#(( Thank you Google for bringing this fact to my attention!
sonxofxgondor · 19 days
Sean played Romeo in a production of Romeo & Juliet back in '87 when he was part of a small theater company. I feel like this is important information and needs to be shared. We were robbed that it was never put to film, in my personal opinion.
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rgco413 · 1 year
(Also fun facts in the tags!)
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liveontelevision · 4 months
Suffer Pt. 6 | Lucifer x Reader
(This series is complete! All parts are listed on my master list and are linked below!)
Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5 / Part 6
A single anon request and a 56-page Google doc later, this is the last part, my friends. Thanks to everyone who's been so invested in this, this turned into a bigger project than I thought it would lol But! I'm so glad everyone's been enjoying it, and I hope y'all like the ending! I'm sorry for all the cliffhangers along the way haha (not really)
An extra thank you to the anon who requested a simple babysitter fic and ended up inspiring this whole deal!
It’s almost been a year since you arrived to the hotel. You arrived when the building was in less than pristine condition, and just a few new guests had arrived. It was a few days after you saw Charlie’s interview on the news, that being what brought you in, despite it’s failure. You were just happy to see her face after all that time. Yet, above the cluttered space and the holes in the walls, there was a more malevolent scheme being hatched.
Any soul who might pass the princess’s room would be bombarded by curses, screams, and growls that sounded less than human. So, most the hotel residents decide it best to avoid that corridor. But not our trusty hotelier. His hand reached for the handle, after deciding that making a bold entrance might not be the best idea. His motion was put to a quick halt by a flurry of curses coming from the other side of the door. Alastor didn’t realize Charlie held such a..colorful vocabulary. Despite that, he went on.
He was greeted with a sight that, unfortunately, wasn’t new to him. An intricate web of red thread connected to pins, all scattered across a once pristine wall. It all connects a collage of images, some that he recognized, some that looked like nonsensical scribbles. The view is obstructed by a furiously pacing princess of Hell. Mumbling completely incoherent complaints, she doesn't notice the opening and closing of her bedroom door.
Alastor, being the sadist he is, props his stance with his microphone, his forced smile unmoving. He enjoys the view for a moment before finally clearing his throat to bring her attention to him. She nearly stumbles over her own feet, ready to scold him for materializing into her room, despite the fact that she was just too out of it to see him walk straight in.
“Al! Good! I need another pair of eyes, come here, come here, look!” She approaches him faster than he expects, and he’s ready to reel away, but is unfortunately hooked around the neck with Charlie’s disturbing strength. With an arm around his shoulders, she drags him forward to examine the wall, as if it made sense to anyone other than her. She starts talking nonsense, again. Something about friendship and Heaven, things he never really cared about. Things he usually tuned out whenever they came up. He only seems to partake in the conversation once he heard your name.
“Alastor.. She’s one of our first guests. I honestly can’t believe anyone showed up after that terrible interview I had earlier, I’m worried i’ll mess things up, again! I mean, all of Hell already thinks i’m a joke.. I just- really need this to go well.” Her mood seems to calm, but to a state of despair. Alastor let’s out a symphahetic awe, patting the top of her head.
“Aw, our poor princess. I understand your concern, my dear, this hotel must mean quite a lot to you.” He faines a sympathy that only convinces Charlie because of her state of disarray.
“Of course it does! And she’s already so kind, I’m sure she’s close to redemption! Maybe this will be a quick one! A-and we don’t even know it, right? That has to be it!” She seems to be reassuring herself, only to be met with an unresponsive radio demon. She groans. Dragging her feet as she walks to the edge of bed, She sits down and lets her head fall into her hands. 
“I really need this to work. I’ll do anything for this to work..” It was a quiet mumble, muffled into her palms, but Alastor heard exactly what he wanted to hear. His grin twisted, something Charlie didn’t see, as he sits at her side. He gives her a quick pat to her back, in some form of comfort.
“Charlie, dear, I understand how much this little project means to you.. I do. And I want nothing more than to witness you trying as hard as you can to keep it up.” Even if it fails. Charlie looks up to him, the bags under her eyes suddenly very apparent. “How would you feel about a little deal? Just a small one, no souls on the line, I guarantee.” 
She’s been warned by Vaggie in the past. Actually, his entire reputation is enough to make her uneasy by the idea. but… 
“I-I don’t know. What did you have in mind..?” She asks reluctantly. He let’s out a chuckle that almost sounds sinister.
“Believe it or not, our little guest and I have a bit of a history.” You can barely call it a history. You served him and Rosie on occasion when you were working in cannibal town. “I’d be delighted to oversee her safety and process to redemption! It’s just as you said, she’s already a gem, Heaven is waiting for her, I can feel it. This will be a breeze for the both of us.” His offer comes off as sincere and touching to Charlie. It wasn’t like him to openly mention his relationships with other demons yet, the idea of you having a close friend throughout this process might just be what you’re missing.
“That’s so sweet of you, Alastor, but.. What do you want from me?” She has to ponder a moment before even considering letting this go on any further.
“Well, you’ve given me a roof over my head and.. A tower for my broadcasts.. Hmm..” He taps his chin, as if he’s in thought. “I’m not quite sure I’ll need from you at the moment, since you’ve just been so hospitable already.” He places a hand to her shoulder, the kind words causing her eyes to well with tears a bit in her weakened state.
“There has to be something.. Well, maybe we can both think this over, once I have a clear head.” She sighs her words, standing from the bedside. Alastor takes her hand and brings her to a halt.
“Oh, but I’d love to get to work as soon as possible, if I may be so bold.. I’m not quite sure what you could offer me in this moment… How about we work out the details, later?” He speaks as if he’s coming up with these words on the spot. He’s had this planned since day one, though. Any chance to get a favor from the princess, he’ll take. Charlie turns to him and sees the strange green glow surrounding their hands. She attempts to pull away, but his grasp is tight.
“Well.. I mean…” She’s still hesitant. He watches her rub her eyes. The still relevant exhaustion gives him a bit of hope.
“It’s simple. I’ll do everything in my power to keep our little guest comfortable and on the path to redemption, no acception. In return, I’ll ask of you one single favor when the time comes.” The glow only continues to swell with his words, and it's clearly making her reconsider. “It’s not as serious as you may think, Charlie. Just a favor between friends, really.” Friendship seemed to strike the right tone.
“I guess.. If it’s for the hotel… Okay, Alastor. It’s a deal.”
Back to the dreaded fight just a few months later. You're seeing red.
“Charlie! You made a deal with Alastor?? What were you thinking?” You’re scolding her at this point. The situation barely had time to cool down before your worries began to kick in. Her horns and ruby eyes are still present, she hasn’t even had time to calm herself from the previous display. Lucifer is essentially holding you back, a hand across your front as you try to approach her. It hurts you a bit. Does he think you’re some kind of danger to her?
..Are you putting her in danger?
Alastor is still propped on the ground. He holds a hand around his neck, in hopes of soothing the aggressive collar that had materialized around it just moments ago. You’re all keeping your distance from eachother.
“I-I wasn’t! I wasn’t thinking! It was after the interview! You saw it, you know didn’t go well! I-I had all of Hell laughing at me, laughing at the hotel- He was offering help, I have no idea why he’s acting this way, I swear..! I.. I-” Charlie’s demonic features start to recede when she feels a hand on her back. With heavy breaths, she looks over to Lucifer, who was standing by her side now, ready to comfort her. With a small hiccup, she falls into his arms, gripping his shirt tightly as she did. Her head fell to his shoulder, thoroughly staining his vest with her tears.
The room is uncomfortably filled with her silent sobs. Your heart aches too much looking at the touching display between father and daughter, and your guilt from snapping at her is making you fidget. That’s when you got to thinking.
The deal was for Alastor watch over you until you got to Heaven. For him to do anything in his power to keep you on the path to redemption. To prevent any behavior that might stunt that process..
“Oh.. oh, my god. You’ve been buttering me up this whole time.” You turn to face a still recovering Alastor. The realization grabs the attention of both Morningstars, they raise their heads to look towards the commotion. “The gifts, all the time we spent together.. Was because of this deal? Did.. did you ever actually care about me?” You grip at your heart, ready to rip it straight from your chest. He stands, brushing debris from his entirety.
“I doubt you’ll believe me after such a display of violence, but.. Yes. I did enjoy our time together, despite the requisite of being under my protection. It was quite entertaining before it was… tainted.” His hisses out his final words, contrasting the sweetness of it all. Tainted?
He was kind to you as soon as you arrived in the hotel. Despite the drama, you’ve been inseparable since. Things only got convoluted after.. 
“Under your protection..? Is that why you’ve been turning me away from Lucifer?! Fuck- it is! You’ve been playing games with me for months! Getting in my head..! H-How could you..” He hasn’t just been physically keeping the two of you apart. From day one, your mind was manipulated into thinking Lucifer never wanted you.
“Well.. not to defend myself, dear, but I was merely considering your redemption. I believe there’s some sort of sin in worshipping the Devil.” Oh, now he’s just trying to make more trouble.
“Oh, fuck you Al, I don’t worship him, I love him!” Your comical response seems to drive a shocked expression or two towards you. But you’re too upset to elaborate. You want to tear him apart. You want to see him experience as much pain as you’re feeling now. Luckily, you weren’t the only one. In a blur of a movement, Alastor was brought back to the ground with a thud.
A foot to his chest, Charlie has him pinned to the ground. Her fists are clenched, the aura surrounding her creates a suffocating heat.
“You took advantage of me, Alastor. You betrayed my friends, my family.. My trust.” Despite the demonic tones underlying her voice, it still sounds pained. You didn’t know she could do this, but her clenched fists become encased in fire. Just like her fathers’.
You’re surprised to see him lurking behind, but not attacking. After all you’ve seen, you were sure he’d have ripped Alastor’s head off at this point. His eyes widen, a display of fear you werent expecting. You follow his gaze to see Charlie holding a familiar angelic spear to his neck.
You hear an unearthly growl come from her chest, and before you can think, your arm is wrapped around hers. You can feel the resistance, realizing you had stopped her right as she was about to put an end to it all. Put an end to him.
“Charlie! Stop!” You yell out. You have to do it once or twice more, your words not quite reaching her yet. Once she turns to you, her eyes are still dripping with tears. “Charlie, don’t. This isn’t you. You’ll regret it, I know you will.. I know you.” You’re begging her to stop. As you feel the muscles in her arm start to relax, you reach for the spear and pull it gently from her hands. She releases her grasp without a fight.
You usher her off, glancing back to Alastor for a moment to see his wound had reopened from that. He had an obvious slash across his neck. You gulped, realizing how close she was to actually killing him. She places her hand over yours, where your arms are still linked.
Charlie let’s out a sigh, looking to her shaking hands, then clenching her fists. She looks to you, then back to Alastor.
“But.. everything he’s done to you… It’s not right, I’m not sure I can forgive him..” She’s speaking quietly to you.
“Well.. You don’t have to forgive him. But he doesn't deserve to die, Charlie.” You state the obvious and it makes her flinch. “And.. you should let him stay.” You hear a collective What? from the room.
“I know I know.. but… this whole place is about second chances. I.. think he can change. And even though, he is being such a dick right now-” Your voice is cracking, as if you can hardly believe your own words. “-I still believe it. You taught me that.” You smile up to Charlie. After a moment you turn your head to Lucifer, meeting his eyes. He looks more in shock than anyone, almost hurt by your act of mercy. You’re surprised by his expression, not realizing Charlie had slipped from your side to approach Alastor.
“She’s right, you know. I can’t forgive you, Alastor. Not yet, at least.. But you’re welcome to stay here, considering all the help you’ve done for the hotel.” She sounds stern, still not entirely convinced this is the right call.
“Yeah, some help you’ve been, you prick..” Those are the first words Lucifer has muttered in awhile. You approach his side to jab him with your elbow and shush him. Despite your scolding action, your presence only reminds him of your previous confession. He crosses his arms and continues to curse quietly, despite his flushed cheeks. Charlie steps closer to Alastor.
“You’re still here, because of her.” Charlie’s voice goes dark as she gestures to you. “That favor I owe you? Is letting you live. This deal is done, Alastor.” She hisses her words out. The intensity and anger radiating from two of the most powerful creatures in Hell is enough to leave even Alastor a bit weary. He nods, still gripping his wound that has been repeatedly opened these past few days. Other than that, he slinks away with barely a scratch. Lucky him. 
Once he’s out of sight, Charlie let’s out a groan and falls to her knees. With a unison call of her name both you and Lucifer rush to her side. You place a hand on her back, attempting to keep any displaced hair from her face. She leans into Lucifer’s chest, a heartaching sight of sniffles and apologies.
Before long, she seemed to exhaust herself. Curled up to his chest, Lucifer smiles, despite the circumstances of their closeness. He lifts his eyes just slightly to see yours. You look embarrassed. Before he has a chance to question you, you rise from the ground.
“You should take her to bed.” You say in a hushed tone, gripping your arms and making some distance. “She needs some rest after.. all that.”
“Sure, but.. are you-” He speaks just as softly, opening a portal behind him silently.
“I’m fine. I’m-” You let out a sigh, beginning to move towards the stairs. “She needs to rest, Lucifer.” You remind him.
“Oh- Oh.. Right, yeah.” He rises to his feet, effortlessly lifting Charlie into his arms and stepping through the portal. You try to keep moving. You try to not meet his eyes as the portal shuts, but you find yourself unable to go on. Once they’re gone, you cover your mouth, only making your labored breaths worse, but you’re desperate to muffle any cries. You feel yourself wobble in place, before seeing a portal open to your side. It leads to your room.
After stepping through, you silently approach your bed. Your legs suddenly turn led, and you're hitting your bed with a gasp. Your exhaustion is enough to keep your sobs to a minimum at least.
The feeling you have when you wake up is worse than any hangover you’ve had. With alcohol you can at least forget your troubles. But on this morning, you can vividly remember the previous night. You sit up, your body aching. You only wonder why for a moment, before realizing you had fallen asleep sideways across your bed, your legs still dangling off the side. You still need sleep.
You remove any uncomfortable clothing or accessories that had pressed marks into your body and return to bed. The right way, this time. Your pillows feel like heaven after all that’s happened. Heaven..
You try your best to sleep, you really do. Your body is essentially begging you to empty your thoughts just for a few more minutes. But your mind is sending you tossing and turning, any times you close your eyes, all you can imagine is everything you've done wrong. Your eyes drift open after trying to force them shut, and your eyes spot the radio on your nightstand. You sit silently for a moment, maybe try to close your eyes again..
Before you have a chance to process every movement, you’re opening your door and thoughtlessly throwing the radio outside. You don’t care where it ends up, clearly. You were waiting to hear it break, into multiple pieces hopefully, before shutting your door. You’re met with a startled groan instead. Taking a moment to process that you had thrown an old-timey radio at someone, you stand at your door with a yawn.
The panic hits you. It could’ve been Alastor, assuming he stayed. It could’ve been Charlie, who doesn’t need any more conflict. You could’ve taken out Niffty as far as you know. Swinging the door open, your eyes see the radio first. They’re wrapped in your victim’s arms.
