#( for rp purposes. personals do not interact )
shdwtouch · 5 months
not me openly admitting that shade lowkey takes after me. this was not intentional, I swear. uwu; she kinda just... ended up with an extra dose of who I am as a person, whereas most of my original characters receive much less.
I realized this when considering that shade is most likely homo leaning. and I was like, haha she's just like me ! an enby ace lesbian... and then the similarities just kept getting drawn. idk maybe I'm just overly tired.
also like. not gonna apologize ? she really isn't a self-insert. but its also like... creators are allowed to put themselves into what they make ! and I'm proud of shade, I really am. so I won't be made ashamed for traits we might share.
#《 ° puffin.exe 》 im a puffin ! i dont do much#° mobile post !#° to be deleted !#tbh i dont know hoe people get off accusing people of making self inserts in the rpc like#how do you know ?? unless i explicitly state or draw comparisons ??#and why would i do that if my intent is to fool people ? like.#i understand that interacting with inserts can be uncomfortable. i do !#but unless you really know the person ? you arent in a place to say their characters are inserts#and tbh i feel like most of my discomfort comes from the prospect of being deceived#im okay with writing with inserts but im gonna draw boundaries#especially if youre writing them with the intent to live through them / fantasize.#while I think its valid its not something i am personally comfortable with. i dont consent to that as an rp partner.#but im also envisioning the worst possibility in which its someone getting off to how i interact with their oc#point being. to my mind. self inserts arent bad. they also arent easy to judge.#and even if i dont consent to interacting with an insert for the purpose of being wank material or emotional stimulus...#people could still use my content for wank or emotional stimulus by putting themselves in the shoes of whoever im writing with so#am i really one to judge? no. because again. i dont know.#and i honestly think anyone who can come out and say their oc is an insert or takes after them is#more trustworthy than someone who doesnt disclose it. idk just. there is no need for deception.#and if you do try to deceive me im gonna assume you have ill intent#whereas honesty is something that should be valued. especially in cases where the truth is so stigmatized.
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ryanrosshq · 2 years
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Seasons greetings to you and yours,          May your holiday be bright, and filled with the joys of the season. I hope the universe brings you peace no matter how you choose to spend your time. Here is to prosperity, and to health, and happiness for the New Year ahead.          With love, and light                Ryan       Dottie, Elwood, Knots 🐾 & Lickabod the salamander
( Greetings card art by Ophelia Three, sourced from Redbubble ) Gift hamper containing aromatherapy oils, gluten and dairy free gingerbread cookies in crescent shapes, homemade cranberry and orange jam, sweet onion chutney, wildflower seeds to plant in the Spring, soy candles, and mistletoe.
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(If I haven’t tagged you I’m so sorry!! This is for everyone in the group, so if you’re seeing this and you’re not tagged, this is yours too!! 💞)
@jcesjcnas​ @vcnessamorgcn​​ @nickjcnas​ @troooye​ @shawnsmendesdreams​ @rudypankowdreams​ @rareselgomez​ @loveydcves​​ @daddariosalex​ @lowdenofdreams​ @ajsmins​ @mahomes15-hq​ @sxoirserxnan​ @christopher-robin-evans​ @tayalisonswifty​ @bierkegandy​ @imogxnpxxts​ @lohrrier​ @knightofawsten​ @lottieee-xoxo​ @jaureguixlolo​ @ofdreamsnatdyr​ @dobrev-xoxo​ @yourtrulyariana​ @harstyles​ @wryderdie​ @joeburrcw​ @sophbelindadreams​ @carifletch​ @dream-of-chan​ @madsxclinesx​ @mamma-mazzmurray​​ @harry-e-kane​​ @killatrav-hq​​ @sofiathedreamer​​ @gracevandixn​​ @olsen-city​​ @quinnofdreams​​ @dreamychalamet​​ @xdomi-nationx​​ @xsquid-the-kidx​​ @dancingbillywise​​ @dreamschaser-hq​​ @txmhlland​​ @schaferofdreams​​ @scbrinannlynn​​ @dohertyofdreams​​ @nicksrob​​ @justvanessah​​ @kkehlanii​​ @szaofcity​​ @zacharydaefron​​ @dcmidreams​​ @conanleegray​​ @x-andrelamoglia-x​​ @x-tyleralvarez-x​​ @margselise​​ @dreamybassett​​ @jcrdfish​​​
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coquelicoq · 10 months
i can't stress enough that outside of this one moment in rogue protocol when murderbot wants to kill a human for betraying its sort-of clients but settles for the next best thing of menacingly hovering a drone in her face for 26 seconds while she's frozen in place by her armor, for the rest of the first four books mb is really only using drones for security purposes and doesn't have the time or inclination to be performing close-range facial analysis:
in ASR it doesn't seem to be all that familiar with drones outside of maybe using them to set a perimeter. it exhibits several other uses of drones as events escalate, but they're all related to protecting itself and its humans and getting intel on EvilSurvey. at no point does it mention watching a human with a drone; it's all "using drones to draw fire" this and "sending drones flying off in the wrong direction as a diversion tactic" that. et cetera.
it has no access to drones whatsoever in AC from what i can tell.
in RP it uses Ship's drones to record conversations between wilken and gerth, but it's not a participant in those conversations and it doesn't even watch them in real time. it also forgoes getting a good look at their weapons via drone because it thinks they would notice. later it takes control of a station drone to watch (from afar) their first meeting with don abene & co., but miki notices the drone and almost catches mb because of it, which freaks it out. then it hacks the combatbots' drones, but other than the aforementioned 26-second intimidation of wilken, it's too busy doing actual security work to use them to look at people.
