#(as we've seen in canon)
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blorbologist · 4 months ago
meet cute! he's in a cell and even after ages in there can't grow a fucking beard <3
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discocandles · 3 months ago
one thing about steve harrington is that he sucks at doing nothing. like he has to be doing something with himself lest the guy waste away. this has led to him being very good at fucking around with things especially when its something relatively quiet. the loudest steve will let himself keep his hands busy while stuck idle is tossing whatever's in his hand to himself and catching it, which usually bodes well for sports practice after coach learned that just because he was moving didnt mean he wasnt paying attention(usually the opposite).
he learned how to flip a pencil around his thumb in middle school and seeing someone in one of the meetings he sat in on doing it. he'll twirl anything he can around in his hand, especially while he was working in the mall. the scoopers were perfect for it. and any way youve seen a drummer/percussionist fiddle with a drumstick, steve knew he had to replicate it.
but even with all this movement and the fact the guy was barely ever not moving, it seemed like no one noticed it ever. a fact that nearly drove eddie insane when they were in high school together. because he did have the reputation of being restless, and in a constant state of movement. and he probably fucked around with random shit less, so how did steve "the hair" harrington not end up with the same reputation? the answer was just that he was way more quiet("and sneaky" -eddie) about it. and if the teacher hated when their students fiddled and futzed he'd be sure to try and keep the movement below his desk.
but it not that he only has to keep his hands busy. no no no, if bored or stuck waiting, and that won't suffice, steve harrington will pick up anything with words just to read it. anything. outdated newspapers, ingredients lists, magazines of any topic. he just mindlessly grabs for whatever and starts fucking reading. Robin could swear under oath to a court that her best friend has read the back of every vhs in family video. hell, she's seen him reading drugstore novels, like the fucking grandma smut and books with cover art of nicely dressed ladies running from a castle. and its her jock best friend reading it, instead of some repressed suburban woman who hates her husband. yes, this information is the bane of robin buckley's exsistance because its not like anyone would believe her.
idk just give me steve being restless but doing it quietly enough that no one really picks up on it.
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avelera · 2 months ago
It's so weird that when 99% of fandoms take away a character's chest hair to make them more appealing, Arcane is the only fandom I've seen to give Jayce Talis chest hair to make him more appealing when he canonically doesn't have any
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before-it-felt-like-a-sin · 2 months ago
And if I say hot popular girl Lottie Matthews cannot pull to save her life... what then...?
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paradox-n-bedrock · 10 months ago
it's occured to me that a lot of my favorite Donna tropes are just "Donna does stuff she shouldn't be able to."
like let her bully the Doctor into trying to teach her Gallifreyan and them be shocked when she actually starts to pick it up. have her and the TARDIS communicate and the ship indulge her whims a little when she's irritated with the Doctor. write her and her Spaceman getting into some touch telepathy shenanigans and have it turn out to be far more two way than they intend.
i don't even need a justification for it. we've got an easy handwave for just about anything with the metacrisis, but. unnecessary. i will eat it up regardless
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beepingmemesauce2727 · 3 months ago
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Fuckin normies
What about Will? Is he just gonna fuck off and be alone and miserable for the rest of his life?
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epiphainie · 8 months ago
i haven't mentioned this before but one tommy kinard family lore idea i'm really attached to is his mother passing away during childbirth, while giving birth to him. just something something about him and buck both growing up haunted by this feeling of a life lost in exchange for theirs where tommy is aware of it his entire life, where his father slaps him in the face with the fact every chance he gets, in contrast to buck's ignorance and the sense of hollowness he feels in the pit of his stomach. something something about the buckley parents' grief translating to neglect and blindness when it comes to buck vs the kinard patriarch's grief becoming words that cut a bit too close to tommy's skin and pressure and unrealistic expectations that make him feel like he's gonna choke. something something about buck feeling unsettled all his life, lost about who is because of daniel's passing and maddie's abandonment and his parents' neglect of it all vs tommy knowing exactly who - what - he is but not being able to look it in the eye because it would be the one thing to make him even more worthless in his father's eyes than his existence costing them his mother's life.
