lilithofpenandbook · 3 months
On the one hand, I don't really believe Dumbledore was evil or (that) manipulative. He just did what he had to do
On the other hand, him manipulating Snape and making a servant out of him bound by emotional blackmail and gaslighting is SO GOOD for angsty dark thoughts-
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yallthemwitches · 2 months
Some thoughts on Lily Evans (Headcanons and other musings)
Headcanon things
---I think she really struggled internally about "not belonging" in both the muggle and wizard community. I couldn't imagine finding out I was part of some special group that made my family members ostracize me, THEN joining said new community to find that I am actually discriminated against and considered lesser. I don't think she was on the nerd level of say Hermione, but I think she really wanted to prove herself.
--I don't think she wore a bra. I use this in my fics a lot not just because it could be taken sexy, but because it would've been trendy at the time in the 70s. I think Lily would have kept up with the politics of the muggles and the wizarding world, and I would imagine she would be keen to follow the feminist movement.
--I'm really not of fan of the swarmy, bookish version of Lily that purveyed often in fics (I see more diversity now but back 10 years ago Lily was like some studious angel all the time.) We know she was smart and teachers loved her, but we also see a lot of anger and cheekiness from her too. I think James wouldn’t have been half as attracted to her if she was just a know it all. I imagine she was really sarcastic and quippy.
--I think Lily thought about fancying Remus in earlier years---to the point that in 4th year she turned on him quickly one day during prefects rounds and kissed him, immediately realized she felt nothing, and then they both agreed to stay friends and never speak of it (James would have died if he knew). After then, Lily had the habit of giving him a kiss on the cheek as greeting/goodbye (think of it as the french bisous, not like a real cheek kiss) and Sirius would always joke about "Where his kiss was"---which prompted Lily to draw real close to him ( making James feel jealous and uncomfortable) before yelling at him to fuck off.
--When Sirius and Lily became friends, they really became friends. They both confided in each other about being the family outsiders, they spent lots of study time listening to music, and she was always able to keep up with his sarcastic and self deprecating style of humor. Whenever Sirius would conjure rock music to play in the corridors, Lily always was the last of the prefects to put a stop to it. She would often spend time in the boys dorms even if James wasn't there to shoot the shit with Sirius and she often was his insider into all the cool muggle things he missed out on.
---Petunia peddled the idea that Lily was a "Hippie type" to Vernon and her friends upon being questioned and Lily really leaned into this gladly. She was very amused by the muggle occult craze in the 60s-70s and found a lot of enjoyment visiting muggle "esoteric shops" and getting books from them. This trait would later be adopted by the marauders who would take some of her muggle “occult magic” books and try to reproduce the (ridiculously fake) spells (often leading in explosions or very bad consequences seeing as the muggle “spells” were all a hoax and couldn’t stand up to real magical attempts). When she was home from the summer it was not uncommon for her to be reading a book by Aleister Crowley on the front stoop.
---Lily hated flying despite James' many tries to get her to enjoy it (he mostly liked that she was scared and held onto him more). Contrary to this, she loved Sirius motorbike. It felt more natural to her despite still being a flying object ( and despite both James and Sirius flying it in the most haphazard way possible.)
--One thing that drew Lily to James was his interest and love for muggle pop culture. I imagine Lily tried often to get Snape to listen to Joni Mitchell or have a laugh at how muggles depicted wizards/witches in film, but Snape didn't see the worth in doing those things---wanting to focus on the wizarding world. James on the other hand ate all of it up--he would jump at the chance to watch Carrie or The Wicker Man. Even before dating James, I think Snape's disdain for all things muggle was off putting to Lily, who saw just as much to learn from muggles as she did from the wizarding world.
Reference things
---I base a lot of my fic Petunia/Lily relationships off of the British show Fleabag. I HIGHLY recommend it and I think its a great example of two sisters who are completely at odds with each other. I think Lily and Petunia's relationship would be much more complicated obviously due to their reasoning for falling out, but I think in general its a great depiction of two sisters who don't get along. I admittedly have cradled their dialogue patterns for scenes. ( Its on Amazon prime really really really go watch it its amazing)
---One of my big references for Lily ( and James for that matter) is Paul Thomas Anderson's Licorice Pizza. I think the love story of the two main characters who are at odds against the world really works and its the typical Jily "one is madly in love with the other and does schemes to win her over while she's sarcastic and wary and grows to love him despite it all." Its also the 70s which helps a lot ( for me). I think also Alana Haim's character is a perfect lily as she's someone who is a bit lost despite having everything going for her on paper. I highly reccomend it if you haven't seen it.
Trailer link here:
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Lol, love the Himbo!/Bimbo!Granger!Sibling! Concept, I can imagine the same idea with the teachers/Dumbledore as well but it's just a Student Darling that's a total Bimbo!/Himbo! and the teachers/Dumbledore just let them get away with being wrong on basically everything, even Snape lmao
Himbo!/Bimbo!Student!Darling: Aw shucks, I failed the test again! 😢
Yandere!Teacher: *Takes the paper away and raises the grade just enough for their Darling to pass because of favoritism and rewriting the answers to make them correct enough to pass and gives the test back to Darling* My apologies, it seems I've made a mistake.
Himbo!/Bimbo!Student!Darling: Yay! I passed! 🤩
Also the concept of the other students witnessing the whole thing and not even minding it cause they also fell for their Himbo!/Bimbo!Student!Darling! Because of how charming, innocent, and naive they are over everything around them and even helping them with questions from teachers like:
Yandere!McGonagall: "What item cannot be conjured, mr/mrs reader?"
Himbo!/Bimbo!Student!Darling: 😶
Himbo!/Bimbo!Student!Darling: *Suddenly feels poking from next to them and glances at Hermine who gestures with their eyes to look at the paper she slid to them* Food!
Yandere!McGonagall: *Even though she noticed what was actually happening she only smiled proudly at her Darling* Correct. 5 points to (reader's) house.
Yandere!Snape: What are fluxweed and Boomslang skin used for, mr/mrs reader?
Himbo!/Bimbo!Student!Darling: 💀
*Draco coughs out the answer behind you, trying to make it not obvious that he's helping you but Snape already knows what's going on*
Himbo!/Bimbo!Student!Darling: Polyjuice?
The students even help out with homework and tests if not even doing it for them instead and tricking the Darling into believing that they did all of the work by themselves, and the teachers/Dumbledore don't even care either!
The Himbo!/Bimbo!Student!Darling has no idea how much power they have over all of the faculty as well as the students just by existing, everything is handed to them without even knowing lmao
Ooohhhh~~ I absolutely love this!!!
I can’t help but imagine Himbo/Bimbo!Student!Reader having completely forgotten doing a piece of homework for whichever subject and tells the teacher or is trying to look for it in their school bag thinking they may have ended up doing it but just misplaced it only for the teacher or a student next to/near them to “find it” for them when in reality it’s a copied version that the teacher or student themself magically conjured up for the Reader to still get participation in the class with the added bonus of a passing grade.
I really love the idea of Himbo/Bimbo!Student!Reader knowing they aren’t very academically gifted or even the bare minimum and desperately wanting to try their best on their own but their just struggling so much. And everyone around them, teachers and students alike, just feel so bad seeing the poor Reader beating themself up about it but still trying to give it their best. That’s when ever so slowly the teachers and students individually come to their own conclusions of needing to help the Reader without making it seem like their doing it for them. The first time a teacher or student helped out the Reader, whether it was botching a grade or sneakily slipping a correct answer for the Reader to give, and the absolute beaming joy that Himbo/Bimbo!Reader radiated when they got something right or they got a good grade on something is more than enough for the teachers and students to do it all over again and again.
Like, I can’t help but imagine Himbo/Bimbo!Student!Reader staying up and studying in the library more often then not, the countless times Madam Pince or a school prefect has come across the Reader passed out with a pile of opened books scattered around them that could even put Hermione to shame and the poor Reader sleepily mumbling that they just need to keep studying for a few more minutes. But no matter how long the Reader forces themself to study or them even seeking out tutoring from their smartest classmates/fellow students, the Reader just can’t make any sense of the curriculum all on their own.
Just a thought but what if Himbo/Bimbo!Student!Reader is a pureblood who’s grown up all their life around magic and everything magic related and their parents being very strict/hard on the Reader to strive to be something great in the magical world. And that’s why they’re so distressed and trying their very best to study and at the very least get some kind of understanding or familiarity with their studies. Or maybe the Reader could even be muggle and still have an overbearing family who puts too much pressure on them when it comes to their academics. It started with their muggle studies growing up and has only gotten worse with their magical studies, at least Himbo/Bimbo!Student!Reader felt like they had more of a chance with their muggle studies but now they feel completely overwhelmed with everything going on around them in the magical world and are still trying to get their bearings but that doesn’t stop them from still going about being their happy go lucky and kind self.
Going with the Reader having an overbearing and academically strict family, imagine the yan!teachers’ and yan!students’ reactions to witnessing for themselves/hearing that the Reader’s boggart is their own parent being absolutely disappointed/angry with them for not being smarter, even going as far as calling the Reader a disappointment to the family for not doing better. The whole school would be ready to throw hands with the Reader’s parents.