“Good catch.” You let out hoarsly, rubbing the sleep from your eyes to clearly see Lucifer.. It could've been worse. He let’s out a breathless thanks, clearly having the air knocked out of him. You definitely didn’t hold back with that throw. And it wasn’t exactly a lightweight radio.
“Er.. Sorry. I meant to say sorry.” You try to recover, your words are followed by another yawn. You watch him drop the radio into a small portal he conjured below his grip.
“Good morning to you, too. I was, uh.. about to check on charlie, but-” He’s ready for a conversation that you aren’t. You quickly shake your head, pulling your door in.
“Nono, I need some time.. To wake up. I’ll see you around, though.” You didn’t expect him to perk up from his words, but he does. His smile is infectious. You watch him give you a little wave before shutting your door. You lean against it, your smile that you had been presenting to him, leaves you almost immediately.
There’s so much on your mind. You scan your room, memories of Alastor popping up no matter where you looked. Every chat you’ve had in here, every moment you’d call him in for advice for clothes or accessories, all the nights you’d fall asleep listening to his voice. Your eyes stopped at your vanity seat. Draped across the back is a bittersweet sight, your gifted red sweater. You finally rise to your feet, quickly reaching for it and holding it tightly in your hands. You hesitate before bringing it to your nose. You’re not sure why. Why would you want to remind yourself of anything involving him? Did you think that same scent that’s brought you comfort so many times would have the same affect? You give it a shot.
Hesitantly breathing in, you’re immediately reeling back, throwing the sweater down to your ground. Your hand covers your nose, that sickenlingly sweet honey scent now smells like rotten flesh. Like road kill. You need some air. Digging out a different sweater, one you haven’t had to use in months, you decide you just need to walk around for a bit. The hotel was big enough that you could safely avoid any unwanted attention. Plus, you were sure Alastor’s pride was too wounded to freely roam the hotel. And his other wound.. You hope he’s okay.
You groan out loud, mentally cursing yourself for your sympathetic thoughts. You make your way down to the lobby, and are met with a surprisingly clean lounge. You scan the walls that were previously cracked, the carpets that should be stained with blood, then wonder where Vaggie’s suddenly conjured spear might have gone. What would have possessed Charlie to choose such a weapon.. an angelic spear? She didnt really want him dead, did she? She's emotional. And extreme. Like her father. You decide not to question it any further. It’s not like you were upset by the erasure of the previous night's events.
A day or two passed. Your mind seemed unwilling to accept the reality you're currently in. You're anxious, and paranoid to any sentence thrown your way. You're constantly looking around corners, checking all parts if your room before locking it for the night. Yet, if someone were to ask what was making you so nervous, you wouldn’t have an answer.
You found yourself taking those little strolls often, though. Keeping your body in motion, with only the sounds of your breathing keeping you company, seemed to clear your mind. It never helped come to terms with any seething pain you felt, but it cleared your mind at the least.
You'd pieced together a few things in the meantime. After passing the bar, where Angel and Husk were chatting, they would smile and wave, ask you join them form a drink, but you’d decline. Neither of them seemed to know about anything. Maybe Niffty cleaned the mess. Maybe Alastor asked her to. Before anyone could see the outcome of his mistakes.
You passed Vaggie in a hall, and she immediately looked concerned. She opened her mouth, an Are you okay? sits on the tip of her tongue. But then she looked at you. Your body only mirrored the fog of your mind, baggy eyed and wrapped in some blanket as you roamed the halls like a damned ghost.
“Hey, um- it's.. it's gonna be-" you held your hand up to her.
“I know. Thank you.” You smile, the action stiff, considering you hadn't used those muscles in awhile. Vaggie knew. That was fair, though. You were glad Charlie had someone to confide with. You walked on after she gave a hesitant goodbye wave.
One night, when your body had taken over and you were wandering aimlessly, you realized where you ended up. Not only were you standing in front of Lucifer's workshop, he had already spotted you through the window on the door. He opened it before you could fully take in your surroundings.
“Hey..” You let out softly. What else are you supposed to say? You didn’t come prepared. You feel embarrassed standing in front of him, realizing how much of a mess you must look. You're not even sure what part of your mind made you end up here.
He doesn't respond at first, another speechless moment letting your mind wander. He opens the door more, offering his space to you. You look at him and he smiles before you shuffle inside. You take in the sight. You haven't actually seen it, considering your circumstances after the hotel was renovated.
“It looks nice in here.” You say quietly, your voice cracking just a bit. You walk through, tracing your fingers along desks and tables, stopping and looking at family photos on occasion. You looked to Lucifer’s smiling face in a picture where he was lovingly holding his wife and daughter. How did you end up like this?
“Oh- um.. thank you, it's more than enough space for me, but, uh.. it's nice.” His voice sounds unfamiliar as it snaps you from your mindset. He moves to his main bench, which is slightly elevated by a platform that connects to the windowed wall. You eventually make your way around, standing near him.
“Are.. you… How are you..?” You listen to him struggle to form such a simple question, and yet you have an equally hard time trying to respond. Obviously, you were crushed. devastated by the betrayal and overwhelmed by everything else.
“I'm okay.” You reply thoughtlessly. It was your go-to answer. You hear a muffled chuckle and look over to him. He's blocking the laughter with his fist in front of his lips. Is he laughing at you?
“Sorry sorry, I just.. know that you're lying. You've done this before, don't forget how much time I've actually spent with you.” You want to scold him for acting so bold, for saying he knows you better than yourself, but..
You're leaning against the table in one moment, and before you know it, you're hoisted to sit on its top. You felt like a relief you didn't realize. Your feet were aching. How long were you walking the in the halls today? The sensation of his hands planted on your waist. to steadily bring you to the counter, lingered after he had removed them.
“I used to see you wandering around back home- at the mansion, I mean. usually after a tough day. But it's been a few days, so I just thought you might be-”
“Why are you so calm?” Your sudden question made him visibly finch. "You were tricked, too, you know. He tore us apart. How can you be handling this so well?” Your voice starts to turn agitated. You weren't sure why you were taking it out on himm, but you both knew in the moment that this was the first time you’ve let any emotion out since the fight.
“It's like some.. malevolent force is constantly tearing us apart. One moment I'm happy, I'm in love, I'm smiling- then the next, you're just gone. and everything else that keeps me sane goes with it.” You feel a flood of tears beginning to well. Tears that you should've been letting out days ago. “Is this some kind of fucking curse? Why can’t things just be easy..? A-Are we just doomed?” You're wiping your face clear, your words becoming sloppy and hoarse.
“Maybe.” Your head lifts to see him, still calm as before, but with a solemn look on his face. “But, we keep finding eachother, right? And all the good times.. they'll stay good, won’t they?” You nod your head reluctantly.
He approaches you, with a hand on your shoulder, he's wiping away tears with the other.
“Honestly? I'm not handling this well at all. You're right, the universe has done nothing but tear us apart and hurt both of us. And I’m just about ready to tear Alastor limb by limb. I want Charlie to be okay.. I want to keep you by my side and never let you out of my sight this time.” You see his emotions range throughout his words, his eyes flashing red for a moment. He calms himself down, running his hand down your arm to hold your hand. You don't resist.
“But, you made some good points back there. And I just thought.. if you're strong enough to let that prick live, after everything, then.. Maybe I-I.. I'm trying to be strong.” He sounds almost embarrassed to admit it, and the comment on your strength leaves you a bit red in the cheeks. “You've always been so strong, darling. I just wish you'd tell me how you're really feeling.. I miss talking to you. Not this.. empty shell.” His words stung and he knew it as soon as they slipped from his lips.
“W-wait, no, I mean..”
“It’s fine, you're not wrong.. Jerk.” You share a little laugh with him, the mood lightening for just a moment. “Lucifer, I'm.. I'm so tired.” You let out weakly. That barely scratches the surface of everything. It's as if your mind was boiling over, with all the thoughts of Alastor turning sour, and the thoughts of redemption suddenly in question, not to mention all those feelings of Lucifer that were repressed until just recently. You want Charlie to be okay. You want things to be normal, but.. you're not quite sure what normal looks like. You wish you could say all this to him.. it’s hard to put it to words. But you're trying. He makes you want to try harder.
You feel a gentle hand holding your cheek, bringing your blurred thoughts to clarity and meeting eyes that left you breathless. When was the last time you've looked in his eyes? A blush forms across his cheeks, your gaze seems to fluster him. He clears his throat, getting his mind back.
“You're not okay. But.. You will be. I promise.” With a wry smile, you let the weight of your head fall into his palm.
Your eyes meet. He leans in and you feel his arms snake around yout waist. Looking back, you're almost embarrassed by the way you leaned towards him, eyes shut, head tilted, your lips just slightly parted. You were startled by the feeling of his head resting on your shoulder. He only pulls you closer after he feels your breath start to deepen, his hands gentle across your back. You finally return his touch, digging your nose into the crook of his neck and gripping tightly at his shirt.
It used to feel like, if you let go, you'll never hold him again. God, how the possibility scares you. But.. it feels a little different this time. You weren’t worried about him disappearing, this time.
You’re so comforted by his presence, you let yourself fully relax to him. You open your eyes just slightly, blinking out some tears that still remained, thoroughly ruining his top. You pull away, meeting his eyes again.
You feel as if you were close to forgetting this side of him, but you recognize this face. You saw it the night you first kissed him. You saw it after seeing him at the hotel for the first time, then when he decided to sweep you off your feet for a little date. You saw it after every little date that followed. You realize he's never stopped looking at you this way.
“I love you, too.”
I had to put that worship the devil in there it just made me laugh so sorry if that seemed out of place lol
And not to fear my friends,
I plan on making a little epilogue about how everyone's recovering, and some sweet, yummy, fluffy goodness to top it off.
Again, Thank you all so much for your support! :)
I'll be working on some requests next, and some more vamp Luci! Kind of in love with that guy ngl
Taglist! (good lord I hope I got everybody )
( @vififofum / @thornwolfy235 / @tinywolfiegirl / @chipper-chip / @bat-boness
@misfitgirlwrites / @nayomi247 / @lonelynmisunderstood / @escapistoftherealworld / @b4ts1e / @hamthepan / @kyo-kyo1 / @looking1016 / @polytheatrix / @littledolly2345 / @lillianastuff / @yourlocalcryptidbee /@0strawberrysorbet0 / @themageofblood / @jayyyayaysblog / @floralsightings / @azmosposts / @8har0ley8 / @actuallyspiderwoman / @sirenetheblogger / @christineblood / @kaytemchugh / @cimadreamer / @simpdevil66 / @azmosposts / @m3ow1 / @acrazyartist / @redfoxwritesstuff / @4k1to / @meesachan / @corvusskid / @alientee /@xx-spooky-little-vampire-xx / @alon3lylov3r /@sapphireravensworld / @mjmdragons / @catticora / @the-maladaptivedaydreamer / @carrie0-1 / @shamblezzz / @cassandras-nest / @wendigonamecaller / @chirimeimei / @sapphireravensworld / @sillywormtrixareforkids
150 notes · View notes
scoonsalicious · 6 months
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Chapter 6, Unattached - Pt. 1
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Avenger!Fem!Reader
Summary: When your FWB relationship with your best friend Bucky Barnes turns into something more, you couldn’t be happier. That is, however, until a new Avenger sets her sights on your super soldier and he inadvertently breaks your heart. You take on a mission you might not be prepared for to put some distance between the two of you and open yourself up to past traumas. Too bad the only one who can help you heal is the one person you can no longer trust.
Warnings: (For this part only; see Story Masterlist for general Warnings) Language, angst (Bring on the Pain!), alcohol usage, dumbass Bucky, noncon kissing that becomes con kissing, so..., arguing, jealous!Pocket, posessive!Bucky.
Word Count: 5.4k
Previously On...: After Bucky left you alone in your room, not wanting people to get 'the wrong idea' about the two of you, you came to the horrible conclusion that you were in love with your best friend. What the hell are you going to do about that?
A/N: Wow, okay! So, first off, Chapter 6 is long, and it only has the one part, so don't worry if you go looking for more and the next thing you find is Chapter 7! Second, there's a lot of progress and updates on Unwanted I wanted to share! I am already well into writing Chapter 14, and have planned out the rest of the story. We'll have a total of 25 chapters, plus an epilogue (unless something strikes me creatively that throws the entire thing for a loop, then all bets are off). This beast, as it currently sits, is already 208 Google Docs pages long and just shy of 80k words, so final product is probably going to be novel-length, which just blows my mind. I want to give a special shout out to @mrsbuckybarnes1917 for being my beta and my sounding board; your help and support has been immeasurable!
Thank you to all those who have been reading; if you like what you've read, likes, comments, and reblogs give me life, and I truly appreciate them, and you!
Banner By: The absolutely amazing @mrsbuckybarnes1917
Taglist: (Please let me know if you’d like to be added!) @jmeelee @cazellen @blackhawkfanatic @les-sel @marcswife21 @buckybarnessimpp @mrsbuckybarnes1917 @erelierraceala @hayjat @capswife @itsteambarnes @jupiter-107 @marygoddessofmischief
You stood in front of the doors to the common room, the low thrum of conversation and music filtering out from inside. Taking a deep breath, you tried for the umpteenth time to calm your nerves following your unsettling realization.
You had no idea how to approach this, how to approach Bucky. Do you tell him how you felt, in the hope that he felt the same way? But what if he didn't? Could you risk losing him all together? Or do you just keep on like nothing's changed, happy with what you have together? Would that be enough for you? Could you even be happy in a real relationship?
Why couldn't your mother have just been a decent human being and let you go to school like a normal child so you could have worked through all your awkward issues at the appropriate time, instead of saddling you with years of trauma and isolation that left you an emotionally stunted adult? God, you needed a strong drink and to talk to Nat, preferably in that order. Pushing open the common room door, you stepped inside, surveying the room with one eye out for Bucky, the other out for your friend.
It should have been of no surprise, then, that instead of either, you first spotted Jade Carthage. She was situated on a couch in the center of the room, like a queen on her throne before her court, and nearly every Avenger and agent with a penis was surrounding her, jockeying for her attention, even Clint who, you knew for a fact, loved his wife Laura more than life itself.
Your stomach dropped when, after one of the agents in front of the couch shifted slightly, you saw Bucky sitting immediately to Jade's left. And while it seemed like everyone else was clamoring for Jade to pay attention to them, she only had eyes for him. Jealousy coursed through you as she leaned in close, whispering something into his ear that had him throwing his head back in laughter. It was an entirely unpleasant sensation that you would be happy to never feel again. Especially because you knew you had no real right to feel it in the first place. You may have just realized you were in love with him, but he had made no similar declaration to you.
"Careful, you glare any harder, you're liable to bore a hole straight through him," Natasha said, coming up alongside of you.
"What if I aim for her, instead?" you asked, reaching for the tumbler of alcohol she offered you and taking a sip to distract yourself. It was like she could read your mind.