in ES it accesses drones many times, including to observe its humans, but it only seems to actually control a drone to look at something one time, and only in order to zoom in on a suit logo. so at no point could it conceivably be directing a drone to get up in somebody's face, since it's just piggybacking on drones as they go about their normal business.
it does use cameras to watch people in the first four books, but in a much less obvious way: either it's using fixed cameras that are built into habitats/hoppers/whatever, or it's accessing mobile cameras (suit cams, station drones) but not controlling where those cameras go or what they're pointing at.
it's interesting, because while drones can be startling or intrusive, on the flip side, cameras that don't move don't draw attention to themselves and thus may make it easier to forget you're being watched (plus you have no way of knowing if that particular camera is being monitored at that moment or if it's just recording for later analysis). so in a way, having a drone in your face actively signals to you that mb is paying attention to you. it's making mb's gaze visible in a way it might not otherwise be. this changes the dynamic from "passive surveillance for datamining and threat assessment purposes" to "person actively choosing to pay attention to you in real time". one of these is covert and the other isn't; one of these holds the possibility of interaction and exchange and the other doesn't. maybe it puts a drone in your face to show you it cares.
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Little OC Creation Ask List
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I am trying to help a friend with their creative block around creating a FFXIV OC. So I thought I might try putting together a quick Ask List on the topic and maybe they would find people's responses helpful. Also it might be interesting to learn about how people approach the creative process!
How did you decide on the sex and/or gender of your OC? Was it important that it was the same as yours? Or the same as what you personally find attractive? Or did it not make much difference either way?
To what degree is your OC a self-insert? Are they in any way an aspirational version of yourself? Or perhaps a way to explore feelings and behaviours you suppress in yourself?
Is it important to you that you "like" your OC (as in consider them likeable)? Or is it more important to create a distinctive character, even if they are unpleasant or evil?
Do what degree did you intend your OC to be canon-compliant? Did you end up sticking to this or did you veer off into unforeseen territory over time?
How important is it to you that your OC is attractive? Does that mean attractive to you personally (sexually or just for purposes of playing dress-up!)? Or do you aim to make an OC over which others will inevitably thirst?
To what degree do you use the OC creation process as a way of exploring your own strengths and flaws?
Is your OC based upon another character or person? Or aspects of several? Is this just in terms of their appearance? Or also their personality?
Do you create the OC first and then the backstory? Or do you have a backstory lined up and then create an OC that will fit this?
Have you ever retconned your OC's story or situation? What inspired this? Did you just fancy a change? Or were you bored with them as they were? Or did you regret your decisions on first creating them?
To what extent does your OC function as a mouthpiece for your own views when it comes to describing their opinions or reactions? Do you quite like exploring how someone with very different values to your own might respond to a situation?
What is your main focus when creating an OC - making a character for yourself and your own enjoyment? Or do you try to create a character that will be popular with others or attract a lot of attention?
How much importance do you attach to humour when creating a character? Are there inevitably comic elements? Or are you more focused upon angst or drama?
Does your OC need to be believable (within the context of the fictional world in which you place them)? Or are you more interested in pushing the boundaries of what you can invent?
How do you want other people to view or react to your OC?
Is there anything you regret about how you designed your OC or their backstory?
Do you have the same OC (broadly speaking) across multiple fandoms or settings?
Did you design your OC with a specific aspect of RP in mind? Such as shipping, NSFW things, attending in-game social events, hosting events or entertaining others?
Has anyone ever reacted badly to your OC? Why was this?
Do you want other people to become invested in your OC? What would this look like ideally?
Is it important to ensure your OC has flaws or negative traits? Or do you try to make an idealised character as far as possible?
Do you want or enjoy your OC having in-game interactions with other people's characters? Or do you prefer to keep things more distant (like Ask Games on Tumblr!)? Or is your OC private and just for you?
How do you feel about others making art of your OC or writing about them? Do you feel like you need to vet their creative process? Or does anything go?
Was there a location in-game that inspired your OC (like Ishgard or Hingashi etc.)?
Was there something in the MSQ or even a side-questline, that inspired you to create them? Perhaps meeting the Sylphs or the Namazu? Or visiting the Unsundered World? Or even something to do with crafting or gathering?
To what extent does their appearance in game match your vision of them creatively? Are there things you wish you could change about them in this regard? Or possibly do, if you knew of a way to do so...
Do you have a voice claim for your OC? Did you have this before you did anything else? Or did you decide on it later?
Which OCs that are not yours do you most admire? What is it about that character that you find impressive or engaging?
To what extent have other people's OC influenced your own? Perhaps in the sense of inspiring your ideas? Or giving you "permission" to create a character you might not otherwise have done? Perhaps a lore-breaking one, or an overtly sexy one, or a self-insert, or a villainous one etc?
What do you try to avoid when creating an OC? Are these things you dislike in other people's OCs? Or purely your own personal preference?
What is your favourite thing about your OC or OCs? Is there something about them of which you are particularly proud?
To what extent does it matter that you are being "original" when you create an OC? Or is it OK to base them on an existing character or celebrity, so long as you enjoy it?
If you're stuck for ideas when creating an OC, what do you do to inspire yourself? (if you never have this problem, then what would you advise to someone that did!)
Is there an OC you would love to create in-game, but currently you are unable to do so, perhaps because that race is not playable or that sex is unavailable (hello female Hrothgar)?
How many OCs do you currently have? If you have multiple OCs then how different are they from each other? How often do you create new ones?
What things do you most want to see in someone's OC? Or what do you always find the most interesting? Or stimulating, if you're in that sort of mood?
