family".
"You really are pregnant...How long? How are you feeling?"
Now I could tell he was concerned.
" I don't know how many weeks I am. I just found out that I am pregnant, so I have no idea. And I've been feeling sick"
"Let's take you to the doctors then"
So we made a prenatal appointment.
"The baby is 7 week and 1 day!" said the doctor.
I looked at Marshall's face. It looked like he was counting.
"So, you got pregnant on november 2005..." said Marshall as we both realized that my pregnancy started on the day he left me.
"Which means the due date is September 1st" the doctor told us.
"Oh, a virgo baby!" I said.
"Is it just one or there is more than one?" Marshall asked. I could tell he was really curious.
"I can answer that next week. The next appointment will be an ultrasound appointment, okay?"
I saw Marshall's face lighting up.
"Oh my! Our first ultrasound appointment?" I couldn't wait for that. That's exciting! I'll get to see my baby for the first time.
In the car on the way back to y/n's home.
"Did you tell Kim about me? I mean, about me being pregnant" I asked. I was really curious to know if she got a certain reaction. But "no" was the only answerd Marshall gave me.  "So, are u going to hide this from her?"
"I don't want to talk about it right now. Let's get you something to eat" he said.
Time went by and Marshall finally told me that things were not good between Kim and him. He assure me that it had nothing to do with me or my pregnancy. Then he mentioned the word "divorce", but made it very clear that he wasn't doing it because of me.
"I'm really happy you are pregnant, y/n. But now it's not the time for me to be in a relationship" he said.
"Are you going to tell me what happened? It must had been something really serious. I mean, you got re-married and now just three month later you want a divorce"
"I trust you, but I really don't wanna talk about it. Can we talk about the baby?"
"What exactly you want to talk about?" I wonder
"Do you feel it's a boy or a girl?"
I really didn't know how to answer that. I've done all the things to predict the sex of the baby and it's pretty even. I mean, I got 50% girl and 50% boy. So, I have no idea.
"They'll call me soon to tell me my results on the last exams I did and they could tell me the sex you know"
"Are you going to surprise me?" he asked and then leave a kiss on my belly. We're both laying in bed. I was to tired to do the normal things I do like cook and clean. And Marshall volunteer to help me. I couldn't say no. For real, even if I say no he would probably throw me to bed and lock me in my room.
"Yeah, I'm going to surprise you. I don't know how yet but I'll do it".
"Okay, then I'mma go buy you something to eat. Any cravings?"
"Can you get me some donuts?"
"Yeah, I'll be back soon" he says and before he leaves he press his lips on my belly once again. "Love you" he added.
"The baby loves you too" I said.
"I love you, too y/n" he says letting me know that  he said it for both of us, the baby and me. He is driving me crazy. I don't understand him. And people say women are the complicated ones. He doesn't want to be in a relationship and that's why he is getting divorce. So, I think he comes to see me and do shit for me just because the baby but then he is telling me he love me?
"Hey! I said I love you, y/n" he was already by the bedroom door. I know he won't leave unless I say it back.
"Stop it! You are going to get me all horny and shit"
"You’re horny preggers, aren’t you?" he says walking towards the bed.
"I’m fat and horny. It’s disgusting."
" Nah, you could be 300 pounds I’d still do you".
Maybe it's because I'm hormonal but I'm touched and I start crying.
"You're so fuckin' romantic" I say
He sitting by the edge of the bed now. He is touching my belly. His touch is soft. I want to say that I love him. But, honestly I'm just to scared to do that.
"I feel it's a boy. And I can't wait to see the way you're with him. You're gonna be incredible"  he says "I love you, y/n" he assures me.
"I'm nervous..." I manage to say
"I'm nervous too"
"No, you are not!" I replied
"Y/n, I'm not divorce yet... The truth is I'm just waiting for that to be done so I can...so that we can try to do this right. You're my home and I'm sorry it took me a lot of shit to finally understand that. You've always been there for me. I've always came back to you, every fuckin' time. I was so stupid. I'm truly sorry. I promise you I'll never ever hurt you again. I won't leave you. I promise for as long as we're together, to never, ever put you through anything like that again."
"Wait, I know it's going to be difficult almost impossible for you to forgive me, but please try. Please, y/n. 'Cause I miss you a lot and I love you even more. You don't have to say it back, though. You don't have to say nothing at all right now. I completly get it". when he finished he got up and left the room really quick. He didn't give me time to express myself.
"I love you, Marshall" I said to the nothingness.
A moment later my phone starts to ring. It's my doctor. She started to tell me about my result and how everything was normal and that I need more vitamin C and then she said:
" This also tell us the sex of the baby. Would you like to know?"
"Would you like me to tell you over the phone or..."
"Over the phone it's okay" I didn't even let her finish her question. I was to excited!
"Over the phone it's okay?"
"Okay, let me open it up...Alright it looks like you are having a baby boy!"
Omfg! I'm crying, now. Marshall was right! Oh, man I'm having a boy!
"Omg, thank you!" I manage to say
"Congratulations!" said my doctor before ending the phone call.
I couldn't wait to tell Marshall. I needed to surprise him. So, I figurate out a way to do so. I grab a white mug, his favorite mug actually (and it's not his but mine). But okay, it's his favorite. And I wrote inside at the buttom of it: "it's a boy". Then I prepared him a mixed berry smoothie.
He came back just in time.
"Here, try this" I said giving him the mug.
"What are you doing out of bed? Why are you holding my mug? What is this?"
"Marshall, just drink it! It's a mixed berry smoothie and...it has the sex of our baby!"
And just as I finished to say that he started to drink it. He finished in seconds! And as soon as he read what was inside, he ran to put the mug on the table and then ran back to hug me and lift me in his arms.
"Marshall, we're having a boy!" I got my arms around his neck. Enjoying that moment. I was crying but all happy tears.
"Yes! Oh my God, what the fuck! Life is crazy!" He kept saying this words. He was really happy too.
"God is so beautiful!"
"I told you! I knew it was a boy! I fuckin' told you!" He said as he put me down.
"Holy shit, I know that's crazy!"
He knelt in front of me and kissed my belly and then said:
"I knew you were in there the whole time. I love you, son"
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hum-suffer · 9 months
I'm Yours 2
Ishan has always been a light sleeper. His mother was proud of him and his dad, a man who craved snacks at midnight, bemoaned his habits.
So when he wakes up on Sunday morning with a fresh gajra tied on his wrist, for a moment, he wonders if this is a hallucination or a dream. He blinks and pinches his thigh, the sharp sting reminding him that it's reality. He frowns, and touches the gajra. It's real.
Ishan takes a deep breath.
"Let's bathe first and then deal with this," he says to himself. Another beat passes as he reconsiders his promise to himself. "Maybe have some tea first."
He's so fucking glad that he had the tea first.
The moment he was more awake, he was panicking.
Someone fucking broke into his house? His house? His ancestral, beloved house that had marble flooring which made clancking sounds everytime he walked? Ishan cracks his neck and takes another fortifying breath, staring at the discarded gajra on the dining table. It feels very audacious. And flattering.
The thought is horrifying and for a moment, Ishan imagines his grandfather shaking his head at the bloody idiocy Ishan possesses. Wryly, he says outloud,"I'm a very good source of entertainment, aren't I, Dadaji?"
The house obviously remains silent. In a surprising turn, the loneliness he often feels seeps right back in.
He glances at the gajra again. "Hey, at least, someone alive gets entertainment from me."
He knows he should report this. But for now, he doesn't want to care. It's a bloody Sunday and he will be damned if something ruins his Sunday, even if it's a stalker/admirer.
A message pops on his phone just as he's about to wash his cup. 'Did you like the gajra, love?'
'don't have the hair for it, dude.'
He probably shouldn't antagonise a probable sociopath.
But hey, what is life, if not had decisions taken in the spirit of loneliness?
When he's more settled, in the evening, Ishan goes out for a walk. His body aches in protest and the ink marks on his fingers dictate his profession to anyone who cares to see.
End of semester season is horrible, but more so when he already has to plan so much. Tomorrow's the seminar for something techy— Ishan doesn't know, he's the Hindi teacher, and he'd rather prefer not to know. Those things just rot his brain and he hates the seminars more than students, probably, but he'd do just about anything to take some load off of Virat bhaiya. Jaddu almost always lightens the mood at seminars, and he's back from his holiday to Jamnagar, and Ishan is counting on him to be the better part.
Apart from Shubhman, that is.
Ishan cannot get over his silly little crush, no matter how hard he tries and he hates it. That's a celebrity. A good looking, smart philanthropist who also owns a registered firm.
Ishan doesn't know the name of the firm, he realises with a groan. He gets his phone out, shoots a quick text to Shreyas to prepare the introduction speech for Shubhman.
The admirer, has sent him another message.
'Do you have any favourite colour?'
'yes, it's the shade stfu of the colour mind your business.'
'Lol. Really, tho. Don't make me dissect your wardrobe and make a guess, love'
Ishan's eyes narrow. He's not going to be ordered around by this bullshiter.
'Be my guest, love'
'i'm gonna overlook the rudeness for that endearment'
'Im gonna kill u'. Ishan doesn't even realise he's smiling until he casts a random glance at the windows of parked car. He controls his smile instantly.
'your looks already have'
Ishan scoffs at the blatantly cheesy line. Ew. 'Stay dead.'
'You have an awful amt of blue clothes'
The message greets Ishan early in the morning, and so does the smell of jasmines. He looks down and there it is— a gajra tied on his wrist.
The pounding headache that he already has becomes more pronounced as he passes through the motions of his schedule, the message a background chatter in his head until he has the cup of tea in his hands.
That happened.
Yesterday's gajra and today's gajra, side by side, stare at Ishan. Ishan gulps. He should not have done that— any of that.
"Kya kar Raha hai tu," he mutters to himself as his thumb hovers over the block button. Why is he hesitating?
(Maybe because he doesn't care of he's dead or alive. Maybe because he wants the attention. Maybe because the idea of being so desired makes him warm. Maybe because someone only focusing on him makes him feel cherished.
Ishan doesn't dissect these ideas.)
He blocks the number and reports it for good measure.
He's already almost late— the quest to find his beloved oversized blue silk shirt had taken too much time. He's probably left it back home, maybe. He doesn't remember taking it there but he's always been clumsy so who knows? He'll continue the quest later.
The smell of jasmines cling to his nose even after he's deliberately choosen a woodsy perfume.
Shubhman is at perfect time.
Avesh, the admin staff manager, came almost running to Ishan when Shubhman, bless him, called in advance to say that he'll be at the college withing fifteen minutes.
If Shubhman keeps this up, Ishan will do something embarassing— like quoting Hannibal or something. The sheer appreciation Ishan feels for the man is beyond words.
As always, Rohit bhaiya had forgotten the matchsticks somewhere but Jas had come through and Ishan is now running around only making sure the height of the mic and the placement of flowers.
Siraj drags him forcefully to the gate of the faculty, to greet Shubhman. A volunteer student clicks photos as Virat Bhai hugs Shubhman, who always appears star struck at the attention from their resident King. Rohit bhaiya squeezes Shubhman in a tight hug and the smile Shubhman has on his face is blinding.
(Ishan wishes someone was as happy to see him. His colleagues are always fun, but they have lives— Ishan doesn't.)
When Shubhman turns to him, Ishan can't help but stare. He's wearing a navy blazer over a white shirt and dark blue jeans. His eyes, they're dark and intense. Ishan feels frozen.
"Ishan." His voice sounds so fucking good. He steps forward and before Ishan can hold his hand out for a handshake, Shubhman steps in his personal space and gives him a side hug.
Ishan breathes in, to calm his heart, and catches a distantly familiar scent from Shubhman. It's probably a kind of perfume Ishan knows, he's obsessed with scents.
"Shubhman. It's a pleasure to meet you again."
What the FUCK is he saying. Ishan wants to dig a hole in some lonely ground and bury himself. A pleasure to meet him? Could he be anymore obvious?
"Trust me, the pleasure is all mine."
The seminar goes on for two hours, perfectly adhering to the scheduled time and Shubhman has prepared enough to be also able to do a QnA. Ishan will marry him.
The students rush out of the seminar hall without a second thought, all of them sleepy and wanting to enjoy the rest of their day after the cancellation of their classes.
Ishan hums to himself as he wraps up the extra papers and wires, the bag for Shubhman ready to take. "Tulsi, reusable pen, certificate." He counts everything outloud and puts the bag aside. Someone lifts it up instantly. Ishan whips around, seeing Shubhman standing there grinning at him.
"Hello, there."
"Hi, Shubhman. How long have you been standing here?"
"Just long enough to hear that aap Mumbai aa sakte hai."
Ishan feels his face heat up instantly and shakes his head. Shubhman laughs. "Come on, I feel like we should close this hall before someone closes us inside it."
Would it really be so bad?
Oh god, when did he turn into a desperate teenager?
Ishan follows Shubhman out, talking about measley things like movies and songs, to see him off and help him settle with the gifts but they're met with Virat bhaiya and Rohit bhaiya standing at the gate of the faculty and a thundering rain.
They both despise the rain. Ishan does too, to be honest. Almost everyone at the college hates it. Mostly, because after rain, their usually pristine college roads turn into water holding corners at some areas and the greenery in their college always allows for mosquitoes after a good rain.
Virat bhaiya shakes his head,"Unnatural rains, at the time of diwali no less! Kya zindagi hai yaar."
"Why are you being dramatic?" Ishan asks with a groan,"I have to go back on my bike! I'm already applying for sick leave for tomorrow, Rohit bhaiya."
Before Rohit bhaiya can say anything, though, Shubhman frowns at him. "But why do you want to get soaked? I have my car, I'll drop you off at your place."
"Absolutely not, I'm not going to impose on you like that. And what about my bike?"
"I'll send Rutu or someone with it tomorrow to pick you up, bhai." Rohit bhaiya says. "Don't get sick uselessly! Shubhman is right, you don't need to get soaked for nothing."
Shubhman nods along,"And it's not imposing if I offered. Come on, let me do my good deed for the week."
Ishan looks helplessly at Virat bhaiya. He lifts his chin and gives him a reassuring look.
Tagging: @mayakimayahai @kyayaarkiraa @ispeakmorelanguagesthanyou @onthecloudseven @khwxbeeda @ek-ladki-bheegi-bhagi-si @fortunatelycrazyyouth @ishkrisq
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daniigh0ul · 6 months
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everyone awoo on the count of three. one, two, three...awooooo
prev || next shoutouts to @/whimsylien who made the social bunny psd!!
What is safe to a werewolf anyway?
RORY: Hey. Lou is an asshole. Next time? Go in for the leg sweep to get him off balance. Always get the larger opponent on the defense. DIEGO: You people are insane. RORY: There are worse things out there than getting in a fight with Lou. Like changing and hurting someone on a full moon, for instance. Or finding yourself in Greg's turf. DIEGO: What're you saying? That I can't control myself? Who is Greg? RORY: Man. I'm not saying you can't control yourself. I am saying that shifting is much easier when you are in a pack. Greg is the town asshole and the town legend. DIEGO: I can take care of myself. RORY: Clearly not! What's your name? DIEGO: Diego. RORY: I'm Rory. This is my pack—the Wildfangs. We are about embracing our nature. Every full moon we meet up. It's safer that way. DIEGO: I got this far without a pack! And I have my dad. RORY: Just add me on SB. If you change your mind, you and your dad can come to it. And don't go up north. That's where Greg is. DIEGO: What if I don't want to be in a pack? RORY: I can't force you but Volkov's pack is promising something that doesn't exist. When you choose to lonewolf, you risk becoming a Greg. Don't become a Greg. Diego sighs. DIEGO: Fine. If it'll shut you up. He fishes his phone of his pocket and adds her. He realizes he has an unread message from that girl...
TATI: hey man mr. flowers said we should start pairing up for the final grade project. so like do u want to be partners? :D DIEGO: yeah how about vampire lore TATI: okie!sounds good. we can meet up at the library to do research on tues :)
Diego doesn't reply. He starts his walk back home as the sun sets. This day sucked but maybe Tuesday will be better.
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ghostinvenus · 2 years
MARY ON A CROSS | Mountain x F!Reader
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ ㅤ ・・・・☆・・・・
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synopsis: as a newly summoned ghoulette, you are quite nervous to perfom in your first ritual. luckily, mountain is there to help you through it
pairings: mountain x reader
warnings: just fluff, bad humour too
author's note: this one is made specially for @dexthtoyounglings , the official mountain's wife blog! she is a very sweet person and i hope she enjoys this little thing i put together for her. love u paula ♡
word's count: 3,2k
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ ㅤ ・・・・☆・・・・
"You know, my dad used to sing the next song..." The crowd erupts in cheers, going wild at screaming in support for your Papa. You can only look back to where Aether was standing, and see him give you a thumbs up before turning back to the public "Get ready for Mary On A Cross!"
You take a deep breath and hear the familiar sound of Dew's guitar starting, followed by Aether. Soon, it's your turn to complement the guitar riffs. You can only hope it doesn’t go as badly as it did in practice.
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ ㅤ ・・・・☆・・・・
"Why do we need another ghoul?" The smallest ghoul of the group said, pointing at you with his palms, not even bothering to take a look at your face "We already have Swiss who is, have you forgotten already, a multighoul? It means he can do ANYTHING"
"Hey, just because it means I can do anything, it doesn't mean it's easy. Cirrus and Cumulus help, and with the arrival of Sunshine, it got even easier, but I still get three or more instruments to play during the show" The one you thought to be the ghoul named Swiss spoke, coming closer to you and throwing an arm around your shoulders "She can play the guitar with you guys. The ghoulettes are always behind on stage, it would be nice to have one upfront, don't you think, Dewdrop?"