Nat shrugged. "So long as I'm not the one cleaning up the mess, I say have fun. But what happened to no-strings-attached, friends who happen to fuck?" Nat asked with a smirk. "Don't tell me you've grown strings, Pocket."
You looked away from the scene in front of you. "There might be some growing of string, in theory," you mumbled to her. Nat was the only person you had confided in regarding your arrangement with Bucky. Of course, your friend had been thrilled that there had been something going on between the two of you, but she'd been more concerned about protecting your heart-- was this the safest thing for you to do? You assured her at the time you'd be fine, but now...?
Nat's eyes widened as a grin took over her face. "Honey, that's fantastic!" She leaned in to give you a hug. "I'm so happy for you!" Taking in your forlorn expression, she quickly lost her good humor. "Why do you look like you're about to throw up?"
You cast another glance over at the couch. Jade was tracing her fingers along the golden veins of Bucky's vibranium arm and you felt like snakes were crawling through your stomach. "Because I don't know what the fuck to do about it, Natty," you told her with a sigh. "I've never felt like this before in my entire life and it's fucking terrifying; what if he doesn't feel the same way? Or worse, what if he does and I mess everything up because I'm so fucking damaged inside?"
Natasha looped her arm through yours, leaning into you. "Honey, first of all, you are not damaged. You've been through hell and it left its mark on you, that's true, but you've been so strong. We're House Martell, remember?"
You sniggered, remembering how, when the entire Tower was obsessed with watching Game of Thrones together and picking what houses you'd each belong to, you and Nat had been drawn to the words of the ruling house of Dorne. And also, Pedro Pascal, obviously.
"Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken," you recited from memory, a reminder that despite the obstacles life had thrown at you, you remained standing, stronger for what you had endured.
"Atta girl," Nat nudged you with her elbow. "And second of all, you don't need to worry about Bucky's feelings. Boy's obviously mad for you. Everyone can see it."
You drew your bottom lip in between your teeth. "I don't know, Nat. He's been acting strange lately. I tried to give him head earlier and he flat out rejected it." Come to think of it, that was exceptionally weird since, in your text exchange, he'd explicitly told you he'd been waiting in your room specifically for the purpose of getting off.
"Huh. That's... not like him." Nat tilted her head and looked over at Bucky, expression curious. "Did he say why?"
"He was real eager to come up here and get in the middle of that, apparently." You waved a hand in the general direction of the couch where Jade's little reverse-harem was still going strong. "I was getting on my knees and everything."
Nat raised an eyebrow but didn't say anything.
"And then he made a really big deal about us coming up here separately. Said he didn't want people getting 'the wrong idea' about us if we arrived together."
Letting go of your arm, Natasha spun to face you, her face a mask of anger. "He said what now?!" she practically shouted, temporarily drawing everyone's attention to you. You looked around sheepishly as you tried to dismiss their stares.
"Nat," you begged in a whisper, "keep it down."
"Okay, okay, sorry." Natasha lowered her voice to a level only you could hear. "I'm sorry, but that's just complete and utter bullshit. Look, I know you guys think you've been in super secret stealth mode about hiding it, but pretty much everyone on the team knows you've been sleeping together. Hell, most of us placed bets on it." You opened your mouth in order to protest but she cut you off.
"If anything, it's weirder if the two of you don't show up to something together, so I don't know what the hell he's thinking."
"I do," you said morosely. "He doesn't want her getting the wrong idea about us."
"Pocket, don't even let your mind go there," Nat said.
"Think about it, Nat; I've been standing here for what, fifteen minutes now? And he hasn't even looked at me. When's the last time that happened?"
Nat's brows creased, her expression clouding over into something immensely sad for you, and you knew she was realizing what you'd already seen. In the last year, you and Bucky had been attached at the hip, nearly physically joined to one another, and if you were apart, your eyes were always scanning the room in search of the other's presence, seeking them out. The fact that he hadn't even looked for you, let alone come to you since you walked in, was telling in its own heartbreaking way.
Nat let out a heavy sigh. "Oh Pocket. Honey, I'm so sorry."
You shook your head, trying to dispel the tears that were threatening to fall from your eyes if you kept down this path. "Don't Natty, please. I can't fall apart, not here."
"Yeah, okay-- you're right. Now is not the time. Come on." Linking her arm through yours once again, she directed you toward the bar where Tony was standing, whiskey in hand. "If anyone can talk you to distraction," she murmured as you approached him, "it's Stark."
You let out a startled laugh and let her guide you toward the man who had already saved you more times than you could count.
"Hey, kiddo; Romanoff." Tony saluted you with his glass and you did your best to smile back at him as you stuffed your emotions down as far as they would go. "What do you think of our new recruit?" he asked Nat.
"I think 'Weasel' would be a better fitting code name for her than 'Vixen,'" Nat replied with a sly smile as she took a sip of wine.
"Ah, saw the security feed, did you?" Tony asked her. Nat nodded.
"Watched it live as it happened. Wasn't going to leave my bestie without eyes on her six." She gave your arm an affectionate squeeze.
Tony hummed and glanced over to the couch. "Wish Cap had been as discerning as you. He refused to watch the feed; said it made him uncomfortable to spy on someone when they didn't know they were being recorded." Natasha rolled her eyes.
"Always the fucking Boy Scout," she murmured.
"So, how did the interview itself go?" you asked Tony, not really sure you wanted to know the answer, but feeling the need to punish yourself with the details, anyway.
Tony leaned back against the bar, resting his elbows on the polished wooden surface. "If it were up to me, we wouldn't even be playing this charade right now," he said, motioning with his chin to indicate the meet and greet. "Girl's a first-class bullshitter."
"Talent recognizing talent?" you asked with a wry smile that almost felt genuine.
He pointed a finger and winked at you. "Exactly. She talked a good talk, but it doesn't take much to see she's suffering from Big Fish, Small Pond Syndrome. She's in for a rude awakening if she thinks she's ready to swim in the ocean with the whales and the sharks."
"So, you're not going to offer her the probationary position?" you asked, hope rising pathetically in your chest. As if you could un-ring the bell.
"Oh, I didn't say that," Tony said as you deflated. "It's not all up to me. Though, given the fact that I personally fund this entire operation, you'd think it really should be, right?" At the look on your face he moved on. "Apologies, I digress. Anyway, Cap thinks it's only fair we offer it to her, seeing as how we don't have a ton of other options knocking on our door, and Fury's not going to get off my ass until we find someone." He sighed. "I think this entire exercise is a waste of time, and we should be kicking her out on her ass for how she treated you earlier, Pocket, but I'm outvoted."
"Thanks, Boss," you said softly, grateful at least that Tony could see through Jade's facade and took how she treated you seriously. Too bad your best friend couldn't offer you the same courtesy.
The timer on Tony's watch went off. "And that's the dinner bell," he said, putting down his glass. Clapping his hands, he called out to the rest of the room. "Attention Avengers, SHIELD Agents, and... whoever else managed to sneak in off the street! Dinner is served, so if we could all head to the dining room before the food gets cold and Raul quits on me, I'd appreciate it very much."
You held back as the crowd of people noisily moved to the dining room, hoping to catch Bucky's eye, but he remained steadfastly absorbed in his conversation with Jade.
"Come on, honey," Nat said as she took your elbow. "You can talk to him during dinner. You nodded and allowed her to lead you into the dining room. You and Bucky had sat next to one another, without fail, for every meal for the last year, the only exception being when one of you was away on a mission. You'd have plenty of opportunities to talk to him while you ate.
Normally, you all ate at one large table, but since this was a special occasion that required the attendance of a lot more than just the regular 13 members of your family (14, if Parker was around), Tony had the dining room arranged more like a restaurant, with a series of smaller tables spread out throughout the space.
You and Nat followed Bucky and Jade to a six-top where Steve and Sam were already getting ready to sit down, but you froze in your tracks when Bucky pulled back a chair for Jade, pushing it in behind her as she sat down before taking the seat next to her.
The air seemed to grow heavy, as though it weighed too much for you to draw it into your lungs and your chest began to hurt. How could such a simple action be causing you so much physical pain?
Steve, who had already been sitting at Bucky's other side at the head of the table, caught your eye and moved to get up to offer you his chair, instead, as though that could make up for Bucky's dismissal of you.
You subtly shook your head, not wanting to draw attention to the awkward situation you found yourself in. Instead, you made your way over to the only two remaining seats at the table: the one next to Sam that was directly across from Jade and Bucky or the one next to Jade at the opposite end of the table from Steve. Deciding it was better to be sitting across from Steve than either of the other two, you opted for the chair at the end, and Nat slid in next to Sam.
You cast a quick glance in Jade's direction and had to stifle a sick laugh-- she was physically coming between you and Bucky, quite literally.
Jade reached a hand out to Nat across the table. "Wow! Black Widow! It is so great to meet you! My name's Vixen; I'm a huge fan! I'm so excited for us to be working together!"
Bless Nat, she just stared at the girl with arms crossed across her chest, impassive and judging, until Jade slowly and awkwardly pulled her hand back.
"I take it, then, that you've deemed the Avengers good enough to be your backup team?" Nat asked without expression.
You did your best to cover the laughter that escaped from you with a fake cough, but you didn't try very hard to be convincing.
"What's this about, now?" Steve asked, leaning forward.
"Little Vixen over here," Nat began, leaning back in her chair until she was perched on the two rear legs, "was live-streaming this morning to her social media followers. Told them it wasn't so much that the Avengers were interviewing her to see if she'd be good for the team, but she was interviewing us to see if we'd be good back up for her."
Jade had the decency to look embarrassed for a moment before she turned to face you for the first time, anger taking over her features. "So, what? Didn't much take you for a tattler. You that intimidated by me?"
You opened your mouth to defend yourself but were interrupted by the sound of the legs of Nat's chair slamming back against the floor. "Pocket didn't tell me shit. I heard it straight from your mouth on the security feed. That and a lot of other interesting things."
"You're spying on her, Nat? Really?" Bucky spoke up. "She's our guest and she deserves a modicum of privacy, don't you think?" You stared at him, open mouthed, but he didn't spare you a glance.
"It was a part of her interview, Barnes," Nat spat. "Maybe if you---"
"Okay, Nat, Bucky," Steve said, using his official Captain America voice, "let's table this conversation for later and just enjoy our meal. Raul worked really hard on tonight's menu, so let's not spoil it for him, alright?"
Both Nat and Bucky grumbled their agreement as the catering staff brought out the first course and placed them on each of your plates. Normally, you loved when Raul, Tony's personal chef, cooked meals for the team; he always made sure to throw in something with lemon in it, knowing how much you loved the flavor; but tonight, your appetite was failing you and you ended up pushing more food around on your plate than you put in your mouth.
You couldn't help but steal glances over at Bucky, who continued to be wrapped in conversation with Jade. You tried to keep up with what the others were saying, occasionally nodding your head in agreement to something, but you weren't able to pay any real attention; your mind was elsewhere until you noticed Jade looking at you.
"You know, I have to say I'm surprised to see so many non-Avengers here. I got the impression that this group was... I dunno, elite? But it seems like you just let anyone in."
Steve laughed from the other end of the table. "Being an Avenger is a team effort, Vixen. Everyone plays their part. And besides, Pocket here's just as much an Avenger as I am." The comment took you by surprise, and you gave Steve a warm, appreciative smile.
"Thanks, Cap," you said, truly touched by his words.
"Well, she's more like Avenger-adjacent," Bucky amended, and all the warmth you'd felt at Steve's compliment vanished in an instant, leaving you feeling cold and hollow. The words shouldn't have stung-- it was how you had referred to yourself hundreds of times, but you tended to reserve it for your low moments, when you were feeling unequal to Earth's mightiest heroes. Hearing the words come out of Bucky's mouth, as if he, too, shared in your belief that you were inferior to the rest of them... well, that fucking hurt.
Steve let out a surprised laugh and clapped Bucky on the shoulder. "Pocket may not have enhanced physical abilities or powers or what have you, but she's got a brilliant mind. She's got a PhD in Mechanical Engineering and Computation from MIT, three Master's degrees, she speaks seven languages, she's got a black belt in Krav Maga, and she was the youngest Chief Technology Officer in Stark Industries history; all without ever having formally graduating high school. It's no exaggeration for me to say that I'd be dead a couple of dozen times over if I hadn't had her at my six. If anything, I think it makes her even more important than the rest of us. We're here because of the physical things we can do– primarily because of things that happened to us by accident; Pocket's essential to the team because of how she thinks, and the strength and quality of the work she’s willing to put in. We're replaceable, Pocket's one-of-a-kind."
You looked at Steve as if seeing him for the very first time. You had no idea he thought so highly of you, and his praise warmed you. You offered him a soft smile, your throat tightening with emotion and leaving you unable to express your gratitude. You mouthed a silent thank you instead, hoping that conveyed how much his words meant to you. He winked back at you in acknowledgement.
Bucky glanced back and forth between the two of you, as if analyzing your silent exchange. He coughed awkwardly. "I just meant that we try to keep Pocket away from the really dangerous stuff," he backpedaled, poorly, in your opinion. "Can't risk her getting hurt." He smiled at you, but you just stared back, expression blank, until he looked away in embarrassment. Good. Let him feel an ounce of the discomfort you’d been feeling this entire time.
Small talk resumed around the table, with Sam telling Steve about some new modification he was making to Redwing, and Bucky and Jade back to being locked in their own bubble. You did your best to ignore the little glances and gestures that Jade directed to Bucky, but it felt like your eyes were drawn to them like a magnet every time she touched him. Which seemed to be happening more and more frequently. You couldn't help but notice the way he leaned toward her when she spoke. Did he ever do that when he was talking with you?
"So, Bucky," Jade said eventually, her voice low and flirty as the caterers took away the main course, "handsome super hero like you, you seeing anyone?" Your eyes snapped up to Bucky's face, watching him. Surely he was going to look to you, make eye contact, something to acknowledge what was between you, to make you feel like you were in the same room, hell, on the same fucking planet as him. But he didn't.
"Nope," he said, running his hand over the back of his neck like he always did when he was feeling self conscious or nervous. "Not seeing anyone, though I'm not opposed to the idea." You had been stabbed in the abdomen on a mission once, and that had hurt less than hearing the words that had just come out of Bucky's mouth. It took everything in you to resist getting up from the table and leaving the room at that moment.
"Really, man?" Sam asked from where he sat on the other side of Natasha, his voice hard in disbelief. The atmosphere at your table had shifted. Natasha, Steve, and Sam all stared at Bucky with looks ranging from incredulity to flat out disgust. Bucky either was oblivious to the stares or was doing a great job patently ignoring them.
You couldn't even bring yourself to look at him anymore. It felt like a betrayal, the way his eyes had met Jade's and not yours. How could he sit there and just completely deny you like that? Had you been deluding yourself? Had you just been some kind of fuck toy this entire time?
The caterers brought the next course, a cold raspberry soup. You sat there, staring into space as you mechanically spooned the soup into your mouth, trying your hardest to appreciate the taste, but everything seemed bitter in light of Bucky's attitude, actions, and words.
