#(and Lorule too in a way)
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minecraft · 3 months ago
I think it'd be funny if Nintendo just threw everyone for a loop and released L.o.Z.: Breath of the Wild II, making it more of a direct continuation of events and basically said that T.o.t.K. is an alternate timeline much like Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity
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rawliverandgoronspice · 8 months ago
I just thought.
Impa in the Downfall Timeline more or less "becomes hylian" as far as we can tell, as Sheikahs are no longer a discernable feature of Hyrule (chronologically in the game releases: not yet a feature) and she kind of melts into her role as a servant, represented far more often as a simple wetnurse or an old helpless lady... And I think it's kind of interesting when we see how TotK was seemingly in the process of assimilating Sheikah culture. Is this a thing that happened already? Does it become literal, mandated by gods like the whole shtick with the gerudo ears representing their alignment regarding Hyrule? I don't know, I think it's particularly interesting to think about in the context of the zoras becoming largely monstrous and unrecognizably hostile in contrast. I feel like part of Hyrule's patterns is to process people relative to their proximity or distance to hylians, and it's. Weird and interesting to take this literally if you're into quiet folk/gothic/religious horror at least
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waywardsalt · 7 months ago
i think more loz dungeons should’ve done what the ice ruins did and just give you the boss key right out the gate as proof of how fucked you are
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mirensiart · 3 months ago
you’ve heard about linksmeet aus before, but today I bring you a LINKLES MEET AU
basically, an au that asks the question of: what if each Link had a Linkle counterpart? The Linkles don’t necessarily share a spirit, but they do share one thing, aka GETTING LOST! So lost in fact they end up in different eras lmao what’s better than this, just gals being pals trying to find their way back home amiright lmao
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it all starts with Fauna (botw/totk!Linkle) following a story about Zelda’s whereabouts for the Lucky Clover Gazette and falling down a suspicious portal accidentally. She ends up in another era and another time, and pairs up with the local Linkle to find a way back home (though jumping through time will absolutely make a great story for the Lucky Clover!) what happens next will (not) surprise you (they get lost again and find themselves in another era, find the local Linkle and…rinse and repeat lmao)
👇 small notes and translation of their names down below 👇
they’re all sapphics cause like, I’m sapphic and I say so lol
the OG Linkle aka the one from hyrule warriors, is nicknamed atenea
fauna has no idea her coworker (botw/totk!link) is THE link everyone is looking for, cause I think it’s funny that he has the Tony Hawk syndrome lmao
hada dies to ganondorf’s forces while protecting oot!zelda in all timelines except the child timeline
brisa hates ww!link’s guts and refers to him as her sworn arch nemesis but it’s all one sided cause ww!link couldn’t care less about her lmao he keeps finding rare treasure and getting his hands on treasure maps, ITS NOT FAIR !
rosa is like brock from pokemon aka her eyes are always closed lmao
ocaso has a bitch resting face but is actually a sweetheart, she feeds the cats in castle town every day
linka is a traveling merchant in hyrule, while rava travels lorule. they both have had encounters with ravio in lorule/hyrule and hate him, they’re competitors lol the hatred is mutual though ravio hates them too since they keep stealing Mr Hero’s patronage from him lol
I like to imagine peregrina has stumbled upon loz/al!link a couple of times but has no idea who he is, like just a weird traveling kid lmao
alma likes trains and aspires to be a royal engineer like st!link but she also dreams of eventually being the captain of a steamboat lol
ever since she split, colores talks in plural sometimes
capa is mc!link’s cousin aka they both have the same grandpa :)
the translations of their names are:
Cielo = sky
Capa = cape
Hada = fairy
Rosa = rose or pink
Brisa = breeze
Ocaso = twilight
Linka is just Linka lol same with Rava
Colores = colors
Alma = spirit or soul
Fauna = same in English
Peregrina = pilgrim
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wishyoudwell · 8 days ago
Theres often talk about Legends trauma and how he tries to distance from his emotions, how his experiences have affected him, and in turn I also like to think about how Ravio operates with his own trauma. This might sound pretty silly but I think both of them are equally as terrible at dealing with their issues. Ravio is still Links counterpart after all, and I'm more than sure he's gone through a fair share of things, especially hailing from Lorule. There's just differences in how they handle it. While Legend is often written to be repressing his trauma and keeping himself tight under lock and key, Ravio seems to be pretty casual about mentioning bad happenings. It kinda feels as if Ravio would make light of his own trauma, hardships or bad experiences before quickly brushing them off/playing them off as jokes. He sort of does this ingame, after all? The way he says it makes you unable to take him seriously, but when you really think about what he's saying...
"Finally, no more sleeping in the wild. Tough world out there, you know?" "But—! But—! But aren't we buddies? You'd kick me out? Into that cruel, cruel world out there? Please? You don't know what it's like trying to get some shut-eye with all those creepy-crawlies!"
You could argue that he's only saying this to garner sympathy and pity from Link. But since he escaped Lorule without knowing if he could ever even return....yeahhh, I think there's a lot of truth here. Casually hinting at how he he had to sleep outside while worrying about being left defenseless to monsters... I don't think Ravio really lies (much). He's just pretty good at omitting information. He's also really good at playing a character. Ravio also says some pretty weird and mildly concerning stuff once he's "in retirement" and being all philosophical on Links floor.
"I always thought sleeping all day would be fun. But now I think I'd miss breakfast and lunch, right? Yeah, I've got a new outlook on life, and it's all thanks to you, Mr. Hero!"
"For a long time, I believed that if you put your ear to the ground, you'd hear the world's heart beating. That the world just goes on living, whether you were there or not. Weird, right? And sorta sad. So I've been listening here for a while, and you know the only heart I've heard? Mine! I couldn't be happier. Ha! I've got a new outlook on life, and it's all thanks to you, Mr. Hero!"
"You know, whenever I used to just lounge around... I would think how I'm just a tiny speck in a great, big world. And I still believe that I'm a teeny, tiny, little speck in a world that's SO much bigger than I ever thought! But even a speck can change the world if he puts his heart into it. I've got a new outlook on life, and it's all thanks to you, Mr. Hero!"
"I've never really had the time to take a lot of naps before. The world looks so different from here! Sometimes just changing your perspective is the key to... well, to everything! I've got a new outlook on life, and it's all thanks to you, Mr. Hero!"
"When I look at you, Mr. Hero, I now realize that just about anything is possible if you put heart into it. Ha! Seems like it's about time for me to decide where to put MY heart!"
It's a lot of fun, trying to imagine what the future holds. Ha! I've got a new outlook on life, and it's all thanks to you, Mr. Hero!
One thing that does become pretty evident though is how Links presence and the land of Hyrule itself seems to have had a really positive and healthy influence on Ravio and his psyche. He appears to have been a lot more somber before, but meeting Link and experiencing his courage firsthand has helped Ravio grow too, to the point he was able to develop a happier, positive outlook on life. Meanwhile you could argue that Legends become more bitter overtime on his outlook on life the more adventures he has to go through (lol). Hmm...yeah, I didn't really have anywhere specific I was going with this. It's just another interesting parallel to me how Legends personality and portrayal would clash with his counterparts. They're interesting to me, they compliment and play off each other well...they process and experience life so similarly yet differently...
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weepingtalecowboy · 2 months ago
The answer to legend’s eye color would be ‘yes’ (four conspiracy theorized too much and completely missed the obvious answer)
I heard the argument about legend's eye color
But that gave me a hilarious idea
Fanfic prompt :
Legend's eye color changes depending on magic circumstances
It is red if there is prominent dark magic actually surrounding him (lorule , dark world , twilight realm , etc)
It is blue when he is in an area with a lot of light magic because it is strong enough to nullify or repress the effects of dark magic (sacred realm, fairy fountain near a light guardian)
And violet when both magic sources are around but prone to changing depending on how much of what magic is around ( Hyrule kingdom by default)
And green when he is near a water source or actually wet because the mermaid curse is pretty green looking in the oracle game and even more prone to changing
And depending upon who he is close to it also gets influenced (like with Hyrule he has blue eyes or violet, with twilight because of the twilight shard red eyes or violet , with sky blue eyes again, with warriors, time and wind violet eyes and if it is raining he has green eyes)
So image what sort of reaction four would have if he sees legend's eye colors rotate that way (green, red , violet and blue)
He freaked the hell out because legend mentioned that he retrieved the four sword once
And he very inconspicuously (it was not inconspicuous no matter how much Vio is in denial about it) tries to conspiracy theorist through it
But it is barely noticeable that they stay consistent because how the chain is close together anyway if you don’t search for it
Like he will have violet eyes then twilight would run up and they go red and sky and hyrule join as well so now they are blue and then he takes a sip of water and they go green then twilight moves away a bit and they go back to violet or blue
And if they fight monsters they are usually red or violet
This made four think that legend's colors are different from his in temperament
Legend's red obviously seems more like a fighter than four's (that kinda annoyed blue that his color rarely shows up in battle but when Hyrule and legend are being cuddly guess what , blue is there )
Legend's violet is way to social in comparison to four's (and much more snarky as well but that is just because he always has violet eyes when he and warriors interact , hyrule and sky tend to leave them to their teasing)
And legend's green seems to badly be around for anything but a meal or a break (soup is their only kind off meals so obviously his eyes turn green over water heavy stuff and also them messing around in rivers)
And how fast legend seem to change from one to another color is really worrying to four because that must be exhausting and confusing to pass around control this often without stopping once for an actual duration of time
And he tries to teach legend how to use the four sword but he having heavy trauma keeps pushing away lessons (I still decades later never recovered from the fight against the dark colors it is genuinely harder to beat then ganon )
So four tries to even harder
(While completely missing the fact that legend in fact cannot use the four sword (as it is pretty much useless in link to the past) nor has he ever used it)
Four tries so aggressively to bond with his probably successor that it makes twilight’s desperate attempts to connect with time look like nothing
He wants to fix this mess of a four sword user as soon as he can but legend actually has to trust him with the four sword stuff (which legend obviously wants to take to his grave for entirely different reasons because damn he killed the little guy and four seems to know that and it makes him feel horrible that four actually is such a nice person , why must he be so insistent on knowing what happened to the four sword)
So they dance around each other so aggressively that even wild and twilight find it impossible (a real pot , kettle situation they are totally not Better)
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alinkthroughtheages · 7 months ago
Altta Link & Ravio reference sheet + notes
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I finally got around to make a somewhat presentable reference sheet for these two. These outfits haven’t been properly shown in the comic yet, but they will very soon :D
Sorry abt how messy these doodles are :,) More notes below the cut
Ravio’s merchant attire is also what can be considered his “casual clothes”, and the robe is actually the same overcoat as he puts on in this panel (I made some changes to the colors that will stay consistent from now on). It may be worn as just a normal coat, or styled with a belt as shown above. It also has a hood with an embroidered “bunny face” that isn’t shown here
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I have an old “outfit guide” for Ravio that’s more or less the same as the final version, except the length of his hair. Here
Another thing I want to talk about is Link’s hair! It’s pink at the tips even though it’s been many years since ALTTP. This will be explained more in detail later on, but long story short Lorule has… some similarities to the Dark World.