"You don't even know if she can play the guitar. And you know she have to be good to keep up with us" The one that you now knew was named Dew replied, not even bothering to ask if you could play the guitar – which you could – or if you were good at it – which you were –. He was clearly the most distressed about your sudden appearence
"Can you play the guitar?" Another ghoul appeared behind you, scaring you momentarily. You could swear you had seen him at the side of Dewdrop moments before "I'm Aether, by the way. The most powerful ghoul and the one who can play the sickest guitar riffs"
"Yeah, the sickest because everyone is sick after hearing what you call music" Dewdrop answered, searching for something in his shirt pocket and after finding, throwing in Aether's direction. A guitar pick
It didn't had time to reach Aether, who flinched either way. The guitar pick quickly came back to a stop on a ghoulette's hand, who was awaiting with her hand open
"The name is Cumulus!" Waving quickly towards you, the short ghoulette presented herself "And this is Cirrus!" She continued, pointing to the tallest ghoulette, who waved back to you "And our newest.. well, was our newest addition, Sunshine!", Sunshine said a small hi to you, coming from behind Cirrus, and you offered a smile in return
After her ghoulettes introductions, she sent the pick back in Dewdrop's way with a wave of her hand. The look of surprise in your face must have told her something, because she was quick to explain her little act
"We are able to keep our elements even when we are summoned here at Earth. I guess it helps both parties; the summoners and the summoned. Me and Cirrus are related to the air, That's why I was able to get Dewdrop's pick. I just controlled the air around it" Cirrus seemed to like to talk, taking every opportunity to explain about this new world to you
"What about you, have you discovered your element yet?" A more calm voice approached you, and you looked to see another ghoul coming closer to you "I'm Rain, nice to meet you!" He offered his hand for you to shake, and you gladly took
"Don't worry if you haven't yet, our Sunshine here hasn't found out what is her element either" Swiss looked back to you, trying to calm your nerves
You couldn't remember much from what was the way you used to live. You remembered the burning feeling, that was as clear as day, and the female voice surrounding you moments before everything turned white and you appeared here. But you couldn't remember from what region of Hell you were, and that could help a lot in finding out your element, neither could you remember how you used to interact with other demons, which could dictate your personality and therefore be able to find what type of ghoul you were
"She looks like a water ghoul. Look at her tail, it has small fins just like Rain. And she hasn't said a word back to Dewdrop, despite him being an asshole" Aether approached you, looking you up and down and turning you around to show the others
"This means she is quite calm, like a water ghoul" With your face turned from where the majority of the ghouls was standing, you saw who was behind you this whole time, only observing. He was the tallest ghoul of the group, and was standing awkward, with his bare feet touching the grass "But is she a general water ghoul? Or a specific one?" He walked closer to you, his height making so he had to hunch over to look you in the eyes. You took a little step back, feeling nervousness spread through your body, you blurt out the most stupid thing your brain could conjure
"Why are you so tall?"
The look in the ghoul's face was one of pure surprise. How could your first words in the human realm be something along the lines of questioning his height?
"She is alive!" Dewdrop throws his arms around in a dramatic manner "And she talks!"
You question of why Mountain – the tall ghoul – was so tall was soon answered by Swiss, who quoting, said that the ghoul was 'an earth ghoul and so he ressembles a tree', which was followed by a smack in his head giving by said ghoul
The Papa, who you soon learned, liked to be called only Copia, was the one who asked for your presence, saying he needed a bigger range of feminine voices in his next album, and so his mother complied, summoning you from the pits of hell, asking for a voice that would be able to spread the word of Satan's church as fast as the ice freezing down a body of water. And so, she received you
Your first days at the Abbey weren't the nicest ones. You were summoned for the specific reason of singing and helping the band, so your mornings were filled with singing lessons, your afternoons with eletric guitar lessons, and your nights with learning every song of Ghost already released. Keeping your head down and your voice low, you heard a lot from Dewdrop, since he was a fire ghoul and was the obvious opposite of you, a water ghoul. Rain, who you ended up being really close to, since you were the only other water type ghoul after him, told you Dewdrop used to act just like this with him too, but after a few weeks, when seeing he was no threat, ended up being his friend. It was more about the fire ghoul being territorial than aggressive
Even though you were becoming quite the close friends with Rain and the other ghoulettes, you still had one specific ghoul in your mind: Mountain. He was probably the quietest ghoul of the group, surpassing even the water ghouls. Being a water ghoul yourself, you knew you could approach strangers, talk to them, make friends, but with Mountain was another story. He wouldn't talk to anyone outside the band ghouls, and whenever another ghoul or even a sister tried to talk to him, he would answer and quickly go somewhere, mostly outside at the gardens. You made a promise to yourself that you would be able to get him to come and talk to you
It was another day filled with practice. You had gone from Kaisarion to Square Hammer, from Dance Macabre to He Is, repeating the upcoming tour tracklist over and over until you felt a sting in your fingers, but you couldn't stop. You had to prove to the ghouls that besides being the newest addition and the youngest ghoul, you were worth of your position
But there was one song that was about to be your downfall. Mary On a Cross. Of course, Papa Nihil always entering the practice room when he heard the initial chords to his song and talking your ear off about his glory days had nothing to do with the growing unpleasing feeling you had everytime the time to train the song arrived. Ok, this was one of the reasons, but the song just made you nervous for some reason. The creepiness of singing and playing such an old song, the nervousness of presenting the song while the creator of it was right there listening, and the anxiousness of being a new ghoul created a snowball effect that was slowly swallowing you whole
This night would be a different night, though. It marked the seven days countdown to your first ritual, and you had to go through this song one more time. It was the only one that was giving you problems, and you wouldn't let Papa Nihil see you getting it wrong one more time, specially because he would be touring with the band this time, since he was the only one who could do the current Miasma saxophone solo
You pressed play on the radio that was kept at the practice room, and you looked down at your eletric guitar, trying to become one with it, just like you were taught, when a loud sound caught your attention. The sound of the door being open
Satan, not Papa Nihil again, you thought to yourself, but were surprised to see the ghoul you were less expecting coming form behind the door. It was Mountain
Stepping inside and closing the door behind him, he turned back to look inside the room, only to find you staring back straight at his masked face
"Hello, Mountain" You said, putting your guitar aside and getting up
"I didn't notice you were here before. I'm sorry, I will be leav..."
"Please, there's no need for this" You interrupted the other ghoul, sitting down at the couch again "I would rather if you could stay with me during this practice"
"Did something happened? Is Dewdrop annoying you again?" Mountain sat by your side, looking at you intensely
"No, the last time, I threatened to splash water on him and he ran away calling for Aether" You answered, remembering the fact with a smile. After the night of the incident, the ghoul seemed much calmer, even making jokes near your presence, which made you think that maybe he was finally warming up to you
"Always running to Aether. I don't know how the big guy still protects him after all the menace Dew causes" With a smile, Mountain put his hand in your knees "It seems you are finally opening up to us. You talk more lately"
"You are one to say, this is the first time we maintain a conversation" You didn't let pass the small blush that spread through the ghoul's cheeks
"I am just very observant" Mountain replied "And I observed you overworking yourself ever since you have been summoned. You don't need to be perfect, you know this?"
"I have been summoned by Sister Imperator herself. It is my duty to be perfect" You sat upright, trying to convey your thoughts through your actions
"Not even the older ghouls know everything, you shouldn't think too much about this"
"Yes, I should, Mountain!" You replied, raising your voice. You noticed quickly how the ghoul brows furrowed and how his reassuring smile dissappeared "I'm sorry for raising my voice. I didn't mean to"
"It's okay, little one"
And with that, he smiled again, his sharp teeth showing through his lips, and for a moment, you wondered how they would taste against your mouth. Focusing your eyes in something else, you tried to move those thoughts away
"So, nervous for your first ritual?" Mountain sat back, relaxing his posture and putting one of his long leg over the other
"Definetely! There's this one song, though..." You stopped yourself from continuing, scared of what the ghoul might think of you admitting you couldn't play a song of the tracklist
"Don't worry, I can help you if you tell me what the song is" As if reading your thoughts, Mountain softened his voice, trying not to scare you back into your shell
"It's Mary on a Cross" You said, closing your eyes and hoping for the worst, not even wanting to see the ghoul's reaction
"Oh, that one? Well, here is the deal to play this song..."
"Wait, you aren't going to belittle me and send me back to hell?" You opened one of your eyes, still nervous. You only received a hearty laugh from Mountain, one that few people had the delight to hear or see
"Why would I do that? We all have difficulties in certain songs. As I told you, no one is perfect"
"It's... just such a fan favorite, I'm scared of getting it wrong.."
"Here, let me help you. When you are on stage, try following my lead on the drums. You can stay closer to me too, if that helps" He seemed happy to be able to help in any way "Next group practice, let's try this, okay?"
"Okay, Mountain. Thank you, really"
"It's no problem, little one. Anything else?"
"Now that I think about it..." You started saying
"How do I act sexy on stage like Dewdrop?" You asked innocently, only to see Mountain getting up quickly and running towards the door
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ ㅤ ・・・・☆・・・・
The start of the drums bring you back to your current position, and you quickly dislocate yourself to stay near Mountain, just like you practiced with him
You take a deep breath, and hear the words of Sister Imperator coming to mind, her advice of 'Becoming one with the guitar' doing nothing to ease your mind from the nervousness you felt. You found your fingers trembling, making the sounds the guitar was making tremble together. Everything would go wrong, you would be taken off from the band, the ghouls and ghoulettes would laugh at you and...
You looked back, at where Mountain was seated, and you saw that through his concentration, he was able to steal a quick glance in your direction, making sure you were alright. And this was enough
You heard his voice in your mind, repeating the advice he told you million times during practice. 'Become one with the music, and the music will follow your lead'
And so, you followed what he told you
You quickly found yourself being able to control your guitar, it's chords bowing down to your skill, and you finally were able to ease the anxiety that was plaguing your mind. Coming closer to where your microphone was standing, you prepared to sing together with the ghoulettes and Papa, finally being able to feel the music filling you with it's emotions
"You go down just like Holy Mary
Mary on a, Mary on a cross
Your beauty never ever scared me
Mary on a, Mary on a cross"
After that, only a few seconds were necessary and the music was over. The sweet music that has been stressing you over for weeks now was finally over, and you felt like you had just completed a challenge that put you further into being an official addition to the band
A couple of songs later and you were waving down at the audience, collecting flowers, throwing guitar picks and hugging your fellow ghouls and ghoulettes to bow down while hearing the applause. You choose to stay near Mountain during this part for obvious reason
"What you guys did back there was amazing!" You heard Copia's voice as soon as you entered backstage "And you!" He pointed at you, and you quickly felt fear run through your veins. He heard you messing up, it was all over now. "You were perfect! I knew you would be a good addition!"
"Thank you, Papa" You answered truthfully, letting go of a breath you didn't even knew you were holding
The ghouls each went to their specific places, some staying at the corner, others talking together in a little group. All of them, including Dewdrop, stopped their activities to congratulate you on your first ritual, and you felt a closer connection to them than before
"You did great back then!" Finally, the voice you wanted to hear the most. Mountain appeared behind you, making you turn and stare him in his now unmasked eyes
"It would not be possible without your help" You replied, sincerely
"That's not true. It was your talent..." He put a finger on your forehead, giving a little push and making you laugh "...and those skilled fingers..." He held your fingers with both of his hands, caressing them "That made the show so great tonight"
Your wide smile felt like escaping your face, from how happy you were feeling
"Thank you. Really. It means a lot to me"
"I am always here to help, little one"
The way he held his gaze on your eyes made your legs weak, and your immortal heart feel like jumping out of your ribcage. What was this man doing to you? Had he put you in a spell? You felt your cheeks grow warm after noticing how his large hands were still holding yours, making it seem like your hands were molded to fit each other perfectly. Your thoughts were racing through your mind, you had barely registered his face coming closer to yours, until you felt his lips, touching yours lightly
"Can I kiss you, little one?"
"Yes, please, Mounty..." The nickname seemed to do something to him, since he grabbed your face in both his hands, and closed the distance between your bodies, kissing you slowly. You felt his warm lips touching yours, your mouth moving according to his lead, and your hands instinctively found their way through his hair, caressing him and making him moan in a deep low pitch in the kiss.
"Satan, you are going to make me crazy" Mountain stopped kissing you for a moment, his comment making you smile. But soon he was back to kissing you again, this time, asking for entrance with his tongue. You happily obliged, opening your mouth slightly and letting his tongue, feeling how in that kiss was the sweetness of passion, a million loving thoughts condensed into a moment
"Guys! Our little ghoulette is an ice element ghoul!"
You and Mountain quickly separated, looking around and seeing all the eyes on both of you. Looking for who said the phrase that interrupted your moment with Mountain, you found Dewdrop pointing at something under you. You looked down to see a circle of ice forming around your feet, in the rough shape of a small human heart. Looking up again, your eyes encountered the glowing eyes of Mountain already staring back at you, looking like they had seen a million constellations in your face
"That explains how cold your hands are" Mountain said, still looking at your eyes
"MOUNTAIN!" You were able to shout, hitting him in the arm, before a laugh erupted from both of you.
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ggomos-maribat · 1 year
A Real One for Christmas
Cross posted from AO3
You know, when I said I was ready to return the favor,
I didn't expect it to be like this
Pleaseeee? 🥺🥺🥺
It's just for one Christmas dinner
EVERYONE has their own boyfriend or girlfriend now
And Ma and Pa's been asking when I'm getting together with someone
you're overlooking something here
your best friend knows me
how do we explain that to them?
we just tell them the truth
we met online and hit it off
uh huh
he won't ask questions in front of the family
i think
i can think of a million reasons how this can go wrong
it won't🙂
wow that smiling face is really assuring
that's good ^ _^
another question..
am I supposed to know about your powers?
that's the fun part
if they know you're a 'civilian'
they'll be fighting to hide their powers
and/or tech
thru the whole dinner
you're actually evil
this is me getting back at them
so i'll fly you on the 20th?
i can't fly with you
you need to book me a flight, im in Paris
Or else they'll be suspicious
I'll ask Dad to help get you one
What about HM?
I'll make a prediction here and say that he won't be attacking a few days before christmas
cause he'll do it on christmas
but just in case, I can bring Kaalki or you can fly me
or I can ask Chat to cover for me
see you :3
hey, this makes YOU owe me a favor
but this is your return
this isnt equal to what u did
it is :3
Marinette sighed and flopped on her bed as she threw her phone to her side. Meeting Jon Kent had been both luck and misfortune for her. One day, he was just a cute stranger she met after a boredom-filled night and then the next, they had accidentally found each others' identities when Superboy happened to pass by Paris.
She dragged out a groan. What on earth was Jon even thinking with that charade? They were facing a family of Kryptonians and detectives for crying out loud. 
"What's the matter, Marinette?" Tikki flew in munching on her last cookie crumb. 
"That was a very regretful groan." 
She screamed when she saw her partner's head pop through her open skylight. A pillow was instinctively thrown at Chat, who dodged it effortlessly. 
"What the hell are you doing here?" she glanced warily at her trapdoor, hoping her parents wouldn't come rushing in. 
Chat dropped down on her bed and stretched. "Meowch. Can't I visit my dearest friend every now and then?" 
"I think Marinette has a predicament," Tikki tattled as she nestled on top of Chat's head. 
"Oooh, what predicament? Do share, M'lady." 
Seven pieces of cookies, two more woeful groans and a story later, Chat was laughing out loud. 
"You think this is funny?" Marinette scowled. 
"I'm sorry," Chat wheezed, not at all sounding remorseful. "But you and I have read enough fanfiction to know where this is going." 
"But this is not fanfiction. This is real life." 
"And in real life," the black-clad hero sang, "Jon Kent likes you."  
Marinette scoffed. It wasn't that easy of course. Jon was one charming smile after another, targeting her unsuspecting feelings while not knowing anything.  
"So. . .?" Chat cocked his head.  
"What about Hawkmoth?"  
"Him? I can take care of the city while you're out," he replied. "You go enjoy your little Christmas getaway while I—"  
"Should we exchange our Miraculouses?" Marinette asked her kwami.  
Tikki gave a half shrug, "I don't mind joining Adrien for a while."  
"Yes! Two days with no cheese smell!"  
The flight to America was uneventful, but the car ride to Kents' was. Jon had reminded her before and after her trip that he and Conner were picking her up. She'd lied to him over text, saying that she wasn't nervous at all, but her rapid-beating heart was betraying her.  
And Plagg wouldn't shut up about it. And asking her for a charcuterie board at dinner.  
She could only make a futile attempt to control her heartbeat in the old farm truck with two Superboys.  
"Marinette, was it?" Conner smiled at her through the rearview mirror.  
"Uh . . . Yeah." She squirmed. Jon squeezed her hand. She squirmed some more.  
"By the way, Dad wanted to pick you up instead of Conner but he has dinner duties," Jon explained, "He told me to tell you."  
"It's okay. I'm thankful he paid for the flight and everything."  
"Jon told me you met online," Conner pressed, earning a frown from Jon. "He wouldn't elaborate."  
"We just started off as chat buddies and the next thing I know we were getting closer and he asked me out."  