"Could you hand me the water carafe?" Bucky asked. You looked up to watch Jade hand him the bottle of water. "Thanks, doll," he said, smiling at her.
You dropped your spoon, letting it fall into your nearly empty bowl with a reverberating clang. Your companions at the table stared, eyes wide as their gazes traveled between you and Bucky. In his entire time at the tower, he had never once called another woman 'doll.' It was a moniker he'd specifically reserved for you.
Or, it used to be.
You could tell the exact moment when Bucky realized he'd fucked up. His eyes locked on yours, the color draining from his face. He opened his mouth as if he was going to speak to you, but you'd had enough. Without a word, you pushed back your chair with enough force that it practically tipped over and exited the dining room.
You made it all the way to the elevator before you heard him calling for you.
"Doll! Doll, where are you?" You stabbed repeatedly at the call button, as if it would bring the car to you faster. You could hear his footsteps drawing closer, and you really didn't want to talk to him right now.
Finally, the elevator doors opened and you slid inside, turning to press the 'Close Door' button just as you saw Bucky turn the corner to the elevator bay. You were ready to breathe a sigh of relief at evading him until Bucky's metal hand shot in the diminishing space between the closing doors. You were trapped.
"Doll, didn't you hear me callin' to you?" he asked as he slid into the car with you.
You looked around, as if searching for another person in the car. "I'm sorry, were you talking to me? Should probably be more specific with your pet names, then. A girl’s liable to get confused." You were impressed that the words came out as hard and bitter as you felt inside.
Bucky flinched. "I deserved that."
You leaned forward to press the button for your floor before crossing your arms and glaring at him. "You fucking think?"
"Look, it just slipped out, okay? I didn't mean anything by it. It's not a big thing you needed to storm out over." You rolled your eyes at him, disgusted that that was the only thing he seemed to realize he'd done to offend you all evening. "Pocket, can we just talk about this?"
"Oh, now you want to talk to me?" you asked, jutting out your hip in annoyance. "Seemed like earlier today, you couldn't wait to not be seen with me, or do you no longer care if people get the wrong idea?"
"Alright," Bucky said, slamming his fist against the elevator's emergency stop button. You stumbled as the car came to a grinding halt. Bucky tried to put his hands on you to steady you, but you pushed him away. "What is going on with you today, Pocket?"
"What's going on with me?" you asked him, incredulous. "What's going on with you? You've been an ass to me all night, that is when you weren't acting like I didn't exist."
"How am I being an ass?" he asked, voice rising. "You're the one who couldn't even hold a civil conversation with our guest! It was embarrassing!" You recoiled as if he'd slapped you, backing away from him until your back hit the elevator wall.
"Wow. Okay then." You blinked heavily, telling yourself not to cry. You'd be damned if you showed weakness in front of him now. Bury the emotions, encase them in ice. "Sorry I'm such a fucking embarrassment to you, Sergeant Barnes. Now that I know how you feel, I'll make sure to stay out of your way so you don't have to put up with me." You moved to press the button to restart the elevator, but Bucky grabbed your wrist.
"Don't do this," he growled at you. "Don't hide behind snappy quips so you can shut down and avoid having a real conversation with me." You stared between his eyes and where he held your wrist in his metal grip. It wasn't tight enough to hurt, but it was tight enough to keep you from breaking free.
His gaze softened as he watched you. "I never said I was embarrassed of you, Pocket. I just don't know why you had to be so rude to Jade at dinner tonight."
"Name one thing I did that was rude to her," you challenged.
"Okay," Bucky stuck out a finger as though he were about to count off all your grievous errors. "Let's see... You said... No, that was Nat... You were... okay, Steve said that... You said... No, that was Nat again." He looked up at you sheepishly. "So, maybe you actually didn't say anything during dinner, but not talking to her was still rude."
You scoffed. "You want to talk rude and embarrassing, Bucky? Do you know how embarrassing it was to have everyone staring at me when you pulled out my chair for Jade, or when my own best friend didn't defend me when she had the audacity to call me a fucking tattler? Like I’m some kind of fucking child?" Your voice was rising and you could feel yourself getting swept up in your anger. "How about the pity looks I got when everyone heard you lie about not seeing anyone, or when you called her 'doll'? Or when you told her I was 'Avengers-adjacent'? You think I'm the embarrassing one? You made me feel like an insignificant piece of shit tonight, Barnes. God, if it hadn't been for Steve saying what he said, you would have driven me to tears."
Bucky had been staring down at his boots as you'd been speaking, as though your accusations were too much for him to face head-on, but at the mention of Steve's name, his head snapped up, blue eyes like ice on your face. "Well, if Steve's such a hero, why aren't you fucking him, then?" he asked, voice clipped and bitter.
You yanked your wrist free from his grasp. "Maybe I should start!" you shouted. "At least he's not embarrassed of me and doesn't forget I exist when another pair of tits shows up!"
Bucky's gaze darkened and in an instant, he was on you, caging your body against the elevator wall, a hand on either side of your head. "Don't you even fucking joke about that," he snarled.
You jutted out your chin, refusing to show any sign of weakness, though his actions were beginning to frighten you. "Who says I'm joking? Sounds like a good idea to me; thanks for suggesting it." You moved to duck under his arm, but he grabbed you by the shoulders, pinning you in place.
His breaths were coming hard and fast now, as though he'd just run a marathon. His gaze darted between your eyes and your lips, as though trying to make up his mind about something. In the next instant, his mouth was crashing down on yours, his tongue demanding entry.
You gasped at the sudden intrusion and Bucky took that as his invitation, deepening the kiss with a primal fervor. His hands gripped your waist, pulling you into him. For a moment, you were stunned, unsure of what was happening. But then instincts took over – he was kissing you, really kissing you. Your stomach fluttered and your heart hammered in your chest.
One of your hands ran through his hair, while the other gripped his shoulder for support. His hands had somehow migrated beneath your shirt, thumbs rubbing soothing circles into the bare skin at your sides. You returned his kiss with as much intensity as he gave. But then suddenly, as if waking from a dream, you remembered why you were angry with him. You pushed against his chest, breaking the kiss.
You were both panting, and despite your attempt to put distance between your bodies, Bucky leaned down, resting his forehead against yours as he fought to catch his breath. "Don't," he whispered hoarsely, his voice heavy with an emotion you couldn't quite place. "Don't sleep with Steve."
"You realize how incredibly infuriating you're being right now, don't you?" you asked. "You can't just treat me like that, ignore me all night in favor of someone else, then kiss me and try to tell me who I can or can't sleep with."
"I know, Sweetheart," he said, nuzzling your nose with his, "I know and I'm sorry, but please, promise me: no matter how angry you are with me, don't sleep with Steve. You wanna fuck someone else to piss me off? Go fuck Sam, Thor, Rhodes, hell, even Parker. I'll hate it, but if it's Steve, it'll fucking kill me."
"Your signals are all over the place tonight, Buck," you sighed, letting out an involuntary moan as his lips found the sweet spot on your neck and sucked at your skin. You had to pull away before he turned you into a babbling mess. "If you think you can just kiss me into oblivion and I'll forgive you for everything you've said and done tonight, you better think again, because that's not happening."
Bucky ran both his hands through his hair, sending it pointing every which way. Then he pressed the emergency stop button again, letting the elevator resume its journey. "I know I owe you an explanation, Pocket," he said. "So, can we go to your room and talk? No interruptions, no one else, just you and me, okay?"
You studied him, considering. A part of you was still so angry at him that you didn't want to hear him out, but the part of you that loved him hated the idea of leaving things in a bad place. In your line of work, you never knew when your next goodbye might be your last goodbye.
"Fine," you said, dropping your shoulders with a sigh. "We can talk, I'll hear you out, but I'm not promising forgiveness."
He smiled, his eyes bright once again. "That's all I ask, Sweets. That's all I ask."
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kquil · 1 year
request : ooh can i request a one-shot with sirius black doing the readers eyeliner please? <3 thank u so much baby xx —@corp0real
length : 0.5k
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“Need some help with that, darling?” Sirius asks from the doorway as he stares fondly at your figure perched at the vanity, trying to complete your makeup with some eyeliner. 
Instead of answering his question directly, you huff and puff out your cheeks as Sirius approaches with a chuckle, “I don’t want to ruin my makeup underneath…” 
He coos at your whining and gently takes your chin in between his thumb and pointer finger, “my poor baby,” he pouts, jutting his bottom lip out prompting you to playfully mirror his mock expression, which he laughs at and leans down to press a kiss against your lips. 
“W-wait, Siri!” you stop him with a hand to his chest, “my lipstick is gonna smear,”
Undeterred, Sirius redirects his path and presses a kiss to your neck instead, “Well, good thing I still have other options,” he smirks against your skin and begins peppering kisses up and down the column of your neck as a stray hand creeps up your thigh, waiting for you to push him away. 
“Sirius, my eyeliner!” you refocus his attention after lightly slapping his hand away and bring your eyeliner to his line of sight him, “help me, please,”
“N'importe quoi pour mon amour,” he whispers, sitting down and bringing your face closer as he goes about helping you. 
“Hmm? What was that darling?”
“Anything for my love,” he translates and resists the urge to kiss your smiling lips. For several minutes Sirius takes absolute care in accentuating your eyes with the perfect shape, width and length of liner. He’s become somewhat of an expert seeing as he loves doing these small little gestures for you. He’ll gift you flowers; tie up your hair with the spare hair ties he carries around on his wrists for you, disguised as bracelets; tie your shoelaces; style your hair; paint your nails and more. All those little things have become second nature to him so that you feel his love for you as naturally as the sun breaks the horizon every morning. 
After some time the delicate strokes of the liner against your skin fades away. Sirius then blows some air onto your closed eyelids to tell you he’s finished and awaits the unveiling of your beautiful eyes. 
“Si beau,” he awes when you finally open your eyes and blink at him, the liner adding to your features and arming your stare with the most lethal weapon to his heart, “comment ai-je pu avoir autant de chance?” he whispers, leaning in and tilting his head as if to kiss you, only to stop at the last minute when he remembers your earlier comment. He’s about to lean back when you meet him halfway and kiss his lips sweetly. He doesn’t complain and kisses back. He’s smirking when you pull away but he also raises a brow to ask: why the change of heart?
“You know I love it when you speak French to me,” you sigh and his smirk grows all the more mischievous but there is mutual love in both your eyes. 
“Alors je ne m'arrêterai jamais,”
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translations : (forgive me for any errors but i used google translate for all of these)
N'importe quoi pour mon amour : Anything for my love
Si beau : So beautiful
comment ai-je pu avoir autant de chance? : how did I get so lucky?
Alors je ne m'arrêterai jamais : Then I will never stop
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a/n : im not doing these requests in order as some need more time than others but again, i hope i did this cute scenario justice and that you darlings enjoyed the read! also! im taking full advantage of the fact that sirius can speak french! ugh! he's so... AHHHHHH! (⁄ ⁄>⁄ ▽ ⁄&lt;;⁄ ⁄)
taglist : @melinajenkins @astonishment @until-i-found-you @tiensmamains @celestcies @lovelydoveval @inlovewithremusjohnlupin @calums-betch @futurecorps3 @hihihi1112 @simpingforthe80s @yrluvjane @neeezza101 @rosaleenablack @samanddeansannoyingsis
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sleepyfan-blog · 5 months
Held Close
Author’s Note: This is set some time in Cedric’s future, after he’s found a human to bond to. 
Tagged: @egrets-not-regrets @kit-williams @bleedingichorhearts @the-pure-angel
Warnings: none
Summary: Cedric shares a gentle moment with his bonded.
You hear a knock on the door to your office before the door opens, revealing your Space Marine. Unlike most, Cedric rarely wears armor, preferring to wear scrubs when on duty, or casual Astartes sized clothing when off-duty. If you remembered correctly, today was one of the days that he works in one of the free health care clinics that the Space Marines offer to those who need it - be they marines or normal humans, like yourself. "How was your day today?" You ask as you turn, smiling warmly up at him.
The calm look on his face crumples into distress as he swiftly closes the distance between the two of you, pressing his face into your stomach, his shoulders shaking a little. You can feel his tears begin to soak through your shirt. "Bad." Is the only verbal response you get from him.
"Oh.... Oh honey... You're alright... You're okay, love. I'm safe. You're safe." You murmur soothingly, one of your hands coming up to run your fingers through his hair as you press a loving kiss to the crown of his head. Your other hand begins to rub circles into his back. Part of you wants to ask what has upset him so much, but considering how tightly he's holding onto you (You can breathe, but only just) and how much he's trembling... You're not sure that he's going to be able to tell you what's upset him so much, until after he's calmed down.
You continue to run your fingers through his short, silvery blond hair, and press kisses to what you can reach of his forehead, beaming when you hear a weak and watery purr rumbling in Cedric's chest. He's always been a quiet purrer, as if he's worried that being too loud will attract the Wrong sort of attention. 
"*Danke Schon, liebling." He manages out, several minutes later, face still buried in your belly, though his purring has steadied, and his grip on you, though still tight, isn't nearly as desperate. "**Ich liebe dich, meine kliene Biene." He shifts so that he's sitting down comfortably, and rests his head on your shoulder, still taller than you, despite the fact that he's on the ground and you're sitting in a chair. 
You smile again and press a gentle kiss to the tip of his nose, and on each of the freckles on his face that you can easily reach, murmuring between each kiss "I love you too, Cedric. Now and for always."
His freckles stand out more as he blushes, and he turns his head a little, to catch your lips with his. The kiss is gentle and lingers, as Cedric's purr gets a little bit louder.
You carefully telegraph moving one of your hands up to his face, gently wiping the tears from his eyes when the two of you pull away from each other for air. 
His smile in response causes your heart to soar, and he brings one of his large hands to gently tuck a wayward strand of hair out of your face.
You kiss his fingertips, as his hand retreats, before going in for another proper kiss.
*Thank you, darling
**I love you, my little bee (Biene is - according to google - a loving pet name in German and the black templars have been assigned as space Germans by the fandom)
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player1064 · 2 months
I was watching the Man utd pre season games and while reading about your need of prompts thought about present Jamie finding out about the short but passionate affair Gary and Ruud had in their time and getting jealous while he and Gary have to interview Ruud for some reason and he's like "first Beckham now this guy"
I dont know how i want Gary to act maybe a little clueless? 🤔
ooohhhhhhh anon I am SUCH a sucker for gary/ruud AND for the idea of jamie being jealous over gary/ruud thank yoooouuuuuuuu
“You’re lookin’ well, Ruud, are you well? I like the glasses, d’you have to wear them all the time now – I’m meant to wear mine but they’re just so annoying, d’you get that too? The perils of getting older, eh? And ooh, how’re you settlin’ back in to Manchester? Have you brought your family over yet or did you want to get everythin’ set up first? Y’should let me take you all out to dinner, welcome you back to the city. The new restaurant at my hotel is unbelievable, I swear, I’m eatin’ there like twice a week.”
