#wisp anon
wispscribbles · 10 months
I want to eat your art and writing thank you so much
Haha well I'm always happy to keep you all fed. Here, have some old sketches <33
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bluegiragi · 10 months
Does ghost have trouble staying person shaped? From what you said about his gloves is it more of looking more clawed or does his hands and/or body just become more and more wispy/‘incoherent’ if that makes sense?
Sort of a mix of the two? You all haven’t really seen Ghost when he fully embraces his wraith side yet. But when it does happen, he becomes a lot less solid, less human looking. Its effect is limited to the ends of his limbs at the moment, which are kept in line with gloves and socks/boots. You can tell when he starts to lose control over himself when he starts getting wispy.
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williamwispdaily · 6 months
Do you think William ever played night in the woods?
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yea, i think he would :)
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crispywisp · 1 month
I've never played a postal in my life but a while back I inexplicably had a dream where I was making out with the postal dude and it compelled me to buy postal 2. I still haven't played it yet tho because I don't want to tell my friends why I suddenly decided to play a postal game.
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^face of envy for your dream
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tubbo--updates · 1 year
Tubbo tweeted on his alt at 16:53 BST and replied on his main at 17:23 BST
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wispforever · 1 month
hello friend what do u mean by endo i do not know what that is in this context
endo is short for endogenic. in this context, I'm referring to endogenic systems, people who are plural/have a system without trauma. endogenic and traumagenic are usually used as opposites (as far as my experience goes). I am a traumagenic system, meaning I am plural as a result of trauma. If I were an endogenic system, trauma would not play an important/any role in my plurality.
I've noticed that this is a big sore spot in the plural community unfortunately. reads a bit like transmeds gatekeeping being trans by citing body dysphoria as a must-have. doesn't sit right with me obviously. you don't have to hate your body to be trans, and you don't have to have a history of trauma/be currently suffering to be a system. if someone says they're a system, that's what they are. the rest is none of my business.
hope this was helpful <3
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nho-jungle · 3 months
hi. can i request a wiwi wisp wearing stupid looking sunglasses
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ur lucky im an enjoyer of fun sunglasses! i thought heart-shaped sunglasses fit best, altho i have other funky ones. also yes the knee-high converse are a thing i own. i will not be taking criticism <3
send a jrwi character or one of my ocs and i'll draw them in clothes i own
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neurotypical-sonic · 7 months
No one loves the Wisps enough, they're so squishy and marketable
YEAH.... I dont see enough love for them or sonic's transformations while using them. like look at these
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theyre so cool. he gets all alien-fied!!! ben10. my favourite is the cube
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isthewispvideocute · 8 months
Where should I not touch my wisp? because mine went crazy :(( (Doubt pspspsps, do they have private parts???????
1. this is a very difficult question to answer because every wisp is different. HOWEVER most wisps do not like being Caught Off Guard and will be upset if that jappens. it is also recommended to keep an eye out for what parts of their bodies they keep out of reach.
2. they do not!! wisps are born from tbe wind so rhere is no need
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sagau-my-beloved · 2 years
If all else fails Venti would turn into his wisp form. It’s the cutest thing in the world. And then the cat would chase him because he’s literally the size of a hamster
Don’t worry Venti, reader will protect you
☁️ anon
🥺 that's so cute what
Bold of you to assume he's not still allergic to cats in every form (wisp Venti sneezing has to be the cutest thing in the world I have just decided)
But omg poor Venti, reduced to a cat toy 😭
Just walking in on wisp Venti zipping past you, followed immediately by your cat, only for him to immediately back up and fly directly into you for protection
My heart is just melting rn, holding wisp Venti in your hands and laughing as he makes a little noise as thanks, making himself comfortable in the warmth by just laying there, maybe falling asleep, as your cat paces back and forth under you, staring intently at your hands
He's just so cute man, I would do anything for him, Venti has my entire heart in every form 😭
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the-pale-flame · 3 months
Do you ever see your family?
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I... Couldn't bring myself to face them after what I saw. After I ran away and got lost... I want to see them again, I just.. Need to work up the courage.
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samuraikuraima · 5 months
Demjay in 2024:
Me n anon rn:
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crispywisp · 3 months
happy birthday to my favorite emotionally stunted middle aged man how are we feeeeeeling kiryu kazuma 6/17
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wispforever · 6 months
Numba 9 😎
9. Which Naruto fandom words are you allergic too?
I guess I'm not sure what "fandom words" are. But you know what I don't like? Posts tagged "anti-sakura"  or like anti a certain character. Usually a character who's pretty innocuous. I know as soon as I start reading a post like this. Most of the time I stop and scroll down- there's the tag. I just find it really unnecessary and kind of funny in a stupid way to write a whole post about a character that you supposedly hate when you could just. ignore them? It isn't even in the spirit of media criticism or character analysis, because there are never any references to how the character could be rewritten, or things that almost came to fruition but didn't, or any single detail that OP didn't find abhorrent. Just a really annoying stupid read to me. This of course doesn't apply to characters who have something glaringly awful and triggering about them like jiraiya the pr/dator. I see anti-sakura the most, and it's usually just someone telling on themself about how much they hate women lol
Thanks for the ask :)
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blooming-flame · 2 months
[Asked multiple blogs this, but I guess I missed this one.]
If you knew you were going to die tomorrow, what’s one thing you make sure you do today?
"Spend the day with the one person that means more to me than anything else. If I was going to die, at least I'd do it in the arms of the one I love, knowing things would be better in a different reality"
They hum a bit in thought
"That's assuming there was nothing I could do about it at least... I'd rather avoid dying altogether if there was some means to do so"
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racecarcat · 3 months
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