#( went and did a height comparison chart )
I have some tall boys.
Artemis (child form): 4'8" (142.24cm) Hiroki: 5′5" (167.64cm) Toshiro: 5'8" (176.7cm) Luka: 5'9" (179.8cm) Casimir: 5'9" (179.8cm) Zero: 5'12" (156.0cm) Elliot: 5'12" (156.0cm) Akira: 6′0" (182.88cm) Wyatt: 6′0" (182.88cm) Amir: 6′5" (198.1cm) Satoru: 6′5" (198.1cm) Eric: 6'6" (201.1cm) Artemis (normal): 7'5" (228.6cm)
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yukidragon · 3 months
Sunshine in Hell Height Headcanons
It's June 15, which as many of you know from this official profile, that it's Sunny Day Jack's birthday today!
You might also know that it's [Redacted]'s birthday thanks to this ominous picture Sauce shared last year on this day. Funny how these two totally distinct characters share a birthday isn't it? 🤔
Anyway, I was hoping to have written something for this year to celebrate, but like last year my spoons are way too few and far between. I was also hoping to do something self-indulgent for my own birthday, but same lack of spoons halted me there too.
So, until I can stock up on more metaphorical utensils to help me do the stuff I feel like doing, I'm going to celebrate by rambling a little bit about some headcanon details.
Sunshine in Hell differs from the game demos in a number of ways, and one of them is Jack's height. As you might've seen from the profile link, Jack is canonically 6'2", but in my personal headcanon continuity, I decided to make the gentle giant quite a bit taller than that. Because it amuses me, and I struggle with imagining Jack as shorter than Cove Holden.
When deciding how tall to make Jack in my stories, I also decided to do a height chart for him and a few other characters as well. It helps to better imagine characters interacting when you can see how tall they are compared to others.
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Yes, I threw in a few extra love interests to the mix, as well as a couple other MCs. I was curious to see how tall Alice would be compared to her sisters, and I had to throw in their love interests as well.
As an aside, it tickles me that even after I made Jack significantly taller, he's shorter than Bo's horny "Feed Me" form.
For those of you that need the conversion from centimeters to feet and inches, or have trouble reading the image, I'll write them down for easy reference.
Alice: 162 cm / 5'4"
Jack: 198 cm / 6'6"
Shaun: 178 cm / 5'10"
Nick: 173 cm / 5'8"
Ian: 170 cm / 5'7"
Bo: 180 cm / 5'11"
Barbie: 184 cm / 6'0"
Bo "Feed Me" form: 216 cm / 7'1"
Elias: 185 cm / 6'1"
Coraline: 172 cm / 5'8"
As you can see, Shaun, Nick, and Ian stuck with the canon heights in their profiles. It's just Jack who got a height increase because it's what I imagined his height to be from the start, and Sunshine in Hell is basically my headcanons that diverge from the game's canon, so I do what I want. It's also fun to imagine scary yandere Jack towering over every single one of the love interests. It adds to the intimidation factor too despite his gentle giant persona.
Bo and Elias don't have canon heights like the SDJ love interests, so I mostly just did whatever felt right to me for them. Bo's regular height was influenced by the mafia AU picture Sauce drew. It served as a very good height comparison chart all on its own. As you can see, Bo is just tall enough to reach Jack's smile if you don't count the ears and poofy hair.
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All credit to the awesome Sauce for their lovely art of course and for feeding my headcanons. As always, I want to link to the SnaccPop Patreon as gratitude for being cool with me using their art in my posts. If you're a a free or paying member, consider checking out an important survey that went up to help guide the team in their future endeavors.
Bo looks so short compared to Jack, doesn't he? In my headcanon land, it's just a matter of perspective, and next to other people Bo is pretty darn tall. Though he's just one teeny tiny inch shorter than his puppy.
You bet your sweet bippy Barbie takes smug satisfaction in that one inch height superiority. Bo talks so big as a big bad alpha dog, but the puppy he's trying to dominate is just a bit bigger and badder than he ever expected.
Of course, Bo gets to turn it right back around on Barbie with his monster sized "Feed Me" form. Like werewolves that become huge compared to their human selves, when Bo's inner beast comes out to play, he adds on quite a lot of height and muscle. He towers over even Jack! Still, even when super sized, he's no match for Barbie.
As you can see, despite being the eldest child, Alice is shorter than her two younger sisters, especially Barbie! They got more of their dad's height genes, while Alice took more after their mom in that department. Barbie and Coraline are quite a bit taller than average, a fact that Barbie revels in, and Coraline can find a little awkward sometimes, especially during moments of weakness. It can be hard to help someone stand back up and walk when they're much taller than you are after all. It leads to some embarrassing moments for poor Coraline.
On that same note of surprisingly tall people with chronic illnesses, I thought it would be interesting if Elias would have been a very tall man if not for his illness. There's no canon height for him and he's floating with Jack and Bo in the Christmas picture, so it's hard to go with a comparative height. So, I went with what felt narratively interesting to me. With his legs being twisted, and him being hunched over with a cane, he probably appeared shorter than he actually was. It's hard to see his exact height with his lower half ghostly and indistinct as well. It's only when he actually bothers to give himself legs and stand with both feet planted firmly on the ground that he can show off just how tall he really is.
While I'm on the topic of height, I wonder if one of Ian's insecurities was his height. Some men have issues if they're shorter than their peers, and Ian is the shortest of the love interests. I can imagine it certainly didn't help if he was bullied for being short along with his general "nerdy" appearance back in school.
Still, Ian has nothing to complain about at the height he's at as a fully grown adult. Even if the other love interests are taller than he is, Ian is still above average for men in the US. He's just got the misfortune of being the shortest guy in a group of very tall people. At least he doesn't have to worry about taking the bottom spot in the height chart like Alice.
Yes, Alice is a bit self-conscious about being so short compared to her peers, even if technically she's also above average height for a woman in the US. She feels especially tiny when standing next to Jack.
Though, admittedly, Alice does find it very nice to feel tiny and delicate when Jack sweeps her up into his arms. It makes her feel less self-conscious about how chubby she is when her big strong giant of a boyfriend can carry her around so easily. Once she gets over the initial fear that he might drop her, she'll soon look forward to being whisked away by her silly clown.
Oh, and if you're wondering about Mary's height... I'm still debating if I want her to be around Alice's height or a little taller. She had the same eye color in both lives due to the eyes being windows to the soul, but there were other physical differences due to different parents introducing different genetics. I need to ruminate on that fine of detail more and see what feels more interesting to me narratively.
Though even if Mary was as tall as Barbie, she'll still be short enough for Joseph to sweep into her arms since he's just as much of a giant now as he was then. Not that it would stop him from trying even if his sunshine was bigger than him. Nothing will stop Joseph/Jack from showing his love for his sunshine!
I think I'll wrap things up on that fluffy note. I hope y'all enjoyed me going off on a headcanon ramble after such a long time. With any luck, I'll be able to get to answering some asks soon. Thanks for reading!
@channydraws @earthgirlaesthetic @sai-of-the-7-stars @cheriihoney @illary-kore @okamiliqueur @kurokrisps
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aleebeesplats · 2 months
Soul bond[OUTDATED]
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“An eternity alone is a cruel thing to be subjected to. To be surrounded but isolated, heard but forgotten, so powerful, yet so weak at the same time. The story is your life, but is that really all there is to it? Is that why you did it? Allowed them to exist despite the obvious growing issue? You wanted to feel understood despite not knowing who you were or where you began. You’ve crafted life at the expense of their freedom. You’ve replicated freedom through life.”
More info about this au under cut
This really started as a joke cuz I wanted to draw more Stan and Mari friendship art but as god has it it’s not so much a joke anymore(yay). This whole AU centers around Stanley and Mariella “becoming human”.
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Character refs for Stan and Mari. I might change some stuff up with their colors and designs but this is the main idea for now.
In this AU Mariella now works in the same building as Stanley and her job is to attend meetings. Employee 317 did this everyday of every month of every year. She first meets Stanley while waiting for those who were supposed to attend, surprised and confused at the sudden disappearance of everyone.
Mariella and Stanley are creations of the Narrator, so they don’t look exactly human because of that.
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(They have normal noses in side profiles)
I was inspired by Friday Night Funkin for their stylized faces. In terms of expression they are much more animated in comparison to the Curator or the Narrator.