Jamie’s trailing along behind Gary and Ruud as they walk towards the main building at Carrington. Ruud had been waiting for them in the car park when they’d arrived and Gary has yet to let him get a word in edgeways, so there’s definitely no hope for Jamie. Instead, he watches as Gary buzzes around excitedly next to Ruud, at Ruud’s fond little smirk as he lets him natter away.
Gary eventually has to pause for breath, and Ruud cuts him off with a soft “Gaz.”
“Oh my God,” he says, his cheeks flushing a light pink, “I’ve been goin’ a hundred miles an hour, haven’t I? Sorry love, just feels like forever since – what, Carra?”
He’s turned back to shoot an annoyed look at Jamie, who’s now trying to keep himself from choking on the piece of gum he’d been chewing before Gary had gone and said –
“Sorry,” he says, coughing into his hand one more time just to be safe, “d’you just call him love?”
Gary sputters a bit, his blush deepening as he struggles to think of an answer, but Ruud just rolls his eyes with a shrug and says “what’s it matter?” He nudges Gary in the shoulder, which seems to bring him back to himself enough to jerk his head around and blink forcefully a few times. “Gaz, what time were we meant to go get mic’ed up? I don’t wanna be late to my first interview as United’s assistant manager.”
Jamie is left with too much time to think between getting his makeup done and when they’re actually due to start shooting, so he lets his curiosity get the better of him and gets his phone out to send a text to Scholes.
> So what’s the deal with Gary and Ruud?
Maybe the fact that he has the phone numbers for most of Gary’s little gang of Mancs is a sign that he’s been hanging around him far too much for far too long, but Scholesy’s reply comes quick enough that he doesn’t have to feel weird about it for too long.
>> Fuck off.
He figures he won’t get much cooperation from any of the rest of them either, so he opens up his whatsapp chat with Wayne and writes:
> Gaz and Ruud?
Again, because apparently managing Plymouth Argyle doesn’t require a lot of Wayne’s attention, Jamie gets another instant reply.
>> is gaz simping
Jamie takes a second to google what the hell ‘simping’ means, then he responds:
> Called him ‘love’ – weird, right?
>> cringe but not as bad as when he used to call him sexy >> oooo hi sexy score a goal for me today etc.
Jamie decides that this is more information than he ever needed to know, and turns his phone off before he has to read any more.
They sit in the coaches’ lounge area after the interview drinking tea, Jamie sat in an armchair while Gary and Ruud are squashed up next to each other on the one tiny sofa, Ruud’s arm slung across the back of it. Which is fine.
They’re chatting effortlessly, catching each other up on the lives of their old teammates, their families, their training regimes (because it’s Gary, of course he asks Ruud if he’s been working out, he does that with everyone he meets). Jamie may as well not be there for all he’s contributing to the conversation, has taken to scrolling on his phone and silently fuming while Ruud leans into Gary’s space for the millionth time that afternoon to mutter something in his ear, while Gary does that hiccupping little giggle of his, covering his mouth like a schoolgirl.
Ruud’s not even that good looking, Jamie finds himself thinking. He’s just tall.
Gary likes tall, though, a fact of which Jamie is harshly reminded when they go to say goodbye and he has to watch as Gary gets up on his tip-toes so that he can loop his arms ‘round Ruud’s neck in a hug. He blushes and ducks his head away when Ruud kisses him on the cheek, scratches the back of his head awkwardly as he walks past Jamie back towards the car.
They sit in silence for a few minutes as the driver pulls away from the training ground, Gary looking steadfastly out of the window on his side while Jamie stares ahead, trying to work out what he can say that’s light-hearted enough that Gary can brush it off as a joke if he wants but serious enough that he might give him a real answer.
Once they’ve started down the motorway, he settles on: “You this friendly with all your exes, then?”
Gary whips his head around to look at him, panicked eyes. The look is only there for a second, though, before he smirks and says, “sounding very confident there, Carra, for someone talking out of his arse.”
Jamie shrugs it off. “I was just thinkin’ – you were like that with Beckham, too. All giggly and handsy, like. And I thought it was weird, but you are weird about him so I left it alone. But I never thought that Ruud –”
“— it’s not the same. Becks and Ruud, it’s not the same. Don’t say that like it is.”
“But you and Ruud…”
Gary looks down at his hands. “For a bit, yeah. Nothin’ serious to be fair, ‘cause I was – well. You know.”
Jamie reckons he does know, but he’d still like to hear Gary say it.
Fat chance.
“I liked him, though,” Gary adds, fidgeting. “Ruud, I mean. I did like him. It wasn’t just a – I dunno. I did like him.”
There’s a weird feeling in Jamie’s stomach, a kind of burning sensation that’s flaring up as he listens to Gary speak. He has to slip his hands under his own thighs to keep himself from clenching his fists.
“D’you still?” he asks, all casual-like.
Gary looks up from his hands, just sits there staring at him for a long, drawn out moment. Then he blinks and jerks his head and says “nah,” like the thought’s never even crossed his mind. The corner of his mouth ticks up in a tiny smile. “Got other things on my mind these days, don’t I?”
Jamie spends the rest of the car ride trying to work out what the hell that’s supposed to mean.
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e-dubbc11 · 1 year
Afternoon Delight
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Photos are not mine. They are courtesy of Pinterest/Google
Pairing: Billy Russo x F! Reader
Warnings: Dirty talk, a LOT of it. Reader and Billy both have filthy mouths in this one so 18+ please (no minors or I’m telling), some swear words
Word Count: 1.6k-ish
Summary: Reader is reading and waiting for her boyfriend to bring her lunch in the park. A very handsome man takes a seat next to her, the book she’s reading is one of his favorites.
A/N: This is my contribution to May’s writing challenge over on the Thirsty For Cox discord server. This month’s prompt was sundress season and I honestly didn’t mean for it to get dirty but my brain had other ideas. Oh the book I took the quotes from is The Picture of Dorian Gray. I hope you like it!
As always, thank you for reading!  I appreciate it so much and comments, reblogs are welcome and encouraged. Don’t be shy to tell me your favorite part. 💕💕 💕
A gentle summer breeze rushed across your exposed shoulders as you sat alone on a park bench reading your book on an early Saturday afternoon. The subtle rustling of the trees above your head prompted you to look up and watch the sun highlight the veins in the leaves as the wind moved them in multiple directions.
The warm afternoon sun shone through the leaves on the trees, drawing attention to bright green patches of grass all over the park. It was a beautiful day.
Your boyfriend told you earlier that morning that he would meet you in the park for lunch and you couldn’t wait to surprise him with the new dress you bought.
Black with white polka dots, adjustable spaghetti straps, long with a deep V-neck and a drawstring closure, it was perfect for a day like today and you were sure he would love it on you.
Continuing to turn the pages of your book, you looked up the walkway and noticed a very handsome man walking toward you wearing a gray suit.
He had ebony colored hair, a short well-groomed beard and as he came closer you noticed his eyes. He had beautiful yet very mysterious deep brown eyes, the kind of eyes you could just get lost in while he was talking to you. They looked like two flat black marbles and they were looking directly at you.
There were empty park benches everywhere, so you didn’t think he would take a seat next to you and yet, he did. As he sat down, he smiled at you. You’ve never seen a more perfect smile on top of an already incredibly handsome face.
He said hello, you said hello back and returned the smile he gave you.
A smile like his could get you into some serious trouble but then he doubled down and opened his mouth to which you heard his soft tone, his voice was smooth like warm honey with a slight New York accent.
“I love that book.” He said.
You almost forgot you were holding a book, he was quite the distraction.
“Me too.” You said. “This is my fourth time reading it. Do you have a favorite part?”
You asked him, hoping to throw him off guard to see if he’s actually read it or if it’s some lame pick up line.
“Well…let’s see.” He said. “There are so many.”
Got him.
“The only way to get rid of a temptation is to yield to it. Resist it, and your soul grows sick with longing for the things it has forbidden to itself, with desire for what its monstrous laws have made monstrous and unlawful.” Chapter 2, page 23
“Oh and…”
“When we are happy, we are always good, but when we are good, we are not always happy." Chapter 6, page 106
The fact that he had those passages memorized, shocked you to your core and you felt slightly embarrassed and ashamed that you doubted him, but it turned you on at the same time.
“I’m sorry, I thought that…” You said.
He interrupted you.
“You thought it was a line, didn’t you.” He said with a sly grin.
Very few people surprised you, especially tall, handsome men just strolling through the park.
“I do apologize Mister?” You asked.
“Russo…Billy Russo.” He said extending his hand for you to shake. “I read that book a lot when I was deployed overseas.”
“Deployed? Wait, lemme guess…” You said as you carefully looked him over from head to toe. “You were a marine.” You were biting down on your lower lip, and fighting the desire to draw him in close by his tie.
He continued to stare at you with those intense brown eyes of his, he could not look away and neither could you. He held your gaze and felt yourself start to blush every time he smiled at you.
“How did you know?” He asked.
“Well…actually, my boyfriend was also in the Marines.” You said in a low breathy tone.
His smile disappeared.
“Well your boyfriend is a lucky man, I’ve never seen a more beautiful smile…on anyone.” He said.
He took the words right out of your mouth, you felt the same way about his smile.
Billy moved his head like it was on a swivel, looking all around him. “So…where is this boyfriend of yours? If you were mine, I’d never let you out of my sight.” He stated.
The struggle to keep from smiling was difficult, and you replied. “Actually, I don’t know. He said he would meet me here for lunch and he’s never ever late.”
You weren’t sure if it was the rays from the sun or Billy that was causing the warmth to rise to your cheeks.
There was something you wanted from Billy but maybe you shouldn’t ask. Although, what harm could come from reading a few pages from your book to you?
There was just something about his voice that was captivating. The way the words rolled off of his tongue was musical and hypnotic, like he was meant to read them aloud.
As he read, he’d glance away from the pages for sentences at a time to look over at you. He had memorized a lot of the passages, staring at you as he recited the words.
At one point, he stopped and lost his place because he was too busy staring at you.
“I’m so sorry.” He said. “I have to tell you, I’m very distracted by this beautiful dress you have on. Although I’m not sure if it’s the dress or the woman wearing it, maybe it’s both. I can’t believe your boyfriend let you leave the house without him, lookin’ like that. Every man that walks by this bench is having the same thoughts as I am.”
Trying to swallow the lump in your throat, the ache between your thighs grew hungry for him.
“Oh? And—what sort of thoughts would those be, Mr. Russo?” You whispered.
“Impure ones.” He hissed as he looked you up and down.
Your fingers lightly danced across the glowing skin on your chest and moved up to rub the back of your neck as his tongue darted out to lick his bottom lip.
“Thoughts of taking you back to my place, hiking that dress up over your hips and fucking you so hard you can’t walk right tomorrow, pinning you against the wall, and having your legs wrapped around my waist, pulling me deeper into that sweet pussy of yours. I wanna hear you scream my name over and over again until your voice cracks, and I bet you’d look really pretty sitting on my dick.”
Gently, he touched your bare shoulder, and brushed the warm soft skin of your arm with his calloused fingers, those words sent shivers down your spine despite the hot afternoon sun.
Shuddering at those sinful thoughts, you leaned in to him so your face was closer to his yet your bodies remained apart and whispered against his mouth. “Is that right? Anything else?” You asked before sucking on his bottom lip.
“Or just ripping it off of you because it covers that gorgeous body of yours, then using it to tie you to the bed so I can look at you all spread out, ready to take my cock. Those are the kind of thoughts I’m having.”
A bead of sweat had dripped from your neck down your chest and in between your breasts, your panties were soaked from listening to Billy describe what he wanted to do to you, and if he wanted to fuck you right there on that park bench, you would probably let him.
“Maybe I’m having similar thoughts.” You said softly. “Maybe I want to see you on your knees in front of me, your head underneath my dress, and your tongue fucking me until I can’t see straight.”
You were so distracted by him, you forgot why you were sitting on that bench in the first place.
He inched closer to you so his thigh was touching yours, the look in his eyes was primal, his long slender fingers touched the side of your face, his other hand grazed the top of your breast and then he pushed some of your hair back behind your ear so he could whisper to you.
“Role playing is fun, isn’t it sweet girl. I don’t even need to touch you to know how wet you are for me. Love the new dress. I know I was supposed to bring lunch but I didn’t think there would be a snack waiting for me when I got here.” He said with a devilish smirk and gave you a kiss on the cheek.
You reached out to brush his beard with your thumbs and let out a little chuckle. “Wow…And I thought I’ve heard every cheesy pick up line there is, my love. Are you done flirting with me? Where’s my lunch?”
Billy held up one finger. “Number one, I’ll never stop flirting with you, number two, you’re wearin’ MY lunch…and I promise I’ll get you something to eat, but I need to get you home now otherwise we’re both getting arrested for indecent exposure.” He said with a wink. “I held out as long as I could. I’m pretty sure I flatlined when I first saw you. You look fuckin’ hot, baby.”
You leaned in close and gave him a hungry kiss, your tongue twisted with his and your teeth nipped at his lower lip which made him absolutely feral for you.
“Well let’s go home then, Mr. Russo and don’t forget our book.”
Tag List: @mindidjarin @saintmurd0ck @wheresthesunshinesblog @rafaelakelley @idaoftheburningmind @snowkestrel @xdervyxccgh @mattmurdocksscars @fakehappy27 @music-indie-tv @fictional-hooman @kayhi808 @munsonownsmyass @gijos @celestialams @idek-what-to-put @anastasianeedstoread @ratsys @k-marzolf @nutmeg17 @rosaleenablack
Others that might enjoy: @itwasthereaminuteago @fluffyprettykitty @jvanilly @simple-lovebot @russosafehaven @mrsbillyrusso
If you’d like to be added to (or removed from) my tag list for the ever so handsome Billy Russo, just let me know and thank you again for reading! 💕💕💕 If I tagged you but didn’t want to be, just let me know and I’ll never do it again
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waywardmallie · 2 years
An End and a Beginning
Carlos Sainz Jr. x (Fem)Reader
Warnings: fluff, alcohol, bring the center of attention and related social anxiety, not much else. Oh, and more google translate.
A/N: So, this is purely based on a weird dream I had last night. I know that this is not actually an event that happens this way. It’s just a fictional story. Just thought I would share it with you all. 😁
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Parties really weren’t your thing. However, after dating a famous Formula 1 driver for just over two years, you were really starting to get used to them. The one thing that really helped was the fact that, over the last two-ish years, you had grown to know most of the paddock and team members. Team principals, drivers, and some of the mechanics were on at least a “hello” basis. And since that is who this party was mostly made up of, you felt a lot more comfortable.
You stood on the edge of the covered tent and studied the decorated dining tables. There were white table cloths, shining silver utensils, and multiple glasses at each seat. Although the atmosphere had a poshness to it, the conversations around you were mostly casual.
“You feeling okay, amor?” A soft, low voice whispered in your ear. Your body relaxed a little as a warm hand curled around your waist. You nodded, still focused on the tables.
“Wasn’t this just supposed to be a casual dinner to celebrate the end of the racing year?” Your eyes locked on the multiple team banners that lined the walls of the large tent. “Last year wasn’t like this.”
