#They’ll be here later
aleebeesplats · 2 months
Soul bond[OUTDATED]
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“An eternity alone is a cruel thing to be subjected to. To be surrounded but isolated, heard but forgotten, so powerful, yet so weak at the same time. The story is your life, but is that really all there is to it? Is that why you did it? Allowed them to exist despite the obvious growing issue? You wanted to feel understood despite not knowing who you were or where you began. You’ve crafted life at the expense of their freedom. You’ve replicated freedom through life.”
More info about this au under cut
This really started as a joke cuz I wanted to draw more Stan and Mari friendship art but as god has it it’s not so much a joke anymore(yay). This whole AU centers around Stanley and Mariella “becoming human”.
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Character refs for Stan and Mari. I might change some stuff up with their colors and designs but this is the main idea for now.
In this AU Mariella now works in the same building as Stanley and her job is to attend meetings. Employee 317 did this everyday of every month of every year. She first meets Stanley while waiting for those who were supposed to attend, surprised and confused at the sudden disappearance of everyone.
Mariella and Stanley are creations of the Narrator, so they don’t look exactly human because of that.
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(They have normal noses in side profiles)
I was inspired by Friday Night Funkin for their stylized faces. In terms of expression they are much more animated in comparison to the Curator or the Narrator.
Speaking of Nar-Nar, here’s the man himself. His first form is more like a “concept” than an actual “appearance” as he didn’t really care about what he looked liked and cared more about getting through with the story. His current form is much more human and he often spends time in it outside of the parable in his office. I wanted to keep his figure blocky and sharp cuz I went by squares as his main image.
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Now the Parable wouldn’t be anything without the building, lo and behold “Coworker”.
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I suck at drawing buildings, but for all you need to know for now is that it always expanding in the inside (where the story takes place), and also it is alive, capable of thought and emotion to some extent. Yayyy living infrastructure.
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Some additional early sketches I made while trying to figure out stuff.
I thought it would be funny if Nar and Curie dated for a week before realizing they swung different ways. Things are good between them but it’s a little awkward at times. I was stuck between making Nar-Nar an eldritch creature or just an old man, but then again why can’t he do both.
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Quick height chart doodle. The egotistical old man strikes once again, he really made himself so tall because he thinks it’s funny being able to see over people’s heads. In a way they look like Kirby to him.
That’s it for now. I’ll try to not burn myself out so that I can draw more for this au. It seems shallow right now but that’s on purpose‼️
Also, none of the things I draw in this AU are meant to be romantic. They are Queer-platonic at most. This is just me exploring bonds in hard times +what it means to be human (self-projecting like hell).
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dredgesnails · 6 months
i genuinely think the people who insist the life series is scripted just don’t understand the difference between something scripted and something that’s been given a basic premise and directives that everyone involved in agrees to play along with for the bit. like, no, specific moments aren’t scripted, but there’s a reason the series isn’t just “best pvper wins” and it’s because they deliberately prioritise entertainment over pure skill because the same person winning every time just wouldn’t be fun.
like, for the most part they’re a bunch of drama kids who have been given the perfect playground to act out the shakespearian tragedy of their dreams (some more so than others) (hello rendog) and they’re given the tools and situation to do so but everything else is just improv. and they’re also just having fun like i think we should all remember they’re doing this to have fun with their friends and play on a server where anything goes and they can grief all they want and sometimes they’ll just make stupid mistakes like walking off the side of a diving board and dying because they were so miffed about losing to a best tower competition they forgot where the stairs were, or blowing themselves up with their own tnt trap because they placed one block in the wrong place.
also i think people forget just how generally predictable people are in general, like after five seasons you can definitely start to guess how people will behave because they’re just like that. joel is reckless and he likes to poke the bear, martyn is good at staying alive but not good at keeping hearts (the difference between winning limlife and going out early in secret life), scott is good at the social game and a formidable opponent but also terribly self sacrificial, bdubs will betray anyone he’s allied with if offered something good, etc etc etc
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lorastyrels · 4 months
some dead boy detectives headcanons:
charles loves it when edwin reads out loud to him, he’s totally content to sit around and have edwin read stories to him for hours at a time
edwin being nervous about very simple pda when they start dating; little things like walking together and holding hands, charles would have to coax him into by rubbing the back of his hand
charles pretends to sleep, just throws himself down on the couch while edwin is reading and closes his eyes even if he physically can’t sleep, edwin never complains
edwin writes down little questions to ask charles after they finish cases, modern things like what microwaves do and what online shopping is and charles is always happy to answer even if they can get a little weird
they take walks together, often at night when they’re not working cases. mainly because charles likes watching the living and how London comes to life at night but also because edwin's love language is time spent together while charles is physical touch
hob absolutely rents their office out for them, has probably run into them too many times in the past 30 years so keeps the place up to date. he also sends cases their way. they're two ghost kids he wants to keep safe and they remind him of himself and dream
edwin would rather hear about charles life when he was alive than tell charles about his own. he likes listening to charles talk about what he enjoyed when he was alive
their first kiss would be in the middle of some petty argument in a graveyard while they're on a case and crystal and niko are late so edwin is complaining about the living again and charles kisses him to shut him up under the moonlight
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blueskittlesart · 4 months
hello! im pretty sure the reason dgs herlock isnt called sholmes is because he wasnt public domain yet so i assume they couldnt get all the necessary rights!
