#hayley marshall x y/n
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thequeenofneverland1 · 8 months ago
Before The Hope Of The Mikaelsons Family Masterlist(ongoing)
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Part One
Part Two
Part Three
The Hope Of The Mikaelsons Family Masterlist(complete)
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Part one
Part two
Part three
Part four
Part five
Part six
Part Seven
Part eight
Part Nine
Part Ten
Part Eleven
Part Twelve
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madhatterbri · 1 year ago
Hayley Marshall Fics
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Stick Together - For Hayley Marshall, I was thinking where reader is a half human and half wolf and she is about to transform, and she needs guidance from Hayley.
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klausysworld · 1 year ago
Hey,I like your klaus mikaelson stories very much. Can you do one in which klaus and reader(yn) were in an arrange marriage and they cant stand each other?And they slowly fall in love and at the end he gets her pregnant? As in arranged marriage I mean,something like the marriage between hayley and Jackson. And if you can please add smut,fluff,jealousy and daddy kink. Thank you
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An Alliance or a Marriage?
Y/n could not believe that she was doing this.
Y/n was Jacksons sister, they always had each others backs and protected the other. So when Hayley came into Jacksons life, had him falling in love while she had feelings for Elijah Mikaelson, Y/n knew they couldn't get married. The only reason they were actually getting married was to unite the werewolf clans and to share Hayley's hybrid abilities as part of the marriage ritual.
But it would come at the cost of Jackson's happiness and most likely his life. Y/n was not stupid. She knew the price of loving a Mikaelson and it was one that Jackson could not afford and one that Y/n would not let him pay.
So without thinking, she made a fast decision.
"What if Ione of the wolves married Klaus? That way Hayley gets to be with Elijah and Klaus doesn't have to be so wary of Jackson around Hope or whatever his worry is? Wouldn't it just be easier?" She questioned and she felt everyone's gaze turn to her, most genuinely considering the possibility while Klaus looked both pissed and amused.
"I wouldn't trust anyone with Hope and under no circumstances will I be marrying anyone." He answered before storming out without another word. Jackson was second to protest then some of the other wolves.
They all went back to the bayou and tried to forget about the day.
What the wolves were unaware of were the arguments in the Mikaelson compound. Mostly between Rebekah and Niklaus. Rebekah was telling Klaus that for once, he should think of Elijah's happiness instead of only being selfish yet again. She continued to go on about how it was for Hope, how he should be the one sacrificing for Hope, not Hayley as she had already given up so much. The fight went on for hours but by morning it was settled. Niklaus would marry a wolf of his choosing.
Y/n was his choice. She was quiet but smart. Small but strong. Which meant she would be the best of his options. He knew part of her feared him, unlike some of the wolves there. She may challenge him a little but she wasn't stupid enough to truly go against him. This was proven when she silently accepted his decision.
Jackson was entirely against the entire thing. His sister was getting married to the original hybrid, moving into the beasts den and becoming apart of his twisted family. But he too kept quiet after Y/n told him it was what needed to be done. It was the only chance for everyone to walk out somewhat alive.
That was why she was walking down the aisle, Jackson unwillingly giving her away to Klaus Mikaelson before Mary began the ceremony. As the words "you may kiss your bride" left her lips, their fates were sealed. Klaus stepped forward and pressed a chaste kiss to his brides soft lips and watched as her and every other wolf in the rooms eyes lit up with golden flames, united as one.
The compound remained busy for the rest of the day, Klaus and Y/n stayed in opposite sides of the room at all times. Elijah urged his brother to at least be kind, Klaus however ignored any and all advice and instead drank the night away. Marriage was not in the cards for him. It was not what he wanted and he now knew that he was tied to this girl, a girl he harboured no feelings toward and a girl who only looked at him with distaste, for at least one lifetime. He knew the likelihood of them every liking each other was slim and he also knew that there were lots of rules in this werewolf marriage that he would have to follow in order to have the wolves protecting Hope. So he got off his face drunk, to the point where he couldn't get himself up the stairs at the end of the night.
It wasn't the best way for Y/n to find him on their first night 'together'. When she gave him that look of uncertainty and upset when she found him at the bottom of the stairs slurring his words, he just rolled his eyes and told her to piss off. But she didn't. Instead she fought against his sloppy attempts of pushing her away and instead managed to get him up the stairs and to bed. He fell asleep in seconds leaving Y/n distressed and alone on her wedding night. Instead of sleeping she went back downstairs and cleaned up the mess left over from the wedding.
Klaus had come down in the morning to find her scrubbing the corner of the room. He glanced around and noticed everywhere was spotless, his eyes travelled to the stairs and he was hit with the memory of leaning against her as she struggled to carry him up each one. Guilt bubbled in the pit of his stomach but he ignored it and made his way into the room and past her.
Y/n just stared at the nonexistent spot on the ground and tiredly rubbed the sponge against it.
Rebekah came downstairs after a little while and frowned when she saw Y/n, exhausted and leaning against the wall while her arm moved almost robotically to scratch away at the floor.
“Y/n? Darling we have maids for this” she whispered softly, supporting her new sister-in-law and guiding her to stand up and walk toward the stairs.
“I was just helping” Y/n mumbled, “wine was spilt” she stated as she glanced over to the area she thought was stained with alcohol but when Rebekah glanced it was completely clean. She lead Y/n toward Klaus’s room but paused when she noticed the mess it was in and began to realise why Y/n hadn’t been to sleep. With a soft sigh she brought the she-wolf to her bedroom and helped Y/n out of her wedding dress.
“I suppose this isn’t the way you had hoped to get out of your dress” she joked gently but Y/n didn’t look amused.
“I’d rather you than your brother” she murmured and Rebekah gave a small laugh.
“One day you won’t think that” she whispered as she grabbed some of her pyjamas and passed them to Y/n. “He’ll become kinder after some time, it’ll be a difficult ride but you’ll get there. Besides he must already like you to have chosen you out of all the wolves” she convinced but Y/n just scoffed as she crawled into Rebekah’s bed and let her head hit the pillow
“Lucky me.” She quipped and Bekah hummed.
“I’ll get him to let you rest for today” she told her as she exited the room and let the girl sleep in her room for the day.
Klaus claimed not to care what Y/n did with her time, where she went or who she was with but Rebekah reminded him that she was his wife. Whether he was happy about or not.
“You either need to set her up a nice room for her to have for herself or you need to actually be her husband and have her feel comfortable enough to share one with you. My god Niklaus, it’s not like there’s anything wrong with her. It won’t give you a disease if you smile at the poor girl.” She scowled and Klaus glared but kept his trap shut.
Klaus knew Y/n was beautiful. She was delicate little thing, from what he had seen she could be very sensitive for a werewolf at times. But he knew she had a certain fire in her. He wondered what he would have to do to light that flame and have her snap at him. He wondered if her fear would override that anger.
It was much later in the day when he went to check on his new wife. Part of him worried she had ran away but he knew that she would stay, for the survival of her pack.
He found her curled up in his sisters pyjamas and bed. Reluctantly he picked her up and brought her to his room, tucking her into his bed and leaving her to rest there instead. After all, his bed was where she belonged now.
When evening came around, he made his way back to his room. As soon as he started getting ready for bed, Y/n forced herself up despite her still clearly needing sleep. He sighed as she left the room, ignoring his presence and going downstairs for the rest of the night.
Some days she would stay downstairs and behave almost zombie like as she tried to keep her mind running and eyes open, other times she just went to sleep while she knew Klaus was busy.
It annoyed him to no end but at the same time he was relieved that he never had to really see or speak to her. Still, whether either of them liked it, she was his wife and the fact that she wouldn’t stand in the same room as him was not something he appreciated.
So he did what he assumed to be best.
Forced her to spend time with him.
Often it would be in a painful silence as he stared her down and made sure she wouldn’t get up and leave. However after some time, she would have little conversations with him so that he would be sated and leave her alone for a little while later.
When in front of the other wolves, Klaus would become a different person. He would make sure to kiss Y/n’s cheek or head, hold her waist or hand. One because he had to make it seem as though they were some what happy so that the wolves would not turn on him and two because he liked to piss Jackson off. He took amusement in how the wolf would growl and scrunch his face up in distaste.
Y/n knew what Klaus was doing but didn’t see the point in arguing or getting all stressed about it, besides it only happened every now and then so it didn’t matter much.
However when Klaus began accidentally doing the little gestures when others weren’t around, as though it were his second nature, Y/n felt confused. She didn’t understand his motifs or what he wanted from her.
Rebekah told Y/n that he didn’t want anything, that he was just warming to her but Y/n was still skeptical. Even when Rebekah came into her room grinning and held out a piece of paper with a beautifully sketched version of Y/n’s face.
“He must’ve been bored out of his mind” Y/n mumbled dismissively as she handed the drawing back to Rebekah who rolled her eyes.
“He likes you” she argued and Y/n scoffed.
“He does not. He just wants me to do whatever he says”she countered and the mikaelson sister sighed
“He isn’t all bad, you know?” Bekah questioned
“Sure he isn’t. He’s quite lovely towards his daughter” she agreed and Rebekah hummed as she watched Y/n pretend to have no clue about Niklaus’s thoughts or feelings.
Klaus wouldn’t admit that he had become accustomed to Y/n’s presence and began to want it more often. He wasn’t too sure why but he had taken a fancying to her, he just had.
And he most certainly didn’t like when other people took a fancying to her as well. Not at all.
Now he knew that she would never peruse anything with anyone else, that would break the magical marriage binding the wolves together but it didn’t mean he didn’t get angry. Especially when another wolf could make her smile or blush better than he could. His teeth would bring, jaw would clench and his eyes would flicker gold.
It fuelled something ugly and twisted inside him.
“Jealousy is a weak man’s disease” Niklaus had told Elijah many times over the centuries. “A man who knows his worth and his strength never had to fear that his girl would stray. Jealously means they are nothing. I am not nothing, I never will be.”
And yet, as soon as Y/n’s attention was given to an attractive werewolf, Klaus would feel as though he was nothing. He would feel that weakness that he loathed so deeply.
The only way to diminish that jealousy was to eliminate the threat. To pick away at the weakness piece by piece until only strength was left.
But that didn’t go well.
When Klaus killed a werewolf, Y/n went ballistic. It was the first time she had actually yelled at him, expressed her anger and threatened his position.
“It’s like you’re actually a fool! You hurt my pack and they will not protect you nor your child, this marriage will be pointless and finished-“ she ranted and his anger bubbled.
“This marriage will not end just because our pack says so” he growled and she glared at him, her pointer finger jabbed at his chest aggressively and it took everything within him not to snap it in half.
“It is hardly a marriage and it had only happened for the benefit of my pack and for your daughter. It is you that has a hundred enemies banging down the door at night and it will be you that suffers if you do not have the protection that I offer you.” She snapped and he sneered in her face. He wanted to kill her in that moment however at the same time, for whatever reason, he had never been more attracted to her. His wolf wanted to force her into submission. To spank and pound her until she admitted that she was his and wouldn’t ever threaten to leave him again. But he was also beyond furious at the possibility of his daughter’s life being on the line and so stormed past her before he would harm her.
He ignored her mutterings of how pathetic he was and locked himself in his arm room which was utterly destroyed by the end of the hour due to his never ending rage.
The next morning he had expected a pack of wolves to be stood at his door, angry and threatening. However he found them all sat at their long table, Y/n was at the head informing them that they had ‘found’ the pack member already dead and had brought him here so that they may take care of his body accordingly.
She lied for Klaus.
She let her family believe that it was someone else who had killed the wolf. When they accused Klaus, she snapped back at them that he was with her all day and had helped her take care of the body.
Y/n gave Klaus a look that dared him to contradict her words but he didn’t utter a word. He just stood at her side and placed a hand on her shoulder as he listened to the others discuss the traditional funeral that the wolf deserved.
Once they left, Y/n walked straight past Klaus and to her bedroom. She was unwilling to speak with her for the next few days. The only time she would was regarding Hope.
The small toddler had taken a strong liking to Y/n and often asked for her. Nobody could not love Hope once they spent some time with her so Y/n was always happy to have the baby in her arms.
Klaus too, very much enjoyed the sight of his wife holding his child. His mind began to spin together images of Y/n pregnant with his child. His wolf craved the thought. He could imagine how beautifully round her stomach would be and how he would press his hands to the bump while nuzzling into her hair.
And then he would think of how he would get her pregnant. She would be so gorgeous sprawled out in his bed.
Since their wedding day she had been in her own room but now Klaus desperately wanted her in his.
He wanted to be inside her. To claim her. To love her.
Never did he think he would love her.
Then again, never did he think he would be getting married or having a baby.
But all of those things had happened and he wouldn’t take them back. Perhaps he might’ve gone about them a little differently but he would have still wanted them to happen.
He told her that once.
One night when they were having dinner.
Somehow he had managed to convince her to share a meal with him and him alone. She couldn’t be bothered to fight over it so complied.
Y/n hadn’t expected him to actually make such an effort. Or to have been so lovely the entire evening. It was clear he wanted to impress her and to engage her, and he had but she didn’t understand why.
Until he told her of how he wouldn’t have changed things,not fully. He had admitted to her that he was somewhat happy with the fact that they were married. He didn’t say he loved her, he knew that would through her off but he made it obvious that he liked her much more than he had initially expressed.
She wasn’t so sure how to respond to him.
Y/n had thought that he was only nicer to her lately because he too was avoiding arguments but she hadn’t truly believed it was because he was being genuine.
Klaus noticed the frown on her face and looked down at his plate. “It’s a little silly I suppose” he muttered to himself, he couldn’t help the deflated feeling that travelled through him as he placed his fork down. “Neither of us wanted this marriage” he mumbled while standing up from his seat making his chair scrape against the floor with a painful sound.
Y/n felt the guilt sink in and she quickly got up also and rounded the table as he started to walk away. “Klaus,” she called softly, reaching out for his hand.
His eyes fluttered when she held onto his hand, he hadn’t felt the softness of her touch since their first and only kiss of their relationship from their wedding day.
He glanced to her and reluctantly shrugged her off. “No it doesn’t matter, I was being a fool” he argued and kept walking.
Y/n sighed to herself and rubbed her hands down her face in frustration.
The next morning Klaus ignored her, barely looked at her even.
It was later that day that she finally caught his attention and pulled him off into another room.
“Klaus” she murmured in annoyance when he went to open the door she had just pushed shut. “You’re behaving like a child” she tutted and he growled. “Would you just stop?” She told him and he glared at her.
“What do you want?” He asked, not bothering to soften his tone which made her frown again.
“I want you to talk to me” she whispered and he narrowed his eyes.
“You never want to talk to me.” he snapped, “you only want to because I made a stupid mistake”
“It wasn’t a mistake” she told him, her tone much gentler than his. “I just wasn’t expecting it”
“Why? Because it’s so shocking that I could possibly feel something-“
“God, Klaus no. You know I dont think you’re a heartless monster-“
“That strongly contradicts things you’ve said in the past-“ he argued and she made a sound of frustration.