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skyethewolfwizard · 10 months
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Sanctuary Status:
^ This is for interaction purposes, if you wish to RP the above paragraph will tell you how you can contact or interact with me (Skye IC).
The Sanctuary is free to be entered and exited, only the towers themselves need my permission to enter and are protected by thaumaturgical writing and sigils.
But you can also just interact with me (Skye OOC) where I am still my furry self, but I drop all the lore.
PFP by @dr1nk00
Text GIFs from blinkies
Identity and Orientation:
(Disclaimer: any labels I use are for your convenience, no amount of labels will ever describe me fully or accurately. I only have them for your convenience)
I am genderfluid/nonbinaryfluid and trans most of the time identifying as some mix of nonbinary, alterhuman, agender, and a few xenogenders, but always feminine in some way and some other word that doesn't exist to describe the xenogender I am.
You can use she/her, but preferably si/ser
And I am aroaceflux sapphic lesbian bisexual. And always up for gender fuckery.
This is my main blog, I RP, wizardpost, post art, post comics, reblog, and the general stuff.
And also warning for gore, sometimes NSFW content, and topics of self harm and suicide.
And do not use my art or writing as training data. I will not take that lightly if you do.
Tag System:
Art: #skye's art
Comics: #skye's comics
OOC: #wizardpostingn't, #ooc, untagged, etc.
Wizard Posting and Canon RP: #wizardposting, #wizardpostingrp, #wizardlore
Ret conned RP: #this interaction has been erased
Writing and Poems: #skye's writing and #skye's poetry
Warnings: #tw gore, #tw self harm, #tw suicide, #wizardpostingnswf, #tw death, #tw violence, #tw flashing lights
DNI if:
— You exclude certain groups from human rights or exclude certain groups from a larger group for arbitrary reasons, usually to do with your lack of understanding or continued ignorance.
— You don't understand the difference between differences in morals and differences in opinion,
— You don't give even your most differing of fellow humans the most basic respect and clemency. Though, make sure to know the differences between basic respect of a person and respect for their actions.
— You don't believe every person, and I mean every person, creed, class, religion, belief, moral, all deserve equal respect as we are more than any label.
But I encourage you to interact if you are anyone not like the above, this is a safe space (I try my best to keep it a safe space) for anyone! LGBTQIA++, any religion, belief, nationality, race, ability, and being. I just ask you to return the favour.
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oranberryorion · 2 months
hii!!! im new on rotumblr but all my friends in bba were using it and kept asking if i had it. now i do!!
you can send me asks or whatever and ill respond for sure!!! not like i have much better things to do xD
updated 9/22 14:19 (sign off update)
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i have to say: im new to tumblr and to rotumblr also, (started rotomblr 7/30) but i really love orion and wanted to make an rp blog for him becasue im bored and i have so much free time ..........
-⚙️ is regular orion
~🎱 is me、 the mun、 speaking (regularly used with ooc posts)
about the mun!!!
hi! orions mun here!! figured i should write this now as of 8/8, i havent introduced myself ?!!!??
you can call me adon or guy!!! guy is more the silly nickname but i truly dont mind what you call me ^_^
i go by he/him strictly but you can freeball with neos if you want
ive been into pokemon since i can remember :3 b/w was my first games, but ive played back to emerald and ive played the entire sv dlc and all!!!
a mutual of mine from my main account happened to have a rotomblr account, and when i looked through some of it, i got interested and made an account too!!!
pelipper mail/malice: ☑️
musharna mail/malice: ☑️
mystery gifts: ☑️
magic anon: ☑️
in character anon hate: ☑️
please remember that if any of the mails/anons oversteps my boundaries, then i probably wont respond.
this is also pretty important to say: i dont care WHO interacts with me. fallers, sapients, eebydeebys, hybrids, ocs, self-inserts, in-game characters, i LOVE interaction. i respond to anything i see as fast as i can and unless its weird or stepping beyond my boundaries i WILL interact back!!!!!
that being said, i should establish some things
- mod is 15, orion is 16! nothing nsfw. suggestive jokes i really dont care but hes 16 so you should know the boundaries for that
- any rotumblr blog is allowed to interact (back). literally anyone. you want a sapient pokemon to talk to orion?? he'll answer!! want an eeby deeby to roleplay with orion?? ill respond!! even fallers or such, (as my own bff literally has two faller blogs LOL) asks, anons, general questions, spam mail, ask games, interaction is always allowed!!!!
- i love character events and planning. if you have an idea for a small event between our characters, or a type of relationship they have, anything, please let me know!!! my discord is adonciant and you can add me (im not always active, so ill try and accept any friend requests or such as fast as i can) OOORR you can just dm me on here!!! preferably keep it to orion, so dont go messaging my main about anything ^_^
- i (accidentally) do long threads of reblogs/interactions. i swear none of it is purposeful, i just happen to interact back if i get no indicator of an ending conversation. if you want, you can make an ooc tag to tell me to stop reblogging back or anything. these threads do not get tagged with anything, either.
- theres some content warnings to this blog, roughly listing: spoilers for sv dlc, emotional abuse, drug/substance abuse, scientific experimentation/human bioengineering stuff, traumatic responses, and any mild suggestive jokes that may pop up. more are to be added if any should be added
- this is exclusive to orions blog because of a certain anon that came from the associated grimsley account with orions lore. do not mention trafficking to him or the mun myself. orion was not trafficked nor sold. always think before you send an anon that there is a person behind the screen who has to read it.