This one was probably obvious, but the staff Ravio is using is indeed the one Yuga had in ALBW. In ALTTA it’s called the Color Rod!
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Here are some rough first sketches of ALBW-era Link and Ravio
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Edit/some more random details: Ravio’s scarf used to be a normal, very long scarf that he wore wrapped around his neck in a way that left two “tails” down his back, somewhat resembling bunny ears? After the events of ALBW he got the opportunity to redesign/“upcycle” it so that it drapes differently. Idk anything about sewing, but Ravio loves to sew and is good at it too!
Link definitely wears at least chainmail under his tunic, I was just too lazy to draw it properly. With my limited knowledge of how armor works, I suppose it would go between his red undershirt and the green tunic
Link’s master sword (?) Is based on the one from ALTTP even though he wields many different swords and the blue version of the master sword in later games..
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minas-linkverse · 1 month ago
Director's commentary: Guard at the gates Full update <-
I established in my analysis of the update "Tipping" that Legend and Ravio are showing the first signs of getting along in these updates, but just like in that update: Ravio is the punching bag again.
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This is for a bigger purpose, even if I did highly enjoy drawing his petty suffering. (Sorry, Rav.) That purpose being Hilda! She gets very little screentime in this arc, but is also vital for the story. So I did my best to squeeze AS Much preparation for her appearance as I could. Of course any ALBW fan reading the comic knows that going to Lorule Castle means Hilda will be there, but I don't want to rely just on people's prior knowledge of the franchise.
So! I set up the banishment as a way to establish Ravio and her connection better, the fact she seemed to overreact to Ravio vanishing for a little bit, and very importantly: That Ravio is even more determined to go see her learning this. This way we already have some idea of their possible dynamic long before Hilda appears in the comic.
It also makes her actual appearance more exciting! Cause the viewer has been waiting for it! It's what she deserves 💛
Anyway, to focus on the comic itself!
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Azzy! Also known as "Thief Girl" in game. It felt wrong for her not to have a name, so I slipped one in there. I like to think that Link is the one who suggested hiring her as a guard for the castle. She was likely one of the first people besides the triforce gang to open her heart to the idea of positive change in Lorule.
Also she had some sass in game so I had to keep it in. She may be doing honest work now but she ein't a bore.
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Azzy was going to let them in regardless of Ravio not being on the list, she just wanted to see what'd happen if she messed around a bit. It's entertainin'.
...Another reason she was going to let Ravio in regardless, is that Azzy cares about Hilda quite a lot and could tell that her banishing Ravio was probably not a choice she made in her right mind. She was hoping that Ravio would go in and fix the situation where she couldn't.
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Although Ravio reassures Azzy, the last few panels of the update are purposefully a major tonal shift from earlier.
We're at the castle, it's time to face Hilda, and Ravio is nervous. The goofy tone hasn't just been to give the reader a breather, it's an example of Ravio distracting himself of what's ahead. He can't do that anymore, as in the next update Hilda makes her appearance.
It's meant to be kind of a parallel to the game too. Ravio's been gone for unknown reasons, Hilda's spiraling, and he's gathering courage he didn't know he had to face her and hopefully make everything okay. Altho, even without that context it should be an interesting scene... I tried, at least!
Finally there's what Ravio says: "I'll make sure of it." This is foreshadowing to the dynamic that Hilda and Ravio are shown to have in the next update: Codepdency. The two may be incredibly close, but they've also been the only people they've been able to rely on for far too long. Ravio truly in this moment believes it's his duty to make Hilda feel better, and that he is the only one who can.
Also Leg is there. Doing Leg things.
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portraitofalinkonfyre · 6 months ago
Burning Love
Chapter 5
Main Masterlist | Fic Masterlist | Previous Chapter | Next Chapter
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The rest of the chain was outside by the time you managed to waddle downstairs, huddled around a cooking pot with Wild at the helm for breakfast.
"(Y/n)!" Wind greeted, waving you over with his bandaged arm, drawing the other's attention. You waved groggily, plopping down next to the youngest hero on a nearby log. "Is Four okay, we haven't seen him yet."
"You say that like we haven't been hearing him," Legend muttered with a scowl. You were too tired to defend Four's honor, so you just waved off the pantless hero with a scowl of your own.
"Well, he's alive."
"Legend, I swear to Hylia—"
"OKay!" Warriors cut off your impending insult with a loud clap of his hands. "We'll continue this when everyone's had coffee, yeah?"
"Great plan," you shot him a thumbs up while Legend muttered something ineligible in the background. Wild materialized behind you with a cup of steaming goodness, handing it over wordlessly. "You're the man, Wild."
"I'm the man," he parroted, returning your high-five with the speed of a shooting arrow.
"So," Twilight interjected and the seriousness of the conversation instantly increased. "He's cleared for travel?"
"More or less," you sipped your coffee and felt a bit more Hylian than you did a minute ago. "I still haven't figured out what's going on with him," you paused, an idea hitting you harder than Wind's windhammer. "Time, didn't you mention a library being here?"
"The Town Archive," the oldest hero intoned, expression contemplative as he mulled over your idea. "I've visited it once before, but it's certainly old enough to have some information."
"It sounds like the best place to start," Sky joined the conversation with a hum. "We don't know how dangerous his ailment is, or even what it is, for that matter."
"I agree," said Hyrule, turning his curious gaze to Time. "How many books do you think it holds?"
"Hundreds, I'm sure," Time answered, tone curiously wistful, and if you weren't drooling at the thought of all that literature, you sure were when Wild passed you a bowl of egg-fried rice. He looked up with a resigned expression. "Four, how kind of you to join us."
You glanced back quick enough to watch Four half-stumble down the stairs, shuffling over in a distinct rendition of Wind's impression of a 'penguin'. "Good morning to you too, old man," he plopped down beside you and accepted Wild's procured bowl of rice with a grateful hum. "Where's my coffee?"
"You're too young to be drinking that," Legend replied, taking a very loud, very obnoxious sip of his own.
Four cocked his head, puzzled. "I'm am?"
"And I'm the Queen of Lorule."
"...You're not?"
"That's... unfortunate."
"Anyways, what were we talking about?"
"You, short stack," said Warriors. "We were about to ask if you wanted to stay behind and recuperate?"
"Why would I?"
Warriors deadpanned. "You're not exactly at one-hundred percent, and someone's got to protect (Y/n)—"
"Um, rude," you crossed your arms over your chest, your spoon sticking out of your mouth like a pipe. "Bold of you to assume I'm not coming with."
"Jeez, tough crowd..."
"You're tough," you retorted before realizing that wasn't the insult you'd been hoping for. "Anyways, the library might be our only shot at helping you, Four," you said, bumping shoulders and ignoring the withering gaze Twilight sent the shorter hero. "And! Books!"
"Can't miss out on that," the blacksmith responded with a grin.
"It seems we've come to an agreement," Time observed. "We leave in ten," he paused at Wind's puppy dog eyes, sighed, and somehow managed to look five years older. "...or when Wind has finished his breakfast."
Everyone cheered as Wind brought his spoon to his mouth in slow motion.
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The town archive was unlike anything you'd seen before. Tall and imposing, its shadows towered way over your approaching group. Four's side was warm against your bare arm as you led him forward, not for lack of trust, but after seeing him wobble down the inn stairs, you were taking no chances.
"Woah," Four breathed. "It's bigger than my old forge."
"Are you sure? You're not pulling my leg?"
"I think you'd know if I was pulling your leg."
"I hate you both," muttered Legend, and you didn't need to see his face to feel his undoubtedly dark glare burning holes into your back.
"Aw, let them be," Wind came to your rescue. He looked at you and winked. "He's just upset because he had to listen to some couple flirt last night."
"Sorry, we," he amended sassily. "had to listen to some couple flirt last night."
"...Was it good?" You asked with mounting terror.
"Not at all, but we're not allowed to talk about that."
"For good reason," Legend hissed. "It was the worst thing I've had the displeasure of hearing, and I've listened to Wind snoring."
"We're here," Time announced, and you'd never been more grateful for a subject change.
The heavy wooden doors creaked open, the rusty metal plaque on the right one glinting softly in the sunlight. Squinting with all your might, you managed to make the scrawled lettering out to be "Town Archive", which was about as accurate as you could get here.
The group shuffled in, and you were instantaneously impressed at the impossibly large bookshelves lining every veritable wall, closing in on the lectern in the center in ordered rows. "Wow," you said in awe, deftly release of Four to peruse the massive directory on said lecture. Your hands glided the leather cover of the colossal book, only pausing to sneeze when you opened it and a cloud of dust shot forth. Most of the boys had begun to scatter, chatting individually about what they hoped to find—though you were sorely tempted to scream that libraries didn't have Lizalfo talons when you heard Wild make that particular quip—but Twilight, Time, and Four remained silently by the entrance.