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futurewriter2000 · 2 years
Nothing but stares and glances - pt. 1
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A/N: So I had this in my drafts for a while and to be honest, I wanted to get it over with but I felt like it was better for me to do another part but from Fred's perspective. I think it's a good way to finish it.
REQUEST: Hello. I had a story idea and would love to have it written by you (with Fred Weasley or Sirius Black). The reader is a quiet, shy Ravenclaw who always laughs at his jokes (she's just his classmate). She doesn't understand why he flirts with all the girls and pays attention to everyone except her. What she doesn't know is that he does it because she's the only one he really likes and the prettiest of them all.
Something about Hogwarts always felt so peaceful- whether you came from a loud city, small town or a lovely village, Hogwarts always felt like home. When you were somewhere alone; in your room, by the lake, sitting by the stairs or the library- it felt peaaceful.
Though there were some people that brought terror to some of the First Years or any student any age, there were also the ones that brought enormous amount of fun and life. And one specifically made your lips go from ear to ear almost every day.
"Shall I walk you to your dorm later on Miss Johnson?" he said to the girl who walked by his side as they both entered the classroom.
Your eyes immediately met his, only for a moment and that moment felt like eternity until interrupted by a large amount of brown hair.
"I think I can walk by myself to my dorm, Mr. Weasley and you know what happens if a boy steps a foot to our dormitory." she gave him a cheeky smile and sat down.
"Fun happens." he grinned widely, his eyes not looking once at yours, only hers. "And more fun if you'd let me walk you to your dorm." he winked at her before making his way to his seat, which was a row to right behind you.
Eyes meet, smiles appear but only before he disappears behind you.
"You're really red, you know?" your friend leaned to whisper in your ear.
"Well, it is a bit too warm here and these uniforms are really tight." you replied with a smile but she only giggled.
"Mhm, mrs. Weasley." she said very quietly but you only bumped her with your elbow as you both laughed afterwards.
And there was not one class that didn't go by without one of the Weasleys cracking a few jokes. No teacher liked to admit they found them quite amusing but you could always see a small smirk hiding behind those stern words they spat back at them.
Except Snape. He never found anything amusing.
"You know he keeps watching you?" your friend whispered to you.
"Mhm, sure." you replied quietly.
"I'm not kidding."
"He flirts literally with half of the school except me." you rolled your eyes to her, feeling something heavy in your stomach. "He must think I'm ugly or something."
"That's not true, (y/n)!" she spoke a bit too loudly to get an ugly glance from the teacher. "You're a natural beauty. Maybe you're the one he likes. Have you ever thought of that?"
"No." you smiled at her. "Because it's not true."
Your friend rolled her eyes and looked back at him. His eyes glanced at her but only for a few seconds before focusing on the teacher. He even grabbed a pen to pretend he's taking notes but as soon as his pen hit the paper, his eyes focused back on you.
But the way you looked at each other hasn't told you a single thing because they were just looks and glances, never words, never affections. He is chatty and flirt with most people, most girls but he has never, even once approached you in any of those manners.
You didn't feel special. Never really and sometimes you really wanted to feel special. What girl doesn't? But you crawled up to your books and your dorm- or any peaceful finding you happened to stumble upon and you stayed there.
It wasn't unusual to find you in a library. It was unusual to find him in the library. He never roams there but it was like a sixth sense by now that you could feel him coming before he even entered the room.
His walk was very attractive- lean and loose. His hips swayed and never had you seen him stiff in your entire years in Hogwarts. He walked by his twin, who you could distinctively tell apart by now. Knowing which one is which made you feel obsessed with him already. You knew it was unhealthy but you just couldn't help yourself looking at this beautiful man.
He sat down to the group of Gryffindors a few dozen seats away from you and looked at you.
Eyes met and smiles appeared.
It felt like a forever moment that the two of you were looking at each other but you shyed away first. You pretended to study further but your mind couldn't stop thinking about your side profile or if your hair is pinned up properly. Are your cheeks red? Merlin, you hope they're not red. It'd be so embarrassing.
"Forgot how to use a comb, Melanie?" you heard him say to the girl next to him, touching her tangled hair.
"I could ask you the same thing, Fred." she replied, smiling as she ran her fingers through his sticky hair- seeing black smoking powder come out of it. "Or a shower." she laughed.
"No. Can you show me?" he winked and Melanie only rolled her eyes.
You felt your stomach turn into knots. Here you won't get any studying done- with him being near you and flirting with other girls... or just him being near you since his presence is so intoxicating.
You grabbed your things and started to leave when one of the Gryffindors stopped you.
"Hey, (Y/n)?" you heard Angelina call.
"Yeah." you turned around, a bit surprised.
"Have you done homework for Arithmancy. I really haven't gotten to it and you always have it." she pleaded with her eyes.
"Sorry, Angie." you shrugged. "I always do Arithmancy last minute because it's the easiest."
"The easiest?" laughed one of the twins. George it was. "How is Arithmancy easy."
"Well, if you figure out the system of how it works... then it's easy." you smiled as George leaned back on his chair.
"Then do mine?" he grinned.
"Five Galleons." you smirked and he laughed.
"Five? Expensive are we?"
"I'd say economical."
"I'll risk the scolding from the professor."
"Or just do the homework." you smiled then looked at Angelina. "If I finish it early, I'll send it off to you." you winked at her and left.
It wasn't until the next morning when you got a note from Angelina if you had managed to finish your homework. You felt annoyed, if you were completely honest. You didn't mind lending your homework to people but there was a difference between lending people and being used. Angelina was always nice to you and you knew that she was always a sincere person but sometimes you got a feeling that she never tried to do anything because she relied on you. What if you needed homework- you did at times, and nobody had one to lend it to you. It felt suspicious.
It was like a turn of a switch when your sweet tooth started to ache so badly. You wanted that sweet chocolate rolls from Hogsmeade but it's already closed and it's cold outside- plus you've been trying to save money.
You rolled back on the bed and looked up at the ceiling.
You could always eat an apple?
"No way that's happening." you answered the little voice in your head. "When I'm craving chocolate, I eat chocolate." you jumped on your feet and put your clothes on. You checked in the mirror, no makeup this time and you felt okay with that.
You put your sneakers on last and just left the room, down the hallway out-
"Hey! (y/n)!" you heard Angelina behind you and you cringed before turning around with a smile.
"Hey." you waved and saw her whole friend group sitting there and chatting.
"I don't want to be annoying but did you finish it already?" she smiled and you retracted your smile.
You did but you didn't want her to know that. "Nope. Not yet."
"Can you hurry up then." said Melanie with a roll of her eyes.
"No, I won't." you snarked back. "If you think I'll do my homework just for you mates, you are most definitely wrong. Do it yourself." you continued, crossing your arms and backing away.
You were never that rude, but sometimes, even you had your buttons. You continued to stomp out of the common room, steam coming out of your ears as you kept ranting to yourself: "Just because they think they're funny and almighty, sitting there and waiting for me to do their homework for them- are they really that incapable to do it themselves. Especially Fred and George. George was the smart one, he always got good marks on any exam he ever took, he just pretended to be stupid. I noticed that a long time ago, the only difference for why he's hanging out with them lot is because of Fred and even then I don't know why he's hanging out with them- probably because they're really pretty." you stopped yourself in the middle of the corridor and then smiled in disbelief. "Hah! I can't believe I was so stupid all this time. I'm crushing on someone who is hanging out with people just because of their looks and not because of their smarts?! Why would I EVER want to be with somebody like that- IN A RELATIONSHIP!" you huffed, then started walking again fast and steady.
You felt somebody grab your elbow and stop you. With a reflex from your own sibling, you quickly pulled out your wand and pointed directly at his nose.
"WOAH WOAH WOAH!" he backed away with his hands in the air. "Calm down there, Road Runner."
"Fred?!" you exclaimed in shock, because believe it or not, he was the last person you expected to see. He might as well confess his feelings to you and this might end up being a movie. Or, he is here to smooth talk you into giving him your homework and then to that Melanie arse.
Your wall went up immediately.
"I am not giving you my homework and for the record why is everybody making a big deal out of this homework."
"A) because it's for Snape and even on a good day, he doesn't pity us and B) I'm not here for the homework. I think I am much more interesting than that."
Point taken. Especially with his gorgeous brown eyes.
No, (y/n)! Focus. You are mad!
"I can't believe you hang out with those people." you blurted out accidentally than quickly covered your mouth with your hand. "I am so sorry, Fred. I didn't mean to say that out loud."
"So you were thinking it." he narrowed his eyes and smirked.
"Yes- NO! No..." you tried to correct yourself. At this point it's better to keep quiet because everything you say, comes out wrong. "I'm sorry." you appologised again.
"No need to apologise. Everybody has a right to their opinion." he smiled softly. "It was me who wanted to apologise for back there." he put his hand on the back of his neck and chuckled in embarrassment. "I know it seems like we use you for school but I couldn't care less about that. Really." he dropped his hand back against his body and smiled awkwardly.
