#( ╳┊❝ Connections: Hayley Mikaelson ❞. )
anyca786 · 6 months
Dad!Klaus Mikealson x Mom/Stepmother!reader x boyfriend!Elijah Mikealson + (Hope Mikealson & Selene Mikealson)
Summary: After finding out, Hayley was pregnant with Klaus's child, the witches found another werewolf named (y/n) who was pregnant with his child as well. Fast forward, Elijah Mikealson falls in love with y/n and eventually starts dating his brother's baby mama. Selene Mikealson, was born nine months after Hope Mikealson. One day when Hope gets a nightmare, she finds comfort in (y/n)'s arms.
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A low whimper echoed through the grand foyer of the Mikaelson mansion. (Y/n) was curled up on the plush couch with a book in her hand, instantly perked up. The sound was unmistakably Hope's, laced with fear and a hint of loneliness. Hayley, was away on a werewolf pack errand, leaving Elijah and her to manage the two little Mikaelsons for the night.
(Y/n) rose, her heart clenching at the thought of a scared Hope. Padding down the hallway, she found Hope standing by her bedroom door, tears glistening in her bright beautiful eyes. "Hey, what's wrong, Hope?" she asked gently, kneeling before the little girl.
Hope sniffled, clutching a stuffed toy to her chest. "I had a bad dream," she mumbled, burying her face in the bear's fur.
(Y/n)'s heart ached for the little one. She ushered Hope towards her own room, a haven of soft pink and stuffed animals. "Come on, let's get you back to bed. Maybe some cuddles will chase the bad dream away."
Sniffling softly, Hope followed (y/n), her small hand slipping into the (y/n)'s larger one. The warmth of Hope's hand filled her with a strange sense of protectiveness. Even though she wasn't Hope's biological mother, the little girl held a special place in her heart. Maybe it was the shared Mikaelson blood that flowed through both their veins, a strange connection forged by circumstance.
In her room, Selene, Hope's half-sister, was fast asleep, a tangle of blonde curls nestled amidst the plush blankets. She carefully tucked Hope in beside Selene, the two girls forming a picture of peaceful innocence.
"There you go," she murmured, tucking the covers around them. "See? No more bad dreams here."
Hope looked up at her, a flicker of hope replacing the fear in her eyes. "Will you stay with us?" she asked, her voice barely a whisper.
(Y/n) smiled, her heart overflowing with affection. "Of course, I will. We'll chase away any bad dreams that dare to come near."
Settling onto the edge of the bed, the she began humming a soft lullaby, a melody she'd picked up from listening to Elijah sing to Selene and Hope.
Hope snuggled closer, her eyelids drooping. Soon, her breaths became even and deep, the fear replaced by the gentle rhythm of the lullaby.
Just as (y/n) was about to rise, a soft creak at the doorway made her turn. There stood Klaus, his face etched with concern that quickly melted into something softer when he saw the sight before him. Hope and Selene were nestled together, Hope clinging to (y/n) with a peaceful expression on her face.
A strange warmth bloomed in Klaus's chest, a feeling he hadn't experienced in a long time. Seeing Hope find comfort in (y/n), someone who wasn't him or Hayley, was oddly reassuring. Maybe it was the way the she held Hope, a sense of genuine care radiating from her. Or maybe it was the sight of his two daughters, so different yet connected, slumbering peacefully together.
A soft smile tugged at the corners of his lips. He hadn't realized how much he craved a family, a sense of normalcy amidst the chaos of their lives. (Y/n), with her gentle touch and unwavering affection, seemed to bring a sense of balance he hadn't known he needed.
A low chuckle escaped his lips, catching (y/n)'s attention. She looked up, her cheeks flushing a light pink. "Hope had a nightmare," she explained softly.
Klaus nodded, his gaze lingering on the sleeping girls. "She seems to have found a good cure."
(Y/n)'s lips curved into a smile. "She always does when she has cuddles."
Their eyes met, and for a moment, the air crackled with unspoken emotions. Elijah, who had just entered the room, witnessed the exchange, a silent understanding passing between them. He watched as (y/n) tucks a stray strand of hair behind Hope's ear, a small gesture that spoke volumes of her care.
A bittersweet pang shot through Elijah's heart. He had always longed for a family, for children of his own. But his curse, a cruel twist of fate, had denied him that dream. But seeing the love of his life with Hope and Selene, a warmth bloomed in his chest nonetheless. He loved (y/n), and seeing her love for the children filled a void he hadn't even realized existed.
"You're good with them," Elijah finally said, his voice gruff but gentle.
(Y/n) looked at him, a flicker of surprise in her eyes. "They're good kids," she replied softly. "Hope just needed a little comfort."
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cancerian-woman · 6 months
Hi! I would love to hear why you think Klaus and Bonnie would be a compatible or at least fascinating match :) I can tell you're going to turn me into a Klonnie shipper even though the last thing I need in my life is another doomed OTP!!
Hey :D I love a good doomed ship it makes the fandom more interesting especially in terms of creativity tbh.
Bonnie had proven herself to be just as morally corrupt as other characters as needed. Sure, it wasn’t to the extreme of others but it existed especially if her friends were threatened. That type of loyalty and strength would be what Klaus would like because of how possessive and selfish he is.
There’s Bennett-Mikaelson connections through the lore of TVD. Ayana was Esther’s mentor. Abby entombed Mikael. Then in present there’s Esther prasing Bonnie for being the one to fight Klaus. Elijah recruited Bonnie to do it. Both Bonnie and Klaus have parental struggles on both sides. Klaus is more forefront than Bonnie’s but it exists. Tagging my friends content here :).
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Klaus was introduced with an affinity for witches (Gloria, Maddox, Greta..)it was just dropped after well you know ;). But in a sibling light I could see both Rebekah and Kol taking a liking to Bonnie. Rebekah wanted that normal highschool experience and Kol was formerly a witch. We got a little bit of Kennett moments in s4 but that was dropped. Bonnie is the only TVD character to never have her own side friend out the group.
Narratively TVD would’ve just had to work with their few key points to make Klonnie a slow burn ship from s2-4 tbh. Bonnie kept getting the short-stick. Season 3 she got cheated on, her mother abandoned again, she had all the reasons to distant herself from her friends and end up in someone’s darker arms. The Mikaelson Ball ep Esther is leeching off Bonnie and her bloodline yet Bonnie is no where to be found… huh… Bonnie doesn’t get enough in universe credit for her actions because she has not only nearly killed Klaus she has saved his life(and everyone else’s.)
Season 4 Bonnie was dipping into a darker side with Expression and she blindly trusted Shane just to learn magic. It would be another moment for Klaus to try and get in her good graces. Klaus would have to open up emotionally for Bonnie to sympathize with him. I think they would challenge each other. Bonnie is one of the female characters who can fight back to people who are trying to harm her in a way Elena or Caroline can’t tbh.
Bonnie wasn’t just any witch either she was a Bennett which her family is responsible for nearly everything in TVD. I don’t think Klaus would’ve suddenly became a “Disney prince” type of BF by any means but I could see the relationship working. Klaus is still an elitist bastard with years of knowledge Bonnie would want. Bonnie is willing to give that loyalty to anyone who is good to her. Cami is seen as good and she even falls for Klaus lmao.
Last point people only play morality clauses with Bonnie because the series does. By the end of TVD Bonnie considers Damon not Elena or Caroline or Matt her bestfriend. That should say enough about what Bonnie would allow but….The writers and fans will argue that Bonnie doesn’t deserve to be paired up with toxic men or women but TVD never introduced anyone that was “morally good” by our world standards. Even Enzo physically harmed Bonnie pre-relationship. The other leads are white and never held to the same standards. Elena said it was Stefan until it wasn’t. Caroline said no to Klaus until she didn’t. Hayley’s arc includes with her fucking Klaus and dating Elijah… the list could continue.
Hope I made it all clear 😁.
Tagging some of my friends accounts who love Klonnie too: @klonnieshippersclub @melmedardasworld @mythorhuman @24kmagiic @bennettmaximoff
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klonnieshippersclub · 8 months
so do you think bonnie needs kids to be happy??
Bonnie doesn’t need kids to be happy. No one needs kids to be happy. Not everyone wants to have kids. But Bonnie does say she wanted the life they Caroline was having with Stefan. Which was having a home, a boyfriend, kids, and a family. She wanted to have something to come home too. She was tired of being alone in the world.
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Unlike characters like Hayley, Caroline and Elena. This was the only time Bonnie ever admitted to wanting a future that had nothing to do with anyone else from Mystic Falls.
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All Bonnie has ever wanted is family. She immediately wanted to go with Lucy after just meeting her. Despite loving her friends, that connection doesn't feel the same. It makes sense for Bonnie to want to settle down one day and have a family of her own. Children are part of that dream. She's more than just a good friend and a powerful witch. She'd want to create a happy home as a mother. Is having kids a necessity? No but it's what she wants and would make her happy.
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Bonnie’s relationship with her mother is strained. Abby never wanted to stay with her or check in unless she’s forced. Rudy kept busy with work and her last memory of him was dying in front of her. Grams is gone. Bonnie’s alone and she didn’t want to stay that way. If the other women could want more for themselves. Why shouldn’t Bonnie? She already spent 8 seasons fixing and caring for her friends. What is the difference if they’re related to her?
TVD writers were able to write an entire five-season-spin-off around the Mikaelson’s, give two seasons around the Gemini coven, and give us six seasons of Liz Forbes. All of those characters are white. The storylines and push for the one black family weren’t there. They written Bonnie to be so disconnected from them and it’s bullshit.
So if Bonnie fans in any way are creating more family for Bonnie. Changing up their lore to sound like a family and not women playing servitude then YES I’m for it.
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andreal831 · 8 months
Esther "Mikaelson" and Misogyny
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The misogyny in TVDU, in both the writing and the fandom, is exhausting. It comes out so much, especially when it comes to complex women versus complex men. Esther (yes, I know her last name is not Mikaelson), is not one of my favorite characters, she's not even a character I particularly like. But to act like she is an absolute villain with no redeeming qualities is a best misogynist, and at worst blaming a victim of abuse.
Most of the hate for Esther tends to come from certain character stans because they don't like how Esther treated their favorite character or want to shift the responsibility of their favs to Esther so that they don't have to deal with a complex, morally grey character.
Esther is a survivor many times over and we cannot talk about her without first acknowledging that. When she was just a teenager/young adult, her entire family was slaughtered and she and her sister were kidnapped. I know there is a lot of debate in the psychology community regarding Stockholm syndrome, but her falling for Mikael screams a manipulated, traumatized, naïve, young woman.
Esther and Mikael
Whether it was Mikael's intent initially or not, he took advantage of the mental place she was at when they met. People recently have wanted to argue whether or not Esther was abused, but this is not a debate. First, there are many different types of abuse, mental, physical, emotional, financial, etc.
During this time period, while Norse communities tended to give woman more power, Esther was from "outside" their community. Her rank in the community would come directly from her marriage. I personally don't know if she went into her relationship with Mikael in order to gain security or if she was just truly that naïve and wanted love and a family. There is nothing wrong with either. It reminds me of why Hayley decided to try and actually have a relationship with Jackson. Woman have historically had to make hard decisions in order to gain protection. And even if she just wanted to get married and have kids, that is fine. Esther reminds me of Meg March. Her dreams may have been different than Dahlia but that doesn't make them less important.
We see very little of their human lives and it is told from everyone else's perspective except for Esther. We also know that everyone's stories are not accurate. Klaus lied about Esther's death for a thousand years. He also has a tendency from not seeing things through other perspectives. Klaus, and even Elijah, when they talk about their human lives, focus on Mikael's abuse on Klaus because the show centers around Klaus and doing everything they can do to redeem him. There is no benefit to making Esther look complex or going into how living with Mikael impacted her. But it is naïve to say she didn't suffer abuse. She lived in a household with a violent, angry man. Even if he didn't physically hit her, which we honestly don't know but I would find that extremely hard to believe, it is clear he verbally, emotionally, and financially abused her.
People love to say she is a powerful witch and could have stopped him or left, but this is shifting the blame from the abuser to the victim. First, abuse isn't about who is stronger. This logic is completely dismissing so much abuse that happens, especially women abusing men. Yes, Esther is a powerful witch, but if she had no other options outside of Mikael, being powerful doesn't matter. We know she would put Mikael to sleep for long periods to protect her and her children. We don't know if she did anything else, but we have at least one example of her using her magic to intervene. We also know she stopped practicing for a long time because of her fear of dark magic and how the community treated Dahlia.
