#((but asl is not an easy language to translate things into))
taro-pdf · 1 month
Humans are space oddities: exploring disability, communication, and humanity’s job in space (minimal ableism!)
Humans fill various roles in the broader universe. They work jobs from pet to protection, depending on the client. For the vast majority of beings, humans' adaptability and generalist lifestyle was feared. 
Kell was lucky to be born on a human-claimed world and they were even luckier to have parents who supported them. It wasn’t going to be easy working with non-human crewmates, but at least their parents found them a safe ship to start on. 
When they arrived at the dock, a tall, winged creature stood waiting for them.
“Hello,” it greeted in ASL. Kell looked at them in surprise. ASL? From a non-human? “I’m N-O-X, Nox, moth cryptid, she/her/any. My friend signed me up to be your translator for this trip, since it’s your first time.” Having less fingers than Kell, it was a challenge for them to read her finger spelling, but not impossible.
“Nice to meet you. I’m K-E-L-L, Kell, human, they/them, they replied. I didn’t realize I would be getting a translator.”
“I didn’t either, but I’m always up for something new. Come aboard!” Nox turned and walked onto the ship. Kell followed, bemused. 
On board, Kell’s glasses transcribed spoken Universal Interplanetary Language into scrolling text, but Nox’s translations got the tone across in a way that spoken language wouldn’t be able to. With her help, they were able to easily ask and answer questions, and their crewmates had a lot of questions!
“What do you specialize in? All the captain said was you’d be working with Janmia,” asked a tuscian. 
“Have you seen your lodgings yet? I printed out some human decorations for you, such as the human fruit: pineapple!” said a yuto.
“Do humans usually speak with their hands?” asked a creature that Kell didn’t recognize. All they could tell was it was quadruped. 
“Not all of us, but some can. What was your name again?” they prompted.
“I didn’t tell you. I’m Seva, bromid, she/her. My kind greets each other by exchanging scent signatures, but humans can’t do that so let me at least smell you.” Seva didn’t wait for an invitation to stick her nose way too close. 
“You can say no, you know?” A human leaned over Kell’s shoulder, their words appearing on Kell’s glasses. 
“Ok, then no thanks, Seva!” Kell backed up as Nox translated. Seva hesitated but the new human glared and she backed off.
“Hey, what’s up with the hands?” the human walked around to see Kell’s face better.
Why was a human of all beings so judgemental? Kell grimaced, but replied, “I’m Deaf, it’s sign language. Nox is helping me now, but I’ll text with coworkers when she’s not here.” 
The human looked at Nox as she spoke, then at his watch transcribing her words.
“I can’t hear her vocalizations, but my watch picks it up,” they explained. “I didn’t realize she signed.” Nox flattened her ears and said something else to them; they rolled their eyes and turned to Kell.
“She’s always telling me what to do. But yeah, I need to introduce myself. Prak, human, he/they. I’m the main security on this ship.”
“Kell, human, they/them,” Kell offered. “I didn’t realize humans were actually a thing in the security industry. I’m here as an engine and turbine technician.”
“Our durability makes us pretty good at the job. I didn’t realize humans ever were not involved with security.” Prak glanced at his watch as a message popped up on screen. “Anyways, gotta go. Welcome aboard I guess.” He turned and walked into the crew sleeping area.
Even though Kell couldn’t see them, his words still were transcribed by Kell’s glasses. And from Nox’s startled posture, she heard it too.
“FUCK! Who printed out a pineapple???”
Notes: Kell, Nox, and Prak are all OCs of mine and I wanted to put them in space! Kell was created for this HaSO story and I feel like I haven’t wrote about them in forever.  Prak was made off a prompt that said to make an OC who hates pineapple and won’t tell anyone why (it’s partially because a pineapple killed his father, shh…). He left earth to avoid them.  I need to figure out the timeline of how all my OCs meet because it’s a bit convoluted.
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pjoxreader · 1 year
Jason/Reyna/Percy with a deaf/hoh significant other?
Deaf/Hard Of Hearing Reader
Jason Grace
-Jason has a hard time learning sign language, but it isn’t for lack of trying. He tries to learn from books and such but it isn’t exactly easy, it’s hard to see how the hands move through just pictures.
-It’s not like he can look up youtube videos on it since phones are just a beacon to monsters. You can’t help but laugh every time you see Jason come over sheepishly holding an ASL book when he’s having trouble with a sign.
-The first thing Jason learns when you start to date is how to sign I love you. You can’t deny it was cute watching him but he ends up doing the signs for ‘I, love, you’ separately. Which was fine in itself but there was an easier way to sign that.
-He still has a lot to learn, and you can’t help but giggle at that and show him the easier way to sign it. All he had to do was put the middle finger and ring finger down, then face your palm to the person you’re doing the sign too. -You really love watching Jason teaching the other seven everything they need to know about sign language, so they can communicate easier with you. He really wants nothing more than for his friends to be close with you too.
-He loves signing ‘I love you’ during things like training or if you’re at dinner stuck at different tables. He easily falls in love with the language just as much as he fell for you.
Reyna Ramírez-Arellano
-Reyna would have already known some basic sign language, it’s the perfect thing to learn for a quest. Being able to work with your questmate on a plan without the worry of being overheard.
-That being said, she doesn’t know basic conversational signs. But as she already had the basic grammar and such down already it doesn’t take much effort for her to learn the rest.
-She learns **fast** though, and soon enough in her debriefs to camp she signs the entire speech too of what the plans for the day were. Even when you’re not there you find she’s signing anyway to keep up the practice.  
-She becomes a natural in no time, she can easily keep up with reading your signs and signing at a speed to match your own. She never once bothered writing down what she needed to say for a conversation sense she put all the effort into learning ASL.
-You two can easily plan a date night without anyone knowing, Frank was working on running drills while Reyna was working on planning a date with you. She was doing all of that while translating what Frank was saying as well.
-While explaining the rules of the war games to the newer campers you show the sign for ‘I love you’. Much to everyone's surprise she cracks a smile before clearing her throat and working on explaining again.
Percy Jackson
-How you first met is Percy asking you how to sign curse words. You were confused at first but do agree to teach him. However you soon enough find out why he wanted to learn that. -After a long quest with him you make your way to Olympus, to your surprise Percy then signs ‘dick’ to Zeus while making it seem he was just scratching his nose. You had to do everything in your power to not bust out laughing.