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frankiebirds · 6 months ago
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professor-doc-emeritus · 2 months ago
possible readings of the admech:
1 - admech rituals don't work and aren't necessary. imperium tech largely works based on a combination of dumb luck, ork-esque psychic gestalt fields generated by humanity's collective belief in it, and the efforts of the handful of heretic priests who worked all this out and now do all the imperium's actual IT/maintenance work in secret. The majority of the imperium, and the adeptus mechanics itself, still believe in the rituals wholeheartedly.
2 - admech rituals do work and are (mostly) necessary, but only because they are obfuscations of actual technical work, e.g. the application of sacred oils and incense is just an elaborately ritualized method of getting rusty old machines lubricated regularly, binaric prayers work because they actually contain bundles of voice commands to activate onboard error handling programs in most Dark Age of Technology artifacts, and "machine spirits" are just ancient and ornery onboard AIs that take pity on the occasional tech priest asking for help. This status quo is an unintentional side effect of millenia of collective trial and error; virtually all members of the admech genuinely believe in the cult mechanicus & are unaware there's any material benefit to their rituals.
3 - same as the above, except the admech are (or at least used to be) in on the ruse. The rituals do work, for the above stated reasons, but are deliberately designed to be as mysterious, impenetrable, and terrifying as possible. The people who made them didn't believe in the omnissiah, and sufficiently well-informed members of the admech don't either, often foregoing their rituals entirely when in private or in a pinch. The median admech member understands the basic principles of technology FAR better than they let on, and the cult mechanicus in general exists as part of a massive conspiracy meant to keep humanity at large ignorant, and the control of technology exclusively in admech hands, which they use to their own nefarious ends. This fact used to be common knowledge within the faction itself, however the heresy era split, the subsequent millenia of conflict, and their own overzealous propaganda have all eroded their collective memory. The truth is now only known to its highest ranking and longest-lived members, and is doled out on a need-to-know basis to a select few. This is why most tech priests that feature in the books and video games unironically believe in the omnissiah: they haven't yet been told the truth.
4 - admech rituals do work and are necessary, and the spiritual aspect of it is at least partially true, but this is only because the omnissiah is actually a manifestation of Mag’ladroth the Void Dragon, C'tan god of technology and Aeldari god of oblivion, a shard of which was defeated and imprisoned beneath the surface of mars by the emperor. This shard, either intentionally or unintentionally, influenced and warped the collective psyche of the mechanicum of mars until they became the admech we know today. Their apparent control over technology is the result of some combination of their proximity to the shard giving them aspects of its power, intentional siphoning of the shards power by the mechanicum, the shard itself lending them power as part of a long-term plan to corrupt & use the imperium as a means of revenge against the necrons that shattered it, and the Emperor's defeat of the shard granting him its domain over technology. It's this domain the Emperor won that allowed humanity to expand out and conquer the stars without their tech getting corrupted by the warp, and why technology made by other species and the machines-making-machines-that-make-machines (i.e. the men of iron) fall to the warp faster and more often than human technology
5 - the admech are just batting a thousand and are right about pretty much everything.
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tomurakii · 1 year ago
I know I have a semi-popular post about how Gale would not have made a good teacher and that's why I'm so happy that it does happen canonically. It shows so much growth in him: not only does he learn to love himself regardless of his magic ability, that love extends to others. He can now educate students in the field of magic that has always clearly been his true favourite without being "irked by their ineptitude". He shares the art he loves and his enthusiasm, talent, and newfound patience make him a great teacher. With Tav by his side he becomes a happier, less guarded, more caring person and I can't think of anything better for him.
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catlady48 · 2 months ago
So I have been playing a lot of Marvel Rivals this week and I would like to talk about the design choices for Asgard a bit and share some screenshots I took.