We also have to acknowledge that Esther had very few choices. Sure, she could kill Mikael but she would have gotten sentenced to death for that. Again, her position in the community came from her connection to Mikael, otherwise she was just another enslaved person from a village they raided. We know how Dahlia was treated. Maybe she could have run off with Ansel and they would have protected her from Mikael, or if he was dead, the villagers, but this is putting her, her children, and the pack in a dangerous situation. Potentially starting a war between the pack and the village for aiding and abetting a kin-slayer. She would also be acknowledging her affair and adultery by woman was met by serious punishments, usually death. After committing matricide, she also wouldn't have claims to Mikael's money or land as an outsider. Maybe in the "new world," but she would have to hide her involvement in his death. Esther would have no money or land of her own as her familial land and money would have been claimed when it was raided.
While women in Norse communities did experience more freedom than other areas of the world at that time, they were still far from free. This is especially true considering how Esther came to this community. While she wasn't enslaved in a way Dahlia was, it is wrong to say she wasn't still enslaved. Her entire village was killed and her and her sister were forced to come to their village and live amongst them as hostages. Esther was kept as a way to keep Dahlia in line. She was not welcomed into the community. This was a common practice during these raids.
The reason I get so angry when people attack Esther as if she wasn't a victim is because real-life victims hear this everyday. Esther's situation perfectly exemplifies the "non-perfect" victim and the fandom perfectly exemplifies how many of these victims are treated.
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Esther and Dahlia
Dahlia gets way more slack than Esther because she is a "more perfect victim." But again, we are getting the story from everyone's perspective but Esther. Yes, what Dahlia went through was horrible, but what she put her sister through was also horrible. Those two things are not mutually exclusive.
Dahlia had no right to expect Esther to give up her dreams for her, even though she did sacrifice a lot for Esther. She made that decision and took it on. Yes, it was noble, but again, she cannot expect anything for a choice she made. It is just like Klaus expecting his siblings to never leave him and punishing them when they do. Siblings do not owe each other their lives. I would also not blame Dahlia for leaving Esther behind to protect herself.
On top of that, when Esther went to Dahlia and asked for help, she took advantage of the situation and stole her child. I don't care what Esther promised or how much she understood of the situation, clearly at the moment Dahlia came for Freya, Esther did not want to give her up. If we look at it in a modern perspective, a mother who puts her child up for adoption has the right to change their mind because, morally, we understand it is impossible to understand how you will feel until that moment. If a person than steals the child after the mom changes their mind, that's kidnapping. If we look at it from a historical perspective, Norse communities were patriarchal and the children belonged to Mikael. Meaning Esther did not have the ability to "sell" her children.
Dahlia is given a lot of sympathy in the fandom because they relate her story to Klaus, who they spend a lot of time victimizing. So it makes an easy leap to paint Dahlia as the victim and Esther as the "evil" one. But again, we never see how Esther reacted to her sister casting her aside because she wanted love and a family. or how Mikael treated her throughout their relationship. Even if Dahlia ended up being right about Mikael, whether he was always evil or turned evil losing Freya, Dahlia doesn't get to make that decision for Esther. It is hard to watch someone you love get into an abusive relationship, but you can't tell someone what to do with their life. All you can do is try and be there for them when they need help.
Esther and Klaus
Another reason people hate on Esther is because of her relationship with Klaus. I personally think Esther loved Klaus the most because of who his father was. She babies him in a way she never did with the other's. We even see Finn resenting her treatment of Klaus because of it.
Yes, she does give him the necklace which ends up making Mikael target him to "make him strong." But, one, let's blame the abuser and not shift blame to a fellow victim. And two, what would you have her do? Sure the answer is probably, don't have an affair, but then your fav character wouldn't be there. Also, again, she was young and naïve. She also gets more blame for having an affair than Mikael does for beating a child. She made a mistake and did everything she could to protect Klaus from that mistake. Was it misguided, maybe, but her intention was good. She wanted to protect Klaus from Mikael finding out.
The fact that Esther can forgive Klaus for brutally murdering her shows how much she loved him. Her wanting to kill her kids later is honestly understandable. She never knew the side affects of the spell she performed. She watched her children become the worst versions of themselves for a thousand years and felt the guilt for every life they took. She also knew peace existed since she had been on the other side. When she first tried to take their lives, they would have all just gone to the other side. She didn't want them to suffer but wanted the pain they inflicted on the world to end.
The Misogyny of it all
The reason I say it is misogyny, is because every favorite character in this show has done absolutely terrible things. Klaus, and all of the Mikaelsons, are serial killers. It doesn't matter what reasons they had for doing it. Esther had her own reasons for her actions. The fact that people can't acknowledge Esther as a complex character but can do so for Klaus, Damon, Elijah, Stefan, etc. shows that it is based on misogyny. Even the fact that Dahlia, someone who kidnapped and abused a child, gets more love than Esther because Esther isn't a "perfect victim" shows it is rooted in misogyny. Men are allowed to be messy and complex but when it's a woman they are either a victim or pure evil.
I'm not saying there aren't things you can't hate her for. I hated her treatment of Elijah in Season 2 of TO and her plan to harm Hope. But to ignore the complexity of the character and pretend she wasn't a victim is just harmful rhetoric. Women are allowed to be complex and morally grey.
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tofics · 7 months
Out Of This World
Chapter 2
Pairing: Elijah Mikaelson x fem!Reader x Dean Winchester
Summary: You and the Mikaelsons are fighting a powerful witch that’s trying to take over New Orleans. The only solution: banishment to another universe. However, the spell goes… wrong, and it’s not the witch that ends up in another universe, but you. - At the same time, over a thousand miles away in a bunker in Lebanon, Kansas, an alarm goes off: a rift has opened up. The Winchesters and their angel partners in crime decide to investigate. What will they find when they get to New Orleans?
Word count: 3213 words
Warnings: angst, panic attack, high anxiety
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Previously: “No… no, no, no, no.” Your whisper grew more panicked with each syllable. The faint humming sound in your ears picked back up as your blood began to rush through your body again. Panic rose in your chest and tightened its grip until you felt like you couldn’t breathe, oxygen be damned. The spell had worked. They had successfully sent someone to an alternate universe, just like they had planned. It just wasn’t Athea who’d been transported from one universe to another. It was you.
Your heart was hammering in your chest as you stood in the entrance to the alley. You kept taking deep breaths, trying to hold the panic at bay - or more like, keep it in check, before you had a meltdown right there and then. It was hard to keep yourself from spiraling, but you knew it would be of no use. You had to figure out what to do.
Your hand reached into your pocket and found your phone and before you knew it, you had Elijah's number dialed. A small voice inside you whispered that it was pointless, but you didn't listen and instead held on to the part of you that was still hoping that you were wrong. That you were somehow just hallucinating. There was no denying the spell had gone wrong, but maybe everything could be explained somehow, if you could just get in touch with your people.
It didn't even ring once before a mechanical voice informed you that the number you had reached had been disconnected or was no longer in service. Your stomach dipped, but you quickly dialed Klaus instead. "The number you are calling doesn't exist." By now, you felt bile climbing up the back of your throat. Your hands were beginning to shake, but you forced them into fists, willing them to still so you could dial the next number. Hayley was next. Then Freya. With every announcement that the number either didn't exist or was disconnected, your panic grew a little more. You tried Jackson's number and almost threw your phone against the wall in frustration when the same message was repeated to you again, groaning and tears stinging in your eyes. "Come on!" you exclaimed and clicked on Rebekah's contact next. Everyone you'd tried so far had been part of the team on scene. Maybe, if you'd tried Rebekah, who'd stayed home with Hope... Someone had to pick up. Someone just had to. They won't. They can't, the small voice whispered in the back of your head, but you ignored it and pressed dial.
The fact that the call went through and it rang almost made you cry with relief. Finally, you thought and impatiently shifted your weight from one foot to the other and back. "Come on, pick up, pick up pick up pick up," you urged Rebekah on as it rang twice, three times, four times, but no one answered. Then you were connected to her mailbox.
"This is Dean Winchester. If this is an emergency, leave a message."
You stared at your display. You'd clearly dialed Rebekah's number. "Who the hell is Dean Winchester?," you muttered to yourself. You tried Rebekah again, but instead got the same mailbox message.
Clearly, this was going nowhere, but you refused to give up. You swiped back up your contacts and dialed Camille's number. It rang twice before the line got picked up.
It was like someone was pouring warm honey over you and washing you clean of anxiety from head to toe at the sound of Camille's voice.
"Oh my god! Finally! I've been trying absolutely everyone and no one's picking up. I think something went wrong, everyone's gone, Athea too but I don't-" The words poured out of your mouth until Camille interrupted you. "I'm sorry, who's this?"
The temporary relief you had felt at Cami picking up the phone started crumbling away. "Wha- this is Y/N?"
"Oh, I'm sorry, but I think you've got the wrong number!" Camille's voice was cheery, if a bit empathetic. Your phone dropped from your ear as your arms sunk down in defeat. It was pointless. Of course Cami wasn't going to recognize you. How could she, if she'd never met you to begin with - not in this universe.
"Hello?" Her voice squeaked out of your phone's speaker. You took a big breath and then lifted the phone to your ear again. "You're right, I misdialed. My bad. Sorry to have bothered you." Your voice sounded small and defeated. The lump in your throat was so thick now that you'd barely gotten your last words out. Before Camille could reply, you quickly hung up and stuffed your phone back into your pants. I have no idea what to do, you thought. It was then that you finally allowed the tears to come.
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"Go ahead Sammy, you're on speaker." Dean handed his phone over to Cas while keeping his eyes fixed on the road. The angel held it up between the two of them.
"So we've looked at what little data we have, and I can't say I've got much for you," Sam's voice croaked out of the speaker, just loud enough to be heard over the sound of Baby's engine and rain softly drumming on the car's windshield. "All I can tell you right now is that, so far, no other rifts have opened up." "Well, that's good," Cas stated in his typical matter-of-fact voice. "Sure, but I don't like how little information we have. Dean, we have no idea what you guys are walking into." Sam's worry wasn't unjustified. He had a point. But what was he supposed to do? Dean didn't see how he had a choice. Yeah, they didn't know what awaited them, but really, when had they ever truly known what to expect? As far as he was concerned, this was just going to be like any other hunt until proven otherwise. Until then, him and Cas would have it covered.
"Relax, Sammy, we've got it. We're not gonna march in there and get ourselves blown up. You know me, I'm a careful guy!" He grinned at Cas, who just raised a brow at him. Cas had gotten better at catching sarcasm, but it sometimes still eluded him. Sam scoffed on the phone. "Right, because that's what you're known for." Dean shook his head, both at Sam's response and the angel's failure to recognize his joke.
It was true, of course. If there was a word to describe Dean's life with, 'safe' definitely wasn't it. Their job came with undeniable risks, risks that both Dean and Sam were acutely aware of. It was precisely why Dean had ordered his brother and Jack to stay home. If anything went wrong, at least Sammy wouldn't be in the line of fire. As for Cas... well, Cas had powers. Powers that could come in useful. And he trusted Cas a hell of a lot more than the baby Nephilim back home in the bunker.
"You said we don't know much. What do we know, then?" Dean decided to change the subject. He didn't want his brother worrying about him. "Honestly, no more than when you left, really. I can't even tell you if the rift's still open." Dean grunted in response. They really had close to nothing. "I don't think the rift is still open." Jack's voice was quieter than Sam's. Dean couldn't tell if the younger angel was further away from Sam's phone or if he was afraid to speak up. Jack had been behaving extra cautiously around him for a while now, and Dean hadn't exactly given him any reason not to. As far as he was concerned, he tolerated the Nephilim, no more, no less than that. Sam had clearly already forgiven their mother's death. Dean didn't see that in the cards for him anytime soon. "What makes you say that?" Castiel inquired, saving Dean from having to respond. "The blinking stopped, didn't it? From what I understand, the table is set to sound an alarm for a specific amount of time once it has picked up a frequency. Wouldn't it still be going if the rift was still open?" By now, the rain had picked up and was coming down in buckets. Dean set Baby's windshield wipers on the highest setting. "Sam?" It took Sam a moment to respond. "I think Jack has a point. The original settings of the table allowed to track anything supernatural for as long as it was putting out a frequency. Once the radar picks up a frequency, the system should put out a warning for a minimum of ten minutes. Theoretically, if a rift stayed open any longer than... however long this one was open for, then the system should continue to alert for that amount of time in addition to the warning itself."
