#(( oh and i love the hair in all of these except the SUPER curly ones ))
suzukiblu · 11 months
For wip Wednesday Love the vibes of “weird Kryptonian bonding rituals” especially if it’s superfam
. . . I am just gonna blame the fact that I haven't really worked on this WIP in a minute for how "write you three sentences" turned into "write you 1k", cough cough.
Clark gets into Superman's suit and leaves the Daily Planet building at inadvisable speed, probably, but manages not to break the sound barrier anywhere too obvious, he thinks. He follows the sound of that thrumming heartbeat and voice, and finds himself blocks and blocks away, hovering in the air a few hundred feet above a food truck being operated by a woman with dark skin and bright pink hair in her mid-twenties, and the single customer standing on the sidewalk in front of it as assorted civilians pass by in one's and two's.
The single customer is the thrumming heartbeat's owner, and he's about fifteen or sixteen, with pale skin and dark curly hair and bright and eager and inhumanly blue eyes behind a pair of round sunglasses. He's wearing a loose-fitting black leather jacket and heavy black boots and a tight bodysuit, all blue and black and red and yellow and with the exact same "S" on its chest as the one Clark's wearing himself.
The kid looks up, takes one look at Clark, and absolutely lights up.
Clark feels several very new and strange feelings, then charges straight down into the kid and sends them both skidding into the empty street. Hitting him, touching him, is like . . .
Clark barely even remembers to be careful, but the instinct is ingrained too deep to ignore even as they crash into the pavement together.
And then the kid laughs delightedly and throws him off.
Actually throws him.
Clark comes to a stop twenty feet up in the air, blinks down at the kid still beaming up at him, and then bolts back down and smashes him into the pavement again.
"Shit!" the food truck worker shrieks in alarm. "Don't hurt him, Superman, he's just a kid!"
Clark . . . pauses, then looks up from said kid that he is currently pinning into the street as he struggles underneath him.
"'Hurt him'?" he asks in reflexive confusion, and then realizes how batting a teenager around like a person-shaped cat toy and pinning him to the street hard enough to crack it probably actually looks to an outside observer.
. . . um.
"Um," he starts awkwardly, and then the kid slips his pin while he's distracted and throws his arms around his neck with a gleeful laugh and a bright grin.
"Dad!" he crows triumphantly, and hugs Clark harder than literally anyone has ever hugged him before, except maybe, like, Ivo in the fullest and most vicious version of his Parasite suit while trying to crush him to death. It's . . . kind of adorable. Although also Clark can't really breathe very well now. "I found you! Hi, hi, I totally found you!"
"You did," Clark agrees reflexively and slightly out-of-breath-ly, patting the kid's back as he shoots the food truck worker and the several other staring civilians back on the sidewalk all an apologetic smile. "Sorry, ma'am, didn't mean to worry you. We're just playing."
"Oh my god so there was this lab and these doctors and they were all such jerks so I maybe kinda just broke everything and I guess maybe that was bad but they all sucked and they deserved it, I promise, I hope they all lost all their data and their personal files and their customization settings when I smashed up their stupid computers and stuff," the kid half-rants, hanging off Clark like a super-strong but also undeniably floating koala, and Clark straightens up and pats his back again as he listens to his excited and also-adorable ramblings. The way the kid talks actually reminds him of a much younger kid, oddly–even younger than Flip and the rest of the newskids, despite his appearance–but that doesn't exactly hurt the "adorable" impression. "Also there were some really annoying guys who were bothering the way cool chick in the truck over there so I threw them in a dumpster but did you know chili fries were a thing because they are so good, seriously, you should get some!"
"Are you asking me to buy you more chili fries, kid?" Clark asks wryly, and the kid somehow finds a way to perk up even more.
"I mean, no, but if you wanna . . ." he mentions, grinning hopefully.
"Two orders of chili fries please, ma'am?" Clark requests, sparing the food truck worker another smile. "If it's not too much trouble."
"Yesssss," the kid cackles delightedly, hanging heavier off his neck again as he somehow actually manages to hug him tighter. The food truck worker stares at them both for a moment, then reaches for an empty fry basket.
"Uh, sure," she says slowly. "No problem. Uh. Sorry, Superman, but do you . . . have a kid? Is that, like . . . what's happening here?"
"Yes," Clark replies reflexively, patting the kid's head.
. . . wait, that's not–
Then the kid beams at him again and nope, never mind, apparently that is right, he guesses he's just a dad now. Oh no, he and Jimmy are gonna need a bigger apartment, and Clark really hates apartment-hunting and doesn't even know how he's gonna afford his half of a bigger apartment, though at least he knows Jimmy can after selling Flamebird so he guesses that's something, and besides, what, is he gonna make his kid sleep on the couch? No way. The kid can have his bunk, heck, he'll sleep on the couch 'til they can sign a new lease or something. At least he's not an intern anymore, that's been a bit of a financial improvement, so that'll help.
". . . well okay then," the food truck worker says. "How do you even age, are you–um. I'm just . . . gonna make those both double orders, then. No charge. Congrats on, uh . . . congrats? Like, fifteen years late, apparently, but congrats."
"Thank you," Clark replies politely, smiling at her again as he walks over to her truck, the kid still happily hanging/floating off him. "We can pay, though, that's really not necessary."
"Dude. My dad would literally fire me if I ever made Superman pay for freaking chili fries," she says feelingly. "Like. Fire me so hard. Unto our family's next three generations, would he fire me."
"Thank you," Clark repeats, still smiling at her, then pulls a couple of twenties out of his belt and tucks them into her tip jar. Only seems decent, he thinks.
"Oh my god how are you even real," the food truck worker mumbles under her breath as she drops both double-orders of fries into the fryer.
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buckyalpine · 2 months
Here is a list of things that make me mad in no particular order. Angry ranting. Pls ignore this, I'm just screaming into the void. These example apply to very specific situations I've encountered with people who are perfectly capable of doing better.
People who lack common sense. Social awareness. Common courtesy. Saying "Oh my God, I'd never do that" when they've never been even close to said situation but they're now experts on how they'd act while sitting on their pristine Thoroughbred horse, sipping on English tea with their pink so high it may as well be in their nose.
People who say "Well I wouldn't care if it happened to me" or "I'm just being honest" when you point out something they did/said.
When autocorrect/spellcheck decides it cannot for the life of it figure out what you're trying to spell OR it gives you suggestions for every word under the sun except the one you want. All you did was leave out a single letter with the rest of it spelled perfectly and spellcheck decides to go into a coma. So you fix the mistake and the little squiggly red line goes away. Fuck you.
Gnats. WTF is you're problem. I've Googled this shit cause I want to know why tf you can't just fly straight, why do you have to buzz all over the damn place near my head of all places.
Flies. Same thing as above. Why tf can't you just fly straight. WHY NEAR MY EAR. You have the entire world and you decided my room is the place to be? And now we're both miserable because you keep hitting yourself against the window after noticing your grave mistake. I leave the door wide open but you want to keep body slamming the glass.
Giving me life advice on something you know nothing about.
People who don't love their pets. Yeah, you take care of them but you do it as a chore and then complain about it. Those little fur babies deserve it all, give them the best or don't have pets at all.
Holier than thou attitude.
People who laugh at those who are visibly upset and tell them they're being too sensitive.
Allergies. IDK Why tf my body acts surprised as hell every single spring. It's just fucking pollen. Why are you trying to fight it. Do you understand that in your brilliant plan to try and fight the little evaders you actually make me want to end it all because my nose is itching and my eyes are watering and I can't breathe. Food allergies are another level of bullshit. I'll never forget the day this one girl tells me she wished she had allergies? Like it makes you special, mf what??? She was being serious too.
Thin, straight, fine black hair. Can't do anything with it. It doesn't hold hairstyles, doesn't curly, gets heavy as soon as you use any product and 90% of the time it just looks like Snape cosplay. Ask me how I know
Parents who buy their very young children shoes with laces. This is inconvenient for all of us. why tf would you do this when Velcro exists. Your 4 year old doesn't need laces when they have no clue how to even eat cheese with their crackers, mf why did you buy this shoe for them?!
Bananas. Hate them with a burning passion. The smell. The texture. I hate the peel is left out and about like it isn't making the entire room smell. Don't even get me started on banana breath. (Keep in mind this is not me saying I think they're gross. I wish I liked them because they're a super convenient snack and very healthy)
People who lie and say you can't taste the banana in a smoothie. Yes, I can. You always can. You can have 1000lbs of any fruits and that single banana will still stand out.
People who don't understand mental illness/ act ignorantly to those suffering.
Big companies who ask you to donate to stuff. You're going to use this as a tax write off, stfu.
People who laugh at others for not knowing something. Maybe that thing had 0 relevance to their life. Maybe they learned about that because they were taught something else. Either way, how is it funny.
People who laugh at those learning a new language. You're the fucking worst. They are LEARNING. Let them get used to the pronunciation, let them get accustomed to sentence structures, let them make mistakes without being embarrassed. You're the embarrassing one cackling you're damn ass off while they're trying to do something new. You're discouraging them from wanting to continue because you feel the need to be an asshole.
People who make everything a serious debate/conversation.
People who steal. Not out of necessity but just because they can. I'll never forget overhearing this group of kids in my high school bragging and laughing their asses off over how much candy they stole from other kids. They also stole phones. These were not troubled kids mind you, they were doing this for shits and giggles.
Eczema. So fucking itchy, why can't skin just act right. It feels awful, looks awful and just comes and goes as it pleases.
People who clown you for who you find attractive. Why. If I find this person attractive, what in the ever loving flying fuck does it have to do with you. It's just so unnecessarily rude. I don't even get how its funny or why you find it okay to call someone ugly as if this is something they personally have control over.
I'm going to add more to this list.
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Can u do the Curtis gang +curly with a f!scene reader plz!!!! :3333
Ofc Darlin!!! I’d freakin loveeeeeeeee to!! We love our scene queen x gang requests!!
The Gang + Curly Shepard x F! Scene Reader
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Ponyboy Curtis
-he thinks you’re soooo cool
-super intimidated though
-he’s memorized your entire schedule before he actually talks to you lmao
-he’s down sooo bad
-he started listening to scene music too just for you
-after doing hours of research to find out your style
-and one time you were in the library and he played the music just a little too loud in hopes of you noticing
-“Is that <insert band name>?! I LOVE them!! I didn’t think anyone else here listened to that stuff…”
-he acts chill about it like he didn’t just start a week ago when he saw you
-once he finally gets the guts to ask you out you say yes
-he goes on music + reading dates with you
-he’d try to match bracelets, bandanas, belts, rings, anything subtle
-probably the most expected couple
Johnny Cade
-LOVES your style
-he sees you one day walk by when he’s sitting in the lot and his eyes pop out of his skull
-he loves everything. He loves your hair, your skirt, your bright fishnets, all your jewelry, your makeup
-it’s so big… and obnoxious in the best possible way
-he loves too
-he doesn’t stop thinking about you after that
-it isn’t until dally and ponyboy get tired of him mentioning you that their like go talk to her man
-so he finally does, and he thinks you’re sooo cool
-scene doesn’t really work well on him, but he tries to match you in subtle ways like pony too
-matching bracelets fsfs
-Fr if you make him a few bracelets he will never stop wearing them
-when you finally start dating he really likes a lot of the music
-and if anyone has to say anything about you
-they can welcome Johnnys fist to their face
Sodapop Curtis
-he was shocked when he saw you walk in to say the least
-he’s never seen anyone like you before
-super intrigued
-he gets surprised when after a few days he realizes he has a huge crush on you
-he usually dates girls like cherry, but with you…. He’s definitely willing to make an exception
-you have the rare ability to make him nervous
-and falter in his usual effortlessly charming manner
-and one day he gets enough of a pep talk from Steve to ask you out
-and he does, giving the biggest, stupidest grin
-when you guys date it’s so cute
-he tried to let you do makeup on him one time
-it didn’t end well
-he can’t sit still 💀😭
Darry Curtis
-the least expected couple
-he’s a very traditional dude
-so seeing you is kinda like 🤯🤯🤯
-when he sees you walking down the street
-his jaw drops so low you have to dig a hole in the ground 💀💀
-he’s just stunned by you’re mere existence
-he asks Sodapop and Ponyboy about you at dinner
-and there both like OoOoOoOOoh someone has a crushhhhhh
-he’s in denial fr
-but he finally goes up to talk to you one day when you’re both shopping
-and asks a bit awkwardly “So… uhm… what’s with your outfit?”
-then realizes how rude he sounds “WAIT not like it’s not amazing- I mean you’re amazing- beautiful too- wait-“
-you giggle at him and smile “Oh, I just really like dressing in the same culture as my music taste”
-that gets the ball rolling and you two actually get along pretty nicely
-you both turn heads for real though
-and Sodapop and Ponyboy see you as a really cool aunt/older sister
-matches belts and jewelry with you
Dallas Winston
-now, he has never seen a broad like you before
-was secretly a bit intimidated
-but he’s not gonna show that………..
-he probably went up to you on a dare though
-made some rude jokes
-and you furrowed your brows
-“You know, it’s really not cool to make those jokes. You don’t like it when people assume things about you for being a grease hm?”
-he’s super surprised at your reaction
-and for once in this ever loving man’s life he reflects on his actions
-he sighs “You’re right, doll. What’s your name anyway, princess?” He says with a smirk
-matches belts and jewelry with you
Two Bit Mathews
-he saw you
-and instantly made jokes
-it’s two bit you guys what you expect
-“Do you come out of bed like that or…”
-“Damn, what unicorn threw up on your clothing?”