Carlos smiled down at you and pulled you a little closer. “It’s only fancy because rich people love to pour their money into shit like this.” You laughed at his never-dying honesty.
“Well, it’s a but stuffy,” you admitted with a chuckle.
“And nothing is going to change.” Carlos waved over at Charles, who smiled and made his way over to the two of you.
“Hello, lovely,” Charles greeted you with a smile. Just before you could lean in, Carlos stepped in front of you and reached in for a hug.
“Ciao, Charles, my lovely,” he teased his teammate. “I was wondering when you were going to notice how handsome I look.” Carlos tugged on the lapel of his blazer and grinned.
Rolling your eyes, you sighed loudly. “As handsome as you look, baby, I think he was talking to me.” You winked at your mutual friend, then leaned in for a hug. Carlos huffed jokingly.
Carlos leaned down towards you. “You do look stunning, preciosa,” he muttered, gently squeezing your waist. He lifted his head and smiled and nodded at Charles. “We should find a seat. The food is coming out soon, and I’m starving.”
Carlos led you over to the larger of the tables, pulling out a chair for you before taking the seat beside you. Charles sat on the other side of you, with Daniel on his other side. You silently thanked your boyfriend for finding a place that was right next to one of the heat lamps, which perfectly heated your bare legs under your dress.
Carlos reached for one of the bottles of champagne from the table and popped it open, before pouring a bit for each of you. Okay, maybe this wasn’t so bad after all.
One thing you couldn’t complain about at these gathering was the food. You never had a bad meal at any gathering sponsored by the team or Formula 1. “Casual” was not exactly the word you would use to describe this event, but it wasn’t actually as stuffy as it first appeared.
Carlos rested his arm on the back of your chair, leaning towards you as he finished the piece of dulce de leche cake in front of you. He chatted with Charles beside you, glancing at you every few minutes to make sure you knew you were part of the conversation if you wanted to be. He never forced you into talking, but he always made you feel like you were part of whatever he was doing.
As the buzz around you died down a little, Carlos seemed to get anxious. He fiddled with the unused silverware remaining on the table, spun his empty glass, and crossed and uncrossed his legs every thirty seconds or so. He was usually the most relaxed person you know, so something was off.
You smiled up at Lando, George, and George’s girlfriend as they both took seats across from you, with Lewis standing behind them. Now that you thought about it, everyone seemed to be glancing over at you more often, or maybe you were just reaching your social limit. Either way, something felt off.
“Everything okay?” You whispered over to Carlos, who almost jumped at the sound of your voice. He had been listening intently to a conversation between Lando and Daniel.
“Si, yes I’m fine.” Hmmm, no, he wasn’t fine. Something was definitely off. He was never jumpy or tense.
This was weird.
Carlos let out a long sigh, then tapped on his empty glass with a spare fork. Then, he stood, his hand on the back of your chair.
“I just wanted to thank everyone here for an amazing racing season. It is a good end to a year, and I hope the next year is great to everyone.” His accent was a little thicker than normal, and he was speaking quickly. He was nervous.
“And with the end of this year, I want to offer a positive, uh, send off.” He turned to you, his lips slowly curling into a sweet smile. “I have had so much support from my team, especially Charles, and all of the other drivers. But, most of all, I have had more support than I can ever wish for from this belleza. Thank you, Y/N, for being there for everything. Te amo mucho.”
He turned towards you and a complete silence fell over everyone. Your stomach flipped as you watched him lower himself onto one knee in front of you, quickly pulling a royal blue velvet box from his pocket.
“I couldn’t ask for a more loving, caring, amazing woman to have by my side for the rest of my life. Y/N, mi sol y estrellas, will you marry me?”
You sat there for a flicker of a moment, stunned and a little confused. Was this happening? You blinked and still saw him there. Yep, definitely real.
A smile quickly covered your lips as you nodded. “Yes, Carlos,” you responded gleefully, holding back tears. Carlos huffed out a nervous chuckle, his eyes also glossy from tears.
The room erupted with applause and shouts, but all of your focus was on Carlos. He beamed with joy, tears slowly streaming down his cheeks as he slipped the ring onto your finger. Your eyes met as he pulled your hand to his chest.
“I love you,” he mouthed, his voice inaudible over the rest of the crowd. Several people you didn’t recognize with cameras flashed photos of you. But, in this moment, you didn’t care about the publicity or the noise. Your whole mind, and heart was focused on the handsome, loving man in front of you. The man you were going to spend the rest of your life with.
A few moments later, a hand gently landed on your shoulder, breaking you from your focus. You slowly turned to see Charles standing over you, a sweet, supportive smile on his face. Daniel stood behind him, fashioning his typical, jovial grin.
Then, Carlos stood, pulling you to stand beside him. You knew there was going to be a long line of congratulations coming, but you didn’t care. Something about this moment, with the man beside you, washed away all of the anxiety that was building up. And that was only the beginning.
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mrooops · 5 months
ok guys, no jokes, but what the fuck?
i want to touch a really really serious topic in pink floyd fandom rn and i want you all to listen to me at least once. i would really appreciate it if you spread this information. thank you
if you're the type of person who writes "well, waters is still better than gilmour", then just please unfollow me forever the fuck out
but it's ok i'll explain you why
well, a little backstory
while many believe that roger's political views are now quite correct, i want to remind you that he supports an aggressive invasion of the country where i live (Ukraine). if you are still interested, then yes, the war in Ukraine is still going on even if in the west now no one wants to pay attention to it anymore. for your understanding, on average we have 100 air raids in the city per month, at least once a week i definitely hear explosions and, yeah, i don’t live in a hot spot. and this guy just goes out and does an interview where he openly says that he supports the aggressor country. yeah, that's right, he was also allowed to speak at the UN council, where he said that the conflict was provoked. very smart. the same guy who said a couple of days before the war that those who believe that it will start are “out of their minds”
ok ok, but how does this relate to gilmour?
very simple. his daughter-in-law is Ukrainian. and her mother lived in a city that was one of the first to be attacked by the russian army. if you have never seen footage from Kharkiv in the first days of the war, then believe me, it was a terrible sight, people tried to help each other as best they could
and it is still going on
i don’t think it's cool to talk shit about one person who supports israel but then turn a blind eye to how another openly says that Taiwan should belong to china and Ukraine to russia and say "well, he is based", "he's better than gilmour"
if you have any other information about gilmour, you can share it with me.
i know you all really like young waters and i see a lot of positive things in him too, but i really can't stand the fact that now people only really look at how he feels about Palestine, even if i see a lot of articles and posts from adults, who say his support for Palestine is also twofold. don't wanna say anything bad about that because i haven’t studied this topic, but i think you can google them yourself, they always just come up
don't get me wrong, i'm not stopping you from sending pictures of him or drawing him, i'm just asking you not to write that he's better than someone else at something when he's not
oh yeah and one last thing...
if you are a supporter of communism, then get the fuck out too, because communism led to the fact that in the 60s in my country they killed almost all the poets who did not write something in support of the state. in history they were persecuted and killed because they wrote in their native language and mentioned Ukrainian culture. communism led to three great famines in our country, when people had so little to eat that they resorted to cannibalism. it's very scary, but it's true. this is what the government has led to when it wants to bring communism to life
communism is not a cool thing. it's cool in words, not on practice, read history
thank you for your attention
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chaoticbardlady99 · 8 months
She’s Not Acid Nor Alkaline (Astarion x F! Pirate Captain OC) Chapter 2
Synopsis: The Heroes of Baldur’s Gate experience their first battle at sea in their adventure to bring Karlach back from the Hells.
CW: mentions of violence, NSFW cause these are two horny mofos (not a lot though- the next chapter is gonna be spicy as hell though)
Author note: I’m sorry this took so long! I am finally not horribly depressed and not sleeping at all due to work stress! I’ll be posting more for this story, starting a Master Vampire reader x astarion fic, and I have a lot of chapters written for my Trans Female Tav, Keeley, and Astarion that I am so excited to post! My goal is to get everything onto my new AO3 sometime this week! Oh and part 4 of I Wondered If I Could Come Home is almost complete 😈
Likes, comments, and reblogs are always appreciated! Thank you for your patience!
Part 1:
Chapter 2: Valkur’s Aasimar
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Calypso is forever grateful to Lucifer for taking over the night time duties so Calypso can actually rest. It doesn’t make the early morning wake up any easier, but it helps. She loves her cabin and she loves the peace it provides.
The bed frame is built into the wall so that she doesn’t slide around everywhere as the ship continues to sail and there’s a washtub nailed down in one corner. Her desk and map table are equally as glued to the floor.
Calypso watched (and was an unfortunate victim of) her mother’s lack of ‘safety’ precautions when she was a captive on her ship. She was often run over by her mother’s bed or her desk- left for hours underneath them- when her mother had no use for her.
It’s been 60 years since Duke Ravenguard helped Calypso secure her freedom, but there had still been 90 years of torture and misuse. If her mother wasn’t absorbing every last drop of power from her bones- she was starving her, beating her into submission, waterboarding her, etc, etc. It’s not a reality that Calypso misses.
The soft glow of the morning sun outlining the shadows of Astarion’s face is a much better world to wake up in.
If Lucifer helps make waking up easier, then Astarion does not help- in fact the man makes it damn near impossible to leave her bed at all. She doesn’t want to have to untangle her limbs from his or wait for another 8 or 9 odd hours before she can be like this with him again.
Astarion had managed to keep her in bed later than usual over the last five days. The minute she so much as moves a muscle- Astarion has her underneath him writhing and begging for release or he’s fucking into her slowly, stealing all the air out of her lungs. It’s invigorating to say the least and her body sings under his attentive touch.
The more she learns about him, the more Calypso adores him. Astarion had opened up about his life pretty quickly after a bad trance. Supposedly one of his victims’ faces had been replaced with hers and he handed her over to Cazador. He was struggling to accept that the reality was different- that Calypso is well and truly alive in his arms. The man had been borderline inconsolable in the aftermath of the twisted memory, but Calypso had managed to coax him out of the fog and back to her.
Astarion even experienced Calypso at her worst- jealous. He learned very quickly that she wasn’t going to deal with that. When he had knocked on her door with his tail between his legs, Calypso made sure to answer and let him in wearing her skimpiest outfit- a nude, see through corset bralette and a pair of lacy nude panties. His apology ended with him eating her out on top of her map table- one of her maps needs to be replaced entirely after the affair.
She always made sure he actually wanted to engage in these activities with her- especially after learning about his history. Astarion assured her that he would let her know if he didn’t or if he needed to stop and he did. Astarion had only wanted to pleasure her that night and the rest of the night was spent just enjoying each other’s company.
Astarion will spend time with her throughout the day as well and his company is very welcome. Lucifer is usually taking his turn to sleep throughout the morning and into the evening so Calypso doesn’t have to worry about the two of them bickering.
Astarion has begun to ask her questions about the ship, how to be a Helmsman, commands, language, so on and so forth. He’s a very good student- picking it all up impressively fast. Calypso has let him man the ship (under supervision of course) as they made their way to the first stop.
Caer Callidyrr isn’t Calypso’s favorite doc to stay at, but they need to dock The Chimera and take a smaller ship into the Hells. The Chimera isn’t large, but it won’t be able to navigate safely through Stygia. Only Calypso and Lucifer will be traveling with the group of adventurers. With Callidyrr being only hours ahead of them, Calypso is confident they will make it before sunrise- provided there aren't any unexpected obstacles.
Which always seems to happen no matter how many times Calypso plans her routes out or how careful she is to avoid crossing paths with the Cult of Umberle or the Cult of Water. Now there are at least 8 Cult of Water ships heading in their direction.
Calypso isn’t paying attention to the frantic looks on the faces of Astarion and his companions as they realize they are about to be engaged in their first open water battle. She wants to reassure them (more so Astarion) that it’s going to be just fun, but there isn’t any time for that right now.
“I need Chain shots loaded- NOW!” Calypso shouts and her night crew sprints up from below the deck to join for the coming battle.
“They are chasing us at full sail, Calypso,” Lucifer’s voice holds an edge of aggression, “I’d prefer to not have a full blown battle on the Sh-“
“Yes Lucy,” she says with a wave of her hands, “I’m aware of what you would prefer and I’m working on it.”
Calypso climbs up the stairs and leans over the railing of the helm.
“Alright- we need the ship to come about! Wizards, warlocks- basically anyone who can cast gusts of wind- take position on the quarterdeck ,” she shouts, the crew shouts in understanding.
“Anyone else,” Lucifer yells, “split yourselves into two groups- I want some of you below deck readying the canons and the Chase gun! The other half- ready your bows and arrows and be prepared to fire when we are 3 fathoms away from the other ship!”
Lucifer looks up at Calypso and gestures to their guests- she raises an eyebrow.
“They all know what their capabilities are,” she states, “if they wish to travel on this ship then they need to protect it too.”
The looks of absolute dread on all of their faces is almost comical. They really have no faith in her! How hurtful.
“Well- then you heard the Captain,” Lucifer says with far too much gratification, “get to your assignments.”
“Careful, Lucy,” Calypso warned, “you sound so happy I may make you go below deck to help and let the Dragonborn be my first mate.”
Tav beamed, “I’m so glad I’m your first pick.
Astarion pouts up at Calypso and she flashes him a teasing grin before blowing him a kiss. Calypso stands on the rail and addresses the crew one final time.
“Oh,” Calypso clears her throat, “and may I remind you sorry lot that dead men tell no tales- so let’s try to make it out of this one alive- savvy?”
Everyone races to their positions. The laughter and the energy is infectious. Calypso isn’t worried a single bit and she watches the tension ease from Lucifer’s shoulders. He rarely thinks she takes anything seriously, but Calypso does. She is equally as protective of her crew and her guests- it’s not about her or the ship’s safety for her. Calypso has a special group of individuals aboard her group- her main crew consists of runaway slaves from Calimport, ex-Lolth sworn Drows who remain below deck until the night time and operate the canons, Half-Orcs who have been ostracized, Dhampirs who were abandoned at birth (Calypso would come across them and the crew worked together to raise them), etc. They aren’t a ragtag group of scummy pirates- they are all survivors who are standing together.
Well, except for the contract workers. Fuck those entitled pricks.
She jots back to the Helm- waiting for the exact moment to turn the ship.
The minute red and green flares go up in the air- the ship goes flying forward with the assistance of the many magic users casting gusts of wind on the sails. Calypso turns into the sudden rush of air allowing the ship to circle into position where it can slam the side of the other boats.
Calypso closes her eyes and takes a deep breath- letting the smell of the ocean water fill her senses. She imagines a storm surrounding the ship hurtling towards them- the waves thrashing them around and consuming them whole.
The thunder cracks the peaceful sound of the air before the dark clouds even begin to sweep across the sky- the water underneath her rumbles it’s war cry and Calypso allows Valkur’s power to consume her- like him, she can commandeer any ship, walk through water, control the weather, navigate through every storm unscathed, call upon Orca’s, etc. The best part though? No ship she sails on is able to sink- ever.