-Percy had the smuggest grin after that, it seemed he wanted to do that for a while… He starts to learn more curse words but then it starts to branch out to more normal signs. He struggled with the structure of wording sometimes but you’d be there to correct him.
-He did end up mostly signing curse words though. Whether it be to monsters, gods, or other campers that deserve it. But you couldn’t really blame him, he was from New York after all…
-The rest of the camp started to learn sign language because of him, well mostly curse words since Chiron didn’t fully understand all of them. It was the best way to insult each other without getting in trouble. 
-Clarisse was easily the second most person who knew the most amount of curses in ASL, since Percy and she would go at it. You have to admit this is not how you expected to be teaching people ASL but at least they were learning?
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but-a-humble-goon · 5 months
Hey, I had a thought about Cassandra.
I haven't read any of her comics, only read the Batgirls one with the three batgirls going on their own side with that artstyle I love so much for some reason.
I know the fact that Cass speaks, and how, tend to change a lot between comics and all, and I don't know the exact lore, but I thought a bit deeper about it all from what I know.
Cain never taught Cass how to speak, right? She grew up with fighting and understanding the body as her only way to convey anything from her brain to the world. (even if she obviously learnt to understand other languages)
But languages shape how your brain understand and interact with the world. It is most noticable when someone talk a language they didn't grew speaking, there's those little mishaps or confusion of meaning and use for words that are said to be equivalent, and that's because you have to relearn a way to see and understand things.
I'd say it's even more obvious when the structure of the language changes, I don't speak any sign language, but I know how some things work, and you don't describe things the same way with it as you would with a spoken language. You have to translate the meaning because of that.
Now, to go back to Cass, she didn't grew up with either of those, at least from what I know. Her language is Body. Her mind shaped itself and its understanding of things through her and others' body. How do you translate that?
Like, she doesn't say things, she can see how others' body feel by looking at them, so she express her feeling through her body. If Cass were to want to express an emotion,her mind would first and foremost express it through her body, and that's not words, that's feelings, and your body can reflect so much mors complicated feelings than words.
My point is, if Cass was to learn her first spoken language while in her teens, it would be really hard for her to express herself in a way that is understandable. Bodies reflect intent with specific muscles, while you need to build a sentence. I know fanon make her learn ASL, which is logical from a vocal cords point of view because she never trained it to speak, but that would still make communication hard, because sign languages are still not body language.
I don't know if I get the idea across, but Cass' whole understanding of the world was built around the way bodies work, and it probably holds for animals too, which are just different, sometimes similar, body languages.
It is so intersting! You can only guess how they would understand the world!
But also, would hinder them so much in their communication. Once, if she ever, get past the training to not express any feeling, you would have someone who express anything with movement, postures, specific muscle being tensed or not. Someone one who is constantly seeing how others feel because no one knows how to prevent their bodies from having feeling.
You're on the same level as an empath as long as you can see their bodies. hiding your body allows you to not be truthful about your feeling...
I fee like I'm not going anywhere with this, but the implication over how one would share anything is wide.
It's actually addressed directly at the end of her solo book that for her it's not as easy as just learning a second language, it's a hardware problem. Her brain is so specialized for body language that it lacks the structure to even process written or verbal languages the way a typical brain can. While she can learn, it will always be much more difficult for her than anyone else.
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Also the thing that makes her way of communicating unique is that it's sort of "read only." As in, since it's about reading subconscious body language signals there's no real way to consciously express yourself with it. That's part of why she's all about the arts (dancing, drawing etc) because she's never had ways to express herself properly before and words obviously don't work for her.
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hughiecampbelle · 2 months
Eek! I’ve never heard of this whole ship request thing before, but it sounds super cool and super fun :) could I have one with anyone in the boys except for, like, the evil ones? Like deep, Homelander, firecracker, etc etc? Hate them sm
I’m a trans guy and I’m bisexual :) I’m actually from the Deep South, but I have heritage in Canada and Mexico. I’m also autistic so I have some sensory problems with noises and textures, and I get really panicked about needles. I am, however, unreasonably obsessed with things. Like many shows and music. (Coincidentally at the time of writing this I physically cannot stop listening to Billy Joel- he’s currently my lifeline during sensory overloads and panic attacks) I’ve also learned enough French to vaguely understand things, hold the first few seconds of a conversation, and roughly translate a lot of texts. It’s not very impressive. I know some ASL, and I use it when I go nonverbal (due to my autism). I have this funny habit of randomly changing my voice and my accent- like if I get excited or stressed out I’ll start being German, French, British, Australian, Russian, Scottish, New York, Canadian, or anything in between. Music is kind of just- my life. It’s my everything.
sorry if this ends up similar to other ship asks you get- but it’s really cool, so thanks for considering it :)
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Hi my love! I ship you with: Hughie!!! He loves when you find new interests. There's always something new that's catching your attention, something new that's comforting and cool. He adores that there's so much in the world that you can fall in love with. It helps that you've become infatuated with Billy Joel. You two could listen for hours. It brings a smile to both your faces. Hughie hums along, afraid to sing and mess it all up, but you love the sound of his voice. You're constantly making niche playlists for one another, sharing them when you can't sleep. Hughie wants you to know that he took the time to listen, giving you individual feedback about each song. You love how awkward he is. He's tall and gangly and hasn't yet learned how to exist as he is. You think it's cute that he's a little clumsy, coming to his rescue with band-aids or ice, that he fumbles over his words and is constantly trying to re-explain himself. There's something charming about it, something sweet that instantly gets your attention. Your relationship is easy-going. Despite all the drama with Vought and Homelander and Compound V, you and Hughie have a really stable, easy relationship. There are no mind games, there's no questioning or defensiveness. When you're having issues, you talk it out. He'd never want to hurt you and you'd never want to hurt him. He's been through a lot lately with his dad and that awful Tek Knight party. You make it known you're there for him when he's ready to talk. You're not overly affectionate, but you do hold hands a lot. Especially after something's happened, something bad or scary, you squeeze one anothers hands, making sure the other person knows you're there. Your first date is takeout and a movie. You were supposed to go to the movies, but after the day you've had, after what you've seen and been through, you both come to the mutual conclusion that it would be better just to stay in. You barely even watch the movie, instead you spend the night talking and laughing, unpacking what's happened recently. It's so ridiculous you can't help but laugh at it. Hughie promises, for your next date, if there is a next date, that he'll take you out. You don't mind what happens as long as there is a second date, and third, and fourth. Relationship Headcanon: Hughie learns sign language for you. Or at least, he's trying to. His hands are clumsy and he often gets the signs wrong, but he's doing his best. He's better at understanding it than actually doing it. He wants to be able to better communicate with you when you become non-verbal. He wants to be able to help you, too. He never wants to speak for you, but with your permission, he shares your thoughts and ideas with the group when you can't.
