#(and so this is just an educated guess on her part and on mine. but a decent one)
sollucets · 3 months
hi everyone :’) i havent been on tumblr much lately because i am 1) not watching anything and 2) still dealing with the effects of a bunch of fun medical stuff! i am doing ok but my body hates me so so so much lately. i have the energy and ability(?) to do only a few very specific things right now (play elden ring, let youtube forcefeed me kpop videos, languish) and that does not include watch show or make gif or even write no matter how much i might want to. so. this is how it is haha. miss u guys
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alagaisia · 14 days
And another thing. I know it’s unpopular right now to criticize individual choices as contributing to waste and pollution and overuse of resources and climate change, etc. But I am going to.
I was brushing up some environmental stats/discussion questions in a kids’ activity packet for work the other day and when I was looking for some up-to-date and sourced things to sub in for what was in there, I found a National Geographic study from I think 2008? (Ironically I don’t have the source available to me right now because I was at work) that found that the average American- based on surveys of regular people on individual consumption, right, not stuff done by American corporations or celebrities- uses between two and twenty times as many material resources in a year than somebody in the rest of the world. Twice as much as someone from France. Twenty times more than somebody from India. There were other countries surveyed and mentioned with numbers between that that were all inarguably developed/industrialized/“first-world” countries.
I saw a post on here this evening that asked “what’s a little luxury you buy when you can? Something a little bit fun or expensive that you just can’t have enough of?” And I was all set to talk about the chai latte concentrate I like to splurge on from Costco which is much more expensive and I go through it more quickly than tea bags but it’s just really delicious. And then OP finished the post with “mine is phone cases.” What????
You’re buying and collecting phone cases? Something you can only use one of at a time? Made of plastic and cheap enough that they’re definitely primarily made by people being paid next to nothing for their labor? Something that is not going to be usable long term because phones do not last more than I suppose several years at best? And that having lots of them doesn’t like convey any sort of utility or advantage because I can think of barely a handful of vague situations where one phone case might have different features from another that makes one more or less convenient in different situations and you might want to switch them out. But only if you couldn’t find or afford a phone case that included all of your desired features at once, which if you’re wasting who knows how much money on “never having enough” phone cases, you could have done.
And like, I don’t know if OP was American. And I know tons of things use plastic and are useless in one way or another but it just struck me as such a specific example of such specifically wasteful behavior like. You don’t need that. Nobody needs that. And there are worse things and more wasteful things and yes corporations are bad and everything else. And I am more environmentally conscious of small things like that than most people I know (and yet I still drive to work every day because the bus would take two hours. Curious I am very intelligent meme etc.) and it’s unrealistic to expect everybody to do everything all the time all of that I know all of that.
But this study had also talked about how Americans, the most wasteful demographic on the literal planet, are also the people a.) most likely to believe that individual choices and consumption do not make an environmental difference, and b.) least likely to feel any guilt over their use of resources.
People who use and waste less than half of the amount of useless junk each of us uses in the US feel more compelled to pay attention to and limit their use of energy and material resources than we do. And not hypothetical billionaires or corporations or whoever. Regular people.
We live on a planet with a lot of finite resources! And we are wasting so many of them on dumb useless bullshit like single-serve individually packaged fucking idk pudding containers or getting a new cell phone every six months or buying your kid a rubber duck or three every time you go to target and a hundred other small things that people in specifically the US just don’t think about and they SHOULD. And I know we can talk about how some people need those single-use plastic squeeze tubes of apple sauce, and I’m sure it’s true. I’m not saying anyone should go around to individuals and question and harass them about their choices. But we should all be thinking way, way more about our own personal choices and the choices made by our families and social circles because the fact remains that 90% of kids would be just fine with a bowl of apple sauce poured from a big glass jar.
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daycourtofficial · 1 year
Prophesize Me
Summary: Everyone finds out you and Azriel are mates before the two of you do.
Author’s note: I really love this concept, and I hope you guys do too!! 💕
“I would ask you how my niece is doing, however I have an inkling that she’s doing quite well, and will be better soon.”
Rhysand hated whenever Helion got like this. With all of Helion’s knowledge, occasionally he would like to speak in riddles. After receiving confused looks from Feyre and Rhys, Helion handed them a piece of paper, with the words,
“6 becomes 8,
Shadows dance in his wake,
Cobalt light, night skies,
Golden string ties”
Rhysand and Feyre look at each other, both looking incredibly confused, when Helion chirps in.
“My sister was loved by the Mother and the cauldron. When she had all 7 of her babes, the cauldron blessed each of them with a mate.”
Their eyes go wide, searching for you in the crowd of partygoers, and Feyre’s surprise makes her blurt out, “she has a mate?”
Helion chuckles. “Yes, she and her brothers all do. But none of them know who their mate is. Just that they have one somewhere. They were each blessed with a prophecy denoting the identity of their mate.”
He looks pointedly at the paper in Rhys’s hands.
“I started having suspicions when I visited you in Night a few weeks ago, so I went back and reviewed their prophecies and I think we can take an educated guess as to the subject of hers.”
All three of them look at you and Azriel, the two of you engrossed in conversation with one of your brothers.
“Six becomes eight. Azriel has two brothers, me and Cassian. She has six brothers already.” Rhys says, shock all over his face at knowing his brother, who deserves this so much, is going to get his mate. He’s almost vibrating with happiness.
“Do they know?” Feyre asks Helion.
“No,” Helion sighs, “The curse of the prophecy is that the subjects can’t know. If you talk to them about it, it’ll just sound like you’re speaking nonsense.”
“Could we tell Azriel?”
“My assumption would be if he were her mate, if you tried, it would just sound like nonsense. It could be a way to test the theory.”
Feyre and Rhysand couldn’t stop smiling at each other, speaking mind to mind.
“This is incredible. She’s wonderful, she’s adorable! We’ve known her for a while, we all like her, she’s already part of the family.”
“And we know her family! She’s related to Helion - whom we love dearly.”
“How the hell are we going to keep Azriel’s mate a secret from him?”
“How the hell are we going to keep Azriel’s mate a secret from Cassian?”
Cassian wasn’t a spymaster, but he always had a sixth sense when it came to knowing things about his friends. One look at Feyre and Rhys and he’ll know that they know something.
“Do you know what the golden string ties?” Helion asks, genuine curiosity on his face.
Feyre and Rhys look at each other, trying to recall a golden string. Feyre’s eyes go wide as she remembers, “I saw a box In her room a few days before solstice with a gold ribbon around it, but I never saw it in the pile of gifts.”
Rhys turns to her, “I saw Azriel carrying a tiny box with gold string around it a week ago. He wouldn’t tell me anything,” Rhys thinks for a moment, “and I don’t recall seeing them exchange gifts.”
Helion is interested in this - you confided in your uncle about most things, but your love life was not one of them. Helion loved gossip, but when it came to you, it wasn’t just fun gossip. It was your life.
“Solstice was just yesterday - if the prophecy is directly mentioning something that happened on Solstice, then if they are mates, the bond should snap any day now.”
The three of them continue watching you, Azriel, and one of your brothers converse, when Azriel says something that makes you and your brother howl with laughter.
“It can be hard knowing how things will turn out - prophecies are a deep interest of mine,” Helion says, watching you with a smile on his face, “it’s nice that this one will have a happy ending.”
Feyre and Rhysand kept the secret from Cassian for twelve hours, a brand new record for them. They were all standing in the kitchen of the house of wind, telling him what they knew. They weren’t too concerned with you and Azriel finding them because the two of you stayed behind in the day court for a few extra days.
When they told him, they honestly thought they had short-circuited him. He just kept going “her… and him… and her…” until eventually the biggest grin spread across his face and he lunged and pulled Feyre into a bone-crushing hug.
“I have to get the feelings out and she’s not here for me to do this to so I’m pretending you’re her!” He says, while spinning Feyre around while she giggles.
Once Cassian is done spinning, he sets Feyre down and looks at them and goes, “okay, so what do we do now? Any schemes?”
“Why are we scheming?” Feyre asks, a little wobbly from the spinning.
“Well we could lock them in a room together,” Rhys says, not answering his mate.
“We could send them on a dangerous mission together, and they’ll be so shaken by how close they come to death, BOOM, the bond snaps,” Cassian says animatedly.
Feyre looks at him, assessing him, “Cass, are you reading romance books?”
He stutters a little, “sometimes Nesta reads out loud so I can fall asleep more quickly.”
“Aww reading really is so boring to you it puts you to sleep,” Rhys coos, reaching over to pinch Cassian’s cheeks, “she reads you bedtime stories.”
“Anyway,” Cassian draws out, trying to draw attention back to the matter at hand, “what are we going to do about our little shadowsinger and our little princess of day?”
Cassian was asked to keep his mouth shut and tell no one. So naturally by the time the sun rose the next day, the entire inner circle knew, as did Cassian’s favorite barista and Rita.
“He’s going to be pissed you’re telling all of Velaris his private information, especially before he even knows it,” Rhys tells Cassian, in their war council like meeting.
“He won’t be pissed in the slightest - it’s going to snap any day and we won’t see them for months. Besides, he already struts around town with her, no one was going to be surprised at this,” Cassian says, and Feyre’s shocked his face doesn’t hurt from how hard he’s been smiling since he heard the news.
Cassian did have a point - tons of Velaris citizens had come up to Feyre to ask if the you and the spymaster were together, most feeling disappointed when she said no, none being brave enough to ask the shadowsinger himself.
Mor was buzzing with excitement, her guilt from leading Azriel on has dissipated since you entered their lives, but now even moreso that you’re his mate. She’s especially happy that that means you’ll likely become a more permanent resident in the night court. The inner circle adored you, but they were always afraid you’d eventually just go back to your home in the day court to be with your brothers and Helion.
“I mean, they’re still in day, so maybe the bond did snap, and we just won’t see them again until the spring!” Mor laughs, true excitement coming from her. “Is there a way to know about the bond long distance?”
“I like Cassian’s idea of sending them on a mission, send them to winter so they’ll have to snuggle for warmth,” Lucien, who happened to be one of your oldest friends, speaks up. Elain hits him on the chest, rolling her eyes at her mate.
“Oh oh oh,” Mor pipes in, “we get a male to hit on her, oooh that would really piss off Azriel.”
“He’s already going to be super territorial once the bond snaps, if that happens he genuinely might try to hide her away for years,” Rhys replies, knowing how territorial Azriel already was over you.
“What if we all just disappear for a few days? Leave the two of them here in the townhouse?” Elain says, and Lucien rubs her thigh.
The group considers it - most of them do have their own homes in the city, leaving you and Azriel mostly by yourselves in the townhouse, but the inner circle usually drops by throughout the day. Cassian alone probably comes by five times a day - even more when Nesta’s upset with him.
“None of us visit, and we can’t allow them to come visit us.” Feyre says.
“Just want to point out this was essentially the first idea I had of locking them in a room together,” Rhys grins.
The group continues arguing, with Elain’s idea being the frontrunner.
You and Azriel stayed in the day court for an extra night. You got incredibly drunk at the late solstice party with your family, and you also wanted to show Azriel around the day court palace.
You two spent most of the day in some of your favorite libraries - just the sight of one taking Azriel’s breath away. You two spent hours walking around the libraries, telling him about growing up here. You also showed him around the museums - noting to him one of the paintings that was donated by Feyre. You had joked that of course it featured Helion on his pegasus.
Now you were back in your private chambers, showing him your much less impressive personal library.
“Do you miss living here?” Azriel asks, the question on his mind since you all came to the party, after seeing how happy you were with your family.
“Mm, yes and no. I like spending a few weeks here out of the year, I love coming for holidays or just to visit, but it feels like a distant home, like I’m 9 years old,” you say, turning to face him, “I’ve traveled a good bit around Prythian, and honestly I never felt as at home as I do in Velaris.”
The confession hangs in the air. The unspoken words sitting on your tongue, not being brave enough to utter them - “I never felt at home until you.”
He can’t help the grin on his face as he says, “if I may, night court black suits you very well.”
Your cheeks flame as you reply, “it suits you very well, too.”
The two of you somehow closer than you were, only about a foot apart, when a knock shatters the moment. Azriel swears he hears a tiny groan from you as he steps away from you, looking over the shelves of your books, when one title catches his eye. As your attention is focused on the fae who came in to let you know that dinner is ready, he slips the book into his coat pocket.
The two of you had winnowed back to the townhouse, directly into your private chambers.
“Can I ask you about something?” Azriel looks at you, curiosity all over his face.
“Anything,” you reply, neither of you moving from the tight hold you had on each other while winnowing.
“Why do you own this?” As he says it, he pulls out a book that you received for Solstice from Amren, one you were especially trying to keep hidden, which is exactly why you brought it with you to leave in your library in the day court.
“Ilyrians: Pleasing a Partner with Wings?” He asks, reading the title. Your mouth is wide open, looking like a fish without water.
“There’s an inscription,” you reply, and Azriel can barely hear it. He’s a little concerned his teasing has gone too far, when he opens the inscription to find Amren’s handwriting.
“Sun Girl,
make a move on the shadowboy. Here’s a guide on how.
Lukewarm regards,
Azriel was shocked that Amren would get involved in any of their love lives, much less yours. He didn’t even know if Amren liked you, as much as Amren can like anyone.
“Amren gave you a solstice gift?” Azriel asks. You nod, still hiding behind your hands in embarrassment.
“And she wants you to fuck me?”
You choke on air at his bluntness, “well - uh- I mean - yes but maybe like not in a casual way?”