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As you can see they styled most of the "Yggsgard" outdoor map after the MCU version of Asgard. Really cool to just be able to walk around there. Of course, the areas used for battle have a really different layout and the interior design is also completely different from both the comics and the MCU.
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For example, this is what they did with the throne, which is more reminicent of what they did with Asgard in Ragnarok and after, which I personally dislike a bit. On that note, the infamous Loki statue also makes a return and there is a reward for destroying it. Fun fact: in the Jeff's Winter Splash Festival game mode, it is turned into an ice statue.
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Character design wise they take inspiration from both the comics and the MCU and add their own flair. I'm sure you've seen Loki's redesign already, but I wanted to show a picture of both Loki and Thor as kids that you can find in one of the spawn areas.
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Loki has the "Kid Loki" look from the comics (yes I know the show tried to retcon it, but I don't see OG!MCU!Loki wearing that outfit as a child, sorry comic fans). But that was definitely what young!MCU!Thor was wearing in one of the first scenes in Thor 1 and I think Frigga also looks more like she does in the movies. Odin visually seems a bit more like in the comics, though. So do with that information what you want.
Anyway, it's a ton of fun being able to just wander about Asgard. In the game it's been merged with Yggdrasil for some reason, which is why it's called Yggsgard. But still, I like how much inspiration they took from the MCU. Probably because it's design for Asgard is more iconic.
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franollie · 17 days ago
steph's relationship to class as an extension of her coping with her unstable childhood....take my hand..walk with me here..
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dramalove247 · 2 months ago
Favorite Things: Brewing Love
This show had so much to love about it! A unique male lead that is empathetic to a fault. An independent bad ass for a female lead. Complex characters that grow and learn to treat themselves better. The pretties male cast in a Kdrama. Some HILARIOUS bromance. Brewing Love was a great mix of quirky comedy, sweet romance, lots of cute, and a bit of heartbreak.
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GIF by @dramatictrajectory
Here are some of the posts about the series that we've loved (spoilers ahead):
Just like @ofredribbonsandpreciousgems, we found empathy to be an interesting character trait for the male lead. They did a great job of creating a unique character and story centered around this.
The scene at the funeral where Min Ju cries and breaks the dam Young Ju was using to hold back her own tears was so devastatingly beautiful and well done. Here's screen shots posted by @factorygirlsstuff
This edit of the funeral scene by @i-got-the-feels is 😍! So many feels!!!
Enjoyed this post by @kangsongpyeon with thoughts on the early characters. It's fun looking back at the beginning of the show because the characters grow so much. Really well done story.
Min Ju was so real in this moment... thanks @ryoun
The male cast in this show was ridiculously pretty. We couldn't make it through a single episode without saying it out loud at least once.
The fascial expressions, drunk pouting and bromance jokes were epic in this show. We loved them so much! This was just a few that we couldn't get over, but we could have made a post like this for every episode!
We agree with @dramatictrajectory 😍 The bromance was seriously bromancing. These two were EPIC! The writers were hilarious. We are fans.
This entire scene, the words, the tears. Killed us. They declared a truce 😭
What did you think about Brewing Love???
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outfit swaaaaapppp
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bumblingbabooshka · 1 year ago
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Illogical Musings From 'Pathways'
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sabraeal · 2 months ago
so, like... do you think Sorata is actually pushing to swap the main couple in AnS to Obi and Shirayuki? I know that being in this corner of the fandom imparts some bias and that ships don't have to be canon to be good, but Shirayuki and Zen have seen each other, what, twice in the past 50 chapters? It doesn't really seem like she's terribly interested in maintaining their dynamic.
It has been forever since I had the chance to dig into my asks, so let the record show, this ask came to me pre-ch 136, and I'm glad I sat on it because I think I would have given a much more equivocal response in August, and now I'm like:
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Sorata did not give us 28 pages of Obi feelings for me to doubt her now 🤣
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