#(and correct skintones i hope)
biffybobs · 2 months
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bébés 👶👶
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mytheoristavenue · 2 months
MHA Commoner!Eijiro Kirishima x Princess!Reader - So This is Love? - I
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Summary: You, the princess, surprise a poor village boy with an invitation to the royal ball.
Warnings: Reverse harem, fluff, angst, quirkless!au, royal!au, love at first sight, social class difference, princess x commoner trope
The carriage came to a sudden halt, making your body rock forward in your seat. Patiently, you awaited the footman to open the door and help you out. When you were standing, you couldn't hide the eager grin on your powdered face.
"Is this the correct place, m'lady?" the footman asked, glancing around with a haughty expression. "Looks a tad...dingy."
"Nonsense," you laugh him off, stepping forward, expensive heels digging into the mud. "I'm sure this is the correct address."
Noticing the way your heels sink, he promptly offers his arm, helping you to the door of the humble cobbler's shop. Stepping into the threshold, you smile fondly, finding a short, plump woman sitting at a desk in the corner. "Afternoon!" She calls, focused on her task. "What can we do ye for?" When she finally turns to face you, her smile drops and her already fair skintone becomes all the more pale.
"Y-Your Majesty!" She bows nervously. "T-To what do we owe the pleasure?"
You smile warmly, stepping closer, bowing to her as well. "I was hoping to have a word with a man I'm told works here," you answer, presenting a letter with a red wax seal. "I've come to deliver him an invitation. Eijiro Kirishima, is he here, ma'am?"
"My son?" The woman asks, tilting her head before nodding and turning to enter another room of the shop, dipping under half curtain that served as a divider. Moment's later, a young man with bright red hair and matching eyes peers out, scanning the room curiously.
His back straightens instantly when his eyes fall on you, standing in the front room of his family's shop, clad in an elegant day gown, eyes peeking over an equally ornate handfan. "Y-Your Highness!" He gasp, eyes blown wide as he stands up straight, akwardly hitting his head on the doorframe.
With a hiss a rub to the crown of his head, he steps out, kneeling in front of you. "W-What are you doing down in the village?" He asks, clearly flustered.
You simply giggle behind your fan, extending a hand down to him to kiss. His Adam's Apple bobs when his eyes fall on your perfectly manicured nails and blushed knuckles. Hestitantly, his calloused hands cradle yours, which has never known labor. With a sharp exhale, he brings your hand up to his lips, eyes flickering to yours as he plants a ghostly kiss on your knuckles. His gentle nature puts a glow in your cheeks as you giggle at his bashfulness.
"I can to visit you, good sir," you finally reveal, a sweet mystique in your tone.
"M-Me?" he repeats in disbeleif. "F-For what reason?"
You offer him the envelope, fingers brushing against his as he takes it from you. "I would like to cordially invite you to the royal ball this evening," you explain, collapsing your fan and resting it against your chest, batting your lashes at him. "As my personal guest."
"I-I'm speechless, You Highness..." He pauses, deicately opening the letter and reading over the cursive words within. "W-Why me?"
"Say you'll attend," you insists with a warm smile.
"Forgive me, Your Majesty," he mutters timidly, folding the letter very carefully back into the envelope. "I have nothing but the clothes on my back, I haven't the proper dress to attend a royal gathering."
"I worried as much." You admitted sadly before smiling again. "Which is why I took the liberty of having the royal seamstress tailor a custom suit for the occassion."
"J-Just for me...?" Kirishima gasp, eyes glossy at your gesture. You nod, confirming his assumptions.
"Please accompany me, it would mean the world to me..." you beg one last time, leaning in slightly.
"I-I'd be honored, Your Majesty..." He finally relents, still in disbelief before a childish grin cracks across his face. "Yes, of course I'll go!"
"Oh, that's fantastic news!" you exclaim with delight, reaching out and capturing his hands, holding them to his hands. "I'm overjoyed." You beam, letting him go, preparing to take your leave. "A carriage will send for you an hour before sunset, no need to make ready ahead of time. You'll have a warm bath and a private room awaiting you at the castle."
Kirishima once again finds himself silenced by your generousity, only uttering a small: "T-Thanky you, Princess..." as he watches you leave the shop, waving with fan in hand.
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papermint-airplane · 5 months
As per the request from @nectar-cellar:
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Oh boy prepare yourself for a foul-mouthed rant because I am MAD!!!! 😠😠😠😠 Not at you, NC. I love you. You can do no wrong in my eyes. 😘
No I am mad at this STUPID FUCKING SIM holy shit
He started life like THIS
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What I can only describe as "Disney's Aladdin visits a dude ranch". Yes, I know I have used that exact outfit (minus the boots) for Roman before, shut up, you're not here to expose my hypocrisy, you're here to suffer with me because OH BOY DID I SUFFER.
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Ok so he turned out like this. Not bad, you say? No. Bad. Very bad.
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Yeah so I got him in Live Mode and there is just something about him that is pissing me right the fuck off and I don't know what it is. Is it the eyes? Are the eyes too big? Jaw too square? I DON'T KNOW WHAT IT IS AND IT'S PISSING ME OFF!!!!!!!!!! I really feel like the eyes are too big but I kept shrinking his eyes until he literally looked like this .👄. and it still didn't help.
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I went in and out of CAS at least 7 times and I can't figure out what's off and I can't fix it and I HATE HIMMMMMMMMMM
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"Who's made of pixels and sucks ass? This guy!"
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"Don't you just love me?"
I know that making masc men is a challenge for me. This is not new information. It's been a problem for 20 years, it'll be a problem for 20 more. I know what I find attractive in a man, I just don't know what looks good on a Sim. Know what I mean? No? Stop being difficult, you know exactly what I mean.
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I also tried using NC's new torso and oh boy that was an adventure because the torso is fire and his face is A FUCKING DISASTER. There is something about his head and his torso that are incongruous with each other and I don't. know. what. it. is. It's driving me crazy. No correction, it has DRIVEN me crazy, past tense. I am crazy now and this fucker is why!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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I even expanded my slider multiples so I could fine tune things thinking that would help but no I think it made everything worse ESPECIALLY MY MENTAL HEALTH
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So by now you're like "Laura there's nothing wrong with him, Laura you're taking this too seriously, Laura he's fine" and I know. I KNOW! I STILL HATE HIM
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And you're god dang right I put that fucker on a pole. If I get community labeled because of this shit heap, I'm gonna lose my shitting mind.