"How many trees you reckon it takes to make a book that big?" Twilight asked in a hushed tone.
"More than one," was Four's response. "A big one... or four small ones."
Your eye twitched at the nonsensical exchange, but you forced yourself to refocus on the directory.
"...Why are you like this?" Time sounded as exasperated as you felt.
Your pointer finger traced down the 'D' list, eyes scanning over every title with fading interest. You had already searched over ten pages, and not a single thing had stood out among the dizzying selection. It was beginning to seem that you would never find an answer to the conundrum, which was as painful as it was maddening. As a medic, it was your sworn duty to help the sick, even more when the sick person in question was your dear friend, and you were determined to not add to your list of regrets.
Until you flipped to a random page, seconds from burying your head in your hands, and something finally caught your eye.
"I found it!"
"Found what?" Four appeared at your side almost instantaneously, flanked by Time and Twilight.
You tapped the scrawled title with a blossoming grin. "'The Complete Guide To Hyrule's Races'!"
"That sounds promising," Time's expression was curious. "Do you think you can find it?"
"I can try," you shut the book, the pages thudding together with a thud of finality. "The directory said it should be on the second shelf in one of the back rows, so I'll start there."
The heroes bade you good luck as you headed off in search of your prize. Twilight grunted softly as soon as your cape fluttered from view. "Ya know yer only diggin' yourself into a bigger hole, right?"
"Huh?" Four's face was the picture of confusion, but Twilight knew it was all a ruse.
"Don't play dumb," he chided. "Ya haven't given it any thought?"
Four's gaze flicked between the two heroes, and Time, who looked as though he had seen enough, motioned them to one of the quieter corners of the library. "Now," the older hero's gaze felt like a piercing beam. "What's this all about?"
Twilight snorted, tossing his head in Four's direction. "Wouldn't be about nothin' if he would man up already."
Time stared at the smaller hero, clearly demanding an answer with the sheer force of his mind alone. Too bad that Four didn't feel like passing out details of his (nonexistent) sex life like they were candy.
"It's no one's business, old man," he crossed his arms over his chest, expression a nigh-perfect recreation of Legend's resting-bitch face. "And that's final."
"It's only goin' to get worse," Twilight ran a hand down his face, eyes turned to the ceiling in a plea for divine intervention. "An' it's that medic's business, too."
"What about (Y/n)?" Time's gaze hardened protectively; the old man cared for you and it showed clearer than day on his scarred face. "Four."
"Don't," the smithy fixed him with an unusually harsh glare. Time's working eye narrowed; something was amiss and he was determined to find it. "You're not part of this, none of you are."
"So ya admit it's a problem?" Twilight interjected.
"No!" Four snapped. He sighed, running a hand through his hair. "I need more time, you can't expect me to..."
"We aren't expecting you to do anything," Time said slowly, looking equal parts ready to throttle someone and offer one of them a hug, just as Twilight muttered under his breath: "'cept what's right for ya and that medic."
Four bristled. "It's not like that."
"It could be."
"I can't— you have no idea about any of this," the smithy's face was growing redder and redder, irises flashing blue, as he growled. "S-So stay out of it!"
"Oh, we have some idea," Twilight shot back. "Don't tell me ya've forgotten our conversation?"
Four's expression twisted in discomfort, but it was quickly replaced by annoyance. "How could I forget?" he snarked. "You know they're not—"
A memory of last night flashed in his mind's eye, but Four dismissed it; there was no way you saw him... like that, he wanted to scream. You were just too nice for your own good. He tried not to think of the way your gaze roved his body when he undressed, chalking it up to misplaced curiosity. How could you want him when there were so many other options, as much as it pained him to think it?
"—it's fine, I'm going outside."
Twilight opened his mouth to fire back, only pausing when Time laid a hand on the rancher's shoulder, shaking his head with a somewhat defeated expression. Twilight huffed, but held his tongue.
Until cheery footsteps broke through the silence and your head peeked around a nearby bookshelf. You grinning vibrantly when you caught sight of them, and it was the most beautiful thing Four had seen in his life. "There you are, I can't believe you all disappeared on me like that!"
"Sorry," Four said rather sheepishly. His gaze snapped to the crumpled sheet of paper in your right hand. "What's that?"
You shrugged, holding it out for him to examine. Twilight shifted closer, subtly sniffing with a look of barely disguised interest. "I thought notes from a scholar would be more useful than a textbook, is all."
"It was a textbook?" Time questioned, and you made a face.
"Unfortunately," you grimaced harder. "I've seen enough of those things to last a few lifetimes."
"We can tell," Twilight observed, tipping his head to the barely legible symbols covering the page. Four wrinkled his nose, slightly miffed at the unfamiliar language. "Can ya read it?"
"A bit," you answered. "It's written in ancient Hylian."
"Ancient, huh?" Twilight leveled a knowing look in Four's direction. The shorter hero growled and shoved at his chest, and the rancher surrendered with a guffaw. "Ah'right, ah'right!"
"Do I even want to know?" you deadpanned.
"Fuck!" came Wild's distinct screech, and you nearly tripped over yourself rushing to the source of the noise. Four moved to follow, but halted when Time's hand sealed around his wrist.
"Let me go."
"What is it, exactly, that you are afraid of?"
Four's eyes narrowed. "I'm not afraid."
"Ya are," Twilight joined the fray with a jaded frown.
Four tried yanking his arm away, but Time's grip held true. "What do you know? It's not like you—"
"Wrong," the rancher interrupted tersely. "'M trying to help ya because I am the only one."
Four froze. Surely he couldn't be implying...
"Don't give me that look," Twilight drew closer, towering over the smithy with a distinct wildness in his usually calm eyes. "Ya never thought ta' question why I leave fer a week every six months, or why I don't go off alone with yer little medic?"
"Y-You don't like (Y/n)?" Four was at a complete loss for words as the realization hit him harder than one of Wild's bombs. "How—"
"This ain't about me," Twilight's tone took on a distinct snarl that had Four wondering how he hadn't connected the dots in the first place. "It's about you and yer problem with makin' things easy on yerself. Ya think distance will make everythin' fine an' dandy? I can promise ya, it won't."
"You can only deny yer nature for so long," there was a distinct sliver of regret in the older hero's tone that made Four wonder what exactly the rancher had experienced to look that way. "An' once it's gone, you're never going to get it back."
All heads turned to you, and Four felt the inexplicable urge to gather you in his arms and never let go. Until he noticed your panicked expression and lack of paper. "Come on," you urged hurriedly. "We've got to get the hell out of here."
"What happened?" asked Time, beating Four by a millisecond.
Your expression turned grave. "Lizalfos,"
"In the library?!"
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Sigh. He'll get it eventually. ALSO Twi, you dog!
Just as a disclaimer, I've never played OOT so I have no idea if the term 'town archive' even exists in their world, but I'm going to pretend it does for the sake of the smut.
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twink-between-worlds · 8 months ago
when the sun loves the moon
this ravioli fic is brought 2 u by chappell roan's "Hot To Go". the ao3 writer curse hit us btw. our hand is broken lol. this is so fucking long i dont know what happened it was supposed to be short.....
ao3 link; x
Legend hums, messing with the bracelet around his wrist. Not Ravio’s one—that one is far too thick for him to be able to fiddle with it easily—but a different, smaller one on the other wrist.
The second one—the one he’s playing with—is much smaller and simpler. It’s made of black rope, and has a small golden charm attached to it in the shape of a sun.
Ravio brought it back from Lorule after one of his visits. There was a moon-shaped one, too, but Ravio has that one. Legend doesn’t mind. He thinks the sun-bracelet is pretty.
He doesn’t really know why Ravio gave it to him, though. He just kind of showed up back home, gave Legend the bracelet, and never talked about it. It was a little weird, but this is Ravio. There is nothing about that man that isn’t weird.
That thought is nothing but fond.
He kinda misses him. He always does. Doesn’t matter how many times he’s had to travel and leave Ravio behind—he always misses him.
Deep down somewhere inside his chest is a part of him that’s scared that Ravio will be gone by the time he comes back.
He does his best to ignore it. Ravio wouldn’t leave without telling him—he knows that much.
“Your bracelet’s pretty,”Hyrule hums quietly, watching the veteran mess with it as they walk. “Where’d you get it?”
“Oh, uh. It was a gift.”Legend explains with a shrug. “Ravio brought it back from Lorule. He’s got the other one.”
“Other one?”
“It came in a set. The other one’s got a moon on it.”
“You and Ravio have fucking couple bracelets?”Four pipes up, and Legend goes a little quiet. A couple bracelet? No way, they’re not even together. Ravio doesn’t like Legend that way, and Legend doesn’t like Ravio that way either.
Or, well, he doesn’t think he does? It’s a little confusing and Legend doesn’t have time to unpack all that. He’ll probably never have the time to unpack that mess. It’s the emotional equivalent of moving all the things from his storage-shed around—lots of effort and very messy, best to just not do.
So he shakes his head with a snort. “No, Four, that’s not what they are. Rav’s literally just my roommate.”
Four doesn’t look convinced in the slightest. Honestly, Legend can’t even find it in him to be annoyed about that. He knows he and Ravio are a little weird, to the point that even his own sister thought they were dating for a while.
He wants to say she was just being hopeful and that she didn’t seriously think that he and Ravio were together.
“Don’t look at me like that,”Legend rolls his eyes. “It’s just a bracelet, Four. Nothing special.”
Four just snorts at him. “Sure.”
He decides that he isn’t going to respond to Four anymore. Why should he? Four’s just being dumb anyways.
“Why a sun?”Hyrule tilts his head, curious. 