"Hm that's interesting." A slight smirk popped up on Conner's lips. "Jon's never mentioned you before." 
"This is exactly why," Jon pouted. "You'll scare her off."  
A fake gasp. "Moi? I'm just a guy from Smallville. No one too special."  
"Eyes on the road, Kon. And don't go too fast, this isn't your motorcycle."  
"So how did Lois react when she found out?" 
Marinette saw Jon shudder under his holiday sweater. "She was furious."  
She paled. "Your mom got mad?"  
"I should've seen that coming anyway, because I never told them." Jon raised his hands. "Not your fault, though! Mom's excited to meet you."  
"How exactly did you meet?"  
"Kon. Questions later. Focus on driving, jeez."  
Marinette swallowed. If they had to pull off the act in front of Jon's family, she had to step up. "It's okay, Jon." She touched his arm. "We met in an online chatroom and we've been talking ever since." 
"Tinder? Grindr?"  
"Kon!" Jon's cheeks turned into a deep shade of red. "Can we talk about something else? What about you and Tim? Talk about that."  
"Me and Tim?" Conner smiled widely, almost evilly. "You want to talk about us? Tonight we're going to make lo—"  
"Okay, okay! Not that!" Jon raised his voice. He turned to Marinette. "Sorry."  
She squeezed the side of her bag which was starting to shake from Plagg's giggles. "It's okay. I promise."  
"You shouldn't have come—" 
"Hey, no, we already agreed to this, didn't we?" Marinette smiled shyly. "We're doing this dinner."  
Withholding a smirk, she laughed. "And it's not like I can fly back to France in a minute." 
And to this, Conner's eyes widened as the car swerved sharply to another lane.  
Lois Lane was first to tackle her as soon as she stepped through the front door. She stumbled back a bit, but managed to return the tight hug.  
"Marinette! I'm happy you can make it." She turned her head briefly to the commotion behind her. "I have to apologize—we're not yet done with the preparations."  
Marinette could see half of the Wayne family staring at her curiously from the kitchen. She pretended not to notice as Jon took her coat. "It's alright, Ms. Lane. If there's anything I can help with—"  
"No, you're our guest! You can sit here first and the table will be set in a few minutes." The reporter hurried her to a comfy couch in the living area. "And please, call me Lois."  
"Thank you . . . Lois."  
Jon leaned down to whisper in her ear. "Dad needs me to help with a few things. Will you be okay on your own?"  
She took his hand gently. "Of course. Go."  
He gave her one charming smile before going. At the same time, others came filing in . . .  
. . . And an arrow sailed past her head and into the wall.  
"That is my new—ow!"  
A blue-eyed man snatched the small contraption from the archer, glaring at him pointedly. 
"We have a guest, idiot." Another man strolled into the room.  
Dick Grayson, Roy Harper, Jason Todd, Marinette made her guesses. Jon had already told her all about them, even going as far as to share their quirks and personalities. Nightwing, Arsenal, Red Hood.  
"I am so sorry!" Roy's eyes went wide. "It was for my . . . Er—archery competition!"  
Jason smacked him.  
"Didn't we already tell you about this?" Dick hissed while pulling out the arrow from the wall.  
Roy mumbled a response that Marinette couldn't make out.  
"Really really sorry for that." Dick turned to her. "Are you hurt anywhere?"  
"I'm good!" Marinette assured before their arguments worsened. "It didn't hit me."  
"Good." Dick glared at Roy again. "I'm Dick, and these are Roy and Jason."  
"It's nice to meet you," she smiled sheepishly.  
"Guys, you're crowding around the poor girl." A woman in a wheelchair entered, and the others gave her space.  
"Hi, I'm Barbara, you can call me Babs." The woman offered a welcoming smile which Marinette returned. At that moment, more people were ushered into the living room, by the Wayne's butler who was brandishing a spatula and muttering about banning them from the kitchen.  
Marinette felt a chill down her spine.  
There, at the corner of her eye, he was staring at her. Calculatingly.  
Crap, he definitely recognizes me.  
She pulled out her phone and sent a quick message to Jon.  
The Kents and Waynes (read: Alfred) didn't disappoint with the food. Marinette realized how hungry she was when she gazed at the dining table.  
"You have to try Ma's apple pie," Jon whispered next to her. "I bet your bakery can't compare."  
"I'll be the judge of that," Marinette rolled her eyes. She settled next to Jon, across from Clark and Lois. Damian was diagonal from her, making it more difficult to avert her gaze.  
After the setting of the table, passing of bowls, picking up of servings, Clark made small talk within the light chatter.  
"So Marinette, what do you like to do?" Clark asked.  
"Art. Designing," she replied, "Helping my parents bake."  
"Oh come on," said Jon, "Marinette is a prodigy. She's been recognized by Gabriel Agreste and Audrey Bourgeois gave her an offer once."  
"Big names in fashion," Bruce Wayne commented, sending Marinette into a blush, "That's impressive."  
Jon piped up again before she could kick him under the table. "Her designs are amazing. And Jagged Stone regularly commissions her for concert pieces."  
"Wagged Shtone?" 
"Master Timothy, please don't talk while eating."  
"You know Jagged Stone?!" Tim gaped at her after swallowing down his food.  
"Jon's exaggerating." Marinette tucked her hair behind her ear, "It was just a few pieces for his concert."  
"Don't downplay it, Mars, you're talented," Jon smiled gently.  
"Looks like you're very proud of Marinette," said Lois.  
"O—of course I am! She's my girlfriend after all."  
"Well, I'm happy Jon brought a wonderful girl home," Ma Kent beamed, handing Marinette another piece of baked lasagna.  
"Can you get me an autograph from Jagged?" Roy asked.  
"Me first!" Tim cut in.  
"I'd like one too," Kara joined in.  
Marinette laughed nervously, "I'm sure I can get one for everyone." She glanced to her side. "Umm . . . Conner are you okay?"  
He continued rubbing his shoulder. "Yeah, someone threw a tree at me too hard while we were collecting firewood."  
An invisible tension (which Marinette purposefully ignored) swept across the room. Beside her, Jon spoke up. "Hey, I said I was sorry!"  
Marinette furrowed her eyebrows, resisting a laugh when she saw the semi-panicked faces of the others. "Jon threw a tree at you?"  
Tim conspicuously kicked Conner's leg below the table.  
"A tree! Yeah!" Conner's eyes widened. "We collect tiny trees for firewood! Really tiny ones!"  
"Oh. . .?"  
"Please ignore him." Tim kicked his boyfriend again. "Mari, tell us about Paris!"  
"Chilly night, huh?" 
Marinette could've sworn she jumped to the ceiling as she yelped at the voice. She'd step out into the front porch to get some air as the families cleaned up after dinner inside. She didn't expect the girl who Damian had brought to come approach her. 
"Yeah, really cold," Marinette saw her breath fog up. She hugged herself, feeling Rachel stare directly at her. 
Rachel had been quiet during dinnertime, but she wasn't a forgettable presence. Marinette knew about her as well (even before she knew about the Kents) because of a mission (more accurately, a snooping errand) assigned to her in the past. 
"Aren't you cold too?" Marinette rubbed her palms together. 
"I do well with the cold," the girl replied. "Damian's been looking at you the whole night." 
Yeah, I noticed that too. 
"Really?" Marinette chuckled nervously, gazing elsewhere. 
"Yes. It seems like he knows you." 
"He must be mistaken . . ." 
"He isn't." Rachel shook her head. "I'm not sure why he's suspicious but I trust you." 
"I can feel that you're good. Lucky even." A light smile was on her lips. "You're good for Jon." 
I thought the smell of cheese would've masked whatever luck Tikki gives me. "Thanks?" 
"I'm coming back inside. You?" 
"Uhh . . . I think I'll stay here for a bit." 
With a nod, Rachel walked back into the warm house. Marinette released a sigh of relief. Confirming that Damian did recognize and remember her brought back memories.  
She wasn't proud of her time in the League, but it wasn't something she can turn her back to either. Especially since she still had to be loyal to its heir. She let out another heavy sigh and— 
"AHH!" In a surge of alarm, Marinette threw whoever was behind her over her shoulder. She was suddenly met with familiar green eyes.  
"Oh . . . Amir . . . I'm so sorry!"  
"It's good to know you still have your reflexes." 
She winced as she helped Damian stand back up. 
"I will go straight to the point. What are you doing here?" 
"What do you mean?" 
"Did my mother send you? Is the League looking for me?" 
Marinette huffed. "Okay, first of all, that is an insult to Lady Talia. If she wanted to see you, she'd do it herself. Not send me to go undercover in a Christmas dinner." 
Damian raised an eyebrow. 
"Secondly, I'm not here for anything but Jon. Because I'm his girlfriend," she emphasized. "It's just a coincidence and I even hoped you wouldn't try to talk to me." 
"So you have no business involving me?"  
"I don't." She glanced warily through the window of the house, wondering if Jon (or any of the Supers) was listening. "Jon is . . . he's really important to me. I like him." 
"Does that mean you know about . . .?"  
"Yeah, all of it." She lowered her voice to a whisper. "But don't tell anyone. Jon and I are waiting to see how long we can mess with them."  
"I see." Damian pursed his lips, putting on an expression that she knew meant that he was thinking deeply. "If Kent hurts you in any way, I have a stock of kryptonite." 
"Uhm . . . Isn't it supposed to be the other way around?"  
"No." A tight smile. "I . . . Apologize for misunderstanding. I just haven't seen you since the League fell."  
"I'm just in Paris, Amir." Her shoulders sagged. "Trying to live normally. Sorry I haven't reached out."  
"We should go back inside. You're shivering."  
Marinette followed Damian into the house just as her phone rang. She sucked in a breath, read the message and met Jon's eyes from across the room.  
He immediately went towards her and pulled her to the stairs, yelling, "We'll be in my bedroom, don't listen to us, okay, bye!"  
Jon had offered to take her at first, but she declined to protect their cover. She had taken the Horse Miraculous and rushed back to the Kents' using the space power-up. On a day when she thought Hawkmoth wouldn't strike, he akumatized poor August again. 
Marinette had exchanged Miraculouses with Chat during the battle. She sat on Jon's windowsill in her Cosmobug suit as she caught her breath.  
"I'm really sorry," she breathed out. "Did they ask questions?"  
"They think we're still locked up here so it's okay. How was the battle? Did you get hurt?" Jon scanned her for injuries.  
She held his shoulders. "I'm okay. It was a quick fight but I was worried I wouldn't make it back in time."  
He pulled her into a tight hug, eliciting another blush. "Sorry I made you stressed out."  
"Hey, it's me returning the favor, remember?"  
The first time they had met in person, Superboy was in Paris, encountered an akuma battle and accidentally found her identity. She'd made him promise not to tell anyone about what was happening in the city, but he promised to collect the debt.  
"And I really enjoyed tonight. Everyone was nice." Marinette grinned. "If not a bit too obvious with their identities."  
"Let me guess. Conner and Roy were the most careless."  
She giggled. "No, I saw Bruce pocketing a Batarang and Clark reheating the chicken with his heat vision."  
Jon laughed along with her, still not letting go from the hug. Marinette buried her face on his chest. I wish it would always be like this.  
"I wish it could always be like this," said Jon.  
Her earrings started beeping but she paid them no mind.  
"Like . . . Bringing you over. Spending time together," he mumbled. "but we can't. You're not . . . We're not . . ."  
She swallowed. "Do you want it to be real?"  
He pulled away a little, to look at her properly. "Do you?"  
Marinette bit her lip. It wasn't the best time. It could strain their friendship. We'll never talk again!  
"Yes, I want it to be real," she confessed. "I've . . . I've liked you for a while now." 
His eyes turned bright and the corners of his lips lifted.  "Really? Are you sure? Because I was scared you won't feel the same and I made it weird . . ."  
Her arms looped around his neck as she mirrored the elated look. "Nope." Her lips lightly touched his cheek. "I like you a lot, Jon."  
He was practically buzzing with excitement, which made her want to laugh. "Really? Like really, really?" He held her more tightly. "You want to be my real girlfriend?"  
"Of course I do—"  
The door clicked open. "MARINETTE! WE GOT YOU PRESENTS—!"  
A wave of light flashed and Marinette felt her transformation wear off and a drowsy Tikki floating at her side. Conner, Tim, Dick and Kara were staring slack-jawed at them, crowded around the door.  
Jon helped her down the windowsill. "Umm, we can explain?"  
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chemistryread · 2 years
disclaimers/tags: female oc. written as a reader insert but reader has a lot of backstory. slowburn. angst. implied domestic violence. minors dni.
a/n: some rash decisions on this one, get ready! if you love angst as much as me, this can be read as the ending, but there’s another chapter coming :) also very sorry at how long this post is, but i really wanted to make this story 4 chapters so ! anyways, enjoy and thanks all of u who have liked, rbed or commented in some way 🫶
right cowboy, wrong time
rhett abbott
part 1
part 2
summary: you’re not home and your boyfriend’s a dick. thankfully, not all cowboys are bad.
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"Did you sleep with someone else?"
"Did you?"
That was basically it.
(There was a lot of screaming and attempted emotional blackmailing you don’t bring up. What would be the point?)
You're retelling the events to Dani, working side by side with her.
A kid had joined the staff, and since he's still in school he needs the night shift. Now, you're bumped back to mornings alongside your friend. Things are looking up.
"I can't believe it was solved with one non-violent conversation."
She's actively ignoring the marks in your arms but you take her selective blindness as good-spirited. Focus on the good.
With that in mind, you don't mention how close you got to apologizing and taking it back when he questioned your ability to be alone. Saying you'd only fall on hard times once more and return to him for help. But...you were alone before him, and you were okay before him. It will work.
"I know. I mean, I'm not at all under the impression that he’s not planning some sort of revenge, mulling it over. He'll still be around for another two weeks. And we can't pretend that didn't play a huge part into how well he took it."
"Took it. Right." She laughs, handing you the clean menus to set on the counter. "Be honest. He was aware that this was the only way to do it without exhibiting lack of power. Like it was beyond anyone's control."
During your conversation, it was made clear that he did not yield, you agreed it was unsalvageable. Stupid to keep trying. And he wasn’t stupid. Dani’s right.
"Hey, I'm not disagreeing. Or complaining."
"Hey, I'm not disagreeing. Or complaining."
Her smile falters and you frown.
"I have to say, though, I was convinced you would not fall for him."
She shoves the pen and paper in your hands, along with three menus, and spins you around towards the tables.
If it isn't the little Abbotts and Amelia. Just your luck.
You do not regret it. At all. It would be spoiled of you to.
However, it obviously soured things between you and Rhett. Which is precisely what you did not want.
You meant it, when you said you didn't want to be one of his girls. In a way. You would either take him (yes, take him) out on a date and do the whole process with an open heart, or shut him out and remain nothing but the friendly waitress until you left for home and never saw him again.
The way things are right now, you can't possibly do either with an honest face.
And honesty is a huge thing for you. The motivator behind admitting to being unfaithful that night, putting yourself in a risky situation in front of your boyfriend. Ex.
Amy's smile when she sees you approach the table helps you believe in the good things again, even if only for a couple of minutes.
"Yes! I told my dad, if any of the other girls tried to serve us, I was gonna fake cry until we got you."
Rhett avoids you, taking a coin left as part of the tip from the previous seaters and flipping it between his fingers.
You wink at her and point your pen to Perry, before clicking it. "You're raising her right. What can I, and only I, get you guys?"
His cap is not wide enough to hide the circles under his eyes, and he orders a standard hangover breakfast. You exchange shy nods, but it's not confident.
Amelia’s next.
"And if I could have that with a side of that story your stupid boyfriend didn't want to read, please?"
Your jaw hangs open. She's a rockstar.
"Amy, she said no once, don't push it."
She glares at her uncle.
Perry adds, “And don't call people stupid."
"But he was! Stupid and rude."
Your giggle draws the table's eyes.
"No, he was. About time we broke up."
Her dad looks impressed, like he thought he would never see the day. It bothers you a little. You don't have the guts to look at Rhett, even if you can feel his eyes on you.
"Really?" She asks excited, and you nod. "Cool! So you can marry my dad or uncle Rhett and then you'll be in the family forever."
You laugh again. These men do not appreciate her humour and it's kind of sad.
"I'm too young to get married, kid! I'm not a child bride." It flies over her head but Perry laughs. You'll win him over someday. "About the story, I'm afraid I got rid of that one, it wasn't good. But when I start working on something new I'll ask you for help, deal?"
She nods with tight lips, silky straight hair shaking down her shoulders.
"Good. I'll be right back with your food."
It’s a busy morning, so they had no choice but to sit at an unclean table. You’re retrieving the plates, stacking them up against your left arm and shoving the bills into your apron’s pocket. That’s when Rhett taps the coin on the table three times, startling you.
Your eyes snap to his. Unreadable. Pupils large, deep blue flooding your insides. Nearly choking on it. He offers you the coin, you open your palm, and he drops it. All whilst maintaining eye contact. Honestly, you feared breaking it, as if the second you did your memories of each other would be erased. He doesn’t look away. Your eyebrows furrow, blinking a couple of times, clearing your throat and walking away with a weak step.
Dani mouths, what the fuck?
Your best guess is none, shrugging and taking the dirty dishes to the kitchen.
They eat peacefully, and you suspect Amelia got a talking to from her father because she sticks to polite smiles when you serve them.
They leave as you take another family's order. Back at the counter, Danielle kicks you in the calf.