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Literally fuck you, I hate you so much. I didn't even give you a name. Do you know what your name is? "Stupid asshole who won't behave" that's what your name is.
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I even threw Monica the Devil Girl in there hoping that would help. It didn't.
Know what the worst part is?
I enjoyed this. I mean yeah sure I hated the whole process and I hate the result and I hate this Sim and in a minute, I'm going to have an alien Sim land a meteor on top of his head, but there's something really cathartic about just unloading all of your vitriol on a Sim, you know? And it was definitely a challenge and definitely out of my comfort zone. I'll have to keep trying until I make a male Sim (other than Roman and Aiden) that I'm happy with.
This was a learning experience for sure.
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Piece of shit.
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eddiediaaz · 11 months
Hi! I was wondering if you had any tips on how to color the flashbacks in the begins episodes, because they have that weird green tint that's so hard to get rid of? Would really appreciate any advice you had! Love all your gifs :)
hellooo! that is really nice of you to say, thank you <3
yeah flashback scenes in 911 can be tricky to color. i don't know why they made the el paso flashbacks look so drab, or the hershey flashbacks so glowy and green lol. anyway, i have two flashback examples on how to go from this:
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to this
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steps under the cut (:
the first thing i always do is usually use a curves layer to white balance the colors automatically. it can be quite handy, but it's usually not enough. it can be a great place to start though. on the top right you can click the 3 lines menu and choose "auto options..."
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then you can play around with the different settings in the algorithms section, and the snap neutral midtones. there's usually one that's better, so i just toggle between them and choose which one looks best.
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if the auto settings don't work well for your shot, you can always do this manually with the black and white droppers with a curves or levels layer. becca/@yenvengerberg did a great tutorial on it here (in the step one: curves section)
both gifs with curves auto color correction:
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as you can see it brings the colors in a more neutral zone and less saturated, but the coloring still needs more editing.
i used a color balance layer to bring back some warmth into the eddie gif. i started by giving it a bit of red in the shadows, then with midtones and highlights, i simply played with the sliders until i got something i liked (knowing i'll grade the colors more specifically later).
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for the maddie & buck gif, i wanted to reduce the yellow/green tint. i needed to add some blue to counter the yellow and channel mixer worked better than color balance for this one. this channel mixer tutorial by kate/@aubrey-plaza goes into so much depth, much better than i ever could, but here's how i did it:
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my favorite and most used layer! i use it all the time. for the eddie gif, i wanted to make it warmer and less drab. i always start with deepening the blacks, then i want to make sure the skintones are good with the reds and yellows.
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then the rest is mostly small adjustments to my liking, especially with cyans, blues, neutrals. this particular gif doesn't have a lot of blue tones so it doesn't change a lot tho haha
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selective color results for eddie:
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then for the maddie & buck gif, i went pretty much in the same order: blacks, skintones (reds and yellows)
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then blues, cyans, neutrals:
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maddie & buck selective color results:
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now that the gifs are color graded, what's left is to add final touches, aka more vibrance, contrast, exposure, etc etc.
for the eddie gif i added these layers
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here's the layer order and final result:
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for the maddie & buck gif, these are the layers i added:
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and the layers order and final result for that one:
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that's it, i hope that helps a little!
there's also this great tutorial by ace/@ajusnice on how to color yellow tinted shots, it's a great reference.
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sweetbeagaming · 3 months
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Keep Skintones True action for PS ✨
Reshade can make our POC Sims orange which is a shame because I really love a bright/colorful preset... just not at the expense of my beautiful sims. I remembered the Keep Dark Skins Dark PSD from creator @glitchysims, but personally I edit my screenshots in all sorts of shapes and sizes. Thus this action was born!
The action comes in two flavors- One that just does color correction and a second that does color correction + brightening:
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As you can tell I am not a photoshop wizard and I can take 0% credit for the color correction, it's just pulled directly from glitchysims' PSD. The only thing I did was transfer them to an action that be used in any edit. All screenshots were taken with erasabledinosaur's Clean & Basic Reshade Preset, but the ATN should be compatible with most presets that are both brightening + saturating. Also likely compatible with any version of the sims.
Download on SFS
Additional screenshots on a couple of different skintones under the cut ↩️
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Your less melanin-ated sims may look orange or too dark with this action in some lighting, it works best between medium to dark tones. The good news is that the values are not collapsed so you can tweak them to your likeness if needed.
Overall this is likely not a perfect "fix" and if anyone has any feedback, please feel free to share it! This will be really helpful for me, so I hope it will be helpful for others too. :)
P.S. This action would pair well with my Tumblr Post Reso PSDs for an easier editing experience. 😉
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serenofroses · 6 months
the last part of Ania and Jadus Jadis' minificlet of their first meeting. this had been kicking my butt for months due to my struggles and writing insecurities.
I made some recent changes to Jadis to the point where I separated her from canon Jadus into to her own character.
as usual: heavy canon divergence, deaf f!agent oc x Darth Jadus.
content warnings: use of chloform, Jadis being a horrible Sith as always. and Scarlett's horrible writing bc she needed to get this done and out of the way.
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A couple of minutes later…
"Wait here."
The guard advised with an emotionless tone after escorting the agent from the Intelligence base to the Sith headquarters. Ania gave a short nod, watching the guard enter the office to announce her arrival to the Dark Councillor. She stood within the antechamber with a shuddering inhale to steady her nerves until she caught on to the muffled voices exchanging words that pushed her anxiety aside.
Ania tried to peer closer to listen in, hoping to understand their words but her focus was distracted by the large wall mirror overlooking the Sith’s office. Eying the reflection and moving her head forward to get a better view of the office to see within–there, she caught a glimpse of the Sith figure with their back turned. She wasn’t interested in the guard but paid more attention to the Sith.
Jadis was rather intriguing yet imposing, stood impressively tall that towered over the Imperial officers with their height, though their body wasn’t super muscular like she had seen, donning in the signature black with purple pattern robes and led lights, their raven hair was long and tied back neatly with subtle notice of the pale skintone–the reflection made her realised something the second she spotted the helmet laid onto the desk.
Wait a second, she thought, Darth Jadus––correction Jadis, she reminded herself quietly–wasn’t hiding their face?
Curiosity grew, questions filled with pondering over who this mysterious Darth Jadis really was. Nothing was known much about them since the day they “returned” from seclusion and “reclaimed” the Dark Council seat as of five years ago to this day.
Ania tried to lean a little further to inspect the mystery Sith through the reflection vying to see their face. The floor creek underneath her feet cut her off and uttered a quiet curse hoping they didn’t hear that sound.
