#(To Meet That Flower | Taranza)
"Oh no, not him..." Taranza sighed, remembering every time he got swatted at.
"Yay, it's him!" Marx cheered. Totally not because Gallant still doesn't seem to think he's the same guy that tried taking over Pop Star.
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Fecto flora: Hello peony! I just saw we are going against each other and wanted to meet you properly!
Do you have any favorite flowers? I love flowers myself as well and was interested in your favorites!
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“Whoa…You are seriously gorgeous! I remember you telling me your favorite flowers earlier so have these ahhhh!!!! As for myself, it’s very hard to choose when plants and flowers are all so different with such different traits and personalities! But I do love dandelions, clover blossoms, daffodils, my namesake of course, and crocus flowers because they remind me of my beloved Taranza…My favorite plant of all however is the weeping willow tree that sheltered and cared for me when I was a lonely baby though…”
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quinn-pop · 1 year
im not sure what happened to me but suddenly i love queen ripple and she’s my new dress up doll
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anyway, let’s talk about her!!
taking the fact that ribbon’s name is ribbon entirely too far (and going off their designs) i think it’d be cool if ripple star fashions leaned into frills, bows, and long or exaggerated silhouettes
since the planet is literally just a heart shape i imagine their aesthetics lean into that sort of romantic and elegant vibe. a lot of ivory, pinks, and reds
(ripple dresses up a little different to see her friends tho)
also flower and butterfly motifs. because they’re fairies of course <3
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think it’d be a little ironic if butterflies were a symbol of beauty and all that…
also she’s friends with carol and dedede. they can go to pta meetings or something /j
(taranza can come sometimes too because he’s cool and it makes sense to me)
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btw ripple star probably exports a lot of silks (because silkworms in a land of butterflies feels right) and luxury items whereas dreamland is more agriculture focused + maybe some livestock and furs
…yeah i’m saying these places reflect their rulers basically. ripple star can be a little more traditional and whatnot. that’s what makes ripple so endeared to her dreamland friends—they’re silly! and yeah, tragic princess angle, it’s my favorite trope—i think that would really pull at her heart
i won’t get into that right now, but i gotta imagine getting possessed gives you a lot to think about lol
…gah i have so many thoughts on this
there isn’t much to go off of in canon, sure, but i think there’s a lot of interesting directions something like that could go ^^
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lowrezbonuslevel · 6 months
oc ask game!!! :DD im obsessed with your ocs omg 😭😭
🕸️/🥀 for tillda
🧋/🪄 for zed
Omg thanks that's a big big compliment :,)
Here are the answers:
--- (For Tillda) ---
Q: "🕸️ (Spiderweb) - Create a bouquet inspired by your OC! It can be based on their colour palette, flower language and symbolism, whatever they like best, or any combination of the three."
A: I wonder what Tillda's favorite flower is? Forget-me-not? Ha ha ha. ...But seriously, I put 'em in there.
White lilies are the national flower of Italy. Supposedly, chrysanthemums represent mourning there?
Mimosas are said to represent women.
I just added lilacs because of her color scheme.
Common understandings of flower symbolism seem kinda shaky and varied at best, except for the REALLY popular ones (roses for love, etc.), so I didn't take the "deeper meanings" here too seriously.
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(rest of the answers under the cut)
Q: "🥀 (Wilted Rose) - Do they have a Soul form? What would it look and act like? How much control over themselves do they have? Is it still possible to save them, or are they too far gone?"
A: Well... I wonder how she'd become "Tillda Soul" in the first place. In the Kirby series, "soul forms" usually come about because of plot-defining magic shenanigans (messing with ancient artifacts, toying with destructive power, etc.), which Tillda tends not to involve herself in. But I could see her flying to close too the sun for the sake of Zed or her brother. For fun, I've drawn up what a "Tillda Soul" might look like.
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I don't think Tillda's soul form would be "beyond saving" by any means. She's brash, but she's squishy on the inside. Hugs melt her.
Let's see: Tillda is stubborn, and if anything, trying to fight her would push her further away from the light, so to fix things, we'd better just give her a glass of warm milk and put her to bed. Hope you feel better in the morning, Tillda!
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--- (For Zed) ---
Q: "🧋 (Boba Tea) - Come up with a Kirby Café item themed around your OC! It can be a savoury dish, a drink, a dessert, or something else entirely."
I would pick a bento box because it seems like something Zed would take to work :) And fish is one of their favorite things to eat. Made a few sketches but nothing big.
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Possible blurb:
"Enjoy a balanced meal with fluffy rice, baked fish, tasty melon, and an assortment of nutritious vegetables. It's a practical lunch for hard-working felines everywhere, and it comes in a sturdy, decorated box that looks just like the one owned by a certain N-Z."
(Yeah while brainstorming/researching this one I found out that, as a species, cats really like melon? And scientists think it's because melons give off a scent similar to something in meat that cats like?? Who discovered this and why??? I guess all those videos of cats utterly destroying watermelon weren't flukes... Zed is 70% honeydew confirmed)
Q: "🪄 (Magic Wand) - Are they capable of wielding magic? Is it a learned skill, or is it innate? What sorts of spells can they cast? Do they possess any magical items or artifacts? [e.g. the Dimensional Mantle]"
Zed is kind of inherently "magic" since they're made of Dark Matter, but they don't have any flashy spell-casting abilities a la Magolor or Taranza (or Tillda herself, to a lesser extent). Maybe Zed would be a decent magic user if they practiced, but they've never really cared to.
Their shape-shifting abilities mean flying is easy enough.
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Their visor is hand-made and probably has some magic properties. I won't reveal its name or why Zed wears it (partly because "spoilers!" but mostly because I still need some time to work it out lmao), but it does come in handy often and is capable of more than meets the eye. (Or the zero, I guess. Hardy-har.)