Speaking of Nar-Nar, here’s the man himself. His first form is more like a “concept” than an actual “appearance” as he didn’t really care about what he looked liked and cared more about getting through with the story. His current form is much more human and he often spends time in it outside of the parable in his office. I wanted to keep his figure blocky and sharp cuz I went by squares as his main image.
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Now the Parable wouldn’t be anything without the building, lo and behold “Coworker”.
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I suck at drawing buildings, but for all you need to know for now is that it always expanding in the inside (where the story takes place), and also it is alive, capable of thought and emotion to some extent. Yayyy living infrastructure.
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Some additional early sketches I made while trying to figure out stuff.
I thought it would be funny if Nar and Curie dated for a week before realizing they swung different ways. Things are good between them but it’s a little awkward at times. I was stuck between making Nar-Nar an eldritch creature or just an old man, but then again why can’t he do both.
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Quick height chart doodle. The egotistical old man strikes once again, he really made himself so tall because he thinks it’s funny being able to see over people’s heads. In a way they look like Kirby to him.
That’s it for now. I’ll try to not burn myself out so that I can draw more for this au. It seems shallow right now but that’s on purpose‼️
Also, none of the things I draw in this AU are meant to be romantic. They are Queer-platonic at most. This is just me exploring bonds in hard times +what it means to be human (self-projecting like hell).
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triangulumlights · 8 months
Chosen Children Tri Heights (sort of...)
I say sort of because I did my best.
ANYWAY, as we all probably know, there were super helpful official height charts for the chosen children in 02.
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This gives us nice specific heights for the older kids and several of the younger kids, although you do need to estimate for some of them (like Hikari, who looks shorter than the 150 cm line, so I personally guess 147 cm for her.) So from this, you can make a nice little height comparison chart online using your comparison chart of choice. I picked heightcomparison.com since I liked that you could choose models.
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Fun! This looks about right, so it feels like a good baseline to use for then trying to figure out how to find heights in Tri.
The easiest way, or at least I thought, to do this would be to find something to use as a baseline; someone who stood next to at least one or two of the 02 kids who also stood next to the Tri kids. My first thought, of course, was Gennai, since Gennai (or one of his clones) was near several of the chosen during the world tour arc in 02, and Dark Gennai (or whatever we wanna call this guy) interacts with several of them in Tri. Sounds reasonable, right? Right.
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These seemed like pretty reasonable screenshots to work with, since we have three chosen that are both in 02 and Tri. So I slapped a guess into the height comparison chart.
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...Immediate issues, unfortunately. Mainly in that although Hikari and Koushirou look okay next to this height guess, Jyou seems too tall. However, when I made Gennai taller, then Kou and Hikari were too short (they're already slightly smaller than they should be here), and since the height difference was only slightly off with Jyou and Gennai I figured this was pretty good.
So onto trying to compare Dark Gennai to someone in Tri, where again, I suffered. Of course Dark Gennai is near several of the chosen, but of course he's a huge creep, so he's not just standing there like a normal person. Of course not.
However, a few things were immediately noticeable. One: he's not that much taller than Jyou, as you can see their proportions are similar. Two: he's not that much taller than Meiko, somehow, but he's also at an angle so looks shorter. Three: he stands next to the railing of the boat the kids hide out on in... Uh... Loss? I think that's the right movie. Anyway.
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I thought that, of these, the railing height might be a good place to start. If there was a decent shot of one of the chosen near the same railing, it'd be easy to compare; the railing is about mid-hip on Dark Gennai, so all I'd have to do is figure out how high it is on one of the kids, and trial and error until I got a height. Then I could compare the other chosen to that kid and should be easy.
I should have known better. Alas.
We do, at least, get both Koushirou and Jyou near the railing, but the only clear good shot of one of them standing straight up next to it is at an odd angle.
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From this, it looks like the railing around Koushirou's waist/bottom of his ribs, maybe slightly higher. His elbows are bent 90 degrees to use the laptop, though the laptop itself would add a small amount of extra height.
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These shots he isn't standing up straight, but they all seem consistent with the railing being at his waist.
There's also a few shots of Jyou that are useful-ish.
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Jyou where did the rest of your arm go it doesn't look like it's hanging over the rail it looks gone
The rail looks about belt/top of hip level on Jyou, which makes sense for how much taller he seems to be than Koushirou (Jyou sitting flat on the ground still has his head higher than the rail, while Koushirou kneeling barely comes up to it.) Since we have good-ish estimates for both Kou and Jyou next to the rail, I went ahead and plugged in Dark Gennai's height, then compared 02 Kou and 02 Jyou to him to start off with.
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...Huh. This looks... Correct. Mid-hip on Dark Gennai (about 95 cm or so?) is right at waist/lower ribs on Koushirou, and at the top of Jyou's hips. But they can't just be their 02 heights, because Koushirou is now taller than Sora, Takeru, and Mimi in Tri, whereas they were taller than him in 02. So even if those three had stayed the same height, Koushirou must be at least slightly taller than he was in 02. And if you look at where Koushirou and Dark Gennai's elbows would be, it does seem like Koushirou needs to be slightly taller, so maybe we just have a case of anime proportion problems.
But before I mess with Koushirou's height, gotta figure out how much taller than Sora and Takeru he is. Fortunately he stands near both of them in various shots so it's easy to compare, just gotta find some nice shots where the animation is good so it's fair to assume they're on-model, so starting with Kou and Takeru--
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That's... Not helpful... Even the still animations from the credits scenes don't match. Tri. Tri why do you do this. I am one of you animation stans (when the animation's good, anyway; I love the style is what I mean) so why must you betray me so?
But okay. Official stills and such mostly put Koushirou slightly taller than Takeru, so that's what I'm going to go with. Now, comparing Kou and Sora, in addition to the group shots above--
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It's much more consistent with them; Koushirou's just slightly taller. Takeru is typically shorter than Sora in official art, making the order Takeru < Sora < Koushirou, but probably only a few centimeters between each of them. Whatever. I'm going to do my best.
In 02, Takeru and Sora are the same height, so lets bump up Sora a few cm and Kou a few more cm than that.
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This looks pretty good, actually. Assuming Takeru didn't get any taller is fine by me, since he was 11 in 02 and 14 in Tri; he could easily be one of those people that shoots up in intermittent growth spurts, especially since he's pretty tall in 02 comparatively. Additionally, the 02 height chart makes it unclear if it's measuring the top of his head or somewhere in his hat, so he could've actually gotten a little taller since 02 if he was actually shorter than 160 cm.
Anyway. The comparison here between Kou and Dark Gennai still seems alright, so we can work from here. Since I decided to default to the two official credits scenes with the whole group, I'm going to base adding the others from that. The only exception will be for Mimi, since she's consistently close to Sora's height in most of the show and artwork, and one of the credits scenes makes her way shorter due to her pose. Here's what I came up with.
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A few particular notes. The height difference between Taichi and Koushirou is not that pronounced in Tri; it's there, but it's not the big difference from 01 and 02. The top of Kou's head is about forehead-height on Taichi. On the other hand, Yamato is distinctly taller than Taichi most of the time, though like with Takeru his height varies. He could be slightly shorter or taller than this. Like I mentioned before Mimi is usually slightly shorter than Sora, with Meiko being slightly taller than Sora, about Koushirou's height. Hikari seems to have had the biggest growth spurt, with the top of her head usually around Sora's forehead or Takeru's eye level. Ish. Again, varies. And then, of course, Jyou is tall; he's not hugely taller than Yamato, but it's noticeable. Mimi comes up to a little higher than his chin. I would add screencaps, but I still need to add Daigo and Maki to the chart and only have one more image left in the post limit.
They're relatively easy to add, since both stand near the kids several times. Daigo is tall but not as tall as I would've guessed; Taichi comes up to his cheekbones, Maki slightly lower. Maki is also taller than Meiko by a noticeable amount, but not a large one. So with them added:
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Okay. This is my best guess for heights in Tri, and it leaves them all with a little more room to grow in Kizuna, which I might try to figure out later. Maybe. This was way harder than I thought.
Anyway feel free to disagree and discuss! I just thought this would be fun (and it was, despite the struggle) and maybe useful to people, though the real takeaway from this is that Tri is super inconsistent so really do whatever you want.