"Dude. English. I'm not Charlie." Dean couldn't see his brother, but assumed he was rolling his eyes at Dean's lack of technical know-how.
"When I updated the table, I didn't change the previous code. If the rift was still open, we should still be getting a signal, just like Jack said."
"Well, you could have just said that, nerd," Dean countered. He was certain that Sam was now definitely rolling his eyes.
"So we know the rift is closed. That makes it harder to find." Once again, Castiel hit the nail on the head with his matter-of-fact-ness.
"Yeah, well," Dean said, trying to make light of the situation, "we won't get to NOLA before early morning. We got time to figure it out until then."
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Hope giggled in Rebekah's arms as she happily played with the fountain in the foyer, getting the both of them wet as her tiny hands repeatedly hit the surface of the water. Rebekah couldn't help but smile at her niece's joy. She leaned down to place a kiss on Hope's head when she heard hurried footsteps approaching the main entrance of the compound. Not a second later, her siblings stormed in, followed by the rest of the party that had gone out to deal with Athea.
Rebekah instinctually knew that something had gone wrong. Instead of boasting about their win like Nik' normally would have, he wore a grim, tight-lipped expression. However - and more disturbingly so - it was Elijah who had a murderous look on his face, when it was usually Niklaus who was known as the more temperamental one. Behind the two, Freya, Hayley and Jackson followed, all of them looking similarly upset. You, however, were very noticeably not part of their entourage.
"What happened?," Rebekah asked as she handed Hope over to Hayley, who had beelined straight towards the duo. Hayley accepted Hope into her arms and pressed a kiss to her child's forehead, but didn't offer an answer. Rebekah looked back at the compound entrance, expecting you to walk in any second as she waited for a reply. "Where's Y/N?" The silence that followed was stretched uncomfortably long.
"Freya? What happened?," Rebekah inquired again, this time with more urgency in her voice. Her sister sighed as she braced herself for a retelling of their recent failing when Elijah interrupted them.
"Yes, Freya, why don't you explain what happened."
The tone in Elijah's voice didn't go unnoticed, but Freya straightened her shoulders and recounted what had happened in the alley. It didn't take her long to catch Rebekah up. "Am I to understand that Athea is dead, but Y/N is trapped in another universe?" Rebekah couldn't believe it. Here she thought they'd finally found a way to trump Athea and that old crow had still outsmarted them. "But how is that even possible?"
"That, my dear sister, is something I'd like to know myself." Elijah had stopped pacing around and was now watching Freya intently. Freya, in return, took on a defensive stance.
"Are you implying something, brother? Do you honestly think I had something to do with Y/N's disappearance?"
The two siblings stared at each other for a moment before Elijah's gaze ultimately softened. "Of course not. You have proven your loyalty to this family. My first concern is to get Y/N back. I don't expect arguments over why this issue should take precedence." He paused briefly as if to give room for possible interjections, but none came. He briefly nodded at the unspoken collective agreement and continued. "However, I do believe it's necessary to investigate how Athea gained knowledge of our plan. We cannot afford a spy in our midst, even if the evil has been defeated."
"I'll put word out, see if our people can find out anything," Jackson volunteered. Klaus nodded appreciatively but held a hand out to the man. "Be careful. It shouldn't become known that we're chasing mole. We wouldn't want the rodent to scurry in fear and bury itself before we can find it." Jackson grunted in agreement and headed towards the grant entrance.
"I'll go back to Kol's playhouse, see if we missed anything. He had the banishment spell, perhaps he's hiding a retrieval spell somewhere as well." Freya shot Rebekah a look who instantly agreed. "I'll come with," she said and linked her arm through her sister's. "Four eyes see more than just two. Six eyes might see even more," she added with a look at Klaus. "I'll keep my eyes on our brother instead," the hybrid replied and patted Elijah on the shoulder. "Make sure he doesn't shred the place to pieces." He winked at his brother. Elijah scoffed. "Don't mistake me with yourself, Niklaus." Klaus grinned. "We'll hold the fort. Call us when you've got something." Freya and Rebekah nodded and left for the cemetery.
With the two Mikaelson sisters leaving, only Hayley and the two Mikaelson brothers were left at the compound. She hesitated briefly, then walked over to Elijah with Hope on her arm. She squeezed his shoulder briefly. "We'll find her, Elijah. Don't worry."
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The doorbell jingled, announcing your presence to the room, but only a few eyes darted your way as you entered the bar. Your heart clenched at the familiarity of the place. This might not have been your universe, but this was every bit your Rousseaus' as you knew it. The same familiar smell, the same furniture, the same decorations. Hell, even the patrons looked the same.
"You look like you could use a drink."
How could a voice provide so much comfort and pierce your heart so harshly at the same time? It pained and gave you solace at once. There she was, polishing a glass with that warm, expectant smile she gave to any lost soul that stumbled into her bar. You'd seen her put it on about a million times and had always wondered how she always just knew. Camille wasn't a vampire, but she had a fine nose regardless that gave her the ability to sniff out the dispirited ones from a mile away. Admittedly, it sort of came with the territory. Half the people who sought out bars came to forget, not to mingle. You'd always been one to mingle. Tonight, however, you might just switch camps.
"Why don't you take a seat and I'll pour you one? First one's on the house."
Ah, there it was. The line that put a smile on the mingler's faces and got the wary ones to stay. Not that you'd needed any convincing to stay in the first place. You had nowhere else to go. Literally and figuratively.
You slid into a seat at the counter near the register. Your eyes briefly darted to the right, far-off corner of the counter, just quick enough to notice your usual spot close to the kitchen was empty. Your nails scratched at a dried spot of something unrecognizable in front of you. The chatter of the pre-evening crowd and the subtle music faded into the background as the buzzing in your ears picked back up. To have a place look and feel so much like home when it couldn't possibly be any further from your own reality...
A glass clunked down in front of you, pushed into your field of vision by a delicate hand.
"Here you go!"
You fixated on the glass for a couple of seconds before your silence stretched too long and into the territory of discourtesy. "Thank you." Your voice was small, barely above a whisper. Nevertheless, Camille had heard you, as her hand moved over to yours and squeezed it gently.
"You're welcome. If you need to talk, wave me down. I'm a good listener!" You didn't have to look up to know she'd winked at you warmly. You'd heard it in her voice, and you'd seen her do it too many times to not know. You'd always been in awe of her ability to have her warmth, combined with a drink, provide immediate, albeit small relief to people she didn't know. It would have worked on you too, had it not been for the fact that your best friend showed no sign of recognizing you. She was giving you the same lonesome duckling treatment that she gave all her customers. You'd always wondered what it would have felt like if you hadn't know Camille and had just randomly wondered in one night, looking to forget and to be provided with her solicitude. Now, that you were on the receiving side of it, it was just painful.
Two drinks later, you still hadn't said a single word. Cami had wordlessly replaced your first drink once you had emptied it and hovered around you from time to time, to see if you would open up. But you couldn't bring yourself to talk. Hell, so far, you hadn't even managed to look her in the eyes. You just couldn't. To look up and find absolutely no recognition in her eyes - you were sure it would wipe out the last of whatever was keeping you upright in your seat right now.
The doorbell jingled again, followed by a quick set of steps that approached the register. "Hey Cami, you got a quick burger for me?" You felt your insides tighten as the man who'd stopped next to you spoke. He was drumming on the countertop with his index-fingers, blissfully unaware of your reaction. "You got it, Vince. Just give me a couple minutes," Camille replied and turned away from the wall of liquor she'd just been busying herself with. She was about to pass you by when she slowed down in front of you. You could feel her eyes watching you, piercing the top of your head. You hadn't only not spoken, you also hadn't looked up once since you'd come in. "Hey, why don't you wait over by the kitchen? You can snack on a few fries, if you want," she added after a brief pause. You heard Vincent clap his hands together in excitement. "You ain't gotta tell me twice," he quipped before he strode off to the kitchen. A hand snuck into your field of vision again, softly tugging at one of your fingers. "Hey, make sure you don't break this one, yeah? Blood is such a bitch to clean up." Your brows furrowed in confusion before you realized that you were clutching your glass so tightly, your knuckles had turned white. You forced yourself to relax your fingers and in return received an approving pat on your hand. "There you go. Thanks!"
You couldn't help it but glance up then. Camille smiled and winked at you, before she sauntered off after Vincent. You watched this world's version of your best friend as she disappeared into the kitchen and couldn't help but wonder if anyone had ever felt more lonely than you in this very second.
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A/N: Only took me forever to get here, but we've made it, chapter 2 is here! I had this chapter planned out for so long but couldn't find the right words. Not a lot of action compared to the previous chapter, but I promise, there is more to come! How's Y/N gonna get on all by herself? And how are Dean and Cas go about finding out what happened to the rift in NOLA? Stay tuned to find out! 😉
Feedback is greatly appreciated! Let me know if you’d like to be added to the taglist ☺️
Tag list:
@vicmc624 @foreverrandomwritings @imoompalumpa @wildernessflora @spnaquakindgdom @zepskies @starkleila
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fandoms--fluff · 1 year
The Things I’d Do For You
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Older Mikaelson sister reader x Hope Mikaelson
Summary: Hope distances herself away from you and everyone so you go to her school, and comfort her through a breakdown about your dead family members and her fears and guilt and everything
Warnings: mentions of death, swearing
A/n: very fluffy but angst at the same time i think? And of course had to incorporate Alaric bashing. Currently working on more hope content!!!!!!
Some would think with the mass age difference of six hundred between you and your younger sister, Hope, that the two of you wouldn’t be that close. But it’s the total opposite. Ever since Hope met you and you guys have bonded, you’ve been closer with each other than anybody else. 
You may have different mothers, both are dead, but you still feel close to one another either if you were half sister like now or full sisters. 
Your mother abandoned you when you were very young, and even when she was there, she wasn’t ever the best mother anyways. You crossed paths with your father, the original Klaus Mikaelson, when you were in England in 1492 after you were turned almost a century prier from being killed by ironically, a vampire, when you were 19. He was on his journey to just about complete the sacrifice with Katerina Petrova in some little days when you showed up. He automatically could tell you were connected to him in the first couple minutes of talking. Something about you seemed so similar. 
That’s when he got you to open up about your past that you both put together what had happened. Starting when your mother and him had a long relationship until she ran away one day with no trace to follow. Like she evaporated out of existence, fell off the face of the Earth. She was pregnant with you, their daughter and obviously hadn’t wanted Klaus to find out about you and tried to do everything in her power to get rid of you, not knowing you’d be a first born Mikaelson witch-tribrid when you were born. 
It was the first time in a while that Klaus had openly showed affection with anyone, but with you, he didn’t skip a heart beat. After meeting for the first time and connecting with your father, you guys had went your separate ways, Klaus not wanting Mikael to find out about you. 
You had kept in touch with each other, meeting all your aunts and uncles, besides from Finn until Mystic Falls in 2010 and Freya later on after you came back to New Orleans because a call from your uncle Elijah about something he shouldn’t tell you over the phone. After that, you quickly packed your things and left Mystic Falls after saying goodbye to your friends, Caroline, Stefan, Bonnie, and Damon. 
After everything that had went down over the years when Hope was growing up and learning how you were her sister and about your past. She always made it clear that she looked up to you and wanted to be like you, someone who’d drop everything to help her family. You didn’t know how to feel about that when she first told you after you read her a bed time story when she was six, but after that, you knew how special you are to her. Even your dad and Hayley pulled you aside to say how grateful they were to have you stay in Hope’s life even though you had every right to not want to. 
She had started sneaking into your room at night when she was supposed to be asleep when she was seven. It woke you up straight away when you heard the doorknob turn, but after a while you knew how to tell it was her. You’d always welcome her into your arms and let her cuddle you to her hearts contents. 
It slowed down for a couple years when she was entering her teenage years, thinking that she was too old for it, but caved a couple times. 