That's everything answered, I hope! Thanks for your submission, and thanks again for enjoying my posts about these two! :)
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browniboxx · 9 months
A Kirby Christmas Special!
"Word around Castle Dedede is that the king and a select few Waddle Dees go missing every Christmas Eve," Bandana Waddle Dee says, putting on an oven mit.
"Really?" Kirby asks his friend, tilting his head, the jingle bells on his antlered headband ringing.
"That's what I've heard," Bandana Dee replies, taking a fresh batch of cookies out of the oven.
Kirby sits on the counter and ponders this strange phenomenon. Then, his mind begins to wander and he wonders what his otherworldly friends like to do for Christmas every year. Kirby hops off the counter and begins to walk out of the kitchen.
"Make sure to be back before dinner so we can frost the cookies!" Bandana Dee shouts, placing a new batch of cookies in the oven.
First stop is technically not "otherworldly" as it is also on planet popstar, but Kirby deemed it different enough to ask. After a straining climb, Kirby makes his way around the city in Floralia, admiring the baked goods in various bakery windows. Soon, he makes his way to the grand castle. After making small talk with a few guards, Kirby is escorted to the royal throne room where he meets his friend, the relatively recently appointed king, Taranza.
"Hai!" Kirby says to Taranza with a smile.
"Hello, Kirby!" Taranza replies.
"Merry Christmas," Taranza's secretary, Spinndle adds from behind her boss.
Kirby takes out a pen and notepad, "What's a unique Christmas tradition you have here in Floralia?"
"Why don't we show you?" Taranza replies.
Taranza and Spinndle lead Kirby to a park in the city with a large Christmas tree, various flowers and lights decorate it. In the middle; surrounded by a small white fence and neatly wrapped gifts.
"This is our community tree," Spinndle says, "People across the community donate gifts for the needy."
"Anyone who didn't or couldn't get a gift this year can grab one," Taranza adds, placing a few more gifts down, "Most of the gifts are donated by my staff and I."
Kirby nods and scribbles in his notepad, "Thanks! I gotta go now. Merry Christmas!"
Taranza and Spinndle wave as Kirby leaves.
His next stop was to hitch a ride with his friend Magolor, who had his Starcutter parked nearby.
"Hey, Kirby! What's up?" Magolor asked from atop the ship.
"Hey, Lorie," Kirby replies, "Can you take me to a couple places? I'm doing important Christmas stuff!"
"Sure thing! Consider it a second Christmas gift," Magolor remarks with a wink.
And off the two go, first stop: Ripplestar!
"Hey, Mags?" Kirby asks, doodling in his notepad.
"Yeah, Kirb?"
"What do you guys do on Halcandra for Christmas?"
Magolor thinks for a moment, "I don't remember much, but I do remember making a kind of fruitcake made of fruit from Halcandra."
"Cool beans!" Kirby says, and writes it down.
Soon, they arrive at Ripplestar where they greeted by Kirby's friend Ribbon.
"Seasons greetings, Kirby! How nice of you to stop by!" Ribbon says with a smile.
"Hey, Ribbon! Merry Christmas," Kirby says, stepping out of the Lor, "What's something fairies like to do for Christmas?"
"I'll show you!" Ribbon gestures for Kirby to follow her.
They make their way to the castle and through the bustling halls to a grand living room with a fireplace.
"This is our fireplace," Ribbon says, "For Christmas, we burn exclusively cherry wood! The tradition goes as far back as when the first queen founded Ripplestar!"
"Intra-sting," Kirby mumbles as he writes in his notepad, "I gotta go now, Merry Christmas!"
"Merry Christmas!" Ribbon shouts as Kirby runs off.
"Alright, Magolor! Next stop: Kandyland!" Kirby exclaims, running into the Starcutter.
"Aye aye!" Magolor says, setting the Lor to go to Kandyland.
Within minutes, they arrived in the courtyard of Kandy Castle. The guards in the front rush over to examine the ship including two familiar faces. Sir Chip and Dame Sundaie. Sir Chip dissuade the other guards from attacking the Starcutter and greets Kirby and Magolor.
"Merry Christmas!" Kirby chimed, hopping out of the Lor.
"Salutations, Kirby," Chip greets, "What brings you to Kandyland this Christmas?"
"I'm asking all my friends what they do for Christmas!"
"Ooo!" Sundaie exclaims, "C'mon! We'll show you!"
Kirby and Magolor are lead to the kitchen where The Confection King and his daughter Princess Sugaree are.
"Why, Hello there," The king says with a smile, "Merry Christmas!"
"We were just about to hand out gifts to children around the valley!" Sugaree remarks, "Care to join us?"
"Correction, dear daughter, YOU were going to hand out gifts. I have business to attend to."
"Yes, yes. I know, father," Sugaree leans down to Kirby's level, "Ignore my father. He's a bit boring."
Kirby chuckles and the three of them go out to hand out gifts, Sir Chip following close behind.
Once they return, they are greeted by Mon Roll and Lady Sugarose.
"Hey, Kirby," Mon Roll chimes, "Wanna get snacks to leave out for Santa with me?"
Kirby nods enthusiastically and Follows Mon Roll, Chip, and Kandi to the kitchen.
"What do you guys usually leave out for Santa in Dream Land?" Mon Roll asks, grabbing a plate from the cabinet.
"Cookies and milk," Kirby replies, "What do you guys do here?"
"Gumdrops and eggnog!" Mon Roll beams, "Or other things. Depends on the region."
"We leave out eggnog here in Vanilla Valley," Kandi adds, "Lemonade in Candyfloss Forest, milkshakes near the mountains, the list goes on."
Kirby nods and writes it down. After a few minutes of chit-chat, Kirby had to leave.
Back At Castle Dedede, Bandee was taking the last batch of cookies out of the oven when Kirby ran in. Kirby decided to spend the night at the castle.
