#(galactic ambition | marx)
"Oh no, not him..." Taranza sighed, remembering every time he got swatted at.
"Yay, it's him!" Marx cheered. Totally not because Gallant still doesn't seem to think he's the same guy that tried taking over Pop Star.
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ronjacksilver4816 · 4 days
Chapters 9 and 10 are now here! Sorry I forgot to post them already lol
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// Marx -- Updated tag dump
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askthedreamyversegang · 4 months
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Tada! I decided to draw every single oc in the tourney I can draw (+A few honorable characters that deserved a spot in the doodle sheet).
Credits under the cut!
Star by @c0ffee-7
Valfrey by @gethoce
Amaterasu by @zerosocialskillz
Rainbow Dee by @cali-kabi
Moonstone by @m0x1ez
Lemon Dee by @snazzyladreal
Starry Dee by @staring-at-a-blank-pagee
Rifty by @dizzy-dudd
Aphelion by @hadopelagicpsi
Aijo by @starstruck358 / @birby-blog
Dotty by @cauli-flawa
Shattered Reality AU​ Marx and Dokutaro (Actually Pecharunt​ from Pokémon)​ by @poyoofthestars / @galactic-ambitions-jester
Starstruck Dee by @starflungwaddledee
Cosmo by @poppybros-jr
Sir Uther (Who is probably a pile of ash by now) by @quanblovk
Periwinkle, Ginger, Moss, Niru, Artist Dee and Honey Toast Dee by Me, @shibuyatoastedcursor .
And that wraps it up folks, I hope you don't mind the pings!
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A​ placeholder Shade Knight I thought looked a little too good to leave out.
Shade Knight by @rosiegardenlove .
For: @kirbyoctournament
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desultory-novice · 1 year
There's two things about Dark Meta Knight’s reputation that I just can't understand. One is the Sectonia corruption thing. I just can’t, like, believe it happened that way? (And you know me. I’m usually very open to wild theories.)
It feels to me like suggesting Galacta Knight was responsible for Marx’s mad ambitions because Galacta was that game’s secret boss and also involved with Galactic Nova! (If, however, you happen to legitimately think Galacta Knight was responsible for Marx, please lemme know your HC. I wanna hear 'em!)
The other thing, and I think this mostly surrounds the Sectonia corruption thing(?) is that DMK is some entity of pure evil that's just cosplaying as Meta Knight? 
Dark Meta Knight IS Meta Knight's shadow. He’s literally Meta Knight with the limiters taken off. He's not “EVIL” Meta Knight. He is what lurks inside Meta Knight brought to the forefront, whereas all that makes up our Meta Knight is pushed to the background. Heck, Dark Meta Knight probably knows perfectly well how to be chivalrous and heroic and helpful, but he's as interested in that as Meta Knight is in throwing another military coup.
They're both really so much more interesting when you accept that they are mirror images of each other. It's literally built in to the lore!! XD
I have a lot of HC about the Mirror World being in general more brutal and chaotic than the main verse (”brutal” in a Kirby way, of course) and that DMK is mostly a distant, unfriendly, pragmatic veteran of the “stabs first asks questions later” variety. He’s seen his world’s monarch get corrupted by MULTIPLE cosmic horrors and is not even sure if he’s still IN there anymore, meanwhile, the person who was supposed to be his world’s shining star of hope grew weak without the support of his friends, becoming a coward and a sneak (at least when TAM is going on.) Shadow Kirby is unable to stand up to the evil that has been corrupting their world even if they wanted too. 
No wonder DMK himself lost to Dark Mind.(1)
That he’s still kind of an aggressive, stabby-person after their world was saved I attribute to “lived this way so long he’s not sure how to stop” syndrome. Do you realize both how cute and how sad it is that he’s only able to (badly) draw his sword in the Wave 2 pic? He’s asked to be creative and he can’t THINK of anything except fighting anymore.