Your coworker simply nods to the back. The butterflies in your stomach can only mean one person.
Stubbornly, you fight off the urge to fix yourself or take in your reflection off the windows before stepping outside to meet Rhett.
He looks cuddly in a hoodie.
"What are you smiling at?"
Hearing his mumbled teasing is like being lift straight out of hell and into heaven.
"What do you want?"
"Asked you first."
You bite the inside of your cheek, hands clasped behind your back, playing with your rings. Hiding your nerves from him.
"Cool hoodie you got on."
"Fuck off."
You two burst into outright gross, happy giggles.
"Were you gonna tell me you broke up?"
Your answer is fire rapid, delighting in petty revenge. "No. It's not like I'm running away with you."
He tsks once, hit.
"Right. But if you'd like to-"
"Don't." No, don't look at me like that. "I can't. Not yet."
He takes a deep breath, as if entirely too used to your bullshit, and steps closer. You let him.
"Yes, well, one of his ventures sailed off in Montana. He's going to move there for a while. But not yet." He looks too hopeful, and the full story scratches up your throat. "He knows I slept with someone."
A more somber expression, but he still doesn't get it. Briefly, you wonder if 'sleeping with' was too formal for what you actually did together.
"He doesn't know it's you." Your arms fall back to your sides, nails digging into your palms. "If he finds out-"
"I can handle him. Trust me."
"Look, hotshot, it's not about that. Sure, he'd probably threaten to punch any other guy who had his way with me. But one of you? And it's not like you took advantage of me, I chose you. I- I seeked you out. I wanted you. That's a whole other…I've seen what he can do when he's actually mad. When he loses. He'll want to fucking kill you."
"He's not that dangerous. You're being ridiculous."
"Hey, don't tell me I'm being ridiculous when I have suffered in his hands." He doesn't say anything to that. "Just get this through your proud little thick skull…If he hurts you because of me, it'll hate myself. Spare me, okay?"
His features soften at your confession. You wish he would simply accept circumstances for his own well-being, but if he won't, you'll appeal to his sensitive side.
"When does he leave?"
"Two weeks. I'm moving in with Dani tonight."
You didn't protest when she offered the extra room at her place, wanting out of that house before his brothers could give you a piece of their minds.
Rhett squints at the sun, hands on his hips, worn gloves poking out of his pant's pockets. He looks so much younger in the green cap and a plain gray hoodie.
"I can wait two weeks."
You want to run up to him, kiss the breakfast grease off his lips until Danielle calls you back inside to help her, run your fingers through his hair, feel the fabric tasked with warming him up.
Instead, scared he doesn't want any of that, you roll your eyes amusedly and run up the steps. You should set a calendar reminder for two weeks from now.
Thirteen days. He leaves tomorrow, finally.
In the meantime, he uncharacteristically leaves you alone. It's a very peaceful time in your life.
Rhett comes to the diner from time to time. You bump into each other at the shop and he ends up helping you put away the groceries at Danielle's, where he sees the begonias in a vase by the window. He relocates them to a better spot.
He learns more about your university and you about his family.
You put that knowledge to test one afternoon, when he comes by during your break and asks if you want to have lunch at his house. Royal eats very little and quickly returns to work, just as you had been told he would. Amy skipped school because she woke up particularly down and missing her mother (probably why Rhett thought of inviting you), therefore Perry eats even less but spends more time at the table, just looking at his daughter. You feel for him, really.
Cecilia is the one who suggests you go rest under the shade while Perry helps her clean up. You get the sense his mood is entirely affected by his daughter's, so mother and son need a moment to talk.
Amelia sits between you and Rhett, all three quietly eating fresh strawberries.
"Grandpa did say somebody messed with them. They're not as good."
You disagree. They taste pretty delicious for you, who's in the midst of licking the juice off your lips, satisfied.
But you know what she means, unfortunately. So you purposefully avoid Rhett's eyes, leaning back against the tree trunk and guiltly keeping your mouth shut.
He assured you this has happened for as long as he remembers being neighbors with your ex and his brothers.
Trying to dissipate the tension in the air, you poke Amy on the side.
"I've been writing something. Wanna read it?"
She almost drools when she smiles, shoving the open jar on her uncle's stomach and getting him sticky with splashed strawberry juice.
Reaching for your phone, you remember something.
"Oh, I bought a really pretty vase to put the even prettier flowers you got me, look!"
Rhett sits up awkwardly beside his niece as you show her a picture of the golden hour sunlight shining on the pink begonias.
"I didn't get you any flowers." She matches your confused expression. "I've been told off by grandma way too many times from messing around in her garden to do it again. But it does look really pretty."
Rhett's cheeks are burning red, and your stomach is doing flips.
Completely lost for words, you switch from the photos app to a Google drive document and hand the little girl your phone with tremendous trust. Kids are brutally honest.
"Here. It's, uhm, a horror short."
She picks it up with toddler-like grabby hands and sits back to enjoy it like it's a new young adult best seller.
Your eyes are still on the boy next to her, who's holding your gaze in an electric back and forth.
"Can I read it?"
After devouring four-thousand words, Amelia runs back to the house, shaking your phone at her dad's face, practically bragging that you let her read something of yours. Her first impression is pretty positive, if not over-the-top, and she tells you she'll write down her ideas and 'get back to you'.
Everyone chuckles when you shake her hand as if this was a business meeting. Her being the big publishing agent, of course.
Cecilia makes a comment about rushing back home, there being a lot of work to be done, when you gather your stuff so Rhett can drive you back to the diner. You simply smile at her.
You're biting your tongue, busying yourself with lowering the passenger side's window, but Rhett's getting a little too good at reading you.
"Speak now or-"
"I'm not dumb, you don't have to protect me." He laughs, unphased by your random instances of snappiness. "Of course it has something to do with me, Rhett. You think people don't talk?"
"We're not even doing anything."
"But there's a 'we', that's enough to create gossip. And I told him I had been with someone. The fight at the bar, the 4th when you knocked on his door holding my coat…You really think he hasn't put everything together?"
He's quiet. Rhett is not stupid, what he is is inconsequential. He thinks everything will always be ok.
"We have fought over girls before, it's always been like this."
It stings, to be put in such a common role in his life.
"Well," He turns his head your way, hearing how your voice wavers, and you cross your arms defensively. "I'm glad they didn't worry like I do, but I do. Your family has nothing to do with this. Your dad shouldn't have this put on his plate too."
"He'll be fine, trust me, he likes the work. He lives for it. Always has, since we were little boys. He's fine."
You just don't want your ex-boyfriend and his brothers taking things too far.
"I think your mother doesn't like me anymore."
He cackles and you pout. Of course you sound silly, you know that. But maybe this is what it's all about. His family are good people. You don't want good people to dislike you, or go through anything bad because of you.
It's not their fault you cling to those who seem nice and helpful. Sometimes you forget yourself. That you have been and can be alone. Being single is a great moment to capitalize on your independence, accept it. At least that way you won’t take anyone down with you.
Fingers snapping pull you out of your self-reproach.
"Don't…Don't spiral over what she said, alright? She just wants me to stick to the work, be responsible and stuff. Not wander off."
"Maybe you should."
Blue eyes search yours for a sign that you're kidding. Infuriating that you can't trust yourself not to breakdown around Rhett, you look straight ahead. One block away from the diner.
Your body is free of the seatbelt before the light can turn green again. "I can get out here, it's fine."
He doesn't move, and you stare at each other for what feels like minutes. Then he swallows, looks down, and unlocks the doors.
You hop out, carefully stepping around the car and onto the sidewalk. He calls out your name and a shiver runs down your spine, both because of how heartbreakingly confused he sounds and because you're scared one of your ex-boyfriend's brothers or friends just heard Rhett Abbott yell for you from his truck.
Turning around, you glance up and down the street, sighing in relief when everyone seems to continue their lives without noticing you two. You want to say sorry for being weird, for not being a better liar or knowing how to mask your feelings. But it would serve you more than him, at this point.
Instead, you step up to his window, hand closing around his own that is hanging halfway out and squeezing it.
All you say is, "Thank you."
You're a mess all day.
Spilled drinks, dropped knives and even a broken glass.
Danielle has to pull you out of your own head every five minutes, she's exhausted by the end of your shift.
You felt childish, telling her boy gossip at work. Ridiculous even, since she scrunches her nose when reminded the boy is Rhett Abbott.
Nothing against him, per se, he was just always such a predictable choice in high school, she had said. Good heart, though.
She ruthlessly mocks your insecurities but dutifully listens to your ramblings. Your worries about harming his family, moving on too fast, disappointing Amelia.
A wet dishcloth fight starts in the kitchen when she suggests you're in a little deeper than you had assumed. You hit her right across the stomach before she can profess the term 'in love'.
Because no, you refuse. He's a good boy, and you are attracted to him. You like him, obviously. Too obvious to deny. But you have to hold back.
Actually, until tomorrow. Perhaps that's why you're freaking out. When your ex leaves, everything becomes more real between you and Rhett. Or it's allowed to. It's your choice.
Dani and you are handing the night shift waiters your aprons when your phone pings.
"When was your last fun Saturday night? We're at the same bar as always. Danielles welcome. First rounds on us"
Somewhere in your texts - texting Rhett all day long at work was starting to get on Lenny's nerves, you should watch out - you had mentioned it was bound to be a girl's night at home, since Shiree was staying at a friend's for the night.
It's her first time too, so you had imagined pizza and wine to be a good way to keep Dani's heart at ease. But this could work too.
You show her the text, and she immediately smiles. You know it's been a while.
Eighteen. That's how old you were the last time you got to dress up as a single woman for a night out.
You're aware this isn't Boston, however. Tricking an entitled Harvard Law alumni into paying for your drinks is not up for grabs tonight, so you don't go too overboard. Still, Dani is a little speechless when she comes out of the shower. Right back at her, honestly (even though she definitely looks local and you don't).
Danielle drives to the bar, and you're already having a great time critiquing her stiff driving, begging her to relax.
"Wait, Perry's not thinking that we…"
"No, I don't think so."
"Good, makes things less awkward when you and his little brother make your eventual escape."
"That's not going to happen." She looks at you like she really doesn't believe that. You point two other trucks in the parking lot, owned by your ex and his brothers. "Even if I wanted to, it's not a good idea."
"Shit, I'm sorry. Do you want to leave? We can still get pizza."
You smile at her, sincere. You'll miss her so much.
"It's fine, I figured. It's his last day. Hopefully, we will all stay on different sides of the room and he will be enjoying his going-away party too much to care about lil' old me."
Perry's hand comes up as soon as you step inside.
Both of them do a doubletake of your outfit, lingering on the bright red cliché cowboy boots, but you decide to pretend you don't feel their eyes on your bare legs. Rhett gets up to greet you (you honestly didn't expect him to) and your words slip out before you can contain them.
"You smell good." He laughs, and Dani groans a playful 'oh my God' behind you. He's pink. You pat him in the shoulder with a sympathetic smile. "Sorry."
"I'll get another round."
Perry gets up to greet you as well and struts to the bar.
Rhett finds it strange when you take the seat across from him, instead of by his side, but you decide to stick to a good behaviour tonight.
The four of you fall easily into conversation. It's nice when they speak about their school memories and you get to listen, watch them remember and cringe at their old selves.
Your legs are stretched under the table, incidentally in between Rhett's spread legs. He gives you a small kick whenever he catches you looking over the divider to guarantee your ex is not searching for you. So far, so breezy. It's weird.
The other two drink faster, which is why, you assume, Dani jumped at the opportunity to dance with an old flame the minute he recognized her. Perry went to the bathroom.
It's just you and him.
He looks mostly sober and his tanned skin is glowing nicely under the bar's scarce lighting. His hair looks especially droopy.
You smile at him sheepishly.
"I'm sorry, I have to ask. The begonias. What was that about?"
"Oh, God. C'mon. Do you have to?"
The words push through gritted teeth, his entire body recoils in embarrassment.
You simply nod, leaning forward with a teasing grin.
When you do, your legs draw back, but not too much. He doesn't let them. His boots trap your ankles, dragging them forward, closer again.
Rhett’s pupils darken at the way you jump and you bite your cheeks so hard your dimples cave impossibly deep.
It'd be stupid not to take advantage of the moment. You blink slowly. "Please?"
Teeth trap his lower lip, but he quickly rolls his shoulders back.
"It was me. You figured that much." He looks at your for confirmation. Amelia wasn't subtle, and he was even less. "Why did I lie? Uhm, I- Shit, after you said you used to hang out with street racers, well, I felt like a loser giving you flowers from my mother's garden."
You laught at his face. Unabashedly. A nice surprise when he actually laughs along.
"Stupid, right?"
You love when he acts shy. Mousy.
"No. I never got flowers before. I would've liked knowing they were from you."
Your heart beats faster at how wide open this moment is. He did something no one has ever done for you, and you liked it. You liked that he did. And you just told him that.
"More than if they were from Amy?"
You can't look away from his eyes.
"Yes. But don't tell her that."
Perry scares the two of you by slapping the table. He's very much drunk.
"Your turn to get the drinks."
He points at Rhett, who hesitates before awkwardly smiling at you and sliding out of his seat.
The older Abbott is kind of all over the place, so you return his favor from many nights ago and look away, turning your attention to a very relaxed Danielle enjoying the dancefloor.
"I just talked to them in the toilet, you know." The brother finally directs his words at you. He must think you were looking for your ex's table. "They're not happy about this. At all. And they don't like when folks think they're idiots."
"I know. I don't mean to-"
"Yeah, you never do. But all of you who get obssessed with my little brother did not grow up here. You haven't dealt with- You don't know what these lands are like. Consequently, you don't understand the people. Who can blame you?"
You think obssessed is mean.
"I'm sorry, Perry."
"Appreciate that. Still should leave him alone. You've played with him long enough, don't you agree?"
You sip your beer. His eyes are looking past you, venting to no one in particular. Not personal.
As a reflex, you look for Rhett. The reason why he is taking so long leaning next to him, making him stutter and laugh.
"Oh, yeah, and then there's that." Perry points the bottom of his beer at Maria. "Sixteen. The first time I saw him look at her like that, and he still does. Not a difference. My folks believe he'll marry her, if he ever gets the chance to."
"What are you saying, Perry?"
You're running out of patience. You never liked people who only spoke their true feelings when intoxicated, while you made an effort to be honest all the time. Well, guess you haven't been doing much of that here.
"Look, you're fine. But who are we kidding? You want big things, you go to a fancy school, you probably drink cocktails during happy hour."
You feel small when he laughs. His attention turns to his brother letting the beer sweat on the counter, transfixed on Maria talking. That's all she's doing, and he looks gone for. Her hand is on his shoulder and he's leaning into it.
"Bless him. He's never gonna leave. And he deserves to find love here, with a nice girl who knows what this place is about, how to deal with a guy like him. And with his family."
If you had eaten anything, it would be coming up.
Did you embarrass yourself with his mother, with Royal? Was there something in the story Amy read that was inappropriate? Did they make fun of you behind your back, at Sunday lunch?
A million thoughts swarm your brain.
"Shit, I didn't mean to make you cry, I'm sorry."
Perry laughs again, with his whole body, and it draws Rhett's attention from the bar. You look away.
"Don't worry about it."
His eyes widen, instant sobriety, seeing you stand up. Before Rhett can join you back at the table, you're fleeing to the bathroom.
When you reach the door, someone walks out of the men's. Your eyes meet, and your ex is the second guy to laugh at you in the span of sixty seconds.
A young girl leaves one of the stalls and lets you borrow her eyedrops, and in a record three minutes, you're walking to the table as if nothing happened.
Rhett is trying to convince Perry to finish the beer in front of him before getting another and Dani is nowhere to be seen.
You're happy for her, letting her hair down. Selfishly, you also think that if she were at the table she would see right through you and ask what's wrong, and you'd start crying all over again. These boys don't have the feeling for that sort of stuff. Good.
The youngest does search your face extensively, however, reaching for your hands under the table. You pull away, leaning your head on them.
You ask Perry about Amelia, a subject you know will make him go on for hours. Ten minutes in, Dani rejoins you with a bit of a flushed look. You smile at her and let the proud father continue.
With three other people there to react and respond, your mind takes the liberty to drag you out of the moment and consider what you've been told.
It isn't wrong.
You don't belong here. Maybe Rhett thinks you are his ticket out, but you don't want to take him away from his family. No, he doesn't want that either. He's better off with someone who, as said, knows this life. Their identity meshing with the dry air, blending in with the colorful streamers in the arena every weekend. Rolls with the punches, all the machismo, better. Can be happy with and despite.
Unfinished business waits for you in Boston. A life. Your life.
And Maria. You won't pretend to know her very well, but she seems liked wherever she goes. Fondly remembered and broadly welcomed. Nice, beautiful, educated and most of all familiar. Ran away from her hometown long enough to be interesting, returned in enough time to be seen as grateful. Prodigal daughter.
The way you have seen him look at her. Bask in her warmth.
It's a really sweet tale.
You think of how often you brought his peaceful mood down with your own paranoia. You took the prize he won to help yourself. How many times did he become anxious and upset when he was around you?
Standing in his way is the worst thing you can do to someone, a family who is kind.
You don't want him to think you were using him or to notice any changes (yet), so when Perry and Dani finish talking about their kids, you spark back to life to ask if anybody's hungry.
"It's early enough that we can still get that pizza."
The perfect comfort food. You nearly melt into her, the two of you holding hands and getting up. "Are you…?"
