#(Its 2k22)
petrichorin · 2 years
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feelings they come and they go
not with you
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tklpilled · 2 years
i wouldn't mind
summary: aziraphale tries to make crowley laugh. usually, he fails.
a/n: merry christmas, @aaaxolotl !! i hope you enjoy your gift :) thank you so much to @hypahticklish for hosting this year! note that i haven’t seen good omens since it came out, sorry for any mischaracterisation!!
[this is a sfw tickle fic!]
A question gnaws at the back of Aziraphale’s mind.
He’s not sure where it came from, but he’s certain it won’t leave until he knows the answer. He glances at Crowley, who looks so at peace, but he has the terribly strong urge to ruin it. It seems silly to think about, really, but the more the question lingers the more Aziraphale craves to know.
Is Crowley…ticklish?
Aziraphale’s first thought is, no, of course not. His second thought is, but why not? There’s no reason why Crowley wouldn’t be. Aziraphale himself is rather sensitive in that way, so it isn’t like it’s a trait shared only by mortals. As he thinks about it more, Aziraphale finds he really, really wants to know. 
He can’t just ask, of course. The chances of Crowley lying are too high, and then Crowley would catch on to what he was doing and hide away any reactions he may have. Aziraphale has to be subtle about this.
He sits next to Crowley and extends his wing out, curling it around Crowley and pulling him into his side. Crowley pays no mind, leaning against Aziraphale and continuing to read the book he’d been given. Aziraphale hums quietly, then slips his wing under Crowley’s shirt so his feathers dance along bare skin. Very subtle.
Crowley twitches minutely, but otherwise shows no other signs of even feeling it. He says nothing, not even looking up at the angel. Internally, Aziraphale sighs—it’s almost external, too, until he remembers Crowley is there. Of course, this doesn’t mean Crowley isn’t ticklish. It simply means he’s either very good at concealing his reactions, or he’s just not ticklish in that particular spot. Both of which are equally possible.
Aziraphale reconsiders what he’s gotten himself into.
It’s years later when he tries again.
They sit side by side, and Aziraphale had purposefully placed his mug just out of reach. He waits until they’re both settled in, then leans across Crowley, placing his hand on the demon’s knee to steady himself. He gives his knee a small squeeze, bracing himself in case it does get a reaction.
It doesn’t.
Aziraphale readjusts his hand, trying not to seem suspicious, and squeezes again—this time at Crowley’s thigh. Again, nothing.
Aziraphale grabs his cup and sits back. Well.
Throughout their time together those few days, Aziraphale makes several attempts; he finds ways to poke at Crowley’s hips, nudge him in his ribs, prod under his arms, and it all results in failure. If Crowley’s caught on to what he’s doing, he doesn’t mention it, but maybe it would explain the lack of any reaction at all. Or maybe Crowley just isn’t ticklish, which is starting to seem more and more likely. Aziraphale is close to resigning his mission. It seems silly to think about, really. Why would a demon from Hell be something as childish as ticklish?
Crowley is ticklish.
Crowley. Is ticklish.
Told you so, says the part of Aziraphale’s brain that started this whole mess in the first place. He ignores it in favour of his newfound discovery.
He wouldn’t have even noticed if not for this whole ordeal. It was only a slight response, but as Aziraphale walked by, his wings brushed Crowley’s ear and then—there was a quiet, sharp intake of breath, and that was all Aziraphale needed.
“Are you alright?” asks Aziraphale, as if he has no clue what he’s just done.
“Of course, angel,” says Crowley, nonchalantly. Not suspecting a single thing.
Crowley’s head is turned, so Aziraphale takes the chance to raise his wing and repeat the action. Crowley, this time, flinches so subtly that it would go unnoticed on any other occasion. 
“Crowley,” begins Aziraphale, “you wouldn’t be ticklish, now, would you?”
Crowley tenses up. “Of course not,” he hums.
Aziraphale steps closer, as Crowley steps back. “So, if I—”
“Fine, angel, you’ve got me—”
“I think I need to test this new information.”
Crowley sighs, but he allows Aziraphale to move even closer to him. “This really won’t be necessa—hahary—c-cohome on nohow—-”
Aziraphale curls a few feathers around Crowley’s ear, and he absolutely relishes in the quiet giggles he receives in return. They’re softer than would be expected from someone like Crowley, but they carry a bit of his rasp, and they aren’t very loud either, but they’re from Crowley, so Aziraphale loves them regardless.
What makes it even better, in Aziraphale’s opinion, is how Crowley lets him continue for as long as he’d like.