It picked up greatly after your guys’ dad and uncle Elijah died, plus her mom, Hayley, who you were starting to consider a mother figure yourself. And it hadn’t stopped or slowed down, not that your complaining though, it’s just when she was younger she’d always tell you when somethings wrong or if she just wanted cuddles. Now, she barely opens up, and when she does, it’s when she’s on the brink of a meltdown and you calmly pull her out of it. 
Like right now, you’re really worried about your baby sister. She hasn’t phoned or texted you for a couple days now since going back to the boarding school after winter break. You’re getting anxious about what might happen, considering everything that happened with the boy that she was dating and he had died the previous year. 
You’re pacing back and forth in your room at the abattoir when you feel a presence in the doorway. “What are you doing here Marcel?” You stop your pacing and turn over to look at the younger vampire. 
“I just wanted to check in on you, I haven’t seen you out in a couple days” he says and comes into the room, standing in front of you. 
“I’m just worries about Hope, I haven’t heard anything from her in almost a week and she hasn’t been answering my phone calls or texts. I’m trying to figure out if I did something to make her mad at me, or if I forgot about something and she’s mad about that” you rant to him. 
“Hey, take a deep breath, I’m sure everything is fine. How about you go visit her, and if your nervous, you have friends there that can also give you a helping hand about it, right?”
“Yeah, thanks Marcel” you guys quickly hug before he leaves and you start packing a bag. 
Once you get to Mystic Falls, you were about to turn around from the school and just go over to see Damon, but before you can, you get a phone call from an unknown caller. Sighing, you answer it, not having any reason not to. 
A voice quickly starts speaking, “Hey Y/n, I’m Lizzie, Hope’s friend- kinda friend? from school. I know from what Hope had told me about you that you dont like to be disturbed, but I think you might want to know about this.”
“What happened, is hope alright?” you ask concerned. 
“I don’t know, she hasn’t left her room besides for necessaties and won’t talk to any of us. I was wondering how fast you can get here, I know it’s far from New Orleans but I’m worried about her. It’s as if she’s turned off her emotions even though she hasn’t activated her vampire part” Lizzie quickly tells you, worry evident in the girl’s voice. 
“Hey, hey, sweetie, calm down, it’s going to be okay. Believe it or not, I was just on my way to the school, I’ll be there in five minutes, okay?” You soften your tone. 
“Okay, thanks” she says, clear that she’s taking deep breathes before hanging up. 
You put your phone down and immediately step on the gas, breaking more than one speed limit getting to the boarding school in record time. As you step into the school, you see a tall blond girl leaning against a wall, waiting anxiously. 
You walk over to her, and place your hand on her shoulder. “You must be Lizzie, right?” You say.
“Yeah, sorry about the panicked phone call, I didn’t know who else to phone” she murmured, calming from your gentle touch.
“It’s alright, I know you’re worried, is Hope in her room?” You asked, already knowing the answer. “Um, yeah. The last time she came out was to take a shower last night” she tells you. 
“Okay, thanks Lizzie. I’ll see you later” you smile and squeeze the siphoner’s shoulder before making your way to your sister’s room. 
You knock on her door, not getting an answer, but you know she’s in there from her breathing and heart beat. You memorized how they sound when she was younger in case anything happened. 
Unlocking the door with your magic, you walk into her room. Her back is facing the now closed door and you, “I thought I made it clear I didn’t want you Lizzie” Hope sternly says, not noticing it’s you and not her blond friend. 
“Good thing I’m not Lizzie then” you tell her, crossing your arms over your chest. 
Hope immediately freezes, realizing who is in her room. It’s definitely not her frenemy, but her big sister. The same sister who she’s been ignoring for almost a week. The same sister who she knows was worried the second she made her phone calls go to voicemail.
She doesn’t know what to do, but she does turn around, which she doesn’t know if it’s a smart move or not, seeing the stern and worrisome look you have. 
“Y/n” she mumbles. 
“Hey Hope, I want you to know that I’m not mad at you” you tell her, slowly making your way over to her. She lets out a breath of air she didn’t even know she was holding in. 
“All I want to know is why you’ve been pushing everyone who cares about you away” you crouch down in front of where she’s sitting on her bed. 
She shakes her head, trying to avoid eye contact with you. 
You look over to her nightstand and see pictures and small trinkets laid out in a haphazard manner. Looking closer, you notice the pictures are the ones you printed for her when she was 12. They’re some of her, you, your guys’ family, both of you in selfies from when she was really young. 
You reach over and pick a handful of them up. “I remember this day, I took you to the zoo and you wouldn’t leave the lion exhibit because you were waiting for Simba to come over to you and have a conversation with him. I’m pretty sure Hayley despised me for allowing you to watch Lion King all those times, she said one day you’d drive her crazy with how much you sang the songs” you hand Hope the photo. 
She chuckled, tears forming in her eyes. “I remember, I kept begging mom to go back to the zoo with you after. I was committed to try talking to a lion” she looked back up at you with a sad smile, remembering the day more clearly. 
You see the emotion in her face, you smile knowing you’re getting somewhere. Digging another one out of the pile. “Oh, this was a fun day. Dad took us to the ice cream place and allowed us to get whatever we wanted. By the end of the day you had, I swear, the biggest sugar high ever.” 
Hope took the photo handed to her, it shows a picture that you’re taking with your phone with your guys’ dad across the table and her beside you with ice cream all around her mouth. “Mom yelled at dad the second she saw me” Hope’s smile widened. 
“Yeah, boy did he get a talking to. But even through all that, you still somehow fell asleep in my arms, and ironically it was during the loudest part of it” you say, making you both chuckle. 
You sort through the pictures in your hands, pausing after seeing a specifically worn out one with light yellow aging on the outline.  
“Hm, now where’d you get this one?” You say with a risen eyebrow, lifting a picture of you from the 1840s. You’ve been looking for it in your room at the abattoir but you had a hunch of where it went, and it seems you were right. 
Hope pauses for a second, realizing she got caught with something. “...I may have taken it from your room. It was after m-mom died and I couldn’t find you, but I saw this on your dresser. And I thought you looked to so pretty in it, I took it because... I don’t know really. I guess I was scared that you were going to leave too and maybe having something close to you from your history made me think that it help with my paranoia.” your younger sister slowly explained, thinking back to when she took it. 
“You were really scared, weren’t you?” You softly say more than ask.
“Mhm, I thought you’d be next. But then it was Dad and Uncle Elijah. I’m so scared you’re gonna leave me too” Hope sobbed, finally breaking after not talking for so long about it. 
You immediately put the pictures down and lean forward from where you’re still crouching and pull her into your arms. One of your hands lay on the back of her head, rubbing your finger tips in slow circles. It’s something you used to do when she’d come to you with nightmares. 
“Oh sweetie, I’m so sorry you’ve felt this way. You don’t have to worry, I’m not going anywhere, I won’t let anyone make me leave you ever again” you tell her and kiss her forehead. 
You wrap your arm tightly and securely around Hope’s lower back. After a second, you stand up, carrying her. Her legs automatically wrap around your torso and she clings to you tighter than before, letting her emotions out as she cries into your neck. 
“E-everyone around me d-dies. I th-thought if I distanced myself from everyone then n-no one else would die” she explains her actions to you through her sobs. 
You start walking around the room and slightly bouncing her as if she were a baby. Some may find it weird that you’re doing this with a fifteen year old but it’s starting to calm her down, so screw what other people may think weird about it. 
 “Baby, that would seem like the best choice at the moment, but after a while you’ll feel so alone until you don’t feel at all. Think of it as a human humanity switch. No one, especially me, wants you to go through it, it’s horrible” you tell her, your own eyes starting to water from how your sister has been feeling. 
She clings to you, her arms wrapped around your neck, like a koala. She doesn’t want anyone else she loves to die. “I want them to come back” she whimpers through her crying. 
“Me too, me too. If I could just wave my hand and have them appear, I would.” You go back over to her bed and sit down on it with Hope now sitting on your lap, not wanting to let you go.
“I-I miss Mommy and Dadddy and uncle ‘Lijah” she mumbles, trying to blink her tears away. 
"Oh I know you do, I know sweet girl" you comfort her, rubbing your hand in circles on her back. You feel horrible for not realizing it sooner, how she felt on the inside about all of this. But who can blame her, she's only fifteen and lost so many important people in her life, and now scares that by getting close to anyone will send them to their death beds aswell.
She nuzzles further into your chest and scrunches up fistfuls of your shirt in her hands. Looking to the side, you see the simba stuffed animal you got Hope for christmas when she was eight in front of her pillows.
You unwrap one of your arms from the fifteen year old and grab the stuffed animal. Kissing Hope's forehead, you slowly start to move a couple inches away from her, earning you a whine of protest. Before she crashes back into you, you press the stuffed animal to her chest.
"You still have this" you say softly. She looks down and slowly unwraps her arms from you, noticing what you're talking about.
She picks Simba up into her arms and snuggles him after a couple back and forth glance between you and the stuffed animal. "Would never get rid of him, you gave it to me" she pouts at how you dare would've thought that, behind the lion's head.
“Well now I know where all my things are going” you softly chuckled, noticing the reason why the sweater Hope is wearing looks so familiar, it’s yours.
"You're clothes are just comfier" she mumbles into your chest, the lion held tight in her left arm.
"Is that right?" You ask with a teasing smile on your face. "Mhm."
"You're not gonna leave. Right?" She looks up at you with widened puppy eyes. "I'm not going to leave, I promise" you brushed the hair out of her face. You get an approving nod, before laying back into her big sister.
"I think it's time I move back into our old house" you say and she looks up at you with confusion. "Oh, right you've never been there, have you?" You ask. She shakes her head.
"Well, our dad built-actually got hybrids to build it, but that's whatever, a mansion just outside of town, and I'm pretty sure everything's still there. All I have to do is pack some things and get the keys to it from New Orleans before moving back in. I can't believe Alaric never told you about it- actuay I do believe that, he's an ass" you tell her.
"Wanna know a secret?" She whispers into your ear like she's seven again. "Of course" you whisper back.
"I think he's an ass too" she smiles, getting an affirming smile and nod from you. "Now you're speaking my language" you kiss the top of her head.
"I love you, y/n/n" she tells you.
"I love you too, little sis."
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untoldreader · 10 months
Masterlist Of Masterlists⚜️
Welcome to my Masterlist of Masterlists
Please give feedback
Marvel Universe
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Kate Bishop
Falling For The Archer
Archer's bond
Wanda Maximoff
The Witch & Her Possession
Natasha Romanoff
Shadows of Love: Natasha Romanoff and Y/N'S Destiny
Yelena Belova
A Dark Love
Dancing in the Moonlight
Maria Hill
Relentless Devotion
Peggy Carter
The Forgotten Past
Carol Danvers
Cosmic Connections: Carol Danvers Finds Love
Bucky Barnes
A Soldier's Redemption
Steve Rodgers
Threads Of Fate: Wanda, Natasha, and Y/N
The Miraculous Trio: A Journey of Love, Power, and Parenthood
Cross-over event story title coming soon-☆
Beneath the Veil: Love and Loyalty in the Underworld
Eternal Flame: A Maria Hill, Natasha Romanoff, and Y/N Love Saga
Temporal Veil: Unmasking Hydra's Schemes
Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D.