Merlin, he was so adorable all you wanted to do was kiss him here in the middle of corridor but you had to keep reminding yourself that he doesn't have the same feelings for your as you do for him. At one point that painted disappointment on your face but you managed to hide it away.
"It's okay." you let your shoulders drop and your body loose. "I was just about to make pancakes anyway."
He furrowed his eyebrows. "Non-related but can I join?"
You shrugged. "Sure, why not."
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sideprince · 9 months
for the snape asks: 1, 12 and 14 please :)
Your favorite thing about Snape?
He gives no fucks and yet also cares so SO deeply.
He doesn't care what people think of him. He has a wonderful tenacity that comes from standing up for himself and not being intimidated by how others perceive him. We see it on the Hogwarts Express when he meets James and Sirius, we see it in the way he fights back again and again when they bully him, and we see it in him as a teacher. He doesn't care if people don't like him, because he's certain in his perceptions and perspectives. He doesn't care what the students think of him, or what Fudge thinks of him as he shows him his Dark Mark, or even what someone like Umbridge thinks. He can't help but be snarky because however full of self-loathing he might be, he also knows that he's the smartest person in the room and ran out of patience for everyone else's bullshit a long time ago.
At the same time, he is so deeply invested in serving Lily's memory and protecting her son, and as he grows as a person he comes to care so much for saving any lives he can, that his dedication ultimately costs him his life. As he works towards that moment, knowing it's on the horizon, his lack of needing to be liked by anyone serves him every step of the way. Chef's kiss.
12. While on the topic of Movie Snape, what’s your favorite Snape-shot from the films?
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Brilliant. Best moment in the entire film series, without a doubt. Not one word of dialogue, yet it says so much. This is why Rickman was right for the role, in my opinion. He was incredible with physical work, and Snape, being a terse, serious, closed off character needed to be portrayed by an actor who knew how to speak through their eyes and movements.
The way he lowers his wand to signal he means no harm to Harry and isn't threatening him. The way his eyes convey a trust in Harry while also asking him to trust him in kind. The certainty in his hand as he puts his finger to his lips to convey that he knows something Harry doesn't. The look on his whole face, that says, we're not teacher and student right now, we're both here to serve the same greater purpose and we both know what's at stake. It starts with these these two characters who have a history of not trusting or respecting each other raising their wands to each other, and ends with him having Harry's trust and being in control, all in the span of three seconds. It shifts the dynamic between these two characters entirely. It’s the most connected and intimate these two are in the entire film series.
Snape's motivation is that he knows the moment he's dreaded has come, that he has to kill Dumbledore now, and he also knows that he needs to keep Harry quiet and below the action of the scene to protect him. Even though seconds later he will kill Dumbledore, in this moment Rickman is able sell the audience on the idea that this character has Harry's trust, serving both the goal of the moment between these two characters, and of the story itself because having that trust gives him something to subvert and raise the stakes in the drama of the moment that follows immediately after. There's an incredible amount of storytelling packed into three seconds here, and it's all character work. It's not the dialogue, and it's not the direction, it's pure physicality and decades of acting training and movement work culminating in a moment that looks deceptively simple and is beautifully, profoundly effective.
14. Favorite Snape line/moment? (books or movies!)
I love the moments where he lets the control over his facade slip for a moment and gives away who he really is, like when he's in the middle of an Occlumency lesson with Harry and hears a scream upstairs and immediately runs off without locking his office or telling Harry to get out. Or like when he runs upstairs from the dungeons in his night shirt in the middle of the night because he hears the opened TriWizard egg screeching and doesn't know what it is, just that it sounds like wailing. He forgets his own vulnerability, running out in a nightshirt that would, no doubt, make him look silly in front of colleagues or rogue students, and definitely doesn't help when he's confronted with Moody who already has him on the back foot Not to mention that the castle is described as cold and the man doesn't even think to throw on a dressing gown, he's just off like a bullet because someone might be in danger. I love seeing this character who's controlled, meticulous, who thinks first and then speaks, who observes more than he reveals, who's set up as a foil and is villainized by the protagonist of the narrative, drop everything because he thinks someone is threatened. Love a good chink in the armor.
I also love his first scene in the PS film. Dramatic. Ruthless. Establishes exactly who this guy is and his zero tolerance policy on bullshit. Irrevocably changes the vibe in the room when he walks in. Threateningly charismatic. Love to see it.
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slexenskee · 2 months
Sorry if this question is awkward for you, but I was wondering if you were OK sharing roughly what you had planned out for the ending/characters in Crawlersout and/or Saltkin?
Sure! Sorry this is gonna be a long one haha
*LOL I read this wrong and thought it was asking for Grandloves not Crawlersout 🤦‍♀️* sorry to scare everyone haha
honestly, the original plan was Harry dies, which ended up being too sad even for me which is partially why I have no idea how to finish it. Or maybe she just takes the kid and leaves? Acknowledges it was a totally fucked up/toxic relationship in a lot of ways even if his feelings were sincere and distances herself? And Voldemort is too soft on her to ever hurt her, and too proud to ever grovel for her back, so he just accepts it and becomes a miserable old man who realizes how worthless life is without love and kind of loses all interest in life/the war because of it? But he's also too stubborn to just die, so idk, he takes all the power because that's been his life's work but it's a hollow victory. He doesn't turn good or anything, but I see him becoming like a cryptid dictator that kind of lets society battle shit out in the courts without him and no longer takes any real interest in society. But he does put a moratorium on 'spilling magical blood of any kind' which does include muggleborns, so there's at least.
Anyway 10+ years later and Hermione has been getting shit done bc idk I love the dynamic of her being everything Voldemort 'hates' in society but also everything he appreciates in a person and so he kind of hates her but also gives her carte blanche to do whatever she wants which pisses his followers off bc she's obviously the favorite but there's nothing they can do about it, and society has kind of gotten 'better' under her trailblazing political career. For a given definition of better, but in any case it's enough for Harry - wherever she is - to agree to have Flynn attend Hogwarts.
Meanwhile, Voldemort's primary position in the magical world has become being the Headmaster of Hogwarts. He's still a cryptid who holes up with his hoarded knowledge 99% of the time and leaves most of the running of the school to Mcgonagall and Snape, but he does the opening ceremonies and other things like that, so it's a kick in the teeth to hear the hat call out the name Cepheus Potter.
Voldemort finds increasingly awkward and bizarre ways to be around his estranged son - to the despair of the teachers and confusion of the students, Flynn especially, who has no idea who this weirdo is. Like, he learns Flynn really likes herbology, so he convinces Sprout to take a much-needed vacation just so he can teach Flynn's class for the week. Or pretends to be the caretaker just to loiter around in the halls for the perfect opportunity to run into him and answer any questions he has. Or lingers in the library and literally shoves Madame Pince out of it to act as his guide for book recommendations, and subsequently fucks up all her book-keeping bc while he's hanging around there just waiting for Flynn to come up to him with questions he also has to be the one checking out books and accepting returns and he completely just fucks that up.
The professors can't do anything about it obviously, and the students just think he's a weird staff member they see on the school grounds enough to feel he's harmless, and ignore it. At this point in public for his dictator Voldemort appearances he has his snake-like face and pulls a Darth Sidious and has a creepy cloak and all that - and when he's not doing that he looks like Tom Riddle so they think he's just an eccentric dude.
Anyway so in the ending where Harry is dead it's very bittersweet and Voldemort spends the rest of his life full of sorrow and regret (bc idk how but Harry dies and it's his fault somehow) but does reconcile with his son.
The ending where she's alive is much happier. He still reconciles with Flynn and kind of gets the courage from him to reach out to her again since Flynn is just a ball of sunshine who genuinely seems to like him. And he and Harry are still pretty toxic bc let's be real the whole horcrux involuntary/soulmate thing is never not going to be toxic, but whatever it's genuine. It also feels like a more balanced relationship now that Harry is older and has experienced life without him and all that.
Book 3:
Harry goes through her shounen-protgaonist arc and becomes the Master of Death. Idk what that is really but she's basically OP as hell and spends most of her time conquering hell or whatever dimension I decide on for the afterlife. Cue the montage of this badass girl kicking the shit out of Dark Soul -esque monsters.
Meanwhile Voldemort is off on his quest to become dictator of England and is scheming/starting his war like he does in canon. He's smarter about it since he's not the insane version that came out of a cauldron but he's still an arrogant jerk who hates his own feelings and has shipped Harry off to the Malfoy's to not have to look at her. She's still the most important person in his life and he worries about her constantly, but he absolutely cannot every acknowledge that in any capacity.
There's a big ball wherein Harry is introduced to pureblood society, and the malfoy's begin to get a flood of marriage proposals. They obviously take these to Voldemort, who has a bit of a crisis over them. Ultimately, he denies all of them outright and refuses to even consider the prospect of handing Harry over to anyone. The Malfoy's take this is a tentatively good sign that Draco might end up with her, if the Dark Lord intends to keep her close.