-“You’re gonna cut off your circulation with that much jewelry doll.”
-of course it’s all good fun, and you roast him back with equal wit
-which is kinda when he realizes he’s in love
-he asks you out
-you say yes
-he absolutely wear matching belts, jewelry and even shirts with you
-you made a Micky Mouse scene outfit and showed it to him
-and he LOVED IT
Steve Randle
-oh girl
-you rocked his whole world whenever you walked towards him
-he looks you up and down for a full minute
-like omfg she’s sick
-he tries to hold back his excitement when he talks to you
-he thinks you’re style is so cool
-asked multiple times to touch your wig
-he grins so hard when you let him
-he asks you out the soonest
-you guys are very cute together
-you give him something interesting to look at while he works on cars fs
-he loves your wigs so much
-kisses your hair all the time
Curly Shepard
-thinks you’re styles kickass, and you’re a total bad bitch
-I mean he’s a bit punk/grunge himself
-probably the most familiar with alt styles in general out of everyone
-he hits on you almost immediately
-checking you out with a smirk and a whistle
-loving the way your fishnets and skirt makes your legs and thighs look
-you guys are a scary ass couple to encounter
-the punk/grunge and the scene
-he matches belts with you and you both take a little bit from each other
-you mix a bit of his punk/grunge in your scene fits
-and he mixes some scene into his punk/grunge fits
-and he sometimes does matching eyeliner with you
-and it looks super kick ass on him
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bunnybubae · 2 years
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Hello there! I've been using this platform for the past 6 years, mostly to read the amazing works of super talented writers! I would like to share my all time fave with you and at the same time, show them how mutch their work is appreciated! Here is a list, I'll update it from time to time, reblogging whenever I'll add new works, please remember to support the writers with all the love they deserve by reblogging their fics, by commenting and by using their ask box to share your thoughts! 💜
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Oh My God, They Were (Quarantined) Roommates by @ot7always 💜
Summary: What do you do when you’re quarantined for months on end with Jeon Jungkook - S tier cuddler, workout robot, and thirst trap extraordinaire? Fuck him, you guess.
Warnings: *takes deep breath* soft dom!Jungkook, sub!reader, dirty talk, vibrator use, fingering, size kink, hair pulling, pussy slapping, degradation, praise, unprotected sex, overstimulation, creampie, multiple orgasms, cum-eating, oral (m&f receiving), marking, spanking, face-fucking, rough sex, morning sex, soft sex, body worship, teasing, rimming, ass-eating, anal fingering, butt plug use, anal sex, cumshot, aftercare (don’t stress, this isn’t all one scene.
—hot boy bummer. (m) by @jungkxook 💜
Summary: when jungkook offers you a proposition of just sex, no strings attached, how can you possibly say no? after all, what are best friends for?
Warnings: kind of a crack fic, sprinkle of angst, way too casual conversations mid-sex, jealous jungkook, slight himbo jungkook tbh (he’s kind of a sweet loveable idiot), he also has a big dick oops, man bun and blonde jungkook to feed my fantasies!, multiple smut scenes!!!, missionary, dry humping, oral sex (m receiving), face fucking, unprotected sex, slight degradation (mostly jungkook hating himself), brief name calling, light choking, sort of praise kink.
I Heard a Rumor. jjk by @taeshobipop 💜
Summary: One slip of a finger, and you realize you’ve liked an Insta photo of college hotshot Jeon Jungkook…from two years ago. You manage to unlike it within seconds, except it’s too late — Damn Kim Namjoon and his lightning-fast eyes. Do not tell a soul, you hiss. The man merely smirks. Next thing you know, a rumor is spread throughout campus. Y/n likes Jungkook…and now he knows.
Warnings: spitting (y/n has a spitting kink don’t ask idk what i was thinking pls it’s not that bad), protected sex, fingering, making out, a little grinding, frat party, alcohol consumption, Namjoon is very unhelpful.
It Takes Two by @junghelioseok 💜
Summary: You don't need retrospect to tell you that dating a coworker was a bad idea. Two months after your breakup, he seems to have moved on to someone new━and quite happily. If his social media is to be believe. Meanwhile, the one new thing in your life is your roommate, Jungkook, who seems nice enough. Just nice enough to coax into coming to your company's annual holiday party, and more than handsome enough to show off a little bit. Or, as it turns out, a lot.
Warnings: slow burn, one (1) awkward boner, tatted!kook, long-haired!kook, oral (f receiving), dirty talk, unprotected sex, multiple orgasms, jk's big dick, squirting.
By Its Cover (M) by @gimmesumsuga 💜
Summary: The one where Jungkook makes a horrifically bad first impression. 
Warnings: Jungkook is actually an absolute sweetheart.  Smut; kissing, handjobs, fingering and unprotected penetrative sex. 
Blizzard (M) by @curly-bangtan 💜
Summary: When a blizzard hits your town, you and your shy awkward roommate are forced to spend time together, not being able to leave the house due to the strong snowstorm. To make matters worse, the power gets cut in the middle of his shower. Which also means no heating.
Warnings: bit of a slow burner, vanilla!Jungkook, virgin!reader, dry humping, penetrative sex, fingering, oral (m receiving), losing virginity, shy soft boy Koo with a crush and a noona kink, your heart could possibly burst from how cute he is.
Liars and Fire (M) by @kpopfanfictrash 💜
Summary: It’s been nearly a year since your divorce was finalized. Why, then, do you still find yourself falling into bed with your ex?
Warnings (Smut): oral (female receiving), some nipple play, fingering, delayed/withheld orgasms.
Warnings (Other): mentions of miscarriage, mentions of therapy, slight jealousy from jungkook.
L is for Lunacy (M) by @kpopfanfictrash 💜
Summary: After two years of being sworn enemies (and 42,000 words of shenanigans), you and Jungkook had finally begun dating. As it turned out though, dating wasn’t any easier than coming up with the perfect witty retort to wipe the smirk from his face. When you came to the first Big Decision of the relationship, it was honestly anyone’s guess as to how things would go.  
Warnings: handcuffs (male + female), oral (male + female), very explicit dirty talk, degradation, semi-public making out, spanking, condom-less sex, cum play, things get soft (except Jungkook’s dick). Seokjin randomly procures invitations to formal events; no one really knows how.
How to Get a Guy. jjk [1] - [2] by @taeshobipop 💜
Summary: Star basketball player Jeon Jungkook has a reputation as the ultimate fuckboi. He’s loved by everyone. Everyone. And you would have followed suit if he had not broken all your strict Roommate Rules™ within the first week of his stay. Jungkook, on the other hand, thinks you’re absolutely bizarre. But there’s a silver lining — Mr. Fuckboi here knows basketball captain Min Yoongi, your dreadfully clueless crush. He strikes up a deal with you: he’ll teach you the ways of flirting if you lessen your load of rules (so Jungkook can continue perusing his way through the ladies on campus). Yet the longer Jungkook spends with you, the more he realizes that maybe he doesn’t want to be the campus fuckboi anymore. The problem is, how does he prove that to you?
Warnings: protected sex, oral (f. receiving), handjob through clothes??, cumming in pants :D, slow burn, a lot of making out, titty sucking, cursing, alcohol consumption from parties, drug (weed) consumption (but not main pairing), marking with nails (not from y/n tho omg), jk sleeps around, and he’s a basketball player oof, honestly jk and y/n are just hella confused.
What's mine is mine by @avveh 💜
Summary: You caught his eye from day one. As far as Jungkook was concerned, you were always meant to be his.
Warnings: Jealous behavior, possessive streaks (a lot…), masturbation, sexting, phone sex, elements of D/S, rough sex, slight impregnating kink, breathplay, degrading names, and copious amounts of dirty talk in general, continued disregard for safe sex THAT SHOULD NOT BE COPIED.
one morning stand (m) by @rendaze 💜
Summary: in which you and jungkook have one night stands with roommates and happen to be sneaking out at the same time.
Warning: don’t be fooled by the first half being fluff lmao; rough sex, a lot of dirty talk (jk will not shut up), heavy degradation (use of ‘slut’, ‘whore’, etc.), consensual slut-shaming (reader is into it), exhibitionism, cumplay, cum swallowing, unprotected sex, breeding kink, reader gets tied up at one point.
Ember Burning (M) by @kpopfanfictrash 💜
Summary: The dragon riders of Duret Ghal are known across the continent; fierce warriors who take to the skies on their leashed, winged beasts. You are the last Dragon Queen of Ashya, ruler of a dying species who can transform from human to Dragon at will. When a new foe emerges which threatens both Dragon and rider alike, you find yourself forced to broker peace with your former enemy. The King of Duret Ghal, and a dragon rider himself: Jeon Jungkook.
NSFW Warnings: oral (male and female), nipple play, fingering, multiple orgasms, big cock, dirty talk, hair pulling (her to him).... tattooed, man-bun jungkook who has a big sword.
Trigger Warnings: somewhat graphic depiction of a shoulder injury.
stars behind waves | jjk (m) by @taegularities 💜
Summary: With a decade’s distance between Jungkook and you, your paths cross on the same island you deemed your second home years ago. And you realise once again – the ocean can never compare to the twinkle in his starry eyes.
Warnings: so so much yearning and pining, gentle fuckboy jk cos i’ve no control over myself, a bit of jealousy, the first kiss, arguments/fighting, unresolved issues, heartbreak, angry confessions; explicit sexual content: making out, asking for permission, dom & big dick jk, handjob in the shower, oral (m. & f. receiving), some clit slapping, some biting, squirting, jk loves her tits... and her ass even more, fingering, protected sex, soft and rough sex, body worship !!, jk is SUCHHH a goner, he comes on her ass, aftercare, praises; so many emotions; lmk if i forgot smth!
The Present by @btssmutgalore 💜
Summary: Your best friend’s boyfriend Jungkook has a special wish for his birthday—you. This maybe wouldn't be such a problem if you weren't into him since the day you'd met him.
Warnings: MFF threesome, oral (M and F receiving), same-sex kissing, unprotected sex (always wrap it, folks), a lot of dirty talk, weird relationship dynamics, extremely mature
ruin you | kth & jjk (m) | masterpost by @taegularities 💜
"it started with a gentle spark and harmless gazes; but by now, you’re caught in a wildfire that will expand until you’re burned inside and out."
Summary of the first part: His eyes hold unfathomable darkness that lures you in, captures your very soul, steals any air you are trying to draw. And you know without a doubt that you're on the path to utter and irrevocable ruination.
Warnings of the first part: explicit sexual content, dom!taehyung, switch!reader (but mostly sub), switch!jungkook, blindfolding, some bondage (reader gets tied up), wax play, lots of dirty talk, oral (f. & m. receiving), fingering, kinda praise kink, rough sex, messy sex, unprotected sex (you know it folks, be careful), like one spank?, light choking, breast play, cuckolding/voyeurism kinda (yes - jungkook is into watching), swearing, y/n probably can’t walk the next day and she loves it, threesome (obviously)
idealizations concerning real life relations | jjk (m) by @venusiangguk 💜
Summary: jungkook loves to be loved, but he doesn’t love in return.
Warnings: jk is so sweet, but also so evil lmao, oc lives in her little noggin, angsty fwb, drug and alcohol use, tattoos, multiple smut scenes that include: oral (m/f), fingering (f), light face slapping (with hand and cock??), praise, degradation, marking, dirty talk, so many creampies yum, multiple orgasms, kissing :(, cumming in pants :), probably more but i cant think of it, ok other stuff now, manipulation, infidelity, oc thinks jk is made of stars :(, jk thinks she is so pretty :(, misunderstandings, some fluff if you squint, brunette jk, blonde jk, n blue jk,  1 mentions of: howls moving castle, too many mentions of: stars, the color pink
A Holiday Snowdown (M) by @kpopfanfictrash 💜
Summary: The Inn on the Hill is in trouble. Or that's what your boss, Namjoon, says during the last-minute All Staff holiday meeting he calls. You need money, and you need money fast, or his parents are planning to sell the resort. When no one can think of an easy solution, Namjoon proposes his parents' idea: a weeklong social media blitz with a celebrity guest. The celebrity? None other than Jungkook Jeon himself: two-time Olympic gold medalist, world-class snowboarder and the nation's sweetheart. What's the problem? You happen to have met Jungkook Jeon before, and sincerely hoped you'd never see him again.
Rating/Warnings: 18+ for sexual content. Fingering, oral (female receiving), hand job, mutual masturbation, breast play, some face riding, dirty talk, orgasm denial, clit smacking (is there a non plural form of this?), cum shot on chest. Mentions of past death (does not occur during story). Ankle injury (non-graphic). Yoongi is an enthusiastic MC. Bam is adorable. Jungkook has both lip and eyebrow piercing
Sugarplum Elegy (M) by @bymoonchild 💜
Summary: You know no bounds nor depth with Jungkook. While your fuck buddy loves sleeping in your bed and doing laundry for you with his favourite fabric softener, you are in love with a mysterious honeyed, velvety voice on Soundcloud. All’s fine, until you find out that the voice that metaphors your heart to a sweet sugarplum melody actually belongs to the boy who has been taking up a special spot in your bed and in your heart, strumming at your heartstrings all this while.
Warnings: Explicit language, hopeless and helpless pining, constipated feelings, lots of smut, rimming, cum-eating, spitting, blowjob, fingering, classroom sex, Jungkook is emotionally constipated but wbk 
Bunny [1] - [2] - [3] by @btssmutgalore 💜
Summary: An anonymous streamer puts on a show every couple of days. When you become one of his biggest fans, your social life takes a hit—you'd rather stay glued to your laptop and stare at him than go out and meet men in real life. But, what if?