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soumarhea · 2 months
My Planes Fire & Rescue Wings of Fire au size comparison. This is just an "extras" to the main post. If you want to see their pictures individually, go ahead to that rambling post!
The aerial crew
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Left to right; Cabbie, Windlifter, Dipper, and Blade.
Cabbie could easily crushed Blade like the insect his tribe is, or snapped Windlifter in half like the twig his tribe is. Dipper have more volume than Blade and Windlifter. Within the aerial crew specifically, Dipper would be second largest by volume (Pantalan tribes are twinks compared to the Pyrrhian tribes fr), but Windlifter have height superiority (Dipper is slightly taller than Blade if she held her head high).
The smokejumpers
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Left to right; Avalanche, Pinecone, Blackout, Drip, and Dynamite (Cabbie and Blade's silhouette for scale).
The smokejumpers when they first went to Jade Mountain Academy. Look at how small they were, aww. And then,
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the smokejumpers when Dusty joins Air Attack. They have grown, and are still slowly growing in size. Dynamite is already slightly taller than Blade if she held her head high. Blade will be vertically challenged by everyone but Maru and Patch lol.
Bonus, the smokejumpers' logo;
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Left; my WoF au version of the logo and, Right; the original version.
At first I planned to just use the original logo, and then realized why/how would they know about parachute and off-road tire?? And then I tried redesigning it; swapping the parachute with wings, and the tire with (at first dragon footprint but I can't make it look good orz so I settled with) a dragon scale. (Does it look like a scale?? Even I am not convinced, and I'm the one who made this smh) Am I satisfied with it? No. I might tweaked it a lil bit more if I must.
The support crew + Nick
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Left to right; Nick, Maru, and Patch (Cabbie's silhouette for scale).
I did not realized how BIG I made Cabbie until this point. I did not realized how small I made Patch until this point. The Cabbie-Patch size difference is crazy, Patch is about the size of Dynamite when she was a dragonet...
Bonus #2. The reference I used to determine their sizing, the Piston Peak Air Attack crew;
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From left to right: Dusty, Dipper, Patch, Maru, Cabbie, Dynamite, Avalanche, Blackout, Drip, Pinecone, Blade, and Windlifter.
Note, their tires/tracked treads (front tire for the aircrafts) are on the same level (I checked). So yep, the Cabbie-Patch size difference is as biblically accurate as it can gets. This also means the only one on base who could fit in Blade's cabin space is Patch (trust me, I checked). Might be too cramped for comfort, but it is manageable. Sadly, the jumpers will never out-size Blade.
The entire Air Attack team + Nick;
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I'm being repetitive atp Left to right; Cabbie, Windlifter, Dipper, Blade, Avalanche, Pinecone, Blackout, Drip, Dynamite, Nick, Maru, and Patch.
Note, biblically accurate size chart would put Dipper between Avalanche and Pinecone, and Blade between Dynamite and Nick (blame those MudWing beefy genes). I couldn't be bothered enough to rearrange them. But, I am bothered enough to make this last minute addition, the Pantalan quartet specifically;
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can't believe I nearly forgot to put Blade and Nick together smh
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shattered-soul-au · 1 month
Rory - Design Evolution
Originally, Rory was just an asgoriel fankid, and not part of the larger AU. Though when designing them, I decided right off the batt that they would be nonbinary, as from what I'd seen, there was a surprising lack of nonbinary characters within the fandom. I decided to also go a different route than most other nonbinary designs, as most are very neutral or more feminine. I wanted them to be more masculine, however I gave them more feminine long hair for a contrasting feature, as well as due to seeing most nonbinary characters having shorter hair.
Their name came from how Asgore and Toriel both had nicknames that ended in "or-ee" (Tori and Gory), and I thought that a similar sounding name would fit. I eventually settled on the name Rory.
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This reference sheet was the first time I drew Rory. I had them in my head for a long time before this, but had never drawn them, as I tend to like to get all of the details figured out before I put a character down on paper.
I knew that I wanted them to take more after Asgore, with them having yellow hair and blue eyes. However I originally gave them Toriel's short horns and a long tail like I used in my Toriel design.
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I went through a phase for a while where I was really into shading my drawings, as well as starting to try to draw more dynamic poses. This is when I drew Rory next.
At this point, I had added them to my AU where the fallen humans came back as goat monsters. I had decided to draw all of the kids using their magic in combat, however, I only ended up finishing a few.
I gave them Justice magic, as I thought it would fit their personality pretty well. I also imagined them as having a preference for more physical combat than just purely magical, so I drew them using their magic sort of like brass knuckles.
This drawing is what inspired the current lore that they prefer defense rather than offense, as I felt that this drawing looked like they were more on the defensive.
I had changed their outfit to a tank top and tight-fitting shorts, as I felt that those would be better suited for this pose and action than the original t-shirt and long pants.
I did make a few errors of design in this drawing, however it was mainly due to me having limited color-choice at the time. I had used too dark of a blue for their eyes and shirt, as I didn't have a lighter color. I also didn't make Rory as masculine as I would have liked, as I wasn't familiar with drawing different body types, and mainly drew one main base type for all of my drawings.
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The third time I drew Rory was for a personal hight comparison reference sheet that I did to make my drawings of my characters more consistent. I had used an online height comparison chart for the base and had drawn over it, so the proportions are a bit weird compared to my other art. Though ironically, I was pretty happy with how Rory looked here.
I kept the darker shirt color from the previous drawing, however I stayed with their original t-shirt and long pants as their main outfit.
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The fourth time I drew Rory was when I was fleshing out the AU and doing a pose/body language study.
I couldn't figure out how to draw their hair where it looked right in this pose, so I settled for drawing it up in a braid. However, I ended up really liking how it looked, and it ended up as part of their main design.
I had slightly changed how I drew Toriel and Asgore, and changed Rory's design to reflect that. I also further pushed their appearance more towards Asgore rather than having them be a fairly even mix of the two; I gave them longer horns and longer fur.
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Rory's final design really didn't have much more changed, however I changed the shape of the fluff at the end of their tail to have a more consistent style that was close to how I did Toriel's tail. I also gave them a small beard, as I had decided at this point that I wanted them to very strongly resemble a younger Asgore.
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galewindstudios · 3 months
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3 Idiots and a Cadillac (and 2 Visitors)
Official Fullbody Refs + Height Chart Completed!! :D
[Design Blabbing Below; Beware, it gets long haha]
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Amp, 38 Years Old, 6'8 (203.20cm)
I finally got the stylisation of his face down! I feel his old ref was sort of a weird outlier style-wise. Changed his upper piercings from industrials to just rectangular ones. Either works but the only other oc in this world with silver piercings is Tiff. Theirs are rectangles and I really wanted to make everyone feel like they all fit in the same world, per se. I'll still probably draw him with indstrials occasionally though :) I may or may not have... tailored his jeans a little. Phff nah, couldn't be me. 👁️👁️ Hopefully his sass has stayed relatively the same haha. I also finally draew the tuft of hair under his chest hair and made his nails/belt/lipstick/eyebags the same colour!
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Geoff, 34 Years Old, 6'4 (193.04cm)
Geoff!! I think my fat anatomy really improved. I thickened up his legs and ankles some. Also I made his skin a smidge darker because I forgot my sun-deprived skin colour was not a good representation of a mixed-skin tone. His hair is less of a gradient now and more texture-d from one colour to the other. Also finally making the red rims of his eyes official. Also!! Also!! I snazzed out his cargo shorts! More pockets!! And a weird...lanyard...suspender thingy & black earrings as an homage to Geoff's 80's punk-ass(grunge? I... I am regrettably out of touch with fashion.). His left arm is also badly burned due to his habit of letting it rest on the open window in the sun when he drives around. Too bad it's also the arm JWD loves hugging. Lastly, I made his nails this dark colour with a pink shine to it! Just really adding a lot of pink lol
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Jackwagon Daniels, 5'7 (170.18cm)
It's corpse man! I definitely leaned into his dead...ness more. I made him more skinny, like his skin is pulling at his muscles and bones, and added some wrinkles too! Also added some drippy-corpse-liquefying details like on his foot. And I made his tan more like a sight burn (owuch). His hair is slowly gets bigger with every redesign... and I'm here for it lmao. Also! Detail! I added! JWD's fingernails, at the base, are blue/purplish! It's due to his death and I did battle wanting to make his lips-area blue too... but ultimately decided his smile is super big so it would only add unneeded noise. His jeans are more worn at the knees from his car repairing gigs back in Louisiana. And lastly, and it's strange I've written so much for him when hardly anything was changed lol, his eye dots! They're now sort of green-ish at the bottoms!