He looks at you, taking in how clearly embarrassed you are at this gift, at his discovery of it.
“So not in a casual way?” He asks, loving how cute you are in this moment.
You look at your hands, you look around your room, for anything, really, when you say, “not um in a casual way, yes.”
“So you would fuck me in a non-casual way?” He asks, clearly enjoying watching you squirm through this conversation.
You pause, and Azriel’s again afraid he’s gone too far, when he hears you say, “yes.”
“Do you.. have feelings… for me?” He asks, none of his own feelings showing on his face.
You look up at him. Now or never, you think.
“Yes,” you say, looking him in the eye, “yes.”
He continues looking at you as he responds, “good.”
“Good,” you say, not sure what he means, but not wanting to ask.
“Good,” he says, and before you can say the same, he pulls your face into his. Kissing him was an experience for your entire body- you could feel his hands on your face, his body pressed against you, when you felt something in your chest go pop!
You stopped kissing him to look at him in shock, when he’s already smiling at you. “You know!” you shout, “you knew!”
He laughs at your reaction, taking a moment before telling you, “it snapped when we exchanged gifts. I uh needed a few days to process it.”
You nod, Azriel was not someone who took change well, and this was a big one. You can understand him taking a few days to tell you.
“Needed time to process it, but do you uh regret it?” You ask, trepidation coating your voice.
“Not at all. I just… never thought I’d have this. I didn’t want to start things off by saying or doing the wrong thing.”
You smiled at his thoughtfulness, feeling the warmth of the bond in his chest.
Rhys was no fool - he knew you two were in day and could return at any minute, so he shielded the room so if either of you came you wouldn’t be able to hear the discussion. He didn’t account for the fact that maybe you were already upstairs, and if you walked by and saw all of your friends gathered not making a noise, it would terrify you.
Which is exactly what happened.
They all heard you scream and turn to see you in the open doorway, Azriel’s shirt hanging off your body. Rhys starts to pull the shield down, wanting to make a crack at you wearing his brother’s clothes, when they’re all hit by the smell. It was so incredibly strong, they all were practically suffocated by it. It smelled like the early morning, when the moon kisses the earth, allowing for night to meet the day.
It all happened so fast, your scream, the shield coming down, Azriel winnowing in a defensive position after hearing your scream from upstairs, all of your friends screaming at the scent of the bond.
Azriel’s in front of you, ready to defend you, only to find Cassian charging at the two of you. He engulfs both you and Azriel in a hug, picking you both up and spinning you. You, in Azriel’s shirt, and Azriel, in his undershorts.
“It’s been like six hours, I thought they wouldn’t know until at least tomorrow,” you muffle into Cassian’s chest at Azriel, who huffs in response.
After what feels like a lifetime of spinning, Cassian sets you down, and you have to brace yourself on your knees to keep from throwing up.
“What are you guys doing here? In a shielded room?” You ask, hands still on your knees, and no one wants to meet your gaze, until Amren speaks.
“They discovered your prophecy, girl.”
Azriel looks to you, confusion on his face. You had honestly forgotten all about the prophecy - you didn’t know the contents, so you didn’t ever let yourself think of it.
You turn to Azriel, “my brothers and I have prophecies about who our mates are, but we can’t hear our own prophecies until they’re fulfilled. I never knew what it stated, just that I had a mate somewhere.”
“And you all heard it?” Azriel asks, looking around the room like everyone was a threat. If the smell didn’t give the bond away, Azriel’s hyper focus on his family as threats certainly did.
“Well,” Cassian interjects, “Helion told Feyre and Rhys, who told the rest of us.”
Nests hits his arm, “they told Cassian and he told the rest of us, big blabbermouth.”
“We just found out last night, and we were meeting to see if there was anything we could do about helping it snap, but it seems like that was a bit pointless.”
You look at Azriel, everything is so new, you have no idea how he would feel about being a pawn in your prophecy, much less about his family knowing something so important with you two being the last ones to know.
The room is still loud, Mor and Cassian found wine bottles and are popping them open. Everyone’s celebrating, while Azriel leans down and whispers to you.
“So, the mother made you for me,” he quirks his mouth into a grin.
“Actually, I’m three days older than you, so I think the mother made you for me,” you retort.
“Oh no, however will I go on? Being made for such a thing of beauty and brains?” He asks. Then he pauses, insecurity taking hold of him for a moment, “are you disappointed? I mean surely growing up knowing you had a mate, you dreamt up imaginary males whisking you away. How do I compare?”
You really take a look at him, a rare moment of vulnerability from him, as you consider a reply. “The males always whisked me away, off to foreign lands.” You look ahead at the chaos of the sheer joy your shared family is experiencing at the news. “You have brought me home.”
You grab his hand, rubbing your thumb across the back of it, hoping that that answer was enough for now. You have centuries to show that the imaginary males are nothing to the real thing.
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kuni-is-daddy · 1 year
Okay, but Lesser Lord!Reader riding Scara and him praising them and saying how lucky he is to be ridden and pleasured by a god like them. Just fluffy, soft sex with Scara, and maybe a bit of brat taming.
This man has such a chokehold on me
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featuring:? A bit of paimon and the traveler(Can be aether or lumine, didnt use a specific gender)
//Lessor lord Y/n Teases with the name Hatguy, Sabzeruz Festival Event Spoilers!, Use of mommy~
word count: 1.43k
Scara masterlist! Scara x Lessor lord masterlist
"What? You think im TRYING to think the worst of lessor lord y/n? Incase you've forgotten Traveler..Im not a saint." wanderer scoffed while retrieving the archives of Sachin's research from paimon. "Tch- Ugh- Paimon thinks your being pretty harsh HAT GUY! be nice to y/n or paimons gonna give you a UGLY NICKNAME! She gave you a education and healthcare!" the floating child stomped her feet. "Because im her prisoner, you lowly creature. And healthcare is free in sumeru, Dont need it anyway, im a puppet incase your so dum to remember. She wouldnt-" A cool lavender scented air coated the hot desert. Stopping the puppet as he remembered the familiar sent. "You think so.. Should i treat you as my prisoner hat guy?"
You walked up towards your group of friends and 'prisoner' as your caped swayed throughout the breeze. Taking the files from hatguy with a smirk on your face. "Hah. You already do, Having me run errands for you like a dog. But if doing this gives me worth. Then so be it." He said while looking down at you. "Is that what this is about hat guy? You want to feel worthy in the eyes of a god~" With your free hand you tugged at his feathered ornament. Smoothly rubbing along the prickles. Paimon and traveler looked with flustered expressions at your teasing. "You know hat guy~ I was hoping you could make some friends but..I guess that didnt work out hm? Busy making enemies with your saviors-" "Unnecessary. I dont need anymore reasons to be indebt to you." He placed his warm hand along your arm. Watching you tinker with his worth. "Then we can start off with you being a scholar how about that? Even prisoners have a right to education." Paimon coughed at the interaction, "I- uhm Y/N? as the god of wisdom. what do you plan to do with sachins research? It is 'negative' wisdom after all." You gazed and pulled away from his touch and began flipping through the archive. "Well paimon, As the god of wisdom I have to guide everyone to wisdom, even good or bad. But I will seal away his knowledge as his ideals are more deemed as corrupted and-" "Tch. Talk about a speech, What about mine huh? Is that why you have me doing this? Because i have 'corrupt' knowledge and see me as a pawn?" You sighed at his interruption, then smirked at the choice of words. "Well..I can help you with your 'corruption' myself, Mr hat guy~" You closed the book roughly, making the two snap out of their disturbed daze. "Paimon, Traveler. Come by the akademiya later today and ill have him drop off the rest of your things regarding the festival. Until then~" You greeted them goodbye with a smile. With a flick of your finger the wanderer wasnt too far behind you. Mumbling and giving death glares to his 'saviors' over another task he had to do.
Thunder and lightning struck through your blurry view of sumeru city, You sat at Wanderers small desk writing about what interested on you sachins research for his thesis. How could a wealthy man be so bothered by society? One that he technically can change with a bag of mora. But you had your own changes to worry about. Apep, a former ruler of sumeru that existed since the start of the Heavenly principals. With all that knowledge the dragonette had, many of your questions could be answered without the use of irminsul. Along with eternal protection for your nation. You just needed a way..some sort of 'contract' to get that information from apep. "Ugh, what am i thinking..Im acting like morax and Ei with these ideals." You laid your bare head on the desk. Tapping your pen while thinking of ways to get more from the dragon.
After what felt like never ending rain, you heard a click of the doorknob and a light dangle of bells. "Well. How did it go? I trust that you gave them what they needed. Hat guy?" The puppet walked into the room. Brushing off the water on his hat. "Tsk. In the rain if that makes you feel any better..And would you stop calling me that? There's no need." He placed his hat on the hanger then laid on your side of the bed, Already undressed into a shirt and shorts. "Hm.. But I like it~" You pulled the chair back, turning around to face the lean puppet. "I never thought the god of wisdom would be so childish..." he sighed. "Don't you like it? the honor of having your nickname picked out by a god." you got up out of your chair and began walking towards the bed. The puppet stayed silent as you climbed onto his body.
"Aren't you lucky Scara. The god of wisdom treating you so well, giving you a home, education, anything you've wanted." His cock twitched in his pants at the name. Your cape swayed gently on his legs as you positioned yourself on top of him. "I-I told you before, it's unnecessary. I'm your pris-" before he could get another word out you leaned down and laid kisses along his neck. Sinking further into the pillow as he covered his muffled moans. "Y-y/n you- ah..." "Is that all you think you are hatguy? The prisoner of a god...I think your worthy of more..." You whispered in his ear as your clothed clit rubbed back and forth against his crotch. "F-fuck...shut up..stoph..saying..that..~" he trailed his hands along your top while you sucked at his neck. Recklessly tugging at the buttons that kept your cape hooked. "Mmm..your such a brat hat guy...maybe you don't deserve it." You flicked his hand off your torn cape and began pulling away from his hot body. "N-no! Wait..." He sat up as you crawled off the bed "... I want it..y/n.." you crossed your arms. "Hmm..I don't know hat guy~ what's the magic word?" You grinned as he gripped onto the sheets in frustration, covering his embarrassingly hard cock. "Maybe.. I'll just go finish up in my room~ you seem a little tired-" "P-please.. I want it y/n.. I cant- i-" suddenly you smashed your lips against his, the both of you fell back on the pillow as he wrapped his arms around you with no hesitation. Exchanging spit as the puppets body began to heat up between each breath. "Hah.. more~ more please" "mhm? what do you want scara~ mmm how do you want your god to make you feel good?"
"I- inside...f-fuck me.." you sighed at his words. "Such a vulgur puppet you are.. wanting your god to fuck you like this.." you parted lips, then looked down to his bulge. "We can't have down here being covered, can we?" You pulled his pants down to reveal his wet length, stained in precum. "Your so big scara..~" you pulled your skirt and underwear off, climbing ontop of him once more, both of your pre oozing onto eachother while you guided his length to your hole, brushing the tip along it. "Hah...fuck..d-dont tease me...I-" you sunk his length deep inside of you while a moan spilled from your lips "Ah~ your doing so well scara~ filling up your god just like that~" his hips buckled up at your praise. "Y-y/n your so warm i- oh fuck!" He gripped onto your waist, pushing you farther into his length as you began riding him, biting your lips from the ecstasy of his tight grip. "Mmm your such a good boy scara, taking your reward for being so good for me, for your god~" "Ah~ yes, s' good! Just for you! Don't stop mommy~ please!" The puppets body began to heat up even more. He trained himself to breathe to fit in with humans, but not like this..not so roughly and begging like a dog in heat from the pleasure he felt. "Such a lucky boy aren't you? Do you wanna cum inside your god?" "Y-yes! Please- wanna cum! Let me mommy! I'll be a good prisoner- a good puppet! A-anything please~" you giggled at the way the once false god dropped his pride, the pleasure from being inside you and feeling loved was too much for him. You did give him everything, everything he ever wanted from a person, from his god. "Shit...Then I can't turn you down since you asked so nicely baby~ cum for mommy, cum for your god~" His nails stung into your skin while your moans echoed throughout your room. "Hah..oh God mommy I'm gonna- i- inside! It's coming!!" The puppets brain overheated and turned to mush from your warmth "mommy! I- im- AH~" with a few rocks of your hips he shot his load inside of you, coating his sticky and warm liquid along your walls. You rode out your high, dripping your own juices onto his own length and shirt while the puppet watched with practical hearts for pupils and a mouth leaking drool. Hazily as you shifted down to his dripping shaft and kissed at it with your wet lips. "Now im going to give you your reward, my prisoner~"
Some of you liked cat!subby scara so this was another subby scara one
And yes health care really is free in sumeru according to one of alhaithams voice lines about kaveh getting scammed💀🤭❌
Scara x Lessor lord masterlist
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rialikesbts · 1 year
Mafia!Yoongi x reader
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You entered your house after an exhausting day after college and your part time job. 
Your muscles were aching, thoughts of having a nice warm bath and then going to sleep were clouding your mind as you opened the door to your home. 
However your  well deserved rest had to wait.
Because, instead of your mother coming to greet you in her apron with a spatula in her hand, you were greeted with silence. 
The entire living room was surrounded by men in black clothing, your parents on their knees in front of ,what you assumed was, the leader. 
Everyone paused for a second.
The leader turned his head towards you and you saw an incredibly gorgeous pale man with his long hair. 
Then ,the chaos began.
As soon as both of your eyes met with each other, two of his men grabbed you by each of your arms. One of them grabbed your chin and turned you to face him. 