Warnings: Oral (m and f receiving), intercourse, dirty talk, unprotected sex
blackout | jjk [1] - [2] - [3] by @jjungxkook 💜
Summary: Utility bills shooting up like this should be an international crime. Luckily, Jungkook has the perfect idea(s) to save up money and make your night sinfully unforgettable.
Warnings: swearing, he’s just a bit of a fuckboy, bickering, swooning over/thirsting for jk (🤷‍♀️), a manually induced fake blackout? dunno those 2 are odd k, they play uno, a lot of spending time in the darkness, kook has no chill, teasing, consent, dirty talk, fingering, cmnf for a while, sexual tension, oral (both receiving), shower sex, choking, hair pulling, reader cries a bit, jk likes to praise, dry humping?, pussy and tits slapping rip (and some ass ig), making out🙄, manhandling, jk loves her tits and ass and plays with them (a lot), he’s sweet but cocky too, protected sex, dom + big dick kook
Love to Hate (Master List) by @kpopfanfictrash 💜
Summary: Born with a silver spoon in your mouth, you've done your best to rid yourself of the taste since you were old enough to walk. Occasionally though, your mother manages to rope you into an obligatory function—or a blind date with playboy bilionaire, Jeon Jungkook. Jungkook stands for everything you loathe about the world you left behind, but you can't deny the spark of attraction between you. Intrigued by the promise of mutual satisfaction, you agree to one night in bed... and quickly realize you're in far, far deeper than you ever intended.
Warnings of the first part: semi-public nudity, slight voyeurism, dirty talk (mention of a threesome, mention of restraints), nipple play, fingering, spanking, oral (male), face-fucking, multiple orgasms, slight possessiveness, jungkook calls y/n sweetheart and princess; seokjin is not in the fic (yet), I'm sorry about that.
Dilf Jk: Series Masterlist [The Art Of] by @venusiangguk 💜
Summary: you find a baby in your store and in turn, a dilf finds you.
Warnings of the first part: cute baby!!!, jk being a good dad, he likes to garden :(, dom jk, sub oc, age gap, handjob, coming in pants, AYOOO OC GOT A FAT COOCHIE, lowkey body worship, fat coochie supremacy, oral (m/f), safe sex, sexual tension, praise, multiple orgasms, eye contact, jk likes to watch 🥴, asking for permission, jk’s lowkey controlling i guess but it’s soft and like not toxic lol, PLAYFUL use of the word ‘daddy’, no actual daddy kink 🙄, dirty talk
Mind in the Gutter (M) by @kpopfanfictrash 💜
Summary: Starting over is never fun. Especially not when you decide to take the phrase fully to heart; new job, new city, new coworkers and new relationships. When you are dragged to a happy hour by your new co-worker, Taehyung, you end up sitting beside a (very) cute, (very) shy IT worker named Jungkook. Several drinks later, he mentions he is in a professional bowling league with his friends and you rather enthusiastically invite yourself along. As time passes and you begin to grow closer, you still find it impossible to read Jungkook. Working in the same company and seeing each other so often, it is only so long before one of you snaps. But who? (HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY JUNGKOOK!)
Warnings: dirty talk, thigh-grinding, public make-out sesh, inappropriate bowling innuendo, Jungkook’s abs, light choking.
Over the Edge (M) by @kpopfanfictrash 💜
Summary: so, you’re dating. everything is dandy, the sex is knocking your socks off, but what happens when you get in the First Real Fight? 
Warnings: semi-public sex, mirror sex, dirty talk (slight degradation), unprotected sex, a sweaty locker room
A Thousand Reasons Why | jjk (M) by @taegularities 💜
Summary: “And if all of this experience was indeed a dream, you chose to stay just a little longer.” After leaving to work towards his dream rather than the bonds that shackle him to home, you didn’t expect to see Jungkook again years later at your best friend’s wedding. And even less, for love to rekindle at second glance.
Warnings: a whole laundry list tf: (past) minor character death, somewhat toxic parents, (mentions of) gambling, blond & then 5th muster pied piper (fuckboy) jk lol, this jimin, jealousy, alcohol consumption, unrequited love (not between jk & oc), friends fighting; explicit multiple (2) sex scenes that include: dom & big dick!jk, light hair pulling, marking, tiddie sucking/breast play, clit pinching, pussy slapping, soft & rough sex, praising, biting, some spit ig, oral (f. & m.), fingering, handjob, consent <3, cockwarming, squirting, oversensitivity, multiple orgasms, mouth fucking,… uhh, consensual drunk sex, protected & unprotected sex…. yeah
The Boy with Galaxies in his Eyes | jjk by @oddinary4bts
Summary: you had never thought the night sky could be found in someone’s eyes. That is, until you met Jeon Jungkook and his gravity pulled you in. Will he crush you with the galaxies in his eyes, or will you learn to explore his worlds and make them yours?
Warnings: oc’s ex-boyfriend died and it takes an important place in the story, swearing, fuckboy Jungkook, fuckgirl oc, a whole bunch of red flags, miscommunication (they learn how to communicate don’t worry), exes that can’t stay out of your life, alcohol, they be a little toxic but they get better, explicit content: fingering, pussy slapping, squirting, oral sex (male and female receiving), mouth fucking, dirty talking, jungkook has a slight begging kink and an exhibitionism kink (not that present in the fic), dom!jk, switch!reader, car sex, sex in a tent, hair pulling (I think), tits/nipple play, unprotected sex, a little bit of ass slapping, mentions of choking
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writing-whump · 5 months
forgive my 200 ask at the minute, but my brain is on fire. I just love your babies, so much. Alright, so would u ever be up for writing a moment where Isaiah actually has to use his shadow on another wolf, where all his soft skills in the world fail him (the other pack/wolf won't hear him) and he's forced to let the Executioner out in front of Matt and Sel?
And not even in a bad lighting (ofc Sel will be spooked regardless), but really just a small reminder this man IS super capable and badass, even if his shadow is lowkey falling apart.
asking for a friend 🙈🙈🙈
I need you too much
Seline always felt like she had to beat the world back with a stick sometimes, to conserve her energy levels.
Everything tried to syphon her. Every class, every homework, every person, everything needed for work. And that was fine, that's why she made sure to enjoy all those things as much as she could. Careful selection.
But she still needed those precious days where she could just stay in her room and do nothing. Just her thoughts, her books, some writing done, music and daydreams. No obligations, no socialising or putting herself together.
She needed to just be with herself to recharge her batteries.
And she was careful about that time even with Isaiah and Matt. While she made an effort to be present with them, whole-heartedly and completely, to make traditions, to spend time together, there were moments that were untouchable and only hers.
But now the most terrible feeling came upon her.
She wanted to spend the entire weekend with Isaiah.
She couldn't sleep that night, thinking of how much she didn't want to go back to the house or to her room or to her books, if she could just be with him. One more day. An extra day of the week.
It wasn't a thing she felt like she could say out loud without sounding insane. Every girl in her shoes would logically want to spend all her time with her boyfriend.
But Isaiah wasn't just in the category "interesting" or "not exhausting". He was category "share every thought with", "read him the best passage on the page" and "childish kind of delight" at just seeing his face.
This was terrible. Out of control terrible, horrible.
So instead of enjoying the evening and hurrying home from class, she sat down at the park next to uni and watched the trams. Sun came and went, twilight came and went and she couldn't make herself move. Afraid to go home; afraid to completely lose herself in that irresistible desire to see that man.
Oh, this was so so bad.
Seline refused to give someone that much power over her. To hurt her, to control her. She wasn't going to depend on anyone and even less on a guy. Her thoughts were supposed to be enough to make her happy - she was enough to make herself happy.
The streets were clearing out. Vienna wasn't particularly calm at night, but the vicinity of the main university building sure missed its students in these hours.
Seline almost didn't notice, except the trams weren't coming that often and the wind was starting to howl emptily.
She should go home. This wasn't particularly secure anymore. Not that she needed anyone to feel secure. No way.
"Ah, look at that. Isn't that Seline?"
Seline blinked, getting herself back in the present.
The girl had long violet hair, a coat with spiraly patterns and long fale earrings shimmering in the steetlamp light. The other one she held around the waist had long brown curly hair and dark eyes and was considerably smaller in size.
"Hi, Violet," Seline muttered. "Bye, Violet."
Violet gave her a sly smile. "Oh you are not getting rid of me that easily. You know Seline, Cami? That's the witch that used to be in our coven."
Seline sighed, leaning back on the bench. Just the kind of theatrics she needed.
"You know why she got kicked out?"
"I left," Seline corrected, trying to not to let herself get baited into this. Violet was not worth the time to argue with.
"She believes," Violet continued, voice rising, "into the human system of work. Wants to waste her valuable magic and time for salary and live under explotative capitalist conditions. Some serious brainwashing, isn't it?"
Seline rolled her eyes. "It's called having interests outside of magic. And wanting to contribute something to the society."
"We are contributing. Our magic. A proper witch should get the freedom to develop her talents and arts."
"No, you just want somebody to take care of you just because you were born," Seline said, voice acidic. "If you can't find a wolf who would do so just cause you look pretty, then the state should do it for you. Cause food and electricity simply fall out of the sky and witches are too cool to work like normal mortals."
Violet frowned. "You just aren't skilled with magic so you look for something pathetic to fill the void."
"Yes, indeed, lot of pathetic people work at the university."
"I am at the university too."
"That's it, Violet. You are, you don't work. You just put stickers with communist ideas onto bathrooms and tables and feel important. Giving speeches about how everything should belong to everybody, because you shouldn't have to create anything of value, since you have a talent for magic."
"Magic," Seline interrupted, "that doesn't work on humans or for humans. It comes from wolf shadows and works only on them. Tell me Violet, what exactly is your problem? Can't find a job to your liking? Or can't be bothered to put in any effort or thought into one?"
"You should learn how to shut up," Violet was downright hissing. "So it doesn't cost you that precious job of yours."
"Are you pulling the strings now, Vi? If you at least read the crap you put on those stickers or actually went 50 kilometers to the east to see what your ideas looked like in practice in the Sowjet Union-"
"That you came from to steal our jobs and places at universities," Cami said, looking terribly proud of herself for pitching in. "Little Slavic refugee and a thief."
This is the EU, you idiot. I have every right to he here. Seline stood up, making a mocking motion as if she was tipping her head to the two witches, heart racing. "Your intelligence knows no bounds. Have a good evening, bitches."
She made to move behind the bench and to the other side of the park, when a tall figure suddenly appeared out of the shadow, blocking her way.
"If only you stayed a little bit longer, Sel," Violet said in the sweetest fake voice she could manage. "You might have had found a wolf to protect you."
"Isaiah, you are overreacting."
Isaiah didn't slow down at Matthew's protests as he hurried down the street, into the direction of Seline's last class.
"She should have been home hours ago."
"Yeah, maybe she found a bookshop on the way and forgot about time again."
"She is not answering me."
"Do I have to remind you of the speech she gave us both about being constantly available? She knows how to turn it off and all that crap." Despite his reassurances, Matthew jogged behind Isaiah at the same pace.
The streets were basically empty at 11 on Monday. Isaiah let his shadow up to have more senses to search with. His shadow eagerly consumed the darkness and the streets around, melting into it.
It sensed another intense eagerness just ahead of them.
Isaiah sped up into an outright run, Matthew close on his heels.
He didn't catch Seline's scent until he was almost there. They stood upwind with buildings all around, it was hard to track.
But it was Seline alright. Circled by a bunch of wolves who were throwing her around like a volleyball. Frozen solid in their grip, tyring not to show a reaction. Sign of fear or pleading would just rile a wolf up.
Wolves technically shouldn't harm witches. Witches had a powerful calming effect on them, making it very hard to be hostile to them.
But there were other witches present. Two altogether, standing a bit to the side but with good view. A wolf head over heels for a witch would be capable of many impossibilities.
The girls noticed them first, the one with blue-violet hair immediately positioning herself between them.
Matthew stopped at the sight, unsure. Wolf should not harm a witch. Not only was it physically uncomfortable, felt entirely wrong for a wolf to do so, it was strictly forbidden and looked-down upon.
A wolf should not touch a witch without her permission. Touch ment connection and connection meant magic.
Isaiah had not decided what to say yet, but he did not feel any qualms. "You let her go right now," he said quietly. "This is the only warning you will get."
The violet witch smiled widely as the wolves behind her looked up, sneering.
"I don't think you are paying attention, pal," one of the wolves said. "It's six of us. And it's only two of you. You really want to fight us?"
Might makes right kind of idiots? Fine with him.
Isaiah noticed Matthew's hesistant look, not seeing a way how to get to the wolves around the two witches he wasn't supposed to touch.
Isaiah didn't wait for him. His shadow was up and about in the darkness, covering the ground underneath them. One quick twist and they were all falling down, feet flying up as if he pulled the carpet underneath them.
The girl's smile turned into a surprised grimace.
Before anyone could move Isaiah used his shadow to sweep over the wolves, rolling their shadows one by one with smoothness of years of experience.
He stepped closer, pushing the two witches out of the way as they yelped, looking down. His shadow didn't need a straight path. And he had enough control not to touch Seline in the midst of them.
She was standing upright in the middle with a stony expression. But her arms were wrapped around her, her hair was sticking in all directions. He scanned her for any signs of blood or injury.
Not finding any didn't really quell his anger.
"I thought you wanted to fight," Isaiah said, turning back to the wolves crawling and moaning on the ground. Three were shivering without their shadows, one was curled up holding his head, one was even passed out. Rolling a shadow was never pleasant.