"Why wouldn't we?"
Rhett asks, and he seems apprehensive. Did you fail already?
Dani shoots you a weird, questioning look.
"I don- I don't know. Just asking."
Perry is still tipsy, heedless. "Want to ask Maria if she wants to come?"
Your hand is painfully squeezed by Dani, and you squeeze back to avoid any awkwardness.
"Just saying."
They're standing nose to nose, and it's weird to watch.
You clear your throat, tugging Danielle forward. "We're going! Walking out the door now!"
It breaks your heart when Rhett jogs behind you, catching up and hugging you from behind, swinging your body to the side like he's going to pick you up. He notices your laugh is strained.
"Everything okay?"
You should've made a more discreet exit.
"Yes?” His arms slip away from your form, turning towards your ex-boyfriend, and you enter a state of panic. “I'm all ears."
You almost move to pull him back before catching yourself. Filled by a weird feeling of deja vu. This is ridiculous.
"Did you think I wouldn't kick your ass on my last night?"
"Try me."
"Hey, don't touch-"
Big hands push Perry, and he stumbles back before you and Dani catch him.
Fed up, you place yourself in the line of sight of both men. Not exactly in between them, but close.
Rhett looks at you for a significant amount of time considering the tempers. It's a clear message. Go ahead, if you want, but I won't entertain it.
"Really, she's got you on a leash already? I have to hand it to ya, I never thought-"
You walk towards him, pulling on his arm for the last time, so you can talk. Eye to eye.
It's hard to say what the other three can hear. You're not whispering, but it's for you and him only.
"It's over. You and I are fucking free. Aren't you relieved? I am. And look at you-" You pat him on the chest, with a proud smile. "Big things in Montana. Lots to look forward to. And you're still stuck on this? Both of us are meant for greater things than this town and anyone in it. Let go."
Lying through your fucking teeth. This place has rotten you.
He smiles, hat casting a shadow over your eyes.
"See, I knew you never stopped being smart."
You return his grin. Sick.
"And you're smarter than your brothers. Tell them to stop messing with the Abbott land before you get a chunky lawsuit. It's not worth it."
Glossy eyes roll to the back of his head, hands on his hips. Doesn't admit it, but not arguing. You smile, self-satisfied.
"Have a good one."
Before you can walk away, he grabs your wrist. Rhett takes a step forward and Danielle tries to cuss him out but is scared of him too, and it dies in her throat.
"You know he's in love with the other girl, right?"
Two seconds ago, he was a big man ready to get physical. Now he's whispering in your ear, fighting dirty.
You sigh, and look straight into his eyes. Laying everything out for him, more than he deserves.
"I know."
He lets go of you, and you flash a last fake smile for him, before walking away.
"And you're okay with that?"
He yells. The others act as bystanders, trying to piece together your conversation.
"Don't worry." You exclaim already on your way to Dani's truck, loud enough for him to hear. "Didn't mean anything."
Readjusts his hat, shakes his head. Boisterous laugh. To Rhett, he says, “Another time. I feel sorry for you, now.”
You look past Rhett's puzzled face, shrugging. Your ex goes back inside.
"Can't believe that worked."
Dani comes up to you, tossing her keys into your hands. You grin. Smart woman.
"Pizza. Please." Perry mumbles like a sedated patient, Rhett helping him stay up.
"Try and keep up."
It's all you say before climbing behind the wheel, releasing a big exhale. Face muscles sore from the strain of forcing yourself to smile so many times in one conversation.
"Okay?" Dani caresses your arms. Smart fucking woman.
The taste in your mouth is revolting, stomach sinking as the words echo in your head. Sorry for him, what an asshole. And you propped him up to believe it, to say it to his face. Lying is taking a real toll on you.
"Will be."
Your emotions are behind your fast driving, as they have always been. Dani's tipsy fit of laughter is an added bonus to the experience.
Perry is just as delighted when you park.
"What the hell, woman?"
You clear the hair in your mouth, smiling wide at the brothers.
"Just showing off. Who's hungry? I'm starving."
Due to your recent change of plans, you have decided a night eating pizza with a group of nice people could be a good lasting memory.
No more overthinking and paranoia. For tonight.
They all look happier when you pretend everything's fine. (Rhett's smile is actually not reaching his eyes, and it concerns you over how much he heard, but you will not think about that tonight).
You'll leave when you're supposed to and they will recover very well.
The Abbotts come in for breakfast a few times. Even Royal.
Every time, you stash the tips they leave for you in Danielle's box.
You have enough money to go home, pay for your last year and support yourself until you find a job. Actually, you've had it for over a week.
It's hard to imagine leaving. Saying goodbye is terrible. You think about Amy. Part of you wants to pretend like you're way short just so you can stay a little longer.
To silence that part, you buy your ticket and call the university, arranging your schedule. There's a date. And a ridiculous cancel fee.
The following week is spent soaking up the familial nights with Dani and Shiree, watching Pixar movies and eating ice cream.
Giving Lenny a precocious Christmas present. An air freshener for his car, he kept mumbling about his husband asking for one but forgetting to buy it.
Visiting the Abbotts.
Cecilia and Royal appreciate the company of a new person not trying to steal, buy or camp on their land. You give Amy two of your favorite books, a horror novel and one on writing. She promises not to snitch on you.
Perry takes you on a horse walk and you forgive him. He has no recollection of telling you anything, instead, he talks about how much he loves his brother, wants the best for him. It eases your initial reaction that night.
Rhett asks for a date. Friday night. Drive-in movies. You have a whole argument about whether or not it should be official.
"If it's a racing movie, will you say yes?"
"Only if it's Tokyo Drift. I love Han."
(It isn't. It's Grease 2 for, what he says, the third time that year.)
He doesn't understand why you want to go 'as friends'. It's really hard, too, because you've secretly always dreamed about a small town drive-in date.
He gets the better of you.
You go, and hold hands, and he kisses you in his truck. You joke about the windows fogging up. He drops you off at Danielle's with another kiss. A proper goodbye, slow. Hands on your ass and wet noises that you hope the neighbors don't hear. (Danielle does and mocks you relentlessly.)
He invites you to have dinner with his family the next day. You leave on Tuesday morning.
You're washing the dishes while he dries them. Perry brings a sleepy Amelia in his arms to kiss you goodnight. She compliments your strawberry-patterned dress for the tenth time. Royal and Cecilia watch TV on the couch, nearly asleep themselves.
"I think he doesn't know how to tell you, but Perry likes having you around Amy. Like a big sister she never got."
The sponge slips out of your hands, thoughts of his brother's drunken words coming back to you. Actually, this is as good a segue as you're going to get.
"Mhm, I don't know."
"I adore her, obviously. But I'm more like the young English teacher she apparently missed out on. Which is a real shame, those are important when you're growing up."
"Don't get a lot of young teachers around here."
He's watching you suspiciously as you hand him the last plate. Too used to your bullshit.
"I'm just saying, maybe I'm not the role model for a little girl like her. I have no family, no prospects, a regrettable love life. I'm an abandoned Bostonian, for crying out loud. Struggling to pay for school and a small apartment, for myself. Not really the poster child for a bright and respectable future in the western lands."
Rhett carries the dry plates back to the cupboard.
"I don't like it when you talk about yourself like that." Please, shut up. Don't be nice now, I'm trying to get at something. "You're just different from us. And, just 'cause she likes you doesn't mean she wants to be you."
You think about the writing book you gave her. What a hypocrite you are.
"Younger siblings tend to look up to the older." He smiles, as if you're personally attacking him. "Hey, you brought up the metaphorical sister stuff. I said teacher."
"So you're teaching her to be you?"
"No! I-" You groan and steal the cloth from his shoulder to slap him with. Folding it in your hand, you swallow your feelings to be able to muster your sentence. "All I mean is that, yes, she should have a good influence in her life that isn't related to her by blood. But it should be someone who is consistent, similar. Someone she can relate to but also trust. Possibly, someone she already knows. That all of you do."
You're struggling not to say her name.
"Are you or are you not talking about yourself?"
He's genuinely confused and you sigh into the folded dishtowel. "Nevermind."
The parents sleep soundly, leaning on each other. You think of how long they’ve been together, how much they’ve gone through. Still so supportive of each other and their family. It’s a nice reality you know nothing about.
Cautious not to wake the couple on the couch, you step carefully around the living room and pick up your discarded coat and purse. You're trying to quietly slip on your Vans when Rhett puts a hand behind your back to steady you.
"I was thinking you could stay."
Glad to have strong arms to hold onto, you nearly let yourself fall back into him, basking in the unapologetic seduction in his words. But you think of the disrespect of having sex while his family is sleeping, sneaking out of the room many girls have snuck out of before, just to move back home in three days.
"I really should go." You smile. "But I'm gonna need help walking in these to Dani's truck without falling on my ass."
He laughs. "Useless fuckin' shoes."
Light rain is still falling, rattling the leaves. It smells amazing. You see the dogs taking cover in the driveway.
You'll miss this so much.
The two of you walk like senior citizens, shuffling your feet to avoid an accident, to the car.
"Okay. Thanks."
You chuckle as he opens the door.
Quickly, you throw your stuff on the passenger seat and climb inside, very obviously avoiding saying a real, kiss-involving, goodbye to him.
He squints his eyes but opts for brushing it off, complimenting you instead.
"You look really pretty tonight."
Don't think about him saying it to her when you hand him over in a platter.
"Thank you. So do you."
You're smiling, but not moving to touch each other.
After a beat, he gives up.
"Alright, goodnight. Drive safe." He steps back, hands in his pockets. You think of a teenage Rhett saying goodbye to his dates. "Like a normal person would."
An awkward, disingenuous laugh. Turning the ignition. Calm before the storm.
Your foot is on the pedal before you can regret everything. Before you can tell him that you're so sorry about leaving this way.
In the rearview mirror, you watch him wait until you're completely outside of the gate, then jog back inside.
The whole way home, you think you're going to cry. But you're empty. Resolute.
On Sunday, you ignore his calls, eventually texting him that you're busy with Danielle and you'll talk tomorrow.
It's all true.
Dani had been an unbelievable friend, so you figured she deserved to know that you were leaving before everyone else.
Truthfully, you expected a better reaction.
She had seen you save money, she knows you want to finish school and that if it weren't for her, you'd have nothing keeping you here. She pulls the full truth out of you and you agree that the Abbotts would be a reason to stay.
Except they aren't.
You tell her all about Perry's accidental revelation, the logic behind your sudden leave and why it is better this way.
"Don’t you think Perry would only say that if he was scared his brother is falling in love with you?"
You glared at her, then. Begging silently to not be encouraged in favor of optimism and romance.
"No. He made it clear he thought I was wasting his time, preventing him from being with the person he actually needs."
"Maria? They’ve had their chance and neither of them has ever done anything about it, that should say enough."
"And, so what? Your feelings don’t matter, are not worth seeing through because he had a crush on the girl everyone had a crush on?"
Reinforcing how desired she is doesn’t help.
"Please. Stop."
It's safe to say she doesn't agree, and she calls you a moron a handful of times, but ultimately concedes when she sees you've made up your mind.
"I think you'll regret the way you're going about it. But I've also never seen you backtrack on a decision. For better or worse, we'll see."
She helps you pack and write your resignation letter, and you end the night watching another Pixar movie with Shiree and ice cream.
Your phone sits on the bedside table all day, untouched.
It's Monday, your last here.
Lenny is the most supportive, happy to hear you're going to finish school. He requests that you send graduation pictures, and it's a great idea.
You and Dani spend your entire shift attached to the hip as it's a slow day, talking about how she'll be miserable again at work and you will look for her in every diner you go to.
Like a storm to finish the day, a sweaty Amelia Abbott bursts through the doors. Did she run here?
"Is it true?"
"Amy, what are you-"
"Shiree said you're leaving tomorrow. Is it true?"
You look back at Danielle, who has an apologetic look on her face. Turning back to the little girl, you're ready to beg for forgiveness at the sight of her blue eyes filling up with tears.
"Oh, Amy, I was gonna say goodbye."
She turns and runs out of the diner. Danielle is already dialing Perry to let him know that he should drive past the school. Right after, she bolts out of the back door to go get her before she gets too far.
The heartbroken child sulks into her father's car, and you watch from the counter.
Dani comes back inside, walks past you into the lockeroom, and comes back again with her own keys.
"There's like an hour left."
"It's your last day, he won't even notice, go."
You sit there, picking your words, before starting the truck. For someone who calls herself a writer, you're often out of right things to say.
The quiet inside the house when you knock is daunting.
Perry opens the door, and he looks distressed, almost pleading for you to come in and explain.
Inside, Rhett is looking at you in disbelief.
"I was going to say goodbye, I promise."
"Can somebody, please, tell me what's going on?"
It's funny that Rhett, expert mutterer, is the one who understood what a crying Amelia was saying. Now, you can hear soft sobs from one of the rooms with the door closed.
"I'm going home tomorrow. Back to university. Quit today. I only told Danielle yesterday, but she told Shiree so she wouldn't have a shock and then she told Amelia at school."
The father looks unsurprised, which in turn surprises you.
You point to the closed bedroom door. "Can I try?"
He nods.
You sit down in front of the door, knocking first.
"Amy, it's me. I'm sorry. I was going to say goodbye. I'm sorry you found out this way, really." You breathe in. "Look, I have one year left. Remember when I showed you the campus pictures? I love that place. I love what I study. I want to be able to practice it. It's…who I am. I'm going after what I most want. We talked about doing things for ourselves, right? That's all this is, okay? My number stays the same, and you can send me any draft you write, anytime. Or questions your stubborn old English teachers don't want to answer. Any book report you need help with. I'm not too far away, Amy. It'll be fine."
Your eyes are closed, brows furrowed in hopes that she's actually listening instead of shoving her earbuds in like you used to when your foster parents tried to discipline you.
There's more that you wan't to promise her. That she can visit you, that you'll write letters to each other to practice, that you'll come see her. But that would make you too present in the Abbotts' life. You made sure she can reach out to you if she needs, and your communication will be direct. If you sent a letter, everyone at the house would be reminded of your existence. It's not what you're after.
There's no response, so you stand up, smoothing your clothes silently.
Rhett's chair screeches against the floor and he swings the front door wide open, stepping outside. It's your cue to follow. Perry stops you on the way to say he'll try and get Amy to come out and hug you goodbye, which you find oddly sympathetic.
You lean against the porch, watching him pace in front of you.
"I don't get it."
"C'mon. You funded part of my back to school campaign. Hardly a surprise that I'm going back to school, is it?"
"Don't be fucking sassy with me now."
You take a deep breath, preparing to fill the shoes of the asshole. It's deserving.
"What? How are you gonna defend this? Amy's heartbroken. Again. You think she likes to be left like this? Time after time. And with no warning. Swept off her feet."
You suspect he's not talking about his niece.
"I'm sorry."
"Sure, yeah." He finally stops pacing. You're standing in front of him, your hands clasped in front of your body, eyes burning against the sun. "I thought…"
"I apologize if I lead you on-"
"You didn't lead me on, kitten, you meant it. What happened to your honesty? Why are you lying to me?"
Right into your lap.
"That's the thing, Rhett. I don't know. Ever since I've been here, what I've done the most is lie. Sneak around. I don't like it. I don't belong here, and it shows."
"Bullshit! Who told you that? Was it one of those blonde fucking pricks?"
"Please, I can't have thoughts of my own?"
"Not insecure ones like this, no."
This is more hurtful than what you imagined. But it's good that he's being honest. You'll remember these words forever and probably be too embarrassed to return here.
"Like I said, I'm sorry."
He throws his hat on the ground, stepping right up to you, grabbing your hands in his.
"Stop fighting yourself."
It shakes you to your core, to hear what you needed to all your life. And from someone who you…
You can't.
"Jesus, Rhett! Wake up!" You push his hands away. "This is your life, your family. Doesn't it matter to you? It's not about me. You need to step up for them, and I'm not the girl who's going to get you there, I'm just not! So you need to find her. If you haven't already."
His blue eyes have never been icier. You can imagine what he thinks of you now. Manipulative. Spoiled. Deceiving.
In the background, Royal's sprinting on top of a horse, cussing angrily. You question Rhett.
"What's up with him?"
He runs a hand across his forehead, reluctant.
"Our dear neighbors are convinced we trespassed their property and are legally demanding we give it back. It's a, uh, considerable amount of good land."
You feel like snapping that useless piece of shit in two. Had it not been enough? To tell him that it meant nothing, that you weren't going to stay with him or feed into this silly rivalry…
You praised him while backstabbing Rhett for him to betray you one last time?
He notices your thousand-yard stare nearly setting fire to all the grass in your vicinity. He warns you, calling your name in a way that says 'don't'.
"Those shitheads- Son of a bitch! I asked him…"
Rhett finally closes the distance, fingers kneading the knots on your shoulders as you huff, exasperated.
"Relax. This shows it has nothing do with you."
His hands massage your neck, thumbs caressing the ends of your jawline, and you close your eyes for a second.
"How so?"
"I'm assuming that's what you pulled him aside the other night to talk about. Play the game. Boost his ego, ensure I'm no threat, and he'd leave us alone. Because you're smart. If it was about you, they would have stopped. It didn't work, so it's unrelated to you, right? It's business. You don't understand, forget it."
You let him pull you in for a hug, stroking your hair while your arms envelop his body.