Then she hears Wyll scream, “HOLY SHIT!”
She looks over with a smile- her good friend, Hesjing, must have missed her enough to make an appearance. Or he’s just really hungry. Most likely he is really hungry and her targets make for easy prey considering they end up floundering in the ocean.
The massive Sea Wyvern goes flying over their heads and laying chaos to the ships- their flags going up in flames and the chaos keeps them from changing direction in time.
The ship lurches forward in the water with the support of the extra wind and Calypso’s magic as Calypso prepares to ram into the 4 ships in the back of the line.
The bow crashes with an ear shattering noise through the first, second, and third ship. Hesjing takes one of the ships down in the front of the line. The world is full of smoke and flames- Calypso barely sees the four remaining ships beginning to form a circle to trap them in.
The command roars through the air as it’s repeated by the whole crew upon the deck. She takes one glance at Astarion- trying to remind herself not to get caught up in whatever emotions he is feeling.
Calypso is surprised to see the pure adrenaline in his posture and in the shadows of his face. There isn’t a single ounce of fear to be seen. She can’t help the smile that crosses her face. Poor Tav looks absolutely green and is holding onto Astarion’s arm for support. She’ll have to make sure to pick up something for sea sickness otherwise the Dragonborn may detest her forever.
The screams shattering through the air is the only thing that keeps Calypso from being lost in thought. One of the other ships had managed to turn towards them and was going to hit them very very hard. The ship will be fine- much like her powersake, Valkur, any ship she sails is indestructible. However, that means the ship will pass through the boat and they are going to have a battle on deck.
Calypso jumps over the Helm- yelling to Celeste nearby to take control of the Helm momentarily. She doesn’t check if Celeste goes there, she just keeps racing until she hits the deck.
The ship is barreling at them much faster than Calypso thought and she messily says a spell in Thaumaglossia (Celestial spell casting language). Both ships are being pulled up and to the side ever so slightly by a massive title wave- the captain of the other ship makes eye contact with her and she can see the fear as plainly as the whites of their eyes.
Magic flows through her fingertips and the tidal wave passes over them and engulfs them in the water- an air tight bubble surrounding The Chimera while they watch the enemy ship be demolished by not only a tidal wave, but the pack of Orcas that followed it.
It’s a gruesome scene- the pirate ship popping back up underneath another enemy ship and adding to the carnage. The Orcas leap and flip through the air with screaming cultists in their mouth.
The last two ships had been graciously taken down by Hesjing, who then proceeded to inhale one of the Orcas on his dive back down to the depths of the sea. The Chimera totters along the capillary waves as the Crew cheers loudly.
Calypso releases a sigh she didn’t realize she was holding and nearly stumbles to the ground when a large hand slaps her on the back.
“Excellent work as always Captain!” Toothless Tosh shouts out- everyone cheers in agreement.
“Oh yes, it was a very impressive display as always,” Lucifer says goadingly- his eyes flitting around her form, “so much so that drinks will be on the Captain tonight- hm?”
“You rat bastard,” Calypso mumbles under her breath, causing the man to laugh, “fine! But only because you actually hurried your asses up this time!”
The crew disbands with laughter- returning to their previous spots and helping to make sure everyone is injury free. Some of the less magically inclined individuals begin to pass out the rations for the day. Honestly she feels like she could fall over and fall asleep. It takes a lot of thought, magic, and concentration to be able to perform that many high power spells at once. For example- the Orcas did not show up on their own accord, they showed up because Calypso’s magic called out to them when she asked it to. She does feel poorly about Hesjing running off with one.
The sound of approaching footsteps and grumbling from a certain seasick Dragonborn fills Calypso with glee. Wherever Tav is, Astarion usually is.
The poor man is still tinted green on the tip of his scales, but luckily, he doesn’t have to utter a word.
Lae’zel, Shadowheart, Gale, and Wyll are smothering Calypso in questions- some she barely has any answers too. For example- how does she summon Orcas and a Sea Wyverm. Her answer? She has no fucking clue. However, she does appreciate how impressed they are.
Eventually everyone disbands to get their rations for the day. Calypso is thankful that Farview is maybe only 6 hours away and they’ll be there before the sun falls. They are running low on food and Calypso prefers to not go hungry if she can help it- especially with a crew of hangry individuals. They are all the worst people she has ever met when they are hungry- it’s great for raids.
“That was quite the show of strength, my Dear,” her lover’s melodic voice flows through her ears, “I can’t decide if I’m afraid or turned on.”
She smiles cheekily at him with an eyebrow raised, “why not both?”
“Hmm, how erotic,” Astarion teases, “should I expect to be tied up while we’re at it?”
“Perhaps, I am full of surprises, you know.”
“Oh- I am very well aware.”
Calypso can’t help it- her face always hurts when she is around Astarion (in the best way possible). Everything about him makes her smile and her heart sing. It’s proper gross if she’s being honest with herself. She never pegged herself for a smitten school girl- at least not in her adult years.
“How much longer do I have to wait to keep your attention for longer than 5 minutes at a time, East?”
Despite his teasing tone, she can sense the impatience in his tone. She tuts at him.
“I’m afraid another six hours, North,” Calypso says with an exaggerated pout, “you will have to wait several five more minute increments longer.”
The man groans and grabs Calypso’s hand- dragging her off to her cabin. The moment the door is closed- Astarion’s lips are on hers hungrily and his expert hands are already rubbing her clit, a finger and then two sliding in as soon as she’s ready- which she finds very quickly when it comes to Astarion. A hum of pleasure rolls through her body as he coaxes moans and her orgasm out of her. Her own hands have fumbled their way into his pants and she uses his precum as lube- rubbing her hands up and down his hard cock. The moans and curse words that tumble out of Astarion’s mouth are absolutely divine.
Calypso knows this is all they have time for- they would never leave if they actually had sex- and Astarion thankfully respects that, but Valkur preserve her- it’s going to be a very long six hours.
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suseagull04 · 9 months
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Thanks to the lovely @firenati0n @zwiazdziarka @wordsofhoneydew @hgejfmw-hgejhsf and @heybuddy-drabbles for the tags!
I've shared a lot of words today for the WIP Tag Game, so I'm going to post them all here so everyone who wants to can see them... And there may or may not be a high school AU snippet at the end!
Scrabble/Bananagrams AU:
He can't believe this.
He had thought he was the best at Scrabble and Bananagrams. Even factoring out the fact that he’s fluent in two languages, he usually manages to defeat any opponent he's up against.
But that was before he met the infuriating Henry Fox.
He's a friend of June's that she's invited along with a bunch of her other college friends for game night, and he's… well, he doesn't think Henry is used to losing, Alex will put it that way.
Alex has been playing this game for ages, though. He will win, no matter what it takes.
Bookstore oneshot:
“Remember, H, we only have an hour before we need to leave for the inauguration.”
“Of course, of course,” Henry dismissed Alex's worries with a wave of his hand. “I just want to get the new collector's edition of Jane Austen’s works. It has all of her writing, Alex. All of it in one place! Can you imagine anything better?”
Yeah, he could, actually: the way Henry looked when he was talking about this stuff was better than any book Alex could think of. His eyes were shining, his smile nothing short of brilliant. Alex would bring Henry into a bookstore every day of the week if it meant he would smile like that.
Baker Alex, writer Henry:
There's nothing quite like finding the perfect place to write, Henry mused.
He had been unable to focus on his work that morning, too distracted by… well, honestly, everything. He loved his beagle, David, but he had constantly wanted attention, which Henry was only too happy to give him, of course. Plus, there were dishes to be done, vacuuming to do… Henry could make all the excuses in the world not to write, but the fact remained that he wasn't writing as he should be.
So he had packed up his laptop and googled cafes in the area, looking for a good place to get some writing done. 
High school AU:
At last, her most promising source of distraction that day showed up. Alex brought over a guy who was slightly taller than him and said, “Henry, this is my sister, June.”
“Lovely to meet you,” Henry greeted her, sticking out his hand. She shook it, entranced by his accent from the moment he spoke. Not that that meant that a certain Jewish friend of hers was driven from her mind, though. “This seems to be a lovely party. I especially like the decorations. Jane Austen is my favorite author, you know.”
At his words, June's brain went into overdrive. She had never thought she'd meet a guy who liked Jane Austen. “Mine too! She's just incredible. No one writes like that anymore.”
“True, and it's such a shame. The ability to get that descriptive with prose, the complexity of the plot and how she immediately gets you immersed in the plot with such eloquent dialog… she's unmatched, that's for sure.” June grinned. She had never thought meeting a prince would be so fun, that a boy the same age as her brother would want to talk about Jane Austen, let alone actually like her work. There were certainly no guys like that in the States. 
I'm pretty late to the game, but tagging @anincompletelist @14carrotghoul @inexplicablymine @happiness-of-the-pursuit @raysletters @rockyroadkylers and @read-and-write- in case they have anything they want to share- and open tag for you if you want to play too! If you take the open tag, please tag me, I'm always eager for more fic snippets!
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putting the google translate version of the Sa and Vita convo here bc the official translation is a bit confusing
Moriarty: Haha, hahahaha! Moriarty: What a great show! Moriarty: How does it feel to lose all your efforts? Got bitten by your own dog! Moriarty: Hey, you don't have a talent for comedy, do you? Sa: ... Moriarty: That last blow from the sky looked really painful! Didn't anyone ever tell you not to mess with the wrong people? Moriarty: Haha, I feel really good! I haven’t watched such an interesting show for a long time. Moriarty: It is countless times more exciting than the version I originally conceived! Sa: ... Moriarty: Oh? You're just going to roll up your tail and run away? Moriarty: Well, given the nature of your “parasitic plant”, Moriarty: if you curl up your roots and hide in the depths of the Sea of Quanta for a few tens of thousands of years, you'll be able to make a comeback sooner or later. Moriarty: Only a human being would let his own damn pride get in the way and miss a chance to make a comeback... Moriarty: ...Hmm? Vita: I'm sorry to interrupt your pleasant conversation. Vita: How do you do, our Creator God? Vita: Oh, I forgot. We just saw each other. Sa: ... Vita: What, are you surprised to see me here? Vita: That unconvincing fake death performance earlier shouldn't be able to deceive your all-knowing and omnipotent "eyes", right? Vita: Or is that eye, as I suspected, not protecting against the presence of the “Ark”? Sa: ... Sa: ...Authority. Moriarty: Oh! So you can talk. Vita: That's right. Like the fly buzzing around you, I used the disguise of an Ark administrator to get past your guards and find you. Moriarty: You're all fighting amongst yourselves, but still don't forget to slander me? What a touching mother-daughter bond. Vita: If you had been able to put away a little bit of your arrogance and pay the minimum attention to this fly, maybe I wouldn’t have been able to come here in person—— Vita: ...to receive all your authority.
Sa: ... Moriarty: Haha, that's an unexpected twist! I didn't realize there was a hidden secret at the end of the show! Moriarty: It’s worth my while that I took the big gamble to come here so that I can enjoy this masterpiece in the upper class seats. Vita: Sigh... You pushy guy, do you really know what you are talking about? Vita: Most of your data has been shattered by that pillar of light, and the remnants left here will soon disperse on their own. Paying so much just to see a show? Moriarty: Of course, Miss Agent. I've never been so calm, so satisfied. What better feeling is there than to witness the end of a revenge drama? Moriarty: I'd give anything for fun... even if it didn't do me any good. Vita: ...Your comment reminds me of someone. Vita: Coincidentally, when I was "hitchhiking" with Fu Hua, I happened to catch a glimpse of a memory related to him and the self-satisfying ending. Vita: He was a world leader, but he only gambled with everyone's life; and in the end, he exchanged his own demise for a wishful "self-revenge". ..... Vita: Do you think this is called "different paths leading to the same destination", backup of "Otto Apocalypse"? Moriarty: Sincere thanks to you, Miss Agent, for bringing me useless information. I'd say you and “Sa” are cut from the same cloth. Vita: I have surpassed her.. The fact that I am here is the best proof, isn't it? I'll never make the same mistake as She did, and I'll go after true freedom. Sa: Freedom… is this what you really want? Or is it just because… you ask for it but don’t get it? Sa: The so-called “freedom” and “nothingness” are synonymous words. Vita: What about you? You have swollen so much that you can hardly move, have you really gained any “reality”? Sa: …Purusha, is me. Moriarty: Hahaha, is that why you sank into the “sea” in the first place? Moriarty: You have all-knowing and all-powerful eyes, but you can't even see yourself clearly. Haha! Our great Creator God is actually a blind god! Sa: Gods are blind in sight... Sa: Mortals are blind in the heart. Vita: Oh, you are quite confident when you say that—— Vita: Why don't you use these against the enemy with the “Eighth Sense”? Vita: He's your arch-enemy, isn't he? Sa: Mortals aren’t enemies. Sa: Just a pebble in the road. Vita: ... Vita: Well, congratulations. After all, your feet, it seems, are bleeding on these pebbles? Sa: ...That has nothing to do with them. Vita: But it’s about me. Sa: … Sa: [Agent], you are not an ordinary person. You have exceeded the limits of [expansion]. Moriarty: Oh, How to say it, how to say it? It turns out you will also become a rotten machine like her in the future? Moriarty: That’s a really rotten future, hahahaha! Sa: …the only freedom of god is also the only nothingness of mortals. Sa: The world is my representation, and the world is my will. Sa: The so-called “Godhood”... God was born because of me, and I died because of God. Vita: I think this sentence should be said the other way around. Vita: [I live because of God, and God dies because of me.] Vita: Do you suddenly feel better? Moriarty: What a pity! My God did not die because of me! Moriarty: Oh, no, wait. My “God” is already you all? Moriarty: A good death, a wonderful death! It’s a pity I can’t stick a cross in you all! Sa: …getting carried away. Ignorance is indeed the greatest sin of mortals. Sa: No mortal has ever killed a god. Sa: Only [Gods] can.