“I think Rav just gave me this one cause the charm is gold. The moon one is silver.”Legend shrugs. He never gets explanations as to why Ravio does things, and the reasoning behind the specifics of the bracelet is no exception, so really he’s just guessing.
The healer nods along with the explanation. Pauses for a second, then, “How long’ve you been friends for?”
Wonderful question—Legend doesn’t know. He can’t remember when he’d started welcoming the other man’s presence, when he stopped getting annoyed by the other being there. He doesn’t know how, or when, Ravio became something akin to home.
That thought catches him off guard, just a bit. He thinks Ravio is home, now? That’s…definitely a new development.
“A while,”He starts with a shrug, ignoring his own mind as he regards the other hero. “Known him for about five years now.”He thinks so, anyway. How old is he, again? He thinks 19, might be 18 though. He’ll ask someone else when he can.
“Is he your best friend then?”
Legend could laugh at that idea. He doesn’t. Instead, he just shakes his head. “No. He isn’t my best friend. That title belongs to someone else, and she really is not willing to share it.”
He did bring it up to Styla once; not about Ravio, specifically, but just in general. She got all pouty and dramatic at the idea of sharing the best friend title, so he’s never really tried that since.
It’s not like it matters a whole lot. He never really had anyone in mind the first time he brought it up, and he doesn’t exactly have anyone in mind now either.
Or, well…okay. Maybe he does. But he’s taking it to his grave. Legend is never telling Four that they’re on the same level as his current best friend.
It’d probably go to their head.
The conversation dies, Legend thinks. Admittedly, he isn’t paying much attention anymore, so they could still be trying to talk to him and he’s just not listening enough to hear.
He wonders how Ravio’s doing. In his last letter, he mentioned that summer must bring out the hero aspiration in people, so business is probably good for the merchant right now. The other is likely ecstatic about it. 
Ravio said the orchard is looking good. He collected the honey from the beehive, too, but he hasn’t sold any of it. Didn’t want to in case Legend wanted to keep it. He’d told him to keep two jars, and that he can sell whatever was left. No point keeping all of it when the two can make a profit.
He knows for a fact that Ravio hasn’t actually touched the orchard, either—he never does. He knows better. Ravio just…doesn’t do it right, it drives Legend a little bit insane, so he learned to just not do it.
Maybe it’s a little mean, and a little weird, but Ravio hasn’t directly complained about it, so Legend guesses that it’s fine, since Ravio is often vocal about things he isn’t happy with. It’s surprisingly a good thing that Ravio likes to complain—it lets Legend know what’s wrong and what needs work.
Legend wonders if Ravio’s sneezing every five seconds now that it’s summer over there again. He always does it, so realistically he knows the answer is yes, but he doesn’t exactly have real proof of it happening right now.
He really just kinda wants to go home.
“You okay?”A voice snaps Legend out of his thoughts, and he turns slightly to see Sky walking with him. Four and Hyrule wandered off at some point, it seems.
“Mhmm,”The veteran hums in response, because what is there to say? He can’t tell Sky the whole truth cause he’ll get all weird and start thinking Legend is into Ravio or something too, like everyone else.
“You’re, um, playing with your bracelet a lot,”Sky notes gently, “Are you missing home?”
Legend doesn’t miss a beat as he nods, still toying with the bracelet’s charm. “It’s been way too fucking long,”He mumbles with a frown.
Sky doesn’t say anything about Legend’s previous claims of preferring life on the road. Hell, he probably knows that Legend’s home is a person rather than a place. He doesn’t say anything about that, though. Instead, he hums softly and places his arm around Legend’s shoulders. “I get it. I miss Skyloft a lot.”
Legend wants to make a comment about him really missing Sun, but he doesn’t say it for two reasons. The first, and most important, being because it would set Sky off on another ramble about her.
The second is more confusing. He’d feel hypocritical if he said anything, and Legend might be a lot of things but he doesn’t like being a hypocrite. He’s not 100% sure why he’d feel like one, but he has a vague idea that it’s because of his own current issue of missing Ravio.
It’s different, though. Legend doesn’t like Ravio the way Sky likes Sun. He doesn’t. 
“Is it new?”Sky hums, reaching over and gently holding Legend’s hand so he can look at the bracelet better. “I don’t think I’ve seen it before.”
It’s not exactly new, not really, but…he guesses he hasn’t really let anyone see it, so the assumption isn’t baseless. Usually he just has it hidden under his sleeve. “Sorta. I mean, I’ve…had it for a while, but only started wearing it a little while ago,”Legend mumbles with a shrug. 
The chain never really needed to know about it. It isn’t magic—just a regular bracelet—so there was no reasoning for letting them know it exists. He isn’t gonna sit down and tell them every accessory he has—they’d be there forever just on his piercings alone.
Sky nods along with Legend’s words, a soft smile on his face. Legend’s not really sure what he’s smiling about. Then, “Wanna tell me about them?”
Legend shoots him a look.
Sky takes it like he has to elaborate. “The person who gave you the bracelet. What’re they like?”
“Dad.”Legend complains, rolling his eyes. “It’s just Ravio. You know him.”
“Oh! You and Ravio are—”
“Slow your roll,”Legend cuts him off with a huff. “No. Ravio is just my roommate.”
“Oh.”Sky pauses, then frowns. He looks genuinely confused. “Really? But you two are so cute together.”
“Ugh, dad, come on.”The veteran rolls his eyes, face tinting slightly pink. 
“What? You are!”Sky insists with a pout. “I think the nicknames are adorable,”
Legend wants the ground to swallow him whole. “They’re mortifying, actually.”
“He calls you honeybee. That’s so cute.”Sky ruffles Legend’s hair. “The whole ‘bunny and rabbit’ thing you two’ve got going on is adorable, too.”
Legend falls silent. Hm. So Sky’s heard that. Shit. Legend thought he was being careful enough.
“You weren’t…supposed to notice that…”Legend confesses after a brief moment, ears tilted downwards from the embarrassment. He didn’t think anyone was around when he called Ravio ‘rabbit’. 
Being wrong is not a great feeling.
Sky just giggles about it. Giggles, right in front of Legend. He notices that Legend goes even more red, and just smiles more. “Awh—hey! It’s okay, you don’t have to be embarrassed. You know, I have more embarrassing nicknames for my Zelda!”
That doesn’t really make anything better, but Legend appreciates the fact that Sky at least made an attempt at comfort.
“Whatever,”Legend mumbles after a moment, “It’s not the same as yours and mama's nicknames.”
Sky hums. Legend has the idea that Sky doesn’t believe him. That idea is only solidified as Sky responds with a simple, “I’m sure.”
Legend chooses to ignore him now, too. Seriously, what’s up with them? It’s just a bracelet. It isn’t even the first gift Ravio’s ever given him.
Ravio gives him a lot of gifts, actually. Legend can’t offer much in return — Ravio doesn’t exactly have any piercings, nor does he really wear that much jewellery. All Legend can do to show appreciation for the gifts is cooking for him whenever he’s home.
Ravio says that it’s enough. Legend doesn’t particularly agree, but he doesn’t have anything else, so he just sticks to what he knows. He’s started learning how to cook Lorulean dishes too, for when Ravio’s missing Lorule. The hero’s never actually tried making one of those yet, but he’s got a cookbook that he’s been reading. If he can memorise the recipes, he’ll have an easier time when it comes to making them.
He hasn’t told Ravio about that part yet. Doesn’t know how Ravio would even react to that. He wouldn’t be upset by it, he doesn’t think. He’d probably get too affectionate about it, though. Every time Legend does something that Ravio really likes, the merchant gets weird and doesn’t leave him alone for a little while. Always keeps close to him for at least a day or two afterwards.
Ravio never explained it ; Legend never asked.
It’s just one of those unwritten things about them. There’s a long, mental list that Legend has that’s just filled with unwritten things that Ravio does. Ravio has a written list about things Legend does. He knows because he found it while cleaning up their room. …he’s pretty observant, but Legend supposes that it’s hard to miss things when you share a space with them. Especially for so long.
It would probably be more concerning if Ravio knew nothing about him, to be honest. Legend being cagey doesn’t translate over to the little things — the stuff Ravio’s written down. The fact it’s all written down on physical paper does make him a little embarrassed though. Some of those habits are intended to be taken to the grave, thank you, and putting it into a physical form is not taking it to the grave, Ravio, that actually makes it harder to take to the grave.
He hates him sometimes and he really does mean that in the most affectionate way possible. He doesn’t actually know what he would do if Ravio left now — he’s gotten far too used to the other being around. The stupid part of his mind tells him that he would simply stop existing. The rational part tells him that he would go into isolation again. Neither is very helpful, actually. Or particularly great. Hell, at least the rational part usually tells him he’d be fine. Fucks up with that part today? Just because it’s true doesn’t mean he wanted to hear it.
Legend tries not to let the homesickness show on his face, fingers tracing over the small, golden charm. It’s a small comfort. Both bracelets are somewhat comforting — even if he still doesn’t like that the chunkier bracelet smells like Twilight. It’s something he, unfortunately, grew used to. Ravio did say that he’d probably get used to it eventually, so it isn’t like he wasn’t warned about it.
Having it on just gives him a false sense of security — he feels safe with it, even though it realistically can’t do much in terms of protection. Neither of the bracelets can…he doesn’t think? The matching one has a strange aura that Legend can’t figure out. It’s magic, that much he knows. He’s just not really sure what type of magic it is, or what it does.
Little frustrating, but of course it is. Ravio, one of the most frustrating men that Legend has ever met, gave the thing to him, of course it’s frustrating. He’d ask about it but he wouldn’t get an answer. Hell, Ravio never answers questions half of the time. Thinks he’s really funny, and he’s only right about that one every so often. Most of the time, he’s just a little annoying.
“Fuck,”He mumbles under his breath. Doesn’t bother to even fully distract himself from his thoughts, can’t even tell if anyone heard him. He’s a little busy with his inner turmoil, with the fact his brain is yelling at him and he kind of wants to scream but he can’t because it would be concerning and nobody would have the context but —
Four and Sky were right. They were right about him and that’s never a sentence that Legend likes to say. 