“Well I’ve changed my mind” she told him and his jaw tightened. “Klaus I’m serious. I know you now, I’ve seen you”
“Then what is it about me that you cannot love?” He whispered and her eyes softened further. They stared at each other until Y/n stepped forward and pulled him into a hug. Her arms went around his midsection and his went over her shoulders.
“It isn’t that I can’t” she mumbled and he closed his eyes
“You just don’t want to” he whispered but she still shook her head.
“I just don’t know how to” she corrected and he hummed quietly.
“But I love you” he uttered and she nodded.
“I know that now” she agreed “and I’ll make sure that I take that into consideration but Klaus, you can’t just expect that I’ll suddenly be all over you and madly in love” she told him and he frowned.
“Why not?” He asked and she scoffed softly. For centuries woman had been falling at his feet but the one woman that he married wouldn’t?
“Because the world doesn’t revolve around you?” She whispered, a little laugh in her voice that made him a little annoyed at first but when he saw her face he couldn’t help but laugh a little bit with her. Eventually he sighed and looked down with a small smile and a nod.
“I’ll earn your affections” he promised, kissing her forehead before exiting the room.
And from that day, he tried his very best to do just that.
Though of course they still had their arguments and disagreements, now he would be the first to apologise or to admit his wrong doings.
And slowly, like he had hoped, Y/n began to love him too.
Rebekah, Elijah, Hayley, Jackson and all the other wolves began to notice the much softer side to them both when they touched to spoke to each together. Some were happier than others about the change in dynamics between the two.
Jackson for one, was very put off when Klaus kissed his sister in front of everyone. What was worse was that she kissed him back and asked him to grab her a drink. They behaved like a real married couple. The wolves didn’t like it.
Some of them went as far to verbalise their opinions but Klaus’s siblings were quick to shut them up before they could upset Y/n. They reminded them that it was in the best interests of everyone that the two got along rather than Y/n living a miserable life just for the benefit of the pack. Eventually the majority agreed and kept quiet.
Jackson was most concerned.
Especially when he came round to visit and found Y/n sprawled across Klaus’s lap while reading a book..
“Y/n” he called, his gaze hard as he watched her lift her head and smile before getting up and going out for lunch with her brother. He expressed his worries and she assured him that Klaus was much better now and that she felt that she could love him. Jackson knew that her using the word ‘could’ was solely for his benefit. She wanted to say that she did love him.
With a small sigh he nodded and told her to just be happy and thanked her once more for everything she had done for him and their family.
When Y/n came home Klaus had made her a bubble bath for her to relax in. She laid in the water for a while before getting changed into comfy clothes and wondering downstairs. Klaus was in the kitchen grating Parmesan cheese over two dishes of pasta.
She smiled and sat at the table quietly, smiling at him when he placed the bowl infront of her before sitting down opposite with his own dish.
Klaus twisted his fork in the spaghetti and asked how her day with Jackson was. They chatted while they ate before loading the dishwasher and heading upstairs.
Y/n had been sleeping in his room lately. Mostly because they would accidentally fall asleep beside each-other when watching a film before bed but then Klaus asked if she would feel comfortable sharing a room with him and she agreed.
So this time they naturally just went to Klaus’s room or rather their room.
His eyes watched as she disappeared into the bathroom, a soft hum left her and her hips swayed gently. The tap started running which meant she was brushing her teeth and he followed her in and grabbed his own toothbrush to do the same. He glanced at her in the mirror as she focused on her mouth. He cleared his throat and finished cleaning up before kissing her head and going into their room to get changed into his sleep pants which he had only been wearing because he wasn’t sure if she would be comfortable with him in only briefs.
Klaus was unaware of how Y/n would imagine his naked body against hers, pressing and sliding against hers while they panted beneath the sheets of their bed.
It was why she started wearing tinier pyjamas to bed, in hopes it would entice him that extra bit.
The little shorts would allow him a glimpse of her ass, as though it was teasing him. And the little matching vest top would wrap around her upper body perfectly.
Klaus sat down on the bed and watched as she walked back in. His eyes glanced to wear her taut nipples would press against the Cotten of her clothes down to her long bare legs that he desperately wanted to bury between.
She let out a yawn as she slid into bed beside him and beneath the covers. He pulled her closer so that their bodies fit together like two puzzle pieces and sighed quietly as though having her touch soothed something inside of him.
“Thanks for tonight” she whispered as she leaned up and kissed his lips before laying her head down on her pillow. Klaus hummed and laid down with her.
“Thank you for having dinner with me again” he smiled and she returned it, her hand moved to caress his gently and he held onto hers tenderly.
“You don’t have to thank me for that, I love having dinner with you” she told him and his eyes flickered between hers as he took in her words because they both knew what she was actually saying.
“You do?” He whispered and she nodded.
“I do.”
Klaus kissed her again, for a few seconds longer this time. Just as he pulled his lips away from hers, she pushed them back together with a little more force. He groaned softly, his hand sliding down her back and over the curve of her ass to grip the back of her thigh and lift her leg up so her knee slide over his hip. His hand slid up under her shorts to feel the soft warmth of her pussy against his fingers.
Y/n moaned quietly against his mouth. Both her hands caressed his neck gently before one moved lower. Klaus grunted softly and pulled away from their kiss as he felt her hand cup his erection through his pants.
Their eyes locked as both their hands moved slowly, teasingly.
A small whimper left Y/n as Klaus’s fingers rubbed over her clit. She brought her hand under the waistband of his pants and wrapped her fingers around his cock. Her teeth bit into her bottom lip as she felt the length and thickness of him. Klaus’s mouth fell open slightly as he breathed shallowly.
Her hand pumped his cock slowly as he slipped a finger inside her. His thumb glided over her sensitive little bud, his eyes urging her to please move her hand faster. She complied and stroked him quicker, squeezing as she went.
His hips thrust against her hand while two fingers curled inside her to find her spot.
The whole room became hot and dark as the night deepened and the blankets were pulled over their heads to make them feel closer. Their breathing mixed together and little moans left them both as their hands moved faster.
Their mouths moved together sloppily as moans vibrated from both of them and their body moved in time to meet the other’s hand.
Y/n went first, her neck arched making Klaus move his lips down to suck along her throat while his hips thrust and his fingers fucked her fast. He panted as her cry of pleasure left her and he felt her pussy clamp down and release. It only took a few more squeezes of her hand around his cock for him to cum across her stomach.
They both lay, breathing heavily and looking at eachother. Y/n’s eyes squinted to see him in the dark, his hands were moving her onto her back so he could slot on top of her. Her thighs were nudged open and a gasp left her as the head of his cock started to push into her.
Klaus leaned down and kissed her again, deepening it in seconds so he could taste her while his cock finally felt the soft, wet warmth that he had longed for.
A strained cry of relief left her and her back arched off the bed as he filled her completely. His hands slid up her body and scrunched her shirt up above her breasts so that he could lean down and wrap his lips round one of her nipples.
“Klaus” she whimpered as his hips thrust slowly and his tongue flicked teasingly. He moaned softly around the bud before sucking it between his teeth. He released it with a pop before kissing up along her chest and throat until he took her lips to his. She kissed him back hungrily, accepting his tongue into her mouth without any resistance as his hips rolled faster into her.
He only pulled away from her lips when her pussy went unbearably tight on his cock, he let out a loud groan as he fucked into her as quickly as he could.
The harsh slap of his skin meeting hers repeated through the room alongside her moans for more. Klaus could feel himself getting closer to cumming and he was determined to fill her up. He wanted her to carry his next child.
His tongue traced the shell of her ear as she cried out and his fingers reached between her legs to rub at her clit until she was crying to cum.
“Shh sweetheart” he purred to her, “let me fill you” he whispered and the realisation of what he meant dawned on her.
“Klaus” she whimpered as she felt his cock release inside her. His hips slowed but didn’t stop as his cock softened momentarily before hardening again inside of her still.
He grunted softly as he glanced down at her, his fingers gently rolled over her clit while watching his cock slide in and out of her. He could see his cum spilling out of her and he desperately tried to fuck it back inside.
“I want you to be full of my child” he muttered to her and she moaned softly, her hand lifted to cup his cheek to draw his attention to her eyes.
"I love you" she whispered and he groaned quietly as he kissed her lips just briefly so she could speak again, "and I'll love our children" she told him making his hips buck roughly into her. She moaned in response and wrapped her arms around his neck while resting her head against his. "You''ll be such a good daddy to them" she murmured and a low growl rumbled through his chest as he took the praise and thrived off of it.
Y/n felt his pace quicken and her pleasure heighten making her kiss across his cheek to his ear slowly, "Please daddy?" she purred while her cunt clenched repeatedly and her lower stomach twisted into a series of knots. "Please give me your babies" she begged and he couldn't stop from snapping. His mind and body went haywire making her scream his name. Her body was practically vibrating as her body met his for the hundredth time and her head went back allowing his mouth to reattach onto her neck.
Her eyes rolled back when his teeth sunk into her throat.
Bliss rolled through both of them until their bodies were a heated, sweaty mess amongst the sheets.
His hand held the back of her head holding her face into his chest as they panted heavily. Her eyes closed as she felt him stroke her hair soothingly while he slid his cock out of her and caressed her swollen clit ever so gently with his thumb.
Y/n whimpered weakly and he smiled as he glanced down to watch her brows furrow together while her hips slowly rode the pad of his finger until one last cry left her alongside another orgasm.
Once he had ensured she was finished, he cleaned them both up and then their bed before dropping her down onto the fresh bedding and taking warmth in her giggle when she reached out and pulled him to lay beside her.
Klaus kept her snuggled up to him all night and into the next morning before reluctantly getting up and going downstairs to join the rest of the family.
He knew that everything was finally working out.
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starlightandfairies · 1 year ago
Ahhh your writing is just perfect! ❤️ I dare for another idea hehe 🫶🏼 just maybe something where you're dating but you get incredibly jealous as Katherine appears back in town and you know of their past. So you think it would be better to step back for a while but Elijah notices immediately and misses you as you not show up at any occurrence. He later finds you at the Grill, talking with the Salvatores about that topic and Elijah eavesdropped the whole conversation, finally realizing what's wrong with you and feeling bad for this to happen, as he only has eyes and feelings towards you. Then one night he invites you over to his house and tells you about his feelings and that you don't have to worry about Katherine as she's long forgotten to him and he proves that to you that night? ☺️ Ugh I love cute and fluffy Elijah !
Description: With Katherine back in town, knowing Elijah's past with Katherine brings some unwanted shades of jealousy to the reader. 
Warnings: she/her pronouns, fluff, swearing
*Requests are open, please send through as many requests as you want, check my character list and requesting rules.*
Thank you for both of your lovely requests! I hope you also enjoy this one and thank you as well for your kind words!
Key: Y/N = Your Name, L/N = Last name, POV = Point of view, F/fs = favourite flowers
Word Count: 1,279
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First Person's POV 
Elijah and I currently sat in my favourite café, it was normally very quiet and once again today was one of those days. Elijah stared at me with admiration, he held my hand softly in his, rested small kisses on my knuckles and whispered words of devotion. 
"I'm just going to run to the bathroom." Elijah nodded, resting another kiss on my hand and finally let me go off to the bathroom, I did what I needed to do and finally came back out. I stopped in my tracks, seeing a brunette talking to Elijah, he looked less than impressed, he looked pissed and I could only assume what that meant. 
"Katherine." I simply stated, choosing to sit beside Elijah instead of across from him, the woman forced a smile to her lips the resting bitch look not fading from her eyes. I could feel this twinge of hurt and jealousy invading my being. Katherine took it upon herself to sit down and join us, Elijah let go of my hand and the once gentle and tender look that decorated his features was long gone. 
"What was your name again...?" 
"Y/n" I answered, hating the way she stared at Elijah, I knew of their past as Elijah had been quite open about his past relationships. Katherine nodded, shrugging and turned her attention to Elijah. I grabbed my things, kissed his cheek and pushed myself up to leave. 
"Bonnie wanted me to do something, I'll see you later." Elijah nodded, staring at me for a moment, I walked out before anything could be said and made my way to Bonnie's house. I asked Bonnie to do a spell, something that would allow me to go under the radar and not be found by Elijah considering that I would be distancing myself from the love of my life to conceal the ugly green monster. 
I had been cancelling dates, vague answers over the phone and would leave quickly with some bullshit excuse if Elijah appeared out of the blue. I could tell he could sense something was, I didn't want to mention that something was wrong and he hadn't questioned my actions. 
Elijah's POV 
Something was wrong with Y/n I couldm't place my finger on what it was, I couldn't understand what had happened and why she decided to almost disappear. I was missing her dearly, I missed seeing her smile, I missed her silly little jokes and her ability to make all my world seem so much better against all the issues going down. I missed her little rambles she would go on, the point is that I miss her and I don't know how to bring her back to me. 
I had finally been able to catch the trail and follow her around, see if I could understand what was going on and it took me to the Grill. I stood near the bar, blending into the ground and proceeded to listen in on her conversation with the Salvatore brothers. 
"I know it's silly of me but I can't help but be jealous." 
"Come on, you know that the noble fossil wouldn't cheat on you." Damon remarked, a clear roll of the eyes that made Y/n whack him lightly. 
"I being serious Damon! I know he has history with Katherine, when he was human he loved Tatia and then he found Katherine. What if her coming back brings back the feelings? I can't stand the idea of him leaving me for her and I don't want that to happen."
"Y/n have you tried speaking with Elijah? You know he'd hear you out and he'll be respectful of what you're going through." I let out a breath, I clenched my eyes shut, hating in myself for not reading the signs. If I knew sooner I would've done everything in my power to reassure Y/n that the only person my heart sings for is her. 
"He's a 1000+ year old vampire, he has more important things than dealing with my petty feelings." 
"Y/n listen here. Elijah worships the ground you walk on, he wouldn't think any less of you for worring about Katherine. We all know what Katherine is like and you have every reason to be worrying about it." Damon's response seemed to freeze her in her place. 
"Thank you..." 
Four nights later, I invited Y/n to come over, I will admit I was surprised when she agreed. We journed to my bedroom, she placed herself on the bed, fiddled with her hands and I took this as an opportunity to shut down the feelings of doubt and jealousy. 
"Y/n the other night, I overheard you speaking to the Salvatores about what's been going on..." She buried her face in her  hands, looking ashamed and worried about what I could possibly say. I sat beside her, took her hand and cupped her face in my other hand to ensure she met my eyes. 
"I understand your worries completely. I understand and I want you to know, that Katherine does not matter to me. She hasn't for 500 years. All I care about is you, no one else matters to me, just you. I love you with all my heart, I love your smile and your little jokes. I love when you leave me a note with a little picture, I worship the ground you walk on and I will go to hell back to prove that I love you as much as I do. I am awfully sorry that you haven't felt as if you could speak to me and I feel awful that this happened. But please, my love... know that I would never ever dream of breaking your heart and leaving you alone. You have my word, I promise you that I won't let the devil of a woman try and break us apart because she is long forgetten." 
She took a few breaths, Y/n moved closer to me, rested a kiss upon my forehead and took a moment before finding the courage to speak. 