Hope you like it my love!!! Xoxoxo💜💜💜
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transprodigalson · 5 months
tagged by @spnyuri thank u angel <3
How many works do you have on AO3?
8 :)
What’s your total AO3 word count?
27, 344
What fandoms do you write for?
rn mainly spn, but ive written 2 for tua + 1 for shameless
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
family what?? (tua) the lowest of his low (shameless) my skys been falling (i hope you never knew) (tua) once a catholic, always a masochist (spn) and i know (this bodys not mine) (spn)
Do you respond to comments?
yeah!! i honestly love engaging with ppl in my comments, its sooo nice tbh
What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
uhhh i think its my skys been falling ? i havent opened it since i wrote it like 3yrs ago so idrk lol
What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
augh maybe family what again idrk i havent touched it since i finished writing it
Do you get hate on fics?
i think i did for one of my fics but i deleted the comment lol
Do you write smut?
i dont but i do think abt writing it sometimes
Do you write crossovers?
nah, not really my thing lol
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
not tht im aware of
Have you ever had a fic translated?
i dont think so?
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
no but i wld be open to co-writing with someone
What’s your all-time favorite ship?
augh its changed but im not sharing tht rn <3
What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
my fucking adam faulkner-stanheight fic i started almost 2yrs ago (started it during my early senior year of hs)
What are your writing strengths?
i think im pretty ok at writing introspection. its sooo fun and easy to me
What are your writing weaknesses?
Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
i havent done it, but i wld love to, i just need to learn other languages (i know ASL pretty well but i wldnt say im an expert at signing tho)
First fandom you wrote for?
....the outsiders. back when i was like 13/14. it was TERRIBLE and on wattpad
Favorite fic you’ve written?
and i know . i cant explain why but it truly is my fave to re-read sometimes
tagging: @brothersonahotelbed @flugame-mp3 @bnuyfrowns @iinsawdious and um. whoever else wants to idk (no pressure to tags!)
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You’re really cool! /gen
What languages are you learning?
Which ones do you want to become fluent in, in the future?
Where do you learn them?
What’s your favorite language?
Would you advise someone to learn Norwegian?
Do you have a language you’d never want to learn?
What’s the hardest thing for you when learning a new language?
How’s your day going?
ok first thank you for this epic ask. my answer is long so it's under the cut.
I'm currently primarily learning Russian. I am sorta learning Swahili, but I haven't come any far yet.
I'm also continuing to learn french, but I'm already pretty good at french so it's pretty much just reading stuff in french.
I'm sorta learning northern Sami or Sami languages (multiple), but I haven't gotten far.
I'm not sure which languages I want to be fluent in. I guess french, I'm definitely not on a C1 level yet but I know a lot so it's probably the easiest. But I just want to take things as they come a bit. Sami languages (probably northern Sami has most materials) are a candidate, because decolonization and stuff, plus it's a new language family to me which interests me a lot. Though I'll likely try one I know people who speak.
but for learning in general I am considering/currently learning:
- Arabic (maybe Egyptian)
- Swahili
- French
- Russian
- Chinese (probably mandarin)
- Urdu
- Sámi language (unsure which)
- Norwegian sign language
- international sign language
- Usamerican sign language (ASL)
- Thai
And of course I'm probably gonna update this list. (metaphorically speaking, not physically this list in this post)
Where I learn:
So for french I learned primarily in a classroom setting, but honestly that has left me with very weak like audio processing for french.
For Russian I've been using Duolingo which is pretty good, though as people talk about I don't understand the grammar so if I want to use it formally I'm probably gonna diversify. (not sure what I'll do yet)
For Swahili I'm using language transfer. But I struggle to motivate myself to do language transfer lessons. They're primarily audio based and I'm genuinely addicted to music so I'm not always in the mood.
I've also used Polygloss, which is an image description game type thing where you get feedback on your language skills from other users. I would probably recommend this one if it sounds at all interesting to you. This has many languages btw, even toki Pona.
I've used drops but that app fuckings sucks ass. It's difficult to remember stuff in complete isolation. It's like the opposite of reading wikipedia in the target language.
For Thai I've used "Thai drill", which seems pretty good, I haven't gotten far with thai though because I've focused on other languages.
I've used lingodeer the short time I learned japanese, I've heard it's supposed to be really good for that.
I also like using texts, for Russian I've used a lot of wikipedia, trying to just read articles in Russian and see what I understand. For french I've used magazines and lemonde. For Sami I've used just the regular news.
I've tried chatting apps for language learning but I haven't really stuck to them too much so idk if that's for me. I think people like those though.
I've tried YouTube for Norwegian sign language and I find myself less likely to use youtube for language learning, but it definitely helps with getting access to resources when there's little.
Also miscellaneous websites. For Norwegian sign language, Russian and French I've used websites and it's helped at least a bit.
Translation services are essential! Like yeah don't just put everything through translation, but if you need a specific word or want to check your grammar it can be very helpful. I use it a lot in french.
On whether to learn Norwegian that depends what you value.
Some options are: novelty (different language family? unfamiliar writing system?), easiness (similar? are there apps? are there complex conjugations?), practical use (can you watch tv in the language? do you know anyone who speaks it?), different culture (will it give you access to a world radically different to your own?), decolonization (is it a colonized language?)
But personally I'm inclined to say yeah please learn my language. I can recommend resources and help teach you if you chose it, so the easiness is high (plus it's on Duolingo). the practical use, though lowered by the fact that most Norwegians speak english, is decent because it's easy to access free books online in Norwegian, plus news (that may be different like with Palestine - the free national news report does not have to be approved by isnotreal). And in general Norway values freedom of speech. The easiness is raised by you speaking English, and Norwegian also doesn't gender anything depending on subject's gender (unlike french), only grammatical gender, and you can choose between 2 & 3 genders. For novelty it's probably not that interesting though. For decolonization it's a colonizer language, Norway colonized a part of Sápmi and forced them to speak like us, no one colonized Norway. wait actually there might be more than Sápmi? idk I found this about Denmark-Norway, it might be wrong to pin it on just the Danes even though they had the upper hand historically, idk (there was centralized royal rule based in Copenhagen in Denmark). But yeah that last part idk if it really matters, it's not immoral to learn a "evil" language (of any kind), it's more that I consider it extra moral to learn a colonized language. (I wouldn't necessarily consider Norwegian evil but you get what I'm getting at).