"What do you say boss, should we have a little fun with this one here?" 
As soon as the statement left the man's mouth , two loud bangs were heard and both the men loosened their grip on you as they fell down to their death. 
You tried to hide it but you started hyperventilating and shaking as you kept your gaze to the ground.
You just saw two men die in front of you.
You were surely going to get killed today.
" Oops, guess i didn't warn you to not touch my woman".
Came a rather deep voice. 
You didn't bother turning your head towards the source of the voice. One wrong step and you'll have the same fate as the men that held you a few moments ago. 
did he just call you his woman?
Again your face was held,this time rather gently and you came face to face with the leader of those men in black,the one who posessed the deep voice and dark ,raven hair.
"Oh Darling, you look so pretty this close."
The handsome man smirked and turned to your parents.
"I came to take what's mine."
With that,he held your hand and pulled you away from your house,with your head turned towards your mother and father who kept screaming to give them more time. 
You didn't resist the man.
If you did, God knows what he would do to your parents or you. 
"Don't worry  your parents didn't sell you out because of their own needs. They borrowed money for your college admission." The pale man said as he sat beside you in the car. 
I wouldn't have gone to college if they had told me they didn't have the money. I made their life so miserable.
Tears escaped your eyes and you tried to remain as silent as possible, afraid of angering the man sitting beside you. The death of those two men had still not left your mind. 
The man reached out to wipe your tears "And I never asked for money in return, I asked for you, sweetheart." 
You turned your tear stricken face towards him in shock.Why would this man ask for you instead of money in return? Wasn't he a loan shark? 
"It is easy to find about people when you are in the mafia. I have had my eyes on you for so long, my dear, I can't believe that you are here right in front of me."
He gently caressed your face and stared at you as if you were a precious gem. 
"Yoongi. Call me Yoongi. Say my name. The name of your future husband." 
You called out his name,stuttering.He closed his eyes, pleased and ordered you to keep calling his names a few more times. 
Then he nuzzled his head into your neck and told you to sleep.And strangely enough, you fell asleep in the car, intimately close to a man whose only thing you knew was,his name. 
The next time you woke up, you found yourself in violet coloured silk nightwear, on velvety sheets in a king sized bed situated in a large room.
You started crying. You were no longer in your small bedroom, waking up to the smell of your mother's pancakes. You could no longer hear your father yelling at you to get ready quickly so that he could drop you off at college. You could no longer have night outs with your friends or party with them. Most of all, you could no longer continue your education. 
Because you were stuck with someone from the mafia who claimed that you  will be his wife.
You could no longer have a normal life and the thought scared you. 
Yoongi opened the door to his bedroom  to greet his beautiful fiance, and to take her to breakfast, only to see your face brimmed with tears. 
"Who made you cry? Who made my baby cry? I'll kill them.You're missing your parents, right?Don't worry I'll kill them. I'll kill your friends too. Then you'll only have me. Just me.You all to myself ."
His worrisome face upon seeing your tear stricken face quickly morphed into a smirk and he began laughing like a psychopath, happy at the thought of you only having him. 
You lunged yourself at him, grabbing his arms tightly, pulling yourself closer to him. 
"Please no! Don't kill them! I'll do anything! Just don't kill them."
You took a deep breath before forcing your mouth to say words that your heart didn't agree to. 
"I'll marry you and try to be a good wife. Just please don't hurt them." You started begging, getting on your knees. 
Yoongi loved the sight.
You were begging.
Begging for him to marry you. 
"Okay, anything for my darling. But in return, I want two kids. One boy One girl. You'll be the mother of my children, right baby?" 
"Ofcourse, Yoongi!I love you!" You say putting on a fake smile. 
Yoongi had a bright smile on his face as he pulled you in for a deep kiss.You gave into him and kissed him back. 
You had just signed a deal with the devil. 
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evans23 · 2 months
Daughter of mine II
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Pairing : Judge Turpin x Daughter OC
Summary : The great judge Turpin tries to adapt to his new role as a father. Awkward, he doesn't realise that his daughter doesn't find her place in this new world.
Tag(s)/Warning(s) : A bit of angst I guess. Mention of prostitution and death. Awkward father. If I forget something, please mention it to me !
A/N: Hello dear 😁 Here the next part of Daughter of mine. Enjoy !
Part I
Also read on AO3
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The first days were awkward, to say the least. Catherine was intimidated by her new surroundings and Turpin didn't know how to be a father. He didn't really try either. He didn't have any good paternal figure when he was a kid, his father being the kind violent. Besides, he couldn't stop thinking it would have been easier if he had been in the child's life from the beginning. 
Not only did he have to catch up with six years of his daughter's life, almost seven, which was utterly impossible, but also, he wasn't sure how to impose his authority on his daughter. His daughter... Even this word sounded strange to him. 
It had only been two weeks since the girl had moved in with him, in his mansion. The servants were totally enamoured with the child, who was reserved and overly polite. She never asked for anything and ate everything that was served to her, even when it was obvious she didn't like what was on her plate. Fortunately, her governess could read the little girl far more easily than her dad, and each time she noticed an imperceptible grimace of disgust, she warned the cook not to prepare this food for the child anymore. 
True to his words, two days after her arrival, Catherine got a tutor. In fact, more than one. One of the teachers had for a mission was to teach her how to write, read, and speak properly, like a well-mannered lady should do. Another one was there to teach her to speak French and Italian and another one to provide some music and drawing skills.
She probably should learn how to dance, sew, and many other things a mother would judge necessary for his daughter to know, but Turpin wasn't a mother, scarcely a father, and those trivial competencies weren't what mattered the most for Turpin. He wanted a well-educated daughter, with knowledge in his head and not just an empty brain as too much lady of his acquaintance. Turpin was a conservator, yes, but he knew how important it was to be able to think by itself, even for a girl, even more for his daughter !
The triviality would be learned later, when he decided it was time to introduce her to the high society, in a timely manner. For the moment, there was no place for any leisure. Anyway, the hectic schedule of Catherine didn't leave any room for that. She had a tiring day like she had never experienced before. 
She had to wake up at seven o'clock, half past six sometimes, and be ready with the help of her maid before eight. She had a light breakfast before the start of her courses, which only stopped once at noon to let her the time to have lunch and then at half past four in the afternoon. From half past four to five, she had some time to play on her own but she had to be quite imaginative, for there were no toys for her. Not because Turpin was too stingy but because it hadn't crossed his mind that the girl could need more than pretty dresses and coats. 
However, Catherine was so happy with those beautiful clothes that she wore them with unconcealed joy as she had never had new clothes before, even less expensive and elegant dresses like these one but only the old ones of her mother who took up it as best as she could, that she didn't dare ask for more. 
In addition, she had three meals a day, water at will, tea in the morning, and even orange juice and snacks during the day if she wished to. But what delighted her the most was the hot cocoa her governess brought her every night before sleep. A beverage her mother couldn't afford at all. Also, and for her biggest relief, she was allowed to keep her candles lit all night to make the terrifying shadows of her past disappear. And she knew how expensive was a candle, her mother told her so each time she asked to keep one alight for the night when she was alone and so afraid.
Unfortunately, despite all the affluence she was surrounded with, she felt alone. Terribly alone. She had no friends, wasn't allowed to go out, except for the backyard of the mansion, but anyway, it was too cold to play outside, but more than everything else, she missed her mom. She was also secretly longing for a father. But Richard didn't seem to appeal to the idea or at least, it was what she thought. 
Richard was never home. He left an hour before her waking time and came back far after her bedtime. He worked every day, including on Saturday morning, and during the afternoon, he was locked up in his office. The only room she was forbidden to enter in. Should she have been bolder, she would probably intruded into his sanctuary of peace to have the privilege of his company, but the natural severity emanating from the man was enough to keep her on track. 
Sunday was the only day during which she had breakfast with him, but he wasn't very talkative and she didn't know what to say to the man who, inevitably, dismissed her in her room or in the garden with her maid to let her have some clear air while he was, yet again, in his office, working on court cases or attempting some business with The Beadle. 
And because she couldn't have a piece of Richard, not necessarily his heart, not even his affection, even though she was in desperate need of a bit of that more than the beautiful dresses and the palatable food, she started to become sad. Sadder than she was when her mom died or when they were living in the paucity on the outskirts of London. Sadder than when she had lost her little cat, dead because he was starving and her mom couldn't buy enough food for the three of them, sadder than when she had been sent to the orphanage. 
In fact, she felt deceived by the man she had thought would be more than just his savior. The moment she had understood who he was, she had thought he would be his father, the one she had wished for on every birthday, and also for Christmas. She had begun to feel the need to fill in the hole in her heart with the presence of the man she had dreamt of. Moreover, the death of Elena, her dear mommy, had enlarged that hole, and the instant she had acknowledged Richard for who he was, she had wrongly thought he would embrace his role as a father. How stupid she had been. How a man who had left her mother with a broken heart could have loved her ?
The governess and the maids had already understood what the child was longing for. She needed her father's love to heal. However, Richard wasn't mean on purpose. He just didn't know how to step into the life of the child, how to take up his place as a father. Of course, he knew he just had to be himself, but the truth was that he was afraid to act like his father. Never could he forgive himself if his daughter was as afraid of him as he was of his own father when he was a child and even a young teenager. 
He had promised to himself, the day she arrived home, that never ever he would beat her, no matter her wrongdoings. Never she would hear the sound of a whip on her back and even less the feel of it. Nevertheless, he was a firm believer in the fact that a kid needed a sprinkle of authority. Even more than a sprinkle. 
Yet, he had to admit that she was easy to manage. She didn't run amok around the house and apparently, she didn't inherit the malicious and devious traits of the Turpin. Also, she never answered back, something Richard had done many times at the same age, which had owed him many slaps in the face. And surprisingly, he found himself wishing she would answer back because it would mean she was talking with him. In his presence, she was always silent and he didn't know if it was because she was impressed by him or just because she didn't adapt well to her new environment, but it was bothering him. 
"Sir, may I enquire how is doing the daughter of yours ?" asked The Beadle, that morning in the court office.
Richard looked down at him suspiciously. He didn't appreciate the attention Beadle thought necessary to have towards his daughter. He knew the man too well and didn't have any difficulties to figure out his intentions. He would be cold in his grave before a man like him could consider being betrothed to Catherine. The girl wouldn't have any suitor before her twenty-five. Or before his death. And he was able to defy God's authority on that matter just to be sure she wouldn't fall for a miserable like Beadle. A depraved man like him. In fact, after consideration, a man at all !
He dismissed The Beadle with a frown which said far more than his mouth. For God's sake, he thought, never come the day she would find man interesting. Not that they were all that bad, but Catherine's legacy would be substantial. Indeed, he had already found enough loopholes in the law to prevent his manor and all his wealth from being entailed to a stranger cousin he hadn't met in his life. All he knew about that man was that he was living in Australia with his wife and a son of sixteen named Elliott. 
"How is she ?" he asked as usual when he came back from the court to the maid.
"Asleep," answered merely the woman. 
She was the oldest maid of the manor, also the one who was able with Richard diplomatically enough to bring him around the right decision. 
"Did she eat ?"
If the answer was no, which happened sometimes, he always made sure she had a heavy breakfast in the morning, one she had to eat entirely if she wanted to have a break after her last course of the day. It only happened once that she was deprived of her playtime. Turpin knew it wasn't a solution to punish the girl when she didn't feel like eating, but she was so thin, even after two weeks of the best food that he was afraid to see her fall sick. Eating wasn't a pleasure, it was vital. 
The quietness of the maid made him suspicious. 
"What's the matter, Anne ?" he asked roughly.
The old woman wasn't impressed at all by the man. She wasn't afraid to stand up to him, even if she had already threatened to fire her or worse, to send her to a colony in the middle of nowhere in the upside-down. Perhaps the fact she had been his governess when she was a child had something to do with it. And even if she was grateful for the man to have hired her after her husband's death when he was still a young man, barely established as a young lawyer thanks to the influence of his family. 
"The girl is depressed," she stated frankly.
"Depressed ? We are not depressed at her age. She didn't know anything about the hardness of life," he prompted harshly.
"As you didn't know anything about it at the same age, I guess ?" Anne uttered perfidiously. 
The look Richard gave her would have made anyone else shriek with fear, but the woman didn't flinch under his stringent gaze.
"She is not mistreated here," he growled, his tone a dangerous warning.
"No, but she is alone. No friends, no toys, only studying the whole day."
And no father, she added for herself. 
"I've no acquaintance with child of her age," stated Turpin, "and for the toy, I'll leave money on the buffet tomorrow morning. Go into town and buy what you think is fit for her."
Anne shook her head with disapprobation.
"What ? Woman, do you want to live on the street ? It's where you would be if it hadn't been for my great kindness," groaned Richard, his patience thinner and thinner at each rolling eyes of the maid.
"The gift would have more valor if it came from her father," she simply pointed out. 
Richard, whose eyes were flashing with all his anger, hurried away to lock himself in his bedroom, slamming the door violently to let everybody know how angry he was in the whole house, but more peculiarly Anne, how displeased he was tonight.
The next morning, there was no money on the buffet, which made the maid smile. She was sure her words had reached Richard.
The day seemed to drag on for poor Catherine. She was too distracted to focus on her lesson, which annoyed her teacher who scolded her, promising her to give a report to her father about her bad behaviour. Catherine didn't say anything, even though she found it quite unfair as she just let her mind roam around. It wasn't as if she had disrupted the class by chattering incessantly. Anyway, except for the servants, there was no one to speak with. 