that’s what i assumed too when the localization was announced but like shouldn’t tobias gregson, enoch drebber, selden, etc have theoretically also had that rule applied to them??? why were certain borrowed characters left completely unchanged and others localized Like That. not that i pretend to understand international copyright law or whatever the hell the conan doyle estate is doing at any given time but that seems weird to me lmao
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timemachineyeah · 1 year
I think in the next Animal Crossing, you should have to earn your control over the environment. And I don’t just mean working to get terraforming, I mean, like, earning it before getting to decide where other people’s homes are and stuff.
Idk, the deserted island is fun but I kind of hope in the next one we’re back to being a new face in an already established rural community. And you can still progress to moving absolutely everything on the map and decorating each square foot and flower to your liking, but, like… these other people have lives of their own.
I like knowing a rando isn’t gonna move onto my carefully curated flowerbed and ruin my path, but I don’t like how much the villagers in ACNH feel like fashion accessories rather than neighbors.
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sunmoontruth-stiles · 6 months
I need a completely rewritten teen wolf series with Derek Hale as the main character. I think it would heal me.
#we follow Derek from New York. Laura left for beacon hills. it’s been six years since he was back but he hasn’t heard from her#and hes going stir crazy waiting. he packs up and travels back. it’s almost too much immediately. he still can’t get a hold of Laura#he can’t resist going home. it’s like a natural pull that guides him back. all at once he’s 16 again. staring at the wreckage of his life#deputy stilinski is sherrif now. it’s reassuring in the slightest that the police force seems to have moved on from how corrupt it was#he catches her scent and it’s putrid. bile catches in his throat. he seeks it out. still in denial to what he knows it means.#when he finds Laura it’s like the world ends all over again. he can’t stand to see her like this. he gives her a proper burial.#the best he can do at least#he visits Peter. he’s not the man Derek remembers- so full of fire and cunning. their relationship may have been strained at times.#often Derek felt more like Eve being swayed by the snake than a normal friendship#but this isn’t the sharp tongued uncle who guided him. this is a broken shell. all that remained of his family. he was so lost.#22 but he barely knew how to function without his family- his pack paving the way#Laura handled everything. she got the apartment. she made sure they had food. Derek looks back and feels so useless#he was so lost in his grief. Laura must of felt the same way but she never let them drown in it#she made sure he got his GED. even got him to enroll in community college classes.#he took them online. he never was able to warm up to people the same way. he used to be so full of life. now he just wanted to be left alone#he studied English. never finished his degree. doesn’t look like he ever will now. he can’t go back to Laura and his shared home.#can’t bare to see another shell of a home#he vents to the vacant audience of Peter and his cold fixed eyes#Derek leaves. he wants to promise he’ll return soon#but promises feel costly these days#he decides to go back to the reserve. maybe he can find some clue as to what happened to Laura#someone lured her here. someone who knew them and their history here#his mind went to the worst. Kate. why would she go through the trouble six years later. why wait so long.#Derek couldn’t stomach the thought of facing her. he focused on the woods. the scents were all over the place.#clearly multiple people had been through here recently. two scents were much stronger. Derek follows them#but when he hears the crunch of leaves he realizes why the scents are so strong. they’re still here#he ducks behind some trees. listening in on their conversation. but an echo of their scent catches his attention#he spots an inhaler on the ground. he puts two and two together and swipes it from the leaves.#he comes out once they’re closer. tossing over the inhaler- he figures they’ll leave. dumb kids messing around in the woods#he reminds them this is private property. though that may not be true anymore. he recognizes the scent of a new beta. interesting.