Daisy Johnson
Jemma Simmons
Melinda May
Bobbi Morse
DC Universe
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Kara Danvers
Lena Luther
Alex Danvers
Maggie sawyer
Lucy Lane
Sara Lance
Thea Queen
Laurel Lance
Felicity Smoak
Nyssa AL Ghul
The Flash
Iris West
Caitlin Snow
Wonder Woman
Diana Prince
Rachel Roth
Donna Troy
Harley Quinn
Ava Sharp
Vampires Diaries Universe
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The Originals
Rebekah Mikaelson
Hayley Marshall
Davina Claire
Freya Mikaelson
The Vampire Diaries
Elena Gilbert
Caroline Forbes
Bonnie Bennett
Katherine Pierce
Hope Mikaelson
Josie Saltzman
Lizzie Saltzman
Penelope Park
Crime Shows
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Criminal Minds
Emily Prentiss
Scream Universe
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Tara Carpenter
Sam Carpenter
Masked Obsession: Ghostface Sam Carpenter x Y/N Love Story
Amber Freeman
Kirby Reed
Wednesday Addams
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Enid Sinclair
Wednesday Addams
Stranger Things
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Teen Wolf
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Allison Argent
Lydia Martin
Malia Tate
Fear The Walking Dead
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The Walking Dead
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Maggie Greene
Carol Peletier
Tara Chamblers
The lOO
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Octavia Blake
Clarke Griffin
Raven Reyes
Wynonna Earp
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Waverly Earp
Wynonna Earp
Nicole Haught
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Before The Hope of the mikaelsons family Part One
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Summary: In the tense atmosphere of New Orleans, Klaus Mikaelson grapples with his power as the king of the French Quarter. After a violent confrontation with a group of defiant witches, he feels a growing threat to his control. Simultaneously, his relationship with Hayley Marshall intensifies when they share a passionate night that leads to her unexpected pregnancy. As Hayley experiences troubling symptoms, she learns from the witch Sophie that she is carrying Klaus's child, a powerful hybrid with extraordinary implications. Klaus, however, is consumed by anger and fear, viewing the child as a potential weakness that could be exploited by enemies. His coldness pushes Hayley away, leaving her feeling isolated and unsupported. This creates tension within the Mikaelson family, especially when Elijah and Rebekah confront Klaus about his behavior. They urge him to embrace the reality of fatherhood, highlighting the importance of family and connection. As the storm outside mirrors the chaos within, Klaus is torn between his instincts to protect and his reluctance to embrace his role as a father, foreshadowing the impending challenges they will all face as the situation escalates.
Warnings: themes of violence, supernatural elements, and intense emotions. themes of pregnancy, family dynamics, and betrayal, There are references to complex relationships and power struggles within a supernatural family and don’t read if you find it disturbing or unsettling.
The night was heavy with tension, a suffocating veil that settled over the streets of New Orleans. The heart of the French Quarter pulsed with life, music, laughter, and the murmurs of secrets exchanged in the shadows. But tonight, the air carried an undercurrent of fear, a dread that slithered through the city’s veins.
In a dimly lit alley, Klaus Mikaelson stood, his icy blue eyes scanning the darkness. The faint glow of a nearby streetlamp caught the sharp angles of his face, highlighting the predatory gleam in his gaze. He was a king in his domain, and yet tonight, he was restless. The city was his, but his hold on it felt tenuous, threatened by forces both within and beyond his control.
Behind him, his brother Elijah emerged from the shadows, his posture as composed as ever. The eldest of the siblings exuded a calm that belied the storm raging within. He adjusted his cufflinks with the same meticulous care he gave to every detail of their lives. But even his steady demeanor couldn’t mask the unease that gnawed at him.
“Klaus,” Elijah began, his voice a measured whisper that carried the weight of centuries, “Our enemies grow bolder. We must act decisively.”
Klaus turned to face his brother, a cruel smile playing at the edges of his lips. “Oh, we will, Elijah. But first, we must remind them who truly rules this city. Fear is a far more potent weapon than any show of force.”
As Klaus spoke, Kol sauntered into view, a mischievous grin on his face. His dark eyes sparkled with a dangerous glee, as if the chaos surrounding them was nothing more than a game. Unlike his brothers, Kol reveled in the turmoil, finding delight in the destruction they left in their wake.
“Have you already planned our next move, Nik?” Kol asked, his tone light, almost mocking.
Klaus’s smile widened. “Indeed, brother. Tonight, we send a message, a reminder that the Mikaelsons are not to be trifled with.”
The three brothers moved as one, a deadly force that descended upon the city like a shadow. They were unstoppable, untouchable, and tonight, they would make New Orleans tremble.
They approached the first of their targets, a small gathering of witches who had dared to defy them. The witches were huddled around a bonfire, their whispered incantations filling the night air with a strange, unsettling energy. But their magic, though powerful, was no match for the Mikaelsons.
Klaus stepped forward, his presence a dark cloud that smothered the witches’ bravado. “Did you truly believe you could challenge us?” he asked, his voice laced with a deadly calm.
The lead witch, an older woman with silver-streaked hair, met his gaze with defiance. “You may be powerful, Klaus Mikaelson, but you are not invincible. Your reign will end.”
Klaus’s smile vanished, replaced by a cold, merciless fury. “Is that so?”
With a flick of his wrist, he silenced her, the snap of her neck echoing in the still night. The remaining witches gasped, their fear palpable.
Elijah, ever the diplomat, stepped forward, his voice smooth as silk. “We do not seek unnecessary violence. But make no mistake, f you stand against us, you will fall.”
Kol chuckled darkly, his eyes gleaming with excitement. “And fall they shall.”
The witches were no match for the Mikaelsons’ combined might. One by one, they crumbled under the assault, their magic faltering in the face of the ancient power wielded by the Original family.
As the last of the witches fell, the bonfire sputtered out, plunging the scene into darkness. The Mikaelsons stood victorious, their enemies vanquished, yet the satisfaction was fleeting.
Klaus surveyed the aftermath, his expression unreadable. “This is only the beginning,” he muttered, more to himself than to his brothers. “Our enemies are gathering, and we must be ready. The shadows are closing in, and we cannot afford to falter.”
Elijah placed a hand on Klaus’s shoulder, a rare gesture of brotherly affection. “We will face whatever comes together. We have always survived. We will do so again.”
Kol, standing slightly apart, looked up at the sky, where clouds were beginning to gather, obscuring the stars. “Let them come,” he said with a grin. “We’ve always thrived in the darkness.”
As the first drops of rain began to fall, the Mikaelsons turned and disappeared into the night, their presence lingering like a dark omen over New Orleans. The storm was coming, and with it, the reign of the Mikaelsons would be tested as never before.
And in the distance, unknown to them, a new force was stirring, one that would change everything. But that was a story for another time. For now, the shadows belonged to the Mikaelsons.
The storm outside raged with unrelenting fury, a symphony of thunder and rain that beat against the Abattoir’s windows. Inside, the atmosphere was heavy with the aftershocks of the night’s violence, a tension that seemed to seep into every corner of the grand, dimly lit estate.
Klaus paced restlessly in his private quarters, the echoes of the confrontation with the witches still resonating in his mind. His gaze was distant, lost in the labyrinth of his own thoughts. The burden of leadership, the constant threats to his family, everything weighed heavily on him.
A soft knock on the door pulled him from his reverie. Without waiting for an invitation, Hayley Marshall entered, her presence a stark contrast to the storm outside. Her eyes, fierce and determined, met his with a look that spoke of both understanding and defiance.
“You’re still awake,” she said, her voice steady despite the chaos around them. “I thought you might be.”
Klaus turned to face her, his expression a mix of weariness and frustration. “It seems there is no rest for the wicked, or for those who seek to hold onto what is theirs.”
Hayley closed the door behind her and stepped closer, her gaze unwavering. “You need to take a break, Klaus. You’re pushing yourself too hard. This relentless pursuit of control is going to break you eventually.”
Klaus’s eyes narrowed slightly. “You think I don’t know that? But what choice do I have? The city is rife with enemies, and every day is a battle to maintain what I’ve built.”
Hayley’s expression softened, and she approached him with a calm, measured stride. “It’s not just about fighting, Klaus. It’s about finding something that gives you a reason to keep going. Something that makes all of this worth it.”
As she spoke, she reached out and placed a hand on his arm. The touch was light but conveyed a deep sense of empathy. Klaus felt a flicker of something he hadn’t allowed himself to feel in a long time, a connection.
He looked at her, his defenses momentarily lowered. “And what would you suggest, Hayley? What could possibly make this endless cycle of violence and power struggles worth it?”
Hayley’s eyes held his with a sincerity that was both comforting and unsettling. “Sometimes, it’s not about changing the world but finding moments that make you feel alive. And sometimes, those moments come from unexpected places.”
Klaus’s gaze dropped to her hand resting on his arm. There was a magnetic pull between them, an undeniable tension that had been building for weeks. He could feel the storm inside him warring with the calm that Hayley brought.
Without further words, he closed the gap between them, his lips finding hers in a kiss that was both urgent and tender. Hayley responded with equal fervor, her hands gripping his shoulders as if she, too, needed this moment to escape the chaos surrounding them.
The kiss deepened, becoming more passionate, as if they were trying to convey all their unspoken fears and desires in that single act. The world outside,the enemies, the storms, the struggles , seemed to fade away as they lost themselves in each other.
They moved together with a natural rhythm, finding solace in each other’s presence. The bed, a silent witness to their union, became a refuge from the storm outside and the tumult within.
In the quiet aftermath, as they lay entwined, Klaus found a rare moment of peace. The relentless storm outside continued to batter the windows, but within the walls of the Abattoir, a different kind of storm had found its calm.
Klaus stared up at the ceiling, his thoughts drifting. For a brief, fleeting moment, he allowed himself to believe that there was something more to life than the endless power struggle he had been entrenched in for so long. In Hayley’s arms, he found a glimpse of that elusive hope she had spoken of, a reason to keep fighting, a reason to believe that maybe, just maybe, there could be something more beyond the shadows of his past.
As he closed his eyes, the storm outside seemed to mirror the calm within, a promise of something new amidst the turmoil. And as the first light of dawn began to creep through the curtains, Klaus knew that the road ahead would be fraught with challenges. But for now, he allowed himself to savor the peace he had found, however fleeting it might be.
Days after her night with Klaus, Hayley found herself grappling with a growing sense of unease. The changes in her body, once subtle, had become more pronounced. The nausea, dizziness, and fatigue that had started so innocuously were now relentless.
She had moved back to her own apartment in a quieter part of the city, away from the opulent yet stifling environment of the Mikaelson estate. The change of scenery offered a brief respite, but her symptoms persisted, casting a shadow over her everyday life.
One evening, as she prepared a simple meal in her modest kitchen, Hayley suddenly felt a wave of dizziness. She gripped the counter, her vision blurring as her head spun. The nausea was more intense now, a gnawing sensation that made it difficult to focus.
She sat down at her small dining table, trying to steady her breathing. Her mind raced with thoughts, had something happened during her recent interactions with Klaus that could explain these symptoms? She had been cautious, but she couldn’t shake the feeling that there was more to this than mere coincidence.
Hayley reached for her phone and dialed a friend, someone she knew had knowledge about the supernatural and its effects. As the phone rang, she tried to keep her composure, though the symptoms were growing more disconcerting by the minute.
“Hello?” came the voice on the other end.
“Hey, it’s Hayley,” she said, her voice strained. “I’m sorry to bother you, but I need your help. I’ve been feeling really off lately, dizzy, nauseous, and just… not myself. I was wondering if you might have any insight into what could be causing this.”
There was a brief pause before her friend responded. “That sounds concerning. It could be related to something supernatural. Can you describe when it started and if there were any specific events or interactions that might have triggered it?”
Hayley took a deep breath, trying to recall the details. “It started a few days ago, after a significant event involving Klaus Mikaelson. I’ve had some unusual cravings and heightened sensitivity as well. I’m not sure if it’s connected, but it’s been getting worse.”
Her friend’s voice grew more serious. “It’s possible that you’ve been affected by some form of magic or a spell. I recommend seeing a specialist who can assess your condition more thoroughly. There are practitioners who deal with magical afflictions, they might be able to offer some answers.”
She thanked her friend and ended the call, feeling a mix of relief and anxiety. The idea of consulting a specialist seemed like the next logical step, but it also meant delving deeper into a world she had tried to navigate with caution.
As she hung up the phone, a sudden chill swept through her apartment. Hayley shivered, feeling a prickle of apprehension that she couldn’t quite explain. The sensation was fleeting but left her with a lingering sense of dread.
Determined to find answers, Hayley resolved to seek out the help of a magical practitioner. She knew that whatever was affecting her, it was tied to the supernatural events she had been involved in recently. With a sense of resolve, she prepared herself for what lay ahead, knowing that uncovering the truth would be crucial in understanding her condition and finding a way to address it.
As the night settled in and the city outside continued its usual rhythm, Hayley felt the weight of her situation pressing down on her. The road ahead was uncertain, but she was prepared to face it head-on, driven by the need to uncover the truth and regain control of her life.