- my main is @adonciant ! likes and follows come from there! + the pfp is orion, so you'll know who it is ^_^
if you wanna learn a little bit about him....
orion was born as a single child, and grimsley often visited him and took him out of town on trips. he was passionate about turning orion into a strong dark specialist, to which grimsley often took him out of the region to catch pokemon for his team.
one day, colress approached the two with a gamble that grimsley was tempted by; lots and lots of money. however, it risked handing orion over to colress
colress won the gamble, and took orion with him to alola. colress was met with new technology and research from both the ultra recon squad and the aether foundation, which drove him to study about the human body and the effect pokemon could have on them.
colress used stolen research and parts of technology to craft a mechanical body for orion
now he has a cybernetic body! later on he attended bba ^_^ feel free to ask orion how his body works i have fun writing ways for it to function
i may come back and edit some of this info. again i dont know what im doing on here but im figuring it out as i go 😭
POKEMON NAMES!!! his team finally has namess!!!!
hydreigon: colbur
scrafty: hondew
shiftry: aguav
weavile: enigma
samurott: rindo
grimmsnarl: dyna
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elias-magnussy · 4 months
Hello! Welcome to my weblog. I'm Elias Bouchard, Head of the Magnus Institute, here to answer any queries you might have about my Institute, the supernatural or my personal character.
-Can I get a raise?
When you stop spending all your time on the internet and do some actual work instead of looking at my blog, yes.
-Do you take interns?
We are always in need of interns. They're so easy to lose.....
-What happened to [First Name] [Last Name]?
I don't know. Check our obituary.
-What happened to [Evil Object] and can I take it home?
No. It's locked away for a reason.
-Will you ever free the Archival Staff?
No. They are staying there to be punished for their crimes.
-What are the crimes?
Asking too many questions.
-I've got [Any legal query involving Elias Bouchard]
Talk to my lawyer. I assure you, you'll want to speak to him first.
-I've got [Any legal query involving the Institute being responsible for members of your family or friends being eaten]
I don't care.
-Can we get a cat in Library?
Mmmh okay.
-Can we get a cat in Artefact Storage?
It will die.
-Can we get a cat in the Archives?
Oh boy, I am not dealing with that.
-What about Michael?
I can't properly put into words just how vague of a question that is.
-Are you ever gonna install an accessibility ramp?
I don't want to be called ableist because I killed disabled people. If you want to die under horrible circumstances, well... I don't know? Ask a good friend or move to Australia. Just get off my lawn before you do it.
-What are those earrings from?
-Your employee bit me/Tim Stoker seduced me/your Archivist shot me in the face/your Archivist is in my dreams/anything else regarding the bad behavior of my employees
Not my business, take it up with them.
-What about [supernatural entity that features in one of your statements]?
Really? I don't care about what my people are doing to you, and you think I control these freaks?
-I am being haunted and I am afraid I'm going to be hurt.
Not my business yet, you have to get traumatised first.
-What happened to your nose?
Don't trust gingers, they're the spawn of the Devil.
Ooc rules/
Okay this this is going to be. A slightly covertly villainous, although still very polite, jonah!elias. But guys i have so many headcanons.
Sfw stuff is obviously encouraged as is flirting or nsfw although Elias might react by rebiffing you. Hey, I'm up for it, don't hate the game hate the player and get yourself some more rizzarooni. Any in universe ships are welcome too!
In universe hate is welcome but please stay on track and only bring up stuff he did. No baseless "i want to hit you with many hammers" that's the thing i'm sensitive about guys please
Any interaction from anyone including non rp blogs is very welcome, asks reblogs, feel free to hop into my posts... Yeah
Apologies for delays in responding to stuff, it is never in character my brain just has the processing power of a magnavox odyssey (and i get. stressed.)
Asks are tagged with #asks
Longer conversations are tagged with #rp chain
Everything is tagged with #tma rp
More outwards manipulation is tagged with #tw manipulation
But I'll have to issue a general gaslighting warning for the whole blog, Elias is gonna... Elias...
#suggestive and #nsfw are tagged as well
#elias does a posting: original posts
Tagging ships for filtering purposes
My main is @klm-zoflorr and I have another rp blog, @ghosts-of-wars-past (melanie king)
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mod-coffee-is-here · 5 days
This is a weird question, but do you have advice on starting an ask blog for a character? Like how to get noticed and how to interact with other ask blogs? Is there specific etiquette? (Besides obviously not being a jerk) Asking you because of your great Narinder ask blog.
not weird at all, don't worry! i'm always happy to help however i can
also i might not be the best person to talk about this, the narinder askblog is only my third askblog, im still fairly new on this scene
well, starting the blog is the easiest part, right? gather a few pictures that you like and personalize the way you like it best, the way that you think that fits the character!
for the intro post (and i really reccomend you having one, because not only it helps with making your blog look better and more organized, but also gives character and sets your boundaries), theres a few things that you can keep in mind
something that settles a personality for your character right at the top (could be a phrase, something they canonically said, maybe a picture? you name it!)
an about me section (what is the purpose of this blog? is it a roleplay blog, an askblog exclusively? who is this character? who are YOU?)