The last one, the one who spoke, was crawling away. Isaiah quickly closed the distance between them, kicking him into the stomach. And then in the face for good measure.
He took him by the collar, easily lifting him with one hand. "You come after my girl again, I'll rip your arms off, you hear?"
The wolf shook violently than nodded.
Isaiah turned around, his shadow riding around in satisfaction, brimming with happy aggressive energy. It wanted to make good on his threat right away, wanted to rip them to little pieces along with the witches.
Isaiah looked back at Seline and down, suddenly self-conscious of how much of those desires she could read from his expression.
Seline said nothing, retrieving her bag from the ground.
She did not take his hand, when he offered it.
Isaiah was sure he had fucked things up spectacularly. He went all scary in front of Seline, did not even wait for Matt to back him up. He just rushed into it with killing intent.
The way Seline got scared from Matthew's shadow, how she cried and shut him down for weeks to come was fresh in his mind, making his chest tight and dread pool in his stomach.
Seline said nothing on their ride back home and didn't look at any of them. He wasn't sure how to interpret it, she was very hard to read, when she didn't want some kind of emotion to show. But it must have been fear. What else could it have been?
Fear from what just happened and from him and from being involved with wolves in general...
When they arrived at their apartment, she went upstairs immediately. Clear signal she wanted space.
"This is going to be a problem," Isaiah said quietly, staring at the staircase.
Matthew bumped into his shoulder. "What do you mean?"
"Well, look at her! She is terrified of me!" He turned around to lean his forehead against the wall.
There was angry stomping on the floor above them. Then a slam of the door.
"Yeah, I don't think fear is what we are talking about," Matthew said dryly. "She looks pissed to me."
"Huh?" Isaiah said intelligently. His brain was short-circuiting at how he just went all Executioner in front of his girlfriend.
"Yep. Stop making guesses and go talk it out. No point worrying about something that might not be true."
"But- Did you not see-"
"I saw fine. It was plenty cool, if you ask me," Matthew said with a smirk. "Shoo."
Isaiah shook his head in exasperation, but went up.
Seline was in the process of changing and getting ready for bed. She slammed the cupboards violently behind her, the doors creaking painfully as she threw them open and then shut again.
Isaiah slipped inside her room, a little stunned by the display. He couldn't remember if he had seen Seline like this before.
"Ehhh...are you okay?"
She gave him an indignant look. "I'm fine! Perfectly fine!"
Isaiah watched her as she glared at her discarded jeans and shirt on the bed, in her PJs already, suddenly grateful Seline's affinity was water and not fire.
"Why didn't- you could have called me, you know?" He said tentatively into the silence. "I would have come sooner."
"I didn't need you to come."
Isaiah's eyebrows knitted together. "Well, then you could have at least called Matthew or messaged us where you were, so if something happened, we would know to look for you."
"I don't need-"
"You message your mother when you go to school and arrive home, why the hell can't you do the same for your pack?" Isaiah interjected, voice jumping up. "If you don't want to see me, fine, if you- at least let us know you are okay. Not to mention you weren't-"
"If those cows didn't bring their wolves, I would have been alright," she said, turning back to him, her chin up.
"I don't doubt that, but they had wolves around and it's my duty as your packmember and packleader-" Why was he defending his desire to protect her again?
He knew it was the wrong thing to say by the furious look in her eyes.
"Look," he said, pressing the bridge of his nose. "Wolves are dangerous, the city is dangerous and I just want to keep you safe. You can at least make sure of that, right? If you need a break from-from me or if you are disgusted or scared of me right now- there are still ways how to-"
"What are you going on about?"
"You didn't answer my messages or my calls all day," Isaiah said. "I thought something was wrong or that you were upset with me."
Seline watched him silently as if that wasn't all.
"And...right now...That must have been scary, right? I don't blame you for-"
She gave a dramatic sight. "I was upset. But not with you."
Seline approached. Isaiah suppressed the urge to back away, keeping the space he had drawn around her in his head untouched.
Seline's eyes widened at something, then she took the last three steps between them to stand right in front of him. "I'm not scared of you. That was actually...really nice of you. To defend me like that."
"Yeah?" He rubbed the back of his head self-consciously. "I don't want you to see-"
"I have never been scared of you. Wolves, sometimes, and yelling maybe, but not you. You would never do anything to hurt me." She took his face between her hands to make him look at her.
Isaiah let out a relieved breath, putting his hands over hers on his cheeks. "Okay. That's good, I'm glad. So what were you...upset about before?"
He watched her face intently, and his heart jumped into his throat where there were suddenly tears spilling over her cheeks.
"I don't-" she broke off with a shuddering breath, ducking her head. "I don't want to need you this much."
"I'm sorry - what?"
"It's like I depend on you to protect me, and-and I'm doing it all wrong. I'm not supposed to tell you stuff like this, but I wanted- I want to be with you too much." She let go of his face, hugging herself.
Isaiah had the distinct feeling he was missing something. "And that's bad how?"
She looked up at him, her eyes even bluer from the tears.
"Isn't that kind of why we are together?"
Her blond eyebrows met in the center of her forehead in annoyance. "Don't you understand how bad this is? You...you are better than my solitude."
Isaiah frowned until he remembered the quote she meant. It was one of the quote books that they read in the evening to each other, sometimes to discuss them. My alone feels so good, I'll only have you if you're sweeter than my solitude.
His heart was fluttering in his chest at the proclamation as he understood what this meant.
Not needing more reassurance than that, he scooped her up from her feet, hugging her to him. No way he was allowing his girlfriend to feel so sad about caring about him so much.
He dragged her into the bed, arms wrapped snuggly around her, and she reciprocated, hugging him just as tight around the waist. Like she couldn't get close enough.
„Love takes off masks that we fear we cannot live without and know we cannot live within," he said into her ear, nose in her hair. "You know that one? Cause that's how it feels to be with you."
Her breath hitched against him, her face buried in his chest he wondered how she could even breathe. But he couldn't make himself let her go.
He wondered how he ever could again.
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bucketspammer4life · 9 months
how i think the boxers were like in their teen years
was resting bc im sick but punchy men cant wait
Glass joe - was wayy more optimistic and cheery, knew how to cheer himself up, also dyed his hair blonde & lightened it pretty often so his hair was crusty and broke like glass (pun very intended )and hated his childhood photos, used to make fun of people who wear turtleneck sweaters but that didnt age well, looks back at his teen years with sadness
Von Kaiser - was very stern & cold, had a very shitty mustache and a bowl cut, wore actual boxing shorts before his overalls, had very oversized boots that he still wears today because he grew into them, shrieks in embarrasment anytime someone pulls up his teenage photos
Disco Kid - actually used to be a dancing coach and primarily did boxercise, once he started boxing he dropped boxercise and went all out on boxing, used to grow out his hair but cut if off since it distracted him, had his natural hair color, looks back at his teen years with nostalgia (and regret since he cant really cut back on the hair dye now, got into it because of joe)
King Hippo - was actually very tiny, Just shot up in height someday during his teen years, also had a light er voice and a crown that was wayy too big for him, it was passed down from his dad so he still has it & loves it with his entire heart, his boxing shorts still fell down a lot though, looks back at his teen years with joy since he thinks he used to look adorable
Piston Hondo - had longer hair and used to strut his shit, was more of a dickwad, had a belt and did less meditation, mellowed out pretty well since he used to go nuts in the ring flying from place to place, rolls his eyes anytime someone brings up his teen years
Bear Hugger - had a baby face and couldnt really grow a beard, so he had his cheeks pinched very often, used to be happy and still is happy, also met mrs bear's mom at this age during a foraging trip, looks back at his teen photos very happily, if he could go back in time he would pinch his teen-selves cheeks
Great Tiger - his magic sucked ass, his clones were distorted, kept flickering in & out of reality and couldnt stay more than a few seconds, didnt have his mustache & had a buzzcut so he looks back at his photos with anger because of his shitty hair when he didnt have his turban
Don Flamenco - wasnt balding & had longer hair that was wavy, used to be smaller so he was underestimated a lot, had just started bullfighting on the side, looks back at his teen years with sadness, mainly for his hair and lack of anger
Aran Ryan - OHOHHOHH this man wins the award for the worst teenage photos, he had a skaterboy era and the worst hair ever, had a very shitty beard that was growing only on one side, anytime someone pulls those pictures up he runs away
Soda Popinski - Literally unrecognizable, had light brown hair & a buzzcut, didnt drink much soda except for rough matches and was built like a twig, once he started upping the amp on the soda his hair fell out a bit and he got ripped, looks back at his teen photos and laughs at his buzzcut
Bald Bull - oh you think the current bull is scary? You should have seen him then!! He had curly hair and was small but a lot faster, he also headbutted people a lot more but stopped because of health issues, his hair fell out from anger & ripping them out from stress, looks back at his teen years with nostalgia because he missed having hair
Super Macho Man - Literally your average surfer dude, went for the dilfbaiting when he turned 29, dressed like a fratboy and had blonde hair + used spray tans, looks back at his photos and calls himself "gnarly"
Mr Sandman - was wayy tinier except for his arms and used to have glasses, he switched to contacts after having his 19th pair broken, likes making fun of his old photos, also had braces so he was the 🤓 emoji irl for a while
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galaxyedging · 2 months
Cold Meds Musings
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Emotions and smutty under the cut:
Joel Miller
Joel sat handling the carved wood with a delicate touch that betrayed the size of his fingers. The ornate bird whistle was complete, except for a coat of paint but he knew the recipient would love to do that.
As Joel ran his fingertips over the wood, he reflected on the journey that had led him to lay down root in Jackson. His trip down memory lane was cut short by the sound of hurried foot steps above. Another memory rose. One from a time when his daughter's feet were so tiny that they made the same sound over head. Joel's heart clenched at it. His little girl was long gone.
The foot steps turned and grew louder as their owners races his way. Voices added to the noise as they came into view.
"Uncle Joel!" "Grandpa!"
Two beautiful, curly haired, doe eyed children attached themselves to either leg as he stood from his stool to greet them. "Oooft. Hey, kids. Has the party started yet?"
"No, Uncle Tommy told me to come get you. Mom just came back from the store. I asked them to tell me what the party was for and they told me to ask you." Joel's granddaughter looked up at him with a face he hadn't seen for a while. Sarah used to use the same one on him.
Speaking of things Sarah does, he could imagine her grinning up a storm with Tommy as they past this task onto him.
"Well, baby girl, a long time ago, some people got real sick, real quick...."
"That rhymes Uncle Joel." Tommy's son gave him as much shit as his old man did.
"Yeah, I know." Joel smiles. "Anyway, those people could have gotten the whole world sick, so a brave doctor, Doctor Pertiwi, came up with a way to stop it. By some miracle, it worked, and we were all saved."
"Why was she brave, Grandpa? That's what Doctors do, help people." This one was even sharper than Sarah at her age.
"The way she found...it meant that her and people she loved had to...well, they gave up their lives to save us, honey."
"Oh. Like Uncle Tommy's soilder friends?"
"Excactly." Joel sighed in relief.
"Dad? Dad, you down here?" Sarah's voice barely proceeded her down the basement stairs.
"I'm here. I'm comin'. I just seem to have some trouble walkin' for some reason." Joel grunts as he drags his legs with two amused children clinging on tight.
"Come on, you two." Sarah chases the kids ahead of her before stopping to turn to Joel. "I almost forgot! Happy birthday, Dad."
Thought: What if the outbreak was contained?
Dieter Bravo
"Bola! You have to help me." Dieter's ratty bathrobe swished behind him. Leaving him looking like an unhinged superhero as he ran the halls of the mansion looking for someone to help him. Unfortunately, he didn't possess super speed, or in his Crocs, the regular speed needed to catch Bola as he slipped through the door at the end of the long corridor.
Like the steady beeping in Alien, the click of high heels on solid wood flooring alerts him that his adversary is near. He shouldn't think of her like that. She isn't the enemy, his cock's Pavlovian response to her is. He should just say no, but he is far too weak to.
Before he sees her round the corner, he hears the sound of her riding crop smacking the leather of her thigh-high boots. His cock leaks at the thought of what she can do with that crop.
"Curse your sudden but inevitable betray!" Dieter berates his wayward nether regions.
"There you are!" A crimson smile spread across her beautiful face as she makes her way towards him.
Backed into a corner, all Dieter can do is try to talk his way out. He's good at that. He's studied human behaviour for years, and he has always excelled at improve. He opens his mouth to tell her that, as much as he is enjoying their time together, he is afraid that he cock might actually fall off at this rate. All that comes out of his mouth is a whine as she latches on to his pulse point and sucks.
"I was afraid that you were avoiding me. Now, be honest, Dieter, do you want to have sex with me?"
"Oh, God, yes." He moans while he tongue traces the ropes of his neck.
"Good, because Momma has a wide on and she needs you to fill it." With a short sharp slap of her crop to his balls, she's off to her room.
Dieter makes a silent pray for the safety of his cock before kicking his less than aerodynamic footwear off to chase her down the hall.
Thought: What if Dieter was locked down with someone hornier than him?
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sasukeuzumaki-uchiha · 11 months
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Omega Giyuu x Alpha fem reader
"A female Alpha?!"