Sa: [Agent]... Sa: One day, you will also find your own executioner. Moriarty: Oh, oh! It seems that compared to ordinary people like us, gods like you are better at bringing disaster to yourself? Moriarty: Okay, okay, that just means that a mediocre person is just a mediocre person after all! Moriarty: Look at me… take a good look at your [exhibit]... Moriarty: Is there anything more ironic to you two than me being able to sit on this special seat? Vita: There’s no need for a king to kill his own court jester, right? Vita: Anyone can feel like the other person is an idiot on the inside… Do you think that’s important? Sa: There are no [idiots] here. Sa: The three wills that exist here have lost their own value from the beginning. Sa: They try to compensate, they try to ignore. They will only continue to expand… until they become ugly remains. Vita: Thank you for your advice, [Sa]. But what I am and what I want will all be decided by myself. Vita: I will do better than you, of course. It’s a pity that you can never imagine it if you are trapped in the [Sea]. Sa: … Sa: That’s really worth looking forward to. Vita: Yes, worth looking forward to. Vita: Us gods looking forward to our deaths is also very romantic, isn't it?  Vita: ...That's the only emotion you have left. Moriarty: Oh? It seems that this is the end? Moriarty: I have to say that as my second ending, there is nothing more satisfying than this. Moriarty: Although you are my enemy, you are the initiator who interrupted my grand finale and brought great shame to me... Moriarty: I still pay you the highest respect, Miss "Vita". Moriarty: The way we exist is somewhat similar - it's like fate has played a nasty trick and we spend our lives trying to get out of this shadow. Moriarty: We are not the real body, but we have made achievements far beyond the real body. This is the proof of our existence in the world and our unique mark. Moriarty: If we hadn't met in this way, we would definitely have become very good friends... or destined rivals. Vita: …maybe. You are truly my most troublesome exhibit, "Moriarty." Moriarty: Ha! I would take that as the highest compliment. Vita: Indeed. So… Vita: Farewell, [nothingness]. Vita: I will accept those [Eyes of Bodhi]. [Who are you digging a grave for? Is it for a Phosphorus person?] [It's not for a Phosphorus person, miss.] [So, is it for the Purusha person?] [Not for a Purusha person either.] [Not a person of Phosphorus nor a person of Purusha - then who is buried here?] [Miss, she was originally a Purusha person, but she was already gone.] Vita: The so-called [Gods]... Vita: ...are truly [interesting].
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ryehouses · 6 months
i was tagged in this by @bobafett, who wants to bring back ask box games! this was really fun and really helped drive home the fact that i am maybe a little too wordy!
y'all know the drill. copy, paste, fill in your own answers! feel free to share!
How many works do you have on AO3? impossible for me to say because i have shed ao3 handles like a particularly robust hermit crab, but if i'm just counting everything under iridan, thirteen!
What’s your total AO3 word count? ......1.3 million, as iridan. if we throw in some of my other psueds and the truly awful eragon fanfiction i wrote when i was fourteen, we're probably loking at 2 - 2.5 mil.
What fandoms do you write for? presently, star wars, jujutsu kaisen, star wars again. i have some witcher fic in my gdocs and older projects in rdr2, dishonored, anything that can catch and hold my attention for long enough for my brain to produce a bit of dopamine,
What are your top 5 fics by kudos? all five of them are in the ast 'verse except for lost country
Do you respond to comments? i try to, but it's really hit or miss! i am painfully shy and usually can only go '!!!!!' in thanks
What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? of my completed fics, none! i am not really in to the angst ending. if i ever do get around to finishing it, i started a dishonored/his dark materials au that would have ended with corvo going slowly, gently nuts and taking over the outsider's place in the void
What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? i like happy endings, so all of them!
Do you get hate on fics? occasionally. i still think about that one commentor on ast who accused me of blaming the jedi for order 66 like, all the time. mostly no, though, everyone is really nice!
Do you write smut? If so, what kind? i've been told that 'wrestling as nasty foreplay' is something of a signature move of mine, so! 1) yes and 2) whatever kind of smut 'wrestling as nasty foreplay' applies as
Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written? yes, but almost exclusively his dark materials crossovers. i do have a witcher/temeraire fusion au sitting in my gdocs
Have you ever had a fic stolen? no, not that i'm aware of. i do semi-frequent google searches to see if my shit pops up anywhere.
Have you ever had a fic translated? i don't think so! ast was podfic'd, if that counts.
Have you ever co-written a fic before? i don't think so, because i am a whole idiot and am hard to collaborate with.
What’s your all time favorite ship? of ALL TIME? impossible to say. i am inconsistent and flighty. bobadin hit me pretty good, though
What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? haha too many. i started a jedi!din fic and didn't get far. i've had several WIPs on ao3 sit without an update for years. i have drafted, redrafted, and drafted again a novel that will most likely never see the light of day. finishing even one of those would likely water my crops for several years
What are your writing strengths? i take particular pride in my settings! somebody on ao3 told me last week that i have nice turns of phrase, too, and i am proud of those too
What are your writing weaknesses? i have never once said anything in six words when i could say them in six hundred million billion instead
Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? obviously i've experimented in various projects, but i am fundamentally kind of lazy and prefer to sprinkle in a few words here and there instead of spending the time to learn about another language's grammar structure
First fandom you wrote for? the first fandom i published anything in was eragon, way back in the day! the first fandom i wrote for was his dark materials, in a composition notebook in like the fifth or sixth grade!
Favorite fic you’ve written? could not possibly pic! they are all like my children and also my therapist.
i'm tagging @meyerlansky and anybody else who wants to participate! consider yourself invited!
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his imagines are incredible, you can make an imagine of the hob he meets Morpheus's twin sister the hope of endless, I imagine a hob enchanted by hope and a Morpheus on the side who is jealous of his sister
Dawn of the Endless
Hob Gadling x Endless!Reader, Dream of the Endless & Twin Sister!Reader
Summary: One century Dream brought his twin sister to the White Horse pub, and ever since, Hob's life was never the same.
Word Count: 1k+
Warnings: fem!reader, set in Elizabethan England, annoyed brother!dream, puppy!hob, fluff, typos, etc.
A/N: this is so interesting. i havent written anything for hob at all yet so i was so excited when i saw this! also i know you said her name is hope but everyone in the family has a letter D in their name and i literally translated hope in every language available in google translate, hoping at least one of them would start with D and one of them did but i didnt like the way it sounded so i decided to rename her dawn, cos i mean dawn is the early morning and that gives hope so i hope you dont mind. i dont mention anyone else's but Hob's name though, since technically it's in his pov and he has no idea what Dream's name is either, much less Dawn lol im unsure if yall would be interested but since dream is here i'll still tag everyone who likes my dream fics lol Tagging: @pinksirensong @deniixlovezelda @shadow-pancake9 @sloanexx
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Hob had been taking his daily stroll that day, he remembers it vividly. He was walking by the fields near his estate, basking in the morning sun, breathing in the cool air.
There was a warmth, a light that drew nearer. It was slow to come and quick to leave, but in the moment, he thought nothing of it; he only thought it was the rays of the earliness greeting him.
He realized it was not that when he outstretched his hand to pluck out a Pasqueflower. Hob's fingers bumped into another's; his heart leapt to his throat in shock.
His head snaps to the side. He retreats his hand slower than hers.
"Apologies," she mutters, light and melodic, "I did not think you'd chose that flower."
Hob's jaw slacks, and yet he does not hesitate. He rips the flower from its stem, handing it over. There is a flurry within him when she accepts it with a smile. The very wind in his lungs is knocked out when she says, "thank you, Hob."
The next moment, she walks away. Hob only regained his wits by the time he wholly regret the fact he was so dumbfounded he didn't even get to speak one single word.
And yet, days after, it seemed fate wanted to bring them together again. He was determined not to let the moment slip away this time around.
He practically lunged from his seat when he saw the lady in the yellow dress from across the pub. He ran, twisting past the patrons of the place. He stops a few paces away from her, straightening his garb, clearing his throat. He then strides over, catching her attentions in observing the room, "hello."
Hob's breath hitches when she turns to him and smiles, more radiant than before, "hello!"
He sighs, raising his hands, "I-," he clasps them together, "I'm Robert," he wipes his palms on his top, then extends one hand, "Hob, for short."
Her eyes crinkle as her grin widens. She takes his calloused, clammy hand in both her soft and warm ones, shaking it softly, "greetings, Hob!"
When she pulls away, she turns her head to the side and bares her braided hair. Hob's breath hitches the second time when he beholds the violet flower in it. She chuckles softly, "I kept it with me."
He lets out an airy chuckle, "I- it has been nearly a week. I'm astonished it's still alive."
She presses her lips into a pout, "I did not let my sister touch it."
Hob knit his brows tightly, confused by the sentiment, though his lips were still curved up into a smile.
He throws his thumb over his shoulder, "would you like to sit with me for a while? I have a table there. I'm waiting for someone."
"I know."
In that very moment, she looks past Hob and points behind him. Hob turns around, catching sight of his set table, finding it was now occupied, occupied by the very man he was waiting for.
Hob tilts his head, pressing his lips together, yet, still, they rememain curved upward.
"Come," she calls, cutting Hob off. She takes his arm in hers, making his heart thump wildly in his chest, "let us not keep him waiting."
Hob feels his breath quicken as he allows himself to be lead back to his table. She urges him to sit in a vacant chair. Hob does just that and watches as she circles back around the man across him.
He was clad in black, much like the previous times they met. The woman sits on the other available chair adjacent to both of them.
Hob looks between them. They both look back at Hob, her, smiling excitedly, him, scrutinizing with far less enthusiasm.
They looked like a living oxymoron, with her, robed in vibrant colors, and him, draped in nothing but black. Hob opened his mouth slowly, unsure of what to say. He thinks of saying something funny, something witty, anything that will break the ice, but his tongue is pressed down with the weight of their stares.
The brightly clothed woman turns to darkly clothed man and leans in, whispering something under her breath. He turns to her, extending a hand out to the table, mumbling something quickly before turning back to Hob.
He is at least grateful he did not have to speak first.
"Life has been treating you well, it seems," the dark haired man utters.
Hob straightens up, sucking in a breath as he smiles, "I have had a great many successful endeavors."
She perks at the sound of that, propping her head in her hands and her elbows on the table, "such as?"
Hob turns to her, gulping, finger digging into the collar that tightens around his neck, "such as..."
She raises her brows along with the corner of her lips.
Hob clears his throat, straightening up again, "such as trading!"
"Trading?" the blue eyed man speaks, tilting his head.
"Yes," Hob replies rather weakly.
"He must be very good at it," she chimes, turning to the other, "look at how tasteful his attire is!"
Hob fights back a smile.
"Life is more than the clothes on one's back, sister."
"Sister?" Hob calls, shocked by the revelation. He is all but ignored though.
"And yet small details as such help make life worth living."
Hob tries again, leaning on the the table, "you're siblings?"
The siblings turn to him at the same time, she smiles and he looks blankly. The former speaks, "of course we are. Is it not obvious?" The latter of the two narrows his eyes.
Hob's jaw slacks. He wonders if she is mocking him for a moment, but in any case, between the two, she doesn't look like the one who would be a mocker.
"I..." Hob trails off, "did not think at all of your relation to another."
"Perhaps you would care to think more," he states, "your life surely would benefit from it."
There, Hob thinks, surely that is the sound of mockery.
For a moment, a there was only the sound of the pub between them.
"Oh," the woman pulls back, grabbing her brother's arm, "look," she turns her face to him, "Hob gave me this."
Her brother's face contorts, brow raising inquisitively. He turns to Hob, silently interrogating him.
Hob leans back on his chair and licks his lips, "we met in a field by fate-"
"Fate?" his deep voice repeats. He sounded not all pleased. "What would you know about fate?"
His sister calls out to him under his breath. The pale man's tightened features relax a bit as he sighs, almost as though he was defeated.
"It was a happy encounter," she says, "was it not?" she turns to Hob.
Hob stills for a moment, then nods.
The man turns to his sister, reaching out for the flower in her hair, plucking it out from its place. Hob's lips part as he thinks of how her brother would surely crush the innocent bud in his palm.
She does nothing but watch as her brother examines the Pasqueflower in his palm. He asks, "what were you doing out in the fields anyway?"
Hob watches the siblings scrutinize the little flower.
When they turn to him, Hob's eyes widen and his body stiffens.
The woman's lips curve into a lopsided smile. She chuckles under her breath, "he was asking you, silly."
"Oh," Hob says, "well, I, well- I was taking my daily walk."
"Hmm," he hums, placing the flower back into his sister's hair where he took it.
She smiles at her brother, "special, isn't it?"
He turns to Hob when he replies, "yes. Special indeed."
Hob's sucks in a sharp breath. He inadvertently begins to choke.
The woman giggles under her breath, proceeding to pour Hob a glass of water.
Hob accepts it and watches the siblings turn to each other and mutter under their breath as he drinks. Dear goodness, what in the name of lord are they talking about? He would honestly give half- no- 3/4th of his possessions if it mean he could make sense of the two before him.
His soul nearly leaves him when they stand. The man looks down on Hob as he nods, "it has been a pleasure to meet you again."
"N-" he fumbles, standing up all the same, "no, you can't just leave."
Hob's shoulder burns and his chest tightens when the woman places her hand there. She offers him a playful look, "we never truly leave you, Hob."
What does that mean?!
The man offers his hand out to his sister, and she readily takes it.
When they begin to walk off, Hob does not make the mistake he did in the field and pipes up, "will you be back with him next time?"
They both turn to him, him, furrowing his brows, her, smiling yet again. The latter speaks, "we'll see."
Hob watches them walk away.
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kaialone · 2 years
hey! i know this is really random but i've been going down a kirby lore rabbit hole lately and stumbled upon your posts about adeline and ado. in one of them, you talked about how a 64 dream article stated how ado was a nickname for adeline but couldn't find it. i found a nintendo japan post for when they added kirby 64 to NSO "5月20日より「NINTENDO 64 Nintendo Switch Online 」に『星のカービィ64』が追加。当時のゲーム誌「64DREAM」の記事情報も公開。" which seems to include these scans. google translate seems to indicate that what people claimed was true (with the first image even straight up saying she's returning from dreamland 3) but i was wondering if you would be able to provide proper translations to help put this to rest lol.
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ty in advance!
I was already aware of these, but thank you for trying to bring this to my attention nonetheless ^^
I haven't really updated my Ado and Adeleine posts since I first made them back in 2019, but that's mostly cause there's been no new info that completely shakes up the facts I had back then. (I should probably add that I have now seen the Nintendo Dream scans in question, but I even pointed out that I never really doubted their existence in the first place.)
But yes, back when Nintendo added Kirby 64 to the NSO, they also released these old Nintendo Dream (or 64 Dream back then) magazine scans about the game for everyone to see. They indeed seem to confirm what was already pretty clear, which is that Ado and Adeleine were considered the same character around that time near the release of Kirby 64 - which is good to know.
I remember this also causing some mild annoyance for me though, cause with that came another wave of people going "oh, so it's officially confirmed all along!", unaware of the fact that HAL has since walked back from this idea ^^;
Recent works like the Kirby Character Encyclopedia from 2022 still continue to treat the connection between Ado and Adeleine as ambiguous, or don't bring it up at all, so no change there since 2019.
Lastly, since you asked, here's my translation of those old 64 Dream Scans, for what it's worth:
Adeleine Adeleine also appeared in the previous game, "KDL3" She's good at drawing and helps Kirby. You meet her on Popstar.
Here's Li'l Ado Adeleine's been possessed by the enemy Next up is Ado. This time around we actually get to know true name. She's really called Adeleine. Remember this, everybody.
↑ She got possessed by an enemy after she picked up a crystal shard. Looks like she attacked Kirby and the others when they came running to her side.
I am amused by the "remember this, everyone" bit, considering what a confusing mess the whole thing became ^^;
TL;DR for those just scrolling by: Kirby 64 related magazine scans from over 20 years ago confirm that Ado and Adeleine were considered the same character around that time, but more recent statements continue to treat it as a mystery - so it's not currently officially confirmed.
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