But then, it hits you. You don't understand. Maybe you made things worse by talking to him, maybe he told his brothers to punch harder, or didn't talk to them at all. Once again, you're proven to be out of your element. You wonder if she would have made this mistake. Or if she would have known the right way to handle this, them. Part of you roots for her.
You push him off.
"Or I wasn't convincing enough. Leaving can still make things better."
"Is that why you're going?"
"Rhett-" You're tired. Can't he just yell, grab your arm, tell you to never show up here again. That, you know how to thread. "It's not why, but it's a damn good reason."
He laughs at you, incredulous. Like he can't take you seriously. Like his brother, when he was drunk. It's a nauseating sight.
"Ok. So, what, you're bad for me? Get over yourself."
"Excuse me?"
"You heard me." He's in your face again. "You really think that works on me? Is that how stupid you think I am? You’re bullshitting."
How is he controlling the situation? How did this happen?
"What do I do with that?"
"Tell the truth."
"I am!"
"Not that. Just two weeks ago. Prick's last night in town. You said to him, it didn't mean nothing. What didn't?"
"I didn't know you heard that."
"You and I. It didn't mean anything, soon enough I'd go back to Boston and you'd stay here."
"Did you lie to him, or to me?"
"I have a ticket back to Boston so-"
"Did it mean nothing to you?"
He's staring you down, breathing fast on your face, eyes searching yours for any signs of weakness.
It's right in front of him. The answer.
All these years valuing honesty, putting it on a pedestal, clinging to it as the one virtue you can count on… It made you a terrible liar.
He knows. You realize, then, that his point isn't to hear that you cared for him and that it wasn't all meaningless. Your leaky eyes, heaving chest, gritted teeth, it shows him that you do care.
He's asking you to speak up. To fight for yourself, instead of against. He probably doesn't mind you going back to school, he helped you, even. All he wants is to hear it.
Are you going to let go, tell him how much he means to you and that you'll be back for him? Or will you cower and run, leaving him behind?
You swallow an entire speech.
Rhett backs off, side-eyeing you one last time as he walks towards the steps, before turning to you. "In that case, you're probably right."
Then, Amelia interrupts your moment, running past her uncle and almost knocking him down in the process. You almost tumble yourself with the force of her hug.
It's crushing, and wet from her tears. You smooth her hair.
As fast as she came, she goes. Her weight is missed.
She takes her uncle's hand as she goes up the porch's steps, Perry watching from the doorway.
You fish for the truck's keys in your pocket, hearing the wooden door of the house shut behind you.
It's an even quieter than usual morning for the Abbotts.
The goddamn dogs look disinterested.
Amy woke up asking to skip school again, but his brother said no. She has spoons under her eyes to try and downsize the puffiness.
He didn't cry. Why would she?
Danielle called, he's not sure why, to say that you were gone. And to relay that you sent Amy a hello, wished her a good day in school.
Life is swift.
They'll be fine.
But he doesn't get it. At first, he thought he could save you from a poor excuse of a man. He had stolen girls from the boys next door before.
Eventually, the obvious dawned on him. They're not teenagers anymore.
You weren't nice to him to be saved, you were just nice. Yourself. Even if you hid, guarded up, dipped your toes in the water before diving. It was only fair. You decided he was good enough to let in.
And then he had screwed it up by fucking you in a strange place against a wall. Coming inside you with no regard for your well-being despite telling you he wanted to make you feel good. Instead, he probably ended up making you feel like another notch under his belt.
He was terrified. That he had lowered your expectations on people even more, convincing you to stay with your boyfriend because it doesn’t look too much better out there; that he had shown you his worst side and you'd never want to look at him again.
But you smiled, just a few days after. Teased him like he noticed you only did with him. Told him he had nothing to worry about, while you worried sick for him and his family. Didn't let him ease your nerves. A no-good, infuriating tendency to be self-righteous.
He knows- He knew you. What he doesn't understand is why you couldn't break those vices for him. What else could he have done to make you feel safe enough to?
You'd sacrifice yourself if it meant his family would be alright.
Did he not make it clear that he doesn't want you to? That, as long as you're gone, he will not be alright? And if he's not alright, he can't step up or whatever you said.
Then, there was all that talk about Maria. Obviously, the woman still affects him. They never got their chance, it's bound to make him wonder…
But even after all these years, he has no clue who she is. What she likes, what she hates. He knows her story by accidentally being part of it, and even then, he doesn't know it that well.
In a few months you managed to leak into every bit of his life. He memorized all of the pieces that built you, made the effort to. And he wanted more. He wanted you everywhere.
Everyone but his niece was skeptical. They liked you despite how vastly different you are, it scared them. For a family who has been through enough hardships, change is always uncomfortable. He spent nights awake thinking about how he could sprinkle a good word about you every dinner, maybe recruiting Amy, so that you'd feel loved by them too. They could love you, he's sure of it.
He doesn't understand why he's not enough. You must have noticed his effort. Sure, he wasn't too good with romance but he never gave up on you. It's not entitlement, you don't owe him anything, he chose you. Like you had said once, that you chose him. What changed?
Why was he not enough?
His mother is frustrated, to put it lightly, that now her two sons brood around the house, and so does her granddaughter. His dad spends even more time working to avoid the off-putting energy in the house.
So she suggests no one goes to Lenny's diner for a while. And that they all go watch him ride on Friday. Then they'll get some good chicken wings on the way home. Together (she means no bar after, no drinking).
They obey dilligently.
The show that night is good, he scores a great time. Maria is there. Not surrounded by blonde assholes, just her friends, he notices. Approachable.
They'll be fine.
last part coming soon :)
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thatdodoanonx · 1 month
Hey Dodo!!
I haven't heard from you in a bit, I just wanted to check in with you and see how you are doing! I think about you regularly, and although I know it is a silly wish considering your circumstances, I hope you are doing well. And I hope that one day you will be safe and sound, and that that day comes soon.
I love you, truly
Hi everyone this not so quick update about my state, it has some heavy topics so I'm gonna put some trigger warning please keep that in mind and don't worry I'll get to everything eventually 
TW: Suicide, Self Harm, COSA, Religious Trauma, Abuse 
Now with that being said I wanna start by saying Hi, it's been almost a year since the whole thing happened, it was emotional rollercoaster but I can assure I'm still alive and start my journey to recover ❤️‍🩹 
Did I leave home?
No but my mom got a promotion out of the town and I only see her once sometimes twice a week, she did try to make me move with her but couldn't because of college (I only got one year left YAY!!) 
Is she still a pain ?
Yeah nothing changed about her she is still as controlling, she gave me back my phone but put a child lock on it so I won't be able to access any app except the ones related to college, and she gave me back my laptop (which I'm using to write this on it)
Ok now onto the heavy topics, I found myself relapsing into my old bad habit, cutting and biting myself until it bleeds I haven't done that since highschool,to put it blunt I didn't have irl friends or at least a support system, and metal health in my country is a taboo and being from a well known family in a small town isn't helping, so the idea of a therapy is out of the window, and being alone with my thoughts didn't help
And then my first attempting, idk why but I couldn't do it I guess I was scared, no one was home that day and even had razors but I couldn't. I was able to find my dad's old laptop and typed for suicide hotline and to my surprise there was. The lady on the phone helped me a lot because I was going through a bad panic attack. At the end of the call she told me to talk to my mom about it, she's a doctor after all and there's no shame in it, but come on now that's my we're talking about. I told her I'll try 
Fast forward: I was visiting mom in the city she's working now at, the job comes with a free rental apartment, anyway me and her had a heart to conversation and me being the idiot that I am thought about it was opportunity to talk about some childhood trauma, it's painful to talk about it but don't worry I'm coming with the term that it wasn't my fault. (I'll highlights the next paragraph so don't have to read it if it upset you I'm writing it so u can understand the context)
I was a victim of COSA (child on child sexual assault) by my cousin who is the same age as me (we both were 7 at the time) , she unfortunately had an early access to internet and would show me sexual images. I told my cousin about the bulling I was going through school because I like a boy and said I would marry him (which extremely forbidden in my Religious school) so my bullies made a rumor about me being a loss child and I would going out which older boys, the rumors were so bad one of the teachers pulled me aside and confronted me about it, she knew I was a good kid so there was no way.
I told my cousin about it, I trusted her and what do you she did? That's right she blackmailed and told me I didn't do whatever she wanted she would tell my mom about my secret. So there I was me and her in a small room at our grandma's house, things happened I don't want to recall and I don't think I'll be able. no matter how I begged and cry, I just kept numbing myself until it's over, this still habit I have , one the thing I do to survive 
I told mom about, my childhood trauma, my suicide attempt. she was understandly horrified, she tried to comfort me but this processed to say it was my fault that I let that happen, I told her I was scared and still a child 
Then I told that I was messed up and need a professional help to which she said "we don't need that I'll fix you myself"
The next day me and her got into a fight over something stupid to which she as always had to pull the secrets I told her against me "Why don't you fucking kill yourself already? You said wanted to do it, huh? Now it's your time at least you'll save a headache" she said that in front of my brother 
I know whenever she gets mad she would go so low but even that was low for her, that was the one time I trusted her with something so personal I never told to anyone and somehow she managed to shutter every lasting trust I had in her. Part of me still thought everything she would do was out of love, that was tough love and she only hurt me because she care but I guess at that moment truly open my eyes 
I came to her that night and told her that what she said really hurt me and I trusted her with something very personal to which she dismissed and said "oh [name] me and you know well that you'll never kill yourself, you're too coward anyway" 
Out of all the things she said to me that has to cruelest thing ever, maybe because part of me know she was right but I didn't think she would say it out loud 
After that everything went blur for me, summer course I started to see her less and less. In the few weeks without her were strange to say the least. I come home and it's... quiet? No shouting, no yelling, no screaming no nothing. It was weird, I didn't know what to do with that quiet, I felt if I relaxed to much she might jump out of nowhere and scream at me, but I have to say it was nice, I felt like I can breathe? Like no one is watching everything I do waiting for me to make a mistake. It is not ideal she still come every week but honestly it's better than nothing. I started to write a little in my notes every now and then, I even started to draw again. Both brought me comfort, and I even allowed myself to make friends, it's not a big group but hey we get along. There's on in particular friend group I'm close to the most, she's lovely, keep talking and texting me to check, I gotta say it was a bit overwhelming but I'll never tell her to stop because that's how she shows she care
Life has been slow lately, same old routine but I'm more happy and more idk calm? I mean a few months ago I thought I won't be alive today and what do you know! I turned 23 two mouths ago (happy late birthday to I guess?) I think that is a good a step for me start healing, it won't happen over night but I know it will be worth it 
Thanks to everyone on who still checking on me, I know it was a long update, but I'm thankful you took time to read it 
I hope there's a next, see you soon
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lacyscabinet · 1 year
Can you do a nat x sister reader. Like the reader has a panic attack after a fight with their dad or something dramatic like that and big sister nat comforts them?
A/N: love this. I think big sis Nat is so cute and it's also a nice dynamic given her family situation. At first I was thinking about a headcanon but in the end I think that a one-shot fits this request wayyyyyy better. Hope u enjoy <3
Warnings: abusive parents, violence, panic attack
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Staying at home when Natalie wasn't there was one of your biggest fears, your father was unpredictable, one moment he could be watching TV in the living room getting drunk on cheap beer and the other he could be beating you up for walking too loudly.
Not that he would control himself when Nat was around, but usually, she had the strength to fight back, most of the time ending up worsening the situation, but still it felt safe to have her.
You were laying on your bed in your tiny bedroom when he stormed in, you instantly flinched and shot up from your resting position
"Hey honey, how was school?" He said, maybe, in another situation, in another household, it would've sounded like a question a caring father could ask his daughter.
You could smell the stench of alcohol even feet away from him.
"Good... I had a project" you answered, trying to close the conversation and make him go away
Instead, he stepped closer, wobbling slightly, "You weren't home yesterday when I came back"
You could feel a heated argument on the way, you felt scared.
"Yes...I was with my friends" you answered, extremely careful with your words
"Don't lie to me y/n" his tone starting to grow stern
You shook your head quickly "I'm not lying dad" you said calmly trying not to worsen the situation
He chuckled, but there wasn't any humor in his voice "You're just like your sister, lying, sneaking around, I bet you were somewhere with some boy, god, I was hoping at least one of my daughters wasn't going to turn out a slut, but guess what honey, you are just like your sister"
You could feel tears forming in your eyes, your hands starting to shake "No...I wasn't with any boy...and Nat, she's not..."
And before you could finish the sentence a sharp slap across your face caused you to lose your balance
"Are you talking back now!? Don't you dare talk back to me!" He spit at your face
"No... I..." you tried to defend yourself and his hand gripped at your wrist tightly, pulling you up from the floor
"Shut. the. fuck. Up." He yelled and slammed you against the wall, causing your head to hit the coat hanger.
Now that you were helpless on the floor, he started to kick, one, two, three, endless kicks.
Eventually he got tired and walked back to the living room, but not before shouting "If you keep sneaking around I WILL kill you Y/N"
You were left alone on the bedroom floor, with a bloody nose and a throbbing head, you let the tears stream freely now, big fat water drops falling down your cheeks and onto your wrinkled shirt.
Your hands were still shaking, and it only got worse, your breath becoming labored, knees riding up to your chest and your aching head nestled between your knees.
When Natalie got home your dad was gone and your mom was passed out on the couch, as soon as she got into the trailer she went straight to her room.
But when she passed your bedroom she heard your muffled cries and immediately opened the door
You were curled up on yourself, some stuff was scattered around your room and god, you were beat up
"Hey, what...what happened?" Nat asked, fearing the answer, making the big mistake of stepping closer and placing a hand on your trembling shoulder
At that you flinched and let out a terrified gasp.
"Okay, shhhhh... it's me, it's just me Y/N, me and no one else" she said slowly, not to startle you any further "can I hold you?"
You looked up, it was really just her, looking at you with concern.
You nodded and she softly pulled you in her arms, trying to shush your cries and cradling your shaking frame "It's okay, you're okay"
After a few minutes your sobs turned into soft sniffling, you rested your head on your sister's shoulder, then she broke the silence"Y/n what happened?" She asked, and after a few seconds she added "What did he do?"
You looked up at her "He got mad...and he just..." your eyes closed, trying to wipe away the memories.
She simply rubbed your back, feeling powerless.
There was nothing she could do to make things better and this was eating her inside.
That night she let you sleep in her bed to make you feel safe, trying to shield you from the harsh reality you were living in.
A/N: Dear anon, I hope this was enjoyable, for me this was one of the best requests I've gotten this far.
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houseofpendragons · 2 years
Thoughts of Teen Wolf the Movie while watching it pt.3
Derek still sneaking around corners and just randomly appearing 😂 "🎶I always feel like somebody's watching me🎶"
Feel like Derek could scare Eli himself...give him that s1 Derek stare "I'm not afraid of you" 😠 "okay maybe I am afraid of you"
Eli is so me, clumsy af😭
Derek "😠" Hale
Malia! you can't just cut people open🤦‍♀️
Make the plan. Execute the plan. Expect the plan to go wrong...throw away the plan
Man Allison pulled a Derek 🏃‍♀️💨
Allison's tweaking dudes
Why the hospital lockers look like the ones at high school? Would've been coll if that was one of Nogi's illusions to manipulate her
She's very confused and is supposed to be very dead
Split up!?! One of the biggest rules in horror movies is to never split up
Cause a ball cap is such a good disguise 🧢👍
I got her 👊💥🤛💥🤜💥 I don't got her
"Fuck me man" me whenever my alarm wakes me up for school😭
Allison is karate kid 👍
"Scott Who?" ...oop
"Where's the alpha, I have to find the alpha." "What do you want with Derek Hale?" "No, not Hale. McCall. Scott McCall." Vibes. Oh no, now Braedon flashbacks for me😢
Where is Braedon?! She's supposed to be Eli's badass step-mama
Damn to be honest, I wouldn't have taken that. Woulda thrown them scissors back at that zombie bitch ✂️🧟‍♀️
Poor Argent, imagine the pain of seeing your daughter again after 11 years of her being dead and she runs away
Move, bitch! We know she's back, now let us go catch her🙄
But...isn't it your job to hear about the crimes...sheriff?
oh never mind😂
How didn't he know he was a kitsune? Wouldn't weird shit start happening to him like it did Kira? C'mon you can't tell me this man ain't never got his picture taken w/ the flash on before
Could've made him Hikari's family in some way to add some emotional depth for her and give her more ties to the pack
Or he could've been a host for Nogi like his dad I think? If his brother was that one dude wouldn't that make his dad the man who was possessed by Nogi during Chris's first gun deal?
"I don't want to kill you" oh really?👀
🎶I wish that I could wake up with amnesia🎶
So the hunter thingy place is still here but Monroe's peeps are gone🤨
"who are you🏹" "a friend👹" yea okay Pennywise🤚
Nogitsune: "time to hunt" Pennywise:"time to float" I rest my case
No i would not trust my mother who's a psychotic bitch, especially when she looking at me like I just took the last shrimp fried egg roll that she wanted to save for later😑
bitch so was you 30 minutes ago ⚰
Hey don't talk about my smexy dilf werewolf man Derek like that
Oop, that light was a paid actor
Omg I love Jackson 😂 I never thought I'd say that😶
hahaha Derek holding Eli like a baby
"Yes you did, I saw it🥺"
Man Derek such a good dad, got me all up I my feels
I wonder how Talia was as a parent, especially with Derek since he had such trouble learning control 🤔
Man, Allison honestly fuck you. You had to ruin a good father-son moment by trying to take off Eli's head smh I could never. Stay unproblematic people💅
Not the Chinese ring daggers
Honestly flashbacks to the supply closet when Allison told Isaac that. Hey, wait a minute...no one thought to tell Isaac that his late girlfriend is back (bc they were still together when she died)
"Allison?" No bitch it's Katniss🙄
Hey foul play! You shot my man's while his back was turned!! Now you turn around allison, it's my turn! Imma pull a Peter...Peter where u at, she attacking your fav nephew, Kate her ass
Yayy Liam
dude Hikari that was fire 🔥 (no pun intended 🤣; I'm so sorry guys)
Awww he don't even care if he's hurting himself worse, he just cares about his son🥺
Shut up, Scott! Let the man talk!