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mythos321 · 2 months
Part 1 of my Wof x Persona au
“The world which has been shrouded in darkness, must now be reborn, righteousness which had once reigned has now been shrouded by the uncaring masses, leaving ruins which cannot be rebuilt
Many have come to stand forth against this fate, of many shapes and sizes and even species. These beings are known as tricksters, and they have come to be needed once more
Your time to rise forth against this distortion is nigh”
Chapter One:Start of The New World
That night still echoed in Clays brain, the night everything was taken from him, where he was forced to leave everything behind and be put in some strange program. He wanted to get angry, to feel bitter, and yet…all he felt was like he was a piece of trash, a bigwings who failed his sibs, no matter how much they tried to reassure him on his final goodbyes, he just couldn’t accept it, nor himself for what had happened, and hoped to the moons that they wouldn’t be burdened by his absence.
All he currently had on him was a(relative to his size) small bag, and a pair of glasses to try and blend himself into the crowd more, futile as he knew that may be.
As he walked and flew across the trail to his momentary place of residence, he heard talks of multiple different topics, one which particularly stood out to him being the “Detective Princess” Skywing he had heard about, who he also learned to be attending his new school, all Clay thought was he hoped to try and avoid interacting with them if they’re as prying as he assumed Detectives to be.
as Clay looked through his bag, he found a strange book inside it, with a cover that presented a red and black eye upon it, and almost seemed to be calling to him…Clay then threw it out, figuring it was some junk that got mixed with his things
finally, he had found the small town he would take residence in, located in the center of a small point which connected part of The Mud, Sky, and Rainforest kingdom, which featured a multitude of different Dragon tribes, similar to another city Clay had heard about on the other side of the continent, “probability” or something?
Clay hated to admit it, but he was slightly apprehensive of the other tribes, He luckily managed to find an aging Mudwing shopkeeper who pointed him in the direction of The Dragon he was looking for, The Skywing Kestrel
Clay saw the entrance to a small cavern and entered to find The Skywing preparing to close up shop for tonight, before hearing him enter
“We’re closed, get your food somewhere els- ah, you’re Clay, right?”
“Correct, Mrs. Kestrel”
“It’s Miss, actually, but just call me Kestrel, I’ll admit, I forgot you’re coming today” Kestrel stated, as she stretched her back
“Busy day I presume?”
“Nope, about as slow as a day like this can get, probably different for you though with your circumstances, eh ya little monster?”
“Correct, m- Kestrel, thank you so much for helping me” Clay politely said, but in all honesty, he couldn’t help but still feel uncomfortable towards her, even if she was doing something so nice for him, she seemed to have a small but noticeable burn upon her cheek, and her arms were covered in even larger burns, with a small stab wound also being noticeable upon the outer side of her right paw as opposed to the burns on the inner parts. Not to mention, though Clay knew she couldn’t help it, her face screamed “I’d beat a kid for fun! yippee!”
however, in contrast, Clay could tell she had a calm, if slightly cold tone to her voice, and he truly didn’t feel any malice from her outside of the appearance, so he decided to go with his gut and still trust her…though his gut had failed him before, even still, he wouldn’t let that guide him.
“Come on now, no need to be so formal, I ain’t some priestess, all I’m doing is doing your aunt a favor.” Kestrel stated, and Clay almost smiled thinking about his aunt Asha, the closest to a mother he ever had…He could tell he was gonna miss her almost as much as he missed his sibs
“Come along this way now, I have a place for you to stay” Kestrel then walked down the cavern, where Clay was greeted with a dusty old room that looked like it hadn’t been opened in years and almost like it was just used for Storage beforehand
“I prepared your resting area, but you’re gonna have to handle the rest, alright?” Kestrel stated as she laid out a small area that could barely fit a dragon Clays size, with no resting support to be seen
“Heard what ya did to the lady, I’d have never taken ya to be the type to maul someone with how you act!” Kestrel laughed, but Clay looked horrified at her thinking he’d do such a thing, and she quickly caught it, “Huh, guess that parts just a rumor then? well, not like it matters either way, I won’t pry too much on it though, just don’t pull me into it either.” Kestrel stated towards him, now looking almost disappointed, and Clay wondered if she somehow knew the person involved and held some grudge towards them.
“All I know is you got in trouble for attacking a diplomat, and your queen banished you from your home for it while putting you in that new program thingamajig. That’s all I know, and that’s all I need to know, and that’s all the people that need to know here, alright? don’t want any customers knowing a criminal lives here, got it?” Clay wanted to comment on how she worded his Queen saving his scales but knew this had already dragged on too much for either of their likings
“Got it.”