:holds DMK gently:
...Of course then I go and make my DMK mute so he can’t defend himself or express what he’s going through to anyone except Meta Knight. (And the more empathic characters/anyone else they taught their sign language to.) Oops! XD
(1) I also HC that DMK wasn’t being an idiot when he entered the main verse and attacked Kirby, splitting him into multiple copies. For one, he obviously didn’t split Meta Knight into copies when he attacked HIM, so that mirror refraction thing he does is not a power he has no control over.
I think that he purposefully made 3 extra Kirbys, each equally strong as the first, and lured them into the Mirror World, goading them on further and further, using the mystery of “what happened to Meta Knight.” (Notice how he doesn’t go out of his way to stop Meta Knight from interfering? Nor does he try to kill him once he’s got him trapped in the mirror.) 
HIs goal? Dark Mind may have been his “master” but I think he WANTED Kirby to fight Dark Mind. To beat him.
I think his duel with Kirby serves the same purpose as Meta Knight’s duel with Kirby in Adventure. Meta Knight had to know about Nightmare from Dedede, so why did he fight Kirby? To TEST him. DMK did the same thing. “You’re not getting past here unless you prove you can defeat me.” (”Because I couldn’t stop him and if you have to be stronger than me to stand a chance.”)
Frankly, I think the fact that DMK risked death/shattering in that fight makes HIM the mirror world’s hero. Its jerkass hero, but still a hero.
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//ooc: Hey, hey, hey! Marx has arrived in your blog!
Sooo, what’s the story behind the marriage certificate?? Stanford Cipher? Looking forward to (hopefully) chaotic interactions! Marx the Noddy from Planet Popstar, OUT! - Marx
Don’t call me that—My last name is Pines. And that nonexistent “marriage document” is private information.
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Look let’s be honest here, I’m literally Doku’s partner in crime so I know tricks in the form of deals work. No I’m not offering myself to you, yuck Bill Cipher, disgusting. And Dipper? Fight back, kiddo. - Marx
"... WHOSE DOKU..??"
"I wish I could."
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cauliarty · 10 months
Got any Angst Marx lore?
I am one of the "marx is a demon beast" and "marx used to be a noddy" believers. That is what mainly propels how i write him.
Marx is an attention seeker. He'll do anything to be seen. He wants to be noticed. He wants to be loved feared.
If he became really, really strong - if he had Popstar all to himself... he could do just about anything. Freedom. Power. That is what defines and drives him. Despite the fact that he was born to be anything but that.
Noddies are known to be, well, sleepy. Very sleepy. All they do, in fact, is just sleep. Demon beasts are Nightmare's soldiers. They are little more than objects. Pieces on a chess board. Pawns. In both scenarios, Marx has no control.
So he wants to become powerful. He wants to be strong and scary so that no one can control him.
And when that finally happens? When he finally gets those golden wings? It's absolutely wonderful. He still considers it the best thing to ever happen to him. The feeling of a wish come true. He has been proven right - he is big and strong and capable and he can do anything.
As his Star Allies title says, Marx has galactic ambition. He (thinks he) knows what he wants, and he will stop at nothing to get it. It's childish, really.
So when he's confronted with the truth - that he's immature, helpless, and weak at heart, it destroys him. It destroys the image he's built up for himself. All that he is. All that he wants to be.
After I made the Post-Milky Way Wishes "get exploded idiot" angst comic, I suddenly had an idea for that beginning page, but didn't go through with it because it was too late to incorporate it. In the comic, Marx immediately lashes out at Kirby, but this scenario isn't as immediate.
Kirby reaches out their hand to a defeated Marx. But instead of taking it, getting back up, and perhaps apologizing, Marx acts all snarky. He teases Kirby - did they really think it'd be THAT easy? Do they know who they're dealing with? This is Marx! His perfect little plan is still in motion, and it's not gonna stop until he gets what he wants! And with his new, golden, colorful wings, he--
His wings - his wings are broken. Their scales, reduced to fragments, scattered around him, a reminder that he failed. His power is gone, his one opportunity to become someone, and all of it - EVERYTHING - has been smashed to bits. Shining bits of broken glass that litter the arena.
He stares in disbelief as Kirby tries to offer support. Marx scratches them across the face and screams.