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Tiffany, 29 Years Old, 5'6 (167.64cm)
Them!!! I had a lot of fun adding more accessories/colours! I added nail polish that reflects their treasured umbrella on both their fingers and toes. Also changed out their boring exercise shorts for ~Swim Trunks~!!! I think the pattern would change depending on how they feel. I also added a much needed tan and sun freckles as well! I kept their hair style the same but added darker roots. They've stayed pretty true to their original design, tbh.
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Larch, 28 Years Old, 5'5 (165.1cm)
Lastly the elusive boy who only shows up when I draw Amp! There aren't many posted comparisons of him, but just know he probably went through the most change. I fixed up his anatomy; both with how the fat on his body rests/keeping him round, and making him look short. I have a weird issue with giving short fat people I draw skinny legs, which makes zero sense now that I know what I'm doing. (Also.... stretch marks...on his flanks... my beloved.) I've yet to """""officially""""" make a map for his vitiligo and mostly just care that it's in the right spots (shoulders/neck, right side of face around eye, tits and lower rib cage, wrists, inner fingers, and belly button area)! He used to wear shorts but I revoked them for sweats because he is a fashion disaster. Socks and sandals are also his forte, and I love him for that. He drinks a lot of beer (Amp's way of trying to comfort him) so I added that and a cig as well. He sort of just idles around wherever Amp is, frowning at the ground; poor guy. He also has mirrored tunnels in his ears, and his hair got darkened and less blond! Suffice to say, I am very happy with his redesign! He feels a lot more 'him' if that makes sense!
~ Anyway! Thanks for reading if you got this far, I really appreciate the interest, if any. Here's a gold star and also a little treat as well;
Have a lovely day, and thanks for listening to me ramble about my boys! 😌😌
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the-terrible-theys · 1 year
tried charting the heights of all the wild kratts characters for funsies :)
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aviva: 167 cm/5’ 5.7”
koki: 160 cm/5’ 2.9”
chris: 173 cm/5’ 8.1”
martin: 180 cm/5’ 10.8”
jimmy: 175 cm/5’ 8.8”
donita: 177 cm/5’ 9.6”
dabio: 203 cm/6’ 7.9” (woah)
zach: 174 cm/5’ 8.5”
gourmand: 154 cm/5’ 0.6”
rex: 176 cm/5’ 9.2”
paisley: 120 cm/3’ 11.2”
this isn’t perfectly accurate because 1) i couldn’t find screencaps to use to compare every character, 2) sometimes there was a lot of variation in height differences between characters and chris/martin (i tried to use those two as references as much as possible because they have canon heights), and 3) mostly because i was just eyeballing everything
reference images i used + a few notes are under the cut if you’re curious!! (by “a few notes” i mean i basically accidentally wrote an entire essay btw)
i went ahead and put the bros in first since, again, they have canon/googleable heights, and could be used as references for all the other characters. i ended up tweaking these heights very slightly (putting martin as closer to 5’ 11”, basically) just to feel a little more accurate to the show’s height difference between them and other characters
next i did the rest of the crew!
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the height difference between chris and jimmy was kinda hard to deduce. in some screenshots jimmy is a bit shorter than chris and in others he’s noticeably taller ?? i decided to take the average and put them at almost the same height with jimmy being very slightly taller
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i think jimmy was being mean to me on purpose a little bit because i had similar issues between him and martin. sometimes he’d be quite a bit shorter and sometimes they’d be practically the same height. c’mon jimmy
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figuring out koki and aviva’s height differences relative to the others wasn’t quite as hard, though aviva did have a bit of height variation (in the first image, she’s about the same height as chris, in the second she’s much shorter, and in the third she’s taller than chris would be in comparison to martin). thankfully i have precisely a billion and a half screenshots saved so finding ones to average out was an easy task. i decided it’d be best to keep aviva noticeably shorter than chris by a couple of inches, but to also not have their height difference be quite as significant as in some of these images
koki’s relative height seemed to stay the most constant out of everyone, with only very slight variations (her being closer to aviva’s height sometimes, but usually she’s shorter) (in case anyone is confused! i’m measuring her from the top of her head, not hair, so about where her headband is)
once i felt like the crew was all accurate, i moved to the villains. i started with zach because i have more pictures of him, both with the crew and other villains, so he’s the best reference)
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it was a little hard to judge his height in comparison to chris. they’re definitely close but i for some reason couldn’t find good reference images to get a more exact estimate. in both of these at least one of them is slightly leaning
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i tried to avoid using any references with the creature powersuits activated, since those can mess with height (or at least my perception of their height) a bit. i did break my own rule here, though, just to see how tall zach was in comparison to martin. i figured he was tall enough for me to viably place him as very slightly taller than chris, but still at nearly the same height
(i’m pretty sure i looked at a second, even better pic i had of zach and martin as well but i lost it)
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from there it was decently easy to estimate donita and gourmand’s heights with zach as a reference. i had the same height variation issue with donita as i’d had before, but when i found that fifth image while looking for dabio height references, i was able to find her height much more easily, plus verify my placements of zach and gourmand, plus get a good estimate on dabio.
(i also looked at more dabio references, some with donita and some with each of the bros, but i can’t find those either. oops) (trust me when i say him being 6’ 7” probably isn’t inaccurate, though) (the dude he’s based on, fabio, is 6’ 3”, so i was originally going to guesstimate him at around that height, but he looks WAY too tall for even 6’ 3”)
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i have VERY few images of paisley and rex, much less any that make usable height references, but i did manage to pick out a couple that were helpful. paisley seems to be shoulder height-ish on gourmand who i placed at 5’ 0”. i can also see that donita’s elbow is also around shoulder height of gourmand, giving me two points of reference
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paisley is also at approximately elbow height of rex, meaning that rex and donita are similar in height
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managed to find this image as a somewhat more helpful point of reference. yeah it’d be more helpful if rex and paisley were touching the ground, and if martin wasn’t in a cps (because, again, trying to avoid that for the sake of accuracy). beggars can’t be choosers, though, and the pixelization of this image is screaming beggar.
anyway! if i squint a bit and hold my fingers up to my screen, i can tell that paisley is at maybe just under belly button/elbow height of martin. rex looks to be a little shorter than martin, meaning my estimate of him being a similar height to donita is of some accuracy. i made him one centimeter shorter because he looks to be a little shorter in comparison to martin than donita would be? idk
i would’ve liked to search for better reference pics for paisley and rex just to make sure i’ve got their heights down, but i’m tired and have also hit the image limit for this post, so i’m just gonna stop there
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ask-the-dweets · 2 years
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I changed up the killer boys heights a little bit so I made a new height chart XP Fancy’s there for reference of their normal height~
The Dweets: 5′10
Killer!Pizza: 5′9″
Killer!Fancy: 6′4″
Killer!Elf: 6′10″
Had been humming and hawing about making Fancy and Elf taller so I just went ahead and did it! Now they beeg. Well.... In comparison to a lot of killers they are still quite small.... but that’s beside the point!
[Their old height chart is here]
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yandere-sins · 1 year
I’m not too sure if I keep missing it but I swear you had a height chart to compare all the height from the characters in your Orca story? (And may I just say it’s so good, I didn’t think I would get as invested as I did but now I patiently wait for each update)
I fetched the post for you, I tag all orca related content except the main story „orcas“ fyi ^^
Glad you enjoy the story!!
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n41r · 1 year
Ris and her ridiculous HC for Oreca Battle characters' height
Ayyo, this is just another case of rambling of a mad person that goes to much
I was about to sleep, but my brain suddenly screamed to me that I need to make a post about this-
TLDR; Old rambling about Ris being crazy, talking about the height of Oreca Battle characters
None of the information that you see in this post will benefit you because it lacks accuracy, so please just ignore this as a rambling of a mad person lamenting about her old days(?)