Later, in the middle of the night Kirby awoke to sounds of jingle bells and a jolly, strangely southern, laugh. He runs to the stairs and peers at the man dressed in red from around the corner.
"That'll do it," the man said, the voice was very familiar to Kirby.
"Dedede?! You're Santa?!" Kirby exclaimed, hopping down the stairs.
"Kirby?!" Dedede exclaimed, "Why are you awake?!"
"Oh my Nova! You ARE Santa!"
"Hold on-"
"I knew it!" Kirby danced around happily.
"Uhh…" Dedede looked around and noticed the plate of cookies on the table, "I'll give ya these if ya don't tell nobody!"
Kirby looked at the cookies, "Sure!"
And so, Kirby got to eat cookies at 2am.
The end.
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cauli-flawa · 2 months
For the oc x canon ask
🌑 🫀🦇
🌑 : what was the canon character’s first impression of them, and what do they think of them now?
Initially, Venus came to Taranza disguised. Taranza liked her as a friend - she was kind, polite, but still had her own mysteries. She reminded him of his Old Friend.
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But now he thinks she’s straight up creepy.
🫀 : is there anything your oc and canon character don’t like about each other?
Taranza: Shes an obsessive, creepy, overly jealous stalker who watches him sleep sometimes.
Venus: He doesn’t reciprocate the way she wants him to.
🦇 : how did they meet?
Taranza was outside one sunny day, watering his flowers and tending to his garden.
That was when he found it.
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A beautiful red spider lily. Taranza had never planted such a flower, but nonetheless he gave it some water and love.
He had no idea that that flower would follow him around forever.
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cauliarty · 10 months
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Venus - a carnivorous spirit who sells curses, poisons, and charms. How does she make them? She never gives a proper answer. According to her, they “come straight from the soul!”
His true form is a flower, but he can change it at will. He adopted his current form after meeting Taranza.
They have a strange obsession with insect collecting. Butterflies are their favorites.
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Venus’s design and namesake are from the venus flytrap. Initially, I designed him to look more like Taranza.
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I did some brainstorming regarding the designs of the “curses” too.
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I did some experimental doodles to decide on an outfit.
I want the bangs to overlap with the mandibles to resemble a flytrap’s maw.
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sanjismuskyarmpits · 6 months
[ask meme!]
🍒 (Cherry) - Out of all of the Dream Friends [Kirby included], which ones would they get along with the most? The least?
Nia would get along well with Daroach, I think. He’s calm, confident and projects a leaderly aura - all aspects of the gentlemanly phantom thief which Nia is the exact opposite of. They’re like when zoos pair dogs and cheetahs together so the latter doesn’t have a panic attack at every waking moment.
As for who she doesn’t . . . I think Taranza meeting a mirror version of Joronia would fuck him up pretty badly, for one. He’d be torn between his distaste toward Mirror Worlders and the euphoria of seeing his best friend’s face again, and end up projecting a Lot of baggage onto her - both positive and negative.
They would both be weirded out by each other - a version of Taranza who’s polite and mild-mannered, clumsy instead of graceful, prefers flowers to jewelry and dusty old books to brawls? Fucked up. Likewise, a version of Joronia who’s quite timid, humourless and dishevelled would set off alarm bells that something is Very Wrong.
(They’d probably be good friends if they got over themselves, though.)
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sortanonymous · 8 months
I drew Queen Pikiria in Meta Knightmare! (plus some info on her and also someone else's much better drawing of her) (Part 1!)
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It was a painful mess of flipping between different colorized versions, but I've drawn my AU/fic's version of Pikiria, adopted daughter of Sectonia & Taranza and the Crown Princess-turned-Queen of Floralia. (Based off Pirka from the light novels, but so different in personality, background, and name that she's essentially an OC.) I definitely could have drawn it better (I probably should have added a Dreamstalk flower to the center of the bow, but not only is it too late, but it's a pain drawing either that bow or any kind of flowers), but I feel like this was an okay first effort. Forget mine though, because also after giving a suggestion and a tiny bit of coloring advice, here's the (official?) colorized version of Aiden Stolidus's (aka "insane guy") much better drawing on Amino, even if there's no crown! (Yes, that site still exists and I still look around on there even though I never post.) Honestly, if you need any art of this character as a basis for your own, AU or not, this is the definitive answer. They knocked it out of the park! (Don't worry, I got permission.)
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Now take rather randomly organized some info and HCs on her under the cut, even if I might just reuse them for a bigger post if I draw her Spydeair parents soon (and also some of these are carried over from that "How Sectonia and Taranza Became Pikiria's Parents" post from a while back, which itself was half a Cliffnotes version of the Our Little Miracle fic)! (SPOILERS FOR META KNIGHTMARES II AND III, OF COURSE)
She's a Fairie, a species of fairies distantly related to the Spydeair species. (Might also have just a bit of relation to the Ripple Star fairies, but not a lot and I'm not sure.)
These first few points will simply summarize things you can already find in the fics, but I'll bring them up for context. To summarize her adoption yet again (Our Little Miracle), she floated into relatively-newlywed Sectonia and Taranza's garden hours after her birth and after some weeks of taking care of her and eventually deducing how she got here, they happily adopted her as the Crown Princess of Floralia.
Fast forward to her 12th birthday, which was also Sectonia's 35th birthday (The Insane Following Stuff, specifically chapters 5-11). After meeting (most of) the Meta-Knights and getting them to Sectonia just in time for both the queen's surprise b-day party and an attack by Dark Mind's Mirror World forces (long story short, DMK has beef with Secty's family here), she had to use her lightning-fast Fairie wings to save her father from getting crushed by debris. That night, she learned that she'd immediately have to fly all the way out to the planet Skyhigh to be trained for her future for the next 236 months like a glorified college. (Her parents had known this since she was like 6, but were always vague on telling her and just didn't want to think about it.) She emotionally said farewell before flying off into space.