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3
I wrote this the same day as the part 1
Started writing this the 10/10/2023
Finished the 10/11/2023
TW: Rape, force pregnancy, a stupid man is in this chapter find him and i will give you a heart emoji, alpha x alpha, Shinobu x Tengen, Sanemi x Gyomei, suicidal thoughts, illegal age gap (17 x 30)
If you are sensitive to any of the trigger warnings you can skip the chapter and if you want to talk about it with me I'm ok to talk about it (Just remember that I can't help you get better, But I'm here so you can let it all go)
Just remember that you are not alone, their is numbers to help you
Reader POV:
I'm close to get him!!!
You can do it!!
"GIYUU!!! Where are you going?!!!" I see him entering a house, is it his or someone he knew?
"GIYUU COME OUT, NO NEED TO BE SCARED!!!" I keep following him
I'm are such an idiot, i can't even follow an omega...
I cry in the snow
I'm such an idiot...
Why wasn't i able to get him to stay with me...
Giyuu POV:
"SANEMI!!! I saw a beautiful woman but i don't know what to do?!" I ask my best friend Sanemi, he is a bit mean with people that are hurting me or his husband or his pups but in general he is nice
"What? Aren't you an omega?" He looked at me
"I know but i don't know what to do!!!" I feel like I'm about to cry
I finally let it all out
I feel Sanemi's arms around me
I'm finally safe...
For now at least...
Sanemi POV
I feel him purring on me
So cute
No i can't have a crush on him... What will happen in Gyomei finds out... He will ask for a divorce its obvious...
I can't betray my own husband...
Well it's been a while since he fucked me but it's not a reason to cheat...
The only thing I can do is to let him be clingy and then pushing him off
??? POV:
"Ara ara Shinaguzawa-san... Is Tomioka-san still clingy?" i rub my pregnant belly (Thank you Tengen...)
"It's not the first time Kocho... Oh i forgot, how is the baby in there?" He look at my belly
"I'm fine, but call me Shinobu... And why are you still calling me by my maiden name?" I keep rubbing my belly
"It's just in case, knowing Uzui he will replace you easily... All the omegas are in love with him" He look at me weirdly
"I know my husband very well... He said he loves me and our future baby!"
"He says that all the time and look, he left all his pregnant omegas boys like girls... He has no pity for anyone except himself"
I start crying and throw myself into Sanemi's arms next to Giyuu
Reader POV:
That's it...
He hate me for sure...
It makes me remember my ex
(Flashback 3 years before)
"YOU DAMN SLUT!!! SUCK MY COCK!!!" He was screaming at me to suck him...
"Y-yes sir..." i start to suck his cock... It's wasn't the worst thing he ever did to me...
For a while he was super nice but one day he snapped and I'll pay the consequences
"Who knew that an alpha could fuck another alpha huh slut?!" He keep hitting my throat with his cock
"I'm sure i can impregnate you with a thousands of pups, your pussy will like it!"
I was trying so hard to not throw up...
It was ever since my 17th birthday that he started to rape me...
I wasn't allowed to push him away or I'd be sexually tortured
(20 minutes later)
I could feel him ejaculating in my belly, it was too late. I'm sure I'm pregnant, anyway this is the third time he's ejaculated in my belly...
I nod sadly, anyway it's my fault for putting the knife in my heart I wouldn't have been raped if I did it before...
(Fast-forward 10 months later)
I love them so much but they remind me so much if their dad...
The same black curly hair
The same ruby eyes
I'm so sorry my babies but i should have been more confident, you wouldn't be suffering right now...
"I'm sorry..." i say crying while holding the 5 pups in my arms
(Fast-forward 2 ½ years later)
"Mommy!! Why are we getting away from daddy?" my oldest Tamayo ask curious
"Mommy is taking you and your siblings on a trip" i smile not telling her the truth
Giyuu POV:
I can't stop feeling about her...
It's a weird feeling
I never felt it before
It's new to me...
Is it love?
Am I finally getting a girlfriend just like Obanai with Mitsuri?
I open my eyes hearing the door opening, i see Obanai in a panicking
"MITSURI IS IN LABOR!!!" Obanai scream, i see behind him a panicked Mitsuri
Reader POV:
Who are they?
What are they doing here?
"Miss are you okay?" I get up and approach the woman
"Do i look like I'm okay?!" She said turning towards me. She seem a little bit irritated
I'm so tired...
Sorry for the short chapter it's literally 12.30am and i'm still awake LOL!
Don't forget to give me comments (Only if you want)
See you all in part three
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countrymusiclover · 5 months
53 - What Are Her Intentions
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Part 54
Family is More than Blood
@secretdreamlandmentality @melvia-ito
Klaus’s pov
I groaned, staring up at the ceiling of the mansion for a few moments enjoying the simple sound of silence that fell throughout the house. Then I rolled over onto my side seeing my queen laying beside me. Her blonde hair was scattered across the pillows and our bodies were barely covered by the tousled sheets. “I know you’re in there, Rae. I won’t let her keep control over you.”
Trailing my fingers over her bare shoulder she sniffed in her sleep. “Already awake. It appears I didn’t tire you as much as I thought last night.” She stretched her arms and legs out when she uttered her first words of the morning.
“I wouldn’t say that. We’ll definitely have to go shopping for new furniture.” Lifting my head up slightly I saw the destruction we caused. The dining table downstairs was broken in half, the main living room coach was torn, and most of the beds except for the ones in our children’s rooms were completely smashed into the wooden floor.
Raelyn flipped over onto her side to face me with a cocky smirk on her lips. “Hmm wasn’t it you that once told me that vampires never tire. That’s the beauty of immortality is it not?”
“Maybe I did. But that isn’t important now.” I shifted my body above hers and she smirked even wider if that were possible. I leaned down, capturing my lips with hers in a quickly heated kiss.
She threaded her fingers into my already tousled and super curly messy locks. I moaned into the kiss enjoying the feeling of doing this with her again, even though I wished that this dark side of her didn’t have much control over me. “So what would you say to a shower before we go furniture shopping?”
“Tis temping…but I have to go take care of a spell I have been working on.” Raelyn pushed me onto my back vamping over to the walk in closet grabbing some new clothes for the day.
Flopping onto my back on the pillows I put my arms behind my head watching her walk around the bedroom getting dressed. “You are a little evil minx.”
“You weren’t complaining last night, Nikky.” She smirked, shrugging her blue Jean shorts up her legs and buttoned them very slowly just to tease me.
Shaking my head I sent her a half glare. “Last night I wasn’t complaining but I am now.”
“Oh I wish I could say I was upset about it. But I most certainly am not and do you want to know why?” She put her short orange shirt over her head that showed off part of her stomach. Swaying her hips back and forth she vamped over to me standing at my bedside.
Pushing myself up in a sitting position lifting my head up to meet her gaze. “Tell me why, my love.”
“Because if I keep you here waiting for me to come back. Well you’ll be so desperate and needy when I get back that we won’t be able to stop having sex all night and maybe even the next day.” Dark Raelyn draped her arms around my neck touching our noses together.
I growled under my breath at her seductive suggestion. “You have become much more sexually active. Much more than you ever were when you were pregnant.”
“If you’re implying you’d like me pregnant again I think that could be arranged with many hours of work.”
I tilted my head to the side wrapping my arms quickly around her waist and she squealed before our lips hungrily met for a second time this morning. “Then it turns out that you have other matters to attend to.”
“Fair point….” She kissed me once more holding my face in her hands kissing me for a good few minutes until she broke it and vamped into the doorway leaving me flustered on the bed.
I hung my mouth opened in utter shock blinking my eyes a couple of times in confusion. “Bloody hell, you truly are Dark Raelyn.”
“I’ll see you tonight, Nikky.” She vamped out of the room without another word.
Getting up from the bed I put on some pants and one of my shirts mumbling to myself. “Insufferable sexy heretic!”
The bedroom door suddenly burst opened where I spun around on my feet seeing someone unexpected visitors from New Orleans. None other than my siblings Rebekah, Elijah, Kol and Freya. “Niklaus!”
“What do you want, Rebekah?” I grumble under my breath throwing my head back in annoyance.
She vamped in front of me, crossing her arms over her chest. “I want you to explain to me what the hell did you let her dark side do to our former home!”
“It wasn’t simply just all her fault.” I dropped down sitting on the edge of the bed. “It takes two people to tango or should I say let the spirits move our animal instincts-“
“Klaus, I don’t wish to hear about you two love making when Raelyn is in real danger.” Freya stepped up to her sister’s side.
Kol moaned in disgust. “Just be happy you didn’t have to hear their first night together.”
“Did you really come all this way to be concerned with my sex habits because if so there’s the door.” I rolled my eyes pointing at the door wanting to end this conversation with them.
Elijah ran a hand down his face. “Niklaus, we need to be concerned about your wife at the moment.”
“And you don’t think that I am. How shameful, Elijah.”
Rebekah gains my attention for the second time, arms still crossed over her chest in anger. “If you are so concerned, tell us where your beloved wife is right now.”
“Off doing a spell.”
Kol was quick on his feet. “What kind of spell, brother?”
“We have to find Raelyn before she kills the whole town.” Elijah exclaimed before we heard screaming from the boarding school from all the way at the mansion.
Alina’s pov
Jackson and I had been up all night because of Xavier and his crying. I snuggled underneath the covers trying to sleep but I felt someone standing over me. I slowly peaked over my shoulder jumping in a scare seeing my mom standing at my bedside in the complete darkness. “Mom, what’s wrong? Is it a monster or Xavier?”
“Phantamogriphia decorum.” She only uttered a spell from her lips, clasping a hand on my arm and her other on Jack before I passed out and woke up in a similar room to our bedroom.
Jackson was standing beside me confused. “Mrs. Mikaelson, what kind of spell is this?”
“Simple illusion spell, wolf.” My mom sniped at him where I raised a brow at her nickname to address my husband. She never called him wolf, he was always Jackson to her so something must be up.
I take a step towards her nervously. “Mom, what do you need to show us here?”
“I need to warm you, dear.” She replied simply.
Jackson sent me a confused look taking my hand in his before I asked the question I would soon regret later. “Warn us about what exactly?”
“Tenebris anima vestra contundito morten et conteret spirtium.” She raised her right hand chanting a spell causing me to claw at my neck struggling to breathe, removing my hand from Jack’s.
Jack grunted dropping to his knees with his bones starting to break. “Alina!”
“Jacks! What the hell are you doing mom?” I winced sharply feeling the bones in my back beginning to break.
She lowered herself down on a knee lifting my chin up so my gaze would meet hers. “This is a warning that if you or any of my other children try to bring the true me back. I will use the same Crescent curse I used on Hayley and Jacob to trap them as wolves unless there was a full moon.”
“Alina - what is she talking about!” Jackson held his stomach with his eyes glowing gold.
I felt tears falling down my face with my knees giving out from under me. I screamed through the pain forcing myself to look up at my mother. “Why do you think I’d say anything?”
“Because you are very much like your father, Lina. And I can’t have that if I want to be the version of your mother that stays around.” My mother growls down at me, clutching her hands going back to chanting the spell trying to turn us back into our wolf forms. “Frange vitam nolite corde ut sub terra esse, ad tenebras usque in sempiterrnum.”
Jackson and I laid on the ground trying to fight the pain but her spell was too strong. I felt the fangs in my mouth coming through and my eyes turned the golden color before I gasped in relief seeing my aunt Freya and my father appearing behind her. “Aunt Freya - dad!”
“She’s not your mother, Alina.” Freya stomped forward grabbing the back of my mother’s neck quickly twisting it until it snapped and her body collapsed onto the ground in front of us. “I think that’s enough out of you.”
Holding myself up on my hands and knees I gasped to catch my breath eyeing my father who hadn't said a word. “Dad, how could you let this happen?”
“I'm sorry, Alina.” He whispered glancing down at his uncommon wife laying on the floor before our mind space disappeared and we returned physically to my bedroom.
Comments really appreciated ❤️
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sillybilly-room21 · 17 days
words cannot describe how much i love fawfulydoo’s candyman before he got turned into candyman if that makes sense
oh boy henry where do i start 😓
Henry, you are the most jollyest, most jovial person i have ever laid my eyes upon. Your absolute whimsical personality causes innumerable amounts of serotonin to flood my brain. This may sound weird but i have almost all of fawfulydoo’s art of you in my candyman album, quite literally causing me to run out of storage (including the candyman art). Henry you do not understand how 𝒻𝓇ℯ𝒶𝓀𝓉𝒶𝓈𝓉𝒾𝒸𝒶𝓁 i want to get with you right now /j. Your funky yet fancy style makes me go “😍” but it’s only special when worn by you though. Everytime i see a drawing or anything that replicates you i start rolling around on the floor to try to release my happiness because if i don’t i’ll spontaneously discombobulate. Henry i cut out a drawing of you with the new curly hair design and taped it to the wall of my desk to stare at intensely.
You are the thorns to my rose, the pencil to my paper, the bullet to my gun and the gasoline to my fire.
Henry you are the most wonderful person i have ever EVER acknowledged in my whole life and you make me go
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because of how wonderful you are. I bet your voice is super silly and whimsical and joyful and “hehehuhu” and all that pink and rainbows stuff. Henry.,,,., honey, my pookie bear. I have loved you ever since i first laid eyes on you. The way you hit the anti gravity ball with your cane to absolutely obliterate your opponent. Your dazzling button up, and those snazzy pants. I would do anything for you. I wish it were possible to freeze time so i would never have to watch you get taken by the tri government. You are so awesome sauce, and you are so coolio toolio. You are amazing playing lethal league, you’re a great player with an amazing cane, sometime i even call you my silly billy. I forever dread and weep, thinking of the day you will one day be experimented on. I would deplete my energy if it were the only thing that could give you an advantage on your opponents. You have given me so much joy, and heartbreak over the years (one year). I remember when you got snatched by the tri government and its like my heart got broken into a million pieces. But a tear still fell from my right eye when i watched you laugh in a transparent void (i don’t know any times he was happy with some sort context except for that gif of him crying laughing), because deep down, my hp deserved it. I just wanted you to return home and unmutate. Then allas, you did(n’t), my skrunkly skrungo (didn’t) came home and i rejoiced. 2023 was a hard year for us zude, but in 2024 you made history happen. You could be so whimsical in almost every situation and i couldn’t believe it. I was crying, crying a river even. and then my glorious pal yelled “DRAT!! I’M ALL OUTTA MEDS AND INSURANCE HASN’T APPROVED IT YET!!”