This is actually something that I did a long time ago when I was still new to Oreca Battle and was in the middle of researching further about "What the heck is 'Oreca Battle'???" (Around May 2023)
So, my descent start from this photo that I saw in the FB Group for Oreca Battle fans community
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Turns out, these are some pretty official stuff that were auctioned on yahoo auction Thank you to Nefer_ty who shares this information to me at June 2023!
Anyway, before I found out about what this photo means, I was focused on one thing,
"We have some official height chart for some of the characters here... I can try to measure their height, right?"
And I went mad and descend into my own personal hell-
So, I started to take a closer look into the characters' height chart as much as I can on my phone, and started scribbling something that may have not been accurate, like, at all-
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You see, I'm not a scientific or precise person at all- I was only driven by the power of delusion and madness at this point
150 cm is ABSOLUTELY NOT ACCURATE- It was just speculation, and uh... I wasn't really sound of mind (maybe?) at that point, so I didn't care and just took 150 cm at face value-
After assuming that Data's and Orega's height to be around 150 cm or so, I took a lot at the screenshots I had where either Orega or Data are standing side to side the summoned monsters
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This is one of my fav scene, lmao- ((Oreca Battle anime, episode 18))
And then I went and go to hikaku sitatter to mess around, finding out the amount(?) of height that closely resemble the difference between the characters on the mentioned screenshot
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((This is a newer one that I just made, because the old height comparison have my own height put into the chart as well, and I'm embarrassed to show how delusional I was being-))
Anyway, the one that I truly believe to be 195 cm tall is 3* Burn He might actually be taller, since Fire's height in the screenshot reach about his chest area There's an assumption of mine that Heat might be taller than Burn, but then again, his hair looks very t h i c c in that screenshot, so there's a possibility that Heat's as tall or maybe shorter than Burn
My previous assumption was that the 2* OreMons are about 100 cm tall But after looking at the screenshots that I have again, I changed it to 105 cm, which is actually not that much difference- Since y'know, their height can be affected by their apparel as well, like the shoes maybe, or the helmet, the hair too
Anyway, those are my headcanons for the Oreca Battle characters height
If I talk more about other OreMon height comparison, I might not sleep tonight- And I actually need to sleep tonight, I have irl business to do tomorrow-
But to make some of my personal HC short,
Culann is taller than Tanta (both 2* and 3* form)
4* Culann is a bit taller than 3* Culann
3* CuChulain is taller than 3* Tanta
Powan is shorter than Dante (both 2* and 3* form)
2* Inferno Burn only slightly taller than 2* Dark Tanta
3* Balt is only slightly taller than his subordinates
4* Balt is slightly taller (emphasize on slightly)
On their 3* forms, Rock is the tallest out of the Elemental Warriors, while Hayate is the shortest
And that's my rambling for the day I know I should've been trying to distant myself from Oreca, but I still very much adore these characters, I just can't-
I'll try my best to distance myself next time-
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stars-self-ships · 3 years
Let's Talk Rivals/Lovers/Tales of Aether F/O Heights
Something I tend to put a lot of thought into when designing a self-insert is their height, and how tall they are in accordance to other characters in the media the S/I is for. Sometimes, my S/I's height can be relatively close to my actual height, and other times, it can be drastically different.
Like how Psycha is 4'10".
This naturally makes Psycha the second shortest character in the Lovers of Aether lineup, just in front of Elliana, who looks to be roughly 4'3". But is Elliana really 4'3"? Because there aren't official height charts for the Rivals/Lovers/Tales of Aether cast, sometimes a character's height can be different depending on the artist.
A good example of this is Kragg. Of the Champions of Aether lineup, Kragg is easily the biggest of the lot, seen towering over everyone else in this key artwork. Yet in this cutscene in Rivals of Aether, he looks to be just about equal in height to his teammates, even not too much larger than Maypul, who's WAY smaller than him in the first image I linked.
So, if Psycha is 4'10" and I headcanon Elliana to be 4'3"... what would my headcanon heights for the remainder of the Lovers of Aether cast look like?
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Something a lot like this! I highly recommend clicking on the above image as it's much easier to see its details when you look at them up-close! I put way more thought into this than I probably should have, but I find the height I've given to each character actually makes sense, like how Elliana, a snake, is the smallest, and how Etalus, a polar bear, is the largest. The only reason Kragg, a beetle, is just behind him, is because he's actually an absolute unit in canon.
Speaking of putting way more thought into this than I probably should have, here are a few fun facts: originally, I had Etalus as 7'2", but 6'9" felt a bit more reasonable. Sylvanos and Zetterburn's heights were swapped at one point, and Absa was going to be 5'8" instead of 5'10" until I saw this image which pretty much changed my entire perception of just how tall Absa is.
But as I wrapped up the creation of the above height chart, I also wanted to take a shot at doing another one, this time focused on my F/Os that didn't appear in Lovers of Aether, but instead Rivals/Tales of Aether. How did that turn out?
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Surprisingly, Psycha, Elliana and Orcane are no longer alone in the 'Under Five Feet' club! I think this height chart was a lot more fun to make because I kept referencing Tales of Aether to get a good idea of how tall one character is in relation to another, so the heights I ended up with are pretty spot-on, I find. Also, Bradshaw is here because he deserves love.
I think the hardest part about nailing a height for any one of these characters specifically was Ayala. I kept flip-flopping between 5'9" and 5'0" even, because I wasn't sure on whether or not I should count her ears. In the end, I went with 5'0", and 5'9" is what her actual height is counting her ears.
I had a lot of fun making these! Hopefully this gives a bit of insight on how Psycha places in terms of height compared to everybody else around him in the Lovers/Rivals/Tales universe!
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isamiral-soulwolf · 3 years
You still do prompts right?
Can you do angsty sentence starters prompt #6?
IsaMira stuff~
6. "Sleep doesn’t come that easy without you.”
Some Isamira werewolf AU fluff and angst because let's face it, I really do need to write more of that one. Height comparison chart for Isabela and Mirabel here.
It had started, as all things in Isabela’s life seemed to start, with Abuela.
It had been a simple comment during their morning walk through town; Isabela would almost say she’d overthought the whole thing, but she knew Abuela too well to be that optimistic. They were alone when she felt the gentle touch on her arm, and she could already feel her heart starting its free fall into her stomach, but she took a deep breath all the same. “Yes, Abuela?”
“I’m glad we could have a moment alone.” It was quiet. “I wanted to speak to you, Isabela.”
There went her heart. Isabela nodded weakly, tilting her head just so to look down at Abuela. “Of course,” she said. “What is it? Did–did I do something wrong?”
It was a meaningless question, because they wouldn’t be having this conversation if Isabela had done something right. But it was the opening Abuela needed to keep talking, and it somehow only made Isabela feel worse that she smiled in response to her words–something warm, almost proud, as if it pleased her to know that Isabela could recognize the fault was somehow hers. She squeezed her arm. “Yes,” she said. “I’ve noticed you slipping out of Mirabel’s room in the morning while still in wolf form.”
“I don’t remember doing that,” Isabela replied, and prayed nothing on her face, nothing in her scent or her body language, gave her away. It was a bold-faced lie; Isabela wasn’t always in control of her wolf, but she always remembered what she’d gotten up to in that form eventually. For her own sake, for Mirabel’s sake, Abuela didn’t need to know that. If she could just claim ignorance, could put it off on the wolf and not as something she herself had done out of any sense of emotional attachment–
Abuela sighed now, and she patted Isabela’s arm. “I understand,” she said, and Isabela dared to take a quiet breath. “The wolf is a tricky thing, even at the best of times.”
Oh, you have no idea. “It is.”
“Still,” Abuela continued, and Isabela felt her heart tumble back into her stomach, “it isn’t something that can continue. You understand how it looks, yes?”
What Isabela wanted to say was yes, she understood exactly how it looked and she didn’t give a damn. What Isabela wanted to say was that Mirabel was her mate, and she had every right to come and go as she pleased from her room; all that mattered was Mirabel’s express consent, which her sister had given her years ago. She could already feel the anger rising, could feel her teeth sharpening and lengthening into familiar fangs as fur she didn’t have in this form bristled along her back.
But that was Isabela the wolf. Isabela the human, Isabela the perfect golden child, didn’t have that same freedom to give in to her emotions. The wolf didn’t either, not really, but the wolf forgot this much more easily than the human. Isabela breathed in through her nose, now, reminded her wolf of Abuela through scent, and gradually she felt her teeth shift back.