In the grand compound, Klaus is in his study, immersed in his usual scheming, a glass of bourbon in hand. Elijah sits across from him, meticulously reviewing plans that would solidify their hold on New Orleans. Rebekah, though present in the mansion, is distant, occupied with her own thoughts, likely plotting her next move to reclaim a semblance of the life she’s always wanted.
Elsewhere in the city, Kol, the estranged Mikaelson, is far from his siblings, likely engaging in his own mischief, disconnected from their current schemes.
Hayley tries to shake off the strange sensation, but it clings to her like a shadow. She paces around her small apartment, hoping that movement will help clear her mind. Each step feels heavier than the last, and the warmth in her abdomen pulses with a growing intensity, making her feel nauseous.
She finally makes her way to the bathroom, splashing cold water on her face. The coolness offers a brief respite, but as she looks up into the mirror, she’s startled by her own reflection. Her eyes, usually bright and full of determination, seem clouded with something unfamiliar, an emotion she can’t quite name. There’s a slight flush to her cheeks, a sign that something inside her is changing.
As the strange sensations within her become impossible to ignore, Hayley makes a decision. She can’t go on like this, not knowing what’s happening to her. She needs answers, and there’s only one place she can think to get them. With a determined breath, she grabs her jacket and heads out the door.
The streets of New Orleans are alive with activity, but Hayley’s focus is singular. She knows of a witch, a powerful one, who might be able to help. Her name is Sophie Deveraux, a woman with a reputation for being able to uncover the deepest secrets of the supernatural world.
Hayley navigates through the winding streets of the French Quarter, her unease growing with each step. The warm breeze does little to soothe her anxiety, and by the time she reaches Sophie’s modest shop, she’s nearly trembling. The small, unassuming building is tucked away in a quieter part of the Quarter, its windows darkened, giving it an air of mystery.
She hesitates for a moment outside the door, then pushes it open. A bell jingles softly as she steps inside, and the scent of herbs and incense immediately fills her senses. The shop is cluttered with shelves of strange objects, jars filled with mysterious ingredients, and thick, ancient books.
Sophie is behind the counter, flipping through a book, but she looks up as Hayley enters. Her expression is neutral, though her eyes flash with recognition.
“Hayley,” Sophie greets, closing the book. “I didn’t expect to see you here. What brings you to my shop?”
Hayley swallows hard, suddenly feeling exposed under the witch’s gaze. “I need your help,” she says, her voice quieter than she intended. “Something’s wrong with me, and I don’t know what it is.”
Sophie studies her for a moment, then nods, her demeanor shifting to one of serious focus. “Come with me.”
She leads Hayley to a back room, dimly lit by candles and filled with the scent of burning sage. A circle of stones is laid out on the floor, and Sophie gestures for Hayley to sit in the center.
“Relax,” Sophie instructs as she begins to light more candles and prepare various herbs. “I’m going to perform a reading, see if I can sense what’s going on with you.”
Hayley nods, doing her best to calm her racing heart as she sits cross-legged in the circle. Sophie moves around her, chanting softly in a language Hayley doesn’t recognize. The air in the room seems to thicken, and Hayley feels a tingling sensation spread across her skin.
Sophie’s voice grows louder, her chanting more intense, and suddenly the warmth in Hayley’s abdomen flares up, almost like it’s reacting to the magic. She gasps, clutching her stomach as the sensation becomes overwhelming.
Sophie’s eyes narrow, and she places her hands just above Hayley’s abdomen, her brow furrowing in concentration. After a long moment, she pulls back, a look of shock and understanding crossing her face.
“This… this isn’t just any kind of magic,” Sophie says, her voice laced with urgency. “It’s something much more powerful, something ancient.”
Hayley’s heart pounds in her chest. “What do you mean? What’s happening to me?”
Sophie takes a deep breath, her expression serious. “Hayley… you’re pregnant. And whatever you’re carrying, it’s not just a normal child. It’s something… extraordinary. A hybrid, maybe even something more.”
Hayley’s mind reels, the words barely registering. Pregnant? It seems impossible, yet deep down, she knows Sophie’s words ring true. A thousand questions flood her mind, but only one manages to escape her lips.
“Is it Niklaus mikaelson?”
Sophie’s gaze softens, and she nods slowly. “Yes. This child… it’s a miracle, Hayley. But it’s also going to attract a lot of attention,dangerous attention.”
The weight of Sophie’s words crashes down on Hayley, leaving her breathless. She’s carrying Klaus’s child, a being that’s not just a hybrid, but something entirely new. And with that revelation comes the understanding that her life, and the life of her unborn child, will never be the same.
Klaus and Elijah walk through the bustling streets of the French Quarter, their presence commanding respect and fear in equal measure. The sun is beginning to set, casting long shadows across the cobblestone streets, and the city is alive with its usual mix of music, chatter, and the underlying tension that always seems to accompany the Mikaelsons.
As they turn a corner, they pass a group of witches gathered outside a small shop. The witches quiet as the brothers approach, their whispers growing silent. Klaus barely gives them a glance, his mind elsewhere, but Elijah, ever observant, notices the way the witches are eyeing them with a mix of curiosity and something else—something almost amused.
One of the witches, a young woman with sharp features and a knowing smile, catches Klaus’s eye. She smirks, a glint of mischief in her gaze, and steps forward just enough to make her presence known.
“It looks like you’re going to have a baby mama soon,” she says, her voice dripping with satisfaction.
Klaus stops in his tracks, his eyes narrowing as he turns to face the witch fully. Elijah, sensing the shift in his brother, also stops, his attention now fully on the witches.
“What did you say?” Klaus’s voice is low, dangerous, and the air around them seems to grow colder.
The witch simply shrugs, still smirking. “You heard me, Klaus. Word travels fast in this city, especially when it comes to something as… interesting as this.”
Klaus’s eyes darken with a mixture of anger and confusion. He glances at Elijah, who is already piecing together what the witch might be hinting at. Elijah’s concern deepens as he turns back to the witch, his tone calm but demanding answers.
“What do you know?” Elijah asks, his voice steady, though his worry is evident.
The witch’s smile widens as she leans in, clearly enjoying the tension she’s causing. “Sophie Deveraux just had a very interesting visitor. A certain werewolf who’s suddenly feeling a bit… different. And it seems she’s carrying something, or rather, someone, that’s going to change everything.”
Klaus’s jaw clenches, his fists tightening at his sides. The implications of what the witch is saying start to sink in, and a storm begins to brew behind his eyes. Elijah, however, feels a knot of worry tightening in his chest.
Klaus steps forward, his voice cold and threatening. “If you’re lying—”
The witch cuts him off, her tone mocking. “I’m not lying, Klaus. Ask Sophie if you don’t believe me. But you might want to hurry. It’s only a matter of time before everyone knows about your little miracle.”
Klaus’s anger flares, but before he can act on it, Elijah places a hand on his arm, silently urging him to stop. The younger witch’s smirk falters slightly under Klaus’s intense gaze, but she holds her ground, clearly satisfied with the chaos she’s sown.
“Let’s go,” Elijah says quietly to Klaus, his voice firm. “We need to confirm this.”
Klaus hesitates, still glaring at the witch, but eventually, he turns and follows Elijah. As they walk away, Klaus’s mind races, anger bubbling beneath the surface. The thought of Hayley carrying his child stirs something deep within him, a mix of rage, disbelief, and something he can’t quite name.
As Klaus and Elijah continue their walk through the French Quarter, the witch’s words hang heavily in the air. Klaus’s pace quickens, his expression darkening with each step. Elijah, sensing his brother’s rising anger, remains close, trying to anticipate what Klaus might do next.
Elijah, on the other hand, is consumed with worry. If this is true, if Hayley is pregnant with Klaus’s child, the implications are enormous. Not just for their family, but for everyone around them. The prophecy, the power struggles, the enemies they’ve made, it all takes on new meaning.
“Klaus,” Elijah begins carefully as they continue down the street, “if this is true, we need to think about what comes next. Hayley’s safety, the child’s future, this changes everything.”
Klaus’s expression is hard, unreadable, as he stares straight ahead. “If it’s true,” he says through gritted teeth, “then we deal with it our way.”
Elijah nods, but his concern only deepens. He knows Klaus can easily turn into something much darker, something that could put them all at risk. As they approach Sophie’s shop, Elijah can’t shake the feeling that their world is about to be turned upside down.
“Klaus, we need to stay calm,” Elijah begins cautiously, hoping to defuse the situation.
But Klaus spins around, his eyes blazing with a mix of anger and disbelief. “Calm?” he hisses, his voice low and dangerous. “Those witches dare to mock me with talk of a ‘baby mama’ as if this is some trivial matter!”
Elijah keeps his composure, though his concern deepens. “We don’t know for certain yet—”
“Oh, we know,” Klaus snaps, cutting him off. “If those witches are talking, then there’s truth to it. Hayley is pregnant with my child.” His voice drips with venom as he spits out the words, clearly enraged by the very idea.
Elijah can see the fury in Klaus’s eyes, but beneath that, there’s something else, a fear that Klaus would never admit to. The idea of bringing a child into their dangerous world, especially one that’s part of Klaus, is something that Klaus cannot easily accept.
“This isn’t what I wanted,” Klaus growls, pacing back and forth, his anger barely contained. “A child? Another weakness, another pawn for our enemies to exploit!”
Elijah watches his brother carefully, understanding the weight of what this means. Klaus has always viewed attachments as vulnerabilities, things to be used against him. The thought of a child, especially one connected to him, is an unbearable prospect in Klaus’s mind.
“Klaus,” Elijah says softly, stepping closer, “this child is not a weakness. It’s a part of you, of us. It could be our family’s redemption.”
But Klaus isn’t listening. He’s consumed by his own thoughts, his fury growing with each passing second. “Redemption?” he scoffs. “You’re deluded if you think a child will redeem us. All it will do is bring more death, more suffering. This is nothing but a curse.”
Elijah’s heart aches at his brother’s words, but he knows better than to push Klaus when he’s like this. He places a steady hand on Klaus’s shoulder, trying to ground him. “We’ll deal with this together, brother. We’ll protect the child, protect Hayley, whatever it takes.”
Klaus shakes off Elijah’s hand, his expression hard. “No. I’ll handle this. I’ll make sure that neither Hayley nor this child becomes another weapon to be used against us.”
There’s a finality in his tone that worries Elijah, but he knows there’s no arguing with Klaus when he’s in this state. He can only hope that, in time, Klaus will come to see this situation differently. But for now, all Elijah can do is stay by his side, ready to step in if things spiral out of control.
As they go into Sophie’s shop, Elijah casts a worried glance at his brother. Klaus’s anger is a dangerous thing, and with a child involved, the stakes have never been higher.
The compound has never felt so divided. Hayley, now visibly pregnant, has been living there for a few weeks, yet the atmosphere is thick with tension. Klaus has kept his distance since the moment he learned of her pregnancy, his anger simmering just beneath the surface. He’s barely spoken to her, and when he does, it’s cold and detached.
Hayley, though trying to remain strong, feels the strain. She’s carrying Klaus’s child, but instead of feeling supported, she feels like a pariah in the very home where she’s supposed to be safe. Elijah and Rebekah, however, have made every effort to look after her, ensuring she’s comfortable and cared for, but their frustration with Klaus grows by the day.
One evening, as Hayley sits quietly in the living room, reading one of the many ancient books that line the Mikaelsons’ shelves, she overhears voices rising in the next room. It’s Elijah and Rebekah, and their tone is unmistakably angry. Curiosity gets the better of her, and she quietly moves closer to the door, just in time to hear the argument escalating.
“What exactly are you trying to prove, Niklaus?” Rebekah’s voice is sharp, cutting through the tension like a knife. “You’ve been avoiding Hayley like she’s some sort of curse! She’s carrying your child, our family’s future, and you act like she doesn’t exist!”
Klaus’s voice is cold as ice, a sharp contrast to Rebekah’s fiery anger. “This wasn’t supposed to happen. I refuse to be tethered by something that will only bring more pain, more weakness.”
“Is that what you think of your child?” Elijah’s voice is filled with disappointment and frustration. “A weakness? That child is our blood, Niklaus. Your blood. It’s time you faced that reality instead of running from it.”
Klaus stands in the doorway, his face a mask of indifference, but there’s a storm raging behind his eyes. “I didn’t ask for this,” he says through gritted teeth. “I didn’t ask for a child that will only be used against us by our enemies.”