Damn Scott, couldn't even take my man's pain?
Everyone but Stiles, Isaac, Theo, Kira, Cora, Corey, Hayden, and Braeden... *clears my throat and looks directly at the camera*
The oni really said, "Suprise shawty!"
I knew I should've retired 🤣🤣
Awww first thing he said was his son's name
if this was a short series we totally should've got a scene of Eli, similar to the scene where Scott Howard first transforms in the og teen wolf movie, and then he just passes out. It would've been so funny😭
I'm sorry but the song that popped in my head when that oni floated down was 🎶I'm spinning like a ballerina🎶
Why's mason's gun sound like its popping popcorn
Sheriff Stilinski said, I can be a ninja toooo
Peter's entrance is iconic and so him, such a western-soap opra villain😂
Deaton and Chris:🧍‍♂️🧍‍♂️
oh c'mon Peter, I thought we were past the whole throat slashing thing😬
How does Peter always know everything 🤔
Also I want to see Eli and Peter bonding, feel like they should have a relationship ay peast similar to when Derek and Peter were younger (hell I just want to see young Derek and Peter again, give me a Hale prequel)
Peter: "Is it me? Am I the drama?"
Ofc they have a plan Scott 🙄 not everyone just makes it up as they go and pretends that hunters aren't dangerous (that's always pissed me off about Scott, not everyone is redeemable)
Allison Argent that is a child
There's gonna be an explosion
There was an explosion
Jackson worried about his tail, please bye💀🤚
Would've been better if it was actually an illusion and not really Allison
You better hobble a little faster Eli
Oh, you can't hobbled fast but ur ass can climb
Me personally, I woulda stayed in that car
"Allison stop" bc that'll work🙄
Damn Scott pulled a Satomi, nice. Why he look confused though, you forget you have supernatural reflexes my guy?🤨
lmao not him trying negotiate as she shoots arrows at them
oh but what if I'm not a werewolf? Really Eli HALE?!
Pretty eyes though 😁
Run, Forest, run
"She's tryna get an arrow through you" Omg Eli is meee like fr Scott listen to the kid
"You faint at the sight of blood?!" "No, but I might at the sight of a chopped of arm!"
You think?!
Scott flashbacks, Eli's future partner is in that car "omg we almost hit someone" jk it's Sheriff Stilinski
Peter has a right to be filled with such anger, legit family was burned alove infront of him and was in a coma for 6 years, I would've been forever angry too bc that's not just something you get over
"Allison stOoOoOp" bc that worked so well last time
also backtrack to Chris saying that Allison wouldn't kill a 15 year old, what about Boyd and Erica? Legit grl went psycho in season 2 and I don't want to here and "Well Gerard..." She still did it
"sure lets talk" 🗡🗡🏃‍♀️💨 we have very different definitions of talking
Eli and Derek are the best part of this movie🥺
Hikari said, "I got one of those too mfs"🗡
Flashbacks to when Hayden got taken by the ghost riders 😭
Meanwhile in the Hale house:
Pt. 3- 5
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certified-sloth · 1 year
Hey!! I was wondering if u could do headcanons with all the boys (especially Lucifer and Diovolo🥰) with an S/O who’s parents got divorced when they were super hound but still get saddened by it? Their S/O sometimes thinks that it’s because of them too.
U don’t have to do this if it makes u uncomfortable tho! Have a great day/night (love your work btw)!😊😊😊
Why did it take so long for me to finally finish this TT
Thank you! Have a great day/night for you, too ^^
To say the least, he definitely knew about your parents divorced through your paper when they were picking out an exchange student
He tries to avoid talking about your parents. He really does, but he can't help but falter whenever you have that sad look
For example— you walk into his office while he was working away the neverending pile of paperwork
And you just smile at him and accompany him in silence
Lucifer would look up from his work every now and then to see you spacing out
"You really do look like you have something to tell me." Is what he points out to snap you back to reality
"...please don't be mad."
"Why would I be?"
"I just... wonder, you know- you and your brothers had God as your dad, right? Did you ever have a mother?"
Well, he doesn't really know about that. He simply existed to play his part as an angel back then
"What is this about?"
When you refuse to answer, is when he stops his work completely, puts his pen down, and sits beside you
It was his way of telling you that you had his full attention
"Did you remember your parents?"
It was a wild guess, but Lucifer is very observant
The eldest had a habit of noticing even the smallest things that it's very easy to read people like a book
Upon the mention of your parents, you simply lay your head on his shoulder, smiling almost bitterly
"I can't really forget, no, I'm just... sometimes, I wonder if it was my fault that they divorced."
"No, whatever happened, it was never your fault. You were a child, you knew no better."
The mighty avatar of pride held you close
Instead of letting it get to your head, he answered your former question
It ended up with him telling you stories of back in the celestial realm
He admitted that even without a proper, physical parent like humans do, it was a little lonely
The avatar of pride admits things he never normally does, and all of that was just to help you feel better
If it helps, he'll take you out somewhere nice or anywhere you want
He'll be willing to play both roles of a parental figure if it makes you feel any better
He's just... There
I like to think he gives great hugs
So whenever you have a flashback about your parents and you blank out while he tells you details of his schemes, he just stops talking and pulls you into a hug
He didn't really know what got you spacing out this time, but it wasn't the first
But he does know how to comfort you
No matter how scummy his brothers call him, he's the next person to look for comfort from aside from Beel
"you scared me for a second there, spacin' out like that..."
He tries to keep up his act of being reluctant, but he really was worried for you
"Do you... Ever feel like it's your fault that people drift away from each other?"
He'd flinch at that
He'd sputter in slight panic, but when you hold onto him closer—when you hold him so desperately...
He just... Freezes, and all train of thought is out of the window
"I feel like... I feel like I was responsible for what happened to my parents—"
"stop that."
He won't let you finish, he'd stop you
He doesn't mean for you to misunderstand, he just hates it that you're guilty for something you couldn't control
"I don't get it with you humans, if it don't work then, there's no point! But don't put yer kid in a position where they gotta be the one guilty?"
Is what he rants, but in the end he just scoops you up in his arms
He has like... A few grimm to spare from his modeling gig
...do you want anything? He'll buy it for you
To Levi, he only knows a decent amount of why divorce happens through anime
He was an angel once, he wasn't created the way humans do
So, for him... he didn't really know how to console you
Especially now that you and him are practically a thing, he'd feel how envious you were whenever you see a family so happy...
Unlike your family, who was broken for a long time
Sometimes, he thought that the reason you desperately tried to fix his relationship with his brothers
Was because you couldn't fix your own
He'd notice how sad you look whenever you have an anime marathon with him about family
And whenever it happens, he'll silently scoot closer and hesitantly hold you
He's clumsy with affection and comfort
He doesn't know what to do but follow how fictional people do it
He can't even say any generic words that he listened to before
It makes him sound so fake when that's the last thing he'd want to do to you at a time like this
He ends up listening to you and nervously rubs your arm with his thumb lightly in comfort
And if you don't want to talk about it—
Both of you just stay there in silence
Just holding each other like it was the end of the world or something
"Not the day?"
Is what he asks, and if you nod in confirmation
He'll push through and hold you tighter in an attempt of security
It was a reminder that he was going to be there for you for a long time
"Ok... let's stop watching for today."
Of course, divorced parents come with trauma and other issues /lh
So, he practically notices these little quirks of yours
He already took notice of them the first time you came to the Devildom
It made him curious, but he didn’t pry, and frankly, he didn't really care that much at first
But as time grew by, he just happens to take more care with you and topics about family
He's careful of the topics you two talk about, but not too careful to the point that it'll make you misunderstand his intentions in a bad way
He just didn't want to make it uncomfortable for you.
If given the chance, he'd likely take you to places where you could heal your inner child when you didn't have the time due to how your parents divorcing had occupied your mind for all those years
If you're comfortable enough, he'll read out wholesome family stories for you until you fall asleep
And if it ever crosses your mind that you and him would end up separated like your parents did...
He won't promise you emptily, no
He'll take you in his arms, telling you that it'll work out somehow
He won't promise with words, he'll live up to you each day to make sure the worst never comes
Because truth be told, he's just as afraid of separation as you are.
Asmo never had to worry in all honesty
But sometimes, he'd see you in places that Belphie usually frequents
Either the attic, or the planetarium...
You mostly slip away from crowded areas, moving to places that give you a slither of comforting silence.
"Darling? Why are you out in the cold?"
Is what he'd ask you, approaching you and carefully putting his scarf around you as you looked up at the stars from the Planetarium
"Have you ever had that one place you run to whenever you feel the need to run away?"
When you don't receive on answer from him, you look away from the stars and hug your knees closer to your chest
"My parents aren't together anymore, but I think they gave me this awful habit of slipping away whenever things got overwhelming."
"But there isn't anything wrong with that?"
He doesn't understand why there should be anything wrong with avoiding overwhelming situations, he thinks it's a way of self-care
"I mean the overwhelmingly loud arguments... Back when I was younger, I'd slip away when things progressively get worse."
It was like a coping mechanism, when the brothers argue, it reminds you of the old times you had to slip away to protect yourself
Even if it wasn't directly about you
"Oh honey..."
Asmo would wrap his arms around you and you stay like that as he keeps you company
Or if you're not fond of skinship, he'd sit beside you, also hugging his knees against his chest as he watches the stars with you
Both of you silently sat there most of the time but he makes sure you're alright, telling you things that he know would brighten up the mood
He doesn't know
He probably finds out later when you're comfortable enough to tell him though
It happens on your late-night kitchen journeys
He'll stop eating for a moment, a bit upset that he can't hold you immediately with how greasy his hands were from the food
I like to think he's conscious of touching you while he's eating, so he takes a moment to wipe his hands with a clean napkin
He picks you up, and sits you on the kitchen counter
"It must've been hard for you."
You were practically trying to smile at him, a helpless way to assure him.
"It was a cold home. My parents were barely present emotionally. They were there for me physically, but it felt like they weren't my parents with how they talked each other down whenever it was their turn to take care of me."
He doesn't know how to comfort with words, he knows he won't be much of help on that regard
So he leaves you sitting on the counter, shuffling across the kitchen to make do with what's left to make you a simple samdwich
And if he were drooling at the sight, he'd wipe it away and brush it off
It was for you, so when he finishes, he'll give it to you, hopeful that maybe it would make you feel better.
You know how he's this spoiled brat who always does what he wants?
Well, that's exactly the case as to how he finds out about your parents
He just joins you in bed that one time, eventually invading your dream
Of course, he was expecting you to be somewhat conscious in your dream so that both of you could spend time together compared to real life
But what he didn't expect was to see you in such a young state, trying to understand the situation of your parents arguing
He saw you just standing there, helplessly trying to call out to your parents who were busy fighting over who takes custody over you after the divorce
Quietly, he moves closer behind you, covering up your eyes with the palm of his hand as he manipulates your dream into something happier
Something... that you knew would never happen again
He turned the dream into the happiest moment you could've been with your parents
It was when you cried again that he started to panic and approached you with a troubled look
He liked taking care of you in your dreams, he was the closest to humans before, and he still couldn't grasp how complex human emotions were
"Was this too much...? Should I have changed it into something else?" He asks you worriedly
The illusion of your parents disappeared from the bed of flowers you stood on
All that's left of the huge space, was you and Belphie.
Wordlessly, you came up to hug him instead of asking him to console you with meaningless words
Both of you know that Belphie can't do that, even if he tries, he's bad at it
So both of you resorted into silence as your best way of comfort.
Belphie hugs you, and let's you have his way with him, patient, and always willing to wait until you're ready
Yours and his situation wasn't far off
Although it was like yours, he was still raised with emotional neglect
The demon prince wasn't attached to his father per se. He was confused with the king's intentions of his future.
The moment they chose you as the exchange student, he knew that both of you felt this connection like a flick of the switch
He grew up lonely, and if you had your parents present without an ounce of emotional comfort
Both of you would ride the same boat
In rare moments of exclusion, the both of you just sit together, childishly trying to create a fantasy where both of you had parents that actually catered to your needs
"It must've been hard."
"Me? No, no— I had Barbatos with me. But what about you? Did you have anyone?"
"I'd like to think that I did."
In moments of vulnerability, the both of you filled the room with "what-ifs" for your childhood.
"I think I'd handle my emotions better if I were taught well."
In moments so rare, both of you would ask each other questions of worth
"Do you think I'd be a fit ruler to substitute my father if I had molded myself exactly the way he wanted?"
"...no. You're doing great even without it."
And in moments so quiet, you'd end up asking...
"I still wonder if it was my fault."
"I don't think it was."
In such precious moments, both of you revel in each other’s comfort
Practically assuring the other, getting a laugh or two
And sometimes, bitterly ask for things you know you couldn't have
It was a moment where both of you had to accept that it was reality, and you can't change that reality without the consequence of guilt and sorrow in the end.
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(And if you squint) Implied California/New York
Read on AO3
(This is a songfic using the song Dollhouse by Melanie Martinez)
Warning: angst
Hey girl, open the walls
Play with your dolls
I sigh as I walk back into the statehouse again. 5 days a week, only Friday and Saturday for breaks.
I think the only real reason I kept this job was because of Gov, the states are just annoying.
We'll be a perfect family
"Oh Greg you're here! Great, we can start now! Can't have a meeting without filming an episode! Gotta get paid somehow..." Gov greeted mead I walked in. He mumbled the last part, but I heard it. Money's been tight, I realized that a while ago.
When you walk away is when we really play
Gov walks out of the room and immediately Florida runs at me, Louisiana and California close behind him. "Greg!! You're back!"
"I was gone for two days, Florida. You know I come back every time."
Florida isn't the brightest.
You don't hear me when I say
After the meeting, I go to speak to Gov. I always do, not that he ever listens.
"Mom, please wake up
Dad's with a slut
And your son is smoking cannabis"
"Hey I think California might finally have the whole Disneyland thing under control. It's safe to say he can handle himself now" I tell him.
No one never listens
"Sure, yeah" he mumbles, shuffling through papers on his desk.
This wallpaper glistens
"Alright, I'm gonna go sleep then" I tell him. Without waiting for an answer, I go upstairs to my room. It's next to California's and Texas'.
Don't let them see what goes down in the kitchen
Of course, they're fighting again.
I guess tomorrow might be a better day. 
Places, places
Get in your places
"Gov calm down, they're probably fine" Virginia tells Gov.
"No, they need to be here. They need to be sitting right across from me where I can see them or- or-"
Throw on your dress and put on your doll faces
"Greg, can you come comfort him? I'll try to find Loui and Florida" Gin asks me. "Yeah, sure." I reply.
Everyone thinks that we're perfect
"Gov it's okay, nothing's wrong."
He's having a panic attack.
Please don't let them look through the curtains
"Gin will find them, they're okay"
"No, no they aren't I can't- don't-" he chokes between tearless sobs.
Picture, picture, smile for the picture
"I found them!"
"Virginia, thank God you're back!" I exclaim.
Gov takes a few deep breaths, "finally. Now I know you two aren't hurt."
Pose with your brother, won't you be a good sister?
"Alright everyone sit down in your seats, we're going live today" I say, the states mostly know to listen to me. Except New York. He does what he wants.
Everyone thinks that we're perfect
"Alright, live in 3..
Please don't let them look through the curtains
Just after I finish my countdown, Gov shoots me a look that says "thanks for that"
I just simply nod and mouth, "don't thank me, thank Gin for findin' em"
I see things that nobody else sees
The meeting was just as eventful as any other, Texas and Cal got into a fight, Florida passed some questionable laws and Loui just drank to avoid responsibility.
After the meeting was over I did what I normally do and take the video equipment first, then go back to the Table for my sound equipment.
On my way back, I see Cali and Texas still at the table, New York seemingly holding Cal back.
"Don't, B. It's not worth yer time" he tells them.
"Don't tell me what to do, York!" They pull away from him, "I can fight my own battles!"
I see things that nobody else sees
I leave before it escalates.
I don't wanna be part of this mess.
Hey girl, look at my mom
She's got it going on
Gov is in the kitchen, not drinking coffee for once.
Ha, you're blinded by her jewelry
When you turn your back
I walk closer to him instead of continuing to my room. It might be nice to have a normal conversation with him for the first time in who knows how long.
She pulls out a flask
And forgets his infidelity
Turns out I was wrong, “Gov what the actual hell are you doing?!”
He’s drinking.
“Louisiana!” I scream, the tone in my voice harsher than I meant it to be.
Uh-oh, she's coming to the attic, plastic
Go back to being plastic
“Mais, what was dat for?” He says as he runs down the stairs.
“Did you by any chance give Gov vodka?”
