in-danmei-hell-2k23 · 1 month
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foreman. babe. we’re at the bottom end of season 8. you have worked here for almost a decade. why are you still surprised there's medical malpractice going on at the medical malpractice department that you, personally, used to do medical malpractice at
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in-danmei-hell-2k23 · 1 month
At some point in your life, you were taught that being slightly annoying is an unforgivable sin. Maybe it was by your parents or a teacher or a friend or a bully or an older sibling. But someone taught you that being slightly annoying is a crime punishable by death.
You must unlearn this.
You must accept that all people will be annoying at some point or another in their lives, maybe all of their lives, and that this is okay. It is okay for strangers on the bus, it is okay for children in the grocery store, it is okay for people on social media, and it is okay for you.
If you ever want to truly love your fellow humans, if you ever want to truly love yourself, you must have forgiveness for being annoying.
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in-danmei-hell-2k23 · 2 months
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in-danmei-hell-2k23 · 2 months
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To The Person Who Walked Past The Window - Jordan Bolton
My first book ‘Blue Sky Through the Window of a Moving Car’ is now available to pre-order! Get it here - https://smarturl.it/BlueSky
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in-danmei-hell-2k23 · 2 months
Orange brain
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in-danmei-hell-2k23 · 2 months
Oh my god. I need to share another story of my new friend making today. So my friends husband says, very casually, as we’re about to leave for the ren faire, “Yeah, it’s like my story about fucking a chicken.”
And of the four people present I was the only one who was shocked. The others all nodded as if to say, yes yes, we know, the chicken fucking.
So he explained, when a progressive person is analyzing a behavior they will typically use the metric, Harm/No Harm. They may not like things in the No Harm category but they wouldn’t object.
Conversely, a more conservative mindset used something like eight metrics. Authority/No Authority Moral/Not Moral, things like that.
So, he posited if you want to sound out someone’s mindset (and you’re willing to live with the repercussions) you can ask: if a man buys a dead chicken from the store, cleans it thoroughly, then fucks it, and then eats it himself…?
I listened in dawning horror, both rapt and disgusted. But into the growing pause I whispered, “No harm…” because it really has no effect on me or anyone else if a man fucks a dead chicken. I don’t like it, I think he’s a weird dude, but like. That’s his dick. But a more conservative person will hear that and object on moral grounds despite not being harmed.
It’s been haunting me all day, so please enjoy.
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in-danmei-hell-2k23 · 2 months
hiring a wizard to break whatever curse is holding henry kissingers shitty body together and laughing with childish glee as he instantly collapses into individual limbs like a lego character
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in-danmei-hell-2k23 · 2 months
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Prepare yourself.
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in-danmei-hell-2k23 · 2 months
My ideal date? You release me into the wild to hunt me for sport on your remote island BUT I’m not very good at hiding so you find me within 20 minutes. You hold the gun to my face but there is something so earnest in my eyes and hands that you cannot carry through. You pick me up and carry me back to your mansion. I am so polite and charming that you nurse me back to health. You grow to love and trust me despite the fact you’re holding me hostage after I fell of a charter vessel bound for Brazil. You buy me new clothes and have them shipped to the island. I kiss you good morning every day. You propose marriage. I accept. We skype in a priest and get married with the butler as our witness. That night I kill you and the butler. I redistribute your wealth. I live in the mansion on the abandoned island for the rest of my days. I study snail ecology. I never remarry. You were the love of my life but you were too dangerous and evil to live. I am buried next to you. The tides eventually wash our bodies away. Into the depths of the ocean, together.
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in-danmei-hell-2k23 · 2 months
🍲火鍋底料 hot pot base
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in-danmei-hell-2k23 · 2 months
A strange alien doctor stands near the unconscious body of Padme Amidala. “It appears she has lost the will to live.” A older man with a limp hobbles closer with the aid of a cane. “That’s the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard,” says Dr. Gregory House.
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in-danmei-hell-2k23 · 3 months
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This is insane
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in-danmei-hell-2k23 · 3 months
i love six o clock because the clock looks so stupid. "|" like get real
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in-danmei-hell-2k23 · 3 months
did i tell u guys i got into an argument on twitter bc i said foxes are dogs and someone tried to bring up their actual fuckin. classification or whatever and i just said “foxes are dogs cause they are fluffye” and they kept arguing with me. the entire time i was like “you will not survive the immigration to tumblr you are lucky we are not there right now”
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in-danmei-hell-2k23 · 3 months
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Dungeon Meshi - Dark elves
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in-danmei-hell-2k23 · 3 months
“these characters should be mentally healthy before they get together 😌” ummm no I actually think we should smash their mental illnesses together like clumps of play-doh and see what colors it makes
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in-danmei-hell-2k23 · 3 months
*Brucie Wayne on a tangent during an interview*: .... without dick there's very little to live for yk.
Interviewer: ....you mean your son?
Bruce : ........sure
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