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gaydennisreynolds · 2 years
something I feel like is hard to get right in toxic macdennis is how to make it clear that they hate each other sometimes and aren't always good for/to each other, but are at the core of all of it boy best friends. like even if they were banging or married they'd still be best friends. doing schemes, drinking tea, renting movies. I think even the show loses this thread sometimes but it's like, their whole dynamic works because they are each other's favorite person and therefore they know exactly the right button to push to manipulate each other. the mortifying ordeal of being known and also you have poor emotional regulation skills and aren't above using poison to get what you want. But their relationship fundamentally stops working if they don't enjoy each other's company. Mac doesn't keep crawling back because he's a spineless bitch he does it because Dennis is his best friend, and there's no one else he'd rather spend time with, regardless of how terrible and heavy that fact is when your bestie is a literal psycho.
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probsnothawkeye · 2 years
So obviously a lot of fun and dramatic and heartbreaking this happened this episode but honestly right now I just wanna focus on the fact that Emily Axford rolled a nat 20 to get Gorebladder laid
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tinkkles · 9 months
re: the dame aylin post this is literally the only reason I can comprehend why that one artist who just anime-ifies every d2 character in the most boring way possible is so popular and it drives me insane. Like why are y'all even playing this game. if you want generic anime girls just play genshin or some shit idk
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cantsaythetword · 2 years
SS2k22 - The Devil's in the Details
~A/N  - Happy Squealing Santa everybody!
And surprise @gaybananabread I am your secret writer for 2022! And thank you to @hypahticklish for hosting this year's event, you are absolutely amazing and I hope you have a fantastic Christmas!
This was a lucifer prompt of "Lee!Lucifer/Ler!Chloe" and honestly TOP TIER taste with your prompt suggestions, I LOVE THESE TROPES so I decided to put both of them in the same fic lol.
We have "messing around turns to a ticklish discovery" and "playful chasing around before being caught and tickled to pieces".
Hope you like it, and happy holidays everybody!
- Enoy! ~
Tag List: @mysterious-marvel @squealing-santa
Masterpost Link 
When Chloe had first approached Lucifer with the idea of Christmas Baking, he had given her a very simple answer. Something about not having time for such mortal pleasures, nor the desire to celebrate Christmas in the first place.
But Chloe was never one to take no for an answer. So here he was, the devil himself, painstakingly removing individual cookies from their baking sheet. One at a time, cookie after cookie, god was there nothing better he could be doing. This could be a whole new level of hell. Endless cookie moving, finger burning, and hand slapping if he even thought about taking a bite of one.
"Perfect!" Chloe smiled as he finally finished, a slight tease in her voice. "Now that they're cooling, we can get the icing ready!"
Lucifer scoffed. "I am the king of hell." He gave her a look. "I don't ice."
Brushing him off with a laugh, Chloe began mixing the sugar and milk in a bowl. Once it had been sufficiently combined, and the cookies had cooled significantly, she handed a bag of icing to Lucifer with a beaming smile.
"Here." She said. "Just cover each one lightly."
With an eye roll, Lucifer began squeezing pools of icing over the cookies. Completely ignoring which ones were spilling over the edges and which were barely given enough to cover half. As long as there was icing on every one, he had technically 'iced' all the cookies (and would maybe earn his freedom).
"Lucifer!" She half-gasped half-laughed. "I thought you'd be more careful about this. More precise..."
He glared playfully. "Whatever would give you that idea?"
"You know the old saying, the Devil's in the details!" She smirked, looking back at her own batch.
"I'll show you detail!" He muttered under his breath.
Grinning, Lucifer flicked a blob of icing at Chloe's face. With a satisfying splat, it had smeared itself across her right cheek. He looked back down at his work, but almost immediately he felt a wet dollop of retaliation bounce off his temple.
"That was childish." He stated, a playful smile tugging at the corners of his mouth.
"You started it." She bantered back, throwing another smear of icing.
Oh she was really asking for it. Lucifer took a scoop with the mixing spoon and thumped it onto Chloe's forehead. He let out a strangled laugh, before his eyes went wide as Chloe initiated a chase.
The two of them ran laps and laps around the kitchen table, Chloe with the spoon ready to launch an assault of sugary syrup onto the devil, and Lucifer just trying to make it out alive (and relatively clean).
With a move of pure agility, Chloe managed to close the gap between her and Lucifer and slide the spoon down his neck. What happened next was just as much of a surprise to Lucifer himself as it was to Chloe.
As the silky half-liquid slid down his neck, and the spoon grazed against the hairs on his nape, Lucifer let out a screech and scrunched his head to his shoulders like a turtle.
Both of them locked eyes for a moment in confusion. Well... Chloe's was more a look of excitement, and Lucifer's was one of pure fear.
"Now Detective, let's not make any rash decisions here..." Lucifer began to back away nervously, hands outstretched.
"Oh I've already decided." She grinned. "I had no idea you were ticklish Luci."
"Come here!"
And they were off again, but this time with a far greater drive for both sides. There were few opportunities to turn an all powerful archangel into a giggly puddle, and Chloe was determined to grab this one with both hands - literally.
"Chloe stohohop!" Lucifer pleaded, laughing before she had even caught him.