"I am sorry, I'm sorry that I didn't come to you, I'm sorry I didn't allow you to know what was going on. It was fair of me to shut you out when you haven't done anything to warrent it. Please forgive me." 
"There's nothing to apologise or forgive for. My love, let me prove to you my undying and everlasting love for you." Her shy little smile brought a smile to my lips, I cupped her face in my hands, bringing her in for a kiss and listened to her hum as I brought her into my arms for an embrace, Y/n took a moment to breathe and whispers softly into my ear. 
"i love you, Elijah. I love you more than you'll ever know." 
"I love you more my love." 
First Person's POV 
Late into the night, we lay in each other's arms, Elijah and I lay naked under the blankets. My headed rest on his chest, he took my hand away lying across him and brought my hand to rest a sweet and longing kiss against my palm. The action was enough to keep my smile stuck on my lips and it was enough for me to snuggle in closer to him with my hand resting in his and his tender eyes continuing to made me feel incredibly loved and devoted to. 
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kitkatkitzune · 2 months ago
Pairing: Kol Mikaelson x Fem!reader
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Summary: When you’re trapped in a tiny space with Kol, you find out one of his fears.
Warnings: Panic attacks, PTSD, a bit of angst, fluffy ending, inconsistencies in the tense it’s written in (big shock, I know)
Notes: This isn’t as sad as I wanted it to be to be honest but that’s okay… This is based on the idea that due to being daggered and locked in the coffins that the Mikaelsons develop claustrophobia.
Word Count: 1.4k
Your parents had told you stories of the infamous Mikaelson family and you did everything in your power to stay off their radar. Unfortunately for you, your best friend Hayley got pregnant with Klaus Mikaelson’s child, effectively dragging you into their mess.
You tried your best to minimize contact with them but being that Hayley was practically your sister, it was inevitable that you’d have to be around them. That didn’t mean you had to like it, but for the most part, it was okay. Rebekah was friendly and always excited to have another girl around, Elijah was very formal and respectful, Klaus was too concerned with his child to be bothered by you, but Kol…
Oh, how you hated Kol Mikaelson. He was rude and arrogant, always desperate for attention. That wasn’t the worst though, not only was he incredibly entitled but he was also a flirt. You hated the fact that he could make your face heat up by shooting you a wink or smirking. Not to mention the constant pet names. He would always laugh after, poking fun at how shy you’d get. You hated the effect he had on you and the fact that deep down you knew you didn’t really hate him.
Which is why you repeatedly press the ‘close door’ button on the elevator panel when you see him walking down the hall towards you. In a flash, he’s next to you, leaning on the handrail with a cheeky smile.
“Hello darling.”
Damn vampires and their super speed.
You sigh, dropping your hand to your side as you stare ahead of you, not wanting to feed into his game. To you, he was flirting with you to make fun of you, just as the boys in middle school had done and maybe if you ignored it, he’d stop. The elevator begins to descend, only a few more moments and you’d be out of here.
Kol was not giving up that easily though, he leans closer, “Hi.”
Reluctantly, you turn to look at him with a glare, “Hi Kol.”
The corners of his eyes crinkle as he smiles, “So darling, I was thinking—“
He’s cut off when the elevator comes to a screeching halt.
“What was that?” His voice sounds panicked (something you don’t notice) and he takes a step back from you, pressing his back to the wall, his hands gripping the handrail so tightly that his knuckles turn white.
Startled, you reach forward and press the emergency button on the elevator, “I think… we’re stuck.”
“Stuck?” he questions, voice above a whisper.
“Yes Kol.” you hiss, still not picking up on his mood change.
You sigh, pressing the emergency button again, “They’re probably going to take forever. We’re going to be stuck for a bit…” you mumble.
Silence follows, making you furrow your brows. Kol never shuts up, never.
“What?” you ask, still not turning around, “No flirty comment about how we could pass the time? I’m shocked…” You trail off, turning around to look at him. His entire body is tense, his eyes squeezed shut while he begins to hyperventilate.
“Kol…” You mumble quietly.
Then the lights go out and the handrail he was holding snaps off the wall causing you to jump back.
His eyes snap open, immediately focusing on you as the emergency lights turn on, still, he doesn’t say anything. His breathing is labored as he slides down the wall of the elevator. You kneel in front of him and he buries his face in his hands, still shaking.
“Kol… What's happening? Talk to me.”
“Don’t make me go back there…” his voice cracks as he begins to sob into his hands, “I can’t… I can’t breathe… I can’t go back… I can’t…”
You reach forward, placing your hands on his, causing him to flinch before looking at you once again.
“Hey… just… try and copy me…” you say softly, taking a deep breath.
Kol mimics the action and you smile, “Good, again…”
You repeat this process until he has mostly calmed down, he was still sweating and tears stained his cheeks.
“Are you okay now?” you ask quietly, still holding his hands.
Kol seems to snap back to reality, pushing your hands away and looking to the side, anywhere but you, “I’m fine,” his voice cracks as he speaks.
“Talk to me, that’s—“ you begin to speak but he interrupts you.
His gaze snaps back to you, “Why? So you can mock me?”
“Kol I wouldn’t—“
“Don’t lie, I know you’re not a fan of me, darling.”
You scoff, “Just because I…” you trail off a bit, not wanting to say ‘don’t like’, which was weird because you could tell yourself in your head, all the time, how much you hated him. But you couldn’t say it outloud, “…doesn’t mean I’m cruel… I don’t want to make fun of you, I want to understand.”
“Well you should make fun. It’s pathetic. I’m pathetic. I’m an original vampire, this…” he motions to his current state, “should not be happening. Now you know I’m weak, that I’m scared… I shouldn’t be!”
You frown, “You’re scared of elevators?”
“Small spaces… small dark spaces…” he corrects, focusing on your face that was lit by the emergency lights. He needed to focus on anything but the walls that seemed to be closing in around him. You were a welcome distraction, keeping him grounded.
Your eyes widen in realization, “The daggers… coffins…”
Kol’s jaw clenches, “Don’t… I don’t… I…”
“Okay, okay!” You say quickly, panicking a bit, “I… hopefully we’ll be out of here soon… in a big, open space.”
“I hate these metal death boxes.” he murmurs, “I am fascinated by modern technology but these things…”
“Then why did you get on?”
“…To talk to you… I just wanted to talk to you, I like talking to you.”
The corner of your mouth twitches, “You like talking to me?”
He hums, letting his head fall back to the wall, closing his eyes and you sigh, your smile faltering a bit, “You’ve got a funny way of showing it.”
Kol opens one eye, “You make it so easy to tease you… and well, modern flirting… it’s confusing…”
Your eyes widen, “Flirting? You’re… you’re flirting with me?! Like genuine interest in me?!”
“Thought it was obvious…” he mumbles.
“Kol! You flirt like a middle school boy! I thought you were making fun of me!“
“I was just teasing—“
The elevator jolts, causing you to launch forward, crashing into Kol whose hands shoot out to brace you as your hands fall to his chest. The normal lights begin to flicker and come back on, allowing you to see the position you’ve ended up in. Finally, the elevator begins to move causing you both to sigh in relief.
“Thank God.” Kol breathes out, and his usual smirk paints his face again, “Although, I do like this position, darling…” referring to the fact you were practically sitting on his lap.
You roll your eyes as your face heats up, causing Kol’s smirk to grow but for the first time you pay attention to his eyes. He’s looking at you with such adoration and you wonder if he’s always looked at you that way.
The elevator dings, signaling that you had arrived at the first floor and Kol is off the ground in seconds, offering you his hand, “C’mon, let’s get off this death trap.”
You gladly accept his hand, both of you exiting as soon as the doors open and you can visibly see the tension melt away from Kol.
“Much. I’m never getting on one of those bloody things again… only stairs from now on.”
You sigh, “I hate stairs…”
“I’ll carry you,” he declares and you playfully roll your eyes.
Kol notices the look on your face and continues, “I’m serious,” he looks down at you, his expression suddenly very serious, “about the carrying you and about what I said… I do like you…”
You smile softly, “Maybe you’re not as bad as I thought…”
“Or maybe I’m worse,” he widens his eyes dramatically.
“I doubt it,” you giggle before sighing, “Kol?”
He hums in response so you continue, “If you want to talk about it… about the fear… I’ll listen.”
Kol smiles slightly, leaning forward to press a kiss to the crown of your head and you stare at him in awe because of the sweet gesture.
“Perhaps one day, darling… for now, though, I’d like to get a coffee, care to join me?”
A small smile appears on your face and you giggle a bit, “Kol Mikaelson, is this your way of asking me on a date?”
“Maybe? Depends on what you’d say…”
“Well, I think I’d say yes.”
“Well, then I think I’d say it’s a date.”
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yarafic · 7 months ago
Imagine: Elijah finding you drunk at a bar
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Stumbling towards a booth to sit down from dancing around the bar with your best friend, Damon.
You gently slap your cheeks to stay awake, someone walks toward you and says," Are you alright?"
Fiercely shook your head no,  and said," I.....a-m....tired."
"Did you get drunk again with Damon?" The mysterious person replied.
You felt that you where leaning forward, the mysterious person places his hands on your shoulder and lifts your head up.
He moves your head from one side to the other. He shook his head in annoyance, he turns around to see if Damon is anywhere insight but he is gone. Like always Damon leaves you here by yourself with no defense to take care of yourself.
"Y/n, do you know who I am." He questions your drunk figure.
You hiccup then answered,"my fairy godmother."
He shook his head and smiled, there are points where he admires you drunken stature because it is  of a child.
He lifts you up in bridal style and slowly walks to the door to leave the horrible bar. He is actually glad that like always, he is their to protect you and make sure no one will take advantage of you in any way.
He begins to walk toward where you live, you would've thought that he would use his vampire speed but he didn't. He wants to spend more time with you but whenever he tried to have you for himself, Elena or Caroline would drag you away and sadly, this is the only time he can be with you without your annoying friends.
The sunlight hit the planes of window, wakes the hangover silohoute. A scorching headache begins to pound, the light and the little moves the said person does hurts them in many ways. Oh how much she/he regrets getting drunk with Damon?!
Y/n, heard a noise coming from downstairs. Carefully getting out of bed, y/n stumbles toward to get he's/her's baseball bat. Y/n heard the footsteps becoming clear with every step, she/he swing as hard as she/he could to the intruder. The unknown person took hold of the bottle and removed it from you, you quickly without hurting yourself and your head tried to dash to the bathroom. But a hand takes hold of your wrist and turns you around, the dangerous person lifts you heads and says,"I bought you home safely and this is how you repay me."
You carefully open your eyes and smiled, and replied with, "So, what did I do when I was drunk? Elijah."
He chuckles softly and says, "Many stupendous things."
"Why do I have a feeling they are bad, Elijah."
A\n: I am sorry for how short it is
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Hayley: I don't like porn it's so unreal
Y/N: what do you mean it's literally people having sex it can't get any more real?
Hayley: no the women aren't really enjoying themselves THAT much, they totally fake finishing
Y/N:..........yea the women are faking the pleasure.......how much more real can it get..
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amournoir · 1 year ago
hiii! omg i haven't been here in so long but can i please request a sfw oneshot with elijah but make it angst? like he cheats on y/n? oh btw it's for the valetine's celebration!! thanks :)
- 🎀
pairing(s): elijah mikaelson x f!reader
count: 3.1k
warning(s): angst? cheating? idk.
author’s note: oh hi, yes it's been a while. thank you so much for the request! i hope you enjoy it 🤍
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The Mikaelson mansion buzzed with the muted conversations of its supernatural occupants, the air thick with tension that Y/N initially couldn’t pinpoint. Hayley, a wolf in sheep’s clothing, strategically wove her tale of passion and betrayal, casting her words like a spell in the room. 
Y/N, engrossed in her own thoughts, overheard fragments of Hayley’s conversation that seemed oddly familiar. “Passionate encounters in secret locations,” Hayley boasted, a sly grin dancing on her lips. Unbeknownst to Y/N, these details mirrored stolen moments shared between Elijah and Hayley. 
As the conversation unfolded, Y/N’s patience waned. Irritation flickered in her eyes, but she dismissed it, thinking Hayley was merely recounting tales of her own romantic escapades. Little did Y/N know, she was the unwitting audience to the unraveling of her own relationship.
Klaus, ever observant, raised an eyebrow as he noticed Y/N’s growing discomfort. The room’s atmosphere shifted, charged with an undercurrent of betrayal, setting the stage for a revelation that would shatter the illusion of the perfect Mikaelson family. Klaus, seated in a corner, closed his book with a deliberate snap, his eyes shifting between Y/N and Hayley. A subtle smirk played on Klaus’s lips as he observed the unfolding drama, aware of the tension building like a storm about to unleash its fury. 
Y/N’s patience snapped, her frustration evident as she shot Hayley a glare. “Shut up, Hayley. I’ve had my fill of your tales,” she retorted, her tone laced with a mix of annoyance and disbelief. The room held its breath, the silence pregnant with unspoken truths and a brewing storm. 
“Why don’t you make me? Oh wait, your boyfriend already did,” Hayley taunted, her words cutting through the air like a dagger. The girl, undeterred, merely smirked in response, relishing in the chaos she had ignited. Klaus, ever the provocateur, observed with a knowing glint in his eyes. Y/N, her mind racing to make sense of the cryptic words, couldn’t shake the feeling that the storm within was just beginning. 
Haunted by Hayley’s words, Y/N stormed off to the family library, seeking solace among the ancient books that lined the shelves. The soft glow of lamplight illuminated the room as Y/N found Elijah engrossed in a tome, seemingly unaware of the turmoil outside. Without preamble, Y/N confronted Elijah, her eyes searching for answers that his gaze initially avoided. “What is Hayley talking about?” she demanded, her voice a mix of hurt and frustration. Elijah, attempting to maintain his composure, closed the book with measured calmness. 
“It’s not what you think,” Elijah began, choosing his words carefully. Y/N’s eyes, filled with hurt and suspicion, bore into him. Elijah, a master of control, tried to downplay the situation, insisting that the indiscretion occurred during the early stages of their relationship. 
Y/N, however, was not appeased. Her emotions, a tempest within, erupted into a torrent of questions and accusations. “Don’t brush this off, Elijah! I deserve the truth,” she exclaimed, her voice breaking with a vulnerability that Elijah had seldom witnessed. 
As the library walls absorbed their heated exchange, the room seemed to hold its breath, the weight of betrayal hanging in the air. Elijah’s attempts to placate Y/N fell short, and the realization that the firm foundation of their relationship was fracturing slowly intensified the emotional turmoil within the library’s silent confines. The echoes of Y/N’s confrontation with Elijah resonated through the Mikaelson mansion as the library door swung closed as she stormed out of the room, unable to be in his presence any longer. The confrontation, however, was far from over. 
The tension lingered in the air as Y/N, fueled by a mix of disbelief and anger, retreated to the family room. Elijah followed, his attempts to pacify her met with a wall of resistance. Y/N, unwilling to let the betrayal slide, demanded accountability, her voice rising with each passing moment. Once in the family room, the air crackled with the intensity of their argument. Klaus, drawn by the escalating commotion, appeared in the doorway, his eyes narrowing as he assessed the situation. He recognized the signs of a lover’s spat on the verge of unraveling, and with a subtle nod, acknowledged that action was needed. 