He likes Ravio. How did he miss that? It’s so fucking obvious. Fable noticed it, and he’d laughed at her for it. Four noticed. Sky noticed it, even compared it to his own relationship with Sun.
This is so dumb. Also a little mortifying. But mostly dumb. How can he be that stupid to not even notice he was into Ravio before it was essentially spelled out for him?
It’s been years since he’s ever liked someone that way. Years. He damn near swore off that emotion entirely. Maybe he did notice it, then. Maybe he just ignored it til he forgot about it. Wouldn’t be the first time he’d dealt with things that way. It’s not healthy, but it’s efficient, and he’s taking efficiency over health any day.
He should probably tell Ravio. It kinda scares him to think about. Is this the type of conversation you have to have in-person? Or is it acceptable to just put it in a letter and hope for the best? He’s not really sure. He could ask, but he knows better than to think that the rest of the chain won’t figure it out. Four or Sky would know. They’d probably mention it.
God, this sucks. He might just write a letter and call it a day. Future Legend problems are not Current Legend’s problems. Who knows, he might not even send the letter! Might just write it and chicken out! It’s very plausible! It has happened before, and it will continue to happen throughout his life!
When they all stop for the night, Legend tries to keep his mind off of it all. Helps set up camp, and he knows that they’ve noticed him trying to distract himself by helping out, but nobody mentions it so it’s fine, he’s fine. Honestly, he could just ask one of them about the whole…like…etiquette of love confessions, or whatever it is, but they’d get weird about it, and Legend would rather do it wrong than be teased for it.
How should he know how it’s done? He never had the chance to confess the first time he liked someone this way, and that was years ago now. He’s about on the same level as the actual child of the group when it comes to this kinda thing, and it’s only partially his fault. It’s not like it’s ever come up often — sure, he’s had people try to date him ; has been technically engaged, but they all did the work of the whole…confession business. Legend’s never done it himself. He waited too long with Marin. Doesn’t know, even now, if he would have managed to do it at all, even if the circumstances were different.
He’s starting to think he doesn’t know anything at all. Maybe that’s a little dramatic. He isn’t surprised that he’s started being dramatic too. Legend’s picked up a lot of Ravio’s other habits — talking with his hands, clicking his tongue when annoyed, he’s even picked up on Ravio’s awful habit of chewing on whatever’s available when he’s nervous or thinking — so it was just a matter of time before he picked up the dramatics. 
Legend chooses to ignore that he was dramatic without Ravio’s influence, was dramatic about things ever since he was a kid. One of the many things he never grew out of, the many habits he never had time to get rid of. His uncle used to say that he was the most dramatic girl in the entire kingdom. Now he’s the second most dramatic man. Ravio’s always going to be the most dramatic, he thinks.
He wonders if he and Ravio had a kid, would that child be extra dramatic, on account of having two dramatic parents? And then he shoves that thought away, embarrassed at the idea and the thought of having a kid with the merchant. He’s got it bad, huh? He didn’t even notice it before. Legend is really hoping his face isn’t betraying him, because he doesn’t know how to explain why he’s embarrassed. What would he even say? ‘I thought about having a kid with a guy I just denied having a thing for’? Not a chance in hell.
Legend can’t even remember how long he’s been ignoring this. Can’t even tell if this is going to cause Ravio to finally decide he wants to move out, to ‘expand his business’ as he would explain it. He doesn’t think Ravio even thinks of him as more than the guy that saved his life and kingdom. Sure, they live together, but…Legend still kinda thinks Ravio’s only still around just because Legend doesn’t charge him rent. He wouldn’t really blame him — it’s a good deal. Legend can admit that he’s being very nice letting Ravio do what he does, and that anyone rational — anyone not stupidly in love with the man — wouldn’t put up with it.
Yeah, honestly, he’s not sure how he didn’t notice the signs of him liking the guy. The signs seem really obvious now that he’s caught up to himself enough to read them. He’ll blame it on not having time for it. That’s usually the only answer he can give — he never has enough time. It’s not a very peaceful existence, but it’s his, and isn’t that enough? Who cares if he doesn’t like it all that much. He has to work with it, he doesn’t get a choice.
Of all things to catch up on, did this really have to be the first? He feels a little cheated. Is there nothing else that he can get? Does he have to deal with this one right now? This one is all stressful and scary, could end with him losing the comfort of sharing a home with someone. He doesn’t like being alone, and Ravio being around helped with that. What if this makes him leave? Legend doesn’t really know what he’d do. Fable always says he can move into the castle when he wants to, that she would like to see her brother more, but he doesn’t like how big it is and he doesn’t feel safe around the knights, so even if he wanted to, he wouldn’t move in there. He doesn’t want to leave his house either — his uncle left it for him. It’s all he’s really got left, and he likes the orchard. 
If Ravio left, maybe he would just…stop existing, or something. He’s never had to think about it before. He’s worried about it before, sure, but he always has the confidence that Ravio would tell him before he left and he wouldn’t just go — Ravio’d told him so. But this? He’s never thought about it in this circumstance. This could really fuck things up and make the merchant never want to even look at the hero again.
He hopes that, if the goddesses can hear his thoughts, they hear him when he begs for his life to stop getting complicated. The goddesses have never listened to his pleas before, so he doesn’t bother having high expectations, but it would really be great if his life could stop getting complicated and weird. His life hasn’t stopped getting complicated since the moment he stepped out of that house and was given the burden of ‘Hero’. It’s just kept getting worse, actually. He prayed, at first, for it to all stop and go away. He gave up on that a long time ago.
Maybe if he asks really nicely, Hylia can make this problem go away for him. Maybe he can finally get some use out of being her favourite? Probably not. The thought’s nice, though. He probably wouldn’t do it anyways. Being her favourite has just made him really tired and he thinks that if he tried to use it to get her to help him out, she’d just make him keep working. He does kinda want to retire without having to die to do it.
The letters are usually reserved for Fable. He doesn’t tend to send them to anyone else — Ravio sends a few, but Legend just replies on that paper and sends it back. He’s never actually written to the other first. — but he guesses he can’t just ignore this. If it all goes wrong, at least…at least he won’t have to see Ravio leave, if he does. It’ll still hurt but it would hurt more if he had to watch it happen. This is safer. He has the safety of it being on paper, of not having to watch as Ravio puts on that fake little smile, the one he puts on when he’s uncomfortable but doesn’t want to hurt feelings. Legend’s seen him put it on around knights and particularly annoying customers. He never wants it directed at him.
Legend doesn’t eat a lot of his dinner that night. Mostly just pokes at it, eats whenever Sky gives him a look, but doesn’t finish it. Passes it off to Four, when he’s sure nobody else is paying much attention. He just tells Four that he isn’t hungry. Doesn’t know, or care, if they believe him or not. They don’t question him, which is good enough. He kinda likes that about the smithy — they barely ever question him on things. They love questioning everyone else, just to make them annoyed or upset, but they never seem to do it to Legend anymore. The two have got their own little dynamic going on, anyways, so the cycle of questions and annoyance wouldn’t work with them for long.
It’s especially helpful now, because Legend hates telling Four that they’re right about anything. They’re a cocky little shit about it and Legend has enough going on, he doesn’t think he could convince himself to not throttle the smithy this time. That’s hard enough to do when he isn’t distracted. He loves the other like a little sibling, but it’s very hard to not want them dead sometimes. He supposes that might just be a sibling thing, though, because he and his sister have wanted each other dead every so often too and they’re literally twins.
He takes first watch. Manages to convince Time to let him take watch on his own. He doesn’t tell him why, just manages to make up some bullshit excuse about how it’ll be better so that the later watch doesn’t have to only be one person. It’s convincing enough to work, and that’s good enough for him. It gives him time to work on writing that letter that he has to write, and it means nobody will be bugging him while he does it.
His handwriting isn’t the best anyways. He doesn’t like to write around other people due to that. It’s messy and it’s just not something he’s proud of. Honestly, it’s bad enough that he can’t figure out how to say the things he wants to, it’s even worse when his terrible handwriting is thrown into the mix. This whole thing is making him feel ten times dumber than he is.
They head to bed not long after sorting out the watch system for the night. This is somewhat comforting. Means he isn’t sitting around with anxiety for even longer than he wants to, and gives him extra time to figure out what the hell he’s doing. Does he put filler in the letter? Talk about something for a while before getting to the point? Should he just confess and leave the letter as nothing more than a shitty confessional? He thinks the former, but he knows Ravio’s attention span isn’t great. Would he get bored of the letter if he talks too much, miss the point of it completely?
Damnit. Why isn’t anything ever easy? Everything has to be a difficult task for him, even when it’s something stupid, small and trivial. It’s so unfair. Legend thinks he deserves a raise, but then remembers that he doesn’t get paid for any of it, and just gets a little annoyed at how he doesn’t get paid. He wishes he did. He doesn’t really need it, he and Ravio make enough from their own business ventures, but it’d sure be nice to be paid for his efforts.
Is that selfish? Maybe a little bit. He’ll probably forget about it in the morning anyways, he’s just upset and has a lot going on at the moment. It’ll pass. It always does. This is not the first time he’s gotten annoyed about this topic and it certainly will not be the last time, either. Seems to come up whenever he’s stressed. Maybe he should talk to someone about that.
Nah. He’s got more important shit goin on. Such as this stupid letter. He hasn’t actually managed to write anything yet — he has the paper out, and has a pencil in his hand, but he doesn’t have any words. Not even one. This is a lot harder than it looks, alright? He’s never done this before and it’s definitely showing. Who knew something as simple as a letter could cause so much difficulty? 