“Good, just endure this place for the next 12 months, and you’ll be off probation and your banishment ends, but that also means you can’t go getting yourself into trouble. I’ll make sure to help you get a route to your school tomorrow, you can get yourself introduced to your teachers. Don’t expect them to be friendly though, people don’t regard your type with much grace y’know”
“…I expected that” Clay somberly said, keeping a somber yet sharp face as he looked her in the eye, expecting her to finally reveal a snarl to her, but instead got a small sigh, and a pat on his back before preparing to leave for the night
“Don’t go messing with the tavern while I’m gone okay? don’t do anything stupid while you’re here alone, okay? or I might just toss ya to the mountains.” Kestrel said, and Clay couldn’t tell if she was trying to tell a joke or not.
Clay made sure to clean up his space, dusting the area, taking out trash, and even watering a small plant, before finally heading to rest. He couldn’t help but note how cold the floor felt to himself, how stiff it was…how lonely it made him
before he could rest, however, Clay saw a slight glow in his bag and looked inside it and found the strange book from before
“Huh, I could’ve sworn I threw this out” Clay thought out loud, as he opened the book to look inside, before suddenly falling to sleep on his resting space with little time to react
Clay quickly awoke, but he found himself not in the cave like before, and instead in a cell-like structure, with a strange fog seeming to surround his cell and that which stood outside of it, however, throughout the fog and darkness he saw a single light at its center, and at the far end of that line laid a strange looking Nightwing, whose eyes seemed darker than the shadows which surrounded him, with scales that were ebony black for all but his right arm, which appeared to Clay to be made of…stone? They didn’t quite look right to him that was for sure
What stood out most to Clay however, was the dragons piercing gaze, almost as though the moons themselves gazed upon him, making Clay feel an immense presence immediately.
“Welcome, young Mudwing, to my Velvet Room. My name is The Stonemover, and I serve as this places all-powerful master.” The Dragons voice rumbled, and Clay felt his entire back shiver as he heard it echo across his prison.
“My my, to think your room would manifest in such a way. Your heart truly has been shackled as a prisoner of fate, Mudwing.”
“What’s going on! where am I-“ Clay tried to move toward the front of his cage, but a baton suddenly clashed against it, and he saw two small scavenger-like creatures below, and was shocked when one of them spoke to him
“Show some respect, inmate! back off!” Shouted one of the scavengers, who appeared to have a paralleling eyepatch with the other
“You are in the presence of our master.” stated the other, calmer scavenger
“All shall be explained to you in due time, Mudwing, but for now, you must return to your real world, but do know, our paths shall cross oncemore very soon” As The Stonemovers voice rumbled, Clay began to faint once more, before awakening once again in the true world, and prepared to go with Kestrel to his new academy.
when Clay first entered the office of The Schools Dean, he saw none other than The Queen of the Seawings, Coral, accompanied on her left by who Clay guessed to be The Disgraced Eldest daughter, Orca.
On her right, there was a seawing older than Orca but definitely younger than Coral, with a mixture of dark and green scales, with creepy blobby eyes that reminded Clay of some toads back where he used to live
“I hope you are aware that you are not here because you are wanted! Only because Moorhen insisted on you being a part of my program. Understand if I so wish, I could send you right back to where you belong.” Coral viciously said, and Clay felt a special kind of venom in her words, one he hadn’t felt even from those strange wardens he saw in his dream, at least, he assumes it was a dream.
“Now now My Queen, it is important to be easy upon him, after all, he grew up in such a dirty place he probably doesn’t know much of anything! He could make great use in swimming however” The Man to her right said in a strange, oily voice, which made Clay feel gross just hearing, the backhanded remark didn’t help either
“Awww Whirlpool! always thinking of the best for everyone! I’m lucky to have someone like you under me!” Coral complimented, as Orca rolled her eyes, and walked toward Clay
“I’ll be your homeroom teacher from now on,” Orca stated, which surprised Clay, no matter how important the school he was surprised a princess would work such, even if she was disgraced like Orca. “Take your Id, and report to your Faculty office in the morning, I’ll take you to your class then”
“Thank you, your highness” Clay simply said as he took his card
“Don’t go around letting him run free you hear me? I don’t want a beast like him free in the streets.” Coral sharply said to Kestrel, shooting her a glare as well
“Alright, alright. No need to get any tails twisted.” Kestrel stated as she and Clay walked out to go back to Cavern Tavern
as they flew down the trail, Kestrel saw the aftermath below of a Skywing that seemed to crash straight down, destroying another dragons home in the process, with it now being covered up to be put out of sight for the sake of the dragons below
“Sheesh, again? I can’t believe so many of those are happening recently” Kestrel muttered, as she looked once again at Clay, who seemed to only be looking forward, before asking her a question
“…what is it, that made you take me in?”
“Huh, you wanna know why? well, your aunt asked, and I didn’t have a good enough reason to say no, so I went along with it…plus, I’m getting paid, if that helps. Look, just, keep your head up and blend in, can’t beat it, join it, I guess, don’t repeat mistakes, you get that right?”