“Yes, Abuela,” she murmured. “I understand how it looks.”
“Good. Make sure it stops happening, please.”
“... Of course.”
For her image, for Mirabel–she’d do this. She’d find a way to manage. It was just sleep.
The solution was almost depressingly simple, ultimately. Wolves couldn’t open doors, after all; in the end all Isabela had to do was remember to lock her door before she went to bed for the night. A locked door meant a contained wolf, and a contained wolf meant she would stay in her room and not cause any trouble for herself and Mirabel. It was such a small, easy thing that Isabela might have laughed about it, if she didn’t feel so inclined to cry instead.
Of course, it worked. What followed were quite possibly the most miserable nights of Isabela’s life, and considering she by and large considered the worst day of her life the day she had accidentally bitten Mirabel, that was a fairly impressive claim. She wasn’t able to open her door while she was in wolf form, but her wolf apparently refused to learn this because Isabela was starting to lose track of the number of times she woke up curled against her door, aching and disoriented.
It worked, though. For the next few nights there was no risk of anyone seeing her going into or out of Mirabel’s room, it made Abuela happy, and Mirabel… well. Mirabel was safe, even if Isabela had taken to avoiding her eyes at the family table and she found every excuse to be busy with chores to stay away from her during the day. It was a change in her behavior and probably as cowardly as it came, but Isabela couldn’t bear to answer the question she knew her younger sister would have.
Mirabel was safe, even if it was making her unhappy. Isabela was doing the best thing she could do in this situation, and it didn’t matter that the trade off was that she barely felt like she’d slept in as many days. It was fine; she was fine. She could manage off of an hour or two stolen here and there during the day, the fragments she got at night when her own wolf wasn’t working against her.
She was fine.
It was fine.
Then there was a knock on her door one night into all of this–she’d forgotten how many nights it had been, time was starting to get a little fuzzy–and she was harshly reminded that no, she wasn’t fine at all.
Isabela jolted at the sound of the knock and groaned quietly to herself as she realized she must have shifted in the middle of the night again; she was curled up against her door, and the knock felt so loud it made her head ring. She had half a mind to close her eyes and try to sleep again–she was too tired to even bother with the thought of dragging herself back to bed, when she knew she’d just end up against the door again–but then there was another knock, followed by a soft “Isa?” that made Isabela’s heart crack right in two.
She should ignore it. She should close her eyes and pretend to be asleep until Mirabel left, and then maybe once she was gone she could manage another hour or two until morning. But Mirabel’s voice had her wolf pressing against her ribs, and Isabela had always been too weak for this to last.
“Hold on, Mira.” Isabela got to her feet gingerly, trying to ignore how sore she felt, and unlocked the door. She hesitated, hating that she even had to ask, but Abuela’s shadow loomed over them both; if she knew Mirabel had come to her now, Isabela would never forgive herself. “Did anyone see you?”
“Casita’s favorite, remember?” It was a weak joke as Mirabel slipped into the room and closed the door behind her, Isabela backing up to give her the space to enter; she was struck, suddenly, by how much taller she was than Mirabel in this moment, with nothing between them but air and clothing. It wasn’t a new revelation by any means, but it gave Isabela a moment’s pause.
Mirabel had no such hesitation, it seemed; the moment the door was closed and they were both reasonably certain they were alone her younger sister pressed into her and nuzzled with a little sigh that sounded as tired as Isabela felt, and something in her melt. She wrapped her arms around the smaller girl, pressing an absent kiss to her curls. “You haven’t been sleeping well either, huh?”
It was a stupid question. Mirabel answered her anyway, her voice muffled from where she was tucked into her chest. “Sleep doesn’t come that easy without you,” she mumbled, and every last bit of resolve Isabela had weakly held on to in order to see this separation through crumbled into dust.
She exhaled into Mirabel’s hair, then shifted and lifted her up–gently, always gently, but it had been so easy for so long that it came as easily to her as breathing, now. Mirabel wasn’t even startled anymore by the show of strength, simply held onto her like it was nothing and curled into her arms. “Come on, mi vida,” Isabela murmured. “Let’s get some sleep.”
Mirabel was already asleep before Isabela even brought them back to the bed. She curled around her little sister, nestled against her heart, and closed her eyes.
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amesstm · 3 years
Nose Bleeds: Part 1
Pairing: Ushijima Wakatoshi x Reader
Word Cout: 1692
A/N: sorry for taking a week off! I was drowned with schoolwork and then did some college visits. I’ll try to keep up with my set schedule! Also, this is my first Haikyuu story because it has taken over my life. Plus, thank you to whomever made the gif!
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“Got it!” You exclaimed as you dug the volleyball towards your setter.
“Good Y/L/N!” Your friends cheered. The set ended with another point for your team.
Your team crowded towards the center of your side of the court. Amongst the trees known as your teammates, you looked like a shrub in comparison. Of course, your short stature was an advantage since you were the libero but it was always funny seeing as you only made it up to their shoulders or chests.
After bowing to the opposing team, your friend Tendo rushed to congratulate you. He swept you off of your feet – which wasn’t very difficult – and swung you around like a doll. “You did amazing, Y/N!”
You giggled as he set you down, “Thank you Tendo. But I could still use some work.”
Tendo grinned mischievously and wiggled his eyebrows, “I think I know how you can solve that.”
“No!” You whispered harshly. “I won’t take you up on that idea!”
“Please?” He whined, clutching onto your cheeks like you were a puppy. “I think it’d be a good chance for you two to get closer. There’s only so much time before we all graduate.”
You sighed, “I know, but I can’t even be around him! I’m as good as a rock when I try to talk to him.”
“Well, he’s more or less a rock in general,” Tendo acknowledged with a shrug. “Why not just one practice with Miracle Boy?”
You bit your lip and avoided looking at Tendo’s convincing smile. If he could control you like a Sim, you were sure your romance levels with Ushijima would be off the charts.
Of course, you wanted to get closer to Ushijima in the last months you had before you inevitably went your separate ways, but again – there were only a few months left. The boy seemed as dense as ever, never having understood what you tried to say to him in the first place. Then again, it might’ve been because you were incredibly flustered.
But, if you had only a few months left, why not enjoy it?
You sighed in defeat, “Okay, I’ll try one practice.”
“Finally!” Tendo jumped into the air from sheer excitement. “You’ll redeem yourself from the last time you tried to talk to him.”
A groan escaped your mouth, “Please don’t ever mention that again.”
Obviously, Tendo would always mention it. He would never forget when you tried to ask the tall boy if he could sit lower so you could see the board during class. Before you mustered the confidence, you could only rely on hearing the teacher to take notes. Even Ushijima’s broad shoulders prevented you from looking around him.
So, you finally tried asking him. By asking, you meant getting so shy that you were a whispering mess. In the end, you failed and had to ask to be moved up front. So much for being able to admire Ushijima’s back muscles.
“If you two get married, I’ll have a whole presentation of all the times you were shy around him,” Tendo teased.
“Do you want me to smack you on the head?” You threatened.
He smirked, “Can you reach?”
How did you let Tendo convince you to do this? Did he secretly enjoy your suffering? You saw Ushijima walking to the gym for volleyball practice, as usual. Butterflies fluttered in your stomach, urging you to beat them down. Breathe in and out. Inhale. Exhale.
Okay, you got this.
You stepped towards Ushijima, who noticed you immediately. His olive eyes peered down at you, looking curious. No doubt, he thought you were looking for Tendo. He was about to open his mouth to ask, but you beat him to speak first.
“Hi Ushijima. I know we don’t speak much, but would you mind practicing with me?” You asked as calmly as possible. Yet inside, your heart was pounding wildly.
He only blinked, so you elaborated. “I want to work more on my defense so I’d really appreciate if you would serve for me.”
“Why practice with me?” His baritone voice rippled. You were suddenly reminded of your thoughts about what it’d be like to rest your head on his chest. The thought made you blush and widen your eyes. Surely, you must’ve looked like a deer in headlights.
So, you faltered slightly. “W-well, I wanted to be able to practice with someone outside of my team.”
“Is Tendo not willing?” Ushijima asked, surprised that you two wouldn’t practice together first. He always saw you two attached at the hip. If Ushijima didn’t know that Tendo only saw Y/N as a friend, he would’ve mistaken them for a couple. Except for the fact that Tendo treats you like a little sister regarding your height.