Y/N’s accusations grew louder, her pain transforming into fiery anger. Elijah, usually composed, struggled to maintain his facade in the face of Y/N’s justified rage. The room became a battleground of conflicting emotions, everyone’s reaction teetering on the edge of a precipice. 
Klaus, no stranger to familial discord, stepped forward, intervening in the chaos. “Elijah, you cannot dismiss this. Why don’t you just apologize and accept the consequences of your actions,” Klaus’s voice rang through the room, his eyes fixed on his older brother with an unwavering intensity. 
Elijah, resistant to airing his dirty laundry, met Klaus’s gaze with defiance. He stood firmly in place and glared at his younger brother who dared to call him out on his not so insignificant mistake. Even with Y/N’s demand for honesty and Klaus’s insistence for acknowledgment, Elijah remained the perfect picture of poise and silence. 
The two brothers locked eyes, the air thick with tension. Klaus, known for his unyielding honesty, refused to let Elijah evade the repercussions of his betrayal. “Do not pretend this is insignificant. You’ve wounded more than just Y/N’s trust,” Klaus asserted, his words cutting through the emotional haze. 
“Why yes Niklaus, please turn this to you. Exactly how have I managed to wrong you here?” The older original questioned, sarcasm dripping from every word uttered. 
Without a retort ready, Klaus huffed in silence. Elijah, torn between defending his actions and facing the reality of the situation, hesitated. Y/N, a silent observer in the middle of the room, watched as the brothers clashed, her gaze shifting between them. The family room that was normally a sanctuary, now bore witness to the unraveling bonds. Y/N watched as her world crumbled, the man she grew to know and love was not the same one standing before her now, stubborn to console her. She knew the foundations of trust between them was now shattered and the fractured cracks of her relationship were getting deeper. 
Coming to no explanation or resolution, the night concluded with tensions at an all-time high, leaving Y/N and Elijah on unstable ground, the echoes of their argument reverberating through the house. Hayley, the instigator of the chaos, reveled in the drama she had ignited. Her smirk widening as the chaos she initiated reached its zenith. And Klaus, the unforeseen knight for Y/N. 
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The aftermath of the explosive confrontation left the Mikaelson mansion draped in an unsettling silence. Y/N, emotionally bruised and seeking refuge, retreated to the confines of her room. The weight of betrayal, a heavy burden on her shoulders, pressed down as she grappled with the shattered pieces of her relationship with Elijah. The home, once a sanctuary for him and her, now seemed foreign as Y/N navigated the emotional wreckage alone. Elijah’s betrayal echoed in her mind, his attempts at justification ringing hollow. The flickering candlelight in her windowsill cast shadows on tear-stained cheeks as Y/N succumbed to the pain that had taken residence in her heart. 
Klaus, ever perceptive, had sensed Y/N’s anguish. In a moment of unspoken understanding, he became a surprising source of solace. He approached with a genuine concern, acknowledging the pain that Y/N bore. They began to share moments of quiet vulnerability, forming an unlikely bond in the wake of the upheaval. In the hushed conversations and shared glances, Y/N found a temporary escape from the chaos that surrounded her. Klaus, offering a sympathetic ear and a genuine understanding of betrayal, became an unexpected anchor. The emotional turmoil within her created an atmosphere of uncertainty, leaving Y/N torn between the shards of a possibly unmendable relationship and the newfound connection with Klaus. 
As Klaus and Y/N’s connection deepened in the wake of it all, Elijah’s ever watchful eyes couldn't escape the pangs of jealousy that gnawed at him. The realization that Y/N sought solace in Klaus’s company stirred an unsettling emotion within him, a sentiment he hadn’t expected to confront. He was torn between pride and the undeniable truth of his own mistakes, struggling to reconcile. The flicker of jealousy, usually masked by his stoic demeanor, now danced in his eyes whenever he witnessed Klaus and Y/N together. Unspoken tension lingered in the air, each stolen glance and shared moment adding fuel to the fire of Elijah’s inner turmoil. 
Yet, when confronted by Klaus about the brewing jealousy, Elijah brushed it off with a dismissive wave. ‘She is free to seek comfort where she wishes’ he would claim, masking his true emotions beneath a façade of indifference. Klaus, however, saw through the veneer, recognizing the complexities that Elijah refused to acknowledge. 
Days after Hayley’s uncaring revelation and Elijah’s denial, Klaus and Y/N found themselves drawn together in the moonlit courtyard of the compound, seeking solace in the quiet refuge of the Mikaelson mansion. They had left the house for the night, Y/N couldn’t handle being within the same walls as Elijah. Seated on the window ledge, the soft glow of the night seemed to soften Klaus’s typically composed exterior. 
Klaus, his eyes reflecting an uncommon tenderness, broke the silence, “Y/N, you carry the weight of betrayal with such grace. It’s a testament to your strength and resilience.” His words held an unspoken admiration for the woman before him. There was something about her that turned him into a poet. A man he once was over nine hundred centuries ago. 
Y/N, her eyes filled with a mixture of sadness and confusion, met Klaus’s gaze. “I thought what we had was real, Klaus. I believed in us,” she admitted, a hint of vulnerability in her voice. 
Klaus, seizing the opportunity to express his sentiments, reached out to gently cup Y/N’s cheek. “Swee Y/N, sometimes, we place our trust in the wrong hands. But I’ve seen your strength in the face of adversity, and it speaks volumes about the remarkable person you are.” Their conversation unfolded like a delicate dance of shared confessions. Klaus, choosing his words with deliberate care, hinted at a depth of feeling that lingered beneath the surface. “You deserve more than a love tainted by betrayal,” he remarked, his gaze unwavering. “Perhaps, in the most unexpected places, we find the connections that truly matter.” 
They settled into a comfortable silence; Klaus admired her whilst Y/N’s mind raced with thoughts of her relationship. As the night went on, Klaus subtly contrasted the qualities of Y/N with a touch of criticism toward his brother. “My brother, blinded by his own ideals, fails to recognize the gem he has in you,” he confessed, his voice breaking their silence momentarily as it carried a hint of envy. “But my dear, your resilience shines brighter than any illusion of nobility.” 
Their connection was slowly blooming, much to Y/N unawareness and Klaus’s hopefulness in the quiet of the courtyard, the moonlight casting a spell on the burgeoning emotions between them. Meanwhile in the aftermath of the tumult, Elijah found himself drowning in a sea of emotions. The growing connection between Y/N and Klaus weighed heavily on him, stirring a jealousy that clawed at the edges of his usually composed facade. He had snuck away to follow them, curious to know what they needed to speak about that could not be mentioned in their home. He stood below the balcony, privy to every word shared between his girlfriend, if he should even still address her as such, and his younger brother. The two didn’t speak further, only remained in each other’s presence in a comforting silence. Elijah retreated back home, a plan hatching in his intellectual mind. 
One evening, Elijah sought Y/N in her dimly lit bedroom, desperation etched on his face. He knocked gently and was met with a small voice granting him entrance. “Y/N, please,” he implored, his voice laced with regret. “I never meant for things to unfold this way. I need you to understand, to forgive me.” 
Y/N, her eyes still raw from the pain of betrayal, met Elijah’s gaze. She was sitting on her bed, typing away at her laptop. “You broke us, Elijah. Trust shattered is not easily fixed,” she responded, her voice a mix of anguish and disappointment. 
Elijah, usually the epitome of control, crumbled under the weight of Y/N’s words. “I beg you, forgive my transgressions. I cannot bear the thought of losing you,” he pleaded, a vulnerability in his eyes that Y/N had never seen before. He stood by the foot of her bed and quickly dropped to his knees. 
As Elijah bared his soul, Y/N felt the tugs of conflicting emotions. The man before her was not just the one who betrayed her trust, but the one who had once been the keeper of her heart. The room was a silent witness to their emotional turmoil, it became the stage for a gut-wrenching plea for forgiveness. Y/N sighed and placed her laptop aside, looking for a semblance of dishonesty, it was then that she noticed his disheveled state. She didn’t have any words for him, she thought she would by now. It had been almost a week and still, her mind came up blank each time she thought of confronting him again. Fool me once, shame on me. Fool me twice, shame on you. She thought and resumed her click clacking on her laptop. Elijah stayed on his knees, watching her dismiss him without uttering even a breath. He stood up and slowly made his way out of her room, taking one last glance at her then he closed the door. 
In another corner of the mansion, Elijah sought out Hayley, his composure somewhat regained. He found her in the library surprisingly, perhaps she should pick up a book on the art of tact. No greeting necessary, he cleared his throat and looked squarely at her. “Whatever happened between us will never happen again. It was a mistake,” he declared, the coolness in his tone a stark contrast to the emotional plea he had made to Y/N. 
Hayley, upset and feeling the sting of rejection, lashed out, “Whatever games you’re playing Elijah, I won’t be part of it. Don’t think you can dismiss our connection so easily.” 
Elijah, unyielding in his resolve, replied assertively, “Do not mince my words Hayley. You were a mistake and I’d be damned to repeat it. Accept it and move forward.”
The girl scowled, her eyes bore into his. “What the hell do you even see in her? You don’t need to pretend with me, we both know that night was unforgettable.” 
“Was it now because I seem to have forgotten.” He retorted with a slight smirk. 
Hayley huffs and shakes her head. She knew he was teasing her but no matter, she’d find a way to remind him and what better moment than now. “We practically tore each other’s clothes off. I was in a navy linge—” 
“Oh come now, I’m a gentleman.” He quickly interrupted her, uninterested to hear the rest. “But I’ll take your word for it. Something tells me you look far better in the dark where you remain unrecognizable and quite forgettable.” The girl’s mouth hung open, appalled at his gall and rendered speechless. With that, the noble gentleman sauntered away. 
After Elijah’s heartfelt plea, Y/N remained in the solitude of her room. The memories of their shared love, now tainted by betrayal, haunted her thoughts. Klaus, sensing her distress, sought her out in the quiet corridors leading to her. With a soft knock, he entered and stood quietly in her room for a moment. 
Y/N raised her head, her eyes still clouded with tears, and met Klaus’s gaze. “I never expected to find solace in your company,” she admitted quietly, a vulnerable confession escaping her lips. 
Klaus, his eyes revealing a depth of emotion, responded, “Sometimes, the heart seeks refuge where it’s least expected.” He took a seat on the edge of her bed, unsure of whether to inch closer or not. As they shared a quiet moment, Klaus’s words hinted at a profound understanding. “You’re navigating a storm of emotions, Y/N. But remember, strength is often born from the most painful of struggles,” he whispered, his voice a comforting melody in the midst of the chaos.
Y/N was caught between forgiveness and moving on, facing the daunting task of reconciling her heart’s conflicting desires. Klaus’s comforting presence offered a glimmer of hope, Elijah’s…didn’t. Amid the echoes of discord, Y/N approached Elijah in his bedroom after several hours of deliberation, her eyes revealing the fight within. “We need time, Elijah. A break to reassess what we want,” she murmured, the weight of her decision hanging in the air. Elijah, though reluctant, nodded in understanding, realizing the gravity of their situation. If he could run back in time and alter his words, he’d be gone in an instant to mend it all. 
In the shadows, Klaus listened in keenly then quickly sped away. As Y/N and Elijah took a step back to work on their fractured relationship, Klaus lingered in the periphery, his feelings urging him on. He later found Y/N in the kitchen, eating her feelings away. His gaze reflected a mixture of empathy and an unspoken yearning. “If you ever need someone to lean on, Y/N, I’ll be here,” he offered, the sincerity in his voice cutting through the emotional haze. 
Hayley, still quite bitter and determined, approached Elijah who had sought to return to his office for some much needed distraction. The girl was nothing if not tenacious. “I’m not giving up on us, Elijah,” she declared, her tone a challenge that hung in the air. She stood in the office’s doorway, watching him as he ignored her. 
Elijah waved a dismissive hand without sparing her even a glance and calmly said, void of any emotion, “Close my door behind you.” 
It was all a labyrinth of half resolved emotions. The fate of the Mikaelson brothers hung in the balance, with Y/N’s heart serving as the compass for the intricate dynamics that would shape their destiny.
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petrova121 · 8 months ago
leave all your worries at door…please and thank you!
"Don't trust a lion"
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-lately I have been obsessed with moulin rouge and cabaret so here you guys go.
-Part 1 -Part 2
°:. *₊ ° . ° .•
Song- I put a spell on you by Nina Simone
warnings- threats, death, blood, fighting, fluff, smut (it will be in later chapters)
enemies to lovers
Klaus needs help getting a witch on his side for Wolfsbane, which is running low. The best idea coming to mind is bringing along Elijah as ... a form of reinforcement. but things always take their turns 
New Orleans is known for its wide variety of performances and shows and for its interesting people, to say the least. On the small side of town, one building lit up, the lights blinding if you stared too long. The two men walked strides with purpose until they reached the entrance. Posters were all over the walls of all the shows that had been performed and it was messy, maybe a bit unclassic for Elijah's taste. The unpleasant look on his face spoke volumes looking at each poster. 
“Are you sure you will..find what you need from here?” Elijah said coolly looking at the sign above “Le solitaire” What a fitting name. “Oh trust me we will and we’ll get a show while we're at it,” Klaus said smirking opening the door to what was a dimly lit room. The walls were painted dark red and blue. The smell was in between a disgusting odor of cigarettes, alcohol, and sweat. Then a smell of a sweet almost vanilla-like perfume clouded the air. It was packed, to say the least, and a lot of what seemed to be a mix of humans and vampires. Tables were full but one in the front all the way in the corner.
“It still hasn’t changed, just how I like it,” Klaus said walking over to a table and waving the waiter over as Elijah sat down. The seats creaked a little as they settled down. 
“What can I get you two gentlemen?” The waiter said, taking out his notepad which was wrinkled. “Two glasses of whisky,” Klaus said with a smirk plastered on his face. 
“Your finest whiskey,” Elijah said a bit sharper than he was intending to say. if he was here at least let the drinks be good. “Alright that's all?” the waiter asked, both brothers could tell he didn't know what was going on.
After what seemed like a long wait, the lights dimmed down to it just being a black room. There were mummers and chatters and the spotlight was targeted towards an empty stage. Then the sound of heels tapping the wood was heard and the audience could see a solute of a lady as she appeared from the shadows with a bright smile, clearly practiced. Her lips were a shade of dark maroon color. The Jazz band started softly playing in the background as she spoke. “Ladies and…gentlemen,” She said slowly, smiling. She walked to the center of the stage where she was more visible. Elijah's eyes slowly widened taking in the lady before his eyes. She most certainly had everyone's attention, especially his. She was wearing a striking navy blue dress that was laced up by a corset. On her head a sort of hat, a top hat if you had made it miniature. “And that's our leading lady for all our problems” Klaus whispered to Elijah.  His eyes lit up with a mischievous glint in his eye. “That's the lady we came here for?” Elijah said back quietly. 