“correct,” Clay answered, before flying down towards the Tavern, with Kestrel just behind him
“I’ll make us some curry alright? I hear Mudwings particularly need a lot of food due to their builds, so you’re fine with that right?”
“I’m fine, thank you” Clay didn’t feel hungry, he hadn’t for the past few weeks, he almost felt like he didn’t deserve to eat anyway after screwing up so badly, and simply hoped his Sibs were doing fine without him…
Clay prepared to leave for the school early, but before he could, a plate of beef curry was suddenly put on the taverns counter, seeming to be freshly made
“Don’t think I’m letting you starve yourself, alright? I want you to eat this and go to your school on a full stomach, got it?” Kestrel ordered
“Curry for breakfast?”
“Don’t question the inner machinations of my mind boy” Kestrel glared, and Clay got to eating his meal, shocking himself at how he was able to scarf it down
“Alright, NOW you’re allowed to go” Kestrel answered just as Clay finished his meal
“Thank you so much for the meal…it was delicious” Clay thanked Kestrel
“Heh, you really are a breath of air with your good manners. Now then, hurry up to school, use the route we used yesterday, and don’t get distracted, okay?…oh, and flip the sign over the cave to “open” for me if ya can.” Clay nodded towards her, and walked out, making sure to flip the sign as he left. “…OH, AND DONT FORGET AN UMBRELLA-…hm, already out of earshot, well, I hear Mudwings like the Rain anyway…I think?”
Luckily for Kestrel, she was indeed correct on her assumptions, with Clay happily flying through the rain on his way to school, to the point where he didn’t initially notice how much time he had left at first due to it being far less crowded because of dragons avoiding the rain, stopping just a bit away from the school to try and take in the scenery.
as he looked inside his bag, he once again noticed the book inside, despite having for sure put it away before last night, and he was now starting to be legitimately concerned about its constant appearances.
“Hey Mudwing, do you need some help getting to school? You haven’t forgotten already have you?” Clay suddenly heard the same oily voice from the day before and saw Whirlpool walking past him, having a strange toothy smile upon his face, not to mention the same condescending remarks as before
“I’m fine, thanks, just lounging with my freetime before I head over”
“Alright then!” Whirlpool then swam away, likely to go to his classes, and Clay prepared to start walking when he suddenly heard someone running behind him in the rain, before seeing a Seawing girl about his age appear in front of him, seeming to have started chasing Whirlpool when she first saw him
“Damn it! Screw that squid-brained sycophant!” The Vulgar Seawing shouted
“Sicko font?” Clay questioned, as the Seawing then looked at him, not seeming to have realized he was there, and the book inside Clays bag slowly began to open without either of their notice
“What do you want, Mudwing? You planning to rat me out to Whirlpool?” The Vulgar Seawing began to get in Clays face, to the point where he was able to note she had translucent green eyes, along with that she had a scale color similar to Queen Corals, but wore something similar to a coat on her, with what looked like smashed up jewelry on it…honestly Clay found it kinda stylish.
“Why would I do that?” Clay questioned, legitimately wondering why he’d do that
“Huh? Do you not know who he is? Are you For Real? He’s one of the teachers here and Queen Corals S ranked ass kisser! Bastard does whatever the hell he wants. Who does he think he is anyway-The king of a castle? I mean you could probably feel it too, right?”
“….which castle?”
“no- I meant- Wait, oh I get it, you’re from that Destiny Program bull…seems you’re a second year too eh? same as me, guess I should’ve pieced together you were part of that earlier though…whatever, let’s get to school, this rains crappy enough as it is.” as The Vulgar Seawing and Clay began to walk however, they both suddenly felt a sharp rush in their head.
“Ah great, just what I needed today…damn it” The Vulgar Seawing kept walking, as the world felt stranger and stranger until they finally made it toward front of…a castle?
“What the- did we make a wrong turn?”
“This should be it…the hells going on here? guess we’ll go in and ask about it.” The Vulgar Seawing stated, as she began to walk into the castle, with Clay just behind her, for a moment, Clay almost thought he saw the school shift back to normal before returning to its distorted form
“That’s weird…where’s the school?”