The second teacher was far more lenient with her, asking her why she was so lost on him. She shrugged her shoulders, but the man, who had three daughters and eight grandchildren, wasn't dupe. There was a heaviness in the heart of the little girl. He tried to incite her to open up, without success. He didn't insist as he didn't want to frustrate her. He understood that she was like her father : she didn't give her trust easily and the old man wasn't keen to damage the bond he had started to create with her.
At the Court of Justice, Turpin wasn't more focused than his daughter. He had adjourned the Court, even though he had found some pleasure in not temper justice with mercy. Anne's straightforward honesty had kept him up all night. He didn't know what to do. He didn't want to hurt the child, yet he knew he would if he was too involved in her life. He hadn't had any good role model and it wasn't as if he wasn't providing the child with everything she needed. But deep down, he knew it wasn't what she really needed. He had been a child too and back in time, he would have traded everything he had, money, wealth, high education, and the best tutors for the love of his parents. Or at least their care.
Her mother didn't have any maternal instinct. She had been married by force to a cruel man. She had given him an heir, then another one, who had died at the age of fifteen. His younger brother, more sensitive, more fragile, had made the terrible choice to stop breathing by hanging himself to the attic load-bearing beam. Richard was already studying in London when it happened. It's the butler who had found his brother and the boy had been buried in the highest discretion. No one knew the truth, except for the Turpin's family. Richard would never forget the belt lashes of his father when he had made him swear to never reveal the real causes of his father's dead. The truth would have disgraced the family. 
Catherine deserved better than the heavy Turpin's legacy. She deserved to be happy. And because he had been raised by the worst parents, he could be better. He knew everything he mustn't do. He knew how he could destroy her, therefore he knew how not to. 
He left the Court earlier than usual and well-decided to have supper with his daughter. Yet, when he arrived he found the manor too calm, almost as if everybody was already asleep. It was only five, so the venue should have been alive with servants accomplishing their duties, not with the distant cries of a little girl.
Turpin strode up the stairs, worried that something had happened to Catherine when he stumbled upon Anne.
"What's happening here ?" he asked roughly, "while Catherine is crying and where is everybody ?"
"It has been a tough day for the little mistress. Her classes didn't go well. Mister Wosley, her morning teacher had been quite hard with her. He wrote a rapport about her bad behavior, but the governess was with them and she assured me the little girl was quiet as usual, she was just not focusing on her lesson."
"And she's crying for a rapport about her behavior?" asked Turpin bewildered.
"She's afraid you don't want her anymore. The paper is quite severe."
"Because you read it ?" asked Richard, his eyebrows arched, the slightest annoyance on his face.
"No. She did and then she read it to me because she couldn't understand some words. I explained them to her in a more... soft way. I also assure her that you won't send her away because of the angriness of a teacher."
"You did well," said Richard absent-mindedly. 
He pretended to go to his office to read the note, but the maid retained him by clearing her throat. He turned around to face her, a questioning look on his features.
"What else ?" he asked, annoyed at his highest.
"This afternoon, she went out with Mister Brandon. He wanted a change of scenery to cheer up Catherine and..."
The maid hesitated, biting her lower lip.
"Anne, I'm tired, my daughter is crying which, I have to admit despite my disgust at doing it, distraught me, and I'm terribly hungry, which only add to my annoyance. If there is more, then speak without any diversion," he chided, his square shoulders and his stern eyes leaving no room for argument.
"Well, they found a strayed kitten and Catherine had brought it back. Mister Brandon didn't see the harm in it. But once he left, Harry, the stableman, told her that you didn't like animals and that you would probably throw the little pet against a wall to kill it if she didn't get rid of it before your return. She and her governess were trying to find an appropriate hideout for the little cat when she heard you arrived. Yet again, we tried with her governess to tell her you wouldn't do that, but she didn't believe us and now she's afraid Harry told you about her new companion while she didn't find anywhere to hide it."
Richard sighed heavily. The weariness and tiredness put a strain on him. 
"Thank you for telling me, Anne. Ask the butler to thank Harry with no money and reference. The boy doesn't work in my stable anymore,' and with that being said, and the package in his hands, he headed towards Catherine's room.
The governess froze when, after having closed the door, she turned around, almost bumping into Richard.
"My lord," she said with a curtesy.
"How is she ?" he asked, ignoring her terrifying eyes on him. 
"I managed to calm her down, but she is very afraid that you scold her or worse for what Mister Wosley wrote about her. She swears it's not true. And also..."
The woman wasn't sure she should keep quiet. She knew everything she had to about Turpin's bad temper and she had been here for only two weeks, also she didn't know if he could kill or not an innocent kitten.
"What about the cat ?" asked Richard harshly.
If he hadn't been so concerned about the well-being of his child, he would probably have found the expression of the governess hilarious. Her eyes were wide, she was gawking at him.
"Well ?" he insisted, "did you find an appropriate hideout for it ?"
"Indeed," answered the governess with embarrassment.
"Well, let's see if I can find it."
And with that being said, Richard knocked on the door, then entered without waiting for any answer, as he was sure the girl wouldn't have given permission to anyone to come in. 
"Catherine," thundered Turpin's voice, making the little girl shiver.
Her sad eyes looked upon his. He opened his mouth, but he didn't have time to utter any words that the little girls rushed into his arms. Flabbergasted, Turpin didn't know what to do and stayed stunned while Catherine flooded his golden waistcoat with her tears. 
"Come on, come on, calm down," said Richard softly, "let's sit down, yes ?"
He led her towards the huge bed on which were laying Merlin and many other plush animals.
"There's a whole zoo on your bed. Are you aware of that ?" asked playfully Turpin, hoping to ease a bit of the distress of his daughter.
It seemed to work as she giggled discretely. 
"Where do all those animals come from ?" asked curiously Richard.
"The servants," whispered the girl. 
Of course, they were all so fond of their little mistress, and apparently, they knew her better than him as everybody but he knew her love for animals, that they had spent some of their pay into expensive kids' stuff. 
"Do they all have a name ?"
Catherine nodded, introducing him to each of her unanimated friends with enthusiasm, her previous outburst forgotten. Even though Richard was happy to see the mood of the child liven up, he needed to clear up the events of the day. He cursed himself for bringing up the topic when she started to cry with violent sobbing.
"Hush, hush. I'm not scolding you, am I ?" he said, bothered to not know how to talk without causing anguish to his child. 
He, eventually, took his little hand in his, frowning at how thin her little arm was. He could see her bones protruding from her neckline and her shoulders and he was sure that during bath time, her maid could notice the same things with her ribs and knees. 
"You're not angry ?" she asked bashfully.
"No," said Richard.
And it was true. He knew quite well the teacher and how harsh he could be with his pupils. Yet, he was one of the best in his profession and Turpin wanted nothing but the cream of the top for her. He would have a word with him tomorrow, asking him to be more indulgent with the girl. He wouldn't have to ask twice for the man restrained his sternness because no one could match up to the anger of The High Judge Turpin. The Death's Judge. 
"Yet, I would like to be acquainted with someone else," uttered Richard.
Catherine still, understood he was talking about her cat. 
"I put him out," she declared too quickly.
Her alarmed eyes wandered a second too long towards her wardrobe. Richard stood up in a flourish and walked briskly to the piece of furniture.
"NO !" shouted the girl.
"Hush !" prompted Richard.
He sharply opened the door and a little ball of fur ran through the room to find refuge inside a cardboard box that the butler had given to Catherine for her new companion. 
"Well, it seems to already feel at home," stated Richard.
"Please, father, do not kill him," begged Catherine, bursting into tears.
Richard felt his blood ran cold through his whole body. It was the first time she had called him father. And if he was honest with himself, it had made his heart beat faster. 
"Never would I do something like that, Catherine," he said genuinely concerned she could believe him able to do something like that.
Actually, if Richard was totally honest, he could do that without any qualms to blackmail someone or to torture an enemy. But never would he do that to this girl who had become so precious for him in such a short time. Also, for Richard, animals were the sheerest and most beautiful of God's creation. Nothing to do with the mongrel he had to deal with in his day-to-day life. 
"But Harry said..."
"Do not listen to this idiot. Anyway, he doesn't work anymore for us. Rather than being gullible and believing everything everyone's telling you, you should learn to trust me."
She looked down embarrassed but Richard forced her to look at him by lifting her head with the help of one finger under his chin.
"What's the name of this little opportunist ?" he asked, looking with an amused look at the pet tearing apart the old blanket Anne had put into the box.
"Arthur," answered Catherine with a bright smile.
"Arthur ?" questioned Turpin.
"Like the King !"
Obviously. Merlin, Mordred, Gwaine, Percival, Leon, Elyan were the names of her plush and now Arthur, thought Richard, suppressing a laugh. 
"Well, Arthur is more than welcome in this house. As long as he doesn't dare come through my office and he doesn't scratch the sofas of the parlor."
Catherine nodded vigorously, her smile and the happiness flickering in her eyes a reward for Richard's tortured soul.
"I've also a present for you. I'm sorry it's not another beast for your zoo."
With that, he handed her the box he had put down on the nightstand. Catherine looked at the box with surprise before opening it with the enthusiasm of a child who wasn't used to getting a gift. Inside was laying the most beautiful doll she had ever seen. A porcelain doll with curly brown hair and the same green eyes as hers, like the one she shared with her mother. The doll's dress was made of real cashmere and embroidered with golden threads. 
"Are you happy ?" asked Turpin with trepidation as he didn't know how to interpret the child's silence. 
"I've never had something as beautiful before," whispered Catherine, not daring to take the doll out of her box, too afraid to damage it.
Richard did it for her, placing the doll among the animals.
"She will soon have her own house. I'm sure Anne and your governess would be more than delighted to help you to install her in her new lodgings. Perhaps you may ask Anne to teach you how to sew so that you could create a whole wardrobe for your doll. I will provide you with all the pieces of furniture you could need for this new entertainment."
The little girl, overwhelmed with joy, didn't know what to say and Richard, as introverted as his daughter on the field of sharing his feelings, told her he would meet her for supper. But while he was ready to leave the room, he heard Catherine's hurried steps running towards him. He didn't have time to turn around when a mass of brown curls threw itself into his arms.
He gently stroked her back with one hand, the other one caressing with as much love as he could dispense her hair. She finally stepped back, diving her green eyes in his hazel one without quivering at the natural toughness his face was constantly bearing. 
"Thank you, father," she whispered quietly, almost as if she was afraid of his reaction, afraid to lose the little affection he seemed disposed to give her.
Richard's face softened, his heart swelling with a feeling he hadn't felt for long. The last time, it was when Elena, his beloved Elena, was in his arms after he had made love to her. Elena had betrayed him when she had left him with no explanation. And now she was no longer of this world. But Catherine, the fruit of their love was there and she wanted nothing more than to love him unconditionally. It was at this moment, when he saw all the gratefulness of his daughter for a mere doll and his permission to let her keep the kitten, that a thought struck him. A man could lose a woman, but never a father could lose his child if he was able to be a good parent for the said child. So, Richard silently swore to himself he would be the best father a girl could hope for. From now on and until death comes to take him away from this world.
"You're welcome, daughter of mine," he said with a smile matching his daughter's one. A Turpin's smile. 
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factual-fantasy · 5 months
28 Asks! :DD Thank you!! :}} 🛒
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She met Seafoam when she rescued his ship from a great storm out at sea. :00
She brought the ship to safety and the next morning Seafoam crawls out into the deck and pulls himself over the railing to look around. All bruised and cracked from being thrown about the ship all night <XDD
That's when their eyes meet.. she tells Seafoam the story of how she saved his ship. And Seafoam is endlessly grateful! He was so kind and genuine.. 💞
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XDD Thank you!! :DD I'm glad you like it! :}}
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@holly-opal (Link in ask)
I have not, but I know of it! :00 A friend of mine loves it and has recommended it to me. I've always considered reading it but never got around to it <XDD
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A lot of people commented that he looks a lot like Davy Jones from Pirates of the Caribbean, so I imagine yes! <XDD
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He might be happy to find someone that looks similar to him! :DD Though he probably wouldn't approach her.
If he saw someone like that, it'd be on shore. And if he's on shore? He's with his crew. Which means he's got a lot of people too keep track of and protect- he has no time to get distracted by interesting ladies! XDD
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Man I've put one some weight-- XDD
But thank you! I'm sure Grim and "Gengar me" would be great friends :}}}
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I could! :DD Maybe he'd be another pirate, they could call him "Tack" for short! :}}
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While I imagine she'd love to help out in that way, I imagine Seafoam tends to his own laundry XD
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@neo-metalscottic (Gerald's one year in question)
Thank you so much!! :DD The other comic is almost done and I'm hoping to post it soon! I've just had a few rough days with my health so Its not coming out as fast as I'd hope.. 😅 That, and I've been a bit mentally preoccupied daydreaming about web comic ideas.. 😞
As for Morton, I think his skin color will be a simple case of melanism! Nothing too crazy or magical there! <XDD As for his name and how he talks, I think its a reasonable idea that he would be named after a previous king! :0 Perhaps a previous king who had melanism as well..? 👀 Who knows XD
Though with his voice, I cant imagine him talking all "hulk" like. Since he's a part of the royal family he would have access to only the best education and speech therapy (if needed-). So the likelihood of any of the Koopalings having speech problems or talking "hulk" like would be low 😅 though that's not to say that out of all his siblings, he leans towards that type of speech the most! :00
As for Kammy and Kamek, she's not nearly as old as him. I was thinking Kamek is hundreds of years old, while Kammy is the Koopa equivalent of like... 60-70? She was brought into the koopa palace to be a nanny/maid. Her power is different from Kamek's, though I haven't figured out all the specifics yet.. I guess it can be said that when it comes to magic, they both studied and mastered different things.