It’s just Ravio. He shouldn’t be worried. Ravio’s never given him reason to be afraid to tell him things. He briefly glances at the bracelet on his wrist, watches the sun-shaped charm reflect the firelight. It really is a pretty bracelet. The veteran hasn’t been able to stop looking at it, today. Maybe it’s because it helps with homesickness, or maybe it’s just because Ravio gave it to him, but he doesn’t ever really want to take the thing off. There’s something about it. He still doesn’t know what kind of magic this thing is coated with. Maybe he should ask about it. Ravio knows him better than to think he wouldn’t be able to tell it’s magic, maybe he’s just waiting to be asked about it.
Wouldn’t be surprising in the slightest. The other hasn’t ever been very forthcoming about things until he’s directly asked about it.
As he just sits there and looks at the charm, Legend realises that he just feels so out of his depth. This isn’t something he’s good at — the whole…expressing emotions thing. He always feels awkward and embarrassed about what he feels, so he just never really talks about that kinda stuff. He’s not sure why he gets so embarrassed about it, really ; nobody else seems to struggle with it. Maybe this is just another thing he never learned to do. Like reading. He didn’t learn to read until he was twelve, after all. Maybe he just needs to learn how to do it when he has time.
He is never going to stop giggling about anything relating to the word ‘time’ now. Every time he just thinks of Time himself and it gives him the funniest mental images in the world. He is very glad that there’s only one person in the world that can hear his thoughts and that she finds it as funny as he does.
This is just stalling. He’s absolutely stalling by thinking about anything and everything except the task at hand. Maybe he should just get it over with — throw some words on the paper, shove it in an envelope and seal it up so he doesn’t have to look at what he wrote before he sends it off. But, then, he worries that he’d throw the wrong words on there, or that he wouldn’t even get to the point. No matter what he does, he’s going to be anxious about it. It’s eating at him, a little bit. The worry. It wants to swallow him whole and leave not a single thing behind.
Legend chooses to stop thinking about it so much. He tries to write as neatly as he can, though it takes more effort than it would take anyone else. He just wants it to be legible. If he was so nervous about it only for Ravio to not be able to read his handwriting, he would actually die. He asks what magic the bracelet has. Tells Ravio that he noticed it a while ago and felt awkward asking about it. Talks a little about different things that’ve happened since they last spoke. He leaves the confession until last. Puts it at the end, and he notices that his handwriting is shakier when he writes it. No matter how hard he’d tried, he couldn’t stop his nerves from getting the best of him when it got to the point.
He signs it off with a small doodle of a bee and folds the letter in half to go into the envelope. Seals it with a small, blue wax seal that he stamps with a small bunny-shaped stamp. He has the one with the royal crest on it, but he’s never actually used that one. He just has it in-case it’s needed.
There. Done. He bit the bullet and now whatever happens after he sends this is in the goddesses hands until he gets home to find out if Ravio left or not. No big deal. Not terrifying at all, no sir. Not at all.
He doesn’t have to wait for the postman. He can just get Sheerow to deliver it — she’s been the one taking the letters back and forth between himself and the others back home anyways. She wouldn’t mind. But he doesn’t actually know how she would feel about it. She’s a smart bird, she would know this isn’t a normal letter.
What to do.
If he waits, he has to hold onto this thing for longer. If he just calls Sheerow, she could investigate the letter herself. …she can’t read, can she? He genuinely isn’t sure. He can read when he’s an animal, and Twilight can. Is that only because they’re really Hylian? Or can all animals read, to an extent? Has Sheerow been reading their letters this whole time? 
He really didn’t think he’d be questioning if birds can read. Maybe Sky knows. Surely he wouldn’t mind being woken up for one question? Legend glances over to where Sky is sleeping. He’s got Four tucked under his arm, the other laying across his own stomach. He’ll never say it out loud, but he kinda wishes he was tucked into Sky’s other side.
Legend heads over anyways. Pokes Sky’s face a little. “Dad. Dad, wake up.”He whispers, rolling his eyes when Sky makes a vague noise in response. “Daaaaaaad.”
“Whuh?”Sky blinks his eyes open sleepily, looking a little more awake the second he sees Legend next to him. “S’mthing wrong?”
“I need to know if birds can read.”
Sky stares at him for a minute. Legend just stares right back. After a moment, Sky lets out a tired sigh. “Baby, it’s late.”
“I know. I’m sorry. But can birds read? It’s important.”
He clicks his tongue slightly, but smiles softly anyways. “Birds can be taught to read a little, yes.”
“Oh. Okay.”Legend nods. Ravio wouldn’t have taught Sheerow how to read, so he’s in the clear. “Thank you.”
“You’re…welcome? I think?”Sky blinks rapidly, confusion written on his face.
“Night dad,”Legend hums before heading back to the fire. He’ll just call Sheerow to give Ravio the letter, in that case. What reason would Ravio have to teach her to read?
…apart from just because he thought it would be funny. He would do it for that reason. But it doesn’t matter — Legend doesn’t understand a damn thing about that bird anyways. He’s not sure how she even gets here when he needs her, but it’s efficient. He’s still taking efficiency over all else.
Who cares if the little jelly bean shaped bird is somehow a tiny time-traveller? She’s cool. Legend likes her. She sometimes just hangs out in his hair. Fun times all around. He likes Sheerow a lot. If Ravio leaves him, he would actually mourn the loss of Sheerow, too. If anything bad ever happened to Sheerow he would commit a crime. Maybe he just likes small animals. Another thing to add to the list of weird things about himself. 
She doesn’t take long to arrive when he calls for her. She sits on his knee patiently, nudges his hand a few times until he pets her. He never does give her the letter right away, always gives her affection first. Come on, how can he not? Sheerow deserves it. She chirps a few times, turns her attention to the letter after a while. 
“Yeah, um.”Legend sighs when she does, frowning. “I, um. Need ya to take that to Rav. Okay?”
She confirms and takes it with little convincing. She stopped being stubborn about things a little while ago, when Legend started giving her attention first. It’s a decent way of dealing with things, and it’s not like he minds much. She gets one final pet before she takes off with the letter.
Legend lets out a heavy sigh. Well. That letter is Future Legend’s problem now, not his. Whatever happens…well, it happens, he supposes. He just hopes Ravio won’t hate him now. The merchant likes to say he doesn’t have a single hating bone in his body, but Sky said that too, and Sky hates some of the people in his and Four’s eras just because of how they speak to them. So his worry isn’t really placated by the statement.
He wakes Warriors and Wild up when it’s time to switch shifts. He’s tired and stressed at the same time, which is a really fun combination. Will he succumb to the tiredness, or will the stress keep him awake? He has absolutely no idea! He hopes he gets to sleep. Really, he does, because if he doesn’t sleep he’ll just think, and thinking is way worse than sleep sometimes.
Legend ends up giving into what he wanted to do earlier. Heads over to Sky and tucks himself into the man's other side, more for the comfort of it than anything else. Maybe it’ll calm his mind down and let him sleep? It does the trick. He isn’t sure when he falls asleep, but he manages it eventually, curled up into Sky’s side.
Morning comes and Legend’s anxiety hasn’t gone away like he thought it would have. It’s still there eating away at him, which is total bullshit. It should have left. The letter was sent, he doesn’t have to stress about it anymore. 
He wonders if Ravio’s read it yet. Immediately after, he lets out a tired sigh. He’s still worrying about it. He can’t even get a break — fuck, he isn’t going to relax until he knows what Ravio’s reaction is, will he?
This is so lame. 
“You alright over there?”He hears Four, but doesn’t actually answer. Just lets out a heavy sigh and tucks his knees up to his chest so he can hide his face. He's not ready to exist as a functioning person. Won’t be until he gets an answer.
He hates this, actually. This was supposed to be Future Legend’s problem, not Current Legend’s problem! He feels a little bit robbed, honestly. So not cool.
He doesn’t express his anxiety. Just gets up for the day. Doesn’t eat his breakfast, passes it off to Four again. They give him a look this time — Red’s worried about him, going off that eye colour. He feels a little bad about worrying her — but don't speak. Good enough. He can ignore looks much easier. Even if he does feel a tiny bit bad about it.
At least it’s not Vio today. Vio would hold him at knifepoint until he told them what was wrong. A little intimidating, but it gets the job done, so Legend can’t blame Vio for using a method that’s never failed them.
He just would like to never experience it. Ever. Vio honestly scares him a little. But thankfully, it’s too early for Vio to be fully functioning, so he isn’t getting threatened today.
He hopes Ravio replies to the letter. Even if it’s just to make an excuse about why he has to go back to Lorule. Even if it’s just to tell Legend that he hates him and doesn’t want to see him again in their entire lives. It would hurt, but it wouldn’t be new. Legend wouldn’t blame him.
They don’t linger around long, and it doesn’t take a long time to get all their shit together either. Legend ends up helping Four out with their things ; he thinks they have a headache. They aren’t focusing very well this morning. Legend wouldn’t be surprised if they have an argument going on up there right now.
He sticks to the back of the group when they set off. He ends up having to walk beside Twilight, and he has to do his very best to hide any of his negative emotions right fucking now because Twilight can read emotions far too easily. He doesn’t need Twilight asking him about it.
The worry is still eating at him. It hasn’t stopped.
“I hope we get a portal soon,”He hears Wind whistle, “We’ve been in this era for a while.”
“Yeah, I hope we get to go somewhere else. Who’s era do you think we’ll end up in?”
“Hyrule, nobody’s keeping track of it,”
“I think we’ll end up in Legend’s era next,”Four speaks up, “We haven’t been there in a long time. It would make sense if it was his next.”
Oh he hopes not. He would take anyone else’s era right now, not his own. His own era is exactly where he doesn’t want to be. Like, there is nowhere he wants to be less right now.
“Oh, fun!”Sky laughs a little. “You might get to be home soon, bun!”
“I really, really do not know how to express how much I do not want that.”Legend snaps out, too busy trying to ignore his nerves to even remember he’s supposed to be pretending to be fine. 