About four and a half years later (chapters 17 and 21-25 of The Insane Following Stuff, to be exact), she had done very well on Skyhigh, taking after her mother and becoming a spectacular and speedy dual-wielding swordswoman nicknamed "Pikiria the Quick", although she was still rather homesick and waiting for a good time to spend her single vacation day. That came sooner than expected when her mother, after over four years of emotional struggles (from Pikiria's departure and fear of Dark Mind's forces) compounded by the Dimensional Mirror's grip on her, caused the darkness transmitted from it to take over and her to have a meltdown. Upon detecting her telepathic cry for help/farewell in a nightmare, she immediately rocketed back to Royal Road just in time to stop her possessed mother from killing the Knights, and both she and her father were able to comfort her and let her regain control. After staying for the next 24 hours to reconnect with and check on her parents, as her mother slowly started to recover, she emotionally went back to Skyhigh.
Once those 236 months were up (chapters 13-18 of The Later Roller Coaster), she had just gotten ready to return home for good and become Floralia's top defender/crown princess when she got another urgent telepathic message from her father and rushed back in panic. In the last few weeks, her mother's corruption had come back with a vengeance and the entire kingdom was on the brink. She reunited with her father and after launching the Dreamstalk mission with him and the people as a last-ditch effort to save both the kingdom and hopefully her mother, she got the Knights up to Royal Road. But the plan imploded down the stretch and right after watching her father get blasted out the window by her warped mother (which she thought killed him), she and Meta were forced into a battle with DMK/Shadow Knight, her mother's (even further corrupted) corrupter. While they did force him to retreat into space, Pikiria was in horror as her mother in Dreamstalk form seemed moments away from death when Hypernova Kirby had the beam pointed toward her. While a sympathetic Kirby did use the beam to instead severely weaken her corruption, thus giving the family a brief moment of reconnection and joy, with the corruption still deep within her, Sectonia went into slumber to fend off the darkness until a potential cure was found. Right before though, she asked Pikiria to succeed her and Taranza on the throne to become Floralia's new queen and clean up the mess just made, which she emphatically agreed to.
Nearly two and a half years after that (chapters 21-24 of The Later Roller Coaster), when the Star Dream crisis happened, she flew into the Access Ark alongside the Knights and eventually had to rush out, though not before she had to fight a clone of her mother's corrupted form. She was able to defeat her through her memories of her real mother's swordfighting technique and escape alongside the crew, but after witnessing a certain shocking loss on the way out, she returned home with even more appreciation for her father.
The story continues in Meta Knightmare IV: The Unforgettable Star-Studded Finale later this year!
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gobstoppr · 2 years
hey gamers so i was listening to this song (midnight moonlight, remix of triple deluxe final boss themes) and had some ideas for a comic / fic? about kirby and dedede going to visit taranza .
heres my disorganized rambles from the notes app .
== taranza visit ==
-id like to think that like. every few months kirby and ddd go to visit taranza . -its that time of the month again . look kirbys got his mess of a calender right here . its got a silly flower doodle on the date -wake up wake up wake up we gotta go cmon wake up -ddd is barely awake . hes annoyed . huh . what . what is it why are u bothering me at 7 in the morning -kirby enthusiasitically pointing at the dreamstalk out the window . sigh . oh boy time to fucking climb huh -no matter how sleep deprived and grumpy you are , u cant let down a promise to kirby . hell drag u along regardless . -bandee's also coming . yeah -ok so now were starting the climb up the dreamstalk . kirbys flying a bit ahead. hes using beetle because better flight . ddd's behind em carrying a bunch of stuff for a picnic later . hes like climbing climbing . strong . bandee is helping -hey are you sure ur alright carrying all that . well yeah ofcourse im fine lol. im the strongest guy ever ive got this . <-- is exhausted -kirby enthusiastically greeting everyone they pass . oh hey its one of floralias funny flower fairy guys . hi ! hi there !! how are u !! hes like an energetic puppy . he sees literally anyone and is overjoyed . -maybe the people of the sky still hold ddd extremely highly right . like yeah were well aware it was initially a misunderstanding that u were the hero of dreamland but ur still our hero . they personally helped/watched ddd when he was doing that section with the cannon,, and probably witnessed him helping to free kirby so he could finish the final blow on sectonia . -but yea i think it would be entertaining if hes like . a super big deal to them . tries to act all cool like yea i know im the best haha . he is a selfconscious mess and this is how he disguises being flattered -ok so eventually we meet up with taranza all the way up near the castle in royal road . -taranzas happy to see them . hes constantly trying to tidy up in little ways like fixing his hair and straightening out his scarf and such . even tho hes sorta close with them hes a bit of a perfectionist and wants to be seen as well put together . -we do silly fun things . have a picnic in the garden . taranza teaching the others about plants . bandee is fascinated by his rambles . in the past taranzas been shown to think of himself as very cool and clever sometimes so maybe . he plays chess with ddd some . you know snickering to himself when he thinks hes about to make a really smart move. ddd playfully teases him over it -maybe at one point taranza gets a bit gloomy . maybe hes staring longingly at a dreamstalk blossom and feelin sad over sectonia again . ddd could try to reassure him a lil . give em a pat on the back -kirby suddenly remembers somethin . runs over to his bag and pulls out some flowers local in dreamland that he had brought for taranza bc he knows he likes that sorta thing . taranza cheers up a lil bit . somethin somethin thematic about learning to cope and move on some . accepting the love of the people around you now while still retaining part of their memory . -they hang out until sunset . idk maybe they spend the night or somethin its a long way back
thats all ive got for now yea
i might try to draw a few of these ideas later . just . thinkin about the guys ykno im replaying triple deluxe again and MAN. that game. is so fucking good .