“Maybe we really did make a wrong turn”
“Nonono, this IS it, I’ve walked that way a thousand times it’s gotta be it…right? The sign was for the school right”
“Yeah! you saw it too!” The Vulgar Seawing shouted again, as she suddenly heard something approaching behind her, a dragon in full armor, with strange strings seeming to come from above them
“Jeez, you freaked me out! what’s up with the costume? Mom make another crappy novel and make it everyone elses problem? I mean, the costumes impressive though, is the armor real? and what’s with the strings?…you gonna say anything???” The Vulgar Seawing kept pestering the knight, until suddenly, multiple others started showing up
“Is this some weird school hazing?!” Clay questioned
“I DONT KNOW DUDE!” The Seawing shouted, as they began to be enclosed by the knights more and more “Shit…this is real isn’t it?” The Seawing tried to look for a way for them to escape, but couldn’t find any “Alright, let’s just all calm down, none of us want any trouble right? we just gotta-“ The Seawing then grabbed one of the castles candlesticks and bashed it into a knight “COME ON LETS RUN” The Vulgar Seawing shouted as she and Clay made a run for the exit, but were stormed by more and more guards, with them both being knocked on the heads by shields. “Shit! the hell do you guys think you’re doing…” The Seawing and Clay then both fell into unconsciousness
“Hey. Wake up! Come on!”
Clay began to wake up, his head feeling remarkably better from before, as he found himself in a strange type of dungeon alongside The Seawing
“You alright man?”
“Yeah, you?”
“Meh, I’ve been better…haven’t been in weird dungeons before for one” The Seawing then began to walk up to the cells door, and bash her hands against it “Oy! Let us out of here! Or I’ll turn this place into a construction site! Ugh, damn it where even are we?! some elaborate theater set?!” as she said that, her and Clay suddenly heard screams outside, almost as though a person was being tortured beyond it. “Whoa…whoawhoawhoawhoa man…we got to find a way out of here…shit, we’re too late” footsteps began to approach them, as the guards from before revealed themselves once again, with a man in a long blue royal robe behind them
“To think you of all people would try to go about as they please inside MY castle!” The man in the robe revealed none other than The Seawing Whirlpool, who also sported a tacky gold crown and despite his wear felt even LESS imposing to Clay than before
“Wait…Whirlpool? The hell kind of get up are you in???”
“Are you trying to go against me yet again, Tsunami? Seems mommy didn’t teach you your lesson well enough last time…and you even brought a stupid Mudwing as backup, to think you’d get soooo desperate!”
“This ain’t funny you ugly asshole!” Tsunami bashed against the bars yet again
“Is that how you speak to a king?! Not only have you broke into MY castle, but now you’ve spoken against me- THE KING, your punishment shall be death! Time for a quick execution!” Whirlpool(?) Then had his guards rush into the cell, and Tsunami quickly knocked one down with her tail
“Come on! Let’s get out of here!” Tsunami tried to grab Clay to make a run for it but was quickly struck in her side, knocking her against the wall, and Clay got between The Guards and her as they began to approach her
“Just get outta here! These guys are serious trouble! I’ll find a way!” Tsunami shouted, but Clay wasn’t buying it
“Oh? running away? to think you’d be such a heartless friend!” Whirlpool(?) callously mocked Clay, who still stood against the guards
“Too scared to run? whatever, I’ll focus on the former princess instead!” Whirlpool(?) then had his guards quickly grab Clay and toss him aside, as he began to kick down the already hurt Tsunami while laughing “I waited so long to deal with a useless pest like you! Now I finally have you ready to be dealt with once and for all! hehehehehe, come on, where’s that energy from before?” Whirlpool(?) mocked. “Whatever, I’ll just kill you right now!”
“STOP IT!” Clay shouted, still trying to fight back, which momentarily caught King Whirlpools attention
“Hm? Are you trying to stand against me? how annoying, guards, hold him there, after this disgrace, he’s up next to die!” Guards then swarmed Clay to keep him down, as another prepared to execute Tsunami, who though she said nothing, was clearly terrified of what possibly awaited…
This is truly an unjust game…your chances of survival appear to be almost none, however, if my voice can reach you, then that truly means your will to survive just may triumph…
What are you doing? do you truly plan to simply watch? are you forsaking her for yourself? Death awaits hers if you do nothing! was your previous decision to protect your Sib a mistake then?
“NEVER” Clay shouted immediately, without any doubt in his mind of such, as he fought against the guards strength to try and save Tsunami
Very well then, I have taken note of your true resolve!
Clay suddenly felt a massive spike within his mind, as though it was exploding from in and out
Vow to me. I am Thou, Thou art I…Thou who is willing to stand against all which is absolute, and bring forth Thine own justice! Call upon my name, AND RELEASE YOUR RAGE
Clay shouted once again, distracting the guards for a moment, as his contract continued to be forged
Show the strength of thy will to discover all on thine own, even if one be damned by The Heavens and chained by The Hells themself!
“Hurry up and execute her!” King Whirlpool shouted
“That’s enough”
“…what was that?”