“Yes, what did you think I brought you here to watch some old hag?”  “The way you were speaking about her made me think she was a century old,” Elijah said, the sarcasm in his voice evident. It brought Klaus to a low chuckle, shaking his head as he took a sip of his whiskey. Elijah glanced and caught eye contact with the women and he didn't intend to break it. 
She kept a smile while talking or singing but always her gaze would land on Elijah to her he was the mysterious man in a nice suit. She knew that there was something off with him and the man next to him. Once she finished her performance it was time for the next lady to come up. She quickly gave a bow and a wink to the coward and disappeared off. 
Y/n walked back to the hallway where some of the dancers were. She could hear groaning coming from the main dressing room which made her roll her eyes annoyed. Y/n walked over to the mirror on one of the walls to check her appearance. Rory, a redhead, blue-eyed bitch in y/n’s mind.   “Oh come on, no going down to the guests tonight? Have you gone soft?” Rory teased y/n because it was used to her being a total flirt with the crowd, gaining an extra couple of bucks if she could. Unfortunately, tonight wasn't the night for her especially after that strange man gave the worst but best feeling in her gut “No….. wasn’t feeling up to it… and anyways I’ll leave some for the rest of you” She answered fixing her hair in the back hallway.  “Heard there are two money machines down there, blonde and the guy in the suit,” Rory said, lighting up a cigarette leaning on the wall opposite from y/n. Then she got that bad feeling in her gut again. “Yeah I saw, the guy in the suit has a big staring problem,” She said reapplying her lipstick. She sounded annoyed, Rory could tell, and handed her a cig, which she took and waved her hand over the end and lit it up. The dancers close to the stage gave them both dirty stares as the smoke clouded the little hallway but they both could be less bothered. 
“Well if you're not going to make a move I will,” Rory said smirking  “Tell me how that works out for you” Y/n scoffed knowing Rory wasn't the brightest in the bunch there and she was most certainly not going to be able to pull a stunt like that. “Stop acting like you're better, any of us here can do exactly what you can,” Rory said.
Her eyes narrowed.  “I'm not better, I just have comprehension, I know when to back off a member of the audience you DON’T,” Y/n said bitterly. “Self-centered bitch” Rory mumbled. Rory was on her third strike with the owner one more and she would be out. Y/n prayed for the day that would happen
After an hour or maybe even two. The crowd was getting rowdy and so was the music. Losing its taste. That's how you would know the show was soon to be over.
The show was over to Y/n’s relief and she rushed to her dressing room waiting for Smith to come unlock it. Smith was the owner and had a very strange rule 15 minutes before show time every performer needed to be out of their dressing room or else they would be locked in there. No performance and no money for the night. “Smith will you hurry” She called from her door as he was taking his sweet time turning the corner. Then he came and opened the door. “Be patient will ya?” Smith said annoyed with a toothpick in his mouth. He was an old guy, wearing a worn-out leather jacket, and a worn-out hat. Everything about him was worn out. Y/n went into her dressing room and shut the door sinking into her couch. She let out a sigh of relief for
a brief moment until her senses were going ballistic on her. All she could hear was
Run, run and run! 
She absolutely hated the ancestors and their horrid timing when warning her, she didn't know what. scratch that she knew exactly why. Her mind went back to the two men in the front corner. “Shit” she mumbled to herself, undressing and putting on a silky one-piece that went to her thighs and a long sheer robe. Her heart was quickly pounding as the voices kept repeating. She took off her jewelry and her palms were sweating. She almost dropped her necklace and caught it just in time to hear a knock on her door. Her head snapped to look at the door. Two more knocks followed. She felt a lump beginning to form in her throat. 
“Who is?” she called out as normal as she could proceeding to stand straight. “Open up love. We’re not here to cause any harm…..” Klaus said smirking, she could hear a threatening undertone to his call. Elijah was by his side as they waited for the door to open up. The door slowly opened and enough for them to see the young lady with a neutral look on her face. 
“What do I owe the pleasure of you two gentlemen?” She said with a tight smile, the voices finally stopped as if they had left it up to fate if she were to die or live.
“Mind if we come inside? Looks like a lovely room you have in there” Klaus said, his voice dripping with false innocence that any smart being could tell it was all an act. “I’m not supposed to let people, especially strangers,” she said, narrowing her eyes at him. 
Klaus realized it would be a little harder to get her to let them in. “I’m Klaus, Klaus Mikaelson,” Klaus said. A smirk quickly grew on his face as he saw the color slightly drain from her face. 
“And here is my dear brother Elijah,” Klaus said, taking a step at her door and his hand gesturing to Elijah. “Hello,” Elijah said, finally speaking. Stepping along with his brother. 
“What do you people want from me?” she asked. She had now come into contact with the originals themselves, and two of the worst. “Let us in and we’ll have a quaint little chat,” Eijah said leaning on the door frame causing her to open the door more they got a peak of the dressing room. Even though she didn’t want to, she knew the other girls would be out soon and it wouldn’t be a good look for her if there were two attractive and wealthy men at the doorstep of dressing rooms. She could hear the rumors already. “Come in” Y/n mumbled stepping aside as both of them stepped inside. Her room was a bit messy, there were bottles of bourbon, wine, and whiskey on the coffee table, some opened, some closed. Few dirty shot cups, and one singular cup of wine. A long wide couch on either side of the room.The one on the left-hand had dresses thrown on it and lingerie.
The right had books piled on top of it, along with a basket of herbs and other assortments. Both brothers looked at each other, both thinking the same. She was a very messy witch. She could see the judgment through both of them. “Forgive me, if I knew I had… visitors I would have cleaned up better,” She said acting sorry, but she wasn’t. She’d be damned if it was her dressing room, she could do whatever the hell she wanted. Elijah could sense her false remorse and if he was being honest as stunning as she was he wasn’t totally in the mood.  “You don’t have to put on your theatrics with us here tonight, trust me the last thing we need from you is lies. We know you're a witch so we will be getting to the point  I think I've spent just enough time in this god-awful place ” Elijah said, the distaste in his mouth clear. She got annoyed crossing her arms and leaning on her vanity letting out a deep breath. This man and his audacity” she thought to herself. Klaus was already sitting on the couch to the right, making himself comfortable moving things around as if this was his own room. “Well you know I'm a witch, what a great thing to come in and say I really am glad my dark little secret is out to the world Mr.Mikaelson,” She said sarcastically as she lit up a cigarette. “Well, I'll be quite forward with you, I know you have access to Wolfsbane,” Klaus said, looking her up and down. 
“And I'm looking to get it,” he said, picking up a jar of herbs. Her heart sped up, great another thing she hated, was wolfsbane. Known for its ability to be lethal to the werewolf kind, she knew exactly why he needed it. She had heard rumors of the hybrid coming back to New Orleans and taking down Marcel, giving a lot of the witches the power to practice magic freely but knew about the loophole he created by getting a werewolf pregnant. 
“Because you want to control the werewolves, why? There already out of New Orleans Marcel drove them out years ago” she said quietly trying to play dumb for now. “Well let me inform you now, I'm back and I'm here to stay, and let's just say the werewolves have made their comebacks. Especially with the mother of my child…. I need to take necessary precautions to keep them in line in case” Klaus said explaining and Y/n kept her eyes to the ground every now and then staring at Elijah's very nice shoes. Her eyes slowly drifted up looking at him from his feet to his eyes. He was already staring which caused shivers to go down her spine 
“And if I refuse?” she asked her eyes drifting to Elijah and Klaus knowing the answer. 
“You die,” Klaus said, shrugging. He said it as if it was nothing. To him, her life was nothing, he could always find another witch anytime he wanted and she wished he did. 
“Help me and you are promised safety. A newfound place in my little kingdom” Klaus said, lacing his deal with false promises, sweet words. 
“Don't trust the lion,” she remembered in her head. Klaus was clearly the lion, with blonde hair, devilish eyes, and stalking his prey as such.  her eyes darted to Elijah. If she couldn’t trust the lion then could she really trust his brother? But she, as any other, heard the tales of the nobleman. The most common story is the nobleman and his word. He didn’t break it, never broke it. Elijah prided himself on that.
“I want your word,” she blurted out. Klaus raised his eyebrows in surprise. Elijah had a smirk, small but noticeable, filled a small portion of his face. “For what exactly?” He asked taking a singular step closer. “That I won't die or get fucking double-crossed,” She said, trying to not sound nervous.  “You two fuckers can’t walk into my dressing room threaten me to take my life and then give me false promises!” She said finally getting a little angry more than scared. Klaus had an amused look and got up and walked up to his brother. “Deal with it,” Klaus said simply and left. The door clicked shut. Now it was just her and Elijah. 
“Are you sure you want to negotiate with me? It is really unheard of” Elijah said, straightening the cuffs of his suit. “Here I thought you were better than that tyrant” she muttered. Elijah just got more amused, “I am, or I’m not it depends on who you ask. But why was my word? My brothers not enough for you?” Elijah asked. She took a deep breath. 
“First your brother is widely known for double-crossing and well his heinous acts of murder,” she said uncrossing her arms. “You on the other hand while I know you two aren’t too different you have more honor than him, you keep your word you try not to harm people,” she said plainly walking one step closer. 
“ Ancestors do talk, don’t they? I will say I am flattered that good things are said” Elijah said smiling. His accent was thick, she couldn’t help but like that. “Don’t be cocky too soon I’ve heard just as bad about you” she said distasteful. Her eyes look at the posters around the walls of past shows. It didn’t wipe the smile off Elijah’s face just yet. “Well, how about this? Do you actually have wolfsbane?” Elijah asked, there was a part of him that was a bit suspicious of her. Witches weren’t always reliable. He learned that through the thousand years, he was alive. Either you had to compel them to make sure they stepped out or simply just had to kill them. But he could smell Verveine coming off y/n and her blood. So no use trying to compel her.  She went to a little drawer pulled out a little glass bottle filled with a little sample and threw it over to him. He caught it quite sharply. He popped the lid off and he could already smell it. 
“I suppose you, are not a fraud,” Elijah said, putting the small vile in his suit pocket
“Well?” She said still waiting for his word 
What?” He said. His smile turned into a smirk. If he was being honest, he was getting a little kick out of this. Playing dumb was a bit fun he did have to admit it himself 
“Don’t play dumb” she spat out annoyed. Her belt to her robe fell down and her robe was open. Elijah looked, and looked away. “Have some shame” he told himself in his head to stay in control. 
“You have my word, Miss…?” Elijah said bit of a questioning tone trying to figure out her last name.He raised an eyebrow waiting for her to speak
“Y/L/n” she said quietly. She was relieved she had his word.
“Miss Y/L/n that no harm will come to you ... .as long as you keep your end of the bargain supply us with what we need for the amount of time we need it” Elijah said standing now right in front of her. 
“I suppose we have a deal,” she said, lifting her head to meet his gaze. He was immortal and quite perfect. His face was sculpted amazingly and his eyes looked like they could suck anyone in.  Y/n never understood vampirism and never wanted to. She knew enough to make her dislike them. She took a long deep breath of her cigarette and let out a very long puff. The smoke went all over both their faces. Even then she could see him stare and the stupid smirking on his face she could only wish to wipe off.
might be a slow burn;)
-part 1-
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brightlilith · 2 years ago
Request open
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Peter Parker
Natasha Romanoff
Wanda Maximoff
Bucky Barnes
Wednesday Addams
Enid Sinclair
Ajax Petropulus
Robby Keene
Miguel Diaz
Samantha Larusso
Tory Nichols
Eli "Hawk" Moskowitz
Klaus Mikaelson
Damon Salvatore
Stefan Salvatore
Elijah Mikaelson
Caroline Forbes
Elena Gilbert
Bonnie Bennett
Hope Mikaelson
Rebekah Mikaelson
Hayley Marshall
Dean Winchester
Sam Winchester
Daemon Targaryen
Rhaenyra Targaryen
Aemond Targaryen
Jacaerys Targaryen
Alicent Hightower
Aegon II Targaryen
Daenerys Targaryen
Spencer Reid
Jennifer Jereau
Emily Prentiss
Lenny Bruce
Miriam Maisel
Jake Sully
Jensen Ackles
Jenna Ortega
Tokio Hotel
More will be added as requests are placed!
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I will do NOT write
Tv show couples ex: Damon Salvatore x Elena Gilbert
Romanticization of mental health, eating disorders, depression, any type of self harm, physical abuse, any forced sexual activities, any hate towards LGBTQ People/Rights, any hate towards Transgendered people/Rights, or any hate towards race.
Pedophilia, or activities, child abuse and more.
These NSFW themes - A/B/O, humiliation/degrading kink and more Pregnancies Incest (with the exception of got and hotd)
Characters with some physical disability (nothing against it, I just wouldn’t want to write it wrong)
Black!reader or plus size!reader (nothing against it, I wouldn't want to offend something I don't know.)
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Note: Depending on what it is, I might be able to make it happen. All I ask is that you ask kindly.
© morganaah/brightlilith ─ all rights reserved. do not copy, translate or share my work on other platforms.
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thequeenofneverland1 · 9 months ago
The Hope Of The Mikaelsons Family Part Five
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Summary: Hayley and Klaus are shocked to discover that Y/n Forbes is their daughter. Before they can even have a conversation , Klaus receive a call from Caroline informing him that Y/n has disappeared. Panicked, they rush to the hospital, but their worst fears are confirmed when Klaus receives a call from his two enemies claiming to have their daughter. The urgency and drama of the situation heighten as they must now save Y/n before it's too late.
Warnings: kidnapping, Violences, Emotional distress, Supernatural elements, Family dynamics, Mention of medical equipment, Suspense and tension
Caroline grinned as she made her way to your room, but she stopped when she realized you weren't in bed, which made her spill cup glass of water.
“Y/n??” Your sister called out as she knocked on the bathroom’s door but she didn’t hear a response back
“Y/n where are you?” She asked herself as she walked out of the room to find Dr. Shepherd and when she does. she glares at him “you said that this place was known for being the best hospital in town.”
He nods in confusion as he glances at her. “That's correct. Is there a problem?”
“Why don’t you not tell me? There is no sign of my sister. I searched all over and couldn't find her. Even though your hospital may be the best, your security is terrible.”
Dr. Shepherd gave her a startled look. “I truly apologize, Miss. I'll inform everyone in the hospital and contact the police right away. Don't worry, dear; we'll find your sister.”
She watched as he leaves in the rush to let everyone know about what happened and she pulled out her phone to call her friends so they could know about the situation
“To whom are you referring, Hayley?”
"Our daughter is Little Forbes." Everyone glances at Klaus in disbelief at his statement.
“What? Our niece is Caroline’s little sister?” Elijah asked in disbelief.
“Davina? Are you sure you checked right? I just don’t want us to get our hopes up.” Kol state.
"Of course I'm sure Kol, I have checked multiple times and it's obvious that Y/n is the daughter of your brother and Hayley," says Davina, grinning.
"She’s a true Mikaelson, and she is one," Klaus grinned. "Not to be disrespectful to the Forbes family, but she didn’t look like a Forbes.”