This power was not meant for him. It wasn't even his to begin with. He has no power of his own. He's just a noddy with a whole lot of ambition, and "his perfect little plan" was just one of his little fantasies. And, being the fool he is, he tried to bring it to life.
He's not a big, scary monster. He's not really all that strong. He's just a kid. A helpless, weak, tiny little noddy.
When backed into a corner with no way out, when forced to confront the fact that he's weak, when he's completely helpless, that is when he snaps. Because he doesn't know what else to do.
in conclusion, yes (:
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paldeatrio · 4 months
Heya? Turo? Are you even the guy? Y’know Mr. Eye Bags? Oh wait! You have no eye bags?! What’s going on? Now that I look at it… kinda looks like Darcy. Huh. Betcha this ain’t the real Turo, Sada. - Marx
What the… a robot thing? Or is it one of those fakes? - Dokutaro
//sending from @galactic-ambitions-jester / @poyoofthestars
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"....Human presence detected in the Zero Lab..."
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gethoce · 6 months
Shooting star for ultra knight given his whole universe taking over thing and cherry for hmmmm. Heiazdoze. Sure.
[💫 (Shooting Star) - If they were to wish on a clockwork star, like Galactic Nova or Star Dream, what would they wish for?]
Ultra has ambitions much akin to those of Meta Knight and Marx. It wants to be the most powerful and rule over the universe, to feel like it used to when it was young same as the universe it inhabits, when everything was still at its feet. What better thing to wish for than omnipotence? Unlike Meta Knight it doesn't shy away from obtaining power cheaply rather than earning it. Honour is of no concern to it as long as it ends up being above everyone else.
[🍒 (Cherry) - Out of all of the Dream Friends [Kirby included], which ones would they get along with the most? The least?]
Heiadoze loves her grandson Kirby and her son Marx, no competition, but those are obvious. She likes her son-in-law Dark Meta Knight a lot and supports women's wrongs (Susie). Flamberge and Ribbon have caught her eye as well, she just adores their attitudes.
As to who she dislikes, there is her other son-in-law, Magolor. She just can't stand him. His vibes just don't seem authentic to her. Zan Partizanne and Meta Knight are what she calls buzzkills and Bandana Dee she thinks of as a goody goody.
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otterronpas · 1 year
SEKAI of the Stars
OK SO BASICALLY! This is a crossover AU between Kirby and Project Sekai that I’ve been working on! It’s still very much a work in progress but it’s so much fun so far
The idea is simple: Kirby characters get their own units and SEKAIs, and everyone gets events that develop the growth of their groups and themselves
It’s very gijinka focused, and there will be many headcanons that I’ve come up with for each character
But for now! HERE ARE THE UNITS!!!
[Edited to move the units under a cut, since it's kind of a long post JSHSD]
Unit 1: Star☆Allies
Members: Kirby, Bandana Dee, Dedede, Meta Knight
Unit Leader: Kirby
Image Song: The World Hasn’t Even Started Yet - PinocchioP
SEKAI: Fairytale SEKAI
Unit 2: Artful Shadows
Members: Dark Meta Knight, Daroach, Ribbon, Adeleine
Unit Leader: Dark Meta Knight
Unit 3: Stardust Morning
Members: Prince Fluff, Gooey, Elfilin, Gryll
Unit Leader: Prince Fluff
Image Song: Doremifa Rondo - 40mP
SEKAI: Grassland SEKAI
Unit 4: Galactic Ambitions
Members: Magolor, Marx, Taranza, Susie
Unit Leader: Magolor
Image Song: Bad Girl Online - WONDERFUL☆OPPORTUNITY!
SEKAI: Dimensional SEKAI
Unit 5: Wandering Souls
Members: Fecto Elfilis, Sectonia, Magolor Soul, Shadow Kirby
Unit Leader: Fecto Elfilis
Image Song: Hole Dwelling - Kikuo
SEKAI: Dreamscape SEKAI
And those are all the units! Feel free to leave questions about the AU, I‘m happy to answer them!
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Taranza had hidden behind Serafina when he noticed the butterfly, Marx watching it in curiosity. Serafina raised an eyebrow slightly as it fluttered around the two, but didn’t seem interested in landing on them.