“I said,
a sudden burst of energy emitted from Clay, as he felt a strange white mask emerge upon his face, and with all his will, and in spite of all the pain, he ripped off with all his might, letting out a roar of pain and anger, as his blood soaked eyes revealed a new resolve, and a smile formed upon him that would make even the most dangerous of dragons quiver, as a burst of flames suddenly engulfed Clay from below, as the face of a true monster suddenly emerged from the flames, with a serpentine-like lower half, and wings of pure black, with a long Copper Coat that had black edges which seemed to be that of a snakes head, with fire that emitted from its eyes, and roars that almost seemed echo ever forth without stop in proud ungovernable fury
Instantly the guards surrounding Clay were destroyed by the mere emergence of this beast, and King Whirlpool ran away in fright without haste, leaving only Tsunami to see the new beast that befell the world
“Wha…what the…?”
all Clay could do now was smile in tandem with his new freedom, at the start of his new self, at the start of his new world.
I am the Dark Son of the Earth, Obsidian!
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quietwingsinthesky · 8 months
just going to keep this au tucked into the back of my mind for the rest of the show btw. doctor who if his companions literally would not leave him alone. he keeps getting new companions and they’re just. integrated into the tardis family. bonding over how much they all love this weird pathetic spaceman who has enriched and/or ruined their lives.
#even funnier if the doctor regenerates and tentoo does not so theyre just perpetually stuck with angsty david tennant alongside whatever#doctor is flying the ship at the time#they’ll like. leave and do normal life stuff every once in a while.#the doctor internally going both ‘oh good theyre returning to their lives 🙂’ and ‘THEYRE ABANDONING ME 😭’ because he has issues#and then another companion will hijack the tardis to pick them up again because the doctor is trying to avoid it ‘for their own good’#the doctor tries to leave them all behind when they all go to donna’s wedding and is thwarted by luke smith (also invited to wedding because#donna and sarah jane are friends now and luke eventually starts living parttime on the tardis like sarah jane does (sarah jane i can see#going back home the most. but still never leaving the doctor alone lmao.) and anyway luke got overstimulated at the wedding and hid in the#tardis to calm down (sarah jane told him that was okay 🥺) and then the doctor tries to??? fucking leave everyone??? (<- having a crisis)#and twenty minutes later luke has commandeered the tardis back to the wedding and the doctor is getting an earful from both donna (‘YOU RAN#AWAY FROM MY WEDDING???? MY WEDDING????’) and sarah jane (‘YOU KIDNAPPED MY SON???’)#i got off track here talking about donnas wedding my point was that i think it would be funny if this stupid alien man’s family just keeps#growing and growing and he cant do shit about it.#sometimes the master is also there when she’s on good behavior and she makes fun of him for it soooo much. loser cant keep his humans off#his tardis.#tardis family au
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crowsyart · 1 year
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Some of these have way more meaning than others some are just vibe based I’m a bird guy I gotta birdify the soul eaters
Maka - Carolina Wren
Soul - Osprey
Black☆Star - Common Kingfisher
Tsubaki - Black Heron
Kid - Black Vulture
Liz - Red Tailed Hawk
Patty - Rough Legged Buzzard
Crona -Kauai o’o’
Ragnarok - Loggerhead Shrike
Medusa - Crested Serpent Eagle
Marie - Buff Orpington Chicken
Spirit - Red Crested Cardinal
Stein - Harpy Eagle
Death - Andean Condor
Justin - Turtle Dove
Giriko - Hoatzin
Eruka - Potoo
Mifune - Snowy Owl
Sid - Ostrich
Hero - Grey Catbird
Asura -Magnificent Frigatebird
Naigus - Groove Billed Aini
Asuza - Western Jackdaw
#soul eater#I’m not tagging everyone there’s too many people here maybe I’ll come back to it later and do it#honorable mentions#kid:collared inca#stein:shoebill stork or bleeding heart dove#asura: adolescent california condor#also important to note I am both a Marie fan and a chicken fan#this is not a diss on Marie I selected the buff Orpington because they’re both a very sweet breed (also orange) and chickens are also tough#obviously#hoatzin for giriko is because the babies chicks have little like dinosaur fingers and also they smell really bad#the kauai o’o for crona is because theyre known for that recording of one singing half of its duet#as the last one of its species and I was like yeah that seems crona-like#crying out for something they’ll never receive#and if you wanna get cute about it maka could learn the other half#speaking of maka wrens are known as the king of birds in some British cultures I believe? so she has a legacy to live up to#black heron for tsubaki besides its color and tallness they make a shadow tk catch fish and i was like yeah rhat seems ninja like and clever#kingfisher for black star is kind of obvious you have king and star type deal plus small and blue#He is a peacock in my beastars au but thats different#hero catbirds are unremarkable and good at mimicry#Justin turtle dove religious symbolism Azusa jackdaws are corvids and therefor clever also they have her piercing eyes#the condor and vulture w kid and his dad are fairly obvious w the death and decay stuff because vultures#ospreys look like awkward teens trying to be cool to me#I almost did a chickadee for soul to match maka being a small bird#harpy eagles eat monkeys so it’s kind of like that dissection of people thing w Stein i guess?#trying to remember all my reasonings is hard I sat on this for a while lol#anywyas hope you guys enjoy#soul eater birds#oh uh frigatebirds being theives and scavengers and attacking other birds I’m sure could be drawn back tk asura somehow like#somehow