“Send her in.” 
She heard the Sith tell the guard and took one last look through the mirror to watch them put out the cigar in the ashtray and reached for the specific item from the desk.
“Have my shuttle prepped in the meantime.”
Though, the voice sounded… a little different without their helmet on. Surely she was imagining things that she didn’t actually hear correctly. The sound of footsteps had caught Ania’s attention, readjusted her position quickly to where she previously stood and straightened her posture right in time as the guard exited the office.
“The Master is ready for you. You may proceed.” the guard instructed with a hand gestured to the door, signalling the agent to go inside.
Ania gulped. Her heart pulsed rapidly as dread began to overwhelm her, nausea formed within the back of the throat and her senses of doubt were shoved to the back of the mind with a sharp exhale to mentally prepare herself before walking into the office. 
The interior of the office was darker than the Intelligence’s blue hues but much fancier than she had expected for a Sith like Jadis but there was something rather unsettling about this room that she couldn’t explain through her gut feeling. 
It feels so… wrong to be here.
“Agent Nevrakis.” the Dark Councillor greeted in a deep, rich voice, “Do come in.”
So, she wasn’t imagining things when she heard Jadis’ voice–definitely different without the helmet.
Jadis, then, turned around to face her, “You arrived on time as I have summoned.”
Ania froze in shock.
The Dark Councillor was not wearing their main helmet but presented to her wearing a mask with horns covering their face except for their mouth and chin exposed as bright violet eyes gazed upon her. 
However, the mask looked all too familiar. Like she has seen it before. 
Hold on–Darth Jadis is….?
Jadis took a moment to observe the reaction before speaking, “Do you know who I am?” 
Keeper’s warnings were still fresh on her mind, heeding his advice to remain silent and watch her words carefully.
“If you don’t, you will.”
“You’re Lady Renata of House Vitali,” Ania replied, trying her best to not stare at their lips, “Second Heir to the Sith Emperor.”
“You’re well-informed.” Jadis’ dark lips curled into a pleased smile, “Good–this will save me the proper introduction.”--they, then, continued with raised hands that caught Ania’s attention–”It is a pleasure to finally meet your acquaintance. I heard so much about you.”
Did they–...?
“You…. sign?” Ania stared in disbelief, unsure how to feel about this after her experiences with her superiors and coworkers who deprived her from signing with basic communication to help her get around within the Intelligence.
Apart from her parents, she did not expect to find a Sith Lord nor a member of the Dark Council to communicate through sign language.
“You find that most Sith may learn sign languages through different reasons when offered a chance, but many choose not to.” Jadis explained, “I am aware of your reliance on lipreading–a natural talent that no one could master well.” they said with admiration.
“Except you took a big risk to reveal yourself to me. They said you went missing for five years.” Ania reminded them.
She recalled seeing the news reports about Acina's ascension in her rise to power as the Sith Empress followed by their sister was nowhere to be found with a possible declaration of going rogue.
“Perhaps.” they played along with a wicked smile, “But I choose to appear to you because I prefer to communicate with you this way–should you favour lipread ideally. Will that be a problem between us?” 
Ania shook her head with a quiet murmur, “No.”
She hoped this meeting would be over and done with, so she could return to her apartment and crawl into a nice, warm bed.
Sound of claws snapped had alerted the agent as she looked over to their pointed finger at the floor in front of them. Ania nervously walked towards to stand in the middle of the room, it’s rather daunting being this close to them. The intimidating aura of the Sith, nor their mask, certainty didn’t help ease her moods. 
The Dark Councillor had taken notice the way Ania was avoiding their masked gaze, humouring themself to approach over, “Look at me.” they said in a commanding tone, “And revel in the power of the dark side.”
Right on cue as they spoke, Ania reluctantly turned to fixate her gaze onto them. With an appreciative hum, Jadis started to circle around the agent at a slow pace to inspect her, drinking in every aspect details about her to memorise, resisting the intrusion to run their fingers over her shoulders, touch her soft hair….
They sensed her nervousness. They smell her blood rushing. They inhaled the scent of her Ziosti floral and berries perfume.
“Allow your body to betray you. Allow your blood to boil and your heart to… slow.” they continued in a husky tone, one that made a young woman shiver in anticipation from a voice alone, “Everything that is not of the dark side will be… purged–or it will be tainted.”
They stressed the latter part–they reached through the Force to read into her, there was a sense of doubtness from her, but something was blocking the Dark Councillor from probing further into her mind. 
‘Unacceptable but I can’t fault her for shielding her mind’, they thought, ‘Getting through to Agent Nevrakis would take time.’
Jadis then walked back to the spot to stand in front of her, “This is an inoculation, Agent, a ... sacred rite.”
Ania wasn't sure if she understood what she heard. A sacred rite...? Aren't those meant to be restricted to the Sith or something, she asked herself. She doesn’t consider herself to be a Sith who barely lacks the power to call on the Force physically, but she can feel things, sense emotions… like a Force Empathy or so she was told.
"The religion of the Sith is not my religion." she said with a lie, holding onto the slightest determination that her words were convincing enough to fool the Sith as a means to hide her identity. 
Or her past. 
"The ways of the Sith are the ways of the Empire--so it shall always be. You should know this because you were brought up, or better yet, trained otherwise.”
Ania stiffened by their implication after they saw through to her lies–how much have they known about her?
"But, that is not why I summoned you." Jadis changed the topic.
Ania narrowed her eyes, obviously unaware that the misty dark tendrils were slowly edging towards her ankles, "You didn’t summon me without a reason other than to talk."
"You're right." Jadis humoured her, "I did not summon you without a reason."
A pregnant pause between the two. The silence left Ania on the fence, wary of the Sith’s intentions with her in this compromising position. She tried to move her footing but something was… holding her back like a stasis-lock stillness. 
Jadis lifted a hand up to call on the Force–a single datapad from the desk from behind flung into their grasp, they flipped through the pages and held it up in front of the agent’s eyes, showing the written assessment with an image of the deceased target attached to it.
It was her report that she handed in to the Keeper a couple of hours ago.
“I believe this has caused… a commotion amongst the higher ups. More specifically to the attention of the Empress and Grand Moff Kilran.”
Ania’s body tensed up looking at the report, swallowing thickly before speaking, “I… was not aware. Had I known, I wouldn’t have…-”
“Which you have performed remarkably well as I have foresaw.” Jadis interrupted, quick to sense the tension through the agent’s body language, “You were given a dosser with instructions where I made it specifically clear that you are to neutralise your target rather than capturing them alive.”