Harry is heartbroken when the entire year passes and she doesn't receive a single word from Tom. Not even a reply when she writes him for his birthday. At the ball, he ignores her entirely.
She uses her anguish as fuel to become stronger, and tells herself it doesn't matter anyway. Nothing matters to her but death.
She defeats Envy, though not without cost. She's grievously injured, to the point Voldemort can feel it. But because the battle takes place in the Lands in Between, by the time she's alive again nothing seems to be amiss. Still, it shakes Voldemort, who remembers the time he'd thought her dead.
Book 4:
Harry's still on her quest to become the Very Best There Ever Was (cue pokemon theme) traveling across the Twilight Lands and amassing an army of monsters.
The next Sin resides deep in the many fragmented dimensions that make up the Twilight Lands/Lands in Between, and is incredibly strong, so she's kind of distracted all year. She could give less of a fuck about the Triwizard tournament, that Voldemort still enacts not to resurrect himself but to gain followers and international attention in secret. Unlike canon she's not picked, so she basically gets a free pass for the year to do fuck all while everyone else is distracted.
This entire plot was greatly influenced by from-software games so in homage to that she spends a lot of time 'dead' in a realm that looks an awful lot like Yharnam and is full of twisted beasts.
Meanwhile, Barty Crouch Jr is still polyjuiced as Madeye and is meant to keep an eye on the proceedings of the tournament and also Harry, although he's not told why. He's also not sure what the hell he's supposed to be looking for, so he just writes to his lord about her life and health - which is poor all around. He says she exhibits no energy in classes or friends, and walks the halls like a ghost. Voldemort prods about her health - Barty can't exactly sneak into the slytherin girl's dorm and watch her sleep, but he can say she barely eats during meals. Voldemort is deeply frustrated, as he can't just command her to eat and take care of herself like he used to when he was Tom, and due to their strained relationship now, can't do it as Voldemort either.
While she's off slaying yet another Sin in an epic battle of life and death, Voldemort is sealing deals and courting worthy followers.
He's become increasingly (but quietly) concerned over Harry all year.
Things reach a fever pitch when he feels like his heart is torn from his chest in the middle of an important meeting, and despite the magnitude of the alliance he leaves in the middle of it and races to Malfoy Manor. The Malfoy's are confused - Harry is fine, she is upstairs resting after dinner. The house elves concur that she is there.
But when he reaches her room, he finds her decidedly dead.
It's chaos all around, as the Malfoy's insist they have no idea what's going on. Voldemort rages at them then collapses at Harry's side. In his turmoil, he begs and makes promises within his head. He cannot lose her, he'll do anything to keep her by his side, he loves her so - finally, Harry wakes.
Its an impossible miracle that confounds everyone. Voldemort is the first to take in it stride; after all, Harry had cheated death before.
His relief quickly burns into anger. At her for recklessly endangering her health, himself for not being strong enough to bear her presence, the Malfoy's for being such terrible guardians.
Harry is confused to see him by her side, but whatever joy she felt dissolves into resentment as he yells at her. Voldemort is insisting she'll stay with him once more, but now she prefers her freedom. In his fury, he says quite a few things he can't take back.
By the end of it, Harry decides she hates him more than she loves him, and that she'll grow stronger to one day destroy him.
idk I have other plans for this fic, like I want Harry crafting an OP weapon called the Sword of Blasphemy that she makes my basically sacrificing her heart/love for Voldemort as a catalyst for more power, Voldemort of course finding out that she's the Master of Death , Harry eventually having to choose between Living and Death, the role reversal of Voldemort finally being the one who realizes the importance of love while Harry throws it away for more power, etc etc.
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moderndayamymarch · 29 days
i’m not sure where this idea that dumbledore is the reason tom riddle became wizard hitler came from but i don’t buy it. i know the cool kid thing to do is blame dumbledore for every bad thing that happens in those books, but dumbledore isn’t the reason riddle was like that™️.
by the time dumbledore first meets riddle- he’s already traumatized those two kids in the cave so badly that they’ll never recover, killed some girl’s rabbit and hanged it from the rafters, and is a klepto. the kid literally meets the all childhood behavior indicators of a serial killer.
dumbledore in the meeting with riddle only displays concern for riddle and the other childrens’ well-being. he offers to help riddle and tells riddle that stealing/intimidating other students isn’t permitted at hogwarts. and he’s valid for pointing that out!! riddle admits to intimidating/stealing from the other kids. that’s something dumbledore kinda can’t let slide.
ppl cite dumbledore making a snide comment to harry about riddle wanting to be special as evidence he was out to get tom. current dumbledore made that comment as the result of knowing who tom riddle became. past dumbledore only vows to keep a close eye on him. present dumbledore even says he had no idea he’d just met wizard hitler. and past dumbledore’s not wrong for keeping an eye on riddle. also that’s common practice in the education system. when a child is noted to have behavioral issues (esp when those behaviors concern other students), admin will have a school counselor keep an eye on them or assign them a para. dumbledore also obv didn’t turn anyone against tom. everyone else loved him! so dumbledore’s watchful eye obv didn’t impact riddle’s school career really at all. all of the teachers believed he was a good role model student and he was even named head boy.
also even if, a teacher not liking or trusting you does not mean you get to become a neo-nazi. harry put up with snape’s bs and it didn’t lead to him declaring himself a “lord” and splitting his soul into pieces.
it was also the 1940s/30s and muggles did not have the psychological abilities/knowledge that we do today. wizards 1000% didn’t. if he’d been sent to a psychiatrist then, they just would’ve said some freudian bs about his mother and not actually helped with his problem of lack of empathy/guilt
the reason that riddle’s like that™️ is actually pretty understandable and makes sense psychologically. we know now (and actually by the 50s) that children who are starved of physical contact/emotional connection/and stability in early childhood can struggle to develop empathy, feel guilt, form connections, and that can lead to deviant immoral behavior. riddle grew up in an orphanage in the 40s during wwii with no familial connection. having abilities would make him feel “special” and better than the other orphans bc his abilities are the only thing he has going for him. add that to the above issues, and you’ve got someone that would abuse their powers for their own gain, especially to feel “special”. like tbh riddle’s prob not that different psychologically to like charles manson or jim jones (which is peak irony that a therapist in the muggle world could actually easily be able to explain his psyche while the wizarding world struggles)
my final point is this: dumbledore, while extremely flawed, isn’t the reason tom riddle became voldemort. if anything, slughorn and the old headmaster drove him to that end through their enabling far more than dumbledore did by keeping an eye on him. we even saw in riddle’s diary that “keeping an eye on him” consisted of dumbledore basically asking tom “you good?” when seeing him in the corridor. a behavior that reminds harry of dumbledore’s own interactions with him. and yeah eventually dumbledore called riddle out and was like “i heard you’re a fascist now” but that was after riddle had killed his own father, set a giant snake loose in the school, started calling himself “lord voldemort”, and started the wizard hitler youth
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saintsenara · 6 months
Thoughts on: Sirius/Minerva & Sirius/Bellatrix
thank you so much for the ask, anon!
sirius black/minerva mcgonagall
now... this has really intrigued me.
mcgonagall's assessment of sirius in prisoner of azkaban is something which always stands out to me. obviously there's her pride in him - "very bright, of course - exceptionally bright, in fact" - but i'm also always really struck by the slight complacency in the way she describes sirius and james as troublemakers akin to the weasley twins [something which harry clearly thinks is putting it pretty fucking nicely when he sees his father and sirius' behaviour in order of the phoenix] and how this informs her shock and anger at sirius when she believes him to be the death eater who sold out the potters.
one of the reasons i am really quite fond of mcgonagall with snape as a pairing is the really interesting things which can be done with the fact that she's someone who clearly sees what she wants to see - i really like the idea of her deliberately ignoring clues left by dumbledore as to snape's loyalties, for example, and i also like the idea of her having to struggle with the fact that she spent thirteen years feeling guilty for not spotting the signs that sirius had gone to the bad before discovering that what she should actually have been feeling guilty about is not realising how nonsensical it was to ever think he could betray james.
you also have with these two the chance to think really interestingly about the major theme of sirius' adulthood - grieving the loss of the love of his life. the backstory for mcgonagall on pottermore is one of the only bits of jkr's post-series writing that i like - and one of the things i really like in it is that it reveals her to have been widowed incredibly soon after her marriage, having also turned down another engagement in her youth.
[and also that hogwarts essentially becomes for her a fortress protecting her from the real world... a prison, you might say...]
i think you can detect the shadow of this in mcgonagall's canonical flintiness - she can hardly be described as a particularly warm or nurturing teacher [which is fine!] - and i easily imagine that she has a slightly jaded view of love, and that she certainly wouldn't think of it as something resembling a fairytale.
sirius undoubtedly also possesses this cynicism - all love has brought him is a dead james, after all. and i think there's actually rather a lot of bittersweet potential lurking in him and mcgonagall splitting a bottle of firewhisky and grousing about the state of the world over the kitchen table in grimmauld place and one thing leading to another...
will it last? well, neither of them expect it to - and imagine the misery you could write into mcgonagall reacting to sirius' canonical death - but sometimes that's the best basis for something which does...
sirius black/bellatrix lestrange
answered here.