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xannerz · 11 months
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yellowplumfruit · 1 year
i went to a new doctor today bc my old one doesn’t take my insurance and she was SO COOL!!!!!!! i left with FIVE referrals even tho only two of those issues were my priority :’) she listened to me completely and made sure i was taken care of
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myork · 2 years
something about the initial sadness wearing off and realising that for the next three years they’re gonna get the break they deserve (the actual one not the hybe scam) even if its in such a form, them getting full and proper routines with time to eat, sleep and work on designated times, meeting other people, staying away from social media and the craziness of it all and just serving and being together puts my heart at ease. they’re gonna come back stronger than ever, im sure of it. and when the time comes and they see that we’re still here, still waiting- thats a look in their eyes worth waiting for. 💌
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kavehater · 2 months
I cannot fathom the level of self importance some people must have to behave this way
#it’s more so selfishness lmao#idk I’m getting unnecessarily worked up about this but 6 months ago I kinda vanished off of everywhere and then I noticed she deleted some#messages#girl I would’ve responded later calm down gosh the messages aren’t going anywhere nor are they disappearing#dora daily#I think of all people who should be mad you’re the last one because tell me why you were so viscerally rude to me since the beginning and#played a massive part of the roaa situation by being complacent when oh ! I thought you’d side with your alleged best friend ME#girl you have no right to complain at all not to mention you take FOREVER when you have no excuse to reply back but when I’m struggling I#apparently have zero excuse ☠️ girl bye#not to mention the fact that when I was so frustrated with myself having these bad headaches and being so incapable of doing anything when#exams were so close all you had to say was what can I do#well bitch what could I have done when you were at hospital#I guarantee you I was the only one texting you 24:7 asking how you were#reassuring you that it’s okay to feel upset about being in the fucking hospital and you don’t need to have such toxic positivity all the tim#oh but when the other girl had freaking back pain from her period or something apparently that’s more of a concern#girl bye#not me who has chronic headaches and cannot even study and nothing sticking cause it’s that bad#oh but go ahead compare it to your chronic illnesss like yes it’s horrible and yes it impacts you a lot#but I don’t think it impacts your brain and memorisation capacity#not to mention how fucking jealous she is of everything like I can say oh god I was so stressed and girl she has not felt stress in her life#compared to what I go through yet she is jealous of the fact I can stress ? tf?#and when I say I almost passed out cause of exhaustion she doesn’t give a shit when I was being so serious#in truth I’ve come to realise nobody does seem to care at all lmao they all think I’m lying#why would I lie about that be so fucking fr rn#anyways this is why I simply don’t want to talk about my physical condition with anyone anymore because they’ll think I’m a liar anyways 🤷‍♀#not to mention the fact if you even knew me a little you’d understand that it’s so impossibly hard for me to feel comfortable enough to#complain to talk about me feeling sick or sad or whatever I only do it here cause no one follows me and no one will rlly see it at all#but even here I feel like my throat closes up and I can barely breathe when I do complain#so pls …#this one sided friendship thing is crazy cause girl how do I shake you off?
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floral-hex · 3 months
I’m about a week and a half into starting Remeron and my main side effect so far is I’m just so dang sleepy all of the time.
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eternal-reverie · 4 months
I spent more this past year on going to live performances than ever before and now there’s more cool artists touring I can’t keep up!!!!
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acertainmoshke · 6 months
I finally realized the words for something that’s been bothering me. Maybe it was never like this and it’s part of growing up and noticing stuff, but it seems like people used to enjoy books as they came and now it kind of feels like you’ll get crap if you don’t handle everything right away.
You have a character arc but not a complete one in a single book? Then the character is bad. If characters aren’t specific about sexuality right away because there’s a queer arc planned later the author doesn’t want to spoil? Then the book/series isn’t diverse enough. I don’t know what exactly to do about this but it’s bugging me
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