Ania narrowed her eyes suspiciously at them, “You arranged that assignment?”
“Yes, the order within your assignment came directly from me, not the Keeper’s.”
Ania wasn’t sure what to believe here, “You realise that my target was an Imperial, right? Isn’t it wrong to neutralise an agent of the Empire? Or The Emperor’s? Or even Empress?”
“Might I remind you that the Emperor continues to remain silent since the Treaty? As for my sisters.... I do not care about them simply put.” Jadis set the datapad down, clearing their throat as they continued, “The cost of ambitious loyalty comes with a price, it does not matter whether you think it is wrong or not. Regardless if it was a Republic, a Jedi, or one of our own–those dissidents still threaten the way of the Empire.”
“What are you implying?”
“I can’t speak for the rest of the Dark Council, but there are those who hold themselves above the mundane business of the Empire, those still blindly acting on the Emperor’s will while my dear pathetic sister holds the power. A mistake.” they explained, “I truly believe this can be accomplished by spreading the ways of the Sith to the Empire entirely– show them the democratisation of fear.”
“So, what of the dissidents?” Ania asked, albeit sceptical over where this was going, “Are they followers of the rogue Emperor or do they seek for the destruction of the Empire?”
“That remains to be seen. But do not underestimate our enemies.” Jadis warned with caution, “They are powerful--and there are those who sympathise with them. People at the highest levels of government.”
Ania shifted her weight awkwardly but her movement was still, “You made it sound like you don’t trust the Intelligence or the Dark Council…”
“Perhaps, perhaps not… but a piece of advice?” Jadis offered, “Watch those around you, and trust no one. Not even those within the Intelligence. They may not be all what they seem. I believe you and I can propose a…”--they paused to choose the word carefully without giving anything away–”Partnership? No Intelligence, no answering to the Keeper, and certainly no bowing to the Empress to swear loyalty to.”
We…? She thought out of confusion.
“And if I decline?”
Jadis chuckled for a moment, “I trust that won’t come down to it.”
Ania remembered something about the rumours whispered throughout the headquarters for some time. 
“Suppose there's a reason why Cipher Nine or any other low-ranking agents went missing?” Ania asked out of curiosity, “You were the last person to have seen them alive.”
The Sith went silent for a moment, that alone had the agent begin to suspect they know more than they’re letting her on. Could they have had anything to do with the renowned Cipher Nine’s disappearance, she wondered.
“We don’t have to be enemies. I am proposing an alliance between the two of us--you're a special one. You don’t want to let this opportunity pass, Agent Nevrakis,” Jadis began to work on their charm to sway the agent’s wariness then pointed their index finger at the floor in front of them, “Come–kneel before me.”
Ania blinked out of scepticism towards the masked Sith, but barely acknowledged the sound of footsteps within the antechamber behind her. She debated with herself as she bit down on her tongue over whether she should do as she was instructed or not.
“You… want me to bow to your submission?” she questioned.
“Refusal is not an option, Agent Nevrakis.” Jadis said in a warning tone, “I suggest that you should not try to defy me when I am offering you an alliance with me.”
The words of Vowrawn’s warning advising the agent to tread with caution about the dangers of trifling powerful Sith or Dark Councillor’s feathers through wits. She may not know Jadis that personally and she wasn’t planning to.
Ania scoffed. 
“You have quite an ambitious reputation from what I was told, Jadis.” she said, holding her ground with every single warning tossed out of the window, “No matter how you try to charm with your words, you can’t expect me to pledge my allegiance to you.”
Ania could’ve sworn she saw the Sith going red, seething silently, that is until she attempted to make a turn for an exit but found no movement nor control over her body–an phantom feeling of tendrils snaked around her ankles crept its way up her legs in its grasps.
This was the Sith's doing.
"Is that so?"
Ania stared at them. Deep down, she was… afraid. There was no escape–she couldn’t move–the gut instinct told her the possibility of this outcome was to die right here.
"You choose to defy me?" Jadis sounded cold and displeased.
“I won't kneel to you–not to someone who’s related to Emperor Tenebrae. Your lineage is anything but corrupted. Your father ruined so many lives.”
Ania watched the seething rage build up within the Sith, violet eyes glowed, smoke puffed out of their nostrils. The mention of their father’s name had stirred something but Ania couldn’t read nor make out their expression through the mask.
”Did it hurt your ego when those refused to bow and submit to you after you forced them?” Ania lifted her head up bracing for whatever the Sith planned to do with her, “Do what you wish, Lord Jadis, kill me. That’s how Agents disappear, right?”
“... Very well.” Jadis resigned after a short pause.
Ania made a shuddering breath as the weight of the Force tightened around her body that was enough to suffocate her, drowning her in the power of engulfed darkness and felt her throat burning with nausea. She sensed the presence behind her as faint footsteps clicked against the polished floor edged closer to her–was it one of their guards?
Ania did not like where this was going. 
“It’s a pity your defiance has come to this.” Jadis spoke in a harsher tone, “You leave me with no other choice--but you will need to be disciplined.”
She, also, did not like what they were implying.
Then, Jadis snapped their finger.
Ania was startled upon being grabbed from behind with one arm around her shoulder and upper torso–she still couldn’t move her body to fight back against this individual–followed by a cloth pressed to her nose and mouth.
“No! Stop this! Let me go!” she screamed.
They had no intention of releasing her and continued to apply the pressure against her face. She tried to scream to the point she had to practically beg but her cries were muffled by the cloth.
“I’m sorry.” a voice whispered to her.
A male voice–why does the voice sound familiar–she doesn’t understand why he is saying sorry for. 
The agent struggled to fight back and resist the Force hold over her body, she tried to thrash her head about but she was starting to feel dizzy and nauseated from inhaling the strong fumes–eying over to find the masked Sith watching on. She lost the strength to continue the moment darkness closed in and her body went limp as eyelids were beginning to drop from tiredness.
“I have no desire to dispose of you, my dear Agent. Killing you would be a waste of my resources,” Jadis told her, “I, however, have a better substitution for you."
She almost collapsed to the floor–one of the guards approached her and caught her within their arms–she heard Jadis commanded the guard to take her to the shuttle. Ania saw them glancing over to the person who was behind her, she wanted to move her head to discover who it was but she was  too exhausted to do anything.
“I will handle everything from here. You may leave now.”
Who was Jadis talking to?
“With due respect, Lord Jadis, this should never happened--I do not condone this, there will be serious consequences for–.”