Rebekah rolls her eyes at one of her brothers “We know Nick but anyways Davina what is she? Is she a vampire or what?!”
She got up off the ground and grinned. "She's a tribrid, so you guys should be proud."
As Hayley turned to face Klaus, she burst into joyous tears. "Did you hear that? We have a tribrid daughter.”
Klaus nodded, a mixture of pride and disbelief in his eyes. "Our daughter truly is special and We have another strong Mikaelson in the family,"
Kol raised an eyebrow, impressed by the revelation. "A tribrid? That's certainly rare. I can't wait to see what kind of powers she possesses."
Davina nodded, her expression full of certainty. "I have no doubt that Y/n will be a force to be reckoned with. She's going to be the Mikaelson that she is."
“She may have been raised by Caroline, but make no mistake, Y/n is a Mikaelson. Her bloodline runs through her veins, and the power she possesses is undeniable." Klaus says
Rebekah let out a sigh “Yes, Brother, we all see that. But let's not forget the role that Caroline and Her mother have played in her life. Coraline mostly has raised Y/n as her own, and that cannot be discounted."
Elijah nods as he agrees with his sister “Precisely. Y/n is both a Mikaelson and a product of Caroline's upbringing. It is a unique blend that will undoubtedly shape her into a remarkable individual."
Klaus looks at his siblings as he gives them a smile. “You are right, of course. I am grateful to Caroline for the care she has given to Y/n. But now, it is time for our family to step up and guide Y/n as she navigates the complexities of her heritage and her power."
As they all processed the news, the Mikaelsons couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation and wonder for the future, knowing that their family had just become even more extraordinary with the addition of their tribrid
Klaus and his siblings were deep in conversation when the ringing of Klaus' phone pierced the air. Frowning, he excused himself and answered
Klaus smiled but it soon turned into a frowned. “Caroline? What's wrong?"
The sound of Caroline's crying echoed through the phone, causing Klaus and siblings to exchange concerned glances
Caroline's cheeks were wet with tears.“Klaus... It's Y/n. She's gone missing from the hospital. I can't find her anywhere!"
Klaus' blood ran cold as he heard Caroline's sobs through the phone. His worst fears had come to life again you, his precious daughter, was missing again. His siblings watched him with growing concern, their conversation forgotten.
“Caroline, take a deep breath. We're going to find her, I promise." He tried to keep his voice steady, but his worry was palpable."Walk me through what happened. Every detail counts."
Caroline's words came out one after the other, driving a bigger stake of terror into Klaus's heart. “The doctor advised me to get some fresh air while Y/n was asleep. I first refused, but he reassured me that she would be okay being alone and that she had doctors and nurses on call in case she needed anything. I went to get a brief cup of water, and when I returned, she had disappeared. We are unable to locate her since the security footage was obscured by a blanket.”
Klaus closed his eyes, desperately trying to think. You were out there somewhere, alone and potentially in danger. "We need to act fast.”
The moment Klaus hung up, his siblings sprang into action, their expressions a mix of worry and determination
“Niklaus, what's going on?” With a worried tone, Rebekah asked.
Elijah also inquired in a worried manner. "Is it Y/n? Is she alright?"
Klaus took a deep breath, trying to keep his voice steady. “That was Caroline. Y/n is missing. She vanished from the hospital, and we don't know where she is."
The news hit the siblings hard. Rebekah put a hand on Klaus' shoulder, her eyes filled with concern. "We'll find her, brother. I promise. What do we know so far?"
Klaus quickly relayed the details Caroline had shared, his mind racing as he tried to think of where you might have gone
"We need to divide and conquer.” Elijah tells them
Hayley's world came crashing down as Klaus relayed the news of your disappearance. She staggered backwards, her face covered with tears. "No... No, no, no. Not my baby girl. Not again." Her voice was barely a whisper, choked with tears.
Klaus rushed to her side, pulling her into a tight embrace. "Hayley, we will find her. I swear it. We won't rest until she's safe in our arms again."
Hayley clung to Klaus, her body trembling with fear and grief. "We've already lost so much time with her... I can't lose her now. Not when we've just found her again."
Klaus gently stroked her hair, his own eyes filled with tears.”We won't. We'll bring her home, Hayley. Together."
Klaus and his family were racing towards the hospital when his phone rang again. Klaus, thinking it might be an update on you whereabouts, answered without checking the caller ID.
Both Lucien and Tristan smirked "Hello, Klaus." a chill ran down his spine as he recognized the voices on the other end
Klaus' blood boiled as he realized who had taken you . "You guys?”
Lucien smirked again "Yes, it was us. We've been watching your family for some time now, and when the opportunity presented itself..."
Tristan began laughing. “We couldn't resist. We have your daughter, Klaus. And if you want to see her alive again, you'll do exactly as we say."
Klaus clenched his fist, struggling to maintain his composure.”You'll pay for this, both of you. Where is she?"
"All in due time, Klaus.” Lucien hangs up with a laugh.
Hayley and his siblings were shocked to hear Lucien and Tristan's voices on the phone, given their supposed deaths.
Rebekah's eyes widened, her jaw dropping in disbelief "Lucien and Tristan?! But they're supposed to be dead!"
Elijah's face hardened, his mind racing as he tried to make sense of the situation "Clearly, we were mistaken. They must have found a way to survive."
Kol, always the one to jump to action, stepped forward. "It doesn't matter how they did it. What matters is that they have our niece. We need to get her back, now."
Hayley, overcome with emotion, looked to Klaus. “Please, Klaus. We can't let them hurt her.”
Klaus' voice was cold as he addressed his siblings."We need a plan. Lucien and Tristan won't give her up easily. Rebekah, reach out to Marcel. We'll need his help if we're going to track them down."
Rebekah nodded, already pulling out her phone. “I'll call him now."
Elijah's brow furrowed as he thought. "We'll also need to secure the city. If Lucien and Tristan have returned, they'll likely have allies. Kol, Hayley, can you handle that?"
Kol grinned, his eyes gleaming with excitement. "Consider it done, brother. We'll make sure they don't have any friends left to call on."
Hayley angrily spoke up. “Count me in, they will regret messing with the Mikaelson mostly to the Princess of this City and I’ll show them why you don’t make a mama Bear angry.”
Elijah nodded, satisfied with their determination. "Good. We'll need to act quickly and decisively. We cannot afford any more surprises from our enemies."
He turned to Freya, who had been silent so far. "Freya, I need you to gather any information you can about Lucien and Tristan's whereabouts and their plans. We need to know everything we can before we make our move."
Freya nodded, her expression serious. "Consider it done, brother. I'll hit the streets and see what I can find out. They won't be able to hide from me for long."
Elijah looked around at his siblings, his determined gaze meeting each of their eyes. "We are the Mikaelsons, and together, we are unstoppable. Let's make sure Lucien and Tristan regret ever crossing us." With a shared nod of agreement, the siblings set off to prepare for the coming battle, united in their determination to protect their family and their city.
As the night fell over New Orleans, the city seemed to pulse with an undercurrent of tension and anticipation. The Mikaelsons had made their plans and were ready to face their enemies head-on. Elijah stood at the forefront, his posture exuding confidence and determination as he addressed his siblings.
"The time has come. Lucien and Tristan will soon regret the day they crossed us. Let us show them the full might of the Mikaelson family." His voice was steady and commanding, filled with a quiet strength that inspired his siblings to stand tall and ready for battle.
Klaus, his eyes burning with a fierce intensity, gripped his dagger tightly in his hand. "Let them come. I have been awaiting this moment for far too long. They will know the true power of the hybrid when I'm through with them."
Freya stood poised and ready, her gaze sharp and focused. "I have gathered all the information we need. Lucien and Tristan won't know what hit them. They will pay dearly for kidnapping our niece."
Kol crackled with energy, his eyes dancing with anticipation. "Let's make this a night they won't forget. I'll show them what happens when you mess with a Mikaelson."
And Hayley, her resolve unyielding, stood ready to defend her family and her city. "They want a fight? They've got one. Let's make them regret ever underestimating us."
With a shared nod of agreement, the Mikaelson siblings braced themselves for the battle that lay ahead. The night was dark, but their determination burned bright. For this night, they were a united front, bound by blood and loyalty, ready to face whatever came their way. The streets of New Orleans would soon bear witness to a clash of supernatural forces, and the Mikaelsons were prepared to emerge victorious, no matter the cost.
The moon cast an eerie glow over the city, illuminating the Mikaelsons as they moved with purpose through the darkened streets. In the distance, the sound of footsteps echoed, signaling the arrival of their enemies. Lucien and Tristan, cloaked in darkness and filled with arrogance, emerged from the shadows, ready to face off against their former allies.
Elijah's steady leadership held the family together, his focus unwavering as he led the charge. "My niece is one of our own. We will not rest until she is safe and sound. Lucien and Tristan, your actions will have grave consequences."
As the two groups stood facing each other, tensions crackled in the air like electricity. Klaus stepped forward, his gaze unwavering as he locked eyes with Lucien. "You thought you could try to threaten us by kidnapping my daughter, and get away with it? You severely underestimated the Mikaelsons."
Rebekah's voice rang out with icy determination. "Your treachery won't go unpunished. We will make sure you pay for what you've done."
Kol's usual jovial demeanor had evaporated, replaced by a deadly seriousness as he fought with reckless abandon. "You shouldn't have messed with us, especially when it comes to family. You've set a fire you won't be able to put out."
Hayley's heart pounded with fear and determination as she fought, her mind consumed with thoughts of rescuing you. "We will find my daughter, and we will make sure you never harm her again. The wolves will not rest until my daughter is safe."
And with those words, the battle began. Powers clashed, alliances were tested, and the fate of New Orleans hung in the balance. The Mikaelsons fought with a fierce determination, their unity and strength proving to be a force to be reckoned with. As the dust settled and the moon hung high in the sky, it was clear. The Mikaelsons had emerged victorious, their enemies vanquished, and their family standing stronger than ever before. For in the face of adversity, they remained unbreakable, bound by blood and loyalty, a force not to be trifled with in the streets of New Orleans.
Klaus grinned broadly and said, "Congrats, siblings. I'm proud of you today.”
Rebekah rolled her eyes. "Don't act like you did all the work, Niklaus. It was a team effort."
Kol laughed, clapping Elijah on the back.” That's right. And don't forget, big brother, it was Elijah's strategic planning that saved the day and Y/n.”
Hayley beamed, her arm wrapped protectively around you. "But the real hero here is Y/n. She was so brave."
After the intense battle with Lucien and Tristan, the Mikaelsons called for a nurse to come and check on You, who had been rescued from their clutches. As the nurse finished her examination, she ensured that you were stable and informed the Mikaelsons that you should wake up anytime soon. You were hooked up to machines, monitored closely by the medical equipment, your safety and well-being a top priority for the Mikaelson family.
Klaus, with a heavy heart and a determined resolve, dialed Caroline's number, knowing that she needed to be informed about the situation. When Caroline arrived at the Mikaelson compound, she was greeted by Klaus, Hayley, and the rest of the family, the air thick with unspoken words.
“Caroline, thank you for coming," Klaus began, his voice grave yet sincere. "There's something we need to tell you, something that concerns Y/n and it’s better if you take a seat.”
Her eyes widened in concern."What's going on? Is Y/n okay?”
Klaus, Hayley, and the rest of the family gathered in Mikaelson's living room. The tension was thick, but she remained calm.
She took a seat on the couch."So what do you guys need to tell me?”
Klaus looked at his siblings and Hayley nervously then at Caroline. "Like I was saying We've learned some... information that concerns Y/n. We need to talk."
Caroline questioned with a worried stare."Okay. What is it?"
Hayley stepped forward, her voice soft. “Caroline, we've discovered that Y/n is our daughter.”
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triplehmunson · 11 months ago
🅟🅞🅥: You were Elijah's girlfriend. One night you went to visit him and to your bad luck you discovered him having sex with Hayley, that is, he was cheating on you, you already suspected something since several days ago Elijah was behaving very strangely with you, you left the place crying from anger and helplessness. A week later you went to the Mikaelson house again to pick up your few things since days before you and Elijah talked about you moving into their house, you entered and saw Kol, your best friend, he knew you perfectly. and he knew what had happened to his brother, you started to cry and Kol opened his arms indicating that you should come closer so he could hug you and comfort you and so you did. Suddenly Elijah entered the room since he heard you arrive from his room, and wanted to go explain the incident and apologize to you but he stayed frozen in place when he saw you hugging Kol who looked up and gave him a smirk since he saw in his brother's eyes jealousy and anger. You turned around and saw Elijah standing there, you asked him what he wanted, he just looked at you and then started crying and told you that he was sorry that it was a moment of weakness since he loved Hayley in the past, that's what you thought. It seemed like a pathetic excuse and you told him that you didn't want to come back in your life, you said goodbye to Kol. and you went to get your things so that minutes later you left the Mikaelson house with your heart broken and you left never to return.
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Elijah: I’m sorry angel, I swear it was just a moment of weakness, you know that I love you, you are the love of my life.
Y/n: Oh really? Now I'm the love of your life, how strange why didn't you think that when you was on top of Hayley fucking her like an animal in heat, you're stupid, I don't want you back in my life. I hate you Elijah Mikaelson
Elijah: Angel no I-
*You slapped him and you left the place*
Elijah: My love please I love you… I swear you are the love of my life *crying*
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klausysworld · 11 days ago
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(Very short little piece but a small idea that kept nagging me)
The Colour In His Life
Elijah, Rebekah and Hayley made their way into the gallery, a sigh of annoyance and confusion on each of their faces, bare Elijah who remained unreadable as ever.
"I don't understand why Klaus wouldn't tell us he had a show on." Hayley muttered with a small frown and Rebekah hummed in agreement.
"He's usually all for flaunting his talents and what not." She scoffed as they made their way through the hall in an attempt to find him whilst paying the faintest attention to the paintings hung across each wall.
Both women stumbled slightly as Elijah's arms darted out to stop them all in their path. "What was that for?" Rebekah snapped, before following the direction of Elijah's eyes.
Klaus was stood with his arms round a young women from behind, his chin resting on her shoulder as they both started up at an abstract piece of art. It was difficult to hear much of anything over the chatter of the hall but Elijah was able to focus in.
"We should make another one just like this one." Niklaus murmured against her ear, his head turning to kiss the side of her neck as she squirmed and blushed red.
"That was..." She swallowed a lump, trailing off as he chuckled.
"A beautiful night." He purred against her. Elijah's eyes darted to the painting, this time realising the distorted hand marks and the way her hair must've sprawled over the paper in their...time together. He would have sighed but nothing was surprising for Niklaus, except that he'd been able to hide this new lover of his from them all for, by the looks of things, quite some time.
"We've been hovering here to long, people will start to stare at it too hard and figure it out." She whispered, Elijah could hear the gentle nerves and was surprised as Niklaus's hand took hers and interlaced their fingers, he was being comforting. It's nice to know he's capable I suppose. Elijah thought to himself.
He watched as they made their way to the next few paintings, listened to the girl praise and gush over everything Klaus had created. And yet, Niklaus did not gloat and his chest did not puff out as his ego was stroked.