For languages I wouldn't learn, honestly there's not many. I'm skeptical towards learning more languages like french because it's hyper gendered & usually non-binary excluding, but I think Spanish for example is one of them and it's so widely spoken it's kinda worth it.
The most difficult thing for me when learning a language, I guess staying consistent. I only have like one perfect month on Duolingo, and for other languages like Norwegian sign language I've not been consistent at all, not even reaching a rate of one lesson a month.
My day is going pretty well, especially after answering this ask :)
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soulsxng · 2 years
♦ What was a mildly annoying thing that has happened to you rp wise?
☀ What's your rp pet peeve?
☢ What fads/trends are you so over?
@arcxnumvitae | The Monday Salt | Accepting!
♦ What was a mildly annoying thing that has happened to you rp wise?
I had one mutual a while back that I was really looking forward to writing with, and it went super wrong. I'll preface this by saying that when we followed each other, it was the week I was getting married and going on my honeymoon, and was going to be really sparse for about two weeks.
Once I got back, I messaged them to ask if they might want to get a thread started, and they got back to me immediately to say yes, they were interested in Kadios, and in Jaspern, and they already had two of their muses in particular they wanted to use for it. I was like "Cool, they're always pretty easy to start stuff with, but fair warning, it looks like the muse you want to have interact with Kade is deaf, so there is going to be a language barrier there initially." Because Kade can't really use a translation charm or whatever to communicate with them if it's not a verbal thing. At least not that he knows how to use.
Which was fine with me, because that could be a really interesting dynamic, as they learn to interact with and understand each other. But they said they didn't like the sound of that, and so I said suggested that we could figure out an AU, that way I could feasibly make a reason as to why Kade would have known ASL already. (In his normal verse, he's a shifter that had spent most of his life in his beast form, and...had only just started staying in Gaea within the last year or two, so he didn't know any human languages, let alone ASL specifically)
They got frustrated with me, saying that they were no longer interested in Kade because I wasn't willing to make it so he would just know ASL "for her muse" that he didn't even know yet.
Oooookay. A little frustrating, and I was starting to get kind of an odd vibe, but I gave it another shot.
So I say "That's alright, I'm sorry it didn't work out, but we can still figure out something for -insert their muse's name- and Jaspern, if you want!"
And then they got all excited again, and told me that they had been reading some threads between me and another mun on here (who I'd been writing with for like two years at that point). They talked about how much they loved the ship between Jas and the other muse, but that they thought it would be fun if they could put their muse in it as like...as a mistress (or whatever the dude version of a mistress is lol), essentially.
Like, they expected Jas to just...cheat on this other muse, who he had a bunch of history with by then...with their muse that he didn't know at all...and end up having a love triangle/rivalry thing.
I put the brakes on that immediately, because like...first off, I don't usually just throw my muses into a ship instantly unless there's been a LOT of plotting beforehand. And even if I do put them in a straight up ship right away, it has to be someone that I've written with before, and I know how we mesh together, yknow?
Secondly, I won't even consider that if I haven't spoken to the other mun involved. Let alone for a ship that I'm so attached to in the first place-- I didn't even want to ask because of that alone, because it would literally have felt like spitting in my friend's face?
But they kind of got the picture and backed off (after arguing for a minute about how they would contact the other mun to get their permission, because they were "really convincing" and felt they could get them to agree, and I told them I wasn't comfortable with that), and instead said that they would "compromise" by just having their muse in their own ship with Jas...but only if it was exactly like this relationship he already had with the other muse from the relationship they'd wanted their muse to try to break up!
I was fed up and irritated, told them no, that wasn't cool, and got a big long post made about how I was unreasonable, and bitchy, and how they had tried to contact me multiple times and I "took forever to respond for like two weeks" (I WAS GETTING MARRIED--), so they "should have listened to that red flag, and saved [themself] the emotional trauma".
...Nobody took it seriously, which was a relief, and I ended up blocking them, but like????
What the heck man??????? Weird!
☀ What's your rp pet peeve?
Pretty much the above. People trying to force my muses into super specific or unreasonable things with theirs. Or trying to force relationships and stuff after I said either that I wouldn't be comfortable with it, or that it wouldn't really be feasible with my muses.
It's one thing to be like "Hey, I saw this cool AU idea, and it made me think of your muse! Would you be interested in doing something like that?", and another to be like "I've already thought out exactly what I want from my muse and your muse, and so your muse is going to do this, this, and this--", yknow?
☢ What fads/trends are you so over?
Super fancy post editing and stuff. ^^;;
Like listen, if that's your thing, and you enjoy spending time making your replies and icons and formatting look super sparkly and cute, that's great! Do your thing!
I just find that I end up getting distracted by all of it. Or, honestly, I'm not able to read the teeny, tiny, light pink writing, because my eyes are bad. So I don't really make a habit of interacting with too many people that do it unless their writing really draws me in.
Honestly I don't even care if you use icons at all. As long as you cut your posts when things get long, and we're enjoying the thread we have together, I'm happy!
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hoperays-song · 2 years
Story Time with Big Sis Ash
Ash, at a sleepover with Johnny and Meena: Spanish is my first language. Like, the only thing I’m grateful to my bio parents for is teaching me Spanish. 
Meena and Johnny, also bilingual: *nodding along*
Ash:  But when I got to that age where in school where we had to take a foreign language and I found out that I could take Spanish class in school... all of a sudden, “yo no habla español”.
Meena, who signed up to take ASL while being fluent: *giggling and giving Ash a thumbs up*
Johnny, slightly irritated he couldn’t do that with Hindi: *rolling his eyes*
 Ash, pointing to Meena: Right!? I wanted to get that easy A! But my grammar was trash so, and I never understood the imperfecto, so... C+’s  all around if you know what I’m saying.
Johnny, who’s been struggling to understand Ash’s Spanish for months: Oh that makes so much more sense.
Meena: I know, right?!