Jadis cut him off, “You forgot that I still control the Imperial Intelligence with my power and you will abide to my rule, Keeper.”
‘Keeper?!...That can’t be…’
That was the last thing she managed to catch on before unconsciousness took over while she was carried away from the scene.
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TIPS on drawing BIPOC ocs!
Soooo I recently did a collab with another webcomic creator, if you have seem my last post you know what one : ))
as soon as I saw the wonderful artwork I received I noticed something that felt off to me, it's lin's skintone.
This is my Oc Lin Peckett (main character of my comic I Love you Lin peckett)
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I never specified her ethnicity (which is my fault on my part) I thought people might know by her looks that she's a POC. specifically she is black/Mexican mixed (I believe blaxican is the term used sometimes)
here are some examples of people I based her off of aesthetically
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they are all people of color, share similar skin tone and hair as her. these images are good inspiration to use!
these women in these pictures are all women who are black/Mexican
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I used the eye dropper tool to pick 3 different shades of color for comparison, notice how multiple shades are similar to her skintone
lin has tan skin thats more on the lighter side, sometimes her skin tone changed depending on the lighting but her main color is tan. she has lots of warmer tones compared to cooler tones, so keep it more on the yellow side than red/pink compared to other skintones. you can see a difference between the top and middle one than to the bottom one.
here are some white women to compare lin's skintone to
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notice how some are similar to her skin, you might think ok so she's white NOPE, look a second time and notice how the color that matched best with her are the parts of these women's faces that are shaded or shadowed. using these women are not good references and if you notice most of them have more pinker tones, lin has warm toned skin.
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heres two pieces of artwork I received recently of my oc lin, (both by wonderfully talented creators I'm grateful to get art from) but notice how bluedragon's artwork is the same as lin's. that's because she used an art programs best friend
the eye dropper tool!
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this thingy?
it's literally in every single art program ever created, yes even mspaint
use it if you're not sure what skintone to use on a character!
but back to that drawing, you can see a big difference between the two pieces the one on the left by bluedragon is accurate. and the one on the right is by mk-wizard which has lin is very light skin. which is just not correct lol
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so let's use are little friend again (the eye dropper tool) to recolor lin with the skintone used in mk-wizard's artwork. as you can tell it's a BIG difference! lin would be a unseasoned piece of chicken if I colored her like this lol (get it …chicken.. HA)
so my final notes to this long post is, please study the character you are drawing a bit more, ask questions. I know this artist isn't whitewashing lin purposely it's an honest mistake that could be anything from different computer monitors showing up different tones? or them being inexperienced drawing POC? which you have all the time in the world to keep studying while drawing! it's okay to make mistakes and learn from them : )))
also this isn't a "callout post" or anything negative towards the artist, this is simply some advice not just for them but for every artist.
I hope this helped in any way possible? and if I missed anything or made any mistakes pls educate me more on drawing BIPOC! I love to hear advice <3 anyways have a good day and drink some water bye~
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armeenix · 1 year
Fuck your insecurities Connie x !Black!fem! Reader
!Fluff! Slight suggestive language
As a black person I always love seeing drabbles and fanfics that are made for people with darker skintones in mind so I thought why not write one myself. I'll admit this isn't gonna be super good considering this is my first time writing something so long for a character but I still hope it's somewhat enjoyable!
it all started when you and Connie had taken a late night drive and were laying on the roof of his car. The two of you were looking up at the stars that littered the night sky and just having one of those deep conversations. You had just asked Connie what his biggest dream was and he of course answered with, "my biggest dream was to be dating you and look at me now, I get to kiss you, hug you, love you, fuck-"
"Ok Connie that's enough I get it, just ask the next question." You rolled your eyes at his answer but still, your heart couldn't help but skip a beat or two. "You're so boring y/n you could have at least let me finish Damm. Finee ok my question is, uhhmmm" He continued to annoyingly hum in thought until he thought of a question. "Ok I got one! What's your biggest insecurity?" You took a moment to think before answering. "Probably my stomach. What about you?"
He went dead silent. You turned your head to see him looking at you with pursed lips and slightly furrowed eyebrows. "Why the fuck are you looking at me like that..?" He didn't respond again. He just stared at you with the same face. It lowkey made you uncomfortable so you sat up and scootched away from him.
"Why would you say that?" You looked at him mad confused. "Why would I say what?" He sat up and continued to look at you weirdly, you were feeling very concerned for his health. "Why the fuck would you say that you don't like your tummy."
The two of you continued to argue until somehow you ended up passionately making out💀
Over the next few days any time Connie would hear you say something bad about yourself even if you didn't mean it, he would walk behind you, give you a hicky and a pissed look, then go back to what he was doing💀. You did not understand why this man was so pressed about you having insecurities, it's a completely normal thing! That part didn't really bother you it was the HICKIES that did. Everytime you go out you have to put color correcter and concealer on your neck to hide any new marks that were darker and old marks that were starting to fade.
One morning you had gotten up and got dressed because you were going out to have lunch with sasha, mikasa, ymir, historia, and annie. You still hed some old hickies that needed to be covered but fortunately you didnt have any new ones. After you got done using your color corrector you grabbed your concealer only to realise the bottle was completely fucking empty. That bottle was supposed to last you a good while especially considering the fact that you only got it 3 MONTHS AGO
"Oh hell no, this is stopping TODAY."
That evening after you came home and put on your bed clothes, you sat down on the couch and pretended to be on the phone with one of your friends. you began speaking loudly to make sure the Connie would be able to hear you from the kitchen.
"Yeah I know, I just felt like I didn't look good today, like my outfit just wasn't fitting the right way, maybe I should-"
Connie jumped onto the couch, grabbed your phone, rolled off the couch onto the floor, before stumbling onto his feet and running into yalls room.💀 you ran after him yelling for him to give you your phone back but he slammed the bedroom door and locked it.
"Baby...I ain't mean that I promise!"
"Nah, nah its ok connie, it's cool its good yea."
You turned around and walked to the kitchen, quickly grabbing a credit card. When you got back to the door you stuck the card in the little opening of the door and unlocked it from the outside. The minute you walked in connie started screaming. "Connie if you dont shut the fuck up imma make you sleep on the couch."