There was no response, but the devil could feel her right on his heels. In a mad bout of panic and adrenaline, Lucifer managed to pull a chair behind him to block her path. She stumbled, giving him the much-needed advantage. He could finally put some distance between them...
That didn't last long, however, as with a quick trick-step Chloe had managed to turn the other direction and latch a hand round Lucifer's waist. As her other hand swung round his back, she began squeezing into the muscle just above his hip.
And Lucifer broke.
"CHLOEHEHEHE!" He shrieked, high pitched chuckles bursting out of his mouth.
"Whaaaat?" She teased in a sing-song voice. "It's just tickling, surely that's nothing for an immortal such as yourself?"
"WAHAHAIT!" He begged, grabbing at whatever hand was closest to his own to stop the assault.
The pair were locked in a tickly tango. Each claw of Chloe's hand sent Lucifer's waist in a desperate wiggle of freedom, and his head into a tailspin of giggle-filled agony.
"Oh this is just everything." Chloe grinned. "How much will the King of Hell giggle if I tickle his ribs, hmm?"
"STOHOHOP IHIHIT!" Lucifer cackled, feet stomping in a laughter-filled tap dance as ten fingers wriggled their way along his torso.
"Oh I have no intention of stopping." She laughed. " This is just too much fun!"
She emphasised the last three words with three solid squeezes, making the man in her arms jump at every one.
"Who knew the devil himself has such ticklish sides, hmmm?" Chloe smirked, intentionally ignoring his pleas. "Devilishly ticklish, perhaps?"
"SHUHUHUT UHUHUP!" Lucifer squeaked out between bouts of laughter.
His legs could barely keep himself upright, constantly stumbling and swaying with every poke and prod Chloe's fingers produced. With her hands rapidly climbing towards his armpits, his knees finally buckled. The pair took two steps backwards before falling onto the luckily-placed couch.
At last, his torment was over. The fall had given them enough of a shock to cease any further ticklish activity (much to Lucifer's relief), and instead their limbs were locked in an incredibly comfortable embrace (something Lucifer was almost used to by this point... almost...).
"Merry Christmas Lucifer." Chloe smiled, cuddling into his chest. With a breathy chuckle, Lucifer reciprocated - resting his chin on her head.
"Merry Christmas Detective."
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relax-and-read-on · 2 years
Stardew robute
I have a void chicken. I have named him abbadon. I also have a goat. The goat is dorn.
Anon, I continue to love you. Pls let it be know that the grand adventure of farmer Roboute shall begin (in fic format) in 2023!!!
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serenafainx · 2 years
༶ ⋆ open starter ( halloween event )
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just seeing orion earlier, in the distance acting as the gracious host, brought the most uncomfortable feeling. seeing his face again after so long ... it was like someone had poured ice water down her back. even remembering it  just now ... she hurried away to the farthest corner to calm herself before she next spotted him — or worse, if he spotted her. she had to be ready. chest heaving from breathing so quickly, she found a couch against a wall and sat down.
since her visions had failed her, almost like a complete mental block, she’d sworn to herself that she’d keep an eye on orion. there was dread in her stomach, and it hadn’t left since she last spoke with jasper. 
noticing her hair caught in one of the stars on her headband, she sighed as she tried to untangle it. nevertheless, she started scanning the crowd again, preparing to keep watch once more.
“ orion bartholomew  ... ” she muttered like a warning, an unusual hint of anger in her tone. still trying to untangle her hair, a worried crease appearing between her brows. feeling a presence nearby, she took a chance: “ i’m sorry, could you help me with the, um, the stars?” she gestured with a weak smile at her hair.
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theo-decker · 2 years
Are we absolutely sure that humans don't need to hibernate in winter. Like has anyone even checked. Don't you think we should at least give it the old college try.
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dokitm-arch · 2 years
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accurate, canon and correct representation of silver vanrouge during his time in spirit realm with jamil in endless halloween event.
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paula-of-christ · 2 years
Ok fine. Look at my blog on desktop
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pyjamaart · 2 years
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breaking news! local megaman enthusiast makes up a ridiculous ship on a whim and is now actually kinda getting attached to it
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pleckthaniel · 2 years
elizabeth holmes sentenced to 11 years in prison is proof that the american "justice" system hates to see a girlboss winning
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simsfromupthere · 2 years
i love that my current favorite style and fixation both in terms of clothing/accessories/hairstyles/facial hair is British Post-Punk Revival/Art Rock/Prog Rock cause its either rlly simple clothing layered or just complete chaos like try and watch some early access cc creator ever have the guts to release a set based on these fits w/ a 2 month wait or sumthing, they wont 😎... not only bc im likely the sole niche demographic who wants and WILL unironically dress his sims like this (as soon as i get to play ts4 again baybee) and know i can just do it by simply frankensteining already free great cc to recreate these fits or at least very similar ones, cherish ur niches while u still can mhm 😌☝️
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everyone else: lol the red wave? more like a red puddle
Florida: 👁️👄👁️💦
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suenitos · 1 year
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