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orchideous-nox · 5 days
Thoughts on Quibbler's less common ships (like Seabunny!!)? :3
I've been here since before he was yapping about them publically, I was getting all this stuff in my DMs months ago so I've had a while to take in his headcanons and yapping.
That being said, I think I generally feel quite similarly to Alex but he is much more passionate while I appreciate them quietly because I'm still learning and figuring them out.
Anyway, I checked with him and these are the ships that Quib-bitch (< 3) wants me to talk about!
Seabunny - I really enjoy Igor as a character, I always thought he was interesting from what we know about him canonically, so I like the idea that Charity sees this guy and wants to find some good in him and bring out something that he's buried deep down perhaps, but is also just like "he's never going to be perfect, so I'll also just take him as being a piece of shit because he fucks good". He also likes that there isn't pressure to be who he is expected to be with her, he can be gentle without judgement if that's what he chooses.
Starrynight - I have less opinions about this ship. It took me a while to come around to seeing Severus as more than just how a majority of the fandom sees him. That being said, I do enjoy starrynight, I think they're two people who have a great appreciation for each other that spans throughout their school years and into their teacher years. Aurora is so cool to me, I lowkey love her and the way Alex drew her in his yearbook is like chef's kiss. I think they're two people who seem very 😐 to everyone else but they understand each other's tiny little intricacies that other people don't bother trying to learn.
Wiseprince - Okay this was the OG ship that Alex would yap to me about which made me be like "ohhhhh okay this could be cool". Edmund Jr is so closeted and he only lets himself accept that part of him when it's just him and Sev and even then he hates it and doesn't fully understand what the feelings are. They're an awkward mess of unarticulated angsty yearning and deep deep denial and for some reason I vibe with this dynamic.
Crownest - The cupboard scene in GoF. That is all. Like how can you watch those two in that film and not see two exes who are forced into being in the same place after years and spend most of their time talking shit about the other and glaring at each other. I don't see any tenderness between them, it's not some gentle fluffy love, it's low-key toxic and they're not in it for each other specifically, Severus doesn't sit there fantasizing about Igor and Igor isn't writing "Mr Igor Snape" in the margins of his notebooks.
Goldenshower - Sorry Alex, but if you're not coming up with a better ship name then I will continue to call them this. These two are not good for each other. There is a reason Gilderoy (my boy Roy) is the golden part of the ship and it's not all piss related. He doesn't want his reputation tarnished. Igor also doesn't want people thinking he's going to become someone like Gilderoy and actively teases him for being a pristine posh-boy. That being said, I think there is a dirty side of Gilderoy that he only lets out around Igor. But they're still not good for each other.
Aurora x Pandora - Alex hasn't come up with a ship name for these two yet so suffer with that. I feel very strongly about cosmiccreation (but this much is probably obvious on my blog), but I kinda fuck with this I think. Like I could vibe with this but there's not much content about them really.
If you want to know about any other ships specifically then let me know! I'm happy to yap, though my headcanons might be limited depending on ships because I base a lot of my knowledge about the Snape's Gang characters off Quibbler's posts and him yapping in my DMs (which I love, makes me feel special that I get some of this before it sees the light of day).
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cruscribbles · 8 months
okay so, there are a few brainrot ideas of a jjk × hp crossover that are currently occupying my head so i'll just dump right here before i forget (just in case i either want to actually write this myself or if someone wants to write it— please go ahead!)
for now, these are all gojo-centric because he's a little shit and i love him for it <33
[ p. s. as you can see, i am too lazy and demotivated to cook my own food /hj ]
1. gojo (ends up in the hp world and) goes to hogwarts :
a. as a student - okay, this is probably going to be a bit hard to pull off, considering the man is literally almost 30, but hear me out
i could see him in either the hp generation or the marauders generation (but mostly the former)
could be an age regression thing where he gets bombarded with a curse that propels him into the hp world and for some reason he's back to his younger self (child or teen, who knows, just as long as he's around the same age as the protagonists of that era)
or maybe an exchange student program (au where jjk sorcerers and hp wizards both coexist in the same world) so maybe when he's 15-16 he's a "spy" trying to learn things from the wizard side of things?
clashes heads with harry AND draco from time to time; harry because of their different morals and draco because he probably pokes fun at him
come to think of it, who WOULDN'T gojo beef with actually
the student teachers think is gonna fail because he looks so uncaring and aloof and then proceeds to be one of (if not) the top scorers on the board
probably bothers snape constantly in his office (and probably also gets detention from time to time for being so annoying to him)
minerva also being irritated on the outside but also heartwrench on the inside because he lowkey reminds her of the old marauders in a way
every time he comes across voldemort face-to-face, he will not hesitate to make fun of him (like he did with jogo)
gojo : haha you're such a loser. voldemort? really? that's your name? you couldn't have picked anything better? *freaking fortnite dances or some shit like that*
voldemort officially has an extra child added to his hitlist after that
b. as a teacher - some of the earlier points of him as a student also apply here, except he's obviously more mature and wise in this instance
possible mentor of harry? like i said, would bond over being the chosen ones
the teacher that is either well-loved or hated (both teachers and students alike)
always the one popping in and out of the faculty with new tea and gossip to dish out
tries to hold back a little bit on the hogwarts students because they're not his students but is still absolutely relentless to them (displaying powerful demonstrations and also teasing them a bunch)
mcgonagall and snape being his favorite staff members because they remind him of utahime and nanami (idk would be close in personality to shoko tbh, then again she has the same type of dead air energy as snape but feel free to correct me woohoo)
ironically probably beefs with albus bc they are kind of similar in a sense but idk hmmm (they could also have some tea on the weekends too)
gojo : i once had a person i loved dearly that turned out to be heavily racist towards the normal human race for something they can't help and we had a messy breakup to boot
albus :
2. gojo is reincarnated as/ends up in the body of harry potter - not gonna lie, i'm more of a fan of this idea because you could do so much with this + it would be funny as HELL
harry grows up "cocky" and "prideful" (obviously still with some trauma and kindness attached because it's gojo) and correlates to the next points :
dumbledore thinking that since the boy grew up in a muggle household that he'll learn to be humble and sweet and lo and behold, he was wrong
snape getting vivid flashbacks of james from gojo!harry because of how cocky he is (gojo doing this unintentionally by being his authentic self)
even better if gojo!harry ends up in slytherin LMAO
dumbledore also getting flashbacks but of a different person : he doesn't want another tom riddle to happen (esp if gojo!harry vocalizes his want to change the world) so he keeps a very watchful eye on him
from the earlier point : gojo!harry not missing a fucking beat trying to make fun of tom "tommy boy, voldymoldy the oldie" riddle every time they meet (and not hesitating to name drop him in almost every conversation out of spite)
okay obviously he'll have some form of self-control over it but i have a feeling he'll do it just to test him and his patience
i feel like he would be SO CLOSE to triggering the underage magic alarm (or maybe he does and that's a drama for a whole chapter)
i feel like he would absolutely have a habit of disappearing and reappearing (even without magic) and he does that alot at the dursleys (especially when he's older)
gojo realizing he could talk to snakes, and he gossips to them whenever he can
moreover, it would be interesting if he sometimes has conversations with the horcrux inside his forehead (back-to-back mockery)
gojo knows somewhat quickly maybe because the signature is likely the same as sukuna in yuji's body
a really crack idea where gojo solves (one of) the horcrux problems by just hollow purpling the darn thing (wouldn't push it pass him to do it in the battle in the ministry of magic tbh)
either never gets fooled by the quidditch cup or immediately rectifies it by being able to teleport back (a good idea for a crack fic, but maybe for a more serious one he could either be serious or really dazed/overstimulated from the previous events to even think of doing so)
3. gojo ends up in the same body as harry potter and acts as a co-resident — ngl i am warming up to this VERY idea because i know it would become HELLA chaotic
i composed the original draft of this post ages ago but what gave me this idea is this amazing jjk!/bnha crossover fic titled "a hero without limits" by anonymous567 (if you haven't already, please read it because it's absolutely AMAZING)
idk how this would happen considering the shard of voldemort in harry's head (third participant forced to watch maybe) but shhh
basically gojo popping in harry's head either from the start or a from an event that happens to him later on (like the inspo)
he also makes commentary from time to time in his head and harry's like "shut uppp" — and sometimes people look at him and go "yo what's up with him""boy who lived shenanigans maybe"
it sounds stupid but i like the idea of gojo manifesting either on harry's body like sukuna or his image and his spirit manifesting on reflective surfaces like mirrors (his friends going "WHO'S THAT" while they point at the mysterious man in the mirror)
harry's magic "retaliating" and defending him when he's near death which is just a shadowy, smokey manifestation of gojo with the brightest most piercing lights as his eyes
very curious about the chamber of secrets section bc now harry probably doesn't even have look at the darn thing ("don't worry harry, sensei's got it covered!" or smth like that idk)
harry automatically deciphering the sussiness of almost every sus character because, like i said, live gojo commentary (probably would have solved the pettigrew problem faster tbh)
any adult that was around during the marauder's era straight up being reminded of james from time to time, especially the times when gojo is in control
i can imagine gojo knowing the jig is up with the horcrux in harry's head, and maybe as part of a crack idea, "seals the soul" from time to time which is the magical equivalent of taping the webcam lens with a piece of paper
gojo and the hat duking it out with rebuttals during the sorting ceremony and harry slowly going insane because of it
commentary of the black family being similar to the zenin's in influence, attitude and power (feel free to correct me); in short, gojo noting down funny coincidences and similarities to his old world
anytime someone tries to use legillimens on harry, gojo goes "uh uh uh *wags fingers*" and promptly kicks them out, promptly leaving the caster confused (gojo being harry's built in occlumency security guard <333)
idk if i want him to still have six eyes and/or limitless when he's reincarnated as harry (because it doesn't feel like gojo without them, but also he'd be so op— then again he already is by default so why not)
i think i would keep them since they're both the core ability aspects of his character but obviously in this instance, he doesn't have the hang of six eyes yet (major sensory overload as a drawback if he doesn't cover his eyes with a blindfold or a pair of dark sunglasses) and he doesn't unlock limitless until he's a teen (maybe during the gof or ootp plotline)
either way, i'm sorry if this plotline is too ooc, and please pitch in your own ideas in the comments or if you want to correct me!!