"Y/nnnnn whyy don't be like that" he whined as he walked over and pulled you close to him. "No I will be like that because for the past few weeks you've been acting like a menace and I don't appreciate it. He gasped and put a hand over his heart mellow dramatically. "How could you say that! Im just a poor man that's worried about his beautiful, hot, sexy, girlfriend." "You're allowed to be worried about me but that doesn't mean that you need to be so extreme!" His expression changed from mock sadness to genuine concern and slight shame. He brought his hand up and caressed your cheek slowly. His thumb began moving back and forth against your bottom lip softly as he continued to look down into your eyes. "Y/n i,I just worry about you. And I fucking hate that you have these insecurities. I know that people say it's normal but that's fucking bullshit... It shouldn't be normal, and i hate the it is considered that... You're fucking beautiful and I love you, all of you. I love your hair, you eyes, your nose, your neck." As he named some of the things he loved on your body he gently kissed them. "those are just a few of the things that I love about you y/n."
He hugs wraps his arms around you and pulls you into a tight embrace. He rests his head in the crook of your neck and sways your bodies from left to right. You both swayed silently until Connie spoke up. He couldn't handle all of the silence. "You know y/n if me telling you how amazing you are doesn't help silence those insecurities of yours I can always beat them up?"
"Connie, you're gonna beat my insecurities up..?"
"Hell yeah I am, you're insecurities aren't shit! imma beat the fuck out of em!" He said with a broad grin spread across his face
"First of all, that doesn't make sense because you can't actually beat up something that's mental, and second of all because my insecurities is something mental that means in order to beat up my insecurities you would have to beat me up. So basically you are saying that if I start feeling insecure you're gonna beat the fuck out of me??"
His face changed from one of pride to one of pure unamusement and horror.
"Really? Cause it sure does seem like that's what you meant, i mean you said that you wanted to beat the fuck out of my insecurities so-
His reaction was just too funny. You couldn't help but continue to mess with him until eventually he started balling all over dramatically. You dint know how he did it but on command big alligator tears spilled down his cheeks as he over dramatically sniffled just to make you feel bad.
"Are you seriously crying right now..? Connie come on it wasnt the mean."
"Connie come on I'm sorry, I guess it was a little mean."
"If you stop crying like that I'll give you a kiss."
Immediately the tears stopped and he was no longer sniffling💀 instead his look at you expectantly waiting for his "much deserved" kiss. You rolled you eyes before reluctantly giving him a little peck on the lips and both of his cheeks.
"There, better?"
"Nah, it's not better, imma need a few more of those."
The rest of your evening was filled with you giving Connie kisses and him claiming that he still wasn't feeling better just so you would have to give him more💀 he's a fucking menace sometimes but you love him.
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evilmagician430 · 10 months
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boyfriends but awesome (and instead of a webtoon its an independent webcomic)
design notes and 3ds flipnote concept art below the cut
general notes abt their designs and what the comic would be like in my head:
>they dont have names in this version cause i think that was one of the good things they did originally. i imagine they refer to eachother as "that one" "the other guy" etc like the dhmis guys when talking about eachother.
>they are not in a defined romantic relationship with eachother because i think thats more interesting, the polyamory aspect would be kept (im not polyamorous btw so im not gonna try to write an established polycule) but its more vague in that they all kind of have a thing for eachother but also hate eachother and want to rip eachothers guts out. and theyre all roommates and bffs. if you asked them what they were the answer you would get would be "friends who are boys". they are the height of male friendship, hate, love, etc.
>instead of focusing on sexualizing them in strange ways and doing boring moe shit it would lean into the comedy aspect BUT NO MEMES OR LATE 2010S SLANG !! this was something i could not fucking stand when reading the original (if you couldnt tell by now i did used to read boyfriends. it was a regrettable time and in redesigning and overhauling them i hope to make something good out of this wasted period of my life) like even when it was current boyfriends always made memes feel.. out of place. like as soon as they said it it wasnt cool anymore. it was the unfunniest shit ever
>i wanted the characters to look less WHITE and also more distinct from eachother and also less young cause in the original its like the same twink 3 times in different haircolors and their Chad. said chad is the best character only by way of not being annoying. so yeah i'll be more specific later but none of them are white and i gave them all different eye and nose shapes and distinct physical traits and bodies etc.
>mostly i just did this cause the "nerd" and "goth" ones piss me off so bad like thats not real. thats not a nerd thats just a nondescript waify femboy with glasses. thats not a goth, thats a tiktok eboy. and i felt bad for jock being trapped in this comic. and the prep one i feel nothing towards hes the most accurate to gay preps irl because they really are that annoying. but i tried to make him a little interesting atleast. anyways
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nerd - black, brony, always aggressively corrects the others when they state an incorrect fact, really into playstation eyetoy and obscure playstation games. insanely autistic. usually pissed off if hes not indulging himself in something he likes (yaoi, games, ponies, figures, etc). i just wanted to overhaul him completely to make him almost nothing like refrainbow's nerd because nerd type characters are always the ones i tend to see myself in and are my favorites but reading the webtoon that guy just pissed me off fr.
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jock - 2nd gen chinese american, one of the things i liked in the original actually was when they sexualized the jock (probably cause hes the only one who doesnt look 14 in that comic) and his big tits. hes a very genuinely kind guy, not the brightest, has a voracious appetite, he also still bakes cause thats cute i think.
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prep - he looks different here because i was originally going to make him white but i decided to make him a light/medium skintone black guy (he just wears a blonde wig and contacts). when companies make their pride month merchandise and advertisements this is the exact person they imagine in their head who is going to buy these products. hes a million percent one of those swifties who thinks taylor swift is secretly a lesbian. trust fund kid btw obviously. his only redeeming quality is that hes good at makeup. jokes in the comic are usually made at his expense.
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goth - 1st gen latino american, specifically peruvian because i am a self serving motherfucker. hes a really big numetal fan and listens to like 2000s evil wolf amv music in addition to legitimate gothic. his face changed a little too between this and the final design. his outfit completely changed but its only because i realized everyone else was dressed for relatively warm weather so it wouldnt make sense for him to be wearing multiple layers of black. if i do cold weather outfits for them id def reuse this look for him. hes still trans but i think all of them are in my version. also they dont use labels for their sexual/rom orientation. except prep hes homosexual gay.
congratulations for reaching the end of this incomprehensible bullshit 👍 hope someone enjoys this but idrc if its just for me either
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thehighladywrites · 5 months
I really hope this doesn't come across as rude so if it is feel free to ignore this ask but I am curious.