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quotes-of-dreamland · 3 years
As someone who was thankfully asleep during the Favoritism Fiasco™, I'd like to lighten the mood a bit. Fluffy headcanons for your comfort characters, please? :) -Wisp
Mod Taranza: Taranza has a very soft and sweet singing voice. He shys away from doing it if he’s spotted, but if you hum or sing a song he knows, he’ll gladly sing along with you
Mod Lor: Nova is actually a very good storyteller; though he can’t exactly act out events, and doesn’t do a lot of exaggeration, he makes up for it by being very good with word choice and tone of voice. He can make almost any story seem interesting, usually through his own passion or interest in the subject, kinda like when a teacher’s lecture is actually good because you can tell they care about it. He very rarely gets the opportunity to show this side of himself, but Lor (and Magolor on a few occasions) has witnessed it several times since meeting him. Speaking of Magolor, he absolutely loves mint. Can’t get enough of it. It’s like catnip without the loopiness afterwards, and therefore nothing to tease him over should he... over-indulge. He keeps several mint plants in areas he frequents, such as the kitchen, Lor’s dashboard, and his room, and takes very good care of them with the help of his magic. As for Lor, she’s very good at singing lullabies, though usually she just hums them because very few people would actually understand the words nowadays. It’s a lot easier for her to sing in her original language, after all, but it just happens to be very, very old. She actually enjoys humming in general, though usually only does so when she’s alone due to past experiences in Halcandra.
Mod Susie: Jammerjabs don’t have much of a sense of individuality - they don’t have names, they don’t have preferred pronouns, they all look the same, and there are thousands of them scattered about the jambandra base. However, every rule has a few exceptions, and there are actually a few jammers that stand out from the crowd and as such, have nicknames: Ash, Damsel, Dusty, James, Jammie, Lily, Paladin, Scale, Smith, Soots, Tone, and Vex are all the named jammerjabs on board!
*Mod Skirby: Skirby and SDDD have a shared hobby of photography. Neither are really good at it and each like different subjects, but they both enjoy it. (Skirby likes taking pictures of scenery, plants, and bugs, while SDDD likes taking pictures of people, city scapes, and birds. They don’t like to talk about it out in the open though. (Skirby is nervous about sharing his hobbies, SDDD doesn’t want it to soften his image.) Bandana Moddle Dee: Bandana Dee and Sailor Dee are hiking buddies! Bandee will go hiking both to train stamina and to get away from work at castle Dedede, and Sailor tags along with him to collect flowers and leaves and twigs and things that he thinks look nice!! They also go to harvest fruits for pies and apple juice!!
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Taranza had hidden behind Serafina when he noticed the butterfly, Marx watching it in curiosity. Serafina raised an eyebrow slightly as it fluttered around the two, but didn’t seem interested in landing on them.
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The Wishing Star
“……You REALLY promise this will work? Like this is a real thing and not…I dunno…a scam of yours or something Magolor?”
The spider-kind Floralian Taranza sat anxiously in one of the few seats onboard the dimensional traveler Magolor’s ship. He’d been tying and untying and generally fiddling with his red scarf for what felt like hours now. If what Magolor promised him was true, then everything would be better again. His whole world would be rosy again. But well, that was the problem with Magolor…he didn’t always tell the truth…He could be nice, and polite, but Taranza knew at heart he was a bit of a con artist…
“Look would I lie to you? Don’t answer that…But yes, it’s true. I’ve studied the Ancients, devoured knowledge about them for a LONG time. It’s how I got the Lor here, it’s how I learned to slip through dimensions, and it’s how I came to meet Kirby and you in the first place. These Clockwork Stars are real…they can grant the user any one wish. And when I say ANY wish? I mean ANY wish. Anything you want. When I heard about your uhm……situation…I decided, ‘who would be more deserving of a wish than my good friend Taranza? The stand-in King of Floralia! Who could deserve a wish more than him!’ And so I HAD to tell you!” Magolor enthused…maybe a little too much, before toning it down again.
“……Well yeah…and you made me promise to give you something in return…but you still haven’t told me what that something is…” Taranza stated, gazing curiously at Magolor with his four, front-facing eyes, his horns twitching a little as he thought. ‘What could he want from me? He’s such a trickster…I wonder what I have that he wants…’
“Don’t worry about that now! I haven’t even decided yet! I just feel I deserve some reward you know? For bringing you out to the Star and for not using the ONE wish myself heehee. I could’ve done that you know? Clockwork Stars are hard to find, and our little pink friend has destroyed two of them already…”
Magolor said, grinning a little to himself as he watched the Lor’s display system carefully.
‘Oh you’ll see what I want Taranza…and I know once that Star gives you what YOU want, you’ll be so happy…you won’t even think of saying no to my request! I want a seat of power in Floralia…and I want to see where you’ve kept that destroyed Dark Mirror…I know you’ve gotta still have it, and I can fix it…and once I do…I’m gonna see just what this mirror-world has to offer…’
“I suppose it doesn’t matter……whatever you want, if this works, will be fine…I…” Taranza frowned, looking down, clasping his six hands together.
“I just want to see her again……” He sighed, his silver hair falling into his face a little as he looked down.
“Welp! It shouldn’t be too long until we’re to that Star, and you WILL see her again! I know it will work Taranza buddy! I’ve read all about them!” Magolor enthused again, he was SURE it was the appropriate amount this time!
“Yeah…I……” Taranza began, but stopped just as suddenly, lost in his thoughts. He took a deep breath, and reached into his cloak, materializing the beautiful, tiny, pink bloom he’d picked from the Dreamstalk that had grown in his Queen’s place after her passing. He touched the flower petals so delicately, gazing at it closely, a look of longing in his four eyes.