Ash: I really need to teach you two slang. Anyway! But Lance used to make fun of me for this like “Ash, how do you get C+’s in Spanish if you speak Spanish?” And I’d be like “Oh. Oh no Lance. How the fuck do you fail English, huh, when you speak English? Pendejo.” 
Meena: You tell him Ash! He was قلة الادب.
Johnny:  And a झटका देना!
Ash, proud of her siblings’ reactions: Yeah, no fans of Lance in this house, none. Now, who wants to prank call Buster?
Translations (Please correct me if I’m wrong, I’m still learning):
yo no habla español - I do not speak Spanish (Spanish)
imperfecto - Imperfect (Spanish)
Pendejo - Stupid (Spanish)
قلة الادب - Rude (Arabic)
झटका देना - Jerk (Hindi)
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chimericchaos · 2 years
Another update on the language:
So recently (last night) we did more research into the why's and the how's of language, more specificially, why language words and sounds mean what they mean, and how grammar is formed
More specifically, we narrowed that search down to Sign Language (more more specificly, ASL)
And in our revalation that there are many other variants of Sign Language other than ASL (shocker), we came across explanations of *why*
And the general answer was that Sign Language is an attempt at trying to not play charades- in order for a language to be universally comprehensive, there needs to be set definitions on what things are and what they mean based on intuitiveness, and unfortonately that intuitiveness will vary greatly, like a game of charades. Thus, we have different variations of Sign Language based on different interpretations on the best way to convey specific things through signs
So we realised that despite ASL being "global" it isn't really as an ASL speaker may come into conflict with other people in interpretation of meaning based on culture, enviornment, history and other general factors that may contribute to the specifics of the people they are speaking to
And this helped shed some light on our language, in that, in trying to make a language that is fully understood by the world, we would of course fail if we don't account for the various cultures, enviornments and histories of the peoples of those languages. In other words, the game was rigged from the start
So now that we are firmly down from our soapbox, and realise that many people don't know what a soapbox is or its meaning here, we're instead not focusing on "relatability" to a language and not "related"
So instead of trying to make this language connect physically to every language on earth, it can instead take many *mostly* universal concepts and build on that, borrowing a few things from here and there to make the experience more "familiar", but of course it's not going to be "easy" to learn
The goal is still to be relatively easy, easier than English hopefully, but to not get too carried away with finding exact, specific meanings that mean the same thing everywhere, because as Sign Language taught us, that doesn't often exist (not often enough to base a language on)
In a related announcement: we've memorized the ASL basic alphabet. It's been on the list of things we wanted to do for a while but we've never gotten around to it, so last night we didn't sleep until we could sign from a-z without looking at the notes 15 times in a row. Therefore we slept late
On a funnier note: we did some testing in google translate, putting in various words from our language, to see what other languages are detected and how close the definitions are
And for a few it was quite close
So far the languages displayed are Portuguese, Zulu, Icelandic and Somali
And that's quite a diverse connection, geographically speaking, so we'll take it as a sign that things are going well
A rather interesting example,
Old Terran(name pending): Portuguese:
m'u = mine meu = my
m'ue = your's seu = your
m'sue = their's seus (suas) = their
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mooifyourecows · 2 years
moo in so conflicted
eventually i want to at least try to be fluent in spanish korean and polish but i wanna start learning at least 2 now
i’m learning spanish in school and i’m going to have my friends mom teach me because she’s actually fluent and my teacher is not and he’s a horrible teacher i can’t stand him
BUT i also wanna learn a second language simultaneously because i’m bored out of my mind and it looks good on college apps
so i’m looking into korean because hangul is so fun and i consume a lot of korean media, plus since it’s a different alphabet, most americans (at least non-korean americans) don’t choose to learn it so it’ll stand out
i think the standing out thing also applies to polish and i have a more sentimental connection to it since i’m very polish and i really wanna go visit one day and see where my great great grandparents lived and i also just think it’s a beautiful language, and a big part of wanting to learn korean is the media and being able to understand what i’m enjoying, but i also want to start listening to more polish music and watching more polish tv so i’m not sure
also! if you have a second (or third or fourth and so on) language you can speak what is it? do you have any languages you wanna learn? i think i want to learn romanian as well but that’s for the future for sure
I hear that after you learn your second language, it's much easier to learn more. If I were you, I'd focus on learning Spanish. Really get the hang of it, immerse myself in learning it to the point that Im practicing it every day. I wouldnt want to overwhelm myself with multiple languages at once, especially languages that are SO different from each other. I don't want to mix up rules, right?
Then, once I feel like I've got a good understanding of it, maybe to the point of being able to hold conversations, I'd maybe consider dipping my toes in another language.
I don't think learning one language at a time should be very boring, unless you're some kind of language learning machine and its not challenging enough for you. If that's the case, then you should learn it quickly enough that you can move onto the next one easy peasy without having to juggle two at a time. If it is boring, then maybe you should find new ways to make it interesting? Find some podcasts to listen to or do some fun writing/reading exercises/games. Listen to Spanish music and try to interpret it as you do, even write the lyrics down and then check the official translation online to see how well you did! Watch Spanish media with the subtitles off and see how much you can understand!
Find a way to make it fun!
After you get the hang of the act of learning a language, the world is your oyster! Learn Korean and Polish and German and Japanese and Cantonese or even Tamil!
Don't get too hung up on trying to achieve everything all at once. Learning languages is hard. It's something that you never really stop doing, even with your native language. It's gonna take time and for a while its going to be so frustrating, but eventually, if you stick with it, it'll all come together
And to answer your question, nah I don't know any language other than English. I took a semester of Spanish in college but it was at like 7 am in the morning and I didn't do like 100 of the online exercises. I'm pretty sure I only passed because my partner and I took it together and sat at the front of the class and participated with every lesson as a way to suck up for all the.... not doing of the homework.
I'd love to learn more languages some day though! Spanish would be my top because it seems the most useful here in America. But I'm really interested in Arabic and African languages. Like maybe Yoruba or Igbo. Japanese and Korean are obviously two that I'd really like to learn because of the whole media consumption deal. I would love to be able to watch anime or Korean media without subtitles. Oh and also ASL. I would looooooove to know how to use ASL
Anyway, I wish you the best of luck in learning! Stick to it and don't give up! You can do it, I believe in you! 🌈🖤
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prime-intelligence · 5 years
Oh my god... Your optic it-... We were hoping t-the video was fake-, Blurr- god even that chain-, just hang on, okay? We're all here for you...