Now if she ever faced Kamek in combat? He would flatten her. There is no Magikoopa alive today that can compare to Kamek's power..
...Doesn't mean she's afraid to get on his nerves though XDD She loves to mess with him, knowing that he's not allowed to hurt her.🤪
And lastly, its interesting to hear about the Vehicons getting some more originality! :00 My favorite out of those 3 would have to be the red one :}}
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AWE! Thank you so much!! :DD I'm honored!! :}}}
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Nah, he's always gonna be littol! XDD And thank you!! :}}
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My first instinct was no.. since Jangles is like 2.5-3 feet tall and I always imagined sans to be 4.5-5 feet tall. But google says sans 2 feet tall??? XDD If we're going by Googles standards then yeah Jangles is taller- but my heart dont want to believe he's that short 🤣💀
As for the 20k post, Jangles wasn't holding anything other than Gerald.. so I assume you meant this post..? <:0 If so, its a granola bar! Its been most if my diet recently so I imagine I had a few extra lying around for Jangles <XDD
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So far I really like it!! :DD Better than Sword and Shield imo that's for sure <XDD
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I do not. <:/ But you can find all my Pokémon stuff under #pokemon scarlet and violet or #pokemon in my blogs search bar! <:D
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Funky lookin guy, I like him! XDD
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*Cici tugs at my arm
"......so you gonna drink that-" XDD Thank you!
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Thank you so much!! :DD I've got my hopes back up recently, hoping I'm over all this soon! :}} 🤞🤞
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Awe, thank you!! :}}}
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Oh yeah, after the wars all said and done? I'm sure he's pull back on that extreme and get some repairs done 🥺
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You know to be honest, Grim is very dangerous becuase his brother is a Sylveon. XDD If I remember correctly, V is higher level than Grim in the game. Dragon types better watch out! XDD
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Oh hey! I've seen that guy around! I used to think he was Shockwave <XDD And he appears to be an Autobot?? With how Chaotic he is in fanart I thought he was a Decepticon-💀
But anyways- yes! With the fanart I've seen of him, I think him and Bash would be great friends XDD
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Thank you! I'm glad you liked those comics! :DD
Though at the moment, I don't have plans to jump back into that fandom anytime soon. <:/ I've have some uncomfortable experiences with the Octonauts fandom recently so I'm taking a bit of a break for now-
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I don't see a reason to go through the effort to maintain an account on another website. <:0 I have all my inside jokes, my follower celebrations and all my followers right here in one place! Its much nicer :}
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Awe! Thank you so much!! :DDD I'm glad :}}}}
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Nah its fiiiiine dw! As long as I have the bandages on the blood will stay in my hands surly :}} but thank you for the tea! :D
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(Referencing this post)
XDD Are we sure it wasn't [M]ango?
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Daaannngg.... Homestuck is way bigger than I thought-
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That looks beautiful!! :DD And thank you! :}}
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chroniclesofbts · 8 months
Call Me Home Part 3
Idol hybrid BTS x hybrid foreigner reader
Warnings: implied sexual themes, smut, angst, fluff, polyamorous relationship
If you’re not 18+ please, do not interact.
As always, my works do not represent BTS in any way, this is purely a work of fiction.
*short chapter, I cut this part in half because it was so long*
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Coming to, I can hear voices around me and an annoying beeping. Listening intently I hear the words, "not heat", "too risky", "trauma", and "management". The monitor attached to my heart gave away that I was waking up, the beeping increasing. My eyes flutter open, the light blinding me initially.
"Hey, welcome back. You really scared me there" Jin said softly, sitting on the edge of the hospital bed. "I thought my face was just too handsome for you" he joked to lighten the mood.
"How are you feeling Miss... ?" A woman in scrubs asked
"Fine, head is a little heavy, I'm a little sore too. What happened?" I questioned
"You passed out in the shower with Jin. You didn't hit your head or anything, he managed to hold you up and call Jungkook for help." I flushed at the thought of Jungkook seeing me naked. "Can I ask you some personal questions?" The doctor asked gently, "Your pack can stay here or leave if you feel uncomfortable at any time"
"Um, s-sure" I stuttered
"Do you have any nightmares?"
"Oh, uh yeah, most people do though" I joke
"How many a week?" She says writing things down on a clipboard.
"Uh it depends, maybe like 5?" Jin's hand finds mine, and holds it in a comforting manor.
"Do you ever feel numb?" She continues
"Yeah, I guess if I get too overwhelmed I do." I answer honestly
"Do you feel like you startle easily? Have trouble concentrating?"
"Sometimes" I answer, starting to close in on myself.
"Last question, where do you see yourself in the future?"
"I mean, how far out? I see myself with the pack, for as long as I have left" I answer, feeling Jimin lean his head on my shoulder from the right side where he was sitting.
"I see, thank you for answering my questions, I will talk to your packs leader and you should be able to go back to their dorms in the next few hours." She smiled, motioning to Namjoon to follow her.
"How long was I asleep?" I ask Jimin
"3 days, you must have been tired and your body was recovering from the shock to your system with the pills you took." Jimin explained.
"Why was she asking all of those questions?" I ask him nervously, "Did I do something wrong, are you going to replace me?" I whimper
"No! No, baby, never" Jin said, squeezing my hand. "We just want to make sure we can help you, make sure we can be enough for you"
"Oh, why?" I mumble confused as I feel myself blush.
"Because you deserve the perfect pack" Jimin said, pushing his nose further into my scent gland.
"Wait, I thought I was in heat" I look at Jin, who looks away bashfully.
"Your body has never had a heat, it wasn't ready for a heat, your body was fighting the medicine, it caused you to get sick. Right before you passed out I could smell the shift in your hormones, I just didn't figure it out until you passed out. I, o-overwhelmed your b-body. I c-caused it, I am so sorry" He cried, "we don't deserve to be your pack, we couldn't even take care of you as soon as we got you"
"Jin, I don't blame you. It's not your fault, how could anyone have known? You caught me, right? I didn't get a concussion. It's okay"
Before he could respond, Namjoon came in the door followed by a man I had never met before.
"This is Sejin, one of our managers. After talking with the medical staff, we think it's best to start you on a month of medicine to encourage a natural heat cycle. This will also give your body time to adjust to being in a pack, as well as let your mind work through everything that has happened recently. With the rush of moving and education, now this, your body and mind are overwhelmed. We want to make sure you're completely healthy and ready." Namjoon explained as the nurses started to detach me from all of the medical equipment.
"Take it easy for the first week, bed rest for the first 5 days at least. Your body is recovering and we don't want anything to delay the process." The nurse explained.
"Here, we brought you some clothes, its ours, but we will get you your own soon" Jungkook said, handing me some clothes that smell like all of them. He helped me up with a blush and led me to the connected bathroom to change. I quickly changed into the sweatpants and shirt, pulling the drawstrings so they fit move comfortably. I opened the door and found him waiting outside, eyes widening, pupils dilating, at me in their clothes. He extended his hand to me and started to walk me over the the wheelchair.
"I don't need that" I said, trying to pull out of his grip.
"Okay" Jungkook smirked, sweeping me off my feet, "but you can't walk, doctors orders. I prefer this way too" he winked.
"W-wait, actually, the chair l-looks fine" I stuttered through my embarrassment.
"Sorry, cutie, I like this way" He smiled, staring at me with a fondness I haven't seen yet. He carries me through the lobby and outside to the waiting car. Jimin's mouth dropped open as he whined about how unfair it was that he got to carry me, causing a few others to grumble too. He hands me to Namjoon, who pulls me close in his lap, shoving his face into my neck and relaxing. The drive was filled with lots of joking and flirting, I swear my face was always flushed. Jin steals me away from Namjoon to carry me inside and up the stairs to their room. It has a large bed where they obviously sleep all together, lots of pillows and blankets resembling a den. Jin gently lowered me into their den, showing through actions that he could care for me. I immediately relaxed, realizing that even being surrounded by predators, I was safe. I let my eyes flutter closed, my body pulling me under with exhaustion. The last thing I register is a body laying down gently next to me, in their animal form, their purring lulling me deeper into dreamland.
Taglist open (please let me know if I missed you): @dachshunddame @minjianhyung @minhanbyeol
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indelen · 7 days
It’s tragic backstory hours so I’m fortifying myself with a chocolate loaf!
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This is my reread of the Lockwood and Co. Books, organized by @blue-boxes-magic-and-tea, I'll make a general summary of several chapters and then post bits and pieces that jumped out at me.
Part II, Chapters 5-6:
I think it’s significant that Lucy comes from the north of England specifically. Northern England got the bad end of the stick multiple times in English history. The area was razed to the ground and starved viciously during the conquest of William the Conqueror. It was raided by Vikings. It suffered during England’s wars with Scotland. It’s a part of UK that saw a lot of violence and poverty. It has a lot of industries like mining, smelting, etc. and that means coal and factory towns and all the economic issues that come from them. A lot of hard, low wage jobs that are the first to go when the economy downturns or society changes. North of England was the worst hit my Margaret Thatcher’s policies and by austerity measures during the mid-2000s economic crisis. Knowing all that and from what Lucy tells us of living in Cheviot Hills we can guess that while life for people and especially kids sucks in London, it sucks a lot worse outside out it. North England post war had a lot of mines and factories with multiple shifts and late work hours. When The Problem kicked off and the curfew was enacted probably only the very wealthy owners could afford to make changes that would keep their factories running and there were probably massive layoffs. So the financial burden was shifted onto children and there are no competing agencies who try to poach the best kids here, just washouts like Jacobs who run The One Agency that’s your only option. If you’re born in that one town with Talent you’re stuck going to that one washout guy. And you don’t see the point in moving because the next town probably just has some other washout guy.
In the context of all this Lucy running away was an act of extraordinary risk, and yet you get it, because continuing working for Jacobs was both her only option and unbearable. She tried giving evidence against him at the trial and he was the only person who could complete her certification. This negligent alcoholic had untold amount of power over her and the law was on his side.
Odds and Ends:
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The way Lucy consistently tries to be detached from this part of her life is so heartbreaking. She knew these kids from age of 8 to age of 13. She tries to separate herself from the horror of it all but the damage is so very much there.
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Lucy simply wasn’t educated and apparently many children in this universe are not. Children’s brains until the age of about 8 can only focus on learning things one at a time. It’s why some kids pick up skills earlier or later than others. Something has to come first and the order of how the rest stacks up is different for every child. The ability to learn in parallel develops later and this is where proper education of multiple subjects really starts. In North America this is about Grade 3 level. That doesn’t mean the time before this is wasted, since that’s when you learn the basics of reading, writing and math but also things like social play, following instructions of authority figures, measuring time, adhering to a schedule and the general flow of whatever school system you have. But, in this universe this is all they teach agents! they teach just enough to make them obedient and no more. They learn to follow orders, read to do what they’re told, complete basic tasks, but nothing else. This is a world the people who do the most dangerous job are given no analytical or critical thinking education and if you display any independently, you’re told to shut up and die for your country like a good little soldier.
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The most "this was definitely written by Anthony Lockwood"-ass ad imaginable. Spare a thought for poor Lucy alone and low on funds in a new metropolitan city trying to find a photo atelier for a portrait to staple to an application.
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Lucy is often mean, but let the record state George fucking started it with her. Sir, she made an appointment and sent an application and presumably a photo. You know she's not Arif's girl. You're just crashing from a lack of snackies and are cranky.
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Remember kids, always good to ask what happened to the guy you're replacing in any given interview!
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Hang this dialogue in the Louvre, i don't care how
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Now girl that's no way to talk about your future husband. But also, what I kind of love about this is that Lockwood is obviously conflicted here because her realizes Lucy quite literally too good to be true. She's obviously the most Talented person to ever apply for any position with them. And yet if she's really that powerful why hasn't another bigger agency scooped per up? He senses that there is some flaw, some lie beyond the fact that she doesn't have a reference. He extends her an offer and gives her a chance because she seems like a good fit and it's too good an opportunity to pass up, but he's not foolish or naive about this either. It's why for all his flaws he is a good agency leader.
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RIP beloved "biscuit rule" slain in battle with a US publishing editor whose hands grow out their ass and who thinks brittle North American teenage brains will crack at the mere mention of certain British terms and idioms.
Lucy describes Lockwood's smile count: 5
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batrachised · 2 months
Can you please tell me more of your conspiracy theory that Hilary was the one to burn down Silver Bush?
DELIGHTEDLY. First, a point of order: this basic idea behind the theory is not mine! It belongs to a random book reviewer whose name has been lost to the sands of time of my brain :(
A year ago, I was reading an article about Mistress Pat which hit on the common discussion points of the book - Pat seems unwell, Pat and Silver Bush are kind of the real couple, the book is kinda eerie - and then it ended with the galaxy brained joke that Hilary was one the one to burn down Silver Bush, and I loved it so much I have spread it with fervor since.
There's not specific textual evidence or anything of the sort, but there's also not really anything to contradict it besides the in-text guess that it was May leaving a pot on the stove. In fact, it fits it so neatly with the neurotic behavior and disturbing undertones of Pat that I think it's brilliant. What follows is the mutterings of a deranged woman, but bear with me.