if your character is surrounded by sensitive topics or if you think that your blog could be surrounded by sensitive themes (gore, sexual themes, suicide themes, any phobias, etc.) it's good to have a few warnings in mind and put those on there for people to be aware
other than this, have fun personalizing it, maybe add a few extras, maybe songs, pictures, blinkies, anything! (i'll leave some useful resources at the bottom of this post *wink*)
now, of course, the hard part
this is something i personally love talking about because some younger/newbie roleplayers might not know, but there is in fact a roleplaying etiquette, but we're focusing on askblogs here, let's stay in our path and we'll get there eventually
i think my most asked question when it comes to this is how to be noticed by your community and how to interact with another bloggers
of course, the main part of being noticed is interacting! you have to understand that you can't build a flock out of just one bird, i know that this can be hard but shoot the bloggers you like an ask! send them dms, reblog posts, send asks, this is tumblr! our main feature IS sending asks!! this isnt twitter guys, come on, reblogging and sending asks is what makes we different than other social medias
if you're nervous about sending people an ask right away, you can send them a dm first, asking them if they are open to asks with other roleplayers, if theyre avaliable, theres no shame in this and i pinkie promise you that no one will hate you for this, no one is going to be mad at you
just remember, keep it respectful, keep your cool and dont push any boundaries
speaking of boundaries, we have to talk about
above all and everything that i say here, the MOST important part of roleplaying etiquette is that you HAVE to COMMUNICATE with your roleplaying partner
talk about your boundaries, what you do not enjoy doing in roleplay, the things you are open for, and listen to what they have to say too, this is not character AI where you can do anything for your own entertainment, we're dealing with people here, which is 100x more fun but also you gotta remember to keep it respectful
some basic grounds to stand on are:
Talk about your boundaries, and listen to your rp partner too (especially before doing anything that involves sensitive topics)
Talk about the theme of your roleplay, what you wish to do and what you want to avoid
Don't control someone else's characters for the sake of your lore (again, talk about it beforehand so you can know what works for both of you)
If we're talking about roleplay blogs, don't do anything major before talking to the parties that are involved and the parts that will be affected
Respect the other party's decision, as much as you want to be respected
Overall? Communicate and don't be a jerk
i think that summs it all up pretty well, but overall, if you guys have any questions i am more than glad to help!!
(psst, there's some resources under the cut! have fun!!)
How to make gradient text here
For blinkies and dividers!
More blinkies (and make your own blinkies easily)
HUGE pinterest folder full of graphic resources, dividers, icons, etc
Helpful unicode symbols for copypaste
Emojipedia, since sometimes emojis don't work well on tumblr
I'll update here once I find more, if anyone wants, I can make a full post only talking about resources for askblogs! (and you might as well want to talk to more experienced bloggers about this too! take care, have fun, bye!)
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glaseado-gym-official · 4 months
My name's Grusha. I'm an ex-snowboarder. Used to be a pro. Now I'm a Gym Leader.
The service up here isn't that great... But it'd be kinda uncool if I was the only Paldean League member not on this site. Ryme also says having a blog is good for PR... Or something.
Anyways. I'll put some extra stuff down below.
My Pokémon if you're interested:
Frosmoth ♀ - ((Mariposa))
Beartic ♂ - ((Boreas))
Cetitan ♂ - ((Titan))
Weavile ♂ - ((Dulce))
Alolan Ninetales ♂ - ((Aurora))
Altaria ♀ - ((Cirrus))
((Nicknames are listed in parenthesis because they aren't public information at the moment. Grusha doesn't want to be outed as "uncool", you see. I'm adding them in ooc for personal reference, convenience, and tagging purposes.))
((OOC NOTE: Please read before interacting!!
Important note before we get to our regularly scheduled program:
This version of Grusha is disabled. This means that the accident that ended his career as a professional snowboarder, has also permanently disabled him. Because of this, he needs a cane to get around.
I will do my best to accurately and respectfully portray his disability. I will ALSO not be tolerating any sort of ooc ableism. I will be extremely picky about any asks that include ic ableism and will tag things properly.
Okay now back to it-
Hey hey! Welcome to my Pokémon rp blog. On this blog I will be pretending as if the world of Pokémon is 100% real. This being said, I will be including pkmn rp tags in each post that fits that description as a warning.
Friendly reminder that if you try to engage a plot with me or any kind of offscreen rp experience without at least discussing it with me first, then I will likely not respond. Even if you do approach me with something in mind, there is no guarantee I will engage. Also I tend not to interact or engage in any big events. They tend to become overwhelming for me and you’ll most likely never find me becoming a part of them. Please don’t send in asks regarding big events.
If you are looking to interact with my muse, and your muse is tied to some potentially triggering topics, I would prefer if you discussed potential interactions with me first. This is for my own comfort, so please keep this in mind.
Admin is an adult! If this makes you uncomfortable then move along.
This is an RP blog. This means I will be trying my best to roleplay as Gym Leader Grush with the information we have provided on him. I will be including several headcanons of mine regarding this character, though none of them are too drastic.
Please be aware that when I am talking as Grusha, he will often come off as blunt, sarcastic, and rude. If you are uncomfortable with this, it may be in your best interest to move along. If something ever comes off as rude/mean, it does not reflect how I actually feel and is just how I believe Grusha would react.
This blog is SFW, save for vaguely suggestive topics. Anything that is deemed as explicitly NSFW will be deleted on sight.
Another warning. This blog may often be involved in long RP threads. I won’t be using any programs to cut my long posts short. If this bothers you, I would recommend skipping this blog or blocking the tag “long post” or “rp thread”.
This version of Grusha I’m roleplaying is set after the events of Pokémon Scarlet and Violet as well all the DLC.
Also! I follow and like from @ripoff-robbie-rotten.
DNI: Proshippers, TERFS, and NSFW blogs))
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chand-ki-priyatama · 5 months
Ek khat ek captain dost ke naam
@paapi I friend you for life
Your name "MAYUR" typically matches your personality , the elegant, regal and disciplined vibes you give off damn....
I'll nickname you "WILLOW" the reason well...
And your communication skills , accent , vocabulary , please don't mind but I wanna steal all that bw I already told you this have'nt I ???