I do a lot of work with makeup (just as a hobby) and I've actually gotten quite good at it, but the thing is I'm Irish so I'm pale af as are my family, and I've been wanting to try makeup for darker skin but tbh I have no idea how to do it or what the differences are (if they exist). Can I ask what your routine for doing makeup is?
not a rude question at all, i love makeup very much so this is a fun question tbh!
okay so a lot of people have different undertones/shades. it is something they didn’t know back in the day and it’s why a lotta celebs look kinda ashy/very pale.
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then some ppl with darker complexions have a harder time matching a good foundation to their skin bc some brands don’t make foundation/makeup for their tones.
so i suggest color correctors. for example if a clients foundation is too yellow (which it is for many people w an olive undertone), then use a bit of blue to cancel it out.
some shades are too warm for darker skinned people and need to be neutralized. i used to think warmer foundations looked good on my until i used a bit of color correction and i got my perfect shade. And unfortunately it is liie that for a lot of girls w darker complexions.
Anothing thing is color correcting dark spots/undereyes. some ppl (aka younger me) think that using a ton of light concealer will fix hyperpigmentation/dark spots. WRONG!!!! it will just look really fucking ashy and gray. you gotta cancel it out with a peachy corrector. vid example
if u wanna use a concealer to cover spots, i suggest the nars soft matte pot concealer, but you gotta have an amazing shade match for it to look good. maybe not ideal for clients unless u get every shade and shadematch them on the spot. vid example
my absolute fav brand will forever be nars. they have amazing foundations, concealers and blushes. my fav products are: NARS light reflecting foundation and the NARS soft matte pot concealer, literally gives skin and feels so light on the skin. it’s like ur not even wesring anything even though u get a full coverage.
and i just wanna include some of my fav products 💗💗:
fav moisturizer: Embryolisse/ Weleda skin food
fav color correctors: the elf ones, they have every color u need
fav setting spray: charlotte tilbury, urban decay all nighter, both the glow and the regular matte one.
fav concealer: hourglass, nars and too faced born this way
fav blush: nars, hourglass and saie
fav setting powder: nothing beats the huda beauty one. literally nothing. huda powder plus too faced born this way concealer is a godly combo.
fav mascara: maybelline sky high or the telescopic one or the essence ones
fav bronzer: fenty/caia (amazing for darker skintones)
fav lip product: mac lip liner and fenty gloss💗 (some darker complexes need darker lipliners. try darkbrown or the shade chestnut)
hope this helped!!💗💗💗
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winxwiki · 10 months
Whitewashed classic Winx merch
I saw some people speculating that this Italy exclusive merch had to be bootleg, because all characters have fucked up skintones. These are very much official! I own some of these! Sometimes, the production process fucks up and nobody cleans it up.
Unlike post season 4 episodes of whitewashing on stock art and the tv show itself, these seem to be out of incompetence because of printing on specific materials, rather than malice (I hope...). The stock art itself has the correct colors on more traditional media, like plastic and paper.
This plaid in pile has all the skin tones messed up. Musa and Tecna are darker than Flora!
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I own this but the photo isn't mine. It's made by Novia, a well known brand and licensor with Winx.
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Another one I own, not my photo because it's not in the home I'm currently in. You can see the color palette is very limited, to the point Aisha and Flora share the same skintone, even though they obviously shouldn't. This is likely a limitation of the glass paints used (non-toxic).
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I don't have this one unfortunately... still, the photo makes it clear the color palette is limited and inaccurate. Still very official Nutella glasses!
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The In cucina con le Winx Tognana plates also have inaccurate colors for Aisha. But not on all items. Once again it seems they fucked up the colors in printing, Aisha's stock art is lightened up to hell.
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These are all official bedsheets by Novia, but as you can see the colors are messed up for everyone. Still official!
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Despite these fuck ups on fabric and porcelain, most Winx merch has always been accurate to the stock art in colors. It's mostly towels, plaids, sheets, curtains, plates and glasses that got the short end of the stick, unfortunately. Stuff that isn't produced anymore since Season 4...
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Actual bootleg products are badly traced and recolored and don't have any Winx, Rainbow or brand logos anywhere. If they actually steal stock art, they are misprinted putting skin colors where there should be clothes, uniting stock art from different seasons and have no brand regardless on the tag
The more you know!
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bebemoon · 8 months
this is gonna sound weird but i've been thinking on going ginger and i just cannot find the right tone. i have a cold skintone and am pretty pale with pink undertones and they always tell me to go more wine/burgundy but i want it to look like it just grows from my scalp, i also want to look other worldly like i want people to look at me and wonder if i'm a fae or a mermaid just not human, anyways what tones of ginger do you find pretty?
i love any shade of ginger, if im being honest. even the, i guess, "unnatural" shades of red- but since thats not what you're after, i would say that anything that contrasts nicely with a deep green is really lovely. i think a good example is lily cole's natural shade (as far as i know, she's never dyed it ?? correct me if im wrong there). i've always founder her very fae-like^^
hope this helps~
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lemontartca · 1 month
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This took me literally all day. If anyone knows good free/cheap patterns for plain tight pants and shirts for the various MH G3 body types, at this point I'm willing to abandon trying to pattern stuff myself 😅 I thought my human sewing experience would help me, but usually I just make things a bit big and continually take them in, which doesn't work very well at doll scale...
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An example of how many patterns I went through, fronts on top and backs on bottom. I also made some separate bottoms which informed the changes in the legholes from V3 to V4. I actually haven't even tried the final version of the bodysuit on the doll, I'm just kind of trusting it works because V3 mostly fit with just some awkwardness (mostly around the leg and armholes). Originally I did intend to make her bodysuit out of two different fabrics and then just draw on the small detail of her waistband, but I couldn't find any fabric that came close to the color of the top half of her bodysuit at the store, so I resigned myself to making a one-piece and "dyeing" it with fabric marker (this is why I haven't tried it on: the marker needs plenty of time to dry before putting on so it doesn't stain her) and honestly I'm glad I did because as you can see, patterning this simple bodysuit was hard enough!
The leggings look like a mess in the back. I honest don't know how they got so messed up. When I was making one leg and testing the fit, and there was always plenty of room in the back, but when I made the pair and sewed them in the front first, they came nowhere close to meeting in the back and I had to sew in a scrap to extend them. The bodysuit and cape will cover all of that, though. Technically I could have made these as legs attached to the bodysuit, this just seemed easier. It will be more accurate and if it ends up leaving a waist/seamline under the bodysuit sobeit.