Rebekah’s temper flares, and she steps forward, pointing an accusatory finger at Klaus. “You selfish bastard! This isn’t just about you! Hayley is terrified, and you’ve done nothing but make things worse! If you can’t see the potential for something good in this child, then maybe you’re more lost than I thought.”
Elijah steps closer to Klaus, his voice steady but full of disappointment. “You’re the one always talking about family, about loyalty. Yet here you are, abandoning the one person who needs you the most right now. If you refuse to see the gift this child is, then you’re no better than our father.”
Klaus’s expression hardens at the mention of their father, his fists clenching at his sides. He looks between Elijah and Rebekah, anger and frustration boiling over. For a moment, it seems like he might lash out, but instead, he turns on his heel and storms out of the room, leaving them standing there in silence.
Hayley quickly retreats back to the couch, her heart pounding as she hears Klaus’s heavy footsteps approaching. He doesn’t even glance her way as he storms past, his expression unreadable. The front door slams behind him, and the mansion falls into an uneasy quiet.
Elijah and Rebekah step into the room where Hayley sits, both of them visibly upset. Rebekah shakes her head, her eyes filled with a mixture of anger and sadness. “I’m sorry you had to hear that, Hayley. Nik is… well, he’s being an ass.”
Elijah sits down beside her, offering a reassuring smile, though it’s strained. “We’ll handle him. Just know that you’re not alone in this. We’re here for you, and we’ll do whatever it takes to protect you and the child.”
Hayley nods, trying to hold back the tears that threaten to spill. Despite their words, she can’t shake the feeling of isolation, the fear of what’s to come. Klaus’s rejection cuts deep, and the uncertainty of the future looms over her like a dark cloud. But for now, all she can do is lean on the support of Elijah and Rebekah, hoping that somehow, things will get better.
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cynthiav06 · 1 year
What makes Klayley different from other series ships for you?
I am assuming you mean other ships in the orignals by that.
It's the really simple case that's not simple at all. It's the underlying passion between them that just won't go away no matter who they take as a lover. The burning anger, loathing, care, loyalty, and the inexplicably undying connection that keeps them tethered to each other always and forever, come hell or highwater.
Mikael almost killed me and the baby, but i can't help but be more worried about how Klaus suffered all these years, I need to comfort him.
The witches are murdering me and the baby. Forget Elijah , I need Klaus here.
The witches stole baby hope? Not important right now, Hayley's dead, and I need a moment or several to take it all in.
I don't really love Jackson, but Klaus needs me to marry him, so I will.
I have to deal with my newly risen from dead mother and father, but whether Hayley's new husband is treating her right or not is more important.
Hayley tried to run from me, and I am extremely furious, but I can't bear to kill her or physically hurt her.
I will hate Klaus forever, but I can't really hate him at all.
My siblings are in trouble and may need my immediate help, but the road trip with Hayley is the best fun I have had in centuries, and I love it too much to stop now.
I am the strongest and the proudest being on earth. I kneel to no one, especially not to scum like Lucien, but he has Hayley, and I would never let her die. She means too much to me. I have to kneel to save her, no problem, I will do it a thousand times if it's to save her.
I love my Pack a lot, but the Mikaelsons are dying, Klaus is dying, so my pack can go to hell. I will save him and the Mikaelsons even if I die .
I have to let go of my dignity as a wolf and kill, lie, massacre all to save Klaus and Mikaelson family. And I used to have a problem with that, but it's for Klaus, I can't watch him suffer, so i will do it gladly.
Klaus is going around the world, massacring everything in sight and trying to cut contact, but I will never give up on him.
Being in New Orleans near hope will bring forth Apocalyspe that might kill hope, but Hayley's missing, so all else be damned.
I am being killed, and Klaus is being attacked by Elijah. He's hurt, Hope's hurt, so I am going to kill Greta and sacrifice myself for them because Klaus and Hope are my family Elijah be damned.
My daughter is dying and meets me in the afterlife, but the second I hear Klaus's voice, I know all will be alright.
My brother, my companion, my only confidant who I would go insane without is dead to me for good because he killed Hayley, and there's no greater offense than that.
I am in hell. My heart feels empty. Hayley is dead. I can sacrifice Elijah to save hope and kill the hollow, but I vowed to Hayley that I would do anything to save our daughter so I will sacrifice myself. [Also because I can't live without my little wolf]
So yeah, it's you know, soul shattering stuff like this that keeps me hooked to Klayley. Nothing huge. This and all the other essays I wrote should be plenty enough evidence as to why. (Sorry for the late)
And here's the thing anyone who watched the Orignals and isn't blind should be shipping them intensely, too.
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klaroveins · 2 months
all my WIPS in one place, some of the earlier ones are bad, but this is probably a lot easier then me reblogging all the time :)
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Bad Influence (2/?)
Words: 7,363
Caroline Forbes was a perfect girl, with perfect grades, never drunk or done drugs, and still innocent. Until she found herself drawn to Klaus Mikaelson. Human AU
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Keep it a secret (1/?)
Words: 6,300
Many things are wrong in the world, and sleeping with your best friend's brother behind her back is one of them.
Caroline Forbes and Rebekah Mikaelson have been best friends since they were 5 years old, attached at the hip even. But on the night of Rebekah's 21st birthday, Caroline and Rebekah's older brother, Klaus Mikaelson, engage in a passionate one-night stand. Will Caroline cut contact with him, and act like nothing ever happened. Or will she continue to see him behind her best friend's back, forming a 'friends' with benefits relationship with him?
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Unexpected Encounters (1/1)
Words: 2,558
Caroline is out in the New Orleans Bayou, looking for Tyler but finds Klaus instead, she finally admits the feelings that have been eating her alive for months.
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Revengeful Passion (4/?)
Words: 14,725
Caroline discovers Hayley and Tyler have been sleeping together for months, that it wasn't all just an act. She decides she needs a rebound, and who better then the man who had been pining after her for months, a certain blue-eyed british hybrid by the name of Klaus Mikaelson.
But actions do not come without consequences; Thats something Caroline soon discovered.
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Casual (1/1)
Words: 1,523
An unstable and intense relationship between Klaus and Caroline based on the song 'Casual' by Chappell Roan, Klaus looking for sexual release and Caroline looking for a genuine connection. A relationship doomed to fail.
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Bloodlust (1/?)
Words: 2,429
Stefan and Caroline, two humanity-less vampires. Killing others, feeding mercilessly and wreaking havoc with each new place they visit.
But what happens when they pit-stop in New Orleans, finding a rather miserable-looking Orignal Hybrid at Rousseau's drowning his sorrows in bourbon? Who better to have joined them as they destroy anything in their path than the man known as the devil himself?
— — — — — — — — — —
If you have any drabbles, one-shot or series requests, please do request them in my inbox. I'm honestly not super creative and would appreciate ideas, anything that you want I'm sure I'd love to write.
More to come, so do watch out! ;)
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froottalks · 1 year
Moonlit Bonds - Hayley Marshall x reader
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New Orleans was a city of mystique, where every corner held secrets and every cobblestone street whispered tales of the supernatural. You found yourself drawn there, a stranger in a city where you sensed you belonged. Fate led you to Hayley Marshall, a woman with a fierce spirit and an aura of mystery that matched the city she called home.
As you navigated the labyrinthine streets, a chance encounter brought you face-to-face with Hayley. Her eyes held a mix of curiosity and recognition, as if she too had felt the pull of destiny. She welcomed you into her world, introducing you to the complex dynamics of the supernatural factions that ruled New Orleans.
Days turned into nights, and you and Hayley found yourselves sharing stories by the firelight. Her tales of the Mikaelson family's history intrigued you, while your own stories seemed to captivate her. There was an unspoken understanding between you, a connection that transcended mere friendship.
One evening, beneath the light of the full moon, Hayley took you to the bayou. The soft rustle of leaves and the distant howl of a wolf created a symphony of nature around you. As the moon's glow bathed the surroundings in ethereal light, Hayley turned to you with a contemplative expression.
"It's strange," she mused, her voice carrying a hint of vulnerability. "Meeting you feels like... coming home."
You nodded, your heart echoing her sentiment. "I know what you mean. It's as if this city, and you, were always a part of my story."
In that moment, amidst the beauty of the bayou and the magic of the moon, you both realized that your paths had intertwined for a reason. The threads of fate had brought you to Hayley, and her presence had enriched your life in ways you couldn't have anticipated.
As your connection deepened, you found yourself standing by Hayley's side in the face of danger. Ancient vendettas and power struggles threatened the peace she had fought so hard to build. Together, you navigated the treacherous waters of supernatural politics, your bond growing stronger with every challenge you overcame.
Amidst the chaos, you and Hayley stole moments of respite, finding solace in each other's arms. Her touch was as gentle as a breeze, yet as fierce as a storm—a reflection of the woman who had captured your heart.
One night, as the moon reached its zenith, you and Hayley stood on a rooftop overlooking the city. The view was breathtaking, the city's lights reflecting in her eyes as she turned to you with a soft smile.
"Life is unpredictable," she began, her voice a soothing melody in the night. "But meeting you has been the best kind of surprise."
Your fingers intertwined with hers, and you met her gaze, your heart brimming with emotion. "Hayley, being with you has been a journey I wouldn't trade for anything."
Under the watchful gaze of the moon, you shared a kiss that sealed your feelings—a testament to the connection that had transcended time, space, and the supernatural world around you.
As the days turned into nights, and the moon continued its eternal dance across the sky, your love story with Hayley Marshall unfolded in the heart of New Orleans. Amidst the magic and mystique of the city, you embraced the unknown together, holding onto the unbreakable bond that destiny had woven between you.
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cancerian-woman · 7 months
People really loved to hate on bonnie and uplift hope
You already know why that happens. TVD went out their way to uplift any and every witch that wasn’t Bonnie or the Bennett’s.
The Bennett’s have the lore, they have ties to everything and yet they aren’t as valued due to their blackness(and brown for Qetsiyah). I love Hope, and I find the Mikaelson’s very entertaining some of my fave characters in TVDU are Mikaelson’s. That being said Hope’s lore was constantly retconned. So was Hayley’s.
We’re told Hope’s powerful and the one to be feared however nothing really showed that. We don’t see her train as witch and how she grows with that. We rarely see her werewolf side and I watched legacies (unfortunately I was bored made a pact with my bestie lmao) even her tribrid era wasn’t about her being feared because of her power. Hope didn’t have the drive to enslave or harm anyone from that seriously. Alaric had it coming, and Lizzie was just a causality from that. Her friends just wanted her to turn on her humanity and come back home. Fans will get on Klaus for being a terrible father, yeah he was but we don’t see anything of Hope’s life either on Hayley’s side.
All of that being said Bonnie will always be used as punching bag or seen as less by fans due to their desirability’s and obsessions with other characters.
Why compare Hope to her own family when they are seen as “worthy” and “strong” when you can compare her to Bonnie a witch she’s never met before. That comes from a very long line of powerful women. Why not even compare Hope to her werewolf mother Hayley? Who’s supposed to be seen as a special hybrid. What about Klaus her original hybrid daddy? Fans have started this idea that Bonnie would fight Hope. While other characters get this soft and sweeter headcanons about their possible relationship to Hope. The same Bonnie that gave up her psychic connection to Enzo to save Caroline’s children would harm a child?!? Shade intended fighting and offing children is a Mikaelson thing.
There is a reason why there’s books inspired by Bonnie and her Bloodline. Not other characters. I love Hope truly but anyone can write that plot. A magical baby plot is not new.
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klonnieshippersclub · 6 months
Who do you think would be Bonnie's best friend in NOLA outside of the Mikaelsons? I think if Bonnie were around the 'anti Mikaelson crew' wouldn't even be that anti Mikaelson since she would be able to stop at least some of the bloodshed
The thing about the “Anti-Mikaelson crew” is that they all are canon-wise still connected to the Mikaelson’s no matter how much they dislike some aspects of them. Davina doesn’t like them besides Kol and Hope. There isn’t a close bond between her, Hayley and Rebekah. Freya and Elijah sacrificed her. Klaus is self explanatory. But she is connected to the family through Marcel and Kol. Marcel’s plenty anti Elijah and Klaus (and the others it varies) but is married to Rebekah. One could compare the growth in Vincent and Freya’s relationship to Bamon and even then he’s the father of Freelin’s child. Hayley is pretty anti-Klaus as needed, but that’s still her baby daddy so.