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“……” When speaking, there is nothing but static. Blurr is clearly uncomfortable, and it seems you can make a good guess at what happened to his optic anyway.
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rosieposiepie · 2 years
What are some of your favourite words in ASL?
So the thing about ASL is it's actually very hard to translate into written English since it's such a visual language so it's not easy to describe what a word is and why I like it so much but I can attempt to do a few of them.
In terms of a single word that I like, it's "FINISH" because it's one of the most versatile words in ASL. You can use it in the context of saying that a task is finished. You can use it to establish tense at the beginning of a sentence (FINISH EAT+DINNER means "I ate dinner," for example). But it also has more colloquial meanings. For example, a very tense one-handed form of FINISH is often used to mean "stop that!" really emphatically, kind of like the way a parent would discipline rowdy children in public. Meanwhile, a more frantic and repetitive form of FINISH is a more anxious "knock it off" as if the person is saying something embarrassing. Also if you missed an important deadline or made a mistake you could use FINISH in the context of "it's too late" or "I'm done for."
Another word/idiom I like is "MIND+HEARING" which is generally used in the context of describing, justifying, or judging someone's behavior. Hearing is of course the Deaf term for people who do not partake in Deaf culture and can hear. The reason why it's so funny to me is because you know the gesture for "crazy" where someone makes circles with their index finger at their temple? That's the sign for MIND+HEARING (the index finger circles at the lips is the sign for HEARING so the "MIND" part is just changing the location the sign is used). I don't know if Deaf people intentionally developed that sign to look like a gesture that meant "crazy" or if Hearing people saw the context that Deaf people often use the idiom in and assumed it meant "crazy." Either way, it's a fun coincidence. And honestly? Sometimes MIND+HEARING = CRAZY if you know what I mean.
And then there's also a purely idiomatic Deaf term I like which is KISSFIST and is signed exactly like it sounds, you kiss your fist and then punch at the air or point towards someone or something. It's a kind of a casual way to say "I love you" but instead of blowing a kiss or something, you use your fist to send the message.
Oh, and an honorary mention to the word LESBIAN which looks exactly like this emoji (minus the facial morphism): 🤔 - I do use that emoji interchangeably with the word lesbian in certain groups and you gotta know the ASL context of it but I just think it's so funny to say: "is she a... you know...🤔?"
I could really go on for ages about ASL linguistics because I love ASL and Deaf Culture and it's such a beautiful, fascinating language that has provided me with a sense of community and empowerment given my hearing loss. I've only studied it in an academic setting for three years but I also use interpreter services and I love engaging with Deaf culture and the Deaf community when I can. I wish I had a larger local community in my area.
Anyway, that's a lengthy answer to your question, I hope that kind of covered what you were hopeful for? Obviously, let me know if you want to talk more about ASL I would love to.
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tf2-simps · 2 years
Mercs with an s/o who's mute and uses ASL to communicate?
I am so sorry this took so long to get to! I hope this turned out alright!
Now I don’t use ASL so I apologize if I got anything wrong or said something that can come off as hurtful or offensive towards someone that uses ASL, please do correct me if I did!!
-gender neutral reader
He doesn’t know any sign language at all but if you try and teach him he will gladly learn
He gets frustrated because his memory is garbage and learning a new language already isn’t easy so he has a bit more trouble learning
He practices in his free time and will come in at the most random times where you’re asleep or in the middle of when you’re busy and ask you what a certain phrase or word in ASL would be
He will brag about it to the rest of the team. Even if he only knows how to sign “Hi”, “How are you?”, and “I love you” he will brag to the team about y’all having a secret language to talk in
When you do sign to him he needs a few seconds afterwards to think about it and he’ll sometimes lightly mimic what you sign to help him learn and understand
Pyro knows ASL too! But Pyro is also a rascal and casually (playfully) smack-talks all the others behind their backs
If you prefer to sign with Pyro rather than have Pyro talk and you sign back then Pyro will get very invested and probably have several moments where Pyro forgets that a majority of the others doesn’t know how to sign at all
Pyro gets excited that theres someone else at the base who can be talked with that knows sign language and if you ask Pyro to sign while talking with you then there will be some stimming between some of the signing
Pyro likes your hands in general, you just have really nice hands, so Pyro gets a bit too sappy watching you sign
He loves talking with you but he doesn’t know an ounce of ASL but he is certainly trying for you
He will probably drag you to Pyro and get Pyro to translate it before realizing he can’t even understand a lot of what Pyro says since it’s muffled by the mask
He is determined to learn it no matter how long it takes him. Heck, he’d even read a book on it if that meant learning
If there is anyone that picks on you or gives you weird looks this man will go feral. If you two are in like a Walmart and someone gives you some funny look then there will be one less living person inside that walmart
He doesn’t know ASL but he does know a bit of BSL which goes well until he realizes that they are just about completely different
He’s still very open for learning and definitely invests a lot of time into learning
You’ll probably see him talking verbally with someone and he’ll be signing a bit just to help him memorize it and to practice
I feel like he would accidentally sign something bad like a foul word and he would be completely unaware that he did it
He’s at that weird spot in language learning where when someone else speaks (or in this case, is signing) he can understand it but he slips up and has trouble remembering how to do it himself
If you are apart of a conversation and the others are talking and skip over what you are trying to say then Heavy will pause the conversation and have you let you get your say in
He learns terms of endearment and how you sign your name!
He thinks its cute when you two are holding hands and you pull your hand away to sign and go back to holding his hand afterwards
He knows quite a bit from hanging around Pyro, its a lot of basic stuff but enough where he can understand a majority of things
He is very firm with other people and would never put you in a situation where you are being pressured into talking vocally and if anyone tries he immediately gets sour
He will give you a lot of kisses while you are signing simply just because he can
He has basic respect and just like with anyone else he would never talk over you or interrupt you
He knows a quite bit of ASL but he is always up for learning more
He doesn’t know what to say or how to compliment you or encourage you to not feel shy about it so he probably says something wacky like “You have really good hands, do you know how hard it is to come by a good pair of working hands? They sell for a lot”
He likes having you around while he is experimenting and he’s reached a level where he can completely execute whatever procedure he is working on while also watching you sign
He will occasionally grab your hands when you finish signing the statement you are saying and kisses your hands
He actually thinks it comes in handy and really likes it(no pun intended) he doesn’t like a lot of loud things and he himself doesn’t talk too much
If your on the battlefield or in some sticky situation it would be hard to tell him something without whoever your against hearing, but sign language? Not many people know it and it’s quiet so you can easily communicate something to him
If he’s really invested in something you might have to tap him or give him a poke to get his attention
He will certainly try learning but he is..not the greatest at it
It’ll be hard finding a language he doesn’t know!