I want to use patterns in the future just to cut down on the frustrating trial-and-error re-patterning, re-cutting, and resewing because that part took literal hours without enough satisfaction as a pay-off, but I am proud of what I've put together! Just burnt out on sewing, but that's fine because that phase of the project is done. All I have left for the clothes is affixing the cape to the shoulders, but right now the velcro glue is drying there in addition to the marker, so I'm waiting. I went with an unusual pattern of a bodysuit sewn up on every normal seam except the shoulders, which is where the velro is. This way I slip the bodysuit up her legs like you would with shorts. I did this because I wanted to minimize arm movements as much as possible since every one both rubs a bit of paint off and deepens the crack on her left bicep mod. Making the clothes not require any arm movement to put on seemed like the best call, and the shoulder seam will be covered up by the... shoulder pauldron things, anyway.
I'm suspecting already I might redo this doll some day, and if I do that, I'm definitely going to skip the body mods. They were a good experiment, but they were difficult to work with and necessitated me to use way more paint than I wanted to due to how different their starting color and texture was to the rest of the doll. The main reason for revisiting would be to fix the body repaint so she's a lot easier to pose/redress and I can make all her various outfits and enjoy playing with her in them. I'm definitely going to think hard about what I can do for the future body repaints in this series since most will necessitate them, but I guess I can do Mermista and Catra first in the meantime lol (I'm still holding out hope for a G3 Nefera that will make a perfect Netossa... We'll see) and for the most part I'll stick to using the doll's natural skin color for OCs/random customs.
Next steps: Wig cap, wig, pastel blushing on the body and face to color-correct her skintone and add depth, and then finishing up the faceup as I seal those layers of pastels. Once everything's sealed, I can finally dress her, so for now I'll just attach her cape tomorrow and then set them aside. Shoulder pauldrons will be made out of foam clay somewhere along the way, maybe the boots as well though I am a little stumped on them. I have no idea how to do the gloves without painting them on, which will limit her outfits since she's always wearing different ones, so for now I'm leaving them off, but eventually I might settle on a pair for her to use across outfits.
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skinnyysweets · 5 months
my bio oil trials ⚡️💧
since the start of my ed not sheeran, i've 'recovered' multiple times, causing my weight to have a rollercoaster ride
68 📉 55 📈 90 📉 75 📈 85 📉 75 (now)
which means i have tons of stretch marks, especially around my stomach and arms, most of which have faded to a beige slightly different from my skintone
i've started using bio oil yesterday in hopes to fade the darker ones and 'color correct' the faded ones
ur supposed to use it twice a day to have results in 3 months, but if i apply it daily it would be a miracle, so i'll update every once in a while (maybe with pictures, idk) to let other less-consistent people know if it's still worth it lol this shit is not cheap
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eddiediaaz · 1 year
hi, i'm trying my hand at making gifs and i was just wondering what speed you set yours at? also, do you have any like, general tips?
hello! yayy, new gifmaker, we love to see it! here are a few general tips that i could think of:
i usually set my gifs' speed at 0.05. sometimes i'll go up to 0.06 or even 0.07 if i want something a bit more slowed down
the timeline is easier to use than frame animation (imo)
work with smart objects so you can edit the sharpening whenever during the coloring process (which can affect it)
don't oversharpen, one sharpening setting doesn't always universally works for every media or even every scene of the same episode
i usually color from scratch any gif because i find that reusing the same psds for different scenes doesn't really work
always use the highest file quality possible when making screencaps
when you do screencap, capture every frame and don't skip frames, for a smoother look and feel
use the right dimensions for tumblr gifs: 540px wide for large gifs, and 268px wide for small gifs (2 gifs per row)
the curves layer has an automatic setting and it can help when you're trying to color correct something. doesn't always work perfectly, but sometimes it does the heavy lifitng
learn to use actions, they will make your giffing life easier and less repetitive
same with layer masks, they are super useful. not just for creative sets but for coloring as well
be mindful of skintones when you color (sometimes it's easy to whitewash or orangewash someone)
if you work with the timeline, make sure to use the save action here to go back to frame animation and set the right speed. if you render your gif from timeline, it will be automatically set at 0.07. only do this when your gif is done and ready to be saved.
if you are inspired by someone else's work, don't forget to link their creation in the caption
read tutorials! i often go browe @usergif's resource directory when i'm looking for a specific tutorial
don't compare yourself to others and practice practice practice. and remember that gif making should always be fun!!
this is what came to mind! i hope this helps a bit <3 and sorry if these are obvious, not sure where exactly you are in your gifmaking journey~
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dogcasino · 1 year
Hey there I'm genuinely wondering why "yellow face frisk/kris" is a problem? As an Asian person I'm just happy protagonists are heavily implied as Asian in games and in fan arts
I don't see what's the issue here can you explain what you mean
hi! i'm really happy to explain my thoughts but before that i do want to say i am white and i do not want to tell you how to feel about this. if you still feel happy or take away a positive perspective from this, that's great! my perspective is based on what other asian people have said on the subject as well as what i know of historical racism against asian people and how that has manifested in art (specifically in the US, where undertale was made).
so firstly, i don't actually think frisk or kris were Intended to be asian by toby and i think it would be fairly upsetting with how their current designs are if they were. in my understanding, their designs resembling yellowface caricatures was an unfortunate coincidence, which was pointed out by fans with the hopes that there would be some form of course correction or acknowledgement that making a character with bright yellow skin, a brown bowlcut, and squinted eyes is, not ideal. instead, the design motifs (barring the eyes) were repeated in deltarune. people take issue with them because yellowface historically has not been used to represent asian people with kind intentions- i bring up US history because when i think of yellowface some prominent examples i think of are anti-japanese propaganda from WWII which led to the establishment of concentration camps for japanese americans and art in support of the chinese exclusion act targeting chinese immigrant laborers to keep them from being able to work in the US. both of these had real, horrible impacts on asian americans and the depictions of asian americans in art during these eras were reflections of the intentions to do harm to and dehumanize asian americans. because of the harmful past of these caricatures, i feel like many don't see kris and frisk's resemblance to them to be representation, but instead a hurtful accident that intentionally or not references a visual tool that has been used to harm asian people in the past and present on a political scale.
i think it would be amazing for frisk and kris to be asian but i think there would have been a better way to accomplish that than giving them unnatural skintones and making them resemble these caricatures. i don't intend to strip any potential asian identity from them by asking that people in the safeutdr tag draw them in natural skintones, and i believe many people do actually draw them as asian in the tag! i would also like to invite anyone else with thoughts on the matter to chime in, especially anyone who is also asian like anon. this is worth talking about and the last thing i want to do is say "i'm right so shut up" haha.
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