+ a little sketch of #3 because i've grown really attached to the idea JENDJEJDJ
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thereisnolumos · 1 year
If I could change things about Harry Potter:
If I could have Harry end up with anyone it would be a female draco(following the story wise. I love draco as is but the world suck and that's how realistically I could see it happening) or Hermione.
If drarry happens I would make Hermione either get with Neville or Krum. Neville would be the third member of the golden trio.
There would be good slytherins and the four houses would untie like the fucking sorting hat said so.
Actually explain deeply what happened between the four founders and maybe some how have it were they made up or something. More detail about James and Lily cause what we got gives so many problems. Have Snape better written and not an asshole. I love snape, but I can be honest that he should have been written better as a double spy. I wouldn't have made him a teacher cause that just triggers all his trauma but make his like the guardian of hogwarts and the students. Basically make him a school security guard. He can still be an asshole but not personally one and it won't effect students grades. Also have him do this all call Lily was his best friend. I feel like romance was unnecessary unless you wanted to make snape actually secretly James still alive the whole time or something
I ship Harry with Pansy, I think they’d be really interesting together and would make a terrific couple
I like Drarry potentially, I can totally see it working and being really good couple.
Dramione is my first ever ship, so they’re unmatchable to me❤️ The whole potential for growth together and pre-together, the potential for both tragedy and happy ending… to me they’re it. But if we’re sticking strictly to canon, Hermione should’ve been with Krum no doubt.
This story overall needed a better author. She got interesting ideas, but she didn’t have it in her to actually flesh them out and make a good story out of.
I agree with your points as to what to change, except for Snape. I really dislike him and her trying to shove “he’s the best man” down our throats. He was a child abuser. He never loved Lily but was obsessed with her because he couldn’t have her. He never changed his anti muggles and muggleborns beliefs (at least it was never shown) and the only reason he switched sides was because Voldy took away the woman he wanted. He only protected Harry out of guilt and hatred towards Voldy personally. If anything I believe the whole “redemption” arc was soooo badly written and absolutely unnecessary. To me he’ll always remain an extremely terrible person/villain who went against a greater villain bcs he personally wronged him. And that should been better written
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danpuff-ao3 · 2 years
the obvious one: snarry!
Hiya Ashes!!!! Thank you not only for sending an ask, but for giving me an opportunity to chat more about my beloved. 😍 Very kind of you!
1.) What made you ship it?
I answered this a bit yesterday in a different ask from Liv, but basically some combination of Harry and Snape being my favorite characters, and the idea sort of clicking after I read a Drarry fic where Snape had the hots for Draco ("okay...Draco/Harry...Draco/Snape...but what about Harry/Snape????") After that I dived into the deep end of the Snarry pool and never came up for air. 🤣 They just clicked for me.
It's like...I don't know. I guess I love them both so much (and always did love them) for a reason, and the more I read the more it made sense. At first it was the taboo nature that appealed to me, not gonna lie. The age difference, the student/teacher, the love/hate, the angst. There were so many darkness and grittiness and angstiness in those earlier fics that simply sang to my soul. I was so young (11) when I discovered it, so I don't think I was rationalizing it back then, but over time it just...I saw more of their similarities and how they fit together and how they worked together. I saw all the ways they could clash and and fight and break, and mold and mend and heal. All they ways they could be each other's strength, and weakness. The ways they could make each other better, and make each other worse. The ways they could hurt each other, the ways they could fulfill each other.
Typing that all out reminded me of a song that always gave me Snarry feels:
And then I crashed into you And I went up in flames, could've been the death of me But then you breathed your breath in me And I crashed into you Like a runaway train, you will consume me But I can't walk away
"Crashed" by Daughtry
2.) What are your favorite things about the ship?
First of all, they're soulmates. No, I am not accepting criticism at this time.
The stag and doe patronuses???? Helloooo. Meant to be.
Also: their synastry: here and here.
The "wrongness" of it between the age gap, the power imbalance, and Harry being the savior while Severus is a spy (and ex-Death Eater.) Not to mention all the complicated ties and baggage with Snape's ex best friend being Lily and his school bullies were James (the father) and Sirius (the godfather.) Imagine an AU where everyone lives...even if Severus never was a Death Eater, or Harry's professor, how much drama would ensue just from those ties alone???? SO MUCH AND I LOVE IT.
Harry's fame and Severus' infamy. How everyone will always hero-worship Harry and see him through rose-colored glasses while Severus is feared and/or hated by so many people (particularly his pupils.) The popularity/unpopularity alone would raise so many eyebrows and raise so many questions.
I love their flaws. Severus being such a snarky bastard, and Harry being a sassmaster. Severus being so temperamental and rude and strict and proud. Harry being reckless and a bit self-righteous and pretty hot-headed himself. They're both rather intense and obsessive. Even their physical flaws do things to me. Harry's wild hair and his knobby knees. Severus' hooked nose and greasy hair.
I love their virtues, too. I often wax poetic about flaws, but the good stuff is just as nice! They're both curious, and passionate, and bold. They're both intelligent in their own ways, Severus more academic and Harry with more intuitive, gut-knowledge. Severus being so skilled in the mental realm, Harry in the physical. The ways those different intelligences complement each other and balance each other. They're both magically skilled and powerful. They love both love magic. They're both a bit adventurous, Severus with his experimentation and invention, Harry with his quests and sneaking. They're both very strong, and brave. They both overcame so much hardship in life, from their younger years and onward, neither of them really catching much of a break. They both played such vital roles in the war. They were both used as tools and weapons in the war effort, seen more for their use than personal, individual value. They were both determined to help and win and do what was right. Both were willing to die for the cause (and did.) They're both loyal, devoted, determined men.
They can see themselves in each other, for better and worse. And once they break down the walls between them, those parts of them can meet and blend and work together.
Best of all...for two men who were once seen as worthless, as targets, and later valued for their usefulness, all the joy they can find in being seen for themselves, and accepted and understood and even loved for those things. And how two men who suffered so much finding love and joy and fulfillment in one another. And I love to imagine their future together, totally obsessed with each other, challenging each other, and growing together. Traveling, maybe, with Severus foraging for material and studying new things while Harry explores new places and hobbies and meets new people. Their individual goals aligning, giving them space, but also a place to meet, and all the things they can respect in one another.
3.) Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
Hmmm!! Nothing I have a problem with regarding Snarry, but maybe my preferences can cause issues! See, I really like the more questionable parts of their dynamic. I like the underage stuff, I like the student/teacher. I love dub-con and angst. I dig the toxic relationship vibes. I dig the love/hate. I love the fighting and the tension. I love them when they're mean. I love it dark and gritty and awful. I love the weird stuff. I have an undying devotion to "ugly" Snape. (Better explained: here.) (Sorry for all the extra suggested reading LOL.) I like other characters having negative reactions to the relationship.
For all the "issues" I need there to be love deep down, and passion. I need them to be absolutely bonkers for each other, even if they handle it badly.
I've had some of my favorite stories and depictions come under fire before but a gal likes what she likes, what can I say 🤷‍♀️
(....sorry for talking your eyeballs off 🤣 But idk what anyone can expect when getting me going about Snarry!)
ship asks
answered: Dramione, Snarry
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kromlock · 2 years
A transcript of my relationship with JK Rowling
Joanne: Hey kid, would you like a decent children’s book? It’s a little dark but it’s also a fun quirky story about a magic school.
Me: Oh hey, I like lots of those things! Hey, this is pretty good for the stuff that’s usually aimed at my age group!