He thinks its fun that you two can be completely across the room and still hold a conversation, and its really helpful if you are in a situation you don’t like and can’t really get to him for some reason
If you prefer it he’ll actually respond back in sign language too
If you’re around someone that isn’t good he won’t hesitate to immediately start smack talking the person to you
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I really didn't like it back when you refused to translate the sign language. It's good you're trying to encourage people to learn it, and the comic has made want to learn it. But it also made the comic a bit inaccessible sometimes. Learning a new language isn't easy and for some of us with learning disabilities, its downright hard.
You know what, that's fair!
I will defend myself on one thing - no part of the ASL ever made the comic 'inaccessible'. In fact, I was very careful to never put ASL into the comic in a setting where you could fail to follow the story due to not understanding sign.
Every time sign language was used, it was either immediately translated by someone or had little relevance to the story beyond spicing up dialogue. No ASL knowledge was ever REQUIRED to enjoy the story in full.
When Earl and Steven started using ASL to communicate, I started translating the sentences.
So although I understand that you may have felt frustrated at not understanding 100% of the text, none of it was intended to FORCE you into learning sign language to read the comic. It was simply another language that was meant to be, in part, illegible, similar to how other foreign languages are used in the comic - such as Russian on Earl's Driver ID or the untranslatable gem glyphs between Earl and Pearl.
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smoqueen · 3 years
Do you have a favourite language?
this is a question you can kind of only get on tumblr. that or linguistics classrooms. i studied more linguistics in college than my primary major (english) so this is kind of a loaded question, too.
my first gut answer is armenian! it's a very challenging language for me to read and write, though speaking it feels very easy and natural. it is an orphan language, in a family all its own -- no brother or sister languages (though there are dialects within armenia and dialects of armenian spoken in pockets of greater 'Persia,' they are mutually intelligible and AFAIK have extremely few changes in writing system.) i want to learn more of it but i have a hard time finding enjoyable things to read/watch/play in armenian, which is of stark contrast to my other favorite language - mandarin.
i studied mandarin a lot in high school but kind of stopped studying it because i got lazy. learning mandarin opens you up to thousands of years of chinese history and culture. it can be somewhat overwhelming. you can spend months upon months reading three kingdoms history and barely scratch the surface when it comes to translations from different languages to each other, variations in writing, etc. i also studied ASL but i stopped because the courses started advancing way too quickly for me and i had a lot on my plate in university
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obislittleone · 3 years
Intelligent Insanity
Jerome Valeska X Reader
This is actually sadder than the last one... ye be warned.
Series Summary: Two lives can start very differently, but it's never the beginning that makes the story. It's the the journey the lives take that eventually bring them down the same path.
Chapter Warnings: angst, depression, mentions of suicidal thoughts, blood, death, the works.
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The cell was cold, and the seat I sat on was hard metal. There was a rigid piece that had cut my leg a little when I sat down, but the pain of the small amount of blood drawn would never compare to anything the rest of me was going through. Every fiber of my being ached with sorrow, and my fast spelling fingers could attest to that. The words were so dark and dull with anguish that I myself could not believe they were spawned from my brain.
If I ever got out of this place, I wouldn't know where to go, or what to do... maybe I'd just attempt to end my eternal suffering by cutting it all off. If I ended my life perhaps I wouldn't feel pain anymore. If I killed myself I could be reunited with the one I called my love. If I lasted through the night I would be surprised.
My tears still streamed down my face to give off a sense of how truly devastatingly broken I was, but since I could not make a sound, my hands had to do the talking for me. If there was a way to yell in sign language, surely I was doing it. My hand practically ached from how long it had been spelling my every word.
One of the other prisoners in the holding cell behind me clanked the bars that restricted him, making me look up upon the impact. There stood detective Jim Gordon, the look on his face wasn't quite a happy one, but it wasn't a frown either... very neutral.
"Y/n?" He addressed me, but I didn't respond. I wouldn't have even if I could.
He unlocked the cell and came close to me, kneeling infront of my seat to try and get my attention. My eyes couldn't hold contact with him, because they were too full of grief to be connected with anything but the ground.
"I really need you to talk to me. I understand I'm the last one you want to talk to, but its important that you give me the information." He sounded gentle, his voice was soft. He truly was a good cop in every aspect, and really, there was one man that would actually be the last person I want to talk to.
I shifted my gaze from the ground to him, hoping that he could see in my eyes that I wasn't in the condition to speak. He heaved a sigh, breaking contact with my tear filled eyes for a moment before returning back.
"Look, I know you can speak, I've seen you do it. This can't be like last time, if you don't say anything, then I can't help you."
Oh, to make him understand. If being insane taught me one thing, it was that normal people would never truly grasp the concept of a free mind. My mind was free, but it was in turmoil. Whenever it was pushed down to the depths of despair, my own personal side affect was that I would lose the ability to speak entirely. My voice would be gone.
I held up my hand to spell my response, hoping that he might possibly pick up a hint.
'I can't.' I spelled out nice and slowly.
The look of confusion I saw on his face was similar to the one I'd noticed the day I killed my uncle.
"I- is that sign language?" He asked with furrowed brows. Maybe he was smarter than I gave him credit for.
I nodded in return to his assumption, and he did the same in return, letting a thought pass through his head.
"We have an ASL translator on hand... I'm gonna give her a call and I need you to tell us everything you know." He said quickly, as if I was going to be so easy to cooperate with him, so soon after what has happened to me.
He tried to help me stand up and usher me out of the cell, but I shook my head and pulled out of his grip. I wasn't going anywhere. My eyes watered up yet again, and began to overflow as I brought my arms around myself as some sort of security mechanism. I just wished another pair of arms were around me.
He looked back and me and his shoulders rose and fell with a deep breath. He glanced out at the desk he was probably dragging me off to, then his eyes became softer. When they met with mine again, it was like he understood everything. Why I couldn't speak, why I wouldn't cooperate, why I didn't care if any help was given to me. All were the same reason.