“...you don’t want to be home?”Warriors blinks slowly. Legend can feel the confusion from the rest of the group.
“I don’t want to be home,”He repeats back simply. “Can we drop it?”
He watches Sky’s confusion turn into concern, as the other slows to walk beside him. “Okay, baby, we don’t have to talk about it.”
Legend nods once. Doesn’t open his mouth again. He’s not sure what Sky or the others are thinking about what he said. Really, he isn’t convinced that he wants to know their thoughts.
They run into a portal, eventually. Legend really hopes Four is wrong. He doesn’t want to be in his era. He’ll take Wild’s era over his, and he fucking hates the champions era because of how much walking you have to do. He hopes this isn’t his era, he isn’t ready.
It’s his era. He knows it the second he walks through that damn portal. He feels his connection with Fable strengthens back up, smells the familiar scent that his era has.
He lets out a long, pained sigh. Sits on the ground with his head in his hands. He does not want to be here — really, he doesn’t. He can’t avoid his problems forever when the person he’s avoiding knows all of his hiding spots. The goddesses must really enjoy laughing at him.
“Um.”Four kneels down and pokes Legend. Wind copies Four’s actions and pokes Legend a second time. “Are you good down there?”
“Let me rot and die.”
“Um, I don’t think I want to do that,”
Legend flips them off. Four just hums. 
He isn’t ready for this. He doesn’t really know if he was ever going to be, but he definitely isn’t ready right now. This is such a cruel joke. He knows he hasn’t been very into religion, despite Impa’s best efforts, but is that really bad enough to warrant being turned into the goddesses personal jester?
If they think he’s going to start praying because of this, they are sorely mistaken.
“Apple, come on, we need to get moving, if that’s okay?”Sky tries to nudge him gently to get up.
“Why are none of you willing to let me just sit here and die?”
“Because we need you. Now get up.”Warriors is much less gentle about it. He gets glared at by Sky for it, which is a little bit funny.
He gets up, eventually. He’s not going to be addressing any of his problems right now, not when he has a much bigger one to address when he gets home. He was hoping he had a little more time, but really, why did he expect to get what he wanted? Never does. Probably never will. He exists to suffer. Yes, he’s probably being dramatic again, but it feels perfectly reasonable to him right now.
“I need you guys to fuck off for a little while so I can deal with the consequences of my own actions.”Legend states once they reach the village. He can just head home, deal with his problems, and then promptly die. If Ravio isn’t there, he will be letting the earth reclaim him, though.
He doesn’t wait for a response. Just leaves them behind and heads to his house. He can feel his heart pounding as he walks, the nerves eating his insides and his brain screaming at him.
The shop signs are still up. Usually, Legend hates those things, but he can’t help but be a tiny bit relieved to see them. Ravio wouldn’t leave without those — “It’s way too expensive to replace them, Mr. Hero.” — and so it’s good to know that, at least, the merchant is still here.
He doesn’t think he’s ever opened that front door with more hesitation in his entire life. “Rav?”His voice sounds way too quiet but he can’t even care about it at the minute. He sees the envelope open, discarded on the top of a sales cabinet. Ravio read the letter, then. Legend takes a breath. 
“Ah! Mr. Hero!”Ravio jumps a little. “You’re back!”
A hum. “Yeah. Um. Hi.”
Ravio tilts his head at Legend, but Legend doesn’t know if he can even look at him, so he looks at the ground and kicks his feet a little. It’s so quiet, it might actually drive him insane. 
“If you hate me can you just tell me?”He blurts out after the silence dragged out for too long. It was too much, he couldn’t take it. He’d rather Ravio just yell at him or insult him or something, anything is better than silence.
“Mr. Hero…”Ravio hums, and Legend hears him walking over. “I don’t hate you! I could never!”
He doesn’t know if he believes him.
“Your letter was nice,”He continues, voice quiet. Legend can’t tell if he’s just trying to match Legend’s own quiet energy with it. “I’m afraid that the magic on that bracelet is a trade secret though, honeybunny,”He laughs a little and pokes Legend’s nose. Legend bites his finger for it. “Ow—meanie!”
“Deserved it.”
“I thought you loved me,”Ravio teases with a grin, and Legend falls quiet. Shrinks in on himself a bit, takes a step back. He’s scared of this whole thing and he wants to run and hide and never show his face ever again — “Hey, hey. Breathe. I’m sorry, Link, I didn’t mean to upset you.”
Yeah right. Legend doesn’t believe that for a second. “So you read the whole thing, then…”
Ravio sighs. “Yep. Did you not want me to?”
“I don’t know.”
Ravio goes quiet. Legend hears him tapping his fingers against his arms like he does when he thinks. All that’s running through the hero’s mind is “He’s trying to figure out how to let me down easy”. He really regrets sending the letter, this shit is way more terrifying than any of the monsters he’s ever fought.
“I’m glad you were the one to say something. I thought you were going to kick me out if I told you I wanted to kiss you.”Ravio shrugs, eventually, and Legend genuinely thinks his brain just stopped working. He just kinda looks at the other for a while.
“Don’t look at me like that!”He laughs nervously. “I did! I thought you would kick me out for it!”
Why did Legend’s type in men have to be ‘stupid’.
“Oh.”The hero sighs, shaking his head a little. “You don’t hate me for it?”
Ravio shakes his head again. “The opposite, actually! See, if you didn’t say anything, I was going to have to. We’ve been at this for months now, Mr. Hero. Honestly, I’m glad we can get past that whole deal now.”
He lets out another breath. Oh, hey, the anxiety’s stopped eating his guts out. Hooray!
“Though, you never asked me to date you in that lovely little letter of yours,”
“I will actually kill you.”
Ravio just laughs. Legend cannot believe that this is the man he’s decided he wants to live for.
That thought is still fond, though, because of course it is. Legend hasn’t had a single thought about Ravio that hasn’t been affectionate in the past twenty four hours.
“I guess you did do half of the work,”Ravio speaks again with a shrug. “Okay. So. You did the confession stuff, can we date now, or do I need to wait for your next emotional breakthrough for that one?”
“Just for that, you have to wait.”
“What—hey! No!”
Legend heads out to go and fetch the others, laughing at Ravio’s minor distress as he leaves.
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breannasfluff · 1 year ago
“Mr. Hero! Come on!”
“Ravio, it’s freezing out. It’s winter! There’s snow!”
“Yes, but you need to see this!”
Legend stands, hands on his hips, and glares at the merchant. “I have to put on snow clothes.”
“Just boots!” Ravio has a full robe; he’s got no room to talk. 
“I’ll freeze.”
“I’ll walk close to you.”
With an exasperated sigh, the vet goes to pull on his boots. Why he gives into Ravio’s whims is a mystery. Certainly not because he likes him, or anything. 
The nighttime chill is enough to make him lunge for the safety of the house. 
“Oh no,” Ravio says, catching his hand. “Come on, buddy. We don’t have to go far.”
Legend is distracted from escape by the feel of his fingers twining in Ravio’s. If he rubbed his thumb, he could trace the merchant’s knuckle. He doesn’t. 
Ravio pulls him down the slope of the house and up the hill on the other side. He doesn’t let go of the vet’s hand, even when he slips. 
Panting, they both make it to the top. 
“Now look at this!” Ravio drops his hand and throws his arms wide, spinning in a circle. He’s a showman, through and through. 
Legend looks around. The faint moonlight sets the snow glittering. The air holds the unique smell of snow and winter; so hard to pin down. And overhead—
Oh. This is what Ravio wanted him to see. 
The sky is a blanket of stars; more than he normally sees. Maybe the cold of the air makes them more visible. Maybe he just appreciates them more when he’s freezing. 
The merchant moves right up behind him and wraps his arms around Legend, who stiffens. 
“Relax, you’re shivering.” Warm hands wrap over his chilled ones. “Look at it all. Isn’t it amazing?”
It is. Yet somehow, Legend finds himself focusing not on the sky, but on Ravio. His steady breaths against his back. The way his robe pools over their hands, keeping away the chill. 
The vet tilts his head back, resting it on Ravio’s shoulder. The merchant still stares at the stars. It could be a trick of the light, but they seem to reflect the sky. Constellations caught in his eyes, framed by long lashes. A world Legend could get lost in, if only he let himself. 
Ravio looks down, which isn’t very far with Legend’s head on his shoulder. “So? What do you think?” His breath is warm as it brushes the vet’s cheek. 
“It’s…beautiful.” Ravio is beautiful. And amazing, and caring, and charming. Annoying and stubborn in turns. Flawed, yet perfect in the imperfection. 
“I know some stories about the constellations. They were harder to see in Lorule, but we share some common ones. Did you know I chose my name from one of those tales?”
Only…Legend isn’t listening. He tuned out the words and focuses only on the merchant’s lips. Plush and full, pulled into a pretty pout as he realizes the vet isn't listening. 
Maybe it’s the stars glittering overhead. Maybe it’s the winter chill, pushing rational thought from his mind. Maybe Legend wanted this for a long time but never acted. 
Because when Ravio tilts his head closer to ask a question, Legend turns his head as well and captures his lips in a kiss. 
The merchant freezes. 
He’s not letting this stop him. Legend spins in his arms and grabs his shoulders. To keep him from fleeing? To pull him closer?
Then he presses their lips together again, gentler. 
Ravio…softens, molding his lips back. 
When Legend pulls back, the stars are caught in Ravio’s gaze. And maybe they’re caught in the vet’s too, because the merchant says, “I love you.”
This is what the stars must feel like to touch. Uncontainable, yet burning warm. Filled with magic and mystery. Beauty and home, all wrapped up in one. 
Legend leans in for another kiss and forgets about the cold. 
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Someone in the chain with an eating disorder. Thank you!
I haven't read any of these but here are some I found purely off of tags:
Dangerous Waters (TOFRTB 2: Plague Boogaloo) by Pepper_Puppy
Wind feels as if he has been running for far too long. Running from his youth, running from those bad memories, running from those problems. He knows he can't run forever but maybe just... a few more steps.