“I just…hope it works…I hope she can remember our love…I…hope she is the Sectonia I knew and fell in love with…before that mirror changed her so much…” he sighed sadly, holding the flower to his chest gently, as he often did for comfort. In a way, it was all he had left of his wife and love.
“Don’t doubt me so much! It will work! And I bet, as long as you phrase it right, the Star will bring her back just as she was before her change, her true self! Just make sure to phrase your wish right!” Magolor explained, checking his monitors again. He WAS certain this would work. After all he’d studied a good deal about the Clockwork Stars the Ancients had built. They could be a little tricky, but as long as you were careful with your words, they’d give you just what you wanted.
“But what if I’m NOT careful enough?” Taranza asked, and his vision began to blur, as he felt his eight eyes burning with tears. “What if I don’t phrase things right or…or what if it doesn’t matter? What if the Star can only bring her back to her most recent state and it does, and she…she tries to warp and hurt everything again? I…I can’t stop her then! Not alone and I…I don’t know if I have the emotional strength to fight her anyway!” He began to cry so heavily, his thoughts overwhelming him as he remembered his Queen’s final day. All the time she’d spent under the mirror’s influence, she still would show him love, and affection on occasion, though it became more and more fleeting as time passed, as if part of her old self was trying to break through, but that day……
“If it brings her back like that…She…She even hurt ME in that state…I…that’s how I…I realized that…” Taranza could hardly speak from crying so much now, on the verge of hyperventilation. His thoughts were becoming too much. He wanted his beloved back, it had been a few years now, and still he missed her and dreamed of her every day, but the possibility of things going wrong was so overwhelming for him.
Magolor heard his voice cracking, and his cries becoming urgent, and he turned away from his monitors to face him. He could see tears streaming from all of his spider eyes, as he clutched the dream-blossom to his heart. A look of surprise and concern spread over Magolor’s face at the sight, and he rushed quickly to the spider-kind’s side.
“H-hey now…” He patted Taranza’s back gently. “Don’t worry too much about all that, it’s gonna be okay! I mean, this is a once in a lifetime opportunity! You can’t let it pass you by, by worrying so much about this stuff! It’s gonna be just fine, I’m sure of it!” Magolor was nervous to be in this position. He was not what anyone would call the comforting type, but he couldn’t help but feel moved by Taranza right now. He’d never really had any feelings for anyone the way Taranza had for his Queen. He’d basically been a loner his whole life, never part of a group. Never growing any tight bonds with anyone, certainly not relying on anyone for love and affection or much of anything really. He just went where he wanted, took what he wanted, and did what he wanted and that was that. But to see someone else like this…he couldn’t help but feel genuinely sympathetic to Taranza’s sorrows in this moment.
“I don’t s-see how you can be so sure……” Taranza shook his head, and looked into Magolor’s golden eyes, tears still streaming down his face.
“You’ve not wished on any of these Stars yourself…you’ve no idea what could go wrong and…and bringing a whole person back to life can’t be easy……” He sobbed a little more, looking at his dream-blossom once more, its petals so beautiful and pure, its scent so much like his Queen’s, the nostalgia it conjured up brought him both peace and heartache.
“Regardless I have to try…Everyday I spend without her…the pain is immeasurable…even after three years, it’s still so immeasurable……” He wiped his eyes some, but he continued to cry still, unable to sooth the pain he felt in his heart.
“And I owe it to her to keep trying whatever I can…because the mirror was my gift to her…Her death was my fault…I owe her a new life…a better life…” He sobbed, as he tried and failed to choke back his tears.
Magolor frowned sadly, and looked down. He couldn’t help but to feel a little ashamed of himself. All he’d ever wanted or longed for was…material. Power, titles, objects…but here he was, taking advantage of this man, struggling to be a good king to a broken kingdom, lost without the love of his life. In his grief, he would give Magolor anything if he could actually help him bring his wife back, and Magolor knew this to be the case…and just like with Kirby before, he was taking advantage. ‘No…I’m…not gonna go being all soft now over some widower…I’m. Not. A deal is a deal and…and he agreed! And besides! He’s getting something too! So it’s fine! It’s fine! Isn’t it…?’ Magolor’s thoughts were racing, and he looked at Taranza, his primary white eyes flooding with tears that showed no sign of stopping anytime soon.
Magolor wrapped his hands round Taranza, hugging him close. “You gotta stop thinking like that……You already told me, you just found the mirror randomly and when you found it, it LOOKED like a normal mirror. You had no way of knowing the power it held OR what it would do. So stop blaming yourself or……or I’m turning this Starcutter around! Okay?” Magolor said, he could hardly believe himself right now.
“Okay…” Taranza nodded, and hiccuped a little as they eased up some. “I’m just a-anxious…I’ve never been so close to a-actually getting her back Magolor…” he explained and hugged Magolor back with his six hands, being very careful of his dream-blossom as he did so.
“You just gotta practice your phrasing for when you talk to the Star okay? Here, we can try a little right now, since we’ll be there soon…” Magolor explained, and he stopped hugging him and cleared his throat.
“Just say something like: ‘I, Taranza wish for my wife Sectonia to be revived from the dead exactly as she was before encountering the dark mirror!’ Then it’s all very clear and there’s no way to get it wrong!” Magolor smiled a little, and looked at Taranza, awaiting his response.
Taranza wiped his eyes again, and mumbled softly to himself “I…Taranza wish for my wife Sectonia to be revived from the dead exactly as she was before encountering the dark mirror……” He stated, and repeated the statement over and over several times to be sure it would stay in his mind. He nodded to Magolor and smiled a little through his tears.
“Thanks…” he said, tucking his dream-bloom away in his cloak again as he felt his nerves beginning to settle once more.
Magolor nodded, and smiled warmly at him scratching one of the horn-like shapes on his hood shyly. “Yeah well, you know…anytime…” he said, and laughed awkwardly.
