#( sure why not! )
clockwayswrites · 11 months
I see it's animal time here, let me introduce you to the dogs I used to have that I had to leave with a friend when I moved across the country.
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my beautiful baby creme, who was rescue adoption from horrible backyard breeders. She Is a mix breed of shepherd and the only one of the two siblings that survived to adulthood.
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this is the dog my friend had already named Khloe. she is a red heeler mixed with min pin. so her head is comically smaller then her built body.
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this was my pure pitty. unfortunately she had a free spirit and got out on a bad weather day when people decided to be dangerous on the roads. I miss her lots and it really broke me when I found out it happened.
Anyway, I hope they brighten your day up!
Aw, I'm glad that they were bright spots for you when they could be!
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They need some laughter. They'll been through a lot. It's stress relief!
Also, they are all little shits! We love that for them. /pos
I'd like to think it all started with Kai. He just wanted a fun way to bond with his friends. He loves his bros, so he sneaks tickles in whenever possible!
Cole's lifting weights? Or has headphones in and not listening? Poke right under the arm.
Lloyd won't stop complaining about a quiz? Scribbles to distract him!
Kai is, honestly, terrified of messing with Zane. (He hesitates, but he still does mess with him. Zane's trying to calculate something for math? It's a perfect chance to find out if his neck is ticklish!)
Speaking of Zane, he is tough to crack. Not because he can hold it in, but because he's hardly ticklish anywhere.
In the midst of a tickle fight, Kai tried to drag him into it. Zane didn't react, which then prompted everyone to stop what they were doing to try and find a singular spot that made Zane smile.
They came out unsuccessful.
...Until, that is, Zane needed repairing. He has a stomach and back hatch, usually Jay does the repairs when needed because Dr. Julian (Zane's dad) does not know about ninja business. (However, Zane is capable of doing self-repairs. He doesn't let most people touch him. It's more of a trust exercise if he lets anyone go anywhere near his hardware.) Nya teams up with him too sometimes. It was by complete accident for Jay to careful shift some plating, which he was petrified by at first in fear of hurting his friend, until Zane let out a surprised giggle.
The next few pokes weren't quite accidents anymore.
(Zane still lets him do "repairs" sometimes... and those sometimes had times where he didn't even need supposed "repairs". He just wanted a couple tickles!)
It became glaringly obvious that Zane had a ticklish back, it was just a hard to reach spot.
Jay, poor guy, is one of the most ticklish people you'll ever meet. He may even be more ticklish than Lloyd!
From most ticklish to least ticklish is Jay, Lloyd, Kai, Cole, Nya, Zane.
Kai has so much fun messing with Jay. Nothing downright mean, unless it's provoked, but he can tell Jay likes the attention.
Jay jumps at everything, he's a very anxious lad. So jumping at sneaky pokes and devious fingers is a welcome change.
Albeit very embarrassing. He's incredibly squirmy, and can't say the word "tickle" in certain circumstances. It's very endearing.
Do not underestimate his gremlin side though. Once he gets comfortable, he will fight back. He is very quick and nimble, he'll skitter anywhere he can reach. (Lightning fast, some may say. Ba Dum Tsk.)
Nya is soft with him, because of course she is. Which makes it tickle worse, Jay swears it does.
He hides his blush with his scarf all the time!
Cole... Cole will just hold it in, pretending it doesn't bug him. He's too good at keeping a poker face. Tickling? Not a weakness he has, is what he claims.
You just have to know the right place and right time to get him. Surprise attacks? He'll be caught off guard, good. Rough tickles or soft tickles? A hybrid mix, keeping him on his toes, also good. But getting his weak spots? Those tiny little spots that people would glance over?? That will get him really good.
But he'll destroy anyone who dares even try to poke him, he's rather someone to break up a tickle fight or start tickling someone else rather than being on the receiving end.
(The ninja have teamed up on him at some point, and he's never laughed so much in his entire life.)
Kai doesn't necessarily mind tickling, he's the one who inserted it into the dynamic in the first place.
This does not stop him from claiming he's not ticklish, though. It's his way of inviting some mischief. Everyone knows he's lying, and he's lying to get them to do something.
That's why they make him admit it. Which he actually is flustered by.
Lloyd, Jay, and Kai are all nervous gigglers.
Cole, Kai, and Jay do snort. Then again, Jay makes every sound known and unknown to mankind when he's being tickled.