Joanne: Yes, cool. Here’s a sequel. It’s foreshadowing some political intrigue and has a gut wrenching portrayal of the horrors of slavery, but I swear it’s still for kids.
Me: Oh wow, this is even better than the first! Hey, you’re a pretty good mystery writer too.
Joanne: Why, thank you! Now this next one gives Harry some deep backstory.
Me: Wow, I love this! You did a great job shattering the illusion that James was such a great guy!
Joanne: I beg your pardon?
Me: Well, I mean, you kind of outed James as the bully, and like even though it doesn’t excuse his behavior at all, Snape was right about Harry’s dad.
Joanne: ……huh.
Me: And I loved the disability rights theme so much I didn’t notice the part where the central character in the disability metaphor then turns his condition into a deadly liability in a boarding school. Or the skin crawling ideological implications of that.
Joanne: Hold on a second. I have to do something.
Me: What’s up?
Joanne: Just jotting down notes. Snape…. Was… Right….
Me: Well I didn’t mean it like THAT…
Joanne: Skin crawling… ideological…. Implications…. Okay, all done. By the way, here’s an extra long book!
Me: WHOA HOLY HELL does the shit hit the fan here! The bad guy’s back in action, the government is Fucking Horrible, and the Avengers are assembling. And that gleam of triumph in Dumbledore’s eye! I bet you’re going somewhere great with that! God I can’t wait to find out what happens next. It’s just… umm… a couple things.
Joanne: Yeah?
Me: Why did it have to be so long? And I like plot twists and all but this was just weird and convoluted.
Joanne: No, but you see, more is better.
Me: Huh. I guess I see your reasoning there. But another thing I just realized. This is a bad school.
Joanne: Excuse me?
Me: It’s a death trap and the faculty is incompetent. 
Joanne: Dumbledore is a legendary sorcerer, philosopher, and warrior!
Me: But that doesn’t make him a good teacher! That’s a completely different skillset!
Joanne: And about the death trap! That’s because of Voldemort. He does evil things.
Me: Voldemort didn’t resurrect an ancient blood sport for children. The first event was throwing teenagers one by one into an arena with a pissed off dragon to just see what happens.
Joanne: They were all supposed to be of age, and the binding magic contract-
Me: They couldn’t just rewrite the contract? Do they have to use the exact same cursed artifact that they used thousands of years ago, with the only guard around it having easy exploits?
Joanne: ….
Me: Come to think of it, the other books were pretty fucked up too. It’s quicker to list the school years where someone doesn’t die on campus.
Joanne: I-
Me: And I don't mean "Old Professor Giddyfart passed away in his sleep last night. He was 239 years young." I mean "Our star pupil was murdered in cold blood by Wizard Hitler during our international child bloodsport tournament."
Joanne: Technically that was off-campus.
Me: "Last year our students almost had their souls stolen by undead horrors that were posted here -at a fucking school- because that’s a good idea. This was minutes after almost being mauled by our werewolf on staff."
Joanne: They were only there because they thought a convicted-
Me: "Oh, that was also the same day we had a former Nazi combatant come to lop off the head of a hippogriff who actually did maul another student for the dreadful crime of not paying attention in class.”
Me: "Oh and the year before it turned out we just kinda had a basilisk in the plumbing and it kept turning students to stone, it was really annoying, totally disrupted the curriculum”
Joanne: But that was because-
Me: "Oh and the year before that one of our teachers was possessed by the still-living shade of Wizard Hitler. He set a troll loose in the school to try and steal our Bring-Shades-Back-To-Life Macguffin. We just figured it was the safest place because our unhinged headmaster is fucking Hercules, Perseus, and Theseus rolled into one. He could've taken a sabbatical to guard it without putting children in harm’s way, but he's just that quirky!"
Joanne: Well, perhaps Dumbledore isn’t all perfect-
Me: "What's that? Oh yeah, it's guarded by goddamn Cerberus, and a series of challenges even more dangerous than goddamn Cerberus. But don't worry, we sealed the door with a spell that a first year student can unlock."
Joanne: What are you getting at?
Me: Where’s the lawsuits? Absolutely nothing was done to rein Dumbledore in. Well, except for once and it was the one time the danger wasn’t his fault and it was at the behest of the bad guys and swiftly overturned.
Joanne: Government regulation?
Me: And what the fuck was with that “Hermione is an idiot for being against slavery” thing? That made me feel icky.
Joanne: Well, I will be right back!
Me: Oh, okay.
Me: Maybe that was a bit rude. Every story has its flaws.
Me: ….
Me: Wow, Lord of the Rings is really good.
Joanne: Here’s book 5! Harry Potter and the Reason Government Regulation Is Bad
Me: Uh… this is quite a bit longer than the last one.
Joanne: Yes.
Me: The one that I thought was way longer than it had to be.
Joanne: Yes.
Me: And I just read it, and like nothing happened in it. You took the shortest story so far and padded it out with a weird political manifesto.
Joanne: More is bette-
Me: And it’s not even good politics! Anyone but the most Randian hardcore libertarian would want to do something when a school actively contributes to the death of a student.
Joanne: Yeah but the person doing it is juuuuuust a fucking cunt.
Me: I mean, yeah I have to admit she was a pretty good villain. Kinda overshadows Voldemort though, you should really step up the menace in your main antagonist because all he’s done so far is get his ass kicked by a bunch of high school students.
Joanne: Ohhhh just you wait. Okay I’ll be right back.
Me: Oh, okay.
Me: I think we really connected that time.
Me: …..
Me: Huh, Revenge of the Sith was pretty good actually.
Joanne: Okay, this one is all about Voldemort. Also I heard you like Lord of the Rings, so you’re in for some good stuff!
Me: Do tell!
Joanne: So the One Ring was cool right?
Me: Oh yeah, it’s menacing as hell.
Joanne: Well Voldemort made SEVEN One Rings! You can One Ringify any object in this universe.
Me: …please tell me you gave it a name other than One Ring.
Joanne: I sure did! It’s called a Horcrux.
Me: ….Horcrux.
Joanne: You got it!
Me: …….so you can turn anything into a One Ring?
Joanne: You bet! And that diary from book 2 was a One Ring.
Me: Hey that’s a pretty cool retcon.
Joanne: Or maybe… I had it planned all along.
Me: No you didn’t.
Joanne: And just you wait, I have a big twist on those things coming in the next-
Me: It’s that Harry’s scar is a One Ring.
Joanne: …
Me: What? It’s kind of obvious.
Joanne: ….anyway they’re being super careful to make the school safe now so YOU’RE WELCOME. Plot hole fixed.
Me: This book ends with a bunch of Wizard Nazis infiltrating the school, assassinating the headmaster, spray painting a Wizard Swastika in the sky, trashing the place, and just walking out. So yeah, pretty safe. You know what, screw it. The movies are pretty good so I’ve tricked myself into still liking this shit. Hey, if you keep up your writing pace then Harry’s gonna graduate the same year I do! You gonna have the grand finale out in time?
Joanne: I sure am! Here it is, it’s more than worth the wait.
Me: WHOA now this is more like it! The last book was kind of a mess, but this? I love the dystopian setting and the breaking of the formula, and the moral complexity of Dumbledore, and you even managed to do some cool stuff with that Horcrux shit. And ohhh, the schoolgrounds are an actual castle so of course that’s where the final battle takes place, and it’s still fucked up that this is a school but that’s also pretty cool. And here’s the final confrontation, aaaaand…..
Joanne: And? And?
Me: …..what the hell was that ending?
Joanne: Excuse me?
Me: The bad guy dies on a weird wand ownership technicality? Not a whisper about freeing the slaves or undoing any of the other heinous shit the government does and permits? Harry names his son after the greasy incel who blew it with his mom when he shouted slurs at her and never got over it?
Joanne: Severus is a tragic figure who never stopped caring about the woman he loved!
Me: He held on to a creepy obsession with the idea of her while devoting his professional life to tormenting her surviving loved ones.
Joanne: He had to keep up appearances to fool Voldemort.
Me: He tried to poison a sensitive awkward child’s pet in front of his class, just because he could! Well before he was a blip on Voldemort’s radar! You know what, the movies have been doing a pretty good job cleaning up this mess so far, so I guess your job’s done. Oh, one more thing. I still don’t know what the hell was up with that gleam of triumph in Dumbledore’s eye?
Joanne: Oh, that’s a thing to do with his blood and Lily’s protection and the power of love and-
Me: You didn’t have anything planned, got it.
Joanne: Well, I never! I bid you farewell! And by the way, you were wrong! Harry’s scar wasn’t a One Ring! Harry’s SOUL was a One Ring!
Me: …okay, bye 
Me: Say, the movies really did clean up that bullshit. You know, I think the series was pretty good after all.
Me: ……
Me: Well the new God of War was a pleasant surprise-
Me: Uh, what?
Me: Is this a troll account?
Me: Oh no, this is just awful. Please stop tarnishing your weirdly good reputation.
Me: You know, maybe I can do without Harry Potter in my life.