Although I can express all this on a call or text too but , I am a writer (Aisa mujhe lagta hai) and writers don't speak or write they bleed ink on paper , so these are my feelings for you in the form of a letter....
So ye khat aapke naam from your friend Kaya ek kaviyitri aur lekhika....
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You are the only one who actually understood my persona rather than trying to change it....
Someone who feels like a mentor
Someone who is a therapist to me (I am sorry but I had to write this)
Dear Peacock Mayur,
I hope this letter finds you in good health , I never nicknamed you again cause the one I gave you didn't approve it , but you attribute alot to a willow , The willow tree symbolizes flexibility . A big part of your purpose in this world is to learn, grow, and evolve through challenging times of adversity. The willow tree is capable of bending in outrageous poses without snapping..... And that's you these are the attributes of your personality....
I still vividly remember how we first interacted on the server , when you were praising me in the rp server and then me as usual talking about shivji and you saying about mahakaleshwar and yeah ofc the chaar dhaam yatra.... You know you can sponsor my chaar dhaam I won't mind
And then making a Spotify blend with you just to get a 99 percent match like damn I never get this high match with anyone still it would have been 100 percent if not for Kpop cause I don't listen to that music....
And then having a VC with you and the first thought I had after listening your voice , how can someone have such a beautiful voice truly euphonious and your accent let's not go there otherwise this letter would end in me fan-girling....
I just love to interact with you like how can someone be so mature and understanding....
And kindly drop the secrets cause I am in dire need of being mature.....
"You are someone who's existence will always be dear to me"
Our friendship was something which I didn't even expect and it was something I could never even think of but yeah the most beautiful friendships are unexpected.....
We are always together in everything although not physically but whenever you see the stars and moon remember that they bind me together with everyone and whenever you feel alone just look at them somewhere I am doing that too...
They bind me to you
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You are one of the most supportive person out there , I mean whenever I talk to you it doesn't feel as if I only know you for days....
You feel like koi fariyad song soft melody after tiring rock music....
How can someone be so perfect in every sense I mean how....
I won't associate you with a fictional character , cause you are a like a man written by a woman, perfect in every sense...
These are your vibes according to me :-
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I still have alot to know about you.... yeah I know I speak so much that you don't get the turn to speak....
You know how I am talkative af , clingy , moody , irritating and to an extent thodi si nakchadi hu but that's how I am , I know I irritate you alot but that's how I am and that's why people leave me , so sorry for all the times when I irritated you....
And yeah I will throw a kdrama at you although I don't watch any except one which I only know so I'll throw king the land at you cause that's the only I have watched and I dare you to do what you said I'll not spare you.....
Now imagine we met and you know my obsession with Polaroids so think these pics as them...
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I know deep down somedays you might also feel as if you are alone as if things are not going the way you want them to , somedays you might also feel pretty exhausted but just remember that its life ups and downs are bound to come , you'll always be a part of my prayers....
If you were a colour I'd say you as sage green cause people with sage green personalities Often are found to be perfectionists, with the great admiration for details. That is why they tend to be good researchers. Winning arguments comes easy to them and their strong-willed character makes them unwilling to accept the authority..... And yeah according to me you have all these traits....
अजीब दास्ताँ है ये कहाँ शुरू कहाँ ख़तम
I associate these lyrics to our friendship cause as I said unexpected in a way which I didn't imagine....
You are one of the most sweetest , kindest and beautiful being I ever met....
Last few days were tough for me so thank you for always being there for me and supporting me throughout....
I lost my faith in friendship way too early but thanks to you and few others that you revived it....
I don't know after writing this too I feel I am short of words , you have been there for me , for you friendships like this might not matter that much but for me it's something I'll cherish forever cause these aren't little things when I'll look back they'll be very beautiful memories....
Now imagine me playing a guitar and singing this song to you...
"Will you take a moment?
Promise me this
That you'll stand by me forever
But if, God forbid, fate should step in
And force us into a Goodbye
If you have children someday
When they point to the pictures
Please tell them my name
Long live the walls we crashed through
I had the time of my life with you"
I'll dedicate these lyrics to you.....
Just so you know I love you to the moon and back and will always appreciate and cherish your existence and our friendship.....
I'll dedicate these songs to you and it's voice notes well I'll send them to you....
Now I think I have spoken enough
So signing off Willow aka peaco Mayur
With love always
Kaya 💗
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ananonymousguy20 · 1 year
⚠️⚠️Do not interact with they. For your safety block and make others aware.⚠️⚠️
TW: Grooming, approval, justification and defense for abuse (incest and pedophilia).
1 Stay away from jade-green-butterfly also known as HealerCharm and Jussy (Justine Louise Heverm. She is from Colchester, United Kingdom). She’s on Tumblr, DeviantArt, Skype, Furaffinity and Discord. In the last few years she has been active and gaining recognition in the Trolls Fandom as if what she did to so many minors never happened so I want to spread awareness on what being a pedo really looks like and if anyone (especially minors) is friend with her they will know what kind of horrible person she is.
She was already exposed before with proofs, a lot of screenshots and testimonies of minors and Discord Mods that we can't invalidate or deny it really happened. She groomed minors on Discord: she sent them porn drawings to the chat, wanted to play a “sexy” RolePlay with minors and with a character that represents a little toddler girl. Her tastes are very clear. She is a very manipulative person and always plays the innocent victim card who made a simple mistake, but she knows what she is doing because she spread a victim blaming discurse, gaslighting and ignores all the screenshots and testimonies against her, she says they are not evidence and they are taken out of context, she is no fool.