Cole pounds and kicks the ground when tickled, and it does cause minor earthquakes.
The tips of Kai's hair do catch on fire when he's experiencing Intense-Tickling-Symptoms.
Lloyd gets all hiccupy if you get him good, which is very easy, and he eventually will tilt his head back and just laugh. It's a very fond sight, little tears in his eyes and stupidly big smile.
Nya would rather try to do an escape room underwater than get caught admitting anything embarrassing.
She's ruthless and knows how to win fights by playing dirty. (Which she claims she would never! Least not without good reason, such as if she were losing...)
Kai knows all her weak points, though. Knows the buttons to push. He spends a good majority of the time teasing her more than actually tickling her.
Now, Garmadon has four arms. Naturally, you see where I'm going with this.
Lloyd and Garmadon try to get along in a way only an evil warlord and a simultaneously bullied and idolized teenager could. That means they go through a lot of bonding activities. Garmadon saw Lloyd get poked once and was curious about it from then on.
Needless to say, Garmadon found one of his favorite ways to bond - and mess around - with Lloyd. All he had to do was lightly scribble his very soft human skin and he was giggling away! It was very satisfying. He may not have been able to take down the Green Ninja, but this would do nicely.
It reminds him of a time when him and Wu didn't fight. (Which then spurred on a train of thought if Wu was still ticklish, but Garmadon hasn't attempted. YET that is, he so will! Just not yet. He's still a mastermind who loves scheming!)
Garmadon has, in fact, attempted to tickle Lloyd's ninja friends before. All with varying degree's of success.
I have more thoughts but here are some headcanons!!
I need to write a tickle fic with them, I love them so much!
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kokosnuss-jaguar · 7 months
Me: *tags one thing she likes after centuries*
"Oh so you like that thing!?! Have some recommendations!"
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elephantbitterhead · 10 months
An unforeseen drawback to doing one's own waxing: findng yourself willing to consider waxing schedules that you'd never agree to if you were paying for it.
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terribleninjagoaus · 2 years
there is no green ninja, the dark lord is actually a two-headed dog, kai and nya have to barf to use their powers, the serpentine are just multiple mini snakes merged to make a big one, and pythor is their computer with a virus, misako is a humanoid cat furry, lloyd eats lightbulbs.
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wsbhonni · 1 year
Hi! Sorry to bother you I was just wondering if you got my submission? Just asking because I don’t know if they give you a notification or not because It didn’t work with the last person I sent one too?
Anyway I hope you’re enjoying all the collectkin content 😙
Hi friend! I did get the submission and honestly love it!!!! Thank you for the delicious Collectkin content!!!
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 5 months
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Expertise can't help you here.
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pimsri · 3 months
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tpwrtrmnky · 2 months
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[ID: A two-panel comic with crudely drawn stick figures.
Panel 1: The lime green person is talking to the leaf green person and the moss green person.
Lime: "I... have a confession to make."
Leaf: "Go ahead."
Lime: "I want to rewatch the Wizard Child movies."
Leaf: "Didn't the wizard author get incredibly chromophobic?"
Lime: "Yeah I just... It's nostalgia you know? They meant a lot to me when I was a kid."
Panel 2: The three are on the couch.
Lime: "All right, let's go."
Leaf: "It's so weird how the wizard author just turned chromophobic though. Like I remember this series being pretty good for its time. It'll be weird seeing their work contrasting with their views now."
Moss: "I'm just glad we got the movies for free through normal and legal means. Heh."
End ID.]
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[ID 2: Scenes from three Wizard Child movies.
Wizard Child and the Simplistic Morality: A slightly round child with a propeller hat is talking to a child with no hat.
Round child: "I am so fucking fat and greedy I am textually shown to be fat because I am greedy and also evil."
Hatless child: "You are to infer my moral purity from juxtaposition with this fat child. Woe is me for our shared parent has deprived me of a propeller hat."
Wizard Child and the Goodness of Wealth: An adult wizard is talking to the child, who now has a wizard hat.
Wizard Adult: "Wizard child you are secretly extremely rich."
Wizard Child: "I will form biases regarding the bankers all being triangular for some reason!"
Wizard Adult: "Your wealth is deserved because your true parent was Good and therefore you are also Good."
Wizard Child: "Now we should acquire consumer goods. Buy consumer goods!"
Wizard Child and the Dark Family History: A blue-grey horse person is talking to the wizard child.