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ilosttrackofthings · 2 years
I’ve decided to reread Harry Potter for the first time in a decade for Halloween (because reasons I guess) and here are my thoughts/observations as of finishing CoS.
I continue to hate Dumbledore. I’m definitely seeing him as more fleshed out, but that doesn’t make him better. Like, he’s really good with the kids, he clearly still understands what it’s like to be young and sympathizes with them in ways adults tend not to, it’s easy to see why Harry hero worships him. But that’s just the problem because understanding the kids also means he’s better at manipulating them.
It’s even addressed! Someone brings up that it almost seems like Dumbledore arranged everything in PS so Harry would face Voldemort and Harry, being an eleven year-old, defends him by saying that Dumbledore just knew he needed the chance to face him. Which makes sense because he’s ELEVEN, but anyone with critical thinking skills should be like “ummmmm...” So yeah. I still hate Dumbledore.
And guys it’s so obvious he was always gay! He wears a flower bonnet at Christmas! It’s S U B T E X T
The centaurs so clearly already know Harry’s gonna die and the first time it reads like they know he’s in danger or like he circumvents fate but NO it’s the future-future and my HEART
I never appreciated before how witty Snape is. His protection for the stone is a riddle and his final for the first years is to brew a forgetfulness potion from memory. And when Ginny’s taken to the Chamber, he’s the one who steps in and gets Lockhart out of the way. And he’s a jerk to the kids but we also see him being at least decent to his coworkers. If he could’ve just gotten over Lily, he could’ve had his own child to send to Hogwarts to torment Harry instead of having to work through Draco (who, frankly, is a little shit. I still love him but man does he make it rough).
The Improper Use of Magic office sends Harry a reminder that Muggles shouldn’t be exposed to magic via an owl that drops the letter on a Muggle’s head. Nice.
Dumbledore says in PS that he’s leaving Harry with the Dursleys in part because it will be better for his development; he won’t grow up knowing he’s this famous figure and get a big head or something. (Obviously this is a complete lie, there’s plenty of meta out there about this being not only because of the Lily’s blood thing but also because it’s a great way for Dumbledore to make himself a heroic figure in Harry’s life; regardless I’m still gonna tear it apart.) Except that Harry winds up with no idea how to handle his own fame. If he’d grown up knowing about it, he could’ve developed mechanisms to deal with awkward moments and people taking him off guard and all that uncomfortable stuff we see him struggling over throughout the books.
In CoS we see the teachers suddenly giving out points like Mardi Gras beads. In PS the kids had to do something exceptional to earn points but now they’re getting them just for throwing out answers in class. Which makes me think the teachers, after six years of Slytherin wins, were being stingy with the points to try to hold them back from a seventh year win.
Am I still bitter the House Cup was stolen from them in PS? A little less tbh. There’s an argument to be made Harry and co earned those points (even if it’s obnoxiously obvious that Dumbledore gave them just enough to put them over) but should they have been awarded at the feast already being held in Slytherin’s honor? This wasn’t like CoS where the feast was an impromptu thing immediately after the climactic battle. There was plenty of time in between to dole out those points without embarrassing Slytherin.
After spending a year blindly buying into Lockhart’s bullshit, Hermione will go on to out Lupin as a werewolf. I know Snape basically fed her all the info, but I really think the shame of being so utterly wrong about Lockhart (especially when the boys were right) really stuck with her.
Listen, I am trying to like Dobby here, he’s enduring terrible punishments and risking worse just to protect this child he’s never met, but his speech pattern is sooo much like Gollum’s and that is not helping.
Speaking of, based on everything that happens there’s no reason to assume Dobby doesn’t see Petunia take a swing at Harry with a frying pan and he still goes through with his “stay with the Dursleys” plan. Because that wouldn’t kill him.
Back in PS, after sending Norbert off to Charlie, Harry and Hermione are caught coming down from the Astronomy Tower by McGonagall. (Ron is absent because he was bitten by Norbert and needed medical treatment to avoid losing his hand.) In CoS, when Hermione’s petrified and McGonagall is taking Harry aside to tell him, Ron is almost an afterthought, only being brought along because he shows up. I’m just saying, McGonagall thought Harry and Hermione were making out on the Astronomy Tower and that they’re an adorable tween couple.
Tom: “You think I was going to use my filthy Muggle father’s name forever?” But... But it’s there, Tom. It’s right there. In your new name. ‘Cause you made it out of the letters of your old name. You’re still carrying him around, Tom.
As I’m reading I’m mentally comparing these to what I remember of the films (I haven’t watched them since even before my last reread so I don’t remember much) and imagining a more faithful netflix series version. The only thing so far that I’d want changed from the way it plays out in the books is the Percy/Penelope revelation. He should’ve gotten a big reunion with her at the feast.
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shostakobitchh · 1 year
Happy that you liked 'A Dream Carved in Stone', read it multiple times and will always go back. what do you think about the potion with dark magic that haves to Lily? I am not sure if maybe is quite common in a lot of Snape/HP fanfics but when I read in aim & ignite about the Patronus potion I immediately thought about that ff.
Thanks for always answering questions and interacting about the fic, it makes it even more special
My asks are 11, 18, 22, 34 if you have time :))
me, reading that scene:
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I'm not sure if it's common but I mean, it's entirely possible! Sometimes I wonder what ideas are original and what I've deeply buried from fanfics I read 10+ years ago. I read so many Severitus fics that I began to forget that Snape is not Harry's dad LOL.
thank you for the messages and asks and everything in-between, they also make me super happy to see people so invested in the story 🥹
11: Do you write scenes in order, or do you jump around?
I try to write in order because I find that it flows and makes me want to rip my hair out way less but other times I jump around and then I end up with a patchwork quilt of a chapter that is a pain in the ass. I don't know what it is but I cannot just sit and write in one go; it's constant skipping back and forth and I hate it.
18: Do you enjoy research?  Which fic of yours required the most research?
I do like the research aspect - most of the time it's "can I do this magic thing" but then I realize She-Who-Must-Named-Be-Named never really gave any indication of how magic worked which I actually really enjoy, it gives fanfic authors so much creative liberty. I really enjoy going back and rereading canon and noting little things I can change, that takes up the majority of "research" tbh
23: Do you title your fics before, during, or after the writing process?  How do you come up with titles?
during the writing process; all of them are song titles or lyrics! aim & ignite came from the fun. song titled "light a roman candle" and the lines, "we owe it to ourselves to try, so we aim and ignite."
the snily oneshot came from the song "Majorie" by Taylor swift, because that song is so fucking beautiful and heart breaking, and Lily is dead in the main story but she is woven into Ariel's life so much more. "what died didn't stay dead, you're alive in my head."
34: How much of your personal life/experience do you include in your fics?
not a lot at all; sometimes my fiancé will say something really sarcastic and I'll be like, that's a Snape line." I think it's in Chapter 2, but Snape says something like "were you hurt in the mental leap you took --" before Dumbledore cuts him off and my fiancé said that about someone else once and it made me laugh really hard. other than that, nothing really, I am Loving, Nurturing Teacher and Snape is Supreme Hater of All Children.
okay well maybe now that I think about it, some of the snarkier teacher thoughts from Snape, but that's it LOL.
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Could you tell me what are your favorite Snape's relationships in the books? I'm also curious to know what other Harry Potter characters you might like/love? And maybe, if you have a favorite Harry Potter book. It's a lot of questions, you don't have to answer them all (or to answer them at all). Thanks in advance! Btw, your blog is very cool! ; )
Hmm good question, I think my favorite is definitely with the other Hogwarts teachers, especially McGonagall. Though there isn't a ton of evidence that they were friends, they definitely feel compatible so you can't help but think they're quite friendly behind the scenes and open house rivalry. Then just for my own sanity I like to think he was fairly respected by his colleagues and on friendly terms with most. Even minor characters like Sinistra and Burbage, there are some interesting fics out there exploring that
I've also been warming up to the idea of him being friendly with the Malfoys, his friendship with Lucius may have started out on an uneven foot due to the age and status difference but it may eventually have developed into a somewhat sincere friendship. Narcissa also seemed to know her way around Cokeworth suspiciously well
His friendship with Lily is also another fav, they were such an odd pair, Sunshine and Grump frolicking together with magic. Tragically we only got to see them at their worst moments but I'm convinced they were truly best friends until some bad choices were made
As for another character that I love – Severus Snape takes up the top 10 fav character seats lmao I'm that far gone. But I usually list Harry Potter himself as a second fav and then Neville but they don't really come close to the snobsession
Fav book – maybe The Half Blood Prince, it really cements Snape as an important character and we get to see what a nerd [smart af] he was as a teenager. It was also probably the biggest emotional roller coaster for me when it came out, definitely super depressing reading about him offing Dumbledore but the buildup for waiting for book 7 also really built up my hype for Snape, I desperately wanted to find out what motivated him and what the hell he was actually about, team-snape is actually a good guy etc. In the end Snape didn't disappoint
Huh I have a lot to say when prompted, sorry about that. And thank you so much!
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