These are not "slips" (as she wants to make them out to be), she does it on purpose, that is her true nature: an abuser.
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I see, it happens tho, but why Kaitlin practically dissapeared after being accused of grooming 14* years old kids in discord chats? (*It was 13).
Jussy: “It was THEIR FAULT. They were in wrong for doing NSFW too”.💀 By the way, I think I was told that this person is or was a caregiver.
2 KaitlinEXE (Maria Romina Auxiliadora Fernandez). She is from Cadiz, Spain. Is her friend, best friend, like a sister to Jussy. She also groomed minors and therefore deleted her entire existence from the internet in 2021.
Let's be honest, an adult or even a teenager is not interested in spending their leisure time with minors, no matter how much of a “babysitter” she is. If you like spending time with children as an adult, you become a teacher or nanny, and so on. Seeking to spend time alone with minors, giving them gifts, "friendship", flattery, adults "feeling" like children or liking children's things (drawing, watching cartoons, RP, toys) are all -together- characteristics of grooming.
Although she is a TEACHER over 35 years old, yet she is looking to spend time alone with minors. It seemed normal and right for her to accept the invitation to join a Discord group with its own NSFW section where she was the only adult there and they were all minors, as she gained the trust of those minors by being nice, giving them drawings, and "befriending" them. Wanted to RolePlay being a couple, kissing, dating on Valentine's Day and then she was planning to get married. Since they had a NSFW section I think you know where this is all going: to the "honeymoon". Interacting NSFW without her putting any kind of limits on them, she even encouraged them when they drew her porn drawings.
She is a fan of porn material that mimics the sexual exploitation of minors (mangas porn loli/shota), shipping a Gohan kid with and adult Piccolo (who is like his father), drew her own manga porn with her OC Kaitlin Classic with an Elecman Classic (who is his brother and they are both children), and was a big fan of a kindergarten little girls porn comic “Irina’s World” (El Mundo de Irina, Irina Isekai) all this while she was studying to be a kindergarten teacher because being with children has always been her dream.
People, don't be fooled. Be more critical of people. Just because they're “nice” doesn't mean you should overlook the nastier things they do because then you give them a free pass to continue being this way. Jussy and KaitlinEXE are old enough to know what they’re doing is wrong. For they the internet is some fantasy world to do whatever it feels like and It's not right. The people here are PEOPLE and are not here just for your entertainment and twisted fun.
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(( Hey guys, it’s been a few days. I’m so sorry I left so suddenly, I was experiencing burn out yet again and this case was ESPECIALLY bad. I kept guilt tripping myself over my break too because I felt horrible for leaving everyone in the dark.
The TDLR is I got too ambitious with events again and I keep poorly managing both threads AND asks and I need to fix that.
So here’s my requests to YOU (the beautiful person reading this) and how I’m going to do things from now on:
-Please try not to spam the ask box if I have (a) thread(s) going on, it distracts me badly. I thought about closing them during threads but felt that’s not fair so I will leave them open and see if you guys can respect my wishes. I trust y’all will you’ve been nothing but kind and patient to me (AND IM SO GRATEFUL AHHH) but still.
-KEEP SERIOUS RPS IN THREADS PLEASE, doing it via asks is very straining for me sorry if that’s an inconvenience :,]
-I won’t be doing colored replies anymore unless it’s for added emphasis, it was taking too long and it gave me a headache ngl. I have eyesight problems and I honestly made them slightly worse doing that.
-I don’t know if I’ll do any events for a while, up until I’m in the swing of things again. I got too ambitious and got severely burnt out and tired. :,]
-Threads are not time sensitive, assume they’re in their own time bubble unless it’s A stream RP or auction event. I make those interactive on purpose! Otherwise the rest of them are again in their own time bubble!!! This is so I don’t drive myself insane with time sensitive scenarios.
-I might make non auction and such events ask box only or limit it to one or two BIG RP threads, as I notice that’s what burns me out the most X_X
These are my “new rules” I guess okay? I think it’ll help me a LOT with the issues I’ve been having.
Also, let’s just say the events wrapped up and I’m going to have to call off any threads I STARTED before my huge burn out, sorry but I keep blanking on them and it’s for the best. We can start fresh or do a new one completely but oughhh I need to just. Start on a clean slate for my sanity im sorry guys. I hope you understand.
Also, my main focus will be on Fox and my OC account from now on, which I am going to revamp to mainly focus on his TPOF version due to a majority of my rp partners being based in TPOF timeline anyways. Strade is a fun side project and I abandoned Ren because I wasn’t happy with how I portrayed him tbh. Maybe I’ll revisit the account later, but rn I have no drive for it.
Anyways, I hope this’ll help me get back into this account because I miss being here so much but oh my GOD I stressed myself out ;; ))
-Fox Mun 🦊
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ryanrosshq · 2 years
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GRR Nobody I’m more thankful for in 2022 than my spooks 🖤 Nobody I’d rather have had as my lucky kiss at midnight than her. @strangeandunusual understands me and my impossible ways and loves me in spite of them. I swear I will fill your 2023 with magic. To the moon, to the stars, to the end.  
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unda-pressure · 18 days
Big ol RP thing below!!, I might interact with other blogs continuing with this, if I feel like if / if they're okay with doing so.
[Sam sighed, walking with the person they sent down here with him. They were almost as unbearable as pandemonium. Refusing to listen to what he says, going ahead without them. He was getting fed up.
He was about to tell them off, but there were turrets in the next room, his partner seemed to notice this, immediately ducking down behind a fallen shelf. Sam did the same, he's dealt with these things more times than he could count.
He sighs, explaining a plan to them on how to get through the room, they didn't seem like they were listening at all. It was extremely infuriating.