A beeping sound came from the monitors on the Lor Starcutter, and Magolor raced back over to check.
“Oh boy!” He exclaimed as he looked at the display. “ We’re here! Let’s go!” He grinned as he took one of Taranza’s hands and guided him out into space, where they would be face to face with the clockwork star. ‘Do I even care about my reward anymore? Am I just doing this to see him happy? He’s…lost so much…he deserves to have her back. He didn’t deserve to lose her! I want my reward but argh! I want him to be with his wife again!’ His thoughts were racing as they both floated out into the void of space.
Taranza looked up at the massive, gold clock-face in awe, and maybe a little bit in fear. Its eyes opened slowly and its expression was cold, apathetic, mechanical as it stared down at him. This was it. This thing, the size of an asteroid was going to be the key to bringing back his wife, his queen, his best friend. He just had to say the words exactly as they practiced. He just had to open his mouth…
Gears could be heard shifting and spinning slowly, and the soft, subtle, beeping of computers sounded faintly from within the Star, as its gaze shifted down coolly upon Magolor and Taranza.
“I am Star model: DWARF. Any request made to me shall be fulfilled to its completion and to the satisfaction of the requester.” The Star spoke clearly and mechanically to them.
“I am able to fulfill only one request per visit, and may only see one visitor per ten years. State your request if one is to be made. It will be fulfilled concisely, to the letter.” The star finished.
Taranza floated still, on the spot, unable to move or speak, until he felt Magolor push him gently forward, and heard him whisper encouragingly to him.
“Go on. Just like we practiced.”
He cleared his throat, and gazed up at the clock face…He took a deep breath and reached into his cloak again, calling the dream-blossom forth for comfort and peace of mind, gazing upon its petals before facing the Star once more.
“Star model DWARF…I…I, Taranza wish for my wife Sectonia to be revived from the dead exactly as she was before encountering the dark mirror!” He stated as clearly as he could, Magolor mouthing the words with him as he spoke, crossing his fingers and closing his eyes despite himself.
Gears could be heard whirring within the star, and its eyes turned round and round in its sockets before gazing squarely at Taranza once more.
“Your wish is to revive the soul and life force of the departed Floralian Queen Sectonia. Her soul and being as they were before the transformation brought upon her by the dark mirror. Is that correct?” DWARF asked for confirmation, its eyes cool and focused, unblinking.
“Y-yes. Precisely.” Taranza nodded in agreement. He couldn’t wait. He was shaking with anxiety and anticipation. ‘Oh my queen. How I’ve missed you. Oh to hold you again…to feel your embrace…to see your beautiful eyes gazing into mine…to be at your beck and call…to feel my purpose return…my Queen, my Sectonia…my dearest friend…my flower…my EVERYTHING. It’s here, right here…finally…’ Taranza’s head was spinning so much, he felt his cheeks warm with blush and his heart pounding in his chest like a ceremonial drum. He could already see her sweet face, already feel her six hands that fit so perfectly in his, already hear her loving voice urging him on, calling his name to ask something, anything of him. Already…already…
The sounds of gears shifting hard stopped his daydreams short.
“To bring someone back from the dead is one of the largest of requests. It is possible but an energy force will need to be exchanged.” The Star spoke, and the cold eyes of its face glowed a moment and turned abruptly to face Magolor. “He will be sufficient.” It said coolly, and a ball of gold light surrounded Magolor, freezing him in place.
“H-hey!” Magolor tried to call out, but no sound came from him. He couldn’t move. He was stuck in place, totally helpless. ‘Oh no…a power source I…I’m an IDIOT! AGH! I should have known! I should have known! This isn’t just some party favor he’s asking for! It takes a soul to get a soul! I’m so stupid! You wanted power Magolor…well now you’re about to power this blasted Star!’ His gold eyes were wide with fear. He was completely at Taranza’s mercy. ‘There’s no way…He’ll give me up…I know he will…I saw how much he misses her…he loves her…In his position I would do the same…Heck I would do the same just for riches! I can’t even blame him. Damn!’
All of Taranza’s eyes widened in shock and disbelief as he stared up at the clock face. ‘It…It’s going to take Magolor to…But…’ He shook his head and focused hard.
“W-wait!” Taranza exclaimed frantically.
“Y-you need him as a power source to fulfill my wish? I…That would kill him!” Taranza said, waving all six of his little hands frantically.
“To revive the dead, a living thing must be exchanged as a source of energy within my core. I would need a strong source to use as a battery, as Queen Sectonia of Floralia was a powerful being. The mage has immense powers and knowledge. His life force would be sufficient to revive the Queen.” The star explained, awaiting Taranza’s response.
Taranza looked at Magolor, stunned speechless as he saw Magolor’s panicked, golden eyes staring back at him from his bubble. He was completely trapped, completely helpless. Everything was up to Taranza. Everything was his choice now.
“I…revoke my wish…I wish for Magolor’s release instead……He is my friend…I cannot lose him……” Taranza spoke, and his voice trembled and quaked as he did, all six of his hands shaking as he held his dream-blossom close. “I would not be here but for him…I…cannot exchange his life for my Queen’s…” his voice cracked, and he looked down. He could feel his heart breaking all over again, but Magolor…he’d consoled him. He’d shown him genuine kindness on this journey. He could not offer up his life to some Star. It was not his life to give.
“Friend……?” Magolor spoke again, but still no sound came out. He suddenly felt his limbs loosen up and the bubble around him disappeared as the gears within the clockwork star turned, its eyes slowly closing once more…
“Request fulfilled. Star model DWARF Entering SLEEP.” It spoke, and the whirring of mechanical sounds slowly died down.
Taranza burst into tears as he watched the Star’s eyes close, all hope of seeing his Queen again fading with the light from those eyes. “What’s done…is done…” he muttered quietly, sniffing gently at his dream blossom before tucking it back into his cloak, returning with Magolor to the Starcutter.