No, Niklaus was only looking at her.
Elijah had not seen love on his brother too often, even over a millennia it had been rare for that feeling to be so raw that the naked eye could perceive it. But in that moment there was no doubting the feelings coloured across Klaus's features.
In silent agreement all three followed the couple at a reasonable but hearable distance.
The path seemed to wind a little, Rebekah's eyes narrowed as they turned corner after corner, Hayley narrowly catching the door that said employees only. Perhaps they were anticipating a confrontation by following them in but they quickly came to a stop. Going so far as to hold the breath that they didn't need as they hoped that Klaus wouldn't pick up on their presence.
Rebekah's eyes almost fell out of her head at he sight on her brother down on one knee.
The girl was in tears, her head nodding even as he continued his speech. Even after he'd pushed the ring along her finger and pulled her into his embrace.
"Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes!" She chanted quietly, snuggling into him, pulling back only to kiss his mouth and reiterate her response.
Hayley's eyes drifted over the walls covered in familiar scenery, places in New Orleans. It quickly became apparent that they must have been special places to the pair, perhaps significant date locations. It melted her heart a little.
Thankfully Klaus was far too busy to notice them being their or the soft click of the door as they left.
Instead he focused on the bride to be in his arms all while his family sat at home looking to one another in some question of how on earth they had managed to miss such a huge thing.
"At least we know why he didn't invite us to his show..."
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starlightandfairies · 1 year ago
Hiii 🫶🏼 I hope you're still up for doing an Elijah request! 🤗 I can't get this man out of my head haha
Soo it would be an idea where they met somewhere in Mystic Falls and immediately felt some bond between them, so it happens that they start falling in love (she's human but knows about vampires) but she's too afraid to get hurt so she also tries not to get too close to Elijah. One night he sees some stranger following her home from the Grill and even starts attacking her, Elijah is immediately there saving her and taking her home with him to treat her wounds (mostly some scratches) and he's just super worried. There she realizes that Elijah would never be the one hurting her and they finally share their feelings with a lot of kissing and cuddles afterwards and he holds her, telling how much she means to him.
Oh I hope this is not too weird at all 🙈❤️
Description: Upon meeting Elijah Mikaelson, the feelings start to come but in fear of being hurt, the reader decides to keep her walls up to protect herself. This changes after Elijah protects her after being attacked.
Warnings: fluff, small angst, physical assault (mild), she/her pronouns, maybe swearing?
*Requests are open, please send through as many requests as you want, check my character list and requesting rules.*
Thanks so much for making this request! I can never get sick of Elijah, this man is always on my mind and please feel free to request again if you wish :) I really enjoyed writing this, thank you again :D
Key: Y/N = Your Name, POV = Point of view
Word Count: 2,125
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First Person's POV
Tonight at the Grill was a ‘live acoustics’ night, some of the performers were good and others were quite frankly not that great. Bonnie, Elena and Caroline were off on the next big adventure for the vampiric save-the-day business and while I knew about all the vampires, witches, werewolves and all that extra fun stuff. Besides Matt, I was the only human in the group and somehow I was pushed aside to be kept ‘safe; despite Matt always being dragged into the whirlpool of drama even if he didn’t want to be. 
“The music is wonderful for the atmosphere tonight, don’t you agree?” That voice would haunt my dreams, haunt my every thought, I couldn’t fathom how gentle and warm a voice could sound. I glanced to the side, shooting a polite smile to the impeccably dressed man and nodded in agreement. 
“I do agree, I feel like I’m in like a cute little romance story, the warm lighting and the music-“ I cut myself short, realising I was babbling to a random stranger who more than likely did not care for my ideas and thoughts. 
“I can see how you would see that.” Oh, gosh- those eyes! That smile! This man would haunt me forever, picture perfect and everything I would want in a man. I continued to share a polite smile with the man, fiddling with the straw in my chocolate milkshake and turned myself slightly to face the man a little better. 
“It’s a pleasure to meet you…?” Realising that he was waiting for my name, I placed my drink down and took his hand. 
“Y/N L/N” He softly cupped my hand, shaking it and proceeded to share his name.
“Elijah Mikaelson.” I wish I could’ve hidden my reaction better, my eyes went wide, and my smile flattened for a moment before I quickly made sure to continue to be nice and polite. Elijah carefully rested my head on the bar, took a small sip of whatever his drink was and gazed at me with a quizzical look. 
“You know who I am…” His tone was neither harsh nor hurt, Elijah seemed to have suspected my knowledge of his name and he even seemed curious by the idea of my knowledge. 
“I know of your brother Niklaus… Elena told me about you, I think she might have exaggerated a bit. You don’t seem like the antagonist she kinda painted you out to be. From what I’ve heard, you’re the nicer brother… the noble one and I'm sure first glances can be deceiving but… I don’t know- you don’t seem like a bad man.”  He briefly licked his lips, eyes shooting up to the ceiling and seemed to be contemplating his next moves. 
“I suppose you know-“ 
“That you’re a…” I leaned closer to whisper so people passing by wouldn’t hear. 
“An Original.” 
“You don’t seem to be phased.”
“Team doppelgänger has built up my immunity to supernatural beings.” I let out a weak chuckle, cringing internally and turned my focus back on my drink. I wanted to keep speaking with him, I really did want to keep speaking with him but I knew the world that I happened to live in and I didn’t fancy the idea of being bait or hurt as collateral damage. 
“It was really nice to meet you Elijah but I have to go.” He nodded, that handsome smile appearing once more, his actions made me gush and brought butterflies into my belly as he grabbed my jacket and assisted in placing it back on. 
“I hope that you have a good evening, Y/N” 
“Same to you Elijah.” He seemed to have a thought pop into his head, I stopped in my tracks, allowing for him to have the benefit of the doubt and give him the chance to speak his mind. 
“May I have the pleasure of seeing you again?” 
“Maybe… There’s always tomorrow.” I knew I had given myself away, I could feel my heart skip a beat, I’m sure he could hear it, his facial expression didn’t change but I could feel that he knew what I was feeling. 
“Have a good evening,” I whispered, brushing past him to carry on my way. 
I had seen Elijah a couple of times since our first meeting, we had small conversations and I tried my best to conceal my heart, I didn't want to get close to this man despite enjoying his presence, his voice and the true appearance of his gentlemanly ways made me fall into a daydream greater than any story or dream I could ever have or read. 
The next time I saw Elijah was three months after our first meeting, as I said we had multiple different meetings and they were all the greatest moments of my life despite how much I tried to protect my fragile heart. I had left my home for the park, I wanted to read outside of my home and get some fresh air away from the stuffiness of my bedroom. I rested the picnic blanket underneath a large tree, I read three chapters of my book before I felt a presence looming nearby, I placed the book to the side and stood up, surveying the area for a figure and jumped in my skin seeing Elijah approaching me. 
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to frighten you, may I join you?" I nodded, smiling at the man, watching as he unbuttoned his shirt and sat down with me on the picnic blanket. He gently picked my book up, staring at the cover with intrigue, I observed him with butterflies growing in my stomach, a blush wanting to form on my cheeks as I continued to drown in what was possibly a huge crush for the Original Vampire. 
"Ignite Me by Tahereh Mafi... I'm not sure I've heard of this one before." 
"I doubt you would've, I don't exactly picture you reading a book like this?" He smiled, tilting his head slightly, a deep chuckle leaving his mouth and he handed me back the book. 
"Why is that?" 
"Well... I don't know, I picture you reading older books nothing from the late 20th century to the early 21st century." Elijah briefly nodded in agreement, I smiled proudly at my guess and fiddled with the tassels hanging off of my bookmark. The vampire took off his suit jacket and began rolling up the sleeves of his button-up, I bit the inside of my cheek, begging myself to remain calm and avoid giving away any kind of emotions being revealed. 
"Enlighten me, will you though, please? What's it about?" I cleared my throat, leaning closer to him with joy forming, giddy that he was showing interest in something that I liked and enjoyed. 
"It's the third book in the series, I've read it before, and this one is one of my favourites. Essentially the series is all about control some people have these powers and the leaders are trying to control these people. The relationship of the main characters is what I happen to enjoy the most about it, I love how Tahereh created their bond from..." 
"Why did you stop?" Elijah gently questioned, his face furrowing in concern, I wanted to cringe but I forced the words out before I could let that show. Taking a deep breath, I turned my gaze back to him, scrunching my face up briefly and proceeded to explain to Elijah what was going through my head. 
"Whenever I ramble on to the Salvatores and all that, it's clear that they don't care and I'm not wanting to force that onto you. I'm sorry." Elijah tutted, shaking his head and holding out his hand for me to take. Hesitating for a moment, I finally rested my hand in his, holding my breath for a moment and kept my eyes focused on him as he rested his other hand on top of mine. 
"You do that too often, Y/N, I can see you trying to protect your heart and you have a wide range of information waiting to come out and you shut yourself down because you expect everyone else to do that. I hope you find someone... someone who makes you realise you don't need to do that." 
"Could possibly end up being you, Elijah," I whispered.
When someone unknown came into Mystic Falls, it was always a concerning event, the vampires were always the most suspicious of strangers and most of the time they were typically right for not trusting the stranger. It was late when I left the grill tonight, Elijah was growing on my mind more and more, and I would be hit with a wave of memories at random moments. 
"Up ahead, there's an alley to your right, walk down it. Try anything-" 
"Okay... I understand." I whispered, complying as I walked a little quicker and turned down the alleyway. I cried out as I was instantly shoved against the wall, my head ached and the world spun around me, I bit back a sob as I hit the ground and hissed as the gravel bit into my skin. I kicked off my heels, not fancying a broken ankle and lept to my feet running towards the street but missed as the man tackled me to the ground and which resulted in blood slightly trickling down my forehead and more cuts forming against my skin. 
It felt like something out of a vampire movie, I heard a whoosh and then a light thud. Elijah appeared, holding the man against the wall effortlessly with one hand and easily compelled the man to walk off and not commit any sort of crime again. I let out a few sobs as the pain sunk in and the adrenaline started to fade away.
Elijah swooped me into his arms, effortlessly taking me to his mansion and rested me down on his obnoxiously large bed. He crouched down, gently cupping my face in his hands, observing my facial features and swiftly disappeared somewhere before running back. 
"Are you okay?" He questioned, focusing on grabbing the things from the first-aid kit to treat my wounds. 
"I'm okay..." I whispered, hissing as he wiped an alcohol wipe across the graze on my palm and watched as he apologised profusely for inflicting any added pain onto me. Elijah was so attentive to my needs, he cleaned the blood and dirt away from my cuts and grazes. Covering them with bandaids, doing what he could to assist in caring for me. It was as he was lingering for a moment, observing my form that I realised that Elijah Mikaelson would never hurt me. He would never cause any harm to me, Elijah Mikaelson would protect me and I knew that I wouldn't need to worry any longer. 
"You wouldn't hurt me..." I whispered, staring at the vampire as he grasped my face and held eye contact with me. 
"Y/N L/N I would never dream of hurting you, you... you're perfect... Y/N you are the epitome of perfect, I haven't met someone as intelligent, kind, sweet, and funny in a long time. Y/N I love you and I hope that you'll allow-" I pushed myself closer to him, carefully cupping his face to kiss the man who had possessed my dreams too often. 
"Elijah, please, never let me go, I can't keep guarding myself-" 
"Shhh, I've got you." He kissed my forehead, pulling me into his arms and pushing himself to lay against the headboard of his bed. I inhaled, holding onto the warm and mesmerising smell of his cologne, I curled into his chest and hummed gently as he rested another kiss on my forehead. 
I felt protected, Elijah was my guardian angel, and he made me feel warm and gooey. Made me giddy and the butterflies a constant swarm in my belly, I fiddled with his hands, staring at the family ring that rested on his finger and glanced to him as he pulled my face to meet his. I hummed as he rested a kiss against my lips, sucking in another deep breath and curling in closer as he strokes my hair, his touch comforting and loving. 
"Can I stay here? Just in your arms? Where I'm safe and with you, you Elijah who looks after me and takes the time to listen and know me?" Elijah's smile made the butterflies come to life, my cheeks flushed red and his simple words reassured me for an infinity of time. 
"Always and forever." 
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fandomtherapy44 · 1 year ago
Klaus x reader
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side note this was probably the best gif I could find for the episode.
Summary: This story is from the perspective of Y/n Marshall the younger sister of Hayley Marshall. Side note I love Hayley one of my favorite characters. Basically Y/n will be pregnant instead of Hayley and I will be changing some things up but then that it should stay pretty close to the series. I hope you enjoy the story! Also, if you like I have a Castiel x reader
Paring: Klaus x reader
Word count: 3,241
Warnings: Some language, Typical the Originals violence, Spoilers for season one of The Originals, Pregnancy,
I got the divder from
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Chapter 2: House of the rising son
I still can’t believe that I'm here in New Orleans Pregnant with Klaus Mikaelson’s baby. Two months ago I could down a bottle of whiskey in two seconds flat and now I can expel my lunch in two seconds flat due to one of the many side effects of pregnancy. It’s hard to look at Klaus not to even mention talking. I wish he could at least have an adult conversation with me about this.
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I’m looking in the fridge in annoyance because there is barely any food, well there is but not what I wanted. “N/n just because you stare doesn't mean food will magically appear.” Hayley said sarcastically walking in the kitchen. “Well, I'm magically pregnant so why can’t food be.” “If Elijah was here, he probably get all the food you wanted.” “And you too Hayley.” “Yeah, well then where is he? He made this grand promise to us.” “I don’t know Halye's, but we’ll be okay.” When I finished that sentence, we heard a car door slam outside and we both grabbed iron pickers I guess for weapons. And we headed to the main foyer and a blond woman came in almost stomping.
“Who the hell are you?” Hayley asked the woman. “Oh, you must be the maids. My bags are in the car – get them, will you?” I stepped up. “Sorry to disappoint but not the maids.” “Right. You're that werewolf girl my brother, Klaus, knocked up. I was expecting to see some kind of supernatural, miracle baby bump. Guess you're not showing yet. It's Hayley, isn't it?” She said looking at Hayley. I was a little embarrassed. I raise my hand. “Um actually that would be me, Y/n.” She looks me up and down. “Huh interesting he doesn’t usually go for your type.” Well, that feels great.
“I see You have your brother's manners.” Hayley said, stepping in front of me. “And his temper, too, so watch it. Where's Elijah?” “We don’t know he’s been gone since the night we got here he was making promises about protecting us and then gone.” I answered her question. "Elijah is not just any vampire, and he doesn't break promises. Which means Niklaus has done something dastardly and Klaus-like. Klaus! Get out here and tell me what you've done with our brother, you narcissistic, back-stabbing wanker!” Rebakah yelled out. 
“Enough with all the shouting. Little sister, I should have known. I assume the six dead vampires were you're doing?” Klaus answered entering the room. “They were very rude.” She said, sounding happy with her decision. “Trying to victimize a poor, innocent girl just trying to find her way to the Quarter. So sorry, were they friends of yours? Oh, that's right, you don't have any friends.” Ouch I feel kind of bad for him.