Not only have you changed your silly appearance (you still look silly)
but you’ve eternally changed my life.
And now you’ve got defeated again, but you’re still the silly, MY silly.
I love you pookie bear, my silly man, Henry. 😋❤️❤️
urghh i have homework to do what am i doing..
i don’t know if i want to tag fawfulydoo in this i’m scared can someone do it for me out of spite please
if fawfulydoo is tagged, sorry if this is weird fawful but henry is just so awesome saucr dude 😞
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fionajames · 1 year
my OCs
Sorry this took so long guys! It was long to type out and I also have a good excuse: I was at basketball and cut my big-toe-nail in half horizontally so had to clean and bandage and what not.
My puppy says hi, btw! (She sat on my lap as I typed this. She was for once not hyper and when she's like that I cuddle her as close as possible.)
@skellymom you asked to be tagged when I posted this so here you go! :D
I rlly hope y'all like this: I've had these guys for a while but never typed up all this stuff.
Request things please!!!
OCs included:
Dhole (CT-8019)
Dhole is a member of the Coruscant Guard and has curly black hair with the ends dyed the same red as the red armour. His helmet is designed with striking resemblance to both Wolffe and Fox’s.
He has the trademark tan skin as the rest of the clones as well as dark brown eyes and two obvious scars; one on his chest and the other covering his entire left arm.
Dhole is a literal ray of sunshine and when he was a cadet, he constantly followed Wolffe and Fox around - which gave him his name. My idea is that Dholes do exist in Star Wars but they are rare and only live on one planet. Dholes look like a combination of a fox and wolf. 
Everyone in the Coruscant Guard is super protective of Dhole because he’s so sweet and literally cheers up everyone. The 104th thought Wolffe was like the scariest person ever and wasn’t soft to anyone until one day they got back from a mission and their Commander was barrelled over by an energetic ray of sunshine and the entire 104th gasped when Wolffe smiled. Their reaction was priceless.
Dhole makes friends with basically everyone, even Senators he’s in charge of watching over. One time, he befriended and saved Bail Organa who then told Fox if Fox didn’t promote Dhole, Bail would join the Separatists. Fox gladly gave Dhole the rank of ARC Trooper.
Dhole befriended Ahsoka once and when he heard about how Tarkin was being sexist and racist he grabbed his pistols to go kill him without a moments hesitation. It took Fox, Thorn and Vector holding him back to stop him.
He did the same thing when he heard Palpatine denying Fox time off work, but overall loves his job. Dhole is very sweet, but also protective in a strange way. He won’t hesitate to hurt/kill someone if they’ve hurt his friends or brothers and most likely will get away with whatever he’s done.
He’s the sunshine of the Coruscant Guard and you hurt him, you die.
Vector (CT-8124)
Vector is a member of the Coruscant Guard and best buds with Dhole. They are quite similar as they are both kind and sweet except Vector is a lot shier. Vector got his name from a little boy he saved as a shiny. The boy asked what his name was and Vector had to explain he didn’t have a name. The boy almost cried before telling Vector that they could share a name - and dubbed him Vector as that was also the boy’s name.
He is the definition of ‘the poet’ from ‘soldier, poet, king’ by the oh hellos. His smart and quiet, but when he speaks up, everyone listens. No one but Dhole really knows his opinion on his work - but he really isn’t bothered by it. The only thing Vector hates doing is paperwork because whilst he’s the best out of the Guard in getting it done fast and well, he finds it boring and time-consuming.
Vector has the same tan skin as the rest of the clones and honey gold eyes. He has brown hair that's dyed blonde on the ends. He has a scar that goes from his right eye, over his nose and then down to the base of his neck. He got the scar from a piece of shrapnel during the First Battle of Geonosis - as all clones (apart from those still on Kamino) participated in the battle.
Everyone in the Guard loves Vector - although in a different way to the way they adore Dhole - and it’s well-known that wherever Dhole is, Vector will be hiding behind him quietly in the shadows.
Vector’s helmet is the same as the regular Corrie helmet except he has a little sun emblem on the forehead - whether it's a nod to Dhole’s sunny nature or not, no one really knows.
Because Vector is so quiet and introverted, he mostly just hangs around with Dhole - and their inseparable - but he also loves Cody, as his Ori’vod respects his silence and is the only other person to figure out a type of communication Vector is okay with.
Menace (CT-7874)
Menace is like Hardcase combined with Fives as a Coruscant Guard member. He’s caff addicted because he loves the energy hit and would probs do drugs if Fox didn’t yell at him so much every time he thought out-loud what it would be like to take them. He’s done deathsticks several times but isn’t addicted cause he’s smart in how he takes them.
Menace got his name because that's what he is - a menace. He’s moody and smart, daring and proud but overall he causes enough chaos that he should be a 501st trooper. He’s best friends with Dice and Bloodshot, and is the bad influence of everyone. He’s got the classic look of a clone trooper except dark brown hair instead of black hair. Menace has a scar covering his left eyebrow from being attacked by an assassin who was trying to kill a senator. Although Menace is chaotic and stupid and fun, he’s devoted to his work and does work very well. He’s kind of like the Jake Peralta (Brooklyn Nine Nine) of the Coruscant Guard. Menace is the ‘soldier’ again from ‘soldier, poet, king’ by the oh hellos. He’s strong and dedicated, and too determined to be knocked down.
Him, Hardcase and Fives get along like a house on fire and have collectively taken days of sleep from Rex and Fox. His helmet is the classic Corrie helmet although the top left side is completely painted black with licking ginger flames around it - to symbolise Menace’s first helmet which got destroyed in a bombing.
Dice (CT-6346)
Dice has short black hair, tan skin and brown eyes - like the classic clone look. He’s never bothered to change his hair or anything. He has a burn scar that covers his right eye and eyebrow, and a torso scar from his left ankle all the way up his leg and back that ends at his collarbone. Dice is also a member of the Coruscant Guard. He’s the definition of the moon personality - very private about his anxieties and such. 
Captain Rex met Dice when he was a shiny and gave him his name upon witnessing the clone bargain his way out of a situation. Dice is a legend and board/card games and is incredibly smart. When dealing with a particularly hard case, Fox always turns to Dice for help. He’s smart, thoughtful and calculating, but he’s a really nice person too. He’s not introverted or extroverted and is just happy to help. Dice loves his work because he loves the challenges different cases provide and finds them interesting to explore. 
Dice has the classic Corrie clone trooper helmet except a red dice simple in the middle of the forehead.
Whilst Dice is best friends with Menace and Bloodshot, he’s really close with Rex because he’s the one who gave him his name. Dice can be a little chaotic but he’s usually pretty chill - but always chill with Rex. They get along so well because Rex seems him as a combination of Fives and Echo - smart, funny, kind and everything else.
Bloodshot (CT-3496)
Bloodshot is the ‘king’ of ‘soldier, poet, king’ by the oh hellos, and he’s the most serious of the group. He and Fox get along like a house on fire because their both so tired of the Guard’s antics. He’s a sweet and kind guy and quiet but not in a shy way. Quiet in a menacing way. 
Bloodshot has short light brown hair, tan skin and brown eyes, and he’s extremely fit. He has a going from his stomach up his chest, over his neck that hooks around his right ear. He got the scar when he was attacked by an assassin - crazy similar to Menace. He’s dedicated to his work because its his work and no one really knows his other thoughts on the topic.
Bloodshot’s helmet is a regular Corrie helmet with splotches of red over the eyes and a red ‘blood-drop’ on the forehead.
Bloodshot got his name because he drinks a lot of caff - religiously, like man must drink caff - and that causes his eyes to go bloodshot quite a lot. He’s humble about how talented he is as a fighter and extremely quick-witted. When Bloodshot yells ‘Shut up!’ everyone freezes. He’s not the eagerest to do things, but isn’t lazy in the slightest.
If someone is upset you can count on Bloodshot and Dhole going to hunt down and kill whoever hurt their Vod. 
No one really understands why Menace, Dice and Bloodshot are so close but they click in a way that you can tell means their platonic soulmates and the truest of brothers.
Bloodshot managed to gain Plo Koon’s love when he rescued a stray-runaway-Youngling and returned her to the Kel Dor. He’s the Ori’vod of the group and is the only possible (apart from Dhole) who can convince Fox to sleep, and takes his responsibility with pride. Although, he probably needs sleep just as much as the Commander.
Xi (CT-5113)
Xi is a member of the 501st and has wavy black hair that falls to just below his ears, brown eyes, tan skin and a small Republic symbol tattooed on his nose. He also has a scar from the tip of his middle finger on his right hand that travels up to his elbow that he got from a crash-landing. 
Xi is sort of a combination between the soldier and king from (yet again) ‘soldier, poet, king’ by the oh hellos. He’s funny and kind yet courageous and loyal. Rex is extremely proud of Xi because he’s done many things that have rightfully earned him his ARC Trooper status. Although many people don’t believe it at first, Xi is a strangely good mechanic - and is often the one to fix things in time-ticking situations. 
He’s best friends with Mit and is absolutely obsessed with music. Like, most listen to music. 
Other than Rex and Mit, Xi gets on with Jesse and Fives amazingly as they share several similar personality traits. They once had a bit too much to drink and got lost on Coruscant but that's a story for another time. 
Ahsoka and Xi also get along because Xi is always by her side - no matter what. He would be crushed if anything happened to her. Like his Padawan, Anakin and Xi are friends because of their loyalty, but also love for mechanics. It’s not rare to find them ranting about mechanics together.
Xi’s helmet is similar to Fives except he has painted a blue ‘scar’ over the right eye to match Anakin’s and the left half of the face has Ahsoka’s face markings except in blue. There are two ‘teardrops’ underneath the right eye - which Tup later copied. 
Xi is slightly more extroverted then he is introverted but he hides his emotions a lot because he fears that he is being weak and that others have bigger problems than him so he shouldn’t complain. One time, he bottled his emotions up for so long he eventually shattered and Rex spent hours with him calming him down.
Mit (CT-5114)
Mit has a black buzzcut, tan skin and gold eyes with several small scars but none extremely big or noticeable. He’s a member of the 501st and was promoted to ARC Trooper at the same time as Xi for an amazing mission they completed all by themselves. His helmet is the ARC Trooper helmet - like Fives’ - but he has the visor outlined in blue - like Rex’s - and two matching teardrops to Xi’s under the right eye. He has a star personality as he is fun to be around and focuses on enjoying life. Mit’s funny, soft, gentle and brave and contrasts Xi in several ways. Mit is more of a rules-follower than Xi and gets along with Echo well because of it. He and Kix also get along for reasons they don’t really understand.
Mit’s a bit more introverted than extroverted, which contrasts well with Xi, who’s the opposite. Whilst Xi bottles up his emotions, Mit is a lot calmer than that, and very in control of his negative emotions. If he really needs to vent, he will go to Xi or Kix. 
Mit really loves reading, and will basically read anything he can get his hands on. It’s not rare to find him dangling from his bed with a datapad scrolling through a book too deeply fixated to hear anything anyone else is saying. 
Because he loves to read so much, Mit is the resident clone-translator, and together he and Obi-Wan have translated many things for the others. Sometimes, the two will have conversations in front of others in a different language just to annoy them, and that's where their friendship formed. Mit once saved a small Nautolan boy who only spoke Nautila and managed to get him home. Whilst Xi is good at mechanics, Mit is smart in languages and random knowledge, and the pair use those skills to help the 501st get out of a lot of difficult situations.
Vick (CT-2323)
Vick has neatly cut black hair, tan skin and brown eyes - the classic clone look, just like Dice. He has three triangular scars on his right arm and a scar covering his stomach that he earned when he was attacked by a beast during a mission. He’s a member of the 212th. Vick is the soul/heart as he is very upfront with his beliefs and heart-strong instead of head-strong. He’s sarcastic, brave and kind with everything he does and Cody adores him for it.
Vick’s helmet is the classic 212th clone trooper helmet with two yellow triangles - points facing down - on the cheeks. He’s best friends with Meerrt as they balance each other out extremely well.
Vick is close with Cody as they share the same stupid recklessness but love for the others of their troops and their General. Obi-Wan and Vick get along very well after Vick, Cody, Meerrt and Obi-Wan once got stranded together on a mission and they all discovered Vick’s strange talent in tea-brewing. Now, when they want tea, they hunt down Vick and beg him to make them the drink.
Vick hates drugs and deathsticks but likes to drink on the occasion, as it helps numb the constant reminder of the war. Cody and him sometimes barricade themselves in the barracks and drink till they can’t remember their names in sorrow, side by side for comfort.
When the 212th were on Ryloth, Vick befriended a Twi’lek boy who he constantly denies having a crush on - but most of the 212th don’t believe him. They manage to catch up occasionally and Vick always comes back grinning.
Vick absolutely adores learning about new and different cultures - not the food, as Meerrt has asked several times, no, he loves learning about their non-food-culture. Upon going to new planets, he sticks with Obi-Wan if they don’t speak the same language and asks for translations, which the General happily does.