Magolor boarded with him in silence and entered the coordinates for Popstar into the Lor to begin their journey home. He wanted to give him a moment to self-sooth. He doubted he wanted to hear his voice at the moment. After a time, he finally spoke up.
“I……I’m sorry…I got your hopes all up and I…I didn’t think it worked like that…” Magolor could feel himself tearing up a little too. He shook his head. “Taranza…I…I did have…less than stellar motives for wanting to help at first but…but after talking to you I…I genuinely wanted to help. I mean that. Honest! From the bottom of my black hole of a heart…” Magolor said, speaking softly to him.
Taranza shook his head sadly. He felt beside himself with grief, but he was happy that at least Magolor wasn’t dead now too. He couldn’t have gone through with such a thing. Not ever…
“Y-you still took me out here…to the middle of space…I…What do you want as a reward…?”
He wiped his eyes sadly, he felt so defeated as he looked at Magolor.
Magolor thought hard for a moment. He could still make his request. He could still get his reward…power…magic…knowledge. It all could be his. He shook his head.
“Well I…You said I…uhm…back there, to that Star, you said I’m your friend??? I…don’t really, particularly have many friends…maybe…my reward…can be your friendship. If you uhm…really wanna be friends with a con artist like me…” Magolor said, scratching the back of his head nervously.
‘Curses! That pink puffball and his little Dream Team, found-family crap is rubbing off on me! But…Taranza will be a valuable friend…he knows a lot about magic. And…he said we’re friends…’
Taranza looked at him a moment in stunned silence, and he floated over to him and hugged him tight. “Mhm…You are my friend, it’s true…I’ll be your friend for sure. You’ve…helped me a lot today, even if things didn’t work out…”. He smiled weakly, happy with Magolor’s requested reward.
Magolor smiled a little in surprise before gently shoving Taranza away. “Yeah, yeah, yeah. All that mushy stuff. I don’t do hugs alright.” He laughed a little and looked at Taranza. “Anyway. Thanks for, ya know, not sacrificing my life energy to a cold, wish-granting, computer thing to resurrect your dead-wife and all that…I uhm…really appreciate it. I’m really grateful…” Magolor said, and looked back at his monitors, watching the Lor chart their course.
Taranza laughed softly, wiping his eyes again as he sat back down in one of the passenger chairs, sinking back comfortably in his seat. He felt so exhausted.
“Yeah…Anytime…” he said, sighing deeply, a mix of emotions running through his brain. ‘Maybe life is for the living now…and I should start paying attention to the people I have with me still…instead of grasping constantly for what is lost and gone…’. He thought to himself, and he closed his eyes to rest. ‘What a terrible, wonderful day…’
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Taranza: “For the sake of meeting with that flower” oh god he means Sectonia
Secretary Susie: “Face extermination, from this laser gun <3” good catchphrase concept, maybe tighten it up a little, but in general very nice
Magolor: “Best friends from the heart” oh hey. shut up
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What do you think of magolor taranza and susie?
“magolor, taranza and susie.... you mean the egg, the spider and pink hair? i never met them personally but i have info thanks to the mages...”
“Egg speaks nonsense, for someone who says that knows about history, he dares to pair me with the ones who banished and back stabbed me”
“spider seems calm and intelligent, i heard from the mages he is good with flowers...i should meet him once”
“and pink hair, that's the one i know less, i don’t understand technology much but she seems knowledgeable, but also from another society, my presence may horrify her...”
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bandagegirl · 7 years
Kirby games are like dreams. So sweet, wonderful settings and musics and characters that tell you you're safe. Every game, Level, World is like its own dream that you get when you fall asleep.
You might dream of Green Greens, an seemingly endless field of nature and walk into a forrest and meet its guardian, Whispy Woods, who shares some of the sweetest apples you have ever tasted.
You might dream of Orange Ocean, a place known for its breathtaking sunsets and being training grounds for knights.
You might dream of Bubbly Clouds and its almost castle-like structures, from where you might catch a glimpse of a flying kingdom, connected by flowers and the lost love of a spider.
You might dream of deserts, desserts, ruins and resorts filled with friendly faces of people that know, they are living a dream.
But sometimes, when you fall asleep, you don't dream of a good dream but a nightmare instead.
It might be a nightmare you forget what it was about when you wake up but still leaves a mark.
It might be a nightmare of being alone, maybe wandering through an endless abyss of darkness, maybe being imprisoned because others fear you or reasons unknown.
It might be a nightmare of losing something or someone, a sibling, a parent, a child, a lover, trust in a friend you made in just in a dream before.
It might be a nightmare of death, of fates maybe worse than death, of your deepest fears come true.
Everytime you get caught in a nightmare, the same pink being drives those fears away.
Sometimes, that pink being, Kirby, is alone.
Other times he got some friends, like the King of Dreamland himself, King Dedede, or the strongest knight of Dreamland, Meta Knight, or a simple Waddle Dee with a spear, who made themself a hero through courage and loyalty to their friends. Each time you get plagued by a nightmare, you can trust Kirby and his masses of friends to help you, to safe you, to return you to the sweet dreams.
Dreams of safety.
Of friends and family.
Of others, who were plagued by nightmares and now fight against them.
One can always count on Kirby, on Dedede, Meta Knight, Bandanna Waddle Dee.
On Taranza, Magolor, Susie, Marx, Gryll. On Whispy Woods, Kracko, Lololo and Lalala.
On the Bronto Burts that greet you in Green Greens.
On the Squishies that brought back your sunglasses after they fell into Orange Ocean.
On the Simirror who told you of a secret in the moon.
On your friends and family, on all those good people in life, you can count on them to keep dreams alive and nightmares away.
Kirby games are like dreams.
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