“I do have friends. I have Marcel. You remember him, don't you? Yes, of course you do. He fancies himself the 'King of the Quarter' now, and he has these rules about killing vampires. It'll be fun to see what sort of punishment he comes up with for you.” You can really feel the love between these siblings huh.
“I don't care about Marcel or his rules. Elijah doesn't welch on deals. What did you do to him?” “Perhaps he's on holiday... or taking a long autumn nap upstairs. Well, go on. Take a look around. You remember this house as well as I.” “I remember everything.” Rebekah said looking sad properly remembering something horrible Klaus did. And of course, being who he is he defended himself. “Well, he wasn't good enough for you.” I think I should say something. “Shouldn’t that be up to her.” All three of them looked at me yup should have stayed quiet. “Ahh the littlest wolf can speak.” Klaus said teasingly, giving me his smug stupid smile.
At least we're talking but Klaus has no idea who I am even though we did have a night of talking and more. “I'm guessing Rebakah can take care of herself since there are about six dead vampires now so why not let her.” He looked at me and I got flashbacks to when we first met. “Thank you, Y/n, because No one was ever good enough for me he made sure of that. Nik, you made sure of that. Now where is Elijah?” “A good question Hayley and I have been talking about that.”
He doesn't answer and his phone buzzes and he gets up to leave. “Where are you going?” Rebakah asked him. “It appears the night is not quite over, yet. I'm off for another drink with Marcel.” “Elijah told me about your plan to take apart Marcel's empire piece by piece. I don't remember it involving you two drinking New Orleans dry together.”
“I know you don't have many friends, Rebekah, but what some friends do when they get together is they drink. And when they drink, they tell secrets. Marcel has somehow found a way to control the entirety of witches in the Quarter, and I aim to uncover the 'how' so I might take it for myself. Finding Elijah didn't make my to-do list today.” Wow you can really feel the love between these siblings. “Oh, and welcome home, little sister.” He walked out to leave but I went after him. 
“Klaus wait.’’ He stopped in his tracks, annoyed I could tell. “What is stopping me from my important meeting?” That kind of hurt my feelings. “I just wanted to say to be careful.” He looked confused at that. “It’s just that I know Marcel has a lot of power. The witches hate him because for some reason he knows when one of them practices power so be more smart then dumb in this situation huh.” “Your concern is not needed, and I don't need it.” And he walked away, one of these days I know he probably will need it.
I walked back to the others. “What was that about?” Haley asked me. “Um nothing. What are we talking about.” “We are going to go look for what has happened to Elijah.” “Oh, okay let's go.” “Wait, you want to help.” Rebakah asked me. “Yeah of course if Hayley was missing, I wouldn't stop until I found her and I would want everyone to help.” She looks at me. “Thank you.” “No problem now, let's go.”
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We walk down this spiral staircase. “The governor had lots of secret rooms. I'll show you his favorite.” Rebakah said to us when we were walking down the stairs. “You think Klaus killed him.” Hayley asked. “We can't be killed, silly girl. That doesn't stop Klaus from finding ways to torture us. He has a set of mystical silver daggers. One in the heart sends us into a deep slumber. Klaus gets his jollies from keeping us in a box, until he decides to pull the dagger out. That must be what he's done to Elijah. This one's mine.” We looked down and there was a coffin with a big M on it.
“He keeps your coffin on standby.” I stated in incredulously. “He likes to be prepared for when his family members inevitably disappoint him. Elijah's isn't here – he must've stashed him elsewhere.” Hayley and I look at each other in disbelief. “I feel sick.” I stated. “Welcome to the family, love. You should've run the second you realized Elijah was gone.” “Yeah, well, the witches have put some sort of hex on me. As long as I'm carrying this baby, I can't leave New Orleans. If I do, they kill me.”
“Well, knowing Klaus, he's planning a box for you the second you give birth to whatever's cooking in your tum. I'm leaving as soon as I find Elijah. Being daggered in a box for decades sucks, trust me. You'd best find a way to break that hex and run.” Rebakah goes to look in other rooms and Hayley and I are left to stew in this family’s drama.
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The next day I was left alone in the house. Hayley told me she went for a walk to clear her head about all this and was properly more worried about Elijah then I. So here I am walking around this huge house looking for something to do and I find myself in the kitchen. I look through the fridge and the cupboards and there are enough ingredients that are not totally spoiled to bake because when I’m stressed, I bake and well I need to bake. A couple hours later I'm surrounded by cupcakes and brownies when I get a text from Hayley saying to meet her at the park which she is not supposed to be at. So, I throw down my apron and flour and rush out the door. 
Hayley is there sitting and she is holding a cup in her hands. “Hayley what are you doing out here you know we can’t be here!” “Y/n take this.” She pushes the cup in my hand. “What is this?” “Oh, just some tea… with some crushed aconite flowers.” I lifted it to my lips and then I heard her say the last part. “Wolfsbane! Are you trying to kill me!?” “No no N/n not you…” She trails off and looks at my stomach. “No Hayley no.” “Y/n if you do this we can leave and never look back and never have to deal with this crazy family again. Never have to deal with Klaus Mikaelson again.” I soak in her words and take a minute to respond.
“Klaus may be an asshole, but I've been given a chance that I never had before to have my own child and I'd rather deal with this family the rest of my life then give that up.” Hayley looks at me and brings me in for a hug. “Then I guess we better get comfortable.” “Hayley, you don’t have to stay, go live your life I'm not a kid anymore.” “I have missed enough of your life. I am here to see you become the amazing mother that we never got.” I smile at her and are about to start to cry when I hear some branches snap. Some men showed up behind us. By their scent I could tell they were vampires.
“Dumb move, coming into the Quarter. You're coming with me, wolves.” He said with disdain and disgust like he was better than us. I stepped in front of Hayley. “I have had it up to here with vampires telling me what to do.” I throw the hot cup of tea in his face, and he screams in pain we spin around to run but more show up. They go to attack but instead their hearts are being held by Rebekah. “Now, that is no way to treat a pregnant lady. I do hate bad manners.” 
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It’s pretty hot outside. Well, it was hot because of the fire of the smoldering vampires that Klaus was having in the front yard. “This is why I told you never to leave the house. Werewolves are banned in the Quarter. I had a plan, and your two’s little nighttime stroll put it all in peril! Leave him!” He yelled when Rebakah was starting to walk towards the barely alive vampire.
“You've done enough, don't you think? Leaving a trail of bodies like a road map to my door?” “If I hadn't overheard this lot bragging about werewolf heads, everyone here would be screwed. And don't give me that crap about having a plan. You've had all the time in the world to execute a plan, and no one's seen you do a damn thing! Elijah made a deal to protect your child, so that it could save you from your selfish, rotten self. But you obviously don't give a damn about the child or Elijah, because what have you done to honor it?” It’s getting heated now and while talking about our kid.
“I have done everything. Let me spell it out for you, shall I? From the day I arrived, Marcel hasn't trusted me. From Day One, he's had his vampires ingest toxic vervain which, as you know, little sister, protects them from my mind control.” It’s interesting even the simple herb can deflect from the original vampires. 
He grabs the half alive vampire and starts to drag him. “And this one – I'm gonna drain him of vervain, compel him to believe his mates found religion and moved to Utah, so that he can explain to Marcel why he lost three more vampires tonight.” “Ha so you can be funny.” I said to him and gives me his devilish smirk.
“Of course, I can be, one of many great traits. Now does anyone have any more questions? No? Good, because I have a question. What were you two doing in the bloody French Quarter in the first place? Answer me!” He asks Hayley and I. “Leave them be.” Rebekah said, standing up for us. Hayley looks like she’s about to say something, but I stop her. “I was buying poison to stop… the pregnancy” Klaus starts to break stuff around him in a lot of anger. “Nik! NIK!” 
Rebekah stops him before his breaks off the door. “Stop! you are in the presence of the mother of your child! All of this bluster about not wanting the child, and then the second she tells you she's ready to get rid of it? It's okay to care. It's okay to want something. That's all Elijah was trying to do, all he's ever wanted for you. All we've ever wanted.” Klaus calms down but reeling from being confronted with his feelings and sits down on the stairs. Rebekah sits down next to him. “I gave Elijah to Marcel.” Oh shit.
“Marcel was nervous. It's bad enough one Original returned to town, but two? His crew was getting antsy. He wanted Elijah gone, so... I gave him a peace offering.” “You bartered our brother?”’ Wow. “I have a plan. Gain Marcel's trust, dismantle his empire, honor Elijah's wish that that baby be born. I am executing that plan the only way I know how. If you don't like it, there's the door. See if I care” Is that only Elijah's wish because from Klaus’s reaction to the poison he might want this kid as much as I do. 
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Rebekah is sitting on the front porch when I approach her. “I know you don't know me very well... but thanks. I appreciate what you did in there.” I said thanking her. “Us girls have got to look out for each other.” “What is it with you two? You say you hate him, but the way you deal with him, it's so clear. Even when you hate him, you still love him.” “I guess when you spend a thousand years with someone, deciding to quit them is like losing a part of yourself. But sometimes the hate is just... so powerful. Emil wasn't the only boyfriend of mine that Klaus killed. He did it again, and again, and every time I found someone to care about. He just kept doing it until, finally, I stopped falling in love. He said he was protecting me from my mistakes, that no one was ever good enough for his little sister. Until one day, someone was.”
“If you know Marcel has Elijah, why don't you just get him back yourself?” “Because, if I cross my brother, there's still a coffin downstairs with my name on it.” At that I pull out the wrapped daggers. “Well now he can't. I would feel the same if Hayley ever did the same to me. I found them under your coffin. So, if a couple of antique steak knives were the only things stopping you from getting Elijah back, then here you go.” She takes them in awe and smiles, and I smile back feeling I made another connection in this family. “Also why are there so many brownies?” “Ha ha right that So I…”
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I start to walk up the stairs to go to bed when I get stopped by Hayley. “N/n why did you take the blame for me.” “Look I know you're my older sister, but I will always protect you no matter what. Plus, he would have killed you.” “Yeah probably.”
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The next morning, I stir awake, and I can see from my half open eyes that Klaus was checking the bottle of wolfsbane. “I didn’t take it.” “You're awake.” “I could barely sleep all night. This house is like a freaking swamp sauna.” I sit up stretching. “What stopped you? You could have been free of all of this... of me.” “Well first of all I never even thought to take it if I told it was Hayley you would have probably killed her. ‘“ “You are right.”
“Before this I never had a chance in Hell to have my own children so I may not totally like you all the time but because of you I have that now and you're not all bad … sometimes.” I finish with the same smirk he gave me last night. “Also, when I was fighting off those vampires, I – I realized I wasn't just protecting myself. Maybe it has to do with the fact that my birth parents gave us up, and my group home kicked me out. All I know is push came to shove, and... I realized I wouldn't let anyone hurt it.” He looks at with a knowing look like he could relate.
“I'm beginning to think we're a lot alike, you and I. We're both castoffs who have learned to fight when we're backed into a corner.” “Well, we're backed into a corner now. What are two messed up werewolf parents going to do.” “Ah, that we are. It's time to fight... littlest wolf.” He said putting a hand on my shoulder and my heart quickens a little and all I can do is stare at him. He stares back and we kind of start to lean to each other slowly when he backs up and stands. “Um, this whole thing with Marcel – the deal you have with the witches, trying to take him down, take what's his – Rebekah told me that you two once loved each other like family. What happened?” I said trying to move on from our little moment.
“I made Marcel everything that he is. I treated him like a son. And when my father chased me and my family from New Orleans a hundred years ago, we believed Marcel was killed – we each mourned him, in our own way. Yet, when I returned, I found not only had he survived, he had thrived. Instead of seeking us out, instead of sticking together as one, he made a choice to take everything my family had built and make it his own. Now, he is living in our home, he is sleeping in our beds. That 'M' he stamps everywhere... it's not for 'Marcel'. It's for 'Mikaelson'. I want it all back, and if I have to push him out to get it, then that's exactly what I'll do. I'll have someone see to the air conditioning.” He walks out of my room, and I'm left with a little more hope that we could work together maybe something more for our kid.
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Second chapter Whoo! So excited for the future chapters and the romance that is clearly there this is going to be a little faster than my Castiel x reader. Thank you for reading! See Ya'll next chapter.
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froottalks · 2 years ago
Moonlit Bonds - Hayley Marshall x reader
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New Orleans was a city of mystique, where every corner held secrets and every cobblestone street whispered tales of the supernatural. You found yourself drawn there, a stranger in a city where you sensed you belonged. Fate led you to Hayley Marshall, a woman with a fierce spirit and an aura of mystery that matched the city she called home.
As you navigated the labyrinthine streets, a chance encounter brought you face-to-face with Hayley. Her eyes held a mix of curiosity and recognition, as if she too had felt the pull of destiny. She welcomed you into her world, introducing you to the complex dynamics of the supernatural factions that ruled New Orleans.
Days turned into nights, and you and Hayley found yourselves sharing stories by the firelight. Her tales of the Mikaelson family's history intrigued you, while your own stories seemed to captivate her. There was an unspoken understanding between you, a connection that transcended mere friendship.
One evening, beneath the light of the full moon, Hayley took you to the bayou. The soft rustle of leaves and the distant howl of a wolf created a symphony of nature around you. As the moon's glow bathed the surroundings in ethereal light, Hayley turned to you with a contemplative expression.
"It's strange," she mused, her voice carrying a hint of vulnerability. "Meeting you feels like... coming home."
You nodded, your heart echoing her sentiment. "I know what you mean. It's as if this city, and you, were always a part of my story."
In that moment, amidst the beauty of the bayou and the magic of the moon, you both realized that your paths had intertwined for a reason. The threads of fate had brought you to Hayley, and her presence had enriched your life in ways you couldn't have anticipated.
As your connection deepened, you found yourself standing by Hayley's side in the face of danger. Ancient vendettas and power struggles threatened the peace she had fought so hard to build. Together, you navigated the treacherous waters of supernatural politics, your bond growing stronger with every challenge you overcame.
Amidst the chaos, you and Hayley stole moments of respite, finding solace in each other's arms. Her touch was as gentle as a breeze, yet as fierce as a storm—a reflection of the woman who had captured your heart.
One night, as the moon reached its zenith, you and Hayley stood on a rooftop overlooking the city. The view was breathtaking, the city's lights reflecting in her eyes as she turned to you with a soft smile.
"Life is unpredictable," she began, her voice a soothing melody in the night. "But meeting you has been the best kind of surprise."
Your fingers intertwined with hers, and you met her gaze, your heart brimming with emotion. "Hayley, being with you has been a journey I wouldn't trade for anything."
Under the watchful gaze of the moon, you shared a kiss that sealed your feelings—a testament to the connection that had transcended time, space, and the supernatural world around you.
As the days turned into nights, and the moon continued its eternal dance across the sky, your love story with Hayley Marshall unfolded in the heart of New Orleans. Amidst the magic and mystique of the city, you embraced the unknown together, holding onto the unbreakable bond that destiny had woven between you.
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