Hilary, in a way similar to Teddy, is largely absent from Mistress Pat. I believe he only makes an appearance a couple of times in the book; the vast majority of the time, as with Teddy, he's offscreen building his career as an (of course, because he is Pat's romantic interest) architect. As such, it conveniently gives him a large amount of leeway to basically be doing whatever he (or whatever I, with my handmade tinfoil hat) wants to offscreen.
First: Silver Bush only burns down after Hilary learns of Judy's death. We learn this here:
She had packed the picture up after Judy's death and sent it to Hilary. He had never even acknowledged it...that hurt her...but as she had sent it to his office she felt quite sure he must have received it.
There are several take-aways we can get from this. First, Judy was an extremely significant tie of Pat's to her old life that was now gone, clearing the way for Hilary to move in. Second, Hilary himself confirms that it was Judy writing him a note her deathbed that gave him the courage to try for Pat's hand, despite failing at every point in the past due to Pat's attachment to Silver Bush - except, oh wait, Silver Bush then burns down.
Second: no one actually knows what burns down Silver Bush. May is accused of leaving a pot on that exploded, but even that is presented as an educated guess.
Third: obviously, the loss of Silver Bush sends Pat reeling. Silver Bush burning down - and this is actually true based on the text, not wild conspiracy theory - was necessary for Pat to marry Hilary. If it had not, Pat would have never left. Both Pat and Hilary confirm this. We have Hilary's words upon returning:
Besides, you were taking me too much for granted, Pat. You were blinded by our years of friendship.
Then we have Pat's general emotional state:
They all went to Swallowfield until things could be settled. Pat took no part in the settling. Life had suddenly become for her like a landscape on the moon.
Mother was really pleased at the thought of going back to her old home to live. "Mother is younger than I am," thought Pat drearily.
She felt horribly old. Her love for Silver Bush had kept her young...and now it was gone. Nothing was left...there was only a dreadful, unbearable emptiness...She had a terrible feeling that she did not belong anywhere...or to anybody...in this new sad lonely world.
Not in a good place, Pat! Unless...someone takes advantage of the psychological moment and...
Fourth: Hilary conveniently reappears after years of absence, and then.. and THEN....AND THEN...HAS A HOUSE ALREADY BUILT FOR PAT. Keep in mind, this is two weeks after Silver Bush burned - yet Hilary is like oh look what I have for you :) just conveniently ready :)
He says this, which we can believe or not:
I started as soon as I saw the account of the fire in an Island paper. [reader: batrachised is Suspicious]. But I was coming anyway...I had only been waiting to finish our house. I know what this tragedy of Silver Bush must have meant to you...but I've a home for you by another sea, Pat. 
So, there is my case. Now, Hilary is a BELOVED character of mine, and I do not actually think this angel boy would do this; in fact, I think he deserves far, far better than Pat. However, I do think the idea of Pat marrying someone who would burn down Silver Bush to get her is a fascinating commitment to the Shirley Jackson afterflavor of the series. It fits the mood and tone well. Was it intended by LM Montgomery? Absolutely not - but neither was Pat coming across the way she did.
EDIT: I would like to add, this is quite literally the final line of the Pat series:
The old graveyard heard the most charming sound in the world...the low yielding laugh of a girl held prisoner by her lover.
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celticcrossanon · 5 months
Hi Celta, how sure are we that Meghan graduated with an International Relations degree? The way she dresses in this faux royal tour of Nigeria shows she lacks cultural awareness. She's so inappropriately dressed, showing open shoulders, peekaboo tummy, and slits up to there. Plus, she's wearing block colours whereas the Nigerian women are multi-colourfully bright in their traditional clothing; our late Queen would have fit right in with them with her bright colours and floral dresses!
UK royal ladies, when they visit other countries, always wear clothing that respect the culture of those countries. Just look at how Princess Catherine dresses when they visited Pakistan or Malaysia or even non-conservative countries like Canada, Australia and New Zealand.
I guess this is the difference between class and crass. Meghan just doesn't seem to care to present herself appropriately. How can you be a royal like this? Thank God she's no longer one.
I saw a short clip of video when they were offered food on a plate by a little girl (who was part of the welcoming party I think) and Meghan didn't even acknowledge the girl or the food; she simply turned away while still holding Harry's hand, and pulling him away with her. How rude! She just does not have manners. Again, did she really have an International Relations degree? If I were Northwestern University, I would be so embarrassed to see my alumni behaving this way.
Hi Aran Pandora,
I do not know if Meghan a) graduated, and b) what her degree was. I have heard so many conflicting stories that I now need solid proof (eg an academic transcript) before I believe anything about her university education. If she did graduate with that degree, then I think we can all agree that she learnt nothing from the course.
I think saying that Meghan lacks cultural awareness is very kind of you. I agree, I just would have phrased it as 'Meghan does not care about her host country and its customs/culture/food and has no interest in learning about them'. Your way is much nicer than mine. :)
Meghan clothing and behaviour was revolting on that tour. It was clearly a trip that was all about her and how much flesh she could flash, and not an iota about Nigeria. As you said, other people on visits (royals and diplomats etc) manage to dress appropriately and behave politely, but that is obviously too much effort for Meghan.
At least the only person she embarrassed this time was herself, because, as you said, she is no longer a working royal.
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love1other · 1 year
My person // Rosé
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Soulmate au
Genre - Fluff
Words - 2,991
In a world where everyone is destined to have a soulmate, they possess the unique ability to share thoughts, views, and emotions telepathically. However, prior to meeting their soulmate, individuals have no control over what thoughts are sent to their partner.
No one mentioned how painful it was to be hit full force with someone else’s emotions and thoughts all at once. Of course, you've felt your soulmate's emotions or have heard their thoughts before but it was usually one or the other and wasn't as profound as it is now. 
Yet here you are in the middle of a target feeling like your head is about to burst looking at the most beautiful person you've ever seen. 
You recognize her, I mean how can you not, she’s part of the current biggest girl group. Beautiful blonde locks cascading down her back, and honey brown eyes staring back into your own. You never in a million years would have thought Rosé of Blackpink was your soulmate. 
You had a pretty good educated guess that your soulmate was involved in the idol world, but couldn't tell exactly what. You’d get glimpses of your soulmates' thoughts and realize they didn’t speak just English. Not gonna lie at first you were worried they didn’t speak English at all but you soon started hearing more of your soulmates' thoughts in English which you were really grateful for. 
You have a hunch that your soulmate realized you only spoke English so they started purposely thinking in English so when one of their thoughts got sent to you, you'd be able to understand. 
When images got sent over you’d see that your soulmate was in what looked like a dance studio and/or recording booth. There was a while where every day that was all that you saw from your soulmate or you'd only hear about how tired they were or how they needed to get steps right. You used to worry a lot about your soulmate but in the last couple of years it had calmed down and was more about food, traveling, and animals. 
‘Beautiful,’ I hear in my head, realizing it's my soulmate- it's Rosé. I feel a lot of emotions too, right now I'm so overwhelmed I can't exactly tell if it's my own or hers. I can tell it's the feeling of elation, adoration, fear, and gratitude.
The fear is most likely my own, I really was not expecting to meet my soulmate today, especially in a target of all places, or my soulmate being a freaking superstar. 
“Hi,” I mumble breaking the silence and our staring contest. Rosé smiles and my breath catches in my throat with its beauty. 
“Hello,” Rosé says still smiling at me. 
“So uh what brings you here?” I ask, and then immediately cringing, ‘common Y/n what was that? Could you be any lamer?’ I think and hear Rosé giggle, I panic realizing I'm not shielding my thoughts like we were taught to in school for when we do eventually meet our soulmate.  
Rosé goes to say something but is interrupted by who I assume is her manager. They speak in Korean and while I did pick up trying to learn Korean for my soulmate it's still not that good and I could only catch small things like “schedule time, show, soulmate,” and that's about it. 
It looks like Rosé is about to walk away and I panic, she can't leave just yet, we’ve not been able to properly talk, or exchange any information so we can talk later. And my chances of running into her again like I did today is very low. 
Before I can say something to get her to stop she turns back around and smiles her dazzling smile at me again. 
“If you could give me a couple of minutes to talk to my manager?” She asks placing her hand on my arm. 
Tingles erupt everywhere her hand touches and goes through my whole body making me noticeably shiver. I’m almost embarrassed until I see the same thing seems to happen to Rosé, as she drops her eyes from mine and stares at her hand on my arm after also having shivered. 
I feel better knowing I affect her as much as she affects me. 
After a few seconds, Rosé brings her eyes back to mine and before I get lost in them like a sap, I nod my head at her, knowing I'll sound stupid if I try to speak at the moment. 
Smiling once more and gently squeezing my arm Rosé retreats and walks back motioning for her manager to follow her.
After casting me one last look over her shoulder she rounds into a different aisle. 
Holy shit I found my soulmate! 
On top of that, it’s Rosé Park from Blackpink, I must have done some really good shit in my past life for my luck to be so good. 
But common Y/n you can’t act like an idiot in front of her again. 
When she comes back I’ll actually talk, and introduce myself to her. 
You got this Y/n, don’t think about the fact she has millions of fans who love her, and that she’s friends with other very attractive and better off celebrities… 
Okay maybe I actually can’t do this, I’m just going to disappoint her, I’m a broke college student who has no life, and ha- before I continue my spiraling I see Rosé making her way back to me.  
“Sorry about my manners earlier, I’m Rosé,” She says extending her hand to me. I grasp it and discover it's the gentlest hand I've ever held.
 “Hi, I’m Y/N.” 
“I believe I saw a Starbucks in this place, would you like to go and talk over a drink?” Rosé asks still holding my hand. 
“Yes!” I quickly say 
“I mean yeah sure that sounds good,” I try again not wanting to sound as desperate as I actually am.
Rosé stares at me as I try not to blush from my quick outburst, and then looks down at our still-enjoined hands. I withdraw my own after realizing we’ve been holding hands for our whole interaction. 
Giving me another smile Rosé mentions for me to follow her, and we make our way to the Starbucks. 
…. I'm so doomed 
Neither of us has spoken yet, after having grabbed our drinks and sitting down at the small table in the corner. 
“You know,” Rosé starts and I look up from my drink.“I was starting to get worried that I’d be one of the unlucky ones who don’t find their soulmates until their 30s,” 
“Especially considering I’ve turned 26 and the most common time to find your soulmate is between 20 and 25.” 
Rosé takes a sip of her drink and then continues.
“But I realized you were younger when a couple of months ago I received the view of you blowing out a cupcake that had 23 on it. And was glad that you at least had another two years for us to find each other before we passed the timeframe where it became worrisome.” Rosé ends chuckling softly.
“Oh,” I mumble processing what she just said.
“Is it uncommon for idols to find their soulmates before 25?”
“Surprisingly no; It's usually just kept a secret until we decide to retire or think it's a good time to be more laid back in the idol scene.”
“That's understandable.” I fold my hands and place them on the table. “We’ll have to keep it a secret as well right?” I ask.
Rosé looks a little sheepish as she nods her head yes. 
It surprisingly doesn't bother me, I usually keep my private life to myself anyway, and I’m sure I'll be able to tell my parents who will also keep it a secret. 
However, I do realize one problem. She lives in South Korea, I live here in the States, and she's also currently on tour, we’ll have to do a lot of long distance. 
Before I can voice my concerns Rosé reaches across and puts her hand on top of mine. “Is that going to be an issue? I know it's pretty unconventional, and-” I stop her before she continues, “It's not an issue, but I did realize something.”
Rosé nods her head for me to continue.
“We’ll have to be long distance for a while, I live here and am currently in school. You live in South Korea and seem pretty busy with concerts and such.” I look back down at my drink before continuing. 
“And well I’ve heard stories of people not being able to make the long-distance work and just end up hurting each other,” I take a deep breath. “I just don’t want to end up burdening you.”
“That won't happen.” 
“How are you so sure?” 
“Because I’ve been dreaming about meeting my soulmate since I can remember and I won't let anything jeopardize us,” Rosé states gently squeezing my hand. 
I look back up at Rosé and see the sincerity in her eyes. 
 "Okay," I whisper, gently turning my hand to interlace our fingers, our palms touching as we hold hands.
Rosé and I talked for a few hours before she had to leave to catch her flight for her next concert. We exchanged numbers and socials so we could stay in touch of course. 
The hug goodbye was the most bittersweet, I felt so safe and loved in her arms and to know it would be a while till I saw her again was just devastating, as was the emptiness I felt after she left. 
We stayed in touch for the next 4 months of her on tour, we Facetimed, texted, and talked on the phone every single day, even with the different timezones that occurred we found a way. 
We also got better at learning how to share specific thoughts, views, and emotions, with one another. I learned Rosé loved anything animal-related so I tended to share views of cute animals I saw around my campus. 
Rosé would send views of the different foods she ate, as well as the view she saw during her concerts, it was an exhilarating yet terrifying view that made me realize that I possibly have stage fright.
I got to meet her members, they usually liked to tease her while she was on the phone with me, it was adorable how shy she got. 
But each one of them would pop up during one of our facetimes and would talk to me and ask questions about my day, it was nice and made me feel less intimidated by them. 
Even Jisoo who struggled more with English would attempt to communicate with me and it worked with her limited knowledge of English and mine of Korean, which I picked up learning again and she took to helping teach me.
Rosé and I learned so much about each other and I could feel myself falling in love with her. Yet I still missed her even with us talking every day, I miss her touch that I only felt for a short time, I missed the safety I felt in her arms, and I missed seeing her eyes and smile in person and not through a phone. 
So I decided to fix it. 