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ronjacksilver4816 · 46 minutes
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I need to remember to post these countdown images each day >:(
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@koopzilla replied to this post:
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Kicks a rock at him with the salt of a thousand seas.
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askthedreamyversegang · 4 months
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My second attempt at drawing every single Kirby oc in the tourney I can possibly draw (+A few characters​ that​ deserved​ a​ spot​ in​ the​ doodle​ sheet).
Credits under the cut!
Star by @c0ffee-7
Valfrey by @gethoce
Amaterasu by @zerosocialskillz
Rainbow Dee by @cali-kabi
Moonstone by @m0x1ez
Lemon Dee by @snazzyladreal
Starry Dee by @staring-at-a-blank-pagee
Rifty by @dizzy-dudd
Aphelion by @hadopelagicpsi
Aijo by @starstruck358
Dotty by @cauli-flawa
Shattered Reality AU​ Marx and Dokutaro (Actually Pecharunt​ from Pokémon)​ by @poyoofthestars / @galactic-ambitions-jester
Starstruck Dee by @starflungwaddledee
Cosmo by @poppybros-jr
Sir Uther (this doodle shows him before becoming a pile of ash.) by @quanblovk
Aife by @kosmic-autokrat / The previous host of the Kirby Oc Tournament
Noir Fontaine by @desultory-novice
Shade Knight by​ @rosiegardenlove
Anti by @boa35
Periwinkle, Ginger, Moss, Niru, and Honey Toast Dee by Me, @shibuyatoastedcursor (aka. @shibuya-toast / The mod of this ask blog).
Propaganda (and anti propaganda in Uther’s case) for the @kirbyoctournament !
And that wraps it up once again folks, I hope you don't mind the pings!
Individual doodles coming soon!
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It looks like Noir is having a bad time over here, because y’know. ;)
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dededaio · 2 years
thought exercise at how they would approach a movie based on kirby series with similar level of faithfulness to illumination mario movie
Acts as an origin story, combination of Dream Land 1, Kirby's Adventure and Kirby Super Star
Only first few minutes really have anything to do with Dream Land 1's plot. It really only here to setup Kirby and Dedede (probably Bandee too) as characters
Main crux of the plot revolves around Marx who asks newfound hero Kirby to help him gather sparkling stars on Planet Popstar in order to help him grant a wish from Galactic Nova, which would be to rebuild Fountain of Dreams that mysteriously stopped working
Dedede serves as comedic secondary antagonist for majority of the movie, wanting to collect sparkling stars to get people to love and respect him
Surprise, surprise, Marx is, in fact, evil
Meta Knight knows that, which is why he likewise will act as an obstacle on their journey, but much more serious in comparison to Dedede
When epic adventures in Dream Land in gathering sparkling stars, which involve meeting some iconic bosses like Whispy Woods and Kracko come to the end, Marx reveals his true ambitions
He wants to repair Fountain of Dreams… Because by doing so it will unseal Nightmare, his master
Kirby is flabbergasted and loses any will to go on. He thinks that he is too much of a fool to actually be able to help anybody. He's scared.
This is the crucial moment for Dedede's character arc. Over the course of the movie his funny shenanigans will eventually lead him to learn how to get love and respect of others naturally, i.e by being a good and caring person. He's the one who comes to cheer up Kirby and motivate him to stop Marx and Nightmare
Kirby, Dedede, Meta Knight all team up together to fight them in an epic climax. Everything goes well until Nightmare unleashes scary attack that leaves everyone vulnerable and defenseless. Even Marx
Marx makes a choice and yells that Nightmare's true weakness is the power of star rod that powers the fountain of dreams. Bandana Dee hears it and quickly gets it and tosses it to Kirby, effectively saving the day at the very last moment
After all set and done, Marx vanishes, leaving his fate ambiguous (he's alive dw about it, he's too marketable to kill off forever)
Not only Kirby, but Dedede, Bandana Dee and Meta Knight become recognized as heroes and protectors of Dream Land. Film ends on a happy feast with almost all characters that showed up through out the movie
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