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So when people reduce Bonnie to the “Anti Mikaelson” crew only to me it appears they just don’t want Bonnie near any of their precious faves meanwhile expecting Bonnie to do their dirty work for them. That being said Bonnie loves making friends. Bonnie befriended Damon who has no concept of friendship. She could befriend anybody. Rebekah was meant to be her bestie and her SIL. I could imagine her developing fast with Davina, Keelin, and Gia as well!
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Bonnie deserves all the friendships!
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andreal831 · 16 days
Please tell me you don't blame Elijah for Hayley's death because all too many already do.
I am like jeez he didn't have his memory in the first place to save his family or specifically Hope!!!
That man did everything he could for her and he loved her moreover he fell for her even without his memory, like what more do y'all want now from him???
PS: I also think he died at the end not just cause of Klaus's death but also cause his grief was too much for him to bear, why else would he leave his family, hope alone?
What you think?
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I'll never blame Elijah for Hayley's death and will fight anyone who does. It typically comes from Klayley stans, so I made a tik tok to explain that logic: here.
My biggest gripe with it is the writers clearly did it to prop Klaus up as being the best man for everyone and adding onto Elijah's despair to kill him off. Klaus got to somehow play the victim in Hayley's death. The show made it more about him than even Hope or Hayley.
But yes, Elijah erased his memories to protect his family. People love to call him a hypocrite because he tried to have morals but would always cross them for family. Elijah erasing his memories was him trying to do the right thing because he realized this about himself. Talk about character development. He knew that, even if it would jeopardize some of his family, if Klaus needed him, he wouldn't be able to help himself. So he erased himself. He essentially killed himself. And the fandom somehow makes Klaus the victim in even that. If the show was going to do all that, might as well have just given all of the Hollow to Elijah and staked him (plug for my story, Last Sacrifice, on AO3 and WP).
So after Elijah essentially commits suicide for his family, he finally gets to live. But not really him. Some guy who doesn't know anything gets to live. How Marcel, Vincent, and Elijah thought that would be a good idea is beyond me. So he is released into the wild with no protection and Antoinette essentially takes advantage of it. I could never get into them as a ship after finding out she knew who he was the whole time. He is with her for seven years (his longest relationship) and even engaged to her. Enter Greta who convinces him that his family is in danger. Yes, Antoinette was his family so Greta and Roman were his family by extension. And we know how protective Elijah is about family.
And yes, he does know he's technically a Mikaelson and they are technically his family. But he also knows they are terrible people and has no emotions to go with that knowledge except the normal disgust one feels when looking at random mass murderers. They mean nothing to him. He walks into that house believing Klaus is there to kill his almost brother-in-law. He then sees "Andrea" and likely realizes it is Hayley. But again, no emotions are attached to the name Hayley. He may have been attracted and felt a connection to Andrea, but he is actively realizing their evening together was a lie. That she hid her identity from him and he isn't sure why, but knowing what he knows about the Mikaelsons, he doesn't trust it. Granted he is processing all of this in seconds. He looks around, sees Hayley and Greta in a fight, sees Roman and Hope unconscious on the floor, and see Klaus moving forward, unsure where he is headed. He doesn't help Greta, he doesn't involve himself in the Mikaelsons, he simply stops Klaus and moves to rescue Roman.
Yes, it sucks that seeing Hayley didn't just break the compulsion, but that's not how this world works. He didn't even know he wanted to fight the compulsion so he didn't. What he did fight was the compulsion to make him remember. As soon as the emotion started to come back and he realized Hayley was dead, he fought the compulsion to stop it for days. He'd rather never remember a moment of his life than live with the fact that Hayley was dead.
The argument really falls apart when, as you said, you point out the true Elijah. Anytime the writers wanted to cause issues for haylijah, they had to push Elijah into OOC. When she went behind the red door and he was the monster he was afraid to become and then when he literally erased who he was. Elijah with memories would have found Hayley even faster than Klaus cause he wouldn't have wasted any time. He would have gotten there before they even had time to bind her wolf side. Hell, he would have realized she was missing right away and found her before Greta kidnapped her. The only way they could have Elijah not save Hayley was to completely erase him.
I've talked about Elijah's decision to die by Klaus' side: here and here. To me, Elijah was always a bit suicidal so it didn't take much to push him there. Losing Hayley was the last straw because not only did he lose her, but he lost Hope. Klaus or Freya blamed him for Hayley's death and Hope hated him for it. Rebekah was ready to run off with Marcel, Kol with Davina, Freya and Keelin were moving on. Elijah was utterly alone. I think it had less to do with Klaus than to do with Elijah just having nothing to live for. I hate how people make even Elijah's death center around Klaus.
Klaus could have lived for Hope but chose not to. Elijah was going to die either way because he didn't want to live anymore. A lot of that was due to losing Hayley. Maybe if he had a better bond with Hope or anyone in his family had put effort into being there for him, it could have been different.
Thank you for the ask! I'm kind of sad that you would even think that of me! (Jk! I realized I've never spoken about it on here <3)
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ofmystics · 2 days
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Niklaus "Klaus" Mikaelson is a 1000+ (25) year old Original Hybrid), from 2010, who looks like Joseph Morgan. her biggest secret is he feels like there's something missing despite his drive for world domination
Did they survive the Legacies series finale? If so, what have they been up to in the past decade?
Klaus died in the Season finale of the Originals
Can you explain their secret more in-depth?
Despite being his past self there is still a bit of the evolved Klaus in there somewhere. There's a part of him that misses his daughter Hope even if he doesn't know that she exists.
Anything we need to know about them?
He's terrible and will 100% cause chaos. He likes to make messes for everyone around him for his own entertainment but he also craves family which is why he daggers and brings his siblings around with him wherever he goes. He has a drive for power and wants to see the Mikaelsons come out on top.
Any headcanons about their past or present? Or even their future, if they’re from 2010.
He's pretty close to how he's portrayed in TVD/the originals.
Any plots or connections you’d like them to have?
The Mikaelsons, Hope, Hayley, his henchmen and people who he "trusts"
Any ships you prefer for them?
I'm a sucker for Klayley but I do love Klaroline too! All totally up to chemistry!
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imaginefan · 1 year
I'll Try *Part 4*
Klaus Mikaelson!Platnoic X Male!Reader Damon Salvatore!Father X Son!Reader
Word Count: 1075
Requested: @emaz-0225
Request: Hello can I have a part 4 of I'll try where the sons mother comes back as a ghost to haunt Damon telling him to nor give up on their son and to ditch Elena. The son sees Kol and Esther makes the son have witch powers as well as a vampire to make Klaus join her side but the son uses it to protect Klaus and Hayley and Hope. One day the son ends up getting sick with something Bonnie made a curse as revenge for the son killing Jeremy ( he is back again ) and him saving Katherine. He is on a high fever and Hayley is wiping his hair and Kol and Freya and Davina are trying everything to find a way to stop this and the son says " Dad can you bury me next to my mom." He calls Klaus dad then he says " Tell Damon Salvatore and Stefan Salvatore there past life is gone because they only care and a DoppleSlut and tell Kitty Kat thank you for a chance. He closes his eyes for an hour than he shoots up because he feels lot better and everyone hugs him. What he doesn't know is that Klaus loves him so much like a brother and son he called Damon Salvatore and begged him to make Bonnie stop the curse and he also swore no retaliation from his family unless the son died So Damon had Jeremy make Bonnie stop. The son became the unofficial Mikaelson the whole family liked him so he was called Anthony Mikaelson.
*Part 3*
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“Damon.” Damon jumped awake, his eyes moving to the body next to him, there she stood the love he lost (Y/M/N). “What are you doing here? You're dead.” He frowned as he moved away from her, he realised that they were sitting in his bedroom at the boarding house. “Don’t give up on him.” She pleaded “he needs you, he needs someone to rely on and you can still help him.” “He killed Jeremy, do you know what that did to Elena?” He asked. “Why do you care? She is not your family, she should not be the one you prioritise.” She glared at him. “He’s your son but he is my son too, he has yet to realise the gift that I have given him but it is only a matter of time.”
Damon jumped out of the dream as he looked around, he wanted to help you but he was sure that you didn’t want the help, not to mention the trouble that you had caused that he now had to fix.
You stood in front of Esther and Kol “do you know what your mother was?” She asked. “My mother?” You asked. “A human.” You frowned. “No quite, you see from what I can figure out your mother may have been a siphoner, but you never unlocked any connection to magic so you wouldn’t have noticed it when you were human.” Esther explained. “So what are you saying?” You asked. “That you might be able to use magic and that is going to help you stand with me and protect the people that you care about, you know he lied about this too.” Kol explained and you looked at him. “It will, how am I supposed to unlock it?” You asked. “I can force the connection open, it’s going to hurt and it’s going to take some time to learn magic but I promise that it will be worth it.” Esther said and you looked between them both waiting for any unease between them but it seemed that they both believed the plan they had presented you with. You knew that they were lying about the overarching reason for doing it but you needed the extra power if you were going to be of any use to Klaus. “Then do it.” You nodded.
You walked into the courtyard, Klaus could sense that there was something different but you had spoken to him about this plan before you had even gone to Esther “I assume you were correct about what they wanted.” He said as he looked at you. “I was.” You nodded. “They said that my mother was a siphoner and that meant that I had dormant magic energy in me, that your mother awakened.” “Really?” He asked. “Mmm, I still have to learn how to use them but it’s worth it in the end I think.” You explained and he nodded. You smiled as you attempted to step forward, stopped in your tracks, dizziness took over your whole body. “(Y/N) are you okay?” Klaus asked as he reached his hand out to touch steady you, it was then that he felt how hot you were “what’s going on? Elijah helped him back to his room, I think I need to talk to our mother.”
Klaus didn’t take long to get to Esther “What did you do to him?” He asked. “Your prized possession?” Esther asked. “He chose to fight with me.” She smirked. “And now he’s sick, is this you're doing!?” You asked. “What?” She asked “I wanted him to kill you, he serves no purpose if he can not do that, why would I make him sick.” “Then why is he sick?” Klaus asked. “Let me see him.” Esther ordered, Klaus grit his teeth, he knew that he had no option, he didn’t know how to fix it, he didn’t even know who had cursed you so instead he nodded. “Save him.” Klaus ordered. “I doubt that I can save him but I might be able to track the curse back, spell like that, leave a trail, maybe I can tell you who is responsible, they are the only ones that can lift the curse.” Esther explained. “Hurry up.” Klaus ordered.
It only took Esther 30 minutes to find out that the course had come from Mystic Falls and by extension the only witch there Bonnie Bennett. Kol, Freya and Davina had started looking for a cure incase Bonnie refused to remove it but they had no luck yet. Hayley had taken to wiping your brow of sweat and keeping you comfortable, she had no magical knowledge or power so this was the best that she could do. Klaus came in to see you but everyone could tell that you were struggling now, it had only been a couple of days but the curse had taken hold quickly. “Dad…” You called out and for a second Klaus was angry that it was until you grabbed his wrist calling his attention back to you £can you bury me with mum?” You asked. “And tell Damon Salvatore and… Stefan Salvatore that the life that they knew was over, they left it behind when they chose that Doppelganger over family…” You breathed out “tell Kitty Kat thank you.” Klaus watched you settle again before he left the room ordering the others to watch you before he stepped out to make a call. “What?” The person on the other end of the call asked. “Damon this is the only time that you will get this deal, you tell you witch to lift the curse on (Y/N), if it’s lifted now there will be no retaliation and we’ll leave you be but if he dies, I will come back to avenge him no matter what I have to go through to do so.” Klaus ordered. “Jeremy talk to Bonnie about the curse, get it lifted.” He heard Damon order. “You better hope that the hunter can come through.” Klaus said.
An hour later you were walking again, Klaus seemed to relax after that, everyone did. Hayley was smiling again , Freya checked you over to make sure that you were okay before leaving you to sit in the courtyard with Klaus. “Thank you all for staying with me.” You finally said. “Of course you are a part of this family.” Klaus smiled. “(Y/N) Mikaelson.” “I like that.” You said “Thank you.”
*Part 5*
Requests and general question!
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