Blue-grey: "No, wizard child. You don't understand. I am one of the good ones, because unlike the bad ones I don't try to spread my curse that makes you a blue-grey horselike creature to others!"
Wizard child: "Wow uncle blue-grey you are one of the good ones! I forgive you for being a horse because I am so good I would even forgive horses. I sure hope you don't conspicuously get killed off later in this movie!"
End ID 2.]
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[ID 3: Oh hell no there are even more of these.
Wizard Youth and the Tokenistic Relationship Dynamics: A square headed wizard youth is talking to the former wizard child, now a wizard youth.
Square Wizard Youth: "Wizard child, as the only person with a square head in this entire series it is my duty to inform you that you are the savior of all people with square heads, too. Let us build a one-sided relationship that only furthers your character development, after which I will immediately lose all plot relevance."
Wizard Youth: "I will do this because I am a maturing wizard youth and need disposable relationships that don't threaten the endgame!"
Wizard Youth and the Escalation of Stakes: The Dark Wizard, a sort of grey-green person with a cloak, is pointing at Wizard Youth.
Dark Wizard: "Wizard Youth, I have returned!"
Wizard Youth: "Dark Wizard! Why are you green now?"
Dark Wizard: "Evil magic made me green! I am green with envy towards all who are good!"
Wizard Youth: "I will not engage with how you are clearly based on fascist ideologies and yet this narrative plays into fascist aesthetic sensibilities!"
Wizard Youth and the Post-Hoc Revelations: The Wizard Youth is leaning over their Wizard Mentor, who is laying in a pool of blood.
Wizard Youth: "Wizard Mentor no! You can't die!"
Wizard Mentor: "It is fine, wizard youth. My death will further your character development into a wizard adult. Also, I was secretly a very very dark purple this entire time. I never brought it up so I could retain narrative approval.
End ID 3.]
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[ID 4: Wizard Adult and the Overdue Conclusion. Three panels. I am sorry.
Panel 1: The dark wizard is dueling the Wizard Adult with magic beams.
Dark Wizard: "Evil green beam!"
Wizard Adult: "Good red beam! Despite the enormous variety of magic in this series this is what our final battle looks like!"
Panel 2: Wizard Adult stands victorious over the dark wizard, who is dying on the ground.
Wizard Adult: "In the end, dark wizard, you were defeated because I am morally superior to you."
Dark Wizard: "I was a product of systemic failures. There will be someone like me again someday!"
Panel 3: Zoom in on wizard adult, who says:
"Not if I can help it. Because I am going to be a wizard cop now. The moral of this story is that all systemic issues can be solved by finding a bad guy to beat."
End ID 4.]
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[ID 5: Four panels.
Panel 1: Return to the green trio on their couch, watching the TV say "The End." All are are silent.
Panel 2: They are sitting on the couch. Moss is looking at their phone.
Lime: "Yeah so there were maybe a few signs we missed because we were children."
Leaf: "Yeah. A few. Some."
Panel 3: Continue conversation.
Lime: "So what did you think, Moss?"
Panel 4: Zoom in on Moss, who says: "I've been zoned out on my phone since the second movie. They lost me at the magic stuff. Wizards aren't real."
End ID 5.]
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passionpeachy · 6 months
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strawberry swiss snail 🍓
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fanaticalthings · 2 months
Bruce Wayne except he texts like an ominous boomer
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wdym you can't tell if he's threatening them?
Based on this post by @mysterycitrus :)
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Happy birthday, Tim 🥰
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feluka · 7 months
oh god shut up. you didn't even know the damn kid.
"The children are always ours, every single one of them, all over the globe, and I am beginning to suspect that whoever is incapable of recognizing this may be incapable of morality." — James Baldwin
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kiwi · 7 months
everybodys gotta get back into the practice of using pseudonyms online... i remember the time of screen names where u never ever told anyone ur real name and that was just understood as basic internet safety. plus having a screen name is fun because sometimes it sticks so well that it becomes part of ur identity that u can use in whatever facet of ur life you choose. it rocks to pick your own name
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marisatomay · 1 year
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twitter is hell but i really hope it doesn’t actually die because this is in contention for the funniest thing i’ve ever read in my life
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sparkdoesart · 8 months
Having even slightly popular mutuals is so cool. The king has bestowed upon me a like. Perhaps even a reblog
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alagaisia · 2 years
Hey. Why isn’t the moon landing a national holiday in the US. Isn’t that fucked up? Does anyone else think that’s absurd?
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