Meerrt (CT-2361)
Meerrt looks the same as Vick although his hair is slightly longer and scruffier. There is a burn scar covering his left ear and as a result the hair around it was singed slightly so he buzzed it and also has weaker hearing in that ear. 
When Vick, Obi-Wan, Cody and him were stranded and they discovered Vick’s tea-making skills, Meerrt got burned in the crash that led to his scar.
He has the classic 212th helmet with a yellow sun emblem on the forehead - similar to Vector’s - and yellow stars on the sides. 
Meerrt loves astronomy deeply and endlessly, and spends hours researching it. He has a sun personality meaning he’s slightly more extroverted and bubbly, all smiles for days. He’s encouraging, sweet and funny and the kinda guy you go to for a hug.
Meerrt gets on with Cody because he can cuddle up to the Commander and not get reprimanded or teased for it. Sometimes a clone needs sleep and affection. He also gets along well with Waxer as they both met little kids they sheltered and protected for a bit.
Meerrt met a little Togrutan boy whilst on a mission - who later turned out to be Force-sensitive and was taken to the Temple - who he immediately bonded with. Meerrt had a breakdown when they were separated and stayed gloomy for weeks.
Meerrt doesn’t really like alcohol, deathsticks or anything of the sort but juice like its water. Whenever he can, Meerrt buys as much juice as possible to keep and savour. 
Meerrt is a really heavy sleeper and - like most other clones - often has night terrors. He’s mostly silent during these - unlike Vick who screams and thrashes like he’s being attacked and makes everyone pity him - but often seeks comfort from either Vick or Cody afterwards and have a cup of hot chocolate.
Meerrt’s favourite planet they’ve been to is Naboo - where he first participated in the Blue Shadow Virus mission - and he’s visited several times. He once met Padme who showed him around her planet and they built a sweet friendship because of it. 
*sighs* that was VERY long and I apologise to anyone who read all of that.
Thoughts on my ocs, please share?!
If anyone wants oneshots/headcanons with these guys (or not!) please please please pleasseeeee tell me!!!!!!
Have a lovely day/night/whatever your time is!!!
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cinnamoodles · 1 year
heyy can I get a 🍓[strawberry dream] from the hp fandom: golden trio/lightning era (no poly stuff please)
I am a straight female Slytherin. I'm kinda mean but like to my really close friends and it can be considered banter (by them anyway) I am like really nice to strangers. I love drawing I take my sketchbook with me everywhere.
I am 167.5 cm (5'6 approx) tall xx
Trauma Dumping is a guilty pleasure of mine. I often make bad decisions like choosing friends but I have a usually positive influence on people around me and often tend to change them for the better.
I excel in maths and english and currently am working on getting a degree in maths and or computer science.
I am an infp-t. I'm introverted around almost everyone except like my really really really close friends. my super close friends are usually the negative influence type but I still love them because they understand me the best xx
I'm a pretty well behaved student but my friends most definitely aren't. My friends got told off like all the time in school whereas the teacher never had to give me any warnings.
I am loyal to my friends. I will fight for them. One example of that is both me and my (now ex) bff liked the same person and I gave them up for her xx
I get along with more males than females despite being a female myself.
I'm kind of an idiot sometimes and end up giving stuff up for people that would never do that to me. In fact my bff that I gave up my crush for actually sided with someone else. One thing you outta know about me is that I digress a lot so like you can ignore this paragraph lmao.
I feel bad for people easily and believe everyone deserves a second chance even b*tchy people (excuse my French)
I love art and music and am really good at drawing portraits if I do say so myself. I've been doing music since I was 6.
As for my appearance, I have a sandy/tan skin colour. I have naturally curly dark brunette (almost black but not really) hair.
My clothing style varies. For formal occasions I wear vintage ish clothes. I wear checked dresses with puffy sleeves and white collars (really specific because it's one of my fave dresses and I own one). I wear "cute" outfits like skirts and sweatshirts. I also wear jeans (apple bottom high waisted jeans own my heart) and I wear cargo pants with cropped tops far too often.
I wrote a lot absvsccsav
Sorry if that's too much xx
thanks for checking out the cozy cafe event !
i ship you with…
Tumblr media
cedric diggory !
— the both of you are definitely enemies to friends to lovers coded, probably only becoming enemies because of something your friends pulled on his friends.
— you’re very loyal and caring, which he respects, and how you’re always willing to give people a second chance, no matter what they’ve done.
— i get the vibes that you’re better at supporting other people then standing up for yourself, so he’s your personal bodyguard (even if that isn’t true).
— he would listen to your rambles with literal STARS in his eyes and whenever you apologize for trauma dumping, he has to take a minute and be like ‘why are you apologizing? go on, keep talking’.
— MATCHING OUTFITS OH MY GOD they’ll be so cute because you dress so pretty and formal and he’s such a rich prep boy so your dress styles go along great.
— you trying to teach him art is so funny because he has no idea what he’s doing (its canon he told me) and he just wants to impress you so much.
— the banter is great because he’s a pretty flirty person, but he BLUSHES every time you make fun of him and his friends totally rag on him for being so whipped.
anyway, i hope you liked your 🍓 — [ strawberry dream ] and please apply again! this was super fun to do!
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dotster001 · 2 years
Congrats on 500! I'd love a matchup if they're still open. Obey me, romantic please!
I'm not quite sure how to do this as ive never requested something like this before but I shall try.
I am 5'3, very pale with lots of freckles. Thick, curly, auburn hair, not quite orange enough to be qualified as a ginger but enough that I have to be wary on international hit a ginger day 😔 My hairs just past shoulder length and pretty messy so I usually tie it back, except for my bangs which are somehow even more messy, I tend to just brush them aside.
I'm a Sagittarius, INFP. I have a cat despite being severely allergic to them. My cat is my favourite thing in the wkrld. Literally my best friend, I don't care if that makes me a loser. She's great. And fluffy. And adorable.
I'm pretty sarcastic, sometimes I get carried away, to the point that I'm mean. I've been trying to do better though. I have pretty bad anger issues, I used to punch holes in walls when I was 3-14. Haven't done it in a while but I still feel anger most of the time. It's just that instead of reacting with violence I react with a cold sort of malice. I still have those out bursts of burning rage where I shout and throw things, but my last one was like a year ago so I'm pretty happy with how far I've come!
I've got ADHD. Common hyper-fixations include animals of all kinds. Crime, torture methods, serial murder etc... I've unfortunately become pretty desensitized to the kind of stuff I learn.
Ive always been creative. I love to read and write. I currently own over 500 books and I've read most of them. Recently I've been trying to get into gaming. I've only ever played games on the Wii and DS before. I love Kirby, the only two games I've ever finished are Kirby ones. I've even watched the anime.
I write mostly fantasy stuff, with magic and dragons. Love dragons. When I was younger I taught myself draconic just because I could. I do tend to write things a bit darker, I love a tortured protagonist. My current WIP shows an assassin joining a normal guild to maintain their cover (as they didn't kill a guild member who saw them and need to keep an eye on them to make sure they don't snitch). Then with time the assassin finds themselves getting attached to the guild and it's members, especially the younger ones. But oh no, their identity gets out and everyone turns against them! The whole things very convoluted honestly. Lots of blood and violence. I find it cathartic.
I also like to draw and paint though I'm not great at either. I tend to like to collecting things. I'm currently collecting the vintage Fear Street books- I started reading them like years ago now but since the movies come out they're so much harder to come by. I've only 40 or so to go though! I was probably too young to read them, won't go into details but there were deaths and scenes of violence in those books that I had no business reading when I was six.
I also collect Pokemon cards, though I'm not buying them as often. I wanted to get all the Eeveelotions, but then they came out with Sylveon and I quit because honestly how dare they? I was only two away and they made a new one. And it wasn't even a dragon type :( My big claim to fame is that I have a number of first edition cards, which is super fun!
I love music so much. I listen to pretty much every genre. My biggest are metal, indie and punk rock. But I also really like musicals. Right now my top songs are probably Ride the Lightning, Fleur de Lis, Ophelia, I Can't Decide, Don't Go Breaking My Heart, the other side of Hollywood and Mr Loverman. I play the baritone/euphobium- think a small tuba. I also play the guitar and harmonica (self taught!). I'm looking into getting an otamatone. My dream instrument, though, is the bagpipes.
My favourite movie of all time is How To Train Your Dragon. SAW III is a close second. Idk why I like SAW III so much, it makes me so angry I literally shake just thinking of it. But I also find it hilarious for the same reason it infuriates me. The main character is horrible. I make a point of watching it with every friend i make. All the homies hate Jeff.
My favourite season is winter because I love wearing toques and sweaters, curling up in fuzzy blankets, snuggling with my cat. I love the snow and the way it sounds beneath boots. I tend to dress mainly in black and red. Ripped jeans, steel toed boogs. I've got a ring in the shape of a snake and another with a bunch of eyes carved in it. I have a padlock necklace with an accompanying skeleton key necklace because I like things to fit together, y'know? I have a fairly eclectic earring collection. My favourite pair is a silver set made to look like meat cleavers.
So sorry for rambling, I have no idea what to say and ended up saying way too much but whatever. Thanks a bunch and congrats again! Go drink some water if you haven't in a while!
❄️☃️ anon
(Yo I feel your pain on the red head thing 😂 I'm strawberry blonde, and some people will fight to the death to say I'm a redhead. Stay safe out there 😂 Also, my cat's my best friend, so we can be losers together)
I match you with Lucifer.
To be totally honest, I could see you with every brother, and Barbs. But in the end, I feel like Lucifer just shone through. Especially when it comes to sarcasm. He can slice and dice someone in three words, so he'll give you a run for your money.
He loves how many instruments you know how to play, and may or may not be looking into finding the best bagpipes teacher to ever exist, so that you can both learn how to play together. Will make the other brothers play instruments as well so that you can all put on a concert for Diavolo.
He has all the ins and outs of everything, so he can help you build your collections. He makes it look like an illegal drug deal sometimes, and he's willing to pay waaaaay too much money for you to feel safe about your financial future, but he gets everything for you. Don't give up on your Eeveelution collection yet. He's got a lead.
He'll watch SAW III with you. He doesn't really understand why you continue to watch it if you hate Jeff so much, but it makes him feel soft inside to watch something you enjoy so much with you.
He birthed Satan from his wrath. He understands anger. If you get overly angry, he understands and will help you figure things out, calm down, or slice a bitch. He's flexible.
You'd gotten dressed to go out for the day, in your black ripped jeans and boots, a red blouse Lucifer had gotten for you, and that new pair of dragon earrings he'd also gotten for you. After finishing getting dressed, you headed to his office.
You knew he was the avatar of pride, but sometimes it was easy to forget until you saw him practically preening like this. He stood up from his desk, and took your hand, just staring at you for a moment.
"What is it, Luci? Is my beauty leaving you speechless?" You said with a playful eye roll.
He gave a booming laugh, before he drew you closer, and whispered, "Have you ever noticed how you tend to prefer my colors?"
"Huh, I guess I didn't," you said. "Anyway, where are we going today?"
He smiled, and again, his pride was staggering.
"We are going to practice your draconic, my love," he said, collecting a couple things and starting to leave the room.
"Wait, so that means..."
"Yes," he smiled. "I'm going to introduce you to my pet dragon."
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Hey Sweetheart,
Sorry for the super late night letter. If you’re asleep already, I wish for you get the rest you need and to have the sweetest of dreams. I hope you wake up with a smile on your face and ready to take on the weekend. I’ve been thinking about you all day. Wishing I could have sent a letter earlier today, but alas. I realized you don’t know anything about me. That’s totally unfair to you, so here it goes:
I should probably start with the question everyone asks me first, I’m 5’10”. I’m in my late 20’s and a Libra. I have long dark brown curly hair, dark brown eyes, and pale-ish skin because I don’t go outside a ton during the summer. Oh if you look very closely (I do mean closely), I have freckles across the tops of my cheeks and nose. No tattoos (yet). My nose was pierced, I’m planning on getting it repierced eventually.
I love 70’s-80’s metal and rock. My favorite bands are Eagles, Anthrax, Kansas, Mötley Crüe, Iron Maiden, Black Sabbath, Ozzy, W.A.S.P., Twisted Sister, Guns N’ Roses, Scorpions, Metallica, Quiet Riot. I can’t play the guitar for shit but I want to learn. My guilty pleasure music is Musicals and Disney stuff (gotta satiate the childhood nostalgia). My favorite colors are maroon, black, and dark green. I’m very introverted (hints the secret admirer letters). I’m definitely social with friends, family, and whoever I’m in a relationship with. I play D&D every Sunday (except this month, we are on a break because holidays). Lost Boys, E.T., Lilo & Stitch, Bill and Ted’s Excellent Adventure, The Goonies, and Treasure Planet are my favorite movies.
I’ll never part with my converse or my black boots. I love to read and write. My dreams and imagination are so vivid it’s like watching a movie scene play out in my head. I’m an insomniac and a night owl. I’m definitely aware of how that’s a bad combo. I swear like a sailor but I try not to in the letters to you and I think I’m doing a pretty damn good job so far😉. I’m fiercely loyal and will not judge anyone. I trust only once. Meaning, I refuse to let my trust being taken for granted. I will take any chance to stand in the rain. I love campfires and stargazing. I love late night drives. I’m a dog person who ended up with a cat. I would die for her.