I booked a flight to South Korea for her groups encore concert and was able to snag a ticket to the show.
I contacted Jennie and asked her if she would be able to get me backstage so I could surprise Rosé and she excitedly agreed. However, she ended up going a bit overboard by upgrading my simple back middle row ticket to that of a front row ticket. 
She also was able to upgrade my economy flight to first class, which I told her was not necessary but she brushed it aside and said I deserved it for making Rosé so happy and for the happiness I will bring her with the surprise.
The flight to South Korea was long, partially because it was hard to sit still as I was so jittery. I land with enough time to check in at my hotel and then head to the venue to wait for them to open the doors.
I make it to my seat with a 30-minute wait period left before the girls start. I’m so nervous and excited that I fear I’ll lose the shield on my emotion and Rosé will feel it and question me. I’ve made sure to play it cool and not let her know I’m here which bothered me a lot having to lie to her, but it’ll be worth it in the end. 
The show starts and everyone is amazing especially Rosé who my eyes have been on the whole time. She looks and sounds absolutely immaculate. After a few songs, they walk to the front stage, introduce themselves, and talk about the show. 
Rosé is to the left of me and finally seeing her up close after so long has butterflies going crazy in my stomach. Gods she is gorgeous and I question every day how I got so lucky to be her soulmate. 
Rosé finishes talking and now Lisa has started. I’ve worn a mask so as to not be immediately recognized but I think now's the time. 
I usually make sure I don’t send Rosé any images during her shows but this is the only way I can think of to get her attention. I send her exactly what I’m seeing right now, which is her in all her glory. 
Rosé seems to zone out for a second and then immediately looks to the section I’m in, I take off my mask as the fans around me are screaming her name. 
Finally, we make eye contact and it’s like it’s just us in this arena that’s filled with thousands. 
Emotions rush through me: surprise, glee, awe, and adoration. 
Reality of where we are hits and I notice that Jennie is now talking and seems to be nearing the end and they’ll have to go back to performing. 
‘I’m excited to see the rest of the show, I know you’ll kill it.’ I send telepathically to her as Jisoo introduces the next song they are going to perform. 
Rosé gives me the biggest smile possible and sends me a wink before going to her place for the song. 
The fans next to me go absolutely crazy afterward and I don’t blame them, because holy shit her wink left me in a daze. 
Throughout the show, Rosé would make as much eye contact with me as possible and was definitely showing favoritism to my section. 
The other girls caught on to my being here, Jennie or Rosé having told them, and they would also come over a lot to wave and send me knowing smiles. 
The encore was my favorite, during As If It’s Your Last, Rosé came and sat down right in from of me and kept eye contact, it’s like I was being serenaded. 
‘Wait there and a guard will come and escort you to the back.’ Rosé says as she and the others are leaving the stage. 
I do just that, I sit in my seat and recall the look in her eyes when she first noticed me. I don’t think I’ll ever forget it or this show. 
After about 15 minutes of waiting a guard and the manager I saw with Rosé with when we first met came and took me to the back. 
It’s very chaotic, with people running around and others celebrating, we make our way past everyone and make it to what I assume is their dressing room. 
I go to knock but Kim, Rosé’s manager who had introduced herself, opens the door and says I can just go in. 
Walking in I was not expected to be immediately tackled into a hug, from the tingles erupting all over me I knew it was Rosé.
“This is the best surprise ever!” 
In response, I just wrap my arms around her and hug back with just as much enthusiasm. 
We stay like that for a while. I relish the feeling of safety and care that her arms bring me. 
“I’ve missed you,” I say leaning back to see her but still keeping my arms around not wanting to let go anytime soon. 
Rosé reaches her hand down and interlaces our fingers “I’ve missed you too.” 
“How long are you here for?” 
“Well I was able to convince my professors to let me finish the last of my assignments and exams online for the rest of this term, and then I was thinking of applying to the international university here.” I squeeze Rosé’s hand gently, “so for a while I suppose.”
Rosé then does something unexpected, she leans forward and places her lips on mine oh so gently. I stand still in surprise for just a moment, my heart racing, before I gently placed my hands on her hips, pulled her closer, and eagerly kissed back with passion and intensity.
Rosé reaches up and cradles my face, her tongue running across my bottom lip asking for entrance, which I abide parting my lips with a content sigh. I get my first taste of her and I’m overwhelmed completely, her taste, her smell, and the feeling of her pushed up against me has my heart doing summersaults. 
Before we can continue there's a cough heard and we pull apart both lightly panting. I don’t yet acknowledge the person who coughed I just stare at Rosé, lips slightly parted and swollen, her gorgeous eyes dilated and screaming with want. 
I can’t hold it in anymore.
“I love you.” 
Rosé gasps as she searches my eyes before rushing forward and kissing me again. There's an annoyed grunt from somewhere but I don’t care, I’m kissing my soulmate, my love, my person.  
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maskedinfinate · 9 months
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hehe um ok ! since you asked so politely
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this is um. corrin. an oc for that undertale post-neutral run au i posted about a few days back. They're a captain of a place called the Riverbed, my own fanmade area which is sorta above waterfall. It's the highest point of the underground and is basically where all the water FALLS from. into. waterfall. wow. amazing. Corrin wants to act intimidating he wants to act like a bigger "threat" than he already kind of is, because hes had to experience a lot of people treating him like he didnt know a thing about what he was talking about when he was CLEARLY experienced, but wasnt listened to because he looked the youngest, and young = stupid apparently. So he tends to hide his face, because he really just. hates that. Corrin is also a type of water monster that can mainly only survive in waterfall, in places like hotland (or i dunno the DUNES) he is at risk of evapporating very quickly and straight up DYING. btw :3 i'll add kind of a lighting round of facts abt them that arent really mega important but if you want more to chew on then like ok here (THIS IS "do you like the colour of the sky?" LEVEL LONG READ MORE AT YOUR OWN RISK)
I'll start from when he was a babey up until like present time in my au i guess
Corrin was born in the riverbed area, while its not very populated due to having more water than land, he and his family thrived. His mother used to be a captain too, but she quit sailing to raise him. He got incredibly attached to all the stories she told about her experiences with sailing, and wanted to do just that when he grew up.
When he was a teen he needed to earn enough money to be a personal student for a well trained sailor, because there arent many schools in the underground to begin with so education regarding specific things like sailing, art, etc, have to be exercised by a personal trainer.
To get that money for about a year he worked at a daycare in snowdin, which was far from home but worth it. Working with vastly different kids who were learning all about their enviornment taught Corrin how to properly handle a large group of people all at once in a calm and content manner.
Once he had enough money he got to study. woohoo! then he got to sail! yippee! he got himself a crew, a good boat, and everything.
Corrin and his crew's main goal for sailing is to help other monsters. Sometimes monsters can get stuck in waterfall, or even get lost, maybe even be trapped under the riverbeds waves, and thats where they swoop in to help. They actually managed to help a few royal guards who were in danger at some point, which garnered them a bit more attention. Corrin was gifted a harpoon by undyne as thanks for he and his crews effort into helping the royal guard, and he uses said harpoon to fire at shit with a harpoon gun :3 ok so. this is the part where corrin meets star ok. get ready ig.
Sometimes, monsters from that little home area of waterfall get lost and need a ride back with the boat. But sailing there is of course safer, but takes a long time due to a bunch of twists and turns needing to be taken. So corrin and their crew thought of a plan. They'd scope out a sort of shortcut to get to that home area faster so monsters wouldnt have to wait so long. As they were testing their theory the waters were extremely uncooperative, but Corrin got reckless. He took a wrong turn and they ended up crashing and he went overboard. Corrin sorta. floated away. half drowning, half not, just kinda out of it. Since the riverbed is the highest point of the underground, he ended up falling! many times! and much like a certain lil human guy ended up crashing into one of the mines in the dunes. The dunes, being a very hot area, is NOT suited at all for corrin. He can die there if going without water for at most 3 days. So corrin seeked refuge and for help to get back to waterfall or for someone to just. idk. give him water. Unfortunately he was attacked ! uh oh! From his looks alone corrin does NOT at ALL look like hes from the dunes and is an easy target, yknow. Corrin fought back though as he does have a weapon, a fucking harpoon gun, but as he did so he was caught in the act at the worst second. in rolls the fuckin feisty five, despite knowing how serious the situation is they were like "nah lets keep this up for the roleplay" "we might die" "no" sooooo corrin got locked up in jail! He was able to explain his situation about how hes a water monster and will die within days if hes kept in that cell, so they come up with a compromise. If corrin helps them out around the wild east, THEY can help him get back to waterfall AND give him water ! And yea. then he and star get mega gay and homosexual. wow. corrin actually forms a bit of a rivalry between the five because he doesnt enjoy being bossed around, but he kind of has to or he might die yknow. dont feel like giving all the juicy details but eventually he and star get a bit close and yeeeaaaaaa but then they help corrin back to waterfall, but he and star stay in touch. through letters ! Corrin keeps every letter he gets from star btw in a special little box. because he likes stars awful handwriting
Eventually though when frisk rolls around, and kills asgore (canon to my au) Corrin is fucking. Furious. He has lost all hope. He as well as entire monsterkind has lost their freedom to a CHILD. Blinded by rage he begins taking out all his anger out on humanity, which, to Star, who KNEW clover and LOVED them like family because of how incredibly kind they were, takes great offense to that. Corrin and Star have to temporarily take a break from eachother so that Corrin can work on his issues regarding humanity, having to realize frisk didnt have much of a choice. It was either them or asgore. And they're a child. Who might not be able to process or understand the weight they carried on their shoulders.
Once Corrin comes to terms with that, and calms down, he and Star are back together and are happy :3
Though, then Palila enters !!! (another oc for the au, the player char) and. Corrin is hesitant. Palila sneaked onto their ship to be able to go from one place to another much quicker, but in turn, Corrin has no idea how to handle them. Corrin doesnt know what to do, all hes ever learnt was to fight or get someone off of the ship immediately if possible. But Palila is a child. A HUMAN child. He doesnt want to fight them, not after all the time he spent collecting himself and trying to berid of all his hatred for humanity and what they've done to monsters, but he's forced into a situation where he HAS to fight because someone is TRESSPASSING on their property. He first sends Palila to Time-out (those daycare instincts kicking in) but once they escape he cant really do anything but fight.
Once hes spared though, he makes a compromise with Palila too. They can stay on his ship whenever they need to and wherever they want to go (like sorta the riverperson) but they must ask or inform someone on deck before doing so. and now hes a dad :3 So yeah thats basically all of it in like a very bitcrushed summary i didnt want this to get too long but whoops. If you're reading this, you're cool. If you read EVERYTHING? you're insane, love that for you. thank you.
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kahlanmars · 1 year
BAD FEELING part. 12
Hiiiiii! In the next chapter Haymitch will return. THANKS SO MUCHHHHH FOR THE COMMENTS!! Those made me soooo happyyyy!
*gif not mine* I was thinking about her as Daisy, with raven hair of course. Tell me what you think!
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12. Friends
You wake up to the sunlight, even if you know that it is not really the sun. You’ve had some meat strings from Lora’s backpack for dinner so you are not starving, but you are still hungry in the morning. Good thing you are used to being hungry, thanks District 12 you guess. You wonder if there is any food left in the arena, if they put it in the arena or if you are supposed to kill a shark.
Stupid games. It was Perla’s turn to guard, and you see her, eyes open, a blank expression on her face. What the hell do they do to you, Perla?
«Ehi girl, we have to wake up.» 
You don’t really want to wake up Lora, who’s curled up against you. She had the first turn to guard and she deserves a good sleep. She didn’t deserve to be in the games, she is so young.
“And you deserve it?”, a voice asks you in your mind. “You don’t deserve to get out of it alive?”. You have a mother too, a family too.
She believes in you. You could kill her right now and she believes in you so much she sleeps on your lap. It’s not safe. And that place is messing with your head so much you actually thought about it.
«Lora?» You tentatively ask, stroking her brown hair.
«Five minutes.» She begs, and you smile because she looks like a child.
«I usually am the spoiled baby, if I have to behave like a proper adult a little more I’ll go crazy.» You joke, whispering that in her ear, and she laughs. At least you made her laugh.
«Perla can be the adult.» She points out, and the blue eyed girl snorts.
«No way, I want to be as spoiled as you two are. Let’s stay here for another minute.» And with that decision she climbs on top of you and now the three of you are wrapped in a hug. It feels good to have a friend.
While you are here, stroking Lora and Perla’s hair, you begin to hear a sound. It’s a weird, low sound that you quite can’t put a finger on.
«Is that…?»  You turn your head, and you immediately know that the jokes are to be put aside. You just forgot for a minute where you were. 
«Water?» Perla guesses. You are not sure of what it is, but you know that the game masters don’t want you three to be where you are right now, and so they have to move you. That could mean death.
You begin to run, hands to hands to the girls until you lose each other. The noise is near now, and you can hear water coming down violently in a cascade. Are they trying to flood the caves? Because there is a shark out there and you don’t want to be in underwater caves. 
«Do you know how to swim?» Perla yells, clearly worried. Perla is from the sea district, those kids know how to swim even before they know how to walk, they are little mermaids. In District 12 it is not mandatory to know how to swim, most people work in the mines, mostly men, and sometimes we hunt. Not you, tho, you don’t like to kill animals. Holly, however, was strict in her education and cautiously taught you all the skills that she could when you were a child. She used to say “One less thing that could harm you”, and that meant knowing herbs, basic survival skills like how to light a fire, and of course swimming in the lake. 