Sam grumbled, running to the next hiding spot as soon as the turret wasn't facing their direction. He waited for it to pass again for the other person, when it was clear, he gestured towards them to get to the next hiding spot.
The only problem was, they were taking their SWEET ASS TIME and it was making Sam angrier.
The turret turned towards them, and Sam pulled them into the safe spot.
He grumbled, they were still so far from the exit door, and the lever was by the exit as well so they still had to pass a turret or few.
Sam lead the person through hiding spots, they were slow as fuck, it took them too long, they were purposely irritating him, he was sure of it.
They were at the last hiding spot before the door, he was going to go for the lever, but for some reason, his teammate, or whatever was going backwards for drawers before the turret was even off. He usually would not give a fuck, but they told him this time to fucking keep them alive because "they need to get the crystal" blah blah blah "you're failing" yada yada that shit.
He ran out to grab them because they were right in the turrets line of sight, he would take the hits, it's fine.. he's dealt with it before.. death didn't scare him, but it still hurt like hell.
He was lucky, the bullets only hit him in the side, not hitting anything vital that he knows of.
The teammate seemed a bit worried now, panicking a bit and looking around for any med kits, there were none around.
The other person got up and ran through the turret fire, trying to avoid bullets, opening the next door and hoping for a med kit, there were none.
Sam grumbled, they didn't even notice the fucking lever, idiot.
They held their wound, putting pressure on it to stop the bleeding, he had no clue where the other person went, he didn't care.
Sam tried to get to the door that the other opened, he got there, slowly, not even bothering to turn the turret off, simply entering the next room.
The other expendable was gone, he didn't even try to find them, they can fucking run off and die. They've irritated him enough.
Hopefully they were close to Sebastian's shop, he didn't check the door number and this room was too dark. Sam simply continued forward, keeping a hand on his side where his wound is.
The wound was pretty bad, but he'd manage.]
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nightlyquestionnaire · 2 months
Hello. I am not quite sure exactly how to compose myself here.. But I am hoping to meet new people. If that is even wanted of me, of course.
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//This is a Darkrai irl blog. I am very new to all of this.. So I apologize for any mistakes! (Please interact!! Don't be scared!)
Read more about this blog down here! vv
Mun is fictionkin and identifies as Darkrai—So I don't necessarily go "out of character", but I will speak in third person for the sake of this.
Darkrai uses he/it, and I like to view things as everything being canon, so I don't have a specific thing I like to stick to (Feel free to do whatever you want with the canon.) However, that being said, all actions deemed "evil" were not solely for that purpose— Darkrai is simply very mentally unwell due to all of the things he had to endure throughout his life. Such hatred towards yourself can become too much.. And he believed it best if everyone else knew his pain, or, simply, better if he ended the universe in its entirety. So, never will he be purely "evil".
For a basic default canon, Darkrai is past all of this.. And is trying to be kinder to himself and understand the world around him more, rather than fear it. This means he's pretty oblivious to most customs and expectations involving social interaction.
I am autistic.. And I completely hyperfocus on very small aspects of a fandom, so.. I know a lot about Darkrai, and not much about Pokemon itself. It would be majorly appreciated if anyone was interested in befriending me.. To give some pointers, or ramble about it! I am very willing to listen :)
I'm okay with mostly anything besides sexual asks and rps. Darkrai is genderless. Romance is okay, though. (if you're not weird about it)
Any kind of Pelipper Mail: Open
Hate anon: Open
Any kind of Musharna Mail: Open
Magic Anons: Closed (I'm still not entirely sure what it even means..)
Main: @crimfckeyt
If I am not currently shifted as Darkrai, I will likely be less active. Please keep this in mind :)
Feel free to reach out on other platforms as well. I like all forms of roleplay!
#🌻 - In character
#Keepsake - things that Darkrai likes/appreciates and wants to keep
#Info - any kind of information
#Ask game - Send in an ask from the reblog!
#Muns art - my Pokemon related art
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sm64mario · 7 months
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hey, it's mun again. i was a little dramatic last time i did one of these but it's been about a month or two and i've calmed down a bit and y'know i feel like i've gotten comfortable with letting the mask down and just kinda bein' frank with you fellas, so let's get down to business.
i activated tipping for this blog! i do not need money. i am some fat cis white guy who's very lucky to have a mother who can feed me while i make bad life decisions. but, if you decide for whatever reason that you have a few extra coins lying about, and you'd like to toss 'em to a blatant shitposter, i'd be thankful. i was thinking about maybe doing like a 'wario post' for each one i get because i feel kinda greedy about turning it on but that might be leaning too into the gag.
was also considering making a sideblog for roleplay purposes. i think i deleted all of the older posts where i'd write paragraph long replies to my old rp partners but i miss it and wonder if i still have it in me. i'll shill it if i ever make it happen.
currently, the queue is set for two posts a day, and i'll occasionally add an improvised post or two if inspiration strikes me, but i hope the blog isn't too stagnant or anything! the quiz cards should help shake things up, and i'll occasionally try to find neat stuff from mariowiki or TCRF as well, but you know the drill by now - it's just mario shitposts and good feel. also, i realized i should probably start IDing the photos i personally post, so i'll try to add those.
my main blog is @absolutedingus, but i tend not to make original posts or queue or tag stuff on there, so don't feel obligated for follow or interact with it. if you have any pressing questions, concerns, or notices for me, please consider sending them there! in the future, i may link it in my description, but i worry it'll look too clogged with the disclaimer already there.
thank you for reading to the end! i'm not sure how to wrap this up. i like my wii u.
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