I’m super excellent at communication. I really hate yelling. If there’s an issue or a disagreement I’d rather work it out together, talking, then it turn into a screaming match. I’m a super affectionate person, it’s my love language for sure. Snuggles, cuddles, head kisses, cheek kisses, mouth/tongue kisses and tons of hugs. I have a niece who told me my hugs are pretty magical sooooo do with that information what you will. I love for whoever I’m in a relationship with to feel safe, like all the bad things world have disappeared. Sorry I know that was a ton. But If you have any questions for me (even if it’s the spicy not pg-13 variety, didn’t know if you would feel comfortable with me talking about it), I’d be more than happy to answer them.
Song to go with this letter: Wild Side- Mötley Crüe
-Your Secret Admirer
awwww thank you for sending this!! you have such great taste, in movies, music, and favorite colors. i’m also an introverted night owl, but I can be social with my loved ones as well. i’m just very shy at first until I get to know someone, then the fun, weird side of me will definitely come out!
i cant think of any questions right now, but i’ll ask some if any arise! feel free to ask me anything as well! i’ll answer, if im comfortable doing so!
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notahorseindisguise · 2 years
OUGH the collecter yes such a guy, i understand you so well. YES, MY BLORBO'S, fianlly OC time.
i'm a writing a not fanfiction, finally, and this story and my wonderful little idiots have been in my head for 4 years and have been stealing my rent, basic premise is, "wow we're all polyamourus and trans (excpet for that one guy) isn't this so cool and awesome except oh no i'm falling in love with my boyfriend's husbadn who is strictly monogomous. shit." this is from the point of view of Reign, who is a wonderful awesome very tall pretty bigender person and i'm so in love with her you have no idea. if she was real i know i wouldl have 0 chance with her.
So then there's two/three storylines going this way. either, reign get's over their forever unrequited love for the husband, (Spencer) who is very bland at the moment i just kinda went "tall curly hair likes books he can get a personality later" and i am still waiting for later, and then the story is about that and learning to kinda get over shit and it would be more of a comedy but no romance ending in that way.
the OTHER idea is the boyfriend fucking dies, as does Reign's wife, and so Spencer and Reign both have to deal with the greif of thta, and in plot idea a) they everntually fall in love, over like 20 years whilst both finding thing out about their mutal partner and Reigns wife and just it's about getting to know mor eabout peole, both good and bad, without being there with them and i just think that would be really fun exploring emotions and shit. and plot idea b) it's a murder mystery wahoo.
that turned into rambling about the source my blorbo's came from more than the blorbo's themself but thank you, my brain has been cleansed of some of the rot.
OOOOOO trhat all sounds super cool !!!!! i like that a lot woah polyamory is so rad and that sounds like a great story!! thanks for sharing and id love to read it whenever it has some semblance of readiness !!
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grizzlyofthesea · 2 years
Ranking my Monster High Collection, just because
I've been into Monster High for...a while. I don't remember how I got into it, but I know that I immediately latched onto Lagoona; I always go for the blue characters (except for TMNT, because Donnie). Though it's not huge compared to what others have, I do have a sizable collection of Monster High dolls. Here, I'll rank and discuss them.
Here's a key for the meaning of the colors: birthday/Christmas gift, bought during initial sales, bought second-hand.
S Tier - The Best of the Best
Boo-Riginal Creeproduction Lagoona - I'd always wanted a first-wave Lagoona, but this is even better! Her hair is curly and fluffy, she isn't derp-eyed, and I didn't have to fork over hundreds of dollars for her! There are so many cool details scattered throughout her design, too. For example, her tank top? That's actually a one-piece swimsuit. And her shorts are sparkly! I was lucky to find her and the other creepros at my local Walmart during the initial drop. Wish I could say the same about Reel Drama...
Haunt Couture Lagoona - Man, was I lucky with this one! She sold out in about six minutes, from what I heard. But anyway, people don't like her because she doesn't reference her basic look as much as the others, and I get why they feel that way. However, I feel like she looks the most "deluxe" of the HC line (except for Draculaura, because OF COURSE), and the most couture-like. Her outfit is the only one I could see on an actual fashion runway. And her face is super pretty! I like how they gave her eyes a more segmented look instead of the other ghouls' gradient shine. Oh, and her fish GLOWS IN THE DARK.
Boo-riginal Creeproduction Clawdeen - I'm not particularly attached to Clawdeen as a character, but her design? Beautiful. There are so many flashy elements--the tank top with its sparkly tiger stripes, the fur-lined jacket, the layered skirt, the knee-high stockings--that you'd think would clash, but they really work well together. And like Lagoona, Creepro Clawdeen has wavier, fluffier hair than her 2010 counterpart. Perfect for our "werewolf equivalent of Rapunzel."
School's Out Lagoona - I adore the shoes and tote bag. The material they're made of is super satisfying to touch. The outfit itself is amazing, too. The asymmetrical fishnet details really complement the strapless jumpsuit. It feels fancy and hip, but still Lagoona-like. And the fish skeleton earrings are just amazing!!!
Isi Dawndancer - From what I've heard, Isi is controversial because Mattel combined elements from a ton of different tribes to construct her without consulting any actual American Indians, homogenizing/stereotyping them in the process. I can't say that I have much room to speak on the matter, just that I definitely get why people find her offensive. But good gosh, I can't help but love how colorful she is. And her deer-like features, like her white freckles and her hooves (yes, actual hooves instead of feet!!!)? Absolutely amazing. If she comes back for G3, I hope they handle her more respectfully.
C.A. Cupid (Signature) - Beautiful in every way. Her face? Amazing. The heart-shaped highlights in her eyes are super cool, her heart/rosebud-shaped lipstick really stands out, and the blush on her cheeks is a great touch. Her outfit? Spectacular. All of the fabrics work well to give her dress an eerie yet romantic vibe. Her accessories? Perfect. It's bow-and-arrow everything; her earrings and the heels on her shoes are an asymmetrical bow/arrow set, and her ring is a miniature bow and arrow. Her hair? Needs de-gluing and restyling, but it's still lovely. Shorter hair on Monster High dolls is always awesome. She also has this really cool white-to-black gradient on all of her limbs, plus some lacy detailing. You just need to see her to believe her.
Boo-riginal Creeproduction Draculaura - Pink isn't really my thing, but I can't deny that Draculaura looks cool. Her vest and her cravat are probably my favorite parts of her outfit. I also like how neatly folded her skirt is, compared to Clawdeen's more irregular pleats. Oh, and I de-glued her bangs when I got her, and she looks SO much better that way!
A Tier - The Clawsomes
Mad Science Lagoona - Her hair was an absolute mess when I first got her--tangled beyond belief, glue everywhere, braids partially undone... But I've done my best to restore her, and I think she looks better now. I just love her in general. Both her dress and her casual outfit look cute, and the accessories are on point. She has a notebook, a pencil, a beaker, one of those three-eyed frogs from the webisodes, and a gargoyle egg, among other things.
Dead Tired Lagoona (2011) - Yes, I've got the Hydration Station, too. Yes, it's amazing...when it works. I think I might need to replace the batteries and/or clean it. (Any tips? I'll take all the help I can get!!) But right now, I'm talking about Lagoona herself. She may be simple, but she's great. Her blue lips really do feel like her natural lip color, and her ponytail is a nice hairstyle. Her pajamas look really comfy, too (minus the platform slippers, but that's just MH custom), and she even has a matching sleep mask. I'd wear them myself if I were more of a tank top person. Neptuna has a little mask of her own as well. That's just cute. :)
Boo-riginal Creeproduction Frankie - Pretty simple, but also super cute. I love her fishnet sleeves and her belt. G1 Frankie really is the epitome of "simple, but effective."
Skull Shores Cleo - What can I say? I'm a sucker for turquoise and gold. I like short hair on Cleo, too. Oh, and her shoes being little statues holding her feet up? Absolute genius.
Skull Shores Ghoulia - She looks just like she stepped out of the 1950s...except for the blood dripping from her shoes and bracelet, of course, but that contrast is why I love a lot of Ghoulia's designs. Her weird little brain butterfly hair clip is neat, too, and I like how she has green glasses this time around.
Skull Shores Lagoona - Her headband gives me pirate vibes for some reason, and that sparkly fabric around her shoulders never ceases to amaze. Needless to say, I love her.
Skull Shores Frankie (Color) - Frankie in neon blue is awesome. Frankie with short hair is awesome. The industrial nut-themed accessories are awesome. That sounds like a recipe for an awesome doll to me.
Skull Shores Frankie (Monochrome) - The silver lipstick, neck bolts, and swimsuit add some flash where Frankie herself is a matte gray. There are also more obvious clouds on her waist wrap compared to her color variant, adding a bit of additional uniqueness. I just happen to like the color variant a bit more. I think it's because the accessories here are cloudy instead of clear.
B Tier - The Greats
Dot Dead Gorgeous Lagoona - Hot take: I think DDG Lagoona is better than DOTD Lagoona. But that's a ramble for another post. Anyway, the oyster-themed hair clip and shoes are cute, and I love how the polka dots on the dress are bubbles. The layers of mesh/tulle/whatever really pull the whole look together. And the purse is a sand dollar!!!
13 Wishes Lagoona - Super strange and kind of heartbreaking, but also super cool to look at. I love her turtle necklace/bracelet, her dragonfly earrings, and her grass shoes. And that sparkly seafoam green fabric on her dress? Absolutely perfect! It looks just like shimmering water. She'd be higher up if she were in better condition; her dress is kinda stretched out, and Neptuna's bowl is shoddily taped together because I was a dumb child.
Fearidescent Lagoona - Blue Lagoona > Pink Lagoona for me, and the polypropylene hair is a bit frizzy at the ends. That said, she's still beautiful. For one, her color scheme is gorgeous. It's one of the first color palettes chosen for G3 Lagoona that doesn't make me want to tear my eyeballs out. Her pearl purse is cute, too, as are her shoes. I mean, her ankle boots have little teeth in the heels and fish skeletons as the buckles! Some clothing combinations are more cohesive than others, but again, not making me want to claw out my own eyes out of overstimulation is a huge advantage for a G3 Lagoona doll.
Skull Shores Gil - I know people give the boy dolls major flak for being ugly, and a lot of times, they're right (looking at you, Porter and Slo Mo). But I just think Gil's neat. I like how he has gills sculpted into his nose. I like the gills on his neck. I like how he has that same pearlescent kind of coloration as Lagoona. I like his fin mohawk thing. I think my Gil's face turned out nicely, too, with no notable wonk in sight. (Note: someone on Reddit recently pointed out that he has a back fin, too. That cements Gil as the best manster in my opinion.)
Picture Day Lagoona - Like Basic Clawdeen, she has a lot of bright, flashy components that you'd think would clash. Fishnet cardigan? Shimmery pink leggings? Turquoise tunic dress with a neon green trim and an iridescent orange seashell bra? It is admittedly a strange look, but I like it.
Skulltimate Secrets Lagoona - The darker/more prominent forehead scales push SS1 Lagoona below Fearidescent for me, but there's still a ton to love about her. Her jacket and hat are some of my favorite accessories in my entire collection; they're just so cute! Her blue "Surf" shirt is great as well, and I feel that all of the clothing pieces included here can create decently good-looking outfits.
Skull Shores Draculaura - Just cute. I love the sailor theme, and I love how her swimsuit kind of looks like men's swimsuits from back in the late 19th century.
Skull Shores Abbey - Her swimsuit may be a bit simple for my liking, but her accessories are astounding! Purple ice shoes? Yes! Purple ice hat? Heck yeah! She rocks the side-ponytail, too.
Skull Shores Clawdeen - I love the actual swimsuit, and the poncho is great in concept. I just wish the poncho wasn't so annoying to move around for poses. But Clawdeen's tried-and-true deep orchid purple + neon green color combo is back, and I think it works amazingly here. Her earrings are cool, too. They may just be simple triangles and squares, but it's a neat deviation from her typical hoop earrings.
C Tier - The Goods Competing with the Greats
Original Ghouls Ghoulia - Not first-wave quality, but she still has her good points. Her hair is nice and silky (probably kanekalon), all her accessories are intact, and I honestly like her face better than first-wave Ghoulia. Still, her clothes all being one piece is a let-down, and they didn't even bother to wrap her cherry-print top (printed on this time, by the way) all the way around the shirt. But she's still Ghoulia, so she's still cool.
Dance Class Lagoona - She's cute, but also very simplistic. Even as a kid, I knew something was off about her unpainted accessories. Even so, I love her, and I retain a special attachment to her since she was the first member of my collection.
Inner Monster (Shockingly Shy/Scared Silly) - I like the take apart/put together gimmick. I like the changing eyes and the face plates. I like the skeleton and the different charms you can attach to it. I just wish she was more monstrous...and that the wig didn't look so awful.
Original Ghouls Lagoona - I got her back when I thought she was the closest I'd get to an actual Basic Lagoona, and even though my opinion of her has hardened a bit after getting Creepro Lagoona, I still think she's okay. I don't like how her swimsuit and shorts are sewn together, but at least there's a ribbon "waistband" separating the two halves. Her hoodie might be slightly less detailed, too, but it's still perfectly fine. Mad Science Lagoona is borrowing her fins, though.
D Tier - Mattel, why?
Original Ghouls Clawdeen - Her face turned out okay...but that's really it. Her shoes are completely purple aside from the buckles, her shirt and skirt are sewn together, and her jacket has purple thread at the edges instead of an actual cotton trim. And that isn't even getting into the more minute changes. At least she isn't as bad as Original Ghouls Draculaura, but that's a low bar to clear. ...Yet I don't hate her. Pity, yes, but I just can't hate her.
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