No one never listens
“Nah, you know I only drink daiquiris”
This wallpaper glistens
“Sure you do.. just leave okay? Find out who gave him the vodka if you can”
One day they'll see what goes down in the kitchen
“I’m fine, Greg. Stop worrying so much” Gov says, his words are already slurring a bit.
“You need to get out of this addiction, Gov. You were doing so well, what even happened?”
Places, places
Get in your places
“It’s none of your business, Greg! Leave me alone! I hate all of you. You’re all useless.”
Loui looks hurt at the statement, but I just shake my head. Gov is an aggressive drunk, he doesn’t mean it.
He doesn’t mean it.
I just gotta remind myself that.
Throw on your dress and put on your doll faces
He doesn’t mean it towards the states.
He doesn’t mean it towards his coworkers.
He doesn’t mean it towards me.
Everyone thinks that we're perfect
“C’mon Gov, let’s get you upstairs”
“No! Absolutely not! I have work to do!” He screams, shoving me away.
Please don't let them look through the curtains
Louisiana tries to help me calm him down. He tells him, “What would dey all think if dey saw you like this? ‘specially Flo’ida, you know how much he cares ‘bout you, even if he don’t show it.”
“Especially me” I mumble to myself now than anyone else. Gov and Loui can’t hear me.
“Gov,” I start, “Louisiana’s right. You gotta calm down. For the states if not for yourself.”
Picture, picture, smile for the picture
He doesn’t answer, which usually means I’m right but he doesn’t want to admit it.
Pose with your brother, won't you be a good sister?
I take the bottle away from him and place it on the kitchen counter. “Come on, Gov. Let’s go upstairs.”
Everyone thinks that we're perfect
Please don't let them look through the curtains
We get to my bedroom and Gov sits on the bed. “You gotta stop this man, I hate seeing you like this” I say. Not that he’s gonna take me seriously but might as well try.
I see things that nobody else sees
A few hours pass, most of the time Gov just sits there and complains about everything while I edit episodes and send some emails to Ben, Liv and a few others. We were going to have them make a guest appearance again.
I see things that nobody else sees
After I finished my work, I joined Gov on the couch. He’s listening to true crime again, honestly I can’t blame him. That stuff is interesting.
Hey girl (hey girl)
Hey girl, open your walls
Play with your dolls
We'll be a perfect family
“Gov, you wanna go sleep? It’s gotten pretty late” I ask him.
“Mmm I don’t wanna get up” well, that’s a first.
Places, places
Get in your places
“Alright, stay here then. I’ll get you tea” I offer. “Coffee?” He pleads.
“Absolutely not”
Throw on your dress and put on your doll faces
I go downstairs to the kitchen to make tea and see Florida and Louisiana sitting at the table. “You okay, Florida? You look a bit off” I ask. I’ve gotten to know the states pretty well.
Everyone thinks that we're perfect
“I-is Gov okay? I didn’t means to stress him out so much.. I- Loui told me what happened, Greg” he turns to face me.
Please don't let them look through the curtains
“He’s okay, Florida. I promise. He’s gonna go to sleep soon”
“Mais sha, I told ya he’d be alright”
“I guess you were right Loui, I just- I know I’m a lot of trouble but I’ll stop if he needs me to-“ Florida starts, but I cut him off before he can finish, “Florida, no! You make him happy! Sure, he gets stressed when you’re not in his sight but that’s because he feels responsible for you. Almost like a big brother”
Picture, picture, smile for the picture
Pose with your brother, won't you be a good sister?
“I see him as a big brother..” Florida lightly laughs, his voice bitter.
Everyone thinks that we're perfect
“Seriously Florida, he’s okay. I promise.”
Please don't let them look through the curtains
“I believe you, Greg. Thanks.”
“Of course”
I see things that nobody else sees
I grab the tea cup off the stove and proceed upstairs back to my bedroom.
“Here, Gov. drink at least a little bit” I say, handing the cup to him.
“Thanks Greg, I don’t know what I’d- what any of us would do without you”
“It’s my honor, Gov”
I see things that nobody else sees
We lay down next to each other in the bed, and when his hand accidentally brushed mine, my heart skips a beat. After a few minutes pass, the silence only proves Gov has finally fallen asleep.
I quietly get out of the bed and grab the tea cup to take it back to the kitchen.
“I love you” I whisper to him before closing the door to my room, “I really, really do”
I know he’ll never hear it.
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the-traitorous-prince · 7 months
(Sorry I didn't ask anonymously whoever controlled this blog...)
Hey,Mk how have you been? I am really worried for now, I hope your okay :> I'll be ur friend if u want too 😄
Deep breath
Ok yeah things are pretty rough, but I'm doing ok. Ok ish.
I'm-I'm surviving. Not dead yet.
We've kinda figured out. A little bit at least.
We, uh, ran into Ao Lie? There was this whole thing with a wolfman. He's fine we think. It was all pretty chaotic, but Mei stole a ton of shit from the wolf guy and so we have money now.
And we think we know where to find Pigsy! So thats... Something.
But dad is going to be in demon mode, and I don't know how that'll go. Tang wasn't exactly nice, but he was pretty harmless. He wasn't going to hurt anyone, besides maybe himself by being a bit of a...
I know it's impolite to say about a well respected monk, so I'm just going to quote Mei here.
She said he was "A bit of a dumbass."
Take that as you will.
Which isn't shocking. There personalities are different but it makes sense that Tang is the reincarnation of Tang Sanzang. They have a lot of similarities, and the same temperment.
So I'm a bit scared of what my dad is going to be like.
A powerful demon with my fathers temperament is a kinda terrifying prospect.
But I'm sure it'll be fine!
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gunbf · 1 year
can’t believe u have eminem on ur blog smhhh
you're right honestly. it's time for MY apology. so, here we go.
i know sometimes things may not always make sense to you right now
but hey, what daddy always tell you?
straighten up little soldier
stiffen up that upper lip
what you crying about?
you got me.
hailie, i know you miss your mom, and i know you miss your dad
when i'm gone but i'm trying to give you the life that i never had
i can see you're sad, even when you smile, even when you laugh
i can see it in your eyes, deep inside you want to cry
'cause you're scared, i ain't there?
daddy's with you in your prayers
no more crying, wipe them tears
daddy's here, no more nightmares
we gon' pull together through it, we gon' do it
lainie uncle's crazy, ain't he?
yeah, but he loves you girl and you better know it
we're all we got in this world
when it spins, when it swirls
when it whirls, when it twirls
two little beautiful girls
lookin' puzzled, in a daze
i know it's confusing you
daddy's always on the move, mamma's always on the news
i try to keep you sheltered from it but somehow it seems
the harder that i try to do that, the more it backfires on me
all the things growing up as daddy, that he had to see
daddy don't want you to see but you see just as much as he did
we did not plan it to be this way, your mother and me
but things have got so bad between us
i don't see us ever being together ever again
like we used to be when we was teenagers
but then of course everything always happens for a reason
i guess it was never meant to be
but it's just something we have no control over and that's what destiny is
but no more worries, rest your head and go to sleep
maybe one day we'll wake up and this will all just be a dream
now hush little baby, don't you cry
everything's gonna be alright
stiffen that upper lip up, little lady, i told ya
daddy's here to hold ya through the night
i know mommy's not here right now and we don't know why
we fear how we feel inside
it may seem a little crazy, pretty baby
but i promise mama's gon' be alright
it's funny
i remember back one year when daddy had no money
mommy wrapped the christmas presents up
and stuck 'em under the tree and said some of 'em were from me
'cause daddy couldn't buy 'em
i'll never forget that christmas i sat up the whole night crying
'cause daddy felt like a bum, see daddy had a job
but his job was to keep the food on the table for you and mom
and at the time every house that we lived in
either kept getting broken into and robbed
or shot up on the block and your mom was saving money for you in a jar
tryna start a piggy bank for you so you could go to college
almost had a thousand dollars 'til someone broke in and stole it
and i know it hurts so bad it broke your mamma's heart
and it seemed like everything was just startin' to fall apart
mom and dad was arguin' a lot so momma moved back
on the chalmers in the flat one bedroom apartment
and dad moved back to the other side of 8 mile on novara
and that's when daddy went to california with his cd and met dr. dre
and flew you and momma out to see me
but daddy had to work, you and momma had to leave me
then you started seeing daddy on the t.v. and momma didn't like it
and you and lainnie were too young to understand it
papa was a rollin' stone, momma developed a habit
and it all happened too fast for either one of us to grab it
i'm just sorry you were there and had to witness it first hand
'cause all i ever wanted to do was just make you proud
now i'm sitting in this empty house, just reminiscing
lookin' at your baby pictures, it just trips me out
to see how much you both have grown, it's almost like you're sisters now
wow, i guess you pretty much are and daddy's still here
lainnie i'm talkin' to you too, daddy's still here
i like the sound of that, yeah
it's got a ring to it don't it?
shh, mama's only gone for the moment
now hush little baby, don't you cry
everything's gonna be alright
stiffen that upper lip up, little lady, i told ya
daddy's here to hold ya through the night
i know mommy's not here right now and we don't know why
we fear how we feel inside
it may seem a little crazy, pretty baby
but i promise mama's gon' be alright
and if you ask me to
daddy's gonna buy you a mockingbird
i'mma give you the world
i'mma buy a diamond ring for you
i'mma sing for you
i'll do anything for you to see you smile
and if that mockingbird don't sing and that ring don't shine
i'mma break that birdie's neck
i'll go back to the jeweler who sold it to ya
and make him eat every carat - don't fuck with dad, ha ha
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httpiastri · 10 months
hii please an lando x reader after the las vegas go yk where he crashed and the reader stays with him like she is going with him to the medial Center and the hospital❤️
thank you for requesting!! very short and not exactly what u asked, but i hope you enjoy anyway <3
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part two ll f1 masterlist
first, the screen you were watching showed the yellow flag. then, the graphics showed lando dropping in the ranks.
and when they filmed lando's car having crashed right into the wall, everyone in the mclaren paddock went quiet.
the replays of the crash were horrible, practically nightmare material. you obviously knew of the risks of racing, especially in street courses like this one, but you never usually let yourself even think of the possibility that lando could have a big crash some day. you never wanted to imagine it, because the mere idea of it hurt too much.
now, here you were, watching as your lover sat still in his car, not moving a single inch. when the crew members confirmed that he'd said that he was okay, you let out a breath of relief, but it was still so painful to watch him stumble out of the car before getting a ride away from the track.
you were told he would be sent to the medical center for some checkups – a mere precaution, something you always need to do, they likely won't even find anything wrong – and you nodded, thankful that he had so many people to help him out and take care of him. when you visit the paddock, you're always cautious to not intrude, meaning you never force yourself into situations or places you aren't sure you're allowed in. that's why you just sat in a corner of the room for the rest of the race, waiting for him to be released from the medical center, instead of running there and finding a way to get inside.
however, it took longer than you'd expected. they didn't seem to want to release him, and you were just about to ask around for updates when someone called out your name.
"lando, he..." the woman dressed in full papaya-attire was breathless as she spoke, seemingly having run all the way over to the paddock from the medical center. "he's being transferred to a hospital, and... he wants you to come with him."
he didn't ask for his dad, or his trainer, or any other mclaren staff.
he asked for you.
you eventually found him already in the ambulance, resting on top of a stretcher. he looked groggy, eyes barely even open and paired with the content smile he was wearing, you couldn't help but coo over how cute he looked. but at the same time, your heart broke at the sight and at the way his crash replayed over and over in your mind. when you stepped inside the ambulance and his eyes landed on you, it took him a few moments to realize who you were. but when he did, he instantly reached his hand out towards you.
his fingers slid between yours so easily, his mere touch doing wonders at helping you relax. "hey," he said as you walked up to his side. "you came."
"of course," you answered, sitting down in a chair right next to him. "weirdly enough, i actually do care about my boyfriend." lando let out a short chuckle but cut it off, wincing and trying his best to hold back from clutching his chest. "how are you doing?"
he took a deep breath, assessing the situation. "alright, i think." you gave his hand a little squeeze. "i don't feel too much right now, the doctor gave me something strong."
"really?" your sarcastic tone goes unnoticed as lando continues on.
"did it look bad?"
you weren't sure if you should've told him the truth, or if you should've smoothed it out a little and made it seem better than it was just to not worry him as much. unfortunately, your silence and hesitation were like clear answers to him.
he coughed, eyes closing slowly as he spoke. "one moment, everything was under control, and the next..." a shudder passed through his body and he shook his head as if he wanted the memory to leave his thoughts. "i'm sorry for scaring you."
"hey, it's not your fault." your free hand reached down to his cheek, caressing the skin with your thumb. "the track was doomed from the start."
before he could answer, he was interrupted by the sound of the ambulance's back door slamming shut and the engine starting. his hand clenched yours a little tighter as if he was starting to understand the reality of the situation a bit more clearly.
leaning forward to his face, you pressed your lips to his forehead before whispering to him. "you're going to be fine, my love."
his voice was weak, eyes glossy and lips slightly pouting. "will you stay with me?"
"all the way."
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lookismaddict · 2 years
Lookism Chapter 433 Memes/Thoughts I Have:
(SPOILERS !!! I don’t own any of the Lookism panels and the translations. Only the memes that I made.)
I’m sorry for posting this SUPER LATE!! With school and all of that now occupying my schedule, these might be uploaded every week around this time. 😓 I apologize in advance. 🙏🏽 BUT AYO. LETS GET IT, LETS GET IT, LETS GET ITTTTT!!! So last chapter, when Daniel’s mom heard that Daniel was looking for Jinyeong Park, she reacted like this:
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And everybody was like, “Whaaaaaaat? Why she do dat?” 🤔 Well, everybody grab your popcorn because we gon LEARN TODAY-
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WOOF, WOOF, WOOF!!! BARK, BARK, BARK!!! AWWWOOOOOOOOGAH!!!!!! *ahem* Sorry everybody, just lost control for a second there. Brain malfunctioning, and whatnot. I guess PTJ wanted to add James Lee into the Bathrobe Club or something.
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AWWOOOOOOOOOO!!!! Got me howling and shit. 🗣🗣🗣
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Pleeeeease tell us Mama Park. WE NEED TO KNOW!!! 😩👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽
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Awww this broke my heart. 💔 Whatever happened with Jinyeong must’ve been painful for her to bear the past like that.
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Oh wow. So now we get a dad reveal of Daniel's father? Nah, sorry. They don't look related to me. There also could have been some sort of issue here. Like, Jinyeong used to be Daniel's dad's best friend. And Daniel's dad might have had some sort of issue with fertility or something, so he decided to ask Jinyeong to donate sperm because he sees him as his brother...? Idk man. That's just my theory...
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Ah, so THAT'S what happened to Daniel's dad. Ok, ok, that makes sense that his mom would raise him on his own all this time. But, I really want to know how his mom got to such a state that she has to collect cardboard boxes just to provide for her son...
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AYOOOOOOO. CALLED IT. (not the sperm donor part) BUT THEY MUST'VE BEEN BESTIES!!! 😳
AHHHHHHHHH JAKE IS BACK!!!! But ik he isn't ok emotionally. This guy going through a lot. 😔
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NOOOOOOOO. BABY BOY, DON'T BEAT YOURSELF UP OVER IT. IT ISN'T YOUR FAULT!!! It was unfortunate that they got caught, but you really didn't intentionally lead them to that situation. It just so happens that they got captured. 😭
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Oooooo who will it be? 👀
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Ohhhh dang. It's another person from the 0 Gen. 😳 I wonder what his role was in Gapryong's Dragon Fist gang. But I stg. If this man backstabs Jake after telling him that he's indebted to his dad...
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Sorry, but this is what I imagined in my head. 😬
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Athlete's Foot is back. 😭 Also, I can't wait to see his family's reaction to his new self. 😎
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Ohhhh boy, and they're back at it again... 💀💀💀
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OMGGGGGGG HERE IT IS!!!! (forget all of them snickering about Daniel, I just wanna see their reactions 😈)
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It really do be like that.
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I love how proud Mama Park is of Daniel because he has matured so much. Just like I mentioned in the previous chapter, his character growth really is something else. So proud of him! 💖
Whew, it's Grandma's turn...
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I'm sorry guys, I had to squeeze all of these panels all in somehow. 😅 But DAMN. HOW DID THIS TURN FROM 0 TO 100 REAL QUICK??? It went from happy family bonding to THE CONJURING AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. WTHHHH. 💀💀💀💀💀💀 (Tbh this gave me flashbacks to the Cult Arc ngl)
And Grandma got some beef with Jinyeong Park. SHE SAID, "CATCH MY HANDS, YOU BASTARD!!!" BUT HEY, SHE MAY BE OLD BUT SHE CAN STILL THROW 'EM. 😤👊🏽👊🏽👊🏽👊🏽 TBH I FOUND THIS SCENE HILARIOUS FOR SOME REASON BECAUSE OF HOW UNEXPECTED SHE REACTED ALL OF A SUDDEN. She always seemed like the calmest old lady ever, but I guess this scene switched it up a bit. A COMPLETE 180° LMAO. EXCITED FOR GRANDMA PARK TO TUSSLE AHAHAHAHAHA (That was a joke. 💀 If she does end up doing it, then I'm afraid that she might hurt her back.) But I hope they DO explain what Jinyeong's deal is.
Overall, I'm VERY sorry that this is really late, and for the lack of memes again. 😭😭😭 I hope y'all will still look forward to these, and I'll try to upload the next review for the upcoming chapter sooner. ❤️
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