You rubbed the back of your neck with a soft laugh, “I think Tendo would distract me more than anything.”
Ushijima resisted the urge to smile. Instead, the prodigy nodded with understanding, “Then we’ll practice tomorrow.”
For the first time, Tendo saw Ushijima smiling for no reason. It wasn’t one of his forced smiles when someone asked if he could ever smile. Those smiles were terrifying. However, this smile was different. Tendo had a gut-feeling that he knew why, but he would love to hear the reason.
“Hm, is there a special reason why you’re smiling?” Tendo teased, winking at his friend. He leaned over towards Ushijima with sparkles twinkling in his eyes.
Ushijima’s mouth returned to his firm line, secretly embarrassed at being caught. “Why do you want to know?”
“Is it because of Y/N?” Tendo asked in a whisper, using his hand so only Ushijima can hear.
Y/N and Ushijima didn’t know, but Tendo has been acting as Cupid ever since he found out they liked each other. For Ushijima, Tendo noticed the quiet boy looking at her more than anyone else, even with all his admirers. For you, it was because you couldn’t talk to him at all despite your radiating confidence. Of course, he was right. When was Tendo’s intuition ever wrong?
“I’m surprised that she asked me instead of you,” Ushijima muttered.
“I thought I scared her.”
Perhaps all the times you were unable to speak to him was interpreted incorrectly on Ushijima’s end. It would make sense, given that he was intimidating for most people in the first place. It was even worse looking at the two interact. To anyone it would seem like he was scaring you.
Tendo sighed before he giggled, “It’s in a good way. Trust me.”
“Being scary is a bad thing,” Ushijima said with a hint of confusion in his voice.
His friend sighed and clasped his face, “What will I do with you?”
For you, tomorrow came too soon. Your nerves made you arrive earlier than necessary – 20 minutes early to be exact. You wanted to warm up a bit beforehand, just so you wouldn’t embarrass yourself in front of him.
You tied your hair up and put on your knee and elbow pads. Then, you decided to stretch out your legs. Spreading your feet out to match shoulder length, you sighed as you pushed yourself towards the ground. Luckily, you seemed to have the flexibility of a gymnast so you easily touched the floor.
“You’re here early,” a deep voice rumbled behind you. You look through your legs to see Ushijima. His eyes quickly averted from the position you were in.
You unraveled yourself, maintaining eye contact with him. As much as you could anyways, without combusting on the spot. “Yeah, I just wanted to stretch.”
He grunted, “We’ll start in a moment then.”
For a second, you watched him set down his belongings. The apples of his cheeks reddened slightly as he gulped. You raised an eyebrow, and then died a little inside when you realized why.
A few minutes of silence passed, until Ushijima called you to attention. He stood at the opposite end of the court, ready to serve. The absolute focus in his eyes ignited a sense of admiration within you. He smacked the ball in front of him, before looking ready.
You nodded. Not a second later, you were making contact with a ball he served. You’ve seen him serve before. A gunshot would ring out in the court, with the ball only making an appearance after it landed on the opponent’s side. Yet you were able to connect with the ball. However, it felt like he was serving directly at you.
He made another deadly serve. Once more, you were able to dig the ball. Another.
“Hey,” you yelled across to the other side. “Are you just going to serve towards me or make me work for it?”
If you were closer to him, you would’ve been able to see a small smile form on his face. Instead, all you saw was a nod and heard a grunt. He served towards the middle this time. You sprinted towards it and took a roll to get it. Finally, you were able to feel out of breath and sweaty.
“Again!” You smiled like a maniac.
Another ball went towards the back corner. You were fully in control of your side of the court. Ushijima made sure you were light on your feet by purposefully making the ball hit the net before slowly falling on your side. After an hour, you felt a bit fatigued by running across the floor.
Perhaps that’s why you didn’t notice the ball coming right at your head. You fell to the ground, feeling like you just got hit by a car. Afterall, sometimes spikes can be over 100 km/her. You groaned, the lights on the ceiling blurring. The dulled sound of long, quick strides towards you overwhelmed your ears despite the ringing in your head.
“Y/N, your nose is bleeding. I’ll find a tissue and then we’re taking you to the nurse.”
You couldn’t respond, except with a groan. He muttered something about not being able to find any. Ushijima returned to your side, taking off his shirt. Luckily, your vision was returning. Then, your nose started bleeding more.
“Is this heaven?” You asked, dazed.
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blazing-emblem · 4 years
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FEH Height Chart (Book 1-4, Summoners)
Here I am, after 2 years?, finally back with an updated height chart!! These heights are based on if the character is standing straight up and with heels. If they’re slouching or bent over, that is not taken into consideration. For example, Helbini is slouched over in his art. How tall I put him in the chart is how tall he would be if he stood straight.
DISCLAIMER: While I do have proof for why most characters are as tall as they are in this chart, a few are still pretty vague about their heights, so I have given them estimations instead. These characters with vague heights are: Surtr, Hel, Eir, Freyr, Freyja, Plumeria, Triandra, Mirabilis, and Peony. Feel free to change these up to your liking!
Below are the proof and reasons of these heights. You don’t need to read it, but it’s here if you’re curious of what I have to say, like for example, why Loki and Thorr aren’t here, or why the cast of Book 5 was omitted, and others.
Any evidence I have taken is only of when characters are right next to each other, enough so that you can see their height differences without much distortions from perspective or weird angles.
Askr and Embla
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I was lucky to find a FEHkoma chapter where these three are standing together. Anna is not present in any of the animations, so she was the hardest to figure out how tall she is for the longest time. In Three Houses, Anna is 168 cm (~5'6"), but since the Heroes cast has no definitive height listed like in 3H, it’s hard to compare. So this shot from one of the chapters was a good find. From tallest to shortest, Alfonse>Anna>Sharena
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Now this might seem a bit of a stretch, but the reason why I took this as canon is that all of these heroes are drawn by different artists, thus giving them different proportions because they were drawn by different people. But IntSys scaled these artworks like this for a reason right? I had to move Lif and Thrasir a bit lower because their feet weren’t on the same level as the others, but other than that, these heights look valid.
Another evidence can be found in Dragalia Lost where both Alfonse and Veronica are right next to each other. In the Valentine’s Day screenshot, Veronica is around where Alfonse’s eyes would be, and in the screenshot below, that is about how tall she ends up.
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Here are for Lif and Thrasir (clearer version), and one for Bruno and Veronica.
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As for Alfonse and Sharena, it was noted in Book 2, that Sharena was quite short. But in Book 3, it seemed she grew a bit taller, so I took the latter version as the one being canon. You might say that’s Lif’s Sharena, and thus should be different than our Sharena, but the FEHkoma chapter above makes Sharena the same height as the one shown in Book 3.
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The results of the Askran and Emblian height differences was interesting. Gustav is the tallest character, with Bruno following next, and then Lif. Among the adult ladies, Henriette is tallest, then Thrasir, then Anna.
Nifl and Muspell
This is the screenshot that shows how tall Fjorm is against the Askran siblings. Since Alfonse and Sharena are pretty much a solid place to compare heights to, it makes Fjorm’s height a good place to start for comparing the heights of the Book 2 characters.
This is also how tall Sharena was before Book 3.
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These two artworks below were drawn by Shigeki Maeshima himself. As the artist of Book 2, how tall he draws his characters would be pretty valid. A nice thing that both Laevatein and Laegjarn were drawn against Fjorm.
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And the last of the remaining Book 2 characters were luckily found in the FEHkoma.
Hrid and Helbindi are both taller than Leagjarn, however, both are a bit vague on how much exactly taller they are, so I made them both as tall as Lif. It works out because Ylgr, who is as tall as Helbindi’s chest area, is as tall as Gunnthra’s chin. And Gunnthra is a bit taller than Fjorm, who I have said before is a good place to start comparing heights to. 
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As mentioned before, the only one who doesn’t have proof of their height is Surtr. It’s shown in the Book 2 trailer that is he quite tall, and even his sprite is the largest humanoid, biped sprite in the game so far. But that is all that’s known about his height. How tall he is to Alfonse, Sharena, or Fjorm is not clear. So I made him as tall as Gustav, who is the tallest proven character in the game.