«Yes!» You answer because you don’t want to worry the girl, and you can hear Lora giving her the same answer. Good, so you don’t have to protect each other. 
You run and you prepare yourself to be hit by the water. You try to catch your breath, but it’s not easy, the water is violent and the impact is scary. You are dragged and you are almost sure you are going to die, the water is so cold it’s hard on your skin, you try to breathe without success and you don’t have any control on your body, that is being smacked around in the cave’s walls. 
You can hear a voice, a familiar voice, the voice of the man that you love, your mother’s, your best friend. They are begging you, it doesn't suit them, they never beg. Stay alive, stay alive, stay alive. 
The next moment you open your eyes your throat hurts like hell, like the moment when Clark tried to choke you. Your eyes don’t want to collaborate, as for a minute you can’t see anything apart from light. You don’t think you are dead, though, because there is no music, your whole body is killing you (and that would be unfair if you were already dead, wouldn’t it be?) and most importantly there is no food. 
You spit water and you try to understand where you are. It is not ice, which is good considering there is a shark out there. 
You are too scared of the shark. You have to remember that it’s not only a shark, it’s not a normal animal, it is released to have a shock effect when nobody is doing anything. 
But then again, you are District Twelve, and it is almost mandatory that this year District Twelve doesn’t win, no matter what you did for Snow or how good you were in the parade and in the interview. Katniss plants confirmed that for you. It is probably why Snow used you to get rid of his political opponent, you were going to die in a week no matter what.
Still, this is not ice, this is artificial. You are in the Cornucopia.
That makes you alive, which is good, and exposed, which is bad. If anyone had a bow and an arrow you are dead, so you have to hide. 
You have no idea where Perla and Lora are, you hope the water didn’t kill them and they are okay, but you don’t dare shout their names in the air.
You try to step up and you have to put a mouth on your hand not to scream. Your legs, your ribs, everything you could think of in your body hurt like hell. Still you have to get up if you don’t want to die, and you made a promise so you can’t, so you limp into the Cornucopia. This is, the Cornucopia is a small room that looks like an armoury. On the walls there are a lot of weapons, daggers, a bow and an arrow, a lot of empty spaces, and you immediately look at a pair of skates. You have to have them, to run on the ice. 
You reach for them with your bare hands when you hear a noise behind you. You turn around, and you find the one person you don’t want to see. 
His eyes are spirited, like he has seen things he wasn’t ready to see. His shirt is open, revealing a huge scar that couldn’t be because of the Hunger Games. Daddy dearest, you think.
«Hello again, Daisy.»
His face has a huge scar and you don’t think he can see from the right eye. 
He is still handsome, tho. Green eyes like his sisters, blonde hair. That could mean sponsors? Maybe they asked to specifically sponsor him and not the District, maybe now he is well fed and you are not.
«Clark, I don’t want to harm you. We can talk about it, ok? We can be allies.» You hate him in your guts, but if all the story in your head is true there is no need to die. Not for him, but for Dianna. For Madge, who is his cousin and you really like Madge. And because it would hurt Haymitch not to save him, and you love him. 
«Oh, but the thing I want to harm you.» He grins and he traps you under his body. You try to scratch him with your nails and punch him in his lower parts, but it seems to be ineffective, he is too strong and too fit and too determined to kill you.
«You stupid, we could win!» You try to make him resonate with you, but you understand something. He is looking for an excuse to harm you. Your minds are simply different, you hate him but you don’t want to be the cause of his pain, he is absolutely sure you are a bad thing to extirpate, a bad plant he has to burn so it can’t convert the other poor plants in the district. It is an honour for him to be here at this moment. 
«I will win, you will die.» He says it like it’s a fact already decided. 
He wins, you lose. 
No!, a voice tries to wake you. Fight! You can’t let him win, you can’t let him take away your life! You worked hard, you deserve it!
You thought the voice was Haymitch, or Holly, or maybe Effie. But you were wrong before. It’s your voice.
In that moment you don’t think about him, you think about Dianna, the little girl who was your best friend when you were kids, the beautiful girl with green eyes and blonde hair that kisses you on the cheek too much to be just a friend, your first kiss on the lips, so good, so delicate. You think about Dianna, beaten by her father because of your kiss, a black shadow around her eye, that cries and begs her father not to harm you while he is punching you in the stomach. 
You were fourteen.
Clark was there, watching, and you still don’t know if he was disgusted by you or satisfied by his father’s actions.
He deserves it.
«Don’t worry, I will take care of your sister.» You whisper with your last straw of voice.
You take the skate and with the last straw of strength you cut his throat. 
When Perla and Lora see you, they find you in a pool of blood, still in shock. You killed before, but you knew Clark. He wasn’t some Capitol Bastard who wanted to assault you and the other victors, and Snow didn’t order you to kill him or he would’ve harmed Effie and Haymitch.
He was a bastard, and he wanted to slaughter you. But he was from home, he hated Capitol, he hated the games. 
You just know Dianna is crying right now at home, maybe her parents are giving the blame to her because you killed him. All the people in the district hate you now? Because you took Clark away from them? Holly will not be proud. She will look you in the eyes and she will realise that the girl that she raised is not there anymore and now you are nothing but a murderer. You know how they watch Haymitch when he is in the market, even he buys something from everyone everyday with his victor’s money to help them. They respect him, but they fear him. They are well aware he is capable of killing people to save himself, that he has blood on his hands.
And Haymitch, saints, Haymitch. He was trying to save Clark from death, he was trying to save the both of you from the death and you of all people burned his plan to the ground. Will he hate you too? You don’t want to be hated by the person you are in love with, but maybe you deserve it.
You are a murderer. Again. 
«I am sorry…» You whisper without any strength in your voice and you watch them with watery eyes. «I didn’t want to… I didn’t, he was from home…»
«I know, I know.» Perla carries you up, away from the body. 
«They will hate me, tributes don’t kill tributes from their district.» You are lost, still clearly upset, and even if you tell yourself to shut up your mouth doesn’t want to listen to you. You shake so much it hurts. Lora looks at you with her big brown eyes and you think that maybe she can see the monster too now, the charade is finished. 
«Listen to me, ehi, listen to me.» She says instead. You try to watch her, really look at her, without thinking things. 
She keeps going. «You did what you had to do. These are the Hunger Games, not peek a boo. Everybody knows that, and nobody will think you are a bad person. He was going to kill you, wasn’t he?»
You nod. «Yes.» You whisper.
«Yes.» She repeats and she hugs you tight. «You think you can carry a weapon?»
You have to if you want to live. 
«I don’t know if I can stay up.» You admit. All the bones in your body don’t cooperate. 
«You can’t?» Perla comes closer, and she is worried, almost angry. «You are sure you can’t?»
«No, I’m not but… I think I’ve got a broken rib or something like that.»
They look at each other. And then Lora talks. «If we want to do it it’s better to do it now.»
«It’s too soon.» Perla debates.
«It’s now or never!»
You can feel the fear growing in your body. Are they going to kill you? Are they deciding if they want to kill you now in front of you? Well, it is fair. You can’t go away, you are traumatised, your legs won’t cooperate to save you. And you don’t have a weapon in your hand, the skates are near Clark’s body, away from you. 
But why save you before? «Don’t, please.» You try to beg, and tears start streaming down your face.
You don’t want to die, but you don’t stand a chance against two people who are not harmed and maybe they also have a dagger.
«Daisy we don’t… we don’t want to…» Perla starts, but you are scared. You are terrified. You knew the day was going to come, that an ally in the hunger games is not a forever ally, but you thought the careers or the shark would have come sooner than them. You don’t want to be killed off by your friends.
Are you naive? To you, they are friends. You shared a dramatic experience, it’s not something you can share with everybody.
«Don’t come any closer!» You shout and you try with all your strength to stand up, only to collapse a moment after.
«Don’t be stupid we are not trying to kill you.» She keeps saying. Is it not like she would say “Oh yeah, we are about to plan your death.” 
You can’t do anything but back away. And back away, and back away.
«Don’t come closer to the ice!» Lora shouts. She seems scared, and you are torn. In the water there is something you know is just begging for you to come near. The game makers are probably waiting for the District 12 girl to die, after Clark. 
«It’s the shark or you!» You yell back.
«Daisy. Try to hold on as much as you can.» Perla tells you, and you suddenly remember Primrose’s words after the reaping.
“Like Uncle Haymitch alway says”, try to hold on as much as you can, the little girl said after a hug. How could she know that? 
And the world begins to shake. And you feel a sudden pain on the nape and everything turns black.
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bookishtheaterlover7 · 7 months
Hi booky, marketing anon here.
I'm happy that you're going back to school soon, good for you. Education is important!
I'm sorry that my previous comment had angry anons in your inbox.
I'm going to be brutally honest here, so if you choose to post this, please kindly have your followers/anons heed what I'm about to say before reacting. And to your followers/anons, please do not harass the mod with rants due to a stranger's opinion. She is not responsible for what I say. And I'm not going to apologize for my opinion either.
When I said people could stand to give CE/AB a little grace, it was simply a suggestion, not like I was telling anyone how to feel or be.
I also did not come here to books blog to waste her time or mine. I came here to share some insight with her/followers about what marketing and PR, in my experience, is about. And the fact is there is a sizable amount of manipulation being done to create and promote narratives as we see fit. That's part of the job, and even if internally I don't always feel great about selling a misleading image, it is what it is. It doesn't mean all of us are terrible people but you know, money talks.
I do not work in the entertainment industry. I work in a very expansive industry where what we do, the products and services we create, basically control the future of society. For example, artificial intelligence. So, I'll let y'all use your guessing caps to figure out what industry I'm in. But the PR/Marketing tactics in most industries have similarities. Strategy is crucial, planning, executing, and rebranding are all part of the job.
Anyways, I'll leave you all with a little final tidbit: Just continue to pay attention to context clues. Sometimes it may seem like random BS made up to stir up shit for no reason, but I've found in this particular situation (CE's marriage thing), there's been a lot of hints and clues along the way and I strongly believe the bigger picture is yet to be revealed.
Insightful as always, Marketing An🫶n.
And thank you 😊 I'm more nervous about going back, but I'm excited to start again ❤️
She's got a point, guys! And that bigger picture is still waiting to be revealed... We just have to be observant, and patient. Truth will out no matter what.
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callsign-bunnie · 11 months
Wow… I always thought you were inclusive to all fans. Guess not.
I tried to be, and I still try to be to MOST fans, but I have limits and I have lines. I know it's probably been obvious, but I've really drawn back from being socially active in the fandom. I take stands, occasionally, but for the most part, I just block and move on. My block list on tiktok is long, because if I don't like content, I block rather than get upset.
I don't really look at my home page, anymore. Going onto AO3 hits me with so many (niche and specific to me) triggers in a day, that my reason for not reading others' works has shifted from, even though I'm working on managing it, my Dyslexia to just being unable to navigate my own triggers. This isn't anyone's fault, it's mine.
If I'm being honest? My mental health is in the dumpster and while this has a wide variety of reasons, if I can protect it in any way I can, I will. And if this includes having to tell a certain group of fans that they're not welcome on my blog? Unfortunately, that's what has to happen.
I'm not a stranger to fandom wars, as stupid as I think they are, I'm not a stranger to the aggression that happens here. And I have, definitely, been on the other side a few times. My first proper introduction to fandom was Supernatural and FNAF. I STILL deal with seeing posts talking about how a ship I didn't ship is superior to one I do ship for no fucking reason. I understand liking a character, and I understand having villain characters that you still like and love, and I can appreciate the "he's my precious pookie bear and does nothing wrong" mindset to a certain extent.
But I think ignoring Makarov's actions, even if he's a fictional character, even if it's just a game, is ignorant, in today's climate. A prime example of why I cannot get behind it is Russian Terminator. I have... so many reasons I can go through why this man is just awful, but my wife is slightly more educated, so I'll let her take the reigns on that one if she wants. However, he sucks. Objectively. But because he's masked and ripped, I see so many edits of him. So many.
I see people call themselves his "simps" and actively ignore and block those who try to point out his horrific actions and opinions and views and values to them. This man is not a fictional character. He's a real person.
I have always been a huge advocate for "live and let live" in fandom spaces. To an extent that even my wife and I get into arguments over it. My only limit seems to be pedophilia, for personal reasons. And I am not telling you to stop writing Makarov. I'm not even telling you not to find him hot. You can giggle and kick your feet when he "activates your praise kink" in the first mission, I don't care I won't stop you.
But I don't want that in my own space. I protect my peace. This ranges from silly things that just bother me (pricegraves) to big things like this. As my wife stated, Graves committed war crimes. Yes. He killed civilians, and that's inexcusable. But, I feel like this is comparing a passion killing, to systematic murder. Graves would have committed those crimes in any country, but the US. France, England, pretty much any country he could have gotten away with it.
Makarov targeted a country of Arabic people, because he knew about the aggression and islamophobia that exists in the west. He knew that if he pulled some strings a little, he could very easily turn a country just looking for peace into a country of terrorists, in the western media's eyes. This is irredeemable in my eyes.
So, no. I try to be inclusive. Pricegraves fans are still welcome to interact with me. They know by now that I won't write it, I don't really entertain it, and to go to my wife. The same for FarahAlex shippers, and really anyone who ships something on my No-Ship list. (Though please get the memo on that second ship, I'm never gonna budge, I'm sorry.)
I'm sorry if you feel alienated, I know it probably sucks. Trust me, I understand. But, unfortunately, I want to protect my peace, and I want my blog to continue to be my own safe space.
Thank you for understanding.
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