"Can we make a deal?" He asked, but I remained unmoving, since I didn't know what he has to offer me. "We have Jerome here...."
Instantly I listened closer at the sound of his name, and Gordon took notice. Now his suspicions were confirmed.
"If you promise to cooperate, and tell us everything you know, then I can arrange for you to have ten minutes with him before they ship out." He said, seeing how my eyes got just the tinest bit better knowing I would get to say goodbye properly.... maybe not properly, because the proper way would have been to tell him how much I loved and adored him before he was killed.
I nodded quickly, heaving myself from the seat and walking towards the open cell with Gordon. He noticed where the bench had cut my leg, and saw the blood dripping down the back.
"You're bleeding. Let's get that taken care of, first." He said, guiding me towards the first aid station, where a tall and lanky man stood. The man introduced himself as Nygma, and seemed to be fond of talking a lot. Given that I could not talk at all, it was an awkward few minutes as he bandaged up the back of my leg. He set aside the bloodied pieces of cloth instead of throwing them away, which I thought was strange... why did he need my blood?
When the man was finished, I gave him a nod of thanks, and turning to go with Gordon down the next long stretch of hallway. My heart started beating faster and harder when I read the painted letters on the door. M.E.
Jim unlocked the door and opened it, stepping inside and waiting for me to do the same. I knew I wouldn't be able to be alone, because with the price on my head I already had, I wasn't going to be trusted out of anyone's sight.
I was afraid to go in at first, frightened of what this might do to me, but I needed closure. Closure to help me along the path of hopeful recovery... or maybe it would just give me more motivation to end my own life. I hated that the only two options were either death, or moving on....
I closed my eyes and breathed deeply, exhaling slowly as I took the steps into the room. It was instantly colder than the rest of the station, with a refrigerated wall system. I heard a small buzzing sound as I finally looked over at the table in the middle of the room.
My eyes were filled to the brim with unshed tears to see that my wonderful, happy, crazy boy was so still and lifeless where he laid. Most people say that when their loved ones die they find peace in seeing that they only look asleep... my love did not look asleep, he looked dead, and cold. I couldn't bear the sight of something so beautiful at it's end. It was so horrible, and painful.
Jim stood in the corner, trying to keep himself busy looking elsewhere, as to give me some sort of privacy in these last moments with him. Knowing how the city saw him, he probably won't even get a proper funeral, and everyone else will be glad he's gone. I wouldn't be surprised if they even held a celebration, for people always rejoiced in ridding themselves things that they hate. People hate things they don't understand.... Jerome was not understandable whatsoever.
I walked around the table to the other side. His face was so much paler than normal, and his lips were on the verge of being blue. The tears that had been pilling up this whole time began to take their time on rolling down separate paths on my face, each one felt worse than the one before, and as they came they practically burned my raw skin.
His eyes had been closed, though that devastating closed mouth smile was still present on his frozen features.
I saw his hand sticking out from under the sheet they had draped over him, and I grabbed it tightly, knowing that I wouldn't be contaminating it if I've already held it a thousand times.
I used my other hand to spell out the words I so desperately wished he was still here for me to say.
'J, I didn't want you to leave me.... why did you go so soon? We could have gone so many places, done so many things. Why didn't I stop Galavan from hurting you? I saw the knife and I froze.... I could have stopped this, you could still be here to hold me and help me not to cry. I'm going to cry for you every day now. My heart has been through so many things, and yet it has never felt this broken in my entire life. How will I ever fix it? If I died too would you be waiting for me on the other side? Damnit, Jerome.... I'd never been happy in my life until I met you. You are my everything and now I have to say goodbye to the best part of me there ever was. It isn't fair... you shoud be here with me. You should be laughing, making me laugh. Now I'm dying slowly, and I don't expect to last long. Maybe I'll see you on the other side, if you're waiting on the other side. I can't be here much longer, it's killing me to see you like this.... I needed to say goodbye. If you can hear me from where you are, I need you to know that you were it for me.... never will there come along another person like you that could have my heart. You still have it, and I think you took it with you, which is why this hurts so much... I hope to God I'll see you again, the way you were meant to be seen; Alive, beautiful, happy. Until then, you'll never leave my mind. I won't see you anymore, unless you're in my dreams.... That one place you go between asleep and awake, that's where I'll always love you.' I finished off by taking my hand from his cold and stiff one, bringing it up to the side of his face and tracing the skin one last time. I quickly combed it through his wild red hair, which still felt the same and gave me a sweet memory. I held a small smile for a split second, and let my hand fall back to his cheek. I leaned in closely and pressed the gentlest kiss to his lips that I could possibly muster, and it hurt my broken heart even more. He didn't kiss back, and he never would again. My forehead fell upon his, and in a moment of connection with him even on this pitiful level, it was enough for my voice to fill my mouth just once.
"I'm sorry, my love..." I whispered, a single tear running off the bridge of my nose and onto his cheek. This was it. I would never see him again after this. He was already taken from me, so why did I have such a hard time letting go? He was dead, and in my mind he took all life I had with him. I was a shell of a human, without real life in my soul.
Jim heard me from his corner of the room, and having looked at the time on his watch, he'd seen that I had gone overtime in what I was supposed to have.
"Times up, we have to go."
I dropped my shoulders back and stood up from my hovering position, looking Jim Gordon square in the face, every piece of my shattered heart was visible and on display in my features. The man felt sympathy if only for a moment, before ushering me out of the medical examiner's office. I turned back to take one more glance at my beautiful boy, and then the door was shut and relocked before my eyes.
I slumped down as I was taken to a desk in the large and echoing station.
Jim sat down in the chair across from me before the man who patched my leg up earlier beckoned him from the area to speak. Not like I could do anymore harm now, Jim stood and followed Nygma to the corner. It was so strange to see how calm the man looked when talking to Gordon, yet Jim was the complete opposite, his facial expressions went from neutral to surprised to confused all in the small amount of time they were conversing. Jim caught my gaze, noticing my watch before I broke my stare as he walked back.
"Well, looks like you're going to have a good lawyer." He sat back down in his chair before he continued upon seeing my nervous and confused expression. "As luck would have it, you've matched the DNA with a certain child that went missing around the time of your birth."
I didn't understand what this meant, or what to do with the information, or lack thereof. He didn't give me enough to go by.
"Congratulations, Blair Wayne."
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@gabile18 @i-sneeze-to-appease
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