Hel, Ljósálfheimr, and Dökkálfheimr
Now these characters...most of these are vague comparisons. Most of them have scenes together, but there are not against Alfonse or Sharena, hence why I said they have vague heights. Take these as a grain of salt.
Like with Surtr, I made Hel as tall as Gustav. Her body proportions in her art shows that she’s quite the lanky lady, which means she is tall. In the only scene she has with Alfonse with them "standing” (they are bent over), she is tall. Though how much exactly isn’t clear.
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What we can know from Hel and Eir, is that Eir is as tall as Hel’s chin.
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Same problem. These two have heights compared to each other, but not to either Alfonse or Sharena. So as a “base”, I just made Freyr as tall as Lif.
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At least these next characters have some base, still not solid though.
In Dragalia Lost, Sharena mentions that Peony is nearly her size. Which backs up this scene in the Book 4 animation where Sharena walks in front of a mirror and Peony shows up instead of her reflection. You could say that this is to show that they switched places in the past, and the Sharena now could not be the true Sharena. Even in the Book 3 ending animation, when Veronica switched to Thrasir, their models were the same height, when it is now clear that Veronica is shorter than Thrasir. This was to show that they were the same person. That reasoning could apply here as well with Sharena and Peony.
But it’s something for Peony, so I went with it. I made Peony as tall as Sharena.
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Now that we have some base for Peony, her scenes with Mirabilis and Triandra shows how tall they are in relation to the other characters.
In this scene with Mirabilis and Peony, there’s a bit of an angle and perspective that needs to be taken into consideration, but it wasn’t too drastic that I couldn’t use it. Because of perspective, Peony appears to be taller than Mirabilis, hence why I made Mirabilis as tall as Peony instead of shorter than her. 
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And lastly, Plumeria. Other than the Book 4 ending animation, there isn’t much material of her for me to use. But I couldn’t use the Book 4 ending animation because the perspective and angles were making it hard for me to compare her to Triandra. All I got from it was that she looked taller than Triandra. 
So I made Plumeria as tall as Henriette. But Plumeria could be as tall as Frejya, who turned out to be a bit taller than Triandra. As long as Triandra is the shortest dokkalfr, you are close to canon.
Unmentioned Characters
Loki and Thor were omitted because it was very hard to find how tall they are in relation to the other characters. Even in Dragalia Lost and in the FEHkoma, they are seen by themselves, with each other, or hard to decipher because of the angle/perspective. I could have just put them in like I did with Hel and Eir (I didn’t include them at the start), but what made me include them in the end was because we know Hel is very tall, and that was enough to give me a comparison. Oh Hel’s tall? Let’s make her as tall as the tallest guy.
What we do know is how tall Loki and Thor are compared to each other because of Shigeki Maeshima. If Loki were to straighten up, she appears to be the same height as Thor, or she might be slightly shorter.
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For the Book 5 characters, since there’s barely any content with them currently, so I have decided to omit them from the chart. We know they are short though since we were told, but I forgot where exactly. Reginn is shown to be as tall as Sharena, so Otr and Fafnir might be as tall as Alfonse or shorter.
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Dagr was drawn taller than Nott in the promotional art, but in the Book 5 trailer, Dagr was shown to be shorter. Sooooo I am confusion
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I’ve been asked by @charlie-darkheart-roxas​ to include the custom Summoners in here too, so here they are. I didn’t include them in the overall chart though. Photoshop was already dying with the characters I have put in, and to add 7 more? Photoshop will kill my laptop. They’re compared to Alfonse anyways, so if you want to compare how tall a Summoner is to someone else, compare that character to Alfonse too, and there you go. 
How did I manage to get heights from the different summoners even though most have never appeared in an animation? Simple.
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Hooded Kiran is already shown to be taller than Alfonse in the Book 2 trailer, I think around Henriette’s height. Now selecting all the layers (in Photoshop) the Summoners are on, and scaling everyone at the same time, it keeps everyone in proportion to the Hooded Kiran.
And then I put them on the same “floor” so that they are on even ground. Surprisingly, the Summoners do have different heights. I’m surprised how short the white-haired Summoner is, and that the orange-haired Summoner is taller than the Hooded one.
Though of course, how tall the Summoner is, is up to you as the player in the end.
And that’s all for my updated height chart! I hope this helps you creatives out there with whatever you need this height chart for. I’ll do this again in a couple of years (maybe), or someone else do it for us ahaha
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im-a-lil-simp · 4 years
i saw your requests were open and i rlly like your writing! can i request a fluffy Technoblade x male reader? if you can add specifics can you also make the reader short and a twitch streamer? and Techno being very protective of him? if you dont mind that is
Technoblade with a Short Male S/o
Okay I got really scared you found who I was. Cause I am also male and I am extremely short (under 5 foot), so this goes out to my short kings, I love all of you. This was very close to my heart :)
I hope it was alright that I made it headcannons, but I tried to make it at least longer than normal headcannons that I would write. I almost had it done but half of it decided to delete itself so it took longer.
So, he's like a god compared to you.
In more ways than one.
Techno was least a foot taller than you, or at least around that that range.
He thinks that your height is very cute, like, extremely cute.
The way you have to look up at him in order to see his face makes him melt inside.
He loves how powerful he feels next to you, but he also feels as if he'll break you with the slightest touch or squeeze.
When he kisses you, he has to bend down a lot.
When he does that, he might pepper you face with kisses and make it seem as if he's losing his balance and can't find your lips.
Sometimes you get fed up with it and pull on his hoodie so that he gives you an actual kiss.
He'll usually laugh and cover the sides of your face with both of his hands.
And oh my god his hands.
Now, I'm not pulling a lunch club situation here, I'm just talking about how big they are in comparison to yours.
He isn't usually the one for pda, but occasionally in public or if you guys are at home, he'll hold your hand because he knows that his will just engulf yours.
You also steal his clothes.
A lot.
Especially his hoodies, they're always big on you and they always smell like him.
When you walk around the house in nothing but his clothes, he swears that you're the most attractive man on the planet.
He'll walk up behind you and wrap his arms all the way around your waist and put his chin on the top of your head.
On another note,
You guys have a pretty quiet relationship, generally keeping it to yourselves and your families.
Other creators knew about your relationship, but that was about it.
The only problem was, you were one of those creators.
You generally played more games than just minecraft, but like Quackity, you stilled played a lot of minecraft.
You started making more minecraft content after you got into the smp.
Doing bits with the others, you settled in nicely.
And the both of you were pretty comfortable in your relationship, so you had a lot of romantic bits on the server.
Hell, you were even canonically married to Sam.
This was all fine and dandy, until a few toxic stans started to get mean about.
They started calling you the 'smp slut'.
It flowed well and you didn't really care for a while.
But as more people adopted the name, it started to get under your skin and bother you more and more.
Once it started to bother you, Techno immediately noticed.
It took him weeks of prying before you finally caved and told him what was up.
It was then that he started to become protective.
He took you in his arms as you vented to him, rubbing your back slowly.
He wanted to continue to keep your relationship private, but this ground his gears too much.
The next time you went to stream, all went as normal, until about halfway through your stream.
You heard a knock on your door and you tried to ignore it, if you responded, your viewers would know someone else was in your house and question you on it.
When you didn't answer, Techno opened the door and strolled in.
You tried mouthing to him that you were streaming, but your chat definitely knew that someone was there because your facecam had been on.
He came into the view of the camera before you could stop him.
He didn't really show his face, save for a couple of times on his channel.
Most of your chat didn't recognize him immediately, as not everyone had seen that many of his videos.
"Hi chat"
Chat then blew up and you could not believe what was happening.
Why was he here?
Then he started to, calmly, go off, telling them to stop calling you those names because they're all just jokes.
And then he pulled out a specific sentence you did not expect.
"Plus, he's mine."
You were on stream or you would have kissed him right there.
But he did it for you, kissing you on your cheek before getting up and walking out of the room.
You wanted to melt.
From that point on, he wanted you to wear one of his hoodies every stream.
If you forgot or didn't want to, he wasn't mad, but that didn't usually happen in the first place. You loved his clothes.
It just made him feel better.
That way he knew there was always a piece of him with you.
Sometimes chat would notice how big it was on you and connect the dots.
Not everyone liked the thought of both of you together, but most people did.
The ship fanart was off the charts.
You still didn't show your relationship much, but people knew that Techno would step in for you if need be.
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