Wind falls ill whilst the Chain is stuck in Lorule in the midst of a food shortage. The worse Wind gets, the more they start to realize that there has been something far worse going on with their Sailor. But he's not the only one keeping secrets, and as tensions rise and ideas clash, Sky does his best just to keep the chain together.
Poisoned Oranges by @crazylittlejester
No matter how bad his fear of being poisoned got, no matter how afraid of eating he became, Warriors always had his oranges. The peel around them made them feel safe, providing a barrier between the fruit and the outside world, and no matter how scared he was he could always rely on his oranges to keep him from starving. Because they were safe. They were always safe.
He refused to believe he could be poisoned by an orange.
The Things That Make You Special Are The Things That Make You Strange also by @crazylittlejester
His way of coping with stress over the years had certainly changed, from hiding out by his beloved goats to now finding himself unable to eat, his appetite completely gone. Twilight needs help, he hasn't been able to eat in far too long and he's so hungry he doesn't know what to do
Orange Peels and a Cracking Facade by Pokegeek151
Warriors managed to get away with his particular eating habits during the army. It's a lot harder when there are eight other heroes watching him instead of just one.
A House of Cards About to Fall by @across-violet-skies or @glittercat34
“Wild.” Twilight firmly grabbed Wild’s shoulders, grounding him. “There’s nothing wrong with your cooking.”
“Then- then why-”
“Because you haven’t been eating.”
[title from "Ashtray" by Matt Pless] ["sequel" to When it Rains, it Pours. can be read as a standalone fic]
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waywardsalt · 1 year ago
gonna be a hater in tags real quick
#i need to get this off my fuckin chest its haunted me for ages but for some reason rn its bad#i fucking HATE when ppl act like la’s koholin island and ph’s world of the ocean king are/work the same#HATE IT. also hate ppl treating oshus n the wind fish as the same character bc i think its fucking lazy n uncreative n unimaginative#and makes the loz world feel so much smaller. but like. why do ppl act like the world of the ocean king is another dream world#bc its fucking no??? no one in that place is a dream construct i hate ppl acting like linebeck isnt a ‘real person’ just a former dream#construct if they think hes from that world bc its not a fucking dream world its a real ass world at no point is it suggested that its a#dream world just that link n tetra are simultaneously dreaming in their own world that doesnt make oshuss world fake or w/e#its just a different parallel world or some shit where time flows different relative to the great sea go watch the ending dialogue#literally nothing in the game suggests that its in any way like how koholint works besides it being an ocean place#i feel like i see these ideas in l////u shit a lot (ESP ppl acting like linebeck is the same thing as marin) and it feels like. do ppl in#l////u just not look into the games too hard do they not double check canon material or do they just accept shit parroted around#bc its way too consistent for me to think its just some headcanon thing and it PISSES me rhe fuck off if im being real#the oshus/wind fish thing is annoying as fuck already but i DESPISE ppl acting like oshus’ world is a dream its so fucking annoying#whatever ph is harder to play like look up gameplay then. do some research. its not the same fucking thing#ok yeah do hcs sure but i really dont get the vibe that its just some headcanon i feel like ppl just dont know theyre not the fucking same#its not like koholint its more like fucking lorule if anything. god fucking dammit i hate that im so wound up by this shit#whatever. i do wish ao3 let you mute wholeass tags like with authors so i dont have to see l///u shit ever
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lele5429 · 15 days ago
Retired Assets 1-6: Home
Title art for chapter 7
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It's not like Ravio hasn't sold potions. He gets a good commission from Irene for stocking Hyrule's most popular remedies. Red potions are a quick fix in a bottle, cheap and safe as it has none of the monster-derived stuff. Vials are stacked neatly on shelves and sold with smiles, as ordinary as bread.
In his hands, though, the weight of glass feels different.
He can't unsee the way colorful liquid used to disappear down the throats of masked men, who chanted the strange songs of monsters and sat away in Misery Mire, naked, daydreaming.
Healing was a thing fought over, potions swallowed behind blocked doors and away from the ones who'd bleed you dry for a drop of its promise.
Lorule didn't have a potion shop for a reason. The witch quit her job long ago. She cherished her life too.
In Lorule, potions weren't for heroes.
As there was none.
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bluesdesk · 2 months ago
Legend's story headcanon
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Basically assigning him Echoes of Wisdom too
Long post!!
I headcanon that Legend did Alttp when he was 11, and he's the half brother of Fable (same father) that also happened to be born the same day so they're like half twins. The father (the king) build the house for him near the castle so he could take care of his son from distance. Legend's uncle is his mother's brother, as well as one of the best knights of Hyrule and one of the king's best friends, so he had a good excuse to make "him" a home there where he could live with his nephew.
Then in alttp the rifts to the dark world appeared. But they were small. (substituting the entrances/warps with small rifts). This explains why in the game they said Link was familiar with the rifts. Also when he came back he lost his voice.
When Hyrule was saved and Link's uncle died Impa told the kids the truth but the king still thought they weren'taware of it. As Link couldn't live alone, Impa entrusted him to her brother Lueburry and he got a small house in Suthorn village. He was like 12. This allowed the kids to meet since Impa was often visiting her brother, and brought Fable with her. Impa also thought that living far from the castle and in a happy village would help him recovering his voice. In the dark world Ganon had made a deal with an entity that could grant him more powers in the dark world (Null), and the entity then echoed him once he was defeated and proceeded to continue with what Ganon wasn't able to do. The rifts reappeared but this time they were huge, and the dark world was in pieces. The dark energy turned people into stones and not just animals or monsters. Legend had a moon pearl, luckily.
When he finally went back he decided to rebuild his house on the hill and find a normal job. He was done with being a hero. Fable wanted him to live at the castle with her and Impa but he didn't feel like a prince, it felt overwhelming, and he wanted to stay alone also because of what happened on Koholint. Also, revealing he was the prince would lead to too much attention from everyone and he didn't want that. He was about 15 when he got home from Koholint.
Then Legend was sent to Holodrum and Labrynna and during these adventures the king died for reasons linked to the antagonists of these games, either Onox or Veran ended him when he didn't have a hero to save him. The Impa seen here is a close relative to the old impa, and her "successor" in looking after Fable.
Legend got to know about his father's end (he didn't really know him, but he was still part of his family) and decided to go back home by boat (he wanted to be alone for some time), but he was already distracted and tired and the thunderstorm got him. Link's Awakening happened.
For some time (more than a year?) he worked for the blacksmith and rebuilt his home, grew a orchard like he did with his uncle and visited Impa and Fable (as the hero). He was beginning to feel good and relaxed.
And then Yuga arrived and he got to go to what once was the dark world, now Lorule. The world had changed, with the pieces beginning to merge and creating "islands". The inhabitants were clearly echoes of the ones in Hyrule, but only in appearance. They had their own stories and past. Legend didn't know if those were all made up (since the world had existed for like 6 years?) or the time had flowed differently there (spoiler: it's the second option, they were all reborn and actually lived those experiences, but while the world "rebooted" the time flowed way faster, returning to a normal speed once it was back at present time). Either way those "echoes" were their own people and they were real, so defeating Null hadn't made the disappear but had "freed" them.
After the adventure between worlds Legend decided to visit his sister more often and he also got to meet Ravio again (and Ravio decided to stay with him in Hyrule). The 3 wanted to travel to see the world as tourists, without having to save it, so they put on casual clothing and visited Hytopia, where triforce heroes happened but it wasn't like one of Legend's past adventures, it was more like a trip or playing and he was with the 2 people he loved the most.
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linderosse · 2 years ago
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Wielders of Wisdom: Introductions Part 2
Tetra (Pirate) [WW, PH]
Sarcastic, snarky, and often rude
Surprisingly calm and quick decision-maker, with a clear sense of how to win the respect of people older than her
She teases the crap out of Wind, but secretly values him a lot.
The least likely to get lost
Story: Tetra took King Daphnes’ last request to heart and set out in search of new land— and more importantly, new treasures. She’s found countless strange and wonderful islands to plunder, as well as one particularly interesting alternate world. Still, nothing has fit her criteria yet, and the search across the deep sea is more perilous than even she expected…
Dawn (Gardener) [TLoZ]
Quiet and shy; excessively kind
Determined to help others, but also knows how to accept help.
She’s a little awestruck by Hyrule. She has no idea that Hyrule is a little awestruck by her too. Both of them are a little awestruck by Aurora, who is very fond of them in return.
The most superstitious Zelda
Story: Since Aurora’s awakening, Dawn has found an older sister to confide in. But the world is still devastated by the Great Decline, mistrust runs rampant, and Aurora’s finding it hard to adapt to life centuries in the future. And none of that has stopped monsters from roaming the countryside, searching for ways to revive Ganon— forcing the people to stay isolated in their communities, wary of strangers and immigrants from neighboring Calatia. Dawn wishes everyone would work together against the Decline, but instead her country is withering on the vine…
Fable (Diplomat) [ALttP, OoS/OoA, LBW]
Articulate, dramatic, and extremely charismatic
She wears the pants so Ledge doesn’t have to >:)
Legend discovered that the two of them were siblings on their first adventure and told her again much later. She gives Legend heck, but she’s always there to support him when he needs it.
A surprisingly talented painter
Story: Holodrum, Labrynna, Lorule, Hytopia: the Hero of Legend has saved them all, as well as Hyrule twice over. Now these and other countries, much more aware of their proximity, claim they wish to form an alliance— and Fable knows she’s the perfect person to spearhead the effort. The first step: a celebratory tournament to introduce the peoples of the five-ish countries to each other in friendly competition. But with legions of foreign dignitaries vying for political supremacy, it feels like someone might be plotting something. Perhaps it’s only a matter of time before cultural differences and pride cause negotiations to fail…
< Part 1 | Part 3 >
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